path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/version.pod
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authorSiep Kroonenberg <>2011-02-17 12:20:49 +0000
committerSiep Kroonenberg <>2011-02-17 12:20:49 +0000
commit316ee97c621496b0fe3267f57cce81bee44ca1e6 (patch)
treecb2cab1192b4f58a7971af19b213e980bceda4b4 /Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/version.pod
parentcd0f87b5d39480d85ad9bd4ee37f520f75bed560 (diff)
Moving old tlperl prior to committing new one
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/version.pod')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 365 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/version.pod b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/version.pod
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index 090b5969ee1..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/version.pod
+++ /dev/null
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-=head1 NAME
-version - Perl extension for Version Objects
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- # Parsing version strings (decimal or dotted-decimal)
- use version 0.77; # get latest bug-fixes and API
- $ver = version->parse($string)
- # Declaring a dotted-decimal $VERSION (keep on one line!)
- use version 0.77; our $VERSION = version->declare("v1.2.3"); # formal
- use version 0.77; our $VERSION = qv("v1.2.3"); # shorthand
- use version 0.77; our $VERSION = qv("v1.2_3"); # alpha
- # Declaring an old-style decimal $VERSION (use quotes!)
- use version 0.77; our $VERSION = version->parse("1.0203"); # formal
- use version 0.77; our $VERSION = version->parse("1.02_03"); # alpha
- # Comparing mixed version styles (decimals, dotted-decimals, objects)
- if ( version->parse($v1) == version->parse($v2) ) {
- # do stuff
- }
- # Sorting mixed version styles
- @ordered = sort { version->parse($a) <=> version->parse($b) } @list;
-Version objects were added to Perl in 5.10. This module implements version
-objects for older version of Perl and provides the version object API for all
-versions of Perl. All previous releases before 0.74 are deprecated and should
-not be used due to incompatible API changes. Version 0.77 introduces the new
-'parse' and 'declare' methods to standardize usage. You are strongly urged to
-set 0.77 as a minimum in your code, e.g.
- use version 0.77; # even for Perl v.5.10.0
-There are two different types of version objects, corresponding to the two
-different styles of versions in use:
-=over 2
-=item Decimal Versions
-The classic floating-point number $VERSION. The advantage to this style is
-that you don't need to do anything special, just type a number (without
-quotes) into your source file.
-=item Dotted Decimal Versions
-The more modern form of version assignment, with 3 (or potentially more)
-integers seperated by decimal points (e.g. v1.2.3). This is the form that
-Perl itself has used since 5.6.0 was released. The leading "v" is now
-strongly recommended for clarity, and will throw a warning in a future
-release if omitted.
-See L<VERSION OBJECT DETAILS> for further information.
-If you have a module that uses a decimal $VERSION (floating point), and you
-do not intend to ever change that, this module is not for you. There is
-nothing that gains you over a simple $VERSION assignment:
- our $VERSION = 1.02;
-Since Perl v5.10.0 includes the comparison logic anyways,
-you don't need to do anything at all.
-=head2 How to convert a module from decimal to dotted-decimal
-If you have used a decimal $VERSION in the past and wish to switch to a
-dotted-decimal $VERSION, then you need to make a one-time conversion to
-the new format.
-B<Important Note>: you must ensure that your new $VERSION is numerically
-greater than your current decimal $VERSION; this is not always obvious. First,
-convert your old decimal version (e.g. 1.02) to a normalized dotted-decimal
- $ perl -Mversion -e 'print version->parse("1.02")->normal'
- v1.20.0
-Then increment any of the dotted-decimal components (v1.20.1 or v1.21.0).
-=head2 How to C<declare()> a dotted-decimal version
- use version 0.77; our $VERSION = version->declare("v1.2.3");
-The C<declare()> method always creates dotted-decimal version objects. When
-used in a module, you B<must> put it on the same line as "use version" to
-ensure that $VERSION is read correctly by PAUSE and installer tools. You
-should also add 'version' to the 'configure_requires' section of your
-module metadata file. See instructions in L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> or
-L<Module::Build> for details.
-B<Important Note>: Even if you pass in what looks like a decimal number
-("1.2"), a dotted-decimal will be created ("v1.200.0"). To avoid confusion
-or unintentional errors on older Perls, follow these guidelines:
-=over 2
-=item *
-Always use a dotted-decimal with (at least) three components
-=item *
-Always use a leading-v
-=item *
-Always quote the version
-If you really insist on using with an ordinary decimal version,
-use C<parse()> instead of declare. See the L<PARSING AND COMPARING VERSIONS>
-for details.
-See also L<VERSION OBJECT DETAILS> for more on version number conversion,
-quoting, calculated version numbers and declaring developer or "alpha" version
-If you need to compare version numbers, but can't be sure whether they are
-expressed as numbers, strings, v-strings or version objects, then you can
-use to parse them all into objects for comparison.
-=head2 How to C<parse()> a version
-The C<parse()> method takes in anything that might be a version and returns
-a corresponding version object, doing any necessary conversion along the way.
-=over 2
-=item *
-Dotted-decimal: bare v-strings (v1.2.3) and strings with more than one
-decimal point and a leading 'v' ("v1.2.3"); NOTE you can technically use a
-v-string or strings with a leading-v and only one decimal point (v1.2 or
-"v1.2"), but you will confuse both yourself and others.
-=item *
-Decimal: regular decimal numbers (literal or in a string)
-Some examples:
- $variable version->parse($variable)
- --------- -------------------------
- 1.23 v1.230.0
- "1.23" v1.230.0
- v1.23 v1.23.0
- "v1.23" v1.23.0
- "1.2.3" v1.2.3
- "v1.2.3" v1.2.3
-See L<VERSION OBJECT DETAILS> for more on version number conversion.
-=head2 How to compare version objects
-Version objects overload the C<cmp> and C<< E<lt>=E<gt> >> operators. Perl
-automatically generates all of the other comparison operators based on those
-two so all the normal logical comparisons will work.
- if ( version->parse($v1) == version->parse($v2) ) {
- # do stuff
- }
-If a version object is compared against a non-version object, the non-object
-term will be converted to a version object using C<parse()>. This may give
-surprising results:
- $v1 = version->parse("v0.95.0");
- $bool = $v1 < 0.96; # FALSE since 0.96 is v0.960.0
-Always comparing to a version object will help avoid surprises:
- $bool = $v1 < version->parse("v0.96.0"); # TRUE
-=head2 Equivalence between Decimal and Dotted-Decimal Versions
-When Perl 5.6.0 was released, the decision was made to provide a
-transformation between the old-style decimal versions and new-style
-dotted-decimal versions:
- 5.6.0 == 5.006000
- 5.005_04 == 5.5.40
-The floating point number is taken and split first on the single decimal
-place, then each group of three digits to the right of the decimal makes up
-the next digit, and so on until the number of significant digits is exhausted,
-B<plus> enough trailing zeros to reach the next multiple of three.
-This was the method that adopted as well. Some examples may be
- equivalent
- decimal zero-padded dotted-decimal
- ------- ----------- --------------
- 1.2 1.200 v1.200.0
- 1.02 1.020 v1.20.0
- 1.002 1.002 v1.2.0
- 1.0023 1.002300 v1.2.300
- 1.00203 1.002030 v1.2.30
- 1.002003 1.002003 v1.2.3
-=head2 Quoting rules
-Because of the nature of the Perl parsing and tokenizing routines,
-certain initialization values B<must> be quoted in order to correctly
-parse as the intended version, especially when using the L<declare> or
-L<qv> methods. While you do not have to quote decimal numbers when
-creating version objects, it is always safe to quote B<all> initial values
-when using methods, as this will ensure that what you type is
-what is used.
-Additionally, if you quote your initializer, then the quoted value that goes
-B<in> will be be exactly what comes B<out> when your $VERSION is printed
-(stringified). If you do not quote your value, Perl's normal numeric handling
-comes into play and you may not get back what you were expecting.
-If you use a mathematic formula that resolves to a floating point number,
-you are dependent on Perl's conversion routines to yield the version you
-expect. You are pretty safe by dividing by a power of 10, for example,
-but other operations are not likely to be what you intend. For example:
- $VERSION = version->new((qw$Revision: 1.4)[1]/10);
- print $VERSION; # yields 0.14
- $V2 = version->new(100/9); # Integer overflow in decimal number
- print $V2; # yields something like
-Perl 5.8.1 and beyond are able to automatically quote v-strings but
-that is not possible in earlier versions of Perl. In other words:
- $version = version->new("v2.5.4"); # legal in all versions of Perl
- $newvers = version->new(v2.5.4); # legal only in Perl >= 5.8.1
-=head2 What about v-strings?
-There are two ways to enter v-strings: a bare number with two or more
-decimal points, or a bare number with one or more decimal points and a
-leading 'v' character (also bare). For example:
- $vs1 = 1.2.3; # encoded as \1\2\3
- $vs2 = v1.2; # encoded as \1\2
-However, the use of bare v-strings to initialize version objects is
-B<strongly> discouraged in all circumstances. Also, bare
-v-strings are not completely supported in any version of Perl prior to
-If you insist on using bare v-strings with Perl > 5.6.0, be aware of the
-following limitations:
-1) For Perl releases 5.6.0 through 5.8.0, the v-string code merely guesses,
-based on some characteristics of v-strings. You B<must> use a three part
-version, e.g. 1.2.3 or v1.2.3 in order for this heuristic to be successful.
-2) For Perl releases 5.8.1 and later, v-strings have changed in the Perl
-core to be magical, which means that the code can automatically
-determine whether the v-string encoding was used.
-3) In all cases, a version created using v-strings will have a stringified
-form that has a leading 'v' character, for the simple reason that sometimes
-it is impossible to tell whether one was present initially.
-=head2 Alpha versions
-For module authors using CPAN, the convention has been to note unstable
-releases with an underscore in the version string. (See L<CPAN>.)
-follows this convention and alpha releases will test as being newer than the
-more recent stable release, and less than the next stable release. For
-dotted-decimal versions, only the last element may be separated by an
- # Declaring
- use version 0.77; our $VERSION = version->declare("v1.2_3");
- # Parsing
- $v1 = version->parse("v1.2_3");
- $v1 = version->parse("1.002_003");
-=head2 is_alpha()
-True if and only if the version object was created with a underscore, e.g.
- version->parse('1.002_03')->is_alpha; # TRUE
- version->declare('1.2.3_4')->is_alpha; # TRUE
-=head2 is_qv()
-True only if the version object is a dotted-decimal version, e.g.
- version->parse('v1.2.0')->is_qv; # TRUE
- version->declare('v1.2')->is_qv; # TRUE
- qv('1.2')->is_qv; # TRUE
- version->parse('1.2')->is_qv; # FALSE
-=head2 normal()
-Returns a string with a standard 'normalized' dotted-decimal form with a
-leading-v and at least 3 components.
- version->declare('v1.2')->normal; # v1.2.0
- version->parse('1.2')->normal; # v1.200.0
-=head2 numify()
-Returns a value representing the object in a pure decimal form without
-trailing zeroes.
- version->declare('v1.2')->numify; # 1.002
- version->parse('1.2')->numify; # 1.2
-=head2 stringify()
-Returns a string that is as close to the original representation as possible.
-If the original representation was a numeric literal, it will be returned the
-way perl would normally represent it in a string. This method is used whenever
-a version object is interpolated into a string.
- version->declare('v1.2')->stringify; # v1.2
- version->parse('1.200')->stringify; # 1.200
- version->parse(1.02_30)->stringify; # 1.023
-=head2 qv()
-This function is no longer recommended for use, but is maintained for
-compatibility with existing code. If you do not want to have it exported
-to your namespace, use this form:
- use version 0.77 ();
-=head1 AUTHOR
-John Peacock E<lt>jpeacock@cpan.orgE<gt>
-=head1 SEE ALSO