path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/DBD/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2010-02-28 09:36:33 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2010-02-28 09:36:33 +0000
commit5589232e99f0fa13868111280c5b64ce9dc25730 (patch)
tree28f2e6ff422108ac87934aff9c3fc5911963625c /Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/DBD/
parenta6f5de6eed80d66fbd23ceabda7edf22b8162236 (diff)
add a tlperl.straw directory for public inspection
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/DBD/')
1 files changed, 989 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/DBD/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/DBD/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..fe72e8812d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/DBD/
@@ -0,0 +1,989 @@
+# -*- perl -*-
+# DBD::File - A base class for implementing DBI drivers that
+# act on plain files
+# This module is currently maintained by
+# H.Merijn Brand & Jens Rehsack
+# The original author is Jochen Wiedmann.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 by H.Merijn Brand & Jens Rehsack
+# Copyright (C) 2004 by Jeff Zucker
+# Copyright (C) 1998 by Jochen Wiedmann
+# All rights reserved.
+# You may distribute this module under the terms of either the GNU
+# General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in
+# the Perl README file.
+require 5.005;
+use strict;
+use DBI ();
+require DBI::SQL::Nano;
+require File::Spec;
+package DBD::File;
+use strict;
+use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION $drh $valid_attrs );
+$VERSION = "0.37";
+$drh = undef; # holds driver handle(s) once initialised
+sub driver ($;$)
+ my ($class, $attr) = @_;
+ # Drivers typically use a singleton object for the $drh
+ # We use a hash here to have one singleton per subclass.
+ # (Otherwise DBD::CSV and DBD::DBM, for example, would
+ # share the same driver object which would cause problems.)
+ # An alternative would be not not cache the $drh here at all
+ # and require that subclasses do that. Subclasses should do
+ # their own caching, so caching here just provides extra safety.
+ $drh->{$class} and return $drh->{$class};
+ DBI->setup_driver ("DBD::File"); # only needed once but harmless to repeat
+ $attr ||= {};
+ { no strict "refs";
+ unless ($attr->{Attribution}) {
+ $class eq "DBD::File" and $attr->{Attribution} = "$class by Jeff Zucker";
+ $attr->{Attribution} ||= ${$class . "::ATTRIBUTION"} ||
+ "oops the author of $class forgot to define this";
+ }
+ $attr->{Version} ||= ${$class . "::VERSION"};
+ $attr->{Name} or ($attr->{Name} = $class) =~ s/^DBD\:\://;
+ }
+ $drh->{$class} = DBI::_new_drh ($class . "::dr", $attr);
+ $drh->{$class}->STORE (ShowErrorStatement => 1);
+ return $drh->{$class};
+ } # driver
+sub CLONE
+ undef $drh;
+ } # CLONE
+sub file2table
+ my ($data, $dir, $file, $file_is_tab, $quoted) = @_;
+ $file eq "." || $file eq ".." and return;
+ my ($ext, $req) = ("", 0, 0);
+ if ($data->{f_ext}) {
+ ($ext, my $opt) = split m/\//, $data->{f_ext};
+ if ($ext && $opt) {
+ $opt =~ m/r/i and $req = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ (my $tbl = $file) =~ s/$ext$//i;
+ $file_is_tab and $file = "$tbl$ext";
+ # Fully Qualified File Name
+ my $fqfn;
+ unless ($quoted) { # table names are case insensitive in SQL
+ local *DIR;
+ opendir DIR, $dir;
+ my @f = grep { lc $_ eq lc $file } readdir DIR;
+ @f == 1 and $file = $f[0];
+ }
+ $fqfn = File::Spec->catfile ($dir, $file);
+ $file = $fqfn;
+ if ($ext) {
+ if ($req) {
+ # File extension required
+ $file =~ s/$ext$//i or return;
+ }
+ else {
+ # File extension optional, skip if file with extension exists
+ grep m/$ext$/i, glob "$fqfn.*" and return;
+ $file =~ s/$ext$//i;
+ }
+ }
+ $data->{f_map}{$tbl} = $fqfn;
+ return $tbl;
+ } # file2table
+# ====== DRIVER ================================================================
+package DBD::File::dr;
+use strict;
+$DBD::File::dr::imp_data_size = 0;
+sub connect ($$;$$$)
+ my ($drh, $dbname, $user, $auth, $attr)= @_;
+ # create a 'blank' dbh
+ my $this = DBI::_new_dbh ($drh, {
+ Name => $dbname,
+ USER => $user,
+ CURRENT_USER => $user,
+ });
+ if ($this) {
+ my ($var, $val);
+ $this->{f_dir} = File::Spec->curdir ();
+ $this->{f_ext} = "";
+ $this->{f_map} = {};
+ while (length $dbname) {
+ if ($dbname =~ s/^((?:[^\\;]|\\.)*?);//s) {
+ $var = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $var = $dbname;
+ $dbname = "";
+ }
+ if ($var =~ m/^(.+?)=(.*)/s) {
+ $var = $1;
+ ($val = $2) =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
+ $this->{$var} = $val;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->{f_valid_attrs} = {
+ f_version => 1, # DBD::File version
+ f_dir => 1, # base directory
+ f_ext => 1, # file extension
+ f_schema => 1, # schema name
+ f_tables => 1, # base directory
+ };
+ $this->{sql_valid_attrs} = {
+ sql_handler => 1, # Nano or S:S
+ sql_nano_version => 1, # Nano version
+ sql_statement_version => 1, # S:S version
+ };
+ }
+ $this->STORE ("Active", 1);
+ return set_versions ($this);
+ } # connect
+sub set_versions
+ my $this = shift;
+ $this->{f_version} = $DBD::File::VERSION;
+ for (qw( nano_version statement_version)) {
+ $this->{"sql_$_"} = $DBI::SQL::Nano::versions->{$_} || "";
+ }
+ $this->{sql_handler} = $this->{sql_statement_version}
+ ? "SQL::Statement"
+ : "DBI::SQL::Nano";
+ return $this;
+ } # set_versions
+sub data_sources ($;$)
+ my ($drh, $attr) = @_;
+ my $dir = $attr && exists $attr->{f_dir}
+ ? $attr->{f_dir}
+ : File::Spec->curdir ();
+ my ($dirh) = Symbol::gensym ();
+ unless (opendir ($dirh, $dir)) {
+ $drh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, "Cannot open directory $dir: $!");
+ return;
+ }
+ my ($file, @dsns, %names, $driver);
+ if ($drh->{ImplementorClass} =~ m/^dbd\:\:([^\:]+)\:\:/i) {
+ $driver = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $driver = "File";
+ }
+ while (defined ($file = readdir ($dirh))) {
+ if ($^O eq "VMS") {
+ # if on VMS then avoid warnings from catdir if you use a file
+ # (not a dir) as the file below
+ $file !~ m/\.dir$/oi and next;
+ }
+ my $d = File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file);
+ # allow current dir ... it can be a data_source too
+ $file ne File::Spec->updir () && -d $d and
+ push @dsns, "DBI:$driver:f_dir=$d";
+ }
+ @dsns;
+ } # data_sources
+sub disconnect_all
+ } # disconnect_all
+ undef;
+# ====== DATABASE ==============================================================
+package DBD::File::db;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+$DBD::File::db::imp_data_size = 0;
+sub ping
+ return (shift->FETCH ("Active")) ? 1 : 0;
+ } # ping
+sub prepare ($$;@)
+ my ($dbh, $statement, @attribs) = @_;
+ # create a 'blank' sth
+ my $sth = DBI::_new_sth ($dbh, {Statement => $statement});
+ if ($sth) {
+ my $class = $sth->FETCH ("ImplementorClass");
+ $class =~ s/::st$/::Statement/;
+ my $stmt;
+ # if using SQL::Statement version > 1
+ # cache the parser object if the DBD supports parser caching
+ # SQL::Nano and older SQL::Statements don't support this
+ if ( $dbh->{sql_handler} eq "SQL::Statement" and
+ $dbh->{sql_statement_version} > 1) {
+ my $parser = $dbh->{csv_sql_parser_object};
+ $parser ||= eval { $dbh->func ("csv_cache_sql_parser_object") };
+ if ($@) {
+ $stmt = eval { $class->new ($statement) };
+ }
+ else {
+ $stmt = eval { $class->new ($statement, $parser) };
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $stmt = eval { $class->new ($statement) };
+ }
+ if ($@) {
+ $dbh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, $@);
+ undef $sth;
+ }
+ else {
+ $sth->STORE ("f_stmt", $stmt);
+ $sth->STORE ("f_params", []);
+ $sth->STORE ("NUM_OF_PARAMS", scalar ($stmt->params ()));
+ }
+ }
+ $sth;
+ } # prepare
+sub csv_cache_sql_parser_object
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my $parser = {
+ dialect => "CSV",
+ RaiseError => $dbh->FETCH ("RaiseError"),
+ PrintError => $dbh->FETCH ("PrintError"),
+ };
+ my $sql_flags = $dbh->FETCH ("sql_flags") || {};
+ %$parser = (%$parser, %$sql_flags);
+ $parser = SQL::Parser->new ($parser->{dialect}, $parser);
+ $dbh->{csv_sql_parser_object} = $parser;
+ return $parser;
+ } # csv_cache_sql_parser_object
+sub disconnect ($)
+ shift->STORE ("Active", 0);
+ 1;
+ } # disconnect
+sub FETCH ($$)
+ my ($dbh, $attrib) = @_;
+ $attrib eq "AutoCommit" and
+ return 1;
+ if ($attrib eq (lc $attrib)) {
+ # Driver private attributes are lower cased
+ # Error-check for valid attributes
+ # not implemented yet, see STORE
+ #
+ return $dbh->{$attrib};
+ }
+ # else pass up to DBI to handle
+ return $dbh->SUPER::FETCH ($attrib);
+ } # FETCH
+sub STORE ($$$)
+ my ($dbh, $attrib, $value) = @_;
+ if ($attrib eq "AutoCommit") {
+ $value and return 1; # is already set
+ croak "Can't disable AutoCommit";
+ }
+ if ($attrib eq lc $attrib) {
+ # Driver private attributes are lower cased
+ # I'm not implementing this yet becuase other drivers may be
+ # setting f_ and sql_ attrs I don't know about
+ # I'll investigate and publicize warnings to DBD authors
+ # then implement this
+ # return to implementor if not f_ or sql_
+ # not implemented yet
+ # my $class = $dbh->FETCH ("ImplementorClass");
+ #
+ # !$dbh->{f_valid_attrs}->{$attrib} && !$dbh->{sql_valid_attrs}->{$attrib} and
+ # return $dbh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, "Invalid attribute '$attrib'");
+ # $dbh->{$attrib} = $value;
+ if ($attrib eq "f_dir") {
+ -d $value or
+ return $dbh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, "No such directory '$value'")
+ }
+ if ($attrib eq "f_ext") {
+ $value eq "" || $value =~ m{^\.\w+(?:/[rR]*)?$}
+ or carp "'$value' doesn't look like a valid file extension attribute\n";
+ }
+ $dbh->{$attrib} = $value;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return $dbh->SUPER::STORE ($attrib, $value);
+ } # STORE
+sub DESTROY ($)
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ $dbh->SUPER::FETCH ("Active") and $dbh->disconnect ;
+sub type_info_all ($)
+ [ { TYPE_NAME => 0,
+ DATA_TYPE => 1,
+ NULLABLE => 6,
+ MONEY => 10,
+ },
+ undef, "'", "'", undef, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, undef, 1, 999999,
+ ],
+ [ "CHAR", DBI::SQL_CHAR (),
+ undef, "'", "'", undef, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, undef, 1, 999999,
+ ],
+ undef, "", "", undef, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 0,
+ ],
+ [ "REAL", DBI::SQL_REAL (),
+ undef, "", "", undef, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 0,
+ ],
+ undef, "'", "'", undef, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, undef, 1, 999999,
+ ],
+ undef, "'", "'", undef, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, undef, 1, 999999,
+ ],
+ undef, "'", "'", undef, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, undef, 1, 999999,
+ ]];
+ } # type_info_all
+{ my $names = [
+ sub table_info ($)
+ {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my $dir = $dbh->{f_dir};
+ my $dirh = Symbol::gensym ();
+ unless (opendir $dirh, $dir) {
+ $dbh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, "Cannot open directory $dir: $!");
+ return;
+ }
+ my ($file, @tables, %names);
+ my $schema = exists $dbh->{f_schema}
+ ? $dbh->{f_schema}
+ : eval { getpwuid ((stat $dir)[4]) };
+ while (defined ($file = readdir ($dirh))) {
+ my $tbl = DBD::File::file2table ($dbh, $dir, $file, 0, 0) or next;
+ push @tables, [ undef, $schema, $tbl, "TABLE", undef ];
+ }
+ unless (closedir $dirh) {
+ $dbh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, "Cannot close directory $dir: $!");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $dbh2 = $dbh->{csv_sponge_driver};
+ unless ($dbh2) {
+ $dbh2 = $dbh->{csv_sponge_driver} = DBI->connect ("DBI:Sponge:");
+ unless ($dbh2) {
+ $dbh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, $DBI::errstr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # Temporary kludge: DBD::Sponge dies if @tables is empty. :-(
+ @tables or return;
+ my $sth = $dbh2->prepare ("TABLE_INFO", {
+ rows => \@tables,
+ NAMES => $names,
+ });
+ $sth or $dbh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, $dbh2->errstr);
+ $sth;
+ } # table_info
+ }
+sub list_tables ($)
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my ($sth, @tables);
+ $sth = $dbh->table_info () or return;
+ while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ()) {
+ push @tables, $ref->[2];
+ }
+ @tables;
+ } # list_tables
+sub quote ($$;$)
+ my ($self, $str, $type) = @_;
+ defined $str or return "NULL";
+ defined $type && (
+ $type == DBI::SQL_NUMERIC ()
+ || $type == DBI::SQL_DECIMAL ()
+ || $type == DBI::SQL_INTEGER ()
+ || $type == DBI::SQL_SMALLINT ()
+ || $type == DBI::SQL_FLOAT ()
+ || $type == DBI::SQL_REAL ()
+ || $type == DBI::SQL_DOUBLE ()
+ || $type == DBI::SQL_TINYINT ())
+ and return $str;
+ $str =~ s/\\/\\\\/sg;
+ $str =~ s/\0/\\0/sg;
+ $str =~ s/\'/\\\'/sg;
+ $str =~ s/\n/\\n/sg;
+ $str =~ s/\r/\\r/sg;
+ "'$str'";
+ } # quote
+sub commit ($)
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ $dbh->FETCH ("Warn") and
+ carp "Commit ineffective while AutoCommit is on", -1;
+ 1;
+ } # commit
+sub rollback ($)
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ $dbh->FETCH ("Warn") and
+ carp "Rollback ineffective while AutoCommit is on", -1;
+ 0;
+ } # rollback
+# ====== STATEMENT =============================================================
+package DBD::File::st;
+use strict;
+$DBD::File::st::imp_data_size = 0;
+sub bind_param ($$$;$)
+ my ($sth, $pNum, $val, $attr) = @_;
+ if ($attr && defined $val) {
+ my $type = ref $attr eq "HASH" ? $attr->{TYPE} : $attr;
+ if ( $attr == DBI::SQL_BIGINT ()
+ || $attr == DBI::SQL_INTEGER ()
+ || $attr == DBI::SQL_SMALLINT ()
+ || $attr == DBI::SQL_TINYINT ()
+ ) {
+ $val += 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($attr == DBI::SQL_DECIMAL ()
+ || $attr == DBI::SQL_DOUBLE ()
+ || $attr == DBI::SQL_FLOAT ()
+ || $attr == DBI::SQL_NUMERIC ()
+ || $attr == DBI::SQL_REAL ()
+ ) {
+ $val += 0.;
+ }
+ else {
+ $val = "$val";
+ }
+ }
+ $sth->{f_params}[$pNum - 1] = $val;
+ 1;
+ } # bind_param
+sub execute
+ my $sth = shift;
+ my $params = @_ ? ($sth->{f_params} = [ @_ ]) : $sth->{f_params};
+ $sth->finish;
+ my $stmt = $sth->{f_stmt};
+ unless ($sth->{f_params_checked}++) {
+ # bug in SQL::Statement 1.20 and below causes breakage
+ # on all but the first call
+ unless ((my $req_prm = $stmt->params ()) == (my $nparm = @$params)) {
+ my $msg = "You passed $nparm parameters where $req_prm required";
+ $sth->set_err ($DBI::stderr, $msg);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ my @err;
+ my $result = eval {
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @err, @_ };
+ $stmt->execute ($sth, $params);
+ };
+ if ($@ || @err) {
+ $sth->set_err ($DBI::stderr, $@ || $err[0]);
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if ($stmt->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}) { # is a SELECT statement
+ $sth->STORE (Active => 1);
+ $sth->FETCH ("NUM_OF_FIELDS") or
+ $sth->STORE ("NUM_OF_FIELDS", $stmt->{NUM_OF_FIELDS})
+ }
+ return $result;
+ } # execute
+sub finish
+ my $sth = shift;
+ $sth->SUPER::STORE (Active => 0);
+ delete $sth->{f_stmt}->{data};
+ return 1;
+ } # finish
+sub fetch ($)
+ my $sth = shift;
+ my $data = $sth->{f_stmt}->{data};
+ if (!$data || ref $data ne "ARRAY") {
+ $sth->set_err ($DBI::stderr,
+ "Attempt to fetch row without a preceeding execute () call or from a non-SELECT statement"
+ );
+ return
+ }
+ my $dav = shift @$data;
+ unless ($dav) {
+ $sth->finish;
+ return
+ }
+ if ($sth->FETCH ("ChopBlanks")) {
+ $_ && $_ =~ s/\s+$// for @$dav;
+ }
+ $sth->_set_fbav ($dav);
+ } # fetch
+*fetchrow_arrayref = \&fetch;
+my %unsupported_attrib = map { $_ => 1 } qw( TYPE PRECISION );
+sub FETCH ($$)
+ my ($sth, $attrib) = @_;
+ exists $unsupported_attrib{$attrib}
+ and return undef; # Workaround for a bug in DBI 0.93
+ $attrib eq "NAME" and
+ return $sth->FETCH ("f_stmt")->{NAME};
+ if ($attrib eq "NULLABLE") {
+ my ($meta) = $sth->FETCH ("f_stmt")->{NAME}; # Intentional !
+ $meta or return undef;
+ return [ (1) x @$meta ];
+ }
+ if ($attrib eq lc $attrib) {
+ # Private driver attributes are lower cased
+ return $sth->{$attrib};
+ }
+ # else pass up to DBI to handle
+ return $sth->SUPER::FETCH ($attrib);
+ } # FETCH
+sub STORE ($$$)
+ my ($sth, $attrib, $value) = @_;
+ exists $unsupported_attrib{$attrib}
+ and return; # Workaround for a bug in DBI 0.93
+ if ($attrib eq lc $attrib) {
+ # Private driver attributes are lower cased
+ $sth->{$attrib} = $value;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return $sth->SUPER::STORE ($attrib, $value);
+ } # STORE
+sub DESTROY ($)
+ my $sth = shift;
+ $sth->SUPER::FETCH ("Active") and $sth->finish;
+sub rows ($)
+ shift->{f_stmt}->{NUM_OF_ROWS};
+ } # rows
+package DBD::File::Statement;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+# We may have a working flock () built-in but that doesn't mean that locking
+# will work on NFS (flock () may hang hard)
+my $locking = eval { flock STDOUT, 0; 1 };
+# Jochen's old check for flock ()
+# my $locking = $^O ne "MacOS" &&
+# ($^O ne "MSWin32" || !Win32::IsWin95 ()) &&
+# $^O ne "VMS";
+@DBD::File::Statement::ISA = qw( DBI::SQL::Nano::Statement );
+my $open_table_re = sprintf "(?:%s|%s|%s)",
+ quotemeta (File::Spec->curdir ()),
+ quotemeta (File::Spec->updir ()),
+ quotemeta (File::Spec->rootdir ());
+sub get_file_name ($$$)
+ my ($self, $data, $table) = @_;
+ my $quoted = 0;
+ $table =~ s/^\"// and $quoted = 1; # handle quoted identifiers
+ $table =~ s/\"$//;
+ my $file = $table;
+ if ( $file !~ m/^$open_table_re/o
+ and $file !~ m{^[/\\]} # root
+ and $file !~ m{^[a-z]\:} # drive letter
+ ) {
+ exists $data->{Database}{f_map}{$table} or
+ DBD::File::file2table ($data->{Database},
+ $data->{Database}{f_dir}, $file, 1, $quoted);
+ $file = $data->{Database}{f_map}{$table} || undef;
+ }
+ return ($table, $file);
+ } # get_file_name
+sub open_table ($$$$$)
+ my ($self, $data, $table, $createMode, $lockMode) = @_;
+ my $file;
+ ($table, $file) = $self->get_file_name ($data, $table);
+ defined $file && $file ne "" or croak "No filename given";
+ require IO::File;
+ my $fh;
+ my $safe_drop = $self->{ignore_missing_table} ? 1 : 0;
+ if ($createMode) {
+ -f $file and
+ croak "Cannot create table $table: Already exists";
+ $fh = IO::File->new ($file, "a+") or
+ croak "Cannot open $file for writing: $!";
+ $fh->seek (0, 0) or
+ croak "Error while seeking back: $!";
+ }
+ else {
+ unless ($fh = IO::File->new ($file, ($lockMode ? "r+" : "r"))) {
+ $safe_drop or croak "Cannot open $file: $!";
+ }
+ }
+ $fh and binmode $fh;
+ if ($locking and $fh) {
+ if ($lockMode) {
+ flock $fh, 2 or croak "Cannot obtain exclusive lock on $file: $!";
+ }
+ else {
+ flock $fh, 1 or croak "Cannot obtain shared lock on $file: $!";
+ }
+ }
+ my $columns = {};
+ my $array = [];
+ my $pos = $fh ? $fh->tell () : undef;
+ my $tbl = {
+ file => $file,
+ fh => $fh,
+ col_nums => $columns,
+ col_names => $array,
+ first_row_pos => $pos,
+ };
+ my $class = ref $self;
+ $class =~ s/::Statement/::Table/;
+ bless $tbl, $class;
+ $tbl;
+ } # open_table
+package DBD::File::Table;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+@DBD::File::Table::ISA = qw(DBI::SQL::Nano::Table);
+sub drop ($)
+ my $self = shift;
+ # We have to close the file before unlinking it: Some OS'es will
+ # refuse the unlink otherwise.
+ $self->{fh} and $self->{fh}->close ();
+ unlink $self->{file};
+ return 1;
+ } # drop
+sub seek ($$$$)
+ my ($self, $data, $pos, $whence) = @_;
+ if ($whence == 0 && $pos == 0) {
+ $pos = $self->{first_row_pos};
+ }
+ elsif ($whence != 2 || $pos != 0) {
+ croak "Illegal seek position: pos = $pos, whence = $whence";
+ }
+ $self->{fh}->seek ($pos, $whence) or
+ croak "Error while seeking in " . $self->{file} . ": $!";
+ } # seek
+sub truncate ($$)
+ my ($self, $data) = @_;
+ $self->{fh}->truncate ($self->{fh}->tell ()) or
+ croak "Error while truncating " . $self->{file} . ": $!";
+ 1;
+ } # truncate
+=head1 NAME
+DBD::File - Base class for writing DBI drivers
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ This module is a base class for writing other DBDs.
+ It is not intended to function as a DBD itself.
+ If you want to access flatfiles, use DBD::AnyData, or DBD::CSV,
+ (both of which are subclasses of DBD::File).
+The DBD::File module is not a true DBI driver, but an abstract
+base class for deriving concrete DBI drivers from it. The implication is,
+that these drivers work with plain files, for example CSV files or
+INI files. The module is based on the SQL::Statement module, a simple
+SQL engine.
+See L<DBI> for details on DBI, L<SQL::Statement> for details on
+SQL::Statement and L<DBD::CSV> or L<DBD::IniFile> for example
+=head2 Metadata
+The following attributes are handled by DBI itself and not by DBD::File,
+thus they all work like expected:
+ Active
+ ActiveKids
+ CachedKids
+ CompatMode (Not used)
+ InactiveDestroy
+ Kids
+ PrintError
+ RaiseError
+ Warn (Not used)
+The following DBI attributes are handled by DBD::File:
+=over 4
+=item AutoCommit
+Always on
+=item ChopBlanks
+Valid after C<$sth->execute>
+Valid after C<$sth->prepare>
+=item NAME
+Valid after C<$sth->execute>; undef for Non-Select statements.
+Not really working, always returns an array ref of one's, as DBD::CSV
+doesn't verify input data. Valid after C<$sth->execute>; undef for
+Non-Select statements.
+These attributes and methods are not supported:
+ bind_param_inout
+ CursorName
+ LongReadLen
+ LongTruncOk
+Additional to the DBI attributes, you can use the following dbh
+=over 4
+=item f_dir
+This attribute is used for setting the directory where CSV files are
+opened. Usually you set it in the dbh, it defaults to the current
+directory ("."). However, it is overwritable in the statement handles.
+=item f_ext
+This attribute is used for setting the file extension where (CSV) files are
+opened. There are several possibilities.
+ DBI:CSV:f_dir=data;f_ext=.csv
+In this case, DBD::File will open only C<table.csv> if both C<table.csv> and
+C<table> exist in the datadir. The table will still be named C<table>. If
+your datadir has files with extensions, and you do not pass this attribute,
+your table is named C<table.csv>, which is probably not what you wanted. The
+extension is always case-insensitive. The table names are not.
+ DBI:CSV:f_dir=data;f_ext=.csv/r
+In this case the extension is required, and all filenames that do not match
+are ignored.
+=item f_schema
+This will set the schema name. Default is the owner of the folder in which
+the table file resides. C<undef> is allowed.
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect ("dbi:CSV:", "", "", {
+ f_schema => undef,
+ f_dir => "data",
+ f_ext => ".csv/r",
+ }) or die $DBI::errstr;
+The effect is that when you get table names from DBI, you can force all
+tables into the same (or no) schema:
+ my @tables $dbh->tables ();
+ # no f_schema
+ "merijn".foo
+ "merijn".bar
+ # f_schema => "dbi"
+ "dbi".foo
+ "dbi".bar
+ # f_schema => undef
+ foo
+ bar
+=head2 Driver private methods
+=over 4
+=item data_sources
+The C<data_sources> method returns a list of subdirectories of the current
+directory in the form "DBI:CSV:f_dir=$dirname".
+If you want to read the subdirectories of another directory, use
+ my ($drh) = DBI->install_driver ("CSV");
+ my (@list) = $drh->data_sources (f_dir => "/usr/local/csv_data" );
+=item list_tables
+This method returns a list of file names inside $dbh->{f_dir}.
+ my ($dbh) = DBI->connect ("DBI:CSV:f_dir=/usr/local/csv_data");
+ my (@list) = $dbh->func ("list_tables");
+Note that the list includes all files contained in the directory, even
+those that have non-valid table names, from the view of SQL.
+=head1 KNOWN BUGS
+=over 8
+=item *
+The module is using flock () internally. However, this function is not
+available on all platforms. Using flock () is disabled on MacOS and
+Windows 95: There's no locking at all (perhaps not so important on
+MacOS and Windows 95, as there's a single user anyways).
+=head1 AUTHOR
+This module is currently maintained by
+H.Merijn Brand < h.m.brand at > and
+Jens Rehsack < rehsack at >
+The original author is Jochen Wiedmann.
+Copyright (C) 2009 by H.Merijn Brand & Jens Rehsack
+Copyright (C) 2004 by Jeff Zucker
+Copyright (C) 1998 by Jochen Wiedmann
+All rights reserved.
+You may freely distribute and/or modify this module under the terms of
+either the GNU General Public License (GPL) or the Artistic License, as
+specified in the Perl README file.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<DBI>, L<Text::CSV>, L<Text::CSV_XS>, L<SQL::Statement>