path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
diff options
authorMojca Miklavec <>2014-05-05 20:29:55 +0000
committerMojca Miklavec <>2014-05-05 20:29:55 +0000
commitba9a57343987f1c2c72396e7c38f1fa30352c24c (patch)
tree66a8b12cdf67427ce96770fd0e9e581759aade1c /Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
parent15242121b8ddf7d4a041fb3998d295dd8232e1eb (diff)
ConTeXt 2014.04.28 23:24
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua')
1 files changed, 663 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
index 4a7d9f025e4..0a0f71266b7 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
@@ -23,22 +23,28 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['cldf-ini'] = {
-- todo: context("%bold{total: }%s",total)
-- todo: context.documentvariable("title")
+-- during the crited project we ran into the situation that luajittex was 10-20 times
+-- slower that luatex ... after 3 days of testing and probing we finally figured out that
+-- the the differences between the lua and luajit hashers can lead to quite a slowdown
+-- in some cases.
local tex = tex
context = context or { }
local context = context
-local format, gsub, validstring = string.format, string.gsub, string.valid
+local format, gsub, validstring, stripstring = string.format, string.gsub, string.valid, string.strip
local next, type, tostring, tonumber, setmetatable, unpack, select = next, type, tostring, tonumber, setmetatable, unpack, select
local insert, remove, concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat
-local lpegmatch, lpegC, lpegS, lpegP, lpegCc, patterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.C, lpeg.S, lpeg.P, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.patterns
+local lpegmatch, lpegC, lpegS, lpegP, lpegV, lpegCc, lpegCs, patterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.C, lpeg.S, lpeg.P, lpeg.V, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.patterns
local formatters = string.formatters -- using formatteds is slower in this case
+local loaddata = io.loaddata
local texsprint = tex.sprint
-local textprint = tex.tprint
local texprint = tex.print
local texwrite = tex.write
-local texcount = tex.count
+local texgetcount = tex.getcount
local isnode = node.is_node -- after 0.65 just node.type
local writenode = node.write
@@ -62,72 +68,239 @@ local report_cld = logs.reporter("cld","stack")
local processlines = true -- experiments.register("context.processlines", function(v) processlines = v end)
--- for tracing it's easier to have two stacks
+-- In earlier experiments a function tables was referred to as lua.calls and the
+-- primitive \luafunctions was \luacall.
-local _stack_f_, _n_f_ = { }, 0
-local _stack_n_, _n_n_ = { }, 0
+local luafunctions = lua.get_functions_table and lua.get_functions_table()
+local usedstack = nil
+local showstackusage = false
-local function _store_f_(ti)
- _n_f_ = _n_f_ + 1
- _stack_f_[_n_f_] = ti
- return _n_f_
+-- luafunctions = false
-local function _store_n_(ti)
- _n_n_ = _n_n_ + 1
- _stack_n_[_n_n_] = ti
- return _n_n_
+trackers.register("context.stack",function(v) showstackusage = v end)
-local function _flush_f_(n)
- local sn = _stack_f_[n]
- if not sn then
- report_cld("data with id %a cannot be found on stack",n)
- else
- local tn = type(sn)
- if tn == "function" then
- if not sn() and texcount["@@trialtypesetting"] == 0 then -- @@trialtypesetting is private!
- _stack_f_[n] = nil
- else
- -- keep, beware, that way the stack can grow
- end
+local storefunction, flushfunction
+local storenode, flushnode
+local registerfunction, unregisterfunction, reservefunction, knownfunctions, callfunctiononce
+if luafunctions then
+ local freed, nofused, noffreed = { }, 0, 0 -- maybe use the number of @@trialtypesetting
+ usedstack = function()
+ return nofused, noffreed
+ end
+ flushfunction = function(slot,arg)
+ if arg() then
+ -- keep
+ elseif texgetcount("@@trialtypesetting") == 0 then -- @@trialtypesetting is private!
+ noffreed = noffreed + 1
+ freed[noffreed] = slot
+ luafunctions[slot] = false
- if texcount["@@trialtypesetting"] == 0 then -- @@trialtypesetting is private!
- writenode(sn)
- _stack_f_[n] = nil
- else
- writenode(copynodelist(sn))
- -- keep, beware, that way the stack can grow
- end
+ -- keep
-local function _flush_n_(n)
- local sn = _stack_n_[n]
- if not sn then
- report_cld("data with id %a cannot be found on stack",n)
- elseif texcount["@@trialtypesetting"] == 0 then -- @@trialtypesetting is private!
- writenode(sn)
- _stack_n_[n] = nil
- else
- writenode(copynodelist(sn))
- -- keep, beware, that way the stack can grow
+ storefunction = function(arg)
+ local f = function(slot) flushfunction(slot,arg) end
+ if noffreed > 0 then
+ local n = freed[noffreed]
+ freed[noffreed] = nil
+ noffreed = noffreed - 1
+ luafunctions[n] = f
+ return n
+ else
+ nofused = nofused + 1
+ luafunctions[nofused] = f
+ return nofused
+ end
+ end
+ flushnode = function(slot,arg)
+ if texgetcount("@@trialtypesetting") == 0 then -- @@trialtypesetting is private!
+ writenode(arg)
+ noffreed = noffreed + 1
+ freed[noffreed] = slot
+ luafunctions[slot] = false
+ else
+ writenode(copynodelist(arg))
+ end
+ end
+ storenode = function(arg)
+ local f = function(slot) flushnode(slot,arg) end
+ if noffreed > 0 then
+ local n = freed[noffreed]
+ freed[noffreed] = nil
+ noffreed = noffreed - 1
+ luafunctions[n] = f
+ return n
+ else
+ nofused = nofused + 1
+ luafunctions[nofused] = f
+ return nofused
+ end
-function context.restart()
- _stack_f_, _n_f_ = { }, 0
- _stack_n_, _n_n_ = { }, 0
+ registerfunction = function(f)
+ if type(f) == "string" then
+ f = loadstring(f)
+ end
+ if type(f) ~= "function" then
+ f = function() report_cld("invalid function %A",f) end
+ end
+ if noffreed > 0 then
+ local n = freed[noffreed]
+ freed[noffreed] = nil
+ noffreed = noffreed - 1
+ luafunctions[n] = f
+ return n
+ else
+ nofused = nofused + 1
+ luafunctions[nofused] = f
+ return nofused
+ end
+ end
+ unregisterfunction = function(slot)
+ if luafunctions[slot] then
+ noffreed = noffreed + 1
+ freed[noffreed] = slot
+ luafunctions[slot] = false
+ else
+ report_cld("invalid function slot %A",slot)
+ end
+ end
+ reservefunction = function()
+ if noffreed > 0 then
+ local n = freed[noffreed]
+ freed[noffreed] = nil
+ noffreed = noffreed - 1
+ return n
+ else
+ nofused = nofused + 1
+ return nofused
+ end
+ end
+ callfunctiononce = function(slot)
+ luafunctions[slot](slot)
+ noffreed = noffreed + 1
+ freed[noffreed] = slot
+ luafunctions[slot] = false
+ end
+ table.setmetatablecall(luafunctions,function(t,n) return luafunctions[n](n) end)
+ knownfunctions = luafunctions
+ local luafunctions, noffunctions = { }, 0
+ local luanodes, nofnodes = { }, 0
+ usedstack = function()
+ return noffunctions + nofnodes, 0
+ end
+ flushfunction = function(n)
+ local sn = luafunctions[n]
+ if not sn then
+ report_cld("data with id %a cannot be found on stack",n)
+ elseif not sn() and texgetcount("@@trialtypesetting") == 0 then -- @@trialtypesetting is private!
+ luafunctions[n] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ storefunction = function(ti)
+ noffunctions = noffunctions + 1
+ luafunctions[noffunctions] = ti
+ return noffunctions
+ end
+ -- freefunction = function(n)
+ -- luafunctions[n] = nil
+ -- end
+ flushnode = function(n)
+ local sn = luanodes[n]
+ if not sn then
+ report_cld("data with id %a cannot be found on stack",n)
+ elseif texgetcount("@@trialtypesetting") == 0 then -- @@trialtypesetting is private!
+ writenode(sn)
+ luanodes[n] = nil
+ else
+ writenode(copynodelist(sn))
+ end
+ end
+ storenode = function(ti)
+ nofnodes = nofnodes + 1
+ luanodes[nofnodes] = ti
+ return nofnodes
+ end
+ _cldf_ = flushfunction -- global
+ _cldn_ = flushnode -- global
+ -- _cldl_ = function(n) return luafunctions[n]() end -- luafunctions(n)
+ _cldl_ = luafunctions
+ registerfunction = function(f)
+ if type(f) == "string" then
+ f = loadstring(f)
+ end
+ if type(f) ~= "function" then
+ f = function() report_cld("invalid function %A",f) end
+ end
+ noffunctions = noffunctions + 1
+ luafunctions[noffunctions] = f
+ return noffunctions
+ end
+ unregisterfunction = function(slot)
+ if luafunctions[slot] then
+ luafunctions[slot] = nil
+ else
+ report_cld("invalid function slot %A",slot)
+ end
+ end
+ reservefunction = function()
+ noffunctions = noffunctions + 1
+ return noffunctions
+ end
+ callfunctiononce = function(slot)
+ luafunctions[slot](slot)
+ luafunctions[slot] = nil
+ end
+ table.setmetatablecall(luafunctions,function(t,n) return luafunctions[n](n) end)
+ knownfunctions = luafunctions
-context._stack_f_ = _stack_f_
-context._store_f_ = _store_f_
-context._flush_f_ = _flush_f_ _cldf_ = _flush_f_
+context.registerfunction = registerfunction
+context.unregisterfunction = unregisterfunction
+context.reservefunction = reservefunction
+context.knownfunctions = knownfunctions
+context.callfunctiononce = callfunctiononce _cldo_ = callfunctiononce
+context.storenode = storenode -- private helper
+function commands.ctxfunction(code)
+ context(registerfunction(code))
-context._stack_n_ = _stack_n_
-context._store_n_ = _store_n_
-context._flush_n_ = _flush_n_ _cldn_ = _flush_n_
+-- local f_cldo = formatters["_cldo_(%i)"]
+-- local latelua_node = nodes.pool.latelua
+-- function context.lateluafunctionnnode(f)
+-- return latelua_node(f_cldo(registerfunction(f)))
+-- end
-- Should we keep the catcodes with the function?
@@ -357,98 +530,210 @@ end
local containseol = patterns.containseol
-local function writer(parent,command,first,...) -- already optimized before call
- local t = { first, ... }
- flush(currentcatcodes,command) -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes
- local direct = false
- for i=1,#t do
- local ti = t[i]
- local typ = type(ti)
- if direct then
- if typ == "string" or typ == "number" then
- flush(currentcatcodes,ti)
- else -- node.write
- report_context("error: invalid use of direct in %a, only strings and numbers can be flushed directly, not %a",command,typ)
- end
- direct = false
- elseif ti == nil then
- -- nothing
- elseif ti == "" then
- flush(currentcatcodes,"{}")
- elseif typ == "string" then
- -- is processelines seen ?
- if processlines and lpegmatch(containseol,ti) then
- flush(currentcatcodes,"{")
- local flushlines = parent.__flushlines or flushlines
- flushlines(ti)
- flush(currentcatcodes,"}")
- elseif currentcatcodes == contentcatcodes then
+local writer
+if luafunctions then
+ writer = function (parent,command,first,...) -- already optimized before call
+ local t = { first, ... }
+ flush(currentcatcodes,command) -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes
+ local direct = false
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti = t[i]
+ local typ = type(ti)
+ if direct then
+ if typ == "string" or typ == "number" then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,ti)
+ else -- node.write
+ report_context("error: invalid use of direct in %a, only strings and numbers can be flushed directly, not %a",command,typ)
+ end
+ direct = false
+ elseif ti == nil then
+ -- nothing
+ elseif ti == "" then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{}")
+ elseif typ == "string" then
+ -- is processelines seen ?
+ if processlines and lpegmatch(containseol,ti) then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{")
+ local flushlines = parent.__flushlines or flushlines
+ flushlines(ti)
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"}")
+ elseif currentcatcodes == contentcatcodes then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{",ti,"}")
+ else
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{")
+ flush(contentcatcodes,ti)
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"}")
+ end
+ elseif typ == "number" then
+ -- numbers never have funny catcodes
- else
- flush(currentcatcodes,"{")
- flush(contentcatcodes,ti)
- flush(currentcatcodes,"}")
- end
- elseif typ == "number" then
- -- numbers never have funny catcodes
- flush(currentcatcodes,"{",ti,"}")
- elseif typ == "table" then
- local tn = #ti
- if tn == 0 then
- local done = false
- for k, v in next, ti do
- if done then
- if v == "" then
- flush(currentcatcodes,",",k,'=')
+ elseif typ == "table" then
+ local tn = #ti
+ if tn == 0 then
+ local done = false
+ for k, v in next, ti do
+ if done then
+ if v == "" then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,",",k,'=')
+ else
+ flush(currentcatcodes,",",k,"={",v,"}")
+ end
- flush(currentcatcodes,",",k,"={",v,"}")
+ if v == "" then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"[",k,"=")
+ else
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"[",k,"={",v,"}")
+ end
+ done = true
+ end
+ if done then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"]")
+ else
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"[]")
+ end
+ elseif tn == 1 then -- some 20% faster than the next loop
+ local tj = ti[1]
+ if type(tj) == "function" then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"[\\cldl",storefunction(tj),"]")
- if v == "" then
- flush(currentcatcodes,"[",k,"=")
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"[",tj,"]")
+ end
+ else -- is concat really faster than flushes here? probably needed anyway (print artifacts)
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"[")
+ for j=1,tn do
+ local tj = ti[j]
+ if type(tj) == "function" then
+ if j == tn then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"\\cldl",storefunction(tj),"]")
+ else
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"\\cldl",storefunction(tj),",")
+ end
- flush(currentcatcodes,"[",k,"={",v,"}")
+ if j == tn then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,tj,"]")
+ else
+ flush(currentcatcodes,tj,",")
+ end
- done = true
- if done then
- flush(currentcatcodes,"]")
+ elseif typ == "function" then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{\\cldl ",storefunction(ti),"}") -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes
+ elseif typ == "boolean" then
+ if ti then
+ flushdirect(currentcatcodes,"\r")
- flush(currentcatcodes,"[]")
+ direct = true
- elseif tn == 1 then -- some 20% faster than the next loop
- local tj = ti[1]
- if type(tj) == "function" then
- flush(currentcatcodes,"[\\cldf{",_store_f_(tj),"}]")
+ elseif typ == "thread" then
+ report_context("coroutines not supported as we cannot yield across boundaries")
+ elseif isnode(ti) then -- slow
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{\\cldl",storenode(ti),"}")
+ else
+ report_context("error: %a gets a weird argument %a",command,ti)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ writer = function (parent,command,first,...) -- already optimized before call
+ local t = { first, ... }
+ flush(currentcatcodes,command) -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes
+ local direct = false
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti = t[i]
+ local typ = type(ti)
+ if direct then
+ if typ == "string" or typ == "number" then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,ti)
+ else -- node.write
+ report_context("error: invalid use of direct in %a, only strings and numbers can be flushed directly, not %a",command,typ)
+ end
+ direct = false
+ elseif ti == nil then
+ -- nothing
+ elseif ti == "" then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{}")
+ elseif typ == "string" then
+ -- is processelines seen ?
+ if processlines and lpegmatch(containseol,ti) then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{")
+ local flushlines = parent.__flushlines or flushlines
+ flushlines(ti)
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"}")
+ elseif currentcatcodes == contentcatcodes then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{",ti,"}")
- flush(currentcatcodes,"[",tj,"]")
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{")
+ flush(contentcatcodes,ti)
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"}")
- else -- is concat really faster than flushes here? probably needed anyway (print artifacts)
- for j=1,tn do
- local tj = ti[j]
+ elseif typ == "number" then
+ -- numbers never have funny catcodes
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{",ti,"}")
+ elseif typ == "table" then
+ local tn = #ti
+ if tn == 0 then
+ local done = false
+ for k, v in next, ti do
+ if done then
+ if v == "" then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,",",k,'=')
+ else
+ flush(currentcatcodes,",",k,"={",v,"}")
+ end
+ else
+ if v == "" then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"[",k,"=")
+ else
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"[",k,"={",v,"}")
+ end
+ done = true
+ end
+ end
+ if done then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"]")
+ else
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"[]")
+ end
+ elseif tn == 1 then -- some 20% faster than the next loop
+ local tj = ti[1]
if type(tj) == "function" then
- ti[j] = "\\cldf{" .. _store_f_(tj) .. "}"
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"[\\cldf{",storefunction(tj),"}]")
+ else
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"[",tj,"]")
+ else -- is concat really faster than flushes here? probably needed anyway (print artifacts)
+ for j=1,tn do
+ local tj = ti[j]
+ if type(tj) == "function" then
+ ti[j] = "\\cldf{" .. storefunction(tj) .. "}"
+ end
+ end
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"[",concat(ti,","),"]")
- flush(currentcatcodes,"[",concat(ti,","),"]")
- end
- elseif typ == "function" then
- flush(currentcatcodes,"{\\cldf{",_store_f_(ti),"}}") -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes
- elseif typ == "boolean" then
- if ti then
- flushdirect(currentcatcodes,"\r")
+ elseif typ == "function" then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{\\cldf{",storefunction(ti),"}}") -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes
+ elseif typ == "boolean" then
+ if ti then
+ flushdirect(currentcatcodes,"\r")
+ else
+ direct = true
+ end
+ elseif typ == "thread" then
+ report_context("coroutines not supported as we cannot yield across boundaries")
+ elseif isnode(ti) then -- slow
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{\\cldn{",storenode(ti),"}}")
- direct = true
+ report_context("error: %a gets a weird argument %a",command,ti)
- elseif typ == "thread" then
- report_context("coroutines not supported as we cannot yield across boundaries")
- elseif isnode(ti) then -- slow
- flush(currentcatcodes,"{\\cldn{",_store_n_(ti),"}}")
- else
- report_context("error: %a gets a weird argument %a",command,ti)
local generics = { } context.generics = generics
@@ -505,70 +790,154 @@ end
function context.constructcsonly(k) -- not much faster than the next but more mem efficient
local c = "\\" .. tostring(generics[k] or k)
- rawset(context, k, function()
+ local v = function()
- end)
+ end
+ rawset(context,k,v)
+ return v
function context.constructcs(k)
local c = "\\" .. tostring(generics[k] or k)
- rawset(context, k, function(first,...)
+ local v = function(first,...)
if first == nil then
return writer(context,c,first,...)
- end)
+ end
+ rawset(context,k,v)
+ return v
-local function caller(parent,f,a,...)
- if not parent then
- -- so we don't need to test in the calling (slower but often no issue)
- elseif f ~= nil then
- local typ = type(f)
- if typ == "string" then
- if a then
- flush(contentcatcodes,formatters[f](a,...)) -- was currentcatcodes
- elseif processlines and lpegmatch(containseol,f) then
- local flushlines = parent.__flushlines or flushlines
- flushlines(f)
- else
- flush(contentcatcodes,f)
- end
- elseif typ == "number" then
- if a then
- flush(currentcatcodes,f,a,...)
+-- local splitformatters = -- not faster (yet)
+local caller
+if luafunctions then
+ caller = function(parent,f,a,...)
+ if not parent then
+ -- so we don't need to test in the calling (slower but often no issue)
+ elseif f ~= nil then
+ local typ = type(f)
+ if typ == "string" then
+ if f == "" then
+ -- new, can save a bit sometimes
+ -- if trace_context then
+ -- report_context("empty argument to context()")
+ -- end
+ elseif a then
+ flush(contentcatcodes,formatters[f](a,...)) -- was currentcatcodes
+ -- flush(contentcatcodes,splitformatters[f](a,...)) -- was currentcatcodes
+ elseif processlines and lpegmatch(containseol,f) then
+ local flushlines = parent.__flushlines or flushlines
+ flushlines(f)
+ else
+ flush(contentcatcodes,f)
+ end
+ elseif typ == "number" then
+ if a then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,f,a,...)
+ else
+ flush(currentcatcodes,f)
+ end
+ elseif typ == "function" then
+ -- ignored: a ...
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{\\cldl",storefunction(f),"}") -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes
+ elseif typ == "boolean" then
+ if f then
+ if a ~= nil then
+ local flushlines = parent.__flushlines or flushlines
+ flushlines(a)
+ else
+ flushdirect(currentcatcodes,"\n") -- no \r, else issues with \startlines ... use context.par() otherwise
+ end
+ else
+ if a ~= nil then
+ -- no command, same as context(a,...)
+ writer(parent,"",a,...)
+ else
+ -- ignored
+ end
+ end
+ elseif typ == "thread" then
+ report_context("coroutines not supported as we cannot yield across boundaries")
+ elseif isnode(f) then -- slow
+ -- writenode(f)
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"\\cldl",storenode(f)," ")
- flush(currentcatcodes,f)
+ report_context("error: %a gets a weird argument %a","context",f)
- elseif typ == "function" then
- -- ignored: a ...
- flush(currentcatcodes,"{\\cldf{",_store_f_(f),"}}") -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes
- elseif typ == "boolean" then
- if f then
- if a ~= nil then
+ end
+ end
+ function context.flushnode(n)
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"\\cldl",storenode(n)," ")
+ end
+ caller = function(parent,f,a,...)
+ if not parent then
+ -- so we don't need to test in the calling (slower but often no issue)
+ elseif f ~= nil then
+ local typ = type(f)
+ if typ == "string" then
+ if f == "" then
+ -- new, can save a bit sometimes
+ -- if trace_context then
+ -- report_context("empty argument to context()")
+ -- end
+ elseif a then
+ flush(contentcatcodes,formatters[f](a,...)) -- was currentcatcodes
+ -- flush(contentcatcodes,splitformatters[f](a,...)) -- was currentcatcodes
+ elseif processlines and lpegmatch(containseol,f) then
local flushlines = parent.__flushlines or flushlines
- flushlines(a)
+ flushlines(f)
- flushdirect(currentcatcodes,"\n") -- no \r, else issues with \startlines ... use context.par() otherwise
+ flush(contentcatcodes,f)
- else
- if a ~= nil then
- -- no command, same as context(a,...)
- writer(parent,"",a,...)
+ elseif typ == "number" then
+ if a then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,f,a,...)
- -- ignored
+ flush(currentcatcodes,f)
+ elseif typ == "function" then
+ -- ignored: a ...
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"{\\cldf{",storefunction(f),"}}") -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes
+ elseif typ == "boolean" then
+ if f then
+ if a ~= nil then
+ local flushlines = parent.__flushlines or flushlines
+ flushlines(a)
+ else
+ flushdirect(currentcatcodes,"\n") -- no \r, else issues with \startlines ... use context.par() otherwise
+ end
+ else
+ if a ~= nil then
+ -- no command, same as context(a,...)
+ writer(parent,"",a,...)
+ else
+ -- ignored
+ end
+ end
+ elseif typ == "thread" then
+ report_context("coroutines not supported as we cannot yield across boundaries")
+ elseif isnode(f) then -- slow
+ -- writenode(f)
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"\\cldn{",storenode(f),"}")
+ else
+ report_context("error: %a gets a weird argument %a","context",f)
- elseif typ == "thread" then
- report_context("coroutines not supported as we cannot yield across boundaries")
- elseif isnode(f) then -- slow
- -- writenode(f)
- flush(currentcatcodes,"\\cldn{",_store_n_(f),"}")
- else
- report_context("error: %a gets a weird argument %a","context",f)
+ function context.flushnode(n)
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"\\cldn{",storenode(n),"}")
+ end
local defaultcaller = caller
@@ -640,8 +1009,12 @@ local visualizer = lpeg.replacer {
statistics.register("traced context", function()
+ local used, freed = usedstack()
+ local unreachable = used - freed
if nofwriters > 0 or nofflushes > 0 then
- return format("writers: %s, flushes: %s, maxstack: %s",nofwriters,nofflushes,_n_f_)
+ return format("writers: %s, flushes: %s, maxstack: %s",nofwriters,nofflushes,used,freed,unreachable)
+ elseif showstackusage or unreachable > 0 then
+ return format("maxstack: %s, freed: %s, unreachable: %s",used,freed,unreachable)
@@ -799,6 +1172,10 @@ function context.runfile(filename)
+function context.loadfile(filename)
+ context(stripstring(loaddata(resolvers.findfile(filename))))
-- some functions
@@ -809,7 +1186,7 @@ end
-- context.delayed (todo: lines)
-local delayed = { } context.delayed = delayed -- maybe also store them
+local delayed = { } context.delayed = delayed -- creates function (maybe also store them)
local function indexer(parent,k)
local f = function(...)
@@ -871,7 +1248,7 @@ setmetatable(delayed, { __index = indexer, __call = caller } )
-- context.nested (todo: lines)
-local nested = { } context.nested = nested
+local nested = { } context.nested = nested -- creates strings
local function indexer(parent,k)
local f = function(...)
@@ -903,28 +1280,36 @@ setmetatable(nested, { __index = indexer, __call = caller } )
-- verbatim
-local verbatim = { } context.verbatim = verbatim
+function context.newindexer(catcodes)
+ local handler = { }
-local function indexer(parent,k)
- local command = context[k]
- local f = function(...)
+ local function indexer(parent,k)
+ local command = context[k]
+ local f = function(...)
+ local savedcatcodes = contentcatcodes
+ contentcatcodes = catcodes
+ command(...)
+ contentcatcodes = savedcatcodes
+ end
+ parent[k] = f
+ return f
+ end
+ local function caller(parent,...)
local savedcatcodes = contentcatcodes
- contentcatcodes = vrbcatcodes
- command(...)
+ contentcatcodes = catcodes
+ defaultcaller(parent,...)
contentcatcodes = savedcatcodes
- parent[k] = f
- return f
-local function caller(parent,...)
- local savedcatcodes = contentcatcodes
- contentcatcodes = vrbcatcodes
- defaultcaller(parent,...)
- contentcatcodes = savedcatcodes
+ setmetatable(handler, { __index = indexer, __call = caller } )
+ return handler
-setmetatable(verbatim, { __index = indexer, __call = caller } )
+context.verbatim = context.newindexer(vrbcatcodes)
+context.puretext = context.newindexer(txtcatcodes)
+-------.protected = context.newindexer(prtcatcodes)
-- formatted
@@ -1005,7 +1390,8 @@ local function caller(parent,f,a,...)
elseif typ == "function" then
-- ignored: a ...
- flush(currentcatcodes,mpdrawing,"{\\cldf{",store_(f),"}}")
+-- flush(currentcatcodes,mpdrawing,"{\\cldf{",store_(f),"}}")
+ flush(currentcatcodes,mpdrawing,"{\\cldl",store_(f),"}")
elseif typ == "boolean" then
-- ignored: a ...
if f then
@@ -1064,3 +1450,89 @@ setmetatable(delayed, { __index = indexer, __call = caller } )
function context.concat(...)
+-- templates
+local single = lpegP("%")
+local double = lpegP("%%")
+local lquoted = lpegP("%[")
+local rquoted = lpegP("]%")
+local start = [[
+local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape
+local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+return function(variables) return
+local stop = [[
+local replacer = lpegP { "parser",
+ parser = lpegCs(lpegCc(start) * lpegV("step") * (lpegCc("..") * lpegV("step"))^0 * lpegCc(stop)),
+ unquoted = (lquoted/'') * ((lpegC((1-rquoted)^1)) / "lpegmatch(texescape,variables['%0'] or '')" ) * (rquoted/''),
+ escape = double/'%%',
+ key = (single/'') * ((lpegC((1-single)^1)) / "(variables['%0'] or '')" ) * (single/''),
+ step = lpegV("unquoted")
+ + lpegV("escape")
+ + lpegV("key")
+ + lpegCc("\n[===[") * (1 - lpegV("unquoted") - lpegV("escape") - lpegV("key"))^1 * lpegCc("]===]\n"),
+local templates = { }
+local function indexer(parent,k)
+ local v = lpegmatch(replacer,k)
+ if not v then
+ v = "error: no valid template (1)"
+ else
+ v = loadstring(v)
+ if type(v) ~= "function" then
+ v = "error: no valid template (2)"
+ else
+ v = v()
+ if not v then
+ v = "error: no valid template (3)"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if type(v) == "function" then
+ local f = function(first,second)
+ if second then
+ pushcatcodes(first)
+ flushlines(v(second))
+ popcatcodes()
+ else
+ flushlines(v(first))
+ end
+ end
+ parent[k] = f
+ return f
+ else
+ return function()
+ flush(v)
+ end
+ end
+local function caller(parent,k,...)
+ return parent[k](...)
+setmetatable(templates, { __index = indexer, __call = caller } )
+function context.template(template,...)
+ context(templates[template](...))
+context.templates = templates
+-- The above is a bit over the top as we could also stick to a simple context.replace
+-- which is fast enough anyway, but the above fits in nicer, also with the catcodes.
+-- local replace = utilities.templates.replace
+-- function context.template(template,variables)
+-- context(replace(template,variables))
+-- end