path: root/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/profcollege/
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2023-07-04 19:53:24 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2023-07-04 19:53:24 +0000
commit0f26f9b08a67574b58941d4658c16372f46f087e (patch)
treee2663c556a4bf8a9b31a20d1e6504c6f31360e1c /Master/texmf-dist/metapost/profcollege/
parent0873b12963d49655a15e9f87f8d493eebd0aaa49 (diff)
profcollege (4jul23)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/metapost/profcollege/')
1 files changed, 1617 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/profcollege/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/profcollege/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..11051483e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/profcollege/
@@ -0,0 +1,1617 @@
+%Package mp-geographie
+%Auteur:Christophe Poulain
+%Version 0.62
+input marith;
+input sarith;
+%input LATEX;
+c:=57.29578; % conversion d'un radian en degrés
+color _T[],rouge,vert,bleu,jaune,noir,blanc,orange,rose,violet,ciel,cielfonce,orangevif,gris,tan,payscolor;
+vardef flamme=reverse(2mm*(0.5,1){dir90}..2mm*(0.75,1.5)..{dir90}2mm*(1,2))--2mm*(0.5,1){dir=-90}..2mm*(1,0.5)..{dir=90}2mm*(1.5,1)--((2mm*(0.5,1){dir90}..2mm*(0.75,1.5)..{dir90}2mm*(1,2)) reflectedabout (2mm*(1,0),2mm*(1,0)+2mm*(0,1)))--cycle
+%Les marques
+string marque_p;
+marque_p := "non";
+marque_r := 20;
+def MarquePoint(expr p)=
+ if marque_p = "creux":
+ if color p:
+ fill fullcircle scaled (marque_r/5) shifted (Projgeo(p)) withcolor white;
+ draw fullcircle scaled (marque_r/5) shifted (Projgeo(p));
+ else:
+ fill fullcircle scaled (marque_r/5) shifted (p) withcolor white;
+ draw fullcircle scaled (marque_r/5) shifted (p);
+ fi;
+ elseif marque_p = "croix":
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 1.25);
+ if color p:
+ draw (Projgeo(p) shifted (-marque_r/20,marque_r/20))--(Projgeo(p) shifted (marque_r/20,-marque_r/20));
+ draw (Projgeo(p) shifted (-marque_r/20,-marque_r/20))--(Projgeo(p) shifted (marque_r/20,marque_r/20));
+ else:
+ draw ((p) shifted (-marque_r/20,marque_r/20))--((p) shifted (marque_r/20,-marque_r/20));
+ draw ((p) shifted (-marque_r/20,-marque_r/20))--((p) shifted (marque_r/20,marque_r/20));
+ fi;
+ drawoptions();
+ fi;
+vardef pointe(text t) =
+ for p_ = t: if (pair p_) or (color p_): MarquePoint(p_); fi endfor;
+%Définition pour la feuille
+path feuillet;
+numeric _tfig,_nfig;
+def feuille(expr xa,ya,xb,yb) =
+ numeric Xa,Ya;
+ Xa=xa;
+ Ya=ya;
+ feuillet := (xa,ya)--(xa,yb)--(xb,yb)--(xb,ya)--cycle;
+ extra_endfig := "clip currentpicture to feuillet;" & extra_endfig;
+def figureespace(expr xa,ya,xb,yb) =
+ _nfig:=_nfig+1;
+ beginfig(_nfig);
+ feuille(xa,ya,xb,yb);
+def finespace=
+def figure(expr xa,ya,xb,yb)=figureespace(xa,ya,xb,yb)
+def fin=finespace
+%definitions mathématiques
+vardef cercles(text t)=
+ save Cer;
+ save n;
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ if color p_:
+ n:=n+1;
+ _T[n]:=p_;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ path Cer;
+ color ptcer[];
+ for k=0 step 5 until 360 :
+ ptcer[k div 5]-_T[1]=Distance(_T[1],_T[2])*((_T[4]-_T[3])*cosd(k)/Distance(_T[3],_T[4])+(_T[5]-_T[3])*sind(k)/Distance(_T[3],_T[5]));
+ endfor;
+ Cer=Projgeo(ptcer0)
+ for k=0 step 5 until 360 :
+ ..Projgeo(ptcer[k div 5])
+ endfor
+ ..cycle;
+ Cer
+vardef arcsind(expr x)=%en degré ici :)
+ angle((sqrt(1-x**2),x))
+vardef arccosd(expr x)=%en degré ici :)
+ angle((x,sqrt(1-x**2)))
+vardef tand(expr x)=sind(x)/cosd(x)%
+vardef cotand(expr x)=cosd(x)/sind(x)%
+vardef sinc(expr x)=if abs(x)<0.001:1 else:sind(x)*c/x fi enddef;
+vardef ln(expr t)=mlog(t)/256%
+%représentation paramétrique de la sphère terrestre.
+vardef FX(expr t,v)=rayon*cosd(c*t)*cosd(c*v)
+vardef FY(expr t,v)=rayon*cosd(c*t)*sind(c*v)
+vardef FZ(expr t,v)=rayon*sind(c*t)
+%Paramètres et macros de représentation
+vardef Initialisation(expr r,t,p,d)=
+ Rho:=r;
+ Theta:=t;
+ Phi:=p;
+ DE:=d;
+ Aux1:=sind(Theta);
+ Aux2:=sind(Phi);
+ Aux3:=cosd(Theta);
+ Aux4:=cosd(Phi);
+ Aux5:=Aux3*Aux2;
+ Aux6:=Aux1*Aux2;
+ Aux7:=Aux3*Aux4;
+ Aux8:=Aux1*Aux4;
+vardef Oeil=(Rho*Aux7,Rho*Aux8,Rho*Aux2)
+vardef Vision(expr num)=
+ save bb;
+ color bb;
+ bb=(redpart(Oeil-Sommet[num]),greenpart(Oeil-Sommet[num]),bluepart(Oeil-Sommet[num]));
+ bb
+vardef Normal(expr vecun,vecde,vectr)=
+ save aa;
+ color aa;
+ P1:=redpart(vecde-vecun);
+ P2:=greenpart(vecde-vecun);
+ P3:=bluepart(vecde-vecun);
+ Q1:=redpart(vectr-vecun);
+ Q2:=greenpart(vectr-vecun);
+ Q3:=bluepart(vectr-vecun);
+ aa=(P2*Q3-Q2*P3,P3*Q1-Q3*P1,P1*Q2-Q1*P2);
+ aa
+vardef ProduitScalaire(expr wec,mor)=
+ redpart(wec)*redpart(mor)+greenpart(wec)*greenpart(mor)+bluepart(wec)*bluepart(mor)
+vardef Distance(expr aa,bb)=%Entre deux points
+ sqrt((redpart(bb)-redpart(aa))*(redpart(bb)-redpart(aa))+(greenpart(bb)-greenpart(aa))*(greenpart(bb)-greenpart(aa))+(bluepart(bb)-bluepart(aa))*(bluepart(bb)-bluepart(aa)))
+vardef MaillageS=
+ path Maillage[];
+ color CentMaillage[];
+ %numeric Vmin,Vmax;
+ %total:=0;
+ for k=Udebut step 0.5*pasU until (Ufin):
+ for l=Vdebut step pasV until (Vfin):
+ Maillage[100*k+l]=Projgeo((FX(k,l),FY(k,l),FZ(k,l)))--Projgeo((FX(k,l+pasV),FY(k,l+pasV),FZ(k,l+pasV)))--Projgeo((FX(k+pasU,l+pasV),FY(k+pasU,l+pasV),FZ(k+pasU,l+pasV)))--Projgeo((FX(k+pasU,l),FY(k+pasU,l),FZ(k+pasU,l)))--cycle;
+ if ProduitScalaire(1/2[(FX(k,l),FY(k,l),FZ(k,l)),(FX(k+pasU,l+pasV),FY(k+pasU,l+pasV),FZ(k+pasU,l+pasV))]-pte3,Oeil-pte3)>0:
+ draw Maillage[100*k+l];
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+vardef InitialiseMaillage(expr ud,uf,up,vd,vf,vp)=
+ Udebut:=ud;
+ Ufin:=uf;
+ pasU:=up;
+ Vdebut:=vd;
+ Vfin:=vf;
+ pasV:=vp;
+vardef MaillageSphere=
+ InitialiseMaillage(((phim div 10)+1)*pi/18,((phip div 10)-1)*pi/18,pi/18,-pi,pi,pi/36);
+ MaillageS;
+boolean maille;
+vardef ParaMeri(expr lonn,latt)=%longitude et latitude en degrés%Parallèle et méridien particulier pour une représentation 3d.
+ maille:=true;
+ latpar:=latt;
+ lonpar:=lonn;
+vardef Maille=
+ InitialiseMaillage(((phim div 10)+1)*pi/18,((phip div 10)-1)*pi/18,pi/36,-pi,pi,pi/72);
+ path SMaillage[];picture Smaille;
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 2bp withcolor orangevif);
+ for l=Vdebut step pasV until (Vfin+pasV):
+ SMaillage[100*latpar+l]=Projgeo((FX(latpar/c,l),FY(latpar/c,l),FZ(latpar/c,l)))--Projgeo((FX(latpar/c,l+pasV),FY(latpar/c,l+pasV),FZ(latpar/c,l+pasV)));
+ if ProduitScalaire(1/2[(FX(latpar/c,l),FY(latpar/c,l),FZ(latpar/c,l)),(FX(latpar/c,l+pasV),FY(latpar/c,l+pasV),FZ(latpar/c,l+pasV))]-pte3,Oeil-pte3)>0:
+ draw SMaillage[100*latpar+l];
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ for k=Udebut step pasU until (Ufin+pasU):
+ SMaillage[k+100*lonpar]:=Projgeo((FX(k,lonpar/c),FY(k,lonpar/c),FZ(k,lonpar/c)))--Projgeo((FX(k+pasU,lonpar/c),FY(k+pasU,lonpar/c),FZ(k+pasU,lonpar/c)));
+ if ProduitScalaire(1/2[(FX(k,lonpar/c),FY(k,lonpar/c),FZ(k,lonpar/c)),(FX(k+pasU,lonpar/c),FY(k+pasU,lonpar/c),FZ(k+pasU,lonpar/c))]-pte3,Oeil-pte3)>0:
+ draw SMaillage[k+100*lonpar];
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ drawoptions();
+ %);
+vardef Projgeo(expr X)=
+ pair $;
+ numeric Xobs,Yobs,Zobs,XProj,YProj;
+ Xobs = -redpart(X)*Aux1 + greenpart(X)*Aux3;
+ Yobs = -redpart(X)*Aux5 - greenpart(X)*Aux6 + bluepart(X)*Aux4;
+ Zobs = -redpart(X)*Aux7 - greenpart(X)*Aux8 - bluepart(X)*Aux2 + Rho;
+ XProj = DE*Xobs/Zobs;
+ YProj = DE*Yobs/Zobs;
+ $=(XProj,YProj);
+ $
+%Début du package
+numeric nbpts,nblec,nbcapitales;
+vardef lecture(expr nomfichier,fond)=
+ color Coord[],Pays[];
+ numeric ll;
+ ll:=0;
+ nbpts:=scantokens readfrom nomfichier;
+ for k=1 upto (nbpts div 3):
+ pair latlon;
+ latlon=((scantokens readfrom nomfichier)+(scantokens readfrom nomfichier)+(scantokens readfrom nomfichier))/3;
+ Coord[k]=rayon*(cosd(xpart(latlon/60))*cosd(ypart(latlon/60)),cosd(xpart(latlon/60))*sind(ypart(latlon/60)),sind(xpart(latlon/60)));
+ if ((xpart(latlon/60)>phim) and (xpart(latlon/60)<phip)):
+ if ProduitScalaire(Coord[k]-pte3,Oeil-pte3)>0:
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Pays[k]=Coord[k];
+ else:
+ Pays[k]=2*Coord[k];
+ fi;
+ else:
+ Pays[k]=2*Coord[k];
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichier;
+ path pays;
+ if ll>0:
+ pays=Projgeo(Pays[1])
+ for l=2 upto (nbpts div 3):
+ --Projgeo(Pays[l])
+ endfor;
+ if noncolore=true:
+ fill pays--cycle withcolor payscolor;
+ else:
+ fill pays--cycle withcolor fond;
+ fi;
+ draw pays;
+ clip currentpicture to cercles(pte3,pte1,pte3,pte1,pte4);
+ fi;
+string nomfichiermul,NomFichier;
+vardef Lectureiles=
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfCiles.dat";
+ nblec:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for p=1 upto nblec:
+ color Coord[],fond,Pays[];
+ numeric ll;
+ ll:=0;
+ nbpts:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ fond=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for k=1 upto nbpts:
+ pair latlon;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ Coord[k]=rayon*(cosd(xpart(latlon/60))*cosd(ypart(latlon/60)),cosd(xpart(latlon/60))*sind(ypart(latlon/60)),sind(xpart(latlon/60)));
+ if ((xpart(latlon/60)>phim) and (xpart(latlon/60)<phip)):
+ if ProduitScalaire(Coord[k]-pte3,Oeil-pte3)>0:
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Pays[k]=Coord[k];
+ else:
+ Pays[k]=2*Coord[k];
+ fi;
+ else:
+ Pays[k]=2*Coord[k];
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ path pays;
+ if ll>0:
+ pays=Projgeo(Pays[1])
+ for l=2 upto nbpts:
+ --Projgeo(Pays[l])
+ endfor;
+ if noncolore=true:
+ fill pays--cycle withcolor payscolor;
+ else:
+ fill pays--cycle withcolor fond;
+ fi;
+ draw pays;
+ clip currentpicture to cercles(pte3,pte1,pte3,pte1,pte4);
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichiermul;
+vardef Lecturelacs=
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfClacs.dat";
+ nblec:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for p=1 upto nblec:
+ color Coord[],Pays[];
+ numeric ll;
+ ll:=0;
+ nbpts:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for k=1 upto nbpts:
+ pair latlon;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ Coord[k]=rayon*(cosd(xpart(latlon/60))*cosd(ypart(latlon/60)),cosd(xpart(latlon/60))*sind(ypart(latlon/60)),sind(xpart(latlon/60)));
+ if ((xpart(latlon/60)>phim) and (xpart(latlon/60)<phip)):
+ if ProduitScalaire(Coord[k]-pte3,Oeil-pte3)>0:
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Pays[k]=Coord[k];
+ else:
+ Pays[k]=2*Coord[k];
+ fi;
+ else:
+ Pays[k]=2*Coord[k];
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ path pays;
+ if ll>0:
+ pays=Projgeo(Pays[1])
+ for l=2 upto nbpts:
+ --Projgeo(Pays[l])
+ endfor;
+ fill pays--cycle withcolor couleurfleuve;
+ draw pays;
+ clip currentpicture to cercles(pte3,pte1,pte3,pte1,pte4);
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichiermul;
+vardef Lecturelacssup=
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfClacssup.dat";
+ nblec:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for p=1 upto nblec:
+ color Coord[],Pays[];
+ numeric ll;
+ ll:=0;
+ nbpts:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for k=1 upto nbpts:
+ pair latlon;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ Coord[k]=rayon*(cosd(xpart(latlon))*cosd(ypart(latlon)),cosd(xpart(latlon))*sind(ypart(latlon)),sind(xpart(latlon)));
+ if ((xpart(latlon)>phim) and (xpart(latlon)<phip)):
+ if ProduitScalaire(Coord[k]-pte3,Oeil-pte3)>0:
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Pays[k]=Coord[k];
+ else:
+ Pays[k]=2*Coord[k];
+ fi;
+ else:
+ Pays[k]=2*Coord[k];
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ path pays;
+ if ll>0:
+ pays=Projgeo(Pays[1])
+ for l=2 upto nbpts:
+ --Projgeo(Pays[l])
+ endfor;
+ fill pays--cycle withcolor couleurfleuve;
+ draw pays;
+ clip currentpicture to cercles(pte3,pte1,pte3,pte1,pte4);
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichiermul;
+vardef Lecturevolcans=
+ drawoptions(withcolor orange);
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfCvolcans.dat";
+ nblec:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ show nblec;
+ for p=1 upto nblec:
+ color Coord[],Pays[];
+ pair latlon;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ Coord[p]=rayon*(cosd(xpart(latlon/60))*cosd(ypart(latlon/60)),cosd(xpart(latlon/60))*sind(ypart(latlon/60)),sind(xpart(latlon/60)));
+ if ((xpart(latlon/60)>phim) and (xpart(latlon/60)<phip)):
+ if ProduitScalaire(Coord[p]-pte3,Oeil-pte3)>0:
+ Pays[p]=Coord[p];
+ fill flamme shifted Projgeo(Pays[p]) withcolor 1/2[orange,jaune];
+ %else:
+% Pays[k]=2*Coord[k];
+ fi;
+% else:
+% Pays[k]=2*Coord[k];
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+closefrom nomfichiermul;
+vardef Lecturerivieres=
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfCrivieres.dat";
+ nblec:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for p=1 upto nblec:
+ color Coord[],fond,Pays[];
+ numeric ll;
+ ll:=0;
+ nbpts:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for k=1 upto nbpts:
+ pair latlon;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ Coord[k]=rayon*(cosd(xpart(latlon/60))*cosd(ypart(latlon/60)),cosd(xpart(latlon/60))*sind(ypart(latlon/60)),sind(xpart(latlon/60)));
+ if ((xpart(latlon/60)>phim) and (xpart(latlon/60)<phip)):
+ if ProduitScalaire(Coord[k]-pte3,Oeil-pte3)>0:
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Pays[k]=Coord[k];
+ else:
+ Pays[k]=2*Coord[k];
+ fi;
+ else:
+ Pays[k]=2*Coord[k];
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ path pays;
+ if ll>0:
+ pays=Projgeo(Pays[1])
+ for l=2 upto nbpts:
+ --Projgeo(Pays[l])
+ endfor;
+ draw pays withcolor couleurfleuve;
+ clip currentpicture to cercles(pte3,pte1,pte3,pte1,pte4);
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichiermul;
+vardef Lecturerivieressup=
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfCfleuveseurope.dat";
+ nblec:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for p=1 upto nblec:
+ color Coord[],fond,Pays[];
+ numeric ll;
+ ll:=0;
+ nbpts:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for k=1 upto nbpts:
+ pair latlon;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ Coord[k]=rayon*(cosd(xpart(latlon))*cosd(ypart(latlon)),cosd(xpart(latlon))*sind(ypart(latlon)),sind(xpart(latlon)));
+ if ((xpart(latlon)>phim) and (xpart(latlon)<phip)):
+ if ProduitScalaire(Coord[k]-pte3,Oeil-pte3)>0:
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Pays[k]=Coord[k];
+ else:
+ Pays[k]=2*Coord[k];
+ fi;
+ else:
+ Pays[k]=2*Coord[k];
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ path pays;
+ if ll>0:
+ pays=Projgeo(Pays[1])
+ for l=2 upto nbpts:
+ --Projgeo(Pays[l])
+ endfor;
+ draw pays withcolor couleurfleuve;
+ clip currentpicture to cercles(pte3,pte1,pte3,pte1,pte4);
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichiermul;
+vardef Lecturecapitales=
+ marque_p:="creux";
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfCcapitales.dat";
+ nbcapitales:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for p=1 upto nbcapitales:
+ color Coord[];
+ pair latlon;
+ picture Nom;
+ string p_;
+ p_=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ Coord[p]=rayon*(cosd(xpart(latlon/60))*cosd(ypart(latlon/60)),cosd(xpart(latlon/60))*sind(ypart(latlon/60)),sind(xpart(latlon/60)));
+ Nom=image(
+ );
+ if ((xpart(latlon/60)>phim) and (xpart(latlon/60)<phip)):
+ if ProduitScalaire(Coord[p]-pte3,Oeil-pte3)>0:
+ pointe(Coord[p]);
+ %draw Nom;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichiermul;
+ marque_p:="non";
+vardef Lecture(expr Nomfichier)=
+ NomFichier:=arborescence&"PfC"&Nomfichier;
+ nblec:=scantokens readfrom NomFichier;
+ for w=1 upto nblec:
+ if projection="non":
+ lecture(scantokens readfrom NomFichier);
+ else:
+ lecturep(scantokens readfrom NomFichier);
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom NomFichier;
+%Pour les projections
+string projection;
+vardef zoom(expr nbzoom)=
+ if projection="mercator":
+ xunit:=nbzoom;
+ yunit:=nbzoom*2*cm;
+ elseif projection="cylindrique":
+ xunit:=2.5*nbzoom;
+ yunit:=nbzoom*10*cm;
+ elseif projection="winkel":
+ xunit:=nbzoom*0.5*mm;
+ yunit:=nbzoom;
+ elseif projection="simple":
+ xunit:=nbzoom*0.5*mm;
+ yunit:=nbzoom*0.5*mm;
+ elseif projection="bonne":
+ xunit:=nbzoom*4*cm;
+ yunit:=xunit;
+ fi;
+vardef mercatorc(expr aa,bb)=
+ (xunit*(bb-theta),yunit*(ln(abs(tand(45+(aa/2))))-ln(abs(tand(45+(phi/2))))))
+vardef coniquec(expr aa,bb,pc)=
+ abscon:=5*cm*(cosd(aa)*sind(bb*sind(pc)))/(sind(pc)*cosd(aa-pc));
+ ordcon:=5*cm*(cosd(aa)*cosd(bb*sind(pc)))/(sind(pc)*cosd(aa-pc));
+ (abscon,ordcon)
+vardef cylindriquec(expr aa,bb)=
+ (xunit*(bb-theta),yunit*(sind(aa)-sind(phi)))
+vardef simplec(expr aa,bb)=
+ (xunit*(bb-theta),yunit*(aa-phi))
+vardef bonnec(expr aaa,bbb)=
+ save tt;
+ pair tt;
+ rho:=cotand(phi)+(phi-aaa)/c;
+ E:=(((bbb-theta)/c)/rho)*cosd(aaa);
+ tt=xunit*(rho*sind(E*c),cotand(phi)-rho*cosd(E*c));
+ tt
+vardef winkelc(expr aaa,bbb)=
+ save ttw;
+ pair ttw;
+ alphawinkel:=arccosd(cosd(aaa)*cosd(0.5*bbb));
+ if alphawinkel=0:
+ xwinkel:=0;
+ ywinkel:=0;
+ else:
+ xwinkel:=xunit*0.5*(bbb*cosd(arccosd(2/pi))+(2*cosd(aaa)*sind(0.5*bbb)/sinc(alphawinkel)));
+ ywinkel:=yunit*0.5*(aaa+sind(aaa)/sinc(alphawinkel));
+ fi;
+ ttw=(xwinkel,ywinkel);
+ ttw
+vardef lecturep(expr nomfichier,fond)=
+ pair Coord[];
+ nbpts:=scantokens readfrom nomfichier;
+ numeric ll;
+ ll=0;
+ for k=1 upto nbpts:
+ pair latlon;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichier;
+ if projection="mercator":
+ Coord[k]=mercatorc(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60))
+ elseif projection="winkel":
+ Coord[k]=winkelc(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60))
+ elseif projection="cylindrique":
+ Coord[k]=cylindriquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="simple":
+ Coord[k]=simplec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="bonne":
+ Coord[k]=bonnec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="coniqueh":
+ if (xpart(latlon)>0) or (xpart(latlon)=0):
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Coord[ll]=coniquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60),45);
+ fi;
+ elseif projection="coniqueb":
+ if (xpart(latlon)<0):
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Coord[ll]=coniquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60),-45);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichier;
+ path pays;
+ if (projection="mercator") or (projection="winkel") or(projection="cylindrique") or (projection="simple") or (projection="bonne"):
+ ll:=nbpts
+ fi;
+ if ll>0:
+ pays=Coord[1]
+ for l=4 step 3 until ll:%upto ll:
+ --Coord[l]
+ endfor;
+ if noncolore=true:
+ fill pays--cycle withcolor payscolor;
+ else:
+ fill pays--cycle withcolor fond;
+ fi;
+ draw pays;
+ fi;
+vardef Lectureilesp=
+ if (projection="mercator") or (projection="winkel") or (projection="cylindrique") or (projection="simple") or (projection="bonne"):
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfCIle.dat";
+ else:
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfCiles.dat";
+ fi;
+ nblec:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ if projection="bonne":
+ nblec:=nblec-1
+ fi;
+ for p=1 upto nblec:
+ pair Coord[];color fond;
+ nbpts:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ fond=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ numeric ll;
+ ll=0;
+ for k=1 upto nbpts:
+ pair latlon;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ if projection="mercator":
+ Coord[k]=mercatorc(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="winkel":
+ Coord[k]=winkelc(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="simple":
+ Coord[k]=simplec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="cylindrique":
+ Coord[k]=cylindriquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="bonne":
+ Coord[k]=bonnec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="coniqueh":
+ if (xpart(latlon)>0) or (xpart(latlon)=0):
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Coord[ll]=coniquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60),45)
+ fi;
+ elseif projection="coniqueb":
+ if (xpart(latlon)<0):
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Coord[ll]=coniquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60),-45);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ path pays;
+ if (projection="mercator") or (projection="winkel") or (projection="cylindrique") or (projection="simple") or (projection="bonne"):
+ ll:=nbpts
+ fi;
+ if ll>0:
+ pays=Coord[1]
+ for l=2 upto ll:
+ --Coord[l]
+ endfor;
+ if noncolore=true:
+ fill pays--cycle withcolor payscolor;
+ else:
+ fill pays--cycle withcolor fond;
+ fi;
+ draw pays;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichiermul;
+ if (projection="mercator") or (projection="winkel") or (projection="cylindrique") or (projection="simple"):
+ clip currentpicture to feuillet;
+ fi;
+ if projection="bonne":
+ lecturep(arborescence&"PfCpolesud.dat",blanc);
+ clip currentpicture to (bonnec(-90,-180) for k=-89 upto 90:..bonnec(k,-180) endfor)..reverse(bonnec(-90,180) for k=-89 upto 90:..bonnec(k,180) endfor)..cycle;
+ fi;
+boolean ecriturevilles;
+vardef Lecturevillesp(expr nompays)=
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfCvilles"&nompays&".dat";
+ nblec:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ drawoptions(withcolor (0.15,0.15,0.15));
+ for p=1 upto nblec:
+ pair Coord[],latlon;string p_;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ p_=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ if projection="mercator":
+ Coord[p]=mercatorc(ypart(latlon),xpart(latlon));
+ elseif projection="winkel":
+ Coord[p]=winkelcc(ypart(latlon),xpart(latlon));
+ elseif projection="simple":
+ Coord[p]=simplec(ypart(latlon),xpart(latlon));
+ elseif projection="cylindrique":
+ Coord[p]=cylindriquec(ypart(latlon),xpart(latlon));
+ elseif projection="bonne":
+ Coord[p]=bonnec(ypart(latlon),xpart(latlon));
+ fi;
+ if (projection="mercator") or (projection="winkel") or (projection="cylindrique") or (projection="simple") or (projection="bonne"):
+ if ecriturevilles=true:
+ dotlabel.scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul(TEX(""&p_&""),Coord[p]);
+ else:
+ dotlabel.scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul("",Coord[p]);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ drawoptions();
+ closefrom nomfichiermul;
+vardef Lecturevilles(expr nomfich)=
+ nomfichiermul:=nomfich&".dat";
+ nbcapitales:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for p=1 upto nbcapitales:
+ color Coord[];
+ pair latlon;
+ picture Nom;
+ string p_;
+ p_=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ Coord[p]=rayon*(cosd(xpart(latlon/60))*cosd(ypart(latlon/60)),cosd(xpart(latlon/60))*sind(ypart(latlon/60)),sind(xpart(latlon/60)));
+ Nom=image(
+ label.scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul(TEX(""&p_&""),Projgeo(Coord[p]));
+ );
+ if ((xpart(latlon/60)>phim) and (xpart(latlon/60)<phip)):
+ if ProduitScalaire(Coord[p]-pte3,Oeil-pte3)>0:
+ pointe(Coord[p]);
+ draw Nom;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichiermul;
+ marque_p:="non";
+vardef Lecturelacsp=
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfClacs.dat";
+ nblec:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for p=1 upto nblec:
+ pair Coord[];
+ nbpts:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ numeric ll;
+ ll=0;
+ for k=1 upto nbpts:
+ pair latlon;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ if projection="mercator":
+ Coord[k]=mercatorc(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="winkel":
+ Coord[k]=winkelc(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="simple":
+ Coord[k]=simplec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="cylindrique":
+ Coord[k]=cylindriquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="bonne":
+ Coord[k]=bonnec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="coniqueh":
+ if (xpart(latlon)>0) or (xpart(latlon)=0):
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Coord[ll]=coniquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60),45);
+ fi;
+ elseif projection="coniqueb":
+ if (xpart(latlon)<0):
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Coord[ll]=coniquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60),-45);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ path lac;
+ if (projection="mercator") or (projection="winkelc") or (projection="cylindrique") or (projection="simple") or (projection="bonne"):
+ ll:=nbpts
+ fi;
+ if ll>0:
+ lac=Coord[1]
+ for l=2 upto ll:
+ --Coord[l]
+ endfor;
+ fill lac--cycle withcolor couleurfleuve;
+ draw lac;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichiermul;
+vardef Lecturelacspsup=
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfClacssup.dat";
+ nblec:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for p=1 upto nblec:
+ pair Coord[];
+ nbpts:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ numeric ll;
+ ll=0;
+ for k=1 upto nbpts:
+ pair latlon;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ if projection="mercator":
+ Coord[k]=mercatorc(xpart(latlon),ypart(latlon));
+ elseif projection="winkel":
+ Coord[k]=winkelc(xpart(latlon),ypart(latlon));
+ elseif projection="simple":
+ Coord[k]=simplec(xpart(latlon),ypart(latlon));
+ elseif projection="cylindrique":
+ Coord[k]=cylindriquec(xpart(latlon),ypart(latlon));
+ elseif projection="bonne":
+ Coord[k]=bonnec(xpart(latlon),ypart(latlon));
+ elseif projection="coniqueh":
+ if (xpart(latlon)>0) or (xpart(latlon)=0):
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Coord[ll]=coniquec(xpart(latlon),ypart(latlon),45);
+ fi;
+ elseif projection="coniqueb":
+ if (xpart(latlon)<0):
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Coord[ll]=coniquec(xpart(latlon),ypart(latlon),-45);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ path lac;
+ if (projection="mercator") or (projection="winkel") or (projection="cylindrique") or (projection="simple") or (projection="bonne"):
+ ll:=nbpts
+ fi;
+ if ll>0:
+ lac=Coord[1]
+ for l=2 upto ll:
+ --Coord[l]
+ endfor;
+ fill lac--cycle withcolor couleurfleuve;
+ draw lac;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichiermul;
+vardef Lecturerivieresp=
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfCrivieres.dat";
+ nblec:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for p=1 upto nblec:
+ pair Coord[];
+ nbpts:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ numeric ll;
+ ll:=0;
+ for k=1 upto nbpts:
+ pair latlon;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ if projection="mercator":
+ Coord[k]=mercatorc(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="winkel":
+ Coord[k]=winkelc(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="simple":
+ Coord[k]=simplec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="cylindrique":
+ Coord[k]=cylindriquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="bonne":
+ Coord[k]=bonnec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ elseif projection="coniqueh":
+ if (xpart(latlon)>0) or (xpart(latlon)=0):
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Coord[ll]=coniquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60),45);
+ fi;
+ elseif projection="coniqueb":
+ if (xpart(latlon)<0):
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Coord[ll]=coniquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60),-45);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ path riv;
+ if (projection="mercator") or (projection="winkel") or (projection="cylindrique") or (projection="simple") or (projection="bonne"):
+ ll:=nbpts;
+ fi;
+ if ll>0:
+ riv=Coord[1]
+ for l=2 upto ll:
+ --Coord[l]
+ endfor;
+ draw riv withcolor couleurfleuve;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichiermul;
+vardef Lecturerivierespsup=
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfCfleuveseurope.dat";
+ nblec:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for p=1 upto nblec:
+ pair Coord[];
+ nbpts:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ numeric ll;
+ ll:=0;
+ for k=1 upto nbpts:
+ pair latlon;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ if projection="mercator":
+ Coord[k]=mercatorc(xpart(latlon),ypart(latlon));
+ elseif projection="winkel":
+ Coord[k]=winkelc(xpart(latlon),ypart(latlon));
+ elseif projection="simple":
+ Coord[k]=simplec(xpart(latlon),ypart(latlon));
+ elseif projection="cylindrique":
+ Coord[k]=cylindriquec(xpart(latlon),ypart(latlon));
+ elseif projection="bonne":
+ Coord[k]=bonnec(xpart(latlon),ypart(latlon));
+ elseif projection="coniqueh":
+ if (xpart(latlon)>0) or (xpart(latlon)=0):
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Coord[ll]=coniquec(xpart(latlon),ypart(latlon),45);
+ fi;
+ elseif projection="coniqueb":
+ if (xpart(latlon)<0):
+ ll:=ll+1;
+ Coord[ll]=coniquec(xpart(latlon),ypart(latlon),-45);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ path riv;
+ if (projection="mercator") or (projection="winkel") or (projection="cylindrique") or (projection="simple") or (projection="bonne"):
+ ll:=nbpts;
+ fi;
+ if ll>0:
+ riv=Coord[1]
+ for l=2 upto ll:
+ --Coord[l]
+ endfor;
+ draw riv withcolor couleurfleuve;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichiermul;
+vardef Lecturecapitalesp=
+ marque_p:="creux";
+ nomfichiermul:=arborescence&"PfCcapitales.dat";
+ nbcapitales:=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ for p=1 upto nbcapitales:
+ pair Coord[],latlon;
+ string p_;
+ p_=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ latlon=scantokens readfrom nomfichiermul;
+ ll:=0;
+ if projection="mercator":
+ Coord[p]=mercatorc(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ ll:=1;
+ elseif projection="winkel":
+ Coord[p]=winkelc(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ ll:=1;
+ elseif projection="simple":
+ Coord[p]=simplec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ ll:=1;
+ elseif projection="cylindrique":
+ Coord[p]=cylindriquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ ll:=1;
+ elseif projection="bonne":
+ Coord[p]=bonnec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60));
+ ll:=1;
+ elseif projection="coniqueh":
+ if (xpart(latlon)>0) or (xpart(latlon)=0):
+ ll:=1;
+ Coord[p]=coniquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60),45);
+ fi;
+ elseif projection="coniqueb":
+ if (xpart(latlon)<0):
+ ll:=1;
+ Coord[p]=coniquec(xpart(latlon/60),ypart(latlon/60),-45);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ if ll>0:
+ drawoptions(withcolor rouge);
+ pointe(Coord[p]);
+ drawoptions();
+ if (projection="mercator") or (projection="winkel") or (projection="cylindrique") or (projection="simple") or (projection="bonne"):
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ closefrom nomfichiermul;
+ marque_p:="non";
+vardef MeridienParallele=
+ if (projection="mercator") or (projection="winkel") or (projection="cylindrique") or (projection="simple"):
+ pair Coord[];
+ for k=-85 step 5 until 85:
+ for j=-180 step 10 until 180:
+ if projection="mercator":
+ Coord[100*k+j]=mercatorc(k,j);
+ elseif projection="winkel":
+ Coord[100*k+j] = winkelc(k,j);
+ elseif projection="simple":
+ Coord[100*k+j]=simplec(k,j);
+ elseif projection="cylindrique":
+ Coord[100*k+j]=cylindriquec(k,j);
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=-85 step 5 until 85:
+ draw Coord[100*k-180]
+ for j=-170 step 10 until 180:
+ --Coord[100*k+j]
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ pair Coord[];
+ for k=-180 step 10 until 180:
+ for j=-85 step 5 until 85:
+ if projection="mercator":
+ Coord[0.001*k+10*j]=mercatorc(j,k);
+ elseif projection="winkel":
+ Coord[0.001*k+10*j]=winkelc(j,k);
+ elseif projection="simple":
+ Coord[0.001*k+10*j]=simplec(j,k);
+ elseif projection="cylindrique":
+ Coord[0.001*k+10*j]=cylindriquec(j,k);
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=-180 step 10 until 180:
+ draw Coord[0.001*k-10*85]
+ for j=-80 step 5 until 85:
+ --Coord[0.001*k+10*j]
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ elseif projection="bonne":
+ pair Coord[][];
+ for k=-90 step 10 until 90:
+ for j=-180 step 10 until 180:
+ Coord[k][j]=bonnec(k,j);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=-90 step 10 until 90:
+ draw Coord[k][-180]
+ for j=-170 step 10 until 180:
+ --Coord[k][j]
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ pair Coord[][];
+ for k=-170 step 10 until 170:
+ for j=-90 step 10 until 90:
+ Coord[k][j]=bonnec(j,k);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=-170 step 10 until 170:
+ draw Coord[k][-90]
+ for j=-80 step 10 until 90:
+ ..Coord[k][j]
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ elseif projection="coniqueh":
+ pair Coord[];
+ for k=-180 step 10 until 180:
+ for j=0 step 10 until 90:
+ Coord[100*k+j]=coniquec(j,k,45);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=-180 step 10 until 180:
+ draw Coord[100*k]
+ for j=10 step 10 until 90:
+ --Coord[100*k+j]
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ pair Coord[];
+ for k=0 step 10 until 90:
+ for j=-180 step 10 until 180:
+ Coord[0.001*k+10*j]=coniquec(k,j,45);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=0 step 10 until 90:
+ draw Coord[0.001*k-10*180]
+ for j=-170 step 10 until 180:
+ --Coord[0.001*k+10*j]
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ clip currentpicture to coniquec(90,0,45)--(Coord[-10*180]
+ for j=-170 step 10 until 180:
+ --Coord[10*j]
+ endfor)--cycle;
+ elseif projection="coniqueb":
+ pair Coord[];
+ for k=-180 step 10 until 180:
+ for j=-90 step 10 until 0:
+ Coord[100*k+j]=coniquec(j,k,-45);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=-180 step 10 until 180:
+ draw Coord[100*k-90]
+ for j=-80 step 10 until 0:
+ --Coord[100*k+j]
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ pair Coord[];
+ for k=-90 step 10 until 0:
+ for j=-180 step 10 until 180:
+ Coord[0.001*k+10*j]=coniquec(k,j,-45);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=-90 step 10 until 0:
+ draw Coord[0.001*k-10*180]
+ for j=-170 step 10 until 180:
+ --Coord[0.001*k+10*j]
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ clip currentpicture to coniquec(-90,0,-45)--(Coord[-10*180]
+ for j=-170 step 10 until 180:
+ --Coord[10*j]
+ endfor)--cycle;
+ fi;
+boolean Echelle;
+vardef echelle(expr Th,Ph,long)=%long en km.
+ %Echelle:=true;
+ theta:=Th;
+ phi:=Ph;
+ Long:=long;
+ zoom(1);
+ numeric $;
+ if projection="bonne":
+ $=(cm*pi*cosd(Ph)/36)/(long*abs(bonnec(Ph,Th)-bonnec(Ph,Th+5)))*6340;
+ elseif projection="mercator":
+ $=(cm*pi*cosd(Ph)*6340/36)/(long*abs(mercatorc(Ph,Th)-mercatorc(Ph,Th+5)));
+ elseif projection="winkel":
+ $=(cm*pi*cosd(Ph)*6340/36)/(long*abs(winkelc(Ph,Th)-winkelc(Ph,Th+5)));
+ elseif projection="simple":
+ $=(cm*pi*cosd(Ph)*6340/36)/(long*abs(simplec(Ph,Th)-simplec(Ph,Th+5)));
+ elseif projection="cylindrique":
+ $=(cm*pi*cosd(Ph)*6340/36)/(long*abs(cylindriquec(Ph,Th)-cylindriquec(Ph,Th+5)));
+ fi;
+ $
+boolean Amsud,Amnord,Amcentrale,Caraibes,Asie,Europe,Afrique,All;
+vardef Projection(expr TH,PH,Zoom)=
+ theta:=TH;
+ phi:=PH;
+ zoom(Zoom);
+ if projection="bonne":
+ fill (bonnec(-90,-180) for k=-85 step 5 until 90:..bonnec(k,-180) endfor)..reverse(bonnec(-90,180) for k=-85 step 5 until 90:..bonnec(k,180) endfor)..cycle withcolor couleurfond;
+ fi;
+ if All=true:
+ Lecture("Cameriquesud.dat");
+ Lecture("Ccaraibes.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquecentrale.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquenord.dat");
+ Lecture("Casia.dat");
+ Lecture("Ceurope.dat");
+ Lecture("Cafrique.dat");
+ else:
+ if Amsud=true:
+ Lecture("Cameriquesud.dat");
+ fi;
+ if Amnord=true:
+ Lecture("Cameriquenord.dat");
+ fi;
+ if Amcentrale=true:
+ Lecture("Cameriquecentrale.dat");
+ fi;
+ if Caraibes=true:
+ Lecture("Ccaraibes.dat");
+ fi;
+ if Asie=true:
+ if projection="bonne":
+ Lecture("Casie.dat");
+ else:
+ Lecture("Casia.dat");
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ if Europe=true:
+ Lecture("Ceurope.dat");
+ fi;
+ if Afrique=true:
+ Lecture("Cafrique.dat");
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ if lacs=true:
+ Lecturelacsp;
+ Lecturelacspsup;
+ fi;
+ Lectureilesp;
+ if capitales=true:
+ Lecturecapitalesp;
+ fi;
+ if fleuves=true:
+ Lecturerivieresp;
+ Lecturerivierespsup;
+ fi;
+ if maillage=true:
+ drawoptions(withcolor gris);
+ MeridienParallele;
+ drawoptions();
+ fi;
+ if Echelle=true:
+ draw ((Xa,Ya)+u*(1,1))--((Xa,Ya)+u*(2,1));
+ labeloffset:=labeloffset*1.5;
+ 0 etex,(Xa,Ya)+u*(1,1));
+ labeloffset:=labeloffset/1.5;
+ draw ((Xa,Ya)+u*(1,1.1))--((Xa,Ya)+u*(1,0.9));
+ draw (((Xa,Ya)+u*(1,1.1))--((Xa,Ya)+u*(1,0.9))) shifted(u*(1,0));
+ fi;
+vardef Simple(expr TH,PH,Zoom)=
+ projection:="simple";
+ theta:=TH;
+ phi:=PH;
+ zoom(Zoom);
+ Lecture("Cameriquesud.dat");
+ Lecture("Ccaraibes.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquecentrale.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquenord.dat");
+ Lecture("Casia.dat");
+ Lecture("Ceurope.dat");
+ Lecture("Cafrique.dat");
+ if lacs=true:
+ Lecturelacsp;
+ Lecturelacspsup;
+ fi;
+ Lectureilesp;
+ if capitales=true:
+ Lecturecapitalesp;
+ fi;
+ if fleuves=true:
+ Lecturerivieresp;
+ fi;
+ if maillage=true:
+ MeridienParallele
+ fi;
+vardef Mercator(expr TH,PH,Zoom)=
+ projection:="mercator";
+ theta:=TH;
+ phi:=PH;
+ zoom(Zoom);
+ Lecture("Cameriquesud.dat");
+ Lecture("Ccaraibes.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquecentrale.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquenord.dat");
+ Lecture("Casia.dat");
+ Lecture("Ceurope.dat");
+ Lecture("Cafrique.dat");
+ if lacs=true:
+ Lecturelacsp;
+ Lecturelacspsup;
+ fi;
+ Lectureilesp;
+ if capitales=true:
+ Lecturecapitalesp;
+ fi;
+ if fleuves=true:
+ Lecturerivieresp;
+ fi;
+ if maillage=true:
+ MeridienParallele
+ fi;
+vardef Winkel(expr TH,PH,Zoom)=
+ projection:="winkel";
+ theta:=TH;
+ phi:=PH;
+ zoom(Zoom);
+ Lecture("Cameriquesud.dat");
+ Lecture("Ccaraibes.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquecentrale.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquenord.dat");
+ Lecture("Casia.dat");
+ Lecture("Ceurope.dat");
+ Lecture("Cafrique.dat");
+ if lacs=true:
+ Lecturelacsp;
+ Lecturelacspsup;
+ fi;
+ Lectureilesp;
+ if capitales=true:
+ Lecturecapitalesp;
+ fi;
+ if fleuves=true:
+ Lecturerivieresp;
+ fi;
+ if maillage=true:
+ MeridienParallele;
+ fi;
+vardef Cylindrique(expr TH,PH,Zoom)=
+ projection:="cylindrique";
+ theta:=TH;
+ phi:=PH;
+ zoom(Zoom);
+ Lecture("Cameriquesud.dat");
+ Lecture("Ccaraibes.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquecentrale.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquenord.dat");
+ Lecture("Casia.dat");
+ Lecture("Ceurope.dat");
+ Lecture("Cafrique.dat");
+ if lacs=true:
+ Lecturelacsp;
+ Lecturelacspsup;
+ fi;
+ Lectureilesp;
+ if capitales=true:
+ Lecturecapitalesp;
+ fi;
+ if fleuves=true:
+ Lecturerivieresp;
+ fi;
+ if maillage=true:
+ MeridienParallele
+ fi;
+vardef Bonne(expr TH,PH,Zoom)=
+ projection:="bonne";
+ theta:=TH;
+ phi:=PH;
+ zoom(Zoom);
+ fill (bonnec(-90,-180) for k=-85 step 5 until 90:..bonnec(k,-180) endfor)..reverse(bonnec(-90,180) for k=-85 step 5 until 90:..bonnec(k,180) endfor)..cycle withcolor couleurfond;
+ Lecture("Cameriquesud.dat");
+ Lecture("Ccaraibes.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquecentrale.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquenord.dat");
+ Lecture("Casie.dat");
+ Lecture("Ceurope.dat");
+ Lecture("Cafrique.dat");
+ if lacs=true:
+ Lecturelacsp;
+ Lecturelacspsup;
+ fi;
+ Lectureilesp;
+ if capitales=true:
+ Lecturecapitalesp;
+ fi;
+ if fleuves=true:
+ Lecturerivieresp;
+ fi;
+ if maillage=true:
+ drawoptions(withcolor gris);
+ MeridienParallele;
+ drawoptions();
+ fi;
+ draw (bonnec(-90,-180) for k=-85 step 5 until 90:..bonnec(k,-180) endfor)..reverse(bonnec(-90,180) for k=-85 step 5 until 90:..bonnec(k,180) endfor)..cycle;
+vardef ConiqueH=
+ projection:="coniqueh";
+ Lecture("Cameriquesud.dat");
+ Lecture("Ccaraibes.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquecentrale.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquenord.dat");
+ Lecture("Casie.dat");
+ Lecture("Ceurope.dat");
+ Lecture("Cafrique.dat");
+ if lacs=true:
+ Lecturelacsp;
+ Lecturelacspsup;
+ fi;
+ Lectureilesp;
+ if capitales=true:
+ Lecturecapitalesp;
+ fi;
+ if fleuves=true:
+ Lecturerivieresp;
+ Lecturerivierespsup;
+ fi;
+ drawoptions(withcolor gris);
+ MeridienParallele;
+ drawoptions();
+vardef ConiqueB=
+ projection:="coniqueb";
+ Lecture("Cameriquesud.dat");
+ Lecture("Ccaraibes.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquecentrale.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquenord.dat");
+ Lecture("Casie.dat");
+ Lecture("Ceurope.dat");
+ Lecture("Cafrique.dat");
+ if lacs=true:
+ Lecturelacsp;
+ Lecturelacspsup;
+ fi;
+ Lectureilesp;
+ if capitales=true:
+ Lecturecapitalesp;
+ fi;
+ if fleuves=true:
+ Lecturerivieresp;
+ Lecturerivierespsup;
+ fi;
+ drawoptions(withcolor gris);
+ MeridienParallele;
+ drawoptions();
+boolean fleuves,lacs,capitales,noncolore,maillage,volcans;
+color couleurfond,couleurmaillage,couleurfleuve;
+vardef Mappemonde(expr longobs,latobs)=
+ projection:="non";
+ %figureespace(-100u,-100u,100u,100u);
+ Initialisation(5,longobs,latobs,distanceecran);
+ numeric phim,phip,phii;%phi moins -- phi plus - phi intermédiaire
+ phim=Phi+arcsind(rayon/Rho)-90;
+ phip=Phi+90-arcsind(rayon/Rho);
+ color pte[];
+ pte1=rayon*(cosd(phim)*cosd(Theta),cosd(phim)*sind(Theta),sind(phim));
+ pte2=rayon*(cosd(phip)*cosd(Theta),cosd(phip)*sind(Theta),sind(phip));
+ pte3=1/2[pte1,pte2];
+ pte4-pte3=Normal((0,0,0),pte1,pte2);
+ if (Phi>90):
+ phip:=180-phip;
+ phii:=180-phim;
+ phim:=phip;
+ phip:=phii;
+ fi;
+ if (Phi<-90):
+ phip:=-180-phip;
+ phii:=-180-phim;
+ phim:=phip;
+ phip:=phii;
+ fi;
+ fill cercles(pte3,pte1,pte3,pte1,pte4) withcolor couleurfond;
+% Lecture("Cameriquesud.dat");
+% Lecture("Ccaraibes.dat");
+% Lecture("Cameriquecentrale.dat");
+% Lecture("Cameriquenord.dat");
+% Lecture("Casie.dat");
+% Lecture("Ceurope.dat");
+% Lecture("Cafrique.dat");
+ if volcans=true:
+% Lecturevolcans;
+ fi;
+ if lacs=true:
+% Lecturelacs;
+% Lecturelacssup;
+ fi;
+% Lectureiles;
+ if capitales=true:
+% Lecturecapitales;
+ fi;
+ if fleuves=true:
+% Lecturerivieres;
+% %Lecturerivieressup;
+ fi;
+ if maillage=true:
+ drawoptions(withcolor couleurmaillage);
+ MaillageSphere;
+ drawoptions();
+ fi;
+ if maille=true:
+ Maille;
+ fi;
+ draw cercles(pte3,pte1,pte3,pte1,pte4);
+ %finespace;
+vardef mappemonde(expr longobs,latobs)=
+ projection:="non";
+ %figureespace(-100u,-100u,100u,100u);
+ Initialisation(5,longobs,latobs,distanceecran);
+ numeric phim,phip,phii;%phi moins -- phi plus - phi intermédiaire
+ phim=Phi+arcsind(rayon/Rho)-90;
+ phip=Phi+90-arcsind(rayon/Rho);
+ color pte[];
+ pte1=rayon*(cosd(phim)*cosd(Theta),cosd(phim)*sind(Theta),sind(phim));
+ pte2=rayon*(cosd(phip)*cosd(Theta),cosd(phip)*sind(Theta),sind(phip));
+ pte3=1/2[pte1,pte2];
+ pte4-pte3=Normal((0,0,0),pte1,pte2);
+ if (Phi>90):
+ phip:=180-phip;
+ phii:=180-phim;
+ phim:=phip;
+ phip:=phii;
+ fi;
+ if (Phi<-90):
+ phip:=-180-phip;
+ phii:=-180-phim;
+ phim:=phip;
+ phip:=phii;
+ fi;
+ fill cercles(pte3,pte1,pte3,pte1,pte4) withcolor couleurfond;
+ Lecture("Cameriquesud.dat");
+ Lecture("Ccaraibes.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquecentrale.dat");
+ Lecture("Cameriquenord.dat");
+ Lecture("Casie.dat");
+ Lecture("Ceurope.dat");
+ Lecture("Cafrique.dat");
+ if volcans=true:
+ Lecturevolcans;
+ fi;
+ if lacs=true:
+ Lecturelacs;
+ Lecturelacssup;
+ fi;
+ Lectureiles;
+ if capitales=true:
+ Lecturecapitales;
+ fi;
+ if fleuves=true:
+ Lecturerivieres;
+ %Lecturerivieressup;
+ fi;
+ if maillage=true:
+ drawoptions(withcolor couleurmaillage);
+ MaillageSphere;
+ drawoptions();
+ fi;
+ if maille=true:
+ Maille;
+ fi;
+ draw cercles(pte3,pte1,pte3,pte1,pte4);
+% finespace;