path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/doctools/doctools.sty
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2014-06-28 22:38:04 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2014-06-28 22:38:04 +0000
commitfefa9d9a14a12b61735ac81b372041267c597461 (patch)
tree107f78dbf807fb398d4fa38f4182a42d492f0be1 /Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/doctools/doctools.sty
parenta6fa94386add9ed9605b19145be8fa55ca8b8ed7 (diff)
doctools (28jun14)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/doctools/doctools.sty')
1 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/doctools/doctools.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/doctools/doctools.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b431e09b75e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/doctools/doctools.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{doctools}[2012/12/01 v0.1 commands and packages for documenting LaTeX Code]
+%%% === Define Keys ===================================
+\RequirePackage{kvoptions} % options
+\RequirePackage{pdftexcmds} % string comparison
+%%% ---- Packages ----
+%%% Programming
+%%% Font packages
+\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % T1 Schrift Encoding
+\fi % end \ifdoctools@applyLayout
+%%% listings (must be loaded before \AtBeginDocument)
+%%% load all further packages and all commands
+%%% at the beginning of the document and thus
+%%% after all other packages
+%%% Additional packages
+ {\usepackage{xcolor}}
+%%% listings
+%%% appearance
+ ,basicstyle=\small\ttfamily % Standardschrift
+%%% Space and placement
+ ,floatplacement=tbp % is used as float place specifier
+ ,aboveskip=\medskipamount % define the space above and
+ ,belowskip=\medskipamount % below displayed listings.
+ ,lineskip=0pt % specifies additional space between lines in listings.
+ ,boxpos=c % c,b,t
+%%% The printed range
+ ,showlines=false % prints empty lines at the end of listings
+%%% characters
+ ,extendedchars=true % allows or prohibits extended characters
+ % in listings, that means (national)
+ % characters of codes 128-255.
+ ,upquote=true % determines printing of quotes
+ ,tabsize=2, % chars of tab
+ ,showtabs=false % do not show tabs
+ ,showspaces=false % do not show spaces
+ ,showstringspaces=false % do not show blank spaces in string
+%%% Line numbers
+ ,numbers=none % left, right, none
+%%% Captions
+ ,numberbychapter=true %
+ ,captionpos=b % t,b
+ ,abovecaptionskip=\smallskipamount % the vertical space respectively above
+ ,belowcaptionskip=\smallskipamount % or below each caption
+%%% Margins and line shape
+ ,linewidth=\linewidth % defines the base line width for listings.
+ ,xleftmargin=0pt % extra margins
+ ,xrightmargin=0pt %
+ ,resetmargins=false % indention from list environments like enumerate
+ % or itemize is reset, i.e. not used.
+ ,breaklines=true % line breaking of long lines.
+ ,breakatwhitespace=false % allows line breaks only at white space.
+ ,breakindent=0pt % is the indention of the second, third, ...
+ % line of broken lines.
+ ,breakautoindent=true % apply intendation
+ ,columns=flexible %
+ ,keepspaces=true %
+%%% base style
+ ,style=lstStyleDefault
+%%% appearance
+ ,commentstyle=\slshape
+%%% Line numbers
+ ,numbers=left % left, right, none
+ ,stepnumber=1 % seperation between numbers
+ ,numberfirstline=false % number first line always
+ ,numberstyle=\tiny\color{doc@numbercolor} % style of numbers
+ ,numbersep=5pt % distance to text
+ ,numberblanklines=true %
+%%% language
+ ,language = [LaTeX]TeX
+%%% commands
+ % LaTeX programming
+ ,moretexcs={setlength,usepackage,newcommand,renewcommand,providecommand,RequirePackage,SelectInputMappings,ifpdftex,ifpdfoutput,AtBeginEnvironment,ProvidesPackage},
+ % other commands
+ ,moretexcs={maketitle,text,includegraphics,chapter,section,subsection,
+ subsubsection,paragraph,textmu,enquote,blockquote,ding,mathds,ifcsdef,Bra,Ket,Braket,subcaption,lettrine,mdfsetup,captionof,listoffigures,listoftables,tableofcontents,appendix}
+ % tables
+ ,moretexcs={newcolumntype,rowfont,taburowcolors,rowcolor,rowcolors,bottomrule,
+ toprule,midrule,}
+ % hyperref
+ ,moretexcs={hypersetup}
+ % glossaries
+ ,moretexcs={gls,printglossary,glsadd,newglossaryentry,newacronym}
+ % Koma
+ ,moretexcs={mainmatter,frontmatter,geometry,KOMAoptions,setkomafont,addtokomafont}
+ % SI, unit
+ ,moretexcs={si,SI,sisetup,unit,unitfrac,micro}
+ % biblatex package
+ ,moretexcs={newblock,ExecuteBibliographyOptions,addbibresource}
+ % math packages
+ ,moretexcs={operatorname,frac,sfrac,dfrac,DeclareMathOperator,mathcal,underset}
+ % demo package
+ ,moretexcs={democodefile,package,cs,command,env,DemoError,PrintDemo}
+ % tablestyles
+ ,moretexcs={theadstart,tbody,tsubheadstart,tsubhead,tend}
+ % code section package
+ ,moretexcs={DefineCodeSection,SetCodeSection,BeginCodeSection,
+ EndCodeSection}
+ % template tools package
+ ,moretexcs={IfDefined,IfUndefined,IfElseDefined,IfElseUndefined,IfMultDefined,IfNotDraft,IfNotDraftElse,IfDraft,IfPackageLoaded,IfElsePackageLoaded,IfPackageNotLoaded,IfPackagesLoaded,IfPackagesNotLoaded,ExecuteAfterPackage,ExecuteBeforePackage,IfTikzLibraryLoaded,IfColumntypeDefined,IfColumntypesDefined,IfColorDefined,IfColorsDefined,IfMathVersionDefined,SetTemplateDefinition,UseDefinition,IfFileExists,iflanguage}
+ % tablestyles
+ ,moretexcs={setuptablefontsize,tablefontsize,setuptablestyle,tablestyle, setuptablecolor,tablecolor,disablealternatecolors, tablealtcolored,tbegin,tbody,tend,thead, theadstart,tsubheadstart,tsubhead,theadrow,tsubheadrow,resettablestyle,theadend,tsubheadend,tableitemize,PreserveBackslash}
+ % todonotes
+ ,moretexcs={todo,missingfigure}
+ % listings
+ ,moretexcs={lstloadlanguages,lstdefinestyle,lstset}
+ % index
+ ,moretexcs={indexsetup}
+ % glossaries
+ ,moretexcs={newglossarystyle,glossarystyle,deftranslation,newglossary}
+ % tikz
+ ,moretexcs={usetikzlibrary}
+ % color
+ ,moretexcs={definecolor,colorlet}
+ % caption
+ ,moretexcs={captionsetup,DeclareCaptionStyle}
+ % floatrow
+ ,moretexcs={floatsetup}
+ % doc.sty
+ ,moretexcs={EnableCrossrefs,DisableCrossrefs,PageIndex,CodelineIndex,CodelineNumbered}
+ % refereces
+ ,moretexcs={cref,Cref,vref,eqnref,figref,tabref,secref,chapref}
+\lstdefinestyle{lstDemoStyleLaTeXCode}{ %
+%%% base style
+ ,style=lstDocStyleBase
+%%% Line numbers
+ ,numbers=none % left, right, none
+%%% colors
+ ,stringstyle=\color{doc@stringcolor}
+ ,keywordstyle=\color{doc@keywordcolor}
+ ,commentstyle=\color{doc@commentcolor}
+ ,backgroundcolor=\color{doc@demo@backcolor}
+ ,rulecolor=\color{doc@rulecolor}
+%%% frame
+ ,frame=single % none, leftline, topline, bottomline, lines
+ % single, shadowbox
+ ,framesep=3pt
+ ,rulesep=2pt % control the space between frame and listing
+ % and between double rules.
+ ,framerule=0.4pt % controls the width of the rules.
+%%% base style
+ ,style=lstDocStyleBase
+%%% colors
+ ,stringstyle=\color{doc@stringcolor}
+ ,keywordstyle=\color{doc@code@keywordcolor} %
+ ,commentstyle=\color{doc@code@commentcolor}
+ ,backgroundcolor=\color{doc@code@backcolor}
+ ,rulecolor=\color{doc@rulecolor}
+%%% frame
+ ,frame=none % none, leftline, topline, bottomline, lines
+ % single, shadowbox
+ ,framesep=3pt
+ ,rulesep=2pt % control the space between frame and listing
+ % and between double rules.
+ ,framerule=0.4pt % controls the width of the rules.
+%%% numbers
+ ,firstnumber=last
+%%% hyperref
+ % load hyperref only if package
+ % hypdoc is not loaded, which
+ % loads hyperref itself
+ {\usepackage[
+ ,backref=page%
+ ,pagebackref=false%
+ ,hyperindex=true%
+ ,hyperfootnotes=false%
+ ,bookmarks=true%
+ ,pdfpagelabels=true%
+ ]{hyperref}}
+ ,draft=false, % all hypertext options are turned off
+ ,final=true % all hypertext options are turned on
+ ,debug=false % extra diagnostic messages are printed in the log file
+ ,hypertexnames=true % use guessable names for links
+ ,naturalnames=false % use LATEX-computed names for links
+ ,setpagesize=true % sets page size by special driver commands
+ ,raiselinks=true % forces commands to reflect the real height of the link
+ ,breaklinks=true % Allows link text to break across lines
+ ,pageanchor=true % Determines whether every page is given an implicit
+ ,plainpages=false % Forces page anchors to be named by the arabic
+ ,linktocpage=true % make page number, not text, be link on TOC, LOF and LOT
+ ,colorlinks=true % Colors the text of links and anchors.
+ ,linkcolor =pdflinkcolor % Color for normal internal links.
+ ,anchorcolor=pdfanchorcolor % Color for anchor text.
+ ,citecolor =pdfcitecolor % Color for bibliographical citations in text.
+ ,filecolor =pdffilecolor % Color for URLs which open local files.
+ ,menucolor =pdfmenucolor % Color for Acrobat menu items.
+ ,runcolor =pdfruncolor % Color for run links (launch annotations).
+ ,urlcolor =pdfurlcolor % color magenta Color for linked URLs.
+ ,bookmarksopen=true % If Acrobat bookmarks are requested, show them
+ ,bookmarksopenlevel=2 % level (\maxdimen) to which bookmarks are open
+ ,bookmarksnumbered=true %
+ ,bookmarkstype=toc %
+ ,pdfpagemode=UseOutlines %
+ ,pdfstartpage=1 % Determines on which page the PDF file is opened.
+ ,pdfstartview=FitH % Set the startup page view
+ ,pdfremotestartview=Fit % Set the startup page view of remote PDF files
+ ,pdfcenterwindow=false %
+ ,pdffitwindow=false % resize document window to fit document size
+ ,pdfnewwindow=false % make links that open another PDF file
+ ,pdfdisplaydoctitle=true % display document title instead of file name
+} % end: hypersetup
+\fi % end \ifdoctools@loadHyperref
+%%% color setup
+%%% Set document layout / variables
+ \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0.5\baselineskip}
+ \setcounter{secnumdepth}{2}
+ \setcounter{tocdepth}{2}
+\fi % end \ifdoctools@applyLayout%
+%%% ---- Internal Variables ----
+%% Font for Index Headings
+%%% ---- Commands ----
+%% \bs
+%% \command
+ \index{\doctools@indexHeadFont{Command}!\textbackslash{}#1}%
+%% \cs (shortcut for \command)
+%% \cs might be defined by ltxdoc, therefore it needs to be deleted
+%% before it can be redefined.
+%% \environment
+ \index{\doctools@indexHeadFont{Environment}!#1}%
+%% \env
+%% \package
+%% \ltxclass
+%% \marg
+\ifcsdef{marg}{}{% if not defined
+ {\newcommand\marg[1]{\texttt{\{}\meta{#1}\texttt{\}}}}%
+ {\newcommand\marg[1]{%
+%% \oarg
+\ifcsdef{oarg}{}{% if not defined
+ {\newcommand\oarg[1]{\texttt{[}\meta{#1}\texttt{]}}}%
+ {\newcommand\oarg[1]{%
+%% \arg
+ \csundef{arg}%
+ \newcommand\arg[1]{\{\texttt{#1}\}}%
+%% \option
+%% \parameter
+%% \person
+%% \AfterLastParam
+%% \Default
+\newcommand{\Default}[1]{\par Default: \texttt{#1} \par}
+%% \Example
+\newcommand{\Example}[1]{\par Example: \texttt{#1} \par}
+%% Style changes
+%% table
+\begin{tabular} {>{\ttfamily}l<{\normalfont}p{0.7\textwidth}}%
+}{% end of environment
+%%% ---- engine names ----
+%% \latex
+%%% ---- doc.sty modifications ----
+%%% Overwrite font for \meta
+\def\meta@font@select{\normalfont\slshape} % original: \itshape
+ {\def\PrintMacroName#1{\strut \MacroFont %
+ \color{doctools@ColorCodeNames}\string #1\ }}{}
+\newcounter{MacroName} % hyperref uses \theH<counter>
+%% create label
+ {\def\PrintDescribeMacro#1{%
+ \strut \MacroFont %
+ \color{doctools@ColorCodeNames} \string #1\ }}{}
+ {\def\PrintDescribeEnv#1{\strut \MacroFont %
+ \color{doctools@ColorCodeNames} #1\ }}{}
+ {\def\PrintEnvName#1{\strut \MacroFont %
+ \color{doctools@ColorCodeNames} #1\ }}{}
+%%% disable the index preamble if index entries are generated by this package
+ {\def\index@prologue{\section*{Index}\markboth{Index}{Index}}}
+ {}
+%%% ---- listings environments for LaTeX code
+%%% Overwriting the environment macrocode for printing the code in a dtx file.
+%%% environment code examples.
+ \setcounter{lstFirstLine}{#1}%
+ firstnumber=\thelstFirstLine,%
+ firstline=\thelstFirstLine,%
+ lastline=\thelstLastLine,%
+ nolol=true,
+ style=lstDemoStyleLaTeXCode]%
+ {#3}%
+%% set counter to lastLine + 1
+%% Command for printing the filename
+%% hyperref uses \theH<counter>
+%% code from tex.stackexchange with the
+%% the help from Heiko Oberdiek.
+ %% convert all "/" to "/," (comma list) and save in \IndexFileA
+ \StrSubstitute{#1}{/}{/,}[\IndexFileA]%
+ %% define \IndexFileB as empty (used for the output string)
+ \let\IndexFileB\@empty
+ %% parse and convert \IndexFileA using \@AddFileEntry
+ \expandafter
+ \comma@parse@normalized\expandafter{\IndexFileA}\@AddFileEntry
+ %% create label and print to index
+ \@bsphack
+ \renewcommand*{\theHfile}{#1}%
+ \refstepcounter{file}%
+ \ifcsdef{phantomsection}{\phantomsection}{}
+ \label{file:#1}%
+ \ifdoctools@createIndexEntries
+ \index{\textsc{Files}!\IndexFileB}%
+ \fi
+ \@esphack
+%% add entries of comma list to the index.
+ \ifx\IndexFileB\@empty
+ %% add first entry to index with lexEntry@{printEntry}
+ \def\IndexFileB{#1@#1}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\IndexFileB\expandafter{%
+ %% add following entries to index with
+ %% previousEntries!lexEntry@{printEntry}
+ }%
+ \fi
+%% Print out filename and create a link if the label exists.
+ \ifcsdef{hyperref}%
+ {\hyperref[file:#1]{\PrintFileName{#1}}}%
+ {\PrintFileName{#1}}%
+} % end of \AtBeginDocument
+%% End of file `doctools.sty'.