path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-apa/apa.cbx
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2010-03-08 01:16:47 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2010-03-08 01:16:47 +0000
commitf8781b660c74ce51709b40d75de1d58597a54eaa (patch)
treebc5c72c372ceaa786bd6bb29c543306aa9e87dfe /Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-apa/apa.cbx
parent4e7ace252f5bb59a3813d0d829a5343667755499 (diff)
biblatex-apa .09 (7mar10)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-apa/apa.cbx')
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-apa/apa.cbx b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-apa/apa.cbx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..da1b4b5621b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-apa/apa.cbx
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+%% apa.cbx
+%% Copyright 2010 Philip Kime
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Philip Kime.
+%% This work consists of the files:
+%% apa.cbx (biblatex citation style)
+%% apa.bbx (biblatex references style)
+%% *.lbx (localisation files for APA-specific strings)
+%% biblatex-apa.pdf (Style documentation)
+%% biblatex-apa.tex (Style documentation source)
+%% biblatex-apa-test.pdf (Style examples)
+%% biblatex-apa-test.tex (Style examples source)
+%% biblatex-apa-test-citations.bib (Style examples - citations)
+%% biblatex-apa-test-references.bib (Style examples - references)
+% (APA 6.16) year postfix is not emphasised or italic
+% (APA 6.11) requires comma separator between authors and years
+% (APA 6.12) ampersand separator in parenthetical cites
+ {\renewcommand{\finalnamedelim}{\ifnum\value{liststop}>2 \finalandcomma\fi\addspace\&\space}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:init}%
+ \usebibmacro{prenote}}
+ {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
+ \printtext[bibhyperref]{\usebibmacro{cite}}}
+ {}
+ {\usebibmacro{postnote}}
+ {\renewcommand{\finalnamedelim}{\ifnum\value{liststop}>2 \finalandcomma\fi\addspace\&\space}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:init}%
+ \usebibmacro{prenote}}
+ {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
+ \printtext[bibhyperref]{\usebibmacro{citeyear}}}
+ {}
+ {\usebibmacro{postnote}}
+% (APA 6.12) 3-5 authors have "et al." after first cite. This doesn't
+% work properly in general with disambiguation of "et al"s
+% due to BibTeX limitations, see docs.
+% #1 = last name
+% #2 = last name (initials)
+% #3 = first name
+% #4 = first name (initials)
+% #5 = name prefix, a.k.a. 'von part'
+% #6 = name prefix (initials)
+% #7 = name affix, a.k.a. 'junior part'
+% #8 = name affix (initials)
+ \ifcase\value{uniquename}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:last}{#1}{#3}{#5}{#7}%
+ \or
+ \usebibmacro{name:first-last}{#1}{#4}{#5}{#8}%
+ \or
+ \usebibmacro{name:first-last}{#1}{#3}{#5}{#7}%
+ \fi
+ \usebibmacro{name:andothers}}
+ \ifthenelse{\value{listcount}=1\OR\value{listtotal}=2}
+ {\usebibmacro{labelname:doname}{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}}
+ {\ifthenelse{\value{listtotal}>5}
+ {\ifnum\value{listcount}=2 \andothersdelim\bibstring{andothers}\fi
+ \ifnum\value{listcount}>2 \relax\fi}
+ {\ifciteseen
+ {\ifnum\value{listcount}=2 \andothersdelim\bibstring{andothers}\fi
+ \ifnum\value{listcount}=3 \relax\fi
+ \ifnum\value{listcount}=4 \relax\fi
+ \ifnum\value{listcount}=5 \relax\fi}
+ {\usebibmacro{labelname:doname}{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}}}}}
+% (APA 6.13) Groups as names
+% SHORTAUTHOR brackets in parencites
+ {\usebibmacro{labelname:doname}{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}}
+ {\mkbibbrackets{\usebibmacro{labelname:doname}{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}}}}
+ {#1}
+ {\mkbibbrackets{#1}}}
+% (APA 6.13) Deal with SHORTAUTHOR fields
+% (APA 6.16) Multiple same author cites in a compact citation call do not
+% need to be repeated but the full years must be repeated with
+% their extrayear postfixes
+% "in press" extrayear needs a short dash to join to label
+% (APA 6.28) If no date, use "n.d." without parentheses and with a comma
+% and space before.
+% (APA 6.18) Cite ORIGYEAR/YEAR if ORIGYEAR present
+ \iffieldequals{namehash}{\cbx@lasthash}
+% Multiple cites in one command
+ {\setunit{\compcitedelim}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:plabelyear+extrayear}}%
+% Single cite
+ {\ifthenelse{\ifnameundef{labelname}\OR\equal{\thefield{entrytype}}{patent}}
+% No author/editor
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:noname}%
+ \setunit{\nameyeardelim}%
+ \iffieldundef{labelyear}
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:noyear}}
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:plabelyear+extrayear}%
+ \savefield{namehash}{\cbx@lasthash}}}
+% Normal cite
+ {\cbx@tempa
+ \ifnameundef{shortauthor}
+ {\printnames{labelname}}
+ {\ifciteseen
+ {\printnames{shortauthor}}
+ {\printnames{author}\addspace\printnames[sabrackets]{shortauthor}}}%
+ \setunit{\nameyeardelim}%
+ \iffieldundef{labelyear}
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:noyear}}
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:plabelyear+extrayear}%
+ \savefield{namehash}{\cbx@lasthash}}%
+ \global\let\cbx@tempa=\multicitedelim}}}
+ \iffieldequals{namehash}{\cbx@lasthash}
+% Compact cite - more than one thing for same author
+ {\setunit{\compcitedelim}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:plabelyear+extrayear}}
+% Single cite
+ {\cbx@tempa
+ \ifthenelse{\ifnameundef{labelname}\OR\equal{\thefield{entrytype}}{patent}}
+ % No author/editor or patent
+ {\iffieldundef{shorthand}
+ % Cite using title
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:noname}%
+ \setunit{\global\booltrue{cbx:parens}\addspace\bibleftparen}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:plabelyear+extrayear}}
+ % Cite using shorthand
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:shorthand}}}
+ % Normal cite with author/editor
+ % Normal full cite
+ {\ifnameundef{shortauthor}
+ % Normal full cite
+ {\printnames{labelname}}
+ % Cite using short author
+ {\ifciteseen
+ {\printnames{shortauthor}}
+ {\printnames{author}}}%
+ % Year
+ \setunit{\iffieldundef{labelyear}
+ {\nameyeardelim}
+ {\global\booltrue{cbx:parens}\addspace\bibleftparen}}
+ % Put the shortauthor inside the year brackets if necessary
+ \ifnameundef{shortauthor}
+ {}
+ {\ifciteseen
+ {}
+ {\printnames{shortauthor}\setunit{\nameyeardelim}}}%
+ \iffieldundef{labelyear}%
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:noyear}}%
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:plabelyear+extrayear}}%
+ \savefield{namehash}{\cbx@lasthash}}}%
+ \gdef\cbx@tempa{\ifbool{cbx:parens}
+ {\bibrightparen\global\boolfalse{cbx:parens}}
+ {}%
+ \multicitedelim}}
+ \iffieldundef{labelyear}
+ {}
+ {\printfield[noformat]{origyear}\setunit*{\addslash}%
+ \printfield{labelyear}%
+ \iffieldequalstr{labelyear}{in press}
+ {\iffieldundef{extrayear}
+ {\setunit{\relax}}
+ {\setunit{\apashortdash}}%
+ \printfield{extrayear}}
+ {\printfield{extrayear}}}}%
+ \ifciteseen
+ {\printfield{shorthand}}
+ {\printnames{labelname}%
+ \setunit{\nameyeardelim}%
+ \printfield{title}\space\printfield{shorthand}}}
+% (APA 6.15) Fall back to title for citations without authors
+ \printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}
+% (APA 6.22) Fall back to "n.d." for citations without dates
+% Strings defined in apa.bbx
+ \ifnameundef{shortauthor}
+ {}
+ {\ifciteseen
+ {}
+ {\printnames{shortauthor}\setunit{\nameyeardelim}}}%
+ \printtext{\biblcstring{nodate}}}
+% (APA 6.21) No parens round year for cites when the cite is in
+% parentheses. Use new command \nptextcite for such cites.
+ {\renewcommand{\finalnamedelim}{\ifnum\value{liststop}>2 \finalandcomma\fi\addspace\&\space}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:init}%
+ \usebibmacro{prenote}}
+ {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
+ \printtext[bibhyperref]{\usebibmacro{nptextcite}}}
+ {}
+ {\iffieldundef{postnote}
+ {}
+ {\ifbool{cbx:parens}
+ {\postnotedelim}
+ {\nameyeardelim}%
+ \printfield{postnote}}}
+ \iffieldequals{namehash}{\cbx@lasthash}
+ {\setunit{\compcitedelim}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:plabelyear+extrayear}}
+ {\cbx@tempa
+ \ifthenelse{\ifnameundef{labelname}\OR\equal{\thefield{entrytype}}{patent}}
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:noname}%
+ \setunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \nameyeardelim}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:plabelyear+extrayear}}
+ {\printnames{labelname}%
+ \setunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \nameyeardelim}%
+ \iffieldundef{labelyear}
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:noyear}}
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:plabelyear+extrayear}}}%
+ \savefield{namehash}{\cbx@lasthash}}%
+ \gdef\cbx@tempa{%
+ \ifbool{cbx:parens}
+ {\addcomma\global\boolfalse{cbx:parens}}
+ {}%
+ \multicitedelim}}
+% No shorthand
+ \iffieldundef{labelyear}
+ {\cbx@tempa
+ \usebibmacro{cite:noyear}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:init}}
+ {\iffieldequals{namehash}{\cbx@lasthash}
+ {\setunit{\compcitedelim}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:labelyear+extrayear}}
+ {\cbx@tempa
+ \usebibmacro{cite:labelyear+extrayear}%
+ \savefield{namehash}{\cbx@lasthash}}}
+ \global\let\cbx@tempa=\multicitedelim}
+ \global\boolfalse{cbx:parens}%
+ \global\let\cbx@tempa=\empty
+ \global\undef\cbx@lasthash}
+ \printfield{labelyear}}
+ \printfield{extrayear}}
+ \iffieldundef{labelyear}
+ {}
+ {\printfield{labelyear}%
+ \printfield{extrayear}}}
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:init}%
+ \usebibmacro{prenote}}
+ {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
+ \printtext[bibhyperref]{\usebibmacro{cite}}}
+ {}
+ {\usebibmacro{postnote}}
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:init}%
+ \usebibmacro{prenote}}
+ {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
+ \printtext[bibhyperref]{\usebibmacro{citeyear}}}
+ {}
+ {\usebibmacro{postnote}}
+ {\bibsentence
+ \usebibmacro{cite:init}%
+ \usebibmacro{prenote}}
+ {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
+ \printtext[bibhyperref]{\usebibmacro{cite}}}
+ {}
+ {\usebibmacro{postnote}}
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:init}%
+ \usebibmacro{prenote}}
+ {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
+ \printtext[bibhyperref]{\usebibmacro{textcite}}}
+ {}
+ {\iffieldundef{postnote}
+ {\ifbool{cbx:parens}
+ {\bibrightparen}
+ {}}
+ {\ifbool{cbx:parens}
+ {\postnotedelim}
+ {\addspace\bibleftparen}%
+ \printfield{postnote}\bibrightparen}}