path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2010-04-29 23:59:41 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2010-04-29 23:59:41 +0000
commit20c4fb92a115f9fbb0362a9834d4fc56aa99adcb (patch)
tree15ea8d7fc92164bf75d7141553e058a3e541f6b1 /Master/texmf-dist/source
parent8f6599a9f86ce52e246d5595a68700551208ee9c (diff)
new package mylatexformat (29apr10)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source')
3 files changed, 834 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/mylatexformat/mylatexformat.drv b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/mylatexformat/mylatexformat.drv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8a72d6a75f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/mylatexformat/mylatexformat.drv
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+%% This is file `mylatexformat.drv',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% mylatexformat.dtx (with options: `driver')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% mylatexformat : 2010/04/30 v1.0 - Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% This work consists of the main source file mylatexformat.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%% mylatexformat.ltx, mylatexformat.pdf, mylatexformat.ins
+%% mylatexformat - Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file
+%% Copyright (C) 2010 by Florent Chervet <>
+\def\thisinfo{Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file}
+ pdftitle={The mylatexformat package},
+ pdfsubject={Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file},
+ pdfauthor={Florent CHERVET},
+ colorlinks,linkcolor=reflink,
+ pdfstartview={FitH},
+ pdfkeywords={tex, e-tex, latex, package, format, formats, pdfTeX},
+ bookmarksopen=true,bookmarksopenlevel=2}
+ \DocInput{\thisfile.dtx}
+%% End of file `mylatexformat.drv'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/mylatexformat/mylatexformat.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/mylatexformat/mylatexformat.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d7684e67168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/mylatexformat/mylatexformat.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% mylatexformat : 2010/04/30 v1.0 - Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file]
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+% version. The latest version of this license is in
+% This work consists of the main source file mylatexformat.dtx
+% and the derived files
+% mylatexformat.ltx, mylatexformat.pdf, mylatexformat.ins
+% Unpacking:
+% (a) If mylatexformat.ins is present:
+% etex mylatexformat.ins
+% (b) Without mylatexformat.ins:
+% etex mylatexformat.dtx
+% (c) If you insist on using LaTeX
+% latex \let\install=y\input{mylatexformat.dtx}
+% (quote the arguments according to the demands of your shell)
+% Documentation:
+% (pdf)latex mylatexformat.dtx
+% Copyright (C) 2010 by Florent Chervet <>
+ \def\x{LaTeX2e}%
+\ifcase 0\ifx\install y1\fi\expandafter
+ \ifx\csname processbatchFile\endcsname\relax\else1\fi
+ \ifx\fmtname\x\else 1\fi\relax
+\else\csname fi\endcsname
+\input docstrip.tex
+\Msg{* Installation}
+\Msg{* Package 2010/04/30 v1.0 - Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file*}
+This is a generated file.
+mylatexformat : 2010/04/30 v1.0 - Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+version. The latest version of this license is in
+This work consists of the main source file mylatexformat.dtx
+and the derived files
+ mylatexformat.ltx, mylatexformat.pdf, mylatexformat.ins
+mylatexformat - Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file
+Copyright (C) 2010 by Florent Chervet <>
+ \file{mylatexformat.ins}{\from{mylatexformat.dtx}{install}}%
+ \file{mylatexformat.ltx}{\from{mylatexformat.dtx}{package}}%
+ \file{mylatexformat.drv}{\from{mylatexformat.dtx}{driver}}%
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following}
+\Msg{* file into a directory searched by TeX:}
+\Msg{* mylatexformat.ltx}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file `mylatexformat.dtx'}
+\Msg{* through LaTeX.}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing!}
+\def\thisinfo{Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file}
+ pdftitle={The mylatexformat package},
+ pdfsubject={Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file},
+ pdfauthor={Florent CHERVET},
+ colorlinks,linkcolor=reflink,
+ pdfstartview={FitH},
+ pdfkeywords={tex, e-tex, latex, package, format, formats, pdfTeX},
+ bookmarksopen=true,bookmarksopenlevel=2}
+ \DocInput{\thisfile.dtx}
+% \fi
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+% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
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+% \xpackage{#2\footnote{\noindent\xpackage{#2}: \href{}{\nolinkurl{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/#1}}#3}}}
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+% \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Verb}{Verbatim}{gobble=1}
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+% |\hspace|{\commandkey{left}}}
+% |\MakeFramed| {\advance\hsize-|\width \FrameRestore|}%
+% }{%
+% |\endMakeFramed|%
+% }
+% \fancyhf{}\fancyhead[L]{The \thispackage package -- \thisinfo}
+% \fancyfoot[L]{\color[gray]{.35}\scriptsize\thispackage\quad[rev.\thisversion]\quad\copyright\oldstylenums{2010}\,\lower.3ex\hbox{\NibRight}\,Florent Chervet}
+% \fancyfoot[R]{\oldstylenums{\thepage} / \oldstylenums{\pageref{LastPage}}}
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+% \newrobustcmd\stform{\@ifnextchar*{\@stform[]\textasteriskcentered\@gobble}\@stform}
+% \newrobustcmd\@stform[2][\string]{\textttbf{\rred#1#2}\xspace}
+% \makeatother
+% \deffootnote{1em}{0pt}{\rlap{\textsuperscript{\thefootnotemark}}\kern1em}
+% \title{\vskip-18pt\mdseries The {\bfseries\ThisPackage}\kern.6em package}
+% \author{\footnotesize\xemail{}}
+% \date{\thisdate~--~version \thisversion}
+% \subtitle{Use {\db mylatexformat.ltx} to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file}
+% ^^A\subject{\thisinfo}
+% \maketitle
+% \makeatletter\begingroup\let\@thefnmark\@empty\let\@makefntext\@firstofone
+% \footnotetext{\noindent
+% This documentation is produced with the +DocStrip+ utility.
+% \begin{tabbing}
+% \qquad\=\smex\=To get the documentation, \= run (thrice):\quad\= \texttt{pdflatex \thisfile.dtx} \\
+% \qquad\>\>To get the index, \> run:\>\texttt{makeindex -s \thisfile.idx} \\
+% \>\smex\>To get the package, \> run:\> \texttt{etex \thisfile.dtx}
+% \end{tabbing}§
+% The \xext{dtx} file is embedded into this pdf file thank to \xpackage{embedfile} by H. Oberdiek.}
+% \endgroup\makeatother
+% \deffootnote{1em}{0pt}{\rlap{\thefootnotemark.}\kern1em}
+% ^^A----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \vskip-48pt
+% \begin{abstract}\parindent0pt\noindent\leftskip1cm\rightskip\leftskip\lastlinefit0%
+% {\db\xpackage{mylatexformat.ltx}} can be used to make a format from any \LaTeX{} file.
+% \medskip
+% The use of formats helps to speed up compilations: packages which have been
+% dumped in the format are loaded at very high speed.
+% \medskip
+% The format is usually made from the preamble of a \xext{tex} file. But with
+% \thispackage, you may stop the format at any point in the preamble
+% using the command \csbf[\rred]{endofdump} before \texttt{\cs{begin}\{document\}}.%
+% \medskip
+% As far as I am concerned, I'm using MikTeX and have not been able to test the
+% file on other systems. However, the portability of \TeX{} documents is well known...
+% I've been using \xpackage{mylatexformat.ltx} with \LaTeX{}, pdf\TeX{} and Xe\TeX{} and it worked fine...
+% \medskip
+% \thispackage was primarily a written from \Xpackage[carlisle]{mylatex.ltx}[ from David Carlisle (1994/09/27)],
+% but is very different in many points.
+% \end{abstract}
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\+}\enlargethispage{2\baselineskip}
+% \cftbeforesecskip=4pt plus2pt minus2pt
+% \cftbeforesubsecskip=0pt plus2pt minus2pt
+% \renewcommand\contentsname{Contents\quad\leaders\vrule height3.4pt depth-3pt\hfill\null\kern0pt\vskip-6pt}
+% ^^A\vskip-.8\baselineskip
+% \tableofcontents
+% \leavevmode\leaders\vrule height3.4pt depth-3pt\hfill\null
+% \clearpage
+% ^^A----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \hypersetup{bookmarksopenlevel=3}
+% ^^A\clearpage
+% \MakeShortVerb{\+}
+% \def\B#1{\texttt{[}\meta{#1}\texttt{]}}
+% \section{Creating a format}
+% \subsection{Using MikTeX}
+% \subsubsection{With preloaded pdflatex format (pdf output)}
+% Use the following command line:
+% \quad+etex -initialize [opts] "&pdflatex" mylatexformat.ltx """abc.tex"""+
+% You need 3 quotes around your \xext{tex} file if its name contains space
+% (only one quote if it does not contain any space, but 3 quotes is more general...)
+% \medskip
+% Full example:§§
+% \begin{VerbLines}
+% etex -initialize -interaction=nonstopmode
+% -save-size=20000 -stack-size=20000
+% -jobname="Mon Beau Format Perso"
+% "&pdflatex" mylatexformat.ltx """Mon Fichier TeX.tex"""
+% \end{VerbLines}
+% \subsubsection{With preloaded latex format (dvi output)}
+% Use the following command line:
+% \quad+etex -initialize [opts] "&latex" mylatexformat.ltx """abc.tex"""+
+% \subsubsection{With preloaded format xelatex (pdf output)}
+% Use the following command line:
+% \quad+xetex -initialize [opts] "&xelatex" mylatexformat.ltx """abc.tex"""+
+% \subsection{Using other distributions}
+% As I pointed out in the \texttt{abstract}, I have not been able to test the file on other distributions.
+% \section{Using a format}
+% \subsection{Using MikTeX}
+% Add the format to the very first line of your LaTeX file :
+% \quad+%&"Mon Beau Format"+
+% You may use the $\varepsilon$-\TeX{} option : +-dont-parse-first-line+ \quad to avoid loading the format.
+% \subsection{Using other distributions}
+% As I pointed out in the \texttt{abstract}, I have not been able to test the file on other distributions.
+% \clearpage
+% \section[How does it work ? (and why it is different from mylatex.ltx)]{How does it work ? (and why it is different from \xpackage{mylatex.ltx})}
+% \xpackage{mylatex.ltx} has three important limitations:
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*)~]
+% \item The end of the format is either \verb+\begin{document}+ or the comment \verb+%mylatex+\\
+% Therefore, after the format has been loaded, \TeX{} checks the commentaries in the preamble
+% in order to skip everything before \verb+%mylatex+. \\
+% But this way, braces \textbf{must match inside commentaries !}
+% \item \xpackage{mylatex.ltx} temporarily redefines the command \cs{document} in order to stop
+% the creation of the format (execution of \cs{dump}) at begin document. \\
+% However, the \textbf{initial definition of the macro \csbf{document}} is saved
+% and reloaded after the format has been loaded. \\
+% Therefore, package that modifies this macro (such as \Xpackage[oberdiek/auxhook]{auxhook}[ H. Oberdiek] or
+% \Xpackage{etoolbox}[ P. Lehman] cannot be included in the format!
+% \item If your document starts with :\\
+% \verb+\begin{document}% commentary+ or with :\\
+% \verb+\begin{document}\makeatletter+ \\
+% the format is not stopped at \verb+\begin{document}+ and an error occurs.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% ^^AWith \xpackage{mylatexformat.ltx}, those limitations are lifted.
+% ^^A\begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*)~]
+% ^^A\item Temporarily redefines \cs{begin} in order to check if its argument is \meta{document}.
+% ^^A\end{enumerate}
+% \begin{dblruled}[first=2pt,sep=1pt,second=.6pt,left=4pt]
+% With \xpackage{mylatexformat.ltx}, those limitations are lifted.
+% \xpackage{mylatexformat.ltx}:
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*)~]
+% \item Temporarily redefines \cs{begin} in order to check if its argument is \meta{document}. \\
+% Therefore, packages like \xpackage{auxhook} or \xpackage{etoolbox} can be included in the format.
+% \item Stops the format when it encounters \verb+\begin{document}+ or \cs{endofdump}.
+% \item Does not read inside commentaries
+% \item After the format has been loaded, each line is checked to see if it \textbf{contains} either:
+% \begin{description}[align=left,labelsep=1cm,font=\bfseries,labelindent=1cm]
+% \item[] {\dr\verb+\begin{document}+}
+% \item[or: ] {\dr\verb+\endofdump+}
+% \item[or: ] {\dr\verb+\csname endofdump\endcsname+}\textsuperscript{\bfseries\textasteriskcentered}
+% \end{description}
+% Report is written in the \xext{log} file, with the job name, the name of the preloaded format,
+% the list of preloaded files and the first input line read after loading of format.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% {\footnotesize\textsuperscript{\bfseries\textasteriskcentered} this way, the command \verb+\csname endofdump\endcsname+ is silently ignored
+% (equiv. to \cs{relax}) in case the format is not used.}
+% \end{dblruled}
+% \StopEventually{
+% }
+% \begin{center}\vskip6pt$\star$\hskip4em\lower12pt\hbox{$\star$}\hskip4em$\star$\vadjust{\vskip12pt}\end{center}
+% \hypersetup{bookmarksopenlevel=1}
+% \section{Implementation} \label{Implementation}
+% \csdef{HDorg@PrintMacroName}#1{\hbox to4em{\strut \MacroFont \string #1\ \hss}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%% _____________________________________________________________________
+%%% mylatexformat.ltx
+%%% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+%%% From an original idea by David Carlisle - mylatex.ltx 1994/09/27
+%%% © lppl 2010 - F Chervet - 2010/04/25
+%%% _____________________________________________________________________
+%%% Use this file to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX
+%%% file.
+%%% The format is made from the very beginning of the file up to either:
+%%% i) the command : \endofdump
+%%% placed in the preamble
+%%% ii) the command : \csname endofdump\endcsname
+%%% placed in the preamble
+%%% iii) \begin{document}
+%%% if \endofdump nor \csname endofdump\endcsname
+%%% haven't been found in the preamble.
+%%% A format helps to speed up compilations, packages which have been
+%%% dumped in the format are loaded at very high speed.
+%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+%%% There are no restrictions on the distribution or modification of
+%%% this file, except that other people should not attempt to alter
+%%% the master copy on the ctan archives.
+%%% Making the format --------------------------------------------------
+%%% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ USING MikTeX
+%%% * With preloaded pdflatex format (pdf output) :
+%%% etex -initialize [opts] "&pdflatex" mylatexformat.ltx """abc.tex"""
+%%% => compile your document using :
+%%% pdflatex
+%%% or texify --tex-option=-output-format=pdf
+%%% * With preloaded latex format (dvi output) :
+%%% etex -initialize [opts] "&latex" mylatexformat.ltx """abc.tex"""
+%%% => compile your document using
+%%% latex
+%%% or texify --tex-option=-output-format=dvi
+%%% * With preloaded format xelatex (pdf output) :
+%%% xetex -initialize [opts] "&xelatex" mylatexformat.ltx """abc.tex"""
+%%% => compile your document using xelatex
+%%% NOTA BENE: Please, notice the 3 quotes !
+%%% ^^^^^^^^^^
+%%% In fact, 3 quotes are necessary only if you "file name.tex" contains a space !
+%%% -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+%%% Exemple of a command line for making format using pdfTeX :
+%%% etex -initialize -interaction=nonstopmode
+%%% -save-size=20000 -stack-size=20000
+%%% -jobname="Mon Beau Format Perso"
+%%% "&pdflatex" mylatexformat.ltx "Mon Fichier TeX.tex"
+%%% "Mon Beau Format Perso.fmt" (en Français dans le texte) will be created
+%%% (or overwritten) in the current working directory.
+%%% Using the format ---------------------------------------------------
+%%% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ USING MikTeX
+%%% Add the format to the very first line of your LaTeX file :
+%%% --> first line : %&"format file name"
+%%% without the .fmt extension.
+%%% [You may use the option : -dont-parse-first-line option
+%%% to avoid loading the format]
+%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% ____________________________________________________________________
+%% The following informations come from mylatex.ltx from David Carlisle:
+%% Given a LaTeX file `abc.tex', use initex as follows:
+%% initex &latex mylatexformat.ltx abc (Generic TeX)
+%% initex \&latex mylatexformat.ltx abc (unix and other TeX's)
+%% tex /i &latex mylatexformat.ltx abc (emtex)
+%% If you are on a Mac or using some shell that makes it inconvenient
+%% to use a command line such as the above examples then you may
+%% make a file `mylatex.tex' with the single line
+%% \input mylatex.ltx abc
+%% and then pass the file mylatex.tex to your (ini)tex shell to produce
+%% the format, ie something equivalent to initex &latex mylatex.tex.
+%% If you are using OzTeX, see the separate instructions below.
+%% This should make a format file mylatex.fmt which you can then use
+%% as follows
+%% Using the new format
+%% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+%% tex &mylatex abc (generic TeX)
+%% virtex \&mylatex abc (Unix TeX)
+%% This will process your document, abc.tex, just as LaTeX does, but
+%% quicker as the contents of the preamble will be stored in the
+%% format file and will not need to be run each time.
+%% If (vir)tex fails to find your mylatex.fmt then it is not searching
+%% in the current directory, either modify your TEXFORMATS path (or
+%% equivalent) to search `.' or (on unix/dos) use ./ as in:
+%% virtex \&./mylatex abc
+%% Making and using the format with OzTeX
+%% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+%% Given a LaTeX file `abc.tex', do this: select `TeX...' from OzTeX's
+%% TeX menu, and go to the folder containing the file `abc.tex' as if you
+%% were selecting the file `abc.tex'. Then hit the Cancel button - this
+%% procedure sets OzTeX's working folder to the one containing abc.tex.
+%% Next, select iniTeX from the TeX menu, and type:
+%% &latex mylatex.ltx abc
+%% This should make a format file mylatex.fmt which you can save in the
+%% same folder as the file you're working on.
+%% To use the new format, put this at the very start of the very first
+%% line of your document:
+%% %&mylatex
+%% Further Notes
+%% The file abc.tex must contain a line *just* with
+%% \begin{document}
+%% Everything up to (but not including) the \begin{document} will
+%% be saved in the format and not executed in subsequent runs.
+%% If you are modifying the document (or working on a similar document)
+%% you may wish to add new commands to your document preamble.
+%% The `mylatex' format normally skips the whole preamble (believing
+%% it to be pre-loaded) and so such new commands do not take effect.
+%% You could re-make the format, preloading the new preamble, but that
+%% might be inconvenient to do every time, and so an alternative scheme
+%% has been introduced.
+%% If the preamble contains a comment mylatex (ie a line just
+%% containing a % white space and the word mylatex) then the mylatex
+%% format will start reading the preable at that point so any new
+%% commands can be placed after such a comment and they will be
+%% executed.
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+%%\RequirePackage{etex}% RequirePackage may be used before the class
+%% In principle \openout stream= filename need not be space terminated,
+%% and need not be immediate, but this covers \makeindex \makeglossary
+%% and index package's \newindex which are all the cases of \openout
+%% that occur before \begin{document} that I could see.
+%% Thanks to Ross Moore for pointing out \AtBeginDocument is too late
+%% eg changebar package *closes* the stream in \AtBeginDocument, so need
+%% to make sure it is opened before that. Make a special purpose hook.
+%% Save the original definition.
+\def\openout#1 {\g@addto@macro\MYLATEXopens{\immediate\etex@primitive@openout#1 }}
+%% \begin is overloaded in order to stop \dump at begin document
+%% if the macro \endofdump is not given somewhere in the preamble.
+%% Rem: it is NOT POSSIBLE to redefine \document, for the macro
+%% \document is changed or patched by some classes or packages
+%% (auxhook, etoolbox etc.)
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\document
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endofdump\expandafter\@gobble
+ \else\expandafter\MYLATEX@latex@begin
+ \fi{#1}}
+%% The version of \document to use on the initex run.
+%% Just preloads some fonts, puts back \document and \openout,
+%% sets up the banner to display the file list of files preloaded,
+%% then sets up some special catcodes so the preamble will be
+%% skipped on normal runs with the new format.
+%% Force some font preloading.
+ {\setbox\z@\hbox{%
+ $$% math (not bold, some setups don't have \boldmath)
+ \normalfont% normal
+ {\bfseries\itshape}{\itshape}\ttfamily\sffamily
+ \ifdefined\large\large\fi
+ \ifdefined\Large\Large\fi
+ \ifdefined\LARGE\LARGE\fi
+ \ifdefined\Huge\Huge\fi
+ \ifdefined\small\small\fi
+ \ifdefined\footnotesize\footnotesize\fi
+ \ifdefined\tiny\tiny\fi
+ }}%
+ \let\openout\etex@primitive@openout
+ \let\etex@primitive@openout\@undefined
+ \let\begin\MYLATEX@latex@begin
+ \let\MYLATEX@latex@begin\@undefined
+ \makeatother
+ \everyjob\expandafter{\the\everyjob
+ \begingroup
+ \listfiles
+ \expandafter\MYLATEXcustomised\@dofilelist
+ \endgroup}%
+ \catcode`\\=13\relax%
+ \let\endofdump\relax
+ \dump
+ }
+% Banner for \everyjob.
+ \noexpand\typeout{==============================================================================}%
+ \noexpand\typeout{JOB NAME\noexpand\@spaces\noexpand\@spaces\noexpand\space\noexpand\space:%
+ \string"\noexpand\jobname\string"}%
+ \noexpand\typeout{CUSTOMISED FORMAT :\string"\jobname\string"}%
+ \noexpand\typeout{PRELOADED FILES:}%
+ #3%
+ \noexpand\typeout{==============================================================================}%
+ \noexpand\typeout{(mylatexformat)Info: starting reading document%
+ \string"\noexpand\jobname\string"}%
+%% While the preamble is being skipped (inside a group)
+%% the EOL is active and defined to grab each line and
+%% inspect it looking for :
+%% \endofdump
+%% or \csname endofdump\endcsname
+%% or \begin{document}.
+%% The special catcodes required are not enabled until after the
+%% first TeX command in the file, so as to avoid problems with
+%% the special processing that TeX does on the first line, choosing
+%% the format, or the file name etc.
+{% Entering simple groupe (level 1) => skip the preamble
+ \catcode`\/=0 %
+ /catcode`\\=13 %
+ /catcode`/& 8 %
+ /gdef\{/catcode`/\=0 /catcode`/^^M=13 ^^M}% /catcode`/%=9 ^^M}%
+ /long/gdef^^M{/begingroup%
+ /long/def/MYLATEX@endofdump##1/endofdump##2##3&##4##5##6/MYLATEX{##5}%
+ /long/def/MYLATEX@endofdump@cs##1/csname endofdump/endcsname##2##3&##4##5##6/MYLATEX{##5}%
+ /long/def/MYLATEX@document ##1document##2##3&##4##5##6/MYLATEX{##5}%
+ /long/def/MYLATEX@begindocument##1/begin##2##3/MYLATEX##4{%
+ /MYLATEX@document ##2document&&{/MYLATEX@start1{##4}}{^^M}/MYLATEX}%
+ /long/def/MYLATEX@start##1##2{%
+ /typeout{(mylatexformat)/@spaces/space/on@line./space(%
+ /ifcase##1 /string/endofdump/else/string/begin{document}/fi)}%
+ /typeout{==============================================================================}%
+ /endgroup%
+ /catcode`/^^M=5/relax%
+ /let^^M/par%
+ /MYLATEXopens##2}%
+ /long/gdef^^M##1^^M{%
+ /MYLATEX@endofdump##1/endofdump&&%
+ {/MYLATEX@start0{##1}}%
+ {/MYLATEX@endofdump@cs##1/csname endofdump/endcsname&&%
+ {/MYLATEX@start0{##1}}%
+ {/MYLATEX@begindocument##1/begin/relax/MYLATEX{##1}}%
+ ^^M}%
+}% Leaving simple groupe (level 1) => start reading document
+%% Trick lookahead to allow mylatex.ltx and the document filename to be
+%% given on the same command line. (initex &latex mylatex.ltx {abc.tex})
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\+}^^A\UndefineShortVerb{\+}
+% \begin{History}
+% \begin{Version}{2010/04/30 v1.0}
+% \item First version.
+% \end{Version}
+% \end{History}
+% \PrintIndex
+% \Finale \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/mylatexformat/mylatexformat.ins b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/mylatexformat/mylatexformat.ins
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f7bad01d93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/mylatexformat/mylatexformat.ins
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+%% This is file `mylatexformat.ins',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% mylatexformat.dtx (with options: `install')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% mylatexformat : 2010/04/30 v1.0 - Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% This work consists of the main source file mylatexformat.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%% mylatexformat.ltx, mylatexformat.pdf, mylatexformat.ins
+%% mylatexformat - Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file
+%% Copyright (C) 2010 by Florent Chervet <>
+\input docstrip.tex
+\Msg{* Installation}
+\Msg{* Package 2010/04/30 v1.0 - Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file*}
+This is a generated file.
+mylatexformat : 2010/04/30 v1.0 - Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+version. The latest version of this license is in
+This work consists of the main source file mylatexformat.dtx
+and the derived files
+ mylatexformat.ltx, mylatexformat.pdf, mylatexformat.ins
+mylatexformat - Use mylatexformat.ltx to make a format based on the preamble of any LaTeX file
+Copyright (C) 2010 by Florent Chervet <>
+ \file{mylatexformat.ins}{\from{mylatexformat.dtx}{install}}%
+ \file{mylatexformat.ltx}{\from{mylatexformat.dtx}{package}}%
+ \file{mylatexformat.drv}{\from{mylatexformat.dtx}{driver}}%
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following}
+\Msg{* file into a directory searched by TeX:}
+\Msg{* mylatexformat.ltx}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file `mylatexformat.dtx'}
+\Msg{* through LaTeX.}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing!}
+%% End of file `mylatexformat.ins'.