path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/pods/perlfaq6.pod
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authorKarl Berry <>2014-04-23 22:10:41 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2014-04-23 22:10:41 +0000
commite5c6e6d9c56fbfc54508fa2c32b03a5a870b7553 (patch)
tree40fcc93aa383c1e45d31ddc42d03f15cbada7076 /Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/pods/perlfaq6.pod
parent300c1eb6d37d46078d448d6d58938d5a80cd68ff (diff)
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-=head1 NAME
-perlfaq6 - Regular Expressions
-This section is surprisingly small because the rest of the FAQ is
-littered with answers involving regular expressions. For example,
-decoding a URL and checking whether something is a number can be handled
-with regular expressions, but those answers are found elsewhere in
-this document (in L<perlfaq9>: "How do I decode or create those %-encodings
-on the web" and L<perlfaq4>: "How do I determine whether a scalar is
-a number/whole/integer/float", to be precise).
-=head2 How can I hope to use regular expressions without creating illegible and unmaintainable code?
-X<regex, legibility> X<regexp, legibility>
-X<regular expression, legibility> X</x>
-Three techniques can make regular expressions maintainable and
-=over 4
-=item Comments Outside the Regex
-Describe what you're doing and how you're doing it, using normal Perl
- # turn the line into the first word, a colon, and the
- # number of characters on the rest of the line
- s/^(\w+)(.*)/ lc($1) . ":" . length($2) /meg;
-=item Comments Inside the Regex
-The C</x> modifier causes whitespace to be ignored in a regex pattern
-(except in a character class and a few other places), and also allows you to
-use normal comments there, too. As you can imagine, whitespace and comments
-help a lot.
-C</x> lets you turn this:
- s{<(?:[^>'"]*|".*?"|'.*?')+>}{}gs;
-into this:
- s{ < # opening angle bracket
- (?: # Non-backreffing grouping paren
- [^>'"] * # 0 or more things that are neither > nor ' nor "
- | # or else
- ".*?" # a section between double quotes (stingy match)
- | # or else
- '.*?' # a section between single quotes (stingy match)
- ) + # all occurring one or more times
- > # closing angle bracket
- }{}gsx; # replace with nothing, i.e. delete
-It's still not quite so clear as prose, but it is very useful for
-describing the meaning of each part of the pattern.
-=item Different Delimiters
-While we normally think of patterns as being delimited with C</>
-characters, they can be delimited by almost any character. L<perlre>
-describes this. For example, the C<s///> above uses braces as
-delimiters. Selecting another delimiter can avoid quoting the
-delimiter within the pattern:
- s/\/usr\/local/\/usr\/share/g; # bad delimiter choice
- s#/usr/local#/usr/share#g; # better
-Using logically paired delimiters can be even more readable:
- s{/usr/local/}{/usr/share}g; # better still
-=head2 I'm having trouble matching over more than one line. What's wrong?
-X<regex, multiline> X<regexp, multiline> X<regular expression, multiline>
-Either you don't have more than one line in the string you're looking
-at (probably), or else you aren't using the correct modifier(s) on
-your pattern (possibly).
-There are many ways to get multiline data into a string. If you want
-it to happen automatically while reading input, you'll want to set $/
-(probably to '' for paragraphs or C<undef> for the whole file) to
-allow you to read more than one line at a time.
-Read L<perlre> to help you decide which of C</s> and C</m> (or both)
-you might want to use: C</s> allows dot to include newline, and C</m>
-allows caret and dollar to match next to a newline, not just at the
-end of the string. You do need to make sure that you've actually
-got a multiline string in there.
-For example, this program detects duplicate words, even when they span
-line breaks (but not paragraph ones). For this example, we don't need
-C</s> because we aren't using dot in a regular expression that we want
-to cross line boundaries. Neither do we need C</m> because we don't
-want caret or dollar to match at any point inside the record next
-to newlines. But it's imperative that $/ be set to something other
-than the default, or else we won't actually ever have a multiline
-record read in.
- $/ = ''; # read in whole paragraph, not just one line
- while ( <> ) {
- while ( /\b([\w'-]+)(\s+\g1)+\b/gi ) { # word starts alpha
- print "Duplicate $1 at paragraph $.\n";
- }
- }
-Here's some code that finds sentences that begin with "From " (which would
-be mangled by many mailers):
- $/ = ''; # read in whole paragraph, not just one line
- while ( <> ) {
- while ( /^From /gm ) { # /m makes ^ match next to \n
- print "leading from in paragraph $.\n";
- }
- }
-Here's code that finds everything between START and END in a paragraph:
- undef $/; # read in whole file, not just one line or paragraph
- while ( <> ) {
- while ( /START(.*?)END/sgm ) { # /s makes . cross line boundaries
- print "$1\n";
- }
- }
-=head2 How can I pull out lines between two patterns that are themselves on different lines?
-You can use Perl's somewhat exotic C<..> operator (documented in
- perl -ne 'print if /START/ .. /END/' file1 file2 ...
-If you wanted text and not lines, you would use
- perl -0777 -ne 'print "$1\n" while /START(.*?)END/gs' file1 file2 ...
-But if you want nested occurrences of C<START> through C<END>, you'll
-run up against the problem described in the question in this section
-on matching balanced text.
-Here's another example of using C<..>:
- while (<>) {
- my $in_header = 1 .. /^$/;
- my $in_body = /^$/ .. eof;
- # now choose between them
- } continue {
- $. = 0 if eof; # fix $.
- }
-=head2 How do I match XML, HTML, or other nasty, ugly things with a regex?
-X<regex, XML> X<regex, HTML> X<XML> X<HTML> X<pain> X<frustration>
-X<sucking out, will to live>
-Do not use regexes. Use a module and forget about the
-regular expressions. The L<XML::LibXML>, L<HTML::TokeParser> and
-L<HTML::TreeBuilder> modules are good starts, although each namespace
-has other parsing modules specialized for certain tasks and different
-ways of doing it. Start at CPAN Search ( L<> )
-and wonder at all the work people have done for you already! :)
-=head2 I put a regular expression into $/ but it didn't work. What's wrong?
-X<$/, regexes in> X<$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR, regexes in>
-X<$RS, regexes in>
-$/ has to be a string. You can use these examples if you really need to
-do this.
-If you have L<File::Stream>, this is easy.
- use File::Stream;
- my $stream = File::Stream->new(
- $filehandle,
- separator => qr/\s*,\s*/,
- );
- print "$_\n" while <$stream>;
-If you don't have File::Stream, you have to do a little more work.
-You can use the four-argument form of sysread to continually add to
-a buffer. After you add to the buffer, you check if you have a
-complete line (using your regular expression).
- local $_ = "";
- while( sysread FH, $_, 8192, length ) {
- while( s/^((?s).*?)your_pattern// ) {
- my $record = $1;
- # do stuff here.
- }
- }
-You can do the same thing with foreach and a match using the
-c flag and the \G anchor, if you do not mind your entire file
-being in memory at the end.
- local $_ = "";
- while( sysread FH, $_, 8192, length ) {
- foreach my $record ( m/\G((?s).*?)your_pattern/gc ) {
- # do stuff here.
- }
- substr( $_, 0, pos ) = "" if pos;
- }
-=head2 How do I substitute case-insensitively on the LHS while preserving case on the RHS?
-X<replace, case preserving> X<substitute, case preserving>
-X<substitution, case preserving> X<s, case preserving>
-Here's a lovely Perlish solution by Larry Rosler. It exploits
-properties of bitwise xor on ASCII strings.
- $_= "this is a TEsT case";
- $old = 'test';
- $new = 'success';
- s{(\Q$old\E)}
- { uc $new | (uc $1 ^ $1) .
- (uc(substr $1, -1) ^ substr $1, -1) x
- (length($new) - length $1)
- }egi;
- print;
-And here it is as a subroutine, modeled after the above:
- sub preserve_case($$) {
- my ($old, $new) = @_;
- my $mask = uc $old ^ $old;
- uc $new | $mask .
- substr($mask, -1) x (length($new) - length($old))
- }
- $string = "this is a TEsT case";
- $string =~ s/(test)/preserve_case($1, "success")/egi;
- print "$string\n";
-This prints:
- this is a SUcCESS case
-As an alternative, to keep the case of the replacement word if it is
-longer than the original, you can use this code, by Jeff Pinyan:
- sub preserve_case {
- my ($from, $to) = @_;
- my ($lf, $lt) = map length, @_;
- if ($lt < $lf) { $from = substr $from, 0, $lt }
- else { $from .= substr $to, $lf }
- return uc $to | ($from ^ uc $from);
- }
-This changes the sentence to "this is a SUcCess case."
-Just to show that C programmers can write C in any programming language,
-if you prefer a more C-like solution, the following script makes the
-substitution have the same case, letter by letter, as the original.
-(It also happens to run about 240% slower than the Perlish solution runs.)
-If the substitution has more characters than the string being substituted,
-the case of the last character is used for the rest of the substitution.
- # Original by Nathan Torkington, massaged by Jeffrey Friedl
- #
- sub preserve_case($$)
- {
- my ($old, $new) = @_;
- my $state = 0; # 0 = no change; 1 = lc; 2 = uc
- my ($i, $oldlen, $newlen, $c) = (0, length($old), length($new));
- my $len = $oldlen < $newlen ? $oldlen : $newlen;
- for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
- if ($c = substr($old, $i, 1), $c =~ /[\W\d_]/) {
- $state = 0;
- } elsif (lc $c eq $c) {
- substr($new, $i, 1) = lc(substr($new, $i, 1));
- $state = 1;
- } else {
- substr($new, $i, 1) = uc(substr($new, $i, 1));
- $state = 2;
- }
- }
- # finish up with any remaining new (for when new is longer than old)
- if ($newlen > $oldlen) {
- if ($state == 1) {
- substr($new, $oldlen) = lc(substr($new, $oldlen));
- } elsif ($state == 2) {
- substr($new, $oldlen) = uc(substr($new, $oldlen));
- }
- }
- return $new;
- }
-=head2 How can I make C<\w> match national character sets?
-Put C<use locale;> in your script. The \w character class is taken
-from the current locale.
-See L<perllocale> for details.
-=head2 How can I match a locale-smart version of C</[a-zA-Z]/>?
-You can use the POSIX character class syntax C</[[:alpha:]]/>
-documented in L<perlre>.
-No matter which locale you are in, the alphabetic characters are
-the characters in \w without the digits and the underscore.
-As a regex, that looks like C</[^\W\d_]/>. Its complement,
-the non-alphabetics, is then everything in \W along with
-the digits and the underscore, or C</[\W\d_]/>.
-=head2 How can I quote a variable to use in a regex?
-X<regex, escaping> X<regexp, escaping> X<regular expression, escaping>
-The Perl parser will expand $variable and @variable references in
-regular expressions unless the delimiter is a single quote. Remember,
-too, that the right-hand side of a C<s///> substitution is considered
-a double-quoted string (see L<perlop> for more details). Remember
-also that any regex special characters will be acted on unless you
-precede the substitution with \Q. Here's an example:
- $string = "Placido P. Octopus";
- $regex = "P.";
- $string =~ s/$regex/Polyp/;
- # $string is now "Polypacido P. Octopus"
-Because C<.> is special in regular expressions, and can match any
-single character, the regex C<P.> here has matched the <Pl> in the
-original string.
-To escape the special meaning of C<.>, we use C<\Q>:
- $string = "Placido P. Octopus";
- $regex = "P.";
- $string =~ s/\Q$regex/Polyp/;
- # $string is now "Placido Polyp Octopus"
-The use of C<\Q> causes the <.> in the regex to be treated as a
-regular character, so that C<P.> matches a C<P> followed by a dot.
-=head2 What is C</o> really for?
-X</o, regular expressions> X<compile, regular expressions>
-(contributed by brian d foy)
-The C</o> option for regular expressions (documented in L<perlop> and
-L<perlreref>) tells Perl to compile the regular expression only once.
-This is only useful when the pattern contains a variable. Perls 5.6
-and later handle this automatically if the pattern does not change.
-Since the match operator C<m//>, the substitution operator C<s///>,
-and the regular expression quoting operator C<qr//> are double-quotish
-constructs, you can interpolate variables into the pattern. See the
-answer to "How can I quote a variable to use in a regex?" for more
-This example takes a regular expression from the argument list and
-prints the lines of input that match it:
- my $pattern = shift @ARGV;
- while( <> ) {
- print if m/$pattern/;
- }
-Versions of Perl prior to 5.6 would recompile the regular expression
-for each iteration, even if C<$pattern> had not changed. The C</o>
-would prevent this by telling Perl to compile the pattern the first
-time, then reuse that for subsequent iterations:
- my $pattern = shift @ARGV;
- while( <> ) {
- print if m/$pattern/o; # useful for Perl < 5.6
- }
-In versions 5.6 and later, Perl won't recompile the regular expression
-if the variable hasn't changed, so you probably don't need the C</o>
-option. It doesn't hurt, but it doesn't help either. If you want any
-version of Perl to compile the regular expression only once even if
-the variable changes (thus, only using its initial value), you still
-need the C</o>.
-You can watch Perl's regular expression engine at work to verify for
-yourself if Perl is recompiling a regular expression. The C<use re
-'debug'> pragma (comes with Perl 5.005 and later) shows the details.
-With Perls before 5.6, you should see C<re> reporting that its
-compiling the regular expression on each iteration. With Perl 5.6 or
-later, you should only see C<re> report that for the first iteration.
- use re 'debug';
- my $regex = 'Perl';
- foreach ( qw(Perl Java Ruby Python) ) {
- print STDERR "-" x 73, "\n";
- print STDERR "Trying $_...\n";
- print STDERR "\t$_ is good!\n" if m/$regex/;
- }
-=head2 How do I use a regular expression to strip C-style comments from a file?
-While this actually can be done, it's much harder than you'd think.
-For example, this one-liner
- perl -0777 -pe 's{/\*.*?\*/}{}gs' foo.c
-will work in many but not all cases. You see, it's too simple-minded for
-certain kinds of C programs, in particular, those with what appear to be
-comments in quoted strings. For that, you'd need something like this,
-created by Jeffrey Friedl and later modified by Fred Curtis.
- $/ = undef;
- $_ = <>;
- s#/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*/|("(\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(\\.|[^'\\])*'|.[^/"'\\]*)#defined $2 ? $2 : ""#gse;
- print;
-This could, of course, be more legibly written with the C</x> modifier, adding
-whitespace and comments. Here it is expanded, courtesy of Fred Curtis.
- s{
- /\* ## Start of /* ... */ comment
- [^*]*\*+ ## Non-* followed by 1-or-more *'s
- (
- [^/*][^*]*\*+
- )* ## 0-or-more things which don't start with /
- ## but do end with '*'
- / ## End of /* ... */ comment
- | ## OR various things which aren't comments:
- (
- " ## Start of " ... " string
- (
- \\. ## Escaped char
- | ## OR
- [^"\\] ## Non "\
- )*
- " ## End of " ... " string
- | ## OR
- ' ## Start of ' ... ' string
- (
- \\. ## Escaped char
- | ## OR
- [^'\\] ## Non '\
- )*
- ' ## End of ' ... ' string
- | ## OR
- . ## Anything other char
- [^/"'\\]* ## Chars which doesn't start a comment, string or escape
- )
- }{defined $2 ? $2 : ""}gxse;
-A slight modification also removes C++ comments, possibly spanning multiple lines
-using a continuation character:
- s#/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*/|//([^\\]|[^\n][\n]?)*?\n|("(\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(\\.|[^'\\])*'|.[^/"'\\]*)#defined $3 ? $3 : ""#gse;
-=head2 Can I use Perl regular expressions to match balanced text?
-X<regex, matching balanced test> X<regexp, matching balanced test>
-X<regular expression, matching balanced test> X<possessive> X<PARNO>
-X<Text::Balanced> X<Regexp::Common> X<backtracking> X<recursion>
-(contributed by brian d foy)
-Your first try should probably be the L<Text::Balanced> module, which
-is in the Perl standard library since Perl 5.8. It has a variety of
-functions to deal with tricky text. The L<Regexp::Common> module can
-also help by providing canned patterns you can use.
-As of Perl 5.10, you can match balanced text with regular expressions
-using recursive patterns. Before Perl 5.10, you had to resort to
-various tricks such as using Perl code in C<(??{})> sequences.
-Here's an example using a recursive regular expression. The goal is to
-capture all of the text within angle brackets, including the text in
-nested angle brackets. This sample text has two "major" groups: a
-group with one level of nesting and a group with two levels of
-nesting. There are five total groups in angle brackets:
- I have some <brackets in <nested brackets> > and
- <another group <nested once <nested twice> > >
- and that's it.
-The regular expression to match the balanced text uses two new (to
-Perl 5.10) regular expression features. These are covered in L<perlre>
-and this example is a modified version of one in that documentation.
-First, adding the new possessive C<+> to any quantifier finds the
-longest match and does not backtrack. That's important since you want
-to handle any angle brackets through the recursion, not backtracking.
-The group C<< [^<>]++ >> finds one or more non-angle brackets without
-Second, the new C<(?PARNO)> refers to the sub-pattern in the
-particular capture group given by C<PARNO>. In the following regex,
-the first capture group finds (and remembers) the balanced text, and
-you need that same pattern within the first buffer to get past the
-nested text. That's the recursive part. The C<(?1)> uses the pattern
-in the outer capture group as an independent part of the regex.
-Putting it all together, you have:
- #!/usr/local/bin/perl5.10.0
- my $string =<<"HERE";
- I have some <brackets in <nested brackets> > and
- <another group <nested once <nested twice> > >
- and that's it.
- my @groups = $string =~ m/
- ( # start of capture group 1
- < # match an opening angle bracket
- (?:
- [^<>]++ # one or more non angle brackets, non backtracking
- |
- (?1) # found < or >, so recurse to capture group 1
- )*
- > # match a closing angle bracket
- ) # end of capture group 1
- /xg;
- $" = "\n\t";
- print "Found:\n\t@groups\n";
-The output shows that Perl found the two major groups:
- Found:
- <brackets in <nested brackets> >
- <another group <nested once <nested twice> > >
-With a little extra work, you can get the all of the groups in angle
-brackets even if they are in other angle brackets too. Each time you
-get a balanced match, remove its outer delimiter (that's the one you
-just matched so don't match it again) and add it to a queue of strings
-to process. Keep doing that until you get no matches:
- #!/usr/local/bin/perl5.10.0
- my @queue =<<"HERE";
- I have some <brackets in <nested brackets> > and
- <another group <nested once <nested twice> > >
- and that's it.
- my $regex = qr/
- ( # start of bracket 1
- < # match an opening angle bracket
- (?:
- [^<>]++ # one or more non angle brackets, non backtracking
- |
- (?1) # recurse to bracket 1
- )*
- > # match a closing angle bracket
- ) # end of bracket 1
- /x;
- $" = "\n\t";
- while( @queue ) {
- my $string = shift @queue;
- my @groups = $string =~ m/$regex/g;
- print "Found:\n\t@groups\n\n" if @groups;
- unshift @queue, map { s/^<//; s/>$//; $_ } @groups;
- }
-The output shows all of the groups. The outermost matches show up
-first and the nested matches so up later:
- Found:
- <brackets in <nested brackets> >
- <another group <nested once <nested twice> > >
- Found:
- <nested brackets>
- Found:
- <nested once <nested twice> >
- Found:
- <nested twice>
-=head2 What does it mean that regexes are greedy? How can I get around it?
-X<greedy> X<greediness>
-Most people mean that greedy regexes match as much as they can.
-Technically speaking, it's actually the quantifiers (C<?>, C<*>, C<+>,
-C<{}>) that are greedy rather than the whole pattern; Perl prefers local
-greed and immediate gratification to overall greed. To get non-greedy
-versions of the same quantifiers, use (C<??>, C<*?>, C<+?>, C<{}?>).
-An example:
- my $s1 = my $s2 = "I am very very cold";
- $s1 =~ s/ve.*y //; # I am cold
- $s2 =~ s/ve.*?y //; # I am very cold
-Notice how the second substitution stopped matching as soon as it
-encountered "y ". The C<*?> quantifier effectively tells the regular
-expression engine to find a match as quickly as possible and pass
-control on to whatever is next in line, as you would if you were
-playing hot potato.
-=head2 How do I process each word on each line?
-Use the split function:
- while (<>) {
- foreach my $word ( split ) {
- # do something with $word here
- }
- }
-Note that this isn't really a word in the English sense; it's just
-chunks of consecutive non-whitespace characters.
-To work with only alphanumeric sequences (including underscores), you
-might consider
- while (<>) {
- foreach $word (m/(\w+)/g) {
- # do something with $word here
- }
- }
-=head2 How can I print out a word-frequency or line-frequency summary?
-To do this, you have to parse out each word in the input stream. We'll
-pretend that by word you mean chunk of alphabetics, hyphens, or
-apostrophes, rather than the non-whitespace chunk idea of a word given
-in the previous question:
- my (%seen);
- while (<>) {
- while ( /(\b[^\W_\d][\w'-]+\b)/g ) { # misses "`sheep'"
- $seen{$1}++;
- }
- }
- while ( my ($word, $count) = each %seen ) {
- print "$count $word\n";
- }
-If you wanted to do the same thing for lines, you wouldn't need a
-regular expression:
- my (%seen);
- while (<>) {
- $seen{$_}++;
- }
- while ( my ($line, $count) = each %seen ) {
- print "$count $line";
- }
-If you want these output in a sorted order, see L<perlfaq4>: "How do I
-sort a hash (optionally by value instead of key)?".
-=head2 How can I do approximate matching?
-X<match, approximate> X<matching, approximate>
-See the module L<String::Approx> available from CPAN.
-=head2 How do I efficiently match many regular expressions at once?
-X<regex, efficiency> X<regexp, efficiency>
-X<regular expression, efficiency>
-(contributed by brian d foy)
-If you have Perl 5.10 or later, this is almost trivial. You just smart
-match against an array of regular expression objects:
- my @patterns = ( qr/Fr.d/, qr/B.rn.y/, qr/W.lm./ );
- if( $string ~~ @patterns ) {
- ...
- };
-The smart match stops when it finds a match, so it doesn't have to try
-every expression.
-Earlier than Perl 5.10, you have a bit of work to do. You want to
-avoid compiling a regular expression every time you want to match it.
-In this example, perl must recompile the regular expression for every
-iteration of the C<foreach> loop since it has no way to know what
-C<$pattern> will be:
- my @patterns = qw( foo bar baz );
- LINE: while( <DATA> ) {
- foreach $pattern ( @patterns ) {
- if( /\b$pattern\b/i ) {
- print;
- next LINE;
- }
- }
- }
-The C<qr//> operator showed up in perl 5.005. It compiles a regular
-expression, but doesn't apply it. When you use the pre-compiled
-version of the regex, perl does less work. In this example, I inserted
-a C<map> to turn each pattern into its pre-compiled form. The rest of
-the script is the same, but faster:
- my @patterns = map { qr/\b$_\b/i } qw( foo bar baz );
- LINE: while( <> ) {
- foreach $pattern ( @patterns ) {
- if( /$pattern/ ) {
- print;
- next LINE;
- }
- }
- }
-In some cases, you may be able to make several patterns into a single
-regular expression. Beware of situations that require backtracking
- my $regex = join '|', qw( foo bar baz );
- LINE: while( <> ) {
- print if /\b(?:$regex)\b/i;
- }
-For more details on regular expression efficiency, see I<Mastering
-Regular Expressions> by Jeffrey Friedl. He explains how the regular
-expressions engine works and why some patterns are surprisingly
-inefficient. Once you understand how perl applies regular expressions,
-you can tune them for individual situations.
-=head2 Why don't word-boundary searches with C<\b> work for me?
-(contributed by brian d foy)
-Ensure that you know what \b really does: it's the boundary between a
-word character, \w, and something that isn't a word character. That
-thing that isn't a word character might be \W, but it can also be the
-start or end of the string.
-It's not (not!) the boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace,
-and it's not the stuff between words we use to create sentences.
-In regex speak, a word boundary (\b) is a "zero width assertion",
-meaning that it doesn't represent a character in the string, but a
-condition at a certain position.
-For the regular expression, /\bPerl\b/, there has to be a word
-boundary before the "P" and after the "l". As long as something other
-than a word character precedes the "P" and succeeds the "l", the
-pattern will match. These strings match /\bPerl\b/.
- "Perl" # no word char before P or after l
- "Perl " # same as previous (space is not a word char)
- "'Perl'" # the ' char is not a word char
- "Perl's" # no word char before P, non-word char after "l"
-These strings do not match /\bPerl\b/.
- "Perl_" # _ is a word char!
- "Perler" # no word char before P, but one after l
-You don't have to use \b to match words though. You can look for
-non-word characters surrounded by word characters. These strings
-match the pattern /\b'\b/.
- "don't" # the ' char is surrounded by "n" and "t"
- "qep'a'" # the ' char is surrounded by "p" and "a"
-These strings do not match /\b'\b/.
- "foo'" # there is no word char after non-word '
-You can also use the complement of \b, \B, to specify that there
-should not be a word boundary.
-In the pattern /\Bam\B/, there must be a word character before the "a"
-and after the "m". These patterns match /\Bam\B/:
- "llama" # "am" surrounded by word chars
- "Samuel" # same
-These strings do not match /\Bam\B/
- "Sam" # no word boundary before "a", but one after "m"
- "I am Sam" # "am" surrounded by non-word chars
-=head2 Why does using $&, $`, or $' slow my program down?
-(contributed by Anno Siegel)
-Once Perl sees that you need one of these variables anywhere in the
-program, it provides them on each and every pattern match. That means
-that on every pattern match the entire string will be copied, part of it
-to $`, part to $&, and part to $'. Thus the penalty is most severe with
-long strings and patterns that match often. Avoid $&, $', and $` if you
-can, but if you can't, once you've used them at all, use them at will
-because you've already paid the price. Remember that some algorithms
-really appreciate them. As of the 5.005 release, the $& variable is no
-longer "expensive" the way the other two are.
-Since Perl 5.6.1 the special variables @- and @+ can functionally replace
-$`, $& and $'. These arrays contain pointers to the beginning and end
-of each match (see perlvar for the full story), so they give you
-essentially the same information, but without the risk of excessive
-string copying.
-Perl 5.10 added three specials, C<${^MATCH}>, C<${^PREMATCH}>, and
-C<${^POSTMATCH}> to do the same job but without the global performance
-penalty. Perl 5.10 only sets these variables if you compile or execute the
-regular expression with the C</p> modifier.
-=head2 What good is C<\G> in a regular expression?
-You use the C<\G> anchor to start the next match on the same
-string where the last match left off. The regular
-expression engine cannot skip over any characters to find
-the next match with this anchor, so C<\G> is similar to the
-beginning of string anchor, C<^>. The C<\G> anchor is typically
-used with the C<g> flag. It uses the value of C<pos()>
-as the position to start the next match. As the match
-operator makes successive matches, it updates C<pos()> with the
-position of the next character past the last match (or the
-first character of the next match, depending on how you like
-to look at it). Each string has its own C<pos()> value.
-Suppose you want to match all of consecutive pairs of digits
-in a string like "1122a44" and stop matching when you
-encounter non-digits. You want to match C<11> and C<22> but
-the letter <a> shows up between C<22> and C<44> and you want
-to stop at C<a>. Simply matching pairs of digits skips over
-the C<a> and still matches C<44>.
- $_ = "1122a44";
- my @pairs = m/(\d\d)/g; # qw( 11 22 44 )
-If you use the C<\G> anchor, you force the match after C<22> to
-start with the C<a>. The regular expression cannot match
-there since it does not find a digit, so the next match
-fails and the match operator returns the pairs it already
- $_ = "1122a44";
- my @pairs = m/\G(\d\d)/g; # qw( 11 22 )
-You can also use the C<\G> anchor in scalar context. You
-still need the C<g> flag.
- $_ = "1122a44";
- while( m/\G(\d\d)/g ) {
- print "Found $1\n";
- }
-After the match fails at the letter C<a>, perl resets C<pos()>
-and the next match on the same string starts at the beginning.
- $_ = "1122a44";
- while( m/\G(\d\d)/g ) {
- print "Found $1\n";
- }
- print "Found $1 after while" if m/(\d\d)/g; # finds "11"
-You can disable C<pos()> resets on fail with the C<c> flag, documented
-in L<perlop> and L<perlreref>. Subsequent matches start where the last
-successful match ended (the value of C<pos()>) even if a match on the
-same string has failed in the meantime. In this case, the match after
-the C<while()> loop starts at the C<a> (where the last match stopped),
-and since it does not use any anchor it can skip over the C<a> to find
- $_ = "1122a44";
- while( m/\G(\d\d)/gc ) {
- print "Found $1\n";
- }
- print "Found $1 after while" if m/(\d\d)/g; # finds "44"
-Typically you use the C<\G> anchor with the C<c> flag
-when you want to try a different match if one fails,
-such as in a tokenizer. Jeffrey Friedl offers this example
-which works in 5.004 or later.
- while (<>) {
- chomp;
- m/ \G( \d+\b )/gcx && do { print "number: $1\n"; redo; };
- m/ \G( \w+ )/gcx && do { print "word: $1\n"; redo; };
- m/ \G( \s+ )/gcx && do { print "space: $1\n"; redo; };
- m/ \G( [^\w\d]+ )/gcx && do { print "other: $1\n"; redo; };
- }
- }
-For each line, the C<PARSER> loop first tries to match a series
-of digits followed by a word boundary. This match has to
-start at the place the last match left off (or the beginning
-of the string on the first match). Since C<m/ \G( \d+\b
-)/gcx> uses the C<c> flag, if the string does not match that
-regular expression, perl does not reset pos() and the next
-match starts at the same position to try a different
-=head2 Are Perl regexes DFAs or NFAs? Are they POSIX compliant?
-While it's true that Perl's regular expressions resemble the DFAs
-(deterministic finite automata) of the egrep(1) program, they are in
-fact implemented as NFAs (non-deterministic finite automata) to allow
-backtracking and backreferencing. And they aren't POSIX-style either,
-because those guarantee worst-case behavior for all cases. (It seems
-that some people prefer guarantees of consistency, even when what's
-guaranteed is slowness.) See the book "Mastering Regular Expressions"
-(from O'Reilly) by Jeffrey Friedl for all the details you could ever
-hope to know on these matters (a full citation appears in
-=head2 What's wrong with using grep in a void context?
-The problem is that grep builds a return list, regardless of the context.
-This means you're making Perl go to the trouble of building a list that
-you then just throw away. If the list is large, you waste both time and space.
-If your intent is to iterate over the list, then use a for loop for this
-In perls older than 5.8.1, map suffers from this problem as well.
-But since 5.8.1, this has been fixed, and map is context aware - in void
-context, no lists are constructed.
-=head2 How can I match strings with multibyte characters?
-X<regex, and multibyte characters> X<regexp, and multibyte characters>
-X<regular expression, and multibyte characters> X<martian> X<encoding, Martian>
-Starting from Perl 5.6 Perl has had some level of multibyte character
-support. Perl 5.8 or later is recommended. Supported multibyte
-character repertoires include Unicode, and legacy encodings
-through the Encode module. See L<perluniintro>, L<perlunicode>,
-and L<Encode>.
-If you are stuck with older Perls, you can do Unicode with the
-L<Unicode::String> module, and character conversions using the
-L<Unicode::Map8> and L<Unicode::Map> modules. If you are using
-Japanese encodings, you might try using the jperl 5.005_03.
-Finally, the following set of approaches was offered by Jeffrey
-Friedl, whose article in issue #5 of The Perl Journal talks about
-this very matter.
-Let's suppose you have some weird Martian encoding where pairs of
-ASCII uppercase letters encode single Martian letters (i.e. the two
-bytes "CV" make a single Martian letter, as do the two bytes "SG",
-"VS", "XX", etc.). Other bytes represent single characters, just like
-So, the string of Martian "I am CVSGXX!" uses 12 bytes to encode the
-nine characters 'I', ' ', 'a', 'm', ' ', 'CV', 'SG', 'XX', '!'.
-Now, say you want to search for the single character C</GX/>. Perl
-doesn't know about Martian, so it'll find the two bytes "GX" in the "I
-am CVSGXX!" string, even though that character isn't there: it just
-looks like it is because "SG" is next to "XX", but there's no real
-"GX". This is a big problem.
-Here are a few ways, all painful, to deal with it:
- # Make sure adjacent "martian" bytes are no longer adjacent.
- $martian =~ s/([A-Z][A-Z])/ $1 /g;
- print "found GX!\n" if $martian =~ /GX/;
-Or like this:
- my @chars = $martian =~ m/([A-Z][A-Z]|[^A-Z])/g;
- # above is conceptually similar to: my @chars = $text =~ m/(.)/g;
- #
- foreach my $char (@chars) {
- print "found GX!\n", last if $char eq 'GX';
- }
-Or like this:
- while ($martian =~ m/\G([A-Z][A-Z]|.)/gs) { # \G probably unneeded
- if ($1 eq 'GX') {
- print "found GX!\n";
- last;
- }
- }
-Here's another, slightly less painful, way to do it from Benjamin
-Goldberg, who uses a zero-width negative look-behind assertion.
- print "found GX!\n" if $martian =~ m/
- (?<![A-Z])
- (?:[A-Z][A-Z])*?
- GX
- /x;
-This succeeds if the "martian" character GX is in the string, and fails
-otherwise. If you don't like using (?<!), a zero-width negative
-look-behind assertion, you can replace (?<![A-Z]) with (?:^|[^A-Z]).
-It does have the drawback of putting the wrong thing in $-[0] and $+[0],
-but this usually can be worked around.
-=head2 How do I match a regular expression that's in a variable?
-X<regex, in variable> X<eval> X<regex> X<quotemeta> X<\Q, regex>
-X<\E, regex> X<qr//>
-(contributed by brian d foy)
-We don't have to hard-code patterns into the match operator (or
-anything else that works with regular expressions). We can put the
-pattern in a variable for later use.
-The match operator is a double quote context, so you can interpolate
-your variable just like a double quoted string. In this case, you
-read the regular expression as user input and store it in C<$regex>.
-Once you have the pattern in C<$regex>, you use that variable in the
-match operator.
- chomp( my $regex = <STDIN> );
- if( $string =~ m/$regex/ ) { ... }
-Any regular expression special characters in C<$regex> are still
-special, and the pattern still has to be valid or Perl will complain.
-For instance, in this pattern there is an unpaired parenthesis.
- my $regex = "Unmatched ( paren";
- "Two parens to bind them all" =~ m/$regex/;
-When Perl compiles the regular expression, it treats the parenthesis
-as the start of a memory match. When it doesn't find the closing
-parenthesis, it complains:
- Unmatched ( in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/Unmatched ( <-- HERE paren/ at script line 3.
-You can get around this in several ways depending on our situation.
-First, if you don't want any of the characters in the string to be
-special, you can escape them with C<quotemeta> before you use the string.
- chomp( my $regex = <STDIN> );
- $regex = quotemeta( $regex );
- if( $string =~ m/$regex/ ) { ... }
-You can also do this directly in the match operator using the C<\Q>
-and C<\E> sequences. The C<\Q> tells Perl where to start escaping
-special characters, and the C<\E> tells it where to stop (see L<perlop>
-for more details).
- chomp( my $regex = <STDIN> );
- if( $string =~ m/\Q$regex\E/ ) { ... }
-Alternately, you can use C<qr//>, the regular expression quote operator (see
-L<perlop> for more details). It quotes and perhaps compiles the pattern,
-and you can apply regular expression flags to the pattern.
- chomp( my $input = <STDIN> );
- my $regex = qr/$input/is;
- $string =~ m/$regex/ # same as m/$input/is;
-You might also want to trap any errors by wrapping an C<eval> block
-around the whole thing.
- chomp( my $input = <STDIN> );
- eval {
- if( $string =~ m/\Q$input\E/ ) { ... }
- };
- warn $@ if $@;
- my $regex = eval { qr/$input/is };
- if( defined $regex ) {
- $string =~ m/$regex/;
- }
- else {
- warn $@;
- }
-Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington, and
-other authors as noted. All rights reserved.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in this file
-are hereby placed into the public domain. You are permitted and
-encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun
-or for profit as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving
-credit would be courteous but is not required.