path: root/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/musixtex/
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2011-11-05 23:40:54 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2011-11-05 23:40:54 +0000
commitf9b4593f28389832c5573550b53b9e5569163cf8 (patch)
tree8486c13e5eeb51bccdd926bedd693096a9e0e17f /Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/musixtex/
parent2632cfd91ace0a6428f33d057fb0c51e23fbab76 (diff)
musixtex 10-26-2011 (27oct11)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/musixtex/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 314 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/musixtex/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/musixtex/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f280106835..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/musixtex/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-% This file is part of MusiXTeX
-% MusiXTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-% any later version.
-% MusiXTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-% GNU General Public License for more details.
-% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-% along with MusiXTeX; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-% the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-% Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-font_identifier := "music_special_symbols";
-% Here are two types of pianobrackets available, they are absolute compatible,
-% so choose this one you prefer (search for '%!!!')
-% free pos: 196-255
-font_size 20pt#;
-qqs#=.4pt#; %width of lines
-qqw#=10pt#; %length of horizontal stroke.
-qqs:=ceiling(qqs#*hppp); % the way rule widths are calculated
-pair sw;
-sw = down+left;
-path p;
-picture save_pic;
-pen line_pen;
-line_pen:= pencircle scaled qqs;
-message ("<glissandi-elements>");
-def glissando (expr theta)=
- x1=-1; y1=0; z2=z1+(.5nhw,0); z3=z1+(nhw+1,0);
- p:= z1{1.25up+right}..{1.25down+right}z2{1.25down+right}..{1.25up+right}z3;
- pickup penrazor scaled (.075nhw+thick) rotated (theta+65);
- draw p rotated theta;
- labels (1,2,3);
-for slope=1 upto 8:
- beginchar(slope-1, (cosd(10slope))*nhw#,(sind(10slope))*nhw#, 0);
- " glissando element slope "&decimal (10slope)&" degree";
- glissando (10slope);
- save_pic:= currentpicture;
- endchar;
- beginchar(8+slope-1, (cosd(10slope))*nhw#, (sind(10slope))*nhw#, 0);
- " glissando element slope "&decimal (-10slope)&" degree";
- currentpicture:= save_pic reflectedabout (origin, right);
- endchar;
-message ("<guitar chords>");
-def tabulatur (expr nd)=
- hwidth:=1/5w;
- x1=x2=y2=y3=0; x3=w; y1=-nd;
- fill unitsquare xscaled (w+2thinwidth) yscaled (med+.2pt)
- shifted(-thinwidth,0);
- pickup pencircle scaled max(1,.2pt+blacker);
- for v=1 upto 5 :
- draw (z2--z3) shifted (0,v*-hwidth);
- endfor;
- for v=0 upto 5 :
- draw (z1--z2) shifted (v*hwidth,0);
- endfor;
- labels (1,2,3);
-def Circle (expr nh)=
- x1l=.1w; x2=x4=.5w; x3l=.9w;
- y1=y3=.5nh+shift; y2=.1nh+shift; y4=.9nh+shift;
- penpos1(med, 0);
- penpos2(thinwidth,90);
- penpos3(med,180);
- penpos4(thinwidth, 270);
- penstroke z1e..z2e..z3e..z4e..cycle;
- pickup pencircle; draw z1..z2..z3..z4..cycle;
-def Cross (expr nh)=
- x1=x3=.2w; x2=x4=.8w;
- y1=y4=.2nh+shift; y2=y3=nh-.2nh+shift;
- pickup pencircle scaled med;
- draw z1--z2; draw z3--z4;
- labels (1,2,3,4);
-beginchar(16, 3nhw#, 0, 0);" small grid";
- tabulatur (108/25nhh);
-beginchar(17, 3/2nhw#, 0, 0); " small dot";
- fill fullcircle scaled .54nhh shifted (w,-.36nhh);
-beginchar(18, 3nhw#, 0, 0); " small bar";
- fill unitsquare xscaled w yscaled .24nhh shifted (0,-.48nhh);
-beginchar(19, 3/5nhw#, 0, 0); " small circle";
- Circle (.72nhh);
-beginchar(20, 3/5nhw#, 0, 0); " small cross";
- Cross (.72nhh);
-% the next seems to be senseless, but it isn't
-beginchar(28, 3/5nhw#, 0, 0); " small blank";
-message ("<several lines>");
-beginchar(21, 0, 0, 0);" bracket hook up";
- pickup line_pen;
- draw origin--(0, hooklength);
-beginchar(22, 0, 0, 0);" bracket hook down";
- pickup line_pen;
- draw origin--(0, -hooklength);
-beginchar(23, nhw#, 0, 0);" upper octaveline";
- pickup line_pen;
- draw (.33w, 1.1nhw)--(.66w, 1.1nhw);
-beginchar(24, 0, 0, 0);" final hook for upper octaveline";
- pickup line_pen;
- draw (1.1nhw,0)--(1.1nhw, 1.1nhw);
- draw (.33nhw, 1.1nhw)--(1.1nhw, 1.1nhw);
-beginchar(25, nhw#, 0, 0);" lower octaveline";
- pickup line_pen;
- draw (.33w, 0)--(.66w, 0);
-beginchar(26, 0, 0, 0);" final hook for lower octaveline";
- pickup line_pen;
- draw (1.1nhw,0)--(1.1nhw, 1.1nhw);
- draw (.33nhw,0)--(1.1nhw, 0);
-beginchar(27, .75nhw#, 0, 0);" used for \bracket";
- pickup line_pen;
- draw origin--(.5nhw, 0);
-beginchar(29, qqw#, 0, 0);" line ydim 0pt";
- pickup line_pen;
- draw origin--(w,0);
-% lines length xdim 10pt, ydim (-).25 to (-)5pt
-for j=1 upto 20:
- beginchar(29+j, qqw#, 0, 0); " line ydim "&decimal .25j&"pt";
- pickup line_pen;
- draw origin--(w, .25pt*j);
- save_pic:= currentpicture;
- endchar;
- beginchar(49+j, qqw#, 0, 0); " line ydim -"&decimal .25j&"pt";
- currentpicture:= save_pic reflectedabout (origin, right);
- endchar;
-message ("<circles>");
-for n:=1 upto 14:
- beginchar(70+n-1, 0, 0, 0);
- " fullcircle diameter "&decimal ((n+2)*2)&" pt";
- diameter:=(n+2)*2pt;
- pickup line_pen;
- draw fullcircle scaled diameter;
- endchar;
-message ("<(de-)crescendi>");
-crescendowidth:=.5nhh; % \Internote
-for n:=1 upto 32:
- beginchar(84+n-1, 0, 3pt#, 3pt#);
- " crescendo length "&decimal n&" noteheadwidths";
- pickup line_pen;
- draw (n*widthstep, crescendowidth+.0075n*crescendowidth)--(0,0);
- addto currentpicture also currentpicture reflectedabout (origin,right);
- save_pic:= currentpicture;
- endchar;
- beginchar(116+n-1, 0, 3pt#, 3pt#);
- " decrescendo length "&decimal n&" noteheadwidths";
- currentpicture:= save_pic reflectedabout(origin, up) shifted (n*widthstep,0);
- endchar;
-message ("<piano brackets>");
-% lastbrace is adjustable (originally 99)
-firstbrace:=20; % smallest brace is 2*20 pt (\simeq 14mm)
-lastbrace:=67+48; % largest brace is 2*67 pt (\simeq 47mm)
-%%% from Stanislav Kneifl
-def drawpianobracket (expr height) =
- u# := 1nhh#/5pt# * 1pt#;
- v# := (height/40) * 1pt#;
- define_pixels (u, v);
-% beginchar (height-firstbrace, 1.25nhh#, 0, 0);
- beginchar (height-firstbrace+148, 0, 0, 0);
- z1 = origin;
- z2 = (4.7u, 7v);
- z3 = (3.6u, 16.5v);
- z4 = (1.9u, 25v);
- z5 = (2.28u, 32v);
- z6 = (w, 40v);
- penpos1 (max(1,0.1u), 125);
- penpos2 (1.2u, 180);
- penpos3 (3.2u, 195);
- penpos4 (2.5u, 180);
- penpos5 (1.14u, 180);
- penpos6 (max(2,0.3u), 150);
- penstroke z1e{dir 35}..z2e..z3e..z4e..z5e..{dir 60}z6e;
- currenttransform := identity reflectedabout ((0,0),(1,0));
- penstroke z1e{dir 35}..z2e..z3e..z4e..z5e..{dir 60}z6e;
- currenttransform := identity;
-% inserted
- currentpicture:=currentpicture shifted (round(-1.75nhh), 0);
- endchar;
-def bigbrace(expr v) =
- beginchar (v-firstbrace+148, 0, 0, 0);
- " brace vsize "&decimal round(2v*pt#)&"pt";
- vwidth:=v*pt;
- hwidth:=max(.1vwidth,3.25pt);
- hwidth:=min(hwidth,6.5pt);
- actwidth:=.035vwidth;
- x1=.25nhw; y1=vwidth;
- x2l=-.8hwidth; y2=2/3vwidth;
- x3r=.2hwidth; y3=1/3vwidth;
- x4=-hwidth; y4=0;
- penpos1(max(1,.25pt),-35);
- penpos2(1.5med+actwidth,40);
- penpos3(1.75med+actwidth,45);
- penpos4(max(1,.2pt),-90);
- penstroke z1e..z2e..z3e..{left+sw}z4e;
- currentpen:= pencircle; draw z1..z2..z3..{left+sw}z4;
- addto currentpicture also currentpicture reflectedabout (origin, right);
- penlabels(1,2,3,4);
- currentpicture:= currentpicture shifted (round(-.75nhh), 0);
- endchar;
-%!!! comment the line 'bigbrace' and uncomment the line 'drawpianobracket'
-for v=firstbrace upto lastbrace :
- bigbrace (v);
-% drawpianobracket (v);