path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-doc.lua
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authorKarl Berry <>2016-04-22 22:14:39 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2016-04-22 22:14:39 +0000
commitfc4466b32ed330a956ac603b00fd145524cff49a (patch)
tree2c50e2b8de13aa9233b2c76dffe201558f169e86 /Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-doc.lua
parent50e2368597d5f6fe2057195d0ae6a9f2044923e4 (diff)
context (22apr16)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-doc.lua')
1 files changed, 1135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-doc.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-doc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..885e2de0ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-doc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1135 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['strc-doc'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to strc-doc.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- todo: associate counter with head
+-- we need to better split the lua/tex end
+-- we need to freeze and document this module
+-- keep this as is:
+-- in section titles by default a zero aborts, so there we need: sectionset=bagger with \definestructureprefixset [bagger] [section-2,section-4] []
+-- in lists however zero's are ignored, so there numbersegments=2:4 gives result
+local next, type, tonumber, select = next, type, tonumber, select
+local format, gsub, find, gmatch, match = string.format, string.gsub, string.find, string.gmatch, string.match
+local concat, fastcopy, insert, remove = table.concat, table.fastcopy, table.insert, table.remove
+local max, min = math.max, math.min
+local allocate, mark, accesstable =,, utilities.tables.accesstable
+local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
+local lpegmatch, P, C = lpeg.match, lpeg.P, lpeg.C
+local catcodenumbers = catcodes.numbers
+local ctxcatcodes = catcodenumbers.ctxcatcodes
+local variables = interfaces.variables
+local implement = interfaces.implement
+local v_last = variables.last
+local v_first = variables.first
+local v_previous = variables.previous
+local v_next =
+local v_auto =
+local v_strict = variables.strict
+local v_all = variables.all
+local v_positive = variables.positive
+local v_by =
+local trace_sectioning = false trackers.register("structures.sectioning", function(v) trace_sectioning = v end)
+local trace_detail = false trackers.register("structures.detail", function(v) trace_detail = v end)
+local report_structure = logs.reporter("structure","sectioning")
+local context = context
+local commands = commands
+local structures = structures
+local helpers = structures.helpers
+local documents = structures.documents
+local sections = structures.sections
+local lists = structures.lists
+local counters = structures.counters
+local sets = structures.sets
+local tags = structures.tags
+local processors = typesetters.processors
+local applyprocessor = processors.apply
+local startapplyprocessor = processors.startapply
+local stopapplyprocessor = processors.stopapply
+local strippedprocessor = processors.stripped
+local convertnumber = converters.convert
+local a_internal = attributes.private('internal')
+local ctx_convertnumber = context.convertnumber
+local ctx_sprint = context.sprint
+local ctx_finalizeauto = context.finalizeautostructurelevel
+-- -- -- document -- -- --
+local data -- the current state
+function documents.initialize()
+ data = allocate { -- whole data is marked
+ numbers = { },
+ forced = { },
+ ownnumbers = { },
+ status = { },
+ checkers = { },
+ depth = 0,
+ blocks = { },
+ block = "",
+ }
+ = data
+function documents.reset()
+ data.numbers = { }
+ data.forced = { }
+ data.ownnumbers = { }
+ data.status = { }
+ -- data.checkers = { }
+ data.depth = 0
+-- -- -- components -- -- --
+function documents.preset(numbers)
+ local nofnumbers = #numbers
+ local ownnumbers = { }
+ data.numbers = numbers
+ data.ownnumbers = ownnumbers
+ data.depth = nofnumbers
+ for i=1,nofnumbers do
+ ownnumbers[i] = ""
+ end
+ sections.setnumber(nofnumbers,"-1")
+-- -- -- sections -- -- --
+-- This is just a quick way to have access to prefixes and the numbers (section entry in a ref)
+-- is not the list entry. An alternative is to use the list index of the last numbered section. In
+-- that case we should check a buse of the current structure.
+local collected = allocate()
+local tobesaved = allocate()
+sections.collected = collected
+sections.tobesaved = tobesaved
+-- local function initializer()
+-- collected = sections.collected
+-- tobesaved = sections.tobesaved
+-- end
+-- job.register('structures.sections.collected', tobesaved, initializer)
+sections.registered = sections.registered or allocate()
+local registered = sections.registered
+storage.register("structures/sections/registered", registered, "structures.sections.registered")
+local function update(name,level,section)
+ for k, v in next, registered do
+ if k ~= name and v.coupling == name then
+ report_structure("updating section level %a to level of %a",k,name)
+ context.doredefinehead(k,name)
+ update(k,level,section)
+ end
+ end
+function sections.register(name,specification)
+ registered[name] = specification
+ local level = specification.level
+ local section = specification.section
+ update(name,level,section)
+function sections.currentid()
+ return #tobesaved
+local lastsaved = 0
+-- local sectionnumber = helpers.simplify(section.sectiondata) -- maybe done earlier
+ local numberdata = sectiondata.numberdata
+ local ntobesaved = #tobesaved
+ if not numberdata or sectiondata.metadata.nolist then
+ -- stay
+ else
+ ntobesaved = ntobesaved + 1
+ tobesaved[ntobesaved] = numberdata
+ if not collected[ntobesaved] then
+ collected[ntobesaved] = numberdata
+ end
+ end
+ lastsaved = ntobesaved
+ return ntobesaved
+function sections.currentsectionindex()
+ return lastsaved -- only for special controlled situations
+function sections.load()
+ setmetatableindex(collected,nil)
+ local lists = lists.collected
+ for i=1,#lists do
+ local list = lists[i]
+ local metadata = list.metadata
+ if metadata and metadata.kind == "section" and not metadata.nolist then
+ local numberdata = list.numberdata
+ if numberdata then
+ collected[#collected+1] = numberdata
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ sections.load = functions.dummy
+table.setmetatableindex(collected, function(t,i)
+ sections.load()
+ return collected[i] or { }
+sections.verbose = true
+local sectionblockdata = sections.sectionblockdata or { }
+sections.sectionblockdata = sectionblockdata
+local levelmap = sections.levelmap or { }
+sections.levelmap = levelmap
+levelmap.block = -1
+storage.register("structures/sections/levelmap", sections.levelmap, "structures.sections.levelmap")
+function sections.setlevel(name,level) -- level can be number or parent (=string)
+ local l = tonumber(level)
+ if not l then
+ l = levelmap[level]
+ end
+ if l and l > 0 then
+ levelmap[name] = l
+ else
+ -- error
+ end
+function sections.getlevel(name)
+ return levelmap[name] or 0
+function sections.setblock(name,settings)
+ local block = name or data.block or "unknown" -- can be used to set the default
+ data.block = block
+ sectionblockdata[block] = settings
+ return block
+local jobvariables = job.variables
+local pushed_order = { }
+local pushed_done = { }
+jobvariables.tobesaved.sectionblockorder = pushed_order
+-- function sections.order()
+-- return jobvariables.collected.sectionblockorder or pushed_order -- so we have a first pass list too
+-- end
+function sections.setinitialblock(default)
+ local order = jobvariables.collected.sectionblockorder or pushed_order
+ local name = #order > 0 and order[1] or default or "bodypart"
+ context.setsectionblock { name }
+ -- interfaces.setmacro("currentsectionblock",name)
+ -- sections.setblock(name,{})
+function sections.pushblock(name,settings)
+ counters.check(0) -- we assume sane usage of \page between blocks
+ local block = name or data.block
+ insert(data.blocks,block)
+ data.block = block
+ sectionblockdata[block] = settings
+ documents.reset()
+ if not pushed_done[name] then
+ pushed_done[name] = true
+ local nofpushed = #pushed_order + 1
+ pushed_order[nofpushed] = name
+ end
+ return block
+function sections.popblock()
+ local block = remove(data.blocks) or data.block
+ data.block = block
+ documents.reset()
+ return block
+local function getcurrentblock()
+ return data.block or data.blocks[#data.blocks] or "unknown"
+sections.currentblock = getcurrentblock
+function sections.currentlevel()
+ return data.depth
+function sections.getcurrentlevel()
+ context(data.depth)
+local saveset = { } -- experiment, see sections/tricky-001.tex
+function sections.setentry(given)
+ -- old number
+ local numbers = data.numbers
+ --
+ local metadata = given.metadata
+ local numberdata = given.numberdata
+ local references = given.references
+ local directives = given.directives
+ local userdata = given.userdata
+ if not metadata then
+ metadata = { }
+ given.metadata = metadata
+ end
+ if not numberdata then
+ numberdata = { }
+ given.numberdata = numberdata
+ end
+ if not references then
+ references = { }
+ given.references = references
+ end
+ local ownnumbers = data.ownnumbers
+ local forced = data.forced
+ local status = data.status
+ local olddepth = data.depth
+ local givenname =
+ local mappedlevel = levelmap[givenname]
+ local newdepth = tonumber(mappedlevel or (olddepth > 0 and olddepth) or 1) -- hm, levelmap only works for section-*
+ local resetset = directives and directives.resetset or ""
+ -- local resetter = sets.getall("structure:resets",data.block,resetset)
+ -- a trick to permit userdata to overload title, ownnumber and reference
+ -- normally these are passed as argument but nowadays we provide several
+ -- interfaces (we need this because we want to be compatible)
+ if trace_detail then
+ report_structure("name %a, mapped level %a, old depth %a, new depth %a, reset set %a",
+ givenname,mappedlevel,olddepth,newdepth,resetset)
+ end
+ if userdata then
+ -- kind of obsolete as we can pass them directly anyway ... NEEDS CHECKING !
+ if userdata.reference and userdata.reference ~= "" then given.metadata.reference = userdata.reference ; userdata.reference = nil end
+ if userdata.ownnumber and userdata.ownnumber ~= "" then given.numberdata.ownnumber = userdata.ownnumber ; userdata.ownnumber = nil end
+ if userdata.title and userdata.title ~= "" then given.titledata.title = userdata.title ; userdata.title = nil end
+ if userdata.bookmark and userdata.bookmark ~= "" then given.titledata.bookmark = userdata.bookmark ; userdata.bookmark = nil end
+ if userdata.label and userdata.label ~= "" then given.titledata.label = userdata.label ; userdata.label = nil end
+ end
+ -- so far for the trick
+ if saveset then
+ saveset[newdepth] = (resetset ~= "" and resetset) or saveset[newdepth] or ""
+ end
+ if newdepth > olddepth then
+ for i=olddepth+1,newdepth do
+ local s = tonumber(sets.get("structure:resets",data.block,saveset and saveset[i] or resetset,i))
+ if trace_detail then
+ report_structure("new depth %s, old depth %s, reset set %a, reset value %a, current %a",olddepth,newdepth,resetset,s,numbers[i])
+ end
+ if not s or s == 0 then
+ numbers[i] = numbers[i] or 0
+ ownnumbers[i] = ownnumbers[i] or ""
+ else
+ numbers[i] = s - 1
+ ownnumbers[i] = ""
+ end
+ status[i] = { }
+ end
+ elseif newdepth < olddepth then
+ for i=olddepth,newdepth+1,-1 do
+ local s = tonumber(sets.get("structure:resets",data.block,saveset and saveset[i] or resetset,i))
+ if trace_detail then
+ report_structure("new depth %s, old depth %s, reset set %a, reset value %a, current %a",olddepth,newdepth,resetset,s,numbers[i])
+ end
+ if not s or s == 0 then
+ numbers[i] = numbers[i] or 0
+ ownnumbers[i] = ownnumbers[i] or ""
+ else
+ numbers[i] = s - 1
+ ownnumbers[i] = ""
+ end
+ status[i] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ counters.check(newdepth)
+ ownnumbers[newdepth] = numberdata.ownnumber or ""
+ numberdata.ownnumber = nil
+ data.depth = newdepth
+ -- new number
+ olddepth = newdepth
+ if metadata.increment then
+ local oldn, newn = numbers[newdepth] or 0, 0
+ local fd = forced[newdepth]
+ if fd then
+ if fd[1] == "add" then
+ newn = oldn + fd[2] + 1
+ else
+ newn = fd[2] + 1
+ end
+ if newn < 0 then
+ newn = 1 -- maybe zero is nicer
+ end
+ forced[newdepth] = nil
+ if trace_detail then
+ report_structure("old depth %a, new depth %a, old n %a, new n %a, forced %t",olddepth,newdepth,oldn,newn,fd)
+ end
+ else
+ newn = oldn + 1
+ if trace_detail then
+ report_structure("old depth %a, new depth %a, old n %a, new n %a, increment",olddepth,newdepth,oldn,newn)
+ end
+ end
+ numbers[newdepth] = newn
+ end
+ status[newdepth] = given or { }
+ for k, v in next, data.checkers do
+ if v[1] == newdepth and v[2] then
+ v[2](k)
+ end
+ end
+ local n = { }
+ for i=1,newdepth do
+ n[i] = numbers[i]
+ end
+ numberdata.numbers = n
+ if not numberdata.block then
+ numberdata.block = getcurrentblock() -- also in references
+ end
+ if #ownnumbers > 0 then
+ numberdata.ownnumbers = fastcopy(ownnumbers)
+ end
+ if trace_detail then
+ report_structure("name %a, numbers % a, own numbers % a",givenname,numberdata.numbers,numberdata.ownnumbers)
+ end
+ if not references.block then
+ references.block = getcurrentblock() -- also in numberdata
+ end
+ local tag = references.tag or tags.getid(metadata.kind,
+ if tag and tag ~= "" and tag ~= "?" then
+ references.tag = tag
+ end
+ local setcomponent = structures.references.setcomponent
+ if setcomponent then
+ setcomponent(given) -- might move to the tex end
+ end
+ references.section =
+ -- given.numberdata = nil
+function sections.reportstructure()
+ if sections.verbose then
+ local numbers, ownnumbers, status, depth = data.numbers, data.ownnumbers, data.status, data.depth
+ local d = status[depth]
+ local o = concat(ownnumbers,".",1,depth)
+ local n = (numbers and concat(numbers,".",1,min(depth,#numbers))) or 0
+ local l = d.titledata.title or ""
+ local t = (l ~= "" and l) or d.titledata.title or "[no title]"
+ local m =
+ if o and not find(o,"^%.*$") then
+ report_structure("%s @ level %i : (%s) %s -> %s",m,depth,n,o,t)
+ elseif d.directives and d.directives.hidenumber then
+ report_structure("%s @ level %i : (%s) -> %s",m,depth,n,t)
+ else
+ report_structure("%s @ level %i : %s -> %s",m,depth,n,t)
+ end
+ end
+function sections.setnumber(depth,n)
+ local forced, depth, new = data.forced, depth or data.depth, tonumber(n)
+ if type(n) == "string" then
+ if find(n,"^[%+%-]") then
+ forced[depth] = { "add", new }
+ else
+ forced[depth] = { "set", new }
+ end
+ else
+ forced[depth] = { "set", new }
+ end
+function sections.numberatdepth(depth)
+ return data.numbers[tonumber(depth) or sections.getlevel(depth) or 0] or 0
+function sections.numbers()
+ return data.numbers
+function sections.matchingtilldepth(depth,numbers,parentnumbers)
+ local dn = parentnumbers or data.numbers
+ local ok = false
+ for i=1,depth do
+ if dn[i] == numbers[i] then
+ ok = true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return ok
+function sections.getnumber(depth) -- redefined later ...
+ context(data.numbers[depth] or 0)
+function sections.set(key,value)
+ data.status[data.depth][key] = value -- may be nil for a reset
+function sections.cct()
+ local metadata = data.status[data.depth].metadata
+ context(metadata and metadata.catcodes or ctxcatcodes)
+-- this one will become: return catcode, d (etc)
+function sections.structuredata(depth,key,default,honorcatcodetable) -- todo: spec table and then also depth
+ if depth then
+ depth = levelmap[depth] or tonumber(depth)
+ end
+ if not depth or depth == 0 then
+ depth = data.depth
+ end
+ local data = data.status[depth]
+ local d
+ if data then
+ if find(key,".",1,true) then
+ d = accesstable(key,data)
+ else
+ d = data.titledata
+ d = d and d[key]
+ end
+ end
+ if d and type(d) ~= "table" then
+ if honorcatcodetable == true or honorcatcodetable == v_auto then
+ local metadata = data.metadata
+ local catcodes = metadata and metadata.catcodes
+ if catcodes then
+ ctx_sprint(catcodes,d)
+ else
+ context(d)
+ end
+ elseif not honorcatcodetable or honorcatcodetable == "" then
+ context(d)
+ else
+ local catcodes = catcodenumbers[honorcatcodetable]
+ if catcodes then
+ ctx_sprint(catcodes,d)
+ else
+ context(d)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif default then
+ context(default)
+ end
+function sections.userdata(depth,key,default)
+ if depth then
+ depth = levelmap[depth] or tonumber(depth)
+ end
+ if not depth or depth == 0 then
+ depth = data.depth
+ end
+ if depth > 0 then
+ local userdata = data.status[depth]
+ userdata = userdata and userdata.userdata
+ userdata = (userdata and userdata[key]) or default
+ if userdata then
+ context(userdata)
+ end
+ end
+function sections.setchecker(name,level,command) -- hm, checkers are not saved
+ data.checkers[name] = (name and command and level >= 0 and { level, command }) or nil
+function sections.current()
+ return data.status[data.depth]
+local function depthnumber(n)
+ local depth = data.depth
+ if not n or n == 0 then
+ n = depth
+ elseif n < 0 then
+ n = depth + n
+ end
+ return data.numbers[n] or 0
+sections.depthnumber = depthnumber
+function sections.autodepth(numbers)
+ for i=#numbers,1,-1 do
+ if numbers[i] ~= 0 then
+ return i
+ end
+ end
+ return 0
+function structures.currentsectionnumber() -- brr, namespace wrong
+ local sc = sections.current()
+ return sc and sc.numberdata
+-- \dorecurse{3} {
+-- \chapter{Blabla} \subsection{bla 1 1} \subsection{bla 1 2}
+-- \section{bla 2} \subsection{bla 2 1} \subsection{bla 2 2}
+-- }
+-- sign=all => also zero and negative
+-- sign=positive => also zero
+-- sign=hang => llap sign
+-- this can be a local function
+local function process(index,numbers,ownnumbers,criterium,separatorset,conversion,conversionset,entry,result,preceding,done,language)
+ -- todo: too much (100 steps)
+ local number = numbers and (numbers[index] or 0)
+ local ownnumber = ownnumbers and ownnumbers[index] or ""
+ if number > criterium or (ownnumber ~= "") then
+ local block = (entry.block ~= "" and entry.block) or sections.currentblock() -- added
+ if preceding then
+ local separator = sets.get("structure:separators",block,separatorset,preceding,".")
+ if separator then
+ if result then
+ result[#result+1] = strippedprocessor(separator)
+ else
+ applyprocessor(separator)
+ end
+ end
+ preceding = false
+ end
+ if result then
+ if ownnumber ~= "" then
+ result[#result+1] = ownnumber
+ elseif conversion and conversion ~= "" then -- traditional (e.g. used in itemgroups) .. inherited!
+ result[#result+1] = convertnumber(conversion,number,language)
+ else
+ local theconversion = sets.get("structure:conversions",block,conversionset,index,"numbers")
+ result[#result+1] = convertnumber(theconversion,number,language)
+ end
+ else
+ if ownnumber ~= "" then
+ applyprocessor(ownnumber)
+ elseif conversion and conversion ~= "" then -- traditional (e.g. used in itemgroups)
+ ctx_convertnumber(conversion,number)
+ else
+ local theconversion = sets.get("structure:conversions",block,conversionset,index,"numbers")
+ local data = startapplyprocessor(theconversion)
+ ctx_convertnumber(data or "numbers",number)
+ stopapplyprocessor()
+ end
+ end
+ return index, true
+ else
+ return preceding or false, done
+ end
+function sections.typesetnumber(entry,kind,...) -- kind='section','number','prefix'
+ if entry and entry.hidenumber ~= true then -- can be nil
+ local separatorset = ""
+ local conversionset = ""
+ local conversion = ""
+ local groupsuffix = ""
+ local stopper = ""
+ local starter = ""
+ local connector = ""
+ local set = ""
+ local segments = ""
+ local criterium = ""
+ local language = ""
+ for d=1,select("#",...) do
+ local data = select(d,...) -- can be multiple parametersets
+ if data then
+ if separatorset == "" then separatorset = data.separatorset or "" end
+ if conversionset == "" then conversionset = data.conversionset or "" end
+ if conversion == "" then conversion = data.conversion or "" end
+ if groupsuffix == "" then groupsuffix = data.groupsuffix or "" end
+ if stopper == "" then stopper = data.stopper or "" end
+ if starter == "" then starter = data.starter or "" end
+ if connector == "" then connector = data.connector or "" end
+ if set == "" then set = data.set or "" end
+ if segments == "" then segments = data.segments or "" end
+ if criterium == "" then criterium = data.criterium or "" end
+ if language == "" then language = data.language or "" end
+ end
+ end
+ if separatorset == "" then separatorset = "default" end
+ if conversionset == "" then conversionset = "default" end -- not used
+ if conversion == "" then conversion = nil end
+ if groupsuffix == "" then groupsuffix = nil end
+ if stopper == "" then stopper = nil end
+ if starter == "" then starter = nil end
+ if connector == "" then connector = nil end
+ if set == "" then set = "default" end
+ if segments == "" then segments = nil end
+ if language == "" then language = nil end
+ --
+ if criterium == v_strict then
+ criterium = 0
+ elseif criterium == v_positive then
+ criterium = -1
+ elseif criterium == v_all then
+ criterium = -1000000
+ else
+ criterium = 0
+ end
+ --
+ local firstprefix, lastprefix = 0, 16 -- too much, could max found level
+ if segments then
+ local f, l = match(tostring(segments),"^(.-):(.+)$")
+ if l == "*" or l == v_all then
+ l = 100 -- new
+ end
+ if f and l then
+ -- 0:100, chapter:subsubsection
+ firstprefix = tonumber(f) or sections.getlevel(f) or 0
+ lastprefix = tonumber(l) or sections.getlevel(l) or 100
+ else
+ -- 3, section
+ local fl = tonumber(segments) or sections.getlevel(segments) -- generalize
+ if fl then
+ firstprefix = fl
+ lastprefix = fl
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ local numbers, ownnumbers = entry.numbers, entry.ownnumbers
+ if numbers then
+ local done, preceding = false, false
+ --
+ local result = kind == "direct" and { }
+ if result then
+ connector = false
+ end
+ --
+ local prefixlist = set and sets.getall("structure:prefixes","",set) -- "" == block
+ if starter then
+ if result then
+ result[#result+1] = strippedprocessor(starter)
+ else
+ applyprocessor(starter)
+ end
+ end
+ if prefixlist and (kind == "section" or kind == "prefix" or kind == "direct") then
+ -- find valid set (problem: for sectionnumber we should pass the level)
+ -- no holes
+ local b, e, bb, ee = 1, #prefixlist, 0, 0
+ -- find last valid number
+ for k=e,b,-1 do
+ local prefix = prefixlist[k]
+ local index = sections.getlevel(prefix) or k
+ if index >= firstprefix and index <= lastprefix then
+ local number = numbers and numbers[index]
+ if number then
+ local ownnumber = ownnumbers and ownnumbers[index] or ""
+ if number > 0 or (ownnumber ~= "") then
+ break
+ else
+ e = k -1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- find valid range
+ for k=b,e do
+ local prefix = prefixlist[k]
+ local index = sections.getlevel(prefix) or k
+ if index >= firstprefix and index <= lastprefix then
+ local number = numbers and numbers[index]
+ if number then
+ local ownnumber = ownnumbers and ownnumbers[index] or ""
+ if number > 0 or (ownnumber ~= "") then
+ if bb == 0 then bb = k end
+ ee = k
+ else
+ bb, ee = 0, 0
+ end
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- print valid range
+ for k=bb,ee do
+ local prefix = prefixlist[k]
+ local index = sections.getlevel(prefix) or k
+ if index >= firstprefix and index <= lastprefix then
+ preceding, done = process(index,numbers,ownnumbers,criterium,separatorset,conversion,conversionset,entry,result,preceding,done,language)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ -- also holes check
+ for index=firstprefix,lastprefix do
+ preceding, done = process(index,numbers,ownnumbers,criterium,separatorset,conversion,conversionset,entry,result,preceding,done,language)
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ if done then
+ if connector and kind == 'prefix' then
+ if result then
+ -- can't happen as we're in 'direct'
+ else
+ applyprocessor(connector)
+ end
+ else
+ if groupsuffix and kind ~= "prefix" then
+ if result then
+ result[#result+1] = strippedprocessor(groupsuffix)
+ else
+ applyprocessor(groupsuffix)
+ end
+ end
+ if stopper then
+ if result then
+ result[#result+1] = strippedprocessor(stopper)
+ else
+ applyprocessor(stopper)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return result -- a table !
+ else
+ -- report_structure("error: no numbers")
+ end
+ end
+function sections.title()
+ local sc = sections.current()
+ if sc then
+ helpers.title(sc.titledata.title,sc.metadata)
+ end
+function sections.findnumber(depth,what) -- needs checking (looks wrong and slow too)
+ local data = data.status[depth or data.depth]
+ if not data then
+ return
+ end
+ local references = data.references
+ if not references then
+ return
+ end
+ local index = references.section
+ local collected = sections.collected
+ local sectiondata = collected[index]
+ if sectiondata and sectiondata.hidenumber ~= true then -- can be nil
+ local quit = what == v_previous or what == v_next
+ if what == v_first or what == v_previous then
+ for i=index,1,-1 do
+ local s = collected[i]
+ if s then
+ local n = s.numbers
+ if #n == depth and n[depth] and n[depth] ~= 0 then
+ sectiondata = s
+ if quit then
+ break
+ end
+ elseif #n < depth then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif what == v_last or what == v_next then
+ for i=index,#collected do
+ local s = collected[i]
+ if s then
+ local n = s.numbers
+ if #n == depth and n[depth] and n[depth] ~= 0 then
+ sectiondata = s
+ if quit then
+ break
+ end
+ elseif #n < depth then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return sectiondata
+ end
+function sections.finddata(depth,what)
+ local data = data.status[depth or data.depth]
+ if not data then
+ return
+ end
+ local references = data.references
+ if not references then
+ return
+ end
+ local index = references.listindex
+ if not index then
+ return
+ end
+ local collected = structures.lists.collected
+ local quit = what == v_previous or what == v_next
+ if what == v_first or what == v_previous then
+ for i=index-1,1,-1 do
+ local s = collected[i]
+ if not s then
+ break
+ elseif s.metadata.kind == "section" then -- maybe check on name
+ local n = s.numberdata.numbers
+ if #n == depth and n[depth] and n[depth] ~= 0 then
+ data = s
+ if quit then
+ break
+ end
+ elseif #n < depth then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif what == v_last or what == v_next then
+ for i=index+1,#collected do
+ local s = collected[i]
+ if not s then
+ break
+ elseif s.metadata.kind == "section" then -- maybe check on name
+ local n = s.numberdata.numbers
+ if #n == depth and n[depth] and n[depth] ~= 0 then
+ data = s
+ if quit then
+ break
+ end
+ elseif #n < depth then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return data
+function sections.internalreference(sectionname,what) -- to be used in pagebuilder (no marks used)
+ local r = type(sectionname) == "number" and sectionname or registered[sectionname]
+ if r then
+ local data = sections.finddata(r.level,what)
+ return data and data.references and data.references.internal
+ end
+function sections.fullnumber(depth,what)
+ local sectiondata = sections.findnumber(depth,what)
+ if sectiondata then
+ sections.typesetnumber(sectiondata,'section',sectiondata)
+ end
+function sections.getnumber(depth,what) -- redefined here
+ local sectiondata = sections.findnumber(depth,what)
+ local askednumber = 0
+ if sectiondata then
+ local numbers = sectiondata.numbers
+ if numbers then
+ askednumber = numbers[depth] or 0
+ end
+ end
+ context(askednumber)
+-- experimental
+local levels = { }
+local function autonextstructurelevel(level)
+ if level > #levels then
+ for i=#levels+1,level do
+ levels[i] = false
+ end
+ else
+ for i=level,#levels do
+ if levels[i] then
+ ctx_finalizeauto()
+ levels[i] = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ levels[level] = true
+local function autofinishstructurelevels()
+ for i=1,#levels do
+ if levels[i] then
+ ctx_finalizeauto()
+ end
+ end
+ levels = { }
+implement {
+ name = "autonextstructurelevel",
+ actions = autonextstructurelevel,
+ arguments = "integer",
+implement {
+ name = "autofinishstructurelevels",
+ actions = autofinishstructurelevels,
+-- interface (some are actually already commands, like sections.fullnumber)
+implement {
+ name = "depthnumber",
+ actions = { depthnumber, context },
+ arguments = "integer",
+implement { name = "structurenumber", actions = sections.fullnumber }
+implement { name = "structuretitle", actions = sections.title }
+implement { name = "structurevariable", actions = sections.structuredata, arguments = { false, "string" } }
+implement { name = "structureuservariable", actions = sections.userdata, arguments = { false, "string" } }
+implement { name = "structurecatcodedget", actions = sections.structuredata, arguments = { false, "string", false, true } }
+implement { name = "structuregivencatcodedget", actions = sections.structuredata, arguments = { false, "string", false, "integer" } }
+implement { name = "structureautocatcodedget", actions = sections.structuredata, arguments = { false, "string", false, "string" } }
+implement { name = "namedstructurevariable", actions = sections.structuredata, arguments = { "string", "string" } }
+implement { name = "namedstructureuservariable", actions = sections.userdata, arguments = { "string", "string" } }
+implement { name = "setstructurelevel", actions = sections.setlevel, arguments = { "string", "string" } }
+implement { name = "getstructurelevel", actions = sections.getcurrentlevel, arguments = { "string" } }
+implement { name = "setstructurenumber", actions = sections.setnumber, arguments = { "integer", "string" } }
+implement { name = "getstructurenumber", actions = sections.getnumber, arguments = { "integer" } }
+implement { name = "getsomestructurenumber", actions = sections.getnumber, arguments = { "integer", "string" } }
+implement { name = "getfullstructurenumber", actions = sections.fullnumber, arguments = { "integer" } }
+implement { name = "getsomefullstructurenumber", actions = sections.fullnumber, arguments = { "integer", "string" } }
+implement { name = "getspecificstructuretitle", actions = sections.structuredata, arguments = { "string", "'titledata.title'",false,"string" } }
+implement { name = "reportstructure", actions = sections.reportstructure }
+implement {
+ name = "registersection",
+ actions = sections.register,
+ arguments = {
+ "string",
+ {
+ { "coupling" },
+ { "section" },
+ { "level", "integer" },
+ { "parent" },
+ }
+ }
+implement {
+ name = "setsectionentry",
+ actions = sections.setentry,
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ { "references", {
+ { "internal", "integer" },
+ { "block" },
+ { "backreference" },
+ { "prefix" },
+ { "reference" },
+ }
+ },
+ { "directives", {
+ { "resetset" }
+ }
+ },
+ { "metadata", {
+ { "kind" },
+ { "name" },
+ { "catcodes", "integer" },
+ { "coding" },
+ { "xmlroot" },
+ { "xmlsetup" },
+ { "nolist", "boolean" },
+ { "increment" },
+ }
+ },
+ { "titledata", {
+ { "label" },
+ { "title" },
+ { "bookmark" },
+ { "marking" },
+ { "list" },
+ }
+ },
+ { "numberdata", {
+ { "block" },
+ { "hidenumber", "boolean" },
+ { "separatorset" },
+ { "conversionset" },
+ { "conversion" },
+ { "starter" },
+ { "stopper" },
+ { "set" },
+ { "segments" },
+ { "ownnumber" },
+ { "language" },
+ },
+ },
+ { "userdata" },
+ }
+ }
+-- os.exit()
+implement {
+ name = "setsectionblock",
+ actions = sections.setblock,
+ arguments = { "string", { { "bookmark" } } }
+implement {
+ name = "setinitialsectionblock",
+ actions = sections.setinitialblock,
+ arguments = "string",
+ -- onlyonce = true,
+implement {
+ name = "pushsectionblock",
+ actions = sections.pushblock,
+ arguments = { "string", { { "bookmark" } } }
+implement {
+ name = "popsectionblock",
+ actions = sections.popblock,