path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Text/Diff/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2010-05-12 16:54:37 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2010-05-12 16:54:37 +0000
commit661c41a09e39a182865e0b51e34cc995a0dc96e8 (patch)
tree2f79bb1406e22fdcb2587be8ffda6c0c609d7932 /Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Text/Diff/
parentb645030efc22e13c2498a1522083634ab91b2de1 (diff)
move tlperl.straw to tlperl
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Text/Diff/')
1 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Text/Diff/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Text/Diff/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..c34ef2c9664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Text/Diff/
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+package Text::Diff::Table;
+use 5.00503;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK};
+ $VERSION = '1.37';
+ @ISA = qw( Text::Diff::Base Exporter );
+ @EXPORT_OK = qw( expand_tabs );
+my %escapes = map {
+ my $c =
+ $_ eq '"' || $_ eq '$' ? qq{'$_'}
+ : $_ eq "\\" ? qq{"\\\\"}
+ : qq{"$_"};
+ ( ord eval $c => $_ )
+} (
+ map( chr, 32..126),
+ map( sprintf( "\\x%02x", $_ ), ( 0..31, 127..255 ) ),
+# map( "\\c$_", "A".."Z"),
+ "\\t", "\\n", "\\r", "\\f", "\\b", "\\a", "\\e"
+ ## NOTE: "\\\\" is not here because some things are explicitly
+ ## escaped before escape() is called and we don't want to
+ ## double-escape "\". Also, in most texts, leaving "\" more
+ ## readable makes sense.
+sub expand_tabs($) {
+ my $s = shift;
+ my $count = 0;
+ $s =~ s{(\t)(\t*)|([^\t]+)}{
+ if ( $1 ) {
+ my $spaces = " " x ( 8 - $count % 8 + 8 * length $2 );
+ $count = 0;
+ $spaces;
+ }
+ else {
+ $count += length $3;
+ $3;
+ }
+ }ge;
+ return $s;
+sub trim_trailing_line_ends($) {
+ my $s = shift;
+ $s =~ s/[\r\n]+(?!\n)$//;
+ return $s;
+sub escape($);
+ ## use utf8 if available. don't if not.
+ my $escaper = <<'EOCODE';
+ sub escape($) {
+ use utf8;
+ join "", map {
+ $_ = ord;
+ exists $escapes{$_}
+ ? $escapes{$_}
+ : sprintf( "\\x{%04x}", $_ );
+ } split //, shift;
+ }
+ 1;
+ unless ( eval $escaper ) {
+ $escaper =~ s/ *use *utf8 *;\n// or die "Can't drop use utf8;";
+ eval $escaper or die $@;
+ }
+sub new {
+ my $proto = shift;
+ return bless { @_ }, $proto
+my $missing_elt = [ "", "" ];
+sub hunk {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @seqs = ( shift, shift );
+ my $ops = shift; ## Leave sequences in @_[0,1]
+ my $options = shift;
+ my ( @A, @B );
+ for ( @$ops ) {
+ my $opcode = $_->[Text::Diff::OPCODE()];
+ if ( $opcode eq " " ) {
+ push @A, $missing_elt while @A < @B;
+ push @B, $missing_elt while @B < @A;
+ }
+ push @A, [ $_->[0] + ( $options->{OFFSET_A} || 0), $seqs[0][$_->[0]] ]
+ if $opcode eq " " || $opcode eq "-";
+ push @B, [ $_->[1] + ( $options->{OFFSET_B} || 0), $seqs[1][$_->[1]] ]
+ if $opcode eq " " || $opcode eq "+";
+ }
+ push @A, $missing_elt while @A < @B;
+ push @B, $missing_elt while @B < @A;
+ my @elts;
+ for ( 0..$#A ) {
+ my ( $A, $B ) = (shift @A, shift @B );
+ ## Do minimal cleaning on identical elts so these look "normal":
+ ## tabs are expanded, trailing newelts removed, etc. For differing
+ ## elts, make invisible characters visible if the invisible characters
+ ## differ.
+ my $elt_type = $B == $missing_elt ? "A" :
+ $A == $missing_elt ? "B" :
+ $A->[1] eq $B->[1] ? "="
+ : "*";
+ if ( $elt_type ne "*" ) {
+ if ( $elt_type eq "=" || $A->[1] =~ /\S/ || $B->[1] =~ /\S/ ) {
+ $A->[1] = escape trim_trailing_line_ends expand_tabs $A->[1];
+ $B->[1] = escape trim_trailing_line_ends expand_tabs $B->[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ $A->[1] = escape $A->[1];
+ $B->[1] = escape $B->[1];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ## not using \z here for backcompat reasons.
+ $A->[1] =~ /^(\s*?)([^ \t].*?)?(\s*)(?![\n\r])$/s;
+ my ( $l_ws_A, $body_A, $t_ws_A ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
+ $body_A = "" unless defined $body_A;
+ $B->[1] =~ /^(\s*?)([^ \t].*?)?(\s*)(?![\n\r])$/s;
+ my ( $l_ws_B, $body_B, $t_ws_B ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
+ $body_B = "" unless defined $body_B;
+ my $added_escapes;
+ if ( $l_ws_A ne $l_ws_B ) {
+ ## Make leading tabs visible. Other non-' ' chars
+ ## will be dealt with in escape(), but this prevents
+ ## tab expansion from hiding tabs by making them
+ ## look like ' '.
+ $added_escapes = 1 if $l_ws_A =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
+ $added_escapes = 1 if $l_ws_B =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
+ }
+ if ( $t_ws_A ne $t_ws_B ) {
+ ## Only trailing whitespace gets the \s treatment
+ ## to make it obvious what's going on.
+ $added_escapes = 1 if $t_ws_A =~ s/ /\\s/g;
+ $added_escapes = 1 if $t_ws_B =~ s/ /\\s/g;
+ $added_escapes = 1 if $t_ws_A =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
+ $added_escapes = 1 if $t_ws_B =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
+ }
+ else {
+ $t_ws_A = $t_ws_B = "";
+ }
+ my $do_tab_escape = $added_escapes || do {
+ my $expanded_A = expand_tabs join( $body_A, $l_ws_A, $t_ws_A );
+ my $expanded_B = expand_tabs join( $body_B, $l_ws_B, $t_ws_B );
+ $expanded_A eq $expanded_B;
+ };
+ my $do_back_escape = $do_tab_escape || do {
+ my ( $unescaped_A, $escaped_A,
+ $unescaped_B, $escaped_B
+ ) =
+ map
+ join( "", /(\\.)/g ),
+ map {
+ ( $_, escape $_ )
+ }
+ expand_tabs join( $body_A, $l_ws_A, $t_ws_A ),
+ expand_tabs join( $body_B, $l_ws_B, $t_ws_B );
+ $unescaped_A ne $unescaped_B && $escaped_A eq $escaped_B;
+ };
+ if ( $do_back_escape ) {
+ $body_A =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $body_B =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ }
+ my $line_A = join $body_A, $l_ws_A, $t_ws_A;
+ my $line_B = join $body_B, $l_ws_B, $t_ws_B;
+ unless ( $do_tab_escape ) {
+ $line_A = expand_tabs $line_A;
+ $line_B = expand_tabs $line_B;
+ }
+ $A->[1] = escape $line_A;
+ $B->[1] = escape $line_B;
+ }
+ push @elts, [ @$A, @$B, $elt_type ];
+ }
+ push @{$self->{ELTS}}, @elts, ["bar"];
+ return "";
+sub _glean_formats {
+ my $self = shift;
+sub file_footer {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @seqs = (shift,shift);
+ my $options = pop;
+ my @heading_lines;
+ if ( defined $options->{FILENAME_A} || defined $options->{FILENAME_B} ) {
+ push @heading_lines, [
+ map(
+ {
+ ( "", escape( defined $_ ? $_ : "<undef>" ) );
+ }
+ ( @{$options}{qw( FILENAME_A FILENAME_B)} )
+ ),
+ "=",
+ ];
+ }
+ if ( defined $options->{MTIME_A} || defined $options->{MTIME_B} ) {
+ push @heading_lines, [
+ map( {
+ ( "",
+ escape(
+ ( defined $_ && length $_ )
+ ? localtime $_
+ : ""
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ @{$options}{qw( MTIME_A MTIME_B )}
+ ),
+ "=",
+ ];
+ }
+ if ( defined $options->{INDEX_LABEL} ) {
+ push @heading_lines, [ "", "", "", "", "=" ] unless @heading_lines;
+ $heading_lines[-1]->[0] = $heading_lines[-1]->[2] =
+ $options->{INDEX_LABEL};
+ }
+ ## Not ushifting on to @{$self->{ELTS}} in case it's really big. Want
+ ## to avoid the overhead.
+ my $four_column_mode = 0;
+ for my $cols ( @heading_lines, @{$self->{ELTS}} ) {
+ next if $cols->[-1] eq "bar";
+ if ( $cols->[0] ne $cols->[2] ) {
+ $four_column_mode = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ( $four_column_mode ) {
+ for my $cols ( @heading_lines, @{$self->{ELTS}} ) {
+ next if $cols->[-1] eq "bar";
+ splice @$cols, 2, 1;
+ }
+ }
+ my @w = (0,0,0,0);
+ for my $cols ( @heading_lines, @{$self->{ELTS}} ) {
+ next if $cols->[-1] eq "bar";
+ for my $i (0..($#$cols-1)) {
+ $w[$i] = length $cols->[$i]
+ if defined $cols->[$i] && length $cols->[$i] > $w[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ my %fmts = $four_column_mode
+ ? (
+ "=" => "| %$w[0]s|%-$w[1]s | %$w[2]s|%-$w[3]s |\n",
+ "A" => "* %$w[0]s|%-$w[1]s * %$w[2]s|%-$w[3]s |\n",
+ "B" => "| %$w[0]s|%-$w[1]s * %$w[2]s|%-$w[3]s *\n",
+ "*" => "* %$w[0]s|%-$w[1]s * %$w[2]s|%-$w[3]s *\n",
+ )
+ : (
+ "=" => "| %$w[0]s|%-$w[1]s |%-$w[2]s |\n",
+ "A" => "* %$w[0]s|%-$w[1]s |%-$w[2]s |\n",
+ "B" => "| %$w[0]s|%-$w[1]s |%-$w[2]s *\n",
+ "*" => "* %$w[0]s|%-$w[1]s |%-$w[2]s *\n",
+ );
+ $fmts{bar} = sprintf $fmts{"="}, "", "", "", "";
+ $fmts{bar} =~ s/\S/+/g;
+ $fmts{bar} =~ s/ /-/g;
+ return join( "",
+ map {
+ sprintf( $fmts{$_->[-1]}, @$_ )
+ } (
+ ["bar"],
+ @heading_lines,
+ @heading_lines ? ["bar"] : (),
+ @{$self->{ELTS}},
+ ),
+ );
+ @{$self->{ELTS}} = [];
+=head1 NAME
+ Text::Diff::Table - Text::Diff plugin to generate "table" format output
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Text::Diff;
+ diff \@a, $b { STYLE => "Table" };
+This is a plugin output formatter for Text::Diff that generates "table" style
+ +--+----------------------------------+--+------------------------------+
+ | |../Test-Differences-0.2/MANIFEST | |../Test-Differences/MANIFEST |
+ | |Thu Dec 13 15:38:49 2001 | |Sat Dec 15 02:09:44 2001 |
+ +--+----------------------------------+--+------------------------------+
+ | | * 1|Changes *
+ | 1| | 2| |
+ | | * 4|MANIFEST.SKIP *
+ | 3|Makefile.PL | 5|Makefile.PL |
+ | | * 6|t/00escape.t *
+ | 4|t/00flatten.t | 7|t/00flatten.t |
+ | 5|t/01text_vs_data.t | 8|t/01text_vs_data.t |
+ | 6|t/10test.t | 9|t/10test.t |
+ +--+----------------------------------+--+------------------------------+
+This format also goes to some pains to highlight "invisible" characters on
+differing elements by selectively escaping whitespace. Each element is split
+in to three segments (leading whitespace, body, trailing whitespace). If
+whitespace differs in a segement, that segment is whitespace escaped.
+Here is an example of the selective whitespace.
+ +--+--------------------------+--------------------------+
+ | |demo_ws_A.txt |demo_ws_B.txt |
+ | |Fri Dec 21 08:36:32 2001 |Fri Dec 21 08:36:50 2001 |
+ +--+--------------------------+--------------------------+
+ | 1|identical |identical |
+ * 2| spaced in | also spaced in *
+ * 3|embedded space |embedded tab *
+ | 4|identical |identical |
+ * 5| spaced in |\ttabbed in *
+ * 6|trailing spaces\s\s\n |trailing tabs\t\t\n *
+ | 7|identical |identical |
+ * 8|lf line\n |crlf line\r\n *
+ * 9|embedded ws |embedded\tws *
+ +--+--------------------------+--------------------------+
+Here's why the lines do or do not have whitespace escaped:
+=item lines 1, 4, 7 don't differ, no need.
+=item lines 2, 3 differ in non-whitespace, no need.
+=item lines 5, 6, 8, 9 all have subtle ws changes.
+Whether or not line 3 should have that tab character escaped is a judgement
+call; so far I'm choosing not to.
+Table formatting requires buffering the entire diff in memory in order to
+calculate column widths. This format should only be used for smaller
+Assumes tab stops every 8 characters, as $DIETY intended.
+Assumes all character codes >= 127 need to be escaped as hex codes, ie that the
+user's terminal is ASCII, and not even "high bit ASCII", capable. This can be
+made an option when the need arises.
+Assumes that control codes (character codes 0..31) that don't have slash-letter
+escapes ("\n", "\r", etc) in Perl are best presented as hex escapes ("\x01")
+instead of octal ("\001") or control-code ("\cA") escapes.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Barrie Slaymaker E<lt>barries@slaysys.comE<gt>
+=head1 LICENSE
+Copyright 2001 Barrie Slaymaker, All Rights Reserved.
+You may use this software under the terms of the GNU public license, any
+version, or the Artistic license.