path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/optex/hyperlinks.opm
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2020-02-26 22:08:47 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2020-02-26 22:08:47 +0000
commit3805b044b79834780c2e5f21292a3e4f63869b4f (patch)
treed7889ac9ff37b1953f03792775ef2fc63110658b /Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/optex/hyperlinks.opm
parent33fdbb41f0300f164828daec8135305598415b51 (diff)
optex (26feb20)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/optex/hyperlinks.opm')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/optex/hyperlinks.opm b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/optex/hyperlinks.opm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..891ae41f492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/optex/hyperlinks.opm
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+%% This is part of OpTeX project, see
+\_codedecl \urllink {references <2020-02-22>}
+%> \dest
+ \_tmpdim=\_prevdepth \_prevdepth=-1000pt
+ \_destbox[#1:#2]\_prevdepth=\_tmpdim
+ \_else \_destbox[#1:#2]%
+ \_fi\_fi
+\_def\_destbox[#1]{\_vbox to0pt{\_kern-\_destheight \_pdfdest name{#1} xyz\_vss}}
+\_public \dest ;
+%> \_link, \ilink
+\_protected\_def\_linkactive[#1:#2]#3#4{\_leavevmode\_pdfstartlink height.9em depth.3em
+ \_pdfborder{#1} goto name{#1:#2}\_relax {#3#4}\_pdfendlink
+\_public \ilink ;
+%> \ulink
+ \_pdfstartlink height.9em depth.3em \_pdfborder{#1}%
+ user{/Subtype/Link/A <</Type/Action/S/URI/URI(\_detokenize{#2})>>}\relax
+ {#3#4}\pdfendlink}%
+\_public \ulink ;
+%> \_pdfborder
+\_def\_pdfborder#1{\_if^#1^\_else \_isdefined{#1border}\_iftrue
+ \_if^\_csname#1border\_endcsname^\_else
+ attr{/C[\_csname#1border\_endcsname] /Border[0 0 .6]}\_fi
+ \_else attr{/Border[0 0 0]}\_fi\_fi
+%> \hyperlinks
+ \_let\_dest=\_destactive \_let\_link=\_linkactive
+ \_def\_ilink[##1]##2{\_link[##1]{\_localcolor#1}{##2}}%
+ \_def\_ulink[##1]##2{\_urlactive[url:##1]{\_localcolor#2}{##2}}%
+ \_public \dest \ilink \ulink ;%
+\_public \hyperlinks ;
+%> \url
+ \_def\_tmpa{#1}\_replstring\_tmpa {\|}{}%
+ \_def\_tmpb{#1}\_replstring\_tmpb {\|}{\\|}%
+ {\_escapechar=-1 \_ea}\_ea\_edef\_ea\_tmpb\_ea{\detokenize\_ea{\_tmpb}}%
+ \_let\_tmpa=\_tmpb
+ \_replstring\_tmpb {//} {{\_urlskip\_urlslashslash\_urlbskip}}%
+ \_replstring\_tmpb {/} {{\_urlskip/\_urlbskip}}%
+ \_replstring\_tmpb {.} {{\_urlskip.\_urlbskip}}%
+ \_replstring\_tmpb {?} {{\_urlskip?\_urlbskip}}%
+ \_replstring\_tmpb {=} {{\urlskip=\urlbskip}}%
+ \_ea\_replstring\_ea\_tmpb \_ea{\_string &} {{\urlbskip\char`\& \urlskip}}%
+ \_ea\_replstring\_ea\_tmpb \_ea{\_bslash|} {{\_penalty0}}%
+ \_ea\_ulink \_ea[\_tmpa] {\_urlfont\_tmpb\_null}%
+\_def\_urlskip{\_null\_nobreak\_hskip0pt plus0.05em\_relax}
+\_def\_urlbskip{\_penalty100 \_hskip0pt plus0.05em\_relax}
+\_public \url ;
+\_endcode % -------------------------------------
+\%> \dest
+`\dest[<type>:<label>]` creates a destination of internal links. The
+destination is declared by `<type>:<label>`. If `\hyperlinks` are not
+declared, then `\dest` does nothing else it is set to `\_destactive`.
+The `\_destactive` is implemented by `\_pdfdest` primitive. It creates a box
+in which the destination is shifted by `\_destheight`. The reason is that
+the destination is exactly at top border of the PDF viewer but we want to se
+the line where destination is. The destination box is positioned by
+different way dependent on current vertical or horizontal mode.
+\%> \_link \ilink
+`\_link[<type>:<label>]{<color>}{<text>}` creates an internal link to `\dest`
+with the same `<type>:<label>`. You can have more links with the same
+`<type>:<label>` but only one `\dest` in the document. If `\hyperlinks` are
+not declared, then `\link` only prints <text> else it is set to `\_linkactive`.
+The `\_linktactive` is implemented by `\_pdfstartlink...\_pdfendlink`
+`\ilink[<type>:<label>]{<text>}` is equivalent to `\_link` but <color> is
+used from `\hyperlinks` decaration.
+\%> \ulink
+`\ulink[<url>]{<text>}` creates external link. It only <text> by default but
+the `\hyperlinks` declaration defines it as `\_urlactive[url:<url>]{<text>}`.
+The external link is created by `\_pdfstartlink...\pdfendlink` primitives.
+The <url> is detokenized with `\escapechar=-1` before it is used, so
+`\%`, `\#` etc. can be used in the <url>.
+\%> \_pdfborder
+The `\_pdfstartink` primitive uses `\_pdfborder{<type>}` in its parameter
+(see `\_linkactive` or `\_urlactive` macros). The `\_pdfbordef{<type>}`
+expands to `attr{/C[? ? ?] /Border[0 0 .6]} if the
+`\<type>border` is defined. User can define it in
+order to create colored frames around active links. For example
+`\def\tocborder{1 0 0}` causes red frames in TOC (not printed, only visible
+in PDF viewers).
+\%> \hyperlinks
+`\hyperlinks{<ilink_color>}{<ulink_color>}` activates `\dest`, `\link`,
+`\ilink`, `\ulink` in order they create links. These macros are redefined
+here to their \"active" version.
+\%> \url
+`\url{<url>}` does approximately the same as `\ulink[<url>]{<url>}`, but
+more work is done before the `\ulink` is processed. The link-version of <url>
+is saved to `\_tmpa` and the printed version in `\_tmpb`. The printed
+version is modified in order to set a breakpoints in special places of the
+<url>. For example `//` is replaced by `\_urlskip/\_urlskip/\_urlbskip`
+where `\urlskip` adds a small nobreakable glue between these two slashes and
+before them and `\_urlbskip` adds a breakable glue after them.