path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source
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authorKarl Berry <>2008-09-08 16:20:00 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2008-09-08 16:20:00 +0000
commita35275fb483164d535c315c0ed482595ad249341 (patch)
tree5be2ea2184c7e16edbe16df9bceedcf9c0df1616 /Master/texmf-dist/source
parent5af556246a5e3fe0dcd57a41e2c330f509f1e3a9 (diff)
new xetex package mathspec
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source')
2 files changed, 885 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/xelatex/mathspec/mathspec.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/xelatex/mathspec/mathspec.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7eac417d831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/xelatex/mathspec/mathspec.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% Copyright Andrew Gilbert Moschou 2008
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% \fi
+% \iffalse
+%<package>\ProvidesPackage{mathspec}[2008/08/17 v0.10 LaTeX Package (Specify arbitrary fonts for mathematics)]
+\setmathsfont[Set=Latin,Scale=MatchLowercase]{Berling Antiqua}
+\setmathsfont*[Set=Greek,Lowercase=Regular,Scale=MatchLowercase]{GFS Didot}
+\setmathsfont[Set=Symbols,Scale=MatchLowercase]{Gentium Basic}
+\newcommand\makemonofontCambria{\setmonofont[Numbers=OldStyle,Scale=MatchLowercase]{Cambria Math}}
+\newcommand\unicode[2][]{\sc{U+#2}\ #1: {\fontspec{Cambria Math}\char"#2}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\LaTeX}{L\kern-.25em{\sbox0 T\vbox to\ht0{\hbox{\textsc{a}}\vss}}\kern-.0833em\TeX}
+ {\list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin
+ \let\makelabel\ttdescriptionlabel}%
+ \renewcommand\meta{\boldmeta}}
+ {\endlist}
+ \normalfont\bfseries\texttt{#1}}
+ {\boldmath\ensuremath\langle}%
+ \ifmmode \expandafter \nfss@text \fi{%
+ \meta@font@select%
+ \edef\meta@hyphen@restore%
+ {\hyphenchar\the\font\the\hyphenchar\font}%
+ \hyphenchar\font\m@ne%
+ \language\l@nohyphenation%
+ \textrm{#1}\/%
+ \meta@hyphen@restore}{%
+ \boldmath\ensuremath\rangle}}
+\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
+ {-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
+ {2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
+ {\normalfont\Large\scshape\MakeLowercase}}
+ {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
+ {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
+ {\normalfont\large\itshape}}
+ {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
+ {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
+ {\normalfont\normalsize\itshape}}
+\def\@seccntformat#1{\protect\makebox[0pt][r]{\sc{\csname the#1\endcsname}\hspace{10pt}}}
+\hyphenation{math-ema-tic math-ema-tics spec-ify speci-fies be-ne-fit be-ne-fits ela-borate addi-tion addi-tions addi-tion-al addi-tion-al-ly mo-dern separ-ate}
+ \DocInput{mathspec.dtx}
+% \fi
+% \CheckSum{1096}
+% \GetFileInfo{mathspec.sty}
+% \title{The \textsf{mathspec} package\thanks{This document corresponds to \textsf{mathspec}~\fileversion, dated~\filedate.}}
+% \author{Andrew Gilbert Moschou\\\texttt{}}
+% \frenchspacing
+% \maketitle
+% \section{Preamble}
+% This document describes the |mathspec| package, a package that provides an interface to typeset mathematics in \XeLaTeX\ using arbitrary text fonts. This package is in its developmental stage and users are advised that later versions are likely to be incompatible with this version. Thanks to Will Robertson for his useful advice and suggestions!
+% \subsection{Desired features}
+% This is a list of features that I intend to include in some version. Please contact me to make any suggestions.
+% \begin{itemize}\def\labelitemi{•}
+% \item Definitions of Latin and Greek alphabetic symbols and digits to be typeset in the specified font
+% \item Specifications of the shape (regular, italic) for uppercase and lowercase Latin and Greek alphabets and digits
+% \item Definitions of mathematical symbols to be typeset in such text fonts
+% \item Integration with |MnSymbol| and other mathematics packages.
+% \item Fine control of spacing
+% \item Provision of shape change commands.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \section{Introduction}
+% Since Jonathan Kew released \XeTeX, an extension to \TeX\ that permits the inclusion of system wide Unicode fonts and modern font technologies in \TeX\ documents, users have been able to easily typeset documents using readily available fonts such as Hoefler Text and Times New Roman (This document is typeset using Microsoft’s Constantia, Candara and Consolas.). Will Robertson’s \XeLaTeX\ package |fontspec| provides an automatic font selection process for such arbitrary fonts. Still, mathematics typesetting has not benefitted from this development to the same extent as text typesetting, which is not surprising given the font requirements that are demanded.
+% Will Robertson has in development a package |Unicode-math| that is used to typeset mathematics using some font that has an OpenType mathematics table. Currently, the only two that are in widespread use, to my knowledge, are Cambria Math, a new design, by Microsoft and Asana Math, based on Hermann Zapf’s Palatino, by Apostolos Syropoulos. It is expected that the \sc{STIX} fonts, based on Times, may also be used.
+% Thus, it is evident that a book designer is confronted with such narrow variety in mathematics typefaces, even considering already established \LaTeX\ packages such as |euler| (and Computer Modern, of course!) that are dedicated to providing mathematics typefaces; and the book designer is challenged to find a suitable pair of typefaces for mathematics and body text.
+% This package provides mathematics alphabets in any of the same typefaces that are available to \XeTeX, using |fontspec| as a backend. Other mathematics symbols such as arrows and operators, whose designs are largely independent of an alphabetic typeface, can be taken from collections like MnSymbol or Computer Modern and are not covered by the scope of this package, but provision is made to allow them to be used.
+% \section{Implementation}
+% To use the package, put |\usepackage{mathspec}| in the premable of the document. It is not necessary to put |\usepackage{fontspec}| because |mathspec| will ensure that |fontspec| is loaded anyway. To load |fontspec| with some options, parse them through |mathspec|, for example, |\usepackage[quiet]{mathspec}| is equivalent to |\usepackage[quiet]{fontspec}|\permitbreak|\usepackage{mathspec}|.
+% \subsection{Summary of commands}
+%\item[\cs{setmathsfont}[Set=\meta{set},\meta{shapes},\meta{font features}\closebracket\marg{font name}]Specifies the mathematics fonts. \meta{set} is either |Latin|, |Greek| or |Symbols|; \meta{shapes} is an optional comma separated list of keys with their respective values; keys are |Uppercase|, |Lowercase| and |Digits| and values are |Regular|, |Italic| and |Plain|; \meta{font features} and \meta{font name} are interpreted by |fontspec|.
+%Starred form |\setmathsfont*| additionally sets the digits in the specified font, ignored if \meta{set} is |Symbols|.
+%Also |\setmathfont|.
+%\item[\cs{+}\oarg{size}]Inserts a \meta{size}\,mu ($\frac{\meta{size}}{\textrm{18}}$\,em) space in mathematics mode. The default \meta{size} is 1.
+% \subsection{Letters, Digits and Symbols}
+%|\backslash setmathsfont[Set=|\meta{set}|,|\meta{shapes}|,|\meta{font features}|]|\marg{fontname}\\
+%|\backslash setmathsfont*[Set=|\meta{set}|,|\meta{shapes}|,|\meta{font features}|]|\marg{fontname}
+% \noindent This single command is used to entirely describe the desired font for some use. Usually, the command would appear up to three times in a document, to specify each the Latin and the Greek fonts and the Symbol font. The command can be used only in the preamble, that is before |\begin{document}| because \LaTeX\ will not allow it to be used elsewere. Then, there can be only one Latin mathematics typeface and one Greek mathematics typeface in the document.
+% \begin{ttdescription}
+% \item[\meta{set}]Compulsory value for key |Set| (except in unusual circumstances; see section~\ref{eu:Set}).
+% |Latin|, |Greek| or |Symbols|.
+% \item[\meta{shapes}]Optional comma separated list of keys. Ignored if \meta{set} is |Symbols|.
+%A comma separated list of keys and their values, e.g.~|(Uppercase=Regular,|\permitbreak|Lowercase=Italic,|\permitbreak|Digits=Regular)|. Keys are |Uppercase|, |Lowercase| and |Digits| which can each have value |Regular|, |Italic| or |Plain|; |Regular| and |Italic| respectively indicate the regular and italic fonts of the typeface, |Plain| indiciates that no redefinition is performed by |mathspec|, and that the symbols will by typeset in the default font, which is usually Computer Modern. The |Digits| key is ignored if the digits are not typeset using the font that is specified by the command. If a key is absent, its default value, as listed in table~\ref{tab:shapes}, is used.
+% Note that the default values are very good and you would never normally want to change the Latin and digits shapes. The Greek shapes can be changed to adhere to some particular style, for example all italic, or because the specified Greek font has only one shape regular.
+% \begin{table}[htbp]\centering
+% \caption{The default shapes for the symbol sets}\label{tab:shapes}
+% \begin{tabular}{@{}ccccc@{}}\toprule
+% & \multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{Latin} & \multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{Greek} \\\cmidrule(lr){2-3}\cmidrule(l){4-5}
+% Digits & Uppercase & Lowercase & Uppercase & Lowercase \\\midrule
+% Regular & Italic & Italic & Regular & Italic \\\bottomrule
+% \end{tabular}\end{table}
+% \item[\meta{font features}\textrm{, }\meta{font name}]\meta{font features} optional comma separated list, \meta{font name} compulsory argument.
+%These are the same arguments as those used by |\fontspec| and are interpreted by |fontspec|. See |fontspec|’s documentation for details.
+% \end{ttdescription}
+%The starred form of the command causes the digits to be typeset using the font that is specified by the command (interpreted only if \meta{set} is either |Latin| or |Greek|). In practice, the Latin font, by default, is used to typeset the digits, unless the Greek font command is starred, in which case the Greek font is used to typeset the digits. If both commands are starred, then the Latin font is used to typeset the digits.
+% \section{Alphabets}
+% \LaTeX\ defines |\mathrm|\marg{variable}, |\mathit|\marg{variable}, |\mathbf|\marg{variable} to change mathematics alphabets to roman, italic and bold respectively for Latin characters. |\mathspec| also declares the bold italic alphabet which is invoked using \DescribeMacro{\mathbi}\DescribeMacro{\greekmathrm}\DescribeMacro{\greekmathrg}\DescribeMacro{\greekmathit}\DescribeMacro{\greekmathbf}\DescribeMacro{\greekmathbi}|\mathbi|\marg{variable}. |\mathspec| also defines comparable commands to change the Greek alphabet: |\greekmathrm| (or |\greekmathrg|), |greekmathit|, |\greekmathbf| and |\greekmathbi|.
+% This is still being worked out, beware the error ‘|! LaTeX Error: Too many math alphabets used in version normal.|’.
+% \section{Example}
+% The preamble of this document contains:
+% \begin{verbatim}\setmathsfont[Set=Latin,Scale=MatchLowercase]{Berling Antiqua}
+%\setmathsfont*[Set=Greek,Lowercase=Regular,Scale=MatchLowercase]{GFS Didot}
+%\setmathsfont[Set=Symbols,Scale=MatchLowercase]{Gentium Basic}
+% The code:\makemonofontCambria
+% \begin{verbatim}\begin{gather*}
+% 0123456789\\
+% ABCDEFG \quad \mathrm{HIJKLM} \quad
+% \mathbf{NOPQRS} \quad \mathbi{TUVWXYZ}\\
+% abcdefg \quad \mathrm{hijklm} \quad
+% \mathbf{nopqrs} \quad \latinmathbi{tuvwxyz}\\
+% ΑΒΓΔΕΖ \quad \greekmathit{ΗΘΙΚΛΜ} \quad
+% \greekmathbf{ΝΞΟΠΡΣ} \quad \greekmathbi{ΤΥΦΧΨΩ}\\
+% αβγδεζ \quad \greekmathit{ηθικλμ} \quad
+% \greekmathbf{νξοπρςσ} \quad \greekmathbi{τυφχψω}\\
+% o!o+o,o.o:o\colon o;o<o=o>o?o¬o°o±oµo×o÷o\\
+% o∀o∂o∃o∅o∆o∇o∈o∉o∋o−o∕o∗o∙o∝o∞o∟o∠o∧o∨o∩o∪o∴o∼o\\
+% o≅o≈o≠o≡o≤o≥o\\
+% o⊂o⊃o⊄o⊆o⊇o⊕o⊗o⊥o⋅o
+% produces:%%%%%%%
+% \begin{gather*}
+% 0123456789\\
+% ABCDEFG \quad \mathrm{HIJKLM} \quad \mathbf{NOPQRS} \quad \mathbi{TUVWXYZ}\\
+% abcdefg \quad \mathrm{hijklm} \quad \mathbf{nopqrs} \quad \mathbi{tuvwxyz}\\
+% ΑΒΓΔΕΖ \quad \greekmathit{ΗΘΙΚΛΜ} \quad \greekmathbf{ΝΞΟΠΡΣ} \quad \greekmathbi{ΤΥΦΧΨΩ}\\
+% αβγδεζ \quad \greekmathit{ηθικλμ} \quad \greekmathbf{νξοπρςσ} \quad \greekmathbi{τυφχψω}\\
+% o!o+o,o.o:o\colon o;o<o=o>o?o¬o°o±oµo×o÷o\\
+% o∀o∂o∃o∅o∆o∇o∈o∉o∋o−o∕o∗o∙o∝o∞o∟o∠o∧o∨o∩o∪o∴o∼o\\
+% o≅o≈o≠o≡o≤o≥o\\
+% o⊂o⊃o⊄o⊆o⊇o⊕o⊗o⊥o⋅o
+% \end{gather*}
+% There is no difference whether Greek letters are input using familiar control sequences (although not shown here, they are still available) or literal characters, for example, |$y = α×x^2 + β×x + γ$| and |$y = \alpha\times x^2 + \beta\times x + \gamma$| are equivalent. Note that the two colons are defined differently; |:| is a ratio relation, as in $p:q$ and |\colon| is a punctuation symbol, as in $f\+[3]\colon X\to Y$.
+% Greek letters that are absent from Computer Modern (i.e. those that appear similar to Latin leters, e.g., |Α| |\Alpha|: $Α$, |Ρ| |\Rho|: $Ρ$, |ο| |\omicron|: $ο$) are defined. In addition, three more symbols are defined: |°| |\degree|: $°$, |µ| |\micro|: $µ$, |∆| |\increment|: $∆$.
+% There is a bug in the package, in that symbols will be remapped, even if they do not exist in the font. As can be seen in this example, Berling Antiqua does not contain \unicode[Right angle]{221F}, and $∟$ is substituted. Until this bug is fixed, it might be best not to specify a symbols font at all.
+% Additionally, if the symbols font is specified, the symbols are taken from two sources and it is likely that they will not harmonise together. Potential problems are that their designs be too incompatible, which would cause inconsistencies in colour, and that their widths be different, which would destroy vertical alignment. If this is an issue, then do not specify a symbols font.
+% The big operators |∏| |\prod|: $\prod$, |∑| |\sum|: $\sum$ and |∫| |\int|: $\int$ are not included here because in many fonts, they are designed far too small for practical use, as shown in equation~(\ref{eq:toosmall}) where the sum operator is typeset in Constantia, the text font of this document (In Gentium Basic, the symbol font of this document, it is even smaller!) and leaving them alone is currently the best option, as shown in equations~(\ref{eq:good1}, \ref{eq:good2}).
+% \begin{align}
+% \mathop{\mbox{∑}}_{n=0}^\infty {\frac{1}{2^n}} &= 2\label{eq:toosmall}
+% \end{align}
+% For now, a list of symbols that the package remaps and their commands is in section~\ref{thesymbols}.
+% \section{Additional information}
+% This section describes the shortcomings of this package. I wonder whether the benefits of being able to use an arbitrary font for mathematics outweigh the detriments; in a production environment, it might be best to seek an alternative approach and use some \LaTeX\ package like |euler|, |mathdesign| or |MinionPro| that is dedicated to producing good mathematics with one font.
+% \subsection{Italic correction}
+% In using this package to provide arbitrary fonts for mathematics, there are issues with italic correction, as is illustrated in the equations:
+% \begin{align}
+% f(x) &= \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty}{c_ne^{jnx}}\label{eq:1}\\
+% c_n &= \frac{1}{2π}\int_{-π}^π{f(x)e^{-jnx}\,\d x}\label{eq:2}
+% \end{align}where the function $f$ is too close to the parenthesis $($ and the base $e$’s exponent $jnx$ is too close to $e$. The reason is that the font has metrics that are suitable for use in text, but not for mathematics. Comparing the alphabets typeset in Computer Modern Italic, in table~\ref{tab:cmcompare}, it is shown that many characters have greater space around them in the mathematics version, which does not exist in the text version. The adjusted alphabet shows the alphabet typeset as text, but also with a constant 1\,mu space intercharacter space (poor man’s tracking). Since the adjusted alphabet is approximately as long as the mathematics alphabet, on average, this is a fair method to increase the space between alphabetic characters in mathematics.
+% \begin{table}[htbp]\centering
+% \caption{Computer Modern Italic in text and mathematics.\label{tab:cmcompare}}
+% \begin{tabular}{@{}rl@{}}\toprule
+% Text & \usefont{OT1}{cmr}{m}{it}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\\
+% Mathematics & $\mit abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$\\
+% Adjusted &\usefont{OT1}{cmr}{m}{it} a\+b\+c\+d\+e\+f\+g\+h\+i\+j\+k\+l\+m\+n\+o\+p\+q\+r\+s\+t\+u\+v\+w\+x\+y\+z\\\bottomrule
+% \end{tabular}\end{table}
+% Now, the problem lies with implementing this behaviour. The best way would be adjust \TeX’s mathematics spacing rules to add this 1\,mu extra space after each |\mathalpha|, but not after the |\mathord|s. I don't know whether it is possible to separate the two types as such, since they are almost equivalent. Otherwise, would it look worse if |\mathord|s also have this extra space?
+% As it turns out, \TeX’s mathematics spacing rules are hardwired into \TeX\ and can not be adjusted by the user. The table that is used to determine the spacing between pairs of adjacent atoms, from \emph{The \TeX book}, is reproduced below:%
+%\begin{tabular}{@{}r@{ }lcccccccc@{}}\toprule
+% && \multicolumn{8}{@{}c@{}}{Right atom} \\ \cmidrule(l){3-10}
+%\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{Left atom}& Ord. & Op. & Bin. & Rel. & Open & Close & Punct. & Inner\\ \cmidrule(r){1-2}\cmidrule(l){3-10}
+%Ordinary, et al.&(Ord.) & 0 & 1 & \te{2} & \te{3} & 0 & 0 & 0 & \te{1} \\
+%Large operator&(Op.) & 1 & 1 & & \te{3} & 0 & 0 & 0 & \te{1} \\
+%Binary operation&(Bin.)& \te{2} & \te{2} & & & \te{2} & & & \te{2} \\
+%Relation&(Rel.)& \te{3} & \te{3} & & 0 & \te{3} & 0 & 0 & \te{3} \\
+%Opening&(Open)& 0 & 0 & & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
+%Closing&(Close)& 0 & 1 & \te{2} & \te{3} & 0 & 0 & 0 & \te{1} \\
+%Punctuation&(Punct.)& \te{1} & \te{1} & & \te{1} & \te{1} & \te{1} & \te{1} & \te{1} \\
+%Delimited subformula&(Inner)& \te{1} & 1 & \te{2} & \te{3} & \te{1} & 0 & \te{1} & \te{1} \\\bottomrule
+%\end{tabular}}\end{center}where 0, 1, 2 and 3 represent zero, thin, medium and thick skips respectively and coloured entires indicate that space is to be inserted only in display and text styles and not in script and scriptsript styles.
+% Both Plain \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ define the three skips as:
+%|\thinmuskip| & |3mu|\\
+%|\medmuskip| & |4mu plus 2mu minus 4mu|\\
+%|\thickmuskip| & |5mu plus 5mu|\\\bottomrule
+%\end{tabular}\end{center}and unless the option |normalskips| is used, |mathspec| increases each skip by 1\,mu:
+%|\thinmuskip| & |4mu|\\
+%|\medmuskip| & |5mu plus 2mu minus 4mu|\\
+%|\thickmuskip| & |6mu plus 5mu|\\\bottomrule
+%\end{tabular}\end{center}As far as I can tell, nothing can be done about the zero skip.
+% If \XeTeX\ is able to get information about the ‘ink box’ of a character, this elaborate, awkward and ugly hack, which is not even good anyway, might be replaced with something that is more elegant (or at least yields better results); better yet, if \XeTeX\ allows customisation of the mathematics spacing rules. It is impossible at the moment, for now, this described method is the best that is possible.
+% The command \DescribeMacro{\+}|\+| is used to produce fine control over the spacing in mathematics. Without its optional argument, it inserts a 1\,mu ($\frac{\textrm{1}}{\textrm{18}}$\,em) skip. |\+|\oarg{size} inserts a \meta{size}\,mu skip. The spacing of equations~(\ref{eq:1}, \ref{eq:2}) are improved by the replacements that are described in table~\ref{tab:eqs}:
+% \begin{align}
+% f\pp x &= \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty}{c_ne^{\+[4]jnx}}\label{eq:good1}\\
+% c_n &= \frac{1}{2π}\int_{-π}^π{f\pp xe^{\+-jnx}\,\d\+x}\label{eq:good2}
+% \end{align}
+% This procedure is indeed awkward for the user, but still necessary to produce decent results. Note that |(x)| is replaced with |\left(x\right)|, which should always be done anyway.
+% \begin{table}[htbp]\centering
+% \caption{Example replacements that improve spacing\label{tab:eqs}}
+% \begin{tabular}{@{}cc@{}}\toprule
+% Original & Replacement \\\midrule
+% |f(x)| & |f\left(x\right)|\\
+% |e^{jnx}| & |e^{\+[4]jnx}|\\
+% |e^{-jnx}| & |e^{\+-jnx}|\\
+% |\mathrm{d}x| & |\mathrm{d}\+x|\\\bottomrule
+% \end{tabular}\end{table}
+% \StopEventually{\PrintIndex}
+% \section{\textsf{mathspec.sty}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\eu@isloaded}
+% |amsmath| must be loaded before |mathspec|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\newif\csname if@eu@#2loaded\endcsname
+ \@ifpackageloaded{#2}%
+ {\csname @eu@#2loadedtrue\endcsname #1}%
+ {\csname @eu@#2loadedfalse\endcsname}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{End user commands}
+% \begin{macro}{\setmathsfont}
+% \begin{macro}{\setmathfont}
+% The general font specification command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifstar%
+ \eu@setmathsfont@star%
+ \eu@setmathsfont@nostar}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\eu@ScopeSet@Special}
+% If |Set=Special|\label{eu:Set} (or if |Set| is not listed), then do |\eu@ScopeSet@Special|, which can be externally set in the document (or a package) before |mathspec| is loaded.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \eu@retreiveset{#1}{#2}
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\eu@ScopeSet@value}{Special}}{%
+ \eu@ScopeSet@Special{\eu@keysminusScope}{#2}
+ }{%
+ \expandafter\csname @eu@\eu@ScopeSet@value Digitstrue\endcsname
+ \eu@setmathsfont{\eu@keysminusScope}{#2}}}
+ \eu@retreiveset{#1}{#2}
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\eu@ScopeSet@value}{Special}}{%
+ \eu@ScopeSet@Special{\eu@keysminusScope}{#2}
+ }{%
+ \expandafter\csname @eu@\eu@ScopeSet@value Digitsfalse\endcsname
+ \eu@setmathsfont{\eu@keysminusScope}{#2}}}
+ \presetkeys[eu]{Scope}{Set}{}
+ \setkeys*[eu]{Scope}{#1}
+ \let\eu@keysminusScope\XKV@rm}
+ \ifnum\eu@@ScopeSet@value=0\else
+ \expandafter\csname @eu@\eu@ScopeSet@value mathsfontspecifiedtrue\endcsname
+ \presetkeys[eu]{\eu@ScopeSet@value}{Uppercase,Lowercase,Digits}{}
+ \setkeys*[eu]{\eu@ScopeSet@value}{#1}
+ \zf@fontspec{\XKV@rm}{#2}
+ \expandafter\let\csname eu@\eu@ScopeSet@value mathsfont\endcsname\zf@family
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\eu@ScopeSet@value}{Latin}}%
+ {\let\zf@rmmaths\eu@Latinmathsfont}{\relax}
+ \fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\+}
+% A new command that inserts a space in mathematics. It must be robust and any white space between the |\+| and |[| must not be ignored so that legitimate (square) brackets in mathematics is not interpreted as some optional argument. To do this, |breqn|’s |\@ifnext| replaces |\@ifnextchar| in the definition of \LaTeX’s |\DeclareRobustCommand|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\@tempd= #1\def\@tempa{#2}\def\@tempb{#3}%
+ \futurelet\@tempc\@ifnexta
+\def\@ifnexta{\ifx\@tempc\@tempd \let\@tempb\@tempa \fi \@tempb}
+ \ifx#1\@undefined\else\ifx#1\relax\else
+ \@latex@info{Redefining \string#1}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \edef\reserved@a{\string#1}%
+ \def\reserved@b{#1}%
+ \edef\reserved@b{\expandafter\strip@prefix\meaning\reserved@b}%
+ \edef#1{%
+ \ifx\reserved@a\reserved@b
+ \noexpand\x@protect
+ \noexpand#1%
+ \fi
+ \noexpand\protect
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname
+ \expandafter\@gobble\string#1 \endcsname
+ }%
+ \let\@ifdefinable\@rc@ifdefinable
+ \expandafter\eu@new@command\csname
+ \expandafter\@gobble\string#1 \endcsname
+ \eu@@testopt{\eu@@newcommand#1}0}
+ \@ifnext [{\@xargdef#1[#2]}%
+ {\@argdef#1[#2]}}
+ \@ifnext[{#1}{#1[{#2}]}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Redefinitions}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \thinmuskip=4mu
+ \medmuskip=5mu plus 2mu minus 4mu
+ \thickmuskip=6mu plus 5mu
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Internal commands}
+% |xkeyval| key definitions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [\eu@ScopeSet@value\eu@@ScopeSet@value]%
+ {Special,Latin,Greek,Symbols}[Special]{\relax}
+ [\eu@LatinUppercase@value\eu@@LatinUppercase@value]%
+ {Regular,Italic,Plain}[Italic]{\relax}
+ [\eu@LatinLowercase@value\eu@@LatinLowercase@value]%
+ {Regular,Italic,Plain}[Italic]{\relax}
+ [\eu@LatinDigits@value\eu@@LatinDigits@value]%
+ {Regular,Italic,Plain}[Regular]{\relax}
+ [\eu@GreekUppercase@value\eu@@GreekUppercase@value]%
+ {Regular,Italic,Plain}[Regular]{\relax}
+ [\eu@GreekLowercase@value\eu@@GreekLowercase@value]%
+ {Regular,Italic,Plain}[Italic]{\relax}
+ [\eu@GreekDigits@value\eu@@GreekDigits@value]%
+ {Regular,Italic,Plain}[Regular]{\relax}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\eu@XeTeXDeclareMathSymbol}
+% A crude extension of \LaTeX’s |\DeclareMathSymbol|\permitbreak\marg{symbol}\permitbreak\marg{type}\permitbreak\marg{sym-font}\permitbreak\marg{slot} to allow the greater set of Unicode characters; It could do with some work, for example to permit a control sequence as the first argument. The command allows us to type, say, literal Greek characters in mathematics, for example, |$y = αx^2 + βx + γ$| and |$y = \alpha x^2 + \beta x + \gamma$| are equivalent, and potentially the other mathematical symbols that are represented in Unicode, as in something like |$∫_{-∞}^∞ e^{-\frac{x²}{2}}\,\mathrm{d}x = √{2π}$|, but perhaps not exactly.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\XeTeXmathcode`#1=\mathchar@type#2 \csname sym#3\endcsname #4}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\eu@DeclareMathSymbol}
+% The command |\eu@DeclareMathSymbol| used in this package lets a control sequence be equivalent to a literal character but will only do something if the character exists in the font.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \iffontchar\font#4%
+ \eu@XeTeXDeclareMathSymbol#1#2#3#4%
+ \let\eu@Character#1%
+ \else
+ \let\eu@Character\relax
+ \fi
+ \futurelet\eu@nexttoken\eu@DeclareMathSymbol@option}
+ \ifx\eu@nexttoken[%
+ \let\eu@next\eu@option
+ \else
+ \let\eu@next\relax
+ \fi
+ \eu@next}
+ \ifx\eu@Character\relax\else
+ \let#1\eu@Character
+ \fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{The heavy work}
+% \subsubsection{Declaring the fonts}
+% \begin{macro}{\eu@DeclareFonts}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if@eu@Latinmathsfontspecified
+ \DeclareSymbolFont{Lmn}{EU1}{\eu@Latinmathsfont}{m}{n}
+ \DeclareSymbolFont{Lmit}{EU1}{\eu@Latinmathsfont}{m}{it}
+ \DeclareMathAlphabet{\mathbi}{EU1}{\eu@Latinmathsfont}{bx}{it}
+ \fi
+ \if@eu@Greekmathsfontspecified
+ \DeclareSymbolFont{Gmn}{EU1}{\eu@Greekmathsfont}{m}{n}
+ \DeclareSymbolFont{Gmit}{EU1}{\eu@Greekmathsfont}{m}{it}
+ \DeclareMathAlphabet{\greekmathrm}{EU1}{\eu@Greekmathsfont}{m}{n}
+ \def\greekmathrg{\greekmathrm}
+ \DeclareMathAlphabet{\greekmathit}{EU1}{\eu@Greekmathsfont}{m}{it}
+ \DeclareMathAlphabet{\greekmathbf}{EU1}{\eu@Greekmathsfont}{bx}{n}
+ \DeclareMathAlphabet{\greekmathbi}{EU1}{\eu@Greekmathsfont}{bx}{it}
+ \fi
+ \if@eu@Symbolsmathsfontspecified
+ \DeclareSymbolFont{Smn}{EU1}{\eu@Symbolsmathsfont}{m}{n}
+ \fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Declaring the digits}
+% \begin{macro}{\eu@DeclareDigits}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if@eu@Latinmathsfontspecified
+ \if@eu@LatinDigits
+ \eu@LatinDigits@Plain
+ \else
+ \if@eu@Greekmathsfontspecified
+ \if@eu@GreekDigits
+ \eu@GreekDigits@Plain
+ \else
+ \eu@LatinDigits@Plain
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \eu@LatinDigits@Plain
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \if@eu@Greekmathsfontspecified
+ \eu@GreekDigits@Plain
+ \else
+ \@eu@declareDigitsfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \if@eu@declareDigits
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{0}{\mathord}{\eu@Digits@symfont}{`0}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{1}{\mathord}{\eu@Digits@symfont}{`1}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{2}{\mathord}{\eu@Digits@symfont}{`2}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{3}{\mathord}{\eu@Digits@symfont}{`3}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{4}{\mathord}{\eu@Digits@symfont}{`4}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{5}{\mathord}{\eu@Digits@symfont}{`5}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{6}{\mathord}{\eu@Digits@symfont}{`6}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{7}{\mathord}{\eu@Digits@symfont}{`7}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{8}{\mathord}{\eu@Digits@symfont}{`8}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{9}{\mathord}{\eu@Digits@symfont}{`9}
+ \fi}
+ \ifcase\eu@@LatinDigits@value
+ \newcommand\eu@Digits@symfont{Lmn}
+ \or
+ \newcommand\eu@Digits@symfont{Lmit}
+ \or
+ \@eu@declareDigitsfalse
+ \fi}
+ \ifcase\eu@@GreekDigits@value
+ \newcommand\eu@Digits@symfont{Gmn}
+ \or
+ \newcommand\eu@Digits@symfont{Gmit}
+ \or
+ \@eu@declareDigitsfalse
+ \fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Declaring the uppercase Latin characters}
+% \begin{macro}{\eu@DeclareLatinUppercase}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcase\eu@@LatinUppercase@value
+ \newcommand\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont{Lmn}
+ \else
+ \newcommand\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont{Lmit}
+ \fi
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{A}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`A}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{B}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`B}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{C}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`C}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{D}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`D}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{E}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`E}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{F}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`F}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{G}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`G}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{H}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`H}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{I}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`I}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{J}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`J}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{K}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`K}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{L}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`L}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{M}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`M}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{N}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`N}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{O}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`O}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{P}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`P}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{Q}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`Q}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{R}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`R}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{S}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`S}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{T}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`T}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{U}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`U}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{V}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`V}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{W}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`W}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{X}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`X}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{Y}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`Y}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{Z}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinUppercase@symfont}{`Z}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Declaring the lowercase Latin characters}
+% \begin{macro}{\eu@DeclareLatinLowercase}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcase\eu@@LatinLowercase@value
+ \newcommand\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont{Lmn}
+ \else
+ \newcommand\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont{Lmit}
+ \fi
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{a}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`a}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{b}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`b}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{c}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`c}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{d}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`d}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{e}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`e}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{f}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`f}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{g}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`g}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{h}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`h}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{i}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`i}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{j}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`j}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{k}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`k}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{l}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`l}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{m}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`m}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{n}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`n}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{o}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`o}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{p}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`p}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{q}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`q}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{r}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`r}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{s}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`s}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{t}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`t}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{u}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`u}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{v}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`v}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{w}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`w}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{x}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`x}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{y}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`y}
+ \DeclareMathSymbol{z}{\mathalpha}{\eu@LatinLowercase@symfont}{`z}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Declaring the uppercase Greek characters}
+% \begin{macro}{\eu@DeclareGreekUppercase}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcase\eu@@GreekUppercase@value
+ \newcommand\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont{Gmn}
+ \else
+ \newcommand\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont{Gmit}
+ \fi
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Α}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Α}[\Alpha]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Β}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Β}[\Beta]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Γ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Γ}[\Gamma]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Δ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Δ}[\Delta]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Ε}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Ε}[\Epsilon]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Ζ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Ζ}[\Zeta]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Η}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Η}[\Eta]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Θ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Θ}[\Theta]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Ι}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Ι}[\Iota]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Κ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Κ}[\Kappa]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Λ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Λ}[\Lambda]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Μ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Μ}[\Mu]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Ν}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Ν}[\Nu]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Ξ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Ξ}[\Xi]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Ο}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Ο}[\Omicron]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Π}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Π}[\Pi]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Ρ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Ρ}[\Rho]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Σ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Σ}[\Sigma]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Τ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Τ}[\Tau]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Υ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Υ}[\Upsilon]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Φ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Φ}[\Phi]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Χ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Χ}[\Chi]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Ψ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Ψ}[\Psi]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{Ω}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekUppercase@symfont}{`Ω}[\Omega]}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Declaring the lowercase Greek characters}
+% \begin{macro}{\eu@DeclareGreekLowercase}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcase\eu@@GreekLowercase@value
+ \newcommand\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont{Gmn}
+ \else
+ \newcommand\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont{Gmit}
+ \fi
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{α}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`α}[\alpha]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{β}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`β}[\beta]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{γ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`γ}[\gamma]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{δ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`δ}[\delta]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{ε}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`ε}[\epsilon]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{ζ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`ζ}[\zeta]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{η}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`η}[\eta]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{θ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`θ}[\theta]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{ι}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`ι}[\iota]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{κ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`κ}[\kappa]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{λ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`λ}[\lambda]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{μ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`μ}[\mu]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{ν}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`ν}[\nu]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{ξ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`ξ}[\xi]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{ο}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`ο}[\omicron]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{π}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`π}[\pi]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{ρ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`ρ}[\rho]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{σ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`σ}[\sigma]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{τ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`τ}[\tau]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{υ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`υ}[\upsilon]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{φ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`φ}[\phi]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{χ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`χ}[\chi]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{ψ}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`ψ}[\psi]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{ω}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`ω}[\omega]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{ς}{\mathalpha}{\eu@GreekLowercase@symfont}{`ς}[\varsigma]}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Declaring common symbols}\label{thesymbols}
+% \begin{macro}{\eu@DeclareSymbols}
+% The future might hold |\include{Unicode-math.tex}| here to quickly expand the list of supported Unicode math symbols, but that list has several omissions and unwanted inclusions.\makemonofontCambria
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \newcommand\eu@Symbols@symfont{Smn}
+ \fontfamily\eu@Symbolsmathsfont\selectfont
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{!}{\mathclose}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`!}[\exclam]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{+}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`+}[\plus]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{,}{\mathpunct}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`,}
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{.}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`.}
+ \iffontchar\font`.
+ \XeTeXmathchardef\ldotp6\symSmn`.
+ \fi
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{:}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`:}
+ \iffontchar\font`:
+ \XeTeXmathchardef\colon6\symSmn`:
+ \fi
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{;}{\mathpunct}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`;}[\semicolon]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{<}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`<}[\less]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{=}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`=}[\equal]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{>}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`>}[\greater]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{?}{\mathclose}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`?}
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{¬}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`¬}[\neg]
+ \let\lnot\neg
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{°}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`°}[\degree]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{±}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`±}[\pm]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{µ}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`µ}[\micro]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{×}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`×}[\times]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{÷}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`÷}[\div]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∀}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∀}[\forall]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∂}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∂}[\partial]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∃}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∃}[\exists]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∅}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∅}[\varnothing]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∆}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∆}[\increment]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∇}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∇}[\nabla]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∈}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∈}[\in]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∉}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∉}[\notin]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∋}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∋}[\ni]
+ \let\owns\ni
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{-}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`−}
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{−}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`−}[\minus]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∕}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∕}[\slash]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{*}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∗}
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∗}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∗}[\ast]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∙}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∙}[\vysmblkcircle]
+ \let\bullet\vysmblkcircle
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∝}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∝}[\propto]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∞}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∞}[\infty]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∟}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∟}[\rightangle]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∠}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∠}[\angle]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∧}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∧}[\wedge]
+ \let\land\wedge
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∨}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∨}[\vee]
+ \let\lor\vee
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∩}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∩}[\cap]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∪}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∪}[\cup]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∴}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∴}[\therefore]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{∼}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`∼}[\sim]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{≅}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`≅}[\cong]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{≈}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`≈}[\approx]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{≠}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`≠}[\neq]
+ \let\ne\neq
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{≡}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`≡}[\equiv]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{≤}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`≤}[\leq]
+ \let\le\leq
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{≥}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`≥}[\geq]
+ \let\ge\geq
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{⊂}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`⊂}[\subset]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{⊃}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`⊃}[\supset]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{⊄}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`⊄}[\nsubset]
+ \let\notsubset\nsubset
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{⊆}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`⊆}[\subseteq]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{⊇}{\mathrel}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`⊇}[\supseteq]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{⊕}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`⊕}[\oplus]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{⊗}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`⊗}[\otimes]
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{⊥}{\mathord}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`⊥}[\bot]
+ \let\perp\bot
+ \eu@DeclareMathSymbol{⋅}{\mathbin}{\eu@Symbols@symfont}{`⋅}[\cdot]
+ \iffontchar\font`⋅
+ \XeTeXmathchardef\cdotp6\symSmn`⋅
+ \fi
+ \fontfamily\rmdefault\selectfont}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Finishing}
+% \revertmonofont The commands that declare each symbol are done |\AtBeginDocument|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if@eu@amsmathloaded\else
+ \eu@isloaded[%
+ \PackageError{mathspec}%
+ {Package amsmath must be loaded before mathspec}{}]{amsmath}
+ \fi
+ \eu@DeclareFonts
+ \eu@DeclareDigits
+ \if@eu@Latinmathsfontspecified
+ \ifnum\eu@@LatinUppercase@value<2
+ \eu@DeclareLatinUppercase
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\eu@@LatinLowercase@value<2
+ \eu@DeclareLatinLowercase
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \if@eu@Greekmathsfontspecified
+ \ifnum\eu@@GreekUppercase@value<2
+ \eu@DeclareGreekUppercase
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\eu@@GreekLowercase@value<2
+ \eu@DeclareGreekLowercase
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \if@eu@Symbolsmathsfontspecified
+ \eu@DeclareSymbols
+ \fi
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \Finale
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/xelatex/mathspec/mathspec.ins b/Master/texmf-dist/source/xelatex/mathspec/mathspec.ins
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d62c60a6afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/xelatex/mathspec/mathspec.ins
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+%% Copyright Andrew Gilbert Moschou 2008
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Andrew Gilbert Moschou.
+% This work consists of the files mathspec.dtx and mathspec.ins
+% and the derived file mathspec.sty.
+\input docstrip.tex
+This is a generated file.
+Copyright Andrew Gilbert Moschou 2008
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+The latest version of this license is in
+and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+version 2005/12/01 or later.
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the}
+\Msg{* following file into a directory searched by TeX:}
+\Msg{* \space\space mathspec.sty}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file mathspec.dtx}
+\Msg{* through XeLaTeX.}
+\Msg{* Happy XeTeXing!}