path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2015-03-18 06:34:46 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2015-03-18 06:34:46 +0000
commit59017b52c2f214f894656731935b5bff3e711e5f (patch)
tree00bc7415c038ec571533dde76ba4625a39db3ad3 /Master/texmf-dist/scripts
parente74c8ebbae4c03d35a7e1c03482f8e16b663fc1e (diff)
add and
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts')
2 files changed, 1880 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive/ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..6fc3c9baabe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive/
@@ -0,0 +1,1168 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# $Id: 33988 2014-05-12 06:39:32Z preining $
+# fmtutil - utility to maintain format files.
+# (Maintained in TeX Live:Master/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive.)
+# Copyright 2014-2015 Norbert Preining
+# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
+# or any later version.
+# History:
+# Original shell script (C) 2001 Thomas Esser, public domain
+ $^W=1;
+ $TEXMFROOT = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFROOT`;
+ if ($?) {
+ print STDERR "fmtutil: Cannot find TEXMFROOT, aborting!\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ chomp($TEXMFROOT);
+ unshift (@INC, "$TEXMFROOT/tlpkg", "$TEXMFROOT/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive");
+ require "";
+ TeX::Update->import();
+my $svnid = '$Id: 33988 2014-05-12 06:39:32Z preining $';
+my $lastchdate = '$Date: 2014-05-12 15:39:32 +0900 (Mon, 12 May 2014) $';
+$lastchdate =~ s/^\$Date:\s*//;
+$lastchdate =~ s/ \(.*$//;
+my $svnrev = '$Revision: 33988 $';
+$svnrev =~ s/^\$Revision:\s*//;
+$svnrev =~ s/\s*\$$//;
+my $version = "svn$svnrev ($lastchdate)";
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_autoabbrev ignore_case_always);
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Copy;
+use Cwd;
+# don't import anything automatically, this requires us to explicitly
+# call functions with TeXLive::TLUtils prefix, and makes it easier to
+# find and if necessary remove references to TLUtils
+use TeXLive::TLUtils qw();
+#use Data::Dumper;
+#$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
+# numerical constants
+my $FMT_DISABLED = 1;
+my $FMT_FAILURE = 2;
+my $FMT_SUCCESS = 3;
+my $FMT_NOTAVAIL = 4;
+my $nul = (win32() ? 'nul' : '/dev/null');
+my @deferred_stderr;
+my @deferred_stdout;
+(our $prg = basename($0)) =~ s/\.pl$//;
+# sudo sometimes does not reset the home dir of root, check on that
+# see more comments at the definition of the function itself
+# this function checks by itself whether it is running on windows or not
+chomp(our $TEXMFDIST = `kpsewhich --var-value=TEXMFDIST`);
+chomp(our $TEXMFVAR = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFVAR`);
+chomp(our $TEXMFSYSVAR = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFSYSVAR`);
+chomp(our $TEXMFCONFIG = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFCONFIG`);
+chomp(our $TEXMFSYSCONFIG = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFSYSCONFIG`);
+chomp(our $TEXMFHOME = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME`);
+# make sure that on windows *everything* is in lower case for comparison
+if (win32()) {
+# these need to be our since they are used from the
+# functions in
+our $texmfconfig = $TEXMFCONFIG;
+our $texmfvar = $TEXMFVAR;
+our $alldata;
+our %opts = ( quiet => 0 );
+our @cmdline_options = (
+ "sys",
+ "cnffile=s@",
+ "fmtdir=s",
+ "no-engine-subdir",
+ "no-error-if-no-engine=s",
+ "quiet|silent|q",
+ "test",
+ "dolinks",
+ "force",
+ "all",
+ "missing",
+ "nohash",
+ "refresh",
+ "byengine=s",
+ "byfmt=s",
+ "byhyphen=s",
+ "enablefmt=s",
+ "disablefmt=s",
+ "listcfg",
+ "catcfg",
+ "showhyphen=s",
+ "edit",
+ "version",
+ "help|h",
+ "strict",
+ "_dumpdata",
+ );
+my $updLSR;
+my $mktexfmtMode = 0;
+# make sure we only echo out *one* line in mktexfmt mode
+my $mktexfmtFirst = 1;
+sub main {
+ if ($prg eq "mktexfmt") {
+ # mktexfmtMode: if called as mktexfmt, set to true. Will echo the
+ # first generated filename after successful generation to stdout then
+ # (and nothing else), since kpathsea can only deal with one.
+ $mktexfmtMode = 1;
+ GetOptions ( "help" => \$opts{'help'}, "version" => \$opts{'version'} )
+ or die "Unknown option in command line arguments\n";
+ if ($ARGV[0]) {
+ if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^(.*)\.(fmt|mem|base)$/) {
+ $opts{'byfmt'} = $1;
+ } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/\./) {
+ die "unknown format type: $ARGV[0]";
+ } else {
+ $opts{'byfmt'} = $ARGV[0];
+ }
+ } else {
+ die "missing argument to mktexmft";
+ }
+ } else {
+ GetOptions(\%opts, @cmdline_options) or
+ die "Try \"$prg --help\" for more information.\n";
+ }
+ help() if $opts{'help'};
+ if ($opts{'version'}) {
+ print version();
+ exit (0);
+ }
+ # these two functions should go to TLUtils!
+ check_hidden_sysmode();
+ determine_config_files("fmtutil.cnf");
+ my $changes_config_file = $alldata->{'changes_config'};
+ read_fmtutil_files(@{$opts{'cnffile'}});
+ # we do changes always in the used config file with the highest
+ # priority
+ my $bakFile = $changes_config_file;
+ $bakFile =~ s/\.cfg$/.bak/;
+ my $changed = 0;
+ # should be replaces by new mktexlsr perl version
+ $updLSR = new TeX::Update;
+ $updLSR->mustexist(0);
+ my $cmd;
+ if ($opts{'edit'}) {
+ if ($opts{"dry-run"}) {
+ printf STDERR "No, are you joking, you want to edit with --dry-run?\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ # it's not a good idea to edit fmtutil.cnf manually these days,
+ # but for compatibility we'll silently keep the option.
+ $cmd = 'edit';
+ my $editor = $ENV{'VISUAL'} || $ENV{'EDITOR'};
+ $editor ||= (&win32 ? "notepad" : "vi");
+ if (-r $changes_config_file) {
+ &copyFile($changes_config_file, $bakFile);
+ } else {
+ touch($bakFile);
+ touch($changes_config_file);
+ }
+ system($editor, $changes_config_file);
+ $changed = files_are_different($bakFile, $changes_config_file);
+ } elsif ($opts{'showhyphen'}) {
+ my $f = $opts{'showhyphen'};
+ if ($alldata->{'merged'}{$f}) {
+ my @all_engines = keys %{$alldata->{'merged'}{$f}};
+ for my $e (sort @all_engines) {
+ my $hf = $alldata->{'merged'}{$f}{$e}{'hyphen'};
+ next if ($hf eq '-');
+ my $ff = `kpsewhich -progname=$f -format=tex $hf`;
+ chomp($ff);
+ if ($ff ne "") {
+ if ($#all_engines > 0) {
+ printf "$f/$e: ";
+ }
+ printf "$ff\n";
+ } else {
+ print_warning("hyphenfile $hf (for $f/$e) not found!\n");
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($opts{'catcfg'}) {
+ print_warning("--catcfg command not supported anymore!\n");
+ exit(1);
+ } elsif ($opts{'listcfg'}) {
+ print_warning("--listcfg currently not implemented, be patient!\n");
+ exit(1);
+ } elsif ($opts{'disablefmt'}) {
+ return callback_enable_disable_format($changes_config_file,
+ $opts{'enablefmt'}, 'disabled');
+ } elsif ($opts{'enablefmt'}) {
+ return callback_enable_disable_format($changes_config_file,
+ $opts{'enablefmt'}, 'enabled');
+ } elsif ($opts{'byfmt'}) {
+ return callback_build_formats('byfmt', $opts{'byfmt'});
+ } elsif ($opts{'byengine'}) {
+ return callback_build_formats('byengine', $opts{'byengine'});
+ } elsif ($opts{'byhyphen'}) {
+ return callback_build_formats('byhyphen', $opts{'byhyphen'});
+ } elsif ($opts{'refresh'}) {
+ return callback_build_formats('refresh');
+ } elsif ($opts{'missing'}) {
+ return callback_build_formats('missing');
+ } elsif ($opts{'all'}) {
+ return callback_build_formats('all');
+ } elsif ($opts{'_dumpdata'}) {
+ dump_data();
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ print_error("missing command; try fmtutil --help if you need it.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (!$opts{'nohash'}) {
+ print "$prg: Updating ls-R files.\n" if !$opts{'quiet'};
+ $updLSR->exec() unless $opts{"dry-run"};
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub dump_data {
+ require Data::Dumper;
+ $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
+ $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
+ print Data::Dumper::Dumper($alldata);
+# build_formats
+# (re)builds the formats as selected
+sub callback_build_formats {
+ my ($what, $whatarg) = @_;
+ my $suc = 0;
+ my $err = 0;
+ my $disabled = 0;
+ my $nobuild = 0;
+ my $notavail = 0;
+ #
+ # set up a tmp dir
+ my $tmpdir = File::Temp::tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
+ #my $tmpdir = File::Temp::tempdir();
+ # set up destination directory
+ $opts{'fmtdir'} || ( $opts{'fmtdir'} = "$texmfvar/web2c" ) ;
+ TeXLive::TLUtils::mkdirhier($opts{'fmtdir'}) if (! -d $opts{'fmtdir'});
+ if (! -w $opts{'fmtdir'}) {
+ print_error("format directory \`" . $opts{'fmtdir'} ."' is not writable\n");
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ # since the directory does not exist, we can make it absolute with abs_path
+ # without andy trickery around non-existing dirs
+ $opts{'fmtdir'} = Cwd::abs_path($opts{'fmtdir'});
+ # for safety, check again
+ die ("abs_path didn't succeed, that is strange: $?") if !$opts{'fmtdir'};
+ #
+ # code taken over from the original shell script for KPSE_DOT etc
+ my $thisdir = cwd();
+ $ENV{'KPSE_DOT'} = $thisdir;
+ # due to KPSE_DOT, we don't search the current directory, so include
+ # it explicitly for formats that \write and later on \read
+ $ENV{'TEXINPUTS'} = "$tmpdir:" . ($ENV{'TEXINPUTS'} ? $ENV{'TEXINPUTS'} : "");
+ # for formats that load other formats (e.g., jadetex loads latex.fmt),
+ # add the current directory to TEXFORMATS, too. Currently unnecessary
+ # for MFBASES and MPMEMS.
+ $ENV{'TEXFORMATS'} = "$tmpdir:" . ($ENV{'TEXFORMATS'} ? $ENV{'TEXFORMATS'} : "");
+ #
+ # switch to temporary directory for format generation
+ chdir($tmpdir) || die("Cannot change to directory $tmpdir: $?");
+ # we rebuild formats in two rounds:
+ # round 1: only formats with the same name as engine (pdftex/pdftex)
+ # round 2: all other formats
+ # reason: later formats might need earlier formats to be already
+ # initialized (xmltex is one of these examples AFAIR)
+ my $val;
+ for my $fmt (keys %{$alldata->{'merged'}}) {
+ for my $eng (keys %{$alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}}) {
+ next if ($fmt ne $eng);
+ $val = select_and_rebuild_format($fmt, $eng, $what, $whatarg);
+ if ($val == $FMT_DISABLED) { $disabled++; }
+ elsif ($val == $FMT_NOTSELECTED) { $nobuild++; }
+ elsif ($val == $FMT_FAILURE) { $err++; }
+ elsif ($val == $FMT_SUCCESS) { $suc++; }
+ elsif ($val == $FMT_NOTAVAIL) { $notavail++; }
+ else { print_error("callback_build_format: unknown return from select_and_rebuild.\n"); }
+ }
+ }
+ for my $fmt (keys %{$alldata->{'merged'}}) {
+ for my $eng (keys %{$alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}}) {
+ next if ($fmt eq $eng);
+ $val = select_and_rebuild_format($fmt, $eng, $what, $whatarg);
+ if ($val == $FMT_DISABLED) { $disabled++; }
+ elsif ($val == $FMT_NOTSELECTED) { $nobuild++; }
+ elsif ($val == $FMT_FAILURE) { $err++; }
+ elsif ($val == $FMT_SUCCESS) { $suc++; }
+ elsif ($val == $FMT_NOTAVAIL) { $notavail++; }
+ else { print_error("callback_build_format: unknown return from select_and_rebuild.\n"); }
+ }
+ }
+ my $stdo = ($mktexfmtMode ? \*STDERR : \*STDOUT);
+ for (@deferred_stdout) { print $stdo $_; }
+ for (@deferred_stderr) { print STDERR $_; }
+ print_info("Disabled formats: $disabled\n") if ($disabled);
+ print_info("Successfully rebuild formats: $suc\n") if ($suc);
+ print_info("Not selected formats: $nobuild\n") if ($nobuild);
+ print_info("Not available formats: $notavail\n") if ($notavail);
+ print_info("Failure during builds: $err\n") if ($err);
+ return 0;
+# select_and_rebuild_format
+# check condition and rebuild the format if selected
+# return values: $FMT_*
+sub select_and_rebuild_format {
+ my ($fmt, $eng, $what, $whatarg) = @_;
+ return($FMT_DISABLED)
+ if ($alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'status'} eq 'disabled');
+ my $doit = 0;
+ # we just identify 'all', 'refresh', 'missing'
+ # I don't see much point in keeping all of them
+ $doit = 1 if ($what eq 'all');
+ $doit = 1 if ($what eq 'refresh');
+ $doit = 1 if ($what eq 'missing');
+ $doit = 1 if ($what eq 'byengine' && $eng eq $whatarg);
+ $doit = 1 if ($what eq 'byfmt' && $fmt eq $whatarg);
+ # TODO
+ # original was more strict about existence of the hyphen file
+ # not sure how we proceed here
+ $doit = 1 if ($what eq 'byhyphen' &&
+ $whatarg eq
+ (split(/,/ , $alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'hyphen'}))[0]);
+ if ($doit) {
+ return rebuild_one_format($fmt,$eng);
+ } else {
+ }
+# rebuild_one_format
+# takes fmt/eng and rebuilds it, irrelevant of any setting
+# return value FMT_
+sub rebuild_one_format {
+ my ($fmt, $eng) = @_;
+ # get variables
+ my $hyphen = $alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'hyphen'};
+ my $addargs = $alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'args'};
+ # running parameters
+ my $texengine;
+ my $jobswitch = "-jobname=$fmt";
+ my $prgswitch = "-progname=" ;
+ my $fmtfile = $fmt;
+ my $kpsefmt;
+ my $pool;
+ my $tcx = "";
+ my $tcxflag = "";
+ my $localpool=0;
+ my $texargs;
+ unlink glob "*.pool";
+ # addargs processing:
+ # can contain:
+ # nls stuff (pool/tcx) see below
+ # ini file (last argument)
+ my $inifile = $addargs;
+ $inifile = (split(' ', $addargs))[-1];
+ # get rid of leading * in inifiles
+ $inifile =~ s/^\*//;
+ if ($fmt eq "metafun") { $prgswitch .= "mpost"; }
+ elsif ($fmt eq "mptopdf") { $prgswitch .= "context"; }
+ elsif ($fmt =~ m/^cont-..$/) { $prgswitch .= "context"; }
+ else { $prgswitch .= $fmt; }
+ if ($eng eq "mpost") {
+ $fmtfile .= ".mem" ;
+ $kpsefmt = "mp" ;
+ $texengine = "metapost";
+ } elsif ($eng =~ m/^mf(w|-nowin)?$/) {
+ $fmtfile .= ".base" ;
+ $kpsefmt = "mf" ;
+ $texengine = "metafont";
+ } else {
+ $fmtfile .= ".fmt" ;
+ $kpsefmt = "tex" ;
+ $texengine = $eng;
+ }
+ # check for existence of ini file before doing anything else
+ if (system("kpsewhich -progname=$fmt -format=$kpsefmt $inifile >$nul 2>&1") != 0) {
+ # we didn't find the ini file, skip
+ print_deferred_warning("inifile $inifile for $fmt/$eng not found.\n");
+ # The original script just skipped it but in TeX Live we expect that
+ # all activated formats are also buildable, thus return failure.
+ return $FMT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ # NLS support
+ # Example (for fmtutil.cnf):
+ # mex-pl tex mexconf.tex nls=tex-pl,il2-pl mex.ini
+ # The nls parameter (pool,tcx) can only be specified as the first argument
+ # inside the 4th field in fmtutil.cnf.
+ if ($addargs =~ m/^nls=([^\s]+)\s+(.*)$/) {
+ $texargs = $2;
+ ($pool, $tcx) = split(',', $1);
+ $tcx || ($tcx = '');
+ } else {
+ $texargs = $addargs;
+ }
+ if ($pool) {
+ chomp ( my $poolfile = `kpsewhich -progname=$eng $pool.poo 2>$nul` );
+ if ($poolfile && -f $poolfile) {
+ print_verbose ("attempting to create localized format using pool=$pool and tcx=$tcx.\n");
+ File::Copy($poolfile, "$eng.pool");
+ $tcxflag = "-translate-file=$tcx" if ($tcx);
+ $localpool = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # Check for infinite recursion before running the iniTeX:
+ # We do this check only if we are running in mktexfmt mode
+ # otherwise double format definitions will create an infinite loop, too
+ if ($mktexfmtMode) {
+ if ($ENV{'mktexfmt_loop'}) {
+ if ($ENV{'mktexfmt_loop'} =~ m!:$fmt/$eng:!) {
+ die "$prg: infinite recursion detected in $fmt/$eng, giving up!";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ENV{'mktexfmt_loop'} = '';
+ }
+ $ENV{'mktexfmt_loop'} .= ":$fmt/$eng:";
+ }
+ #
+ # check for existence of $engine
+ # we do *NOT* use the return value but rely on execution of the shell
+ if (!TeXLive::TLUtils::which($eng)) {
+ if ($opts{'no-error-if-no-engine'} &&
+ ",$opts{'no-error-if-no-engine'}," =~ m/,$eng,/) {
+ return $FMT_NOTAVAIL;
+ } else {
+ print_deferred_error("not building $fmt due to missing engine $eng.\n");
+ return $FMT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ print_verbose("running \`$eng -ini $tcxflag $jobswitch $prgswitch $texargs' ...\n");
+ {
+ my $texpool = $ENV{'TEXPOOL'};
+ if ($localpool) {
+ $ENV{'TEXPOOL'} = cwd() . ":" . ($texpool ? $texpool : "");
+ }
+ # in mktexfmtMode we need to redirect *all* output to stderr
+ my $cmdline = "$eng -ini $tcxflag $jobswitch $prgswitch $texargs";
+ $cmdline .= " >&2" if $mktexfmtMode;
+ $cmdline .= " <$nul";
+ my $retval = system($cmdline);
+ if ($retval != 0) {
+ $retval /= 256 if ($retval > 0);
+ print_deferred_error("call to \`$eng -ini $tcxflag $jobswitch $prgswitch $texargs' returned error code $retval\n");
+ #
+ # original shell script did *not* check the return value
+ # we keep this behaviour, but add an option --strict that
+ # errors out on all failures.
+ if ($opts{'strict'}) {
+ print_deferred_error("return error due to options --strict\n");
+ return $FMT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($localpool) {
+ if ($texpool) {
+ $ENV{'TEXPOOL'} = $texpool;
+ } else {
+ delete $ENV{'TEXPOOL'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # check and install of fmt and log files
+ if (! -f $fmtfile) {
+ print_deferred_error("\`$eng -ini $tcxflag $jobswitch $prgswitch $texargs' failed\n");
+ return $FMT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ if (! -f "$fmt.log") {
+ print_deferred_error("no log file generated for $fmt/$eng, strange\n");
+ return $FMT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ open LOGFILE, "<$fmt.log" || print_deferred_warning("cannot open $fmt.log?\n");
+ my @logfile = <LOGFILE>;
+ close LOGFILE;
+ if (grep(/^!/, @logfile) > 0) {
+ print_deferred_error("\`$eng -ini $tcxflag $jobswitch $prgswitch $texargs' had errors.\n");
+ }
+ my $fulldestdir;
+ if ($opts{'no-engine-subdir'}) {
+ $fulldestdir = $opts{'fmtdir'};
+ } else {
+ $fulldestdir = "$opts{'fmtdir'}/$texengine";
+ }
+ TeXLive::TLUtils::mkdirhier($fulldestdir);
+ if (!File::Copy::move( "$fmt.log", "$fulldestdir/$fmt.log")) {
+ print_deferred_error("Cannot move $fmt.log to $fulldestdir.\n");
+ }
+ my $destfile = "$fulldestdir/$fmtfile";
+ if (File::Copy::move( $fmtfile, $destfile )) {
+ print_info("$destfile installed.\n");
+ #
+ # original did some magic trick for mplib-luatex.mem
+ #
+ # nowadays no mplib mem is created and all files loaded
+ # so we comment and do not convert this
+ #
+ # As a special special case, we create mplib-luatex.mem for use by
+ # the mplib embedded in luatex if it doesn't already exist. (We
+ # never update it if it does exist.)
+ #
+ # This is used by the luamplib package. This way, an expert user
+ # who wants to try a new version of luatex (hence with a new
+ # version of mplib) can manually update mplib-luatex.mem without
+ # having to tamper with mpost itself.
+ #
+ # if test "x$format" = xmpost && test "x$engine" = xmpost; then
+ # mplib_mem_name=mplib-luatex.mem
+ # mplib_mem_file=$fulldestdir/$mplib_mem_name
+ # if test \! -f $mplib_mem_file; then
+ # verboseMsg "$progname: copying $destfile to $mplib_mem_file"
+ # if cp "$destfile" "$mplib_mem_file" </dev/null; then
+ # mktexupd "$fulldestdir" "$mplib_mem_name"
+ # else
+ # # failure to copy merits failure handling: e.g., full file system.
+ # log_failure "cp $destfile $mplib_mem_file failed."
+ # fi
+ # else
+ # verboseMsg "$progname: $mplib_mem_file already exists, not updating."
+ # fi
+ # fi
+ if ($mktexfmtMode && $mktexfmtFirst) {
+ print "$destfile\n";
+ $mktexfmtFirst = 0;
+ }
+ $updLSR->add($destfile);
+ $updLSR->exec();
+ $updLSR->reset();
+ return $FMT_SUCCESS;
+ } else {
+ print_deferred_error("Cannot move $fmtfile to $destfile.\n");
+ if (-f $destfile) {
+ # remove the empty file possibly left over if a near-full file system.
+ print_verbose("Removing partial file $destfile after move failure ...\n");
+ unlink($destfile) || print_deferred_error("Removing $destfile failed.\n");
+ }
+ return $FMT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ print_deferred_error("we should not be here $fmt/$eng\n");
+ return $FMT_FAILURE;
+# enable_disable_format_engine
+# assumes that format/engine is already defined somewhere,
+# i.e., it $alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng} is defined
+# Return values:
+# 1 - success with changes
+# 0 - no changes done
+# -1 - error appeared
+sub enable_disable_format_engine {
+ my ($tc, $fmt, $eng, $mode) = @_;
+ if ($mode eq 'enabled' || $mode eq 'disabled') {
+ if ($alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'status'} eq $mode) {
+ print_info("Format/engine combination $fmt/$eng already $mode.\n");
+ print_info("No changes done.\n");
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ my $origin = $alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'origin'};
+ if ($origin ne $tc) {
+ $alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$tc}{'formats'}{$fmt}{$eng} =
+ {%{$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$origin}{'formats'}{$fmt}{$eng}}}
+ }
+ $alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$tc}{'formats'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'status'} = $mode;
+ $alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$tc}{'formats'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'line'} = -1;
+ $alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$tc}{'formats'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'changed'} = 1;
+ $alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'status'} = $mode;
+ $alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'origin'} = $tc;
+ dump_data();
+ return save_fmtutil($tc);
+ }
+ } else {
+ print_error("enable_disable_format_engine: unknown mode $mode\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+# enable a format named
+# format[/engine]
+# where the engine part is optional
+# Case 1: no "engine" given:
+# - if format is defined and has only one engine instance -> activate
+# - if format is defined and has more than one engine -> error
+# Case 2: engine given:
+# - if format/engine is defined -> activate
+# - if format/engine is not defined -> error
+# Return values:
+# 1 - success with changes
+# 0 - no changes done
+# -1 - error appeared
+sub callback_enable_disable_format {
+ my ($tc, $fmtname, $mode) = @_;
+ my ($fmt, $eng) = split('/', $fmtname, 2);
+ if ($mode ne 'enabled' && $mode ne 'disabled') {
+ print_error("callback_enable_disable_format: unknown mode $mode.\n");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ if ($eng) {
+ if ($alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}) {
+ return enable_disable_format_engine($tc, $fmt, $eng, $mode);
+ } else {
+ print_warning("Format/engine combination: $fmt/$eng is not defined.\n");
+ print_warning("Cannot (de)activate it.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # no engine given, check the number of entries
+ if ($alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}) {
+ my @engs = keys %{$alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}};
+ if (($#engs > 0) || ($#engs == -1)) {
+ print_warning("More engines given for format $fmt.\n");
+ print_warning("Please specify one of the engines: @engs\n");
+ print_warning("No changes done.\n");
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ # only one engine, enable it if necessary!
+ return enable_disable_format_engine($tc, $fmt, $engs[0], $mode);
+ }
+ } else {
+ print_warning("Format $fmt is not defined.\n");
+ print_warning("Cannot (de)activate it.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+sub read_fmtutil_files {
+ my (@l) = @_;
+ for my $l (@l) { read_fmtutil_file($l); }
+ # in case the changes_config is a new one read it in and initialize it here
+ my $cc = $alldata->{'changes_config'};
+ if (! -r $cc) {
+ $alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$cc}{'lines'} = [ ];
+ }
+ #
+ $alldata->{'order'} = \@l;
+ #
+ # determine the origin of all formats
+ for my $fn (reverse @l) {
+ my @format_names = keys %{$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}};
+ for my $f (@format_names) {
+ for my $e (keys %{$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$f}}) {
+ $alldata->{'merged'}{$f}{$e}{'origin'} = $fn;
+ $alldata->{'merged'}{$f}{$e}{'hyphen'} =
+ $alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$f}{$e}{'hyphen'} ;
+ $alldata->{'merged'}{$f}{$e}{'status'} =
+ $alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$f}{$e}{'status'} ;
+ $alldata->{'merged'}{$f}{$e}{'args'} =
+ $alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$f}{$e}{'args'} ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub read_fmtutil_file {
+ my $fn = shift;
+ if (!open(FN,"<$fn")) {
+ die ("Cannot read $fn: $!");
+ }
+ # we count lines from 0 ..!!!!
+ my $i = -1;
+ my @lines = <FN>;
+ chomp(@lines);
+ $alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'lines'} = [ @lines ];
+ close(FN) || warn("$prg: Cannot close $fn: $!");
+ for (@lines) {
+ $i++;
+ chomp;
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ next if /^\s*#$/;
+ next if /^\s*#[^!]/;
+ next if /^\s*##/;
+ next if /^#![^ ]/;
+ # allow for comments on the line itself
+ s/([^#].*)#.*$/$1/;
+ my ($a, $b, $c, @rest) = split ' ';
+ my $disabled = 0;
+ if ($a eq "#!") {
+ # we cannot determine whether a line is a proper fmtline or
+ # not, so we have to assume that it is
+ my $d = shift @rest;
+ if (!defined($d)) {
+ print_warning("apparently not a real disable line, ignored: $_\n");
+ next;
+ } else {
+ $disabled = 1;
+ $a = $b; $b = $c; $c = $d;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$a}{$b})) {
+ print_warning("double mention of $a/$b in $fn\n");
+ } else {
+ $alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$a}{$b}{'hyphen'} = $c;
+ $alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$a}{$b}{'args'} = "@rest";
+ $alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$a}{$b}{'status'} = ($disabled ? 'disabled' : 'enabled');
+ $alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$a}{$b}{'line'} = $i;
+ }
+ }
+# and also be reused in!!!
+sub check_hidden_sysmode {
+ #
+ # check if we are in *hidden* sys mode, in which case we switch
+ # to sys mode
+ # Nowdays we use -sys switch instead of simply overriding TEXMFVAR
+ # This is used to warn users when they run updmap in usermode the first time.
+ # But it might happen that this script is called via another wrapper that
+ # sets TEXMFCONFIG and TEXMFVAR, and does not pass on the -sys option.
+ # for this case we check whether the SYS and non-SYS variants agree,
+ # and if, then switch to sys mode (with a warning)
+ if (!$opts{'sys'}) {
+ print_warning("hidden sys mode found, switching to sys mode.\n");
+ $opts{'sys'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($opts{'sys'}) {
+ # we are running as updmap-sys, make sure that the right tree is used
+ $texmfconfig = $TEXMFSYSCONFIG;
+ $texmfvar = $TEXMFSYSVAR;
+ }
+sub determine_config_files {
+ my $fn = shift;
+ # config file for changes
+ my $changes_config_file;
+ # determine which config files should be used
+ # we also determine here where changes will be saved to
+ if ($opts{'cnffile'}) {
+ my @tmp;
+ for my $f (@{$opts{'cnffile'}}) {
+ if (! -f $f) {
+ die "$prg: Config file \"$f\" not found.";
+ }
+ push @tmp, (win32() ? lc($f) : $f);
+ }
+ @{$opts{'cnffile'}} = @tmp;
+ # in case that config files are given on the command line, the first
+ # in the list is the one where changes will be written to.
+ ($changes_config_file) = @{$opts{'cnffile'}};
+ } else {
+ my @all_files = `kpsewhich -all $fn`;
+ chomp(@all_files);
+ my @used_files;
+ for my $f (@all_files) {
+ push @used_files, (win32() ? lc($f) : $f);
+ }
+ #
+ if (win32()) {
+ chomp($TEXMFLOCALVAR =`kpsewhich --expand-path=\$TEXMFLOCAL`);
+ @TEXMFLOCAL = map { lc } split(/;/ , $TEXMFLOCALVAR);
+ } else {
+ chomp($TEXMFLOCALVAR =`kpsewhich --expand-path='\$TEXMFLOCAL'`);
+ }
+ #
+ # search for TEXMFLOCAL/web2c/$fn
+ my @tmlused;
+ for my $tml (@TEXMFLOCAL) {
+ my $TMLabs = Cwd::abs_path($tml);
+ next if (!$TMLabs);
+ if (-r "$TMLabs/web2c/$fn") {
+ push @tmlused, "$TMLabs/web2c/$fn";
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # user mode (no -sys):
+ # ====================
+ # TEXMFCONFIG $HOME/.texliveYYYY/texmf-config/web2c/$fn
+ # TEXMFVAR $HOME/.texliveYYYY/texmf-var/web2c/$fn
+ # TEXMFHOME $HOME/texmf/web2c/$fn
+ # TEXMFSYSCONFIG $TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-config/web2c/$fn
+ # TEXMFSYSVAR $TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-var/web2c/$fn
+ # TEXMFLOCAL $TEXLIVE/texmf-local/web2c/$fn
+ # TEXMFDIST $TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-dist/web2c/$fn
+ #
+ # root mode (--sys):
+ # ==================
+ # TEXMFSYSCONFIG $TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-config/web2c/$fn
+ # TEXMFSYSVAR $TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-var/web2c/$fn
+ # TEXMFLOCAL $TEXLIVE/texmf-local/web2c/$fn
+ # TEXMFDIST $TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-dist/web2c/$fn
+ #
+ @{$opts{'cnffile'}} = @used_files;
+ #
+ # determine the config file that we will use for changes
+ # if in the list of used files contains either one from
+ # TEXMFHOME or TEXMFCONFIG (which is TEXMFSYSCONFIG in the -sys case)
+ # then use the *top* file (which will be either one of the two),
+ # if none of the two exists, create a file in TEXMFCONFIG and use it
+ my $use_top = 0;
+ for my $f (@used_files) {
+ if ($f =~ m!(\Q$TEXMFHOME\E|\Q$texmfconfig\E)/web2c/$fn!) {
+ $use_top = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($use_top) {
+ ($changes_config_file) = @used_files;
+ } else {
+ # add the empty config file
+ my $dn = "$texmfconfig/web2c";
+ $changes_config_file = "$dn/$fn";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$opts{'quiet'}) {
+ print "$prg is using the following $fn files (in precedence order):\n";
+ for my $f (@{$opts{'cnffile'}}) {
+ print " $f\n";
+ }
+ print "$prg is using the following $fn file for writing changes:\n";
+ print " $changes_config_file\n";
+ }
+ if ($opts{'listfiles'}) {
+ # we listed it above, so be done
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ $alldata->{'changes_config'} = $changes_config_file;
+# $HOME and sudo and updmap-sys horror
+# some instances of sudo do not reset $HOME to the home of root
+# as an effect of "sudo updmap" creates root owned files in the home
+# of a normal user, and "sudo updmap-sys" uses map files and updmap.cfg
+# files from the directory of a normal user, but creating files
+# in TEXMFSYSCONFIG. This is *all* wrong.
+# we check: if we are running as UID 0 (root) on Unix and the
+# ENV{HOME} is NOT the same as the one of root, then give a warning
+# and reset it to the real home dir of root.
+sub reset_root_home {
+ if (!win32() && ($> == 0)) { # $> is effective uid
+ my $envhome = $ENV{'HOME'};
+ # if $HOME isn't an existing directory, we don't care.
+ if (defined($envhome) && (-d $envhome)) {
+ # we want to avoid calling getpwuid as far as possible, so if
+ # $envhome is one of some usual values we accept it without worrying.
+ if ($envhome =~ m,^(/|/root|/var/root)/*$,) {
+ return;
+ }
+ # $HOME is defined, check what is the home of root in reality
+ my (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$roothome) = getpwuid(0);
+ if (defined($roothome)) {
+ if ($envhome ne $roothome) {
+ print_warning("resetting \$HOME value (was $envhome) to root's "
+ . "actual home ($roothome).\n");
+ $ENV{'HOME'} = $roothome;
+ } else {
+ # envhome and roothome do agree, nothing to do, that is the good case
+ }
+ } else {
+ print_warning("home of root not defined, strange!\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# printing to stdout (in mktexfmtMode also going to stderr!)
+# print_info can be supressed with --quiet
+# print_verbose cannot be supressed
+# printing to stderr
+# print_warning can be supressed with --quiet
+# print_error cannot be supressed
+sub print_info {
+ if ($mktexfmtMode) {
+ print STDERR "$prg [INFO]: ", @_ if (!$opts{'quiet'});
+ } else {
+ print STDOUT "$prg [INFO]: ", @_ if (!$opts{'quiet'});
+ }
+sub print_verbose {
+ if ($mktexfmtMode) {
+ print STDERR "$prg: ", @_;
+ } else {
+ print STDOUT "$prg: ", @_;
+ }
+sub print_warning {
+ print STDERR "$prg [WARNING]: ", @_ if (!$opts{'quiet'})
+sub print_error {
+ print STDERR "$prg [ERROR]: ", @_;
+# same with deferred
+sub print_deferred_info {
+ push @deferred_stdout, "$prg [INFO]: @_" if (!$opts{'quiet'});
+sub print_deferred_verbose {
+ push @deferred_stdout, "$prg: @_";
+sub print_deferred_warning {
+ push @deferred_stderr, "$prg [WARNING]: @_" if (!$opts{'quiet'})
+sub print_deferred_error {
+ push @deferred_stderr, "$prg [ERROR]: @_";
+# copied from TeXLive::TLUtils to reduce dependencies
+sub win32 {
+ if ($^O =~ /^MSWin/i) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+# help, version.
+sub version {
+ my $ret = sprintf "%s version %s\n", $prg, $version;
+ return $ret;
+sub help {
+ my $usage = <<"EOF";
+Usage: $prg [OPTION] ... [COMMAND]
+ or: $prg-sys [OPTION] ... [COMMAND]
+ or: mktexfmt FORMAT.fmt|BASE.base|MEM.mem|FMTNAME.EXT
+Rebuild and manage TeX formats, Metafont bases and MetaPost mems.
+If the command name ends in mktexfmt, only one format can be created.
+The only options supported are --help and --version, and the command
+line must consist of either a format name, with its extension, or a
+plain name that is passed as the argument to --byfmt (see below). The
+full name of the generated file (if any) is written to stdout, and
+nothing else.
+If not operating in mktexfmt mode, the command line can be more general,
+and multiple formats can be generated, as follows.
+Optional behavior:
+ --cnffile FILE read FILE instead of fmtutil.cnf
+ (can be given multiple times, in which case
+ all the files are used)
+ --fmtdir DIRECTORY
+ --no-engine-subdir don't use engine-specific subdir of the fmtdir
+ --no-error-if-no-format exit successfully if no format is selected
+ --no-error-if-no-engine=ENGINE1,ENGINE2,...
+ exit successfully even if the required engine
+ is missing, if it is included in the list.
+ --quiet be silent
+ --test (not implemented, just for compatibility)
+ --dolinks (not implemented, just for compatibility)
+ --force (not implemented, just for compatibility)
+Valid commands for fmtutil:
+ --all recreate all format files
+ --missing create all missing format files
+ --refresh recreate only existing format files
+ --byengine ENGINENAME (re)create formats using ENGINENAME
+ --byfmt FORMATNAME (re)create format for FORMATNAME
+ --byhyphen HYPHENFILE (re)create formats that depend on HYPHENFILE
+ --enablefmt FORMATNAME enable formatname in config file
+ --disablefmt FORMATNAME disable formatname in config file
+ --listcfg list (enabled and disabled) configurations,
+ filtered to available formats
+ --catcfg output the content of the config file
+ --showhyphen FORMATNAME print name of hyphenfile for format FORMATNAME
+ --version show version information and exit
+ --help show this message and exit
+Explanation of trees and files normally used:
+ If --cnffile is specified on the command line (possibly multiple
+ times), its value(s) are used. Otherwise, fmtutil reads all the
+ fmtutil.cnf files found by running \`kpsewhich -all fmtutil.cnf', in the
+ order returned by kpsewhich.
+ In any case, if multiple fmtutil.cnf files are found, all the format
+ definitions found in all the fmtutil.cnf files are merged.
+ Thus, if fmtutil.cnf files are present in all trees, and the default
+ layout is used as shipped with TeX Live, the following files are
+ read, in the given order.
+ For fmtutil-sys:
+ TEXMFSYSCONFIG \$TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-config/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
+ TEXMFSYSVAR \$TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-var/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
+ TEXMFLOCAL \$TEXLIVE/texmf-local/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
+ TEXMFDIST \$TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-dist/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
+ For fmtutil:
+ TEXMFCONFIG \$HOME/.texliveYYYY/texmf-config/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
+ TEXMFVAR \$HOME/.texliveYYYY/texmf-var/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
+ TEXMFHOME \$HOME/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
+ TEXMFSYSCONFIG \$TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-config/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
+ TEXMFSYSVAR \$TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-var/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
+ TEXMFLOCAL \$TEXLIVE/texmf-local/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
+ TEXMFDIST \$TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-dist/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
+ (where YYYY is the TeX Live release version).
+ According to the actions, fmtutil might write to one of the given files
+ or create a new fmtutil.cnf, described further below.
+Where changes are saved:
+ If config files are given on the command line, then the first one
+ given will be used to save any changes from --enable or --disable.
+ If the config files are taken from kpsewhich output, then the
+ algorithm is more complex:
+ 1) If \$TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/fmtutil.cnf or \$TEXMFHOME/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
+ appears in the list of used files, then the one listed first by
+ kpsewhich --all (equivalently, the one returned by kpsewhich
+ fmtutil.cnf), is used.
+ 2) If neither of the above two are present and changes are made, a
+ new config file is created in \$TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/fmtutil.cnf.
+ In general, the idea is that if a given config file is not writable, a
+ higher-level one can be used. That way, the distribution's settings
+ can be overridden for system-wide using TEXMFLOCAL, and then system
+ settings can be overridden again for a particular using using TEXMFHOME.
+Resolving multiple definitions of a format:
+ If a format is defined in more than one config file, then the definition
+ coming from the first-listed fmtutil.cnf is used.
+Disabling formats:
+ fmtutil.cnf files with higher priority (listed earlier) can disable
+ formats mentioned in lower priority (listed later) fmtutil.cnf files by
+ writing, e.g.,
+ \#! <fmtname> <enginename> <hyphen> <args>
+ in the higher-priority fmtutil.cnf file.
+ As an example, suppose you have want to disable the luajitlatex format.
+ You can create the file \$TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/fmtutil.cnf with the content
+ #! luajitlatex luajittex language.dat,language.dat.lua lualatex.ini
+ and call $prg.
+Report bugs to: tex-k\
+TeX Live home page: <>
+ print &version();
+ print $usage;
+ exit 0;
+### Local Variables:
+### perl-indent-level: 2
+### tab-width: 2
+### indent-tabs-mode: nil
+### End:
+# vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive/ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..cc514c6b46a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive/
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Copyright 2015 Norbert Preining
+# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
+# or any later version.
+# History:
+# Original shell script (C) 1994 Thomas Esser (as texhash), Public domain.
+=head1 NAME
+C<mktexlsr> and C<TeX::LSR> - handle TeX's Kpathsea file name database C<ls-R>
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+mktexlsr [I<option>]... [I<dir>]...
+texhash [I<option>]... [I<dir>]...
+B<mktexlsr> rebuilds the C<ls-R> filename databases used by TeX.
+If one or more arguments I<dir> are given, these are used as the
+directories in which to build C<ls-R>. Else all directories in the
+search path for C<ls-R> files (i.e., \$TEXMFDBS) are used.
+B<texhash> is a synonym for B<mktexlsr>; there are no differences in
+behavior based on the name.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--dry-run>, B<-n>
+do not actually update anything
+=item B<--help>, B<-h>
+display this help and exit
+=item B<--nofollow>
+do not follow symlinks (default to follow)
+=item B<--output[=]>I<NAME>, B<-o> I<NAME>
+if (and only if) exactly one I<dir> is given, output C<ls-R> file to I<NAME>
+=item B<--quiet>, B<-q>, B<--silent>
+cancel --verbose
+=item B<--verbose>
+explain what is being done, defaults to on when output is connected
+to a terminal.
+=item B<--version>, B<-v>
+output version information and exit
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+package mktexlsr;
+my $ismain;
+ $^W = 1;
+ $ismain = (__FILE__ eq $0);
+# for future inclusion in TeX Live svn:
+my $svnid = '$Id:$';
+my $lastchdate = '$Date:$';
+$lastchdate =~ s/^\$Date:\s*//;
+$lastchdate =~ s/ \(.*$//;
+my $svnrev = '$Revision:$';
+$svnrev =~ s/^\$Revision:\s*//;
+$svnrev =~ s/\s*\$$//;
+my $version = "revision $svnrev ($lastchdate)";
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+use Pod::Usage;
+my $opt_dryrun = 0;
+my $opt_help = 0;
+my $opt_verbose = (-t STDIN); # test whether connected to a terminal
+my $opt_version = 0;
+my $opt_output;
+my $opt_sort = 0; # for debugging sort output
+my $opt_follow = 1; # follow links - check whether they are dirs or not
+(my $prg = basename($0)) =~ s/\.pl$//;
+my $lsrmagic =
+ '% ls-R -- filename database for kpathsea; do not change this line.';
+my $oldlsrmagic =
+ '% ls-R -- maintained by MakeTeXls-R; do not change this line.';
+&main() if $ismain;
+# usage as module
+package TeX::LSR;
+use Cwd;
+use File::Spec::Functions;
+use File::Find;
+=head1 Perl Module Usage
+This file also provides a module C<TeX::LSR> that can be used
+as programmatic interface to the C<ls-R> files. Available
+methods are:
+ $lsr = new TeX::LSR( root => $texmftree );
+ $lsr->loadtree();
+ $lsr->loadfile();
+ $lsr->write( [filename => $fn, sort => $do_sort ] );
+ $lsr->addfiles ( @files );
+=head1 Methods
+=over 4
+=item C<< TeX::LSR->new( [root => "$path"] ) >>
+create a new C<LSR> object related to the tree in C<$path>,
+without loading any further information. Returns 1 on success
+and 0 on failure.
+The tree is represented as hash, where each file and directory
+acts as key, with files having 1 as value, and directories
+their recursive representation hash as value.
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %params = @_;
+ my $self = {
+ root => $params{'root'},
+ filename => '', # to accomodated both ls-r and ls-R
+ is_loaded => 0,
+ tree => { }
+ };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ return $self;
+=item C<< $lsr->loadtree() >>
+Loads the file information from the actual tree by traversing the
+whole directory recursively.
+Common VCS files and directories are ignored (C<.git>, C<.svn>, C<.hg>,
+C<.bzr>, C<CVS>). See above for the representation.
+Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
+# returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
+sub loadtree {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return 0 if (!defined($self->{'root'}));
+ return 0 if (! -d $self->{'root'});
+ my $tree;
+ build_tree($tree, $self->{'root'});
+ $self->{'tree'} = $tree->{$self->{'root'}};
+ $self->{'is_loaded'} = 1;
+ return 1;
+ # code adapted from
+ #
+ sub build_tree {
+ my $node = $_[0] = {};
+ my @s;
+ # go through all dirs recursively (File::Find::find),
+ # links are dereferenced according to $opt_follow
+ # add an entry of 1 if it is not a directory, otherwise
+ # create an empty hash as argument
+ File::Find::find( { follow_fast => $opt_follow, wanted => sub {
+ $node = (pop @s)->[1] while (@s && $File::Find::dir ne $s[-1][0]);
+ # ignore VCS
+ return if ($_ eq ".git");
+ return if ($_ eq ".svn");
+ return if ($_ eq ".hg");
+ return if ($_ eq ".bzr");
+ return if ($_ eq "CVS");
+ return $node->{$_} = 1 if (! -d);
+ push (@s, [ $File::Find::name, $node ]);
+ $node = $node->{$_} = {};
+ }}, $_[1]);
+ $_[0]{$_[1]} = delete $_[0]{'.'};
+ }
+# set the `filename' member; check ls-R first, then ls-r.
+=pod C<< $lsr->setup_filename() >>
+We support file names C<ls-R> and C<ls-r>, but create as C<ls-R>.
+Internal function, should not be used outside.
+sub setup_filename {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (!$self->{'filename'}) {
+ if (-r $self->{'root'} . "/ls-R") {
+ $self->{'filename'} = 'ls-R';
+ } elsif (-r $self->{'root'} . "/ls-r") {
+ $self->{'filename'} = 'ls-r';
+ } else {
+ $self->{'filename'} = 'ls-R';
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+=item C<< $lsr->load() >>
+Loads the file information either from the C<lsr-R> file, if
+present, otherwise from the actual tree.
+Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
+sub load {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return 0 if (!defined($self->{'root'}));
+ return 0 if (! -d $self->{'root'});
+ $self->setup_filename();
+ if (-r $self->{'filename'}) {
+ return $self->loadfile();
+ } else {
+ return $self->loadtree();
+ }
+=item C<< $lsr->loadfile() >>
+Loads the file information from the C<ls-R> file. Checks for the
+presence of the magic header as first line.
+Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
+# read given file; return 0 if failure, 1 if ok.
+sub loadfile {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return 0 if (!defined($self->{'root'}));
+ return 0 if (! -d $self->{'root'});
+ $self->setup_filename();
+ my $lsrfile = catfile($self->{'root'}, $self->{'filename'});
+ return 0 if (! -r $lsrfile);
+ open (LSR, "<", $lsrfile)
+ || die "$prg: readable but not openable $lsrfile??: $!";
+ # check first line for the magic header
+ chomp (my $fl = <LSR>);
+ if (($fl eq $lsrmagic) || ($fl eq $oldlsrmagic)) {
+ my %tree;
+ my $t;
+ for my $l (<LSR>) {
+ chomp($l);
+ next if ($l =~ m!^\s*$!);
+ next if ($l =~ m!^\./:!);
+ if ($l =~ m!^(.*):!) {
+ $t = \%tree;
+ my @a = split(/\//, $1);
+ for (@a) {
+ $t->{$_} = {} if (!defined($t->{$_}) || ($t->{$_} == 1));
+ $t = $t->{$_};
+ }
+ } else {
+ $t->{$l} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{'tree'} = $tree{'.'};
+ }
+ close(LSR);
+ $self->{'is_loaded'} = 1;
+ return 1;
+=item C<< $lsr->write( [ filename => "$fn", sort => $val) >>
+Writes out the C<ls-R> file, either to the default file name, or
+to C<$fn> if given. Entries within a directory are not sorted
+(not necessary), but sorting can be enforced by passing a true
+value to C<sort>.
+Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure (and give warning).
+sub write {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %params = @_;
+ my $fn;
+ my $dosort = 0;
+ $fn = $params{'filename'} if $params{'filename'};
+ $dosort = $params{'sort'};
+ if (!defined($self->{'root'})) {
+ warn "TeX::LSR: root undefined, cannot write.\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ($self->{'is_loaded'} == 0) {
+ warn "TeX::LSR: tree not loaded, cannot write: $self->{root}\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!defined($fn)) {
+ $self->setup_filename();
+ $fn = catfile($self->{'root'}, $self->{'filename'});
+ }
+ if (-e $fn && ! -w $fn) {
+ warn "TeX::LSR: ls-R file not writable, skipping: $fn\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ open (LSR, ">$fn") || die "TeX::LSR writable but cannot open??; $!";
+ print LSR "$lsrmagic\n\n";
+ print LSR "./:\n"; # hardwired ./ for top-level files
+ do_entry($self->{'tree'}, ".", $dosort);
+ close LSR;
+ return 1;
+ sub do_entry {
+ my ($t, $n, $sortit) = @_;
+ print LSR "$n:\n";
+ my @sd;
+ for my $st ($sortit ? sort(keys %$t) : keys %$t) {
+ push (@sd, $st) if (ref($t->{$st}) eq 'HASH');
+ print LSR "$st\n";
+ }
+ print LSR "\n";
+ for my $st ($sortit ? sort @sd : @sd) {
+ do_entry($t->{$st}, "$n/$st", $sortit);
+ }
+ }
+=item C<< $lsr->addfiles( @files ) >>
+Adds the files from C<@files> to the C<ls-R> tree. If a file
+is relative, it is added relative the the root of the tree. If
+it is absolute and the root agrees with a prefix of the file name,
+add the remaining part. If they disagree, throw an error.
+Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure (and give warning).
+sub addfiles {
+ my ($self, @files) = @_;
+ if ($self->{'is_loaded'} == 0) {
+ warn "TeX::LSR: tree not loaded, cannot add files: $self->{root}\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # if we are passed an absolute file name, check whether the prefix
+ # coincides with the root of the texmf tree, and add the relative
+ # file name, otherwise bail out
+ for my $f (@files) {
+ if (file_name_is_absolute($f)) {
+ my $cf = canonpath($f);
+ my $cr = canonpath($self->root);
+ if ($cf =~ m/^$cr([\\\/])?(.*)$/) {
+ $f = $2;
+ } else {
+ warn("File $f does not reside in $self->root.");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ my $t = $self->{'tree'};
+ my @a = split(/[\\\/]/, $f);
+ my $fn = pop @a;
+ for (@a) {
+ $t->{$_} = {} if (!defined($t->{$_}) || ($t->{$_} == 1));
+ $t = $t->{$_};
+ }
+ $t->{$fn} = 1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+# package TeX::Update
+# based on the mktexupd function in TLUtils
+package TeX::Update;
+use File::Path qw(make_path);
+=head1 TeX ls-R Update module
+This file also provides a module C<TeX::Update> that can be used
+to add files to their respective trees.
+Available methods are:
+ $upd = new TeX::Update();
+ $upd->mustexist(1);
+ $upd->add(file1, [file2]);
+ $upd->add(file3);
+ $upd->exec();
+ $upd->reset();
+=head1 Methods
+=over 4
+=item C<< TeX::Update->new() >>
+Create a new TeX::Update object.
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = {
+ files => {},
+ mustexist => 0,
+ };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ return $self;
+=item C<< $upd->add( @files ) >>
+Adds a list of files without any checks done.
+Returns 1.
+sub add {
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach my $file (@_) {
+ $file =~ s|\\|/|g;
+ $self->{'files'}{$file} = 1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+=item C<< $upd->reset( ) >>
+Removes all references to added files. Returns 1.
+sub reset {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'files'} = {};
+ return 1;
+=item C<< $upd->mustexist( [ $newvalue ] ) >>
+Wit C<$newvalue> given, sets the mustexist propery. In both
+cases returns the current value afterwards.
+sub mustexist {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_) { $self->{'mustexist'} = shift }
+ return $self->{'mustexist'};
+=item C<< $upd->exec( ) >>
+Goes through all added files, determines whether the files is contained
+in a tree that contains a ls-R files. If yes, adds the files there.
+If the mustexist property is set, bails out in case a file does not
+Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure (and give warning).
+sub exec {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # first check whether all files exist
+ if ($self->{'mustexist'}) {
+ for my $f (keys %{$self->{'files'}}) {
+ die "File \'$f\' doesn't exist.\n" if (! -f $f);
+ }
+ }
+ my @texmfdbs = mktexlsr::find_default_lsr_trees();
+ # filter files into the respective trees
+ my %dbs;
+ for my $p (keys %{$self->{'files'}}) {
+ for my $db (@texmfdbs) {
+ # remove terminal / if present
+ $db =~ s|/$||;
+ # lowercase for Windows
+ $db = lc($db) if mktexlsr::win32();
+ # search path
+ my $used_path = mktexlsr::win32() ? lc($p) : $p;
+ # check whether $p/$used_path is a file in $db
+ # we append a / to make sure that subdirs do not overlap (texmf/-dist)
+ if ( substr($used_path, 0, length("$db/")) eq "$db/" ) {
+ # fie $p/$used_path resides in the current $db
+ # strip initial $db/
+ my $filepart = substr($used_path, length("$db/"));
+ $dbs{$db}{$filepart} = 1;
+ last; # of the db loops!
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # now do the actual work
+ for my $db (keys %dbs) {
+ if (! -d $db) {
+ if (! make_path($db) ) {
+ die "Cannot create directory $db: $!";
+ }
+ }
+ my $lsr = new TeX::LSR(root => $db);
+ # load either from ls-R or tree
+ $lsr->load() || die "Cannot load ls-R in $db.";
+ $lsr->addfiles(keys %{$dbs{$db}}) || die "Cannot add some file to $db.";
+ $lsr->write() || die "Cannot write ls-R in $db.";
+ }
+ return 1;
+# back to main mktexlsr package/program.
+package mktexlsr;
+sub main {
+ GetOptions("dry-run|n" => \$opt_dryrun,
+ "help|h" => \$opt_help,
+ "verbose!" => \$opt_verbose,
+ "quiet|q|silent" => sub { $opt_verbose = 0 },
+ "sort" => \$opt_sort,
+ "output|o=s" => \$opt_output,
+ "follow!" => \$opt_follow,
+ "version|v" => \$opt_version)
+ || pod2usage(2);
+ pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -exitval => 0) if $opt_help;
+ if ($opt_version) {
+ print version();
+ exit (0);
+ }
+ if ($opt_output && $#ARGV != 0) {
+ # we only support --output with only one tree as argument
+ die "$prg: with --output, exactly one tree must be given: @ARGV\n";
+ }
+ for my $t (find_lsr_trees()) {
+ my $lsr = new TeX::LSR(root => $t);
+ print "$prg: Updating $t...\n" if $opt_verbose;
+ if ($lsr->loadtree()) {
+ if ($opt_dryrun) {
+ print "$prg: Dry run, not writing files.\n" if $opt_dryrun;
+ } elsif ($opt_output) {
+ #warn "writing to $opt_output\n";
+ $lsr->write(filename => $opt_output, sort => $opt_sort);
+ } else {
+ #warn "writing with sort=$opt_sort\n";
+ $lsr->write(sort => $opt_sort);
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn "$prg: cannot read files, skipping: $t\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print "$prg: Done.\n" if $opt_verbose;
+sub find_default_lsr_trees {
+ # the shellfile used kpsewhich --show-path=ls-R | tr : '\n'
+ # seems to be simpler than using -var-value TEXMFDBS and
+ # fixing the return value
+ my $delim = win32() ? ';' : ':';
+ chomp( my $t = `kpsewhich -show-path=ls-R` );
+ my @texmfdbs = split($delim, $t);
+ return @texmfdbs;
+sub find_lsr_trees {
+ my %lsrs;
+ my @candidates = @ARGV;
+ if (!@candidates) {
+ @candidates = find_default_lsr_trees();
+ }
+ for my $t (@candidates) {
+ my $ret;
+ eval {$ret = Cwd::abs_path($t);}; # eval needed for w32
+ if ($ret) {
+ $lsrs{$ret} = 1;
+ } else {
+ # ignored, we simply skip directories that don't exist
+ }
+ }
+ return sort(keys %lsrs);
+sub version {
+ my $ret = sprintf "%s version %s\n", $prg, $version;
+ return $ret;
+sub win32 {
+ return ( ($^O =~ /^MSWin/i) ? 1 : 0 );
+# for module loading!
+For more information, see the `Filename database' section of
+Kpathsea manual available at
+Report bugs to:
+This script and its documentation were written for the TeX Live
+distribution (L<>) and both are licensed under the
+GNU General Public License Version 2 or later.
+### Local Variables:
+### perl-indent-level: 2
+### tab-width: 2
+### indent-tabs-mode: nil
+### End:
+# vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #