path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2017-12-11 22:21:38 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2017-12-11 22:21:38 +0000
commitc56b93f86ac9c40c9edaceb99404ef79dd4107b7 (patch)
treea4ac21b493269a1d94b56e349f85e791b459adec /Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing
parent123db0a82e69a247801bbc3f28e0d4f6df041732 (diff)
tikz-timing (11dec17)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing')
12 files changed, 110 insertions, 2459 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-advnodes.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-advnodes.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f4864bb319..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-advnodes.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,616 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tikz-timing-advnodes.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tikz-timing.dtx (with options: `lib,lib-advnodes')
-%% Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Martin Scharrer <>
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2008/05/04 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Scharrer.
-%% This work consists of the files tikz-timing.dtx, tikz-timing.ins
-%% and the derived file tikz-timing.sty.
- {$Id: tikz-timing.dtx 2038 2011-01-09 20:44:26Z martin $}
- [v0.7d
- TikZ-Timing Library for
- advanced nodes]
- simple/.code={%
- \let\tikztiming@oldnodecenter\tikztiming@orig@oldnodecenter
- \tikzset{%
- timing/inline node/.style={shape=coordinate},
- }%
- },
- advanced/.code={%
- \let\tikztiming@oldnodecenter\@gobble
- \tikzset{%
- timing/inline node/.style={shape=tikztiming coordinate},
- timing/nodes/new center,
- }%
- },
- old center/.code={%
- \let\tikztiming@nodecenteranchor\tikztiming@old@nodecenteranchor
- },%
- new center/.code={%
- \let\tikztiming@nodecenteranchor\empty
- },%
-\tikzset{timing/nodes/.cd,advanced,new center}
- \expandafter\def
- \csname pgf@anchor@\shape@name @#1\expandafter\endcsname
- \expandafter{\csname pgf@anchor@\shape@name @#2\endcsname}%
- \pgf@xa=#2\relax
- \pgf@ya=#3\relax
- \expandafter\edef\csname#1\endcsname{%
- \pgf@x=\the\pgf@xa\relax
- \pgf@y=\the\pgf@ya\relax
- }%
- \expandafter\addtosavedmacro\csname#1\endcsname
- \let\tikztiming@next\relax
- \ifnum\tikztiming@debug>2
- \message{^^J Try Anchor: '#1' '#2' ^^J }%
- \def\tikztiming@next{\message{^^J TERM ^^J}}%
- \fi
- \ifx\relax#1\empty\else
- \ifx\relax#2\empty\else
- \def\tikztiming@next{%
- \@ifundefined{tikztiming@anchors@#1@#2}%
- {%
- \edef\@tempa{%
- {\csname tikztiming@alias@#1\endcsname}%
- {\csname tikztiming@alias@#2\endcsname}%
- }%
- \expandafter\tikztiming@tryanchor@\@tempa{#1}{#2}%
- }%
- {\let\tikztiming@tryanchor\@gobbletwo
- \ifnum\tikztiming@debug>2
- \message{^^J Anchor: '#1' '#2' ^^J }%
- \fi
- \@nameuse{tikztiming@anchors@#1@#2}%
- }%
- }%
- \fi\fi
- \tikztiming@next
- \tikztiming@tryanchor{#3}{#2}%
- \tikztiming@tryanchor{#1}{#4}%
- \tikztiming@tryanchor{#1}{#2}%
- \let\tikztiming@tryanchor@\@gobblefour
- \tikztiming@tryanchor{#3}{}%
- \tikztiming@tryanchor{}{#4}%
-\pgfdeclareshape{tikztiming coordinate}{%
- \savedmacro\anchorpoints{%
- \let\anchorpoint\tikztiming@anchorpoint
- \let\slope\@tempdima
- \let\dslope\@tempdimb
- \let\zslope\@tempdimc
- \let\height\pgf@yb
- \let\fromchar\tikztiming@node@fromchar
- \let\tochar\tikztiming@node@tochar
- %
- \ifnum\tikztiming@debug>2
- \message{^^J Node: \fromchar \tochar ^^J}%
- \fi
- %
- \edef\@tempa{{timing/\tochar}}%
- \expandafter\lowercase\expandafter
- {\expandafter\tikzset\@tempa}%
- \pgfpointxy{\timingslope}{0}%
- \slope=\pgf@x\relax
- \pgfpointxy{\timingdslope}{0}%
- \dslope=\pgf@x\relax
- \pgfpointxy{\timingzslope}{0}%
- \zslope=\pgf@x\relax
- \pgfpointxy{0}{\timingheight}%
- \height=\pgf@y\relax
- \edef\anchorpoints{%
- \noexpand\pgf@yb=\the\height\relax
- \let\noexpand\height\noexpand\pgf@yb
- }%
- %
- \tikztiming@tryanchor{\fromchar}{\tochar}%
- }
- \savedanchor\lowpoint{%
- \pgfpointanchor{timing/start base}{center}%
- \pgf@x=0pt
- }%
- \anchor{origin}{%
- \pgfpointorigin
- \anchorpoints
- \@nameuse{originoffset}
- \pgf@x=-\pgf@x
- \pgf@y=-\pgf@y
- }%
- \anchor{old center}{%
- \pgfpointorigin
- \tikztiming@old@nodecenteranchor
- }%
- \anchor{new center}{\pgfpointorigin}%
- \anchor{center}{%
- \pgfpointorigin
- \tikztiming@nodecenteranchor
- }%
- \anchor{MID}{\tikztiming@useanchor{HIGH}\advance\pgf@y by -.5\height\relax }%
- \anchor{LOW}{\tikztiming@useanchor{HIGH}\advance\pgf@y by -\height\relax }%
- \anchor{HIGH}{\tikztiming@useanchor{HIGH}}%
- \anchor{TOP}{%
- \tikztiming@nodes@getoffset
- \tikztiming@useanchor{HIGH}
- \advance\pgf@y by \pgf@ya\relax
- }%
- \anchor{BOTTOM}{%
- \tikztiming@nodes@getoffset
- \tikztiming@useanchor{HIGH}
- \advance\pgf@y by -\pgf@ya\relax
- \advance\pgf@y by -\height\relax
- }%
- \anchor{mid}{\tikztiming@useanchor{mid}}%
- \anchor{low}{\tikztiming@useanchor{low}}%
- \anchor{high}{\tikztiming@useanchor{high}}%
- \anchor{low2}{\tikztiming@useanchor{low2}}%
- \anchor{high2}{\tikztiming@useanchor{high2}}%
- %
- \expandafter\anchorborder\expandafter{\csname pgf@anchor@\shape@name @center\endcsname}%
- %
- \nodeparts{}%
- \begingroup
- \pgfpointxy{0}{1}%
- \pgfmathsetresultunitscale{\pgf@y}%
- \pgfpoint{0}{\tikztiming@nodes@offset}%
- \global\pgf@ya=\pgf@y
- \endgroup
- timing/nodes/.cd,
- offset/.store in=\tikztiming@nodes@offset,
- offset=0.25,
- \anchorpoints
- \@ifundefined{oldcenter}%
- {\@nameuse{originoffset}%
- \pgf@x=-\pgf@x\relax
- \pgf@y=-\pgf@y\relax
- }%
- {\@nameuse{oldcenter}}%
- \anchorpoints
- \@ifundefined{#1}%
- {\PackageError{tikz-timing}%
- {No such anchor '#1' defined for this transition!}{}%
- \pgfpointorigin
- }%
- {\@nameuse{#1}}%
- every tikztiming coordinate node/.style={anchor=origin},
- \@namedef{tikztiming@anchors@#1@#2}%
- \expandafter\let
- \csname tikztiming@anchors@#1@#2\expandafter\endcsname
- \csname tikztiming@anchors@#3@#4\endcsname
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{0pt}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{0pt}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{-.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{-.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{oldcenter}{-.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{-.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \ifnum 1=\c@tikztimingtrans
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \else
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{-.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \fi
- \ifnum 1=\c@tikztimingtrans
- \anchorpoint{high}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \else
- \anchorpoint{low}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{\height}%
- \fi
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \ifnum 1=\c@tikztimingtrans
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{-.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \else
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{oldcenter}{-.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \fi
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{oldcenter}{-.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \ifnum 1=\c@tikztimingtrans
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{-.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{oldcenter}{-.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{-.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \else
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{oldcenter}{-.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \fi
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- \anchorpoint{oldcenter}{-\zslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-\zslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{-\zslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{-\zslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{oldcenter}{-.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{-.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
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- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{oldcenter}{-.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high2}{-.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{-.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{oldcenter}{-.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{-.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low2}{-.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{oldcenter}{-.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{-.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high2}{.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{-.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low2}{.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{oldcenter}{0pt}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{0pt}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{-.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low2}{.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \ifnum 1=\c@tikztimingtrans
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{-.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high2}{.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \else
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{-.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low2}{.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \fi
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{-.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high2}{.5\dslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{.5\dslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{\zslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{\zslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{\zslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \ifnum1=\c@tikztimingtrans\relax
- \anchorpoint{low}{\zslope}{-.5\height}%
- \else
- \anchorpoint{high}{\zslope}{.5\height}%
- \fi
- \ifnum1=\c@tikztimingtrans\relax
- \anchorpoint{high}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \else
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{-.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \fi
- \ifnum1=\c@tikztimingtrans\relax
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{.5\slope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{-.5\slope}{.5\height}%
- \else
- \anchorpoint{low}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{\height}%
- \fi
- \ifnum1=\c@tikztimingtrans\relax
- \anchorpoint{high}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{\zslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \else
- \anchorpoint{low}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{\zslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{\height}%
- \fi
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{\zslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{\zslope}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{\zslope}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{originoffset}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{mid}{0pt}{0pt}%
- \anchorpoint{high}{0pt}{.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{low}{0pt}{-.5\height}%
- \anchorpoint{HIGH}{0pt}{.5\height}%
-%% End of file `tikz-timing-advnodes.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-arrows.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-arrows.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index be6da815f9d..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-arrows.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tikz-timing-arrows.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tikz-timing.dtx (with options: `lib,lib-arrows')
-%% Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Martin Scharrer <>
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2008/05/04 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Scharrer.
-%% This work consists of the files tikz-timing.dtx, tikz-timing.ins
-%% and the derived file tikz-timing.sty.
- {$Id: tikz-timing.dtx 2038 2011-01-09 20:44:26Z martin $}
- [v0.7d
- TikZ-Timing Library for
- timing arrows]
- A/.style={timing/a},
- W/.style={timing/w},
- a/.style={->},
- w/.style={<-},
- \newdraw [\style] -- ++(0,\height)
- \newdraw ++(#1,-\height)
-%% End of file `tikz-timing-arrows.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-beamer.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-beamer.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index ca99df7b55e..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-beamer.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tikz-timing-beamer.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tikz-timing.dtx (with options: `lib,lib-beamer')
-%% Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Martin Scharrer <>
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2008/05/04 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Scharrer.
-%% This work consists of the files tikz-timing.dtx, tikz-timing.ins
-%% and the derived file tikz-timing.sty.
- {$Id: tikz-timing.dtx 2038 2011-01-09 20:44:26Z martin $}
- [v0.7d
- TikZ-Timing Library for
- beamer overlay support]
-\PackageWarning{\@currname}{This library is experimental and will change in future versions!}{}{}
- \tikztiming@output@addcode{
- node [timing/save] (timing@save) {};%
- \onslide<#1>
- \draw [timing/restore] (timing@save) ++(0,0)
- }
- \tikztiming@parser
-%% End of file `tikz-timing-beamer.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-clockarrows.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-clockarrows.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 1259505a55c..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-clockarrows.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tikz-timing-clockarrows.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tikz-timing.dtx (with options: `lib,lib-clockarrows')
-%% Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Martin Scharrer <>
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2008/05/04 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Scharrer.
-%% This work consists of the files tikz-timing.dtx, tikz-timing.ins
-%% and the derived file tikz-timing.sty.
- {$Id: tikz-timing.dtx 2038 2011-01-09 20:44:26Z martin $}
- [v0.7d
- TikZ-Timing Library for
- timing clock arrows]
- {\let\tikztiming@trans@C@normal@C\tikztiming@trans@CC}%
- {\PackageError{\@currname}{No 'CC' transition defined by the main tikz-timing
- package.}{}}%
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{-\value{tikztimingtrans}}}
- [timing/c/save]
- \newdraw
- [\style,timing/c/restore,>=\noexpand\tikztiming@c@arrow@tip,timing/c/arrow@style]
- -- ++(\slope*\noexpand\tikztiming@c@arrow@pos,\value{tikztimingtrans}*\height*\noexpand\tikztiming@c@arrow@pos)
- ; \draw [timing/restore,timing/c/restore] (timing@save) ++(0,0) [\style]
- -- ++(\slope,\value{tikztimingtrans}*\height)
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\slope,0) $)
- rising arrows/.code={%
- \def\tikztiming@trans@CC{\tikztiming@trans@C@arrow@C}%
- \def\tikztiming@clockarrow@style{\ifnum1=\c@tikztimingtrans\tikzset{->,timing/c/arrow}\fi}%
- },%
- falling arrows/.code={%
- \def\tikztiming@trans@CC{\tikztiming@trans@C@arrow@C}%
- \def\tikztiming@clockarrow@style{\ifnum-1=\c@tikztimingtrans\tikzset{->,timing/c/arrow}\fi}%
- },%
- dual arrows/.code={%
- \def\tikztiming@trans@CC{\tikztiming@trans@C@arrow@C}%
- \def\tikztiming@clockarrow@style{\tikzset{->,timing/c/arrow}}%
- },%
- no arrows/.code={%
- \def\tikztiming@trans@CC{\tikztiming@trans@C@normal@C}%
- \def\tikztiming@clockarrow@style{}%
- },%
- arrow@style/.code={\tikztiming@clockarrow@style},%
- arrow/.style={},%
- arrow pos/.store in=\tikztiming@c@arrow@pos,
- arrow tip/.store in=\tikztiming@c@arrow@tip,
- save/.code={%
- \global\let\tikztiming@clockarrow@savedstyle\tikztiming@clockarrow@style
- \global\let\tikztiming@trans@saved@CC\tikztiming@trans@CC
- \global\let\tikztiming@c@arrow@savedpos\tikztiming@c@arrow@pos
- \global\let\tikztiming@c@arrow@savedtip\tikztiming@c@arrow@tip
- },
- restore/.code={%
- \let\tikztiming@clockarrow@style\tikztiming@clockarrow@savedstyle
- \let\tikztiming@trans@CC\tikztiming@trans@saved@CC
- \let\tikztiming@c@arrow@pos\tikztiming@c@arrow@savedpos
- \let\tikztiming@c@arrow@tip\tikztiming@c@arrow@savedtip
- },
- no arrows,
- arrow pos=0.95,
- arrow tip=to,
-%% End of file `tikz-timing-clockarrows.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-columntype.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-columntype.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index b7b7aa344ba..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-columntype.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tikz-timing-columntype.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tikz-timing.dtx (with options: `lib,lib-columntype')
-%% Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Martin Scharrer <>
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2008/05/04 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Scharrer.
-%% This work consists of the files tikz-timing.dtx, tikz-timing.ins
-%% and the derived file tikz-timing.sty.
- {$Id: tikz-timing.dtx 2038 2011-01-09 20:44:26Z martin $}
- [v0.7d
- TikZ-Timing Library for
- timing cell types]
-\tikzset{timing/columntype/.code 2 args =
- \newcolumntype{#1}{>{\celltiming}#2<{\endcelltiming}}%
- type/.style 2 args={/tikz/timing/columntype={#1}{#2}},%
- notype/.code={},
- notype/.value forbidden={},
-\expandafter\ifx\csname opt@\@currname.\@currext\endcsname\empty
- \tikzset{timing/columntype={T}{l}}%
- #1%
- \begin{tikzpicture}[timing/picture,baseline={(0,0)}]
- \def\tikztiming@endhook{\end@celltiming}
- \tikztiming@init
- \let\tikztiming@settings\empty
- \@ifnextchar{[}%
- {\tikztiming@celltiming}%
- {\tikztiming@celltiming[]}%
- \ifx\relax#1\relax\else
- \tikztiming@testoptarg#1\relax\relax
- \fi
- \ifx\tikztiming@lastchar\empty
- \def\tikztiming@lastchar{@}%
- \fi
- \expandafter\scope\expandafter[\tikztiming@settings]%
- \begingroup
- \let\unskip\relax
- \let\\\relax
- \tikztiming@parser
- \tikzset{timing/before}%
- \tikztiming@str;
- \expandafter\node
- \expandafter[\tikztiming@settings,shape=tikztiming@shape,anchor=origin] at (0,0) {};
- \tikzset{timing/after}%
- \endscope
- \end{tikzpicture}%
-%% End of file `tikz-timing-columntype.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-counters.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-counters.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 93a2f45c1d9..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-counters.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tikz-timing-counters.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tikz-timing.dtx (with options: `lib,lib-counters')
-%% Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Martin Scharrer <>
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2008/05/04 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Scharrer.
-%% This work consists of the files tikz-timing.dtx, tikz-timing.ins
-%% and the derived file tikz-timing.sty.
- {$Id: tikz-timing.dtx 2038 2011-01-09 20:44:26Z martin $}
- [v0.7d
- TikZ-Timing Library for
- counter values]
- timing/new counter/.style={timing/counter/new={#1}},
- timing/counter/.cd,
- new/.code={\tikztiming@counter@new{#1}},
- new/.value required,
- opt/.cd,
- char/.initial=,
- char/.value required,
- reset char/.initial=,
- reset char/.value required,
- reset type/.is choice,
- reset type/width/.code={\def\tikztiming@resettype{0}},
- reset type/arg/.code={\def\tikztiming@resettype{1}},
- reset type/both/.code={\def\tikztiming@resettype{2}},
- reset type/Both/.code={\def\tikztiming@resettype{3}},
- half width char/.initial=,
- half width char/.value required,
- base/.initial=10,
- base/.value required,
- increment/.initial=1,
- increment/.value required,
- max value/.initial=,
- max value/.value required,
- min value/.initial=,
- min value/.value required,
- wraps/.is if=@tikztiming@counter@wraps,
- digits/.initial=,
- digits/.value required,
- fg style/.initial=,
- bg style/.initial=,
- text style/.initial=,
- text format/.initial=,
- fg style/.value required,
- bg style/.value required,
- text style/.value required,
- text format/.value required,
- \csname tikztiming@counter@#1\endcsname
- \begingroup
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro\@tempa{#2}%
- \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname tikztiming@counter@#1\endcsname\@tempa
- \endgroup
- \begingroup
- \def\tikztiming@resettype{0}%
- \pgfqkeys{/tikz/timing/counter/opt}{#1}%
- \tikzset{timing/counter/opt/char/.get=\counterchar}%
- \ifx\counterchar\empty
- \PackageError{tikz-timing-counters}{Counter character must be given using
- the 'char' key!}{}%
- \endgroup
- \else
- \pgfkeys{/tikz/timing/counter/opt/min value/.get=\min}%
- \pgfkeys{/tikz/timing/counter/opt/max value/.get=\max}%
- \if@tikztiming@counter@wraps
- \ifx\min\empty
- \def\min{0}%
- \fi
- \ifx\max\empty
- \PackageError{tikz-timing-counters}{The option 'wraps' needs the option 'max value' to be set!}{}%
- \fi
- \def\@tempb{%
- \noexpand\tikztiming@counter@wrap%
- {\expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter{\min}}%
- {\expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter{\max}}%
- }%
- \else
- \ifx\min\empty
- \ifx\max\empty
- \let\@tempb\empty
- \else
- \def\@tempb{%
- \noexpand\tikztiming@counter@maxsat%
- {\expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter{\max}}%
- }%
- \fi
- \else
- \ifx\max\empty
- \def\@tempb{%
- \noexpand\tikztiming@counter@minsat%
- {\expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter{\min}}%
- }%
- \else
- \def\@tempb{%
- \noexpand\tikztiming@counter@minmaxsat%
- {\expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter{\min}}%
- {\expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter{\max}}%
- }%
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \pgfkeys{/tikz/timing/counter/opt/fg style/.get=\fgstyle}%
- \pgfkeys{/tikz/timing/counter/opt/bg style/.get=\bgstyle}%
- \pgfkeys{/tikz/timing/counter/opt/text style/.get=\textstyle}%
- \pgfkeys{/tikz/timing/counter/opt/text format/.get=\textformat}%
- \pgfkeys{/tikz/timing/counter/opt/increment/.get=\increment}%
- \edef\@tempa{%
- \noexpand\tikztiming@counter@new@
- {\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/timing/counter/opt/char}}%
- {\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/timing/counter/opt/base}}%
- {\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/timing/counter/opt/half width char}}%
- {\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/timing/counter/opt/reset char}}%
- {\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/timing/counter/opt/digits}}%
- {\expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter{\increment}}%
- {\@tempb}%
- {\min}%
- {\tikztiming@resettype}%
- {\expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter{\fgstyle}}%
- {\expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter{\bgstyle}}%
- {\expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter{\textstyle}}%
- {\expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter{\textformat}}%
- }%
- \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endgroup
- \expandafter\@tempa
- \fi
- \ifx\empty#8\empty
- \@namedef{tikztiming@counter@#1}{0}%
- \else
- \expandafter
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro\csname tikztiming@counter@#1\endcsname{#8}%
- \fi
- \tikztimingmetachar{#1}[1]{ { [timing/counter/#1] ##1D{[timing/counter/#1/text]\tikztiming@counter@vs{#1}{#2}{#5}{#6}{#7}} } }%
- \ifx\empty#3\empty
- \tikztiming@iflower{#1}{}%
- {\lowercase{\tikztimingmetachar{#1}}[1]%
- { { [timing/counter/#1] ##1d{[timing/counter/#1/text]\tikztiming@counter@vs{#1}{#2}{#5}{#6}{#7}}} }%
- }%
- \else
- \tikztimingmetachar{#3}[1]{%
- { [timing/counter/#1] ##1d{[timing/counter/#1/text]\tikztiming@counter@vs{#1}{#2}{#5}{#6}{#7}} }%
- }%
- \fi
- \ifx\empty#4\empty\else
- \ifcase0#9\relax
- \tikztimingmetachar{#4}[1]{[|/utils/exec=\tikztiming@counter@reset{#1}{##1}|]}%
- \or
- \tikztimingmetachar{#4}[2]{[|/utils/exec=\tikztimingsetcounter{#1}{##2}|]}%
- \or
- \uppercase{\tikztimingmetachar{#4}}[1]{[|/utils/exec=\tikztiming@counter@reset{#1}{##1}|]}%
- \lowercase{\tikztimingmetachar{#4}}[2]{[|/utils/exec=\tikztimingsetcounter{#1}{##2}|]}%
- \or
- \lowercase{\tikztimingmetachar{#4}}[1]{[|/utils/exec=\tikztiming@counter@reset{#1}{##1}|]}%
- \uppercase{\tikztimingmetachar{#4}}[2]{[|/utils/exec=\tikztimingsetcounter{#1}{##2}|]}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \tikztiming@counter@new@@{#1}%
- \tikzset{timing/counter/#1/.style={}}%
- \ifx\empty#2\empty\else
- \tikzset{timing/counter/#1/.append style={%
- /tikz/timing/d/.style={#2}%
- }}%
- \fi
- \ifx\empty#3\empty\else
- \tikzset{timing/counter/#1/.append style={%
- /tikz/timing/d/background/.style={#3}%
- }}%
- \fi
- \tikzset{timing/counter/#1/text/.style={#4}}%
- \ifx\empty#5\empty\else
- \tikzset{timing/counter/#1/.append style={%
- /utils/exec={\def\tikztiming@counter@textformat{#5}}%
- }}%
- \fi
- \begingroup
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro\@tempa{round((#2)/\tikztiming@wscale)}%
- \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname tikztiming@counter@#1\endcsname\@tempa
- \endgroup
- \begingroup
- \ifx\empty#3\empty\else
- \pgfmathsetbasenumberlength{#3}%
- \fi
- \ifnum#2=10
- \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\tikztiming@counter@textformat
- \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname tikztiming@counter@#1\endcsname}%
- \else
- \pgfmathdectoBase\pgfmathresult{\@nameuse{tikztiming@counter@#1}}{#2}%
- \expandafter\tikztiming@counter@textformat\expandafter{\pgfmathresult}%
- \fi
- \edef\N{\@nameuse{tikztiming@counter@#1}}%
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro\N{\N + #4}%
- #5%
- \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname tikztiming@counter@#1\endcsname\N
- \endgroup
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro\MIN{#1}%
- \ifnum\N<\MIN \let\N\MIN \fi
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro\MAX{#1}%
- \ifnum\N>\MAX \let\N\MAX \fi
- \tikztiming@counter@minsat{#1}%
- \tikztiming@counter@maxsat{#2}%
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro\MIN{#1}%
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro\MAX{#2}%
- \ifnum\N>\MAX
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro\N{\MIN + (\N-\MAX-1)}%
- \fi
- \ifnum\N<\MIN
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro\N{\MAX - (\MIN-\N+1)}%
- \fi
-%% End of file `tikz-timing-counters.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-either.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-either.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 14329eb349a..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-either.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,809 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tikz-timing-either.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tikz-timing.dtx (with options: `lib,lib-either')
-%% Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Martin Scharrer <>
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2008/05/04 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Scharrer.
-%% This work consists of the files tikz-timing.dtx, tikz-timing.ins
-%% and the derived file tikz-timing.sty.
- {$Id: tikz-timing.dtx 2038 2011-01-09 20:44:26Z martin $}
- [v0.7d
- TikZ-Timing Library for
- uncertain transitions]
- ++(0,0)
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtranspos}{0}}%
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{1}}%
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtranspos}{0}}%
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{1}}%
- \tikztiminguse{D}{#1}%
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\bgstyle]
- -- ++(\slope,\height)%
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\slope,0) $)%
- -- ++(0,-\height)%
- -- ++($ -1*(#1,0) $)%
- \newdraw [\style]
- -- ++(\slope,\height)%
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\slope,0) $)%
- ++($ -1*(#1,\height) $)%
- -- ++($ 1*(#1,0) $)%
- ++(0,.5\height)%
- \newdraw
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtranspos}{0}}%
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{1}}%
- \newdraw [\bgstyle]
- -- ++(\slope,-\height)%
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\slope,0) $)%
- -- ++(0,\height)%
- -- ++($ -1*(#1,0) $)%
- \newdraw [\style]
- -- ++(\slope,-\height)%
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\slope,0) $)%
- ++($ -1*(#1,-\height) $)%
- -- ++($ 1*(#1,0) $)%
- ++(0,-.5\height)%
- \newdraw
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtranspos}{1}}%
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{-1}}%
- \newdraw [\bgstyle]
- -- ++(\slope,-\height * \value{tikztimingtrans})%
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\slope,0) $)%
- -- ++(0,\height * \value{tikztimingtrans})%
- -- ++($ -1*(#1,0) $)%
- \newdraw [\style]
- -- ++(\slope,-\height * \value{tikztimingtrans})%
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\slope,0) $)%
- ++($ -1*(#1,-\height * \value{tikztimingtrans}) $)%
- -- ++($ 1*(#1,0) $)%
- ++(0,-1*\value{tikztimingtrans}*.5*\height)%
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\slope,\height)%
- -- +(#1,\height)%
- -- +($ (#1,0) + (\slope,0) $)%
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,\height/2) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope,-\height/2)%
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\slope,\height)%
- -- +($ (#1,\height) + (\slope,0) $)%
- -- +(#1,0)%
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,\height/2) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope,\height/2)%
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +($ (#1,0) + (\slope,0) $)%
- -- +(#1,-\height)%
- -- +(\slope,-\height)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,-\height/2) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope,\height/2)%
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(#1,0)
- -- +($ (#1,-\height) + (\slope,0) $)%
- -- +(\slope,-\height)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,-\height/2) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope,-\height/2)%
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(#1,0)
- {[\nstyle]
- -- +($ (#1,-\height) + (\slope,0) $)%
- }
- -- +(\slope,-\height)
- -- +(0,0)
- {[\nstyle]
- ++(#1,-\height/2) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope,-\height/2)%
- }
- \newdraw
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{-1}}%
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\slope,\height)%
- {[\nstyle]
- -- +($ (#1,\height) + (\slope,0) $)%
- }
- -- +(#1,0)%
- -- +(0,0)
- {[\nstyle]
- ++(#1,\height/2)%
- coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope,\height/2)%
- }
- \newdraw
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{1}}%
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(#1,0) coordinate (timing@refb)
- \tikztiming@setref{timing@ref}{0,-\height/2}
- -- +($ (#1,-\height) + (\slope,0) $) coordinate (timing@refa)
- -- +(\slope,-\height)
- -- +(0,0)
- \tikztiming@setref{timing@ref}{#1,-\height/2}
- ++($ (#1,-\height) + (\slope,0) $)%
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtranspos}{1}}%
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{-1}}%
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(#1,0) coordinate (timing@refa)
- \tikztiming@setref{timing@ref}{0,\height/2}
- -- +($ (#1,\height) + (\slope,0) $) coordinate (timing@refb)
- -- +(\slope,\height)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,0) \tikztiming@setref{timing@ref}{0,\height/2}
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtranspos}{0}}%
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{1}}%
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\slope, -\height * \value{tikztimingtrans})%
- -- +($ (#1,0) + (\slope, -\height * \value{tikztimingtrans}) $)
- -- +(#1,0)
- -- +(0,0)%
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtranspos}{\value{tikztimingtrans}}%
- \addtocounter{tikztimingtranspos}{+1}}
- +($ (#1,0) + (\slope/2 + \slope/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans}, -\height/2 * \value{tikztimingtranspos}) $)
- coordinate (timing@refa)
- +($ (#1,0) + (\slope/2 - \slope/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans}, \height - \height/2 * \value{tikztimingtranspos}) $)
- coordinate (timing@refb)
- ++(#1,0)
- \tikztiming@setref{timing@ref}{0,-\height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans}}
- ++(
- .5 * \slope + .5 * \value{tikztimingtrans} * \slope,
- -.5 * \height - .5 * \value{tikztimingtrans} * \height
- )
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{-\value{tikztimingtrans}}}
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- ++(\slope,-\height * \value{tikztimingtrans})
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\slope/2 + \slope/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans},0) $)
- -- ++(\slope * \value{tikztimingtrans},
- \height * \value{tikztimingtrans})
- -- ++($ -1*(#1,0) - (\slope/2 + \slope/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans},0) $)
- ++($ (#1,-\height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans}) $) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope,\height/2)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- ++(\slope,-\height * \value{tikztimingtrans})
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\slope/2 - \slope/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans},0) $)
- -- ++(-\slope * \value{tikztimingtrans},
- \height * \value{tikztimingtrans})
- -- ++($ -1*(#1,0) - (\slope/2 + -\slope/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans},0) $)
- ++($ (#1,-\height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans}) $) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope,-\height/2)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- ++(\slope,-\height * \value{tikztimingtrans})
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\slope,0) $)
- -- ++(\zslope,
- \height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans})
- -- ++(-\zslope,
- \height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans})
- -- ++($ -1*(#1,0) $)
- ++($ (#1,0) + (0,-\height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans}) $)
- coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\zslope,0)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- ++(\slope,-\height * \value{tikztimingtrans})
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\slope,0) $)
- -- ++(\dslope/2,
- \height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans})
- -- ++(-\dslope/2,
- \height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans})
- -- ++($ -1*(#1,0) $)
- ++($ (#1,0) + (0,-\height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans}) $)
- coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\dslope/2,0)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\slope, -\height * \value{tikztimingtrans})%
- {[\nstyle]
- -- +($ (#1,0) + (\slope, -\height * \value{tikztimingtrans}) $)%
- }
- -- +(#1,0)%
- -- +(0,0)%
- {[\nstyle]
- ++($ (#1,0) + (0, -\height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans}) $)%
- coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope, -\height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans})%
- }
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{-\value{tikztimingtrans}}}
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- (timing@refb)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,+\height/2) $)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) + (\zslope,0) $)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) $)
- -- (timing@refa)
- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) + (\zslope,0) $)
- coordinate (timing@ref) at ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- (timing@refb)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,+\height/2) $)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) + (\dslope/2,0) $)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) $)
- -- (timing@refa)
- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) + (\dslope/2,0) $)
- coordinate (timing@ref) at ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(#1,0)
- -- +($ (#1,-\height/2) + (\zslope,0) $)%
- -- +(#1,-\height)
- -- +(\slope,-\height)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,-\height/2) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\zslope,0)%
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\slope,\height)
- -- +(#1,\height)
- -- +($ (#1,\height/2) + (\zslope,0) $)%
- -- +(#1,0)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,\height/2) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\zslope,0)%
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\slope,\height)
- -- +(#1,\height)
- -- +($ (#1,\height/2) + (\dslope/2,0) $)%
- -- +(#1,0)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,\height/2) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\dslope/2,0)%
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(#1,0)
- -- +($ (#1,-\height/2) + (\dslope/2,0) $)%
- -- +(#1,-\height)
- -- +(\slope,-\height)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,-\height/2) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\dslope/2,0)%
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style]
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $)%
- \newdraw [\style]
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $)%
- \newdraw [\style/base]
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) $)%
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,+\height/2) $)%
- \tikztiming@chard@{#1}%
- \tikztiming@chard{#1}%
- \tikztiming@chard@{#1}%
- \tikztiming@chard@{#1}%
- \tikztiming@chard{#1}%
- \tikztiming@chard{#1}%
- \tikztiming@oldnodecenter@%
- \newdraw [\bgstyle]
- -- +(\dslope/2,\height/2)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,\height/2) $)%
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) $)%
- -- ($ (timing@save) + (\dslope/2,-\height/2) $)
- -- (timing@save)
- \newdraw [\style]
- -- +(\dslope/2,\height/2)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,\height/2) $)%
- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) $)%
- -- ($ (timing@save) + (\dslope/2,-\height/2) $)
- -- (timing@save)
- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $)%
- coordinate (timing@ref)
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- (timing@refb)
- -- ($ (timing@refb) + (#1,0) $)
- -- ($ (timing@refa) + (#1,0) $)
- -- (timing@refa)
- ++(#1,0) coordinate (timing@refa)
- coordinate (timing@refb) at ($ (timing@refb) + (#1,0) $)
- coordinate (timing@ref) at ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- (timing@refb)
- {[\nstyle]
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,+\height/2) + (\slope/2 + \slope/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans},0) $)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) + (\slope/2 - \slope/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans},0) $)
- }
- -- (timing@refa)
- {[\nstyle]
- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,\height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans}) + (\slope,0) $)
- }
- coordinate (timing@ref) at ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- (timing@refb)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,+\height/2) $)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) + (\slope,0) $)
- -- (timing@refa)
- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) + (\slope,0) $)
- coordinate (timing@ref) at ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- (timing@refb)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,+\height/2) + (\slope,0) $)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) $)
- -- (timing@refa)
- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,+\height/2) + (\slope,0) $)
- coordinate (timing@ref) at ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\bgstyle]
- let \p0 = (timing@ref), \p1 = (timing@refa), \p2 = (timing@refb) in
- -- (\p2)
- -- ($ (\x0,\y2) + (#1,0) $)
- -- +(0,\y1-\y2)
- -- (\p1)
- \newdraw [\style]
- let \p0 = (timing@ref), \p1 = (timing@refa), \p2 = (timing@refb) in
- -- (\p2)
- -- ($ (\x0,\y2) + (#1,0) $)
- +(0,\y1-\y2)
- -- (\p1)
- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $) coordinate (timing@ref)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\bgstyle]
- -- +(\zslope,\height/2)
- -- +(#1,\height/2)%
- -- +(#1,-\height/2)%
- -- +(\zslope,-\height/2)
- -- +(0,0)
- \newdraw [\style]
- -- +(\zslope,\height/2)
- -- +(#1,\height/2)%
- +(#1,-\height/2)%
- -- +(\zslope,-\height/2)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,0) coordinate (timing@ref)
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\zslope, \height/2)
- -- +($ (#1,0) + (\slope, \height/2) $)
- -- +(#1,-\height/2)
- -- +(\zslope, -\height/2)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,0) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope, \height/2)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\zslope, \height/2)
- -- +(#1,\height/2)
- -- +($ (#1,0) + (\slope, -\height/2) $)
- -- +(\zslope, -\height/2)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,0) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope, -\height/2)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\zslope, \height/2)
- {[\nstyle]
- -- +($ (#1, \height/2) + (\slope/2 - \slope/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans}, 0) $)
- -- +($ (#1,-\height/2) + (\slope/2 + \slope/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans}, 0) $)
- }
- -- +(\zslope, -\height/2)
- -- +(0,0)
- {[\nstyle]
- ++(#1,0) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope,-\height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans})
- }
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{-\value{tikztimingtrans}}}
- \newdraw
- \tikztiming@oldnodecenter@%
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\dslope/2, \height/2)
- {[\nstyle]
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1, \height/2) + (\slope/2 - \slope/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans}, 0) $)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) + (\slope/2 + \slope/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans}, 0) $)
- }
- -- ($ (timing@save) + (\dslope/2, -\height/2) $)
- -- (timing@save)
- {[\nstyle]
- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope,-\height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans})
- }
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{-\value{tikztimingtrans}}}
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\zslope, \height/2)
- -- +(#1,\height/2)
- -- +($ (#1,0) + (\zslope, 0) $)
- -- +(#1,-\height/2)
- -- +(\zslope, -\height/2)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,0) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\zslope, 0)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\zslope, \height/2)
- -- +($ (#1,0) + (\slope, \height/2) $) coordinate (timing@refb)
- -- +(#1,-\height/2) coordinate (timing@refa)
- -- +(\zslope, -\height/2)
- -- +(0,0)
- +(#1,0) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(#1,-\height/2)
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtranspos}{0}}%
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{1}}%
- \tikztiming@oldnodecenter@
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\dslope/2, \height/2)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) + (\slope, \height/2) $) coordinate (timing@refb)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) $) coordinate (timing@refa)
- -- ($ (timing@save) + (\dslope/2, -\height/2) $)
- -- (timing@save)
- coordinate (timing@ref) at ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $)
- (timing@refa)
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtranspos}{0}}%
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{1}}%
- \tikztiming@oldnodecenter@%
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\dslope/2, \height/2)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,\height/2) $)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) + (\dslope/2,0) $)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) $)
- -- ($ (timing@save) + (\dslope/2, -\height/2) $)
- -- (timing@save)
- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $)
- coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\dslope/2,0)
- \newdraw
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\zslope, \height/2)
- -- +(#1,\height/2)
- -- +($ (#1,0) + (\dslope/2, 0) $)
- -- +(#1,-\height/2)
- -- +(\zslope, -\height/2)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,0) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\dslope/2, 0)
- \newdraw
- \tikztiming@oldnodecenter@
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\dslope/2, \height/2)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,\height/2) $)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) + (\zslope, 0) $)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) $)
- -- ($ (timing@save) + (\dslope/2, -\height/2) $)
- -- (timing@save)
- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $)
- coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\zslope, 0)
- \newdraw
- \tikztiming@oldnodecenter@%
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\dslope/2, \height/2)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) + (\slope, \height/2) $)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) $)
- -- ($ (timing@save) + (\dslope/2, -\height/2) $)
- -- (timing@save)
- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope, \height/2)
- \newdraw
- \tikztiming@oldnodecenter@%
- \newdraw [\style,preaction={\bgstyle}]
- -- +(\dslope/2, \height/2)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,\height/2) $)
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) + (\slope, -\height/2) $)
- -- ($ (timing@save) + (\dslope/2, -\height/2) $)
- -- (timing@save)
- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope, -\height/2)
- \newdraw
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtranspos}{0}}%
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{1}}%
- \tikztiminguse{@D}{#1}
- \tikztiming@@chard{#1}%
- \tikztiming@@chard{#1}%
- \tikztiming@setref{timing/start}{0,\height/2}
- \newdraw [\bgstyle]
- -- +(0,\height)
- -- +($ (#1,\height) + (\slope,0) $)
- -- +(#1,0)
- -- +(0,0)
- \newdraw [\style]
- +(0,\height)
- -- +($ (#1,\height) + (\slope,0) $)
- -- +(#1,0)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,\height/2) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope,\height/2)
- \newdraw
- \tikztiming@setref{timing/start}{0,\height/2}
- \newdraw [\bgstyle]
- -- +(0,\height)
- {[\nstyle]
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,\height/2) + (\slope,0) $)
- }
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) $)
- -- (timing@save)
- \newdraw [\style]
- +(0,\height)
- {[\nstyle]
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,\height/2) + (\slope,0) $)
- }
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) $)
- -- (timing@save)
- {[\nstyle]
- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,0) $) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope,\height/2)
- }
- \newdraw
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{-\value{tikztimingtrans}}}
- {[\style]
- -- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,\height/2 * \value{tikztimingtrans}) $)
- }
- \tikztiming@setref{timing/start}{0,\height/2}
- \newdraw [\bgstyle]
- -- +(0,\height)
- -- +(#1,\height)
- -- +($ (#1,0) + (\slope,0) $)
- -- +(0,0)
- \newdraw [\style]
- +(0,\height)
- -- +(#1,\height)
- -- +($ (#1,0) + (\slope,0) $)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,\height/2) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\slope,-\height/2)
- \newdraw
- \tikztiming@setref{timing/start}{0,\height/2}
- \newdraw [\bgstyle]
- -- +(0,\height)
- -- +(#1,\height)
- -- +($ (#1,\height/2) + (\dslope/2,0) $)
- -- +(#1,0)
- -- +(0,0)
- \newdraw [\style]
- +(0,\height)
- -- +(#1,\height)
- -- +($ (#1,\height/2) + (\dslope/2,0) $)
- -- +(#1,0)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,\height/2) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\dslope/2,0)
- \tikztiming@setref{timing/start}{0,\height/2}
- \newdraw [\bgstyle]
- -- +(0,\height)
- -- +(#1,\height)
- -- +($ (#1,\height/2) + (\zslope,0) $)
- -- +(#1,0)
- -- +(0,0)
- \newdraw [\style]
- +(0,\height)
- -- +(#1,\height)
- -- +($ (#1,\height/2) + (\zslope,0) $)
- -- +(#1,0)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,\height/2) coordinate (timing@ref)
- ++(\zslope,0)
- \tikztiming@setref{timing/start}{0,\height/2}
- \newdraw [\bgstyle]
- -- +(0,\height)
- -- +($ (#1,\height) + (\slope,0) $)
- -- +(#1,0)
- -- +(0,0)
- \newdraw [\style]
- +(0,\height)
- -- +($ (#1,\height) + (\slope,0) $) coordinate (timing@refb)
- -- +(#1,0) coordinate (timing@refa)
- -- +(0,0)
- ++(#1,0)
- \tikztiming@setref{timing@ref}{0,\height/2}
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtranspos}{0}}%
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{1}}%
-%% End of file `tikz-timing-either.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-ifsym.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-ifsym.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index e046284c55f..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-ifsym.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tikz-timing-ifsym.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tikz-timing.dtx (with options: `lib,lib-ifsym')
-%% Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Martin Scharrer <>
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2008/05/04 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Scharrer.
-%% This work consists of the files tikz-timing.dtx, tikz-timing.ins
-%% and the derived file tikz-timing.sty.
- {$Id: tikz-timing.dtx 2038 2011-01-09 20:44:26Z martin $}
- [v0.7d
- TikZ-Timing Library for
- ifsym compatible macros]
- timing/ifsym/macro/.style={/tikz/timing/ifsym,/utils/exec={\pgfmathparse{.6*\f@size}\let\ysize\pgfmathresult},/tikz/y=\ysize},
- timing/ifsym/.style={%
- /tikz,timing/slope=0,x=\f@size,y=\f@size,line width=0.1ex,
- timing/metachar={|}{G},
- timing/x/.style={},
- timing/metachar={M}[1]{#1X},
- timing/metachar={m}[1]{#1x},
- /utils/exec={%
- \pgfmathparse{max(0.0,##1)}%
- \let\tikztiming@dslope\pgfmathresult
- \edef\timingdslope{\tikztiming@dslope*\noexpand\timingwidth}%
- \@ifnextchar{<}%
- {\tikztiming@ifsym@longslope{X}{D}}%
- {\tikztiming@parser [timing/dslope=1] 0Xd;}%
- \@ifnextchar{>}%
- {\tikztiming@ifsym@longslope{D}{X}}%
- {\tikztiming@parser [timing/dslope=1] 0Dx;}%
- \tikztiming@parser [timing/dslope=2.] 0##1 ##2;%
- }},
- timing/ifsym/.cd,
- provide/.code={\let\tikztiming@ifsym@def\providecommand},
- renew/.code={\let\tikztiming@ifsym@def\renewcommand},
- new/.code={\let\tikztiming@ifsym@def\newcommand},
- off/.code={\let\tikztiming@ifsym@def\@gobbletwo},
-\tikztiming@ifsym@def{\RaisingEdge}{\hbox{\texttiming[timing/ifsym/macro]{.4L .4H}}}
-\tikztiming@ifsym@def{\FallingEdge}{\hbox{\texttiming[timing/ifsym/macro]{.4H .4L}}}
-\tikztiming@ifsym@def{\ShortPulseHigh}{\hbox{\texttiming[timing/ifsym/macro]{.4L .2H .4L}}}
-\tikztiming@ifsym@def{\ShortPulseLow}{\hbox{\texttiming[timing/ifsym/macro]{.4H .2L .4H}}}
-\tikztiming@ifsym@def{\PulseHigh}{\hbox{\texttiming[timing/ifsym/macro]{.4L .6H .4L}}}
-\tikztiming@ifsym@def{\PulseLow}{\hbox{\texttiming[timing/ifsym/macro]{.4H .6L .4H}}}
-\tikztiming@ifsym@def{\LongPulseHigh}{\hbox{\texttiming[timing/ifsym/macro]{.4L H .4L}}}
-\tikztiming@ifsym@def{\LongPulseLow}{\hbox{\texttiming[timing/ifsym/macro]{.4H L .4H}}}
-%% End of file `tikz-timing-ifsym.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-interval.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-interval.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index f9790779a53..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-interval.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tikz-timing-interval.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tikz-timing.dtx (with options: `lib,lib-interval')
-%% Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Martin Scharrer <>
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2008/05/04 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Scharrer.
-%% This work consists of the files tikz-timing.dtx, tikz-timing.ins
-%% and the derived file tikz-timing.sty.
- {$Id: tikz-timing.dtx 2038 2011-01-09 20:44:26Z martin $}
- [v0.7d
- TikZ-Timing Library for
- alternative Z transitions]
- \tikztiming@rinterval
- {\newdraw [\style]}
- {-- ++(\zslope,+\height/2.)}
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\zslope,0) $)
- \tikztiming@rinterval
- {\newdraw [\style]}
- {-- ++(\zslope,-\height/2.)}
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\zslope,0) $)
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{-\value{tikztimingtrans}}}
- \tikztiming@rinterval
- {\newdraw [\style]}
- {-- ++(\zslope,\value{tikztimingtrans}*\height/2.)}
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\zslope,0) $)
- \tikztiming@linterval
- {\newdraw}
- {-- ++(\zslope,-\height/2.)}
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\zslope,0) $)
- \tikztiming@linterval
- {\newdraw}
- {-- ++(\zslope,\height/2.)}
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\zslope,0) $)
- \code{\setcounter{tikztimingtrans}{-\value{tikztimingtrans}}}
- \tikztiming@linterval
- {\newdraw [\style]}
- {-- ++(\zslope,\value{tikztimingtrans}*\height/2.)}
- -- ++($ (#1,0) - (\zslope,0) $)
- lo/.style={/tikz/timing/interval/left open},
- lc/.style={/tikz/timing/interval/left close},
- ro/.style={/tikz/timing/interval/right open},
- rc/.style={/tikz/timing/interval/right close},
- left close/.code={\let\tikztiming@linterval\tikztiming@onetwo},
- left open/.code={\let\tikztiming@linterval\tikztiming@twoone},
- right open/.code={\let\tikztiming@rinterval\tikztiming@onetwo},
- right close/.code={\let\tikztiming@rinterval\tikztiming@twoone},
- timing/interval/normal/.style={/tikz/timing/interval/left close,/tikz/timing/interval/right open},
- timing/interval/verilog/.style={/tikz/timing/interval/normal},
- timing/interval/metachar/.style={/tikz/timing/metachar={#1}[2]{[timing/interval={##2}]}},
-%% End of file `tikz-timing-interval.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-nicetabs.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-nicetabs.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index ff80200102c..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-nicetabs.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tikz-timing-nicetabs.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tikz-timing.dtx (with options: `lib,lib-nicetabs')
-%% Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Martin Scharrer <>
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2008/05/04 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Scharrer.
-%% This work consists of the files tikz-timing.dtx, tikz-timing.ins
-%% and the derived file tikz-timing.sty.
- {$Id: tikz-timing.dtx 2038 2011-01-09 20:44:26Z martin $}
- [v0.7d
- TikZ-Timing Library for
- nice timing tables]
- \path [timing/table/midrules] [/utils/exec=\xdef\@gtempa{\the\pgflinewidth}];
- \path [timing/table/header,#1]
- let \p1 = (0,\belowrulesep + \aboverulesep + \@gtempa
- + \arraystretch\ht\strutbox + \arraystretch*\extrarowheight
- + \arraystretch\dp\strutbox)
- in
- coordinate (diagram@header) at (0,\y1)
- coordinate (label@header) at ($ -1*(\tikztiming@coldist,0) + (0,\y1) $)
- ;
- \tikztiming@normal@tableheader[#1]%
- \begin{scope}[#1]
- \coordinate (NW) at (current bounding box.north west);
- \coordinate (SE) at (current bounding box.south east);
- %
- \draw [timing/table/rules]
- let
- \p1 = (NW),
- \p2 = (SE),
- \p3 = (last label.base),
- \p4 = ($ (0,\y3) - (0,\arraystretch\dp\strutbox + \aboverulesep +
- .5\pgflinewidth) $)
- in
- (\x1-\tabcolsep,\y4) -- (\x2+\tabcolsep,\y4)
- \iftikztiming@tablehead
- let
- \p5 = (diagram@header.base),
- \p6 = ($ (0,\y5) + (0,\arraystretch\ht\strutbox + \arraystretch*\extrarowheight
- + \belowrulesep + .5\pgflinewidth) $)
- in
- (\x1-\tabcolsep,\y6) -- (\x2+\tabcolsep,\y6)
- \fi
- ;
- \draw
- \iftikztiming@tablehead [timing/table/midrules] \else [timing/table/rules] \fi
- let
- \p1 = (NW),
- \p2 = (SE),
- \p3 = (0, \arraystretch\ht\strutbox + \arraystretch*\extrarowheight +
- \belowrulesep + .5\pgflinewidth)
- in
- (\x1-\tabcolsep, \y3)
- --
- (\x2+\tabcolsep, \y3)
- ;
- \end{scope}
- timing/no nice tabs/.code={%
- \let\tikztiming@coldist\tikztiming@normal@coldist
- \let\tikztiming@rowdist\tikztiming@normal@rowdist
- \let\tikztiming@tableheader\tikztiming@normal@tableheader
- \let\tikztiming@tablerules\tikztiming@normal@tablerules
- },
- timing/nice tabs/.code={%
- \ifx\tikztiming@tableheader\tikztiming@nicetabs@tableheader\else
- \let\tikztiming@normal@coldist\tikztiming@coldist
- \let\tikztiming@normal@rowdist\tikztiming@rowdist
- \fi
- \def\tikztiming@rowdist{%
- \arraystretch\ht\strutbox
- +\arraystretch*\extrarowheight
- +\arraystretch\dp\strutbox
- }%
- \def\tikztiming@coldist{2\tabcolsep}%
- \let\tikztiming@tableheader\tikztiming@nicetabs@tableheader
- \let\tikztiming@tablerules\tikztiming@nicetabs@tablerules
- },
- timing/nicetabs/no nice tabs/.style={/tikz/timing/no nice tabs},
- timing/nicetabs/off/.style={/tikz/timing/no nice tabs},
- timing/nicetabs/nice tabs/.style={/tikz/timing/nice tabs},
- timing/nicetabs/on/.style={/tikz/timing/nice tabs},
-\tikzset{timing/nice tabs}%
-%% End of file `tikz-timing-nicetabs.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-overlays.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-overlays.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 300a2d15bf6..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing-overlays.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tikz-timing-overlays.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tikz-timing.dtx (with options: `lib,lib-overlays')
-%% Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Martin Scharrer <>
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2008/05/04 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Scharrer.
-%% This work consists of the files tikz-timing.dtx, tikz-timing.ins
-%% and the derived file tikz-timing.sty.
- {$Id: tikz-timing.dtx 2038 2011-01-09 20:44:26Z martin $}
- [v0.7d
- TikZ-Timing Library for
- timing overlays]
- \ifx\relax#1\empty
- \def\tikztiming@next{\tikztiming@parser#1}%
- \else
- \let\tikztiming@overlay@lastchar\tikztiming@lastchar
- \let\tikztiming@overlay@width\tikztimingwidth
- \tikztiming@output@addcode{\tikztiming@overlay@begin}%
- \begingroup
- \def\tikztiming@parser@end{%
- \def\tikztiming@output@nextchar{@}%
- \tikztiming@output@flush
- }
- \begingroup
- \tikztiming@parser #1\relax
- \endgroup
- \endgroup
- \tikztiming@output@addcode{\tikztiming@overlay@end}%
- \global\let\tikztiming@lastchar\tikztiming@overlay@lastchar
- \global\let\tikztimingwidth\tikztiming@overlay@width
- \def\tikztiming@next{\expandafter\tikztiming@parser\@firstofone}%
- \fi
- \tikztiming@next
- [/utils/exec={%
- \xdef\tikztiming@overlay@save{%
- \noexpand\global\noexpand\c@tikztimingtrans\the\c@tikztimingtrans\relax%
- \noexpand\global\noexpand\c@tikztimingtranspos\the\c@tikztimingtranspos\relax%
- \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\pgf@sh@nt@tikztiming@overlay@node
- {\csname pgf@sh@nt@tikztiming@overlay@node\endcsname}%
- \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\pgf@sh@nt@timing@refa
- {\csname pgf@sh@nt@timing@refa\endcsname}%
- \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\pgf@sh@nt@timing@refb
- {\csname pgf@sh@nt@timing@refb\endcsname}%
- \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\pgf@sh@nt@timing@ref
- {\csname pgf@sh@nt@timing@ref\endcsname}%
- \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\tikztiming@overlay@save{%
- \expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter{\tikztiming@overlay@save}%
- }%
- }%
- }]%
- node [timing/save] (tikztiming@overlay@node) {}
- }%
- \tikztiming@newdraw (tikztiming@overlay@node)
- [/utils/exec={\tikztiming@overlay@save}]
-%% End of file `tikz-timing-overlays.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing.sty
index 86b08a0a43d..428fd1c9857 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-timing/tikz-timing.sty
@@ -4,33 +4,44 @@
%% The original source files were:
-%% tikz-timing.dtx (with options: `package')
+%% tikz-timing.dtx (with options: `tikz-timing.sty')
-%% Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Martin Scharrer <>
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% For the copyright see the source file.
+%% Any modified versions of this file must be renamed
+%% with new filenames distinct from tikz-timing.sty.
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2008/05/04 or later.
+%% For distribution of the original source see the terms
+%% for copying and modification in the file tikz-timing.dtx.
+%% This generated file may be distributed as long as the
+%% original source files, as listed above, are part of the
+%% same distribution. (The sources need not necessarily be
+%% in the same archive or directory.)
+%% Copyright (C) 2009-2012 by Martin Scharrer <>
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Scharrer.
-%% This work consists of the files tikz-timing.dtx, tikz-timing.ins
-%% and the derived file tikz-timing.sty.
- {$Id: tikz-timing.dtx 2038 2011-01-09 20:44:26Z martin $}
- [v0.7d
- Digital Timing Diagrams using TikZ]
+%% This work consists of the files tikz-timing.dtx and tikz-timing.ins
+%% and the derived filebase tikz-timing*.sty.
+ 2017/12/10
+ v0.7e
+ Digital Timing Diagrams using TikZ]
@@ -159,6 +170,8 @@
name/.style={inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,minimum size=0pt},
text format/.store in=\tikztiming@textformat,
+ every char/.style={},
+ every bg/.style={},
@@ -297,9 +310,9 @@
- \def\tikztiming@str{%
+ \tikztiming@initstr{%
\useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (\tikztimingwidth,\timingheight);
- \draw (0,0)
+ \draw [timing/every char] (0,0)
coordinate (timing@refa)
coordinate (timing@ref) at (0,\timingheight/2)
coordinate (timing@refb) at (0,\timingheight)
@@ -349,23 +362,6 @@
- \ifnum\tikztiming@debug>1
- \message{^^J\meaning\tikztiming@str^^J}%
- \ifnum\tikztiming@debug>2
- {%
- \def\@protect##1{\def##1{\noexpand##1}}%
- \@protect\useasboundingbox
- \@protect\draw
- \@protect\p
- \@protect\n
- \@protect\x
- \@protect\y
- \@protect\tikztiming@overlay@save
- \edef\@tempa{\tikztiming@str}%
- \message{^^J\meaning\@tempa^^J}%
- }%
- \fi
- \fi
\path let \p1 = (timing/end top), \p2 = (timing/end base),
@@ -403,7 +399,9 @@
- \csname\tikztiming@prefix #2#3#4\endcsname{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \unexpanded\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+ \csname\tikztiming@prefix #2#3#4\endcsname{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
+ }%
\if D\tikztiming@currentchar\else
@@ -439,12 +437,47 @@
+ \def\tikztiming@str
+ \tikztiming@addtostr{;}%
+ \immediate\closeout\tikztiming@fh
+ \begingroup
+ \makeatletter
+ \@@input\tikztiming@file\relax
+ \endgroup
+ \@ifnextchar;{\@gobble}{}%
+ \immediate\openout\tikztiming@fh= \tikztiming@file\relax
+ \tikztiming@addtostr
+ \begingroup
+ \tikztiming@internaldefs
+ \let\par\empty
+ \immediate\write\tikztiming@fh{#1}%
+ \endgroup
+ \begingroup
+ \tikztiming@internaldefs
+ \let\par\empty
+ \immediate\write\tikztiming@fh{\unexpanded{#1}}%
+ \endgroup
@@ -473,17 +506,17 @@
% If both do not exist, search for aliases:
- {\edef\chara{#1}}%
- {\edef\chara{#1,\csname tikztiming@alias@#1\endcsname}}%
+ {\edef\chara{{#1}}}%
+ {\edef\chara{{#1},{\csname tikztiming@alias@#1\endcsname}}}%
- {\edef\charb{#2}}%
- {\edef\charb{#2,\csname tikztiming@alias@#2\endcsname}}%
+ {\edef\charb{{#2}}}%
+ {\edef\charb{{#2},{\csname tikztiming@alias@#2\endcsname}}}%
- {\edef\charc{#3,}}%
- {\edef\charc{#3,\csname tikztiming@alias@#3\endcsname,}}%
+ {\edef\charc{{#3},}}%
+ {\edef\charc{{#3},{\csname tikztiming@alias@#3\endcsname},}}%
@@ -533,10 +566,13 @@
+ %\edef\@tempa{\noexpand\tikztiming@trans@{\tikztiming@num}\tikztiming@trans}%
+ %\expandafter\tikztiming@addtostr
+ %\expandafter{\@tempa}%
- \expandafter\g@addto@macro
- \expandafter\tikztiming@str
- \expandafter{\@tempa}%
+ %\tikztiming@eaddtostr{\@percentchar\space {#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \tikztiming@eaddtostr{\@tempa}%
+ %\tikztiming@eaddtostr{\tikztiming@trans@{\tikztiming@num}\tikztiming@trans}%
{\PackageWarning{tikz-timing}{No transitions '#1#2' (or '#1#2#3') defined!}}%
@@ -606,8 +642,10 @@
- \tikztiming@eaddtostr{\tikztiming@output@bufcode}%
- \global\let\tikztiming@output@bufcode\empty%
+ \ifx\tikztiming@output@bufcode\empty\else
+ \tikztiming@eaddtostr{\tikztiming@output@bufcode}%
+ \global\let\tikztiming@output@bufcode\empty%
+ \fi
@@ -758,14 +796,14 @@
- \newdraw
+ \newdraw [timing/every char]
- \newdrawns
+ \newdrawns [timing/every char]
@@ -829,14 +867,14 @@
- \newdraw
+ \newdraw [timing/every char]
- \newdraw
+ \newdraw [timing/every char]
@@ -1422,9 +1460,9 @@
- \def\style{timing/####3}%
- \def\bgstyle{draw=none,timing/####3/background}%
- \def\nstyle{timing/####4}%
+ \def\style{timing/every char,timing/####3}%
+ \def\bgstyle{draw=none,timing/every bg,timing/####3/background}%
+ \def\nstyle{timing/every char,timing/####4}%
\def\code##1{ [/utils/exec={\unexpanded{##1}}] }%
@@ -1576,11 +1614,11 @@
- {[timing/g] let \p1 = +(0,0) in (\x1,0) -- (\x1,\timingheight)
+ {[timing/every char,timing/g] let \p1 = +(0,0) in (\x1,0) -- (\x1,\timingheight)
coordinate (timing@dstart) at (\x1,\timingheight/2) (\x1,\y1)
-\tikztimingchar{H}{++(0,\height)}{-- ++(#1,0)}
+\tikztimingchar{H}{++(0,\height)}{[\style] -- ++(#1,0)}
-- ++(#1,0)
@@ -1592,7 +1630,7 @@
- \newdraw
+ \newdraw [\style]
-- ++(\zslope,+\height/2.)
-- ++($ (#1,0) - (\zslope,0) $)
@@ -1612,7 +1650,7 @@
-\tikztimingchar{L}{++(0,0)}{-- ++(#1,0)}
+\tikztimingchar{L}{++(0,0)}{[\style] -- ++(#1,0)}
\newdraw [\style]
@@ -1667,7 +1705,7 @@
-- ++($ (#1,0) - (\zslope,0) $)
- \newdraw
+ \newdraw [\style]
-- ++(\zslope,-\height/2.)
-- ++($ (#1,0) - (\zslope,0) $)
@@ -1694,7 +1732,7 @@
- \newdraw
+ \newdraw [timing/every char]
@@ -1717,7 +1755,7 @@
- \newdraw
+ \newdraw [timing/every char]
@@ -1746,7 +1784,7 @@
- \newdraw
+ \newdraw [timing/every char]
@@ -1772,7 +1810,7 @@
- \newdraw
+ \newdraw [timing/every char]
@@ -1797,7 +1835,7 @@
- \newdraw
+ \newdraw [timing/every char]
@@ -1821,7 +1859,7 @@
($ (0,0) - (0,\height/2) $)
- \newdraw
+ \newdraw [timing/every char]
@@ -1851,7 +1889,7 @@
- \newdraw
+ \newdraw [timing/every char]
@@ -2155,7 +2193,7 @@
- \newdraw {[\style]
+ \newdraw [timing/every char] {[\style]
-- ++(\zslope,\value{tikztimingtrans}*\height/2.)
-- ++($ (#1,0) - (\zslope,0) $)
@@ -2173,7 +2211,7 @@
- \newdraw {[\style]
+ \newdraw [timing/every char] {[\style]
-- +(\dslope/2.,-\height/2)
-- ($ (timing@ref) + (#1,-\height/2) $)