path: root/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/metaplot
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authorKarl Berry <>2006-01-11 22:58:36 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2006-01-11 22:58:36 +0000
commitac3c55a3216b5988f0e48ba9414ddb059f19a699 (patch)
treea752ab12de05a9ac4511903abc09675172018fd6 /Master/texmf-dist/metapost/metaplot
parentd087712418726a64822e40ce1c0627a514d17975 (diff)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/metapost/metaplot')
2 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/metaplot/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/metaplot/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a56e4bad115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/metaplot/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+% AXES: Axis/grid-tick formatter, for the METAPLOT package.
+% Copyright(C) 2004, Brooks Moses
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any
+% later version.
+% The latest version of the license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+% LaTeX version 2003/06/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained".
+% Version 0.9.
+% The n < 1.0 release number indicates that this is a beta release;
+% the author at present makes no assurances that the command syntax
+% will remain unchanged between this and the final Version 1.0
+% release.
+% Bug reports, feature requests, and all other suggestions should
+% be directed to Brooks Moses,
+input format
+% axes_tick(pair tickorigin,
+% numeric ticklength,
+% pair tickdir)
+% Draws a grid tick, located on tickorigin, in the direction indicated by
+% tickdir, with length ticklength.
+def axes_tick(expr tickorigin, ticklength, tickdir) =
+ begingroup
+ interim linecap := butt;
+ save theaxistick; picture theaxistick; theaxistick := nullpicture;
+ addto theaxistick doublepath ((0,0)--(ticklength * unitvector(tickdir)));
+ theaxistick shifted tickorigin
+ endgroup
+% axes_ticklabeled(pair tickorigin,
+% numeric ticklength,
+% numeric tickspace,
+% pair tickdir,
+% picture ticklabel)
+% Draws a grid tick, located on tickorigin, in the direction indicated by
+% tickdir, with length ticklength. In addition, ticklabel is placed as
+% a label such that its center is along the line of the tick, and the
+% bounding box is a distance tickspace from the end of the tick.
+def axes_ticklabeled(expr tickorigin, ticklength, tickspace, tickdir, ticklabel) =
+ begingroup
+ interim linecap := butt;
+ save tickunitvector; pair tickunitvector;
+ tickunitvector := unitvector(tickdir);
+ % We calculate an intersection point between the bbox of ticklabel
+ % and a ray extending from center(ticklabel) in the direction of
+ % tickdir (approximated by a line guaranteed to be long enough to
+ % exit the bbox), in the coordinates of ticklabel. Thus, shifting
+ % ticklabel by the negative of this amount will put this intersection
+ % point at (0,0).
+ save thelabelshift; pair thelabelshift;
+ thelabelshift =
+ (center(ticklabel) -- (center(ticklabel)
+ - tickunitvector * (xpart(urcorner ticklabel - llcorner ticklabel)
+ + ypart(urcorner ticklabel - llcorner ticklabel))))
+ intersectionpoint (llcorner ticklabel -- lrcorner ticklabel
+ -- urcorner ticklabel -- ulcorner ticklabel -- cycle);
+ save thetick; picture thetick; thetick := nullpicture;
+ addto thetick doublepath ((0,0)--(ticklength * tickunitvector));
+ addto thetick also ticklabel
+ shifted ((ticklength + tickspace)*tickunitvector - thelabelshift);
+ thetick shifted tickorigin
+ endgroup
+% axes_ticknumbered(pair tickorigin,
+% numeric ticklength,
+% numeric tickspace,
+% pair tickdir,
+% numeric tickvalue)
+% string ticklabelformat)
+% Draws a grid tick with a formatted number (tickvalue) as the label,
+% according to the format given in ticklabelformat, with the remainder
+% of the syntax identical to axes_ticklabeled.
+def axes_ticknumbered(expr tickorigin, ticklength, tickspace, tickdir,
+ tickvalue, ticklabelformat) =
+ axes_ticklabeled(tickorigin, ticklength, tickspace, tickdir,
+ format(ticklabelformat, tickvalue))
+% axes_tickrow(pair startpoint,
+% pair endpoint,
+% numeric ticklength,
+% pair tickdir,
+% numeric ntickspaces)
+% Draws a row of ntickspaces+1 grid ticks (that is, ticks with ntickspaces
+% spaces between them) from startpoint to endpoint, with parameters given
+% by ticklength and tickdir.
+def axes_tickrow(expr startpoint, endpoint,
+ ticklength, tickdir, ntickspaces) =
+ begingroup
+ save thetickrow; picture thetickrow; thetickrow := nullpicture;
+ save tickpoint; pair tickpoint;
+ for itick=0 upto ntickspaces:
+ tickpoint := (itick/ntickspaces) * (endpoint - startpoint) + startpoint;
+ addto thetickrow also
+ axes_tick(tickpoint, ticklength, tickdir);
+ endfor
+ thetickrow
+ endgroup
+% axes_tickrow_numbered(pair startpoint,
+% pair endpoint,
+% numeric ticklength,
+% numeric tickspace,
+% pair tickdir,
+% numeric startvalue,
+% numeric endvalue,
+% numeric ntickspaces,
+% string ticklabelformat)
+% Draws a row of ntickspaces+1 labeled grid ticks (that is, ticks with
+% ntickspaces spaces between them) from startpoint to endpoint, with
+% parameters given by ticklength, tickspace, and tickdir. These ticks
+% are labeled with numeric values that range from startvalue (at'
+% startpoint) to endvalue (at endpoint), according to the format given
+% in ticklabelformat.
+def axes_tickrow_numbered(expr startpoint, endpoint,
+ ticklength, tickspace, tickdir,
+ startvalue, endvalue, ntickspaces,
+ ticklabelformat) =
+ begingroup
+ save thetickrow; picture thetickrow; thetickrow := nullpicture;
+ save tickpoint; pair tickpoint;
+ save tickvalue; numeric tickvalue;
+ for itick=0 upto ntickspaces:
+ tickpoint := (itick/ntickspaces) * (endpoint - startpoint) + startpoint;
+ tickvalue := (itick/ntickspaces) * (endvalue - startvalue) + startvalue;
+ addto thetickrow also
+ axes_ticknumbered(tickpoint, ticklength, tickspace, tickdir,
+ tickvalue, ticklabelformat);
+ endfor
+ thetickrow
+ endgroup
+% axes_tickscale(pair startpoint,
+% pair endpoint,
+% numeric ticklength,
+% numeric tickspace,
+% pair tickdir,
+% numeric startvalue,
+% numeric endvalue,
+% numeric tickzero,
+% numeric tickstep,
+% string ticklabelformat)
+% Draws a row of grid ticks from startpoint to endpoint, arranged
+% such that their values increase in steps of size tickstep, and
+% located so that the sequence of grid ticks, if continued to
+% infinity, will include a tick with value tickzero. The ticks
+% will be labeled according to format ticklabelformat, or if
+% ticklabelformat is "", they will be unlabeled.
+def axes_tickscale(expr startpoint, endpoint,
+ ticklength, tickspace, tickdir,
+ startvalue, endvalue, tickzero, tickstep,
+ ticklabelformat) =
+ begingroup
+ % tickepsilon is a small tolerance value to avoid roundoff errors.
+ save tickepsilon; numeric tickepsilon;
+ tickepsilon = 0.005 * min(1.0, abs(endvalue-startvalue)/tickstep);
+ save firstticknumber; numeric firstticknumber;
+ save lastticknumber; numeric lastticknumber;
+ firstticknumber = ceiling((min(startvalue,endvalue)-tickzero)/tickstep - tickepsilon);
+ lastticknumber = floor((max(startvalue,endvalue)-tickzero)/tickstep + tickepsilon);
+ save firsttickvalue; numeric firsttickvalue;
+ save lasttickvalue; numeric lasttickvalue;
+ firsttickvalue = firstticknumber * tickstep + tickzero;
+ lasttickvalue = lastticknumber * tickstep + tickzero;
+ if ticklabelformat="":
+ axes_tickrow(
+ ((firsttickvalue-startvalue)/(endvalue-startvalue))[startpoint, endpoint],
+ ((lasttickvalue-startvalue)/(endvalue-startvalue))[startpoint, endpoint],
+ ticklength, tickdir, lastticknumber - firstticknumber)
+ else:
+ axes_tickrow_numbered(
+ ((firsttickvalue-startvalue)/(endvalue-startvalue))[startpoint, endpoint],
+ ((lasttickvalue-startvalue)/(endvalue-startvalue))[startpoint, endpoint],
+ ticklength, tickspace, tickdir,
+ firsttickvalue, lasttickvalue, lastticknumber - firstticknumber,
+ ticklabelformat)
+ fi
+ endgroup
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/metaplot/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/metaplot/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d26c938d6ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/metaplot/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+% METAPLOT: primary plot routines for the METAPLOT package.
+% Copyright(C) 2004, Brooks Moses
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any
+% later version.
+% The latest version of the license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+% LaTeX version 2003/06/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained".
+% Version 0.9.
+% The n < 1.0 release number indicates that this is a beta release;
+% the author at present makes no assurances that the command syntax
+% will remain unchanged between this and the final Version 1.0
+% release.
+% Bug reports, feature requests, and all other suggestions should
+% be directed to Brooks Moses,
+% Load MetaPlot axes macros
+input axes
+% plot_instantiate(suffix inst, suffix plot_object)
+% Defines a page-instance of plot-object inst, and sets up the relevant
+% correspondences between the page locations and the plot-object's scale
+% locations.
+def plot_instantiate(suffix inst)(suffix plot_object) =
+ % Define (unknown) parameters for plot-instance location on page
+ numeric inst.pagewidth, inst.pageheight;
+ numeric inst.pageleft, inst.pageright, inst.pagetop, inst.pagebottom;
+ pair inst.llft, inst.lrt, inst.ulft, inst.urt;
+ inst.pageleft + inst.pagewidth = inst.pageright;
+ inst.pagebottom + inst.pageheight = inst.pagetop;
+ inst.llft = (inst.pageleft, inst.pagebottom);
+ inst.lrt = (inst.pageright, inst.pagebottom);
+ inst.ulft = (inst.pageleft, inst.pagetop);
+ inst.urt = (inst.pageright, inst.pagetop);
+ % Define (known) parameters for plot's scaling
+ numeric inst.scalewidth, inst.scaleheight;
+ numeric inst.scaleleft, inst.scaleright, inst.scaletop, inst.scalebottom;
+ inst.scaleleft := plot_object.xleft;
+ inst.scaleright := plot_object.xright;
+ inst.scalebottom := plot_object.ybot;
+ inst.scaletop := plot_object.ytop;
+ inst.scalewidth := inst.scaleright - inst.scaleleft;
+ inst.scaleheight := inst.scaletop - inst.scalebottom;
+ % Pointer-function to plot_object's plots, scaled and positioned.
+ vardef inst.plot(suffix name) =
+ xscaled inst.pagewidth yscaled inst.pageheight
+ shifted inst.llft
+ enddef;
+% plot_setequalaxes(suffix inst)
+% Sets the axis-scales equal on plot inst.
+def plot_setequalaxes(suffix inst) =
+ inst.pagewidth = inst.pageheight * (inst.scalewidth/inst.scaleheight);
+% plot_[x | y | x]pageloc(suffix inst,
+% numeric [scalex | scaley | scalex, scaley])
+% Scale-to-page conversion functions, which produce the value (or pair)
+% for the page location that corresponds to the given x location, y
+% location, or pair in plot-object inst's coordinates.
+def plot_xpageloc(suffix inst)(expr scalex) =
+ inst.pageleft + (inst.pagewidth/inst.scalewidth) * (scalex - inst.scaleleft)
+def plot_ypageloc(suffix inst)(expr scaley) =
+ inst.pagebottom + (inst.pageheight/inst.scaleheight) * (scaley - inst.scalebottom)
+def plot_zpageloc(suffix inst)(expr scalex)(expr scaley) =
+ (plot_xpageloc(inst, scalex), plot_ypageloc(inst,scaley))
+% plot_[x | y]scaleloc(suffix inst,
+% numeric [pagex | pagey])
+% Page-to-scale conversion functions, which produce the value
+% for the location in plot-object inst's coordinates that corresponds
+% to the given x location or y location on the page.
+def plot_xscaleloc(suffix inst)(expr pagex) =
+ inst.scaleleft + (inst.scalewidth/inst.pagewidth) * (pagex - inst.pageleft)
+def plot_yscaleloc(suffix inst)(expr pagey) =
+ inst.scalebottom + (inst.scaleheight/inst.pageheight) * (pagey - inst.pagebottom)
+% plot_xtickscale(suffix inst,
+% pair startpoint,
+% pair endpoint,
+% numeric ticklength,
+% numeric tickspace,
+% pair tickdir,
+% numeric tickzero,
+% numeric tickstep,
+% string ticklabelformat)
+% Draws a row of x-axis grid ticks from startpoint to endpoint,
+% with the values determined by the x-scale of plot-object inst,
+% and the details of the tick location and format determined
+% according to the axes_tickscale parameters.
+def plot_xtickscale(suffix inst)
+ (expr startpoint, endpoint,
+ ticklength, tickspace, tickdir,
+ tickzero, tickstep, ticklabelformat) =
+ axes_tickscale(startpoint, endpoint,
+ ticklength, tickspace, tickdir,
+ plot_xscaleloc(inst)(xpart(startpoint)),
+ plot_xscaleloc(inst)(xpart(endpoint)),
+ tickzero, tickstep, ticklabelformat)
+% plot_ytickscale(suffix inst,
+% pair startpoint,
+% pair endpoint,
+% numeric ticklength,
+% numeric tickspace,
+% pair tickdir,
+% numeric tickzero,
+% numeric tickstep,
+% string ticklabelformat)
+% Draws a row of y-axis grid ticks from startpoint to endpoint,
+% with the values determined by the y-scale of plot-object inst,
+% and the details of the tick location and format determined
+% according to the axes_tickscale parameters.
+def plot_ytickscale(suffix inst)
+ (expr startpoint, endpoint,
+ ticklength, tickspace, tickdir,
+ tickzero, tickstep, ticklabelformat) =
+ axes_tickscale(startpoint, endpoint,
+ ticklength, tickspace, tickdir,
+ plot_yscaleloc(inst)(ypart(startpoint)),
+ plot_yscaleloc(inst)(ypart(endpoint)),
+ tickzero, tickstep, ticklabelformat)