path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2023-10-28 20:10:02 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2023-10-28 20:10:02 +0000
commitfee6f23b63a6d10923ad26bdc2e332147651ad75 (patch)
tree5f29378fd9849054271c92dd2ebc3efab3e16edb /Master/texmf-dist/source
parentf1f5608e8aecf9a7b249f367e8d093b23c34e300 (diff)
francais-bst (28oct23)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source')
5 files changed, 9435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francais-bst.ins b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francais-bst.ins
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1c790a9eea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francais-bst.ins
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+%% Master batch file to produce the bibliographic styles francais.bst
+%% and francaissc.bst, and the language file francaisbst.tex from
+%% francais-bst.mbs
+\input docstrip.tex
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* The bibliographic styles francais and francaissc are now *}
+\Msg{* ready to use! *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation of the styles, run the file *}
+\Msg{* the file francais-bst.mbs through XeLaTeX. *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* ========================================================== *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* Les styles bibliographiques francais et francaissc sont *}
+\Msg{* maintenant prêts à l'emploi! *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* Pour produire la documentation des styles, compiler le *}
+\Msg{* fichier francais-bst.mbs avec XeLaTeX. *}
+\Msg{* *}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francais-bst.mbs b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francais-bst.mbs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..56a16074812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francais-bst.mbs
@@ -0,0 +1,8214 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment -*- mode: doctex -*-
+% Master bibliography style for francais.bst and francaissc.bst
+% Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Vincent Goulet
+% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
+% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
+% license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
+% of this license is in:
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Vincent Goulet
+% <>.
+% This work derives from merlin.mbs, part of the custom-bib
+% collection, a contribution to the LaTeX2e system.
+% Copyright 1994-2011 Patrick W Daly
+% Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Sonnensystemforschung
+% Max-Planck-Str. 2
+% D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau
+% Germany
+% E-mail:
+% (The following notice appears in bst files generated from this file)
+ % -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ % Name and version information of the main mbs file:
+ % \ProvidesFile{francais-bst.mbs}[2023/10/28 v2.0 (VG, PWD, AO, DPC)]
+% The following ensures that the driver part is not seen by makebst
+% The driver part must not contain any \end other than \end{document} !
+ \long\def\tempx#1\end#2{}\fi\tempx
+ \usepackage{babel}
+ \usepackage{metalogo}
+ \usepackage{enumitem}
+ %% Le chargement de doc.sty cause des conflits avec memoir. Il faut:
+ %%
+ %% - annuler la définition de l'environnement 'glossary' de memoir;
+ %% - remettre en place les définitions standards des
+ %% commandes pour l'index et le glossaire sur lesquelles se base
+ %% doc.sty.
+ \let\theglossary\relax % avoid conflict with doc.sty
+ \let\endtheglossary\relax % avoid conflict with doc.sty
+ \makeatletter
+ \def\makeindex{%
+ \newwrite\@indexfile
+ \immediate\openout\@indexfile=\jobname.idx
+ \def\index{\@bsphack\begingroup
+ \@sanitize
+ \@wrindex}\typeout
+ {Writing index file \jobname.idx}%
+ \let\makeindex\@empty
+ }
+ \@onlypreamble\makeindex
+ \def\@wrindex#1{%
+ \protected@write\@indexfile{}%
+ {\string\indexentry{#1}{\thepage}}%
+ \endgroup
+ \@esphack}
+ \def\index{\@bsphack\begingroup \@sanitize\@index}
+ \def\@index#1{\endgroup\@esphack}
+ \def\makeglossary{%
+ \newwrite\@glossaryfile
+ \immediate\openout\@glossaryfile=\jobname.glo
+ \def\glossary{\@bsphack\begingroup
+ \@sanitize
+ \@wrglossary}\typeout
+ {Writing glossary file \jobname.glo }%
+ \let\makeglossary\@empty
+ }
+ \@onlypreamble\makeglossary
+ \def\@wrglossary#1{%
+ \protected@write\@glossaryfile{}%
+ {\string\glossaryentry{#1}{\thepage}}%
+ \endgroup
+ \@esphack}
+ \def\glossary{\@bsphack\begingroup\@sanitize\@index}
+ \@twosidefalse\@mparswitchfalse % turn off twoside option
+ \makeatother
+ \usepackage{doc}
+ \def\changes#1#2#3{\glossary{#1>#3}} % simplification
+ \DisableCrossrefs
+ \CodelineNumbered
+ \RecordChanges
+ \OnlyDescription
+ \DontCheckModules
+ %% Polices de caractères
+ \iftutex
+ \usepackage[babel=true]{microtype}
+ \usepackage{fontspec}
+ \usepackage{unicode-math}
+ \setmainfont{STIXTwoText}
+ [
+ Extension = .otf,
+ UprightFont = *-Regular,
+ BoldFont = *-SemiBold,
+ ItalicFont = *-Italic,
+ BoldItalicFont = *-SemiBoldItalic,
+ Numbers = {Proportional,OldStyle},
+ Scale = 1,
+ Ligatures = TeX
+ ]
+ \setsecheadstyle{\normalfont\Large\sffamily\bfseries\raggedright}
+ \setsubsecheadstyle{\normalfont\large\sffamily\bfseries\raggedright}
+ \setsubsubsecheadstyle{\normalfont\sffamily\bfseries\raggedright}
+ \else
+ \usepackage[babel=true]{microtype}
+ \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
+ \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
+ \usepackage[stix2]{newtxmath}
+ \fi
+ \usepackage[book,medium,proportional,oldstyle,scale=0.92]{FiraSans}
+ \usepackage[medium,lining,scale=0.90]{FiraMono}
+ %% Couleurs
+ \usepackage{xcolor}
+ \definecolor{link}{rgb}{0,0.4,0.6} % liens internes
+ \definecolor{url}{rgb}{0.6,0,0} % liens externes
+ \definecolor{citation}{rgb}{0,0.5,0} % citations
+ %% Hyperliens
+ \AtEndPreamble{%
+ \usepackage{bookmark} % charge hyperref
+ \hypersetup{%
+ colorlinks = true,
+ urlcolor = {url},
+ linkcolor = {link},
+ citecolor = {citation}}
+ \bookmarksetup{%
+ open = true,
+ depth = 3,
+ numbered = true}
+ }
+ %% Désactiver le niveau des chapitres de memoir
+ \let\chapter\relax
+ \counterwithout{section}{chapter}
+ %% Aligner à gauche l'environnement enumerate
+ \setlist[enumerate]{leftmargin=*,align=left}
+ %% Configurer du glossaire
+ \GlossaryPrologue{\section*{Historique des versions}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Historique des versions}}
+ \setcounter{GlossaryColumns}{2}
+ \setlength{\GlossaryMin}{5cm}
+ %% Commandes sémantiques additionnelles
+ \let\class\textsf
+ \let\pkg\textbf
+ \makeatletter
+ \renewcommand\code{\bgroup\@makeother\_\@makeother\~\@makeother\$\code@}
+ \def\code@#1{{\normalfont\ttfamily\hyphenchar\font=-1 #1}\egroup}
+ \makeatother
+ \newcommand*\frbstname{francais}
+ \newcommand*\frscbstname{francaissc}
+ \newcommand*\frbst{\code{\frbstname}}
+ \newcommand*\frscbst{\code{\frscbstname}}
+ \newcommand*\btx{\textsc{Bib}\TeX}
+ \newcommand*\dtx{\textsf{docstrip}}
+ %% Redéfinir \year pour utiliser l'information de \filedate plutôt
+ %% que la date de compilation
+ \def\parsedate#1/#2/#3\relax{\def\year{#1}}
+ %% Convertir la date en format ISO
+ \def\isodate#1/#2/#3\relax{#1-#2-#3}
+ \MakeShortVerb{\|}
+ \DocInput{francais-bst.mbs}
+% end of meta-comment \fi
+% \GetFileInfo{francais-bst.mbs}
+% \expandafter\parsedate\filedate\relax
+% \changes{1.0}{2012-10-18}{Version initiale.}
+% \changes{1.0a}{2013-05-03}{Corrections à la documentation dans le
+% fichier \texttt{README}.}
+% \changes{1.1}{2013-05-12}{Modifications à \texttt{francaissc.bst}
+% pour que la conjonction «et» et le marqueur «et collab.» soient en
+% romain plutôt qu'en petites capitales. Merci à François Legendre
+% \url{} pour le tuyau.}
+% \changes{1.1}{2013-05-12}{Introduction d'un numéro de version.}
+% \changes{2.0}{2023-10-28}{Documentation améliorée en format PDF.}
+% \changes{2.0}{2023-10-28}{Le titre d'un rapport technique est
+% maintenant composé comme celui d'un livre, plutôt que comme celui
+% d'un article.}
+% \changes{2.0}{2023-10-28}{Les URL ne sont plus précédées de
+% l'étiquette «URL».}
+% \changes{2.0}{2023-10-28}{La présentation des identificateurs
+% d'objets numériques (DOI) a été complètement révisée.}
+% \changes{2.0}{2023-10-28}{Le numéro ISSN n'est plus affiché dans les
+% notices bibliographiques (il demeure permis dans les bases de
+% données).}
+% \changes{2.0}{2023-10-28}{La disposition de certains éléments dans
+% la notice bibliographique a été révisée.}
+% \title{Styles bibliographiques {\frbst} et {\frscbst}}
+% \author{Vincent Goulet \\ École d'actuariat, Université Laval}
+% \date{Version {\fileversion} du {\expandafter\isodate\filedate\relax}}
+% \maketitle
+% \section{Introduction}
+% Les styles bibliographiques {\frbst} et {\frscbst} permettent de
+% composer des bibliographies en français conformes aux règles de
+% présentation de la méthode auteur-date proposées dans l'ouvrage de
+% référence de Marie Malo, \emph{Guide de la communication écrite au
+% cégep, à l'université et en entreprise} (Québec Amérique, 1996).
+% Les styles ont été développé à l'origine à l'aide du programme
+% \code{makebst} de Patrick W.~Daly. Le fichier maitre de styles
+% bibliographiques \code{\filename} dérive étroitement du fichier
+% \code{merlin.mbs} du paquetage %
+% \href{}{\pkg{custom-bib}}.
+% \section{Installation}
+% \label{sec:installation}
+% Les styles bibliographiques sont distribués dans le paquetage %
+% \href{}{\pkg{francais-bst}} %
+% via le réseau de sites \emph{Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network}
+% (CTAN). Le paquetage fait partie des distributions {\TeX} standards
+% telles que {TeX}~Live, Mac{\TeX} et MiK{\TeX}.
+% Je recommande fortement d'installer ou de mettre à jour le paquetage
+% à l'aide du gestionnaire de paquetages de votre distribution {\TeX}.
+% Par exemple, avec {\TeX}~Live, vous pouvez effectuer ces opérations
+% dans l'assistant graphique, ou encore avec l'une ou l'autre des
+% commandes ci-dessous:
+% \begin{quote}
+% \code{tlmgr install francais-bst}
+% \end{quote}
+% ou
+% \begin{quote}
+% \code{tlmgr update francais-bst}
+% \end{quote}
+% S'il vous est impossible d'installer des paquetages ou de mettre à
+% jour la distribution {\TeX} --- notamment si vous utilisez une
+% plateforme de rédaction en ligne --- vous pouvez procéder à une
+% installation simplifiée des styles, mais dont la portée sera
+% limitée à votre projet. Pour ce faire, téléchargez l'archive %
+% \begin{quote}
+% \code{}
+% \end{quote}
+% depuis le %
+% \href{}{%
+% dépôt du projet \code{francais-bst}} %
+% et décompressez celle-ci dans le répertoire de votre projet. Vous
+% disposerez alors de tous les fichiers essentiels du paquetage à
+% l'intérieur de ce projet. %
+% Si votre expertise {\TeX} vous pousse à préférer une installation
+% manuelle avec accès à l'intégralité du code source des styles
+% bibliographiques, consultez les instructions qui se trouvent dans le
+% fichier \code{} du paquetage. %
+% \section{Utilisation des styles bibliographiques}
+% \label{sec:utilisation}
+% Les styles {\frbst} et {\frscbst} sont conçus pour composer des
+% bibliographies selon la méthode auteur-date dans des documents en
+% français. Ils reposent sur les paquetages %
+% \href{}{\pkg{babel}} %
+% et %
+% \href{}{\pkg{natbib}}. %
+% Ce dernier doit être chargé avant \pkg{babel}. Le préambule du
+% document devrait donc contenir les commandes:
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cmdprint{\usepackage}\code{\{natbib\}} \\
+% \cmdprint{\usepackage}\code{[french]\{babel\}}
+% \end{quote}
+% Je recommande fortement d'enregistrer le code source d'un ouvrage en
+% français dans le codage de caractères %
+% \href{}{UTF-8} %
+% et de le compiler avec un moteur {\TeX} moderne qui prend d'emblée
+% en charge ce type de codage, comme {\XeLaTeX}. Vous pourrez ainsi
+% entrer les lettres accentuées directement au clavier («\code{é}»)
+% sans devoir passer par les commandes {\TeX} («\code{{\bs}'e}»).
+% Si vous utilisez toujours {\LaTeX} ou {pdf\LaTeX}, vous devrez
+% charger les polices T1 pour que la césure de mots fonctionne
+% adéquatement avec les mots comportant des lettres accentuées:
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cmdprint{\usepackage}\code{[T1]\{fontenc\}}
+% \end{quote}
+% Les guillemets français «~» devraient normalement apparaitre
+% correctement dans la bibliographie (notamment autour des titres
+% d'articles). Si ce n'est pas le cas, essayez aussi de charger les
+% paquetages
+% \href{}{\pkg{ae}} %
+% et
+% \href{}{\pkg{aeguill}}:
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cmdprint{\usepackage}\code{\{ae,aeguill\}}
+% \end{quote}
+% Enfin, pour utiliser les styles de bibliographie, insérez dans le
+% document l'une ou l'autre des commandes
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cmdprint{\bibliographystyle}\code{\{francais\}} \\
+% \cmdprint{\bibliographystyle}\code{\{francaissc\}}
+% \end{quote}
+% \section{Caractéristiques des styles bibliographiques}
+% \label{sec:caracteristiques}
+% Les styles {\frbst} et {\frscbst} sont conçus pour produire des
+% bibliographies auteur-date conformes aux règles de typographie
+% française.
+% Avec le style {\frbst}, les noms d'auteurs apparaissent en police
+% standard tant dans la bibliographie que dans dans les citations.
+% C'est la pratique usuelle au Québec. Avec le style {\frscbst}, les
+% noms d'auteurs apparaissent plutôt en petites capitales dans la
+% bibliographie et dans les citations. Cela semble être la pratique
+% usuelle en France et ailleurs dans la Francophonie.
+% Les styles prennent en charge tous les types de documents standards
+% de {\BibTeX} (\code{article}, \code{book}, \code{proceedings},
+% etc.), ainsi que tous les champs standards (\code{author},
+% \code{title}, \code{journal}, etc.). Ils ajoutent toutefois les
+% champs suivants:
+% \begin{description}[font=\mdseries\ttfamily,style=nextline,leftmargin=3em]
+% \item[doi] L'identificateur d'objet numérique (DOI) d'une ressource.
+% Entrez la valeur sous la forme \code{prefix/suffix} (par exemple:
+% \code{10.1000/182}). Les styles créent automatiquement un
+% hyperlien vers la ressource.
+% \item[isbn] Le numéro international normalisé du livre (ISBN) d'un
+% ouvrage. Lorsque disponible, le numéro est affiché dans la liste
+% des références.
+% \item[issn] Le numéro international normalisé des publications en
+% série (ISSN) d'une publication en série, tel qu'un magazine. Bien
+% que permis dans la base de données bibliographiques, ce numéro
+% n'est pas affiché dans la liste des références.
+% \item[language] La langue de la référence, exprimée selon la
+% nomenclature de \pkg{babel}. Inclure cette information dans une
+% entrée assure que la coupure des mots du titre sera effectuée
+% selon les règles de la langue de celui-ci.
+% \item[url] L'adresse URL de la référence. Si une adresse URL et un
+% identificateur DOI sont tous deux présents dans la base de
+% données, ce dernier aura priorité.
+% \end{description}
+% \section{Personnalisation des mots-clés}
+% \label{sec:personnalisation}
+% Les bibliographies comportent nombre de termes et de locutions ---
+% \emph{editor}, \emph{edited by}, \emph{et~al.}, etc. --- qui doivent
+% être adaptés pour le français. Les styles {\frbst} et {\frscbst} ont
+% recours aux définitions qui se trouvent dans le fichier de
+% localisation \code{francaisbst.tex}.
+% Vous pouvez personnaliser le fichier \code{francaisbst.tex} pour
+% l'adapter à vos besoins. Pour ce faire, créez une copie du fichier
+% livré dans le paquetage \pkg{francais-bst} et modifiez cette copie.
+% Placez ensuite votre version de \code{francaisbst.tex} dans le
+% répertoire de votre projet ou, encore mieux, dans l'arborescence
+% {\TeX} de votre répertoire personnel, normalement sous
+% \begin{quote}
+% \code{\$TEXMFHOME/tex/latex/francais-bst/francaisbst.tex}
+% \end{quote}
+% \section{Production des styles bibliographiques}
+% \label{sec:production}
+% Les fichiers de styles bibliographiques \code{\frbstname.bst} et
+% \code{\frscbstname.bst}, et le fichier de localisation
+% \code{francaisbst.tex} sont générés à partir du fichier maitre de
+% styles bibliographiques \code{\filename} en compilant leurs scripts
+% de génération respectifs avec {\LaTeX}:
+% \begin{quote}
+% \code{latex francais.dbj} \\
+% \code{latex francaissc.dbj} \\
+% \code{latex francaisbst.dbj}
+% \end{quote}
+% \section{Changements par rapport à \code{merlin.mbs}}
+% \label{sec:changements}
+% Cette section documente les changements apportés au fichier
+% \code{merlin.mbs} du paquetage \pkg{custom-bib} pour produire le
+% fichier maitre de styles bibliographiques \code{\filename}.
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item La fonction \code{format.url} a été retravaillée pour produire
+% une URL simplifiée pour les identificateurs d'objet numérique
+% (DOI). La définition de \code{merlin.mbs} produit une URL de la
+% forme
+% \begin{quote}
+% URL \texttt{\meta{doi}}
+% \end{quote}
+% La nouvelle définition produit plutôt
+% \begin{quote}
+% doi: \meta{doi}
+% \end{quote}
+% Lorsque le paquetage \pkg{hyperref} est chargé, \meta{doi} est un
+% hyperlien vers ce qui est aujourd'hui l'URL recommandée pour les
+% DOI: \code{\meta{doi}}. Le texte et l'hyperlien
+% sont produits par la commande \cmd{\urldoi} qui est insérée dans
+% le fichier \texttt{.bbl}. Vous pouvez redéfinir cette commande
+% dans votre document pour l'adapter à vos besoins, si désiré.
+% \item La commande \cmd{\urlprefix} est vide, de sorte que «URL»
+% n'apparait pas devant les URL dans la bibliographie. De nouveau,
+% vous pouvez redéfinir la commande dans votre document ni désiré.
+% \item Les guillemets français «~» sont produits par la commande
+% \cmd{\frquote} de \pkg{babel-french} (version $\geq$ 3.1) plutôt
+% qu'avec les commandes \cmd{\guillemotleft} et
+% \cmd{\guillemotright}.
+% \item Les définitions françaises de mots-clés se trouvent dans
+% \code{francaisbst.tex}, plutôt que dans \code{babelbst.tex}.
+% \item L'option \code{bblbst} permet d'extraire le fichier
+% \code{francaisbst.tex}.
+% \item L'information sur le menu de \code{makebst} est reléguée à la
+% documentation complète. Désactiver la commande
+% \cmd{\OnlyDescription} dans \code{\filename}, puis compiler le
+% fichier avec {pdf\LaTeX} ou {\XeLaTeX} pour obtenir la
+% documentation complète.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \StopEventually{\PrintChanges}
+% \begin{quote}
+% \itshape À partir de ce point, la documentation est celle, en
+% anglais, du fichier \code{merlin.mbs}, dont l'auteur est Patrick
+% W.~Daly.
+% \end{quote}
+% \section{The Menu Information}\label{sec:menu}
+% Here I describe the options and menu information for this particular
+% master file \texttt{\filename}. To construct a \dtx{} driver file
+% to generate a desired \texttt{.bst} file, simply process \texttt{makebst.tex}
+% with \TeX\ or \LaTeX, and give
+% \begin{quote}\code{\filename}\end{quote}
+% when prompted for the name of the master file. Then answer the questions
+% in the menus that follow. The menu information is extracted from here.
+% All the menu information is nested between \dtx{} guard options
+% |%<*options>| \dots\ |%</options>|, and the last command is
+% |\endoptions|. The rest of the file is nested between
+% \begin{quote}
+% |%<*!options&!driver&!bblbst>| \dots\ |</!options&!driver&!bblbst>|
+% \end{quote}
+% in order to exclude it if \dtx{} is used to
+% extract the menu information, the documentation driver, or the
+% \texttt{francaisbst.tex} file.
+% The main coding is divided into two sections, the \emph{head} and
+% \emph{tail}; in between come any external language or journal name
+% support files. The head part is marked with the \dtx{} guard option
+% |<!tail>| and the tail with |<!head>|. This roundabout means of
+% doing things makes it possible to process \texttt{\filename} with
+% \texttt{.dbj} files that were generated for the older
+% \texttt{genbst.mbs} file by simply changing the name of the source
+% file. If both \texttt{head} and \texttt{tail} (and \texttt{exlang})
+% options are omitted, as they are in the older \texttt{.dbj} files,
+% \texttt{\filename} is processed completely in one pass. To include
+% external files, two passes are needed, one for each part, with the
+% external file(s) coming in between.
+% Note too that if the internal language commands are taken (i.e., if
+% \texttt{exlang} option is not given) then the default language is
+% English, which is tested for as |<!babel>|. This too permits the simple
+% update of older \texttt{.dbj}, at least for English.
+% \subsection*{Selecting Language}
+% Explicit words in the bibliography style, such as \textsl{and},
+% \textsl{editor}, etc.,
+% are represented by functions \texttt{bbl.and}, \texttt{bbl.editor}, and so on.
+% By default these functions translate to the normal English text, but
+% other languages are also possible.
+% The definitions of these functions for other languages are contained in
+% external files. At this point, we can make use of features in
+% \texttt{makebst} (version~3.0 or later) to ask for the name of such a
+% definition file, and store it in |\cfile|. If no external file is
+% specified, then the internal definitions are taken, for which there are
+% two possibilities: English or \LaTeX{} commands (Babel).
+% The commands |\MBswitch|, |\mes|, |\MBaskfile|, |\wr|, |\pc|, |\spsp| are
+% defined in \texttt{makebst.tex}.
+% If |\MBswitch| does not exist, then the version of \texttt{makebst}
+% cannot support external files.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\expandafter\ifx\csname beginoptiongroup\endcsname\relax
+ \mes{^^J******************^^J%
+ !!!!!! VERSION CLASH !!!!!!!!!^^J%
+ This mbs file requires makebst version 4.0 or more^^J%
+ You must update makebst to run it with this mbs file^^J%
+ No docstrip batch file can be produced on this run^^J%
+ ******************}
+ \let\temp\endinput\else\let\temp\relax\fi\temp
+\mes{<<< For more information about the meanings of^^J%
+ <<< the various options, see the section on ^^J%
+ <<< Menu Information in the .mbs file documentation.}
+\expandafter\ifx\csname MBswitch\endcsname\relax
+ \mes{^^J**************^^J%
+ Makebst version is less than 3.0^^J%
+ Cannot add external file for language definition^^J%
+ **************}
+ \umes{No included files.}%
+ \def\cfile{}\def\jfile{}%
+ \MBaskfile{^^JName of language definition file}(\mroot.\mext)i\cfile
+ \edef\ctemp{\mroot.\mext}
+ \ifx\ctemp\cfile\def\cfile{}\fi
+ \umes{Name of language file: \string\cfile=\cfile.}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A second type of external file that can be added is one containing names
+% of journals that are to be prestored into the \texttt{.bst} file.
+% Several file names are allowed here, with the root names separated by
+% commas, and with the common extension added at the end. To assist later
+% parsing of the names, an additional comma is added before the extension.
+% Note that in this case |\MBaskfile| treats the file(s) as output, i.e.,
+% it does not check if the file(s) actually exist.
+% The macro |\Mgetnext| allows the root names to be extracted from the
+% list of file names.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\jfile{}
+ \ask{\yn}{^^JInclude file(s) for extra journal names? (NO)}
+ \mytempfalse
+ \if!\yn!\else\if\yn n\else\if\yn N\else\mytemptrue\fi\fi\fi
+ \ifmytemp
+ \MBaskfile{^^JFile to include}(physjour,geojour,photjour.mbs)o\jfile
+ \edef\jfile{\froot,.\fext}
+ \umes{Name of included files: \string\jfile=\jfile.}%
+ \else
+ \umes{No included files.}%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If no external files are specified, then both |\cfile| and |\jfile| are
+% empty. In this case, do \emph{not} set the options \texttt{head} and
+% \texttt{tail}, which control the \dtx{} passes through
+% \texttt{filename}. Now only one pass is made.
+% If there is an external definition file, or an external list of
+% journal names, then some extra text must be
+% written to fit in with that already written by \texttt{makebst}. This is
+% explained in that documentation. The |\MBswitch| command turns the curly
+% braces |{..}| into normal characters, and the parentheses |(..)| take on
+% their grouping functionality. This permits unbalanced braces to be
+% written to the output file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup\MBswitch
+ \wr(\spsp head,\string\MBopta})
+ \if!\cfile!\else
+ \wr(\string\from{\cfile}{\string\MBopta})
+ \fi
+ \if!\jfile!\else
+ \let\jxfile\jfile
+ \loop
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Parse the list of journal name files, adding a new |\from| for each one.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\Mgetnext\jxfile??
+ \wr(\string\from{\froot.\fext}{\string\MBopta})
+ \edef\jxfile(\Mrest.\fext)
+ \if!\Mrest!\def\Mtst(1)\else\def\Mtst()\fi
+ \if!\Mtst!
+ \repeat
+ \fi
+ \wr(\string\from{\mroot.\mext}{tail,\string\MBopta}})
+ \wr(\string\def\string\MBopta{\pc)
+ \endgroup
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Ask whether there is a need for
+% explicit English words or \LaTeX{} commands whose definitions are
+% to be found in the file \texttt{francaisbst.tex}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ (if no external language file)}%
+ {\if!\cfile!\relax*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{English}{words used explicitly}
+ {(words replaced by commands defined in francaisbst.tex)}
+\wr{\spsp\spsp exlang,\pc: External language file}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Author--year or numerical}
+% The first question is whether a numerical or author--year citation
+% style is to be used. If the latter, the supporting system is my
+% \code{natbib.sty}, which expects |\bibitem| to have an optional
+% argument containing the short form of the authors, plus year in
+% parentheses. E.g.,
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\bibitem[Daly et al.(1990)]{key}...|
+% \end{quote}
+% There is now a newer version of \texttt{natbib.sty} (v5.3) that
+% supports an optional full author list too, as
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\bibitem[Daly et al.(1990)Daly, Keppler, and Williams]{key}...|
+% \end{quote}
+% Other systems are also supported, such as the Harvard family of
+% bibliography styles (with \texttt{harvard.sty}), which have entries in the
+% form
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\harvarditem[Daly et al.]{Daly, Keppler,|\\
+% | and Williams}{1990}{key}...|
+% \end{quote}
+% or the astronomy family (with \texttt{astron.sty}) with entries like
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\bibitem[\protect\astroncite{Daly et al.}{1990}]{key}...|
+% \end{quote}
+% or the Chicago family (with \texttt{chicago.sty}) with entries like
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\bibitem[\protect\citeautheryear{Daly, Keppler, and|\\
+% | Williams}{Daly et al.}{1990}]{key}...|
+% \end{quote}
+% or the `named' variant of Chicago (with \texttt{named.sty}) with entries like
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Daly et al.}{1990}]{key}...|
+% \end{quote}
+% or the so-called ``author--date'' group (with \texttt{authordate1-4.sty})
+% with entries of the form
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\bibitem[\protect\citename{Daly et al.}1990]{key}...|
+% \end{quote}
+% Finally, there is the \texttt{apalike} format of Oren Patashnik, for use
+% with \texttt{apalike.sty} that has entries of the form
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\bibitem[Daly et al., 1990]{key}...|
+% \end{quote}
+% In addition to numerical or author--year citation styles, there is also a
+% \texttt{cite} style available in which the label is the same as the cite
+% key. This is for listing entire contents of databases with the cite key
+% visible.
+% A flag |\ifnumerical| is established because some of the following menu
+% features depend on which system is to be used.
+% The \texttt{alph} option produces labels as in \texttt{alpha.bst}; options
+% \texttt{alf-1} and \texttt{alf-f} modify these. Standard is: first three
+% letters of the single author (Dal90 for Daly, 1990) and first letters of
+% first three authors (DK90 for Daly and Kopka, 1990). Alternatives are first
+% three letters of the first author, no matter how many authors there are, and
+% full name of first author.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{STYLE OF CITATIONS:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Numerical}{as in standard LaTeX}
+\optdef{a}{ay}{Author-year}{with some non-standard interface}
+\optdef{b}{alph}{Alpha style, Jon90 or JWB90}{for single or multiple authors}
+\optdef{o}{alph,alf-1}{Alpha style, Jon90}{even for multiple authors}
+\optdef{f}{alph,alf-f}{Alpha style, Jones90}{(full name of first author)}
+\optdef{c}{cite}{Cite key}{(special for listing contents of bib file)}
+\if\ans a\numericalfalse\else\numericaltrue\fi
+\if\ans b\mytempfalse \else\mytemptrue \fi
+\beginoptiongroup{HTML OUTPUT
+ (if non author-year citations)}
+ {\ifnumerical*\fi}
+\optdef{*}{}{Normal LaTeX}{output}
+\optdef{h}{html}{Hypertext}{output, in HTML code, in paragraphs}
+\optdef{n}{html,htlist}{Hypertext list}{with sequence numbers}
+\optdef{k}{html,htdes}{Hypertext with keys}{for viewing databases}
+\beginoptiongroup{AUTHOR--YEAR SUPPORT SYSTEM
+ (if author-year citations)}
+ {\ifnumerical\else*\fi}
+\optdef{*}{nat}{Natbib}{for use with natbib v5.3 or later}
+\optdef{o}{}{Older Natbib}{without full authors citations}
+\optdef{l}{alk}{Apalike}{for use with apalike.sty}
+\optdef{h}{har}{Harvard}{system with harvard.sty}
+\optdef{a}{ast}{Astronomy}{system with astron.sty}
+\optdef{c}{cay}{Chicago}{system with chicago.sty}
+\optdef{n}{nmd}{Named}{system with named.sty}
+\optdef{d}{cn}{Author-date}{system with authordate1-4.sty}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The \texttt{harvard} family has been extended for \LaTeXe, and the new
+% \texttt{.bst} files allow the word \textsl{and} and the brackets around years
+% to be variable with commands. These features may be added too.
+% The URL field used to be exclusively part of Harvard, but now exists
+% independently of it too.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ (if Harvard support selected)}
+ {\if\ans h*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{harnm}{With Harvard extensions}{for LaTeX2e version of harvard.sty}
+\optdef{n}{}{Older Harvard}{style, for LaTeX 2.09}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Language switching}
+% A \texttt{language} field can be present to specify the original language of
+% the reference; with \verb!\setlanguage!, the hyphenation patterns are set for
+% setting the title in that language.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{LANGUAGE FIELD}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{No language field}{}
+\optdef{l}{lang}{Add language field}{to switch hyphenation patterns temporarily}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Annotations}
+% Annotations to a reference are additional information not normally printed
+% out in the list of references. They are used for listing databases.
+% The coding here was offered by Soren Dayton.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\optdef{*}{}{No annotations}{will be recognized}
+\optdef{a}{annote}{Annotations}{in annote field or in .tex file of citekey name}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Presentations}
+% Presentations are talks at meetings, oral or poster, that are not otherwise
+% published. The author making the presentation is indicated with the \texttt{key}
+% entry, which is the speaker's number within the author list. The font used
+% to highlight the speaker is either bold or italics, depending on the secondary
+% option, otherwise not highlighted.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\optdef{*}{}{Do not add presentation type}{for conference talks}
+\optdef{p}{pres}{Add presentation, speaker not highlighted}{}
+\optdef{b}{pres,pres-bf}{Presentation, speaker bold face}{}
+\optdef{i}{pres,pres-it}{Presentaion, speaker italic}{}
+\optdef{c}{pres,pres-sc}{Presentaion, speaker in small caps}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Ordering of the listed references}
+% Choices here depend on citation style. The default in both cases is
+% alphabetical order of all authors. For numerical style, one may also
+% choose an unsorted order, which means the order is the same as the original
+% citations. This corresponds to \texttt{unsrt.bst}. Order of citation is
+% also offered for author--year for \texttt{natbib}-type styles that can
+% also be used for numerical listings.
+% Another possibility is to order first by year, then authors. This too only
+% makes sense for numerical citations. However, it is offered for author--year
+% in the event that a \texttt{natbib}-type style is used for numerical
+% listings.
+% For the alpha style, the ordering is by label only, so no option is
+% offered here (|\ifnumerical| is \meta{true} and |\ifmytemp| is \meta{false}).
+% For author--year, the second choice is by label. (The label is the
+% optional |\bibitem| argument, and is what is printed in place of the
+% |\cite| command.) With this option, all the papers with the same first
+% author are ordered so that the one-author papers come first, followed by
+% the two-author papers, followed by the multiple-author papers. This is a
+% more sensible system for author--year citations, and is demanded by some
+% journals (like JGR).
+% One problem that can arise here is when two or more references have the
+% same set of authors and year; normally they are then ordered by the
+% title, ignoring initial words like \textsl{the} and \textsl{a}, with the
+% letters a, b,
+% c, \dots, added to the year. This can mean that a set of references with
+% a natural sequence will be put into a different order. An alternative is
+% to order them by the citation keyword instead of by title. This of course
+% assumes that the keywords in this case reflect that natural sequence.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{ORDERING OF REFERENCES
+ (if non-author/year and non-alph)}
+ {\ifnumerical\ifmytemp*\fi\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{Alphabetical}{by all authors}
+\optdef{c}{seq-no}{Citation order}{(unsorted, like unsrt.bst)}
+\optdef{d}{seq-yr}{Year ordered}{and then by authors}
+\optdef{r}{seq-yrr}{Reverse year ordered}{and then by authors}
+\beginoptiongroup{ORDERING OF REFERENCES
+ (if author-year citations)}
+ {\ifnumerical\else*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{Alphabetical}{by all authors}
+\optdef{l}{seq-lab}{By label}%
+ {(Jones before Jones and James before Jones et al)}
+\optdef{m}{seq-labc}{By label and cite order}%
+ {(like above but all Jones et al ordered as cited)}
+\optdef{k}{seq-key}{By label and cite key}{instead of label and title, as above}
+\optdef{d}{seq-yr}{Year ordered}{and then by authors (for publication lists)}
+\optdef{r}{seq-yrr}{Reverse year ordered}{and then by authors (most recent first)}
+\optdef{c}{seq-no}{Citation order}{(unsorted, only meaningful for numericals)}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The standard \btx\ styles consider the \emph{von} part of the name to be a
+% fixed part of the surname. European usage tends to alphabetize ignoring these
+% honorifics.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{ORDER ON VON PART
+ (if not citation order)}
+ {\if\ans c\else*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{Sort on von part}{(de la Maire before Defoe)}
+\optdef{x}{vonx}{Sort without von part}{(de la Maire after Mahone)}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Sorting normally treats authors with the same surname but different initials
+% or first name separately; but a strict ordering by cite label would lump all
+% Smiths together.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{IGNORE FIRST NAMES (if author-year citations)}
+ {\ifnumerical\else*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{Respect first names}{or initials, treat as different authors}
+\optdef{x}{xintls}{Sort on surname only}{and treat all Smiths as one}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Formatting author names}
+% The default is that the full names of the authors are listed, given names
+% first, unabbreviated. Of course, if only the initials have been given in
+% the \texttt{.bib} file, then that is all that can appear in the list. Other
+% possibilities are to use initials (even if full names in the \texttt{.bib}
+% file) either before or after the surnames. A specialty of the journals of
+% the American Geophysical Union is to have only the first name with
+% reversed initials.
+% If the reference is part of a larger work with editors, then the editor
+% names appear later in the reference text, usually as ``edited by \dots''
+% or as ``\emph{names} (editors)''. In these cases, the editor names are
+% not usually reversed (surname first) even if the authors' names are.
+% An option is provided to format such editor names exactly as the authors'.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{AUTHOR NAMES:}{}
+\optdef{*}{ed-au}{Full, surname last}{(John Frederick Smith)}
+\optdef{f}{nm-revf}{Full, surname first}{(Smith, John Frederick)}
+\optdef{i}{nm-init,ed-au}{Initials + surname}{(J. F. Smith)}
+\optdef{r}{nm-rev}{Surname + initials}{(Smith, J. F.)}
+\optdef{s}{nm-rv}{Surname + dotless initials}{(Smith J F)}
+\optdef{w}{nm-rvvc}{Surname + comma + spaceless initials}{(Smith, J.F.)}
+\optdef{x}{nm-rvx}{Surname + pure initials}{(Smith JF)}
+\optdef{y}{nm-rvcx}{Surname + comma + pure initials}{(Smith, JF)}
+\optdef{z}{nm-rvv}{Surname + spaceless initials}{(Smith J.F.)}
+\optdef{a}{nm-rev1}{Only first name reversed, initials}%
+ {(AGU style: Smith, J. F., H. K. Jones)}
+\optdef{b}{nm-revv1}{First name reversed, with full names}%
+ {(Smith, John Fred, Harry Kab Jones)}
+\if\ans f\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans r\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans s\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans x\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans y\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans a\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans b\mytemptrue\fi
+ (if author names reversed)}
+ {\ifmytemp*\fi}
+\if\ans r
+\optdef{*}{}{Editor names NOT reversed}{as edited by J. J. Smith}
+\if\ans s
+\optdef{*}{}{Editor names NOT reversed}{as edited by J J Smith}
+\if\ans a
+\optdef{*}{}{Editor names NOT reversed}{as edited by J. J. Smith}
+\if\ans x
+\optdef{*}{}{Editor names NOT reversed}{as edited by JJ Smith}
+\if\ans f
+\optdef{*}{}{Editor names NOT reversed}{as edited by John James Smith}
+\if\ans y
+\optdef{*}{}{Editor names NOT reversed}{as edited by J.J. Smith}
+\if\ans b
+\optdef{*}{}{Editor names NOT reversed}{as edited by John James Smith}
+\optdef{r}{ed-rev}{Editor names reversed}{just like authors'}
+\beginoptiongroup{POSITION OF JUNIOR
+ (if author names reversed)}
+ {}
+\optdef{*}{jnrlst}{Junior comes last}{as Smith, John, Jr.}
+\optdef{m}{}{Junior between}{as Smith, Jr., John}
+\beginoptiongroup{JUNIOR PART IN THE CITATION
+ (if author-year citations)}
+ {\ifnumerical\else*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{No `junior' part in the citations}{but in the ref listing}
+\optdef{j}{jnrlab}{`Junior' in citations}{as well as in ref listing}
+\optdef{*}{}{Author names separated by commas}{}
+\optdef{s}{aunm-semi}{Names separated by semi-colon}{}
+\optdef{h}{aunm-sl}{Names separated by slash}{/}
+\optdef{*}{}{Author/editor names always present}{}
+\optdef{d}{nmdash}{Repeated author/editor names replaced by dash}{}
+\optdef{2}{nmdash,nmd-2}{Repeated author/editor names replaced by 2 dashes}{}
+\optdef{3}{nmdash,nmd-3}{Repeated author/editor names replaced by 3 dashes}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Number of authors}
+% Normally the complete list of authors as given in the \texttt{.bib} file is
+% presented in the reference list. However, some journals prefer to limit
+% them to a maximum. If there are more than this maximum number of author
+% names, then a minimum number plus \textsl{et al.} are listed.
+% Because no test for consistency of the numbers is carried out in the
+% \texttt{.bst} file itself (it might be possible, but I found it too complex),
+% this is done here.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\optdef{*}{}{All authors}{included in listing}
+\optdef{l}{nmlm}{Limited authors}{(et al replaces missing names)}
+\if\ans l
+ \ask{\num}{Maximum number of authors (1-99)}
+ \ifnum\num>99\relax
+ \mes{*** Must be between 1 and 99}
+\def\parsenum#1#2{\if#2\relax\wr{\spsp\spsp x#1,\pc: Maximum of #1\space authors}
+ \else\wr{\spsp\spsp x#10,x#2,\pc: Maximum of #1#2\space authors}\fi}
+\mes{\spsp You have selected maximum \num\space authors}
+ \ask{\num}{Minimum number (before et al given) (1-\numx)}
+ \ifnum\num>\numx
+ \mes{*** Must be between 1 and \numx}
+\def\parsenum#1#2{\if#2\relax\wr{\spsp\spsp m#1,\pc: Minimum of #1\space authors}
+ \else\wr{\spsp\spsp m#10,m#2,\pc: Minimum of #1#2\space authors}\fi}
+\mes{\spsp You have selected minimum \num\space authors}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Something that I finally added after being asked many times, is to allow for
+% more than one name in the citation before inserting \textsl{et~al.}
+% to allow more than 2 authors before truncating
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{AUTHORS IN CITATIONS:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{One author et al}{for three or more authors}
+\optdef{m}{mcite}{Some other truncation scheme}{}
+\if\ans m\mytemptrue\fi
+\beginoptiongroup{MAX AUTHORS BEFORE ET AL:
+ (if regular cite not selected)}
+ {\ifmytemp*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{mct-1}{One et al}{}
+\optdef{2}{mct-2}{One, Two et al}{}
+\optdef{3}{mct-3}{One, Two, Three et al}{}
+\optdef{4}{mct-4}{One, Two, Three, Four et al}{}
+\optdef{5}{mct-5}{One, Two, Three, Four, Five et al}{}
+\optdef{6}{mct-6}{One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six et al}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{MAX AUTHORS WITHOUT ET AL:
+ (if regular cite not selected)}
+ {\ifmytemp*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{mct-x2}{Two authors without truncating}{}
+\optdef{3}{mct-x3}{Three authors}{without truncating}
+\optdef{4}{mct-x4}{Four authors}{without truncating}
+\optdef{5}{mct-x5}{Five authors}{without truncating}
+\optdef{6}{mct-x6}{Six authors}{without truncating}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Typeface of names}
+% The author names in the list of references normally appear in the current
+% typeface. This may be changed to small caps, bold, or italics.
+% Alternatively, the surnames only can be formatted, with the first names in the
+% regular font. One can also specify that the words `and' and `et~al.'\ should be
+% in the regular font, or that `et~al.'\ be italic.
+% Another possibility is that the names be put into a command |\bibnamefont{..}|,
+% which must be defined in the \LaTeX\ document. By default, this command does
+% not format its argument. There is also a |\bibfnamefont| command for the first
+% names, to be user-defined.
+% Editor names in a collection or in a book will not normally have these
+% fonts applied to them; this may be additionally selected.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\optdef{*}{}{Normal font for author names}{}
+\optdef{s}{nmft,nmft-sc}{Small caps authors}{(\string\sc)}
+\optdef{i}{nmft,nmft-it}{Italic authors}{(\string\it\space or \string\em)}
+\optdef{b}{nmft,nmft-bf}{Bold authors}{(\string\bf)}
+\optdef{u}{nmft,nmft-def}{User defined author font}{(\string\bibnamefont)}
+\if\ans i\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans s\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans b\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans u\mytemptrue\fi
+\beginoptiongroup{FONT FOR FIRST NAMES
+ (if non-default font for authors)}
+ {\ifmytemp*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{First names same font as surnames}{}
+\optdef{r}{fnm-rm}{First names in normal font}{}
+\optdef{u}{fnm-def}{First names in user defined font}{(\string\bibfnamefont)}
+\optdef{*}{}{Editors incollection normal font}{}
+\optdef{a}{nmfted}{Editors incollection like authors}{font}
+\beginoptiongroup{FONT FOR `AND' IN LIST:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{`And' in author font}{(JONES AND JAMES)}
+\optdef{r}{nmand-rm}{`And' in normal font}{(JONES and JAMES)}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Names in Citation label}
+% This applies to author--year style only. The label is the text written
+% by the |\cite| command, and for author--year style, this is something like
+% `Daly et al.\ (1990b)'. One may select italics for the authors and for the
+% extra label attached to the year. The year always remains plain.
+% This parallels the font selection for the names in the list of references
+% except that there no choice for the first names, since only surnames
+% are used in the labels. A user-defined |\citefontname| may also
+% be selected, but this \emph{must} be defined by the user since there
+% will be no default definition for it.
+% If a font is selected for the cited authors, then the word `and' may be
+% optionally put in the normal font.
+% It is not possible to select the type of brackets for the year, since
+% this is determined by the \LaTeX{} style option that manages the
+% author--year citations. This is not standard \LaTeX, so that there are a
+% number of private style files for achieving this.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ (if author-year citations)}
+ {\ifnumerical\else*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{Cited authors plain}{as result of \string\cite\space command}
+\optdef{i}{lab,lab-it}{Cited authors italic}{}
+\optdef{s}{lab,lab-sc}{Cited authors small caps}{}
+\optdef{b}{lab,lab-bf}{Cited authors bold}{}
+\optdef{u}{lab,lab-def}{User defined citation font}{(\string\citenamefont)}
+\if\ans i\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans s\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans b\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans u\mytemptrue\fi
+\beginoptiongroup{FONT FOR `AND' IN CITATIONS
+ (if non-default font for citation lables)}
+ {\ifmytemp*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{Cited `and' in author font}{}
+\optdef{r}{and-rm}{Cited `and' in normal font}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{FONT OF EXTRA LABEL
+ (The extra letter on the year)}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Extra label plain}{}
+\optdef{i}{xlab-it}{Extra label italic}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Label for missing author names}
+% If the author and/or editor is missing, the standard \texttt{.bst} files
+% use the \texttt{key} field in place of the names for purposes of ordering the
+% entries.
+% For author--year styles, the \texttt{key} field is even inserted in the
+% reference list and in the label in place of the authors. Optionally, one can
+% suppress the year in this case, which causes \texttt{natbib} (version~7)
+% to print only that key text as a code designation for the work. Thus if
+% \texttt{KEY = "CS1-345"} and there are no authors, then |\citep| produces
+% (CS1-345) and |\citet| simply CS1-345. That is, they behave like
+% |\citeauthor|. If \texttt{natbib} did not recognize the blank year, one would
+% get (CS1-345, ) and CS1-345 (). (Earlier versions of \texttt{natbib} crash on
+% a blank year.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ (if author-year citations)}
+ {\ifnumerical\else*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{keyxyr}{Year blank when KEY replaces missing author}{(for natbib 7.0)}
+\optdef{y}{}{Year included when KEY replaces missing author}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Missing date}
+% A missing date can be set to ???? or simply left blank. In the latter case,
+% \texttt{natbib} version~7 will print only the authors without any year
+% punctuation or brackets.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{MISSING DATE
+ (if author-year citations)}
+ {\ifnumerical\else*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{Missing date set to ????}{in label and text}
+\optdef{b}{blkyear}{Missing date left blank}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Position of date}
+% This applies to author--year style only. It makes sense to put the date
+% immediately after the author list, since the two items (author and year)
+% are the identifiers of the reference. Default position is at the
+% end of the references, before any notes. It is also possible to place
+% it even after the notes.
+% Medical journals have a system where the date is part of the journal
+% specification, as Lancet 1994;45(2):34--40. Otherwise the date appears at
+% the end.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{DATE POSITION:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Date at end}{}
+\optdef{b}{dt-beg}{Date after authors}{}
+\optdef{j}{dt-jnl}{Date part of journal spec.}{(as 1994;45:34-40) else at end}
+\optdef{e}{dt-end}{Date at very end}{after any notes}
+\if\ans b\mytemptrue\else\if\ans j\mytemptrue\else\mytempfalse\fi\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Format of date}
+% The year may be enclosed in parentheses, brackets, or preceded by a
+% colon. If none of these are selected, the date (month plus year) appears.
+% For author--year, the date normally consists only of the year, no month,
+% but this may be overridden.
+% If the date comes just after the authors, then one might want special
+% punctuation following it, like a colon, or space only. The latter is
+% probably desirable if the date is brackets or parentheses.
+% The date can even be put into bold face.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{DATE FORMAT
+ (if non author-year citations)}
+ {\ifnumerical*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{Plain month and year}{without any brackets}
+\optdef{p}{yr-par}{Date in parentheses}{as (May 1993)}
+\optdef{b}{yr-brk}{Date in brackets}{as [May 1993]}
+\optdef{c}{yr-col}{Date preceded by colon}{as `: May 1993'}
+\optdef{d}{yr-per}{Date preceded by period}{as `. May 1993'}
+\optdef{m}{yr-com}{Date preceded by comma}{as `, May 1993'}
+\optdef{s}{yr-blk}{Date preceded by space}{only, as ` May 1993'}
+\beginoptiongroup{SUPPRESS MONTH:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Date is month and year}{}
+\optdef{x}{xmth}{Date is year only}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{REVERSED DATE
+ (if including month)}
+ {\if\ans x\else*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{Date as month year}{}
+\optdef{r}{dtrev}{Date as year month}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{DATE FORMAT
+ (if author-year citations)}
+ {\ifnumerical\else*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{Year plain}{without any brackets}
+\optdef{p}{yr-par}{Year in parentheses}{as (1993)}
+\optdef{b}{yr-brk}{Year in brackets}{as [1993]}
+\optdef{c}{yr-col}{Year preceded by colon}{as `: 1993'}
+\optdef{d}{yr-per}{Year preceded by period}{as `. 1993'}
+\optdef{m}{yr-com}{Date preceded by comma}{as `, 1993'}
+\optdef{s}{yr-blk}{Year preceded by space}{only, as ` 1993'}
+\beginoptiongroup{INCLUDE MONTHS:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Date is year only}{without the month}
+\optdef{m}{aymth}{Include month in date}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{REVERSED DATE
+ (if including month)}
+ {\if\ans m*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{Date as month year}{}
+\optdef{r}{dtrev}{Date as year month}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{DATE PUNCTUATION
+ (if date not at end)}
+ {\ifmytemp*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{Date with standard block punctuation}{(comma or period)}
+\optdef{c}{yrp-col}{Colon after date}{as 1994:}
+\optdef{s}{yrp-semi}{Semi-colon after date}{as 1994;}
+\optdef{p}{yrp-per}{Period after date}{even when blocks use commas}
+\optdef{x}{yrp-x}{No punct. after date}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{BLANK AFTER DATE:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Space after date}{and punctuation}
+\optdef{x}{yrpp-xsp}{No space after date}{as 1994:45}
+\beginoptiongroup{DATE FONT:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Date in normal font}{}
+\optdef{b}{dtbf}{Date in bold face}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Normally in author--year citations, the \texttt{year} entry is truncated
+% to the last 4 characters, which should be the 4 digits of the year. Some
+% users have requested the possibility of suppressing this truncation so
+% that they may put text in the \texttt{year} field, such as ``in press.''
+% Another use for it is when years are given as ``1968--72''. Actually,
+% I have no idea why the year should be truncated at all.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{TRUNCATE YEAR
+ (if author-year citations)}
+ {\ifnumerical\else*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{note-yr}{Year text full}{as 1990--1993 or `in press'}
+\optdef{t}{}{Year truncated}{to last 4 digits}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Article title in journal}
+% The title of an article in a journal or in a collection (a book, or
+% conference proceedings) may appear plain, in italics, within single
+% or double quotes or even in guillemets. The last is best with T1 coding; a
+% poor man's version for OT1 is provided; \LaTeXe\ is required in both cases.
+% Furthermore, it may have sentence capitalization (first
+% word and word following colon) or be capitalized as in the \texttt{.bib} file
+% entry. That is why it is recommended to capitalize the entry text as it
+% should appear when fully capitalized, putting words that are always
+% capitalized in braces. Example:
+% \begin{quote}
+% |TITLE="The Results of the {Giotto} Mission"|
+% \end{quote}
+% which produces either ``The results of the Giotto mission'' or ``The
+% Results of the Giotto Mission'', depending on option.
+% Additionally, the article titles may be fully suppressed.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{TITLE OF ARTICLE:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Title plain}{with no special font}
+\optdef{i}{tit-it}{Title italic}{(\string\em)}
+\optdef{q}{tit-qq,qt-s}{Title and punctuation in single quotes}{(`Title,' ..)}
+\optdef{d}{tit-qq}{Title and punctuation in double quotes}{(``Title,'' ..)}
+\optdef{g}{tit-qq,qt-g}{Title and punctuation in guillemets}{(<<Title,>> ..)}
+\optdef{x}{tit-qq,qt-s,qx}{Title in single quotes}{(`Title', ..)}
+\optdef{y}{tit-qq,qx}{Title in double quotes}{(``Title'', ..)}
+\optdef{z}{tit-qq,qt-g,qx}{Title in guillemets}{(<<Title>>, ..)}
+\if\ans q\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans d\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans g\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans x\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans y\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans z\mytemptrue\fi
+ (if quoted title)}
+ {\ifmytemp*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{bt-qq}{Quote collection and proceedings titles}{too}
+\optdef{x}{}{Collection and proceedings titles not in quotes}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Sentence style}{(capitalize first word and those in braces)}
+\optdef{t}{atit-u}{Title style}{(just as in bib entry)}
+\beginoptiongroup{ARTICLE TITLE PRESENT:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Article title present}{in journals and proceedings}
+\optdef{x}{jtit-x}{No article title}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Journal names}
+% Abbreviated journal names normally contain periods; the periods may be
+% removed with this option. In fact, only letters, numbers, and spacing are
+% retained.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{JOURNAL NAMES:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Periods in journal names}{are retained, as `Phys. Rev.'}
+\optdef{x}{jxper}{Dotless journal names}{as `Phys Rev'}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Journal name is normally printed in italics; can be left in normal font.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{JOURNAL NAME FONT:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Journal name italics}{}
+\optdef{r}{jttl-rm}{Journal name normal}{font}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Title of Theses and Technical Reports}
+% The title of a these (PhD or Master's) is normally treated the same
+% as that of a book. Optionally, it may be formatted like that of
+% an article.
+% The title of a technical report is normally treated the same as that
+% of an article. Optionally, it may be formatted like that of a book.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{THESIS TITLE:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Thesis titles like books}{}
+\optdef{a}{thtit-a}{Thesis title like article}{}
+\optdef{x}{thtit-x}{No thesis title}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{TECHNICAL REPORT TITLE:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Tech. report title like articles}{}
+\optdef{b}{trtit-b}{Tech. report title like books}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{TECHNICAL REPORT NUMBER:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Tech. report and number plain}{as `Tech. Rep. 123'}
+\optdef{i}{trnum-it}{Tech. report and number italic}%
+ {as `{\string\it\space Tech. Rep. 123'}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Journal reference}
+% Great diversity of opinion exists as to how a journal reference is to be
+% formatted. It consists of a volume, possibly a number, and page limits.
+% The number is really only necessary if the page numbers within one volume
+% start at 1 for each physical `number'. Since journals are often bound
+% together in one volume later, it makes more sense to number the pages
+% continuously through the whole volume.
+% I am only aware of one journal that used to reset the pagination for each
+% `number', in which case the number was part of the page designation.
+% I had erroneously provided an option \texttt{vnum-pg} to achieve this, but I
+% now realize that instead, for this one journal, the database entries must
+% contain \texttt{pages="(2)33--2(55)"}. This option has been removed at
+% version 3.84.
+% A number of styles for journal specifications are
+% \begin{quote}
+% \begin{tabular}{l@{\qquad}l}
+% 21(2):33--55 & 21, no.\ 2: 33--55\\
+% \textbf{21}(2):33--55 & \textbf{21}, \#2, 33--55\\
+% \textit{21}(2), 33--55 & \textit{21} (2); 33--55 \\
+% 21(2) (1995) 33--55 & 21(1995), 33-55\\
+% 21(2) 33--55 & vol.~21 (2), pp.~33--55
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{quote}
+% Here both start and stop page numbers have been given; often only the
+% start page is wanted.
+% It is also possible to include the year as part of the journal specification,
+% in which case the year is always in parentheses, attached snugly or with space
+% to the volume, or preceding the pages.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{JOURNAL VOLUME:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Volume plain}{as vol(num)}
+\optdef{i}{vol-it}{Volume italic}{as {\string\em\space vol}(num)}
+\optdef{b}{vol-bf}{Volume bold}{as {\string\bf\space vol}(num)}
+\optdef{d}{vol-2bf}{Volume and number bold}{as {\string\bf\space vol(num)}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The form of the `number' is also given: in parentheses, with `no.',
+% with \#, or omitted. The \texttt{vnum-b} option is meant to be used
+% with \texttt{jdt-v} and \texttt{jdt-vs} but could be used alone.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{JOURNAL VOL AND NUMBER:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Journal vol(num)}{as 34(2)}
+\optdef{s}{vnum-sp}{Journal vol (num)}{as 34 (2)}
+\optdef{c}{vnum-cm}{Journal vol, num}{as 34, 2}
+\optdef{n}{vnum-nr}{Journal vol, no. num}{as 34, no. 2}
+\optdef{h}{vnum-h}{Journal vol, \string\# number}{as 34, \string\#2}
+\optdef{b}{vnum-b}{Journal vol number}{as 34 2}
+\optdef{x}{vnum-x}{Journal vol, without number}{as 34}
+\beginoptiongroup{VOLUME PUNCTUATION:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Volume with colon}{as vol(num):ppp}
+\optdef{s}{volp-sp}{Volume with colon and space}{as vol(num): ppp}
+\optdef{h}{volp-semi}{Volume with semi-colon}{as vol(num); ppp}
+\optdef{c}{volp-com}{Volume with comma}{as vol(num), ppp}
+\optdef{b}{volp-blk}{Volume with blank}{as vol(num) ppp}
+\beginoptiongroup{YEAR IN JOURNAL SPECIFICATION:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Journal year like others}{as given by date position}
+\optdef{v}{jdt-v}{Journal vol(year)}{as 34(1995)}
+\optdef{s}{jdt-vs}{Journal vol (year)}{as 34 (1995)}
+\optdef{p}{jdt-p}{Year with pages}{as 34(2), (1995) 1345--1387}
+\optdef{c}{jdt-pc}{Year, comma, pages}{as 34(2), (1995), 1345--1387}
+\beginoptiongroup{PAGE NUMBERS:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Start and stop page numbers}{given}
+\optdef{f}{jpg-1}{Only start page number}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{LARGE PAGE NUMBERS:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{No separators for large page numbers}{}
+\optdef{c}{pgsep-c}{Comma inserted over 9999}{as 11,234}
+\optdef{s}{pgsep-s}{Thin space inserted over 9999}{as 11 234}
+\optdef{p}{pgsep-p}{Period inserted over 9999}{as 11.234}
+\beginoptiongroup{WORD `PAGE' IN ARTICLES:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Article pages numbers only}{as 234-256}
+\optdef{p}{jwdpg}{Include `page' in articles}{as pp. 234--256}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Some journals want page numbers at the end, even for books, proceedings, as
+% well as for journals.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{POSITION OF PAGES:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Pages given mid text}{as is normal}
+\optdef{e}{pp-last}{Pages at end}{but before any notes}
+\beginoptiongroup{WORD `VOLUME' IN ARTICLES:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Article volume as number only}{as 21}
+\optdef{p}{jwdvol}{Include `volume' in articles}{as vol. 21}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Fiddle with the format and location of the number/series for collections and
+% inproceedings.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\optdef{*}{num-xser}{Allows number without series}{and suppresses word "number"}
+\optdef{s}{}{Standard BibTeX}{as: "number 123 in Total Works"; error if number and no series}
+\beginoptiongroup{POSITION OF NUMBER AND SERIES:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{After chapter and pages}{as in standard BibTeX}
+\optdef{t}{numser}{Just before publisher}{or organization}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Fiddle with the format and location of series and volume with books and collections.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\optdef{*}{}{Vol. 23 of Series}{as in standard BibTeX}
+\optdef{s}{ser-vol}{Series, vol. 23}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Series and volume after the editors}{}
+\optdef{e}{ser-ed}{Series and volume after booktitle}{and before editors}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% It is possible to decide whether the journal name should be
+% separated from the following specifications with a blank or comma.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{JOURNAL NAME PUNCTUATION:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Comma after journal}{name}
+\optdef{x}{jnm-x}{Space after journal}{name}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Books}
+% The title of a book (as opposed to an article in a book or journal) is
+% normally italicized. This may be set to the regular font.
+% The page numbers in books may be set in parentheses, as (pp.\ 345--350).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{BOOK TITLE:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Book title italic}{(\string\em)}
+\optdef{p}{btit-rm,bt-rm}{Book title plain}{(no font command)}
+\beginoptiongroup{PAGES IN BOOKS:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Pages in book plain}{as pp. 50-55}
+\optdef{p}{bkpg-par}{Pages in book in parentheses}{as (pp. 50-55)}
+\optdef{x}{bkpg-x}{Pages in book bare}{as 50-55}
+\beginoptiongroup{TOTAL PAGES OF A BOOK:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Total book pages not printed}{}
+\optdef{p}{pg-bk}{For book: 345 pages}{or pp.}
+\optdef{a}{pg-bk,pg-pre}{Total book pages before publisher}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Some psychology journals wish to have the publisher's address preceding
+% the name, separated by colon, as
+% \begin{quote}New York: Wiley and Sons\end{quote}
+% Some journals (e.g.\ Nature) put publisher in parentheses with date,
+% as (Wiley and Sons, New York, 1983). These normally put the date in
+% parentheses at the end anyway, so this is a merging of the two sets of
+% parentheses.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{PUBLISHER ADDRESS:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Publisher, address}{as Harcourt, New York}
+\optdef{a}{add-pub}{Address: Publisher}{as New York: Harcourt}
+\beginoptiongroup{PUBLISHER IN PARENTHESES:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Publisher as normal block}{without parentheses}
+\optdef{p}{pub-par}{Publisher in parentheses}{}
+\optdef{d}{pub-date}{Publisher and date in parentheses}{(Oxford, 1994)}
+\optdef{c}{pub-date,pub-xc}{Publisher and date in parentheses, no comma}{(Oxford 1994)}
+\optdef{f}{pub-date,pub-xpar}{Publisher and date without parentheses}{Oxford, 1994}
+\optdef{k}{pub-date,pub-xpar,pub-xc}{Publisher and date, no parentheses, no comma}{Oxford 1994}
+\beginoptiongroup{PUBLISHER POSITION:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Publisher after chapter, pages}{}
+\optdef{p}{pre-pub}{Publisher before chapter, pages}{}
+\optdef{e}{pre-edn}{Publisher after edition}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{ISBN, ISSN, DOI numbers}
+% Books normally possess an ISBN number. This may be included as an
+% optional entry for \texttt{book}, \texttt{inbook}, \texttt{booklet},
+% \texttt{incollection}, \texttt{proceedings}, \texttt{inproceedings}.
+% However, it should be suppressed for \texttt{inbook} etc.\ when
+% there is a crossref to another book with the ISBN number.
+% Periodicals contain an ISSN number. Add this to \texttt{article}, or
+% course, but also to \texttt{inproceedings} and \texttt{proceedings}, since
+% they are sometimes printed in a periodical.
+% Journal articles that appear online are given a DOI number, something more
+% robust than a URL that can change as machines are upgraded.
+% The American Geophysical Union (AGU) uses the DOI as part of the
+% page number substitution for electronic journals, placing the number
+% where the pages would normally appear.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{ISBN NUMBER:}{}
+\optdef{*}{isbn}{Include ISBN}{for books, booklets, etc.}
+\optdef{x}{}{No ISBN}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{ISSN NUMBER:}{}
+\optdef{*}{issn}{Include ISSN}{for periodicals}
+\optdef{x}{}{No ISSN}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{DOI NUMBER:}{}
+\optdef{*}{doi}{Include DOI}{as "doi: number"}
+\optdef{u}{url-doi}{Format DOI as URL //}{(must give url options!)}
+\optdef{a}{agu-doi,doi}{Insert DOI AGU style}{as part of page number}
+\optdef{x}{}{No DOI}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Editor of book without author}
+% This is normally
+% \begin{quote}
+% J. K. James, editor
+% \end{quote}
+% but may also be
+% \begin{quote}
+% J. K. James, (editor)\\
+% J. K. James (editor),
+% \end{quote}
+% Alternatively, the word \textsl{editor} may be capitalized and/or
+% abbreviated.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\optdef{*}{}{Word `editor' after name}{}
+\optdef{a}{edpar}{`Name (editor),'}{in parentheses, after name, comma after}
+\optdef{b}{edpar,bkedcap}{`Name (Editor),'}{as above, editor upper case}
+\optdef{c}{edparc}{`Name, (editor)'}{in parentheses, after name, comma between}
+\optdef{d}{edparc,bkedcap}{`Name, (Editor)'}{as above, editor upper case}
+\optdef{e}{edparxc}{`Name (editor)'}{in parentheses, after name, no commas}
+\optdef{f}{edparxc,bkedcap}{`Name (Editor)'}{as above, editor upper case}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Edited by}
+% For an article within an edited collection, the normal form is
+% \begin{quote}
+% In J. K. James, editor, \emph{Title of Collection} \dots
+% \end{quote}
+% Alternative forms are
+% \begin{quote}
+% In J. K. James (editor), \emph{Title} \dots\\
+% In \emph{Title}, edited by J. K. James \dots\\
+% In \emph{Title} (Edited by J. K. James) \dots
+% \end{quote}
+% If none of the \texttt{edby} variations is used, then the same system is
+% used as for edited books, i.e. \texttt{edpar} applies.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{EDITOR IN COLLECTIONS:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Same as for edited book}{(names before booktitle)}
+\optdef{b}{edby}{In booktitle, edited by .. }{(where .. is names)}
+\optdef{p}{edby-par}{In booktitle (edited by ..)}{}
+\optdef{c}{edby-parc}{In booktitle, (edited by ..)}{}
+\optdef{e}{edby,edbyx}{In booktitle, editor ..}{}
+\optdef{f}{edby,edbyw}{In booktitle, (editor) ..}{}
+\optdef{k}{edby-par,edbyx}{In booktitle (editor..)}{}
+\optdef{g}{edby-parc,edbyx}{In booktitle, (editor..)}{}
+\optdef{j}{edby,edbyy}{In booktitle, .., editor}{}
+\optdef{m}{edby-par,edbyy}{In booktitle (.., editor)}{}
+\if\ans p\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans k\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans c\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans f\mytemptrue\fi
+\beginoptiongroup{CAPITALIZE `EDITOR' OR `EDITED BY'
+ (if editor capitalizable)}
+ {\ifmytemp*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{`(editor,..)' or `(edited by..)'}{in lower case}
+\optdef{c}{edcap}{`(Editor,..)' or `(Edited by..)'}{in upper case}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Block punctuation}
+% Blocks are logical sections of the reference specification, such as the
+% author block, the journal block, editor block, etc. These are normally
+% separated by periods, but alternatively a comma may be used. Another
+% choice is to use commas except after titles where a period is given.
+% \LaTeX\ offers an \texttt{openbib} option, which means that the blocks
+% are not only new sentences, but new lines as well. This can only
+% function when the default option here is taken, for then the command
+% |\newblock| is placed between the blocks. This command is normally
+% defined to do nothing, but \LaTeX\ redefines it to issue a new line
+% when open bibliographies are wanted.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\optdef{*}{}{\string\newblock\space after blocks}
+ {(periods or new lines with openbib option)}
+\optdef{c}{blk-com}{Comma between blocks}{}
+\optdef{s}{blk-com,com-semi}{Semi-colon between blocks}{}
+\optdef{b}{blk-com,com-blank}{Blanks between blocks}{}
+\optdef{t}{blk-tit}{Period after titles of articles, books, etc}{else commas}
+\optdef{u}{blk-tit,tit-col}{Colon after titles of articles, books, etc}{else commas}
+\optdef{a}{blk-tita}{Period after titles of articles}{else commas}
+\optdef{d}{blk-tita,tit-col}{Colon after titles of articles}{else commas}
+\if\ans c\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans s\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans b\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans t\mytemptrue\fi
+\if\ans a\mytemptrue\fi
+ (if not using \string\newblock)}
+ {\ifmytemp*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{Notes have regular punctuation}{like all other blocks}
+\optdef{p}{blknt}{Notes preceded by period}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{PUNCTUATION AFTER AUTHORS:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Author block normal}{with regular block punctuation}
+\optdef{c}{au-col}{Author block with colon}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{\textsl{In} with colon}
+% When referring to works in a collection, one begins the block describing
+% that collection with \textsl{In}. Optionally, one may add a colon.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{PUNCTUATION AFTER `IN':}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Space after `in'}{for incollection or inproceedings}
+\optdef{c}{in-col}{Colon after `in'}{(as `In: ...')}
+\optdef{i}{in-it}{Italic `in'}{and space}
+\optdef{d}{in-col,in-it}{Italic `in' and colon}{}
+\optdef{x}{in-x}{No word `in'}{for edited works}
+\beginoptiongroup{`IN' WITH JOURNAL NAMES
+ (if using 'in' with collections)}
+ {\if\ans x\else*\fi}
+\optdef{*}{}{No `in' before journal name}{}
+\optdef{i}{injnl}{Add `in' before journal name}{in style for incollection}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Final punctuation}
+% The punctuation at the end of the reference is normally a period. This
+% may be suppressed.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{FINAL PUNCTUATION:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Period at very end}{of the listed reference}
+\optdef{x}{fin-bare}{No period at end}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Abbreviations}
+% A number of words may be abbreviated: pages, editors, volume, chapter,
+% and so on. The first two may be independently set to abbreviation, the
+% rest with a single option.
+% Additionally, the edition numbers may be
+% output as words (first, second, etc.) or as numbers (1st, 2nd, etc.).
+% (Recall that the input in the \texttt{.bib} file is always as English
+% words.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{ABBREVIATE WORD `PAGES'
+ (if not using external language file)}
+ {\if!\cfile!\relax*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{`Page(s)'}{(no abbreviation)}
+\optdef{a}{pp}{`Page' abbreviated}{as p. or pp.}
+\optdef{x}{ppx}{`Page' omitted}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{ABBREVIATE WORD `EDITORS':}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{`Editor(s)'}{(no abbreviation)}
+\optdef{a}{ed}{`Editor' abbreviated}{as ed. or eds.}
+\beginoptiongroup{OTHER ABBREVIATIONS:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{No abbreviations}{of volume, edition, chapter, etc}
+\optdef{a}{abr}{Abbreviations}{of such words}
+\beginoptiongroup{ABBREVIATION FOR `EDITION'
+ (if abbreviating words)}
+ {\if\ans a*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{}{`Edition' abbreviated as `edn'}{}
+\optdef{a}{ednx}{`Edition' abbreviated as `ed'}{}
+\beginoptiongroup{MONTHS WITH DOTS:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Months with dots}{as Jan.}
+\optdef{x}{mth-bare}{Months without dots}{as Feb Mar}
+\beginoptiongroup{EDITION NUMBERS:}{}
+\optdef{*}{xedn}{Editions as in database}{saving much processing memory}
+\optdef{w}{}{Write out editions}{as first, second, third, etc}
+\optdef{n}{ord}{Numerical editions}{as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The above choices about abbreviations are made only if the internal
+% languages are taken (English or \texttt{babel}). For an external language
+% definition file, these choices, along with possible other ones, are made
+% in the external file, which is read in at this point.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\umes{Reading external language file \string\cfile=\cfile}%
+ \input\cfile
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This file contains the standard set of stored journal names present in
+% the basic bibliography style files. If other files containing journal
+% names are to be included, they may only contain the options \texttt{jabr}
+% or \texttt{jaa} since these options are selected here. No option
+% menus from the journal-name files will be read in.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{STORED JOURNAL NAMES:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Full journal names}{for prestored journals}
+\optdef{a}{jabr}{Abbreviated journal names}{}
+\optdef{s}{jabr,jaa}{Abbreviated with astronomy shorthands}{like ApJ and AJ}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Variations on \textsl{and}}
+% It is possible to replace the word \textsl{and} with an ampersand \&, and to
+% specify whether a comma is to precede \textsl{and} in a list of more than two
+% names.
+% A variable \textsl{and} may be provided for with the command |\BIBand|
+% in place of the word. In this case, the command must be defined in the
+% document file or some other package called. (This is intended for situations
+% where an ampersand is wanted in parenthetical citations, but the word in
+% textual ones.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\optdef{*}{}{Use word `and'}{in author lists}
+\optdef{a}{amper}{Use ampersand}{in place of `and'}
+\optdef{v}{varand}{Use \string\BIBand}{in place of `and'}
+\beginoptiongroup{COMMA BEFORE `AND':}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Comma before `and'}{as `Tom, Dick, and Harry'}
+\optdef{n}{and-xcom}{No comma before `and'}{as `Tom, Dick and Harry'}
+\optdef{c}{and-com}{Comma even with 2 authors}{as `Tom, and Harry'}
+ (if using comma before `and' with authors)}
+ {\if\ans c*\fi}%
+\optdef{*}{and-com-ed}{Comma with 2 editors}{in collections}
+\optdef{x}{}{Two editors without comma}{as `Tom and Harry'}
+\beginoptiongroup{NO `AND' IN REFERENCE LIST:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{With `and'}{before last author in reference list}
+\optdef{x}{xand}{No `and'}{as `Tom, Dick, Harry'}
+\beginoptiongroup{COMMA BEFORE `ET AL':}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Comma before `et al'}{in reference list}
+\optdef{x}{etal-xc}{No comma before `et al'}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Font of \textsl{et al}}
+% One can chose that \textsl{et~al.}\ be put into italics.
+% Or, if the authors are in a different font from the regular one, the
+% \textsl{et~al.}\ can still be Roman.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{FONT OF `ET AL':}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Plain et al}{}
+\optdef{i}{etal-it}{Italic et al}{}
+\optdef{r}{etal-rm}{Roman et al}{even when authors something else}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Additional Data Fields}\label{sec:revtex}
+% The American Physical Society's REV\TeX\ package contains \btx\ support
+% with a \texttt{bst} file generated from a variant of
+% \texttt{\filename}. The extra fields are also available here.
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item \textbf{collaboration}: A collaboration name associated with a
+% reference.
+% \item \textbf{eprint}: The e-print citation for the reference (Los Alamos
+% or otherwise). E-print numbers can be turned into hyperlinks to the
+% online article. The output is\\
+% \hspace*{2em}|\eprint{|\textit{eprint-spec}|}|
+% \item \textbf{archive}: is an optional argument for |\eprint|, as\\
+% \hspace*{2em}|\eprint[|\textit{archive-des}|]{|\textit{eprint-spec}|}|\\
+% The \textit{archive-des} is some code such as \texttt{arXiv} that is
+% translated to a base URL by a class or package file. The default definition
+% of |\eprint| ignores \textit{archive-des} and prints \textit{eprint-spec}
+% as a URL.
+% \item \textbf{url}: A URL associated with the reference. Can be turned
+% into a hyperlink.
+% \end{itemize}
+% A collaboration appears as part of the author list and the other two
+% appear at the end of the citaton. The URL field can be selected
+% independently of this option.
+% In addition there are new fields for journals like Phys.\ Rev.~D that
+% no longer use page numbers.
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item \textbf{eid}: Electronic article identifier.
+% \item \textbf{numpages}: Number of pages in an article. For use in
+% conjunction with the \textbf{eid} field when page counts are
+% desired. Deprecated when submitting to Phys.\ Rev.
+% The \texttt{eprint} (with \texttt{archive}) and \texttt{url} fields may be
+% included independently of the other REV\TeX\ fields.
+% The \texttt{eid} field is now always included, although it is optional for
+% the bibliography entries. This electronic identifier is a replacement for the
+% page number in electronic journals: it is the sequence number in the printed
+% volume. If present, it will be used in place of the page number.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{ADDITIONAL REVTeX DATA FIELDS:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{No additional fields}{for REVTeX}
+\optdef{r}{revdata,eprint,url,url-blk}{Include REVTeX data fields}
+ {collaboration, eid, eprint, archive, numpages, url}
+\if\ans r\mytempfalse\fi
+\beginoptiongroup{E-PRINT DATA FIELD:
+(without REVTeX fields)}
+\optdef{*}{}{Do not include eprint field}{}
+\optdef{e}{eprint}{Include eprint and archive fields}{for electronic publications}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{URL address}
+% For electronic documents with an Internet address, add a URL entry.
+% Harvard already has this, but here it is done for all styles.
+% The URL text will be set with the \verb!\url! command in the \texttt{url}
+% package by Donald Arseneau. This package must be loaded for the command
+% to work right. It allows line breaks at punctuations. Otherwise,
+% \verb!\texttt! is used instead, with no line breaks. The URL text is preceded
+% by \verb!\urlprefix! which defaults to ``URL '' but may be redefined by the
+% user to be whatever s/he wants. The final space must be included.
+% Note: selecting the REV\TeX\ fields automatically includes this, so the
+% offer only is made if REV\TeX\ has been rejected.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{URL ADDRESS:
+(without REVTeX fields)}{\ifmytemp*\fi}
+\optdef{*}{}{No URL}{for electronic (Internet) documents}
+\optdef{u}{url,url-blk}{Include URL}{as regular item block}
+\optdef{n}{url,url-nt}{URL as note}{}
+\optdef{l}{url,url-nl}{URL on new line}{after rest of reference}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Reference Component Tagging}
+% If reference component tagging is enabled, we
+% apply tags like |\bibinfo| and |\eprint| to the fields of data
+% in the content of the |\bibitem| statement. We also ensure that
+% these commands have a default meaning within the scope of the |thebibliography|
+% environment. The default definitions simply print the field and ignore the
+% tag. However, other programs or packages might make use of the tag
+% information to separate authors from title, for example.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{REFERENCE COMPONENT TAGS:}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{No reference component tags}
+ {in the \string\bibitem\space entries}
+\optdef{b}{bibinfo}{Reference component tags}
+ {like \string\bibinfo\space in the content of \string\bibitem}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Define emphasis}
+% In everything that been mentioned so far, italicization should be
+% understood to mean `emphasize' in the \LaTeX{} sense. This means that the
+% command |\em| is used. This is not the same as |\it|, which is always
+% italics. Rather, with |\em|, the font style switches between |\rm| and
+% |\it| depending on the context. Here one may choose to true italics, or
+% to switch off italics altogether.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ (affects all so-called italics)}{}
+\optdef{*}{}{Use emphasis}{ie, \string\em, allows font switching}
+\optdef{i}{em-it}{Use true italics}{ie, \string\it, absolute italics}
+\optdef{x}{em-x}{No italics}{at all}
+\optdef{u}{em-ul}{Underlining}{in place of italics, best with ulem package}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection*{Plain \TeX\ compatibility}
+% Bold face, italics, and emphasis are made with the \LaTeXe\ commands,
+% which makes them incompatible with the obsolete \LaTeX2.09, and with
+% Plain \TeX. There are also some extra testing for existing commands
+% that best work with \LaTeXe\ syntax.
+% If the bibliography style file is to be fully compatible with Plain \TeX,
+% do not select the option \texttt{nfss} but do take \texttt{plntx}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\beginoptiongroup{COMPATIBILITY WITH PLAIN TEX:}{}
+\optdef{*}{nfss}{Use LaTeX commands}{which may not work with Plain TeX}
+\optdef{t}{plntx}{Use only Plain TeX}{commands for fonts and testing}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Terminate the options list. If a language definition file has been called,
+% then we have a closing brace too many, so add another dummy opening brace.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \section{The Bibliographic Coding}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ % For use with BibTeX version 0.99a or later
+ % -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ % The input dbj file contains one of the options
+%<nmft-it|nmft-sc|nmft-bf|nmft-def> % nmft-it, nmft-bf, nmft-sc, or nmft-def
+%<lab-it|lab-sc|lab-bf|lab-def> % lab-it, lab-bf, lab-sc, or lab-def
+ % without the corresponding general option(s):
+%<nmft-it|nmft-sc|nmft-bf|nmft-def> % nmft
+%<lab-it|lab-sc|lab-bf|lab-def> % lab
+ % (You may be using an older dbj with a newer version of merlin.mbs)
+ % Please edit your dbj file to add the general option(s) and reprocess.
+ %
+%<!babel> % This bibliography style file is intended for texts in ENGLISH
+ % This bibliography style file requires a file named francaisbst.tex
+ % containing the definitions of word commands like \bbleditor, etc.
+ % This bibliography style file is intended for texts in
+%<bahasa> % BAHASA
+%<brazilian> % BRAZILIAN
+%<catalan> % CATALAN
+%<croatian> % CROATIAN
+%<czech> % CZECH
+%<danish> % DANISH
+%<dansk> % DANSK
+%<dutch> % DUTCH
+%<english> % ENGLISH
+%<esperanto> % ESPERANTO
+%<finnish> % FINNISH
+%<french> % FRENCH
+%<galacian> % GALACIAN
+%<german> % GERMAN
+%<hungarian> % HUNGARIAN
+%<italian> % ITALIAN
+%<norwegian> % NORWEGIAN
+%<norsk> % NORWEGIAN
+%<polski> % POLISH
+%<polish> % POLISH
+%<portuguese> % PORTUGUESE
+%<romanian> % ROMANIAN
+%<russian> % RUSSIAN
+%<slovak> % SLOVAK
+%<slovenian> % SLOVENIAN
+%<slovene> % SLOVENIAN
+%<spanish> % SPANISH
+%<swedish> % SWEDISH
+%<turkish> % TURKISH
+ % This is an author-year citation style bibliography. As such, it is
+ % non-standard LaTeX, and requires a special package file to function properly.
+ % Such a package is natbib.sty by Patrick W. Daly
+ % or: apalike.sty by Oren Patashnik
+ % The form of the \bibitem entries is
+ % \bibitem[Jones et al., 1990]{key}...
+ % The form of the \bibitem entries is
+ % \bibitem[Jones et al.(1990)]{key}...
+%<nat> % \bibitem[Jones et al.(1990)Jones, Baker, and Smith]{key}...
+ % The essential feature is that the label (the part in brackets) consists
+ % of the author names, as they should appear in the citation, with the year
+ % in parentheses following. There must be no space before the opening
+ % parenthesis!
+%<nat> % With natbib v5.3, a full list of authors may also follow the year.
+ % In natbib.sty, it is possible to define the type of enclosures that is
+ % really wanted (brackets or parentheses), but in either case, there must
+ % be parentheses in the label.
+ % The \cite command functions as follows:
+ % \citet{key} ==>> Jones et al. (1990)
+%<nat> % \citet*{key} ==>> Jones, Baker, and Smith (1990)
+ % \citep{key} ==>> (Jones et al., 1990)
+%<nat> % \citep*{key} ==>> (Jones, Baker, and Smith, 1990)
+ % \citep[chap. 2]{key} ==>> (Jones et al., 1990, chap. 2)
+ % \citep[e.g.][]{key} ==>> (e.g. Jones et al., 1990)
+ % \citep[e.g.][p. 32]{key} ==>> (e.g. Jones et al., 1990, p. 32)
+ % \citeauthor{key} ==>> Jones et al.
+%<nat> % \citeauthor*{key} ==>> Jones, Baker, and Smith
+ % \citeyear{key} ==>> 1990
+ % or: harvard.sty by Peter Williams and Thorsten Schnier
+%<harnm> % (needs natbib v5.3 or harvard v2.0.3)
+ % The form of the bibitem entries is
+ % \harvarditem[Jones et al.]{Jones, Baker, and Smith}{1990}{key}...
+ % or: chicago.sty
+ % The form of the bibitem entries is
+ % \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Jones, Baker, and Smith}
+ % {Jones et al.}{1990}{key}...
+ % or: named.sty
+ % The form of the bibitem entries is
+ % \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Jones et al.}{1990}]{key}...
+ % or: astron.sty
+ % The form of the bibitem entries is
+ % \bibitem[\protect\astroncite{Jones et al.}{1990}]{key}...
+ % or: authordate1-4.sty
+ % The form of the bibitem entries is
+ % \bibitem[\protect\citename{Jones et al.}1990]{key}...
+ % This is a numerical citation style, and as such is standard LaTeX.
+ % This is a labelled citation style similar to the standard alpha.bst,
+ % where labels are of the form Dal90 or DBK89.
+ % This is a special pseudo-numerical bibliography style, intended to be
+ % used to list all the entries in a bib database
+ % It requires no extra package to interface to the main text.
+ % The form of the \bibitem entries is
+%<!alph&!cite> % \bibitem{key}...
+%<alph> % \bibitem[label]{key}...
+%<!alph&cite> % \bibitem[key]{key}...
+ % Usage of \cite is as follows:
+ % \cite{key} ==>> [#]
+ % \cite[chap. 2]{key} ==>> [#, chap. 2]
+ % where # is a number determined by the ordering in the reference list.
+ % \cite{key} ==>> [label]
+ % \cite[chap. 2]{key} ==>> [label, chap. 2]
+ % The order in the reference list is by label.
+ % The order in the reference list is that by which the works were originally
+ % cited in the text, or that in the database.
+ % The order in the reference list is alphabetical by authors.
+ % This bibliographic style file produces HTML output instead of LaTeX.
+ % The LaTeX special characters are not translated, so that the output
+ % (which has the .bbl ending still) will have to be further massaged,
+ % and renamed with .html or .htm. The title and heading may also need
+ % to be revised.
+ %
+%<htlist&!htdes> % The output is a numbered list.
+%<htdes> % The output is an unnumbered list with the keys printed
+%<htdes> % before each entry.
+%<!htlist&!htdes> % The output is lists each entry as one paragraph.
+ % -------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`ENTRY'}
+% The new \texttt{harvard.sty} of \LaTeXe{} includes an entry URL, or
+% rather it is included in the new \texttt{.bst} files for it. Add it
+% here too, but only for option \texttt{harnm}.
+% Books normally have an ISBN number.
+% This entry is (optionally) included, modelled after that in
+% \texttt{xbtxbst.doc}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ { address
+%<annote> annote
+%<eprint> archive
+ author
+ booktitle
+ chapter
+%<revdata> collaboration
+%<doi|url-doi> doi
+ edition
+ editor
+ eid
+%<eprint> eprint
+ howpublished
+ institution
+%<isbn> isbn
+%<issn> issn
+ journal
+ key
+%<lang> language
+ month
+ note
+ number
+%<revdata> numpages
+ organization
+ pages
+ publisher
+ school
+ series
+ title
+ type
+%<url|harnm|revdata> url
+ volume
+ year
+ }
+ {}
+%<!ay&!alph> { label }
+%<!ay&alph> { label extra.label sort.label }
+%<ay> { label extra.label sort.label short.list }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence after.sentence after.block }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`init.state.consts'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {init.state.consts}
+{ #0 'before.all :=
+ #1 'mid.sentence :=
+ #2 'after.sentence :=
+ #3 'after.block :=
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% |s| and |t| are general-purpose scratch registers whose value does not persist
+% past the end of a function. They also do not appear to be used to communicate
+% between functions or to be clobbered within a sub-function call. Hopefully.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+STRINGS { s t}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`output.nonnull'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {output.nonnull}
+{ 's :=
+ output.state mid.sentence =
+%<!blk-com|(!com-semi&!com-blank)> { ", " * write$ }
+%<blk-com&com-semi> { "; " * write$ }
+%<blk-com&!com-semi&com-blank> { " " * write$ }
+ { output.state after.block =
+ { add.period$ write$
+ newline$
+%<!html> "\newblock " write$
+ }
+ { output.state before.all =
+ 'write$
+ { add.period$ " " * write$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ mid.sentence 'output.state :=
+ }
+ if$
+ s
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`output'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {output}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'pop$
+ 'output.nonnull
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`output.check'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {output.check}
+{ 't :=
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ }
+ 'output.nonnull
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`fin.entry'}
+% I have often been asked to add an annotation function. This suggestion is
+% from Soren Dayton; it inputs a file with the same name as the cite key, or
+% uses the text in the \texttt{annote} field. It will only work with \LaTeXe.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {fin.entry}
+{ add.period$
+ write$
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'pop$
+ 'write$
+ if$
+%<html&htdes> "</dd>" write$
+%<html&!htdes&htlist> "</li>" write$
+%<html&!htdes&!htlist> "</p>" write$
+ newline$
+ annote missing$
+ { "\bibAnnoteFile{" cite$ * "}" * write$ newline$ }
+ { "\bibAnnote{" cite$ * "}{" * annote * "}" * write$ newline$
+ }
+ if$
+ "<blockquote><strong>Key:</strong> "
+ cite$ * write$
+ annote missing$
+ { newline$ }
+ { "<br><strong>Annotation:</strong>" write$ newline$
+ annote write$ newline$
+ }
+ if$
+ "</blockquote>" write$ newline$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`new.block'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {new.block}
+{ output.state before.all =
+ 'skip$
+ { after.block 'output.state := }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`new.sentence'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {new.sentence}
+{ output.state after.block =
+ 'skip$
+ { output.state before.all =
+ 'skip$
+ { after.sentence 'output.state := }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`add.blank'}
+% When text is printed with \texttt{output} or
+% \texttt{output.check}, the \texttt{output.state} is set such that
+% a comma will precede the next output text. For special effects, we want to
+% suppress this comma, inserting a blank instead. Hence the
+% \texttt{output.state} is changed to \texttt{before.all}, meaning no
+% punctuation is to be inserted.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {add.blank}
+{ " " * before.all 'output.state :=
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`add.colon'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {add.colon}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { ":" * add.blank }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`no.blank.or.punct'}
+% Another frill is to suppresss both blanks and punctuation. The |\hspace|
+% permits a line break at this point.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {no.blank.or.punct}
+{ "\hspace{0pt}" * before.all 'output.state :=
+%<html>{ before.all 'output.state := }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`date.block'}
+% The \texttt{date.block} function is used for special punctuating effects
+% after the date.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {date.block}
+%<yrp-col> ":" *
+%<yrp-semi> ";" *
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&!yrp-per> skip$
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&yrp-per> new.sentence
+%<!yrpp-xsp> add.blank
+%<yrpp-xsp> no.blank.or.punct
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`not'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ { #0 }
+ { #1 }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`and'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ 'skip$
+ { pop$ #0 }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`or'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ { pop$ #1 }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`non.stop'}
+% This function (my invention) tests if the last character in the string
+% on the stack is \texttt{. ! ?} by using \texttt{add.period\$}. It is to
+% be used for conditional italic correction or adding commas.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {non.stop}
+{ duplicate$
+ "}" * add.period$
+ #-1 #1 substring$ "." =
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`remove.dots'}
+% This macro removes any periods from the string on the stack. To be used
+% for undotting journal names, months, and juniors. Previously
+% \texttt{purify\$} was used for this, but that removes more than just
+% dots.
+% May 2007, Joseph A. Wright (Morning Star, UK) contributed a revision to allow
+% the dot accent |\.| to be retained.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {remove.dots}
+{ 'z :=
+ ""
+ { z empty$ not }
+ { z #1 #2 substring$
+ duplicate$ "\." =
+ { z #3 global.max$ substring$ 'z := * }
+ { pop$
+ z #1 #1 substring$
+ z #2 global.max$ substring$ 'z :=
+ duplicate$ "." = 'pop$
+ { * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`new.block.checka'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {new.block.checka}
+{ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ 'new.block
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`new.block.checkb'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {new.block.checkb}
+{ empty$
+ swap$ empty$
+ and
+ 'skip$
+ 'new.block
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`new.sentence.checka'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {new.sentence.checka}
+{ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ 'new.sentence
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`new.sentence.checkb'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {new.sentence.checkb}
+{ empty$
+ swap$ empty$
+ and
+ 'skip$
+ 'new.sentence
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`field.or.null'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {field.or.null}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "" }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`emphasize'}
+% Emphasis can be either italic or the alternating font. The font command
+% may be NFSS or regular \LaTeX~2.09 declarations.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {emphasize}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "" }
+%<html> { "<i>" swap$ * "</i>" * }
+%<em-ul> { "\uline{" swap$ * "}" * }
+%<!em-it> { "{\em " swap$ * "\/}" * }
+%<em-it> { "{\it " swap$ * "\/}" * }
+%<!em-it> { "\emph{" swap$ * "}" * }
+%<em-it> { "\textit{" swap$ * "}" * }
+ if$
+%<em-x>{ skip$ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`bolden'}
+% The bold font command may be NFSS or the regular \LaTeX~2.09 declaration.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {bolden}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "" }
+%<html> { "<b>" swap$ * "</b>" * }
+%<!nfss> { "{\bf " swap$ * "}" * }
+%<nfss> { "\textbf{" swap$ * "}" * }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`scaps'}
+% To put text into small caps.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {scaps}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "" }
+%<html> { skip$ }
+%<!nfss> { "{\sc " swap$ * "}" * }
+%<nfss> { "\textsc{" swap$ * "}" * }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% \begin{macro}{`bib.fname.font'}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% Define functions for formatting the author/editor names, one for the
+% surnames (\texttt{}) and one for the first names
+% (\texttt{bib.fname.font}). These could be identical, or the latter is
+% deactivated if first names are not to be formatted, only the last names.
+% For citations, we have \texttt{}. Here only surnames appear.
+% It is also possible to have a user-defined font command for each, which the
+% user must define in his work. These are |\bibnamefont{}| and |\bibfnamefont{}|,
+% and some defaults are provided that simply repeat the arguments. Two commands
+% are needed if \texttt{nmft-def} and \texttt{fnm-def} are both given.
+% If neither \texttt{fnm-def} nor \texttt{fnm-rm} are given, then the first names
+% are formatted the same as the surnames.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<nmft-it>{ emphasize }
+%<!nmft-it&nmft-bf>{ bolden }
+%<!nmft-it&!nmft-bf&nmft-sc>{ scaps }
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "" }
+%<!html> { "\bibnamefont{" swap$ * "}" * }
+%<html> { skip$ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {bib.fname.font}
+%<!fnm-rm&!fnm-def>{ }
+%<fnm-rm>{ skip$ }
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "" }
+%<!html> { "\bibfnamefont{" swap$ * "}" * }
+%<html> { skip$ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<lab-it>{ emphasize }
+%<!lab-it&lab-bf>{ bolden }
+%<!lab-it&!lab-bf&lab-sc>{ scaps }
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "" }
+%<!html> { "\citenamefont{" swap$ * "}" * }
+%<html> { skip$ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% The function \texttt{} determines whether
+% the top item on the stack requires a tie character and
+% slips that (or a space character if not) ahead of it.
+% At this point a font switch or other function can be applied to
+% the top item on the stack, and the appropriate space found
+% just ahead of it on the stack.
+% The sequence \texttt{} \texttt{*} \texttt{*} is a common idiom
+% for joining the top two stack objects with a tie or space
+% depending on the length of the top object.
+% Another idiom is to apply \texttt{}, apply a font switch,
+% and then swap and join. In this case the tie or space follows the object.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ duplicate$ text.length$ #3 <
+ { "~" }
+ { " " }
+ if$
+ swap$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`capitalize'}
+% Capitalizing is easy for regular languages, but for \texttt{babel},
+% some trickery stuff is needed; definitions of |\capitalize| and
+% |\Capitalize| are written to the \texttt{.bbl} file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {capitalize}
+%<!babel>{ "u"$ "t"$ }
+%<babel>{ "\capitalize" swap$ * }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`space.word'}
+% The function \texttt{space.word} adds a space before and after the word or
+% words currently on the stack. This was added for the \texttt{bbl.}$nnn$
+% functions, that contain only a word without spacing, but replace explicit
+% text in the originals that were spaced out. Its seems more flexible to
+% define the word functions to be without spacing.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {space.word}
+{ " " swap$ * " " * }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ % Here are the language-specific definitions for explicit words.
+ % Each function has a name where xxx is the English word.
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% These are the default English words. There is no default language
+% option: one of \texttt{english} or \texttt{babel} must be given.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ % The language selected here is ENGLISH
+FUNCTION {bbl.and}
+%<!varand|html>{ "and"}
+%<varand&!html>{ "\protect\BIBand{}"}
+FUNCTION {bbl.etal}
+{ "et~al." }
+FUNCTION {bbl.editors}
+%<!ed>{ "editors" }
+%<ed>{ "eds." }
+FUNCTION {bbl.editor}
+%<!ed>{ "editor" }
+%<ed>{ "ed." }
+FUNCTION {bbl.edby}
+{ "edited by" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.edition}
+%<!abr>{ "edition" }
+%<abr&!ednx>{ "edn." }
+%<abr&ednx>{ "ed." }
+FUNCTION {bbl.volume}
+%<!abr>{ "volume" }
+%<abr>{ "vol." }
+FUNCTION {bbl.of}
+{ "of" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.number}
+%<!abr>{ "number" }
+%<abr>{ "no." }
+{ "no." }
+{ "in" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.pages}
+%<!pp&!ppx>{ "pages" }
+%<pp>{ "pp." }
+%<!pp&ppx>{ "" }
+%<!pp&!ppx>{ "page" }
+%<pp>{ "p." }
+%<!pp&ppx>{ "" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.eidpp}
+{ "pages" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.chapter}
+%<!abr>{ "chapter" }
+%<abr>{ "chap." }
+FUNCTION {bbl.techrep}
+%<!abr>{ "Technical Report" }
+%<abr>{ "Tech. Rep." }
+FUNCTION {bbl.mthesis}
+{ "Master's thesis" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.phdthesis}
+{ "Ph.D. thesis" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.first}
+%<!ord>{ "First" }
+%<ord>{ "1st" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.second}
+%<!ord>{ "Second" }
+%<ord>{ "2nd" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.third}
+%<!ord>{ "Third" }
+%<ord>{ "3rd" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.fourth}
+%<!ord>{ "Fourth" }
+%<ord>{ "4th" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.fifth}
+%<!ord>{ "Fifth" }
+%<ord>{ "5th" }
+{ "st" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.nd}
+{ "nd" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.rd}
+{ "rd" }
+{ "th" }
+MACRO {jan} {"January"}
+MACRO {feb} {"February"}
+MACRO {mar} {"March"}
+MACRO {apr} {"April"}
+MACRO {may} {"May"}
+MACRO {jun} {"June"}
+MACRO {jul} {"July"}
+MACRO {aug} {"August"}
+MACRO {sep} {"September"}
+MACRO {oct} {"October"}
+MACRO {nov} {"November"}
+MACRO {dec} {"December"}
+MACRO {jan} {"Jan."}
+MACRO {feb} {"Feb."}
+MACRO {mar} {"Mar."}
+MACRO {apr} {"Apr."}
+MACRO {may} {"May"}
+MACRO {jun} {"Jun."}
+MACRO {jul} {"Jul."}
+MACRO {aug} {"Aug."}
+MACRO {sep} {"Sep."}
+MACRO {oct} {"Oct."}
+MACRO {nov} {"Nov."}
+MACRO {dec} {"Dec."}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here are the definitions for \texttt{babel} option, i.e., explicit
+% translations are not used, but rather only \LaTeX{} macros that must be
+% defined in the file \texttt{francaisbst.tex}. This could allow automatic
+% language selection.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ % The BABEL language selection is made here; definitions in francaisbst.tex.
+FUNCTION {bbl.and}
+{ "\bbland{}"}
+FUNCTION {bbl.etal}
+{ "\bbletal{}"}
+FUNCTION {bbl.editors}
+%<!ed>{ "\bbleditors{}" }
+%<ed>{ "\bbleds{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.editor}
+%<!ed>{ "\bbleditor{}" }
+%<ed>{ "\bbled{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.edby}
+{ "\bbledby{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.edition}
+%<!abr>{ "\bbledition{}" }
+%<abr>{ "\bbledn{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.volume}
+%<!abr>{ "\bblvolume{}" }
+%<abr>{ "\bblvol{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.of}
+{ "\bblof{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.number}
+%<!abr>{ "\bblnumber{}" }
+%<abr>{ "\bblno{}" }
+{ "\bblno{}" }
+{ "\bblin{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.pages}
+%<!pp&!ppx>{ "\bblpages{}" }
+%<pp>{ "\bblpp{}" }
+%<!pp&ppx>{ "" }
+%<!pp&!ppx>{ "\bblpage{}" }
+%<pp>{ "\bblp{}" }
+%<!pp&ppx>{ "" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.chapter}
+%<!abr>{ "\bblchapter{}" }
+%<abr>{ "\bblchap{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.techrep}
+%<!abr>{ "\bbltechreport{}" }
+%<abr>{ "\bbltechrep{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.mthesis}
+{ "\bblmthesis{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.phdthesis}
+{ "\bblphdthesis{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.eidpp}
+{ "\bbleidpp{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.first}
+%<!ord>{ "\bblfirst{}" }
+%<ord>{ "\bblfirsto{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.second}
+%<!ord>{ "\bblsecond{}" }
+%<ord>{ "\bblsecondo{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.third}
+%<!ord>{ "\bblthird{}" }
+%<ord>{ "\bblthirdo{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.fourth}
+%<!ord>{ "\bblfourth{}" }
+%<ord>{ "\bblfourtho{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.fifth}
+%<!ord>{ "\bblfifth{}" }
+%<ord>{ "\bblfiftho{}" }
+{ "\bblst{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.nd}
+{ "\bblnd{}" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.rd}
+{ "\bblrd{}" }
+{ "\bblth{}" }
+MACRO {jan} {"\bbljan{}"}
+MACRO {feb} {"\bblfeb{}"}
+MACRO {mar} {"\bblmar{}"}
+MACRO {apr} {"\bblapr{}"}
+MACRO {may} {"\bblmay{}"}
+MACRO {jun} {"\bbljun{}"}
+MACRO {jul} {"\bbljul{}"}
+MACRO {aug} {"\bblaug{}"}
+MACRO {sep} {"\bblsep{}"}
+MACRO {oct} {"\bbloct{}"}
+MACRO {nov} {"\bblnov{}"}
+MACRO {dec} {"\bbldec{}"}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`eng.ord'}
+% This function adds English endings for ordinals 1, 2, 3. However, if
+% the second last digit is 1, then the ending is `th' for all last digits.
+% So far, all other languages included do not have this problem, and it is
+% sufficient to add the \textsl{th} equivalent. This might change with further
+% languages.
+% This function must be included with \texttt{babel} too, since that includes
+% English. This means that the language definition files must also provide
+% for |\bblst|, |\bblnd|, and |\bblrd|, setting them all equal to |\bblth|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {eng.ord}
+{ duplicate$ "1" swap$ *
+ #-2 #1 substring$ "1" =
+ { * }
+ { duplicate$ #-1 #1 substring$
+ duplicate$ "1" =
+ { pop$ * }
+ { duplicate$ "2" =
+ { pop$ bbl.nd * }
+ { "3" =
+ { bbl.rd * }
+ { * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+MACRO {acmcs} {"ACM Computing Surveys"}
+MACRO {acta} {"Acta Informatica"}
+MACRO {cacm} {"Communications of the ACM"}
+MACRO {ibmjrd} {"IBM Journal of Research and Development"}
+MACRO {ibmsj} {"IBM Systems Journal"}
+MACRO {ieeese} {"IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering"}
+MACRO {ieeetc} {"IEEE Transactions on Computers"}
+MACRO {ieeetcad}
+ {"IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits"}
+MACRO {ipl} {"Information Processing Letters"}
+MACRO {jacm} {"Journal of the ACM"}
+MACRO {jcss} {"Journal of Computer and System Sciences"}
+MACRO {scp} {"Science of Computer Programming"}
+MACRO {sicomp} {"SIAM Journal on Computing"}
+MACRO {tocs} {"ACM Transactions on Computer Systems"}
+MACRO {tods} {"ACM Transactions on Database Systems"}
+MACRO {tog} {"ACM Transactions on Graphics"}
+MACRO {toms} {"ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software"}
+MACRO {toois} {"ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems"}
+MACRO {toplas} {"ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"}
+MACRO {tcs} {"Theoretical Computer Science"}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Journal abbreviations have been revised from the original Patashnik
+% ones with help of Conrado Badenas and the IUA recommendations.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+MACRO {acmcs} {"ACM Comput. Surv."}
+MACRO {acta} {"Acta Inf."}
+MACRO {cacm} {"Commun. ACM"}
+MACRO {ibmjrd} {"IBM J. Res. Dev."}
+MACRO {ibmsj} {"IBM Syst.~J."}
+MACRO {ieeese} {"IEEE Trans. Software Eng."}
+MACRO {ieeetc} {"IEEE Trans. Comput."}
+MACRO {ieeetcad}
+ {"IEEE Trans. Comput. Aid. Des."}
+MACRO {ipl} {"Inf. Process. Lett."}
+MACRO {jacm} {"J.~ACM"}
+MACRO {jcss} {"J.~Comput. Syst. Sci."}
+MACRO {scp} {"Sci. Comput. Program."}
+MACRO {sicomp} {"SIAM J. Comput."}
+MACRO {tocs} {"ACM Trans. Comput. Syst."}
+MACRO {tods} {"ACM Trans. Database Syst."}
+MACRO {tog} {"ACM Trans. Graphic."}
+MACRO {toms} {"ACM Trans. Math. Software"}
+MACRO {toois} {"ACM Trans. Office Inf. Syst."}
+MACRO {toplas} {"ACM Trans. Progr. Lang. Syst."}
+MACRO {tcs} {"Theor. Comput. Sci."}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`bibinfo.check'}
+% Define functions that encapsulate the argument
+% in a \TeX\ macro that allows for further processing when the
+% bibliography is processed, or allows for a separate computer
+% program to parse the |\bibitem| contents.
+% The following table summarizes how each of the \btx{} entries
+% is accessed for output; these are the points where
+% the \texttt{format.bibinfo} or \texttt{bibinfo.check} functions
+% are called.
+% \subsubsection*{Trapped via \texttt{format.bibinfo}}
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[ \texttt{author} ]\texttt{format.names}
+% \item[ \texttt{collaboration} ]\texttt{format.authors}
+% \item[ \texttt{editor} ]\texttt{format.editors} (\texttt{book}, \texttt{inbook}, \texttt{proceedings}), \texttt{format.names.ed} (\texttt{})
+% \item[ \texttt{eid} ]\texttt{format.journal.eid} (\texttt{format.vol.num.pages}, article) checks the output from \texttt{format.journal.pages}
+% \item[ \texttt{isbn} ]\texttt{format.isbn}
+% \item[ \texttt{issn} ]\texttt{format.issn}
+% \item[ \texttt{journal} ]\texttt{format.article.crossref}, article
+% \item[ \texttt{numpages} ]\texttt{format.journal.eid}
+% \item[ \texttt{organization} ]\texttt{format.organization.address} (\texttt{inproceedings}, \texttt{proceedings}), \texttt{manual}
+% \item[ \texttt{pages} ]\texttt{}.pages (\texttt{book}, \texttt{booklet}), \texttt{format.pages} (\texttt{format.journal.pages}, \texttt{format.chapter.pages}, \texttt{article}, \texttt{inbook}, \texttt{incollection}, \texttt{inproceedings})
+% \item[ \texttt{publisher} ]\texttt{format.publisher.address} (like \texttt{output.check}, \texttt{inproceedings}, \texttt{proceedings})
+% \item[ \texttt{title} ]\texttt{format.title}, \texttt{format.btitle}, \texttt{misc}, \texttt{presort}, \texttt{bib.sort.order}
+% \item[ \texttt{volume} ]\texttt{format.bvolume}, \texttt{format.vol.num.pages}, \texttt{}
+% \item[ \texttt{year} ]in optional argument of \texttt{\char`\\bibitem}, \texttt{} (as part of date), \texttt{format.year}, \texttt{}
+% \item[ \texttt{booktitle} ]\texttt{} (\texttt{incollection}, \texttt{inproceedings}), \texttt{format.incoll.inproc.crossref}
+% \item[ \texttt{howpublished} ]\texttt{booklet}, \texttt{misc}
+% \item[ \texttt{edition} ]\texttt{convert.edition.format.edition}
+% \item[ \texttt{institution} ]\texttt{techreport}
+% \item[ \texttt{school} ]\texttt{mastersthesis}, \texttt{phdthesis}
+% \item[ \texttt{address} ]\texttt{}, \texttt{booklet}, \texttt{manual}, \texttt{mastersthesis}, \texttt{phdthesis}, \texttt{techreport}
+% \item[ \texttt{chapter} ]\texttt{format.chapter.pages}
+% \item[ \texttt{number} ]\texttt{format.number.series}, \texttt{format.vol.num.pages}, \texttt{}
+% \item[ \texttt{series} ]\texttt{format.bvolume}, \texttt{format.number.series}, \texttt{}
+% \item[ \texttt{type} ]\texttt{format.chapter.pages}, \texttt{format.thesis.type}, \texttt{}
+% \item[ \texttt{month} ]\texttt{}
+% \item[ \texttt{note} ]\texttt{format.note}
+% \item[ \texttt{annote} ]\texttt{fin.entry}
+% \end{description}
+% \subsubsection*{Encapsulated via \texttt{\char`\\url}}
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[ \texttt{url} ]\texttt{format.url} (\texttt{\char`\\harvardurl}, \texttt{\char`\\url}), \texttt{format.url} (\texttt{\char`\\url}), \texttt{format.note} (\texttt{\char`\\url})
+% \end{description}
+% \subsubsection*{Encapsulated via \texttt{\char`\\doi}}
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[ \texttt{doi} ]\texttt{format.doi} (\texttt{\char`\\doi})
+% \end{description}
+% \subsubsection*{Encapsulated via \texttt{\char`\\eprint}}
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[ \texttt{eprint} ]\texttt{format.eprint}
+% \item[ \texttt{archive} ]\texttt{format.eprint}
+% \end{description}
+% \subsubsection*{Not encapsulated:}
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[ \texttt{key} ]cite key
+% \item[ \texttt{language} ]operand of \texttt{\char`\\selectlanguage}
+% \end{description}
+% \subsubsection*{\texttt{bibinfo} tag, but not a \btx{} field}
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[ \texttt{date} ]\texttt{}
+% \end{description}
+% Provides robust access to fields, checking against \texttt{missing\$}
+% and \texttt{empty\$}. A \dtx{} option allows giving
+% a warning if either is the case.
+% If not, it encapsulates the argument in a \TeX\ macro |\bibinfo|.
+% The encapsulation is enabled by the \texttt{bibinfo} \dtx{} option:
+% if turned off, it simply pops the unneeded object.
+% \texttt{field} \texttt{string} \texttt{->} \texttt{encapsulated-field}
+% \texttt{empty} \texttt{string} \texttt{->} \texttt{empty}
+% Side effect: warning.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {bibinfo.check}
+{ swap$
+ duplicate$ missing$
+ {
+%<bibinfo.warning> swap$ "missing " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$ pop$
+%<!bibinfo.warning> pop$ pop$
+ ""
+ }
+ { duplicate$ empty$
+ {
+%<bibinfo.warning> swap$ "empty " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$
+%<!bibinfo.warning> swap$ pop$
+ }
+ { swap$
+%<bibinfo> "\bibinfo{" swap$ * "}{" * swap$ * "}" *
+%<!bibinfo> pop$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`bibinfo.warn'}
+% Replaces \texttt{output.check}
+% with \texttt{bibinfo.warn} followed by \texttt{output}.
+% \texttt{field} \texttt{string} \texttt{->} \texttt{encapsulated-field}
+% \texttt{empty} \texttt{string} \texttt{->} \texttt{empty}
+% Side effect: warning if the field is empty.
+% Note: if the \dtx{} option \texttt{bibinfo} is not in effect,
+% then no encapsulation is done.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {bibinfo.warn}
+{ swap$
+ duplicate$ missing$
+ {
+ swap$ "missing " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$ pop$
+ ""
+ }
+ { duplicate$ empty$
+ {
+ swap$ "empty " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$
+ }
+ { swap$
+%<bibinfo> "\bibinfo{" swap$ * "}{" * swap$ * "}" *
+%<!bibinfo> pop$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.eprint'}
+% The access function for the \texttt{eprint} field.
+% If the \texttt{bibinfo} \dtx{} option is selected, then this function
+% encapsulates the argument in a \TeX\ macro |\eprint|.
+% \texttt{->} \texttt{encapsulated-URL}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.eprint}
+{ eprint duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { "\eprint"
+ archive empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { "[" * archive * "]" * }
+ if$
+ "{" * swap$ * "}" *
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`write.url'}
+% This function taken over from \texttt{agsm.sty}, the main \texttt{harvard}
+% bib style. For non-Harvard styles that want to add the URL on a new line
+% after the reference, use this function too, but defined slightly
+% differently.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {write.url}
+ doi empty$
+ { url }
+ { "" doi * }
+ if$
+%<!url-doi|!url> url
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ }
+%<harnm> { "\newline\harvardurl{" swap$ * "}" * write$ newline$ }
+%<!harnm&url-nl> { "\newline\urlprefix\url{" swap$ * "}" * write$ newline$ }
+ if$
+ doi empty$
+ { url }
+ { "" doi * }
+ if$
+%<!url-doi|!url> url
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ }
+ { duplicate$ "<br><a href=" quote$ * swap$ * quote$
+ * ">" * swap$ * "</a>" * write$ newline$ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.url'}
+% This function is reworked for \texttt{\filename} to provide a
+% cleaner URL for DOIs. The definition of \cmd{\urldoi} is written in
+% the \texttt{.bbl} file by the function \texttt{begin.bib}. When the
+% package \pkg{hyperref} is loaded, the \meta{doi} is a hyperlink to
+% \texttt{\meta{doi}}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.url}
+%<url-doi&url> doi empty$
+%<url-doi&url> {
+ url
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "" }
+%<!html> { "\urlprefix\url{" swap$ * "}" * }
+%<html> {
+%<html> duplicate$ "<a href=" quote$ * swap$ * quote$ *
+%<html> ">" * swap$ * "</a>" *
+%<html> }
+ if$
+ }
+ {
+ doi
+%<!html> "\doiprefix\urldoi{" swap$ * "}" *
+%<html> duplicate$ "doi:<a href=" quote$ * "" *
+%<html> swap$ * quote$ * ">" * swap$ * "</a>" *
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`check.speaker'}
+% The \texttt{presentation} type uses the \texttt{key} entry to indicate which
+% author is the speaker, as the sequence number in the author list. The speaker's
+% name is put into a different font, depending on the extra option. If no font
+% is specified, all names are the same.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames }
+FUNCTION {check.speaker}
+{ key empty$ 'skip$
+ { key nameptr$ =
+ {
+%<pres-bf> bolden
+%<pres-it&!pres-bf> emphasize
+%<pres-sc&!pres-it&!pres-bf> scaps
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.names'}
+% The \texttt{harvard} package now (version 2.0.3, for \LaTeXe) uses
+% |\harvardand| in place of the word \textsl{and} so that it can be changed
+% at run time. This is allowed for with the option \texttt{harnm}, which
+% need not be used only with the \texttt{har} option.
+% This seems like a useless feature for \texttt{.bst} files made from
+% this multilanguage source. However, it is included anyway, which means
+% if \texttt{harnm} option selected, one must redefine |\harvardand|
+% in the document for the language being used.
+% The location of the junior part for reversed name is not obvious. Prior
+% to version 4.0, I always had it attached to the last name, as
+% Smith, Jr, John, put it probably is better as Smith, John, Jr. For the
+% AGU \texttt{nm-rev1} I always did it this way, probably because I had a
+% good AGU example to follow. Dilemma: do I just change them all or add an
+% option to do it? The option will maintain consistency with older
+% versions, but this could also be considered a bug fix rather than a new
+% feature. Solution: use the option, since I have found other \texttt{.bst}
+% files from Beebe and Harvard that put junior between surname and first
+% name.
+% |bibinfo| is a variable used to store a string telling it whether the
+% names being formatted are authors or editors, since this function is called
+% for both purposes. Every call to this function must push the string onto the stack
+% just before the call.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+STRINGS { bibinfo}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Stack note: if the names argument is a non-nil list, this function returns
+% one object on the stack, the formatted list of names.
+% \texttt{names`string} \texttt{bibinfo`string} \texttt{->} \texttt{author-list`string}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.names}
+{ 'bibinfo :=
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ {
+ 's :=
+ "" 't :=
+ #1 'nameptr :=
+ s num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ numnames 'namesleft :=
+ { namesleft #0 > }
+ { s nameptr
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here is the author formatting when the names are not set in any special
+% font, or when the entire name set in a single special font.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<nm-init> "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}"
+%<nm-rev&!jnrlst> "{vv~}{ll}{, jj}{, f.}"
+%<nm-rev&jnrlst> "{vv~}{ll}{, f.}{, jj}"
+%<nm-rv&!jnrlst> "{vv~}{ll}{ jj}{ f{~}}"
+%<nm-rv&jnrlst> "{vv~}{ll}{ f{~}}{ jj}"
+%<nm-rvx&!jnrlst> "{vv~}{ll}{ jj}{ f{}}"
+%<nm-rvx&jnrlst> "{vv~}{ll}{ f{}}{ jj}"
+%<nm-rvcx&!jnrlst> "{vv~}{ll}{, jj}{, f{}}"
+%<nm-rvcx&jnrlst> "{vv~}{ll}{, f{}}{, jj}"
+%<nm-rvv&!jnrlst> "{vv~}{ll}{ jj}{ f{.}.}"
+%<nm-rvv&jnrlst> "{vv~}{ll}{ f{.}.}{ jj}"
+%<nm-rvvc&!jnrlst> "{vv~}{ll}{, jj}{, f{.}.}"
+%<nm-rvvc&jnrlst> "{vv~}{ll}{, f{.}.}{, jj}"
+%<nm-revf&!jnrlst> "{vv~}{ll}{, jj}{, ff}"
+%<nm-revf&jnrlst> "{vv~}{ll}{, ff}{, jj}"
+ "{ff~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}"
+ duplicate$ #1 >
+ { "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" }
+%<!jnrlst> { "{vv~}{ll}{, jj}{, f.}" }
+%<jnrlst> { "{vv~}{ll}{, f.}{, jj}" }
+ if$
+ duplicate$ #1 >
+ { "{ff~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" }
+%<!jnrlst> { "{vv~}{ll}{, jj}{, ff}" }
+%<jnrlst> { "{vv~}{ll}{, ff}{, jj}" }
+ if$
+%<nm-rv|nm-rvx> remove.dots
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here is the author formatting when the first and last names are
+% set in (possibly different) special fonts.
+% The junior part is optionally between the reversed names, or after them.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ "{f.}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font swap$ * }
+ if$
+ s nameptr
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$ *
+ s nameptr
+ "{jj}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font ", " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$
+ s nameptr
+%<!jnrlst> "{jj, }{f.}"
+%<jnrlst> "{f.}{, jj}"
+$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font ", " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$
+ s nameptr
+%<!jnrlst> "{jj }{f{~}}"
+%<jnrlst> "{f{~}}{ jj}"
+$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { remove.dots bib.fname.font " " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$
+ s nameptr
+%<!jnrlst> "{jj }{f{}}"
+%<jnrlst> "{f{}}{ jj}"
+$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { remove.dots bib.fname.font " " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$
+ s nameptr
+%<!jnrlst> "{jj, }{f{}}"
+%<jnrlst> "{f{}}{, jj}"
+$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { remove.dots bib.fname.font ", " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$
+ s nameptr
+%<!jnrlst> "{jj }{f{.}.}"
+%<jnrlst> "{f{.}.}{ jj}"
+$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font " " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$
+ s nameptr
+%<!jnrlst> "{jj, }{f{.}.}"
+%<jnrlst> "{f{.}.}{, jj}"
+$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font ", " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$
+ s nameptr
+%<!jnrlst> "{jj, }{ff}"
+%<jnrlst> "{ff}{, jj}"
+$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font ", " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ "{ff}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font swap$ * }
+ if$
+ s nameptr
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$ *
+ s nameptr
+ "{jj}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font ", " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ nameptr #1 >
+ { "{f.}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font swap$ * }
+ if$
+ s nameptr
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$ *
+ s nameptr
+ "{jj}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font ", " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ }
+ { "{vv~}{ll}"$
+ s nameptr
+%<!jnrlst> "{jj, }{f.}"
+%<jnrlst> "{f.}{, jj}"
+$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font ", " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ nameptr #1 >
+ { "{ff}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font swap$ * }
+ if$
+ s nameptr
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$ *
+ s nameptr
+ "{jj}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font ", " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ }
+ { "{vv~}{ll}"$
+ s nameptr
+%<!jnrlst> "{jj, }{ff}"
+%<jnrlst> "{ff}{, jj}"
+$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font ", " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ *
+ bibinfo bibinfo.check
+ type$ "presentation" =
+ { check.speaker }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ 't :=
+ nameptr #1 >
+ {
+%<m1> nameptr #1
+%<m2> nameptr #2
+%<m3> nameptr #3
+%<m4> nameptr #4
+%<m5> nameptr #5
+%<m6> nameptr #6
+%<m7> nameptr #7
+%<m8> nameptr #8
+%<m9> nameptr #9
+%<m0> nameptr #0
+%<m10> #10 +
+%<m20> #20 +
+%<m30> #30 +
+%<m40> #40 +
+%<m50> #50 +
+%<m60> #60 +
+%<m70> #70 +
+%<m80> #80 +
+%<m90> #90 +
+ #1 + =
+%<x1> numnames #1
+%<x2> numnames #2
+%<x3> numnames #3
+%<x4> numnames #4
+%<x5> numnames #5
+%<x6> numnames #6
+%<x7> numnames #7
+%<x8> numnames #8
+%<x9> numnames #9
+%<x0> numnames #0
+%<x10> #10 +
+%<x20> #20 +
+%<x30> #30 +
+%<x40> #40 +
+%<x50> #50 +
+%<x60> #60 +
+%<x70> #70 +
+%<x80> #80 +
+%<x90> #90 +
+ > and
+ { "others" 't :=
+ #1 'namesleft := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ namesleft #1 >
+%<!aunm-semi&!aunm-sl> { ", " * t * }
+%<aunm-semi> { "; " * t * }
+%<aunm-sl&!aunm-semi> { "/ " * t * }
+ {
+ s nameptr "{ll}"$ duplicate$ "others" =
+ { 't := }
+ { pop$ }
+ if$
+%<(and-com|xand)&!aunm-semi&!aunm-sl> "," *
+%<(and-com|xand)&aunm-semi> ";" *
+%<(and-com|xand)&aunm-sl&!aunm-semi> "/" *
+ numnames #2 >
+%<etal-xc> t "others" = not and
+%<!aunm-semi&!aunm-sl> { "," * }
+%<aunm-semi> { ";" * }
+%<aunm-sl&!aunm-semi> { "/" * }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ t "others" =
+ {
+%<nmft&(nmand-rm|(fnm-rm|fnm-def))&!etal-rm> " " * bbl.etal *
+%<!(nmft&(nmand-rm|(fnm-rm|fnm-def)))|etal-rm> " " * bbl.etal *
+%<etal-it> " " * bbl.etal emphasize *
+ }
+ {
+%<!amper> bbl.and
+%<amper> "\&"
+%<harnm> "\harvardand{}"
+ space.word * t *
+ }
+%<xand> { " " * t * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ 't
+ if$
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
+ }
+ while$
+ t "others" =
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ } if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.names.ed'}
+% When editors are used in place of authors to identify the work, the
+% names are always formatted just like authors'. However, in collections,
+% where ``edited by'' or ``\emph{names} (editors)'' are given, it is
+% normal not to reverse the names, even if the authors' are. The option
+% \texttt{ed-rev} sees to it that editor names are always formatted exactly
+% like those of authors, being reversed if necessary.
+% The option \texttt{ed-au} is identical to \texttt{ed-rev}, but is more
+% logical. It means editors (in incollections) are formatted exactly like
+% authors, with all the font, reversing, and number limitations. This is
+% selected automatically with \texttt{nm-init} and \texttt{nm-} default to save
+% programming memory.
+% The option \texttt{nm-revf} in this case acts the same as the default
+% when no \texttt{nm-} option given: full names with surname last. Therefore
+% it is not necessary to test for it at all, since it, like the default,
+% has the lowest priority: any other \texttt{nm-} option clobbers it.
+% The options \texttt{aunm-semi} and \texttt{aunm-sl} will put a semi-colon or
+% slash between editor names, just as for authors, when \texttt{ed-rev} not
+% selected, in keeping with the idea that in this case both authors and editors
+% are to be formatted the same.
+% This function either dispatches to \texttt{format.names} or executes code
+% which is similar. In the latter case, names are always presented first
+% followed by surname (``last name''); name limit processing (\texttt{nmlm}) is not executed;
+% and endgame processing differs in being qualified by \texttt{nmfted}.
+% Stack note: if the names (second) argument is a non-nil list, this function returns
+% with one object on the stack, the formatted list of names.
+% \texttt{names`string} \texttt{bibinfo`string} \texttt{->} \texttt{author-list`string}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.names.ed}
+%<ed-rev|ed-au> format.names
+ 'bibinfo :=
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ {
+ 's :=
+ "" 't :=
+ #1 'nameptr :=
+ s num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ numnames 'namesleft :=
+ { namesleft #0 > }
+ { s nameptr
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Editor name is handled as a single object, with no separation of first and last name.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<nm-init|nm-rev|nm-rev1> "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}"
+%<nm-revv1> "{ff~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}"
+%<nm-rv> "{f{~}~}{vv~}{ll}{ jj}"
+%<nm-rvx> "{f{}~}{vv~}{ll}{ jj}"
+%<nm-rvcx> "{f{}~}{vv~}{ll}{ jj}"
+%<nm-rvv|nm-rvvc> "{f{.}.~}{vv~}{ll}{ jj}"
+ "{ff~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}"
+%<nm-rv|nm-rvx|nm-rvcx> remove.dots
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Editor first and last name handled separately.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ "{f.}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font swap$ * }
+ if$
+ s nameptr
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$ *
+ s nameptr
+ "{jj}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font ", " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ "{ff}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font swap$ * }
+ if$
+ s nameptr
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$ *
+ s nameptr
+ "{jj}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font ", " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ "{f{~}}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font swap$ * }
+ if$
+ s nameptr
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$ *
+ s nameptr
+ "{jj}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { remove.dots bib.fname.font " " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ "{f{}}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font swap$ * }
+ if$
+ s nameptr
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$ *
+ s nameptr
+ "{jj}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { remove.dots bib.fname.font " " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ "{f{.}.}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font swap$ * }
+ if$
+ s nameptr
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$ *
+ s nameptr
+ "{jj}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font " " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ "{ff}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font swap$ * }
+ if$
+ s nameptr
+ "{vv~}{ll}"$ *
+ s nameptr
+ "{jj}"$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font ", " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ *
+ bibinfo bibinfo.check
+ 't :=
+ nameptr #1 >
+ {
+ namesleft #1 >
+%<!aunm-semi&!aunm-sl> { ", " * t * }
+%<aunm-semi> { "; " * t * }
+%<aunm-sl&!aunm-semi> { "/ " * t * }
+ {
+ s nameptr "{ll}"$ duplicate$ "others" =
+ { 't := }
+ { pop$ }
+ if$
+%<(and-com-ed|xand)&!aunm-semi&!aunm-sl> "," *
+%<(and-com-ed|xand)&aunm-semi> ";" *
+%<(and-com-ed|xand)&aunm-sl&!aunm-semi> "/" *
+ numnames #2 >
+%<etal-xc> t "others" = not and
+%<!aunm-semi&!aunm-sl> { "," * }
+%<aunm-semi> { ";" * }
+%<aunm-sl&!aunm-semi> { "/" * }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ t "others" =
+ {
+%<nmft&nmfted&(nmand-rm|(fnm-rm|fnm-def))&!etal-rm> " " * bbl.etal *
+%<!(nmft&nmfted&(nmand-rm|(fnm-rm|fnm-def)))|etal-rm> " " * bbl.etal *
+%<etal-it> " " * bbl.etal emphasize *
+ }
+ {
+%<!amper> bbl.and
+%<amper> "\&"
+%<harnm> "\harvardand{}"
+ space.word * t *
+ }
+%<xand> { " " * t * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ 't
+ if$
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
+ }
+ while$
+ t "others" =
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ } if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.key'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.key}
+{ empty$
+ { key field.or.null }
+ { "" }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.authors'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.authors}
+{ author "author" format.names
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { collaboration "collaboration" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { " (" swap$ * ")" * }
+ if$
+ *
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`get.bbl.editor'}
+% Use this function universally when accessing the ``editor'' text entity.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {get.bbl.editor}
+{ editor num.names$ #1 > 'bbl.editors 'bbl.editor if$ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.editors'}
+% The option \texttt{edpar} puts the word `editor' in parentheses.
+% In \texttt{genbst.mbs}, this occurred automatically with the option
+% \texttt{ed}, to abbreviate `editor' to `ed'. In \texttt{babel.mbs},
+% this was not the case, because of complications with the word functions.
+% Now this possibility is added as a special option, which means there is
+% some inconsistency with older \texttt{.dbj} files that called \texttt{ed}:
+% the abbreviated `ed' is not put in parentheses unless \texttt{edpar} is
+% also called.
+% Note that the code here is very similar to code in \texttt{};
+% the two should be kept coordinated.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.editors}
+{ editor "editor" format.names duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+%<!edpar&!edparxc> "," *
+ " " *
+ get.bbl.editor
+%<bkedcap> capitalize
+%<edpar|edparc|edparxc> "(" swap$ * ")" *
+ *
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% See the note about the option \texttt{edpar} above.
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ pages "pages" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { " " * bbl.pages * }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.isbn'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.isbn}
+{ isbn "isbn" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "ISBN " swap$ *
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.issn'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.issn}
+{ issn "issn" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "ISSN " swap$ *
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.doi'}
+% DOIs like URLs are encapsulated by their own commands, so need no \texttt{bibinfo.check}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.doi}
+{ doi empty$
+ { "" }
+ {
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<!html> "\doi{" doi * "}" *
+%<html> "doi:" doi *
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`select.language'}
+% The \texttt{language} field code has been provided by Bernd Feige, of the
+% University of Freiburg.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {select.language}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'pop$
+ { language empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { "{\selectlanguage{" language * "}" * swap$ * "}" * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.note'}
+% Notes should be entered as though they were a sentence on their own.
+% However, if they appear mid-sentence rather than after a block or sentence,
+% the first letter must be lowercase. Thus if a note begins with a proper
+% noun, it must be in braces. To avoid a warning about unmatched braces
+% with the \texttt{\$} function, check first if the leading
+% character is an opening brace.
+% With options \texttt{url,url-nt}, the URL text is treated as a note, and
+% added here. It is output directly, not prepended to the note text. This
+% means, if the note is to be a new sentence, the URL text starts that
+% sentence, and the regular note is added to that sentence, comma between.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.note}
+ url empty$
+ 'skip$
+%<!html> { "\urlprefix\url{" url * "}" * output }
+%<html> { "<a href=" quote$ * url * quote$
+%<html> * ">" * url * "</a>" * output }
+ if$
+ note empty$
+ { "" }
+ { note #1 #1 substring$
+ duplicate$ "{" =
+ 'skip$
+ { output.state mid.sentence =
+ { "l" }
+ { "u" }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ note #2 global.max$ substring$ * "note" bibinfo.check
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.title'}
+% For a quoted title, any punctuation in the title goes inside the quote.
+% Otherwise, the comma or period following the title also goes inside.
+% Exception is with \texttt{qx} option, in which case the comma goes
+% outside, even when punctuation present; for period (\texttt{!blk-com})
+% is added outside only when punctuation is absent.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.title}
+{ title
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { "t"$ }
+ if$
+ "title" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+%<tit-it> emphasize
+ "\enquote{" swap$ *
+ non.stop
+%<!com-semi&!com-blank> { ",} " * }
+%<com-semi> { ";} " * }
+%<!com-semi&com-blank> { "} " * }
+ { "} " * }
+ if$
+%<!blk-com> add.period$ "}" *
+%<!com-semi&!com-blank> "}, " *
+%<com-semi> "}; " *
+%<!com-semi&com-blank> "} " *
+%<!blk-com> "}" *
+%<lang> select.language
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`end.quote.title'}
+% For a quoted title, the punctuation appears in the quotes. For commas
+% between block, this means the inter-block punctuation is already present,
+% so it must be suppressed after every \texttt{format.title output}. This
+% is done by setting the \texttt{output.state} to \texttt{before.all}, but
+% only if there really was a title. Call this macro every time after
+% titles are output.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {end.quote.title}
+{ title empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { before.all 'output.state := }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`end.quote.btitle'}
+% Similar to |end.quote.title| except that it is only applied if titles of
+% proceedings and collections are quoted, and if
+% neither \texttt{edby}, \texttt{edby-par}, nor \texttt{edby-par} are selected
+% (this is the default case in the relevant menu of the \texttt{makebst.tex} run).
+% These options add text after the booktitle,
+% so additional punctuation need not be suppressed. Unless there is no editor!
+% Note: this function is called after the result of \texttt{}
+% has been output, and attempts to predict what that output had been.
+% Would it not be better to call this function while that result is still
+% on the stack?
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {end.quote.btitle}
+{ booktitle empty$
+ 'skip$
+%<!edby&!edby-par&!edby-parc> { before.all 'output.state := }
+ { editor empty$
+ { before.all 'output.state := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`make.full.names'}
+% In versions before 2.2, there were two functions \texttt{calc.long.label}
+% and \texttt{format.long.lab.names} that made up the string
+% \texttt{long.label} for each entry. This contains the full author list.
+% However, there was a bug in the one routine, entered by mistake when an
+% earlier bug was removed, and more seriously, the string
+% \texttt{long.label} was limited to \texttt{entry.max\$} characters, 100 on
+% my system. Author lists were truncated. Thus, \texttt{make.full.names}
+% is used instead to enter the full list of names directly in the
+% \texttt{output.bibitem} function, without an intermediate string. This
+% involves changing the order of some function definitions, especially
+% \texttt{output.bibitem} must come later.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.full.names}
+{'s :=
+ "" 't :=
+ #1 'nameptr :=
+ s num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ numnames 'namesleft :=
+ { namesleft #0 > }
+ { s nameptr
+%<!jnrlab> "{vv~}{ll}"$
+%<!nm-rv&!nm-rvv&!nm-rvx&!nm-rvcx> "{vv~}{ll}{, jj}"$
+%<nm-rv|nm-rvv|nm-rvx|nm-rvcx> "{vv~}{ll}{ jj}"$
+ 't :=
+ nameptr #1 >
+ {
+%<m1> nameptr #1
+%<m2> nameptr #2
+%<m3> nameptr #3
+%<m4> nameptr #4
+%<m5> nameptr #5
+%<m6> nameptr #6
+%<m7> nameptr #7
+%<m8> nameptr #8
+%<m9> nameptr #9
+%<m0> nameptr #0
+%<m10> #10 +
+%<m20> #20 +
+%<m30> #30 +
+%<m40> #40 +
+%<m50> #50 +
+%<m60> #60 +
+%<m70> #70 +
+%<m80> #80 +
+%<m90> #90 +
+ #1 + =
+%<x1> numnames #1
+%<x2> numnames #2
+%<x3> numnames #3
+%<x4> numnames #4
+%<x5> numnames #5
+%<x6> numnames #6
+%<x7> numnames #7
+%<x8> numnames #8
+%<x9> numnames #9
+%<x0> numnames #0
+%<x10> #10 +
+%<x20> #20 +
+%<x30> #30 +
+%<x40> #40 +
+%<x50> #50 +
+%<x60> #60 +
+%<x70> #70 +
+%<x80> #80 +
+%<x90> #90 +
+ > and
+ { "others" 't :=
+ #1 'namesleft := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ namesleft #1 >
+ { ", " * t * }
+ {
+ s nameptr "{ll}"$ duplicate$ "others" =
+ { 't := }
+ { pop$ }
+ if$
+ t "others" =
+ {
+%<lab&and-rm&!etal-rm> " " * bbl.etal *
+%<!lab|!and-rm|etal-rm> " " * bbl.etal *
+%<etal-it> " " * bbl.etal emphasize *
+ }
+ {
+ numnames #2 >
+ { "," * }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+%<!amper> bbl.and
+%<amper> "\&"
+%<harnm> "\harvardand{}"
+ space.word * t *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ 't
+ if$
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
+ }
+ while$
+ t "others" =
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.editor.key.full}
+{ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ 'key
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor format.full.names }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.full.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.key.full}
+{ author empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ 'key
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.full.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {editor.key.full}
+{ editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ 'key
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor format.full.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {make.full.names}
+{ type$ "book" =
+ type$ "inbook" =
+ or
+ 'author.editor.key.full
+ { type$ "proceedings" =
+ 'editor.key.full
+ 'author.key.full
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`output.bibitem'}
+% A user has pointed out to me that if the label argument in square brackets
+% are put into braces (within the squares) it is then resistent to any
+% problems if square braces should appear within the label. Do this, but
+% only for the \texttt{nat} option.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {output.bibitem}
+{ newline$
+%<!har&!nat> "\bibitem[" write$
+%<!har&nat> "\bibitem[{" write$
+%<har> "\harvarditem" write$
+%<nmd> "\protect\citeauthoryear{" write$
+%<ast> "\protect\astroncite{" write$
+%<cay> "\protect\citeauthoryear{" make.full.names * "}{" * write$
+%<cn> "\protect\citename{" write$
+%<!har> label write$
+%<har> make.full.names duplicate$ label =
+%<har> 'skip$
+%<har> { "[" label * "]" * write$ }
+%<har> if$
+%<har> "{" swap$ * "}{" * write$
+%<har> year duplicate$ empty$
+%<cn> ", }" year duplicate$ empty$
+%<cay|nmd|ast> "}{" year duplicate$ empty$
+%<(har|cn|cay|nmd|ast)&blkyear> { pop$ "" }
+%<(har|cn|cay|nmd|ast)&!blkyear> { pop$ "????" }
+%<har|cn|cay|nmd|ast> 'skip$
+%<har|cn|cay|nmd|ast> if$
+%<har> extra.label * "}{" * write$
+%<cn> * extra.label * "]{" * write$
+%<cay|nmd|ast> * extra.label * "}]{" * write$
+%<alk> "]{" write$
+%<!(har|cay|nmd|ast|alk|cn|nat)> ")]{" write$
+%<nat> ")" make.full.names duplicate$ short.list =
+%<nat> { pop$ }
+%<nat> { * }
+%<nat> if$
+%<nat> "}]{" * write$
+%<!ay&!(cite|alph)> "\bibitem{" write$
+%<!ay&(cite|alph)> "\bibitem[" label * "]{" * write$
+ cite$ write$
+ "}" write$
+ newline$
+ ""
+ "<dt><strong><tt>" write$
+ cite$ write$
+ "</tt></strong></dt>" write$ newline$
+ "<dd>"
+%<htlist&!htdes> "<li>"
+%<!htlist&!htdes> "<p>"
+ before.all 'output.state :=
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`if.digit'}
+% Add \texttt{if.digit} and \texttt{n.separate} to convert large page numbers
+% to a separated number.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {if.digit}
+{ duplicate$ "0" =
+ swap$ duplicate$ "1" =
+ swap$ duplicate$ "2" =
+ swap$ duplicate$ "3" =
+ swap$ duplicate$ "4" =
+ swap$ duplicate$ "5" =
+ swap$ duplicate$ "6" =
+ swap$ duplicate$ "7" =
+ swap$ duplicate$ "8" =
+ swap$ "9" = or or or or or or or or or
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`n.separate'}
+% \texttt{pgsep-s}, \texttt{pgsep-p}
+% Large page numbers are to be separated in threes, with thin space, comma
+% or period. The number must be 5 digits before the separation occurs.
+% No provision is made for numbers of 7 or more digits.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {n.separate}
+{ 't :=
+ ""
+ #0 'numnames :=
+ { t empty$ not }
+ { t #-1 #1 substring$ if.digit
+ { numnames #1 + 'numnames := }
+ { #0 'numnames := }
+ if$
+ t #-1 #1 substring$ swap$ *
+ t #-2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ numnames #5 =
+ { duplicate$ #1 #2 substring$ swap$
+ #3 global.max$ substring$
+%<pgsep-c> "," swap$ * *
+%<pgsep-p> "." swap$ * *
+%<pgsep-s&!html> "\," swap$ * *
+%<pgsep-s&html> " " swap$ * *
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`n.dashify'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {n.dashify}
+%<pgsep-c|pgsep-s|pgsep-p> n.separate
+ 't :=
+ ""
+ { t empty$ not }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" =
+ { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not
+ { "--" *
+ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ }
+ { { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = }
+ { "-" *
+ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ }
+ while$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$ *
+ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% The function \texttt{} prints the word \textsl{in} for references
+% that are
+% contained in a larger work, or in conference proceedings. One may have a
+% colon after the word with the option \texttt{in-col}. If blocks of text are
+% to be separated with commas (option \texttt{blk-com}) then the word remains
+% in lower case, as it is defined in \texttt{}; but if blocks act as
+% sentences, then it must be capitalized.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<in-x>{ "" }
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tita>{ capitalize
+%<in-col> ":" *
+%<in-it> emphasize
+ " " * }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% The new \texttt{harvard.sty} allows variable brackets around the date
+% in the reference list. It uses |\harvardyearleft| and |\harvardyearright|
+% in the \texttt{.bst} files. Allow this with the option \texttt{harnm},
+% which could actually be used without the \texttt{har} option. Note that
+% this overrides the other year formatting options, except for the preceding punctuation.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ year "year" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
+ {
+ "empty year in " cite$ * "; set to ????" * warning$
+ pop$ "????"
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ month "month" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ {
+%<dtrev> swap$
+ " " * swap$
+ }
+ if$
+ *
+%<mth-bare> remove.dots
+%<dtbf> bolden
+ extra.label *
+ before.all 'output.state :=
+%<yr-par> " (" swap$ * ")" *
+%<!yr-par&yr-brk> " [" swap$ * "]" *
+%<!yr-par&!yr-brk&yr-col> ": " swap$ *
+%<!yr-par&!yr-brk&!yr-col&yr-com> ", " swap$ *
+%<!yr-par&!yr-brk&!yr-col&!yr-com&yr-per> after.sentence 'output.state :=
+%<!yr-par&!yr-brk&!yr-col&!yr-com&!yr-per&yr-blk> " " swap$ *
+ before.all 'output.state :=
+ " \harvardyearleft " swap$ * "\harvardyearright{}" *
+%<yr-col> ":" swap$ *
+%<!yr-col&yr-com> "," swap$ *
+%<!yr-col&!yr-com&yr-per> after.sentence 'output.state :=
+%<!yr-col&!yr-com&!yr-per&yr-blk> " " swap$ *
+%<!xmth> month "month" bibinfo.check
+%<xmth> ""
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ year "year" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
+ { swap$ 'skip$
+ { "there's a month but no year in " cite$ * warning$ }
+ if$
+ *
+ }
+ { swap$ 'skip$
+ {
+%<showstack> month year
+%<!dtrev> swap$
+ " " * swap$
+ }
+ if$
+ *
+%<mth-bare> remove.dots
+ }
+ if$
+%<dtbf> bolden
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ {
+ before.all 'output.state :=
+%<yr-par> " (" swap$ * ")" *
+%<!yr-par&yr-brk> " [" swap$ * "]" *
+%<!yr-par&!yr-brk&yr-col> ": " swap$ *
+%<!yr-par&!yr-brk&!yr-col&yr-com> ", " swap$ *
+%<!yr-par&!yr-brk&!yr-col&!yr-com&yr-per> after.sentence 'output.state :=
+%<!yr-par&!yr-brk&!yr-col&!yr-com&!yr-per&yr-blk> " " swap$ *
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.year'}
+% For the options that put the year into the journal specifications, use a
+% special formatter separate from the regular date formatter.
+% The year is always in parentheses (except for appended to journal name).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ year "year" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
+ { "empty year in " cite$ *
+%<ay&!blkyear> "; set to ????" *
+ warning$
+%<ay&!blkyear> pop$ "????"
+ }
+ {
+%<!ay&jdt-vs> " (" swap$ * ")" *
+%<!ay&!jdt-vs> "(" swap$ * ")" *
+ }
+ if$
+ extra.label *
+%<jdt-vs> " (" swap$ * ")" *
+%<!jdt-vs> "(" swap$ * ")" *
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.btitle'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.btitle}
+{ title "title" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+%<!btit-rm> emphasize
+%<lang> select.language
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`either.or.check'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {either.or.check}
+{ empty$
+ 'pop$
+ { "can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.bvolume'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.bvolume}
+{ volume empty$
+ { "" }
+ { bbl.volume volume
+ "volume" bibinfo.check * *
+ series "series" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$
+ { swap$ bbl.of space.word * swap$
+ emphasize * }
+%<ser-vol> { emphasize ", " * swap$ * }
+ if$
+ "volume and number" number either.or.check
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.number.series'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.number.series}
+{ volume empty$
+ { number empty$
+ { series field.or.null }
+ { series empty$
+ { number "number" bibinfo.check }
+ { output.state mid.sentence =
+ { bbl.number }
+ { bbl.number capitalize }
+ if$
+ number "number" bibinfo.check * *
+ space.word *
+ series "series" bibinfo.check *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { output.state mid.sentence =
+ { bbl.number }
+ { bbl.number capitalize }
+ if$
+ number "number" bibinfo.check * *
+ series empty$
+ { "there's a number but no series in " cite$ * warning$ }
+ { space.word *
+ series "series" bibinfo.check *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { "" }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`is.num'}
+% This function takes the single-character string on the stack and returns
+% 1 if it is a digit, else 0.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {is.num}
+ duplicate$ "0"$ < not
+ swap$ "9"$ > not and
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`extract.num'}
+% This function tests the string on the stack to see if it begins with a
+% number. If so, that number is left on the stack; if the string contains
+% no numbers at the start, it is left unchanged. The idea is to convert
+% \textsl{1st} to \textsl{1} and leave \textsl{first} as is.
+% This is used by \code{convert.edition}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {extract.num}
+{ duplicate$ 't :=
+ "" 's :=
+ { t empty$ not }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$
+ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ duplicate$ is.num
+ { s swap$ * 's := }
+ { pop$ "" 't := }
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+ s empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { pop$ s }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`convert.edition'}
+% The function \texttt{convert.edition} takes the text in the field
+% \texttt{edition} and changes it to the language-specific equivalent. As
+% originally planned for \btx, this field should contain the words
+% \textsl{First}, \textsl{Second}, etc. Being so explicit,
+% it is not so easy to translate, nor to
+% convert to \textsl{1st}, \textsl{2nd}, etc., if one wanted.
+% This function carries out the translation, by changing
+% \textsl{first} or \textsl{1} to \texttt{bbl.first}, and so
+% on. The field is reduced to lower case to make it case insensitive. If no
+% translation is found, then the original text in \texttt{edition} is used
+% instead, as it stands. However, if the original is a number greater than
+% the maximum for which text is provided, then \texttt{} is added to
+% it.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {convert.edition}
+{ extract.num "l"$ 's :=
+ s "first" = s "1" = or
+ { bbl.first 't := }
+ { s "second" = s "2" = or
+ { bbl.second 't := }
+ { s "third" = s "3" = or
+ { bbl.third 't := }
+ { s "fourth" = s "4" = or
+ { bbl.fourth 't := }
+ { s "fifth" = s "5" = or
+ { bbl.fifth 't := }
+ { s #1 #1 substring$ is.num
+%<!english&exlang> { s * 't := }
+%<english|!exlang> { s eng.ord 't := }
+ { edition 't := }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ t
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.edition'}
+% This function formats the text for the edition specification, such as
+% ``Second edition''. It combines the edition number with the word
+% \textsl{edition}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.edition}
+{ edition duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+%<!xedn> convert.edition
+ output.state mid.sentence =
+ { "l" }
+ { "t" }
+ if$$
+ "edition" bibinfo.check
+ " " * bbl.edition *
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+INTEGERS { multiresult }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ 't :=
+ #0 'multiresult :=
+ { multiresult not
+ t empty$ not
+ and
+ }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$
+ duplicate$ "-" =
+ swap$ duplicate$ "," =
+ swap$ "+" =
+ or or
+ { #1 'multiresult := }
+ { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := }
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+ multiresult
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.pages'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.pages}
+{ pages duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { duplicate$
+ {
+%<!bkpg-x&!ppx> bbl.pages swap$
+ n.dashify
+ }
+ {
+%<!bkpg-x&!ppx> swap$
+ }
+ if$
+ "pages" bibinfo.check
+%<!bkpg-x&!ppx> * *
+%<bkpg-par> "(" swap$ * ")" *
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ 't :=
+ ""
+ { t empty$ not t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = not and }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$ *
+ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ }
+ while$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.journal.pages'}
+% Note: this function gets called with something on the stack.
+% It may be the volume and number.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.journal.pages}
+{ pages duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$
+ { swap$ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ pop$ format.pages }
+ {
+%<volp-sp> ": " *
+%<volp-blk> " " *
+%<volp-com> ", " *
+%<volp-semi> "; " *
+%<!volp-semi> ":" *
+%<!jdt-v&!jdt-vs&jdt-p> format.year * " " *
+%<!jdt-v&!jdt-vs&!jdt-p&jdt-pc> format.year * ", " *
+ swap$
+%<!jpg-1> n.dashify
+ pages
+ 'bbl.pages
+ '
+ if$
+ swap$
+ "pages" bibinfo.check
+%<jwdpg> * *
+ *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.journal.eid'}
+% This function is called with something on the stack (journal vol, number)
+% and appends \texttt{eid} and \texttt{numpages} if those field are non-empty.
+% Very similar to \texttt{format.journal.pages}.
+% For the AGU style of including the DOI as part of the EID, the DOI number
+% is appended too.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.journal.eid}
+{ eid "eid" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$
+ { swap$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+%<volp-sp> ": " *
+%<volp-blk> " " *
+%<volp-com> ", " *
+%<volp-semi> "; " *
+%<!volp-semi> ":" *
+ }
+ if$
+ swap$ *
+ numpages empty$ 'skip$
+ { bbl.eidpp numpages
+ "numpages" bibinfo.check * *
+ " (" swap$ * ")" * *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.vol.num.pages'}
+% Version 3.84, I have rationalized several options that placed the date in the
+% journal specifications. It was rather chaotic before, but now it should be
+% more systematic. This means some options have been removed, something that I
+% do not like to do.
+% The option \texttt{pp-last} suppresses the pages in the formatting macros, and
+% sees to it that the pages are added just before any notes in those entries
+% that take pages. This applies to more than just \texttt{article}, but to
+% \texttt{inbook}, \texttt{incollection} as well.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.vol.num.pages}
+{ volume field.or.null
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+%<jwdvol> bbl.volume swap$
+ "volume" bibinfo.check
+%<jwdvol> * *
+ }
+ if$
+%<vol-bf&!vol-2bf> bolden
+%<!vol-bf&!vol-2bf&vol-it> emphasize
+%<jdt-v|jdt-vs> format.year *
+ number "number" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+ swap$ duplicate$ empty$
+ { "there's a number but no volume in " cite$ * warning$ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ swap$
+%<vnum-sp> "~(" swap$ * ")" *
+%<!vnum-sp&vnum-cm> ", " swap$ *
+%<!vnum-sp&!vnum-cm&vnum-nr> ", " * number pop$ * swap$ *
+%<!vnum-sp&!vnum-cm&!vnum-nr&vnum-h> ", \#" swap$ *
+%<!vnum-sp&!vnum-cm&!vnum-nr&!vnum-h&vnum-b> " " swap$ *
+%<!vnum-sp&!vnum-cm&!vnum-nr&!vnum-h&!vnum-b> "(" swap$ * ")" *
+ }
+ if$ *
+%<!vol-bf&vol-2bf> bolden
+ eid empty$
+ { format.journal.pages }
+ { format.journal.eid }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.chapter.pages'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.chapter.pages}
+{ chapter empty$
+%<!pp-last> 'format.pages
+%<pp-last> { "" }
+ { type empty$
+ { bbl.chapter }
+ { type "l"$
+ "type" bibinfo.check
+ }
+ if$
+ chapter
+ "chapter" bibinfo.check
+ * *
+ pages empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { ", " * format.pages * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`bt.enquote'}
+% This is to place the booktitle for proceedings and collections into quotes.
+% If punctuation is to be included, then add a comma unless a stop already
+% exists, or add a period under the only circumstances that
+% || is followed by |new.sentence|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {bt.enquote}
+{ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { "\enquote{" swap$ *
+ non.stop
+ { ",} " * }
+ { "}, " * }
+ if$
+ "}, " *
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.booktitle'}
+% The function \texttt{format.booktitle} pushes one object
+% (the book title, suitably encapsulated) onto the stack.
+% It is currently used in \texttt{format.incoll.inproc.crossref}
+% and in \texttt{}, and should be used whenever accessing
+% the \texttt{booktitle} field for eventual output.
+% If the book title is empty or missing, the function pushes an empty string.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.booktitle}
+ booktitle "booktitle" bibinfo.check
+%<!bt-qq&!bt-rm> emphasize
+%<bt-qq> bt.enquote
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% Prior to version 3.81, the \textsl{Editor} or \textsl{Edited by} in
+% parentheses was meant to be capitalized, but this did not work properly.
+% Now the option \texttt{edcap} produces this, and default is not capitalized.
+% Notes on \dtx{} options:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item
+% The following combinations are available through the \texttt{makebst.tex} interface:
+% \begin{quote}
+% \verb+(+ \\
+% \verb+ <default>+ \\
+% \verb+ |edby ( |edbyx |edbyy|edbyw[edcap])+ \\
+% \verb+ |edby-par (|edcap|edbyx[edcap]|edbyy )+ \\
+% \verb+ |edby-parc(|edcap|edbyx )+ \\
+% \verb+)+
+% \end{quote}
+% \item
+% \texttt{edby}, \texttt{edby-par}, and \texttt{edby-parc} are mutually exclusive
+% and, except for the default, exhaustive.
+% \item
+% \texttt{edbyx}, \texttt{edbyw}, and \texttt{edbyy} are mutually exclusive
+% and, except for the default, exhaustive.
+% \item
+% \texttt{edcap} is independent of the above two groups of options.
+% \item
+% When parentheses need to be applied, we make sure that the respective
+% \dtx{} guard expressions are mutually exclusive.
+% It makes no sense for \texttt{edbyw} to be in effect if either of
+% \texttt{edby-par} or \texttt{edby-parc} is in effect.
+% \item
+% \texttt{makebst.tex} only activates \texttt{edcap} in certain cases,
+% but we do no checking here, applying it consistently to the
+% ``editor'' text entity.
+% \item
+% The code between \texttt{<!edpar>} and \verb+<edpar\|edparc>+
+% \emph{must} match the corresponding code in \texttt{format.editors}.
+% This means that in the default case, formatting is controlled by
+% a \dtx{} mechanism entirely different from the other cases.
+% \item \texttt{ser-ed} has been added to suit AGU. Result of series plus
+% volume to go between booktitle and editors; must remove \texttt{format.bvolume}
+% from \texttt{incollection} and \texttt{inproceedings}.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ format.booktitle duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+%<showstack>% btitle
+ format.bvolume duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$
+ { ", " swap$ * * }
+ if$
+ editor "editor" format.names.ed duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$
+ {
+%<showstack>% btitle ednms
+%<!edpar&!edparxc> "," *
+ " " *
+ get.bbl.editor
+%<bkedcap> capitalize
+%<edpar> "(" swap$ * "), " *
+%<!edpar&(edparc|edparxc)> "(" swap$ * ") " *
+%<!edpar&!(edparc|edparxc)> ", " *
+ * swap$
+%<showstack>% eds btitle
+%<showstack>% btitle ednms
+%<edbyx|edbyy|edbyw> get.bbl.editor
+%<!(edbyx|edbyy|edbyw)> bbl.edby
+%<edcap> capitalize
+%<!(edby-par|edby-parc)&edbyw> "(" swap$ * ")" *
+%<showstack>% btitle ednms ed
+%<(edby-par|edby)&edbyy> swap$ "," *
+ " " * swap$ *
+%<showstack>% btitle ednms-ed
+%<(edby-par|edby-parc)&!edbyw> "(" swap$ * ")" *
+ swap$
+%<edby|edby-parc> "," *
+ " " * swap$
+%<showstack>% btitle ednms-ed (or ednms-ed btitle)
+ * }
+ if$
+%<showstack>% btitle-ednms-ed (or ednms-ed-btitle) (or btitle)
+ swap$ *
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`empty.misc.check'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {empty.misc.check}
+{ author empty$ title empty$ howpublished empty$
+ month empty$ year empty$ note empty$
+ and and and and and
+%<!seq-no|alph> key empty$ not and
+ { "all relevant fields are empty in " cite$ * warning$ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.thesis.type'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.thesis.type}
+{ type duplicate$ empty$
+ 'pop$
+ { swap$ pop$
+ "t"$ "type" bibinfo.check
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ number "number" bibinfo.check
+ type duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ bbl.techrep }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ "type" bibinfo.check
+ swap$ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "t"$ }
+ { * * }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.article.crossref'}
+% The \texttt{journal} field was emphasized emplicitly, but it should be
+% done by command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.article.crossref}
+ key duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$
+ journal duplicate$ empty$
+ { "need key or journal for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref * warning$ }
+ { "journal" bibinfo.check emphasize swap$ * }
+ if$
+ }
+ { swap$ * " " *}
+ if$
+%<!html> " \cite{" * crossref * "}" *
+%<html> " <tt>" * crossref * "</tt>" *
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.crossref.editor'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.crossref.editor}
+{ editor #1 "{vv~}{ll}"$
+ "editor" bibinfo.check
+ editor num.names$ duplicate$
+ #2 >
+ { pop$
+ "editor" bibinfo.check
+ " " * bbl.etal
+%<etal-it> emphasize
+ *
+%<nmft&nmfted&!nmand-rm&!(etal-it|etal-rm)> "others" 't :=
+ }
+ { #2 <
+ 'skip$
+ { editor #2 "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}"$ "others" =
+ {
+ "editor" bibinfo.check
+ " " * bbl.etal
+%<etal-it> emphasize
+ *
+%<nmft&nmfted&!nmand-rm&!(etal-it|etal-rm)> "others" 't :=
+ }
+ {
+%<!amper> bbl.and space.word
+%<amper> " \& "
+%<harnm> " \harvardand\ "
+ * editor #2 "{vv~}{ll}"$
+ "editor" bibinfo.check
+ *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ t "others" =
+ 'skip$
+ { "editor" bibinfo.check }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% The \texttt{series} field was emphasized emplicitly, but it should be
+% done by command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ volume duplicate$ empty$
+ { "empty volume in " cite$ * "'s crossref of " * crossref * warning$
+ pop$
+ }
+ { bbl.volume
+%<!(blk-com|blk-tita)> capitalize
+ swap$ "volume" bibinfo.check * * bbl.of space.word *
+ }
+ if$
+ editor empty$
+ editor field.or.null author field.or.null =
+ or
+ { key empty$
+ { series empty$
+ { "need editor, key, or series for " cite$ * " to crossref " *
+ crossref * warning$
+ "" *
+ }
+ { series emphasize * }
+ if$
+ }
+ { key * }
+ if$
+ }
+ { format.crossref.editor * }
+ if$
+%<!html> " \cite{" * crossref * "}" *
+%<html> " <tt>" * crossref * "</tt>" *
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.incoll.inproc.crossref'}
+% The \texttt{booktitle} field was emphasized emplicitly, but it should be
+% done by command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref}
+ editor empty$
+ editor field.or.null author field.or.null =
+ or
+ { key empty$
+ { format.booktitle duplicate$ empty$
+ { "need editor, key, or booktitle for " cite$ * " to crossref " *
+ crossref * warning$
+ }
+ { swap$ * }
+ if$
+ }
+ { key * " " *}
+ if$
+ }
+ { format.crossref.editor * " " *}
+ if$
+%<!html> " \cite{" * crossref * "}" *
+%<html> " <tt>" * crossref * "</tt>" *
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% Psychology journals often want \textit{address}: \textit{publisher}.
+% \textsl{Nature} wants publisher and date in parentheses, and when both
+% are there, they are merged into one set.
+% Call function \texttt{add.blank} before parentheses so suppress preceding
+% punctuation, which looks strange when publisher in parentheses.
+% MPG Jahrbuch wants publisher and year, but without parentheses. Add
+% \texttt{pub-nopar} to be used with \texttt{pub-date}.
+% Have now (3.87.h) extended this function to include the organization, if
+% present. This is for \texttt{inproceedings} and \texttt{proceedings} where
+% the publisher is optional, and organization too. If the publisher is missing,
+% but the organization present, it is formatted like the publisher. This
+% complication comes from styles that want the publisher/organization to have
+% the date included, all in parentheses.
+% This function is called by \texttt{format.publisher.address} and
+% \texttt{format.organization.address}, each putting the appropriate text
+% into the stack first.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ 't :=
+ ""
+ year empty$
+ { "empty year in " cite$ * warning$ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ address empty$ t empty$ and
+%<pub-date> year empty$ and
+ 'skip$
+ {
+%<pub-par|(pub-date&!pub-xpar)> add.blank "(" *
+ address "address" bibinfo.check *
+ t empty$
+ 'skip$
+ t empty$
+ { address "address" bibinfo.check *
+ }
+ { t *
+ address empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { ", " * address "address" bibinfo.check * }
+ if$
+ }
+ { address empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { ": " * }
+ if$
+ t *
+ }
+ if$
+ year empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { t empty$ address empty$ and
+ 'skip$
+%<!pub-xc> { ", " swap$ * * }
+%<pub-xc> { " " swap$ * * }
+ if$
+ year "year" bibinfo.check
+%<dtbf> bolden
+ *
+ }
+ if$
+ year duplicate$ empty$
+ { "empty year in " cite$ * "; set to ????" * warning$
+ pop$ "????" }
+ { "empty year in " cite$ * warning$
+ pop$ "" }
+%<!dtbf> { "year" bibinfo.check extra.label * }
+%<dtbf> { "year" bibinfo.check bolden extra.label * }
+ if$
+ t empty$ address empty$ and
+ { * }
+%<!pub-xc> { ", " swap$ * * }
+%<pub-xc> { " " swap$ * * }
+ if$
+%<pub-par|(pub-date&!pub-xpar)> ")" *
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.publisher.address'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.publisher.address}
+{ publisher "publisher" bibinfo.warn
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.organization.address'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.organization.address}
+{ organization "organization" bibinfo.check
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`name.or.dash'}
+% This function stores what is on the stack, compares it with previous value,
+% and replaces it with a long dash if they are equal. What is on the stack
+% should be author or editor names for the current entry.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+STRINGS {oldname}
+FUNCTION {name.or.dash}
+{ 's :=
+ oldname empty$
+ { s 'oldname := s }
+ { s oldname =
+%<!nmd-2&!nmd-3> { "---" }
+%<nmd-2&!nmd-3> { "---{}---" }
+%<nmd-3> { "---{}---{}---" }
+%<!nmd-2&!nmd-3> { "---" add.blank }
+%<nmd-2&!nmd-3> { "---{}---" add.blank }
+%<nmd-3> { "---{}---{}---" add.blank }
+ { s 'oldname := s }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`article'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {article}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+%<ay> author format.key output
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+ "year" output.check
+ date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.title "title" output.check
+%<blk-com&tit-qq> end.quote.title
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<tit-col> add.colon
+ crossref missing$
+ {
+ journal
+%<jxper> remove.dots
+ "journal" bibinfo.check
+%<!jttl-rm> emphasize
+%<injnl> swap$ *
+ "journal" output.check
+%<jnm-x> add.blank
+ "year" output.check
+ date.block
+ format.vol.num.pages output
+%<doi&agu-doi> format.doi output
+ "year" output.check
+ }
+ { format.article.crossref output.nonnull
+%<!pp-last> format.pages output
+ }
+ if$
+ eid empty$
+ { format.journal.pages }
+ { format.journal.eid }
+ if$
+%<issn> format.issn output
+%<(doi|(url-doi&!url))&!agu-doi> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "year" output.check
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<harnm|url-nl> write.url
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`book'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {book}
+{ output.bibitem
+ author empty$
+ { format.editors "author and editor" output.check
+%<ay> editor format.key output
+%<!edpar&(edparc|edparxc)&!au-col> add.blank
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+ }
+ { format.authors output.nonnull
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+ crossref missing$
+ { "author and editor" editor either.or.check }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+%<dt-beg&!pub-date> "year" output.check
+%<dt-beg&!pub-date> date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.btitle "title" output.check
+ crossref missing$
+ { format.bvolume output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+%<!numser> format.number.series output
+%<pre-edn> format.edition output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.sentence
+%<numser> format.number.series output
+%<pg-bk&pg-pre> output
+ format.publisher.address output
+ }
+ {
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+ output.nonnull
+%<!dt-beg&!dt-end&pub-date> "year" output.check
+ }
+ if$
+%<!pre-edn> format.edition output
+%<!dt-beg&!dt-end&!pub-date> "year" output.check
+%<isbn> format.isbn output
+%<pg-bk&!pg-pre> output
+%<doi|(url-doi&!url)> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "year" output.check
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+%<revdata> format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`booklet'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {booklet}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors output
+%<ay> author format.key output
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+%<ay&dt-beg> "year" output.check
+%<!ay&dt-beg> output
+%<dt-beg> date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.title "title" output.check
+%<blk-com&tit-qq> end.quote.title
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+ howpublished "howpublished" bibinfo.check output
+ address "address" bibinfo.check output
+%<ay&!dt-beg&!dt-end> "year" output.check
+%<!ay&!dt-beg&!dt-end> output
+%<isbn> format.isbn output
+%<pg-bk> output
+%<doi|(url-doi&!url)> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "year" output.check
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ output
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+%<revdata> format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`inbook'}
+% The medical journals, with option \texttt{dt-jnl}, have the date as part of
+% the journal specification. For chapters in books, they want date and pages
+% to appear at the end, with a space between them. (For journals, there is to be
+% no space.) Suppress the chapter specification (for now).
+% The \texttt{dt-jnl} option usually behaves as the default, except for some
+% special entries, like this one.
+% Restore the chapter specification (2004 Feb 9) after someone complained.
+% There are still some bugs here. If some date punctuation is specified, say
+% with \texttt{yrp-semi} for a semi-colon after the year, this appears always,
+% even if there is no text following. But then this to be an unlikely wish anyway,
+% since such punctuation options are best suited for \texttt{dt-beg}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {inbook}
+{ output.bibitem
+ author empty$
+ { format.editors "author and editor" output.check
+%<ay> editor format.key output
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+ }
+ { format.authors output.nonnull
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+ crossref missing$
+ { "author and editor" editor either.or.check }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+%<dt-beg&!pub-date> "year" output.check
+%<dt-beg&!pub-date> date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.btitle "title" output.check
+ crossref missing$
+ {
+%<pre-pub&numser> format.number.series output
+%<pre-pub> format.publisher.address output
+ format.bvolume output
+ format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+%<!numser> format.number.series output
+%<pre-edn> format.edition output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.sentence
+%<!pre-pub&numser> format.number.series output
+%<!pre-pub> format.publisher.address output
+ }
+ {
+ format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+ output.nonnull
+%<!dt-beg&!dt-end&!dt-jnl&pub-date> "year" output.check
+ }
+ if$
+%<!pre-edn> format.edition output
+%<!dt-beg&!dt-end&!dt-jnl&!pub-date> "year" output.check
+ crossref missing$
+ { format.isbn output }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ "year" output.check
+ date.block
+%<pp-last> format.pages "pages" output.check
+%<doi|(url-doi&!url)> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "year" output.check
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+%<revdata> format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`incollection'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {incollection}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+%<ay> author format.key output
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+%<dt-beg&!pub-date> "year" output.check
+%<dt-beg&!pub-date> date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.title "title" output.check
+%<blk-com&tit-qq> end.quote.title
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+ crossref missing$
+ { "booktitle" output.check
+%<bt-qq> end.quote.btitle
+%<pre-pub&numser> format.number.series output
+%<pre-pub> format.publisher.address output
+%<!ser-ed> format.bvolume output
+%<!numser> format.number.series output
+%<pre-edn> format.edition output
+ format.chapter.pages output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.sentence
+%<!pre-pub&numser> format.number.series output
+%<!pre-pub> format.publisher.address output
+%<!pre-edn> format.edition output
+%<!dt-beg&!dt-end&!dt-jnl&!pub-date> "year" output.check
+%<isbn> format.isbn output
+ }
+ { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull
+ format.chapter.pages output
+ }
+ if$
+ "year" output.check
+ date.block
+%<pp-last> format.pages "pages" output.check
+%<doi|(url-doi&!url)> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "year" output.check
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+%<revdata> format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`inproceedings'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {inproceedings}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+%<ay> author format.key output
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+%<dt-beg&!pub-date> "year" output.check
+%<dt-beg&!pub-date> date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.title "title" output.check
+%<blk-com&tit-qq> end.quote.title
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+ crossref missing$
+ { "booktitle" output.check
+%<bt-qq> end.quote.btitle
+%<!ser-ed> format.bvolume output
+%<!numser> format.number.series output
+%<(dt-beg|dt-end|!dt-jnl)&!pp-last> format.pages output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.sentence
+%<numser> format.number.series output
+ publisher empty$
+ { format.organization.address output }
+ { organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
+ format.publisher.address output
+ }
+ if$
+%<!dt-beg&!dt-end&!dt-jnl&!pub-date> "year" output.check
+ format.bvolume output
+%<!numser> format.number.series output
+%<(dt-beg|dt-end|!dt-jnl)&!pp-last> format.pages output
+%<isbn> format.isbn output
+%<issn> format.issn output
+ }
+ { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull
+%<(dt-beg|dt-end|!dt-jnl)&!pp-last> format.pages output
+ }
+ if$
+%<!pub-date> "year" output.check
+%<!pub-date> date.block
+%<jdt-v|jdt-vs|jdt-p|!jdt-pc> add.blank
+ format.pages "pages" output.check
+%<pp-last> format.pages "pages" output.check
+%<doi|(url-doi&!url)> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "year" output.check
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+%<revdata> format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`conference'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {conference} { inproceedings }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`manual'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {manual}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors output
+ author format.key output
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+%<dt-beg> "year" output.check
+%<dt-beg> date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.btitle "title" output.check
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> organization address new.block.checkb
+ organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
+ address "address" bibinfo.check output
+ format.edition output
+%<!dt-beg&!dt-end> "year" output.check
+%<doi|(url-doi&!url)> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "year" output.check
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+%<revdata> format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+FUNCTION {manual}
+{ output.bibitem
+ author empty$
+ { organization "organization" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$
+ { output
+ address "address" bibinfo.check output
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { format.authors output.nonnull }
+ if$
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+%<ay&dt-beg> "year" output.check
+%<!ay&dt-beg> output
+%<dt-beg> date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.btitle "title" output.check
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+ author empty$
+ { organization empty$
+ {
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> address new.block.checka
+ address "address" bibinfo.check output
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ {
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> organization address new.block.checkb
+ organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
+ address "address" bibinfo.check output
+ }
+ if$
+ format.edition output
+%<ay&!dt-beg&!dt-end> "year" output.check
+%<!ay&!dt-beg&!dt-end> output
+%<doi|(url-doi&!url)> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "year" output.check
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ output
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+%<revdata> format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`mastersthesis'}
+% To format a master's thesis.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {mastersthesis}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+%<ay> author format.key output
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+%<dt-beg> "year" output.check
+%<dt-beg> date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<!thtit-a> format.btitle
+%<thtit-a> format.title
+ "title" output.check
+%<thtit-a&blk-com&tit-qq> end.quote.title
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+ bbl.mthesis format.thesis.type output.nonnull
+ school "school" bibinfo.warn output
+ address "address" bibinfo.check output
+%<!dt-beg&!dt-end> "year" output.check
+%<doi|(url-doi&!url)> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "year" output.check
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+%<revdata> format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`misc'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {misc}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors output
+%<ay> author format.key output
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+%<ay&dt-beg> "year" output.check
+%<!ay&dt-beg> output
+%<dt-beg> date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.title output
+%<blk-com&tit-qq> end.quote.title
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> title howpublished new.block.checkb
+ format.title output
+%<blk-com&tit-qq> end.quote.title
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> howpublished new.block.checka
+ howpublished "howpublished" bibinfo.check output
+%<ay&!dt-beg&!dt-end> "year" output.check
+%<!ay&!dt-beg&!dt-end> output
+%<doi|(url-doi&!url)> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "year" output.check
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ output
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+%<revdata> format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+%<!ay> empty.misc.check
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`phdthesis'}
+% To format a doctoral thesis.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {phdthesis}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+%<ay> author format.key output
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+%<dt-beg> "year" output.check
+%<dt-beg> date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<!thtit-a> format.btitle
+%<thtit-a> format.title
+ "title" output.check
+%<thtit-a&blk-com&tit-qq> end.quote.title
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+ bbl.phdthesis format.thesis.type output.nonnull
+ school "school" bibinfo.warn output
+ address "address" bibinfo.check output
+%<!dt-beg&!dt-end> "year" output.check
+%<doi|(url-doi&!url)> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "year" output.check
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+%<revdata> format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`presentation'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {presentation}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors output
+%<ay> author format.key output
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.title output
+%<blk-com&tit-qq> end.quote.title
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+ format.organization.address "organization and address" output.check
+ month "month" output.check
+ year "year" output.check
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+ new.sentence
+ type missing$ 'skip$
+ {"(" type capitalize * ")" * output}
+ if$
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`proceedings'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {proceedings}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.editors output
+ editor format.key output
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+%<dt-beg> "year" output.check
+%<dt-beg> date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.btitle "title" output.check
+ format.bvolume output
+%<!numser> format.number.series output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.sentence
+%<numser> format.number.series output
+ publisher empty$
+ { format.organization.address output }
+ { organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
+ format.publisher.address output
+ }
+ if$
+%<!dt-beg&!dt-end&!pub-date> "year" output.check
+%<isbn> format.isbn output
+%<issn> format.issn output
+%<doi|(url-doi&!url)> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "year" output.check
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+%<revdata> format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {proceedings}
+{ output.bibitem
+ editor empty$
+ { organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
+ }
+ { format.editors output.nonnull }
+ if$
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+%<dt-beg> "year" output.check
+%<dt-beg> date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.btitle "title" output.check
+ format.bvolume output
+%<!numser> format.number.series output
+ editor empty$
+ { publisher empty$
+%<!numser> 'skip$
+%<numser> { format.number.series output }
+ {
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.sentence
+%<numser> format.number.series output
+ format.publisher.address output
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { publisher empty$
+ {
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.sentence
+%<numser> format.number.series output
+ format.organization.address output }
+ {
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.sentence
+%<numser> format.number.series output
+ organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
+ format.publisher.address output
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+%<!dt-beg&!dt-end&!pub-date> "year" output.check
+%<isbn> format.isbn output
+%<issn> format.issn output
+%<doi|(url-doi&!url)> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "year" output.check
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+%<revdata> format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`techreport'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {techreport}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+%<ay> author format.key output
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+%<dt-beg> "year" output.check
+%<dt-beg> date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<trtit-b> format.btitle
+%<!trtit-b> format.title
+ "title" output.check
+%<!trtit-b&blk-com&tit-qq> end.quote.title
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<blk-tit&!tit-col> new.sentence
+%<blk-tit&tit-col> add.colon
+%<!trnum-it> output.nonnull
+%<trnum-it> emphasize output.nonnull
+ institution "institution" bibinfo.warn output
+ address "address" bibinfo.check output
+%<!dt-beg&!dt-end> "year" output.check
+%<doi|(url-doi&!url)> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ "year" output.check
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+%<revdata> format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`unpublished'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {unpublished}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+%<ay> author format.key output
+%<au-col> add.colon
+%<nmdash> name.or.dash
+%<ay&dt-beg> "year" output.check
+%<!ay&dt-beg> output
+%<dt-beg> date.block
+%<!dt-beg&!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.title "title" output.check
+%<blk-com&tit-qq> end.quote.title
+%<ay&!dt-beg&!dt-end> "year" output.check
+%<!ay&!dt-beg&!dt-end> output
+%<doi|(url-doi&!url)> format.doi output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ format.url output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+%<(blk-com|blk-tit|blk-tita)&blknt> new.sentence
+ format.note "note" output.check
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ output
+%<!blk-com&!blk-tit&!blk-tita> new.block
+ output
+%<eprint> format.eprint output
+%<revdata> format.url output
+ fin.entry
+%<(harnm|url-nl)&!revdata> write.url
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`default.type'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {default.type} { misc }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`sortify'}
+% In \texttt{btxbst.doc}/\texttt{.mbs}, the \texttt{sortify} function is
+% left out for unsorted alpha-style citations. This leads to an error,
+% because it is still used. So leave it in here too. \emph{In fact, do away
+% with unsorted alpha style, since it is as useless as unsorted author--year
+% listings.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {sortify}
+{ purify$
+ "l"$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+INTEGERS { len }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`chop.word'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {chop.word}
+{ 's :=
+ 'len :=
+ s #1 len substring$ =
+ { s len #1 + global.max$ substring$ }
+ 's
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`format.lab.names'}
+% The function \texttt{format.lab.names} formats by author--year or the
+% \texttt{alpha} style as in the original \texttt{alpha.bst}.
+% Only major difference is that there should be no unsorted (\texttt{seq-no})
+% versions of this. Patashnik was clearly very unhappy about accommodating
+% such an animal, and in fact, his unsorted alpha style crashes \btx.
+% I also provide the \texttt{vonx} option here to ignore the \textsl{von}
+% part of the name.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ #0 ' :=
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.lab.names}
+{ 's :=
+%<!vonx> s #1 "{v{}}{l{}}"$
+%<vonx> s #1 "{l{}}"$
+ duplicate$ text.length$ #2 <
+ { pop$ s #1 "{ll}"$ #3 text.prefix$ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+%<!vonx> s #1 "{vv{}}{ll}"$
+%<vonx> s #1 "{ll}"$
+ s num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ numnames #1 >
+ { numnames #4 >
+ { #3 'namesleft := }
+ { numnames 'namesleft := }
+ if$
+ #1 'nameptr :=
+ ""
+ { namesleft #0 > }
+ { nameptr numnames =
+ { s nameptr "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}"$ "others" =
+ { "{\etalchar{+}}" *
+ #1 ' :=
+ }
+%<!vonx> { s nameptr "{v{}}{l{}}"$ * }
+%<vonx> { s nameptr "{l{}}"$ * }
+ if$
+ }
+%<!vonx> { s nameptr "{v{}}{l{}}"$ * }
+%<vonx> { s nameptr "{l{}}"$ * }
+ if$
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
+ }
+ while$
+ numnames #4 >
+ { "{\etalchar{+}}" *
+ #1 ' :=
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+%<!vonx> { s #1 "{v{}}{l{}}"$
+%<vonx> { s #1 "{l{}}"$
+ duplicate$ text.length$ #2 <
+ { pop$ s #1 "{ll}"$ #3 text.prefix$ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The function for the standard citation: one or two authors cited full, but for
+% more than two, only the first with \emph{et~al.} given.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.lab.names}
+{ 's :=
+ "" 't :=
+%<!jnrlab> s #1 "{vv~}{ll}"$
+%<!nm-rv&!nm-rvv&!nm-rvx&!nm-rvcx> s #1 "{vv~}{ll}{, jj}"$
+%<nm-rv|nm-rvv|nm-rvx|nm-rvcx> s #1 "{vv~}{ll}{ jj}"$
+ s num.names$ duplicate$
+ #2 >
+ { pop$
+%<lab&and-rm&!etal-rm> " " * bbl.etal *
+%<!lab|!and-rm|etal-rm> " " * bbl.etal *
+%<etal-it> " " * bbl.etal emphasize *
+%<lab&!and-rm> "others" 't :=
+ }
+ { #2 <
+ 'skip$
+ { s #2 "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}"$ "others" =
+ {
+% %<lab&!and-rm&(etal-it|etal-rm)>
+%<lab&and-rm&!etal-rm> " " * bbl.etal *
+%<!lab|!and-rm|etal-rm> " " * bbl.etal *
+%<etal-it> " " * bbl.etal emphasize *
+%<lab&!and-rm> "others" 't :=
+ }
+ { bbl.and space.word * s #2 "{vv~}{ll}"$
+ * }
+ { " \& " * s #2 "{vv~}{ll}"$
+ * }
+ { " \harvardand{} " * s #2 "{vv~}{ll}"$
+ * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ t "others" =
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The code for formating author--year citations with more than one author
+% before \emph{et al.} or selecting a number other than two for truncating,
+% is much the same as the \texttt{format.full.names} function.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {format.lab.names}
+{'s :=
+ "" 't :=
+ #1 'nameptr :=
+ s num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ numnames 'namesleft :=
+ { namesleft #0 > }
+ { s nameptr
+%<!jnrlab> "{vv~}{ll}"$
+%<!nm-rv&!nm-rvv&!nm-rvx&!nm-rvcx> "{vv~}{ll}{, jj}"$
+%<nm-rv|nm-rvv|nm-rvx|nm-rvcx> "{vv~}{ll}{ jj}"$
+ 't :=
+ nameptr #1 >
+ {
+%<mct-1> nameptr #2 =
+%<mct-2> nameptr #3 =
+%<mct-3> nameptr #4 =
+%<mct-4> nameptr #5 =
+%<mct-5> nameptr #6 =
+%<mct-6> nameptr #7 =
+%<mct-x2> numnames #2 > and
+%<mct-x3> numnames #3 > and
+%<mct-x4> numnames #4 > and
+%<mct-x5> numnames #5 > and
+%<mct-x6> numnames #6 > and
+ { "others" 't :=
+ #1 'namesleft := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ namesleft #1 >
+ { ", " * t * }
+ {
+ s nameptr "{ll}"$ duplicate$ "others" =
+ { 't := }
+ { pop$ }
+ if$
+ t "others" =
+ {
+%<lab&and-rm&!etal-rm> " " * bbl.etal *
+%<!lab|!and-rm|etal-rm> " " * bbl.etal *
+%<etal-it> " " * bbl.etal emphasize *
+ }
+ {
+ numnames #2 >
+ { "," * }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+%<!amper> bbl.and
+%<amper> "\&"
+%<harnm> "\harvardand{}"
+ space.word * t *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ 't
+ if$
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
+ }
+ while$
+ t "others" =
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`author.key.label'}
+% \begin{macro}{`author.editor.key.label'}
+% \begin{macro}{`author.key.organization.label'}
+% \begin{macro}{`editor.key.organization.label'}
+% \begin{macro}{`editor.key.label'}
+% Have to be very careful with the options \texttt{ay}, \texttt{alph}, and
+% \texttt{seq-no} here. The first two are actually mutually exclusive, and
+% \texttt{ay} should dominate. The \texttt{seq-no} option only applies for
+% numerical (\texttt{!ay}) but not alphabetic (\texttt{alph}) selections.
+% This whole block of coding dealing with labels is only included for
+% author--year or alphabetic or ordered numerical.
+% That is, \texttt{ay} or \texttt{alph} or \texttt{!seq-no} is true.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {author.key.label}
+{ author empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+%<ay> 'key
+%<!ay> { key #3 text.prefix$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.lab.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.editor.key.label}
+{ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+%<ay> 'key
+%<!ay> { key #3 text.prefix$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor format.lab.names }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.lab.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.key.organization.label}
+{ author empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { organization empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ { "The " #4 organization chop.word #3 text.prefix$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { key #3 text.prefix$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.lab.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {editor.key.organization.label}
+{ editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { organization empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ { "The " #4 organization chop.word #3 text.prefix$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { key #3 text.prefix$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor format.lab.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {editor.key.label}
+{ editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ 'key
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor format.lab.names }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`calc.short.authors'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {calc.short.authors}
+{ type$ "book" =
+ type$ "inbook" =
+ or
+ 'author.editor.key.label
+ { type$ "proceedings" =
+ 'editor.key.label
+ 'author.key.label
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ 'short.list :=
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`calc.label'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {calc.label}
+{ calc.short.authors
+ short.list
+%<!(har|ast|cay|nmd|alk|cn)> "("
+%<har|ast|cay|nmd|alk|cn> ", "
+ *
+ year duplicate$ empty$
+%<keyxyr> short.list key field.or.null = or
+%<(blkyear|keyxyr)> { pop$ "" }
+%<!(blkyear|keyxyr)> { pop$ "????" }
+%<!note-yr> { purify$ #-1 #4 substring$ }
+%<note-yr> 'skip$
+ if$
+ *
+ 'label :=
+FUNCTION {calc.label}
+{ type$ "book" =
+ type$ "inbook" =
+ or
+ 'author.editor.key.label
+ { type$ "proceedings" =
+ 'editor.key.organization.label
+ { type$ "manual" =
+ 'author.key.organization.label
+ 'author.key.label
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ duplicate$
+ year field.or.null purify$ #-1 #2 substring$
+ *
+ 'label :=
+ year field.or.null purify$ #-1 #4 substring$
+ *
+ sortify 'sort.label :=
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`calc.short.label'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {calc.short.label}
+{ calc.short.authors short.list
+ 'label :=
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`sort.format.names'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {sort.format.names}
+{ 's :=
+ #1 'nameptr :=
+ ""
+ s num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ numnames 'namesleft :=
+ { namesleft #0 > }
+ { s nameptr
+%<!vonx> "{vv{ } }{ll{ }}"
+%<vonx> "{ll{ }}"
+%<!vonx> "{vv{ } }{ll{ }}{ ff{ }}{ jj{ }}"
+%<vonx> "{ll{ }}{ ff{ }}{ jj{ }}"
+%<!vonx> "{vv{ } }{ll{ }}{ f{ }}{ jj{ }}"
+%<vonx> "{ll{ }}{ f{ }}{ jj{ }}"
+$ 't :=
+ nameptr #1 >
+ {
+%<m1> nameptr #1
+%<m2> nameptr #2
+%<m3> nameptr #3
+%<m4> nameptr #4
+%<m5> nameptr #5
+%<m6> nameptr #6
+%<m7> nameptr #7
+%<m8> nameptr #8
+%<m9> nameptr #9
+%<m0> nameptr #0
+%<m10> #10 +
+%<m20> #20 +
+%<m30> #30 +
+%<m40> #40 +
+%<m50> #50 +
+%<m60> #60 +
+%<m70> #70 +
+%<m80> #80 +
+%<m90> #90 +
+ #1 + =
+%<x1> numnames #1
+%<x2> numnames #2
+%<x3> numnames #3
+%<x4> numnames #4
+%<x5> numnames #5
+%<x6> numnames #6
+%<x7> numnames #7
+%<x8> numnames #8
+%<x9> numnames #9
+%<x0> numnames #0
+%<x10> #10 +
+%<x20> #20 +
+%<x30> #30 +
+%<x40> #40 +
+%<x50> #50 +
+%<x60> #60 +
+%<x70> #70 +
+%<x80> #80 +
+%<x90> #90 +
+ > and
+ { "others" 't :=
+ #1 'namesleft := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ " " *
+ namesleft #1 = t "others" = and
+ { "zzzzz" 't := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ numnames #2 > nameptr #2 = and
+ { "zz" * year field.or.null * " " *
+%<seq-labc> #1 'namesleft :=
+ }
+%<seq-labc> { t sortify * }
+%<!seq-labc> 'skip$
+ if$
+%<!seq-labc> t sortify *
+ }
+ { t sortify * }
+ if$
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
+ }
+ while$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`sort.format.title'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {sort.format.title}
+{ 't :=
+ "A " #2
+ "An " #3
+ "The " #4 t chop.word
+ chop.word
+ chop.word
+ sortify
+ #1 global.max$ substring$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`author.sort'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {author.sort}
+{ author empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { "to sort, need author or key in " cite$ * warning$
+ ""
+ }
+ { key sortify }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author sort.format.names }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`author.editor.sort'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {author.editor.sort}
+{ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { "to sort, need author, editor, or key in " cite$ * warning$
+ ""
+ }
+ { key sortify }
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor sort.format.names }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author sort.format.names }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`negate.year'}
+% This function negates the year by substituting each digit by its
+% complement. That is, 0 $\rightarrow$ 9, 1 $\rightarrow$ 8, etc. This is used
+% to provide ordering by descending year (latest year first).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {negate.year}
+{ year empty$
+ { "99999" }
+ { year #1 #1 substring$$ #105 swap$ -$
+ year #2 #1 substring$$ #105 swap$ -$ *
+ year #3 #1 substring$$ #105 swap$ -$ *
+ year #4 #1 substring$$ #105 swap$ -$ *
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`editor.sort'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {editor.sort}
+{ editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { "to sort, need editor or key in " cite$ * warning$
+ ""
+ }
+ { key sortify }
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor sort.format.names }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+INTEGERS { seq.num }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`init.seq'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {init.seq}
+{ #0 'seq.num :=}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+EXECUTE {init.seq}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{ "000000000" swap$$ *
+ #-1 #10 substring$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`presort'}
+% For unsorted author--year, make up the final sorting order in
+% \texttt{sort.label} with the original sequence number, for unsorting later.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {presort}
+{ calc.label
+ label sortify
+ " "
+ *
+ type$ "book" =
+ type$ "inbook" =
+ or
+ 'author.editor.sort
+ { type$ "proceedings" =
+ 'editor.sort
+ 'author.sort
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ #1 entry.max$ substring$
+ seq.num #1 + 'seq.num :=
+ seq.num
+ 'sort.label :=
+ sort.label
+ *
+%<seq-yr> " " * year field.or.null *
+%<seq-yrr&!seq-yr> " " * negate.year field.or.null *
+ " "
+ *
+ title field.or.null
+ sort.format.title
+ *
+%<seq-key|seq-yr|seq-yrr> " " * cite$ *
+ #1 entry.max$ substring$
+ 'sort.key$ :=
+% "For " cite$ * ", sort.key=" * sort.key$ * warning$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`author.organization.sort'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {author.organization.sort}
+{ author empty$
+ { organization empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { "to sort, need author, organization, or key in " cite$ * warning$
+ ""
+ }
+ { key sortify }
+ if$
+ }
+ { "The " #4 organization chop.word sortify }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author sort.format.names }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`editor.organization.sort'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {editor.organization.sort}
+{ editor empty$
+ { organization empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { "to sort, need editor, organization, or key in " cite$ * warning$
+ ""
+ }
+ { key sortify }
+ if$
+ }
+ { "The " #4 organization chop.word sortify }
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor sort.format.names }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`presort'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {presort}
+{ calc.label
+ sort.label
+ " "
+ *
+ type$ "book" =
+%<!alph>{ type$ "book" =
+ type$ "inbook" =
+ or
+ 'author.editor.sort
+ { type$ "proceedings" =
+ 'editor.organization.sort
+ { type$ "manual" =
+ 'author.organization.sort
+ 'author.sort
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+%<alph> *
+ " "
+ *
+%<seq-yrr> negate.year field.or.null sortify
+%<!seq-yrr> year field.or.null sortify
+%<!(seq-yr|seq-yrr)|alph> *
+ " "
+ *
+%<(seq-yr|seq-yrr)&!alph> swap$ *
+ title field.or.null
+ sort.format.title
+ *
+ #1 entry.max$ substring$
+ 'sort.key$ :=
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ITERATE {presort}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% With version~6.0 of \texttt{natbib}, the author-year styles can also be
+% used for numerical citations; then the \texttt{thebibliography} environment
+% must have an argument indicating the length of the longest label.
+% Simply count the references and add this number as the argument.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+STRINGS { last.label next.extra }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% With computer-generated articles, it is possible to have more than 26 articles
+% in one year. It has finally occurred that the extra labels go beyond `z'.
+% The current code now allows for `aa', \dots `az', 'ba', \dots `zz'. This
+% code was provided by Joseph Wright (2007 Oct 10).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+INTEGERS { last.extra.num last.extra.num.extended last.extra.num.blank number.label }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`initialize.extra.label.stuff'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {initialize.extra.label.stuff}
+{ #0$ 'last.label :=
+ "" 'next.extra :=
+ #0 'last.extra.num :=
+ "a"$ #1 - 'last.extra.num.blank :=
+ last.extra.num.blank 'last.extra.num.extended :=
+ #0 'number.label :=
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`forward.pass'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {forward.pass}
+{ last.label label =
+ { last.extra.num #1 + 'last.extra.num :=
+ last.extra.num "z"$ >
+ { "a"$ 'last.extra.num :=
+ last.extra.num.extended #1 + 'last.extra.num.extended :=
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ last.extra.num.extended last.extra.num.blank >
+ { last.extra.num.extended$
+ last.extra.num$
+ * 'extra.label := }
+ { last.extra.num$ 'extra.label := }
+ if$
+ }
+ { "a"$ 'last.extra.num :=
+ "" 'extra.label :=
+ label 'last.label :=
+ }
+ if$
+ number.label #1 + 'number.label :=
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+STRINGS { longest.label last.sort.label next.extra }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+INTEGERS { longest.label.width last.extra.num }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`initialize.longest.label'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label}
+{ "" 'longest.label :=
+ #0$ 'last.sort.label :=
+ "" 'next.extra :=
+ #0 'longest.label.width :=
+ #0 'last.extra.num :=
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{`forward.pass'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {forward.pass}
+{ last.sort.label sort.label =
+ { last.extra.num #1 + 'last.extra.num :=
+ last.extra.num$ 'extra.label :=
+ }
+ { "a"$ 'last.extra.num :=
+ "" 'extra.label :=
+ sort.label 'last.sort.label :=
+ }
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`reverse.pass'}
+% The extra label is added in braces so that natbib can treat it as one unit.
+% This allows extra labels to be more than one letter long. For non-NFSS
+% emphasizing, this is no problem, since labels go in |{\em a}|, but for
+% non-emphasizing and for NFSS, it caused troubles without the braces.
+% The trouble arises with multiple citations in one |\cite| in which
+% authors and years are the same, and only the extra label is given for
+% the next one. Note: |\emph{a}| is more than one letter long in this sense,
+% so it is not just a problem for more than 26 papers with same authors and
+% year.
+% The command |\natexlab| now encloses the extra label for \texttt{natbib}
+% styles. This command normally just prints its argument, but for numerical
+% citation mode, it swallows its argument. This allows the extra labels to
+% be suppressed for numerical citations where they are superfluous.
+% The enclosing braces mentioned above must be included here to make the
+% entire extra label text a single token for \texttt{natbib}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {reverse.pass}
+{ next.extra "b" =
+ { "a" 'extra.label := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ extra.label 'next.extra :=
+ extra.label
+%<xlab-it> emphasize
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { "{\natexlab{" swap$ * "}}" * }
+ if$
+ 'extra.label :=
+%<!(har|ast|cay|nmd|cn)> label extra.label * 'label :=
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {reverse.pass}
+{ next.extra "b" =
+ { "a" 'extra.label := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ label extra.label * 'label :=
+ label width$ longest.label.width >
+ { label 'longest.label :=
+ label width$ 'longest.label.width :=
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ extra.label 'next.extra :=
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<ay>EXECUTE {initialize.extra.label.stuff}
+%<!ay&alph>EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ITERATE {forward.pass}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+REVERSE {reverse.pass}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {bib.sort.order}
+{ sort.label
+ " "
+ *
+%<seq-yrr> negate.year field.or.null sortify
+%<!seq-yrr> year field.or.null sortify
+%<(seq-yr|seq-yrr)&!(seq-lab|seq-key|seq-labc)> swap$
+ *
+ " "
+ *
+ title field.or.null
+ sort.format.title
+ *
+%<seq-key|seq-yr|seq-yrr> " " * cite$ *
+ #1 entry.max$ substring$
+ 'sort.key$ :=
+% "For " cite$ * ", bib.sort.key=" * sort.key$ * warning$
+%<har|cay|nmd|cn|ast> calc.short.label
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ITERATE {bib.sort.order}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+STRINGS { longest.label }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+INTEGERS { number.label longest.label.width }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label}
+{ "" 'longest.label :=
+ #1 'number.label :=
+ #0 'longest.label.width :=
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {longest.label.pass}
+{ number.label$ 'label :=
+ number.label #1 + 'number.label :=
+%<cite>{ cite$ 'label :=
+ label width$ longest.label.width >
+ { label 'longest.label :=
+ label width$ 'longest.label.width :=
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ITERATE {longest.label.pass}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`begin.bib'}
+% The function \texttt{begin.bib} writes the initial text to the \texttt{.bbl}
+% file. The most important matter here is that the \texttt{thebibliography}
+% environment is invoked.
+% Note: the French quotation marks are called `guillimets'; Adobe erroneously
+% named the symbols `guillimot', which is an arctic bird. The error has so
+% propagated, that it can no longer be corrected. \LaTeX\ took it over.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {begin.bib}
+ { "\newcommand{\etalchar}[1]{$^{#1}$}" write$ newline$ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ preamble$ empty$
+%<ay|!alph>{ preamble$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { preamble$ write$ newline$ }
+ if$
+%<ay> "\begin{thebibliography}{" number.label$ * "}" *
+%<!ay> "\begin{thebibliography}{" longest.label * "}" *
+ write$ newline$
+ "\typeout{**********************************}" write$ newline$
+ "\typeout{The bst file has been generated with inconsistent options}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\typeout{Read the warning message at the start of the bst file}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\typeout{**********************************}" write$ newline$
+%<!tit-it&tit-qq&qt-s> "\newcommand{\enquote}[1]{`#1'}"
+%<!tit-it&tit-qq&!qt-s&!qt-g> "\newcommand{\enquote}[1]{``#1''}"
+%<!tit-it&tit-qq&qt-s> "\def\enquote#1{`#1'}"
+%<!tit-it&tit-qq&!qt-s&!qt-g> "\def\enquote#1{``#1''}"
+%<!plntx> "\let\enquote\frquote"
+ "\def\guillemotleft{%"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \leavevmode\raise .27ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\ll$}}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\def\guillemotright{%"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \leavevmode\raise .27ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\gg$}}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\def\enquote#1{\guillemotleft#1\guillemotright}"
+%<!tit-it&tit-qq> write$ newline$
+%<umlaut> "\let\qq=\" quote$ * write$ newline$
+%<em-ul> "\expandafter\ifx\csname uline\endcsname\relax\let\uline\underline\fi"
+%<em-ul> write$ newline$
+%<!plntx> "\providecommand{\natexlab}[1]{#1}"
+%<plntx> "\expandafter\ifx\csname natexlab\endcsname\relax\def\natexlab#1{#1}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+ "{\catcode`\|=0\catcode`\#=12\catcode`\@=11\catcode`\\=12" write$ newline$
+ "|immediate|write|@auxout{\expandafter\ifx\csname natexlab\endcsname\relax\gdef\natexlab#1{#1}\fi}}"
+ write$ newline$
+%<!plntx> "\providecommand{\bibnamefont}[1]{#1}"
+%<plntx> "\expandafter\ifx\csname bibnamefont\endcsname\relax"
+%<plntx> write$ newline$
+%<plntx> " \def\bibnamefont#1{#1}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+%<!plntx> "\providecommand{\bibfnamefont}[1]{#1}"
+%<plntx> "\expandafter\ifx\csname bibfnamefont\endcsname\relax"
+%<plntx> write$ newline$
+%<plntx> " \def\bibfnamefont#1{#1}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+%<!plntx> "\providecommand{\citenamefont}[1]{#1}"
+%<plntx> "\expandafter\ifx\csname citenamefont\endcsname\relax"
+%<plntx> write$ newline$
+%<plntx> " \def\citenamefont#1{#1}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+%<nfss> "\providecommand{\url}[1]{\texttt{#1}}"
+%<!nfss> "\providecommand{\url}[1]{{\tt #1}}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\providecommand{\urlprefix}{}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\expandafter\ifx\csname url\endcsname\relax"
+ write$ newline$
+%<nfss> " \def\url#1{\texttt{#1}}\fi"
+%<!nfss> " \def\url#1{{\tt #1}}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\expandafter\ifx\csname urlprefix\endcsname\relax\def\urlprefix{}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\expandafter\ifx\csname urlstyle\endcsname\relax"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \providecommand{\doi}[1]{doi:\discretionary{}{}{}#1}\else"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \providecommand{\doi}{doi:\discretionary{}{}{}\begingroup \urlstyle{rm}\Url}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \expandafter\ifx\csname doi\endcsname\relax"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \def\doi#1{doi:\discretionary{}{}{}#1}\fi \else"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \expandafter\ifx\csname doi\endcsname\relax"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \def\doi{doi:\discretionary{}{}{}\begingroup \urlstyle{rm}\Url}\fi \fi"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\providecommand{\doiprefix}{doi: }"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\expandafter\ifx\csname href\endcsname\relax"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \providecommand{\urldoi}[1]{#1}\else"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \providecommand{\urldoi}[1]{\href{}{#1}}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+%<!plntx> "\providecommand{\selectlanguage}[1]{\relax}"
+ "\expandafter\ifx\csname selectlanguage\endcsname\relax"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \def\selectlanguage#1{}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\input{francaisbst.tex}" write$ newline$
+ "\newcommand{\Capitalize}[1]{\uppercase{#1}}" write$ newline$
+ "\newcommand{\capitalize}[1]{\expandafter\Capitalize#1}" write$ newline$
+ "\providecommand{\bibAnnoteFile}[1]{%"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \IfFileExists{#1}{\begin{quotation}\noindent\textsc{Key:} #1\\"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \textsc{Annotation:}\ \input{#1}\end{quotation}}{}}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\providecommand{\bibAnnote}[2]{%"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \begin{quotation}\noindent\textsc{Key:} #1\\"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \textsc{Annotation:}\ #2\end{quotation}}"
+ write$ newline$
+%<!plntx> "\providecommand{\bibinfo}[2]{#2}"
+%<plntx> "\expandafter\ifx\csname bibinfo\endcsname\relax\def\bibinfo#1#2{#2}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+%<!plntx> "\providecommand{\eprint}[2][]{\url{#2}}"
+%<plntx> "\expandafter\ifx\csname eprint\endcsname\relax\def\eprint#1{\url{#1}}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+"<html><head><title>Bibliography Listing</title></head>" write$ newline$
+"<body>" write$ newline$
+"<h2>Bibliography</h2>" write$ newline$
+%<htdes>"<dl>" write$ newline$
+%<!htdes&htlist>"<ol>" write$ newline$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+EXECUTE {begin.bib}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+EXECUTE {init.state.consts}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ITERATE {call.type$}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{`end.bib'}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+FUNCTION {end.bib}
+{ newline$
+%<!html> "\end{thebibliography}" write$ newline$
+%<html> "</dl></body></html>" write$ newline$
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+EXECUTE {end.bib}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \section{The File \texttt{francaisbst.tex} for French}
+% The following contains the definitions for the \texttt{babel} language
+% selection as they apply to French. This file may be extracted with
+% \dtx{} and the option \texttt{bblbst}.
+% \changes{2.0}{2023-10-28}{La traduction française «cahier de
+% recherche» est remplacée par «rapport technique».}
+% \changes{2.0}{2023-10-28}{La traduction française «éditeur»
+% (éd.) est remplacée par «directeur» («dir.»).}
+% \changes{2.0}{2023-10-28}{La traduction française «édité par» est
+% remplacée par «sous la direction de».}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ % This is francaisbst.tex for French.
+\def\bbland{et} \def\bbletal{et~collab.}
+\def\bbleditors{directeurs} \def\bbleds{dir.}
+\def\bbleditor{directeur} \def\bbled{dir.}
+\def\bbledby{sous la direction de}
+\def\bbledition{\'edition} \def\bbledn{\'ed.}
+\def\bblvolume{volume} \def\bblvol{vol.}
+\def\bblnumber{num\'ero} \def\bblno{{\no}}
+\def\bblpages{pages} \def\bblpp{p.}
+\def\bblpage{page} \def\bblp{p.}
+\def\bblchapter{chaptitre} \def\bblchap{chap.}
+\def\bbltechreport{rapport technique}
+\def\bbltechrep{rapport technique}
+\def\bblmthesis{m\'emoire de ma\^itrise}
+\def\bblphdthesis{th\`ese de doctorat}
+\def\bblfirst{premi\`ere} \def\bblfirsto{1{\iere}}
+\def\bblsecond{seconde} \def\bblsecondo{2{\ieme}}
+\def\bblthird{troisi\`eme} \def\bblthirdo{3{\ieme}}
+\def\bblfourth{quatri\`eme} \def\bblfourtho{4{\ieme}}
+\def\bblfifth{cinqui\`eme} \def\bblfiftho{5{\ieme}}
+\def\bblst{{\iere}} \def\bblnd{{\ieme}} \def\bblrd{{\ieme}}
+\def\bbljan{janvier} \def\bblfeb{f\'evrier} \def\bblmar{mars}
+\def\bblapr{avril} \def\bblmay{mai} \def\bbljun{juin}
+\def\bbljul{juillet} \def\bblaug{ao\^ut} \def\bblsep{septembre}
+\def\bbloct{octobre} \def\bblnov{novembre} \def\bbldec{d\'ecembre}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \Finale
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francais.dbj b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francais.dbj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8d5804bbab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francais.dbj
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+%% Driver file to produce francais.bst from francais-bst.mbs
+%% First generated with makebst, version 4.1 (2003/09/08), from
+%% merlin.mbs on 2012/10/15 at 1:06.
+%% Generated again with makebst, version 4.1 (2003/09/08), from
+%% francais-bst.mbs on 2023/10/25 at 13:17, then hand edited by
+%% Vincent Goulet.
+\input docstrip
+Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Vincent Goulet
+This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
+of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
+license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
+of this license is in:
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+The Current Maintainer of this work is Vincent Goulet
+This work consists of the master bibliographic style file
+francais-bst.mbs; the driver files francais.dbj and francaissc.dbj;
+the derived files francais.bst, francaissc.bst, francaisbst.tex.
+End of customized bst file
+%Name of language file: \cfile=.
+%No included files.
+%INTERNAL LANGUAGE SUPPORT (if no external language file)
+% %: (def) English
+ babel,%: Babel
+% %: (def) Numerical
+ ay,%: Author-year
+% alph,%: Alpha style, Jon90 or JWB90
+% alph,alf-1,%: Alpha style, Jon90
+% alph,alf-f,%: Alpha style, Jones90
+% cite,%: Cite key
+%HTML OUTPUT (if non author-year citations)
+% %: (def) Normal LaTeX
+% html,%: Hypertext
+% html,htlist,%: Hypertext list
+% html,htdes,%: Hypertext with keys
+%AUTHOR--YEAR SUPPORT SYSTEM (if author-year citations)
+ nat,%: Natbib
+% %: (def) Older Natbib
+% alk,%: Apalike
+% har,%: Harvard
+% ast,%: Astronomy
+% cay,%: Chicago
+% nmd,%: Named
+% cn,%: Author-date
+%HARVARD EXTENSIONS INCLUDED (if Harvard support selected)
+% harnm,%: With Harvard extensions
+% %: (def) Older Harvard
+% %: (def) No language field
+ lang,%: Add language field
+ %: (def) No annotations
+% annote,%: Annotations
+ %: (def) Do not add presentation type
+% pres,%: Add presentation, speaker not highlighted
+% pres,pres-bf,%: Presentation, speaker bold face
+% pres,pres-it,%: Presentaion, speaker italic
+% pres,pres-sc,%: Presentaion, speaker in small caps
+%ORDERING OF REFERENCES (if non-author/year and non-alph)
+% %: (def) Alphabetical
+% seq-no,%: Citation order
+% seq-yr,%: Year ordered
+% seq-yrr,%: Reverse year ordered
+%ORDERING OF REFERENCES (if author-year citations)
+ %: (def) Alphabetical
+% seq-lab,%: By label
+% seq-labc,%: By label and cite order
+% seq-key,%: By label and cite key
+% seq-yr,%: Year ordered
+% seq-yrr,%: Reverse year ordered
+% seq-no,%: Citation order
+%ORDER ON VON PART (if not citation order)
+% %: (def) Sort on von part
+ vonx,%: Sort without von part
+%IGNORE FIRST NAMES (if author-year citations)
+ %: (def) Respect first names
+% xintls,%: Sort on surname only
+% ed-au,%: Full, surname last
+% nm-revf,%: Full, surname first
+% nm-init,ed-au,%: Initials + surname
+% nm-rev,%: Surname + initials
+% nm-rv,%: Surname + dotless initials
+% nm-rvvc,%: Surname + comma + spaceless initials
+% nm-rvx,%: Surname + pure initials
+% nm-rvcx,%: Surname + comma + pure initials
+% nm-rvv,%: Surname + spaceless initials
+ nm-rev1,%: Only first name reversed, initials
+% nm-revv1,%: First name reversed, with full names
+%EDITOR NAMES IN COLLECTIONS (if author names reversed)
+ %: (def) Editor names NOT reversed
+% ed-rev,%: Editor names reversed
+%POSITION OF JUNIOR (if author names reversed)
+ jnrlst,%: Junior comes last
+% %: (def) Junior between
+%JUNIOR PART IN THE CITATION (if author-year citations)
+ %: (def) No `junior' part in the citations
+% jnrlab,%: `Junior' in citations
+ %: (def) Author names separated by commas
+% aunm-semi,%: Names separated by semi-colon
+% aunm-sl,%: Names separated by slash
+ %: (def) Author/editor names always present
+% nmdash,%: Repeated author/editor names replaced by dash
+% nmdash,nmd-2,%: Repeated author/editor names replaced by 2 dashes
+% nmdash,nmd-3,%: Repeated author/editor names replaced by 3 dashes
+ %: (def) All authors
+% nmlm,%: Limited authors
+ %: (def) One author et al
+% mcite,%: Some other truncation scheme
+%MAX AUTHORS BEFORE ET AL: (if regular cite not selected)
+% mct-1,%: One et al
+% mct-2,%: One, Two et al
+% mct-3,%: One, Two, Three et al
+% mct-4,%: One, Two, Three, Four et al
+% mct-5,%: One, Two, Three, Four, Five et al
+% mct-6,%: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six et al
+%MAX AUTHORS WITHOUT ET AL: (if regular cite not selected)
+% mct-x2,%: Two authors without truncating
+% mct-x3,%: Three authors
+% mct-x4,%: Four authors
+% mct-x5,%: Five authors
+% mct-x6,%: Six authors
+ %: (def) Normal font for author names
+% nmft,nmft-sc,%: Small caps authors
+% nmft,nmft-it,%: Italic authors
+% nmft,nmft-bf,%: Bold authors
+% nmft,nmft-def,%: User defined author font
+%FONT FOR FIRST NAMES (if non-default font for authors)
+% %: (def) First names same font as surnames
+% fnm-rm,%: First names in normal font
+% fnm-def,%: First names in user defined font
+% %: (def) Editors incollection normal font
+% nmfted,%: Editors incollection like authors
+% %: (def) `And' in author font
+% nmand-rm,%: `And' in normal font
+%FONT OF CITATION LABELS IN TEXT (if author-year citations)
+ %: (def) Cited authors plain
+% lab,lab-it,%: Cited authors italic
+% lab,lab-sc,%: Cited authors small caps
+% lab,lab-bf,%: Cited authors bold
+% lab,lab-def,%: User defined citation font
+%FONT FOR `AND' IN CITATIONS (if non-default font for citation lables)
+% %: (def) Cited `and' in author font
+% and-rm,%: Cited `and' in normal font
+%FONT OF EXTRA LABEL (The extra letter on the year)
+ %: (def) Extra label plain
+% xlab-it,%: Extra label italic
+%LABEL WHEN AUTHORS MISSING (if author-year citations)
+ keyxyr,%: Year blank when KEY replaces missing author
+% %: (def) Year included when KEY replaces missing author
+%MISSING DATE (if author-year citations)
+% %: (def) Missing date set to ????
+ blkyear,%: Missing date left blank
+% %: (def) Date at end
+ dt-beg,%: Date after authors
+% dt-jnl,%: Date part of journal spec.
+% dt-end,%: Date at very end
+%DATE FORMAT (if non author-year citations)
+% %: (def) Plain month and year
+% yr-par,%: Date in parentheses
+% yr-brk,%: Date in brackets
+% yr-col,%: Date preceded by colon
+% yr-per,%: Date preceded by period
+% yr-com,%: Date preceded by comma
+% yr-blk,%: Date preceded by space
+% %: (def) Date is month and year
+% xmth,%: Date is year only
+%REVERSED DATE (if including month)
+% %: (def) Date as month year
+% dtrev,%: Date as year month
+%DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
+% %: (def) Year plain
+% yr-par,%: Year in parentheses
+% yr-brk,%: Year in brackets
+% yr-col,%: Year preceded by colon
+ yr-per,%: Year preceded by period
+% yr-com,%: Date preceded by comma
+% yr-blk,%: Year preceded by space
+ %: (def) Date is year only
+% aymth,%: Include month in date
+%REVERSED DATE (if including month)
+% %: (def) Date as month year
+% dtrev,%: Date as year month
+%DATE PUNCTUATION (if date not at end)
+ %: (def) Date with standard block punctuation
+% yrp-col,%: Colon after date
+% yrp-semi,%: Semi-colon after date
+% yrp-per,%: Period after date
+% yrp-x,%: No punct. after date
+ %: (def) Space after date
+% yrpp-xsp,%: No space after date
+ %: (def) Date in normal font
+% dtbf,%: Date in bold face
+%TRUNCATE YEAR (if author-year citations)
+ note-yr,%: Year text full
+% %: (def) Year truncated
+% %: (def) Title plain
+% tit-it,%: Title italic
+% tit-qq,qt-s,%: Title and punctuation in single quotes
+% tit-qq,%: Title and punctuation in double quotes
+% tit-qq,qt-g,%: Title and punctuation in guillemets
+% tit-qq,qt-s,qx,%: Title in single quotes
+% tit-qq,qx,%: Title in double quotes
+ tit-qq,qt-g,qx,%: Title in guillemets
+% bt-qq,%: Quote collection and proceedings titles
+ %: (def) Collection and proceedings titles not in quotes
+ %: (def) Sentence style
+% atit-u,%: Title style
+ %: (def) Article title present
+% jtit-x,%: No article title
+ %: (def) Periods in journal names
+% jxper,%: Dotless journal names
+ %: (def) Journal name italics
+% jttl-rm,%: Journal name normal
+ %: (def) Thesis titles like books
+% thtit-a,%: Thesis title like article
+% thtit-x,%: No thesis title
+% %: (def) Tech. report title like articles
+ trtit-b,%: Tech. report title like books
+ %: (def) Tech. report and number plain
+% trnum-it,%: Tech. report and number italic
+ %: (def) Volume plain
+% vol-it,%: Volume italic
+% vol-bf,%: Volume bold
+% vol-2bf,%: Volume and number bold
+% %: (def) Journal vol(num)
+% vnum-sp,%: Journal vol (num)
+% vnum-cm,%: Journal vol, num
+ vnum-nr,%: Journal vol, no. num
+% vnum-h,%: Journal vol, \# number
+% vnum-b,%: Journal vol number
+% vnum-x,%: Journal vol, without number
+% %: (def) Volume with colon
+% volp-sp,%: Volume with colon and space
+% volp-semi,%: Volume with semi-colon
+ volp-com,%: Volume with comma
+% volp-blk,%: Volume with blank
+ %: (def) Journal year like others
+% jdt-v,%: Journal vol(year)
+% jdt-vs,%: Journal vol (year)
+% jdt-p,%: Year with pages
+% jdt-pc,%: Year, comma, pages
+ %: (def) Start and stop page numbers
+% jpg-1,%: Only start page number
+% %: (def) No separators for large page numbers
+% pgsep-c,%: Comma inserted over 9999
+ pgsep-s,%: Thin space inserted over 9999
+% pgsep-p,%: Period inserted over 9999
+% %: (def) Article pages numbers only
+ jwdpg,%: Include `page' in articles
+ %: (def) Pages given mid text
+% pp-last,%: Pages at end
+% %: (def) Article volume as number only
+ jwdvol,%: Include `volume' in articles
+ num-xser,%: Allows number without series
+% %: (def) Standard BibTeX
+% %: (def) After chapter and pages
+ numser,%: Just before publisher
+% %: (def) Vol. 23 of Series
+ ser-vol,%: Series, vol. 23
+% %: (def) Series and volume after the editors
+ ser-ed,%: Series and volume after booktitle
+ %: (def) Comma after journal
+% jnm-x,%: Space after journal
+ %: (def) Book title italic
+% btit-rm,bt-rm,%: Book title plain
+ %: (def) Pages in book plain
+% bkpg-par,%: Pages in book in parentheses
+% bkpg-x,%: Pages in book bare
+% %: (def) Total book pages not printed
+ pg-bk,%: For book: 345 pages
+% pg-bk,pg-pre,%: Total book pages before publisher
+ %: (def) Publisher, address
+% add-pub,%: Address: Publisher
+ %: (def) Publisher as normal block
+% pub-par,%: Publisher in parentheses
+% pub-date,%: Publisher and date in parentheses
+% pub-date,pub-xc,%: Publisher and date in parentheses, no comma
+% pub-date,pub-xpar,%: Publisher and date without parentheses
+% pub-date,pub-xpar,pub-xc,%: Publisher and date, no parentheses, no comma
+% %: (def) Publisher after chapter, pages
+ pre-pub,%: Publisher before chapter, pages
+ pre-edn,%: Publisher after edition
+ isbn,%: Include ISBN
+% %: (def) No ISBN
+% issn,%: Include ISSN
+ %: (def) No ISSN
+% doi,%: Include DOI
+ url-doi,%: Format DOI as URL //
+% agu-doi,doi,%: Insert DOI AGU style
+% %: (def) No DOI
+% %: (def) Word `editor' after name
+% edpar,%: `Name (editor),'
+% edpar,bkedcap,%: `Name (Editor),'
+% edparc,%: `Name, (editor)'
+% edparc,bkedcap,%: `Name, (Editor)'
+ edparxc,%: `Name (editor)'
+% edparxc,bkedcap,%: `Name (Editor)'
+% %: (def) Same as for edited book
+ edby,%: In booktitle, edited by ..
+% edby-par,%: In booktitle (edited by ..)
+% edby-parc,%: In booktitle, (edited by ..)
+% edby,edbyx,%: In booktitle, editor ..
+% edby,edbyw,%: In booktitle, (editor) ..
+% edby-par,edbyx,%: In booktitle (editor..)
+% edby-parc,edbyx,%: In booktitle, (editor..)
+% edby,edbyy,%: In booktitle, .., editor
+% edby-par,edbyy,%: In booktitle (.., editor)
+%CAPITALIZE `EDITOR' OR `EDITED BY' (if editor capitalizable)
+% %: (def) `(editor,..)' or `(edited by..)'
+% edcap,%: `(Editor,..)' or `(Edited by..)'
+% %: (def) \newblock after blocks
+ blk-com,%: Comma between blocks
+% blk-com,com-semi,%: Semi-colon between blocks
+% blk-com,com-blank,%: Blanks between blocks
+% blk-tit,%: Period after titles of articles, books, etc
+% blk-tit,tit-col,%: Colon after titles of articles, books, etc
+% blk-tita,%: Period after titles of articles
+% blk-tita,tit-col,%: Colon after titles of articles
+%PUNCTUATION BEFORE NOTES (if not using \newblock)
+% %: (def) Notes have regular punctuation
+ blknt,%: Notes preceded by period
+ %: (def) Author block normal
+% au-col,%: Author block with colon
+ %: (def) Space after `in'
+% in-col,%: Colon after `in'
+% in-it,%: Italic `in'
+% in-col,in-it,%: Italic `in' and colon
+% in-x,%: No word `in'
+%`IN' WITH JOURNAL NAMES (if using 'in' with collections)
+ %: (def) No `in' before journal name
+% injnl,%: Add `in' before journal name
+ %: (def) Period at very end
+% fin-bare,%: No period at end
+%ABBREVIATE WORD `PAGES' (if not using external language file)
+% %: (def) `Page(s)'
+ pp,%: `Page' abbreviated
+% ppx,%: `Page' omitted
+% %: (def) `Editor(s)'
+ ed,%: `Editor' abbreviated
+% %: (def) No abbreviations
+ abr,%: Abbreviations
+%ABBREVIATION FOR `EDITION' (if abbreviating words)
+ %: (def) `Edition' abbreviated as `edn'
+% ednx,%: `Edition' abbreviated as `ed'
+ %: (def) Months with dots
+% mth-bare,%: Months without dots
+% xedn,%: Editions as in database
+% %: (def) Write out editions
+ ord,%: Numerical editions
+%Reading external language file \cfile=
+ %: (def) Full journal names
+% jabr,%: Abbreviated journal names
+% jabr,jaa,%: Abbreviated with astronomy shorthands
+ %: (def) Use word `and'
+% amper,%: Use ampersand
+% varand,%: Use \BIBand
+% %: (def) Comma before `and'
+ and-xcom,%: No comma before `and'
+% and-com,%: Comma even with 2 authors
+%COMMA BEFORE `AND' EVEN FOR COLLECTION EDITORS (if using comma before `and' with authors)
+% and-com-ed,%: Comma with 2 editors
+% %: (def) Two editors without comma
+ %: (def) With `and'
+% xand,%: No `and'
+% %: (def) Comma before `et al'
+ etal-xc,%: No comma before `et al'
+ %: (def) Plain et al
+% etal-it,%: Italic et al
+% etal-rm,%: Roman et al
+ %: (def) No additional fields
+% revdata,eprint,url,url-blk,%: Include REVTeX data fields
+%E-PRINT DATA FIELD: (without REVTeX fields)
+ %: (def) Do not include eprint field
+% eprint,%: Include eprint and archive fields
+%URL ADDRESS: (without REVTeX fields)
+% %: (def) No URL
+ url,url-blk,%: Include URL
+% url,url-nt,%: URL as note
+% url,url-nl,%: URL on new line
+ %: (def) No reference component tags
+% bibinfo,%: Reference component tags
+%EMPHASIS: (affects all so-called italics)
+ %: (def) Use emphasis
+% em-it,%: Use true italics
+% em-x,%: No italics
+% em-ul,%: Underlining
+ nfss,%: Use LaTeX commands
+% plntx,%: Use only Plain TeX
+ }}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francaisbst.dbj b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francaisbst.dbj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c177a3dde40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francaisbst.dbj
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+%% Driver file to produce francaisbst.tex from francais-bst.mbs
+\input docstrip
+Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Vincent Goulet
+This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
+of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
+license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
+of this license is in:
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+The Current Maintainer of this work is Vincent Goulet
+This work consists of the master bibliographic style file
+francais-bst.mbs; the driver files francais.dbj and francaissc.dbj;
+the derived files francais.bst, francaissc.bst, francaisbst.tex.
+\endbatchfile \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francaissc.dbj b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francaissc.dbj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..257e4f99e1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/francais-bst/francaissc.dbj
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+%% Driver file to produce francaissc.bst from francais-bst.mbs
+%% First generated with makebst, version 4.1 (2003/09/08), from
+%% merlin.mbs on 2012/10/15 at 1:06.
+%% Generated again with makebst, version 4.1 (2003/09/08), from
+%% francais-bst.mbs on 2023/10/25 at 14:11, then hand edited by
+%% Vincent Goulet.
+\input docstrip
+Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Vincent Goulet
+This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
+of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
+license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
+of this license is in:
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+The Current Maintainer of this work is Vincent Goulet
+This work consists of the master bibliographic style file
+francais-bst.mbs; the driver files francais.dbj and francaissc.dbj;
+the derived files francais.bst, francaissc.bst, francaisbst.tex.
+End of customized bst file
+%Name of language file: \cfile=.
+%No included files.
+%INTERNAL LANGUAGE SUPPORT (if no external language file)
+% %: (def) English
+ babel,%: Babel
+% %: (def) Numerical
+ ay,%: Author-year
+% alph,%: Alpha style, Jon90 or JWB90
+% alph,alf-1,%: Alpha style, Jon90
+% alph,alf-f,%: Alpha style, Jones90
+% cite,%: Cite key
+%HTML OUTPUT (if non author-year citations)
+% %: (def) Normal LaTeX
+% html,%: Hypertext
+% html,htlist,%: Hypertext list
+% html,htdes,%: Hypertext with keys
+%AUTHOR--YEAR SUPPORT SYSTEM (if author-year citations)
+ nat,%: Natbib
+% %: (def) Older Natbib
+% alk,%: Apalike
+% har,%: Harvard
+% ast,%: Astronomy
+% cay,%: Chicago
+% nmd,%: Named
+% cn,%: Author-date
+%HARVARD EXTENSIONS INCLUDED (if Harvard support selected)
+% harnm,%: With Harvard extensions
+% %: (def) Older Harvard
+% %: (def) No language field
+ lang,%: Add language field
+ %: (def) No annotations
+% annote,%: Annotations
+ %: (def) Do not add presentation type
+% pres,%: Add presentation, speaker not highlighted
+% pres,pres-bf,%: Presentation, speaker bold face
+% pres,pres-it,%: Presentaion, speaker italic
+% pres,pres-sc,%: Presentaion, speaker in small caps
+%ORDERING OF REFERENCES (if non-author/year and non-alph)
+% %: (def) Alphabetical
+% seq-no,%: Citation order
+% seq-yr,%: Year ordered
+% seq-yrr,%: Reverse year ordered
+%ORDERING OF REFERENCES (if author-year citations)
+ %: (def) Alphabetical
+% seq-lab,%: By label
+% seq-labc,%: By label and cite order
+% seq-key,%: By label and cite key
+% seq-yr,%: Year ordered
+% seq-yrr,%: Reverse year ordered
+% seq-no,%: Citation order
+%ORDER ON VON PART (if not citation order)
+% %: (def) Sort on von part
+ vonx,%: Sort without von part
+%IGNORE FIRST NAMES (if author-year citations)
+ %: (def) Respect first names
+% xintls,%: Sort on surname only
+% ed-au,%: Full, surname last
+% nm-revf,%: Full, surname first
+% nm-init,ed-au,%: Initials + surname
+% nm-rev,%: Surname + initials
+% nm-rv,%: Surname + dotless initials
+% nm-rvvc,%: Surname + comma + spaceless initials
+% nm-rvx,%: Surname + pure initials
+% nm-rvcx,%: Surname + comma + pure initials
+% nm-rvv,%: Surname + spaceless initials
+ nm-rev1,%: Only first name reversed, initials
+% nm-revv1,%: First name reversed, with full names
+%EDITOR NAMES IN COLLECTIONS (if author names reversed)
+ %: (def) Editor names NOT reversed
+% ed-rev,%: Editor names reversed
+%POSITION OF JUNIOR (if author names reversed)
+ jnrlst,%: Junior comes last
+% %: (def) Junior between
+%JUNIOR PART IN THE CITATION (if author-year citations)
+ %: (def) No `junior' part in the citations
+% jnrlab,%: `Junior' in citations
+ %: (def) Author names separated by commas
+% aunm-semi,%: Names separated by semi-colon
+% aunm-sl,%: Names separated by slash
+ %: (def) Author/editor names always present
+% nmdash,%: Repeated author/editor names replaced by dash
+% nmdash,nmd-2,%: Repeated author/editor names replaced by 2 dashes
+% nmdash,nmd-3,%: Repeated author/editor names replaced by 3 dashes
+ %: (def) All authors
+% nmlm,%: Limited authors
+ %: (def) One author et al
+% mcite,%: Some other truncation scheme
+%MAX AUTHORS BEFORE ET AL: (if regular cite not selected)
+% mct-1,%: One et al
+% mct-2,%: One, Two et al
+% mct-3,%: One, Two, Three et al
+% mct-4,%: One, Two, Three, Four et al
+% mct-5,%: One, Two, Three, Four, Five et al
+% mct-6,%: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six et al
+%MAX AUTHORS WITHOUT ET AL: (if regular cite not selected)
+% mct-x2,%: Two authors without truncating
+% mct-x3,%: Three authors
+% mct-x4,%: Four authors
+% mct-x5,%: Five authors
+% mct-x6,%: Six authors
+% %: (def) Normal font for author names
+ nmft,nmft-sc,%: Small caps authors
+% nmft,nmft-it,%: Italic authors
+% nmft,nmft-bf,%: Bold authors
+% nmft,nmft-def,%: User defined author font
+%FONT FOR FIRST NAMES (if non-default font for authors)
+ %: (def) First names same font as surnames
+% fnm-rm,%: First names in normal font
+% fnm-def,%: First names in user defined font
+ %: (def) Editors incollection normal font
+% nmfted,%: Editors incollection like authors
+% %: (def) `And' in author font
+ nmand-rm,%: `And' in normal font
+%FONT OF CITATION LABELS IN TEXT (if author-year citations)
+% %: (def) Cited authors plain
+% lab,lab-it,%: Cited authors italic
+ lab,lab-sc,%: Cited authors small caps
+% lab,lab-bf,%: Cited authors bold
+% lab,lab-def,%: User defined citation font
+%FONT FOR `AND' IN CITATIONS (if non-default font for citation lables)
+% %: (def) Cited `and' in author font
+ and-rm,%: Cited `and' in normal font
+%FONT OF EXTRA LABEL (The extra letter on the year)
+ %: (def) Extra label plain
+% xlab-it,%: Extra label italic
+%LABEL WHEN AUTHORS MISSING (if author-year citations)
+ keyxyr,%: Year blank when KEY replaces missing author
+% %: (def) Year included when KEY replaces missing author
+%MISSING DATE (if author-year citations)
+% %: (def) Missing date set to ????
+ blkyear,%: Missing date left blank
+% %: (def) Date at end
+ dt-beg,%: Date after authors
+% dt-jnl,%: Date part of journal spec.
+% dt-end,%: Date at very end
+%DATE FORMAT (if non author-year citations)
+% %: (def) Plain month and year
+% yr-par,%: Date in parentheses
+% yr-brk,%: Date in brackets
+% yr-col,%: Date preceded by colon
+% yr-per,%: Date preceded by period
+% yr-com,%: Date preceded by comma
+% yr-blk,%: Date preceded by space
+% %: (def) Date is month and year
+% xmth,%: Date is year only
+%REVERSED DATE (if including month)
+% %: (def) Date as month year
+% dtrev,%: Date as year month
+%DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
+% %: (def) Year plain
+% yr-par,%: Year in parentheses
+% yr-brk,%: Year in brackets
+% yr-col,%: Year preceded by colon
+ yr-per,%: Year preceded by period
+% yr-com,%: Date preceded by comma
+% yr-blk,%: Year preceded by space
+ %: (def) Date is year only
+% aymth,%: Include month in date
+%REVERSED DATE (if including month)
+% %: (def) Date as month year
+% dtrev,%: Date as year month
+%DATE PUNCTUATION (if date not at end)
+ %: (def) Date with standard block punctuation
+% yrp-col,%: Colon after date
+% yrp-semi,%: Semi-colon after date
+% yrp-per,%: Period after date
+% yrp-x,%: No punct. after date
+ %: (def) Space after date
+% yrpp-xsp,%: No space after date
+ %: (def) Date in normal font
+% dtbf,%: Date in bold face
+%TRUNCATE YEAR (if author-year citations)
+ note-yr,%: Year text full
+% %: (def) Year truncated
+% %: (def) Title plain
+% tit-it,%: Title italic
+% tit-qq,qt-s,%: Title and punctuation in single quotes
+% tit-qq,%: Title and punctuation in double quotes
+% tit-qq,qt-g,%: Title and punctuation in guillemets
+% tit-qq,qt-s,qx,%: Title in single quotes
+% tit-qq,qx,%: Title in double quotes
+ tit-qq,qt-g,qx,%: Title in guillemets
+% bt-qq,%: Quote collection and proceedings titles
+ %: (def) Collection and proceedings titles not in quotes
+ %: (def) Sentence style
+% atit-u,%: Title style
+ %: (def) Article title present
+% jtit-x,%: No article title
+ %: (def) Periods in journal names
+% jxper,%: Dotless journal names
+ %: (def) Journal name italics
+% jttl-rm,%: Journal name normal
+ %: (def) Thesis titles like books
+% thtit-a,%: Thesis title like article
+% thtit-x,%: No thesis title
+% %: (def) Tech. report title like articles
+ trtit-b,%: Tech. report title like books
+ %: (def) Tech. report and number plain
+% trnum-it,%: Tech. report and number italic
+ %: (def) Volume plain
+% vol-it,%: Volume italic
+% vol-bf,%: Volume bold
+% vol-2bf,%: Volume and number bold
+% %: (def) Journal vol(num)
+% vnum-sp,%: Journal vol (num)
+% vnum-cm,%: Journal vol, num
+ vnum-nr,%: Journal vol, no. num
+% vnum-h,%: Journal vol, \# number
+% vnum-b,%: Journal vol number
+% vnum-x,%: Journal vol, without number
+% %: (def) Volume with colon
+% volp-sp,%: Volume with colon and space
+% volp-semi,%: Volume with semi-colon
+ volp-com,%: Volume with comma
+% volp-blk,%: Volume with blank
+ %: (def) Journal year like others
+% jdt-v,%: Journal vol(year)
+% jdt-vs,%: Journal vol (year)
+% jdt-p,%: Year with pages
+% jdt-pc,%: Year, comma, pages
+ %: (def) Start and stop page numbers
+% jpg-1,%: Only start page number
+% %: (def) No separators for large page numbers
+% pgsep-c,%: Comma inserted over 9999
+ pgsep-s,%: Thin space inserted over 9999
+% pgsep-p,%: Period inserted over 9999
+% %: (def) Article pages numbers only
+ jwdpg,%: Include `page' in articles
+ %: (def) Pages given mid text
+% pp-last,%: Pages at end
+% %: (def) Article volume as number only
+ jwdvol,%: Include `volume' in articles
+ num-xser,%: Allows number without series
+% %: (def) Standard BibTeX
+% %: (def) After chapter and pages
+ numser,%: Just before publisher
+% %: (def) Vol. 23 of Series
+ ser-vol,%: Series, vol. 23
+% %: (def) Series and volume after the editors
+ ser-ed,%: Series and volume after booktitle
+ %: (def) Comma after journal
+% jnm-x,%: Space after journal
+ %: (def) Book title italic
+% btit-rm,bt-rm,%: Book title plain
+ %: (def) Pages in book plain
+% bkpg-par,%: Pages in book in parentheses
+% bkpg-x,%: Pages in book bare
+% %: (def) Total book pages not printed
+ pg-bk,%: For book: 345 pages
+% pg-bk,pg-pre,%: Total book pages before publisher
+ %: (def) Publisher, address
+% add-pub,%: Address: Publisher
+ %: (def) Publisher as normal block
+% pub-par,%: Publisher in parentheses
+% pub-date,%: Publisher and date in parentheses
+% pub-date,pub-xc,%: Publisher and date in parentheses, no comma
+% pub-date,pub-xpar,%: Publisher and date without parentheses
+% pub-date,pub-xpar,pub-xc,%: Publisher and date, no parentheses, no comma
+% %: (def) Publisher after chapter, pages
+ pre-pub,%: Publisher before chapter, pages
+ pre-edn,%: Publisher after edition
+ isbn,%: Include ISBN
+% %: (def) No ISBN
+% issn,%: Include ISSN
+ %: (def) No ISSN
+% doi,%: Include DOI
+ url-doi,%: Format DOI as URL //
+% agu-doi,doi,%: Insert DOI AGU style
+% %: (def) No DOI
+% %: (def) Word `editor' after name
+% edpar,%: `Name (editor),'
+% edpar,bkedcap,%: `Name (Editor),'
+% edparc,%: `Name, (editor)'
+% edparc,bkedcap,%: `Name, (Editor)'
+ edparxc,%: `Name (editor)'
+% edparxc,bkedcap,%: `Name (Editor)'
+% %: (def) Same as for edited book
+ edby,%: In booktitle, edited by ..
+% edby-par,%: In booktitle (edited by ..)
+% edby-parc,%: In booktitle, (edited by ..)
+% edby,edbyx,%: In booktitle, editor ..
+% edby,edbyw,%: In booktitle, (editor) ..
+% edby-par,edbyx,%: In booktitle (editor..)
+% edby-parc,edbyx,%: In booktitle, (editor..)
+% edby,edbyy,%: In booktitle, .., editor
+% edby-par,edbyy,%: In booktitle (.., editor)
+%CAPITALIZE `EDITOR' OR `EDITED BY' (if editor capitalizable)
+% %: (def) `(editor,..)' or `(edited by..)'
+% edcap,%: `(Editor,..)' or `(Edited by..)'
+% %: (def) \newblock after blocks
+ blk-com,%: Comma between blocks
+% blk-com,com-semi,%: Semi-colon between blocks
+% blk-com,com-blank,%: Blanks between blocks
+% blk-tit,%: Period after titles of articles, books, etc
+% blk-tit,tit-col,%: Colon after titles of articles, books, etc
+% blk-tita,%: Period after titles of articles
+% blk-tita,tit-col,%: Colon after titles of articles
+%PUNCTUATION BEFORE NOTES (if not using \newblock)
+% %: (def) Notes have regular punctuation
+ blknt,%: Notes preceded by period
+ %: (def) Author block normal
+% au-col,%: Author block with colon
+ %: (def) Space after `in'
+% in-col,%: Colon after `in'
+% in-it,%: Italic `in'
+% in-col,in-it,%: Italic `in' and colon
+% in-x,%: No word `in'
+%`IN' WITH JOURNAL NAMES (if using 'in' with collections)
+ %: (def) No `in' before journal name
+% injnl,%: Add `in' before journal name
+ %: (def) Period at very end
+% fin-bare,%: No period at end
+%ABBREVIATE WORD `PAGES' (if not using external language file)
+% %: (def) `Page(s)'
+ pp,%: `Page' abbreviated
+% ppx,%: `Page' omitted
+% %: (def) `Editor(s)'
+ ed,%: `Editor' abbreviated
+% %: (def) No abbreviations
+ abr,%: Abbreviations
+%ABBREVIATION FOR `EDITION' (if abbreviating words)
+ %: (def) `Edition' abbreviated as `edn'
+% ednx,%: `Edition' abbreviated as `ed'
+ %: (def) Months with dots
+% mth-bare,%: Months without dots
+% xedn,%: Editions as in database
+% %: (def) Write out editions
+ ord,%: Numerical editions
+%Reading external language file \cfile=
+ %: (def) Full journal names
+% jabr,%: Abbreviated journal names
+% jabr,jaa,%: Abbreviated with astronomy shorthands
+ %: (def) Use word `and'
+% amper,%: Use ampersand
+% varand,%: Use \BIBand
+% %: (def) Comma before `and'
+ and-xcom,%: No comma before `and'
+% and-com,%: Comma even with 2 authors
+%COMMA BEFORE `AND' EVEN FOR COLLECTION EDITORS (if using comma before `and' with authors)
+% and-com-ed,%: Comma with 2 editors
+% %: (def) Two editors without comma
+ %: (def) With `and'
+% xand,%: No `and'
+% %: (def) Comma before `et al'
+ etal-xc,%: No comma before `et al'
+ %: (def) Plain et al
+% etal-it,%: Italic et al
+% etal-rm,%: Roman et al
+ %: (def) No additional fields
+% revdata,eprint,url,url-blk,%: Include REVTeX data fields
+%E-PRINT DATA FIELD: (without REVTeX fields)
+ %: (def) Do not include eprint field
+% eprint,%: Include eprint and archive fields
+%URL ADDRESS: (without REVTeX fields)
+% %: (def) No URL
+ url,url-blk,%: Include URL
+% url,url-nt,%: URL as note
+% url,url-nl,%: URL on new line
+ %: (def) No reference component tags
+% bibinfo,%: Reference component tags
+%EMPHASIS: (affects all so-called italics)
+ %: (def) Use emphasis
+% em-it,%: Use true italics
+% em-x,%: No italics
+% em-ul,%: Underlining
+ nfss,%: Use LaTeX commands
+% plntx,%: Use only Plain TeX
+ }}