path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2024-12-05 21:37:35 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2024-12-05 21:37:35 +0000
commitea85773b9fb11d3ee3449c6e31582678967bd0a4 (patch)
tree75efc3e95de0acfcdadebc10b8c44a801068f815 /Master/texmf-dist/scripts
parent3f8dd2e8b435c75014a9b7a7256258dfc09f815b (diff)
expltools (5dec24)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts')
5 files changed, 613 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck-cli.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck-cli.lua
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..69e5e1a1cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck-cli.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+-- A command-line interface for the static analyzer explcheck.
+local new_issues = require("explcheck-issues")
+local format = require("explcheck-format")
+local preprocessing = require("explcheck-preprocessing")
+-- local lexical_analysis = require("explcheck-lexical-analysis")
+-- local syntactic_analysis = require("explcheck-syntactic-analysis")
+-- local semantic_analysis = require("explcheck-semantic-analysis")
+-- local pseudo_flow_analysis = require("explcheck-pseudo-flow-analysis")
+-- Deduplicate pathnames.
+local function deduplicate_pathnames(pathnames)
+ local deduplicated_pathnames = {}
+ local seen_pathnames = {}
+ for _, pathname in ipairs(pathnames) do
+ if seen_pathnames[pathname] ~= nil then
+ goto continue
+ end
+ seen_pathnames[pathname] = true
+ table.insert(deduplicated_pathnames, pathname)
+ ::continue::
+ end
+ return deduplicated_pathnames
+-- Process all input files.
+local function main(pathnames, warnings_are_errors, max_line_length)
+ local num_warnings = 0
+ local num_errors = 0
+ print("Checking " .. #pathnames .. " files")
+ for pathname_number, pathname in ipairs(pathnames) do
+ -- Load an input file.
+ local file = assert(, "r"), "Could not open " .. pathname .. " for reading")
+ local content = assert(file:read("*a"))
+ assert(file:close())
+ local issues = new_issues()
+ -- Run all processing steps.
+ local line_starting_byte_numbers, _ = preprocessing(issues, content, max_line_length)
+ if #issues.errors > 0 then
+ goto continue
+ end
+ -- lexical_analysis(issues)
+ -- syntactic_analysis(issues)
+ -- semantic_analysis(issues)
+ -- pseudo_flow_analysis(issues)
+ -- Print warnings and errors.
+ ::continue::
+ num_warnings = num_warnings + #issues.warnings
+ num_errors = num_errors + #issues.errors
+ format.print_results(pathname, issues, line_starting_byte_numbers, pathname_number == #pathnames)
+ end
+ -- Print a summary.
+ format.print_summary(#pathnames, num_warnings, num_errors)
+ if(num_errors > 0) then
+ return 1
+ elseif(warnings_are_errors and num_warnings > 0) then
+ return 2
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+local function print_usage()
+ print("Usage: " .. arg[0] .. " [OPTIONS] FILENAMES\n")
+ print("Run static analysis on expl3 files.\n")
+ print("Options:")
+ print("\t--max-line-length=N\tThe maximum line length before the warning S103 (Line too long) is produced.")
+ print("\t--warnings-are-errors\tProduce a non-zero exit code if any warnings are produced by the analysis.")
+if #arg == 0 then
+ print_usage()
+ os.exit(1)
+ -- Collect arguments.
+ local pathnames = {}
+ local warnings_are_errors = false
+ local only_pathnames_from_now_on = false
+ local max_line_length = nil
+ for _, argument in ipairs(arg) do
+ if only_pathnames_from_now_on then
+ table.insert(pathnames, argument)
+ elseif argument == "--" then
+ only_pathnames_from_now_on = true
+ elseif argument == "--help" then
+ print_usage()
+ os.exit(0)
+ elseif argument == "--warnings-are-errors" then
+ warnings_are_errors = true
+ elseif argument:sub(1, 18) == "--max-line-length=" then
+ max_line_length = tonumber(argument:sub(19))
+ elseif argument:sub(1, 2) == "--" then
+ -- An unknown argument
+ print_usage()
+ os.exit(1)
+ else
+ table.insert(pathnames, argument)
+ end
+ end
+ pathnames = deduplicate_pathnames(pathnames)
+ -- Run the analysis.
+ local exit_code = main(pathnames, warnings_are_errors, max_line_length)
+ os.exit(exit_code)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck-format.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck-format.lua
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..5b64ab51b90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck-format.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+-- Formatting for the command-line interface of the static analyzer explcheck.
+-- Transform a singular into plural if the count is zero or greater than two.
+local function pluralize(singular, count)
+ if count == 1 then
+ return singular
+ else
+ return singular .. "s"
+ end
+-- Shorten a pathname, so that it does not exceed maximum length.
+local function format_pathname(pathname, max_length)
+ -- First, replace path segments with `/.../`, keeping other segments.
+ local first_iteration = true
+ while #pathname > max_length do
+ local pattern
+ if first_iteration then
+ pattern = "([^/]*)/[^/]*/(.*)"
+ else
+ pattern = "([^/]*)/%.%.%./[^/]*/(.*)"
+ end
+ local prefix_start, _, prefix, suffix = pathname:find(pattern)
+ if prefix_start == nil or prefix_start > 1 then
+ break
+ end
+ pathname = prefix .. "/.../" .. suffix
+ first_iteration = false
+ end
+ -- If this isn't enough, remove the initial path segment and prefix the filename with `...`.
+ if #pathname > max_length then
+ local pattern
+ if first_iteration then
+ pattern = "([^/]*/?)(.*)"
+ else
+ pattern = "([^/]*/%.%.%./)(.*)"
+ end
+ local prefix_start, _, _, suffix = pathname:find(pattern)
+ if prefix_start == 1 then
+ pathname = ".../" .. suffix
+ if #pathname > max_length then
+ pathname = "..." .. suffix:sub(-(max_length - #("...")))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return pathname
+-- Colorize a string using ASCII color codes.
+local function colorize(text, ...)
+ local buffer = {}
+ for _, color_code in ipairs({...}) do
+ table.insert(buffer, "\27[")
+ table.insert(buffer, tostring(color_code))
+ table.insert(buffer, "m")
+ end
+ table.insert(buffer, text)
+ table.insert(buffer, "\27[0m")
+ return table.concat(buffer, "")
+-- Remove ASCII color codes from a string.
+local function decolorize(text)
+ return text:gsub("\27%[[0-9]+m", "")
+-- Convert a byte number in a file to a line and column number in a file.
+local function convert_byte_to_line_and_column(line_starting_byte_numbers, byte_number)
+ local line_number = 0
+ for _, line_starting_byte_number in ipairs(line_starting_byte_numbers) do
+ if line_starting_byte_number > byte_number then
+ break
+ end
+ line_number = line_number + 1
+ end
+ assert(line_number > 0)
+ local line_starting_byte_number = line_starting_byte_numbers[line_number]
+ assert(line_starting_byte_number <= byte_number)
+ local column_number = byte_number - line_starting_byte_number + 1
+ return line_number, column_number
+-- Print the results of analyzing a file.
+local function print_results(pathname, issues, line_starting_byte_numbers, is_last_file)
+ -- Display an overview.
+ local all_issues = {}
+ local status
+ if(#issues.errors > 0) then
+ status = (
+ colorize(
+ (
+ tostring(#issues.errors)
+ .. " "
+ .. pluralize("error", #issues.errors)
+ ), 1, 31
+ )
+ )
+ table.insert(all_issues, issues.errors)
+ if(#issues.warnings > 0) then
+ status = (
+ status
+ .. ", "
+ .. colorize(
+ (
+ tostring(#issues.warnings)
+ .. " "
+ .. pluralize("warning", #issues.warnings)
+ ), 1, 33
+ )
+ )
+ table.insert(all_issues, issues.warnings)
+ end
+ elseif(#issues.warnings > 0) then
+ status = colorize(
+ (
+ tostring(#issues.warnings)
+ .. " "
+ .. pluralize("warning", #issues.warnings)
+ ), 1, 33
+ )
+ table.insert(all_issues, issues.warnings)
+ else
+ status = colorize("OK", 1, 32)
+ end
+ local max_overview_length = 72
+ local prefix = "Checking "
+ local formatted_pathname = format_pathname(
+ pathname,
+ math.max(
+ (
+ max_overview_length
+ - #prefix
+ - #(" ")
+ - #decolorize(status)
+ ), 1
+ )
+ )
+ local overview = (
+ prefix
+ .. formatted_pathname
+ .. (" "):rep(
+ math.max(
+ (
+ max_overview_length
+ - #prefix
+ - #decolorize(status)
+ - #formatted_pathname
+ ), 1
+ )
+ )
+ .. status
+ )
+ io.write("\n" .. overview)
+ -- Display the errors, followed by warnings.
+ if #all_issues > 0 then
+ for _, warnings_or_errors in ipairs(all_issues) do
+ print()
+ -- Display the warnings/errors.
+ for _, issue in ipairs(issues.sort(warnings_or_errors)) do
+ local code = issue[1]
+ local message = issue[2]
+ local range = issue[3]
+ local position = ":"
+ if range ~= nil then
+ local line_number, column_number = convert_byte_to_line_and_column(line_starting_byte_numbers, range[1])
+ position = position .. tostring(line_number) .. ":" .. tostring(column_number) .. ":"
+ end
+ local max_line_length = 88
+ local reserved_position_length = 10
+ local reserved_suffix_length = 30
+ local label_indent = (" "):rep(4)
+ local suffix = code:upper() .. " " .. message
+ formatted_pathname = format_pathname(
+ pathname,
+ math.max(
+ (
+ max_line_length
+ - #label_indent
+ - reserved_position_length
+ - #(" ")
+ - math.max(#suffix, reserved_suffix_length)
+ ), 1
+ )
+ )
+ local line = (
+ label_indent
+ .. formatted_pathname
+ .. position
+ .. (" "):rep(
+ math.max(
+ (
+ max_line_length
+ - #label_indent
+ - #formatted_pathname
+ - #decolorize(position)
+ - math.max(#suffix, reserved_suffix_length)
+ ), 1
+ )
+ )
+ .. suffix
+ .. (" "):rep(math.max(reserved_suffix_length - #suffix, 0))
+ )
+ io.write("\n" .. line)
+ end
+ end
+ if(not is_last_file) then
+ print()
+ end
+ end
+-- Print the summary results of analyzing multiple files.
+local function print_summary(num_pathnames, num_warnings, num_errors)
+ io.write("\n\nTotal: ")
+ local errors_message = tostring(num_errors) .. " " .. pluralize("error", num_errors)
+ errors_message = colorize(errors_message, 1, (num_errors > 0 and 31) or 32)
+ io.write(errors_message .. ", ")
+ local warnings_message = tostring(num_warnings) .. " " .. pluralize("warning", num_warnings)
+ warnings_message = colorize(warnings_message, 1, (num_warnings > 0 and 33) or 32)
+ io.write(warnings_message .. " in ")
+ print(tostring(num_pathnames) .. " " .. pluralize("file", num_pathnames))
+return {
+ convert_byte_to_line_and_column = convert_byte_to_line_and_column,
+ print_results = print_results,
+ print_summary = print_summary,
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck-issues.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck-issues.lua
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..9f7c1be75b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck-issues.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+-- A registry of warnings and errors identified by different processing steps.
+local Issues = {}
+ local new_object = {}
+ setmetatable(new_object, cls)
+ cls.__index = cls
+ new_object.errors = {}
+ new_object.warnings = {}
+ new_object.ignored_issues = {}
+ return new_object
+-- Convert an issue identifier to either a table of warnings or a table of errors.
+function Issues:_get_issue_table(identifier)
+ local prefix = identifier:sub(1, 1)
+ if prefix == "s" or prefix == "w" then
+ return self.warnings
+ elseif prefix == "t" or prefix == "e" then
+ return self.errors
+ else
+ assert(false, 'Identifier "' .. identifier .. '" has an unknown prefix "' .. prefix .. '"')
+ end
+-- Add an issue to the table of issues.
+function Issues:add(identifier, message, range_start, range_end)
+ if self.ignored_issues[identifier] then
+ return
+ end
+ local issue_table = self:_get_issue_table(identifier)
+ local range
+ if range_start == nil then
+ range = nil
+ else
+ range = {range_start, range_end}
+ end
+ table.insert(issue_table, {identifier, message, range})
+-- Prevent an issue from being present in the table of issues.
+function Issues:ignore(identifier)
+ -- Remove the issue if it has already been added.
+ local issue_table = self:_get_issue_table(identifier)
+ local updated_issues = {}
+ for _, issue in ipairs(issue_table) do
+ if issue[1] ~= identifier then
+ table.insert(updated_issues, issue)
+ end
+ end
+ for issue_index, issue in ipairs(updated_issues) do
+ issue_table[issue_index] = issue
+ end
+ for issue_index = #updated_issues + 1, #issue_table, 1 do
+ issue_table[issue_index] = nil
+ end
+ -- Prevent the issue from being added later.
+ self.ignored_issues[identifier] = true
+-- Sort the warnings/errors using location as the primary key.
+function Issues.sort(warnings_and_errors)
+ local sorted_warnings_and_errors = {}
+ for _, issue in ipairs(warnings_and_errors) do
+ local code = issue[1]
+ local message = issue[2]
+ local range = issue[3]
+ table.insert(sorted_warnings_and_errors, {code, message, range})
+ end
+ table.sort(sorted_warnings_and_errors, function(a, b)
+ local a_code, b_code = a[1], b[1]
+ local a_range, b_range = (a[3] and a[3][1]) or 0, (b[3] and b[3][1]) or 0
+ return a_range < b_range or (a_range == b_range and a_code < b_code)
+ end)
+ return sorted_warnings_and_errors
+return function()
+ return Issues:new()
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck-preprocessing.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck-preprocessing.lua
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..8ab1cdc3d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck-preprocessing.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+-- The preprocessing step of static analysis determines which parts of the input files contain expl3 code.
+local lpeg = require("lpeg")
+local Cp, P, R, S, V = lpeg.Cp, lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V
+-- Define base parsers.
+---- Generic
+local any = P(1)
+local eof = -any
+---- Tokens
+local lbrace = P("{")
+local rbrace = P("}")
+local percent_sign = P("%")
+local backslash = P([[\]])
+local letter = R("AZ","az")
+local underscore = P("_")
+local colon = P(":")
+---- Spacing
+local newline = (
+ P("\n")
+ + P("\r\n")
+ + P("\r")
+local linechar = any - newline
+local spacechar = S("\t ")
+local optional_spaces = spacechar^0
+local optional_spaces_and_newline_after_cs = (
+ optional_spaces
+ * (
+ newline
+ * optional_spaces
+ )^-1
+-- Define intermediate parsers.
+---- Parts of TeX syntax
+local comment = (
+ percent_sign
+ * linechar^0
+ * newline
+ * optional_spaces
+local argument = (
+ lbrace
+ * (
+ comment
+ + (any - rbrace)
+ )^0
+ * rbrace
+local expl3like_control_sequence = (
+ backslash
+ * (letter - underscore - colon)^1
+ * (underscore + colon)
+ * letter^1
+---- Standard delimiters
+local provides = (
+ P([[\ProvidesExpl]])
+ * (
+ P("Package")
+ + P("Class")
+ + P("File")
+ )
+ * optional_spaces_and_newline_after_cs
+ * comment^0
+ * argument
+ * comment^0
+ * argument
+ * comment^0
+ * argument
+ * comment^0
+ * argument
+local expl_syntax_on = P([[\ExplSyntaxOn]])
+local expl_syntax_off = P([[\ExplSyntaxOff]])
+local function preprocessing(issues, content, max_line_length)
+ if max_line_length == nil then
+ max_line_length = 80
+ end
+ -- Determine the bytes where lines begin.
+ local line_starting_byte_numbers = {}
+ local function record_line(line_start)
+ table.insert(line_starting_byte_numbers, line_start)
+ end
+ local function line_too_long(range_start, range_end)
+ issues:add('s103', 'line too long', range_start, range_end + 1)
+ end
+ local line_numbers_grammar = (
+ Cp() / record_line
+ * (
+ (
+ (
+ Cp() * linechar^(max_line_length + 1) * Cp() / line_too_long
+ + linechar^0
+ )
+ * newline
+ * Cp()
+ ) / record_line
+ )^0
+ )
+ lpeg.match(line_numbers_grammar, content)
+ -- Determine which parts of the input files contain expl3 code.
+ local expl_ranges = {}
+ local function capture_range(range_start, range_end)
+ table.insert(expl_ranges, {range_start, range_end + 1})
+ end
+ local function unexpected_pattern(pattern, code, message, test)
+ return Cp() * pattern * Cp() / function(range_start, range_end)
+ if test == nil or test() then
+ issues:add(code, message, range_start, range_end + 1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local num_provides = 0
+ local analysis_grammar = P{
+ "Root";
+ Root = (
+ (
+ V"NonExplPart"
+ * V"ExplPart" / capture_range
+ )^0
+ * V"NonExplPart"
+ ),
+ NonExplPart = (
+ (
+ unexpected_pattern(
+ V"Closer",
+ "w101",
+ "unexpected delimiters"
+ )
+ + unexpected_pattern(
+ expl3like_control_sequence,
+ "e102",
+ "expl3 control sequences in non-expl3 parts"
+ )
+ + (any - V"Opener")
+ )^0
+ ),
+ ExplPart = (
+ V"Opener"
+ * Cp()
+ * (
+ unexpected_pattern(
+ V"Opener",
+ "w101",
+ "unexpected delimiters"
+ )
+ + (any - V"Closer")
+ )^0
+ * Cp()
+ * (V"Closer" + eof)
+ ),
+ Opener = (
+ expl_syntax_on
+ + unexpected_pattern(
+ provides,
+ "e104",
+ [[multiple delimiters `\ProvidesExpl*` in a single file]],
+ function()
+ num_provides = num_provides + 1
+ return num_provides > 1
+ end
+ )
+ ),
+ Closer = expl_syntax_off,
+ }
+ lpeg.match(analysis_grammar, content)
+ -- If no parts were detected, assume that the whole input file is in expl3.
+ if(#expl_ranges == 0 and #content > 0) then
+ table.insert(expl_ranges, {0, #content})
+ issues:add('w100', 'no standard delimiters')
+ issues:ignore('e102')
+ end
+ return line_starting_byte_numbers, expl_ranges
+return preprocessing
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck.lua
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f2b1cfaa6d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/expltools/explcheck.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env texlua
+-- A command-line interface for the static analyzer explcheck.