path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2020-03-09 21:15:24 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2020-03-09 21:15:24 +0000
commit4e9b181b2548dbe0f4a5ab380f3e08be0aa92b81 (patch)
tree173f7b4b11e6c8704e69cf82f93f58e697a66d61 /Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex
parent55b23598dc69f8c3578024f37a46d0821f858689 (diff)
rm alterqcm, obsolete on ctan
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 575 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/alterqcm/alterqcm.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/alterqcm/alterqcm.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 80d2d9517b6..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/alterqcm/alterqcm.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-% Copyright (C) 2019 Alain Matthes, Apostolos Syropoulos, and Anastasios Dimou
-% Copyright (C) 2009 Alain Matthes
-% This file may be distributed and/or modified
-% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License , either version 1.3
-% of this license or (at your option) any later version and/or
-% 2. under the GNU Public License.
-% See for details.
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % %
- % alterqcm.sty encodage : utf8 %
- % %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % %
- % Créé par Alain Matthes le 19-09-2006. %
- % %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-%% Objet : Création de qcm
-%% Utilisation
-%% \AQquestion{question}
-%% {{proposition},
-%% {proposition}}
-\ProvidesPackage{alterqcm}[2019/06/24 v4.1]
- \newcount\locall@ng% to set language specific strings:
-% % 0 stands for French, 1 for English, 2 for German, and 3 for Greek
- \locall@ng=0%
- \DeclareOption{french}{%
- \def\aqlabelforquest{Questions}%
- \def\aqlabelforrep{R\'eponses}%
- \def\aqfoottext{suite sur la page suivante\ldots}}%
- \DeclareOption{english}{%
- \locall@ng=1%
- \def\aqlabelforquest{Questions}
- \def\aqlabelforrep{Answers}
- \def\aqfoottext{Continued on the next page\ldots}}%
- \DeclareOption{german}{%
- \locall@ng=2%
- \def\aqlabelforquest{Fragen}%
- \def\aqlabelforrep{Antworten}%
- \def\aqfoottext{Fortsetzung nächste Seite\ldots}}%
- \DeclareOption{greek}{%
- \locall@ng=3%
- \def\aqlabelforquest{Ερωτήσεις}
- \def\aqlabelforrep{Απαντήσεις}
- \def\aqfoottext{Συνεχίζεται στην επόμενη σελίδα\ldots}}%
-\RequirePackage{pifont}%v v1.00
-% from RANDOM.TEX v.1 (Donald Arseneau)
-\newcount\aq@randomi % the random number seed (while executing)
-\global\aq@randomi\catcode`\@ % scratch variable during definitions
- \ifnum\aq@randomi<\@ne % then initialize with time
- \global\aq@randomi\time
- \global\multiply\aq@randomi388 \global\advance\aq@randomi\year
- \global\multiply\aq@randomi31 \global\advance\aq@randomi\day
- \global\multiply\aq@randomi97 \global\advance\aq@randomi\month
- \message{Randomizer initialized to \the\aq@randomi.}%
- \nextrandom \nextrandom \nextrandom
- \fi
- \count@ii\aq@randomi
- \divide\count@ii 127773 % modulus = multiplier * 127773 + 2836
- \count@\count@ii
- \multiply\count@ii 127773
- \global\advance\aq@randomi-\count@ii % random mod 127773
- \global\multiply\aq@randomi 16807
- \multiply\count@ 2836
- \global\advance\aq@randomi-\count@
- \ifnum\aq@randomi<\z@ \global\advance\aq@randomi 2147483647\relax\fi
- \endgroup
-\countdef\count@ii=2 % use only in boxes!
-\ifx\@tempcnta\undefined \csname newcount\endcsname \@tempcnta \fi
-\ifx\@tempcntb\undefined \csname newcount\endcsname \@tempcntb \fi
-\def\setrannum#1#2#3{% count register, minimum, maximum
- \@tempcnta#3\advance\@tempcnta-#2\advance\@tempcnta\@ne
- \@tempcntb 2147483645 % = m - 2 = 2^{31} - 3
- \divide\@tempcntb\@tempcnta
- \getr@nval
- \advance\aq@ranval#2\relax
- #1\aq@ranval
-\def\getr@nval{% The values in \@tempcnta and \@tempcntb are parameters
- \nextrandom
- \aq@ranval\aq@randomi \advance\aq@ranval\m@ne \divide\aq@ranval\@tempcntb
- \ifnum\aq@ranval<\@tempcnta\else \expandafter\getr@nval \fi
-\newcounter{AQ@numprop}\setcounter{AQ@numprop}{0}% v0.93
- \hline
- \textbf{#1}\\
- \hline\\
- \hline
-% Début Code QCM
-\def\aqfoottext{suite sur la page suivante\ldots}
-\def\aqfoottext{Continued on the next page\ldots}
-\def\aqfoottext{Fortsetzung nächste Seite\ldots}
-\def\aqfoottext{Συνεχίζεται στην επόμενη σελίδα\ldots}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {global} {lq}{}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {global} {pq}{}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {global} {points}{}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {global} {symb}{}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {global} {corsymb}{}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {global} {bonus}{}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {global} {malus}{}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {global} {numstyle}{}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {global} {propstyle}{}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {global} {size}{}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {global} {tone}{}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {global} {ttwo}{}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {global} {numbreak}{}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {global} {afterpreskip}{}
-\define@boolkey [AQ] {global} {transparent}[true]{}
-\define@boolkey [AQ] {global} {VF} [true]{}
-\define@boolkey [AQ] {global} {sep} [true]{}
-\define@boolkey [AQ] {global} {pre} [true]{}
-\define@boolkey [AQ] {global} {title} [true]{}
-\define@boolkey [AQ] {global} {long} [true]{}
-\define@boolkey [AQ] {global} {num} [true]{}
-\define@boolkey [AQ] {global} {numprop} [false]{}
-\define@boolkey [AQ] {global} {nosquare} [false]{}
-\define@boolkey [AQ] {global} {correction} [true]{}
-\define@boolkey [AQ] {global} {alea} [true]{}
-\presetkeys [AQ] {global} {
- lq = 100mm,
- pq = 0pt,
- points = {},
- sep = false,
- pre = false,
- bonus = {0,5},
- malus = {0,25},
- VF = false,
- long = false,
- symb = $\square$,
- corsymb = $\blacksquare$,
- afterpreskip = \medskip,
- num = true,
- transparent = false,
- nosquare = false,
- correction = false,%v1.00
- numstyle = \arabic,
- propstyle = \alph,% v0.93
- numprop = false,% v0.93
- size = {}, %3.7 same size la fonte
- title = true,
- ttwo = \aqlabelforrep,
- tone = \aqlabelforquest,
- numbreak = 0,
- alea = false}{}
-\presetkeys[AQ]{local}{br=5,pq= \cmdAQ@global@pq}{}%
-\newcommand{\aq@pre}{Pour chacune des questions ci-dessous, une seule des r\'eponses propos\'ees est exacte. Vous devez cocher la r\'eponse exacte sans justification.
-Une bonne r\'eponse rapporte \textbf{\cmdAQ@global@bonus\ point}. Une mauvaise r\'eponse enl\`eve \textbf{\cmdAQ@global@malus\ point}. L'absence de r\'eponse ne rapporte ni n'enl\`eve aucun point. Si le total des points est n\'egatif, la note globale attribu\'ee \`a l'exercice est \textbf{0}.}%
-\newcommand{\aq@preVF}{Pour chacune des affirmations ci-dessous, cocher la case V (l'affirmation est vraie) ou la case F (l'affirmation est fausse) sur l'ANNEXE, \`a rendre avec la copie. Les r\'eponses ne seront pas justifi\'ees.
-Une bonne r\'eponse rapporte \textbf{\cmdAQ@global@bonus\ point}. Une mauvaise r\'eponse enl\`eve \textbf{\cmdAQ@global@malus\ point}. L'absence de r\'eponse ne rapporte ni n'enl\`eve aucun point. Si le total des points est n\'egatif, la note globale attribu\'ee \`a l'exercice est \textbf{0}.}%
-\newcommand{\aq@pre}{For each of the questions below, only one of the proposed answers is true. You must choose the right answer without justification.}%
-\newcommand{\aq@preVF}{For each of the statements below, check the \textbf{T} box (the statement is true) or the \textbf{F} box (the statement is false).}%
-\newcommand{\aq@pre}{Für jede der unterstehenden Fragen ist nur eine der vorgeschlagenen Antworten richtig.
-Kreuzen Sie die richtige Antwort ohne Begründung an.}%
-\newcommand{\aq@preVF}{Für jede der unterstehenden Aussagen kreuzen Sie R (für die richtige Aussage) und F (für die falsche Aussage) an.}%
-\newcommand{\aq@pre}{Από τις επόμενες προτάσεις επιλέξετε αυτήν, που θεωρείτε σωστή.}%
-\newcommand{\aq@preVF}{Να επιλέξετε \textbf{Σ}(ωστό), αν θεωρείτε την πρόταση που δίνεται παρακάτω σωστή, ή \textbf{Λ}(άθος) αν την θεωρείτε λανθασμένη.}%
-\def\aq@ms(#1,#2){\vrule height #1pt depth #2pt width 0pt}
-\newcommand*{\altersquare}{\vbox{\hrule\hbox to 6pt{\vrule height 5.2pt \hfil\vrule}\hrule}}%
- \hfil{\aq@style@title{\cmdAQ@global@tone}}\hfil%
- & \hfil{\aq@style@title{\cmdAQ@global@ttwo}}\hfil\\ \hline%
- \ifAQ@global@long \endfirsthead
- \hfil{\aq@style@title{\cmdAQ@global@tone}}\hfil%
- & \hfil{\aq@style@title{\cmdAQ@global@ttwo}}\hfil\\ \hline%
-& \raisebox{-1em}\hfill{\emph{\aqfoottext}} \\ \hline
-\end{minipage}}\\ \hline%
- \ifcase\aq@alea%
- \or
- \global\let\aq@tempfirst\aq@arga
- \or
- \global\let\aq@tempfirst\aq@argb
- \or
- \global\let\aq@tempfirst\aq@argc
- \or
- \global\let\aq@tempfirst\aq@argd
- \or
- \global\let\aq@tempfirst\aq@arge
- \fi
- \ifcase\aq@alea%
- \or
- \global\let\aq@templast\aq@arga
- \or
- \global\let\aq@templast\aq@argb
- \or
- \global\let\aq@templast\aq@argc
- \or
- \global\let\aq@templast\aq@argd
- \or
- \global\let\aq@templast\aq@arge
- \fi
-\global\expandafter\let\csname aq@arg\alph{alea@numfirst}%
-\global\expandafter\let\csname aq@arg\alph{alea@numlast}%
-{\cmdAQ@global@symb\quad\mbox{#1}}}% \cmdAQ@global@symb remplace $\square$
-\advance\aq@dimtmpa by\aq@dimtmpb}%
-\advance\aq@dimtmpa by\aq@dimtmpb\relax%
-\advance\aq@hauteurprop by\aq@dimtmpa\relax%
-\advance\aq@hauteurprop by\aq@dimtmpa\relax\fi
-\advance\aq@hauteurprop by\aq@dimtmpa\relax\fi
-\advance\aq@hauteurprop by\aq@dimtmpa\relax\fi
-\advance\aq@dimtmpa by3pt
-\advance\aq@dimtmpb by2pt
-\vrule height\aq@dimtmpa depth\aq@dimtmpb width0pt
-\advance\aq@hauteurquest by-\aq@hauteurprop
-\divide\aq@hauteurquest by\theaq@numb\relax
-\divide\aq@hauteurquest by2\relax%
-\aq@dimtmpa\ht\aq@tempbox\advance\aq@dimtmpa by4pt\advance\aq@dimtmpa by\aq@dimtmp\relax
-\aq@dimtmpb\dp\aq@tempbox\advance\aq@dimtmpb by3pt\advance\aq@dimtmpb by\aq@dimtmp\relax
- \ifAQ@global@nosquare
- \else%
- \ifAQ@global@correction
- \def\@stop{1}
- \@for\goodrep:=\cmdAQ@local@br\do{%
- \ifnum\@stop<6 %
- \global\let\mysymb\cmdAQ@global@symb
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\goodrep}{#2}}{%
- \global\let\mysymb\cmdAQ@global@corsymb \def\@stop{9}}{%
- }%
- \fi}%
- \mysymb\hspace*{6pt}%
- \else
- \cmdAQ@global@symb\hspace*{6pt}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \ifAQ@global@transparent
- \vrule height0pt depth0pt width\aq@wdprop
- \else
- \ignorespaces#1%
- \fi
- \vrule height\aq@dimtmpa depth\aq@dimtmpb width0pt
- \ifAQ@global@VF\hfil\fi}%
-\setcounter{AQ@numprop}{0} % v0.93
-\global\expandafter\let\csname aq@arg\alph{aq@numb}\endcsname\liste}%
-\aq@n@arg=0 %
-\loop\ifnum\aq@n@arg<\value{aq@numb}\aq@melange\advance\aq@n@arg by1\repeat\fi
-\hrule height0pt depth0pt width\aq@wdquest%
- }%
- \aq@prop{\aq@arga}{1}\\%
- \ifAQ@global@sep\cline{2-2}\fi
- \aq@prop{\aq@argb}{2}\\
- \ifAQ@global@sep\cline{2-2}\fi
- \ifnum\value{aq@numb}=2\hline\else\ifAQ@global@sep\cline{2-2}\fi
- \aq@prop{\aq@argc}{3}\\
- \ifnum\value{aq@numb}=3\hline\else\ifAQ@global@sep\cline{2-2}\fi
- \aq@prop{\aq@argd}{4}\\
- \ifnum\value{aq@numb}=4\hline\else\ifAQ@global@sep\cline{2-2}\fi
- \aq@prop{\aq@arge}{5}\\
-\setcounter{AQ@numprop}{0}% v0.93
- &\setkeys[AQ]{local}{#1}\aq@prop{\aq@arga}{1}\\
-\ifAQ@global@sep \cline{2-2}\fi
- &\setkeys[AQ]{local}{#1}\aq@prop{\aq@argb}{2}\\
-\ifAQ@global@numprop \setkeys [AQ] {global} {nosquare = true}{}\fi
-\ifx\aqutil@empty\cmdAQ@global@points \else
- \else
- \begin{tabular}{%
- @{}|>{\cmdAQ@global@size}p{\cmdAQ@global@lq}%
- |>{\cmdAQ@global@size}p{%
- \textwidth-\tabcolsep*4-\arrayrulewidth*3-\cmdAQ@global@lq}%
- |@{}}%
- \fi
- \ifAQ@global@title\aq@title\else\hline\fi%
- \end{longtable}%
- \else
- \end{tabular}%
- \fi
-% #1 chemin & #2 theme & #3 liste de numéros
-% code de JC Charpentier
- \aq@tdml@a={}%
- \aq@tdml@b={}%
- \ifx\relax#3\relax\else
- \tdml@#3,\@nil,\expandafter\tdml@clean\the\aq@tdml@a\@nil
- \fi
- \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\last@val\expandafter{\the\aq@tdml@b}%
- \AQ@TA{#1}{#2}{\the\aq@tdml@a}%
- \AQ@TB{#1}{#2}{\last@val}}
- \ifx\@nil#1\relax
- \else
- \expandafter\addtotoks\the\aq@tdml@b,\to\aq@tdml@a
- \aq@tdml@b={#1}%
- \expandafter\tdml@
- \fi
- #2=\expandafter{\the#2#1}%
- \ifx\relax#1\relax
- \aq@tdml@a{}%
- \else
- \tdml@@clean#1\@nil
- \fi
- \aq@tdml@a{#1}%
-\input #1#2\nb}%
-% from forloop.sty
-\def\aq@tvi(#1,#2){\vrule height #1pt depth #2pt width 0pt}
-\define@cmdkey [AQ] {ann} {propstyle}[true]{}
-\define@boolkey[AQ] {ann} {VF}[true]{}
-\presetkeys [AQ] {ann} {propstyle = \arabic,
- VF = false}{}
-\aq@tmp=#4 %
-\advance\aq@tmp by 1 %
- \ifAQ@ann@VF%
- \else
- {& \cmdAQ@ann@propstyle{aq@identCol}}\fi
- {\number\value{aq@identRow}&%
- \aq@forLoop{2}{\number\aq@tmp}{aq@identCol}%
- {$\ $%
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\value{aq@identCol}}{#4}}{}{&}%
- }%
- \hline
- \textbf{#1}\\
- \hline\\
- \hline