path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/colo-ini.tex
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authorKarl Berry <>2006-01-12 23:45:13 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2006-01-12 23:45:13 +0000
commit92a15e15b276458e10aa05016bf472e8c6dd3eb0 (patch)
treeaf0343097e5f497167cefa16ed45c03475b98c37 /Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/colo-ini.tex
parentdf014cf02a62504f6b3e7a4398fb1e093b84f114 (diff)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/colo-ini.tex')
1 files changed, 2743 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/colo-ini.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/colo-ini.tex
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index 00000000000..285c0148643
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/colo-ini.tex
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+%D \module
+%D [ file=colo-ini,
+%D version=1997.04.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Color Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{Context Color Macros / initialization}
+%D To do: stroke versus fill color
+%D 1000 100 10 -> constants
+%D Possible optimization: store level in mark instead of name
+%D Color support is not present in \TEX. Colorful output can
+%D however be accomplished by using specials. This also means
+%D that this support depends on the \DVI\ driver used. At the
+%D moment this module was written, still no decent standard on
+%D color specials has been agreed upon. We therefore decided to
+%D implement a mechanism that is as independant as possible of
+%D drivers.
+%D Color support shares with fonts that is must be implemented
+%D in a way that permits processing of individual \DVI\ pages.
+%D Furthermore it should honour grouping. The first condition
+%D forces us to use a scheme that keeps track of colors at
+%D page boundaries. This can be done by means of \TEX's
+%D marking mechanism (\type{\mark}).
+%D When building pages, \TEX\ periodically looks at the
+%D accumulated typeset contents and breaks the page when
+%D suitable. At that moment, control is transfered to the
+%D output routine. This routine takes care of building the
+%D pagebody and for instance adds headers and footers. The page
+%D can be broken in the middle of some colored text, but
+%D headers and footers are often in black upon white or
+%D background. If colors are applied there, they definitely
+%D are used local, which means that they don't cross page
+%D borders.
+%D Boxes are handled as a whole, which means that when we
+%D apply colors inside a box, those colors don't cross page
+%D boundaries, unless of course boxes are split or unboxed.
+%D Especially in interactive texts, colors are often used in
+%D such a local way: in boxes (buttons and navigational tools)
+%D or in the pagebody (backgrounds).
+%D So we can distinguish local colors, that don't cross
+%D pages from global colors, of which we can end many pages
+%D later. The color macros will treat both types in a different
+%D way, thus gaining some speed.
+%D This module also deals with gray scales. Because similar
+%D colors can end up in the same gray scale when printed in
+%D black and white, we also implement a palet system that deals
+%D with these matters. Because of fundamental differences
+%D between color and gray scale printing, in \CONTEXT\ we also
+%D differ between these. For historic reasons |<|we first
+%D implemented gray scales using patterns of tiny periods|>|
+%D and therefore called them {\em rasters}. So don't be
+%D surprised if this term shows up.
+\startmessages dutch library: colors
+ title: kleur
+ 1: systeem -- is globaal actief
+ 2: systeem -- is lokaal actief
+ 3: -- is niet gedefinieerd
+ 4: systeem -- wordt geladen
+ 5: onbekend systeem --
+ 6: palet -- is beschikbaar
+ 7: palet -- is niet beschikbaar
+ 8: specificatie -- bij -- wordt zwart
+ 9: -- kleurruimte wordt niet ondersteund
+ 10: -- kleurruimte wordt ondersteund
+ 11: kleur wordt vertaald in grijs
+ 12: -- is geregistreerd
+\startmessages english library: colors
+ title: color
+ 1: system -- is global activated
+ 2: system -- is local activated
+ 3: -- is not defined
+ 4: system -- is loaded
+ 5: unknown system --
+ 6: palette -- is available
+ 7: palette -- is not available
+ 8: specification -- at color -- becomes black
+ 9: -- color space is not supported
+ 10: -- color space is supported
+ 11: color is converted to gray
+ 12: -- is registered
+\startmessages german library: colors
+ title: farbe
+ 1: system -- ist global aktiviert
+ 2: system -- ist lokal aktiviert
+ 3: -- ist undefiniert
+ 4: system -- ist geladen
+ 5: unbekanntes System --
+ 6: palette -- ist verfuegbar
+ 7: palette -- ist nicht verfuegbar
+ 8: Spezifikation -- bei Farbe -- wird schwarz
+ 9: -- Farbraum wird nicht unterstuetzt
+ 10: -- Farbraum wird unterstuetzt
+ 11: Farbe wird in Grau umgewandelt
+ 12: -- is registered
+\startmessages czech library: colors
+ title: barva
+ 1: system -- je globalne aktivovana
+ 2: system -- je lokalne activovana
+ 3: -- neni definovana
+ 4: system -- je nacten
+ 5: neznamy system --
+ 6: palette -- je k dispozici
+ 7: palette -- neni k dispozici
+ 8: specifikace -- v barve -- bude cerna
+ 9: -- prostor barev neni podporovan
+ 10: -- prostor barev je podporovan
+ 11: barva je prevedena na sed
+ 12: -- is registered
+\startmessages italian library: colors
+ title: colore
+ 1: sistema -- attivato globalmente
+ 2: sistema -- attivato localmente
+ 3: -- non definito
+ 4: sistema -- caricato
+ 5: sistema -- sconosciuto
+ 6: tavolozza -- resa disponibile
+ 7: tavolozza -- non disponibile
+ 8: specifica -- del colore -- convertita in nero
+ 9: spazio dei colori -- non supportato
+ 10: spazio dei colori -- supportato
+ 11: il colore è convertito in grigio
+ 12: -- is registered
+\startmessages norwegian library: colors
+ title: farge
+ 1: system -- er aktivert globalt
+ 2: system -- er aktivert lokalt
+ 3: -- er udefinert
+ 4: system -- er lest inn
+ 5: ukjent system --
+ 6: palett -- er tilgjengelig
+ 7: palett -- er ikke tilgjengelig
+ 8: spesifikasjon -- for farge -- gir kun svart
+ 9: -- fargerom er ikke støttet
+ 10: -- fargerom er støttet
+ 11: fargen vil bli vist som grå
+ 12: -- is registered
+\startmessages romanian library: colors
+ title: culori
+ 1: sistem -- este activata global
+ 2: sistem -- este activata local
+ 3: -- nu este definita
+ 4: sistem -- este incarcata
+ 5: sistem -- necunoscuta
+ 6: paleta -- este disponibila
+ 7: palette -- nu este disponibila
+ 8: specificatia -- la culoarea -- devine neagra
+ 9: spatiul de culoare -- nu este suportat
+ 10: spatiul de culoare -- este suportat
+ 11: culoarea este convertita la gri
+ 12: -- is registered
+%D We use a couple of local registers. That way we don't have
+%D to group when converting colors. By the way, this is not
+%D really faster. We can sqeeze half a second runtime for 50K
+%D switches on a 1G machine, but the macros will become rather
+%D ugly then. To mention one such improvement: no colon
+%D after the key character (.25 sec).
+%D \macros
+%D {definecolor}
+%D We will enable users to specify colors in \cap{RGB} and
+%D \cap{CMYK} color spaces or gray scales using
+%D \showsetup{definecolor}
+%D For example:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definecolor [SomeKindOfRed] [r=.8,g=.05,b=.05]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Such color specifications are saved in a macro in the
+%D following way:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setvalue{\??cr name}{R:r:g:b}
+%D \setvalue{\??cr name}{C:c:m:y:k}
+%D \setvalue{\??cr name}{S:s}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Gray scales are specified with the \type{s} parameter,
+%D where the \type {s} is derived from {\em screen}.
+%D Starting with \PDF\ 1.4 (2001) \CONTEXT\ supports
+%D transparent colors. The transparency factor is represented
+%D by a \type {t} and the transparency method by an \type {a}
+%D (alternative). Later we will implement more control
+%D (probably by symbolic methods. So, currently the data is
+%D stored as follows:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setvalue{\??cr name}{R:r:g:b:a:t}
+%D \setvalue{\??cr name}{C:c:m:y:k:a:t}
+%D \setvalue{\??cr name}{S:s:a:t}
+%D \stoptyping
+% beware: comparisons asked/current on name, not value
+\newif\iffreezecolors \freezecolorsfalse
+\let\colorlist \empty
+% \def\@@resetcolorparameters
+% {\let\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@z\let\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@z\let\@@cl@@b\@@cl@@z
+% \let\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@z\let\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@z\let\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@z\let\@@cl@@k\@@cl@@z
+% \let\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@z\let\@@cl@@p\@@cl@@o
+% \let\@@cl@@t\@@cl@@z\let\@@cl@@a\@@cl@@z
+% \let\@@cl@@h\empty \let\@@cl@@n\empty}
+% r g b : rbg
+% c m y k : cmyk
+% s : gray
+% p n d f : spot
+% h : hexadecimal
+% t a : transparency
+% e : equivalent (spotcolors)
+ {\let\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@z \let\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@z \let\@@cl@@b\@@cl@@z
+ \let\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@z \let\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@z \let\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@z \let\@@cl@@k\@@cl@@z
+ \let\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@z
+ \let\@@cl@@p\@@cl@@o \let\@@cl@@n\empty \let\@@cl@@d\empty \let\@@cl@@f\@@cl@@o
+ \let\@@cl@@h\empty
+ \let\@@cl@@e\empty
+ \let\@@cl@@t\@@cl@@z \let\@@cl@@a\@@cl@@z}
+\def\@@cl@@A{\@@cl@@a} % a hook for symbolic conversion, see below
+%D Handling a few nested \type{\cs}'s is no problem (\type
+%D {\@EA\@EAEAEA\@EA}) but we need a full expansion, so I
+%D tried one of the fully expandable primitives using a sort
+%D of delimited thing. I tried \type {\number} first, but this
+%D does not work, but \type {\romannumeral} does. Actually,
+%D \type{\romannumeral0} returns nothing, so it's a perfect
+%D candidate for this kind of hackery. This reminds me that I
+%D have to look into David Kastrup's Euro\TeX\ 2002 article
+%D because he is using \type {\romannumeral} for loops
+%D (repetitive \quote {m} stuff).
+% \def\x{\y}\def\y{\z}\def\z{0:1:1:1}
+% \def\bla #1:#2:#3\end{}
+% \@EA\bla\romannumeral\x\end
+%D The extra 0 catches empty colors specs (needed for the
+%D \type {\MPcolor} and \type {\PDFcolor} conversion (\type
+%D {\@@cr} equals \type {\relax}!).
+%D Next comes the main definition macro.
+\def\definecolor {\dodoubleargument\dodefinecolor}
+\def\definenamedcolor {\dodoubleargument\dodefinenamedcolor}
+\def\dodefinecolor {\dododefinecolor\relax \setvalue \setevalue1}
+\def\dodefinenamedcolor {\dododefinecolor\doglobal\setvalue \setevalue0}
+% keep this for readability
+% \def\dodefinecolor[#1][#2]%
+% {\addtocommalist{#1}\colorlist
+% \doifassignmentelse{#2}
+% {\@@resetcolorparameters
+% \getparameters[\??cl @@][#2]%
+% \doifelse{\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b}{\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z}
+% {\doifelse{\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k}{\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z}
+% {\doifelse\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@z
+% {\showmessage\m!colors8{{[#2]},#1}%
+% \setevalue{\??cr#1}{\colorZpattern}}
+% {\setevalue{\??cr#1}{\colorSpattern}}}
+% {\setevalue{\??cr#1}{\colorCpattern}}}
+% {\setevalue{\??cr#1}{\colorRpattern}}}
+% {\doifdefinedelse{\??cr#2}
+% {\doifelse{#1}{#2}
+% {% this way we can freeze \definecolor[somecolor][somecolor]
+% % and still prevent cyclic definitions
+% \iffreezecolors\setevalue{\??cr#1}{\getvalue{\??cr#2}}\fi}
+% {\iffreezecolors\@EA\setevalue\else\@EA\setvalue\fi
+% {\??cr#1}{\getvalue{\??cr#2}}}}
+% {\showmessage\m!colors3{#1}}}%
+% \unexpanded\setvalue{#1}{\color[#1]}} % \unexpanded toegevoegd
+\def\dododefinecolor#1#2#3#4[#5][#6]% #2==set(g)value #3==set[e|x]value
+ {#1\addtocommalist{#5}\colorlist % optional
+ \doifassignmentelse{#6}
+ {\@@resetcolorparameters
+ \getparameters[\??cl @@][#6]%
+ \ifx\@@cl@@h\empty
+ \doifelse{\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b}{\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z}
+ {\doifelse{\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k}{\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z}
+ {\doifelse\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@z
+ {\showmessage\m!colors8{{[#6]},#5}%
+ #3{\??cr#5}{\colorZpattern}}
+ {#3{\??cr#5}{\colorSpattern}}}
+ {#3{\??cr#5}{\colorCpattern}}}
+ {#3{\??cr#5}{\colorRpattern}}%
+ \else
+ \setxvalue{\??cr#5}{\colorHpattern}%
+ \fi
+ % new: e=external spot color name
+ \ifx\@@cl@@e\empty \else
+ \doregisterspotcolorname{#5}\@@cl@@e
+ \fi}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??cr#6}
+ {\doifelse{#5}{#6}
+ {% this way we can freeze \definecolor[somecolor][somecolor]
+ % and still prevent cyclic definitions
+ \iffreezecolors#3{\??cr#5}{\getvalue{\??cr#6}}\fi}
+ {\iffreezecolors\@EA#3\else\@EA#2\fi
+ {\??cr#5}{\getvalue{\??cr#6}}}}
+ {\showmessage\m!colors3{#5}}}%
+ \ifcase#4\or
+ \unexpanded#2{#5}{\switchtocolor[#5]}% \unexpanded toegevoegd
+ \fi}
+%D Hex color support is not enabled by default. You need to say \setupcolor
+%D [hex] to get this working.
+\ifx\colorHpattern\undefined \let\colorHpattern\colorZpattern \fi
+%D New and experimental.
+\let\allspotcolors \empty
+\let\usedspotcolors \empty
+\def\definespotcolor % [name] [color] [p=,t=,a=]
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinespotcolor}
+\def\dodefinespotcolor[#1][#2][#3]% todo: always global
+ {\doifnot{#1}{#2}
+ {\@@resetcolorparameters
+ \edef\@@cl@@n{#2}%
+ \getparameters[\??cl @@][#3]%
+ \doifnothing\@@cl@@p{\let\@@cl@@p\!!plusone}%
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{#2}\allspotcolors
+ \setxvalue{\??cr#1}{\colorPpattern}% was \setevalue
+ \setgvalue{#1}{\switchtocolor[#1]}}} % was \setvalue
+ {\ifx\allspotcolors\empty \else
+ \bgroup
+ \let\usedspotcolors\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifdefined{\??cs##1}{\addtocommalist{##1}\usedspotcolors}}%
+ \processcommacommand[\allspotcolors]\docommand
+ \savecurrentvalue\usedspotcolors\usedspotcolors
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??cs c}
+ {\def\usedcolorchannels{c,m,y,k}}%
+ {\let\usedcolorchannels\empty}%
+ \doifdefined{\??cs r}
+ {\addtocommalist{r,g,b}\usedcolorchannels}%
+ \doifdefined{\??cs s}
+ {\ExpandBothAfter\doifnotinset{k}\usedcolorchannels
+ {\addtocommalist{s}\usedcolorchannels}}%
+ \savecurrentvalue\usedcolorchannels\usedcolorchannels
+ \egroup}
+ \registerusedspotcolors
+ \registerusedcolorchannels
+\to \everylastshipout
+ {\global\@EA\chardef\csname\??cs#1\endcsname\zerocount}
+%D On top of spotcolors, we define multitone colors. You'd better know
+%D what you're doing because invalid definitions will lead to invalid
+%D documents (i.e.\ resources).
+% \definecolor [darkblue] [c=.5,m=.5]
+% \definecolor [darkyellow] [y=.5]
+% \definemultitonecolor [whatever] [darkblue=.5,darkyellow=.5] [c=.25,m=.25,y=.25] [a=1,t=.5]
+% \definemultitonecolor [another] [darkblue=.5,darkyellow=.5] [c=.25,m=.25,y=.25]
+ {\doquadrupleempty\dodefinemultitonecolor}
+ {\let\@@cl@@cl@@D\empty % n's
+ \let\@@cl@@cl@@P\empty % p's
+ \let\@@cl@@cl@@N\empty % name
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \processcommacommand[#2]\dododefinemultitonecolor
+ \bgroup
+ \lccode`\.=`\_%
+ \lccode`\,=`\_%
+ \lccode`\:=`\_%
+ \lccode`\;=`\_%
+ \lccode`\+=`\_%
+ \lccode`\-=`\_%
+ \lccode`\*=`\_%
+ \lccode`\/=`\_%
+% \lccode`\_=`\_%
+ % not needed, other attribute in driver:
+ %
+ % \@@resetcolorparameters
+ % \getparameters[#4]%
+ % \ifx\@@cl@@t\@@cl@@z\else
+ % \edef\@@cl@@cl@@N{\@@cl@@cl@@N_\@@cl@@t_\@@cl@@a}%
+ % \fi
+ \lowercase\@EA{\@EA\xdef\@EA\@@cleancolor\@EA{\@@cl@@cl@@N}}%
+ \egroup
+ \setxvalue{\??cl\@@cleancolor\s!check}{\noexpand\docheckmultitonecolor{\@@cl@@cl@@D}}%
+ \expanded{\defineglobalcolor[\@@cleancolor][#3,#4]}%
+ \expanded{\definespotcolor[#1][\@@cleancolor][#4,f=\the\scratchcounter,p={\@@cl@@cl@@P},d={\@@cl@@cl@@D}]}}
+ {\flushatshipout
+ {\let\checkmultitonecolor\gobbleoneargument
+ \def\docommand##1{\hbox{\definecolor[\s!dummy-100][##1][p=1]\color[\s!dummy-100]}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}}
+ {\getvalue{\??cl#1\s!check}\letgvalue{\??cl#1\s!check}\relax}
+\def\dodefinespotcolor[#1][#2][#3]% todo: always global
+ {\doifnot{#1}{#2}
+ {\@@resetcolorparameters
+ \edef\@@cl@@n{#2}%
+ \getparameters[\??cl @@][#3]%
+ \doifnothing\@@cl@@p{\let\@@cl@@p\!!plusone}%
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{#2}\allspotcolors
+ \setxvalue{\??cr#1}{\colorPpattern}% was \setevalue
+ \setgvalue{#1}{\switchtocolor[#1]}}}% was \setvalue
+ {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \splitstring#1\at=\to\!!stringa\and\!!stringb
+ \ifx\@@cl@@cl@@D\empty
+ \let\@@cl@@cl@@D\!!stringa
+ \let\@@cl@@cl@@P\!!stringb
+ \normalizecolor\!!stringb
+ \edef\@@cl@@cl@@N{\!!stringa_\!!stringb}%
+ \else
+ \edef\@@cl@@cl@@D{\@@cl@@cl@@D,\!!stringa}%
+ \edef\@@cl@@cl@@P{\@@cl@@cl@@P,\!!stringb}%
+ \normalizecolor\!!stringb
+ \edef\@@cl@@cl@@N{\@@cl@@cl@@N_\!!stringa_\!!stringb}%
+ \fi}
+% \def\dododefinemultitonecolor#1% a/b safe
+% {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+% \splitstring#1\at=\to\@@cl@@one\and\@@cl@@two
+% \ifx\@@cl@@cl@@D\empty
+% \let\@@cl@@cl@@D\@@cl@@one
+% \let\@@cl@@cl@@P\@@cl@@two
+% \normalizecolor\@@cl@@two
+% \edef\@@cl@@cl@@N{\@@cl@@one_\@@cl@@two}%
+% \else
+% \edef\@@cl@@cl@@D{\@@cl@@cl@@D,\@@cl@@one}%
+% \edef\@@cl@@cl@@P{\@@cl@@cl@@P,\@@cl@@two}%
+% \normalizecolor\@@cl@@two
+% \edef\@@cl@@cl@@N{\@@cl@@cl@@N_\@@cl@@one_\@@cl@@two}%
+% \fi}
+%D We now redefine the color definition macro so that you
+%D can define both normal and spotcolors.
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinewhatevercolor}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\dododefinecolor[#1][#2,#3]}% actually this is an error
+ {\dodefinespotcolor[#1][#2][#3]}% and this the prefered method
+ \else
+ \dodefinecolor[#1][#2]%
+ \fi}
+%D The names of colors are stored in a comma separated list
+%D only for the purpose of showing them with \type {\showcolor}.
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D This color shows up as \color [SomeKindOfRed] {some kind
+%D of red}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupcolors[state=start]
+%D \definecolor[mygreen][green]
+%D \definecolor[green][g=.5]
+%D \startcolor[mygreen]test\stopcolor
+%D \setupcolors[expansion=no]
+%D \definecolor[mygreen][green]
+%D \definecolor[green][g=.5]
+%D \startcolor[mygreen]test\stopcolor
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {setupcolor}
+%D Color definitions can be grouped in files with the name:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \f!colorprefix-identifier.tex
+%D \stoptyping
+%D where \type{\f!colorprefix} is \unprotect {\tttf \f!colorprefix}.
+%D Loading such a file is done by \protect
+%D \showsetup{setupcolor}
+%D Some default colors are specified in \type{colo-rgb.tex},
+%D which is loaded into the format by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupcolor[rgb]
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupcolor}
+ {\doifnot{#1}\colorstyle
+ {\def\colorstyle{#1}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dodosetupcolor}}
+ {\makeshortfilename[\f!colorprefix\truefilename{#1}]%
+ \readsysfile\shortfilename
+ {\showmessage\m!colors4\colorstyle}
+ {\showmessage\m!colors5\colorstyle}}
+%D When typesetting for paper, we prefer using the \cap{CMYK}
+%D color space, but for on||screen viewing we prefer \cap{RGB}
+%D (the previous implementation supported only this scheme).
+%D Independant of such specifications, we support some automatic
+%D conversions:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item convert all colors to \cap{RGB}
+%D \item convert all colors to \cap{CMYK}
+%D \item convert all colors to gray scales
+%D \stopitemize
+%D We also support optimization of colors to gray scales.
+%D \startitemize[continue]
+%D \item reduce gray colors to gray scales
+%D \item reduce \cap{CMY} components to \cap{K}
+%D \stopitemize
+%D These options are communicated by means of:
+%D The last boolean controls reduction of \cap{CMYK} to
+%D \cap{CMY} colors. When set to true, the black component
+%D is added to the other ones.
+%D Prefering gray is not the same as converting to gray.
+%D Conversion treats each color components in a different way,
+%D while prefering is just a reduction and thus a
+%D space||saving option.
+%D The next (internal) switch suppresses duplicate messages.
+%D This module also needs:
+% \newif\ifMPgraphics
+% \newif\ifinpagebody
+%D \macros
+%D {startcolormode,stopcolormode,permitcolormode}
+%D We use \type{\stopcolormode} to reset the color in
+%D whatever color space and do so by calling the corresponding
+%D special. Both commands can be used for fast color
+%D switching, like in colored verbatim,
+\newif\ifpermitcolormode \permitcolormodetrue
+%D Since color is used frequently today (at least by the
+%D author of this module) it makes sense to optimize switching
+%D to the max.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\startcolormode#1%
+%D {\ifincolor\ifpermitcolormode
+%D \doifcolorelse{#1}
+%D {\getcurrentcolorspecs{#1}%
+%D \expandafter\dostartcolormode\currentcolorspecs\od}
+%D {\nostartcolormode}%
+%D \fi\fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D So, the more readable alternatives like the one above are
+%D gone now.
+\beginETEX \ifcsname
+\def\dowithcolor#1#2% #1=\action #2=color
+ {\ifincolor\ifpermitcolormode
+ \ifcsname\??cr\currentpalet#2\endcsname
+ \handlecolorwith#1\csname\??cr\currentpalet#2\endcsname\od
+ \else\ifcsname\??cr#2\endcsname
+ \handlecolorwith#1\csname\??cr#2\endcsname\od
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\dowithcolor#1#2% #1=\action #2=color
+ {\ifincolor\ifpermitcolormode
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\??cr\currentpalet#2\endcsname\relax
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\??cr#2\endcsname\relax \else
+ \handlecolorwith#1\csname\??cr#2\endcsname\od
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \handlecolorwith#1\csname\??cr\currentpalet#2\endcsname\od
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\startcolormode % includes \ifincolor\ifpermitcolormode
+ {%\dostoptransparency % needed for: {test \trans test \notrans test}
+ \conditionalstoptransparency
+ \dowithcolor\execcolorRCSP}
+ {\ifincolor\ifpermitcolormode
+ \supportedstoptransparency
+ \dostopcolormode
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifincolor\ifpermitcolormode
+ \supportedstoptransparency
+ \dostopcolormode
+ \ifx\maintextcolor\empty \else
+ \startcolormode\maintextcolor
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi}
+%D Color modes are entered using the next set of commands.
+%D The \type{\stop} alternatives are implemented in a way
+%D that permits non||grouped use.
+%D The, for this module redundant, check if we are in color
+%D mode is needed when we use these macros in other modules.
+\newif\iffilterspotcolor \filterspotcolorfalse
+\newif\ifdoingspotcolor \doingspotcolorfalse
+ {\ifdoingspotcolor \else
+ \global\expandafter\chardef\csname\??cs#1\endcsname\zerocount
+ \fi}
+ {\csname execcolor#1\endcsname}
+ {\iffilterspotcolor
+ \@EA\noexeccolorR
+ \else
+ \@EA\doexeccolorR
+ \fi}
+ {\iffilterspotcolor
+ \@EA\noexeccolorC
+ \else
+ \@EA\doexeccolorC
+ \fi}
+ {\iffilterspotcolor
+ \@EA\noexeccolorS
+ \else
+ \@EA\doexeccolorS
+ \fi}
+ {\iffilterspotcolor
+ \@EA\doexeccolorPP
+ \else\ifcase\currentcolorchannel
+ \@EAEAEA\doexeccolorP
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\noexeccolorP
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@r{#1}\edef\@@cl@@g{#2}\edef\@@cl@@b{#3}%
+ \ifpreferGRAY\ifx\@@cl@@r\@@cr@@g\ifx\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@b
+ \GRAYpreferedtrue
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \ifincolor\else\RGBsupportedfalse\CMYKsupportedfalse\fi
+ \ifGRAYprefered
+ \registercolorchannel\c!s
+ \let\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@r
+ \normalizeGRAY
+ \doexeccolorgray
+ \else\ifRGBsupported
+ \registercolorchannel\c!r
+ \normalizeRGB
+ \doexeccolorrgb
+ \else\ifCMYKsupported
+ \registercolorchannel\c!c
+ \convertRGBtoCMYK\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b
+ \normalizeCMYK
+ \doexeccolorcmyk
+ \else
+ \registercolorchannel\c!s
+ \convertRGBtoGRAY\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b
+ \normalizeGRAY
+ \doexeccolorgray
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \exectransparency}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@c{#1}\edef\@@cl@@m{#2}\edef\@@cl@@y{#3}\edef\@@cl@@k{#4}%
+ \ifpreferGRAY\ifx\@@cl@@k\@@cl@@z\ifx\@@cl@@c\@@cr@@m\ifx\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@y
+ \GRAYpreferedtrue
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \ifincolor\else\RGBsupportedfalse\CMYKsupportedfalse\fi
+ \ifGRAYprefered
+ \registercolorchannel\c!s
+ \let\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@c
+ \normalizeGRAY
+ \doexeccolorgray
+ \else\ifCMYKsupported
+ \registercolorchannel\c!c
+ \ifreduceCMYK
+ \convertCMYKtoCMY\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k
+ \fi
+ \normalizeCMYK
+ \doexeccolorcmyk
+ \else\ifRGBsupported
+ \registercolorchannel\c!r
+ \convertCMYKtoRGB\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k
+ \normalizeRGB
+ \doexeccolorrgb
+ \else
+ \registercolorchannel\c!s
+ \convertCMYKtoGRAY\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k
+ \normalizeGRAY
+ \doexeccolorgray
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \exectransparency}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@s{#1}%
+ \registercolorchannel\c!s
+ \normalizeGRAY
+ \doexeccolorgray
+ \exectransparency}
+% \def\doexeccolorP#1:#2:%
+% {\edef\@@cl@@n{#1}%
+% \edef\@@cl@@p{#2}%
+% \registerusedspotcolor\@@cl@@n
+% \ifSPOTsupported
+% \dowithcolor\registerspotcolor\@@cl@@n
+% \dostartspotcolormode\@@cl@@n\@@cl@@p
+% \else
+% \doingspotcolortrue
+% \let\spotcolorfactor\@@cl@@p
+% \factorizecolortrue % using counter and array
+% \dowithcolor\execcolorRCSP\@@cl@@n
+% \factorizecolorfalse
+% \let\spotcolorfactor\@@cl@@o
+% \doingspotcolorfalse
+% \fi
+% \exectransparency}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@n{#1}% name
+ \edef\@@cl@@f{#2}% fractions
+ \edef\@@cl@@d{#3}% definitions
+ \edef\@@cl@@p{#4}%
+ \ifx\@@cl@@d\empty
+ \let\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@n
+ \fi
+ \registerusedspotcolor\@@cl@@n
+ \ifSPOTsupported
+ \checkmultitonecolor\@@cl@@n
+ \dowithcolor\registerspotcolor\@@cl@@n
+ \dostartspotcolormode\@@cl@@n\@@cl@@p
+ \else
+ \doingspotcolortrue
+ \let\spotcolorfactor\@@cl@@p
+ \factorizecolortrue % using counter and array
+ \dowithcolor\execcolorRCSP\@@cl@@n
+ \factorizecolorfalse
+ \let\spotcolorfactor\@@cl@@o
+ \doingspotcolorfalse
+ \fi
+ \exectransparency}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@n{#1}%
+ \edef\@@cl@@f{#2}%
+ \edef\@@cl@@d{#3}%
+ \edef\@@cl@@p{#4}%
+ \ifx\@@cl@@d\empty
+ \let\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@n
+ \fi
+ \ifSPOTsupported
+ \checkmultitonecolor\@@cl@@n
+ \dowithcolor\registerindexcolor\@@cl@@n
+ \fi
+ \noexectransparency}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@n{#1}%
+ \edef\@@cl@@p{#2}%
+ \registerusedspotcolor\@@cl@@n
+ \ifx\@@cl@@n\currentspotcolor
+ \normalizeSPOT
+ \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@p % was spotcolormode
+ \else
+ \dovidecolor\@@cl@@p\@@cl@@o
+ \fi
+ \exectransparency}
+ {\ifcase\currentcolorchannel
+ \dostartrgbcolormode\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b
+ \or \or \or \or
+ \or \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@r
+ \or \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@g
+ \or \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@b
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\currentcolorchannel
+ \dostartcmykcolormode\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k
+ \or \negatecolorcomponent\@@cl@@c\dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@c
+ \or \negatecolorcomponent\@@cl@@m\dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@m
+ \or \negatecolorcomponent\@@cl@@y\dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@y
+ \or \negatecolorcomponent\@@cl@@k\dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@k
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\currentcolorchannel
+ \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@s
+ \or \or \or
+ \or \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@s
+ \or \or \or
+ \or \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@s
+ \fi}
+%D When filtering colors, we need to either erase
+%D the background, or ignore the foreground.
+% \newif\ifhidesplitcolor \hidesplitcolortrue
+% \def\noexeccolor#1\od
+% {\dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@o}
+% \let\noexeccolorS\noexeccolor
+% \let\noexeccolorP\noexeccolor
+%D Well, here comes some real trickery. When we have the 100\%
+%D spot color or black color, we don't want to erase the
+%D background. So, instead we hide the content by giving it
+%D zero transparency.
+% todo : #1#2#3 met #2 > of < and #3 een threshold
+\newif\ifhidesplitcolor \hidesplitcolortrue
+ {\ifhidesplitcolor
+ \ifx#1#2%
+ \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@o
+ \else
+ \doregisternonecolor
+ \dostartnonecolormode
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@o
+ \fi}
+ {\ifhidesplitcolor
+ \ifx#1#2%
+ \doregisternonecolor
+ \dostartnonecolormode
+ \else
+ \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@o
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@o
+ \fi}
+% \def\fullytransparentcolor % fails on floats
+% {\dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@o % better than z
+% %\global\@EA\chardef\csname\@@currenttransparent\endcsname\plusone
+% %\global\intransparenttrue
+% \dostarttransparency10}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@r{#1}\edef\@@cl@@g{#2}\edef\@@cl@@b{#3}%
+ \dohidecolor\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@o}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@c{#1}\edef\@@cl@@m{#2}\edef\@@cl@@y{#3}\edef\@@cl@@k{#4}%
+ \dohidecolor\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@o}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@s{#1}%
+ \dohidecolor\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@o}
+% \def\noexeccolorP#1:#2:#3\od
+% {\edef\@@cl@@p{#2}%
+% \dohidecolor\@@cl@@p\@@cl@@z}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@p{#4}%
+ \dohidecolor\@@cl@@p\@@cl@@z}
+%D For the sake of postprocessing (i.e.\ color separation)
+%D we can normalize colors, which comes down to giving equal
+%D values an equal accuracy and format. This feature is
+%D turned off by default due to a speed penalty. This macro
+%D also handles spot color percentages.
+ {\colordimen#1\thousandpoint
+ \colordimen\spotcolorfactor\colordimen
+ \colorcount\colordimen
+ \advance\colorcount \medcard
+ \divide\colorcount \maxcard
+ \edef#1{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}}
+ {\colordimen-#1\thousandpoint
+ \advance\colordimen\thousandpoint
+ \colorcount\colordimen
+ \advance\colorcount \medcard
+ \divide\colorcount \maxcard
+ \edef#1{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}}
+ {\normalizecolor\@@cl@@r
+ \normalizecolor\@@cl@@g
+ \normalizecolor\@@cl@@b}
+ {\ifnormalizecolor
+ \donormalizeRGB
+ \else\iffactorizecolor
+ \donormalizeRGB
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\normalizecolor\@@cl@@c
+ \normalizecolor\@@cl@@m
+ \normalizecolor\@@cl@@y
+ \normalizecolor\@@cl@@k}
+ {\ifnormalizecolor
+ \donormalizeCMYK
+ \else\iffactorizecolor
+ \donormalizeCMYK
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\normalizecolor\@@cl@@s}
+ {\ifnormalizecolor
+ \donormalizeGRAY
+ \else\iffactorizecolor
+ \donormalizeGRAY
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\normalizespotcolor\@@cl@@p}
+%D We need to register spot colors (i.e.\ resources need to
+%D be created.
+ {\ifundefined{\??cl:\c!p:\@@cl@@n}%
+ \letgvalue{\??cl:\c!p:\@@cl@@n}\empty
+ %\@EA\@EA\csname registerspotcolor#1\endcsname
+ \csname registerspotcolor#1\@EA\endcsname
+ \else
+ \@EA\dontregisterspotcolor
+ \fi}
+\def\dontregisterspotcolor #1\od{}
+\def\registerspotcolorR #1:#2:#3:#4\od{\doregisterrgbspotcolor \@@cl@@n\@@cl@@f\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@p{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+\def\registerspotcolorS #1:#2\od{\doregistergrayspotcolor\@@cl@@n\@@cl@@f\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@p{#1}}
+\def\registerspotcolorP #1:#2:#3\od{\doregistergrayspotcolor\@@cl@@n\@@cl@@f\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@p{#2}}
+%D Experimental feature:
+% \definecolor [darkblue] [c=1,m=.38,y=0,k=.64] % pantone pms 2965 uncoated m
+% \definecolor [darkyellow] [c=0,m=.28,y=1,k=.06] % pantone pms 124 uncoated m
+% \definecolor [darkblue-50] [darkblue] [p=.5]
+% \definecolor [darkyellow-50] [darkyellow] [p=.5]
+% \definecolor [darkblue-80] [darkblue] [p=.8]
+% \definecolor [darkyellow-80] [darkyellow] [p=.8]
+% \definecolor [darkblue,darkyellow] [r=.8]
+% \definecolor [darkdull-5030] [darkblue,darkyellow] [p={.5,.3}]
+% \setupcolors[state=start]
+% \blackrule[width=4cm,height=3cm,color=darkblue-50]
+% \blackrule[width=4cm,height=3cm,color=darkblue-80]
+% \blackrule[width=4cm,height=3cm,color=darkyellow-50]
+% \blackrule[width=4cm,height=3cm,color=darkyellow-80]
+% \blackrule[width=4cm,height=3cm,color=darkdull-5030]
+%D Experimental too (special purpose code).
+ {\ifundefined{\??cl:i:\@@cl@@n}%
+ \letgvalue{\??cl:i:\@@cl@@n}\empty % signal
+ \showmessage\m!colors{12}\@@cl@@n
+ \@EA\@EA\csname registerindexcolor#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ \@EA\dontregisterindexcolor
+ \fi}
+\def\registerindexcolorR #1:#2:#3:#4\od{\doregisterrgbindexcolor \@@cl@@n\@@cl@@f\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@p{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+\def\registerindexcolorS #1:#2\od{\doregistergrayindexcolor\@@cl@@n\@@cl@@f\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@p{#1}}
+\def\registerindexcolorP #1:#2:#3\od{\doregistergrayindexcolor\@@cl@@n\@@cl@@f\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@p{#2}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \flushatshipout{\hbox{\localcolortrue\color[#1]}}% real ones
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \flushatshipout{\hbox{\localcolortrue\color[#1]}}% real ones
+ \let\doexeccolorP\doexeccolorPindex
+ \flushatshipout{\hbox{\localcolortrue\color[#1]}}% index one
+ \egroup}
+% \def\checkpredefinedcolor[#1]%
+% {\ifcase\internalspotcolorsize{#1}\relax
+% \@EA\predefinecolor\or\@EA\predefinecolor\else\@EA\predefineindexcolor
+% \fi[#1]}
+\let\checkpredefinedcolor\predefineindexcolor % we need an index in order to negate bitmaps
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \definecolor [blue] [c=1,m=.38,y=0,k=.64] % pantone pms 2965 uncoated m
+%D \definecolor [yellow] [c=0,m=.28,y=1,k=.06] % pantone pms 124 uncoated m
+%D \definecolor [blue-100] [blue] [p=1]
+%D \definecolor [yellow-100] [yellow] [p=1]
+%D \definemultitonecolor [pdftoolscolor] [blue=.12,yellow=.28] [c=.1,m=.1,y=.3,k=.1]
+%D \useexternalfigure[demofig][mill.png][object=no]
+%D \startcombination[4*1]
+%D {\externalfigure[demofig]} {no color}
+%D {\externalfigure[demofig][color=pdftoolscolor]} {indexed duotone}
+%D {\externalfigure[demofig][color=blue-100]} {spot color}
+%D {\externalfigure[demofig][color=yellow-100]} {spot color}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer \typebuffer
+%D Transparency is handled similar for all three color modes. We
+%D can turn transparency off with the following switch:
+\newif\iftransparencysupported \transparencysupportedtrue % todo
+ {\iftransparencysupported
+ \expandafter\doexectransparency
+ \else
+ \expandafter\noexectransparency
+ \fi}
+% {\global\@EA\chardef\csname\@@currenttransparent\endcsname % nasty
+% \ifcase#1\space
+% \zerocount
+% \else
+% \plusone
+% \dostarttransparency{#1}{#2}%
+% \fi}
+ {\ifcase#1\space
+ \global\intransparentfalse
+ \else
+ \global\intransparentfalse
+ %\dostarttransparency{#1}{#2}%
+ \supportedstarttransparency{#1}{#2}%
+ \global\intransparenttrue
+ \fi}
+ {}
+%D Experimental: minimize transparency resets.
+\newif\ifoptimizetransparency \optimizetransparencytrue % under test
+% due to bugs in pdf viewers we used transparancies for
+% hiding colors, but now we use none colors
+% \def\supportedstoptransparency
+% {\iffilterspotcolor
+% \dostoptransparency
+% \else\iftransparencysupported
+% \dostoptransparency
+% \fi\fi}
+% \def\conditionalstoptransparency
+% {\iffilterspotcolor
+% \dostoptransparency
+% \else\ifcase\currentcolorchannel
+% \ifoptimizetransparency
+% \ifintransparent
+% \supportedstoptransparency
+% \global\intransparentfalse
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \supportedstoptransparency
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \supportedstoptransparency
+% \fi\fi}
+ {\ifoptimizetransparency
+ \ifintransparent
+ \global\intransparentfalse
+ \supportedstoptransparency
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \supportedstoptransparency
+ \fi}
+ {\iftransparencysupported
+ \globallet\supportedstoptransparency\dostoptransparency
+ \expandafter\dostarttransparency
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbletwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D We now use the \type {\@@cl@@A} hook to implement
+%D symbolic names. These are converted into numbers
+%D at definition time (which saves runtime).
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinetransparency}
+% {\@EA\chardef\csname\??cl-#1\endcsname#2\relax
+% \ifundefined{\??cl-#2}#2\else\csname\??cl-#2\endcsname\fi}
+ {\@EA\chardef\csname\??cl-#1\endcsname#2\relax}
+ {\the\executeifdefined{\??cl-#1}\zerocount}
+\definetransparency [none] [0] \definetransparency [0] [0]
+\definetransparency [normal] [1] \definetransparency [1] [1]
+\definetransparency [multiply] [2] \definetransparency [2] [2]
+\definetransparency [screen] [3] \definetransparency [3] [3]
+\definetransparency [overlay] [4] \definetransparency [4] [4]
+\definetransparency [softlight] [5] \definetransparency [5] [5]
+\definetransparency [hardlight] [6] \definetransparency [6] [6]
+\definetransparency [colordodge] [7] \definetransparency [7] [7]
+\definetransparency [colorburn] [8] \definetransparency [8] [8]
+\definetransparency [darken] [9] \definetransparency [9] [9]
+\definetransparency [lighten] [10] \definetransparency [10] [10]
+\definetransparency [difference] [11] \definetransparency [11] [11]
+\definetransparency [exclusion] [12] \definetransparency [12] [12]
+%D Now we hook 'm into the patterns:
+%D \macros
+%D {startregistercolor,stopregistercolor,permitcolormode}
+%D If you only want to register a color, the switch \type
+%D {\ifpermitcolormode} can be used. That way the nested
+%D colors know where to go back to.
+ {\permitcolormodefalse\startcolor[#1]\permitcolormodetrue}
+ {\permitcolormodefalse\stopcolor\permitcolormodetrue}
+%D We use these macros for implementing text colors
+%D (actually, the first application was in foreground
+%D colors).
+%D \starttyping
+%D \starttextcolor[red]
+%D \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \color[green]{oeps} \par}
+%D \stoptextcolor
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This is more efficient than the alternative:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupbackgrounds[text][foregroundcolor=red]
+%D \startregistercolor[red]
+%D \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \color[green]{oeps} \par}
+%D \stopregistercolor
+%D \stoptyping
+\let\maintextcolor\empty \def\defaulttextcolor{black}
+% \def\starttextcolor[#1]%
+% {\doifsomething{#1}
+% {\bgroup
+% \def\stoptextcolor % also goes ok with \page after
+% {\let\maintextcolor\empty % this one because the top of
+% \stopregistercolor % page sets the color right (side
+% \egroup}% % effect)
+% \def\starttextcolor[##1]%
+% {\bgroup
+% \let\stoptextcolor\egroup}%
+% \startregistercolor[#1]%
+% \edef\maintextcolor{#1}}}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\stoptextcolor % also goes ok with \page after
+ {\let\maintextcolor\empty % this one because the top of
+ \stopregistercolor % page sets the color right (side
+ \egroup}% % effect)
+ \def\starttextcolor[##1]%
+ {\bgroup
+ % \@@themaintextcolor==##1 is catched in \definecolor
+ \definecolor[\@@themaintextcolor][##1]%
+ \let\stoptextcolor\egroup}%
+ \startregistercolor[\@@themaintextcolor]%
+ \definecolor[\@@themaintextcolor][#1]%
+ \let\maintextcolor\@@themaintextcolor}}
+%D The following hook permits proper support at the text
+%D level. This definition actually belongs in another
+%D module.
+% \def\initializemaintextcolor
+% {\doifsomething\@@cltekstkleur
+% {\appendtoks\starttextcolor[\@@cltekstkleur]\to\everystarttext
+% \appendtoks\stoptextcolor \to\everystoptext
+% \let\initializemaintextcolor\relax}}
+ % global ?
+ \def\initializemaintextcolor
+ {\doifelsenothing\@@cltextcolor
+ {\let\maintextcolor\empty}
+ {\let\maintextcolor\@@themaintextcolor
+ \definecolor[\@@themaintextcolor][\@@cltextcolor]%
+ \doinitializemaintextcolor}}
+ \def\doinitializemaintextcolor
+ {\appendtoks\starttextcolor[\@@themaintextcolor]\to\everystarttext
+ \appendtoks\stoptextcolor \to\everystoptext
+ \let\doinitializemaintextcolor\relax}
+%D The next macro can be used to return to the (normal)
+%D page color. This macro is used in the same way as
+%D \type {\color}.
+ {\ifx\maintextcolor\empty
+ \startcolormode\defaulttextcolor
+ \else
+ \startcolormode\maintextcolor
+ \fi}
+% \def\localstoptextcolor
+% {\stopcolormode}
+% better:
+ {\restorecolormode}
+ {\ifx\maintextcolor\empty
+ \expandafter\dorestoretextcolor
+ \else
+ % obey main text color
+ \fi}
+ {\color[\defaulttextcolor]}
+%D We use some reserved names for local color components.
+%D Consistent use of these scratch variables saves us
+%D unneccessary hash entries.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \@@cl@@r \@@cl@@g \@@cl@@b
+%D \@@cl@@c \@@cl@@m \@@cl@@y \@@cl@@k
+%D \@@cl@@s
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We implement several conversion routines.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \convertRGBtoCMYK {r} {g} {b}
+%D \convertRGBtoGRAY {r} {g} {b}
+%D \convertCMYKtoRGB {c} {m} {y} {k}
+%D \convertCMYKtoGRAY {c} {m} {y} {k}
+%D \convertCMYKtoCMY {c} {m} {y} {k}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The relation between \cap{Gray}, \cap{RGB} and \cap{CMYK}
+%D is:
+%D \placeformula[-]
+%D \startformula
+%D G = .30r + .59g + .11b
+%D = 1.0 - \min(1.0,\ .30c + .59m + .11y + k)
+%D \stopformula
+%D When converting from \cap{CMYK} to \cap{RGB} we use the
+%D formula:
+%D \placeformula[-]
+%D \startformula
+%D \eqalign
+%D {r &= 1.0 - \min(1.0,\ c+k) \cr
+%D g &= 1.0 - \min(1.0,\ m+k) \cr
+%D b &= 1.0 - \min(1.0,\ y+k)}
+%D \stopformula
+%D In the conversion routine the color components are calculated
+%D in three digits precision.
+ {\ifnum#1>\zerocount % important, first encountered in --modu supp-mpe
+ \ifnum#1<\plusten 0.00\the#1\else
+ \ifnum#1<\plushundred 0.0\the#1\else
+ \ifnum#1<\plusthousand 0.\the#1\else
+ 1\fi\fi\fi
+ \else 0\fi}
+ {\ifdim#2\points>#1\points% >= problem, repaired 2/12/2002
+ \let#3\@@cl@@z % k >= color
+ \else
+ \colordimen\onepoint
+ \advance\colordimen -#1\points
+ \advance\colordimen -#2\points
+ \multiply\colordimen \plusthousand
+ \colorcount\colordimen
+ \advance\colorcount \medcard
+ \divide\colorcount \maxcard
+ \edef#3{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}%
+ \fi}
+ {\doconvertCMYKtoRGB#1\k#4\to\@@cl@@r
+ \doconvertCMYKtoRGB#2\k#4\to\@@cl@@g
+ \doconvertCMYKtoRGB#3\k#4\to\@@cl@@b}
+ {\colordimen#1\points
+ \multiply\colordimen \plusthousand
+ \colorcount\colordimen
+ \advance\colorcount \medcard
+ \divide\colorcount \maxcard
+ \colorcount-\colorcount
+ \advance\colorcount \plusthousand
+ \edef#2{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}}
+ {\doconvertRGBtoCMYK#1\to\@@cl@@c
+ \doconvertRGBtoCMYK#2\to\@@cl@@m
+ \doconvertRGBtoCMYK#3\to\@@cl@@y
+ \let\@@cl@@k\@@cl@@z}
+%D The following switch is mainly meant for (hidden)
+%D documentation purposes.
+\newif\ifweightGRAY \weightGRAYtrue
+ {\colordimen#1\points
+ \colordimen\rGRAYfactor\colordimen
+ \colorcount\colordimen
+ \colordimen#2\points
+ \colordimen\gGRAYfactor\colordimen
+ \advance\colorcount \colordimen
+ \colordimen#3\points
+ \colordimen\bGRAYfactor\colordimen
+ \advance\colorcount \colordimen
+ \advance\colorcount \medcard
+ \divide\colorcount \maxcard
+ \edef\@@cl@@s{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}}
+ {\convertCMYKtoRGB{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \convertRGBtoGRAY\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b}
+ {\colordimen#1\points
+ \advance\colordimen #2\points\relax
+ \ifdim\colordimen>\onepoint
+ \colordimen\onepoint
+ %\else
+ % \colordimen\colordimen
+ \fi
+ \multiply\colordimen \plusthousand
+ \colorcount\colordimen
+ \advance\colorcount \medcard
+ \divide\colorcount \maxcard
+ \edef#3{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}}
+ {\doconvertCMYKtoCMY#1\k#4\to\@@cl@@c
+ \doconvertCMYKtoCMY#2\k#4\to\@@cl@@m
+ \doconvertCMYKtoCMY#3\k#4\to\@@cl@@y
+ \let\@@cl@@k\@@cl@@z}
+%D Before we present the color macros, we first define the
+%D setup command. This command takes care of setting up the
+%D booleans that control local and global behavior (more on
+%D that later) and conversion to other color spaces.
+\let\currentspotcolor \empty
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupcolors}
+ {\chardef\currentcolorchannel\zerocount
+ \let\currentspotcolor\empty
+ \filterspotcolorfalse}
+ \let\setsystemmode \gobbleoneargument
+ \let\resetsystemmode\gobbleoneargument
+ {\resetsystemmode{\v!color\colorsplitsuffix}%
+ \resetcolorsplitting
+ \processaction
+ [\@@clsplit]
+ [ c=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel1,%
+ m=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel2,%
+ y=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel3,%
+ k=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel4,%
+ r=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel5,%
+ g=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel6,%
+ b=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel7,%
+ s=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel8,%
+ \v!no=>,% \currentcolorchannel0,% all colors
+ \s!default=>,% \currentcolorchannel0,% all colors
+ \s!unknown=>\filterspotcolortrue
+ \edef\currentspotcolor{\commalistelement}]%
+ \setsystemmode{\v!color\colorsplitsuffix}%
+ \iffilterspotcolor \let\@@clrgb\v!no \fi}
+ {\getparameters[\??cl][#1]%
+ \doifelse\@@clspot\v!yes
+ \SPOTsupportedtrue
+ \SPOTsupportedfalse
+ \doifelsenothing\@@clsplit
+ \resetcolorsplitting
+ \setcolorsplitting
+ \doifelse\@@clreduction\v!yes
+ \reduceCMYKtrue
+ \reduceCMYKfalse
+ \doifelse\@@clexpansion\v!yes
+ \freezecolorstrue
+ \freezecolorsfalse
+ \doifelse\@@clcriterium\v!all
+ \hidesplitcolortrue
+ \hidesplitcolorfalse
+ \doifelse\@@clrgb\v!no
+ {\ifRGBsupported \showmessage\m!colors {9}\v!rgb\RGBsupportedfalse\fi}
+ {\ifRGBsupported\else\showmessage\m!colors{10}\v!rgb\RGBsupportedtrue \fi}%
+ \doifelse\@@clcmyk\v!no
+ {\ifCMYKsupported \showmessage\m!colors {9}\v!cmyk\CMYKsupportedfalse\fi}
+ {\ifCMYKsupported\else\showmessage\m!colors{10}\v!cmyk\CMYKsupportedtrue \fi}%
+ % todo : mpspot
+ \doifelse\@@clmpcmyk\v!no
+ {\ifMPcmykcolors \showmessage\m!colors {9}{\v!mp\v!cmyk}\MPcmykcolorsfalse\fi}
+ {\ifMPcmykcolors\else\showmessage\m!colors{10}{\v!mp\v!cmyk}\MPcmykcolorstrue \fi}%
+ \doifelse\@@clmpspot\v!no
+ {\ifMPspotcolors \showmessage\m!colors {9}{\v!mp\v!spot}\MPspotcolorsfalse\fi}
+ {\ifMPspotcolors\else\showmessage\m!colors{10}{\v!mp\v!spot}\MPspotcolorstrue \fi}%
+ \preferGRAYfalse
+ \processaction
+ [\@@clconversion]
+ [ \v!yes=>\preferGRAYtrue,
+ \v!always=>\preferGRAYtrue\RGBsupportedfalse\CMYKsupportedfalse]%
+ \ifRGBsupported
+ \converttoGRAYfalse
+ \forcegrayMPcolorsfalse
+ \else\ifCMYKsupported
+ \converttoGRAYfalse
+ \forcegrayMPcolorsfalse
+ \convertMPcolorstrue
+ \ifreduceCMYK
+ \reduceMPcolorstrue
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifconverttoGRAY\else\showmessage\m!colors{11}\empty\fi
+ \converttoGRAYtrue
+ \forcegrayMPcolorstrue
+ \convertMPcolorsfalse
+ \reduceMPcolorsfalse
+ \fi\fi
+ \processaction
+ [\@@clstate]
+ [ \v!global=>\ifincolor\else\showmessage\m!colors1\colorstyle\fi
+ \incolortrue\localcolorfalse,
+ \v!local=>\ifincolor\else\showmessage\m!colors2\colorstyle\fi
+ \incolortrue\localcolortrue,
+ \v!start=>\ifincolor\else\showmessage\m!colors1\colorstyle\fi
+ \incolortrue\localcolorfalse
+ \let\@@clstate\v!global,
+ \v!stop=>\incolorfalse\localcolorfalse
+ \forcegrayMPcolorstrue]%
+ \initializemaintextcolor}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifcolorelse}
+%D Switching to a color is done by means of the following
+%D command. Later on we will explain the use of palets. We
+%D define ourselves a color conditional first.
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\??cr\@EA\ifx\csname\??cr\currentpalet#1\endcsname\relax\else\currentpalet\fi#1\endcsname\relax
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+\beginETEX \ifcsname
+ {\ifcsname\??cr\ifcsname\??cr\currentpalet#1\endcsname\currentpalet\fi#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {localstartcolor,localstopcolor}
+%D Simple color support, that is without nesting, is provided
+%D by:
+ {\ifincolor
+ \localcolortrue
+ \expandafter\doglobalstartcolor
+ \else
+ \expandafter\noglobalstartcolor
+ \fi}
+ {\ifincolor
+ \doglobalstopcolor
+ \else
+ \noglobalstopcolor
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {startcolor,stopcolor}
+%D The more save method, the one that saves the current color
+%D state and returns to this state afterward, is activated by:
+%D \showsetup{startcolor}
+ {\ifincolor
+ \expandafter\doglobalstartcolor
+ \else
+ \expandafter\noglobalstartcolor
+ \fi}
+ {\ifincolor
+ \doglobalstopcolor
+ \else
+ \noglobalstopcolor
+ \fi}
+%D This macros call the global color switching ones. Starting
+%D a global, i.e. a possible page boundary crossing, color
+%D mode also sets a \type{\mark} in \TEX's internal list.
+\letvalue{\??cl0C}\empty % saved color
+\letvalue{\??cl0S}\empty % stop command
+%D We keep a positive color stack for foreground colors, and
+%D a negative one for backgrounds. Not that brilliant a
+%D solution, but it suits. The signs are swapped when the
+%D page ornaments are typeset.
+\let\@@colorplus \plusone
+\def\@@currentcolorname {\??cl\the\colorlevel C}
+\def\@@currentcolorstop {\??cl\the\colorlevel S}
+%def\@@currenttransparent{\??cl\the\colorlevel T}
+ {\csname
+ \ifundefined\@@currentcolorname\s!empty\else\@@currentcolorname\fi
+ \endcsname}
+ {\global\@EA\let\@EA\@@currentcolor\csname\@@currentcolorname\endcsname
+ \global\advance\colorlevel \@@colorplus
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@currentcolorname\endcsname\@@askedcolor
+ %\debuggerinfo\m!colors
+ % {start \@@askedcolor\space at level \the\colorlevel}%
+ \ifx\@@askedcolor\empty
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@currentcolorname\endcsname\@@currentcolor
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@currentcolorstop\endcsname\donoglobalstopcolor
+ \else\ifx\@@askedcolor\@@currentcolor
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@currentcolorstop\endcsname\donoglobalstopcolor
+ \else
+ \doifcolorelse\@@askedcolor
+ {%\docolormark\@@askedcolor
+ \ifpermitcolormode\docolormark\@@askedcolor\fi
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@currentcolorstop\endcsname\dodoglobalstopcolor
+ \startcolormode\@@askedcolor}
+ {\global\@EA\let\csname\@@currentcolorstop\endcsname\donoglobalstopcolor
+ \showmessage\m!colors3\@@askedcolor}%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\edef\@@askedcolor{#1}%
+ \ifcase\colorlevel\relax
+ \ifx\@@askedcolor\empty
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@currentcolorstop\endcsname\empty
+ \else
+ \dodoglobalstartcolor
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dodoglobalstartcolor
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {}
+ {\ifcase\colorlevel \else
+ \donoglobalstopcolor
+ \global\@EA\let\@EA\@@previouscolor\csname\@@currentcolorname\endcsname
+ \ifcase\colorlevel\relax
+ \ifpermitcolormode
+ \docolormark\empty
+ \conditionalstoptransparency
+ \dostopcolormode
+ \fi
+ \else % let's do a bit redundant testing here
+ \docolormark\@@previouscolor
+ \ifx\@@previouscolor\empty
+ \ifpermitcolormode
+ \conditionalstoptransparency
+ \dostopcolormode
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \doifcolorelse\@@previouscolor
+ {\ifx\@@currentcolor\@@previouscolor\else
+ % alternatively we could let \startcolormode handle this
+ \ifpermitcolormode
+ \conditionalstoptransparency % really needed
+ % more safe but less efficient: \dostopcolormode
+ \fi
+ \startcolormode\@@previouscolor
+ \fi}
+ {\ifpermitcolormode
+ \conditionalstoptransparency
+ \dostopcolormode
+ \fi}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\colorlevel \else
+ \global\@EA\let\@EA\@@currentcolor\csname\@@currentcolorname\endcsname
+ %\debuggerinfo{\m!colors}
+ % {stop \@@currentcolor\normalspace at level \the\colorlevel}%
+ \global\advance\colorlevel \@@colorminus
+ \fi}
+ {\csname\@@currentcolorstop\endcsname}
+%D We don't use grouping and save each stop alternative. This
+%D permits be especially useful in for instance local color
+%D support in verbatim. Using \type{\bgroup}||\type{\egroup}
+%D pairs could interfere with calling commands
+%D This color mechanism takes care of nested colors, like in:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \color[green]{groen \color[green]{groen \color[red]{rood}} groen}
+%D \color[green]{groen \color[]{groen \color[red]{rood}} groen}
+%D \color[green]{groen \color[red]{rood \color[red]{rood}} groen}
+%D \color[green]{groen \color[green]{groen \color[]{groen}} groen}
+%D \color[green]{groen \color[red]{rood} groen}
+%D \color[green]{groen \color[]{groen} groen}
+%D \color[]{zwart \color[red]{rood} zwart}
+%D \color[]{zwart}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D or
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D Crossing page boundaries is of course also handled.
+%D Undefined or empty color specifications are treated as
+%D efficient as possible.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startcolor[green]
+%D [green] \input tufte [green] \par
+%D \startcolor[]
+%D [green] \input knuth [green] \par
+%D \startcolor[red]
+%D [red] \input tufte [red] \par
+%D \startcolor[yellow]
+%D [yellow] \input knuth [yellow] \par
+%D \stopcolor
+%D [red] \input tufte [red] \par
+%D \stopcolor
+%D [green] \input knuth [green] \par
+%D \stopcolor
+%D [green] \input tufte [green] \par
+%D \stopcolor
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startpacked
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoppacked
+%D These quotes are typeset by saying:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D We already mentioned that colors interfere with building
+%D the pagebody. This means that when the page is composed,
+%D the colors temporary have to be reset. After the page is
+%D shipped out, we have to revive the current color.
+%D We use \type{\mark}s to keep track of colors across page
+%D boundaries. Unfortunately standard \TEX\ supports only one mark,
+%D and using this one for color support only would be a waste.
+%D We therefore use an adapted version of J.~Fox's multiple mark
+%D mechanism as (re|)|implemented in \module{supp-mrk}.
+ {\rawnewmark\colormark}
+ {\let\colormark\gobbleoneargument}
+%D Using this mark mechanism with lots of colors has one
+%D major drawback: \TEX's memory tends to overflow when
+%D very colorful text is stored in a global box. Even worse is that
+%D the processing time grows considerably. We therefore support
+%D local as well as global color switching.
+%D Of the next macros, \type {\popcolor} is to be used after
+%D the actual \type {\shipout} and \type {\startcolorpage} and
+%D \type {\stopcolorpage} are called when entering and leaving
+%D the \type {\pagebody} builder. In case of emergencies
+%D \type {\pushcolor} can be used to undo the current color,
+%D for instance when insertions are appended to the page.
+%D Out of efficiency we only use marks when needed. The next
+%D macro tries to find out if indeed a mark should be set.
+%D This macro uses the boolean \type {\ifinpagebody}, which can
+%D be defined and set in the module that handles the pagebody.
+ {\iflocalcolor \else \ifinpagebody \else \ifinframed \else
+ \dodocolormark{#1}%
+ \fi \fi \fi}
+ {\edef\newcolormark{#1}%
+ \ifx\newcolormark\lastcolormark\else
+ \global\let\lastcolormark\newcolormark
+ \@EA\rawsetmark\@EA\colormark\@EA{\lastcolormark}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {pushcolor, popcolor}
+%D Pushing the current state in the output routine simply comes
+%D to resetting the color to black, while popping restores the
+%D color state to that of before the break.
+\def\topofpagecolor{\rawgetbotmark\colormark} % see postponing
+ {\stopcolormode}
+ {\doifsomething{\rawgetbotmark\colormark}
+ {%\debuggerinfo\m!colors{popping \getbotmark\colormark}%
+ \startcolormode{\rawgetbotmark\colormark}}}
+ {\getsplitmarks\colormark % hier wel
+ \doifsomething{\rawgetsplitbotmark\colormark}
+ {%\debuggerinfo\m!colors{split popping \getsplitbotmark\colormark}%
+ \startcolormode{\rawgetsplitbotmark\colormark}}}
+\appendtoks\pushcolor \to\everypushproperties
+\appendtoks\popcolor \to\everypopproperties
+% Private macro: only needed in test cases (like multiple
+% seperations in one file); no user command!
+ {\ifcase\pagetotal % \ifdim\pagetotal=\zeropoint
+ \popcolor
+ \else\ifx\@@currentcolor\empty
+ \ifx\maintextcolor\empty\else
+ \startcolormode\maintextcolor
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \startcolormode\@@currentcolor
+ \fi\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {startcolorpage, stopcolorpage}
+%D Local use can be forced with the next two macros. Nesting
+%D is still supported but colors are no longer marked.
+%D The next implementation makes (simple) color separation more
+%D easy. It also supports nested colors in page backgrounds
+%D and texts.
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\@@colorplus \minusone
+ \let\@@colorminus\plusone
+ \let\docolormark\gobbleoneargument
+ \edef\savedcolorlevel{\the\colorlevel}%
+ \global\colorlevel\zerocount % before \localstartcolor of
+ \ifx\maintextcolor\empty % course, ugly bug removed
+ \localstartcolor[\defaulttextcolor]%
+ \else
+ \localstartcolor[\maintextcolor]%
+ \fi}
+ {\localstopcolor
+ \global\colorlevel\savedcolorlevel
+ \egroup}
+\appendtoks \startcolorpage\to\everystarttextproperties
+\prependtoks\stopcolorpage \to\everystoptextproperties
+%D \macros
+%D {color,graycolor}
+%D This leaves the simple color command:
+%D \showsetup{color}
+%D \showsetup{graycolor}
+%D Which can be used straightforward: \color[green]{green as gras}.
+%D We want color support to be similar to font support and
+%D therefore implement \type{\color} as:
+ {\groupedcommand{\startcolor[#1]}\stopcolor}
+% \let\switchtocolor\color
+%D When \type {\somecolor} is issued, we can savely assume
+%D grouping. Using \type {\groupedcommand} here (i.e.\ the
+%D definition of \type {\color}) is unsafe because in
+%D interferes with for instance switching attributes.
+%D Also wrong, test in combinations: \type{...{}{\red test}}
+%D \def\switchtocolor[#1]%
+%D {\startcolor[#1]\aftergroup\stopcolor}
+\def\switchtocolor[#1]% grouping is realy needed, else migration
+ {\bgroup\startcolor[#1]\aftergroup\stopcolor\aftergroup\egroup}
+ {\groupedcommand{\startcolor[#1]}\stopcolor}
+\unexpanded\def\graycolor[#1]% not \gray because this is a color
+ {\groupedcommand{\RGBsupportedfalse\CMYKsupportedfalse\startcolor[#1]}\stopcolor}
+%D This implementation enables use of defined colors like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D Look at the {\brightgreen bright} side of life and get
+%D yourself no \red{red} head!
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {colorvalue, grayvalue}
+%D We can typeset the color components using \type{\colorvalue} and
+%D \type{\grayvalue}. The commands:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D color value of SomeKindOfRed: \colorvalue{SomeKindOfRed} \crlf
+%D gray value of SomeKindOfRed: \grayvalue{SomeKindOfRed}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D show us:
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D We can speed the following macros a bit up, but this
+%D hardly pays off; they are only used in the manual.
+ {\ifnum#1<\plusten 0.00\the#1\else
+ \ifnum#1<\plushundred 0.0\the#1\else
+ \ifnum#1<\plusthousand 0.\the#1\else
+ 1.000\fi\fi\fi}
+\def\colorformatseparator{ }
+ {\colordimen#1\points\relax
+ \ifdim\colordimen>\onepoint
+ \colordimen\onepoint
+ \fi
+ \multiply\colordimen \plusthousand
+ \colorcount\colordimen
+ \advance\colorcount \medcard
+ \divide\colorcount \maxcard \relax
+ \realcolorformat\colorcount}
+ {\dodoformatcolor{#1}\colorformatseparator
+ \dodoformatcolor{#2}\colorformatseparator
+ \dodoformatcolor{#3}}
+ {\dodoformatcolor{#1}\colorformatseparator
+ \dodoformatcolor{#2}\colorformatseparator
+ \dodoformatcolor{#3}\colorformatseparator
+ \dodoformatcolor{#4}}
+ {\dodoformatcolor{#1}}
+ {\getvalue{doformatcolor#1}}
+ {\dowithcolor\doformatcolor}
+ {\convertRGBtoGRAY{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \dodoformatcolor\@@cl@@s}
+ {\convertCMYKtoGRAY{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \dodoformatcolor\@@cl@@s}
+ {\dodoformatcolor{#1}}
+% \def\doformatgrayP#1:#2:#3:#4\od
+% {\dowithcolor\doformatcolor{#1}}
+ {\dowithcolor\doformatcolor{#1}}
+ {\getvalue{doformatgray#1}}
+ {\dowithcolor\doformatgray}
+%D \macros
+%D {localstartraster,localstopraster,
+%D startraster,stopraster}
+%D The previous conversions are not linear and treat each color
+%D component according to human perception curves. Pure gray
+%D (we call them rasters) has equal color components. In
+%D \CONTEXT\ rasters are only used as backgrounds and these
+%D don't cross page boundaries in the way color does. Therefore
+%D we don't need stacks and marks. Just to be compatible with
+%D color support we offer both 'global' and 'local' commands.
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\dostartgraymode\@@rsscreen}
+ {\dostartgraymode{#1}}}
+ {\dostopgraymode}
+\let\stopraster \localstopraster
+%D In this documentation we will not go into too much details
+%D on palets. Curious users can find more information on this
+%D topic in \from[use of color].
+%D At the moment we implemented color in \CONTEXT\ color
+%D printing was not yet on the desktop. In spite of this lack our
+%D graphics designer made colorfull illustrations. When printed
+%D on a black and white printer, distinctive colors can come
+%D out equally gray. We therefore decided to use only colors
+%D that were distinctive in colors as well as in black and
+%D white print.
+%D Although none of the graphic packages we used supported
+%D logical colors and global color redefition, we build this
+%D support into \CONTEXT. This enabled us to experiment and
+%D also prepared us for the future.
+%D \macros
+%D {definepalet}
+%D Colors are grouped in palets. The colors in such a palet can
+%D have colorful names, but best is to use names that specify
+%D their use, like {\em important} or {\em danger}. As a sort
+%D of example \CONTEXT\ has some palets predefined,
+%D like:\footnote{At the time I wrote the palet support, I was
+%D reading 'A hort history of time' of S.~Hawkins, so that's
+%D why we stuck to quarks.}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definepalet
+%D [alfa]
+%D [ top=rood:7,
+%D bottom=groen:6,
+%D up=blauw:5,
+%D down=cyaan:4,
+%D strange=magenta:3,
+%D charm=geel:2]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D It's formal definition is:
+%D \showsetup{definepalet}
+%D Visualized, such a palet looks like:
+%D \startbuffer[palet]
+%D \showpalet [alfa] [horizontal,name,number,value]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer[palet]
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D This bar shows both the color and gray alternatives of the
+%D palet components (not visible in black and white print).
+%D When needed, one can copy a palet by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definepalet [TEXcolorpretty] [colorpretty]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This saves us some typing in for instance the modules that
+%D deal with pretty verbatim typesetting.
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinepalet}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\showmessage\m!colors6{#1}%
+ \letvalue{\??pa#1}\empty
+ \setevalue{\??pa\??pa#1}{#2}%
+ \def\dodododefinepalet[##1=##2]%
+ {\doifvaluesomething{\??pa#1}
+ {\setevalue{\??pa#1}{\getvalue{\??pa#1},}}%
+ \setevalue{\??pa#1}{\getvalue{\??pa#1}##1}%
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??cr##2}
+ {\iffreezecolors\@EA\setevalue\else\@EA\setvalue\fi
+ {\??cr#1:##1}{\getvalue{\??cr##2}}}
+ {\letvalue{\??cr#1:##1}\colorXpattern}}%
+ \def\dododefinepalet##1%
+ {\dodododefinepalet[##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\dododefinepalet}
+ {\doifdefined{\??pa#2}
+ {\expanded{\dodefinepalet[#1][\getvalue{\??pa\??pa#2}]}}}}
+ {\getcommacommandsize[\getvalue{\??pa\??pa#1}]%
+ \edef\paletsize{\number\commalistsize}}
+%D \macros
+%D {setuppalet}
+%D Colors are taken from the current palet, if defined.
+%D Setting the current palet is done by:
+%D \showsetup{setuppalet}
+ {\dosingleempty\dosetuppalet}
+ {\edef\currentpalet{#1}%
+ \ifx\currentpalet\empty
+ % seems to be a reset
+ \else
+ % fast enough for tex and etex
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\??pa\currentpalet\endcsname\relax
+ \showmessage\m!colors7\currentpalet
+ \let\currentpalet\empty
+ \else
+ \edef\currentpalet{#1:}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {showpalet}
+%D The previous visualization was typeset with:
+%D \typebuffer[palet]
+%D This commands is defined as:
+%D \showsetup{showpalet}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showpalet {\f!colorprefix\s!run}
+%D \macros
+%D {definecolorgroup}
+%D The naming of the colors in this palet suggests some
+%D ordening, which in turn is suported by color grouping.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definecolorgroup
+%D [red]
+%D [1.00:0.90:0.90,
+%D 1.00:0.80:0.80,
+%D 1.00:0.70:0.70,
+%D 1.00:0.55:0.55,
+%D 1.00:0.40:0.40,
+%D 1.00:0.25:0.25,
+%D 1.00:0.15:0.15,
+%D 0.90:0.00:0.00]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In such a color group colors are numbered from~$1$ to~$n$.
+%D \showsetup{definecolorgroup}
+%D This kind of specification is not only more compact than
+%D defining each color separate, it also loads faster and takes
+%D less bytes.
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinecolorgroup}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \processaction
+ [#2]
+ [ \v!cmyk=>\edef\currentcolorspace{C},
+ \v!rgb=>\edef\currentcolorspace{R},
+ \v!gray=>\edef\currentcolorspace{S},
+ \v!spot=>\edef\currentcolorspace{P},
+ \v!s=>\edef\currentcolorspace{S},
+ \s!unknown=>\edef\currentcolorspace{R}]%
+ \colorcount\zerocount
+ \def\dododefinecolorgroup##1%
+ {\advance\colorcount \plusone
+ \setevalue{\??cr#1:\the\colorcount}{\currentcolorspace:##1:0:0}}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\dododefinecolorgroup
+ \else
+ \doifinstringelse{:}{#2}
+ {\definecolorgroup[#1][\v!rgb][#2]}
+ {\doloop
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??cr#2:\recurselevel}
+ {\setevalue{\??cr#1:\recurselevel}%
+ {\getvalue{\??cr#2:\recurselevel}}}
+ {\exitloop}}}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {showcolorgroup}
+%D We can show the group by:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \showcolorgroup [blue] [horizontal,name,number,value]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D or in color:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D which uses:
+%D \showsetup{showcolorgroup}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showcolorgroup {\f!colorprefix\s!run}
+%D There are ten predefined color groups, like
+%D \color[green]{\em groen}, \color[red]{\em rood},
+%D \color[blue]{\em blauw}, \color[cyan]{\em cyaan},
+%D \color[magenta]{\em magenta} and \color[yellow]{\em geel}.
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox to \hsize
+%D {\hss
+%D \showcolorgroup [red] [vertical,name,number]\hss
+%D \showcolorgroup [green] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showcolorgroup [blue] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showcolorgroup [cyan] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showcolorgroup [magenta] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showcolorgroup [yellow] [vertical,name]\hss}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D These groups are used to define palets {\em alfa} upto {\em
+%D zeta}. As long as we don't use colors from the same row, we
+%D get ourselves distinctive palets. By activating such a palet
+%D one gains access to its members {\em top} to {\em charm} (of
+%D course one should use more suitable names than these).
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox to \hsize
+%D {\showpalet [alfa] [vertical,name,number]\hss
+%D \showpalet [beta] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showpalet [gamma] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showpalet [delta] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showpalet [epsilon] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showpalet [zeta] [vertical,name]}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D By using the keyword \type {value} the individual color
+%D components are shown too. When printed in color, these
+%D showcases show both the colors and the gray value.
+%D \macros
+%D {comparepalet}
+%D There are some more testing macros available:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \comparepalet [alfa]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D shows the palet colors against a background:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D The formal definition is:
+%D \showsetup{comparepalet}
+\fetchruntimecommand \comparepalet {\f!colorprefix\s!run}
+%D \macros
+%D {comparecolorgroup}
+%D The similar command:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \comparecolorgroup [blue]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D shows color groups:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D this commands are defined as:
+%D \showsetup{comparecolorgroup}
+\fetchruntimecommand \comparecolorgroup {\f!colorprefix\s!run}
+%D \macros
+%D {showcolor}
+%D But let's not forget that we also have the more traditional
+%D non||related colors. These show up after:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \showcolor [name]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Where \type{name} for instance can be \type{rgb}.
+%D \showsetup{showcolor}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showcolor {\f!colorprefix\s!run}
+%D It would make sense to put the following code in \type
+%D {colo-mps}, but it it rather low level.
+%D \macros
+%D {ifMPgraphics, ifMPcmykcolors, MPcolor}
+%D A very special macro is \type{\MPcolor}. This one can be
+%D used to pass a \CONTEXT\ color to \METAPOST.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \MPcolor{my own red}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This macro returns a \METAPOST\ triplet \type{(R,G,B)}.
+%D Unless \CMYK\ color support is turned on with \type
+%D {MPcmyk}, only \cap{RGB} colors and gray scales are
+%D supported.
+\newif\ifMPcmykcolors % \MPcmykcolorsfalse
+\newif\ifMPspotcolors % \MPspotcolorsfalse
+ {\ifMPgraphics
+ \handlecolorwith\doMPcolor
+ \csname\??cr\@EA
+ \ifx\csname\??cr\currentpalet#2\endcsname\relax\else\currentpalet\fi
+ #2\endcsname
+ :::::::\end#1\end
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi}
+\beginETEX \ifcsname
+ {\ifMPgraphics
+ \handlecolorwith\doMPcolor
+ \csname\??cr
+ \ifcsname\??cr\currentpalet#2\endcsname\currentpalet\fi
+ #2\endcsname
+ :::::::\end#1\end
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi}
+%D Before we had transparency available, the following
+%D conversion macro was available:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doMPcolor#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6:#7:#8\end
+%D {\if #1R(#2,#3,#4)%
+%D \else\if#1C\ifMPcmykcolors cmyk(#2,#3,#4,#5)\else(1-#2-#5,1-#3-#5,1-#4-#5)\fi
+%D \else\if#1S(#2,#2,#2)%
+%D \else (0,0,0)%
+%D \fi\fi\fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In order to be useful, this macro is to be fully
+%D expandabele.
+\def\doMPcolor#1:% #1 can be \relax ! ! ! i.e. an empty color
+ {\csname
+ MPc\@EA\ifx\csname MPc\string#1\endcsname\relax B\else#1\fi
+ \endcsname}
+\def\transparentMP {transparent}
+\def\cmykMP {scaledcmyk}
+\def\cmykASrgbMP {scaledcmykasrgb} % not really needed any more
+\def\rgbMP {scaledrgb}
+\def\grayMP {scaledgray}
+\def\spotMP {spotcolor}
+\let\processMP\spotMP % for some time, will become obsolete
+ {\ifcase#2\space(#1)\else\transparentMP(#2,#3,(#1))\fi}
+ {\doMPtransparent{\grayMP(#1,#3)}#2\end}
+ {\doMPtransparent{\rgbMP(#1,#2,#3,#5)}#4\end}
+ {\doMPtransparent{\cmykMP(#1,#2,#3,#4,#6)}#5\end}
+ {\doMPtransparent{\cmykASrgbMP(#1,#2,#3,#4,#6)}#5\end}
+% \def\doMPspotY#1:#2:#3\end#4\end
+% {\doMPtransparent{\spotMP("#1",#2)}#3\end}
+% \def\doMPspotN#1:#2:#3\end#4\end
+% {\scaledMPcolor{#2}{#1}}
+\def\doMPspotY#1:#2:#3:#4:#5\end#6\end % best make #3 same as #1 when empty
+ {\doMPtransparent{multitonecolor("#1",#2,"#3","#4")}#5\end}
+ {\scaledMPcolor{#4}{#1}}
+ {\unknownMPcolor}
+ {(0,0,0)}
+%D \macros
+%D {PDFcolor,FDFcolor}
+%D Similar alternatives are avaliable for \PDF:
+\def\PDFcolor #1{\handlecolorwith\doPDFcolor \csname\??cr#1\endcsname:::::::\end}
+\def\FDFcolor #1{\handlecolorwith\doFDFcolor \csname\??cr#1\endcsname:::::::\end}
+% \def\doPDFcolor#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6:#7:#8\end
+% {\if #1R#2 #3 #4 rg%
+% \else\if#1C#2 #3 #4 #5 k%
+% \else\if#1S#2 g%
+% \else\if#1P#3 g% todo
+% \else 0 g%
+% \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+% \def\doPDFcolorvalue#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6:#7:#8\end
+% {\if #1R#2 #3 #4%
+% \else\if#1C#2 #3 #4 #5%
+% \else\if#1S#2%
+% \else\if#1P#3%
+% \else 0%
+% \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+% \def\doFDFcolor#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6:#7:#8\end
+% {[\if #1R#2 #3 #4%
+% \else\if#1C#2 #3 #4 #5%
+% \else\if#1S#2%
+% \else\if#1P#3% todo
+% \else 0%
+% \fi\fi\fi\fi]}
+ {\if #1R#2 #3 #4 rg%
+ \else\if#1C#2 #3 #4 #5 k%
+ \else\if#1S#2 g%
+ \else\if#1P#5 g%
+ \else 0 g%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ {\if #1R#2 #3 #4%
+ \else\if#1C#2 #3 #4 #5%
+ \else\if#1S#2%
+ \else\if#1P#5%
+ \else 0%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ {[\if #1R#2 #3 #4%
+ \else\if#1C#2 #3 #4 #5%
+ \else\if#1S#2%
+ \else\if#1P#5%
+ \else 0%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi]}
+% a few more obscure ones:
+\def\dointernalspotcolorname#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6:#7:#8\end{\if#1P\ifcase0#3 #1\else#2\fi\else#1\fi}
+\def\dointernalspotcolorsize#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6:#7:#8\end{\if#1P\ifcase0#3 0\else#3\fi\else 0\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {everyshapebox}
+%D A terrible hack, needed because we cannot have marks in
+%D shape boxes.
+\appendtoks \localcolortrue \to \everyshapebox
+%D We default to the colors defined in \module{colo-rgb} and
+%D support both \cap{RGB} and \cap{CMYK} output.
+ [\c!state=\v!stop,
+ \c!conversion=\v!yes,
+ \c!reduction=\v!no,
+ \c!rgb=\v!yes,
+ \c!cmyk=\v!yes,
+ \c!spot=\v!yes,
+ \c!mp\c!cmyk=\@@clcmyk,
+ \c!mp\c!spot=\@@clspot,
+ \c!expansion=\v!no,
+ \c!textcolor=,
+ \c!split=\v!no,
+ \c!criterium=\v!all]
+ [\v!rgb]
+%D For the moment we keep the next downward compatibility
+%D switch, i.e.\ expanded colors. However, predefined colors
+%D and palets are no longer expanded (which is what I wanted
+%D in the first place).
+%D Well, in case we want to do color separation and use CMYK
+%D colors only, this is dangerous since unwanted remapping may
+%D take place. Especially when we redefine already defined
+%D colors in another color space (e.g. darkgreen is
+%D predefined in RGB color space, so a redefinition in CMYK
+%D coordinates before RGB mode is disabled, would give
+%D unexpected results due to the already frozen color spec.)
+%D So, from now on, colors are not frozen any more!
+% \appendtoks\setupcolors[\c!expansie=\v!ja]\to\everyjob
+%D The next macro is for instance used in figure splitting:
+ {\iffilterspotcolor
+ \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else\ifcase\currentcolorchannel
+ \@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\doifseparatingcolorselse
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ \secondoftwoarguments
+ {\doifelse{#1}\@@clsplit
+ \firstoftwoarguments
+ \secondoftwoarguments}}
+ \secondoftwoarguments}
+ {\filterspotcolorfalse
+ \chardef\currentcolorchannel\zerocount}
+%D These can be used in selecting specific files (like
+%D figuredatabases).
+% we already have:
+% \def\colorsplitsuffix{\ifcase\currentcolorchannel\else-\@@clsplitsen\fi}
+% \def\colorsplitprefix{\ifcase\currentcolorchannel\else\@@clsplitsen-\fi}
+%D As we can see, color support is turned off by default.
+%D Reduction of gray colors to gray scales is turned on.
+\protect \endinput