path: root/Master/tlpkg/installer
diff options
authorSiep Kroonenberg <>2018-10-20 09:17:47 +0000
committerSiep Kroonenberg <>2018-10-20 09:17:47 +0000
commitb885446438a056c262604997cc40b04ff90099ce (patch)
tree7cd6b78b4a2e700189861f382502d5ba953468aa /Master/tlpkg/installer
parent8e875770a05a55eb6f3948894eb5fc3aaaa6704b (diff)
Refactoring, multiple repositories, localization
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/installer')
3 files changed, 54 insertions, 434 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/install-tl-gui.tcl b/Master/tlpkg/installer/install-tl-gui.tcl
index daf1ccdf1bd..b69cd5fa617 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/installer/install-tl-gui.tcl
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/install-tl-gui.tcl
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
# or any later version.
-# Tcl/Tk wrapper for TeX Live installer
+# Tcl/Tk frontend for TeX Live installer
# Installation can be divided into three stages:
@@ -35,102 +35,24 @@ package require Tk
# security: disable send
catch {rename send {}}
-# menus: disable tearoff feature
-option add *Menu.tearOff 0
-# no bold text for messages; `userDefault' indicates priority
-option add *Dialog.msg.font TkDefaultFont userDefault
-# larger fonts
-font create lfont {*}[font configure TkDefaultFont]
-font configure lfont -size [expr {round(1.2 * [font actual lfont -size])}]
-font create hfont {*}[font configure lfont]
-font configure hfont -weight bold
-font create titlefont {*}[font configure TkDefaultFont]
-font configure titlefont -weight bold \
- -size [expr {round(1.5 * [font actual titlefont -size])}]
-## italicized items; not used
-#font create it_font {*}[font configure TkDefaultFont]
-#font configure it_font -slant italic
-# string representation of booleans
-proc yes_no {b} {
- return [expr {$b ? [__"Yes"] : [__ "No"]}]
-# default foreground color and disabled foreground color
-# may not be black in e.g. dark color schemes
-set blk [ttk::style lookup TButton -foreground]
-set gry [ttk::style lookup TButton -foreground disabled]
-### initialize some globals ###
-# perl installer process id
-set ::perlpid 0
-# global variable for dialogs
-set ::dialog_ans {}
-set ::plain_unix 0
-if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix" && $::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"} {
- set ::plain_unix 1
-# for help output
-set ::env(NOPERLDOC) 1
-set ::out_log {}; # list of strings
# this file should be in $::instroot/tlpkg/installer.
# at the next release, it may be better to start the installer, perl or tcl,
# from a shell wrapper, also on unix-like platforms
# this allows automatic inclusion of '--' parameter to separate
# tcl parameters from script parameters
set ::instroot [file normalize [info script]]
set ::instroot [file dirname [file dirname [file dirname $::instroot]]]
-# localization support
-# tcl 8.5 observes LC_ALL on linux, LANG on Mac OS.
-# so let the shell wrapper handle a language option.
-# for 8.5, locale setting from within tcl may not work.
-# exception: windows, for which there is a bundled 8.6.
-# consult registry for default locale if LANG is not set.
-# The wrapper already does this, but here we do it again
-# in case company policy blocked reg.exe.
+# declarations and procs shared with tlshell.tcl
+source [file join $::instroot "tlpkg" "TeXLive" "tltcl.tcl"]
-if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
- if {! [info exists ::env(LANG)] || $::env(LANG) eq ""} {
- if {! [catch {package require registry}]} {
- set regpath [join {HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE system currentcontrolset
- control nls language} "\\"]
- if {! [catch {registry get $regpath "Installlanguage"} lcode]} {
- set regpath [join {HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT mime database rfc1766} "\\"]
- if {! [catch {registry get $regpath $lcode} lng]} {
- set l [string first ";" $lng]
- if {$l > 0} {
- incr l -1
- set lng [string range $lng 0 $l]
- }
- set ::env(LANG) $lng
- # tk_messageBox -message "Language $lng in registry found"
- }
- }
- }
- }
+### initialize some globals ###
-# inside tcl, just load the message catalogs (all languages)
-package require msgcat
-namespace import msgcat::mc
-::msgcat::mcload [file join $::instroot "tlpkg" "translations"]
+# perl installer process id
+set ::perlpid 0
-if {$::tcl_platform(os) eq "Darwin"} {
- # avoid warnings 'tar: Failed to set default locale'
- set ::env(LC_ALL) "en_US.UTF-8"
-proc __ {s args} {return [::msgcat::mc $s {*}$args]}
+set ::out_log {}; # list of strings
set ::perlbin "perl"
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
@@ -139,6 +61,9 @@ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
### procedures, mostly organized bottom-up ###
+# the procedures which provide the menu with the necessary backend data,
+# i.e. read_descs, read_vars and read_menu_data, are defined near the end.
set clock0 [clock milliseconds]
set profiling 0
proc show_time {s} {
@@ -147,15 +72,6 @@ proc show_time {s} {
-proc get_stacktrace {} {
- set level [info level]
- set s ""
- for {set i 1} {$i < $level} {incr i} {
- append s [format "Level %u: %s\n" $i [info level $i]]
- }
- return $s
-} ; # get_stacktrace
# for debugging frontend-backend communication:
# write to a logfile which is shared with the backend.
# both parties open, append and close every time.
@@ -174,31 +90,6 @@ proc dblog {s} {
close $db
-# dummy translation function
-#proc _ {fmt args} {return [format $fmt {*}$args]}
-# what exit procs do we need?
-# - plain error exit with messagebox and stacktrace
-# - plain messagebox exit
-# - showing log output, maybe with appended message,
-# use log toplevel for lengthy output
-# is closing the pipe $::inst guaranteed to kill perl? It should be
-proc err_exit {{mess ""}} {
- if {$mess eq ""} {set mess [__ "Error"]}
- append mess "\n" [get_stacktrace]
- tk_messageBox -icon error -message $mess
- # kill perl process, just in case
- if $::perlpid {
- if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix"} {
- exec -ignorestderr "kill" $::perlpid
- } else {
- exec -ignorestderr "taskkill" "/pid" $::perlpid
- }
- }
- exit
-} ; # err_exit
proc maybe_print_welcome {} {
# if the last non-empty line was "All done", then installation is completed.
# otherwise, it was help output or an interrupted installation.
@@ -290,72 +181,6 @@ proc read_line_cb {} {
}; # read_line_cb
-# general gui utilities
-# width of '0', as a rough estimate of average character width
-# assume height == width*2
-set ::cw [font measure TkTextFont "0"]
-# unicode symbols as fake checkboxes in ttk::treeview widgets
-proc mark_sym {mrk} {
- if $mrk {
- return "\u25A3" ; # 'white square containing black small square'
- } else {
- return "\u25A1" ; # 'white square'
- }
-} ; # mark_sym
-proc ppack {wdg args} { ; # pack command with padding
- pack $wdg {*}$args -padx 3 -pady 3
-proc pgrid {wdg args} { ; # grid command with padding
- grid $wdg {*}$args -padx 3 -pady 3
-# start new toplevel with settings appropriate for a dialog
-proc create_dlg {wnd {p .}} {
- catch {destroy $wnd} ; # no error if it does not exist
- toplevel $wnd -class Dialog
- wm withdraw $wnd
- if [winfo viewable $p] {wm transient $wnd $p}
- if $::plain_unix {wm attributes $wnd -type dialog}
- wm protocol $wnd WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy $wnd}
-# Place a dialog centered wrt its parent.
-# If its geometry is somehow not yet available,
-# its upperleft corner will be centered.
-proc place_dlg {wnd {p "."}} {
- set g [wm geometry $p]
- scan $g "%dx%d+%d+%d" pw ph px py
- set hcenter [expr {$px + $pw / 2}]
- set vcenter [expr {$py + $ph / 2}]
- set g [wm geometry $wnd]
- set wh [winfo reqheight $wnd]
- set ww [winfo reqwidth $wnd]
- set wx [expr {$hcenter - $ww / 2}]
- if {$wx < 0} { set wx 0}
- set wy [expr {$vcenter - $wh / 2}]
- if {$wy < 0} { set wy 0}
- wm geometry $wnd [format "+%d+%d" $wx $wy]
- wm state $wnd normal
- wm attributes $wnd -topmost
- raise $wnd $p
- tkwait visibility $wnd
- focus $wnd
- grab set $wnd
-} ; # place_dlg
-# place dialog answer in ::dialog_ans, raise parent, close dialog
-proc end_dlg {ans wnd {p "."}} {
- set ::dialog_ans $ans
- raise $p
- wm withdraw $wnd
- destroy $wnd
-} ; # end_dlg
##### special-purpose uses of main window: splash, log #####
@@ -370,6 +195,7 @@ proc make_splash {} {
label .image -image tlimage -background white
pack .image -in .white
# wallpaper
pack [ttk::frame .bg -padding 3] -fill both -expand 1
@@ -442,165 +268,6 @@ proc log_exit {{mess ""}} {
-##### directories #####
-set sep [file separator]
-# slash flipping
-proc forward_slashify {s} {
- regsub -all {\\} $s {/} r
- return $r
-proc native_slashify {s} {
- if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
- regsub -all {/} $s {\\} r
- } else {
- regsub -all {\\} $s {/} r
- }
- return $r
-# unix: choose_dir replacing native directory browser
-if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne "windows"} {
- # Based on the tcl/tk widget demo.
- # Also for MacOS, because we want to see /usr.
- # For windows, the native browser widget is better.
- ## Code to populate a single directory node
- proc populateTree {tree node} {
- if {[$tree set $node type] ne "directory"} {
- set type [$tree set $node type]
- return
- }
- $tree delete [$tree children $node]
- foreach f [lsort [glob -nocomplain -directory $node *]] {
- set type [file type $f]
- if {$type eq "directory"} {
- $tree insert $node end \
- -id $f -text [file tail $f] -values [list $type]
- # Need at least one child to make this node openable,
- # will be deleted when actually populating this node
- $tree insert $f 0 -text "dummy"
- }
- }
- # Stop this code from rerunning on the current node
- $tree set $node type processedDirectory
- }
- proc choose_dir {initdir {parent .}} {
- create_dlg .browser $parent
- wm title .browser [__ "Browse..."]
- # wallpaper
- pack [ttk::frame -padding 3] -fill both -expand 1
- ## Create the tree and set it up
- pack [ttk::frame .browser.fr0] -in -fill both -expand 1
- set tree [ttk::treeview .browser.tree \
- -columns {type} -displaycolumns {} -selectmode browse \
- -yscroll ".browser.vsb set"]
- .browser.tree column 0 -minwidth 500 -stretch 0
- ttk::scrollbar .browser.vsb -orient vertical -command "$tree yview"
- # hor. scrolling does not work, but toplevel and widget are resizable
- $tree heading \#0 -text "/"
- $tree insert {} end -id "/" -text "/" -values [list "directory"]
- populateTree $tree "/"
- bind $tree <<TreeviewOpen>> {
- populateTree %W [%W focus]
- }
- bind $tree <ButtonRelease-1> {
- .browser.tree heading \#0 -text [%W focus]
- }
- ## Arrange the tree and its scrollbar in the toplevel
- # horizontal scrolling does not work.
- # possible solution: very wide treeview in smaller paned window
- # (may as well use pack in the absence of a horizontal scrollbar)
- grid $tree .browser.vsb -sticky nsew -in .browser.fr0
- grid columnconfigure .browser.fr0 0 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure .browser.fr0 0 -weight 1
- # ok and cancel buttons
- pack [ttk::frame .browser.fr1] -in -fill x -expand 1
- ppack [ttk::button .browser.ok -text [__ "Ok"]] \
- -in .browser.fr1 -side right
- ppack [ttk::button .browser.cancel -text [__ "Cancel"]] \
- -in .browser.fr1 -side right
- .browser.ok configure -command {
- set ::dialog_ans [.browser.tree focus]
- destroy .browser
- }
- .browser.cancel configure -command {
- set ::dialog_ans ""
- destroy .browser
- }
- unset -nocomplain ::dialog_ans
- # navigate tree to $initdir
- set chosenDir {}
- foreach d [file split [file normalize $initdir]] {
- set nextdir [file join $chosenDir $d]
- if [file isdirectory $nextdir] {
- if {! [$tree exists $nextdir]} {
- $tree insert $chosenDir end -id $nextdir \
- -text $d -values [list "directory"]
- }
- populateTree $tree $nextdir
- set chosenDir $nextdir
- } else {
- break
- }
- }
- $tree see $chosenDir
- $tree selection set [list $chosenDir]
- $tree focus $chosenDir
- $tree heading \#0 -text $chosenDir
- place_dlg .browser $parent
- tkwait window .browser
- return $::dialog_ans
- }; # choose_dir
-}; # if not windows
-# browse for a directory and store in entry- or label widget $w
-proc dirbrowser2widget {w} {
- set wclass [winfo class $w]
- if {$wclass eq "Entry" || $wclass eq "TEntry"} {
- set is_entry 1
- } elseif {$wclass eq "Label" || $wclass eq "TLabel"} {
- set is_entry 0
- } else {
- err_exit "browse2widget invoked with unsupported widget class $wclass"
- }
- if $is_entry {
- set retval [$w get]
- } else {
- set retval [$w cget -text]
- }
- if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix"} {
- set retval [choose_dir $retval [winfo parent $w]]
- } else {
- set retval [tk_chooseDirectory \
- -initialdir $retval -title [__ "Select or type"]]
- }
- if {$retval eq ""} {
- return 0
- } else {
- if {$wclass eq "Entry" || $wclass eq "TEntry"} {
- $w delete 0 end
- $w insert 0 $retval
- } else {
- $w configure -text $retval
- }
- return 1
- }
##### installation root #####
@@ -678,7 +345,7 @@ proc toggle_rel {} {
} ; # toggle_rel
-proc canonical_local {} {
+proc commit_canonical_local {} {
if {[file tail $::vars(TEXDIR)] eq $::release_year} {
set l [file dirname $::vars(TEXDIR)]
} else {
@@ -694,7 +361,7 @@ proc commit_root {} {
set ::vars(TEXDIR) [forward_slashify [.tltd.path_l cget -text]]
set ::vars(TEXMFSYSVAR) "$::vars(TEXDIR)/texmf-var"
set ::vars(TEXMFSYSCONFIG) "$::vars(TEXDIR)/texmf-var"
- canonical_local
+ commit_canonical_local
if {$::vars(instopt_portable)} reset_personal_dirs
destroy .tltd
@@ -726,9 +393,11 @@ proc texdir_setup {} {
# path components, as labels
incr rw
pgrid [ttk::label .tltd.prefix_l] -in .tltd.fr1 -row $rw -column 0
- pgrid [ttk::label .tltd.sep0_l -text $::sep] -in .tltd.fr1 -row $rw -column 1
+ pgrid [ttk::label .tltd.sep0_l -text [file separator]] \
+ -in .tltd.fr1 -row $rw -column 1
pgrid [ttk::label .tltd.name_l] -in .tltd.fr1 -row $rw -column 2
- pgrid [ttk::label .tltd.sep1_l -text $::sep] -in .tltd.fr1 -row $rw -column 3
+ pgrid [ttk::label .tltd.sep1_l -text [file separator]] \
+ -in .tltd.fr1 -row $rw -column 3
pgrid [ttk::label .tltd.rel_l -width 6] \
-in .tltd.fr1 -row $rw -column 4
# corresponding buttons
@@ -792,7 +461,7 @@ proc texdir_setup {} {
if {$initdir eq "" || \
($::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows" && \
[string index $initdir end] eq ":")} {
- append initdir $::sep
+ append initdir [file separator]
.tltd.prefix_l configure -text $initdir
@@ -836,22 +505,22 @@ proc edit_dir {d} {
# below, ensure that $v is evaluated while the interface is built:
# the variable won't be available to the button callback
# quoted string rather than curly braces
- ttk::button .td.ok -text [__ "Ok"] -command \
- "set ::vars($d) [forward_slashify [.td.e get]]; end_dlg 1 .td ."
+ ttk::button .td.ok -text [__ "Ok"] -command {end_dlg [.td.e get] .td}
ppack .td.ok -in .td.f -side right
- ttk::button .td.cancel -text [__ "Cancel"] -command {end_dlg 0 .td .}
+ ttk::button .td.cancel -text [__ "Cancel"] -command {end_dlg "" .td}
ppack .td.cancel -in .td.f -side right
place_dlg .td .
tkwait window .td
- #tk_messageBox -message $::dialog_ans
- #return $::dialog_ans
+ if {$::dialog_ans ne ""} {set ::vars($d) $::dialog_ans}
proc toggle_port {} {
set ::vars(instopt_portable) [expr {!$::vars(instopt_portable)}]
- .dirportvl configure -text [yes_no $::vars(instopt_portable)]
- canonical_local
+ set yn [yes_no $::vars(instopt_portable)]
+ .dirportvl configure -text $yn
+# .dirportvl configure -text [yes_no $::vars(instopt_portable)]
+ commit_canonical_local
if {$::vars(instopt_portable)} {
set ::vars(TEXMFHOME) $::vars(TEXMFLOCAL)
set ::vars(TEXMFVAR) $::vars(TEXMFSYSVAR)
@@ -879,6 +548,7 @@ proc toggle_port {} {
} else {
set ::vars(instopt_adjustpath) 0
+ .symspec state disabled
.pathb state disabled
.pathl configure -foreground $::gry
@@ -910,6 +580,7 @@ proc toggle_port {} {
} else {
# set ::vars(instopt_adjustpath) 0
# leave false, still depends on symlink paths
+ .symspec state !disabled
if [dis_enable_symlink_option] {
.pathb state !disabled
.pathl configure -foreground $::blk
@@ -926,7 +597,7 @@ proc show_stats {} {
# n. of additional platforms
if [winfo exists .binlm] {
if {$::vars(n_systems_selected) < 2} {
- .binlm configure -text "None"
+ .binlm configure -text [__ "None"]
} else {
.binlm configure -text [expr {$::vars(n_systems_selected) - 1}]
@@ -938,6 +609,9 @@ proc show_stats {} {
$::vars(n_collections_selected) \
+ if [winfo exists .schml] {
+ .schml configure -text [__ $::scheme_descs($::vars(selected_scheme))]
+ }
# diskspace: can use -textvariable here
# paper size
}; # show_stats
@@ -1016,14 +690,12 @@ proc select_binaries {} {
# ok, cancel buttons
pack [ttk::frame .tlbin.buts] -in -expand 1 -fill x
ttk::button .tlbin.ok -text [__ "Ok"] -command \
- {save_bin_selections; update_vars; end_dlg 1 .tlbin .}
+ {save_bin_selections; update_vars; end_dlg 1 .tlbin}
ppack .tlbin.ok -in .tlbin.buts -side right
- ttk::button .tlbin.cancel -text [__ "Cancel"] -command {end_dlg 0 .tlbin .}
+ ttk::button .tlbin.cancel -text [__ "Cancel"] -command {end_dlg 0 .tlbin}
ppack .tlbin.cancel -in .tlbin.buts -side right
place_dlg .tlbin .
- tkwait window .tlbin
- return $::dialog_ans
}; # select_binaries
@@ -1067,15 +739,13 @@ proc select_scheme {} {
- end_dlg 1 .tlschm .
+ end_dlg 1 .tlschm
ppack .tlschm.ok -in .tlschm.buts -side right
- ttk::button .tlschm.cancel -text [__ "Cancel"] -command {end_dlg 0 .tlschm .}
+ ttk::button .tlschm.cancel -text [__ "Cancel"] -command {end_dlg 0 .tlschm}
ppack .tlschm.cancel -in .tlschm.buts -side right
place_dlg .tlschm .
- tkwait window .tlschm
- return $::dialog_ans
}; # select_scheme
@@ -1109,11 +779,11 @@ proc save_coll_selections {} {
}; # save_coll_selections
proc select_collections {} {
- # 2017: more than 40 collections
- # The tcl installer acquires collections from the database file,
+ # 2018: more than 40 collections
+ # The tcl installer acquires collections from,
# but install-tl also has an array of collections.
- # Use treeview for checkbox column and collection descriptions
- # rather than names.
+ # Use treeview for checkbox column and display of
+ # collection descriptions rather than names.
# buttons: select all, select none, ok, cancel
# should some collections be excluded? Check install-menu-* code.
create_dlg .tlcoll .
@@ -1185,15 +855,13 @@ proc select_collections {} {
ppack .tlcoll.none -in .tlcoll.butf -side left
ttk::button .tlcoll.ok -text [__ "Ok"] -command \
- {save_coll_selections; end_dlg 1 .tlcoll .}
+ {save_coll_selections; end_dlg 1 .tlcoll}
ppack .tlcoll.ok -in .tlcoll.butf -side right
- ttk::button .tlcoll.cancel -text [__ "Cancel"] -command {end_dlg 0 .tlcoll .}
+ ttk::button .tlcoll.cancel -text [__ "Cancel"] -command {end_dlg 0 .tlcoll}
ppack .tlcoll.cancel -in .tlcoll.butf -side right
place_dlg .tlcoll .
wm resizable .tlcoll 0 0
- tkwait window .tlcoll
- return $::dialog_ans
}; # select_collections
@@ -1326,15 +994,13 @@ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne "windows"} {
# ok, cancel
pack [ttk::frame .edsyms.fr1] -expand 1 -fill both
ppack [ttk::button .edsyms.ok -text [__ "Ok"] -command {
- commit_sym_entries; end_dlg 1 .edsyms .}] -in .edsyms.fr1 -side right
+ commit_sym_entries; end_dlg 1 .edsyms}] -in .edsyms.fr1 -side right
ppack [ttk::button .edsyms.cancel -text [__ "Cancel"] -command {
- end_dlg 0 .edsyms .}] -in .edsyms.fr1 -side right
+ end_dlg 0 .edsyms}] -in .edsyms.fr1 -side right
place_dlg .edsyms .
- tkwait window .edsyms
- return
@@ -1486,7 +1152,7 @@ proc run_menu {} {
incr rw
pgrid [ttk::label .schmll -text [__ "Scheme:"]] \
-in .selsf -row $rw -column 0 -sticky w
- pgrid [ttk::label .schml -textvariable ::vars(selected_scheme)] \
+ pgrid [ttk::label .schml -text ""] \
-in .selsf -row $rw -column 1 -sticky w
pgrid [ttk::button .schmb -text [__ "Change"] -command select_scheme] \
-in .selsf -row $rw -column 2 -sticky e
@@ -1511,7 +1177,7 @@ proc run_menu {} {
pgrid .size_req -in $curf -row $rw -column 1 -sticky w
- # right: options
+ # right side: options
# 3 columns. Column 1 can be merged with either 0 or 2.
if $::advanced {
@@ -1907,7 +1573,7 @@ proc main_prog {} {
} else {
+}; # main_prog
file delete $::dblfile
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/install-tl-windows.cmd b/Master/tlpkg/installer/install-tl-windows.cmd
index b9ece1c5e87..ab1e22f8295 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/installer/install-tl-windows.cmd
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/install-tl-windows.cmd
@@ -43,19 +43,11 @@ set tcl=yes
set args=
goto rebuildargs
-rem check for a gui- and lang arguments
-rem handle them here and do not pass them on to perl or tcl.
+rem check for a gui argument
+rem handle it here and do not pass it on to perl or tcl.
rem cmd.exe converts '=' to a space:
rem '-parameter=value' becomes '-parameter value': two arguments
-rem code block for language argument
-if "%0" == "" goto nomoreargs
-set LANG=%0
-set LC_ALL=
-goto rebuildargs
rem code block for gui argument
if x%1 == x (
@@ -93,9 +85,6 @@ rem loop for argument scanning
if x%0 == x goto nomoreargs
set p=%0
-if %p% == --lang goto dolang
-if %p% == -lang goto dolang
if %p% == -print-platform set tcl=no
if %p% == --print-platform set tcl=no
if %p% == -version set tcl=no
@@ -128,7 +117,6 @@ rem the LANG environment variable should set the tcl default language.
rem Since reg.exe may be disabled by e.g. company policy,
rem tcl will yet consult the registry if LANG is not set,
rem although under some circumstances this may cause a long delay.
-goto endreg
if %tcl% == no goto endreg
if not x%LANG% == x goto endreg
rem reg.exe runnable by user?
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/
index 47bb03304dd..5dc1b2da7bd 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/installer/
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#! /bin/sh
# default: tcl gui or not
if test `uname -s` = Darwin; then
@@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ fi
# are there reasons not to use the tcl gui?
unset wait_for_gui
-unset wait_for_lang
unset gui_set
-# We need "$@ syntax because some paramters may contain spaces.
+# We need "$@" syntax because some parameters may contain spaces.
# In order to make use of this syntax we must pass along ALL parameters.
for p in "$@"; do
# TODO: sanitize $p; abort if necessary
@@ -23,26 +20,22 @@ for p in "$@"; do
-tcl | --tcl)
if test $gui_set; then echo Gui set more than once; exit 1; fi
- if test $wait_for_lang; then echo Language code expected; exit 1; fi
unset wait_for_gui
-print-platform | --print-platform | -version | --version)
- if test $wait_for_lang; then echo Language code expected; exit 1; fi
unset wait_for_gui
-gui | --gui)
if test $gui_set; then echo Gui set more than once; exit 1; fi
- if test $wait_for_lang; then echo Language code expected; exit 1; fi
--gui=* | -gui=*)
if test $gui_set; then echo Gui set more than once; exit 1; fi
- if test $wait_for_lang; then echo Language code expected; exit 1; fi
if test $p = -gui=text -o $p = --gui=text; then
@@ -51,27 +44,9 @@ for p in "$@"; do
unset wait_for_gui
-no-gui | --no-gui)
- if test $wait_for_lang; then echo Language code expected; exit 1; fi
unset wait_for_gui
- -lang | --lang)
- if test $wait_for_lang; then echo Language code expected; exit 1; fi
- unset wait_for_gui
- wait_for_lang=1
- ;;
- -lang=*)
- if test $wait_for_lang; then echo Language code expected; exit 1; fi
- unset wait_for_gui
- LANG=$p
- LANG=${LANG#-lang=}
- ;;
- --lang=*)
- if test $wait_for_lang; then echo Language code expected; exit 1; fi
- unset wait_for_gui
- LANG=$p
- LANG=${LANG#--lang=}
- ;;
if test $wait_for_gui; then
if test $p = text; then
@@ -81,10 +56,6 @@ for p in "$@"; do
unset wait_for_gui
- if test $wait_for_lang; then
- LANG=$p
- unset wait_for_lang
- fi
@@ -92,21 +63,16 @@ if test $notcl = yes; then
-export LANG
-unset LC_ALL
# silence perl locale warnings
# We can safely pass all original parameters to perl:
# In install-tl[.pl], from_ext_gui will overrule the gui parameter.
-# The lang parameter will not come into play in either perl or tcl.
+# The lang parameter will be handled by tcl and not come into play in perl
if test "$tcl" = "yes"; then
- exec wish `dirname $0`/install-tl-gui.tcl -- "$@"
+ wish `dirname $0`/install-tl-gui.tcl -- "$@" &
- exec perl `dirname $0`/../../install-tl "$@"
+ perl `dirname $0`/../../install-tl "$@"