path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/hithesis/back
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authorKarl Berry <>2022-07-29 21:03:36 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2022-07-29 21:03:36 +0000
commit2ad351b2638eec5cd150df26f26aec16bdad4f46 (patch)
treea178ee23e1a7fc4756c0db2b707eac998bc166c7 /Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/hithesis/back
parent212c1c64ea2e4d29a96ff4a7da6e6610a7a16b31 (diff)
hithesis (28jul22)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
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7 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
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+感谢哈工大\LaTeX\ 论文模板\hithesis\ !
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+% -*-coding: utf-8 -*-
+\chapter{带章节的附录}[Full Appendix]%
+\section{附录节的内容}[Section in Appendix]
+\includegraphics[width = 0.4\textwidth]{golfer}
+%\bicaption[golfer5]{}{\xiaosi[0]打高尔夫球的人}{Fig.$\!$}{The person playing golf}\vspace{-1em}
+a & = b \times c \\
+E & = m c^2
+\chapter{这个星球上最好的免费Linux软件列表}[List of the Best Linux Software in our Planet]
+\href{}{FVWM 自从上世纪诞生以来,此星球最强大的窗口管理器。}
+ \item 即使打开上百个窗口也不会“蒙圈”。计算机性能越来越强大,窗口任务的管理必须要升级到打怪兽级别。
+ \item 自动同步Bing搜索主页的壁纸。每次电脑开机,午夜零点自动更新,用户
+ 也可以手动更新,从此审美再也不疲劳。
+ \item 切换窗口自动聚焦到最上面的窗口。使用键盘快捷键切换窗口时候,减少
+ 操作过程,自动聚焦到目标窗口。这一特性是虚拟窗口必须的人性化设
+ 计。
+ \item 类似window右下角的功能的最小化窗口来显示桌面的功能此处类似
+ win7/win10,实现在一个桌面之内操作多个任务。
+ \item 任务栏结合标题栏。采用任务栏和标题栏结合,节省空间。
+ \item 同类窗口切换。可以在同类窗口之内类似alt-tab的方式切换。
+ \item ……
+\href{}{goldendict 星球最强大的桌面字典。}
+\href{}{iodine,“HIT-WLAN + 锐捷”时代的福音。}
+\href{}{mutt, ``All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less.''}
+vnoremap <leader>fae J:s/[.!?]\zs\s\+/\="\r".matchstr(getline('.'), '^\s*')/g<CR>
+vnoremap <leader>fac J:s/[。!?]/\=submatch(0)."\n".matchstr(getline('.'), '^\s*')/g<CR>
+vnoremap <leader>fle :!fmt -80 -s<CR>
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+\title{The title of the English paper}
+\textbf{Abstract:} As one of the most widely used techniques in operations
+research, \emph{ mathematical programming} is defined as a means of maximizing a
+quantity known as \emph{bjective function}, subject to a set of constraints
+represented by equations and inequalities. Some known subtopics of mathematical
+programming are linear programming, nonlinear programming, multiobjective
+programming, goal programming, dynamic programming, and multilevel
+It is impossible to cover in a single chapter every concept of mathematical
+programming. This chapter introduces only the basic concepts and techniques of
+mathematical programming such that readers gain an understanding of them
+throughout the book$^{[2,3]}$.
+\section{Single-Objective Programming}
+The general form of single-objective programming (SOP) is written
+as follows,
+\begin{equation}\tag*{(123)} % 如果附录中的公式不想让它出现在公式索引中,那就请
+ % 用 \tag*{xxxx}
+\max \,\,f(x)\\[0.1 cm]
+\mbox{subject to:} \\ [0.1 cm]
+\qquad g_j(x)\le 0,\quad j=1,2,\cdots,p
+which maximizes a real-valued function $f$ of
+$x=(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)$ subject to a set of constraints.
+In SOP, we call $x$ a decision vector, and
+$x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n$ decision variables. The function
+$f$ is called the objective function. The set
+\begin{equation}\tag*{(456)} % 这里同理,其它不再一一指定。
+S=\left\{x\in\Re^n\bigm|g_j(x)\le 0,\,j=1,2,\cdots,p\right\}
+is called the feasible set. An element $x$ in $S$ is called a
+feasible solution.
+A feasible solution $x^*$ is called the optimal
+solution of SOP if and only if
+f(x^*)\ge f(x)
+for any feasible solution $x$.
+One of the outstanding contributions to mathematical programming was known as
+the Kuhn-Tucker conditions\ref{eq:ktc}. In order to introduce them, let us give
+some definitions. An inequality constraint $g_j(x)\le 0$ is said to be active at
+a point $x^*$ if $g_j(x^*)=0$. A point $x^*$ satisfying $g_j(x^*)\le 0$ is said
+to be regular if the gradient vectors $\nabla g_j(x)$ of all active constraints
+are linearly independent.
+Let $x^*$ be a regular point of the constraints of SOP and assume that all the
+functions $f(x)$ and $g_j(x),j=1,2,\cdots,p$ are differentiable. If $x^*$ is a
+local optimal solution, then there exist Lagrange multipliers
+$\lambda_j,j=1,2,\cdots,p$ such that the following Kuhn-Tucker conditions hold,
+ \nabla f(x^*)-\sum\limits_{j=1}^p\lambda_j\nabla g_j(x^*)=0\\[0.3cm]
+ \lambda_jg_j(x^*)=0,\quad j=1,2,\cdots,p\\[0.2cm]
+ \lambda_j\ge 0,\quad j=1,2,\cdots,p.
+If all the functions $f(x)$ and $g_j(x),j=1,2,\cdots,p$ are convex and
+differentiable, and the point $x^*$ satisfies the Kuhn-Tucker conditions
+(\ref{eq:ktc}), then it has been proved that the point $x^*$ is a global optimal
+solution of SOP.
+\subsection{Linear Programming}
+If the functions $f(x),g_j(x),j=1,2,\cdots,p$ are all linear, then SOP is called
+a {\em linear programming}.
+The feasible set of linear is always convex. A point $x$ is called an extreme
+point of convex set $S$ if $x\in S$ and $x$ cannot be expressed as a convex
+combination of two points in $S$. It has been shown that the optimal solution to
+linear programming corresponds to an extreme point of its feasible set provided
+that the feasible set $S$ is bounded. This fact is the basis of the {\em simplex
+ algorithm} which was developed by Dantzig as a very efficient method for
+solving linear programming.
+ \centering
+ \caption*{Table~1\hskip1em This is an example for manually numbered table, which
+ would not appear in the list of tables}
+ \label{tab:badtabular2}
+ \begin{tabular}[c]{|m{1.5cm}|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\hline
+ \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Network Topology} & \# of nodes &
+ \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\# of clients} & Server \\\hline
+ GT-ITM & Waxman Transit-Stub & 600 &
+ \multirow{2}{2em}{2\%}&
+ \multirow{2}{2em}{10\%}&
+ \multirow{2}{2em}{50\%}&
+ \multirow{2}{1.2in}{Max. Connectivity}\\\cline{1-3}
+ \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Inet-2.1} & 6000 & & & &\\\hline
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{ABCDEF} &\multicolumn{4}{c|}{} \\\hline
+Roughly speaking, the simplex algorithm examines only the extreme points of the
+feasible set, rather than all feasible points. At first, the simplex algorithm
+selects an extreme point as the initial point. The successive extreme point is
+selected so as to improve the objective function value. The procedure is
+repeated until no improvement in objective function value can be made. The last
+extreme point is the optimal solution.
+\subsection{Nonlinear Programming}
+If at least one of the functions $f(x),g_j(x),j=1,2,\cdots,p$ is nonlinear, then
+SOP is called a {\em nonlinear programming}.
+A large number of classical optimization methods have been developed to treat
+special-structural nonlinear programming based on the mathematical theory
+concerned with analyzing the structure of problems.
+Now we consider a nonlinear programming which is confronted solely with
+maximizing a real-valued function with domain $\Re^n$. Whether derivatives are
+available or not, the usual strategy is first to select a point in $\Re^n$ which
+is thought to be the most likely place where the maximum exists. If there is no
+information available on which to base such a selection, a point is chosen at
+random. From this first point an attempt is made to construct a sequence of
+points, each of which yields an improved objective function value over its
+predecessor. The next point to be added to the sequence is chosen by analyzing
+the behavior of the function at the previous points. This construction continues
+until some termination criterion is met. Methods based upon this strategy are
+called {\em ascent methods}, which can be classified as {\em direct methods},
+{\em gradient methods}, and {\em Hessian methods} according to the information
+about the behavior of objective function $f$. Direct methods require only that
+the function can be evaluated at each point. Gradient methods require the
+evaluation of first derivatives of $f$. Hessian methods require the evaluation
+of second derivatives. In fact, there is no superior method for all
+problems. The efficiency of a method is very much dependent upon the objective
+\subsection{Integer Programming}
+{\em Integer programming} is a special mathematical programming in which all of
+the variables are assumed to be only integer values. When there are not only
+integer variables but also conventional continuous variables, we call it {\em
+ mixed integer programming}. If all the variables are assumed either 0 or 1,
+then the problem is termed a {\em zero-one programming}. Although integer
+programming can be solved by an {\em exhaustive enumeration} theoretically, it
+is impractical to solve realistically sized integer programming problems. The
+most successful algorithm so far found to solve integer programming is called
+the {\em branch-and-bound enumeration} developed by Balas (1965) and Dakin
+(1965). The other technique to integer programming is the {\em cutting plane
+ method} developed by Gomory (1959).
+\hfill\textit{Uncertain Programming\/}\quad(\textsl{BaoDing Liu, 2006.2})
+\noindent{\itshape NOTE: These references are only for demonstration. They are
+ not real citations in the original text.}
+\item Donald E. Knuth. The \TeX book. Addison-Wesley, 1984. ISBN: 0-201-13448-9
+\item Paul W. Abrahams, Karl Berry and Kathryn A. Hargreaves. \TeX\ for the
+ Impatient. Addison-Wesley, 1990. ISBN: 0-201-51375-7
+\item David Salomon. The advanced \TeX book. New York : Springer, 1995. ISBN:0-387-94556-3
+{\heiti 摘要:} 本章为外文资料翻译内容。如果有摘要可以直接写上来,这部分好像没有
+ p(y|\mathbf{x}) = \frac{p(\mathbf{x},y)}{p(\mathbf{x})}=
+ \centering
+ \caption*{表~1\hskip1em 这是手动编号但不出现在索引中的一个表格例子}
+ \label{tab:badtabular3}
+ \begin{tabular}[c]{|m{1.5cm}|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\hline
+ \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Network Topology} & \# of nodes &
+ \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\# of clients} & Server \\\hline
+ GT-ITM & Waxman Transit-Stub & 600 &
+ \multirow{2}{2em}{2\%}&
+ \multirow{2}{2em}{10\%}&
+ \multirow{2}{2em}{50\%}&
+ \multirow{2}{1.2in}{Max. Connectivity}\\\cline{1-3}
+ \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Inet-2.1} & 6000 & & & &\\\hline
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{ABCDEF} &\multicolumn{4}{c|}{} \\\hline
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+ %如果想要手动加索引,注释掉以下这一样,用wordlist环境
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+\item XXX,XXX. Static Oxidation Model of Al-Mg/C Dissipation Thermal Protection Materials[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2010, 39(Suppl. 1): 520-524.(SCI~收录,IDS号为~669JS,IF=0.16)
+\item XXX,XXX. 精密超声振动切削单晶铜的计算机仿真研究[J]. 系统仿真学报,2007,19(4):738-741,753.(EI~收录号:20071310514841)
+\item XXX,XXX. 局部多孔质气体静压轴向轴承静态特性的数值求解[J]. 摩擦学学报,2007(1):68-72.(EI~收录号:20071510544816)
+\item XXX,XXX. 硬脆光学晶体材料超精密切削理论研究综述[J]. 机械工程学报,2003,39(8):15-22.(EI~收录号:2004088028875)
+\item XXX,XXX. 基于遗传算法的超精密切削加工表面粗糙度预测模型的参数辨识以及切削参数优化[J]. 机械工程学报,2005,41(11):158-162.(EI~收录号:2006039650087)
+\item XXX,XXX. Discrete Sliding Mode Cintrok with Fuzzy Adaptive Reaching Law on 6-PEES Parallel Robot[C]. Intelligent System Design and Applications, Jinan, 2006: 649-652.(EI~收录号:20073210746529)
+\item XXX,XXX. 一种温热外敷药制备方案:中国,88105607.3[P]. 1989-07-26.
+\item XXX,XXX. XX~气体静压轴承技术研究, XX~省自然科学基金项目.课题编号:XXXX.
+\item XXX,XXX. XX~静载下预应力混凝土房屋结构设计统一理论. 黑江省科学技术二等奖, 2007.
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+\textbf{( 除全日制硕士生以外,其余学生均应增列此项。个人简历一般应包含教育经历和工作经历。)}