path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/abntex2
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2012-12-31 23:19:14 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2012-12-31 23:19:14 +0000
commit437f956bf1ebb3f161b1210fd48d4058085ef7bb (patch)
tree4e4f9c5f2cbab5235cc10eee58d7d43bf0b60859 /Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/abntex2
parentf7d44df0c7bc9939ac13ff254fe97b47af0b16b9 (diff)
new latex package abntex2 (31dec12)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/abntex2')
3 files changed, 2169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/abntex2/abntex2.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/abntex2/abntex2.cls
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fc1bec15a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/abntex2/abntex2.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+%% abntex2.cls
+%% Copyright 2012-2013 by abnTeX2 group at
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is the abnTeX2 team, led
+%% by Lauro César Araujo. Further information are available on
+%% This work consists of the file abntex2.cls.
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Declaração da classe abntex2 como uma extensão da classe report
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ProvidesClass{abntex2}[2013/02/01 v1.0 abnTeX2]
+% Repassa todos os parâmetros à report
+ \PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{memoir}%
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Pacotes e customizações gerais do memoir
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ---
+% Hifenação e caracteres especiais
+% português-brasil e inglês
+% ---
+ \renewcommand{\bibname}{Refer\^encias}
+ \renewcommand{\indexname}{\'Indice}
+ \renewcommand{\listfigurename}{Lista de ilustra\c{c}\~{o}es}
+% ---
+% ---
+% Controla as referências internas do PDF
+% ---
+% ---
+% Controla os bookmarks do PDF
+% ---
+% ---
+% Customiza listas
+% ---
+% ---
+% Pacote de if/them/else
+% ---
+% ---
+% Pacote que permite realizar operacoes matematicas no codigo TeX
+% ---
+% ---
+% Margens - NBR 14724/2011 - 5.1 Formato
+% ---
+% ---
+% ---
+% Espaçamento entre linhas - NBR 14724/2011 - 5.2 Espaçamento
+% ---
+% ---
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Comandos públicos
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ---
+% ``Tamanho menor e uniforme'' ditada pela NBR 14724/2011 - 5.1
+% ---
+% ---
+% ---
+% Nomes constantes
+\newcommand{\folhaderostoname}{Folha de rosto}
+\newcommand{\folhadeaprovacaoname}{Folha de aprova\c{c}\~ao}
+% ---
+% ---
+% abnTeX2 name
+% ---
+% ---
+% Fontes padrões de part, chapter, section, subsection e subsubsection
+% ---
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Comandos e variaveis privadas
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ---
+% Comando para registro do bookmark interno
+ \addtocounter{abntex@bookmarkcounter}{1}%
+ \phantomsection\pdfbookmark[0]{#1}{chapterb\arabic{abntex@bookmarkcounter}}
+% ---
+% Comando que cria capítulos não numerados já com bookmark anotado
+% ---
+ \addtocounter{abntex@bookmarkcounter}{1}
+ \PRIVATEbookmarkthis{#1}
+ \chapter*{#1}
+ }
+% ---
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Configurações de layout
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ---
+% Notas de rodapé - NBR 14724/2011 - 5.2.1
+% ---
+% ---
+% Numeração contínua das figuras
+% ---
+% ---
+% Estilos de caption
+% ---
+% -----
+% Configurações do TOC
+% -----
+% nível de profundidade
+\settocdepth{subsubsection} %\maxtocdepth{subsubsection}
+% lista de ilustrações
+% lista de tabelas
+% espaços à esqueda para comportar os números romanos das partes
+% fonte das partes e do captítulo do TOC
+% -----
+% ---
+% Configuração dos títulos dos capítulos
+% Novo estido do memoir
+% ABNT NBR 14724-2011 - 5.2.2-5.2.4; ABNT NBR 6024-2003 - 3.1-3.8
+ \newlength{\chapternamenumlength}
+ % tamanhos de fontes de chapter e part
+ \renewcommand{\chaptitlefont}{\ABNTEXchapterfont\ABNTEXchapterfontsize}
+ \renewcommand{\chapnumfont}{\chaptitlefont}
+ \renewcommand{\parttitlefont}{\ABNTEXpartfont\ABNTEXpartfontsize}
+ \renewcommand{\partnumfont}{\ABNTEXpartfont\ABNTEXpartfontsize}
+ \renewcommand{\partnamefont}{\ABNTEXpartfont\ABNTEXpartfontsize}
+ % tamanhos de fontes de section, subsection e subsubsection
+ \setsecheadstyle{\ABNTEXchapterfont\ABNTEXsectionfontsize}
+ \setsubsecheadstyle{\ABNTEXsubsectionfont\ABNTEXsubsectionfontsize}
+ \setsubsubsecheadstyle{\ABNTEXsubsubsectionfont\ABNTEXsubsubsectionfontsize}
+ % impressao do numero do capitulo
+ \renewcommand{\chapternamenum}{}
+ % impressao do nome do capitulo
+ \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{%
+ \chaptitlefont
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{abntex@apendiceousecao}}{\appendixname}{}%
+ }
+ % impressao do titulo do capitulo
+ \def\printchaptertitle##1{%
+ \chaptitlefont%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{abntex@innonumchapter}}{\centering##1}{% else
+ \settowidth{\chapternamenumlength}{\printchaptername\printchapternum\afterchapternum}%
+ \parbox[t]{\textwidth-\chapternamenumlength}{##1}%
+ }
+ }
+ % impressao do numero do capitulo
+ \renewcommand{\printchapternum}{%
+ \setboolean{abntex@innonumchapter}{false}
+ \chapnumfont%
+ \space\thechapter\space%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{abntex@apendiceousecao}}{%
+ --\space%
+ }{} % else
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{}
+ \renewcommand{\beforechapskip}{0cm}
+ % impressao do capitulo nao numerado
+ \renewcommand\printchapternonum{%
+ \setboolean{abntex@innonumchapter}{true}%
+ }
+% ---
+% -----
+% Declarações de cabeçalhos e de rodapé
+% -----
+% Cabeçalho padrão
+% Cabeçalho do início do capítulo
+% ---
+% ---
+% Configura layout para elementos pré-textuais
+ \aliaspagestyle{chapter}{empty}% customizing chapter pagestyle
+ \pagestyle{empty}
+ \aliaspagestyle{cleared}{empty}
+ \aliaspagestyle{part}{empty}
+% por default, inicializa o documento com elementos \pretextuais
+% ---
+% ---
+% Configura layout para elementos textuais
+ \pagestyle{abntheadings}
+ \aliaspagestyle{chapter}{abntchapfirst}% customizing chapter pagestyle
+ \nouppercaseheads
+% ---
+% ---
+% Configura layout para elementos pós-textuais
+% -----
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Comandos de dados para CAPA e FOLHA DE ROSTO
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Comandos de dados - título do documento
+% Comandos de dados - autor (use \and para múltiplos autores)
+% Comandos de dados - data
+% Comandos de dados - instituição
+% Comandos de dados - local
+% Comandos de dados - preâmbulo
+% Comandos de dados - orientador
+ {\renewcommand{\imprimirorientadorRotulo}{#1}%
+ \renewcommand{\imprimirorientador}{#2}}
+% Comandos de dados - coorientador
+ {\renewcommand{\imprimircoorientadorRotulo}{#1}%
+ \renewcommand{\imprimircoorientador}{#2}}
+% Comandos de dados - tipo de trabalho
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Comandos e ambientes de editoração PRÉ-TEXTUAIS
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ---
+% Ambiente para definição da Capa
+% ---
+% ---
+% Ficha catalográfica (Dados internacionais de
+% catalogação-na-publicação)
+ \thispagestyle{empty}
+ \begin{SingleSpacing}
+ \ABNTEXfontereduzida
+ \end{SingleSpacing}%
+% ---
+% ---
+% Errata
+ \pretextualchapter{#1}
+ }{\cleardoublepage}
+% ---
+% ---
+% Folha de aprovação - NBR 14724/2011 -
+ \clearpage%
+ \PRIVATEbookmarkthis{#1}%
+ \begin{Spacing}{1.0}
+% ---
+% ---
+% Dedicatória
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{%
+ \PRIVATEbookmarkthis{\dedicatorianame}
+ }{\pretextualchapter{#1}}
+ }{\cleardoublepage}
+% ---
+% ---
+% Agradecimentos
+ \pretextualchapter{#1}
+ }{\cleardoublepage}
+% ---
+% ---
+% Epigrafe
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{%
+ \PRIVATEbookmarkthis{\epigraphname}
+ }{\pretextualchapter{#1}}
+ }{\cleardoublepage}
+% ---
+% ---
+% Resumo e abstracts em diferentes idiomas - NBR 14724/2011
+ \SingleSpacing
+ \pretextualchapter{#1}
+ }{\cleardoublepage}
+% ---
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Comandos e ambientes de editoração APENDICES e ANEXOS
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ---
+% Definicoes compartilhadas entre Apendices e Anexos
+% ---
+\newcommand\@switch[1]{ \@writefile{toc}{\renewcommand*{\cftappendixname}{#1 \space}} }
+\newcommand{\switchchapname}[1]{ \protected@write \@auxout {}{\string\@switch{#1} }}
+ \setboolean{abntex@apendiceousecao}{true}%
+ \renewcommand{\appendixname}{#1}
+ \renewcommand{\appendixpagename}{#2}
+ \renewcommand{\appendixtocname}{#2}
+ \switchchapname{#1}% Corrected from \switchapname -> \switchchapname
+ \renewcommand*{\cftappendixname}{#1 \space}
+% ---
+% ---
+% Apendices - comando
+ \PRIVATEapendiceconfig{\apendicename}{\apendicesname}
+ \appendix
+% Apendices - ambiente
+ \PRIVATEapendiceconfig{\apendicename}{\apendicesname}
+ \begin{appendix}
+ \end{appendix}
+ \setboolean{abntex@apendiceousecao}{false}
+% ---
+% ---
+% Anexos - comando
+ \PRIVATEapendiceconfig{\anexoname}{\anexosname}
+ \appendix
+ \renewcommand\theHchapter{anexochapback.\arabic{chapter}}
+% Anexos - ambiente
+ \PRIVATEapendiceconfig{\anexoname}{\anexosname}
+ \begin{appendix}
+ \renewcommand\theHchapter{anexochapback.\arabic{chapter}}
+ \end{appendix}
+ \setboolean{abntex@apendiceousecao}{false}
+% ---
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Comandos e ambientes de editoração CITACAO, ALINEA, INCISO, ASSINATURA
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ---
+% Citacao direta com mais de 3 linhas - ABNT NBR 10520/2002 - 5.3
+ \begin{SingleSpace}%
+ \ABNTEXfontereduzida%
+ \addtolength{\leftskip}{4cm}% % recuo de 4 cm da margem esquerda
+ \noindent%
+ }{%
+ \normalsize%
+ \end{SingleSpace}}
+% ---
+% ---
+% Ambiente para alineas e e subalineas (incisos)
+% ABNT NBR 6024/2012 - 4.2 e 4.3
+% ---
+% ---
+% Comando \assinatura for signature
+ % width of the line and text under the line
+ % thickness of the line
+ % ammount of space left between previous text and th signature line
+ % \assinatura{name} -> types a line with name under the line, centralized
+ % \assinatura*{name} -> Creates the box with the line and name under
+ % it, but the box has no position assigned. However the line and the
+ % name are centralized with respect to each other.
+ % assinatura com estrela
+ \parbox[t]{\ABNTEXsignwidth}{\SingleSpacing\vspace*{\ABNTEXsignskip}\centering%
+ \rule{\ABNTEXsignwidth}{\ABNTEXsignthickness}\\%
+ \nopagebreak #1\par}%
+ % assinatura sem estrela
+ {\begingroup\par\centering\ABNTEXsign{#1}\par\endgroup}
+% ---
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ---
+% Impressão da Capa
+ \begin{capa}%
+ \center
+ \vspace*{1cm}
+ {\ABNTEXchapterfont\large\imprimirautor}
+ \vspace*{\fill}
+ {\ABNTEXchapterfont\LARGE\imprimirtitulo}
+ \vspace*{\fill}
+ {\large\imprimirlocal}
+ \par
+ {\large\imprimirdata}
+ \vspace*{1cm}
+ \end{capa}
+% ---
+% ---
+% Folha de rosto
+% usar \imprimirfolhaderosto* casodeseje imprimir algo no verso da
+% página no caso de estar no modo twoside. Útil para imprimir a Ficha
+% Bibliográfica. Porém, se estiver no modo oneside, a versão sem estrela
+% é idêntica.
+% ---
+% Conteudo padrao da Folha de Rosto
+ \begin{center}
+ \vspace*{1cm}
+ {\ABNTEXchapterfont\large\imprimirautor}
+ \vspace*{\fill}\vspace*{\fill}
+ {\ABNTEXchapterfont\Large\imprimirtitulo}
+ \vspace*{\fill}
+ \abntex@ifnotempty{\imprimirpreambulo}{%
+ \hspace{.45\textwidth}
+ \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth}
+ \SingleSpacing
+ \imprimirpreambulo
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \vspace*{\fill}
+ }%
+ {\large\imprimirorientadorRotulo~\imprimirorientador\par}
+ \abntex@ifnotempty{\imprimircoorientador}{%
+ {\large\imprimircoorientadorRotulo~\imprimircoorientador}%
+ }%
+ \vspace*{\fill}
+ {\abntex@ifnotempty{\imprimirinstituicao}{\imprimirinstituicao\vspace*{\fill}}}
+ {\large\imprimirlocal}
+ \par
+ {\large\imprimirdata}
+ \vspace*{1cm}
+ \end{center}
+ \begin{folhaderosto*}{#1}
+ \folhaderostocontent
+ \end{folhaderosto*}}
+ \begin{folhaderosto}{#1}
+ \folhaderostocontent
+ \end{folhaderosto}}
+ \@ifstar
+ \imprimirfolhaderostostar
+ \imprimirfolhaderostonostar
+% --- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/abntex2/abntex2abrev.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/abntex2/abntex2abrev.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..063f8026a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/abntex2/abntex2abrev.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+%% abntex2abrev.sty, v 1.0 2013/01/01 laurocesar
+%% Copyright 2012-2013 by abnTeX2 group at
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is the abnTeX2 team, led
+%% by Lauro César Araujo. Further information are available on
+%% Creator and original mantainer: Gerald Weber <>
+%% Copyright 2003 by the abnTeX group at
+%% Revision history:
+%% 2012/12/12 22h22 laurocesar
+%% Fork of the version v 1.3 2003/10/13 09:41:21 gweber created by gweber
+%% Change file name to from abntex-abrev.sty to abntex2abrev.sty
+%% Removed CVS revision automation
+%% Incorporating file nbr10522-1988.def from abntex1 (the NBR 10522:1988 was
+%% canceled in 2003)
+%% The original revision history is the following:
+%% $Log: abntex-abrev.sty,v $
+%% Revision 1.3 2003/10/13 09:41:21 gweber
+%% Passa a usar cvs-id.def para gerar informações sobre data e versão.
+%% Revision 1.2 2003/10/10 10:08:09 gweber
+%% Passa a usar cvs-id.def para gerar informações sobre data e versão.
+%% Revision 1.1 2003/06/27 13:49:21 gweber
+%% Estilo principal que implementa abreviações para o projeto abntex.
+%% O arquivo pode ser usado sozinho ou em conjunto com classes e estilos bibliográficos.
+%% Ele carrega um aquivo com traduções portugês-inglês abntex-abrev-pt_BR.def e um arquivo
+%% com as definições da norma 10522/1988.
+% Incorporating file nbr10522-1988.def from abntex1
+% end of nbr10522-1988.def
+\newcommand{\@PREF@}[1]{\csname \@NBR#1\endcsname}
+% Incorporating file abntex-abrev-pt_BR.def from abntex1
+% end of abntex-abrev-pt_BR.def
+%para testar, coloca os resultados em forma mais explícita
+\@ifundefined{@TR@#1}{pt(#1):\csname \@NBR#1\endcsname}{en(#1):\csname \@TR@#1\endcsname}}
+%controla como termina a abreviação
+%comando para usuários, pode ser portugês ou inglês
+\@ifundefined{@TR@#1}{\csname \@NBR#1\endcsname\Abrevending}{\csname \@TR@#1\endcsname\Abrevending}}
+%comando para usuários, pode ser portugês ou inglês
+%comando para desenvolvedores, só inglês sem finalização, ou seja sem ponto
+\newcommand{\ABNTEXabrev}[1]{\@ifundefined{@TR@#1}{#1}{\csname \@TR@#1\endcsname}}
+%comando para desenvolvedores, só inglês com finalização, ou seja com ponto
+\ABNTEXabrev{#1}\Abrevending} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/abntex2/abntex2cite.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/abntex2/abntex2cite.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..09a140b121a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/abntex2/abntex2cite.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,1358 @@
+%% abntex2cite.sty, v 1.0 2013/01/01 laurocesar
+%% Copyright 2012-2013 by abnTeX2 group at
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is the abnTeX2 team, led
+%% by Lauro César Araujo. Further information are available on
+%% Creator and original mantainer: Gerald Weber <>
+%% Copyright 2001-2002 by the abnTeX group at
+%% Revision history:
+%% 2012/12/13 22h31 laurocesar
+%% Fork of the version v 1.26 2003/10/13 09:40:41 gweber created by gweber
+%% Changed file name to from abntcite.sty to abntex2cite.sty
+%% Removed CVS revision automation
+%% Changed referentes of abnt-options.bib to abntex2-options.bib
+%% The original revision history is the following:
+%% 2012/04/26 20h20 laurocesar
+%% Incluída as contribuições de compatibilização com o pacote backref de
+%% Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva (AWSS), desenvolvida em 2005-06-26 23:13:59 GMT
+%% $Log: abntcite.sty,v $
+%% Revision 1.26 2003/10/13 09:40:41 gweber
+%% Passa a usar cvs-id.def para gerar informações sobre data e versão.
+%% Revision 1.25 2003/10/10 16:42:51 gweber
+%% Passa a usar cvs-id.def para gerar informações sobre data e versão.
+%% Revision 1.24 2003/10/07 16:21:55 gweber
+%% Informação sobre o pacote (comando \ProvidesPackage) automáticamente atualizado via
+%% CVS Id tags.
+%% Revision 1.23 2003/09/16 12:13:16 gweber
+%% A partir desta versão abntcite carrega os arquivos nbr10520-*.def com as definições
+%% espeçificas destas normas. Esta alteração cumpre em parte a tarefa 931.
+%% Revision 1.22 2003/07/22 16:38:32 gweber
+%% Implementada a aopção abnt-substyle=COPPE que ativa a opção de mesmo nome em
+%% abnt-option.bib e define o comando \bibtextitlecommand de acordo.
+%% Revision 1.21 2003/06/05 14:48:12 gweber
+%% Citations are now treated correctly if hyperref is loaded. This solves bugs 51 and 82
+%% which are now closed.
+%% Revision 1.20 2003/06/04 13:42:10 gweber
+%% The presence of the package hyperref is now autodetected and
+%% the citeoption abnt-url-package=hyperref is loaded. In this way
+%% whenever the user loads hyperref all url's given in the bibliografic
+%% database are shown as links and can be navigated to. Note that
+%% running as pdflatex loads hyperref also.
+%% Revision 1.19 2003/04/10 11:29:46 gweber
+%% \citenumstyle redefined to \relax instead of \large. According to
+%% the norm 6023/2000 the number label in the bibliography list is
+%% of the same font size as the remaining entry.
+%% Revision 1.18 2003/04/08 00:38:43 gweber
+%% further commands \loccit, \passim, \etseq and new behaviour of \citeauthor for num
+%% Revision 1.17 2003/04/07 12:22:55 gweber
+%% The command \hiddenbibitem was implemented. It creates an entry which
+%% does not appear in the bibliography list but creates all necessary keys
+%% for citation. This is for use with the new \apud and \apudonline commands.
+%% Further new commands: \Idem, \Ibidem, \opcit, \cfcite.
+% How this package is organized:
+% ------------------------------
+% - Implementing `search for substring'
+% - \AfterTheBibliography{} hook
+% - Options declaration (search for substring needed here)
+% alf, num (default)
+% alfantigo, experimental (default)
+% biblabel-on-margin
+% sem-bibtex (apply settings without count with code in .bbl)
+% no-abnt-option-file (in case one defines its own options file)
+% recuo (then makes bibitem indent 1.8em) (default: NO indentation)
+% recuo=<length> (sets custom indentation)
+% indent is an alias for recuo (indent or indent=<length>)
+% other options are considered "\citeoption's" (mechanism includes a
+% list that stores non defined options, and in \AtBeginDocument,
+% \citeoption acts over this list)
+% - allocing auxiliar variables
+% - \citeoption
+% Similar to \nocite, but does not complain about obviously not defined
+% citations. Intented to access options of abnTeX's bibtex styles.
+% - \bibliography
+% extra care to auto include abnt-options as bibliography database (if
+% needed)
+% - \bibliographystyle
+% if none is given, the style correspondent to the package style in
+% use (alf or num) is given.
+% - Style customization
+% \authorcapstyle, \authorstyle, \yearstyle, \optionaltextstyle
+% (detail: \authorcapstyle's default setting uses \smaller from relsize
+% package, but only if package is present.)
+% - \bibitem
+% defines action of \bibitem by its subcommands. Comatibility with old
+% abnt-alf is present.
+% - \hiddenbibitem
+% creates an empty bibliography entry buts creates all labels.
+% - \abntrefinfo
+% From the creation of abntcite, options are present as a separated
+% command. This enables compatibility with any bibtex style.
+% - \cite
+% This command depends on if the style is alf or num
+% If alf, then \cite produces (<explicit (capital)>, <year>)
+% If num, then \cite produces a superscript with [<implicit (lowercase)>]
+% - \citeonline
+% This command depends on if the style is alf or num
+% If alf, \citeonline produces <implicit (lowercase)>, (<year>)
+% If num, \citeonline then produces <implicit (lowercase)>
+% - \citeyear
+% Produces <year>
+% - \citeauthor
+% Produces <explicit (capital) author>
+% - \citeauthoronline
+% Produces <implicit (lowercase) author>
+% - \apud[comments]{First}{Second}
+% Produces a double citation: (FIRST, YEAR apud SECOND, YEAR<, comments>)
+% - \apudonline[comments]{First]{Second]
+% Produces a double citation: First (apud SECOND, YEAR<, comments>)
+% - \Idem[comments]{Author}
+% Produces: Id., YEAR<, comments>
+% - \Ibidem[comments]{Author}
+% Produces: Ibid.<, comments>
+% - \opcit[comments]{Author}
+% Produces: AUTHOR, op. cit.<, comments>
+% - \cfcite[comments]{Author}
+% Produces: Cf. AUTHOR, YEAR<, comments>
+% - implementing `recuo' (bibindent style)
+% - Macros for output sorted and compressed numerical citations
+% [9,2,3,1,4,11,7,10] becames [1--4,7,9--11]
+%\CVSExtract$Id: abntcite.sty,v 1.26 2003/10/13 09:40:41 gweber Exp $
+%\CVSPackage{abntcite}{\space Chamadas de referencias no texto (NBR10520)} %substitui \ProvidesPackage (replaces \ProvidesPackage)
+%%%%%% Options Declaration %%%%%%
+% Extracted from substr.sty (2000-06-15)
+% Copyright 2000 Harald Harders <>
+% Look at for original package
+% Commands:
+% \IfSubStringInString{substring}{string}{true part}{false part}
+% This command searches <substring> in <string> and executes the
+% <true part> if it is and else the <else part>
+% expands the first and second argument with
+% \protected@edef and calls #3 with them:
+ \protected@edef\su@SubString{#1}%
+ \protected@edef\su@String{#2}%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter#3%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\su@SubString\expandafter
+ }\expandafter{\su@String}%
+%% tests if #1 in #2. If yes execute #3, else #4
+ \su@ExpandTwoArgs{#1}{#2}\su@IfSubStringInString
+ \def\su@compare##1#1##2\@nil{%
+ \def\su@param{##2}%
+ \ifx\su@param\@empty
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \su@compare#2#1\@nil
+% alf, num: main options
+% references on page foot
+ \setboolean{ABCItextondemand}{false}}
+ \setboolean{ABCItextondemand}{true}}
+% cite text on demand (defaults depends on foot or not-foot)
+% (also recall that options are executed in order of definition at
+% \ProcessOptions)
+% compatibility with old abnt-alf.bst
+% biblabel-on-margin
+% biblabel-on-margin
+ {\setboolean{ABCIbiblabelonmargin}{true}}
+ {\setboolean{ABCIbiblabelonmargin}{false}}
+% \bibliography includes abnt-options automatically unless next option is used
+% recuo : compatibility with old norms
+% indent : an alias to recuo
+% 10520:2002 now defines only two numerical styles
+% 10520:2002 does not allow (XX) or [XX] for superscript cites
+% Incorpora o arquivo nbr10520-2002.def do abntex1
+% A norma NBR 10520:2002 removeu as opções [] e () para citações
+% em superscrito
+% Allocing variables
+% used for \@biblabel in num
+% auxiliar counters used in `sort and group' mechanism
+% Here I define a LaTeX list that will contain all options not defined
+% before.
+% A LaTeX list is a command containing a comma separated list of
+% itens. The list is processed by command \@for, as in \citeoption.
+% This command adds a string to the list.
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\citeoptionlist}{}}
+ {\edef\citeoptionlist{#1}}
+ {\edef\citeoptionlist{\citeoptionlist,#1}}
+% suporting options in a keyval style
+% recuo=<length> gives indentation of \bibitem
+% other options: passed thought \citeoption (stored now in \citeoptionlist
+% and after (in \AtBeginDocument hook) \citeoption will act on it)
+% To grab 6 letters. (recuo=)
+% To grab 7 letters. (indent=)
+ {\newcommand{\bibtextitlecommand}[2]{``#2''}%
+ \addtociteoptionlist{abnt-substyle=COPPE}}
+ \IfSubStringInString{recuo=}{\CurrentOption}
+ {\setlength{\bibindent}{\expandafter\grabsix\CurrentOption}}
+ {\IfSubStringInString{indent=}{\CurrentOption}
+ {\setlength{\bibindent}{\expandafter\grabseven\CurrentOption}}
+ {\addtociteoptionlist{\CurrentOption}}}
+\provideboolean{ABNTbackref} %By AWSS
+\@ifpackageloaded{backref}{% %By AWSS
+\setboolean{ABNTbackref}{true} %By AWSS
+}{\setboolean{ABNTbackref}{false}} %By AWSS
+% really foot?
+ {\setboolean{ABCIfoot}{true}}
+ {\setboolean{ABCIfoot}{false}}
+% Now, after all options are processed, \citeoption process the list of
+% options given as package options.
+ {}
+ {\AtBeginDocument{\citeoption{\citeoptionlist}}}
+% \citeoption - equal to \nocite (I copied source from \nocite)
+% but not complains about this option be obviously undefined
+ \@for\@citekey:=#1\do{%
+ % next line eliminates white space before citation name
+ \edef\@citekey{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citekey}%
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citekey}}\fi
+ }%
+ \@esphack%
+ \setboolean{ABCIciteoptionwasused}{true}%
+% \bibliography{list of files .bib to be processed by bibTeX}
+% I had to redefine this command such that abnt-options.bib is
+% automatically used in case that some \citeoption was given as package
+% option. An entry
+% \bibliography{abnt-options,abnt-options,..}
+% produces an error in bibTeX. So I had to check if user already
+% includes abnt-options by (him/her)self.
+% implementation:
+% \citeoption was used?
+% If YES, (abnt-options must be given to bibtex!)
+% checks for abnt-options into parameter given to \bibliography
+% if present
+% user have included, so I don't add it once more
+% not present
+% I add necessary abnt-options
+% If NO
+% no changes to \bibliography
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABCIciteoptionwasused}
+ \and\boolean{ABCIauto-abntoptions}}
+ {
+ % this system of checking is not good...
+ \IfSubStringInString{abntex2-options}{#1}
+ {\if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibdata{#1}}\fi}
+ {\if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibdata{abntex2-options,#1}}\fi}
+ }
+ {
+ \if@filesw
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibdata{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ }
+ \@input@{\jobname.bbl}}
+% The next piece of code looks if bibtexstyle is used or not, and if not,
+% includes the respective style from the abntcite mode (alf or num)
+ \ifx\@begindocumenthook\@undefined\else
+ \expandafter\AtBeginDocument
+ \fi
+ {\if@filesw
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibstyle{#1}}%
+ \fi}
+ \setboolean{ABCIbibtexstyleused}{true}
+ }
+% \AtEndDocument is the last chace for include bibliography style..
+ \ifthenelse{\not\boolean{ABCIbibtexstyleused}}
+ {\bibliographystyle{abntex2-\AbntCitetype}}
+ {}
+% relsize used in \authorcapstyle. If package not present, \smaller=\relax
+ {\RequirePackage{relsize}}
+ {\let\smaller\relax}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Style %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Implementation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% automatic care for commas inside references
+\newcommand{\ABCIcitecommadefault}{,\penalty\@m\ }
+\newcommand{\ABCIcitecolondefault}{; }%{;\penalty\@m\ }
+% How \bibitem works?
+% definition of \bibitem
+% \def\bibitem{\@ifnextchar\@lbibitem\@bibitem}
+% In the old mplementation on abnt-alf, the command \bibitem should be
+% \bibitem[{explicit}{implicit}{year}]{key}
+ % if \bibitem has optional parameter, uses it (three pieces of data
+ % stored into .aux file)
+ \def\@lbibitem[#1#2#3]#4{
+ \gdef\abntnextkey{#4}
+ \item[\@biblabel{#1}\hfill]%
+ \if@filesw
+ {
+ \let\protect\noexpand
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibcite{#4++EXPL}{#1}}
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibcite{#4++IMPL}{#2}}
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibcite{#4++YEAR}{#3}}
+ }
+ \fi%
+ \ignorespaces
+ }
+ % if no optional is used, uses a list counter (stores its value into .aux)
+ \def\@bibitem#1{
+ \gdef\abntnextkey{#1}
+ \item%
+ \if@filesw
+ {\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibcite{#1}{\the\value{\@listctr}}}}
+ \fi%
+ \ignorespaces
+ }
+{ %if normal mode (non-compatible with old alf)
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABCIfoot}}
+ {
+ % foot-num mode
+ \def\@lbibitem[#1]#2{\gdef\abntnextkey{#2}}
+ \def\@bibitem#1{\gdef\abntnextkey{#1}}
+ }
+ {
+ \def\@lbibitem[#1]#2{
+ \gdef\abntnextkey{#2}
+ \item[\@biblabel{#1}\hfill]%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNThyperref}}{%
+ \hyper@anchorstart{cite.#2}\relax\hyper@anchorend}{}%
+ \if@filesw
+ {
+ \let\protect\noexpand
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibcite{#2}{#1}}
+ }
+ \fi%
+ \ignorespaces
+ }
+ \def\@bibitem#1{
+ \gdef\abntnextkey{#1}
+ % \ifthenelse{}{\item}{\item}
+ \item%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNThyperref}}{%
+ \hyper@anchorstart{cite.#1}\relax\hyper@anchorend}{}%
+ \if@filesw
+ {\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibcite{#1}{\the\value{\@listctr}}}}
+ \fi%
+ \ignorespaces
+ }
+ }
+ \if@filesw
+ {\let\protect\noexpand
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibcite{\abntnextkey++TEXT}{#1}}}%
+ \fi}
+%we are repeating \bibcite command as defined in hyperref.sty
+%so that we have it all together at one place.
+ \@newl@bel{b}{#1}{\hyper@@link[cite]{}{cite.#1}{#2}}}%
+ \@newl@bel{b}{#1++EXPL}{\hyper@@link[cite]{}{cite.#1}{#2}}}%
+ \@newl@bel{b}{#1++IMPL}{\hyper@@link[cite]{}{cite.#1}{#2}}}%
+ \@newl@bel{b}{#1++YEAR}{\hyper@@link[cite]{}{cite.#1}{#2}}}%
+ \if@filesw
+ {%
+ \let\protect\noexpand
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNThyperref}}{%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibciteEXPL{\abntnextkey}{#1}}%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibciteIMPL{\abntnextkey}{#2}}%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibciteYEAR{\abntnextkey}{#3}}}{%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibcite{\abntnextkey++EXPL}{#1}}%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibcite{\abntnextkey++IMPL}{#2}}%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibcite{\abntnextkey++YEAR}{#3}}}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABCIfoot}}
+ {\ifthenelse{\boolean{ABCItextondemand}}
+ {\@ifundefined{ABCIdemand@\abntnextkey}
+ {\let\ABCIprocesscitetext\@gobble}
+ {\let\ABCIprocesscitetext\ABCIgetcitetext}}
+ {\let\ABCIprocesscitetext\ABCIgetcitetext}}
+ {\ifthenelse{\boolean{ABCItextondemand}}
+ {\@ifundefined{ABCIdemand@\abntnextkey}
+ {\let\ABCIprocesscitetext\relax}
+ {\let\ABCIprocesscitetext\ABCIgetcitetextecho}}
+ {\let\ABCIprocesscitetext\ABCIgetcitetextecho}}%
+ \ABCIprocesscitetext
+\newcommand{\ABCIdemand}[1]{\expandafter\gdef\csname ABCIdemand@#1\endcsname{}}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% abnt-alf %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% the next line was before \ifthenelse{\equal{\AbntCitetype}{alf}}
+\ifx\AbntCitetype\AbntCitetypeALF % if alf
+ \renewcommand{\@biblabel}[1]{}
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % \cite[optional]{list of keys}
+ %
+ % Implicit citation - author in capital letters and year;
+ % mechanism to deal with repeated names;
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \renewcommand{\@cite}[2]%
+ {\citeopen{#1\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{,
+ {\optionaltextstyle#2}}}\citeclose}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand{\cite}[2][]{%
+ %
+ \leavevmode
+ \let\@citeprevious\@empty%
+ \@cite{%
+ \@for\@citekey:=#2\do% \@citekey contains the key
+ {%
+ \edef\@citekey{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citekey\@empty}%
+ %
+ % here, a tricky \let\@citename\"b@\@citekey++IMPL"
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\@citename%
+ \csname b@\@citekey++IMPL\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\@citeyear%
+ \csname b@\@citekey++YEAR\endcsname%
+ \ifx\@citeprevious\@empty%
+ \else%
+ \ifx\@citename\@citeprevious%
+ \ABCIcitecommadefault% echoing ", "
+ \else%
+ \ABCIcitecolondefault% echoing "; "
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ % writing on aux file
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citekey}}\fi%
+ % if undefined bibitem
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citekey++IMPL}%
+ {% if undefined
+ {\bfseries??}% echoing ?
+ \G@refundefinedtrue%
+ \@latex@warning%
+ {Citation `\@citekey' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
+ }%
+ {% if already defined
+ \ifx\@citename\@citeprevious%
+ {\yearstyle\@citeyear\@}\@%
+ \else%
+ {\authorcapstyle\@citename}, %
+ {\yearstyle\@citeyear\@}%
+ \fi%
+ \let\@citeprevious\@citename%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNTbackref}}{\Hy@backout{#2}}{}% By AWSS: put backref
+ }% end for
+ }{#1}%
+ }
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % \citeonline[optional]{list of keys}
+ %
+ % Inline (explicit) citation - author in "inline style" and year;
+ % mechanism to deal with repeated names;
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \newcommand{\@citeonline}[2]%
+ {{#1\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{, {\optionaltextstyle#2}}}\citeclose}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand{\citeonline}[2][]{%
+ %
+ \leavevmode
+ \let\@citeprevious\@empty%
+ \@citeonline{%
+ \@for\@citekey:=#2\do%\@citekey contains the key
+ {%
+ \edef\@citekey{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citekey\@empty}%
+ %
+ % here, a tricky \let\@citename\"b@\@citekey++UP" :-)
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\@citename%
+ \csname b@\@citekey++EXPL\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\@citeyear%
+ \csname b@\@citekey++YEAR\endcsname%
+ \ifx\@citeprevious\@empty%
+ \else%
+ \ifx\@citename\@citeprevious%
+ \ABCIcitecommadefault% echoing ", "
+ \else%
+ \citeclose, % echoing "), "
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ % writing in aux file
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citekey}}\fi%
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citekey++EXPL}%
+ {% if undefined
+ {\bfseries??}% echoing ?
+ \G@refundefinedtrue%
+ \@latex@warning%
+ {Citation `\@citekey' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
+ }%
+ {% if really defined
+ \ifx\@citename\@citeprevious%
+ \else%
+ {\authorstyle\@citename\@{}} \citeopen%
+ \fi%
+ {\yearstyle\@citeyear\@}%
+ \let\@citeprevious\@citename%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNTbackref}}{\Hy@backout{#2}}{}% By AWSS: put backref
+ }% end for
+ }{#1}%
+ }
+ % "overcite" compatibility
+ \let\citen\citeonline
+ \let\citenum\citeonline
+% end alf
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% abnt-num %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\else % if not alf,
+ \ifABCIfoot
+ \renewenvironment{thebibliography}[1]{}{}
+ \citebrackets{}{}
+ \let\ABCIscriptfont\scriptsize
+ \renewcommand{\newblock}{}
+ \def\ABCI@cite#1#2{\raisebox{.8ex}%
+ {\ABCIscriptfont\citeopen{#1\if@tempswa, #2\fi}\citeclose}}
+ \def\ABCI@citeonline#1#2{{#1\if@tempswa, #2\fi}}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand\cite{%
+ \let\@cite\ABCI@cite%
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@tempswatrue\@citex}{\@tempswafalse\@citex[]}}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand\citeonline{%
+ \leavevmode\let\@cite\ABCI@citeonline%
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@tempswatrue\@citex}{\@tempswafalse\@citex[]}}
+ \def\@citex[#1]#2{%
+ \def\@safe@activesfalse{}%
+ \ABCIinitcitecomma%
+ \def\ABCIcitelist{}%
+ \def\ABCIaftercitex{}% to put the footnotes
+ \@cite{%
+ \@for\@citeb:=#2\do%
+ {%
+ \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb\@empty}%
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citeb}}\fi%
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb++IMPL}%
+ {%
+ {\bfseries??}%
+ \G@refundefinedtrue%
+ \@latex@warning%
+ {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb}
+ {%
+ \stepcounter{footnote}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname{\thefootnote}%
+ \ABCItoken=\expandafter{\ABCIaftercitex}%
+ \xdef\ABCIaftercitex%
+ {\the\ABCItoken\noexpand\footnotetext%
+ {\noexpand\citetext{\@citeb}}}%
+ }
+ {}%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\ABCIcitation%
+ \csname b@\@citeb\endcsname%
+ % test for positive number
+ \ifcat _\ifnum\z@<0\ABCIcitation _\else A\fi
+ \ABCIaddtocitelist{\ABCIcitation}%
+ \else% else \ifcat
+ \ABCIcitecomma\hbox{\ABCIcitation}%
+ \fi% end \ifcat
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ABCIoutputgroupedcitelist%
+ }{#1}%
+ \ABCIaftercitex%
+ }
+ \newcommand{\citeifnotcited}[1]{%
+ \def\ABCIcitelist{}%
+ \@for\@citeb:=#1\do%
+ {%
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb}
+ {\ABCIaddtocitelist{\@citeb}}
+ {}%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\cite\expandafter{\ABCIcitelist}%
+ }
+ \newcommand{\citeonlineifnotcited}[1]{%
+ \def\ABCIcitelist{}%
+ \@for\@citeb:=#1\do%
+ {%
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb}
+ {\ABCIaddtocitelist{\@citeb}}
+ {}%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\citeonline\expandafter{\ABCIcitelist}%
+ }
+ \newcommand{\ABCIaddtocitelist}[1]{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\ABCIcitelist}{}}%
+ {\edef\ABCIcitelist{#1}}
+ {\edef\ABCIcitelist{\ABCIcitelist,#1}}%
+ }%
+ \newcommand{\ifcited}[3]{\@ifundefined{b@#1}{#3}{#2}}
+ \else % if num and NOT foot
+ % this only works with proper settings in \ABCIthebibliformat
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABCIbiblabelonmargin}}
+ {
+ \renewcommand{\@biblabel}[1]%
+ {\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{{\citenumstyle #1\hspace{\biblabelsep}}}}
+ }
+ {
+ \renewcommand{\@biblabel}[1]%
+ {%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}
+ {}
+ {%
+ \def\biblabeltext{{\citenumstyle #1\hspace{\biblabelsep}}}%
+ \settowidth{\ABCIauxlen}{\biblabeltext}%
+ \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\ABCIauxlen<\minimumbiblabelwidth}}
+ {\setlength{\ABCIauxlen}{\minimumbiblabelwidth-\ABCIauxlen}}
+ {\setlength{\ABCIauxlen}{0cm}}%
+ {\biblabeltext\hspace{\ABCIauxlen}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }
+ \let\ABCIscriptfont\scriptsize
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNTovercite}}{%
+ \def\ABCI@cite#1#2{\raisebox{1ex}%
+ {\ABCIscriptfont\citeopen{#1\if@tempswa, #2\fi}\citeclose}}}{%
+ \def\ABCI@cite#1#2{\citeopen{#1\if@tempswa, #2\fi}\citeclose}}
+ \def\ABCI@citeonline#1#2{{#1\if@tempswa, #2\fi}}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand\cite{%
+ \let\@cite\ABCI@cite%
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@tempswatrue\@citex}{\@tempswafalse\@citex[]}}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand\citeonline{%
+ \leavevmode\let\@cite\ABCI@citeonline%
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@tempswatrue\@citex}{\@tempswafalse\@citex[]}}
+% \renewcommand{\@openbib@code}%
+% {\setlength{\leftmargin}{0pt}\addtolength{\itemindent}{\labelsep}}
+ \def\@citex[#1]#2{%
+ \def\@safe@activesfalse{}%
+ \ABCIinitcitecomma%
+ \def\ABCIcitelist{}%
+ \@cite{%
+ \@for\@citeb:=#2\do%
+ {%
+ \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb\@empty}%
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citeb}}\fi%
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb}%
+ {%
+ {\bfseries??}%
+ \G@refundefinedtrue%
+ \@latex@warning%
+ {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\ABCIcitation%
+ \csname b@\@citeb\endcsname%
+ % test for positive number
+ \ifcat _\ifnum\z@<0\ABCIcitation _\else A\fi
+ \ABCIaddtocitelist{\ABCIcitation}%
+ \else% else \ifcat
+ \ABCIcitecomma\hbox{\ABCIcitation}%
+ \fi% end \ifcat
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ABCIoutputgroupedcitelist%
+ }{#1}%
+ }
+ \newcommand{\ABCIaddtocitelist}[1]{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\ABCIcitelist}{}}%
+ {\edef\ABCIcitelist{#1}}
+ {\edef\ABCIcitelist{\ABCIcitelist,#1}}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+\fi % end if alf
+% \citeyear{list of keys}
+% Citation by year
+% \let\@safe@activesfalse\@empty%
+ \leavevmode
+ \let\@citeprevious\@empty%
+ \@for\@citekey:=#1\do %\@citekey contains the key
+ {%
+% \edef\@citekey{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citekey\@empty}%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\@citename%
+ \csname b@\@citekey++YEAR\endcsname%
+ %compare previous name with current name and decide the punctuation marks
+ %if first use do nothing
+ \ifx\@citeprevious\@empty%
+ \else%
+ , % echoing ",
+ \fi%
+ % writing on aux file
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citekey}}\fi%
+ % if undefined bibitem
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citekey++YEAR}%
+ {% if undefined
+ {\bfseries??}% echoing ?
+ \G@refundefinedtrue%
+ \@latex@warning%
+ {Citation `\@citekey' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
+ }%
+ {% if already defined
+ \ifx\@citename\@citeprevious%
+ \else%
+ {\@citename\@}%
+ \fi%
+ \let\@citeprevious\@citename%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNTbackref}}{\Hy@backout{#1}}{}% By AWSS: put backref
+ }% end for
+% \citeauthor{list of keys}
+% Implicit citation (capital letters)
+% \let\@safe@activesfalse\@empty%
+ \leavevmode
+ \let\@citeprevious\@empty%
+ \@for\@citekey:=#1\do %\@citekey contains the key
+ {%
+% \edef\@citekey{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citekey\@empty}%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\@citename\csname b@\@citekey++IMPL\endcsname%
+ % writing on aux file
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citekey}}\fi%
+ % if undefined bibitem
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citekey++IMPL}%
+ {% if undefined
+ {\bfseries??}%
+ \G@refundefinedtrue%
+ \@latex@warning%
+ {Citation `\@citekey' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
+ }%
+ {% if already defined
+ \ifx\@citename\@citeprevious%
+ \else%
+ \ifx\@citeprevious\@empty%
+ \else%
+ ; % echoing "; "
+ \fi%
+ {\authorcapstyle\@citename\@}%
+ \fi%
+ \let\@citeprevious\@citename%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNTbackref}}{\Hy@backout{#1}}{}% By AWSS: put backref
+ }% end for
+% \citeauthoronline{list of keys}
+% Explicit citation (non capital letter)
+% \let\@safe@activesfalse\@empty%
+ \leavevmode
+ \let\@citeprevious\@empty%
+ \@for\@citekey:=#1\do %\@citekey contains the key
+ {%
+% \edef\@citekey{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citekey\@empty}%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\@citename\csname b@\@citekey++EXPL\endcsname%
+ % writing on aux file
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citekey}}\fi%
+ % if undefined bibitem
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citekey++EXPL}%
+ {% if undefined
+ {\bfseries??}%
+ \G@refundefinedtrue%
+ \@latex@warning%
+ {Citation `\@citekey' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
+ }%
+ {% if already defined
+ \ifx\@citename\@citeprevious%
+ \else%
+ \ifx\@citeprevious\@empty%
+ \else%
+ ; % echoing "; "
+ \fi%
+ {\authorstyle\@citename\@}%
+ \fi%
+ \let\@citeprevious\@citename%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNTbackref}}{\Hy@backout{#1}}{}% By AWSS: put backref
+ }% end for
+% \citetext{list of keys}
+% Text of the reference
+% \let\@safe@activesfalse\@empty%
+ \leavevmode
+ \let\@citeprevious\@empty%
+ \@for\@citekey:=#1\do %\@citekey contains the key
+ {%
+% \edef\@citekey{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citekey\@empty}%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\@citename\csname b@\@citekey++TEXT\endcsname%
+ % writing on aux file
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citekey}}\fi%
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\ABCIdemand{\@citekey}}\fi%
+ % if undefined bibitem
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citekey++TEXT}%
+ {% if undefined
+ {\bfseries??}%
+ \G@refundefinedtrue%
+ \@latex@warning%
+ {Citation `\@citekey' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
+ }%
+ {% if already defined
+ \ifx\@citename\@citeprevious%
+ \else%
+ \relax
+ \ifx\@citeprevious\@empty%
+ \else%
+ ; % echoing "; "
+ \fi%
+ {\@citename}%
+ \fi%
+ \let\@citeprevious\@citename%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNTbackref}}{\Hy@backout{#1}}{}% By AWSS: put backref
+ }% end for
+% Setting up `recuo' (=indent in Portuguese)
+% To ensure that the margin settings of this package works, \leftmargin
+% (inside thebibliography) must be 0cm. \@openbib@code is a hook inside
+% thebibliography.
+% adding things after \begin{thebibliography}{}
+% \AfterTheBibliography{} hook
+ \ABCItoken=\expandafter{\ABCIthebiblihook}
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\ABCIthebiblihook\expandafter{\the\ABCItoken#1}
+ {}
+ {\AfterTheBibliography{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 2cm}}}
+ {% mode alf
+ \newcommand{\ABCIthebibliformat}{
+ \setlength{\leftskip}{\bibindent}
+ \setlength{\labelwidth}{0cm}
+ \setlength{\labelsep}{0cm}
+ \setlength{\itemindent}{-\bibindent}
+ \setlength{\listparindent}{0cm}
+ \ABCIthebiblihook
+ }
+ }
+ {% mode num
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABCIbiblabelonmargin}}
+ {
+ \newcommand{\ABCIthebibliformat}{
+ \setlength{\leftskip}{\bibindent}
+ \setlength{\labelwidth}{10cm}
+ \setlength{\labelsep}{0cm}
+ \setlength{\itemindent}{-\bibindent}
+ \setlength{\listparindent}{0cm}
+ \setlength{\biblabelsep}{1.5ex}
+ \ABCIthebiblihook
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ \newcommand{\ABCIthebibliformat}{
+ \setlength{\leftskip}{\bibindent}
+ \setlength{\labelwidth}{0cm}
+ \setlength{\labelsep}{0cm}
+ \setlength{\itemindent}{-\bibindent}
+ \setlength{\listparindent}{0cm}
+ \setlength{\minimumbiblabelwidth}{\leftskip}
+ \ABCIthebiblihook
+ }
+ \AfterTheBibliography{
+ \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\minimumbiblabelwidth=0pt}}
+ {\setlength{\biblabelsep}{1.8ex}}
+ {\setlength{\biblabelsep}{1ex}}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+% Macros for output sorted and compressed numerical citations %
+% Store to maximum of a given list to the counter "ABCImax"
+ \setcounter{ABCImax}{0}%
+ \@for\ABCIaux:=#1\do%
+ {%
+ \setcounter{ABCIaux}{\ABCIaux}%
+ \ifnum \value{ABCIaux}>\value{ABCImax}%
+ \setcounter{ABCImax}{\value{ABCIaux}}%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+% It takes a command containing a comma separeted list of
+% positive numbers and redefines the original command with
+% the list without its maximum element.
+ \maximuminlist{#1}%
+ \let\ABCItemplist#1%
+ \def#1{}%
+ \def\ABCIcomma{}%
+ \@for\ABCIaux:=\ABCItemplist\do%
+ {%
+ \ifnum\ABCIaux<\value{ABCImax}%
+ \edef#1{#1\ABCIcomma\ABCIaux}%
+ \def\ABCIcomma{,}%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+% It requires a command containing a comma separeted list of
+% positive numbers. It redefines that command with the same
+% list, but sorted.
+ \edef\ABCItempslist{#1}%
+ \def#1{}%
+ \def\ABCIcomma{}%
+ \whiledo{\not\equal{\ABCItempslist}{}}%
+ {%
+ \maximuminlist{\ABCItempslist}%
+ \edef#1{\arabic{ABCImax}\ABCIcomma#1}%
+ \def\ABCIcomma{,}%
+ \ABCIlistwithoutmaximum{\ABCItempslist}%
+ }%
+% \ifconsecutive{num1}{num2}{block1}{block2}
+% executes block1 if num1 = num2+1 and block2 otherwise.
+ \@tempcnta#1%
+ \@tempcntb#2%
+ \advance\@tempcntb 1 %
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta=\@tempcntb#3\else#4\fi%
+% It sorts and outputs in grouped way the list \ABCIcitelist generated in
+% \cite when in `num' mode.
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\ABCIcitelist}{}}%
+ {}%
+ {%
+ \ABCIsortlist{\ABCIcitelist}%
+ \setcounter{ABCIaux}{0}%
+ \@for \ABCIaux:=\ABCIcitelist\do%
+ {%
+ \ifthenelse{\value{ABCIaux}=0}%
+ {%
+ \let\ABCIfirst\ABCIaux%
+ \let\ABCIlast\ABCIaux%
+ \setcounter{ABCIaux}{1}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \ifconsecutive{\ABCIaux}{\ABCIlast}%
+ {%
+ \let\ABCIlast\ABCIaux%
+ \addtocounter{ABCIaux}{1}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \ifthenelse{\value{ABCIaux}=1}%
+ {%
+ \ABCIcitecomma\ABCIfirst%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \ifthenelse{\value{ABCIaux}=2}%
+ {%
+ \ABCIcitecomma\ABCIfirst%
+ \ABCIcitecomma\ABCIlast%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \ABCIcitecomma\ABCIfirst--\ABCIlast%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \let\ABCIfirst\ABCIaux%
+ \let\ABCIlast\ABCIaux%
+ \setcounter{ABCIaux}{1}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\value{ABCIaux}=1}%
+ {%
+ \ABCIcitecomma\ABCIfirst%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \ifthenelse{\value{ABCIaux}=2}%
+ {%
+ \ABCIcitecomma\ABCIfirst%
+ \ABCIcitecomma\ABCIlast%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \ABCIcitecomma\ABCIfirst--\ABCIlast%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+\newcommand{\opcitname}{op.\ cit.}
+\newcommand{\loccitname}{loc.\ cit.}
+\newcommand{\etseqname}{et seq.}
+\newcommand{\apud}[3][]{(\citeauthor{#2}, \citeyear{#2} \apudname\ %
+\citeauthor{#3}, \citeyear{#3}%
+\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1})}
+\newcommand{\apudonline}[3][]{\citeauthoronline{#2} (\apudname\ %
+\citeauthor{#3}, \citeyear{#3}%
+\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1})}
+\newcommand{\Idem}[2][]{\Idemname, \citeyear{#2}%
+\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1}}
+\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1}}
+\newcommand{\opcit}[2][]{\citeauthor{#2}, \opcitname%
+\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1}}
+\newcommand{\passim}[2][]{\citeauthor{#2}, \citeyear{#2}%
+\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1}, \passimname}
+\newcommand{\loccit}[2][]{\citeauthor{#2}, \citeyear{#2}%
+\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1}, \loccitname}
+\newcommand{\cfcite}[2][]{\cfcitename\ \citeauthor{#2}, \citeyear{#2}%
+\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1}}
+\newcommand{\etseq}[2][]{\citeauthor{#2}, \citeyear{#2}%
+\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1}, \etseqname}