path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/toks-scn.lua
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2016-04-22 22:14:39 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2016-04-22 22:14:39 +0000
commitfc4466b32ed330a956ac603b00fd145524cff49a (patch)
tree2c50e2b8de13aa9233b2c76dffe201558f169e86 /Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/toks-scn.lua
parent50e2368597d5f6fe2057195d0ae6a9f2044923e4 (diff)
context (22apr16)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/toks-scn.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 437 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/toks-scn.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/toks-scn.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 84924c69419..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/toks-scn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['toks-scn'] = {
- version = 1.001,
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
--- Writing this kind of code (and completing the newtoken code base) is fun. I did
--- so with the brilliant film music from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo running in a
--- loop in the background (three cd's by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross). An alien
--- feeling helps with alien code.
--- todo: more \let's at the tex end
-local type, next, tostring, tonumber = type, next, tostring, tonumber
-local formatters = string.formatters
-local concat = table.concat
-local scanners = tokens.scanners
-local tokenbits = tokens.bits
-local scanstring = scanners.string
-local scaninteger = scanners.integer
-local scannumber = scanners.number
-local scankeyword = scanners.keyword
-local scanword = scanners.word
-local scancode = scanners.code
-local scanboolean = scanners.boolean
-local scandimen = scanners.dimen
-local todimen = number.todimen
-local toboolean = toboolean
-local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
-local p_unquoted = lpeg.Cs(lpeg.patterns.unquoted)
-local trace_compile = false trackers.register("tokens.compile", function(v) trace_compile = v end)
-local report_compile = logs.reporter("tokens","compile")
-local report_scan = logs.reporter("tokens","scan")
-local open =
-local close = tokenbits.close
-local function scanopen()
- while true do
- local c = scancode(open)
- if c == 123 then
- return true
- -- elseif c ~= 32 then
- elseif not c then
- return
- end
- end
-local function scanclose()
- while true do
- local c = scancode(close)
- if c == 125 then
- return true
- -- elseif c ~= 32 then
- elseif not c then
- return
- end
- end
-scanners.scanopen = scanopen
-scanners.scanclose = scanclose
-local function scanlist()
- local wrapped = scanopen()
- local list = { }
- local size = 0
- while true do
- local entry = scanstring()
- if entry then
- size = size + 1
- list[size] = entry
- else
- break
- end
- end
- if wrapped then
- scanclose()
- end
- return list
-local function scanconditional()
- local kw = scanword()
- if kw == "true" then
- return true
- end
- if kw == "false" then
- return false
- end
- local c = scaninteger()
- if c then
- return c == 0 -- with a conditional 0=true
- end
- return nil
-scanners.list = scanlist
-scanners.conditional = scanconditional
-local shortcuts = {
- tokens = tokens,
- bits = tokenbits,
- open = open,
- close = close,
- scanners = scanners,
- scanstring = scanstring,
- scaninteger = scaninteger,
- scannumber = scannumber,
- scankeyword = scankeyword,
- scanword = scanword,
- scancode = scancode,
- scanboolean = scanboolean,
- scandimen = scandimen,
- scandimension = scandimen,
- scanconditional = scanconditional,
- scanopen = scanopen,
- scanclose = scanclose,
- scanlist = scanlist,
- todimen = todimen,
- tonumber = tonumber,
- tostring = tostring,
- toboolean = toboolean,
- inspect = inspect,
- report = report_scan,
-tokens.shortcuts = shortcuts
-local load = load
-local dump = string.dump
-local function loadstripped(code)
- return load(code,nil,nil,shortcuts)
- -- return load(dump(load(code),true),nil,nil,shortcuts)
-tokens.converters = {
- tonumber = "tonumber",
- tostring = "tostring",
- toboolean = "toboolean",
- todimen = "todimen",
- toglue = "todimen",
-local f_if = formatters[ " if scankeyword('%s') then data['%s'] = scan%s()"]
-local f_elseif = formatters[" elseif scankeyword('%s') then data['%s'] = scan%s()"]
-local f_local = formatters["local scan%s = scanners.%s"]
-local f_scan = formatters["scan%s()"]
-local f_shortcut = formatters["local %s = scanners.converters.%s"]
-local f_if_c = formatters[ " if scankeyword('%s') then data['%s'] = %s(scan%s())"]
-local f_elseif_c = formatters[" elseif scankeyword('%s') then data['%s'] = %s(scan%s())"]
-local f_scan_c = formatters["%s(scan%s())"]
-local f_any = formatters[" else local key = scanword() if key then data[key] = scan%s() else break end end"]
-local f_any_c = formatters[" else local key = scanword() if key then data[key] = %s(scan%s()) else break end end"]
-local s_done = " else break end"
-local f_any_all = formatters[" local key = scanword() if key then data[key] = scan%s() else break end"]
-local f_any_all_c= formatters[" local key = scanword() if key then data[key] = %s(scan%s()) else break end"]
-local f_table = formatters["%\nt\nreturn function()\n local data = { }\n%s\n return %s\nend\n"]
-local f_sequence = formatters["%\nt\n%\nt\n%\nt\nreturn function()\n return %s\nend\n"]
-local f_simple = formatters["%\nt\nreturn function()\n return %s\nend\n"]
-local f_string = formatters["%q"]
-local f_action_f = formatters["action%s(%s)"]
-local f_action_s = formatters["local action%s = tokens._action[%s]"]
-local f_nested = formatters["local function scan%s()\n local data = { }\n%s\n return data\nend\n"]
--- local f_check = formatters[ [[
--- local wrapped = false
--- while true do
--- local c = scancode(open)
--- if c == 123 then
--- wrapped = true
--- break
--- elseif c ~= 32 then
--- break
--- end
--- end
--- while true do
--- ]] .. "%\nt\n" .. [[
--- %s
--- end
--- if wrapped then
--- while true do
--- local c = scancode(close)
--- if c == 125 then
--- break
--- elseif c ~= 32 then
--- break
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- ]] ]
-local f_check = formatters[ [[
- local wrapped = scanopen()
- while true do
- ]] .. "%\nt\n" .. [[
- %s
- end
- if wrapped then
- scanclose()
- end
-]] ]
-function tokens.compile(specification)
- local f = { }
- local n = 0
- local c = { }
- local t = specification.arguments or specification
- local a = specification.actions or nil
- if type(a) == "function" then
- a = { a }
- end
- local code
- local function compile(t,nested)
- local done = s_done
- local r = { }
- local m = 0
- for i=1,#t do
- local ti = t[i]
- if ti == "*" and i == 1 then
- done = f_any_all("string")
- else
- local t1 = ti[1]
- local t2 = ti[2] or "string"
- if type(t2) == "table" then
- n = n + 1
- f[n] = compile(t2,n)
- t2 = n
- end
- local t3 = ti[3]
- if type(t3) == "function" then
- -- todo: also create shortcut
- elseif t3 then
- c[t3] = f_shortcut(t3,t3)
- if t1 == "*" then
- if i == 1 then
- done = f_any_all_c(t3,t2)
- break
- else
- done = f_any_c(t3,t2)
- end
- else
- m = m + 1
- r[m] = (m > 1 and f_elseif_c or f_if_c)(t1,t1,t3,t2)
- end
- else
- if t1 == "*" then
- if i == 1 then
- done = f_any_all(t2)
- break
- else
- done = f_any(t2)
- end
- else
- m = m + 1
- r[m] = (m > 1 and f_elseif or f_if )(t1,t1,t2)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local c = f_check(r,done)
- if nested then
- return f_nested(nested,c)
- else
- return c
- end
- end
- local tt = type(t)
- if tt == "string" then
- if a then
- local s = lpegmatch(p_unquoted,t)
- if s and t ~= s then
- code = t
- else
- code = f_scan(t)
- end
- tokens._action = a
- for i=1,#a do
- code = f_action_f(i,code)
- f[#f+1] = f_action_s(i,i)
- end
- code = f_simple(f,code)
- else
- return scanners[t]
- end
- elseif tt ~= "table" then
- return
- elseif #t == 1 then
- local ti = t[1]
- if type(ti) == "table" then
- ti = compile(ti)
- code = "data"
- if a then
- tokens._action = a
- for i=1,#a do
- code = f_action_f(i,code)
- f[#f+1] = f_action_s(i,i)
- end
- end
- code = f_table(f,ti,code)
- elseif a then
- code = f_scan(ti)
- tokens._action = a
- for i=1,#a do
- code = f_action_f(i,code)
- f[#f+1] = f_action_s(i,i)
- end
- code = f_simple(f,code)
- else
- return scanners[ti]
- end
- else
- local r = { }
- local p = { }
- local m = 0
- for i=1,#t do
- local ti = t[i]
- local tt = type(ti)
- if tt == "table" then
- if ti[1] == "_constant_" then
- local v = ti[2]
- if type(v) == "string" then
- r[i] = f_string(v)
- else
- r[i] = tostring(v)
- end
- else
- m = m + 1
- p[m] = compile(ti,100+m)
- r[i] = f_scan(100+m)
- end
- elseif tt == "number" then
- r[i] = tostring(ti)
- elseif tt == "boolean" then
- r[i] = tostring(ti)
- else
- local s = lpegmatch(p_unquoted,ti)
- if s and ti ~= s then
- r[i] = ti -- a string, given as "'foo'" or '"foo"'
- elseif scanners[ti] then
- r[i] = f_scan(ti)
- else
- report_compile("unknown scanner %a",ti)
- r[i] = ti
- end
- end
- end
- code = concat(r,",")
- if a then
- tokens._action = a
- for i=1,#a do
- code = f_action_f(i,code)
- f[#f+1] = f_action_s(i,i)
- end
- end
- code = f_sequence(c,f,p,code)
- end
- if not code then
- return
- end
- if trace_compile then
- report_compile("code: %s",code)
- end
- local code, message = loadstripped(code)
- if code then
- code = code() -- sets action
- else
- report_compile("error in code: %s",code)
- report_compile("error message: %s",message)
- end
- if a then
- tokens._action = nil
- end
- if code then
- return code
- end
--- local fetch = tokens.compile {
--- "string",
--- "string",
--- {
--- { "data", "string" },
--- { "tab", "string" },
--- { "method", "string" },
--- { "foo", {
--- { "method", "integer" },
--- { "compact", "number" },
--- { "nature" },
--- { "*" }, -- any key
--- } },
--- { "compact", "string", "tonumber" },
--- { "nature", "boolean" },
--- { "escape", "string" },
--- { "escape" },
--- }
--- "boolean",
--- }
--- os.exit()
-function tokens.scantable(t,data)
- if not data then
- data = { }
- end
- local wrapped = scanopen()
- while true do
- local key = scanword()
- if key then
- local get = t[key]
- if get then
- data[key] = get()
- else
- -- catch all we can get
- end
- else
- break
- end
- end
- if wrapped then
- scanclose()
- end
- return data