path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/pods/perlboot.pod
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authorSiep Kroonenberg <>2011-02-17 17:31:37 +0000
committerSiep Kroonenberg <>2011-02-17 17:31:37 +0000
commit227723589c9564b9b2b7042dd27eb9aad56a560a (patch)
tree5185d4773197a8bc419342ca26b1db30dc992b5a /Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/pods/perlboot.pod
parent98f44e1fb37d3dbed7ffbc066daac04371ed6f3a (diff)
New tlperl part XI
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/pods/perlboot.pod')
1 files changed, 884 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 00000000000..a6b256a0fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/pods/perlboot.pod
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+=head1 NAME
+perlboot - Beginner's Object-Oriented Tutorial
+If you're not familiar with objects from other languages, some of the
+other Perl object documentation may be a little daunting, such as
+L<perlobj>, a basic reference in using objects, and L<perltoot>, which
+introduces readers to the peculiarities of Perl's object system in a
+tutorial way.
+So, let's take a different approach, presuming no prior object
+experience. It helps if you know about subroutines (L<perlsub>),
+references (L<perlref> et. seq.), and packages (L<perlmod>), so become
+familiar with those first if you haven't already.
+=head2 If we could talk to the animals...
+Let's let the animals talk for a moment:
+ sub Cow::speak {
+ print "a Cow goes moooo!\n";
+ }
+ sub Horse::speak {
+ print "a Horse goes neigh!\n";
+ }
+ sub Sheep::speak {
+ print "a Sheep goes baaaah!\n";
+ }
+ Cow::speak;
+ Horse::speak;
+ Sheep::speak;
+This results in:
+ a Cow goes moooo!
+ a Horse goes neigh!
+ a Sheep goes baaaah!
+Nothing spectacular here. Simple subroutines, albeit from separate
+packages, and called using the full package name. So let's create
+an entire pasture:
+ # Cow::speak, Horse::speak, Sheep::speak as before
+ @pasture = qw(Cow Cow Horse Sheep Sheep);
+ foreach $animal (@pasture) {
+ &{$animal."::speak"};
+ }
+This results in:
+ a Cow goes moooo!
+ a Cow goes moooo!
+ a Horse goes neigh!
+ a Sheep goes baaaah!
+ a Sheep goes baaaah!
+Wow. That symbolic coderef de-referencing there is pretty nasty.
+We're counting on C<no strict refs> mode, certainly not recommended
+for larger programs. And why was that necessary? Because the name of
+the package seems to be inseparable from the name of the subroutine we
+want to invoke within that package.
+Or is it?
+=head2 Introducing the method invocation arrow
+For now, let's say that C<< Class->method >> invokes subroutine
+C<method> in package C<Class>. (Here, "Class" is used in its
+"category" meaning, not its "scholastic" meaning.) That's not
+completely accurate, but we'll do this one step at a time. Now let's
+use it like so:
+ # Cow::speak, Horse::speak, Sheep::speak as before
+ Cow->speak;
+ Horse->speak;
+ Sheep->speak;
+And once again, this results in:
+ a Cow goes moooo!
+ a Horse goes neigh!
+ a Sheep goes baaaah!
+That's not fun yet. Same number of characters, all constant, no
+variables. But yet, the parts are separable now. Watch:
+ $a = "Cow";
+ $a->speak; # invokes Cow->speak
+Ahh! Now that the package name has been parted from the subroutine
+name, we can use a variable package name. And this time, we've got
+something that works even when C<use strict refs> is enabled.
+=head2 Invoking a barnyard
+Let's take that new arrow invocation and put it back in the barnyard
+ sub Cow::speak {
+ print "a Cow goes moooo!\n";
+ }
+ sub Horse::speak {
+ print "a Horse goes neigh!\n";
+ }
+ sub Sheep::speak {
+ print "a Sheep goes baaaah!\n";
+ }
+ @pasture = qw(Cow Cow Horse Sheep Sheep);
+ foreach $animal (@pasture) {
+ $animal->speak;
+ }
+There! Now we have the animals all talking, and safely at that,
+without the use of symbolic coderefs.
+But look at all that common code. Each of the C<speak> routines has a
+similar structure: a C<print> operator and a string that contains
+common text, except for two of the words. It'd be nice if we could
+factor out the commonality, in case we decide later to change it all
+to C<says> instead of C<goes>.
+And we actually have a way of doing that without much fuss, but we
+have to hear a bit more about what the method invocation arrow is
+actually doing for us.
+=head2 The extra parameter of method invocation
+The invocation of:
+ Class->method(@args)
+attempts to invoke subroutine C<Class::method> as:
+ Class::method("Class", @args);
+(If the subroutine can't be found, "inheritance" kicks in, but we'll
+get to that later.) This means that we get the class name as the
+first parameter (the only parameter, if no arguments are given). So
+we can rewrite the C<Sheep> speaking subroutine as:
+ sub Sheep::speak {
+ my $class = shift;
+ print "a $class goes baaaah!\n";
+ }
+And the other two animals come out similarly:
+ sub Cow::speak {
+ my $class = shift;
+ print "a $class goes moooo!\n";
+ }
+ sub Horse::speak {
+ my $class = shift;
+ print "a $class goes neigh!\n";
+ }
+In each case, C<$class> will get the value appropriate for that
+subroutine. But once again, we have a lot of similar structure. Can
+we factor that out even further? Yes, by calling another method in
+the same class.
+=head2 Calling a second method to simplify things
+Let's call out from C<speak> to a helper method called C<sound>.
+This method provides the constant text for the sound itself.
+ { package Cow;
+ sub sound { "moooo" }
+ sub speak {
+ my $class = shift;
+ print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
+ }
+ }
+Now, when we call C<< Cow->speak >>, we get a C<$class> of C<Cow> in
+C<speak>. This in turn selects the C<< Cow->sound >> method, which
+returns C<moooo>. But how different would this be for the C<Horse>?
+ { package Horse;
+ sub sound { "neigh" }
+ sub speak {
+ my $class = shift;
+ print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
+ }
+ }
+Only the name of the package and the specific sound change. So can we
+somehow share the definition for C<speak> between the Cow and the
+Horse? Yes, with inheritance!
+=head2 Inheriting the windpipes
+We'll define a common subroutine package called C<Animal>, with the
+definition for C<speak>:
+ { package Animal;
+ sub speak {
+ my $class = shift;
+ print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
+ }
+ }
+Then, for each animal, we say it "inherits" from C<Animal>, along
+with the animal-specific sound:
+ { package Cow;
+ @ISA = qw(Animal);
+ sub sound { "moooo" }
+ }
+Note the added C<@ISA> array (pronounced "is a"). We'll get to that in a minute.
+But what happens when we invoke C<< Cow->speak >> now?
+First, Perl constructs the argument list. In this case, it's just
+C<Cow>. Then Perl looks for C<Cow::speak>. But that's not there, so
+Perl checks for the inheritance array C<@Cow::ISA>. It's there,
+and contains the single name C<Animal>.
+Perl next checks for C<speak> inside C<Animal> instead, as in
+C<Animal::speak>. And that's found, so Perl invokes that subroutine
+with the already frozen argument list.
+Inside the C<Animal::speak> subroutine, C<$class> becomes C<Cow> (the
+first argument). So when we get to the step of invoking
+C<< $class->sound >>, it'll be looking for C<< Cow->sound >>, which
+gets it on the first try without looking at C<@ISA>. Success!
+=head2 A few notes about @ISA
+This magical C<@ISA> variable has declared that C<Cow> "is a" C<Animal>.
+Note that it's an array, not a simple single value, because on rare
+occasions, it makes sense to have more than one parent class searched
+for the missing methods.
+If C<Animal> also had an C<@ISA>, then we'd check there too. The
+search is recursive, depth-first, left-to-right in each C<@ISA> by
+default (see L<mro> for alternatives). Typically, each C<@ISA> has
+only one element (multiple elements means multiple inheritance and
+multiple headaches), so we get a nice tree of inheritance.
+When we turn on C<use strict>, we'll get complaints on C<@ISA>, since
+it's not a variable containing an explicit package name, nor is it a
+lexical ("my") variable. We can't make it a lexical variable though
+(it has to belong to the package to be found by the inheritance mechanism),
+so there's a couple of straightforward ways to handle that.
+The easiest is to just spell the package name out:
+ @Cow::ISA = qw(Animal);
+Or declare it as package global variable:
+ package Cow;
+ our @ISA = qw(Animal);
+Or allow it as an implicitly named package variable:
+ package Cow;
+ use vars qw(@ISA);
+ @ISA = qw(Animal);
+If the C<Animal> class comes from another (object-oriented) module, then
+just employ C<use base> to specify that C<Animal> should serve as the basis
+for the C<Cow> class:
+ package Cow;
+ use base qw(Animal);
+Now that's pretty darn simple!
+=head2 Overriding the methods
+Let's add a mouse, which can barely be heard:
+ # Animal package from before
+ { package Mouse;
+ @ISA = qw(Animal);
+ sub sound { "squeak" }
+ sub speak {
+ my $class = shift;
+ print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
+ print "[but you can barely hear it!]\n";
+ }
+ }
+ Mouse->speak;
+which results in:
+ a Mouse goes squeak!
+ [but you can barely hear it!]
+Here, C<Mouse> has its own speaking routine, so C<< Mouse->speak >>
+doesn't immediately invoke C<< Animal->speak >>. This is known as
+"overriding". In fact, we don't even need to say that a C<Mouse> is
+an C<Animal> at all, because all of the methods needed for C<speak> are
+completely defined for C<Mouse>; this is known as "duck typing":
+"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I would call it a duck"
+(James Whitcomb). However, it would probably be beneficial to allow a
+closer examination to conclude that a C<Mouse> is indeed an C<Animal>,
+so it is actually better to define C<Mouse> with C<Animal> as its base
+(that is, it is better to "derive C<Mouse> from C<Animal>").
+Moreover, this duplication of code could become a maintenance headache
+(though code-reuse is not actually a good reason for inheritance; good
+design practices dictate that a derived class should be usable wherever
+its base class is usable, which might not be the outcome if code-reuse
+is the sole criterion for inheritance. Just remember that a C<Mouse>
+should always act like an C<Animal>).
+So, let's make C<Mouse> an C<Animal>!
+The obvious solution is to invoke C<Animal::speak> directly:
+ # Animal package from before
+ { package Mouse;
+ @ISA = qw(Animal);
+ sub sound { "squeak" }
+ sub speak {
+ my $class = shift;
+ Animal::speak($class);
+ print "[but you can barely hear it!]\n";
+ }
+ }
+Note that we're using C<Animal::speak>. If we were to invoke
+C<< Animal->speak >> instead, the first parameter to C<Animal::speak>
+would automatically be C<"Animal"> rather than C<"Mouse">, so that
+the call to C<< $class->sound >> in C<Animal::speak> would become
+C<< Animal->sound >> rather than C<< Mouse->sound >>.
+Also, without the method arrow C<< -> >>, it becomes necessary to specify
+the first parameter to C<Animal::speak> ourselves, which is why C<$class>
+is explicitly passed: C<Animal::speak($class)>.
+However, invoking C<Animal::speak> directly is a mess: Firstly, it assumes
+that the C<speak> method is a member of the C<Animal> class; what if C<Animal>
+actually inherits C<speak> from its own base? Because we are no longer using
+C<< -> >> to access C<speak>, the special method look up mechanism wouldn't be
+used, so C<speak> wouldn't even be found!
+The second problem is more subtle: C<Animal> is now hardwired into the subroutine
+selection. Let's assume that C<Animal::speak> does exist. What happens when,
+at a later time, someone expands the class hierarchy by having C<Mouse>
+inherit from C<Mus> instead of C<Animal>. Unless the invocation of C<Animal::speak>
+is also changed to an invocation of C<Mus::speak>, centuries worth of taxonomical
+classification could be obliterated!
+What we have here is a fragile or leaky abstraction; it is the beginning of a
+maintenance nightmare. What we need is the ability to search for the right
+method wih as few assumptions as possible.
+=head2 Starting the search from a different place
+A I<better> solution is to tell Perl where in the inheritance chain to begin searching
+for C<speak>. This can be achieved with a modified version of the method arrow C<< -> >>:
+ ClassName->FirstPlaceToLook::method
+So, the improved C<Mouse> class is:
+ # same Animal as before
+ { package Mouse;
+ # same @ISA, &sound as before
+ sub speak {
+ my $class = shift;
+ $class->Animal::speak;
+ print "[but you can barely hear it!]\n";
+ }
+ }
+Using this syntax, we start with C<Animal> to find C<speak>, and then
+use all of C<Animal>'s inheritance chain if it is not found immediately.
+As usual, the first parameter to C<speak> would be C<$class>, so we no
+longer need to pass C<$class> explicitly to C<speak>.
+But what about the second problem? We're still hardwiring C<Animal> into
+the method lookup.
+=head2 The SUPER way of doing things
+If C<Animal> is replaced with the special placeholder C<SUPER> in that
+invocation, then the contents of C<Mouse>'s C<@ISA> are used for the
+search, beginning with C<$ISA[0]>. So, all of the problems can be fixed
+as follows:
+ # same Animal as before
+ { package Mouse;
+ # same @ISA, &sound as before
+ sub speak {
+ my $class = shift;
+ $class->SUPER::speak;
+ print "[but you can barely hear it!]\n";
+ }
+ }
+In general, C<SUPER::speak> means look in the current package's C<@ISA>
+for a class that implements C<speak>, and invoke the first one found.
+The placeholder is called C<SUPER>, because many other languages refer
+to base classes as "I<super>classes", and Perl likes to be eclectic.
+Note that a call such as
+ $class->SUPER::method;
+does I<not> look in the C<@ISA> of C<$class> unless C<$class> happens to
+be the current package.
+=head2 Let's review...
+So far, we've seen the method arrow syntax:
+ Class->method(@args);
+or the equivalent:
+ $a = "Class";
+ $a->method(@args);
+which constructs an argument list of:
+ ("Class", @args)
+and attempts to invoke:
+ Class::method("Class", @args);
+However, if C<Class::method> is not found, then C<@Class::ISA> is examined
+(recursively) to locate a class (a package) that does indeed contain C<method>,
+and that subroutine is invoked instead.
+Using this simple syntax, we have class methods, (multiple) inheritance,
+overriding, and extending. Using just what we've seen so far, we've
+been able to factor out common code (though that's never a good reason
+for inheritance!), and provide a nice way to reuse implementations with
+Now, what about data?
+=head2 A horse is a horse, of course of course, or is it?
+Let's start with the code for the C<Animal> class
+and the C<Horse> class:
+ { package Animal;
+ sub speak {
+ my $class = shift;
+ print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ { package Horse;
+ @ISA = qw(Animal);
+ sub sound { "neigh" }
+ }
+This lets us invoke C<< Horse->speak >> to ripple upward to
+C<Animal::speak>, calling back to C<Horse::sound> to get the specific
+sound, and the output of:
+ a Horse goes neigh!
+But all of our Horse objects would have to be absolutely identical.
+If we add a subroutine, all horses automatically share it. That's
+great for making horses the same, but how do we capture the
+distinctions of an individual horse? For example, suppose we want
+to give our first horse a name. There's got to be a way to keep its
+name separate from the other horses.
+That is to say, we want particular instances of C<Horse> to have
+different names.
+In Perl, any reference can be an "instance", so let's start with the
+simplest reference that can hold a horse's name: a scalar reference.
+ my $name = "Mr. Ed";
+ my $horse = \$name;
+So, now C<$horse> is a reference to what will be the instance-specific
+data (the name). The final step is to turn this reference into a real
+instance of a C<Horse> by using the special operator C<bless>:
+ bless $horse, Horse;
+This operator stores information about the package named C<Horse> into
+the thing pointed at by the reference. At this point, we say
+C<$horse> is an instance of C<Horse>. That is, it's a specific
+horse. The reference is otherwise unchanged, and can still be used
+with traditional dereferencing operators.
+=head2 Invoking an instance method
+The method arrow can be used on instances, as well as classes (the names
+of packages). So, let's get the sound that C<$horse> makes:
+ my $noise = $horse->sound("some", "unnecessary", "args");
+To invoke C<sound>, Perl first notes that C<$horse> is a blessed
+reference (and thus an instance). It then constructs an argument
+list, as per usual.
+Now for the fun part: Perl takes the class in which the instance was
+blessed, in this case C<Horse>, and uses that class to locate the
+subroutine. In this case, C<Horse::sound> is found directly (without
+using inheritance). In the end, it is as though our initial line were
+written as follows:
+ my $noise = Horse::sound($horse, "some", "unnecessary", "args");
+Note that the first parameter here is still the instance, not the name
+of the class as before. We'll get C<neigh> as the return value, and
+that'll end up as the C<$noise> variable above.
+If Horse::sound had not been found, we'd be wandering up the C<@Horse::ISA>
+array, trying to find the method in one of the superclasses. The only
+difference between a class method and an instance method is whether the
+first parameter is an instance (a blessed reference) or a class name (a
+=head2 Accessing the instance data
+Because we get the instance as the first parameter, we can now access
+the instance-specific data. In this case, let's add a way to get at
+the name:
+ { package Horse;
+ @ISA = qw(Animal);
+ sub sound { "neigh" }
+ sub name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $$self;
+ }
+ }
+Inside C<Horse::name>, the C<@_> array contains:
+ ($horse, "some", "unnecessary", "args")
+so the C<shift> stores C<$horse> into C<$self>. Then, C<$self> gets
+de-referenced with C<$$self> as normal, yielding C<"Mr. Ed">.
+It's traditional to C<shift> the first parameter into a variable named
+C<$self> for instance methods and into a variable named C<$class> for
+class methods.
+Then, the following line:
+ print $horse->name, " says ", $horse->sound, "\n";
+ Mr. Ed says neigh.
+=head2 How to build a horse
+Of course, if we constructed all of our horses by hand, we'd most
+likely make mistakes from time to time. We're also violating one of
+the properties of object-oriented programming, in that the "inside
+guts" of a Horse are visible. That's good if you're a veterinarian,
+but not if you just like to own horses. So, let's have the Horse
+class handle the details inside a class method:
+ { package Horse;
+ @ISA = qw(Animal);
+ sub sound { "neigh" }
+ sub name {
+ my $self = shift; # instance method, so use $self
+ $$self;
+ }
+ sub named {
+ my $class = shift; # class method, so use $class
+ my $name = shift;
+ bless \$name, $class;
+ }
+ }
+Now with the new C<named> method, we can build a horse as follows:
+ my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
+Notice we're back to a class method, so the two arguments to
+C<Horse::named> are C<Horse> and C<Mr. Ed>. The C<bless> operator
+not only blesses C<\$name>, it also returns that reference.
+This C<Horse::named> method is called a "constructor".
+We've called the constructor C<named> here, so that it quickly denotes
+the constructor's argument as the name for this particular C<Horse>.
+You can use different constructors with different names for different
+ways of "giving birth" to the object (like maybe recording its
+pedigree or date of birth). However, you'll find that most people
+coming to Perl from more limited languages use a single constructor
+named C<new>, with various ways of interpreting the arguments to
+C<new>. Either style is fine, as long as you document your particular
+way of giving birth to an object. (And you I<were> going to do that,
+=head2 Inheriting the constructor
+But was there anything specific to C<Horse> in that method? No. Therefore,
+it's also the same recipe for building anything else that inherited from
+C<Animal>, so let's put C<name> and C<named> there:
+ { package Animal;
+ sub speak {
+ my $class = shift;
+ print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
+ }
+ sub name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $$self;
+ }
+ sub named {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ bless \$name, $class;
+ }
+ }
+ { package Horse;
+ @ISA = qw(Animal);
+ sub sound { "neigh" }
+ }
+Ahh, but what happens if we invoke C<speak> on an instance?
+ my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
+ $horse->speak;
+We get a debugging value:
+ a Horse=SCALAR(0xaca42ac) goes neigh!
+Why? Because the C<Animal::speak> routine is expecting a classname as
+its first parameter, not an instance. When the instance is passed in,
+we'll end up using a blessed scalar reference as a string, and that
+shows up as we saw it just now.
+=head2 Making a method work with either classes or instances
+All we need is for a method to detect if it is being called on a class
+or called on an instance. The most straightforward way is with the
+C<ref> operator. This returns a string (the classname) when used on a
+blessed reference, and an empty string when used on a string (like a
+classname). Let's modify the C<name> method first to notice the change:
+ sub name {
+ my $either = shift;
+ ref $either ? $$either : "Any $either";
+ }
+Here, the C<?:> operator comes in handy to select either the
+dereference or a derived string. Now we can use this with either an
+instance or a class. Note that I've changed the first parameter
+holder to C<$either> to show that this is intended:
+ my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
+ print Horse->name, "\n"; # prints "Any Horse\n"
+ print $horse->name, "\n"; # prints "Mr Ed.\n"
+and now we'll fix C<speak> to use this:
+ sub speak {
+ my $either = shift;
+ print $either->name, " goes ", $either->sound, "\n";
+ }
+And since C<sound> already worked with either a class or an instance,
+we're done!
+=head2 Adding parameters to a method
+Let's train our animals to eat:
+ { package Animal;
+ sub named {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ bless \$name, $class;
+ }
+ sub name {
+ my $either = shift;
+ ref $either ? $$either : "Any $either";
+ }
+ sub speak {
+ my $either = shift;
+ print $either->name, " goes ", $either->sound, "\n";
+ }
+ sub eat {
+ my $either = shift;
+ my $food = shift;
+ print $either->name, " eats $food.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ { package Horse;
+ @ISA = qw(Animal);
+ sub sound { "neigh" }
+ }
+ { package Sheep;
+ @ISA = qw(Animal);
+ sub sound { "baaaah" }
+ }
+And now try it out:
+ my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
+ $horse->eat("hay");
+ Sheep->eat("grass");
+which prints:
+ Mr. Ed eats hay.
+ Any Sheep eats grass.
+An instance method with parameters gets invoked with the instance,
+and then the list of parameters. So that first invocation is like:
+ Animal::eat($horse, "hay");
+=head2 More interesting instances
+What if an instance needs more data? Most interesting instances are
+made of many items, each of which can in turn be a reference or even
+another object. The easiest way to store these is often in a hash.
+The keys of the hash serve as the names of parts of the object (often
+called "instance variables" or "member variables"), and the
+corresponding values are, well, the values.
+But how do we turn the horse into a hash? Recall that an object was
+any blessed reference. We can just as easily make it a blessed hash
+reference as a blessed scalar reference, as long as everything that
+looks at the reference is changed accordingly.
+Let's make a sheep that has a name and a color:
+ my $bad = bless { Name => "Evil", Color => "black" }, Sheep;
+so C<< $bad->{Name} >> has C<Evil>, and C<< $bad->{Color} >> has
+C<black>. But we want to make C<< $bad->name >> access the name, and
+that's now messed up because it's expecting a scalar reference. Not
+to worry, because that's pretty easy to fix up.
+One solution is to override C<Animal::name> and C<Animal::named> by
+defining them anew in C<Sheep>, but then any methods added later to
+C<Animal> might still mess up, and we'd have to override all of those
+too. Therefore, it's never a good idea to define the data layout in a
+way that's different from the data layout of the base classes. In fact,
+it's a good idea to use blessed hash references in all cases. Also, this
+is why it's important to have constructors do the low-level work. So,
+let's redefine C<Animal>:
+ ## in Animal
+ sub name {
+ my $either = shift;
+ ref $either ? $either->{Name} : "Any $either";
+ }
+ sub named {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $self = { Name => $name };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ }
+Of course, we still need to override C<named> in order to handle
+constructing a C<Sheep> with a certain color:
+ ## in Sheep
+ sub named {
+ my ($class, $name) = @_;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::named(@_);
+ $$self{Color} = $class->default_color;
+ $self
+ }
+(Note that C<@_> contains the parameters to C<named>.)
+What's this C<default_color>? Well, if C<named> has only the name,
+we still need to set a color, so we'll have a class-specific default color.
+For a sheep, we might define it as white:
+ ## in Sheep
+ sub default_color { "white" }
+ my $sheep = Sheep->named("Bad");
+ print $sheep->{Color}, "\n";
+ white
+Now, there's nothing particularly specific to C<Sheep> when it comes
+to color, so let's remove C<Sheep::named> and implement C<Animal::named>
+to handle color instead:
+ ## in Animal
+ sub named {
+ my ($class, $name) = @_;
+ my $self = { Name => $name, Color => $class->default_color };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ }
+And then to keep from having to define C<default_color> for each additional
+class, we'll define a method that serves as the "default default" directly
+in C<Animal>:
+ ## in Animal
+ sub default_color { "brown" }
+Of course, because C<name> and C<named> were the only methods that
+referenced the "structure" of the object, the rest of the methods can
+remain the same, so C<speak> still works as before.
+=head2 A horse of a different color
+But having all our horses be brown would be boring. So let's add a
+method or two to get and set the color.
+ ## in Animal
+ sub color {
+ $_[0]->{Color}
+ }
+ sub set_color {
+ $_[0]->{Color} = $_[1];
+ }
+Note the alternate way of accessing the arguments: C<$_[0]> is used
+in-place, rather than with a C<shift>. (This saves us a bit of time
+for something that may be invoked frequently.) And now we can fix
+that color for Mr. Ed:
+ my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
+ $horse->set_color("black-and-white");
+ print $horse->name, " is colored ", $horse->color, "\n";
+which results in:
+ Mr. Ed is colored black-and-white
+=head2 Summary
+So, now we have class methods, constructors, instance methods, instance
+data, and even accessors. But that's still just the beginning of what
+Perl has to offer. We haven't even begun to talk about accessors that
+double as getters and setters, destructors, indirect object notation,
+overloading, "isa" and "can" tests, the C<UNIVERSAL> class, and so on.
+That's for the rest of the Perl documentation to cover. Hopefully, this
+gets you started, though.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+For more information, see L<perlobj> (for all the gritty details about
+Perl objects, now that you've seen the basics), L<perltoot> (the
+tutorial for those who already know objects), L<perltooc> (dealing
+with class data), L<perlbot> (for some more tricks), and books such as
+Damian Conway's excellent I<Object Oriented Perl>.
+Some modules which might prove interesting are Class::Accessor,
+Class::Class, Class::Contract, Class::Data::Inheritable,
+Class::MethodMaker and Tie::SecureHash
+Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 by Randal L. Schwartz and Stonehenge
+Consulting Services, Inc.
+Copyright (c) 2009 by Michael F. Witten.
+Permission is hereby granted to distribute this document intact with
+the Perl distribution, and in accordance with the licenses of the Perl
+distribution; derived documents must include this copyright notice
+Portions of this text have been derived from Perl Training materials
+originally appearing in the I<Packages, References, Objects, and
+Modules> course taught by instructors for Stonehenge Consulting
+Services, Inc. and used with permission.
+Portions of this text have been derived from materials originally
+appearing in I<Linux Magazine> and used with permission.