path: root/Master/texmf-dist
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2006-01-12 23:59:24 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2006-01-12 23:59:24 +0000
commit5117d5c264e21bf3fd2016f0a4267abeebf15f9b (patch)
tree5c48192ab3adcf56e5ac3eef7b63ea6d541c6ed7 /Master/texmf-dist
parentba241ca2ae1366aa7f092a7a70430e2d1a7ae851 (diff)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist')
10 files changed, 1713 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/bar.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/bar.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c8271ca86e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/bar.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+% BAR.STY --- Style File zum Setzen von Balkendiagrammen
+% Autor: J. Bleser, E. Lang
+% Hochschulrechenzentrum
+% Technische Hochschule Darmstadt
+% !!! Dieses Style-File ist urheberrechtlich geschuetzt !!!
+% !!! Aenderungen nur mit Zustimmung der Autoren !!!
+\typeout{Option BAR, Version 1.0 Sep. 92, J.Bleser, TH Darmstadt, HRZ}
+\typeout{bug fix for CTAN April 1994 (SPQR, for David Carlisle)}
+\newcount\breite \newcount\hoehe \newcount\tiefe
+\newcount\lhoehe \newcount\anzbar \newcount\hbarI
+\newcount\xpos \newcount\lxpos \newcount\halfbreite
+\newcount\ypos \newcount\lypos
+\newcount\tmpa \newcount\tmpb \newcount\tmpc
+\newcount\tmpd \newcount\tmpe
+\newcount\xmin \newcount\xmax \newcount\xstep
+\newcount\deltax \newcount\yhoehe %
+\newcount\ymin \newcount\ymax \newcount\ystep
+\newcount\yminII \newcount\ymaxII \newcount\deltay
+\newcount\ymove \newcount\xmove \newcount\inter
+\newcount\exact \newcount\xexact
+\newdimen\dtmpa \newdimen\dtmpb
+\newdimen\dmin \newdimen\dmax \newdimen\dstep
+\newdimen\dxmin \newdimen\dxmax \newdimen\dxstep
+\newdimen\faktor \newdimen\dinter
+\newbox\mybox \newbox\xbox \newbox\ybox
+\newif\if@xaxis \newif\if@yaxis
+\def\setnumberpos#1{\def\my@number{\expandafter\csname my@#1\endcsname}}
+ \ifx\x@value\m@nth\let\myx@value\Monat@%
+ \else\ifx\x@value\d@y\let\myx@value\Tag@%
+ \else\let\myx@value\Zahl@n%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \ifx\l@style\solid\let\my@lstyle=\mylinebox%
+ \else\let\my@lstyle=\mydotbox%
+ \fi%
+ \ifdim\dinter>0pt\inter\dinter\multiply\inter\breite\divide\inter65536\fi%
+ \halfbreite\breite\divide\halfbreite2%
+ \inter\dtmpa\divide\inter65536%
+\def\setxname{\@ifnextchar [{\isetxname}{\isetxname[]}}
+\def\setyname{\@ifnextchar [{\isetyname}{\isetyname[l]}}
+\newcount\vorz %
+\def\setyaxis{\@ifnextchar [{\i@setyaxis}{\i@setyaxis[0]}}
+ \dmin#2\faktor\ymin\dmin\divide\ymin by65536%
+ \dmax#3\faktor\ymax\dmax\divide\ymax by65536%
+ \ifnum\ymin>\ymax\vorz-1\else\vorz1\fi%
+ \ifnum\ymin>0\ymin-\ymin\fi%
+ \ifnum\ymax<0\ymax-\ymax\fi%
+ \dstep#4\faktor\ystep\dstep\divide\ystep by65536%
+ \ifnum\ystep<0\ystep-\ystep\fi%
+ \@yaxistrue%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\the\ymax}\setbox1=\hbox{\the\ymin}
+ \ifdim\wd0>\wd1\xmove=\wd0\else\xmove=\wd1\fi%
+ \divide\xmove by65536\advance\xmove by4%
+ \global\xmove=\the\xmove%
+ \deltay\ymax\advance\deltay-\ymin\tmpb\deltay%
+ \divide\deltay\ystep%
+ \advance\deltay by1%
+ \dmin=#2pt\dstep=#4pt%
+ \thicklines%
+ \multiput(0,\ymin)(0,\ystep){\deltay}{\line(-1,0){4}%
+ \put(-6,0){\makebox(0,0)[r]{{\my@style\dimIIreal\dmin}}%
+ \global\advance\dmin by\dstep}}%
+ \dtmpa=#1\faktor\ymove\dtmpa\divide\ymove by65536\ifnum\ymove<0\ymove=0\fi%
+ \tmpa\ymin\advance\tmpa by-\ymove\advance\tmpb by\ymove%
+ \global\yhoehe\tmpb %
+ \put(0,\tmpa){\line(0,1){\tmpb}}%
+ \thinlines%
+ \dxmin#1pt\dxmax#2pt\dxstep#3pt\global\xexact\exact%
+ \@xaxistrue\let\mytmp@style=\my@style%
+\def\bar#1#2{\@ifnextchar [{\@bar{#1}{#2}}{\@bar{#1}{#2}[]}}
+ \dtmpa#1\faktor\hoehe\dtmpa\divide\hoehe by65536%
+ \multiply\hoehe\vorz%
+ \ypos0\def\@user{#1}%
+ \ifnum\hoehe<\yminII\yminII=\hoehe\fi\ifnum\hoehe>\ymaxII\ymaxII=\hoehe\fi%
+ \ifnum\anzbar=0\hbarI=\hoehe\fi%
+ \ifnum#2>-1%
+ \ifnum\hoehe<0\ypos=\hoehe\tmpa=-\hoehe\else\tmpa=\hoehe\fi%
+ \ifnum #2=1\put(\xpos,\ypos){\framebox(\breite,\tmpa){}}\fi%
+ \ifnum #2=2\put(\xpos,\ypos){\framebox(\breite,\tmpa){}}%
+ \tmpc=\breite\divide\tmpc by3\tmpb=\xpos\advance\tmpb by1%
+ \multiput(\tmpb,\ypos)(3,0){\tmpc}{\line(0,1){\tmpa}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnum #2=3\put(\xpos,\ypos){\framebox(\breite,\tmpa){}}%
+ \tmpc=\tmpa\divide\tmpc by3\tmpb=\ypos\advance\tmpb by1%
+ \multiput(\xpos,\tmpb)(0,3){\tmpc}{\line(1,0){\breite}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnum #2=4\put(\xpos,\ypos){\framebox(\breite,\tmpa){}}%
+ \tmpc=\breite\divide\tmpc by3\tmpb=\xpos\advance\tmpb by1%
+ \multiput(\tmpb,\ypos)(3,0){\tmpc}{\line(0,1){\tmpa}}%
+ \tmpc=\tmpa\divide\tmpc by3\tmpb=\ypos\advance\tmpb by1%
+ \multiput(\xpos,\tmpb)(0,3){\tmpc}{\line(1,0){\breite}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnum #2=5\put(\xpos,\ypos){\framebox(\breite,\tmpa){}}%
+ \tmpc=\breite\divide\tmpc by4\tmpb=\xpos\advance\tmpb by1%
+ \multiput(\tmpb,\ypos)(4,0){\tmpc}{\rule{2pt}{\tmpa pt}}%
+ \tmpc=\tmpa\divide\tmpc by4\tmpb=\ypos\advance\tmpb by1%
+ \multiput(\xpos,\tmpb)(0,4){\tmpc}{\rule{\breite pt}{2pt}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnum #2=6\put(\xpos,\ypos){\framebox(\breite,\tmpa){}}%
+ \tmpb=\breite\divide\tmpb by-2%
+ \ifnum\hoehe>0\advance\tmpb by\tmpa\fi%
+ \tmpc=\tmpa\divide\tmpc by4%
+ \multiput(\xpos,\ypos)(0,4){\tmpc}{%
+ \ifdim\@ydim<\tmpb pt\line(2,1){\breite}%
+ \else\tmpd=\@ydim\divide\tmpd by65536%
+ \ifnum\tmpd<0\else\advance\tmpd by-\tmpa\fi%
+ \multiply\tmpd by-2\line(2,1){\tmpd}%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \tmpb=\breite\divide\tmpb by8\tmpc=\breite\advance\tmpc by-8%
+ \tmpd=\tmpa\multiply\tmpd 2\advance\xpos by 8%
+ \multiput(\xpos,\ypos)(8,0){\tmpb}{%
+ \ifnum\tmpc<\tmpd\line(2,1){\tmpc}\else\line(2,1){\tmpd}\fi%
+ \global\advance\tmpc by-8%
+ }%
+ \advance\xpos by -8%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum #2=7\put(\xpos,\ypos){\framebox(\breite,\tmpa){}}%
+ \tmpb=\breite\divide\tmpb by2%
+ \ifnum\hoehe>0\ypos=\hoehe\else\ypos=0\advance\tmpb by-\tmpa\fi%
+ \tmpc=\tmpa\divide\tmpc by4%
+ \multiput(\xpos,\ypos)(0,-4){\tmpc}{%
+ \ifdim\@ydim<\tmpb pt\tmpd=\@ydim\divide\tmpd by65536%
+ \ifnum\tmpd<0\advance\tmpd by\tmpa\fi%
+ \multiply\tmpd by2\line(2,-1){\tmpd}%
+ \else\line(2,-1){\breite}%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \tmpb=\breite\divide\tmpb by8\advance\tmpb by 1\tmpc=\breite%
+ \tmpd=\tmpa\multiply\tmpd 2%
+ \multiput(\xpos,\ypos)(8,0){\tmpb}{%
+ \ifnum\tmpc>\tmpd\line(2,-1){\tmpd}\else\line(2,-1){\tmpc}\fi%
+ \global\advance\tmpc by-8%
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum #2=8\put(\xpos,\ypos){\rule{\breite pt}{\tmpa pt}}\fi
+ \my@number%
+ \fi%
+ \tmpc-\baselineskip\divide\tmpc 65536%
+ \divide\tmpc 2%
+ \put(\xpos,\ypos){\put(0,\tmpc){\makebox(\breite,0){#3}}}%
+ \ifnum\anzbar>0
+ \ifnum\tiefe>0
+ \ifnum\lhoehe<\hoehe
+ \ifnum\lhoehe>0\machDachI(\lxpos,\lhoehe)
+ \else\machDachI(\lxpos,0)
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum\lhoehe>0\machDachII(\lxpos,\lhoehe)
+ \else\machDachII(\lxpos,0)
+ \fi
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \if@hlineon\machHLines\fi%
+ \fi%
+ \lxpos\xpos\advance\xpos\breite\advance\xpos\inter%
+ \advance\anzbar1\lhoehe\hoehe%
+ \xpos0\breite40\halfbreite20\tiefe0\lhoehe0\anzbar0%
+ \yminII0\ymaxII0\inter0\dinter0pt\vorz1%
+ \exact0\ymove0\xmove0\unitlength1pt\@xaxisfalse\@yaxisfalse\@hlineonfalse%
+ \let\my@lstyle=\mydotbox\let\myx@value=\Zahl@n%
+ \faktor1pt%
+ \def\vline{\my@vline}%
+ \def\hspace{\my@hspace}%
+ \setbox\@tempboxa=\hbox\bgroup%
+ \begin{picture}(0,0)\thinlines%
+ \advance\xpos by-\inter%
+ \ifnum\tiefe>0
+ \put(\xpos,0){\line(1,1){\tiefe}}%
+% \put(\xpos,\hoehe){\line(1,1){\tiefe}\put(0,\tiefe){\line(0,1){-\hoehe}}}%
+ \put(\xpos,\hoehe){\line(1,1){\tiefe}%
+ \put(0,\tiefe){\ifnum\hoehe<\z@\line(0,1){-\hoehe}\fi}}%
+ \fi%
+ \deltax=\lhoehe\bar{0}{-1}\lhoehe=\deltax%
+ \thicklines%
+ \if@yaxis\else\tmpa=\ymaxII\advance\tmpa by-\yminII\advance\tmpa by\tiefe%
+ \put(0,\yminII){\line(0,1){\tmpa}}%
+ \fi%
+ \if@xaxis%
+ \advance\ymin by-\ymove%
+ \tmpe=\exact\global\exact=\xexact%
+ \put(0,\ymin){\line(1,0){\lxpos}}%
+ \xstep=\dxstep\divide\xstep by65536%
+ \dtmpa=\dxmax\advance\dtmpa by-\dxmin%
+ \deltax=\dtmpa\divide\deltax by65536\divide\deltax by\xstep%
+ \advance\deltax by1%
+ \tmpa=\breite\divide\tmpa by2%
+ \tmpb=\breite\advance\tmpb by\inter%
+ \multiput(\tmpa,\ymin)(\tmpb,0){\deltax}{%
+ \line(0,-1){4}\myx@value\dxmin%
+ \global\advance\dxmin by\dxstep}%
+ \global\exact=\tmpe%
+ \fi%
+ \put(0,0){\line(1,0){\lxpos}}%
+ \if@xaxis\tmpa=-20\else\tmpa=-10\fi%
+ \ifvoid\xbox\else\put(\lxpos,\ymin){\put(0,\tmpa){\box\xbox}}\fi%
+ \tmpa=\ymax\advance\tmpa by6\advance\tmpa by\tiefe%
+ \ifvoid\ybox\else\put(\tiefe,\tmpa){\box\ybox}\fi%
+ \if@hlineon%
+ \ifnum\lhoehe<0%
+ \tmpb=-\ymin\advance\tmpb by\lhoehe%
+ \advance\tmpb by\ymove\divide\tmpb by\ystep%
+ \tmpa=\ymin\advance\tmpa by\tiefe\advance\tmpa by\ymove%
+ \multiput(\lxpos,\tmpa)(0,\ystep){\tmpb}{%
+ \ifdim\@ydim<\lhoehe pt%
+ \else\ypos=-\@ydim\divide\ypos by65536%
+ \advance\ypos by\lhoehe\advance\ypos by\tiefe%
+ \tmpe=\tiefe\advance\tmpe by-\ypos%
+ \ifnum\ypos>0\put(\tmpe,0){\thinlines\my@lstyle\ypos}\fi%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ \put(0,\ymin){\line(1,0){\lxpos}}%
+ \tmpa=\ymax\advance\tmpa by-\ymin%
+ \ifnum\tiefe>0
+ \put(0,\ymax){\line(1,1){\tiefe}\put(0,\tiefe){\line(1,0){\lxpos}%
+ \line(0,-1){\tmpa}\put(0,-\tmpa){\line(-1,-1){\tiefe}}}}%
+ \else\put(0,\ymax){\line(1,0){\lxpos}\line(0,-1){\tmpa}}%
+ \fi%
+ \thinlines%
+ \ifnum\hbarI<0\tmpa=-\ymin\advance\tmpa by\hbarI\advance\tmpa by-\tiefe%
+ \put(\tiefe,\tiefe){\line(0,1){\ymax}}%
+ \put(\tiefe,\hbarI){\line(0,-1){\tmpa}}%
+ \else\tmpa=\ymax\advance\tmpa by-\hbarI\advance\ymax by\tiefe%
+ \put(\tiefe,\ymax){\line(0,-1){\tmpa}}%
+ \ifnum\ymin<0\tmpa=\ymin%
+ \advance\tmpa by\tiefe\put(\tiefe,\tmpa){\line(0,1){-\tmpa}}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum\hbarI<0\tmpa=\hbarI\tmpb=0\else\tmpa=0\tmpb=\hbarI\fi%
+ \tmpc=-\ymin\advance\tmpc \tmpa%
+ \ifnum\tmpc>\tiefe\tmpc=\tiefe\fi
+ \ifnum\ymove>0\put(0,\ymin){\line(1,1){\tmpc}}\fi%
+ \advance\ymin by\ymove%
+ \multiput(0,\ymin)(0,\ystep){\deltay}{%
+ \ifdim\@ydim<\tmpa pt%
+ \tmpc=-\@ydim\divide\tmpc by65536\advance\tmpc by\tmpa%
+ \ifnum\tmpc>\tiefe\tmpc=\tiefe\fi%
+ \ifx\l@style\solid\line(1,1){\tmpc}%
+ \else\divide\tmpc by 3\multiput(0,0)(3,3){\tmpc}{.}%
+ \fi%
+ \else\ifdim\@ydim>\tmpb pt%
+ \ifx\l@style\solid\line(1,1){\tiefe}%
+ \else\tmpe=\tiefe\divide\tmpe by3\multiput(0,0)(3,3){\tmpe}{.}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ \thinlines%
+ \ifnum\ymaxII<\ymax\global\ymaxII=\ymax\else\global\ymaxII=\ymaxII\fi%
+ \ifnum\yminII>\ymin\global\yminII=\ymin\else\global\yminII=\yminII\fi%
+ \global\advance\yminII by-\ymove%
+ \global\xpos=\the\xpos\global\advance\xpos by20%
+ \end{picture}
+ \egroup%
+ \global\advance\ymaxII by\tiefe\advance\ymaxII by-\yminII%
+ \advance\xpos by-\breite%
+ \begin{picture}(\the\xpos,\the\ymaxII)
+ \put(\xmove,-\yminII){\box\@tempboxa}
+ \end{picture}
+ \faktorfalse
+ \begin{picture}(20,10)
+ \put(0,0){\framebox(20,10){}}
+ \ifnum #1=2\multiput(1,0)(3,0){7}{\line(0,1){10}}\fi%
+ \ifnum #1=3\multiput(0,1)(0,3){3}{\line(1,0){20}}\fi%
+ \ifnum #1=4\multiput(1,0)(3,0){7}{\line(0,1){10}}%
+ \multiput(0,1)(0,3){3}{\line(1,0){20}}%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum #1=5\multiput(1,0)(4,0){5}{\rule{2pt}{10pt}}%
+ \multiput(0,2)(0,4){2}{\rule{20pt}{2pt}}%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum #1=6%
+ \put(0,0){\line(2,1){20}}\put(0,4){\line(2,1){13}}\put(8,0){\line(2,1){12}}%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum #1=7%
+ \put(0,10){\line(2,-1){20}}\put(0,6){\line(2,-1){12}}%
+ \put(8,10){\line(2,-1){12}}%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum #1=8\put(0,0){\rule{20\unitlength}{10\unitlength}}\fi%
+ \end{picture}%
+ \quad#2%
+ \tmpa\ymin\advance\tmpa-\ymove%
+ \put(\xpos,\tmpa){\line(0,1){\yhoehe}}
+ \dtmpa#1pt\multiply\dtmpa\breite%
+ \tmpa\dtmpa\divide\tmpa65536%
+ \global\advance\xpos\tmpa
+\def\mydotbox#1{\tmpe=#1\advance\tmpe by2\lower0.8pt\hbox to\tmpe pt{\dotfill}}
+% Parameter: umzuwandelnde Dimension.
+ \dtmpa=#1\tmpa=\dtmpa\divide\tmpa by65536\advance\dtmpa by-\tmpa pt%
+ \the\tmpa\ifnum\exact>0,\fi%
+ \tmpb=\exact%
+ \@whilenum\tmpb>0\do{%
+ \advance\dtmpa by0.05pt\dtmpa=10\dtmpa\advance\dtmpa by-0.5pt%
+ \tmpa=\dtmpa\divide\tmpa by65536\advance\dtmpa by-\tmpa pt%
+ \the\tmpa\advance\tmpb by-1}%
+ \tmpa=\hoehe\advance\tmpa by-#2\tmpd=\tmpa\ifnum\tmpd<0\tmpd=-\tmpd\fi%
+ \ifnum\hoehe<0\machDachII(#1,#2)%
+ \else
+ \tmpb=\breite\advance\tmpb by-\tiefe%
+ \advance\tmpb by\inter%
+ \ifnum\tmpa<\tiefe\advance\tmpa by-\tiefe\advance\tmpb by-\tmpa\fi%
+ \ifnum\tmpb>\breite\tmpb=\breite\fi%
+ \ifnum\breite<\tiefe\put(#1,#2){\line(1,1){\breite}}%
+ \else\put(#1,#2){\line(1,1){\tiefe}\put(0,\tiefe){\line(1,0){\tmpb}}}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \tmpa=#1\advance\tmpa by\breite%
+ \ifnum\inter>0%
+ \ifnum\tmpd<\inter\tmpb=\tiefe\else\tmpb=\inter\fi%
+ \put(\tmpa,\lhoehe){\line(1,1){\tmpb}}%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum\lhoehe<0\put(\tmpa,\lhoehe){%
+ \ifnum\hoehe<0\tmpb=-\lhoehe\advance\tmpb by\hoehe%
+ \ifnum\tmpb>\tiefe\tmpa=\tiefe\else\tmpa=\tmpb\tmpb=0\fi%
+ \line(1,1){\tmpa}\put(0,\tmpa){\advance\tmpb by-\tiefe\line(0,1){\tmpb}}%
+ \else\tmpa=-\lhoehe\advance\tmpa by-\tiefe%
+ \ifnum-\lhoehe<\tiefe\tmpb=-\lhoehe\else\tmpb=\tiefe\fi%
+ \line(1,1){\tmpb}\put(0,\tmpb){\line(0,1){\tmpa}}%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \tmpa=#1\advance\tmpa by\breite\tmpb=0%
+ \ifnum\hoehe>0\ifnum\lhoehe<0\tmpb=\lhoehe\fi
+ \put(\tmpa,\tmpb){\line(1,1){\inter}}
+ \else\put(\tmpa,0){\line(1,1){\tiefe}}
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\hoehe<0\tmpa=\lhoehe\else\tmpa=\lhoehe\advance\tmpa by-\hoehe\fi
+ \ifnum\tmpa<0\tmpa=\inter\else\advance\tmpa by\inter\fi%
+ \put(#1,#2){\line(1,1){\tiefe}\put(0,\tiefe){\line(1,0){\breite}%
+ \line(0,-1){\tmpa}\line(-1,-1){\tiefe}}}%
+ \tmpc=\breite\advance\tmpc by2%
+ \setbox\mybox=\hbox to\tmpc pt{\dotfill}
+ \multiput(\lxpos,\ymin)(0,\ystep){\deltay}{%
+ \ifdim\@ydim<\tmpa pt\lower0.8pt\copy\mybox\fi%
+ \ifdim\@ydim>\tmpb pt\lower0.8pt\copy\mybox\fi%
+ }
+ \multiput(\lxpos,\lypos)(0,\ystep){\deltay}{%
+ \ifdim\@ydim<\tmpa pt%
+ \ifdim\@ydim>\tmpc pt\ypos=\breite\advance\ypos by-\tiefe%
+ \else\ypos=\breite%
+ \fi%
+ \my@lstyle\ypos
+ \else%
+ \ifdim\@ydim>\tmpc pt%
+ \else%
+ \ypos=-\@ydim\divide\ypos by65536%
+ \advance\ypos by\lhoehe\advance\ypos by\tiefe%
+ \tmpe=\breite\advance\tmpe by-\ypos%
+ \ifnum\ypos>0\ifnum\tmpe>0\put(\tmpe,0){\my@lstyle\ypos}\fi\fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \ifdim\@ydim>\tmpb pt%
+ \ypos=\breite\advance\ypos by-\tiefe%
+ \ifdim\@ydim>\tmpd pt\ypos=\breite%
+ \else\ifdim\@ydim<\hoehe pt%
+ \else\tmpe=\@ydim\divide\tmpe by65536\advance\tmpe by-\hoehe%
+ \advance\ypos by\tmpe%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \my@lstyle\ypos
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \tmpb=\ymin\advance\tmpb by-\ymove\advance\tmpb by\tiefe%
+ \ifnum\lhoehe>\tmpb\ypos=\breite%
+ \ifnum\hoehe<\tmpb\advance\ypos by-\tiefe\fi%
+ \put(\lxpos,\tmpb){\line(1,0){\ypos}}
+ \fi%
+ \tmpe=\baselineskip\divide\tmpe by65536\advance\tmpe by3%
+ \ifnum\lhoehe<0\tmpa=\lhoehe\tmpb=0\else\tmpa=0\tmpb=\lhoehe\fi%
+ \ifnum\hoehe<0\tmpc=\hoehe\tmpd=0\else\tmpc=0\tmpd=\hoehe\fi%
+ \advance\tmpb by\tiefe\advance\tmpd by\tiefe%
+ \advance\lxpos by\tiefe%
+ \lypos=\ymin\advance\lypos by\tiefe%
+ \machHLinesII%
+ \ifnum\hoehe<0\put(\xpos,\hoehe){\makebox(\breite,\tmpa){{\my@style\@user}}}%
+ \else\put(\xpos,0){\makebox(\breite,\tmpa){{\my@style\@user}}}%
+ \fi%
+ \tmpa=\hoehe%
+ \ifnum\hoehe<0\advance\tmpa by-6\else\advance\tmpa by\tiefe\advance\tmpa by6%
+ \fi%
+ \tmpb=\breite\divide\tmpb by2\advance\tmpb by\xpos%
+ \ifnum\hoehe>0\advance\tmpb by\tiefe\fi%
+ \put(\tmpb,\tmpa){\makebox(0,0){{\my@style\@user}}}%
+ \ifnum\hoehe>0\tmpa=\hoehe\advance\tmpa by\tiefe\advance\tmpa by8%
+ \else\tmpa=\tiefe\advance\tmpa by8%
+ \fi%
+ \tmpb=\breite\divide\tmpb by2\advance\tmpb by\xpos\advance\tmpb by\tiefe%
+ \put(\tmpb,\tmpa){\makebox(0,0){{\my@style\@user}}}%
+ \ifnum\hoehe>0\tmpa=-6\else\tmpa=\hoehe\advance\tmpa by-6\fi%
+ \tmpb=\breite\divide\tmpb by2\advance\tmpb by\xpos%
+ \put(\tmpb,\tmpa){\makebox(0,0){{\my@style\@user}}}%
+ \ifnum\hoehe>0\tmpa=-6\else\tmpa=6\fi%
+ \tmpb=\breite\divide\tmpb by2\advance\tmpb by\xpos%
+ \put(\tmpb,\tmpa){\makebox(0,0){{\my@style\@user}}}%
+ \tmpd=#1\divide\tmpd by65536\tmpd=\the\tmpd%
+ \tmpc=\tmpd\divide\tmpc by12\multiply\tmpc by12\advance\tmpd -\tmpc%
+ \put(0,-10){\makebox(0,0){{\mytmp@style%
+ \ifcase\tmpd Dez\or Jan\or Feb\or M\"ar\or Apr\or Mai\or Jun\or Jul%
+ \or Aug\or Sep\or Okt\or Nov%
+ \fi%
+ }}}%
+ \tmpd=#1\divide\tmpd by65536\tmpd=\the\tmpd%
+ \tmpc=\tmpd\divide\tmpc by7\multiply\tmpc by7\advance\tmpd -\tmpc%
+ \put(0,-10){\makebox(0,0){{\mytmp@style%
+ \ifcase\tmpd Son\or Mon\or Die\or Mit\or Don\or Fre\or Sam\fi%
+ }}}%
+ \dtmpa=#1%
+ \put(0,-10){\makebox(0,0){{\mytmp@style\dimIIreal\dxmin}}}%
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/bibmods.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/bibmods.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..068dd3c9812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/bibmods.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+% -*-latex-*-
+%% /u/sy/beebe/tex/bib/bibmods.sty, Mon Jul 9 08:40:33 1990
+%% Edit by Nelson H.F. Beebe <beebe at>
+%% =====================================================================
+%% @LaTeX-style-file{
+%% author = "Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe at>",
+%% version = "1.01",
+%% date = "10 September 1991",
+%% filename = "bibmods.sty",
+%% address = "Center for Scientific Computing
+%% and Department of Mathematics
+%% South Physics Building
+%% University of Utah
+%% Salt Lake City, UT 84112
+%% USA
+%% Tel: (801) 581-5254",
+%% checksum = "14420 65 318 2830",
+%% email = "beebe at (Internet)",
+%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
+%% supported = "yes",
+%% docstring = "This LaTeX style file provides a modification
+%% to the thebibliography environment to improve
+%% spacing.
+%% The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
+%% checksum as the first value, followed by the
+%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
+%% count) utility output of lines, words, and
+%% characters. This is produced by Robert
+%% Solovay's checksum utility."
+%% }
+%% =====================================================================
+% The standard LaTeX \bibliography definition invokes \sloppy, which in turn
+% sets \tolerance to 10000. This gives spacing that is too stretchable,
+% with the result that wide white spaces appear in order to give right-
+% justified output in two-column mode. We redefine \thebibliography
+% to invoke the original definition, then reset the tolerance to a more
+% reasonable value. We also allow a little \emergencystretch (a TeX 3.0
+% feature) to allow individual lines to be slightly longer; if that
+% name is unknown, the code avoids its use, so as to work with earlier
+% versions of TeX.
+% TeXbook, p. 308:
+ \hyphenpenalty=1
+ % \emergencystretch is a new feature of TeX 3.0; use it only if known
+ \ifundefined{emergencystretch}
+ \relax
+ \else
+ \emergencystretch=3pt
+ \fi
+ \if@twocolumn
+ \tolerance=6000 %need looser tolerances in two-column mode
+ \else
+ \tolerance=2000
+ \fi
+\hbadness=10000 \relax}
+\overfullrule=3pt % to catch problems in the output.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/example.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/example.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1144ed56572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/example.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+% example.sty 20 May 91
+% Copyright (c) 1988, 1991 by J.Schrod.
+% Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
+% LaTeX style option example
+% tested with style article, should also work with other styles
+% don't use it with twoside or twocolumn option
+% [LaTeX in MAKEPROG]
+% Author
+% js: Joachim Schrod <xitijsch@ddathd21.bitnet>
+% Contributors
+% (** enough place for your name **)
+% VERSION HISTORY (MSCF -- most significant change first)
+% 91-05-20 js documentation added for distribution
+% 88-06-29 js created it for THD LaTeX tutorial
+%%%% These TeX macros were documented with the documentation system
+%%%% MAKEPROG and automatically converted to the current form.
+%%%% If you have MAKEPROG available you may transform it back to
+%%%% the original input: Remove every occurence of three percents
+%%%% and one optional blank from the beginning of a line and remove
+%%%% every line which starts with four percents. The following lex
+%%%% program will do this:
+%%%% %%
+%%%% ^%%%\ ? ;
+%%%% ^%%%%.*\n ;
+%%%% MAKEPROG may be obtained over the net from the Bitnet-Listserver
+%%%% LISTSERV@DHDURZ1 (filelist WEBWARE), from,
+%%%% or via ftp from
+%%% \documentstyle[progltx,example]{article}
+%%% \nofiles % don't need an aux file
+%%% \hfuzz=18pt % expected overfull hboxes in code
+%%% \begin{document}
+%%% \title{The {\tt example\/} Style Option}
+%%% \author{% % LaTeX does not discard unnecessary glue...
+%%% Joachim Schrod%
+%%% \thanks{%
+%%% TU~Darmstadt, Alexanderstr.~10, D-6100 Darmstadt, Germany.\hfil\break
+%%% Email: {\tt xitijsch@ddathd21.bitnet}.%
+%%% }%
+%%% }
+%%% \date{20 May 91}
+%%% \maketitle
+%%% \chap What's this style option for?.
+%%% This style option makes it easier to produce examples for \TeX{}
+%%% courses. It realizes an |example| environment; the text within such
+%%% an environment is typeset two times: On the left side just like any
+%%% ordinary text, on the right side verbatim. So an author can be sure
+%%% that the verbatim and the typeset part of an \TeX{} example is
+%%% consistent. The usage is simple: Type
+%%% %
+%%% \begin{quote}
+%%% |\begin{example}|
+%%% |Some \TeX{} text.|
+%%% |\end{example}|
+%%% \end{quote}
+%%% %
+%%% and you get
+%%% %
+%%% \begin{example}
+%%% Some \TeX{} text.
+%%% \end{example}
+%%% %
+%%% Just note one important point: {\it The end of the environment must
+%%% be on a line of it's own, there must be no space in front of the
+%%% |\end|, and there must be no text -- even no comment -- behind}. For
+%%% further information have a look at the section on possible
+%%% enhancements.
+%%% \sect This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version~1, or (at your
+%%% option) any later version.
+%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%%% {\bf without any warranty\/}; without even the implied warranty of
+%%% {\bf merchantability\/} or {\bf fitness for a particular purpose}. See
+%%% the GNU General Public License for more details.
+%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+%%% Inc., 675~Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA~02139, USA.
+%%% \sect The implementation uses an auxiliary file. This file has the
+%%% extension |tmp|. Be aware of this if you use such a file name in other
+%%% options. The file is not needed outside of the environment.
+%%% All public markups start with |Example|, all private ones with
+%%% |example_|. These two prefixes are reserved.
+%%% The width of an example column is available for inspection and change
+%%% in the dimension register |\ExampleWidth|.
+%%% \sect This style option still has at least one problem which you
+%%% should be aware of: I've encountered false indentation while I've
+%%% used it within an item of a |list| environment. I remember that there
+%%% was a difference if it was used with or without text in front of it.
+%%% But I didn't needed this stuff so I decided not to look at.
+%%% Might be, that |\everypar| is not handled correctly or that some flags
+%%% should be looked at. (Remember that an |\item| in \LaTeX{} does not
+%%% set anything -- it just stores it away until the start of the next
+%%% paragraph!)
+%%% Furthermore I set |\oddsidemargin| and |\evensidemargin| to 0\,pt, but
+%%% I do not remember why. Is this really necessary? (I should have
+%%% documented it in the beginning, nothing lives longer than a
+%%% provision\,\dots)
+%%% \sect And some future enhancements would be easy to make:
+%%% %
+%%% \begin{itemize}
+%%% \item The algorithm for typesetting the verbatim text should be those
+%%% of |progltx|. Then tabulators and all those stuff would be handled
+%%% right.
+%%% \item The algorithm for detecting the environment end should be those
+%%% of |progltx|, too. It would allow for comments; a markup which forbids
+%%% a comment behind it should be forbidden.
+%%% \item There should be a way to specify texts which are only printed in
+%%% the \TeX{} part resp.\ the verbatim part. This would be helpful for
+%%% inserting help lines, additional information etc. (Implementation is
+%%% straightforward.)
+%%% \item The implementation does not care for the |twoside| option. Then
+%%% the order should be mirrored. I.e., verbatim left and \TeX{} text
+%%% right.
+%%% \item Other arrangements of \TeX{} text and verbatim text should be
+%%% possible. E.g., on a slide there should not be beside each other but
+%%% below. Perhaps also on a multi-column layout.
+%%% \end{itemize}
+%%% \sect Before we start we declare some shorthands for category codes.
+%%% By declaring the underscore~`(|_|)' as letters we can use it in our
+%%% macros. (I agree with {\sc D.~Knuth} that
+%%% |\identifier_several_words_long| is more readable than
+%%% |\IdentifierSeveralWordsLong| and in every case better than
+%%% |\p@@@s|.) As this is a \LaTeX{} style option the at sign is a letter
+%%% anyhow; so we can use the ``private'' Plain and \LaTeX{} macros; and
+%%% with the underscore we can make our own macros more readable. But as
+%%% we have to restore this category code at the end of this macro file
+%%% we store its former value in the control sequence |\uscode|. This
+%%% method is better than to use a group because not all macros have to
+%%% be defined global this way.
+%%% \beginprog
+%\chardef\active=13 % is defined in Plain already
+\chardef\uscode=\catcode`\_ % top level macro file!
+%%% \endprog
+%%% \sect Now some setup where I don't remember why I've done them,
+%%% perhaps it was only needed in our tutorials. -- But never change a
+%%% running program by yourself, let others do the work\,\dots
+%%% \beginprog
+%%% \endprog
+%%% \chap The Work is Simple.
+%%% Guess, the problem of implementation is no problem: We write the whole
+%%% stuff to a file and read it back twice. One time for typesetting it as
+%%% it is, second time for typesetting it verbatim. That's all.
+%%% So let's define our file variable and name first:
+%%% \beginprog
+\def\example_name{\jobname.tmp } % <-- space!
+%%% \endprog
+%%% \sect Both parts of one example will be placed besides each other. We
+%%% use the margin for the example, too. (There is not much place anyhow.)
+%%% Between the two parts there is |\columnsep| space left.
+%%% \beginprog
+ \ExampleWidth=\textwidth
+ \advance\ExampleWidth by \marginparwidth % stick into margins
+ \advance\ExampleWidth by -\columnsep % between columns
+ \divide\ExampleWidth by 2
+%%% \endprog
+%%% \sect When we're about, we may specify how to set the two parts. We
+%%% may assume that the complete text is in the file |\example_name|. Both
+%%% parts are typeset as minipages (it's better than vtop's for
+%%% |\footnote| examples and such like). Sectioning markups and other
+%%% stuff which setup things must behave as if they were not there --
+%%% nobody wants an entry in his table of contents because he has used a
+%%% |\section| markup in an example.
+%%% The horizontal rules are needed for a better (still not correct)
+%%% interline spacing.
+%%% {\it FIXME: How about index and glossary entries?}
+%%% \beginprog
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{\ExampleWidth}%
+ \hrule height\z@
+ \def\markboth##1##2{}%
+ \def\markright##1{}%
+ \def\addcontentsline##1##2##3{}%
+ \input \example_name
+ \par
+ \hrule height\z@
+ \end{minipage}%
+ }
+%%% \endprog
+%%% \sect Grmpfh, the \LaTeX{} |verbatim| environment is sloppy
+%%% implemented (to say it polite). I will establish at least that a tab
+%%% is typeset as 8~spaces; this will help some people.
+%%% {\it FIXME: other\/ |verbatim| implementation!}
+%%% \beginprog
+ \catcode`\^^I=\active
+ \gdef\@vobeytabs{\catcode`\^^I\active \let^^I\@xobeytab}
+ \global\let^^I=\@xobeytab% % for \write's
+%%% \endprog
+%%% \sect The verbatim code is taken from \LaTeX{}:
+%%% \beginprog
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{\ExampleWidth}%
+ \hrule height\z@
+ \begingroup
+ \small
+ \parindent\z@
+ \rightskip\@flushglue
+ \@makeother\"\@verbatim
+ \frenchspacing \@vobeyspaces \@vobeytabs
+ \input \example_name
+ \endverbatim
+ \endgroup
+ \hrule height\z@
+ \end{minipage}%
+ }
+%%% \endprog
+%%% \chap Writing the example to the auxiliary file.
+%%% Now we come to the real environment: We open our auxiliary file and
+%%% start copying line by line afterwards. When we see the environment
+%%% end we will finish. As a convenience for input we will ignore empty
+%%% lines at the beginning of the example, this is flagged by |@ignore|.
+%%% \beginprog
+ \par
+ \immediate\openout\example_file\example_name
+ \begingroup
+ \@makeother\"\let\do\@makeother \dospecials
+ \obeylines \obeyspaces
+ \@ignoretrue \copy_line
+ }
+%%% \endprog
+%%% \sect We need a reference line of the example end to compare against.
+%%% This line we call |\end_of_example|. Of course all catcodes have to
+%%% set up appropriately.
+%%% \beginprog
+ \catcode`\|=\escape % | is temporary escape character
+ \catcode`\[=\open % [ and ] are temporary grouping symbols
+ \catcode`\]=\close
+ \catcode`\{=\other % these are `other' in verbatim mode
+ \catcode`\}=\other
+ \catcode`\\=|other
+ |gdef|end_of_example[\end{example}]
+%%% \endprog
+%%% \sect Following the ``golden rules of \TeX{} macro coding,'' we will
+%%% split gathering of the next line and working with it. If the line
+%%% equals our reference line we will stop our envirenment. Of course, we
+%%% must call |\end| ourselves as we have just read it from the input and
+%%% it is already tokenized.
+%%% If we are inmidst the example we write the line to the auxiliary file,
+%%% if we shall not skip empty lines as indicated by |@ignore|.
+%%% {\it FIXME: The comparison should not be so rude!}
+%%% \beginprog
+ \obeylines \gdef\copy_line#1^^M{\write_line{#1}}%
+ \def\Next{#1}%
+ \ifx \Next\end_of_example
+ \def\Next{\end{example}}% % finish example
+ \else
+ \ifx \Next\empty
+ \if@ignore % ignore empty lines at the beginning
+ \else % but write them out later
+ \immediate\write\example_file{\Next}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \immediate\write\example_file{\Next}%
+ \@ignorefalse % at least one non-empty line written
+ \fi
+ \let\Next\copy_line % next line of example
+ \fi
+ \Next
+ }
+%%% \endprog
+%%% \sect Now we may handle our real work: The example text is written
+%%% out, we just have to set it two times. But first we must close the
+%%% file. Both parts are set by a |\leftline| which inserts glue by |\hss|
+%%% and will not yield an overfull hbox this way, it just sticks out to
+%%% the right.
+%%% We try to mimic a displayed equation in spacing -- it's better than
+%%% nothing (polishing needed).
+%%% \beginprog
+ \endgroup
+ \immediate\closeout\example_file
+ \penalty \predisplaypenalty
+ \vskip \abovedisplayskip
+ \leftline{\ExampleSet \hskip\columnsep \ExampleVerb}%
+ \penalty \postdisplaypenalty
+ \vskip \belowdisplayskip
+ }
+%%% \endprog
+%%% \sect We must restore our catcode and are finished.
+%%% \beginprog
+%%% \endprog
+%%% \end{document}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/hangcaption.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/hangcaption.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6a7e3fb5b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/hangcaption.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+%%% ====================================================================
+%%% @LaTeX-style-file{
+%%% filename = "hangcaption.sty",
+%%% version = "2.00",
+%%% date = "27 August 1992",
+%%% time = "22:23:46 EDT",
+%%% author = "David M. Jones",
+%%% address = "MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
+%%% Room NE43-316
+%%% 545 Technology Square
+%%% Cambridge, MA 02139
+%%% USA",
+%%% telephone = "(617) 253-5936",
+%%% FAX = "(617) 253-3480",
+%%% checksum = "57880 113 520 5319",
+%%% email = "",
+%%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
+%%% keywords = "LaTeX, caption",
+%%% supported = "no",
+%%% abstract = "Defines a variant of the caption command to
+%%% produce captions with hanging
+%%% indentation.",
+%%% docstring = "This is the debugged version of a modified
+%%% caption macro, \hangcaption, to produce
+%%% captions with hanging indentation, like
+%%% this:
+%%% Figure 1.1: XXXXX XXX XXXX XXXX XXX
+%%% The length variable \captionwidth controls
+%%% how the caption is typeset. If the width
+%%% of the caption is less than \captionwidth,
+%%% the \hangcaption is typeset the same way a
+%%% short \caption would be (usually centered).
+%%% Otherwise, it is set as shown above, with a
+%%% total width equal to \captionwidth.
+%%% \captionwidth is set to \hsize normally,
+%%% but you may want to change it temporarily
+%%% to match the width of a \tabular*
+%%% environment, for example.
+%%% \hangcaption is used in the same way as
+%%% \caption. To retain compatibility with
+%%% previous versions of this style, the
+%%% \hangcaption is also available under the
+%%% name \isucaption.
+%%% I did not write this file. The original
+%%% author is unknown. However, I did fix a bug,
+%%% namely, I removed a superflous "^^" that was
+%%% causing one of the close braces to be
+%%% interpreted as an equals sign, thus messing
+%%% up the brace balancing. I also tacked an
+%%% "\endinput" on to the end of the file and
+%%% added this header, and incorporated a few
+%%% changes suggested by Harm Bakker, George
+%%% Greenwade, and Rainer Schoepf.
+%%% v2.00 (27 Aug 1992): altered \numberline to
+%%% use \the... instead of \fnum@... (fix due to
+%%% Harm Bakker <>).
+%%% Changed \isucaption to \hangcaption at George
+%%% Greenwade's <> suggestion.
+%%% v1.03 (12 August 1992): minor changes to
+%%% header.
+%%% v1.02 (12 August 1992): patches by Rainer
+%%% Schoepf <schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.DE> to (a)
+%%% work around a bug in LaTeX and (b) measure
+%%% the caption correctly by including room for
+%%% the colon and the space.
+%%% The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
+%%% checksum as the first value, followed by the
+%%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
+%%% count) utility output of lines, words, and
+%%% characters. This is produced by Robert
+%%% Solovay's checksum utility.",
+%%% }
+%%% ====================================================================
+\newlength\captionwidth \captionwidth=\hsize
+ \baselineskip 14.5\p@
+ \addcontentsline{\csname ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}%
+ {\protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}%
+ \par
+ \begingroup
+ \@parboxrestore
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname: #3}%
+ \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa > \captionwidth
+ \begingroup
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname: }%
+ \advance \captionwidth by -\wd\@tempboxa
+ \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}%
+ {\ignorespaces{\protect\parbox[t]{\captionwidth}{\leavevmode#3}}}%
+ \endgroup
+ \else
+ \begingroup
+ \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}%
+ \endgroup
+ \fi
+ \par\vspace{1.7ex}%
+ \endgroup}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/multibox.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/multibox.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..afe5530d15e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/multibox.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+% MULTIBOX.STY - a style option to provide multiple boxes in pictures
+% ============
+% Author: Brian HAMILTON KELLY, Royal Military College of Science,
+% Shrivenham, SWINDON, SN6 8LA, United Kingdom
+% Date: 13 October 1988
+% This style file option provides two new commands for use in the picture
+% environment:
+% \multimake(x,y)(dx,dy){n}(w,h)[<pos>]{Text_1}{Text_2}...{Text_n}
+% \multiframe(x,y)(dx,dy){n}(w,h)[<pos>]{Text_1}{Text_2}...{Text_n}
+% These commands set the n texts Text_1..Text_n inside a \makebox or
+% \framebox respectively. The first box has its lower-left corner at (x,y),
+% and successive boxes are located at (x+dx,y+dy),..,(x+(n-1)dx,y+(n-1)dy).
+% Each box has width and height determined by (w,h), and the optional
+% box placement parameter <pos> is applied to all the generated texts
+\def\multiframe{\let\@putitem=\@iframepicbox \multib@x}
+\def\multimake{\let\@putitem=\@imakepicbox \multib@x}
+\def\multib@x(#1,#2)(#3,#4)#5(#6,#7){\@xdim=#1\unitlength \@ydim=#2\unitlength
+ \def\@dxdim{#3} \def\@dydim{#4}
+ \@multicnt=#5 \def\@Xsize{#6} \def\@Ysize{#7}
+ \@ifnextchar [{\imultib@x}{\imultib@x[]}
+ }
+% The liberal use of % at the ends of lines is to prevent the ingestion of
+% superfluous spaces which would otherwise upset the horizontal positioning
+% of the boxes.
+ \def\p@sarg{#1}%
+ \d@multi
+ }
+% We need the expanded definition of \i@putitem because \@imakepicbox DOESN'T
+% expand its #3 argument (the optional text placement bit). However, it can
+% only recognize the letters b, t, l and r in this position, so \p@sarg is no
+% use. Therefore we expand the arguments, producing an appropriate call.
+ \ifnum\@multicnt > 0
+ \def\next@rg##1{%
+ \multi@rg={{##1}}% Assign the next argument of original text to \multi@rg
+ \edef\@iputitem{%
+ \noexpand\@putitem(\@Xsize,\@Ysize)[\p@sarg]{\the\multi@rg}%
+ }%
+ \raise\@ydim\hbox to \z@{\kern \@xdim \@iputitem\hss}%
+ \advance\@xdim by \@dxdim\unitlength \advance\@ydim by \@dydim\unitlength
+ \advance\@multicnt by \m@ne
+ \d@multi}% End of (re-)definition of \next@rg
+ \else
+ \let\next@rg=\ignorespaces
+ \fi % Now execute \next@rg;
+ \next@rg % This will read the text, set it and then call \d@multi recursively
+ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/multind.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/multind.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ef91c28df08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/multind.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+% indexes document style option for producing multiple indexes
+% for use with the modified bbok style, CHbook.sty
+% Written by F.W. Long, Version 1.1, 12 August 1991.
+% Modified by F.W. Long, Version 1.1a, 29 August 1991
+% to get the index heading correctly spaced.
+% Modified by F.W. Long, Version 1.1b, 31 August 1991
+% to remove the abbreviation \ix (which should be in the document, not here).
+% Modified \makeindex and \index commands to allow multiple indexes
+% in both cases the first parameter is the index name.
+% They now work more like \@starttoc and \addcontentsline.
+% \index is no longer defined inside \makeindex but determines
+% whether the appropriate file is defined before writing to it.
+ \makeatletter
+ \if@filesw \expandafter\newwrite\csname #1@idxfile\endcsname
+ \expandafter\immediate\openout \csname #1@idxfile\endcsname #1.idx\relax
+ \typeout{Writing index file #1.idx }\fi \endgroup}
+ \def\protect##1{\string##1\space}\@sanitize
+ \@wrindex{#1}}
+% \@wrindex now checks that the appropriate file is defined.
+ \xdef\@gtempa{\@ifundefined{#1@idxfile}{}{\expandafter
+ \write\csname #1@idxfile\endcsname{\string
+ \indexentry{#2}{\thepage}}}}\endgroup\@gtempa
+ \if@nobreak \ifvmode\nobreak\fi\fi\@esphack}
+% Modified \printindex command to allow multiple indexes.
+% This now takes over much of the work of \theindex.
+% Again, the first parameter is the index name.
+% The second parameter is the index title (as printed).
+ \columnseprule \z@ \columnsep 35pt
+ \newpage \twocolumn[{\Large\bf #2 \vskip4ex}]
+ \markright{\uppercase{#2}}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#2}
+ \@input{#1.ind}}
+% The following index commands are taken from book.sty.
+% \theindex is modified to not start a chapter.
+ \parskip\z@ plus .3pt\relax\let\item\@idxitem}
+\def\@idxitem{\par\hangindent 40pt}
+\def\subitem{\par\hangindent 40pt \hspace*{20pt}}
+\def\subsubitem{\par\hangindent 40pt \hspace*{30pt}}
+\def\indexspace{\par \vskip 10pt plus 5pt minus 3pt\relax}
+% the command \ix allows an abbreviation for the general index
+% define the \see command from makeidx.sty
+\def\see#1#2{{\em see\/} #1}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/portland.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/portland.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..56ebf455e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/portland.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+% This is PORTLAND.STY by H.Partl, TU Wien, as of 16 Dec 1988.
+% Definition of commands and environments \portrait and \landscape
+% for switching between PORTRAIT and LANDSCAPE printing. To be
+% called as document style option with any available style.
+% Commands:
+% \portrait sets or resets the page layout to the initial values
+% (i.e. the values valid at \begin{document})
+% \landscape sets the page layout such that the horizontal and
+% vertical measures are interchanged with respect to
+% the initial values. The text area will occupy the
+% same position on the page as in \portrait mode.
+% Both command issue a \clearpage before changing the layout.
+% Environments:
+% \begin{portrait} ... \end{portrait}
+% \begin{landscape} ... \end{landscape}
+% Both issue \clearpage at the \begin and at the \end.
+% Implementation Dependencies:
+% You should insert the correct paper height (11in or 197mm or ...)
+% into \paperheight for correct positioning.
+% If your printer driver allows mixing of protrait and landscape pages
+% within one printout, you should insert the corresponding \special
+% commands just after the four \clearpage commands.
+% If your printer only allows printing of the whole document either in
+% protrait or in landscape orientation, you should print the document
+% twice (or selected parts of it) - once in portrait and once in landscape -
+% and then merge the correct pages.
+% If your printer can't print in landscape orientation, then these commands
+% can be used only for small pages that fit onto the paper in both direc-
+% tions.
+\newdimen \paperheight % needed for calculation of bottom margin.
+\paperheight 297mm % <--- 11in for US paper or 297mm for A4 paper!
+% portrait values = current values
+% landscape margins will be measured from zero point
+\lhoffset \z@
+\lvoffset \z@
+% landscape textwidth = portrait textheight
+\ltextwidth \ptextheight
+% landscape textheight = portrait textwidth
+\ltextheight \ptextwidth
+% landscape left margin = portrait bottom margin (same for odd and even)
+\loddsidemargin \paperheight
+\advance \loddsidemargin by -\ptextheight
+\advance \loddsidemargin by -\headsep
+\advance \loddsidemargin by -\headheight
+\advance \loddsidemargin by -\ptopmargin
+\advance \loddsidemargin by -\pvoffset
+\advance \loddsidemargin by -2in
+\levensidemargin \loddsidemargin
+% landscape top margin (incl. head) = portrait oddside left margin
+\ltopmargin \poddsidemargin
+\advance \ltopmargin by -\headheight
+\advance \ltopmargin by -\headsep
+\advance \ltopmargin by \phoffset
+\def\portrait{\clearpage \message{ \string\portrait }%
+ \hoffset\phoffset
+ \voffset\pvoffset
+ \textwidth\ptextwidth
+ \textheight\ptextheight
+ \@colht\textheight \@colroom\textheight \vsize\textheight
+ \columnwidth\textwidth \@clubpenalty\clubpenalty
+ \if@twocolumn \advance\columnwidth -\columnsep
+ \divide\columnwidth\tw@ \hsize\columnwidth \@firstcolumntrue
+ \fi
+ \hsize\columnwidth \linewidth\hsize
+ \topmargin\ptopmargin
+ \oddsidemargin\poddsidemargin
+ \evensidemargin\pevensidemargin
+ }
+\def\endportrait{\clearpage \message{ \string\endportrait }}
+\def\landscape{\clearpage \message{ \string\landscape }%
+ \hoffset\lhoffset
+ \voffset\lvoffset
+ \textwidth\ltextwidth
+ \textheight\ltextheight
+ \@colht\textheight \@colroom\textheight \vsize\textheight
+ \columnwidth\textwidth \@clubpenalty\clubpenalty
+ \if@twocolumn \advance\columnwidth -\columnsep
+ \divide\columnwidth\tw@ \hsize\columnwidth \@firstcolumntrue
+ \fi
+ \hsize\columnwidth \linewidth\hsize
+ \topmargin\ltopmargin
+ \oddsidemargin\loddsidemargin
+ \evensidemargin\levensidemargin
+ }
+\def\endlandscape{\clearpage \message{ \string\endlandscape }}
+\let\set@document@values \document
+\def\document{\set@document@values \set@portland@values}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/psboxit.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/psboxit.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f9bbd99428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/psboxit.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+% psboxes.sty
+% This package enables to put a PostScript drawing behind a TeX box.
+% The drawing is parametrized by the position and the size of the
+% TeX box. To put a gray [rounded] box behind a word use
+% \PScommands % Once at the begining
+% ... text text \psboxit{25 cartouche}{THE WORD} text text
+% \psboxit{box 0.5 setgray fill}{\spbox{ANOTHER WORD}}
+% text text ...
+% * If your boxes are ill sized try to change 16384 to
+% something else (original code used 65536).
+% % 65536 is the internal unit of TeX (scaled point, TeXBook page 57)
+% Those macros were adapted from Tom Sheffler (CMU)'s psframe.sty style. In
+% particular, the spacebox macro was just copied from his style.
+% Je'ro^me MAILLOT, INRIA
+% August 1991
+% A Few PostScript definitions to use with \psboxit
+% Call \PScommands once at the begining of your program, this will
+% define : box roundedbox rectcartouche and cartouche. They are 4
+% PostScript programs. Change the values before setlinewidth end
+% setgray to customize your boxes
+% Ex : \psboxit{25 cartouche}{blah blah}
+% \psboxit{rectcartouche}{blah blah}
+\long\def\PScommands{\special{! TeXDict begin
+/box{% Processes the path of a rectangle.
+% Needs : x0 y0 x1 y1.
+newpath 2 copy moveto 3 copy pop exch lineto 4 copy pop pop
+lineto 4 copy exch pop exch pop lineto closepath } bind def
+/min{ 2 copy gt { exch } if pop } bind def%
+/max{ 2 copy lt { exch } if pop } bind def%
+/roundedbox{% Processes the path of a rounded rectangle.
+% Needs : x0 y0 x1 y1 radius.
+% The bounding box is augmented by +/- radius to allow easily to
+% frame several rounded boxes around the same Texture box. Ex:
+% \psboxit{4 copy 15 roundedbox 25 roundedbox} {\spbox{Some Text}}
+% draws two scaled boxes arond the same word. Delete the `radius
+% sub' and `radius add' commands to suppress that enlargement.
+/radius exch store
+3 2 roll % x0 x1 y1 y0
+2 copy min radius sub /miny exch store
+ max radius add /maxy exch store
+2 copy min radius sub /minx exch store
+ max radius add /maxx exch store
+minx radius add miny moveto
+maxx miny maxx maxy radius arcto
+maxx maxy minx maxy radius arcto
+minx maxy minx miny radius arcto
+minx miny maxx miny radius arcto 16 {pop} repeat
+}bind def
+/rectcartouche{% Draws a filled and framed box
+% Needs : x0 y0 x1 y1
+box gsave .95 setgray fill grestore 1 setlinewidth stroke }bind def
+/cartouche{% Draws a filled and framed rounded box
+% Needs : x0 y0 x1 y1 radius
+roundedbox gsave .95 setgray fill grestore 1 setlinewidth stroke }bind def
+end }% Closes dictionnary
+%% \psboxit{PS program}{TeX stuff}
+%% The bounding box of the TeX stuff is pushed on the PostScript stack
+%% and then the program in the first argument is called
+%% EXAMPLE: set some text on a gray background, Use the SPBOX macro to
+%% give some space around the text.
+%% \psboxit{box 0.5 setgray fill}{\spbox{Some Text}}
+%% See \PScommands for the \box definition
+\chardef \atcode = \the \catcode `\@
+\catcode `\@ = 11
+\dimen0=\ht0 \advance\dimen0 by \dp0%
+ % Write out the PS code to set the current path using HEIGHT,
+ % WIDTH , DEPTH of box0.
+ \hbox{%
+ \special{ps: gsave currentpoint translate
+ 0
+ \number\dp0 \space 15800 div % hand tuned for dvips
+ \number\wd0 \space 15800 div % hand tuned for dvips
+ \number\ht0 \space -15800 div % hand tuned for dvips
+% \number\dp0 \space 16384 div
+% \number\wd0 \space 16384 div
+% \number\ht0 \space -16384 div % Bounding box
+% \number\dp0 \space 65536 div
+% \number\wd0 \space 65536 div
+% \number\ht0 \space -65536 div % Bounding box
+ #1 grestore}%
+ \copy0%
+% This macro simply takes some TeX stuff, and puts FOUR sides on it
+% so that the box is the same size as the thing you'd get with
+% an \fbox{} command. (All I did was modify the code for \fbox{}
+% so that all rules were replaced with struts).
+% USAGE: \spbox{text} is just like \fbox{text} but makes no rules
+% REASON: so that if using \pspath{...}{\fbox{stuff}}
+% there is a way to get another box the same size:
+% \pspath{...}{\spbox{stuff}}
+ \dimen0\fboxrule \advance\dimen0 \fboxsep%
+ \advance\dimen0 \dp1%
+ \hbox{\lower \dimen0\hbox%
+ {\vbox{\hrule height \fboxrule width 0pt%
+ \hbox{\vrule width \fboxrule height 0pt \hskip\fboxsep%
+ \vbox{\vskip\fboxsep \box1\vskip\fboxsep}\hskip%
+ \fboxsep\vrule width \fboxrule height 0pt}%
+ \hrule height \fboxrule width 0pt}}}}%
+\def\Gbox#1{\psboxit{box 0.9 setgray fill}{#1}}
+\gray@space=\fboxsep \advance\gray@space by -\fboxrule
+\par\prevdepth=-1000pt\vskip 0.5\baselineskip\noindent
+\hbox\bgroup \vrule width \fboxrule
+ \vtop\bgroup \hrule
+ \vbox\bgroup
+ \kern\gray@space
+ \hbox\bgroup
+ \kern\gray@space
+ \vtop\bgroup
+ \hsize=\linewidth\advance\hsize-2\fboxsep\noindent
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \egroup
+ \kern\gray@space
+ \egroup
+ \kern\gray@space
+ \egroup \hrule
+ \egroup\vrule width \fboxrule
+ \egroup
+ \psboxit{\gray@tmp}{\box\gray@box}%
+ \vskip 0.5\baselineskip
+\newenvironment{boxitpara*}[1]{\Beginboxitpara{#1}\hbox to\hsize{}}%
+\catcode `\@ = \the \atcode
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/shadow.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/shadow.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c07d11b9155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/shadow.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+%% This is file `shadow.sty',
+%% Copyright 1994, 2003 Mauro Orlandini
+%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 1999/12/01 or later.
+%%% ======================================================================
+%%% @LaTeX-style{
+%%% filename = "shadow.sty",
+%%% version = "1.3",
+%%% date = "19 February 2003",
+%%% author = "Mauro Orlandini",
+%%% address = "TeSRE Institute/CNR
+%%% Area della Ricerca di Bologna
+%%% Via Gobetti 101
+%%% 40129 Bologna, Italy",
+%%% e-mail = "",
+%%% telephone = "+39 51 639-8667",
+%%% FAX = "+39 51 639-8723",
+%%% supported = "yes",
+%%% abstract = "The command \shabox has the same meaning of the
+%%% LaTeX command \fbox except for the fact that a
+%%% "shadow" is added to the bottom and the right side
+%%% of the box. It computes the right dimension of the
+%%% box, even if the text spans over more than one
+%%% line; in this case a warning messagge is given.",
+%%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
+%%% docstring = "There are three parameters governing:
+%%% 1. the width of the lines delimiting the box:
+%%% \sboxrule
+%%% 2. the separation between the edge of the box and
+%%% its contents: \sboxsep
+%%% 3. the dimension of the shadow: \sdim
+%%% Sintax: \shabox{<text>}
+%%% where <text> is the text to be put in the
+%%% framed box. It can be an entire paragraph.
+%%% Adapted from the file dropshadow.tex by
+%%% V1.1 Works in a double column environment.
+%%% V1.2 When there is an online shadow box, it
+%%% will be centered on the line (in V1.1 the
+%%% box was aligned with the baseline).
+%%% (Courtesy by Mike Piff)"
+%%% V1.3 Added a number of missing % signs
+%%% no other cleanup done (FMi)
+%%% }
+%%% ======================================================================
+\ProvidesPackage{shadow}[2003/02/19 v1.3 shadow boxes (M.O.)]
+\newdimen\txtwdth \newdimen\sht \newdimen\shw \newbox\shbox
+\newdimen\sboxsep \newdimen\sboxrule \newdimen\sdim
+\sboxsep = 10pt
+\sdim = 4pt
+\sboxrule = .4pt
+ \leavevmode\setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{#1}%
+ \typeout{Shadow Warning: Box dimension greater than textwidth.}%
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox{\hsize\txtwdth\advance\hsize-2\sboxsep
+ \advance\hsize-2\sboxrule \advance\hsize-2\sdim \advance\hsize-15pt#1}%
+ \setbox\shbox\hbox{\@tempdima\sboxrule
+ \advance\@tempdima \sboxsep \advance\@tempdima \dp\@tempboxa
+ \hbox{\lower \@tempdima\hbox
+ {\vbox{\hrule \@height \sboxrule
+ \hbox{\vrule \@width \sboxrule \hskip\sboxsep
+ \vbox{\vskip\sboxsep \box\@tempboxa\vskip\sboxsep}\hskip
+ \sboxsep\vrule \@width \sboxrule}%
+ \hrule \@height \sboxrule}}}}%
+\sht\ht\shbox \advance\sht-\sdim
+\leavevmode\vbox{\baselineskip0pt\lineskip0pt\vtop{%% V1.2
+ %% Added \vtop
+ %% From M.Piff
+ \hbox{\copy\shbox\vrule width\sdim height\sht}%
+ \hbox{\kern\sdim\vrule height\sdim width \wd\shbox}}}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/version.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/version.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e8a305a84f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/misc209/version.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+% Version control macros. These let you define environments whose contents
+% will be optionally added to or deleted from the text when you run LaTeX.
+% Usage: place either of the following near the start of your file:
+% \includeversion{NAME}
+% \excludeversion{NAME}
+% Here, "NAME" is any name you choose. The first one indicates that text
+% between \begin{NAME} and \end{NAME} will be processed in the normal way.
+% The second indicates that text between \begin{NAME} and \end{NAME} will
+% be totally deleted.
+% You can define environments for as many versions as you want.
+% A ``comment'' environment has already been pre-defined for you with
+% \excludeversion{comment}; you can override this using \includeversion.
+% Example:
+% \includeversion{abridged}\excludeversion{unabridged}
+% Text for the
+% \begin{abridged}
+% short
+% \end{abridged}
+% \begin{unabridged}
+% long and really longwinded, opaque and boring
+% \end{unabridged}
+% version of the paper. Punctuation works correctly\begin{unabridged}
+% because sphack is used\end{unabridged}.
+% \begin{comment} This is deleted by default. \end{comment}
+% Stephen Bellantoni 1990, loosely based on "annotation.sty" by Tom Hofmann.
+% Additional Notes: This package still works in LaTeX2e. Large
+% tracts of excluded text will likely cause a "TeX capacity exceeded"
+% error though. See also comment.sty, verbatim.sty, optional.sty.
+% -- Donald Arseneau April, 2000
+\catcode`(=1\relax \catcode`)=2\relax%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname #1\endcsname%
+ ()%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname end#1\endcsname%
+ ()%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname #1\endcsname%
+ (\@bsphack\catcode`{=12\relax\catcode`}=12\relax\csname #1@NOTE\endcsname)%
+ \long\expandafter\gdef\csname #1@NOTE\endcsname ##1\end{#1}%
+ (\csname #1END@NOTE\endcsname)%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname #1END@NOTE\endcsname%
+ (\@esphack\end(#1))%