path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2021-04-05 01:46:48 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-04-05 01:46:48 +0000
commit678c84747dc180471d08fcd720cd478e46eeb64b (patch)
treec457b96b95b59d8d10b57e124e09dfb7dbd2a341 /Master/texmf-dist/tex
parent02609a50d2679a3884c0fbc91b90704d781f5902 (diff)
sugconf (5apr21)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sugconf/sugconf.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sugconf/sugconf.cls
index c2257a4f90a..c97f5d1ea8d 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sugconf/sugconf.cls
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sugconf/sugconf.cls
@@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
-%% This is file `sugconf.cls' for SAS(R) User Group conference papers
-%% RJF2 2003-Jul-14 A Guide to LaTeX by Kopka and Daly
-%% RJF2 2003-Jul-14 The LaTeX Companion 2e, by Goossens and Mittelbach
-%% RJF2 2004-Feb-27 polishing for SUGI29 template
-%% RJF2 2004-Aug-05 added SASisRegisteredTrademark paragraph
-%% RJF2 2006-Apr-22 added TextWidth, TextWsmall
-%% RJF2 2006-Aug-05 polishing for submission to CTAN
-%% License type: Free, LaTeX project public license
+%% This is file 'sugconf.cls' for SAS(R) User Group conference papers
+%% Copyright (C) 2006, 2021 Ronald J. Fehd
-%% usage: see sugconf-example.tex
+%% This program is provided under the terms of the
+%% LaTeX Project Public License distributed from CTAN
+%% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+%% Author: Ronald J. Fehd
+%% Ron dot Fehd dot macro dot maven at gmail dot com
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained".
+%% usage: see sugconf-template.tex
%% \documentclass{sugconf}
%% %\documentclass[nopagenumbers]{sugconf}
-%% \pdfoutput=0%out=jobname.dvi
-%% \pdfoutput=1%out=jobname.pdf
+%% \sugconfbanner{banner-sgf-2021.png}%
%% \sugconfpapernumber{Paper 999-99}%
-%% \sugconfsubject{writing paper using sugconf class}%
%% %\sugconfpapernumber{\relax}%note: no paper number: warning in log
-%% \sugconfkeywords{word1 word2}
-%% see also SUGpaper.tex in the SAS-L archives of Tue, 13 Jan 2004
+%% \title{this is the title of the paper}
+%% \author{R.J. Fehd and N. Derby}
+\ProvidesClass{sugconf}[2021/04/02 v2021 (RJF)]
\pagestyle{plain}%see boolean PageNumbers
-\usepackage{ifthen%for newboolean PageNumbers
- }%end usepackage
+\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}%TEX extended text
+\usepackage{graphicx}%2021-03-20 for banner
+\usepackage{ifthen}%for newboolean PageNumbers
\newboolean{PageNumbers}%%K&D pg 203
@@ -35,123 +36,96 @@
- \pagestyle{empty}}%
+ \pagestyle{empty}}%
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{PageNumbers}}%%K&D pg 335
- {\relax}%
- %LaTeX Companion pg 92: maketitle -> #1
- {\thispagestyle{empty}}%no page number#1
- \if\@papernumber\relax%
- \@latex@warning{sugconf: You need to specify
- a paper identifier
- using the 'papernumber' macro in the preamble.}
- \fi%
- }%end AtBeginDocument
-% }%end AtEndDocument
-% %LaTeX2e font selection fntguide.html
-%\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pag}%Adobe Avantgar san-serif
-%\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pbk}%Adobe Bookman serif
-%\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pbk}%Adobe Courier san-serif
-\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{phv}%Adobe Helvetica san-serif
-%\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pnc}%Adobe Ncntrsbk serif
-%\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ppl}%Adobe Palatino serif
-%\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{put}%Adobe Utopia serif
-%\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm}%Adobe Times serif
-\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{pcr}%Courier monospace
+ \RequirePackage[hyphens]{url}
+ \RequirePackage[bookmarks =false%SUG style guide
+ ,pdfcreator ={pdfLaTeX sugconf.cls}%
+ ,pdfstartview=FitBH%fit width of page to the window
+ ]{hyperref}
+ }%end AtEndOfPackage
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{PageNumbers}}%%K&D pg 335
+ {\relax}%
+ {\thispagestyle{empty}}%no page numbers
+ \if\@papernumber\relax%
+ \@latex@warning{sugconf:
+ You need to specify a paper identifier
+ using the 'papernumber' macro in the preamble.}
+ \fi%
+ }%end AtBeginDocument
+\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{phv}%Adobe Helvetica san-serif similar to Win Arial
+\renewcommand{\sfdefault}{phv}%Adobe Helvetica san-serif
+\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{pcr}%Adobe Courier monospace
+%% acmconf.cls: places floats where they should go; per R Pursifull
+\renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{1} \setcounter{topnumber} {10}
+\renewcommand{\textfraction} {0} \setcounter{bottomnumber}{10}
+\renewcommand{\refname}{\flushleft\normalsize\bfseries REFERENCES}
+ {table of contents: for review only, disable for final}
{SAS\textsuperscript{\scriptsize\textregistered}\ }
{SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service %
names are registered trademarks or trademarks of %
- SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. %®
+ SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. %®
\textregistered\/ indicates USA registration.}
{Other brand and product names are trademarks
of their respective companies.}%
-\newlength {\TextWidth}%
-\settowidth{\TextWidth}%72 chars per line is between 1.5 and 2* alphabet
-%. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12345678901234567890123456
-%. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0
-% letter Q : 17/26=1.65
-\renewcommand{\refname}{\flushleft\normalsize\bfseries REFERENCES}
-%% acmconf.cls: places floats where they should go; per R Pursifull
-\renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{1} \setcounter{topnumber} {10}
-\renewcommand{\textfraction} {0} \setcounter{bottomnumber}{10}
+\providecommand{\tightlist}{% begin{description|enumerate|itemize}\tightlist
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}
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\setlength{\parskip} {1.0ex plus 0.125ex minus 0.125ex}
-%\setlength{\parskip} {0.1\baselineskip}
-\newlength{\runInHead}%LaTeX Comp, pg 27
-\setlength{\runInHead}{- \fontdimen2\font plus \fontdimen3\font
- minus \fontdimen4\font}
-\newlength {\TextWsmall}%
-\setlength {\TextWsmall}{\textwidth}
-%% build title
- \begin{center}%
- \if\@papernumber\relax\else%
- \fontsize{10}{18}\selectfont{\bf\@papernumber\\}\medskip
+ \begin{center}%
+ \if\@banner\relax\else%
+ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{\@banner} \\
+ \vspace{-0.6\baselineskip}
- \fontsize{14}{18}\selectfont{\bf\@title \\}
- \fontsize{12}{14}\selectfont{ \@author }
- \end{center}%
-}%end maketitle
-%% Guide to LaTeX pg 348 C.3.3 Reprogramming the sectioning commands
-%% LaTeX Companion pg 24 2.3.2 Formatting Headings
+ \if\@papernumber\relax\else%
+ \textbf{\@papernumber}\\ \bigskip
+ \fi%
+ \textbf{\Large\@title } \\ \medskip
+ \textbf{\large\@author}
+ \end{center}%
+ }%end maketitle
+%% LaTeX 2e reference manual
- {section}% %name
- {1}% %level
- {0pt}% %indent
- {\baselineskip}% %beforeskip
- {0.125\baselineskip}% %afterskip
- {\large\bfseries\uppercase}% %style
+ {section}% %name
+ {1}% %level
+ {0pt}% %indent
+ {\baselineskip}% %beforeskip
+ {0.125\baselineskip}% %afterskip
+ {\large\bfseries\uppercase}%style
}%end section definition
- }%end section definition
- {subsubsection}{3}{0pt}{0.5\baselineskip}{\runInHead}%
- {\bfseries}%
- }%end section definition
- {paragraph}{4}{0pt}{0.5\baselineskip}{\runInHead}%
- {\bfseries}%
- }%end section definition
- {subparagraph}{5}{0pt}{0.5\baselineskip}{\runInHead}%
- {\bfseries}%
- }%end section definition
-\endinput %% SUGconf.cls
+ }%end subsection definition
+\endinput %% sugconf.cls 2021-04-02 5:32:03 PM