path: root/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-check-fmttriggers
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2019-11-07 18:38:33 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2019-11-07 18:38:33 +0000
commitb2fb4be581745afa70aad53959c0d2d395ba0773 (patch)
treec9c7794bbe3fcc24abf5bf3d404f51722c94e4a7 /Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-check-fmttriggers
parent7ce5219c24495a161caa36ead4925c85d4401936 (diff)
rename check-* scripts to have tl- prefix (long overdue)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-check-fmttriggers')
1 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-check-fmttriggers b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-check-fmttriggers
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..eca92140763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-check-fmttriggers
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# $Id$
+# Originally written by Norbert Preining and Karl Berry, 2015. Public domain.
+# Determine the files on which each format (fmt/base) depends
+# (by running fmtutil -recorder),
+# then map those files to TL packages,
+# then check that exactly those packages are listed as triggers in the
+# corresponding tlpsrc files.
+my $vc_id = '$Id$';
+my $Master;
+ $^W = 1;
+ $| = 1;
+ (my $mydir = $0) =~ s,/[^/]*$,,;
+ my $tlroot = "$mydir/../..";
+ unshift (@INC, "$tlroot/tlpkg");
+ chomp ($Master = `cd $mydir/../.. && pwd`);
+use File::Find;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use TeXLive::TLConfig;
+use TeXLive::TLUtils qw(info debug ddebug debug_hash tlwarn tldie);
+my $prg = TeXLive::TLUtils::basename($0);
+my $opt_fmtargs = "--all";
+my $opt_fmtdir = "/tmp/fmttriggers";
+my $opt_rerecord = 1;
+my $opt_help = 0;
+my $opt_version = 0;
+TeXLive::TLUtils::process_logging_options ();
+GetOptions (
+ "fmtargs=s" => \$opt_fmtargs,
+ "fmtdir" => \$opt_fmtdir,
+ "rerecord!" => \$opt_rerecord,
+ "version" => \$opt_version,
+ "help|?" => \$help) || pod2usage(1);
+pod2usage ("-exitstatus" => 0, "-verbose" => 2) if $help;
+if ($opt_version) { print "$vc_id\n"; exit 0; }
+$::installerdir = $Master; # should be smarter
+$ENV{'PATH'} = "$Master/bin/" . TeXLive::TLUtils::platform() . ":$ENV{PATH}";
+exit (&main());
+sub main {
+ # no interference from TEXMFHOME, etc.
+ $ENV{'TEXMFHOME'} = "/nonesuch-home";
+ $ENV{'TEXMFVAR'} = "/nonesuch-uvar";
+ $ENV{'TEXMFCONFIG'} = "/nonesuch-config";
+ $ENV{'TEXMFLOCAL'} = "/nonesuch-local";
+ if ($opt_rerecord) { # remake recorder files?
+ my $status = &run_fmtutil ($opt_fmtdir);
+ return $status if $status;
+ }
+ #system ("bytime $opt_fmtdir");
+ # read recorder files.
+ my %files_per_format = &files_per_format ($opt_fmtdir);
+ # read tlpdb.
+ my $tlpdb_file = "$Master/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb";
+ my ($tlpdb,$fmttriggers,$fmtpkgcontainers) = &tlpdb_by_file ($tlpdb_file);
+ # map files used in the format builds to packages.
+ my %pkgs_per_format = &pkgs_per_format ($tlpdb, %files_per_format);
+ # check that those packages are exactly what's listed as needed.
+ return &compare_pkgs_and_triggers (\%pkgs_per_format,
+ $fmttriggers, $fmtpkgcontainers);
+# Run fmtutil --fmtdir=$OUTDIR --recorder ..., to recreate the recorder
+# files which are the basis for finding the dependencies.
+# OUTDIR is completely removed first (!!), on the theory that this job
+# should only be done in temporary directories.
+sub run_fmtutil {
+ my ($outdir) = @_;
+ # yep, destroy output directory tree.
+ TeXLive::TLUtils::rmtree ($outdir);
+ mkdir ($outdir, 0775) || die "$prg: mkdir($outdir) failed: $!";
+ # the output from fmtutil can be useful in debugging.
+ my $logfile = "$outdir/fmtutil.log";
+ my $cmd = "fmtutil --sys --recorder --strict --fmtdir=$outdir "
+ . "$opt_fmtargs >$logfile 2>&1";
+ &info ("Running $cmd\n");
+ my $retval = system ($cmd);
+ $retval >>= 8 if $retval > 0;
+ if ($retval) {
+ tlwarn ("fmtutil exit status = $retval; contents of $logfile =\n");
+ tlwarn (`cat $logfile`);
+ tldie ("fmtutil failed, goodbye.\n");
+ }
+ return $retval;
+# Return a hash with each key being a string of the form ENGINE.FORMAT,
+# and the corresponding value a reference to the list of files used to
+# make that format with that engine. This is based on reading the
+# recorder files (format.fls/.ofl) for the format in FMTDIR.
+# Uninteresting files are removed from the list, as is the Master
+# directory prefix.
+sub files_per_format {
+ my ($fmtdir) = @_;
+ my %ret;
+ # gather all fls files.
+ my @fls = ();
+ my $recorder_files = sub {
+ # fun with perl: we use an anonymous sub because it's lexically scoped,
+ # hence we can update a my variable inside. Explanation at, e.g.,
+ #
+ # In this case, we could also pass a lambda sub to find, since
+ # this sub is so simple, but for purposes of example, do it this way.
+ push (@fls, $File::Find::name)
+ if $File::Find::name =~ /\.(fls|ofl)$/
+ };
+ File::Find::find ($recorder_files, $fmtdir);
+ # each fls file will become an entry in the return hash.
+ my $fls_count = @fls;
+ &info ("Reading $fls_count fls file(s): @fls\n");
+ for my $fls_name (@fls) {
+ open (my $fls, $fls_name) || die "open($fls_name) failed: $!";
+ my @files = ();
+ while (<$fls>) {
+ next unless s/^INPUT //;
+ next if m,/web2c/texmf\.cnf$,; # read internally by kpathsea
+ next if m,/fontname/texfonts\.map$,; # likewise
+ next if m,/texsys\.aux$,; # aux file created during run
+ chomp;
+ s,^${Master}/,,; # rm prefix
+ push (@files, $_);
+ }
+ close ($fls) || warn "close($fls_name) failed: $!";
+ # The engine name is the directory above the format file,
+ # and the format name is the format file without extension.
+ my ($engine,$format) = ($fls_name =~ m!^.*/([^/]+)/([^/.]+)\.[^/]+$!);
+ #
+ # we'd have to have a similar special case for mpost if mem files
+ # were still used (see rebuild_one_format in fmtutil).
+ $engine = "mf-nowin" if $engine eq "metafont";
+ #
+ my $ef = "$engine.$format";
+ # Unfortunately, format filenames themselves are not unique, due to
+ # cont-en and pdfcsplain. Shouldn't be any engine+format dups, though.
+ #
+ tldie ("$prg: already saw format $ef\n (with files @{$ret{$ef}}),\n"
+ . " files now = @files\n")
+ if exists $ret{$ef};
+ $ret{$ef} = \@files;
+ }
+ #&debug_hash ("files_per_format returning hash", %ret);
+ return %ret;
+# Read TLPDB_FILE and return references to three hashes:
+# the first mapping contained files to TL package names,
+# the second mapping engine.format names to their specified fmttriggers,
+# and the third mapping engine.format names to the package defining them.
+# Instead of using the general TeXLive::TLPDB functions, read the tlpdb
+# file ourselves. We want to build the file->package mapping just once,
+# for all files, or things become noticeably slow. (The tlpfiles script
+# does this too, but we repeat that code here because we want to find
+# the fmttriggers too.)
+sub tlpdb_by_file {
+ my ($tlpdb_file) = @_;
+ my (%tlpfiles, %fmttriggers, %fmtpkgcontainers);
+ open (my $tlpdb, $tlpdb_file) || die "open($tlpdb_file) failed: $!";
+ my $pkg;
+ while (<$tlpdb>) {
+ chomp;
+ if (/^name /) { # notice package names
+ (undef,$pkg) = split (/ /);
+ } elsif (s/^execute +AddFormat +//) { # notice AddFormat lines
+ my %af = TeXLive::TLUtils::parse_AddFormat_line ($_);
+ if (exists $af{"error"}) {
+ tldie ("$prg: parse_AddFormat_line failed: $af{error}\n"
+ . "line = $_\n");
+ }
+ if ($af{"fmttriggers"}) {
+ my $ef = "$af{engine}.$af{name}";
+ if (exists ($fmttriggers{$ef})) {
+ tldie ("$prg: already saw triggers for $ef ($fmttriggers{$ef}),"
+ . " triggers now = $af{fmttriggers}\n");
+ }
+ $fmttriggers{$ef} = $af{"fmttriggers"};
+ $fmtpkgcontainers{$ef} = $pkg;
+ #warn " fmtpkgcontainers{$ef} = $pkg\n";
+ } else {
+ tlwarn ("$prg: no fmttriggers: $_\n");
+ }
+ } elsif (s/^ //) { # notice file names
+ # we carefully designed the format so that the only lines with
+ # leading spaces are the files.
+ # The installer "package" isn't one, just ignore it.
+ next if $pkg eq "00texlive.installer";
+ my $f = $_;
+ tlwarn ("$prg: already saw file $f (package $tlpfiles{$f}),"
+ . " now in package $pkg\n")
+ if exists $tlpfiles{$f}; # should never happen
+ $tlpfiles{$f} = $pkg;
+ }
+ }
+ close ($tlpdb) || warn "close($tlpdb_file) failed: $!";
+ &info ("TLPDB files: " . scalar (keys %tlpfiles)
+ . " triggers: " . scalar (keys %fmttriggers) . "\n");
+ return (\%tlpfiles, \%fmttriggers, \%fmtpkgcontainers);
+# Return a hash with each key being a format name and the corresponding
+# value a reference to the list of TL packages which contain the files
+# used to make that format, based on the incoming TLPDB and FILES_PER_FORMAT.
+sub pkgs_per_format {
+ my ($tlpdb,%files_per_format) = @_;
+ my %ret; # format->pkgs mapping
+ for my $format (sort keys %files_per_format) {
+ &debug ("finding packages for $format...\n");
+ my %pkgs_for_this_format;
+ my $files_ref = $files_per_format{$format};
+ for my $f (@$files_ref) {
+ if (exists $tlpdb->{$f}) {
+ my $pkg = $tlpdb->{$f};
+ $pkgs_for_this_format{$pkg} = 1;
+ } else {
+ tlwarn ("$prg: tl package not found for file: $f\n");
+ }
+ }
+ # looked up all files for this format; save our list of packages.
+ my @pkgs = sort keys %pkgs_for_this_format;
+ &debug (" packages for $format: @pkgs\n");
+ if (@pkgs == 0) {
+ tlwarn ("$prg: no packages for format $format? files = @$files_ref\n");
+ }
+ $ret{$format} = \@pkgs;
+ }
+ &info ("Formats found: " . scalar (keys %ret) . "\n");
+ #&debug_hash ("pkgs_per_format returning", %ret);
+ return %ret;
+# Compare lists of packages required by building (PKGS_PER_FORMAT) with
+# lists of existing trigger directives (FMTTRIGGERS). Return 0 if
+# identical, 1 otherwise (and report differences). Ignore hyphenation
+# dependencies and the package itself containing the trigger directive
+sub compare_pkgs_and_triggers {
+ my ($pkgs_per_format,$fmttriggers,$fmtpkgcontainers) = @_;
+ my $bad_p = 0;
+ my $all_pkgs = 0;
+ # we don't include these as fmttriggers since when they meaningfully
+ # change, fmtutil should get called anyway due to language.* changing.
+ my @skip_pkgs = qw(dehyph-exptl hyph-utf8 ruhyphen ukrhyph);
+ # Anything matching hyphen-.* is also ignored.
+ for my $ef (sort keys %$pkgs_per_format) {
+ my @recorded_pkgs = @{$pkgs_per_format->{$ef}};
+ $all_pkgs += @recorded_pkgs;
+ my %recorded_pkgs;
+ @recorded_pkgs{@recorded_pkgs} = (); # hash slice for recorded pkgs
+ if (defined $fmttriggers->{$ef}) {
+ my @tlpdb_pkgs = @{$fmttriggers->{$ef}};
+ my %tlpdb_pkgs;
+ @tlpdb_pkgs{@tlpdb_pkgs} = (); # hash slice for tlpdb pkgs
+ my @recorded_only = ();
+ for my $r (keys %recorded_pkgs) {
+ # no need for a package to include itself as a fmttrigger.
+ next if $r eq $fmtpkgcontainers->{$ef};
+ if (exists $tlpdb_pkgs{$r}) {
+ delete $tlpdb_pkgs{$r}; # ok, in both
+ } else {
+ # sometimes we like to include the hyphenation packages as
+ # triggers in the tlpdb, for no particular reason. Let that be
+ # ok, and only check for the skipped packages when making the
+ # trigger list for an engine.format not in tlpdb.
+ next if grep ($_ eq $r, @skip_pkgs);
+ next if $r =~ /hyphen-.*/;
+ push (@recorded_only, $r);
+ }
+ }
+ if (keys %tlpdb_pkgs) {
+ tlwarn ("$prg: $ef triggers only in tlpdb: "
+ . join (",", sort keys %tlpdb_pkgs) . "\n");
+ $bad_p = 1;
+ }
+ if (@recorded_only) {
+ tlwarn ("$prg: $ef triggers only in recorder: "
+ . join (",", sort @recorded_only) . "\n");
+ $bad_p = 1;
+ }
+ delete $fmttriggers->{$ef};
+ } else {
+ # not in tlpdb at all; in a few cases, that is expected.
+ # Otherwise, complain and output needed fmttriggers directive.
+ if ($ef =~ /^(mf-nowin\.mf|(pdf|xe)tex\.cont-en)$/) {
+ delete $fmttriggers->{$ef}; # ok
+ } else {
+ tlwarn ("$prg: no fmttriggers in tlpdb: $ef\n"
+ . " fmttriggers=" . join (",", @recorded_pkgs) . "\n");
+ $bad_p = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for my $ef (sort keys %$fmttriggers) {
+ my $trig = join (",", sort @{$fmttriggers->{$ef}});
+ tlwarn ("$prg: format in tlpdb only: "
+ . "$ef ($trig)\n");
+ $bad_p = 1;
+ }
+ info ("Triggers checked: $all_pkgs (includes duplicates)\n");
+ return $bad_p;
+=head1 NAME
+check-fmttriggers - check that all needed packages trigger format rebuilds
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+check-fmttriggers [I<option>]...
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--fmtargs> I<str>
+Pass I<str> to C<fmtutil>, overriding C<--all>; e.g., for debugging you
+might want C<--fmtargs=--byfmt=tex> to build only C<tex.fmt>. (Many
+inconsistencies with the TLPDB will be reported, naturally.)
+=item B<--fmtdir> I<dir>
+Rebuild formats in I<dir>; default C</tmp/fmttriggers>. This directory
+is completely removed before rebuilding, so do not use any system
+=item B<--no-rerecord>
+Do not rebuild all formats to remake the recorder files; the default
+(C<--rerecord>) is to do so.
+=item B<--help>
+Display this documentation and exit.
+=item B<--version>
+Display version information and exit.
+The standard options B<-q>, B<-v>, and B<-logfile>=I<file> are also
+accepted; see the C<process_logging_options> function in
+L<TeXLive::TLUtils> for details. In particular, with B<-v> or higher,
+the packages found to be needed for each I<engine.format> combination
+will be reported.
+Compare the fmttriggers= listed in the tlpsrc files with the actual
+dependencies found by running fmtutil -recorder and inspecting the
+recorder (.fls) files.
+This script and its documentation were written for the TeX Live
+distribution (L<>) and both are licensed under the
+GNU General Public License Version 2 or later.
+# Local Variables:
+# perl-indent-level: 2
+# tab-width: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
+# vim: sw=2 expandtab