path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2015-08-27 22:02:35 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2015-08-27 22:02:35 +0000
commitd0b7455f5ef6000af94ff3365c9f7e36a411dc42 (patch)
treeeef3f80ffeccbe44216de5ed99aafbd0f426e557 /Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex
parent7eb5047990feee3545abafcc60bae22fad6f1927 (diff)
cleanthesis (27aug15)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex')
1 files changed, 683 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cleanthesis/cleanthesis.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cleanthesis/cleanthesis.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..188515d44ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cleanthesis/cleanthesis.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+%% cleanthesis.sty
+%% Copyright 2015 R. Langner
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is R. Langner.
+% This work consists of all files listed in
+% **************************************************
+% Clean Thesis
+% -- A LaTeX Style for Thesis Documents --
+% **************************************************
+% Readme:
+% ----------------------------------------
+% Please check out the file in the root of this package.
+% **************************************************
+\ProvidesPackage{cleanthesis}[2015/08/26 v0.3.1 Clean-looking thesis style inspired by Apple's user guide documents]
+% **************************************************
+% Package options
+% **************************************************
+% -- process all available package options
+% The xkeyval package enables us to handle for example key-value pairs
+% in an easy way
+% OPTION sansserif
+% --> values = true|false
+% OPTION hangfigurecaption
+% --> values = true|false
+% OPTION hangsection
+% --> values = true|false
+% OPTION hangsubsection
+% --> values = true|false
+% OPTION figuresep
+% --> values = none|colon|period|space|quad|endash
+% OPTION colorize
+% --> values = full|reduced|bw
+% OPTION colortheme
+% --> values = bluemagenta|bluegreen
+% OPTION bibsys
+% --> values = biber|bibtex
+% OPTION bibfile
+% --> values = file name of your bibtex file
+% OPTION bibstyle
+% --> values = alphabetic|numeric|authoryear
+ \PackageWarning{cleanthesis}{Unknown option ‘\CurrentOption’}%
+% **************************************************
+% Color Definitions
+% **************************************************
+% -- defines color themes and color commands
+% The xcolor package enables us to create/handle/name different colors
+% updates all colors regarding the defined main and accessory
+% color, as well as the defined colorize mode (full, reduced, bw)
+ % sets all colors (like colorize == full)
+ % -- footer colors
+ \colorlet{ctcolorfooterpage}{ctcolorblack}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorfooterline}{ctcolormain}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorfootermark}{ctcolorblack}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorfootertitle}{ctcolormain}
+ % -- sectioning colors
+ \colorlet{ctcolortitle}{ctcolormain}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorpartnum}{ctcolormain}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorpartline}{ctcolorblack}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorparttext}{ctcolorblack}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorchapternum}{ctcolormain}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorchapterline}{ctcolormain}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorsection}{ctcolormain}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorsubsection}{ctcolormain}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorparagraph}{ctcolorblack}
+ % --> text colors
+ \colorlet{ctcolorfloatlabel}{ctcoloraccessory}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorlistlabel}{ctcolormain}
+ \ifcase\cthesis@colorize
+ % case = 0 (colorize == full)
+ % do nothing
+ \or
+ % case = 1 (colorize == reduced)
+ % --> footer colors
+ \colorlet{ctcolorfooterline}{ctcolorgray}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorfootertitle}{ctcolorgray}
+ % --> sectioning colors
+ \colorlet{ctcolorsubsection}{ctcolorblack}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorpartnum}{ctcolorblack}
+ % --> text colors
+ \colorlet{ctcolorlistlabel}{ctcolorblack}
+ \or
+ % case = 2 (colorize == bw)
+ % --> footer colors
+ \colorlet{ctcolorfooterline}{ctcolorgray}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorfootertitle}{ctcolorgray}
+ % --> sectioning colors
+ \colorlet{ctcolortitle}{ctcolorblack}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorpartnum}{ctcolorblack}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorchapternum}{ctcolorblack}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorchapterline}{ctcolorblack}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorsection}{ctcolorblack}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorsubsection}{ctcolorblack}
+ % --> text colors
+ \colorlet{ctcolorfloatlabel}{ctcolorblack}
+ \colorlet{ctcolorlistlabel}{ctcolorblack}
+ \else
+ \fi
+% sets the main and accessory color for the document
+ \definecolor{ctcolormain}{#1}{#2}%
+ \definecolor{ctcoloraccessory}{#1}{#3}%
+ \ct@cthesis@updatecolors%
+% sets the blue-magenta color theme (blue/magenta)
+ \cthesissetcolor{cmyk}{1, .50, .10, .01}{.18, .98, .18, 0}%
+% sets the blue-green color theme (blue/green)
+ \cthesissetcolor{cmyk}{.61, .47, .03, 0}{.48, .05, .91, 0}%
+% defines general colors
+% sets the color theme regarding the given package option colortheme
+ % case 0 (colortheme == bluemagenta)
+ \cthesissetcolorbluemagenta
+ % case 1 (colortheme == bluegreen)
+ \cthesissetcolorbluegreen
+ % all other cases
+ \cthesissetcolorbluemagenta
+% **************************************************
+% Font Definitions (see
+% **************************************************
+\RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} % font types and character verification
+% {%
+ % Using sans-serif fonts
+ %
+ %\RequirePackage{helvet} % Font: Helvetica
+ %\RequirePackage{nimbus} % Font: Nimbus Sans, a clone of the Helvetica
+ \RequirePackage{tgheros} % Font: TEX Gyre Heros
+ %\RequirePackage{libertine} % Font: Biolinum, the standard sans serif typeface with the Libertine package
+ %\RequirePackage[scaled]{berasans} % Font: Bera Sans, a a version of Bitstream Vera Sans slightly enhanced
+ \renewcommand*\familydefault{\sfdefault}%
+% }{%
+ % Using serif fonts
+ %
+ \RequirePackage{lmodern} % font set: Latin Modern
+ \RequirePackage{charter} % font set: Charter
+ %\RequirePackage{fourier} % font set: (basically improved utopia)
+% }
+% **************************************************
+% Load Packages
+% **************************************************
+\RequirePackage{fixltx2e} % packages provides fixes to LaTeX2e
+\RequirePackage{microtype} % typographic tuning
+\RequirePackage{setspace} % for line spacing, e.g. \onehalfspacing
+\RequirePackage[]{graphicx} % graphics import features
+\RequirePackage{fancyhdr} % for header and footer modifications
+\RequirePackage{enumitem} % for simple list modifications
+\RequirePackage{blindtext} % package for blind text
+\RequirePackage{textcomp} % different symbols
+\RequirePackage{hyperref} % interactive link inside the document
+\RequirePackage[ % modify figure and table captions
+ font={small}, % - small font size
+ labelfont={bf,sf,color=ctcolorfloatlabel},% - label in bold, sans-serif and magenta
+ labelsep=\cthesis@figuresep, % - separator: none, colon, period, space, quad, newline, endash
+ singlelinecheck=false % - no centered single-lined captions
+% {%
+ \DeclareCaptionFormat{llap}{\llap{#1#2}#3\par}%
+ \captionsetup{format=llap,labelsep=quad,singlelinecheck=false}%
+% }{}
+\RequirePackage[ % page layout modifications
+ paper=a4paper, % - use A4 paper size
+ %scale={0.86,0.94}, % - total body size (h,v)
+ %scale={0.86,0.94}, % - total body size (h,v)
+ nohead, % - no header
+ includefoot, % - include footer space
+ includemp, % - include side note space
+ bindingoffset=0.5cm, % - binding correction
+ top=2.25cm, % - total body: top margin
+ left=3.75cm, % - total body: left margin (odd pages)
+ right=0.75cm, % - total body: right margin (odd pages)
+ bottom=1.5cm, % - total body: bottom margin
+ marginparwidth=1.75cm, % - width for side note
+ marginparsep=10pt, % - space between notes and body text (content)
+ footskip=2cm, % - footer skip size
+\RequirePackage[ % advanced quotes
+ strict=true, % - warning are errors now
+ style=german % - german quotes
+\RequirePackage[ % use biblatex for bibliography
+ backend=\cthesis@bibsys, % - use biber backend (bibtex replacement) or bibtex
+ bibencoding=utf8, % - use auto file encode
+ style=\cthesis@bibstyle, % - use alphabetic (or numeric) bib style
+ natbib=true, % - allow natbib commands
+ hyperref=true, % - activate hyperref support
+ backref=true, % - activate backrefs
+ isbn=false, % - don't show isbn tags
+ url=false, % - don't show url tags
+ doi=false, % - don't show doi tags
+ urldate=long, % - display type for dates
+ maxnames=3,%
+ minnames=1,%
+ maxbibnames=5,%
+ minbibnames=3,%
+ maxcitenames=2,%
+ mincitenames=1%
+ andothers = {{et\,al\adddot}}, % 'et al.' instead of 'u.a.'
+ backrefpage = {{zitiert auf Seite}},%
+ backrefpages = {{zitiert auf den Seiten}},%
+% **************************************************
+% Text Format
+% **************************************************
+\setstretch{1.2} % value for line spacing, use \setstretch{} or \singlespacing or \onehalfspacing or \doublespacing
+\setlength{\parindent}{0em} % value for paragraph indentation
+\clubpenalty = 10000 % prevent single lines at the beginning of a paragraph (Schusterjungen)
+\widowpenalty = 10000 % prevent single lines at the end of a paragraph (Hurenkinder)
+\displaywidowpenalty = 10000 %
+% **************************************************
+% List Definitions
+% **************************************************
+ {\begin{enumerate}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{1pt}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}%
+ }%
+ {\end{enumerate}}
+ {\begin{enumerate}[topsep=-5pt,partopsep=0pt,parsep=2pt,itemsep=3pt]}
+ {\end{enumerate}}%
+ {\begin{itemize}[topsep=-5pt,partopsep=0pt,parsep=2pt,itemsep=3pt]}
+ {\end{itemize}}%
+ {\begin{itemize}[topsep=-5pt,partopsep=0pt,parsep=2pt,itemsep=3pt]}
+ {\end{itemize}}%
+ \newenvironment{ct_version_list_sub}
+ {\begin{itemize}[topsep=-0pt,partopsep=0pt,parsep=0pt,itemsep=0pt]}
+ {\end{itemize}}%
+ \hspace*{\labelsep}%
+ \color{ctcolorlistlabel}%
+ \tgherosfont\textbf{#1}%
+ {\begin{description}[%
+ style=multiline,%
+ topsep=-5pt,%
+ leftmargin=3cm,%
+ partopsep=0pt,%
+ parsep=2pt,%
+ itemsep=3pt%
+ ]}
+ {\end{description}}%
+% **************************************************
+% Header and Footer
+% **************************************************
+ \markboth{%
+ \footnotesize%
+ {\color{ctcolorfootermark}\textbf{\chaptername\ \thechapter}}%
+ \quad%
+ {\color{ctcolorfootertitle}#1}%
+ }{}%
+ \markright{%
+ \footnotesize%
+ {\color{ctcolorfootermark}\textbf{\thesection}}%
+ \quad%
+ {\color{ctcolorfootertitle}#1}%
+ }%
+ \fancyhf{}
+ \fancyfootoffset[OR]{1.85cm}
+ \fancyfoot[OR]{%
+ {\ }\tgherosfont%
+ {\color{ctcolorfooterline}\rule[-90pt]{1.25pt}{100pt}}%
+ \hspace*{10pt}\begin{minipage}[b]{1.5cm}%
+ \color{ctcolorfooterpage}\normalsize\textbf{\thepage}%
+ \end{minipage}%
+ }
+ \fancyfootoffset[EL]{1.85cm}
+ \fancyfoot[EL]{%
+ \tgherosfont%
+ \begin{minipage}[b]{1.5cm}%
+ \raggedleft\color{ctcolorfooterpage}\normalsize\textbf{\thepage}%
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hspace*{10pt}{\color{ctcolorfooterline}\rule[-90pt]{1.25pt}{100pt}}%
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}
+ \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}
+ \pagestyle{plain}
+ \fancyhf{}
+ \fancyfootoffset[OR]{1.85cm}
+ \fancyfoot[OR]{%
+ {\ }\tgherosfont\footnotesize%
+ \rightmark%
+ \hspace*{0.75cm}{\color{ctcolorfooterline}\rule[-90pt]{1.25pt}{100pt}}%
+ \hspace*{10pt}\begin{minipage}[b]{1.5cm}%
+ \color{ctcolorfooterpage}\normalsize\textbf{\thepage}%
+ \end{minipage}%
+ }
+ \fancyfootoffset[EL]{1.85cm}
+ \fancyfoot[EL]{%
+ \tgherosfont\footnotesize%
+ \begin{minipage}[b]{1.5cm}%
+ \raggedleft\color{ctcolorfooterpage}\normalsize\textbf{\thepage}%
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \footnotesize%
+ \hspace*{10pt}{\color{ctcolorfooterline}\rule[-90pt]{1.25pt}{100pt}}%
+ \hspace*{0.75cm}\leftmark%
+ }
+% **************************************************
+% New Commands
+% **************************************************
+% TODO command
+\newcommand{\TODO}[1]{{\color{color_todo}\textbf{[TODO #1]}}}
+% ref commands, e.g. for images, tables and text labels
+% --------------------------------------------------
+% RESULT = (siehe Tab. 12.4)
+\newcommand{\tabref}[1]{(siehe Tab.~\ref{#1})}
+% RESULT = (siehe Tab. 12.4)
+\newcommand{\tableref}[1]{(siehe Tab.~\ref{#1} Seite~\pageref{#1})}
+% --------------------------------------------------
+% RESULT = (siehe 3.4)
+\newcommand{\tref}[1]{(siehe \ref{#1})}
+% RESULT = Abschnitt 3.4
+% RESULT = (siehe 3.4, Seite 12)
+\newcommand{\textref}[1]{(siehe \ref{#1}, Seite~\pageref{#1})}
+% RESULT = Abschnitt 3.4 (siehe Seite 12)
+\newcommand{\textreft}[1]{Abschnitt~\ref{#1} (siehe Seite~\pageref{#1})}
+% --------------------------------------------------
+% RESULT = (siehe Abb. 10.4)
+\newcommand{\fref}[1]{(siehe Abb.~\ref{#1})}
+% RESULT = (siehe Abb. 10.4 b)
+\newcommand{\frefadd}[2]{(siehe Abb.~\ref{#1}~#2)}
+% RESULT = (siehe Abb. 10.4, Seite 12)
+\newcommand{\figref}[1]{(siehe Abb.~\ref{#1}, Seite~\pageref{#1})}
+% RESULT = (siehe Abb. 10.4 b, Seite 12)
+\newcommand{\figrefadd}[2]{(siehe Abb.~\ref{#1}~#2, Seite~\pageref{#1})}
+% RESULT = Abbildung 10.4
+% RESULT = Abbildung 10.4 b
+% --------------------------------------------------
+% RESULT = (siehe Seite 12)
+\newcommand{\seepage}[1]{(siehe Seite~\pageref{#1})}
+% **************************************************
+% Sectioning Commands
+% **************************************************
+ arg1=#1, arg2=#2, arg3=#3%
+% own font definitions
+\newcommand{\thesispartfont}{\color{ctcolorparttext}\huge \tgherosfont\selectfont}
+\newcommand{\thesischapterfont}{\color{ctcolorblack}\huge \fontfamily{phv}\selectfont}
+%\newcommand{\thesissectionfont}{\color{ctcolormain}\LARGE\bfseries \tgherosfont}
+\newcommand{\thesissectionfont}{\color{ctcolorsection}\LARGE \tgherosfont}
+\newcommand{\thesissubsectionfont}{\color{ctcolorsubsection}\Large \tgherosfont}
+% headings
+\setkomafont{part}{\thesispartfont} % for chapter entries
+\setkomafont{chapter}{\thesischapterfont} % for chapter entries
+\setkomafont{section}{\thesissectionfont} % for section entries
+\setkomafont{subsection}{\thesissubsectionfont} % for section entries
+%\setkomafont{subsection}{\large} % for subsection entries
+% **************************************************
+% Sectioning
+% **************************************************
+% -- modifications regarding sectioning (structural) commands,
+% i.e. \part, \chapter, \section, \subsection, \subsubsection, \paragraph
+% The package titlesec enables us to modify (style) the sectioning commands
+% -- usage: \titlespacing{\command}{left}{before-sep}{after-sep}[right-sep]
+% -- usage: \titleformat{\command}[shape]{format}{label}{sep}{before}[after]
+% -- usage: \titleclass{\command}{class}
+% -- classes: page (single page), top (like chapters),
+% straight (title in the middle)
+% > formats: \part
+\titleclass{\part}{top} % <-- display:
+\assignpagestyle{\part}{empty} % <-- no page numbers/decorations
+ [display]%
+ {\usekomafont{part}}%
+ {\raggedleft{%
+ {\thesispartlabelfont%
+ \partname\ \thepart\ \quad}%
+ {\color{ctcolorpartline}%
+ \hspace*{-200pt}\rule[20pt]{600pt}{2pt}}
+ }%
+ }%
+ {0em}%
+ {\raggedleft}%
+ [\phantomsection]
+% > formats: \chapter
+% The following command is used to avoid overlapping
+% of the chapter headline text, see bug/ticket #1
+% Solution adapted according to the comment from "Gonzalo Medina" - Thanks
+ {\usekomafont{chapter}}%
+ {\vspace{-8em}\raggedleft{%
+ {\color{ctcolorchapterline}%
+ \rule[-5pt]{2pt}{5cm}}\quad%
+ {\color{ctcolorchapternum}
+ \fontsize{60}{60}\selectfont\thechapter}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ {-2.1em}%
+ {\ctformatchapter}%
+ [\phantomsection]
+% > formats: \section
+% {%
+ \titleformat{\section}[hang]%
+ {\usekomafont{section}}%
+ {\color{ctcolorblack}\thesection\hspace*{10pt}}%
+ {0pt}%
+ {\raggedright}%
+ [\phantomsection]
+% }{%
+ \titleformat{\section}[block]%
+ {\usekomafont{section}}%
+ {\color{ctcolorblack}\thesection\hspace*{10pt}}%
+ {0pt}%
+ {\raggedright}%
+ [\phantomsection]
+% }
+% > formats: \subsection
+% {%
+ \titleformat{\subsection}[hang]%
+ {\usekomafont{subsection}}%
+ {\color{ctcolorblack}\thesubsection\hspace*{10pt}}%
+ {0pt}%
+ {\raggedright}%
+ [\phantomsection]
+% }{%
+ \titleformat{\subsection}[block]%
+ {\usekomafont{subsection}}%
+ {\color{ctcolorblack}\thesubsection\hspace*{10pt}}%
+ {0pt}%
+ {\raggedright}%
+ [\phantomsection]
+% }
+% > formats: \paragraph
+% \titleformat{\paragraph}[runin]%
+ % {\usekomafont{paragraph}}%
+ % {}%
+ % {}%
+ % {}%
+ % []
+% **************************************************
+% ToC, LoF, LoT
+% **************************************************
+% -- modifications regarding the table of contents,
+% the list of figures and the list of tables
+% The tocloft package enables us to control the typographic design of the
+% table of contents, list of figures and list of tables
+% > adjusts the indention for figure and table entries (lof and lot)
+% -- \cftsetindents{entry}{indent}{numwidth} sets the entry's indent to
+% the length indent and its numwidth to the length numwidth
+% **************************************************
+% Mishmash
+% **************************************************
+% Clean chapter quotations
+ {\book\fontsize{75}{80}\selectfont%
+ \hspace*{-.475em}\color{ctcolorgraylight}%
+ \textit{\glqq}%
+ \vskip -.26em}%
+ \begin{minipage}{.865\textwidth}%
+ \begin{flushright}
+ \begin{minipage}{.65\textwidth}%
+ \begin{flushleft}
+ {\hugequote}\textit{#1}
+ \end{flushleft}
+ \begin{flushright}
+ --- \textbf{#2} \\
+ #3
+ \end{flushright}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \end{flushright}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \bigskip
+% Clean Quotation environment
+ {%
+ \begin{minipage}{.865\textwidth}%
+ \begin{flushright}
+ \begin{minipage}{.95\textwidth}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \end{flushright}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ }%
+% Clean signs around word origins in definitions