path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2022-09-14 20:06:26 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2022-09-14 20:06:26 +0000
commit3a713bb64ca48f58c12e5a9cdabd1b6a3669bd94 (patch)
treeb281608d49f0a3a99f7a7ea045c222792ab0069b /Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex
parent78a6ee41fa408e6132e77a658b396bf8d5998a99 (diff)
piton (14sep22)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex')
2 files changed, 761 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/piton/piton.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/piton/piton.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8ef48f45b1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/piton/piton.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+-- -*- coding: utf-8 ; -*-
+-- This is file 'piton.lua' which is a part of the Latex package 'piton'
+-- Copyright (C) 2022 by F. Pantigny
+-- This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+-- conditions of the Latex Project Public License, either
+-- version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+-- version. The latest version of this license is in:
+-- and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+-- Latex version 2005/12/01 or later.
+-- This file is part of the version 0.55 of the package 'piton'
+local P, S, V , C , Ct, Cc, Cf = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cf
+--[[ By convention, a capture which provides as value a table (and not a string), provides, in fact,
+a string (the first element of the table) which is a formatting LaTeX instruction (it will be
+thrown back to TeX with normal catcodes (ant not ``other'' catcode for everybody).]]
+local function L(string)
+ return lpeg.Cc ( { string } )
+local function K(pattern, style)
+ return
+ L ( "{\\PitonStyle{" .. style .. "}{" )
+ * lpeg.C(pattern)
+ * L ( "}}" )
+--[[ The text in "escape" (between begin_escape and end_escape) is captured
+and put in a table (with only one component). Indeed, we have decided that a capture
+which is encapsulated in a table must be transmitted to TeX with the normal TeX catcodes.]]
+local Escape = P(begin_escape)
+ * Ct ( C ( ( 1 - P(end_escape) ) ^ 1 ) )
+ * P(end_escape)
+local EOL = ( P "\r" ) * L ( "\\pitonEOL" )
+lpeg.locale(lpeg) -- mandatory
+local alpha , digit , space , punct = lpeg.alpha , lpeg.digit , , lpeg.punct
+local letter = alpha + S"âàçéèêëïîôûüÂÀÇÉÈÊËÏÎÔÛÜ_"
+local alphanum = letter + digit
+local identifier = letter * alphanum ^ 0
+local Identifier = C ( identifier )
+local Space = C ( ( space - P "\r" ) ^ 1 )
+local SkipSpace = C ( ( space - P "\r" ) ^ 0 )
+local Punct = C ( punct )
+local Number =
+ K (
+ ( digit^1 * P "." * digit^0 + digit^0 * P "." * digit^1 + digit^1 )
+ * ( S "eE" * S "+-" ^ -1 * digit^1 ) ^ -1
+ + digit^1
+ , 'Number' )
+local Word = C ( ( ( 1 - space ) - S "'\"\r[()]" - digit ) ^ 1 )
+local Delim = C ( S "[()]" )
+local Keyword =
+ K ( P "assert" + P "break" + P "case" + P "continue" + P "del"
+ + P "elif" + P "else" + P "except" + P "exec" + P "finally" + P "for" + P "from"
+ + P "global" + P "if" + P "import" + P "lambda" + P "non local"
+ + P "pass" + P "return" + P "try" + P "while"
+ + P "with" + P "yield" + P "yield from" ,
+ 'Keyword' )
+ + K ( P "True" + P "False" + P "None" , 'Keyword.Constant' )
+local Builtin =
+ K ( P "__import__" + P "abs" + P "all" + P "any" + P "bin" + P "bool" + P "bytearray"
+ + P "bytes" + P "chr" + P "classmethod" + P "compile" + P "complex" + P "delattr"
+ + P "dict" + P "dir" + P "divmod" + P "enumerate" + P "eval" + P "filter"
+ + P "float" + P "format" + P "frozenset" + P "getattr" + P "globals" + P "hasattr"
+ + P "hash" + P "hex" + P "id" + P "input" + P "int" + P "isinstance" + P "issubclass"
+ + P "iter" + P "len" + P "list" + P "locals" + P "map" + P "max" + P "memoryview" + P "min"
+ + P "next" + P "object" + P "oct" + P "open" + P "ord" + P "pow" + P "print" + P "property"
+ + P "range" + P "repr" + P "reversed" + P "round" + P "set" + P "setattr" + P "slice"
+ + P "sorted" + P "staticmethod" + P "str" + P "sum" + P "super" + P "tuple" + P "type"
+ + P "vars" + P "zip" ,
+ 'Name.Builtin' )
+local Exception =
+ K ( "ArithmeticError" + P "AssertionError" + P "AttributeError"
+ + P "BaseException" + P "BufferError" + P "BytesWarning" + P "DeprecationWarning"
+ + P "EOFError" + P "EnvironmentError" + P "Exception" + P "FloatingPointError"
+ + P "FutureWarning" + P "GeneratorExit" + P "IOError" + P "ImportError"
+ + P "ImportWarning" + P "IndentationError" + P "IndexError" + P "KeyError"
+ + P "KeyboardInterrupt" + P "LookupError" + P "MemoryError" + P "NameError"
+ + P "NotImplementedError" + P "OSError" + P "OverflowError"
+ + P "PendingDeprecationWarning" + P "ReferenceError" + P "ResourceWarning"
+ + P "RuntimeError" + P "RuntimeWarning" + P "StopIteration"
+ + P "SyntaxError" + P "SyntaxWarning" + P "SystemError" + P "SystemExit"
+ + P "TabError" + P "TypeError" + P "UnboundLocalError" + P "UnicodeDecodeError"
+ + P "UnicodeEncodeError" + P "UnicodeError" + P "UnicodeTranslateError"
+ + P "UnicodeWarning" + P "UserWarning" + P "ValueError" + P "VMSError"
+ + P "Warning" + P "WindowsError" + P "ZeroDivisionError"
+ + P "BlockingIOError" + P "ChildProcessError" + P "ConnectionError"
+ + P "BrokenPipeError" + P "ConnectionAbortedError" + P "ConnectionRefusedError"
+ + P "ConnectionResetError" + P "FileExistsError" + P "FileNotFoundError"
+ + P "InterruptedError" + P "IsADirectoryError" + P "NotADirectoryError"
+ + P "PermissionError" + P "ProcessLookupError" + P "TimeoutError"
+ + P "StopAsyncIteration" + P "ModuleNotFoundError" + P "RecursionError" ,
+ 'Exception' )
+local RaiseException = K ( P "raise" , 'Keyword' ) * SkipSpace * Exception * C ( P "(" )
+local ExceptionInConsole = Exception * C ( ( 1 - P "\r" ) ^ 0 ) * EOL
+local Namespace =
+ K ( P "from" , 'Keyword' ) * Space * K ( alphanum^1 , 'Name.Namespace' )
+ * ( Space * K ( P "import" , 'Keyword' ) ) ^ -1
+local ImportAs = K ( P "import" , 'Keyword' )
+ * Space
+ * K ( identifier , 'Name.Namespace' )
+ * ( SkipSpace * C ( P "," ) * SkipSpace * K ( identifier , 'Name.Namespace' ) ) ^ 0
+ * (
+ Space * K ( P "as" , 'Keyword' ) * Space * K ( identifier , 'Name.Namespace' )
+ ) ^ 0
+local Class = K ( P "class" , 'Keyword' ) * Space * K ( identifier , 'Name.Class' )
+local Decorator = K ( P "@" * letter^1 , 'Name.Decorator' )
+local SingleShortInterpol =
+ K ( P "{" , 'String.Interpol')
+ * K ( ( 1 - S "}':" ) ^ 0 , 'Interpol.Inside' )
+ * C ( P ":" * (1 - S "}:'") ^ 0 ) ^ -1
+ * K ( P "}" , 'String.Interpol' )
+local DoubleShortInterpol =
+ K ( P "{" , 'String.Interpol' )
+ * K ( ( 1 - S "}\":" ) ^ 0 , 'Interpol.Inside' )
+ * ( K ( P ":" , 'String.Interpol' ) * C ( (1 - S "}:\"") ^ 0 ) ) ^ -1
+ * K ( P "}" , 'String.Interpol' )
+local SingleLongInterpol =
+ K ( P "{" , 'String.Interpol' )
+ * K ( ( 1 - S "}:\r" - P "'''" ) ^ 0 , 'Interpol.Inside' )
+ * C ( P ":" * (1 - S "}:\r" - P "'''" ) ^ 0 ) ^ -1
+ * K ( P "}" , 'String.Interpol' )
+local DoubleLongInterpol =
+ K ( P "{" , 'String.Interpol' )
+ * K ( ( 1 - S "}:\r" - P "\"\"\"" ) ^ 0 , 'Interpol.Inside' )
+ * C ( P ":" * (1 - S "}:\r" - P "\"\"\"" ) ^ 0 ) ^ -1
+ * K ( P "}" , 'String.Interpol' )
+local SingleShortPureString = C ( ( P "\\'" + P "{{" + P "}}" + 1 - S "{}'" ) ^ 1 )
+local DoubleShortPureString = C ( ( P "\\\"" + P "{{" + P "}}" + 1 - S "{}\"" ) ^ 1 )
+local SingleLongPureString = C ( ( 1 - P "'''" - S "{}'\r" ) ^ 1 )
+local DoubleLongPureString = C ( ( 1 - P "\"\"\"" - S "{}\"\r" ) ^ 1 )
+local SingleShortString =
+ L ( "{\\PitonStyle{String.Short}{" )
+ * (
+ C ( P "f'" + P "F'" )
+ * ( SingleShortInterpol + SingleShortPureString ) ^ 0
+ * C ( P "'" )
+ +
+ C ( ( P "'" + P "r'" + P "R'" ) * ( P "\\'" + 1 - S "'\r" ) ^ 0 * P "'" )
+ )
+ * L ( "}}" )
+local DoubleShortString =
+ L ( "{\\PitonStyle{String.Short}{" )
+ * (
+ C ( P "f\"" + P "F\"" )
+ * ( DoubleShortInterpol + DoubleShortPureString ) ^ 0
+ * C ( P "\"" )
+ +
+ C ( ( P "\"" + P "r\"" + P "R\"" ) * ( P "\\\"" + 1 - S "\"\r" ) ^ 0 * P "\"" )
+ )
+ * L ( "}}" )
+local ShortString = SingleShortString + DoubleShortString
+local SingleLongString =
+ L "{\\PitonStyle{String.Long}{"
+ * (
+ C ( S "fF" * P "'''" )
+ * ( SingleLongInterpol + SingleLongPureString ) ^ 0
+ * L "}}"
+ * (
+ +
+ L "{\\PitonStyle{String.Long}{"
+ * ( SingleLongInterpol + SingleLongPureString ) ^ 0
+ * L "}}"
+ * EOL
+ ) ^ 0
+ * L "{\\PitonStyle{String.Long}{"
+ * ( SingleLongInterpol + SingleLongPureString ) ^ 0
+ +
+ C ( ( S "rR" ) ^ -1 * P "'''" * ( 1 - P "'''" - P "\r" ) ^ 0 )
+ * L "}}"
+ * (
+ L "{\\PitonStyle{String.Long}{"
+ * C ( ( 1 - P "'''" - P "\r" ) ^ 0 )
+ * L "}}"
+ * EOL
+ ) ^ 0
+ * L "{\\PitonStyle{String.Long}{"
+ * C ( ( 1 - P "'''" - P "\r" ) ^ 0 )
+ )
+ * C ( P "'''" )
+ * L "}}"
+local DoubleLongString =
+ L "{\\PitonStyle{String.Long}{"
+ * (
+ C ( S "fF" * P "\"\"\"" )
+ * ( DoubleLongInterpol + DoubleLongPureString ) ^ 0
+ * L "}}"
+ * (
+ +
+ L "{\\PitonStyle{String.Long}{"
+ * ( DoubleLongInterpol + DoubleLongPureString ) ^ 0
+ * L "}}"
+ * EOL
+ ) ^ 0
+ * L "{\\PitonStyle{String.Long}{"
+ * ( DoubleLongInterpol + DoubleLongPureString ) ^ 0
+ +
+ C ( ( S "rR" ) ^ -1 * P "\"\"\"" * ( 1 - P "\"\"\"" - P "\r" ) ^ 0 )
+ * L "}}"
+ * (
+ L "{\\PitonStyle{String.Long}{"
+ * C ( ( 1 - P "\"\"\"" - P "\r" ) ^ 0 )
+ * L "}}"
+ * EOL
+ ) ^ 0
+ * L "{\\PitonStyle{String.Long}{"
+ * C ( ( 1 - P "\"\"\"" - P "\r" ) ^ 0 )
+ )
+ * C ( P "\"\"\"" )
+ * L "}}"
+local LongString = SingleLongString + DoubleLongString
+local Expression =
+ P { "E" ,
+ E = ( 1 - S "{}()[]\r," ) ^ 0
+ * (
+ ( P "{" * V "F" * P "}"
+ + P "(" * V "F" * P ")"
+ + P "[" * V "F" * P "]" ) * ( 1 - S "{}()[]\r," ) ^ 0
+ ) ^ 0 ,
+ F = ( 1 - S "{}()[]\r\"'" ) ^ 0
+ * ( (
+ P "'" * (P "\\'" + 1 - S"'\r" )^0 * P "'"
+ + P "\"" * (P "\\\"" + 1 - S"\"\r" )^0 * P "\""
+ + P "{" * V "F" * P "}"
+ + P "(" * V "F" * P ")"
+ + P "[" * V "F" * P "]"
+ ) * ( 1 - S "{}()[]\r\"'" ) ^ 0 ) ^ 0 ,
+ }
+local Param = SkipSpace * K ( identifier , '' ) * SkipSpace
+ * ( K ( P "=" * Expression , 'InitialValues' )
+ + K ( P ":" , '' ) * SkipSpace * K ( letter^1 , 'Name.Type' ))
+ + SkipSpace * K ( alphanum ^ 1 , '' ) * SkipSpace
+local Params = Param * ( K ( P "," , '' ) * Param ) ^ 0
+local StringDoc = K ( P "\"\"\"" , 'String.Doc' )
+ * ( K ( (1 - P "\"\"\"" - P "\r" ) ^ 0 , 'String.Doc' ) * EOL ) ^ 0
+ * K ( ( 1 - P "\"\"\"" - P "\r" ) ^ 0 * P "\"\"\"" , 'String.Doc' )
+ + K ( P "'''" , 'String.Doc' )
+ * ( K ( (1 - P "'''" - P "\r")^0 , 'String.Doc' ) * EOL ) ^ 0
+ * K ( ( 1 - P "'''" - P "\r")^0 * P "'''" , 'String.Doc' )
+local CommentMath = P "$" * K ( ( 1 - S "$\r" ) ^ 1 , 'Comment.Math' ) * P "$"
+local Comment = L ( "{\\pitonStyleComment {" )
+ * C ( P "#" ) * ( CommentMath + C ( ( 1 - S "$\r" ) ^ 1 ) ) ^ 0
+ * L ( "}}" )
+ * ( EOL + -1 )
+local CommentLaTeX =
+ P "##"
+ * L "{\\PitonStyle{Comment.LaTeX}{"
+ * Ct ( C ( ( 1 - P "\r" ) ^ 0 ) )
+ * L "}}"
+ * ( EOL + -1 )
+local DefFunction =
+ K ( P "def" , 'Keyword' )
+ * Space
+ * K ( identifier , 'Name.Function' )
+ * ( SkipSpace * K ( P "(" , '' ) * Params * K ( P ")" , '' ) ) ^ -1
+ * ( SkipSpace
+ * K ( ( 1 - S ":\r" )^0 , 'Post.Function' )
+ * K ( P ":" , 'Keyword' )
+ * SkipSpace
+ * ( EOL + CommentLaTeX + Comment )
+ * SkipSpace
+ * StringDoc ) ^ -1
+local ItemDict = ShortString * SkipSpace * C ( P ":" ) * K ( Expression , 'Dict.Value' )
+local ItemOfSet = SkipSpace * ( ItemDict + ShortString ) * SkipSpace
+local Set = C ( P "{" )
+ * ItemOfSet * ( C ( P "," ) * ItemOfSet ) ^ 0
+ * C ( P "}" )
+local Operator = K ( P "!=" + P "==" + P "<<" + P ">>" + S "-~+/*%=<>&.@|" , 'Operator')
+local OperatorWord = K ( P "in" + P "is" + P "and" + P "or" + P "not" , 'Operator.Word')
+local SyntaxPython =
+ ( ( space - P "\r" ) ^0 * P "\r" ) ^ -1 * space ^ -1 *
+ ( ( space^1 * -1 )
+ + EOL
+ + Space
+ + Escape
+ + CommentLaTeX
+ + LongString
+ + Comment
+ + ExceptionInConsole
+ + Set
+ + Delim
+ + Class * ( Space + Punct + EOL )
+ + Namespace * ( Space + Punct + EOL )
+ + ImportAs
+ + RaiseException
+ + Keyword * ( Space + Punct + EOL )
+ + DefFunction
+ + ShortString
+ + Decorator * ( Space + Punct + EOL )
+ + Operator
+ + OperatorWord * ( Space + Punct + EOL )
+ + Builtin * ( Space + Punct + EOL )
+ + Identifier
+ + Number
+ + Word
+ ) ^0 * -1
+local MinimalSyntax =
+ P { "S" ;
+ S = K ( (1 - P "\r" ) ^ 0 , '') + EOL * S
+ }
+--- with cctab, all characters including spaces have catcode 12
+local cctab = luatexbase.catcodetables.CatcodeTableOther
+function Parse(code)
+ local t = Ct(SyntaxPython) : match(code)
+ if t then else t = Ct(MinimalSyntax) : match(code) end
+ for i = 1 , #t do
+ if type(t[i]) == 'string'
+ then
+ tex.sprint(cctab, t[i])
+ else
+ tex.sprint( t[i][1] )
+ end
+ end
+function ParseFile(name)
+ s = ''
+ for line in io.lines(name) do s = s .. '\r' .. line end
+ Parse(s)
+function define_gobble_syntax(n)
+ GobbleSyntax = ( 1 - P "\r" ) ^ (-n) * C ( ( 1 - P "\r" ) ^0 )
+ * ( C ( P "\r" )
+ * ( 1 - P "\r" ) ^ (-n)
+ * C ( ( 1 - P "\r" ) ^0 )
+ ) ^ 0
+function GobbleParse(code)
+ local t = Ct(GobbleSyntax):match(code)
+ local new_code = ""
+ for i = 1 , #t do
+ new_code = new_code .. t[i]
+ end
+ Parse(new_code)
+function min(x,y)
+ if x <= y
+ then return x
+ else return y
+ end
+function add(acc,new_value)
+ return acc + new_value
+--[[ The following LPEG returns as capture the minimal number of spaces at
+the beginning of the lines of code]]
+AutoGobbleSyntax =
+ ( space ^ 0 * P "\r" ) ^ -1
+ * Cf (
+ (
+ ( P " " ) ^ 0 * P "\r"
+ +
+ Cf ( Cc(0) * ( P " " * Cc(1) ) ^ 0 , add )
+ * ( 1 - P " " ) * ( 1 - P "\r" ) ^ 0 * P "\r"
+ ) ^ 0
+ *
+ ( Cf ( Cc(0) * ( P " " * Cc(1) ) ^ 0 , add )
+ * ( 1 - P " " ) * ( 1 - P "\r" ) ^ 0 ) ^ -1 ,
+ min
+ )
+function AutoGobbleParse(code)
+ local n = AutoGobbleSyntax:match(code)
+ if n==0
+ then Parse(code)
+ else define_gobble_syntax(n)
+ GobbleParse(code)
+ end
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/piton/piton.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/piton/piton.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5a3ac8cd0cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/piton/piton.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+%% This is file `piton.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% piton.dtx (with options: `package')
+%% Copyright (C) 2022 by F. Pantigny
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in:
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+ {piton}
+ {\myfiledate}
+ {\myfileversion}
+ {Highlight Python codes with LPEG on LuaLaTeX}
+\keys_define:nn { piton / package }
+ {
+ escape-inside .tl_set:N = \c__piton_escape_inside_tl ,
+ unknown .code:n = \msg_error:nn { piton } { unknown~key~for~package }
+ }
+\msg_new:nnn { piton } { unknown~key~for~package }
+ {
+ Unknown~key\\
+ You~have~used~the~key~'\l_keys_key_str'~but~the~only~key~available~here~
+ is~the~key~'escape-inside'.\\
+ That~key~will~be~ignored.
+ }
+\tl_clear_new:N \c__piton_escape_inside_tl
+\ProcessKeysOptions { piton / package }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__piton_set_escape_char:nn #1 #2
+ {
+ \directlua { begin_escape = "#1" }
+ \directlua { end_escape = "#2" }
+ }
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__piton_set_escape_char:nn { x x }
+ { \tl_head:V \c__piton_escape_inside_tl }
+ { \tl_tail:V \c__piton_escape_inside_tl }
+\msg_new:nnn { piton } { LuaLaTeX~mandatory }
+ { The~package~'piton'~must~be~used~with~LuaLaTeX.\\ It~won't~be~loaded. }
+\sys_if_engine_luatex:F { \msg_critical:nn { piton } { LuaLaTeX~mandatory } }
+\RequirePackage { luatexbase }
+\msg_new:nnn { piton } { piton.lua~not~found }
+ {
+ The~file~'piton.lua'~can't~be~found.\\
+ The package~'piton'~won't be loaded.
+ }
+\file_if_exist:nF { piton.lua }
+ { \msg_critical:nn { piton } { piton.lua~not~found} }
+\lua_now:e { require("piton.lua") }
+\cs_new:Npn \pitonEOL
+ {
+ \par \leavevmode
+ \__piton_print_number:
+ }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__piton_print_number:
+ { \bool_if:NT \l__piton_line_numbers_bool \__piton_actually_print_number: }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__piton_actually_print_number:
+ {
+ \bool_if:NF \l__piton_all_line_numbers_bool
+ { \peek_meaning:NF \pitonEOL }
+ \__piton_actually_print_number_i:
+ }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__piton_actually_print_number_i:
+ {
+ \int_incr:N \l__piton_lineno_int
+ \hbox_overlap_left:n
+ {
+ { \color{gray} \footnotesize \int_to_arabic:n \l__piton_lineno_int }
+ \quad
+ }
+ }
+\int_new:N \l__piton_lineno_int
+\int_new:N \l__piton_gobble_int
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__piton_define_trim_syntax:n #1
+ { \lua_now:n { define_trim_syntax(#1) } }
+\NewDocumentCommand { \piton } { v }
+ {
+ \group_begin:
+ \ttfamily
+ \lua_now:e { Parse(token.scan_argument()) } { #1 }
+ \group_end:
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand { \PitonInputFile } { m }
+ {
+ \group_begin:
+ \ttfamily
+ \bool_if:NT \l__piton_line_numbers_bool
+ {
+ \__piton_actually_print_number:
+ \vspace{-\baselineskip}
+ }
+ \lua_now:e { ParseFile(token.scan_argument()) } { #1 }
+ \group_end:
+ }
+\bool_new:N \l__piton_line_numbers_bool
+\bool_new:N \l__piton_all_line_numbers_bool
+\keys_define:nn { piton / PitonOptions }
+ {
+ gobble .int_set:N = \l__piton_gobble_int ,
+ gobble .value_required:n = true ,
+ auto-gobble .code:n = \int_set:Nn \l__piton_gobble_int { -1 } ,
+ auto-gobble .value_forbidden:n = true ,
+ line-numbers .bool_set:N = \l__piton_line_numbers_bool ,
+ line-numbers .default:n = true ,
+ all-line-numbers .code:n =
+ \bool_set_true:N \l__piton_line_numbers_bool
+ \bool_set_true:N \l__piton_all_line_numbers_bool ,
+ all-line-numbers .value_forbidden:n = true
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \PitonOptions { }
+ { \keys_set:nn { piton / PitonOptions } }
+\NewDocumentCommand { \NewPitonEnvironment } { m m m m }
+ {
+ \use:x
+ {
+ \cs_set_protected:Npn
+ \use:c { __piton_collect_ #1 :w }
+ ####1
+ \c_backslash_str end \c_left_brace_str #1 \c_right_brace_str
+ }
+ {
+ \group_end:
+ \par \addvspace { 0.5 em }
+ {
+ \dim_set_eq:NN \parindent \c_zero_dim
+ \ttfamily
+ \bool_if:NT \l__piton_line_numbers_bool
+ {
+ \__piton_actually_print_number:
+ \vspace{-\baselineskip}
+ }
+ \int_case:nnF \l__piton_gobble_int
+ {
+ 0
+ { \lua_now:e { Parse(token.scan_argument()) } }
+ { -1 }
+ { \lua_now:e { AutoGobbleParse(token.scan_argument()) } }
+ }
+ {
+ \exp_args:NV \__piton_define_trim_syntax:n \l__piton_gobble_int
+ \lua_now:e { GobbleParse(token.scan_argument()) }
+ }
+ { ##1 }
+ }
+ \par \addvspace { 0.5 em }
+ \end { #1 }
+ }
+ \NewDocumentEnvironment { #1 } { #2 }
+ {
+ #3
+ \group_begin:
+ \tl_map_function:nN
+ { \ \\ \{ \} \$ \& \# \^ \_ \% \~ \^^M }
+ \char_set_catcode_other:N
+ \use:c { __piton_collect_ #1 :w }
+ }
+ { #4 }
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+\NewPitonEnvironment { Piton } { } { } { }
+\NewDocumentCommand { \PitonStyle } { m } { \csname pitonStyle#1\endcsname }
+\NewDocumentCommand { \SetPitonStyle } { } { \keys_set:nn { piton } }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__piton_math_scantokens:n #1
+ { \normalfont \scantextokens { $#1$ } }
+\keys_define:nn { piton }
+ {
+ String.Interpol .tl_set:c = pitonStyle String.Interpol ,
+ String.Interpol .value_required:n = true ,
+ FormattingType .tl_set:c = pitonStyle FormattingType ,
+ FormattingType .value_required:n = true ,
+ Dict.Value .tl_set:c = pitonStyle Dict.Value ,
+ Dict.Value .value_required:n = true ,
+ Name.Decorator .tl_set:c = pitonStyle Name.Decorator ,
+ Name.Decorator .value_required:n = true ,
+ Name.Function .tl_set:c = pitonStyle Name.Function ,
+ Name.Function .value_required:n = true ,
+ Keyword .tl_set:c = pitonStyle Keyword ,
+ Keyword .value_required:n = true ,
+ Keyword.Constant .tl_set:c = pitonStyle Keyword.Constant ,
+ Keyword.constant .value_required:n = true ,
+ String.Doc .tl_set:c = pitonStyle String.Doc ,
+ String.Doc .value_required:n = true ,
+ Interpol.Inside .tl_set:c = pitonStyle Interpol.Inside ,
+ Interpol.Inside .value_required:n = true ,
+ String.Long .tl_set:c = pitonStyle String.Long ,
+ String.Long .value_required:n = true ,
+ String.Short .tl_set:c = pitonStyle String.Short ,
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+ String .meta:n = { String.Long = #1 , String.Short = #1 } ,
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+ Comment.Math .default:n = \__piton_math_scantokens:n ,
+ Comment.Math .initial:n = ,
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+ Number .value_required:n = true ,
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+ Name.Namespace .value_required:n = true ,
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+ Name.Builtin .value_required:n = true ,
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+ Operator .value_required:n = true ,
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+\msg_new:nnn { piton } { Unknown~key~for~SetPitonStyle } {
+ The~style~'\l_keys_key_str'~is~unknown.\\
+ This~key~will~be~ignored.\\
+ The~available~styles~are~(in~alphabetic~order):~
+ Comment,~
+ Comment.LaTeX,~
+ Dict.Value,~
+ Exception,~
+ InitialValues,~
+ Keyword,~
+ Keyword.Constant,~
+ Name.Builtin,~
+ Name.Class,~
+ Name.Decorator,~
+ Name.Function,~
+ Name.Namespace,~
+ Number,~
+ Operator,~
+ Operator.Word,~
+ String,~
+ String.Doc,~
+ String.Long,~
+ String.Short,~and~
+ String.Interpol. }
+ {
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+ Number = \color[HTML]{FF6600} ,
+ Operator = \color[HTML]{555555} ,
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+ String.Doc = \color[HTML]{CC3300} \itshape ,
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+ Comment.LaTeX = \normalfont \color[rgb]{.468,.532,.6} ,
+ Name.Type = \color[HTML]{336666} ,
+ InitialValues = \piton ,
+ Dict.Value = \piton ,
+ Post.Function = \piton ,
+ Interpol.Inside = \color{black}\piton ,
+ }
+%% End of file `piton.sty'.