path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/novel/novel.cls
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2017-03-02 22:04:43 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2017-03-02 22:04:43 +0000
commited9d19652f40ee17941ba6832f511e3726a87747 (patch)
tree1363a8c132b7883bb1b8e0f87cb9ba89751d7bfc /Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/novel/novel.cls
parente4e5bf0f152ea04be229a2747f8b3c2edc4407e7 (diff)
novel (2mar17)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/novel/novel.cls')
1 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/novel/novel.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/novel/novel.cls
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f39aa7fa09e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/novel/novel.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+%% This is file `novel.cls', part of class `novel'.
+%% Copyright 2017 Robert Allgeyer.
+%% anytthree [at]
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% Actually needs LuaLaTeX, at least version 0.95 from TeXLive 2016.
+\ProvidesClass{novel}[2017/03/01 v1.0.6 LaTeX document class]
+%% Class `novel' is designed for print fiction: novels or short stories.
+%% It cannot be used for e-books or for journal publication.
+%% It is not suitable for most non-fiction, because routine academic features
+%% such as bibiography and automatic sectioning are defeated.
+%% There are pre-configured layouts for the most commonly used choices of
+%% trim size (finished book width and height), and internal layout consistent
+%% with fiction. The user can over-ride the pre-configured settings.
+%% The class will automatically create PDF/X compliant files upon request,
+%% using a self-contained command structure.
+%% LuaLaTeX is required, and input files must be encoded utf-8.
+%% Fonts are loaded by luaotfload and fontspec, and massaged by microtype.
+%% For best results, use modern Open Type fonts, or TrueType fonts.
+%% The Libertinus font family, a fork of [Linux] Libertine/Biolinum,
+%% is the default. Actually, I recommend it! In addition, an included
+%% custom font, NovelDeco.otf, is used for special purposes.
+%% REQUIRE LUATEX and do some preliminary setup.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% These are not user settings.
+\RequirePackage{ifluatex} % LuaTeX is required. Not XeTeX, dvips, or pdfTeX.
+\RequirePackage{luatex85} % Needed for compatibility when using LuaTeX 0.95 etc.
+\RequirePackage{pdftexcmds} % compatibility
+ % New with TeXlive 2016. Removes unnecessary File Data:
+ \pdfvariable suppressoptionalinfo 511 % writes only ID to PDF Catalog
+ \ClassError{novel}{Must compile with LuaLaTeX 0.95+}{Sorry, LuaLaTeX only.%
+ No pdfTeX, dvips, or XeTeX.}
+\RequirePackage{etoolbox} % general good stuff
+\RequirePackage{xifthen} % improved ifthenelse handling
+\RequirePackage{xstring} % parses strings
+\RequirePackage{fp} % used everywhere for math calculations
+\FPmessagesfalse % eliminates numerous friendly messages from the log
+\pdfminorversion=3 % might be reset later, depending on settings
+\RequirePackage{silence} % Used here:
+% hyperref draft mode is always on, even when novel is not in draft mode:
+\WarningFilter{hyperref}{Draft mode on} % So, get rid of the hyperref warning.
+% Prevent complaints about no protrusion list for cmr, cmm, etc. in decimal pts:
+\WarningFilter{microtype}{I cannot find a protrusion list} % It's not there!
+\RequirePackage[relative]{textpos} % for inserting images
+\RequirePackage{noindentafter} % for unindented chapter and scene starts
+\RequirePackage{calc} % allows length expression calculations
+\RequirePackage{changepage} % block indents, etc.
+\RequirePackage{atbegshi} % for one-page header changes. Also used by hyperref.
+\RequirePackage{letltxmacro} % for re-defining some macros
+\RequirePackage{magaz} % special treatment of first lines
+\RequirePackage{changepage} % for adjusted text widths. Do not use strict!
+\RequirePackage{xparse} % for writing cool-looking commands
+% In addition, the following packages are required, but they are not loaded now.
+% They must wait for something else to happen first. They will be loaded
+% with suitable arguments, when the time comes:
+% fontspec -- in novel-LayoutSettings.sty
+% unicode-math -- in novel-LayoutSettings.sty
+% eso-pic -- in novel-CalculateLayout.sty
+% polyglossia -- in novel-FontDefaults.sty
+% microtype -- in novel-FontDefaults.sty
+% hyperref -- in novel-pdfx.sty
+% fancyhdr -- in novel.HeadFootStyles.sty
+% xcolor -- lower in this page
+% adjustbox -- lower on this page
+% eso-pic -- lower on this page
+%% Process document class options.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Allowed option list:
+% draft xml shademargins graytext greytext cropmarks cropview closecrop
+% Yes, I realize that this could have been done another way:
+\StrDel{\@mycol}{ }[\@mycola]
+\gdef\@mycolzzz{\@mycolj} % modify if others added
+ \ClassWarning{novel}{Unrecognized class option: \@mycolzzz\space^^J%
+ The unrecognized option was ignored!^^J}%
+% If used, option `draft' shows overflow rule.
+\newif \if@useDraftMode
+ \setlength\overfullrule{6pt}
+ \@useDraftModetrue
+ \ClassWarning{novel}{Compiled using draft mode. Not for final release!^^J}
+% If used, option `xml' creates a file `\jobname-XMPasXML.xml` that contains
+% the XMP metadata with an xml declaration and comments at top.
+% Only works when \SetPDFX is not `off'.
+\newif \if@wantXMPasXML
+ \@wantXMPasXMLtrue
+\DeclareOption{xmp}{ % in case you mis-type.
+ \ClassError{novel}{No class option `xmp'. Want `xml' ?^^J}%
+ {There is no class option named `xmp'. It is `xml'.^^J}
+% Option `shademargins' does just that. Ignored unless in draft mode.
+% Does not matter if `graytext' option in use.
+\newif \if@shademargins
+ \@shademarginstrue
+% Option `graytext' allows text in grayscale. Images unaffected.
+% If this option is not used, all text will be K black.
+\newif \if@graytext
+ \@graytexttrue
+% For the Brits:
+ \@graytexttrue
+% Usually you do NOT want crop (trim) marks. Configurable by \SetCropMarks[]{}.
+\newif \if@cropmarks
+ \@cropmarkstrue
+% The cropview sets PDF CropBox equal to TrimBox instead of MediaBox.
+% Only makes a difference when MediaBox is larger than TrimBox.
+% Ignored unless in draft mode.
+\newif \if@cropview
+ \@cropviewtrue
+% With closecrop, the TrimSize and margins are re-sized, to preserve the
+% live area, but with reduced margins on all sides (same for verso/recto).
+% This option is available only in draft mode, and disables shademargins.
+% The purpose is to create a PDF that is more easily read on a handheld device,
+% so you can think about edits while traveling. It is NOT an e-book, since
+% it has no hyperlinks and is missing some features that an e-book should have.
+\newif \if@closecrop
+ \@cropviewtrue\@closecroptrue
+%% Note that document size and normal font size are not class options.
+%% They are set by commands in the Preamble, and have default values.
+% Disable some options, unless in draft mode:
+ \global\@shademarginsfalse
+ \global\@cropviewfalse
+ \global\@closecropfalse
+ \global\@cropmarksfalse
+ \global\@cropviewtrue
+ \global\@shademarginsfalse
+ \global\@cropmarksfalse
+%% end class options
+%% Activate xcolor, adjustbox, and eso-pic:
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% The final book must be monochrome (black and white only) for all text
+% and vector graphics, unless option `graytext' is used.
+% Vector graphics are discouraged, in any case. See Page 9.
+% You can use grayscale (single channel, not RGB gray) raster images.
+% In draft mode only, the `shademargins' option
+% requires grayscale, so it is temporarily enabled.
+\newif \if@grayenabled
+ \RequirePackage[gray,hyperref]{xcolor} % allows some layout checks
+ \global\@grayenabledtrue
+ \if@graytext
+ \RequirePackage[gray,hyperref]{xcolor} % black/white book block
+ \global\@grayenabledtrue
+ \else
+ \RequirePackage[monochrome,hyperref]{xcolor} % black/white book block
+ \fi
+% adjustbox and eso-pic cannot precede xcolor.
+\RequirePackage{adjustbox} % for scaling and moving
+\RequirePackage{eso-pic} % background effects in draft mode
+%% end activate xcolor and adjustbox
+%% Temporary normal font size
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This normalsize is temporary, so that packages can load without complaint.
+%% It will be modified later, during layout calculations.
+ \@setfontsize\normalsize{\Current@FontSizeNum}{\Current@BaselineSkipNum}%
+%% end temporary normal point size and baselineskip
+%% Define commands used for File Data, including PDF/X Settings.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% As used here, `File Data' refers to PDF metadata as found in PDF/Info
+%% and in XMP. This class does not write it to the Catalog.
+%% Defines commands such as \title{}, not necessarily the same as other TeX.
+%% Physical Layout Commands and Settings.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Define commands that over-ride the class option pre-configured settings.
+%% Variety of miscellaneous layout settings such as \parsep, \parindent, etc.
+%% Additional Preamble Settings and Commands.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Macros for use in document body:
+% Standard `fancyhdr' header footer styles:
+% Chapter and Scene styles:
+% Image placement:
+% Footnotes and endnotes:
+%% \AtEndPreamble sets defaults and calculates layout
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ \makeatletter % Necessary. Why? Who knows.
+ \input{novel-CalculateLayout.sty}
+ \input{novel-FontDefaults.sty}
+ \input{novel-pdfx.sty}
+ \AtBeginShipout{\gdef\@fnafter{}}
+ \makeatother
+%% \AtBeginDocument finishes the setup
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Error if certain packages were requested in the Preamble.
+% This macro is invoked \AtBeginDocument.
+\newif \ifshutoffblock % part of incompatible package blocking
+\AtBeginDocument{ %
+ \defaultfontfeatures{} % reset
+ % Any other fonts will use these defaults:
+ \defaultfontfeatures{%
+ SmallCapsFeatures={Renderer=Basic},Kerning=On,%
+ Ligatures=TeX,%
+ }%
+ %
+ % Find some useful measurements:
+ \gdef\@normalxheight{\heightof{x}}
+ \setlength\normalxheight{\@normalxheight}
+ \global\normalxheight=\normalxheight
+ \gdef\@normalXheight{\heightof{X}}
+ \setlength\normalXheight{\@normalXheight}
+ \global\normalXheight=\normalXheight
+ % Activate user choice of whether or not to indent after scenebreak commands:
+ \if@indentAfterScenebreak\else
+ \NoIndentAfterCmd{\scenebreak}
+ \NoIndentAfterCmd{\sceneline}
+ \NoIndentAfterCmd{\scenestars}
+ \fi
+ %
+ \@activateHeadFootStyles % in file `novel-HeadFootStyles.sty'
+ \@novelPDFinfo % in file `novel-pdfx.sty'.
+ % Commands that cannot be used after Preamble:
+ \let\indentAfterScenebreak\relax
+ \let\title\relax
+ \let\author\relax
+ \let\subtitle\relax
+ % Disallow incompatible packages:
+ \ifshutoffblock
+ \gdef\sorry@no#1{}
+ \else
+ \gdef\sorry@no#1{\@ifpackageloaded{#1}{%
+ \ClassError{novel}{Sorry, package `#1' cannot be used}%
+ {The `novel' class does not allow use of package `#1'.^^J%
+ You must remove it from the Preamble, and also remove its commands^^J%
+ from the body of your document. In rare cases, the offending package^^J%
+ was loaded by some other package.^^J}%
+ }{}%
+ }
+ \fi
+ %
+ \sorry@no{pdfx}
+ \sorry@no{xmpincl}
+ \sorry@no{hyperxmp}
+ \sorry@no{pdfxmult}
+ \sorry@no{inputenc}
+ \sorry@no{fontenc}
+ \sorry@no{showkeys}
+ \sorry@no{wrapfigure}
+ \sorry@no{wrapfig}
+ \sorry@no{float}
+ \sorry@no{morefloats}
+ \sorry@no{footmisc}
+ \sorry@no{footnote}
+ \sorry@no{manyfoot}
+ \sorry@no{caption}
+ \sorry@no{subcaption}
+ \sorry@no{multirow}
+ \sorry@no{tabu}
+ \sorry@no{tabularx}
+ \sorry@no{tabulary}
+ \sorry@no{array}
+ \sorry@no{booktabs}
+ \sorry@no{eqparbox}
+ \sorry@no{pdfpages}
+ \sorry@no{nth}
+ \sorry@no{engord}
+ \sorry@no{endnotes}
+%% End of file `novel.cls'