path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis
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authorKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:45:48 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:45:48 +0000
commit5dc602d16c5be2fd035b254ca23484a90aebd6dc (patch)
tree72efb15fba318cc2096a8cc6999ed3fa0bff317d /Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis
parentb4fc5f639874db951177ec539299d20908adb654 (diff)
doc 5
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis')
43 files changed, 11926 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/COPYING b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d35a8a1456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+ Texsis Copyright, Warranty (lack thereof),
+ and Distribution Restrictions
+License and Distribution
+TeXsis is free software which can be redistributed and/or modified
+under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), as
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+covered by the LPPL is provided in the file called MANIFEST.
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+The only special extension used by TeXsis is .txs for style files, and
+these should be treated the same as the other TeXsis source files
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+Unless specified otherwise in individual files, TeXsis is Copyright
+1987 1988 1989 1990 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000, 2001 by
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+in the individual files that are affected.
+Prior to TeXsis version 2.18 the source code to TeXsis was covered by a
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+1980's when TeXsis was being developed specifically for physics
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+ We originally considered the GNU Public License (GPL) and the
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+the BSD License, the "Artistic" License, and in fact we looked at most
+of the licences approved by the Open Source Initiative (see
+ ). We also considered writing our
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+LaTeX Project Public License
+LPPL Version 1.0 1999-03-01
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+ %% pig.sty
+ %% Copyright 2001 M. Y. Name
+ % This program can redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+ % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
+ % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
+ % version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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+The above restrictions are not intended to prohibit, and hence do
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+We believe that these requirements give you the freedom you to make
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+The document modguide.tex in the base LaTeX distribution details
+the reasons for the legal requirements detailed above.
+Even if The Program is unrelated to LaTeX, the argument in
+modguide.tex may still apply, and should be read before
+a modified version of The Program is distributed.
+Conditions on individual files
+The individual files may bear additional conditions which supersede
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+Program will contain a prominent file that lists all the exceptional
+Typical examples of files with more restrictive modification
+conditions would be files that contain the text of copyright notices.
+ * The conditions on individual files differ only in the
+ extent of *modification* that is allowed.
+ * The conditions on *distribution* are the same for all the files.
+ Thus a (re)distributor of a complete, unchanged copy of The Program
+ need meet only the conditions in this file; it is not necessary to
+ check the header of every file in the distribution to check that a
+ distribution meets these requirements.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Example.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Example.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9de019e32c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Example.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+%% file: Example.tex (TeXsis version 2.17)
+% $Revision: 17.0 $ : $Date: 1994/11/30 21:53:40 $ : $Author: myers $
+% This is a sample paper typeset with TeXsis, to give you a quick idea
+% of how it's done. Note: this is just hacked together from an old
+% conference proceedings, so it's not a real paper. -EAM
+% This lets your manuscript run under either mTeXsis (from
+% mtexsis.tex) or the full TeXsis distribution
+\ifx\texsis\undefined \input mtexsis.tex \fi
+\texsis % this turns on TeXsis
+% Saying \draft puts a time-stamp, page number, etc. on the page,
+% but you don't want it for the final version of the paper.
+% Document Format: uncomment one of these lines to select the style
+% in which the paper is printed:
+%\preprint % Preprint style
+%\nuclproc % Nuclear Physics Proceedings style
+%\PhysRev % Physical Review style
+% ---
+% some macros used in this paper:
+\def\Kb{{\bar K^2 \over \beta_R}}
+% ---
+\titlepage % begin title page material
+Noncompact nonlinear sigma models
+and numerical quantum gravity
+Eric Myers, Bryce DeWitt, Rob Harrington, and Arie Kapulkin
+Center for Relativity, Department of Physics\\
+University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78705 USA
+Studying the $O(2,1)$ nonlinear sigma model is a useful step toward
+determining whether or not a consistent quantum theory of gravity (based
+on the Einstein-Hilbert action) exists. Like gravity, the sigma model
+is not perturbatively renormalizable, and corresponding Feynman graphs
+in the two theories have the same na\"{\i}ve degrees of divergence. Both
+theories also have a single overall dimensionful coupling constant, and
+both have a configuration space which is noncompact and curved. The
+sigma model allows one to study the renormalizability properties of such
+theories without the added complications of local symmetries.
+\endtitlepage % will start \doublecolumns for \nuclproc
+% ---
+% Now start in on the text of the paper...
+% ---
+Quantum Field Theory and the theory of General Relativity are,
+separately, probably the two most successful physical theories of this
+century. This notwithstanding, nobody has yet been able to bring the
+two together into one complete and consistent quantum theory of gravity.
+One major impediment to such a theory is that, unlike gauge field
+theories, gravity with the Einstein-Hilbert action
+S = {1 \over 16\pi G_N} \int d^4x\, \sqrt{g} R
+\EQN 1$$
+is not renormalizable, at least not by the usual methods of perturbation
+theory. This has lead a number of physicists to adopt the position that
+General Relativity is only the low energy limit of some other quantum
+theory, such as superstring theory. An alternative view which one
+can adopt, however, is that the failure of perturbation theory in the
+case of gravity is not an indication that the theory is inconsistent,
+but only that the mathematical tools one has used are inadequate. To
+pursue a quantum theory of gravity in this direction one needs a
+nonperturbative method of calculation: the methods of lattice field
+theory, which have already been applied to gauge theories, are
+immediately suggested. One also needs a simple model with which to test
+the ideas of nonperturbative renormalizability without the complicated
+structure of the full theory of General Relativity. This paper
+describes our work with such a model, the $O(2,1)$ noncompact nonlinear
+$\sigma$-model.\reference{DeWitt, 1989}
+B.S.~DeWitt, ``Nonlinear sigma models in 4 dimensions: a lattice definition,''
+lectures given at the International School of Cosmology and Gravitation,
+``Ettore Majorana'' Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicily, May 1989
+The model we consider consists of three scalar fields $\varphi_a$
+described by the action
+S = \half \mu^2 \int d^4 x \, \eta^{ab}
+ \del_\mu \varphi_a \del^\mu \varphi_b \,,
+\EQN 2$$
+with $\eta_{ab}={\rm diag}(-1,+1,+1)$ and with the fields obeying
+the constraint
+-\varphi_0^2 + \varphi_1^2 + \varphi_2^2 = -1
+ \qquad (\varphi_0 > 0) \,.
+\EQN 3$$
+The manifold of constraint is the two dimensional surface of constant
+negative curvature represented schematically
+in \Fig{1}. It is the coset space
+$O(2,1)/O(2)\times Z_2$, but for simplicity we refer to \Eqs{2} and
+\Ep{3} as the $O(2,1)$ nonlinear $\sigma$-model. There are several
+reasons this model is of interest:
+For dimensionless fields $\varphi_a$ the coupling constant $\mu^2$ has
+units of $(length)^2$, the same as $1/G_N$ in the Einstein-Hilbert
+action. Thus $\mu$ plays the role of the Planck mass in the theory.
+Furthermore this means that Feynman graphs in the $\sigma$-model have
+the same na\"{\i}ve degree of divergence as similar graphs in gravity,
+so that the model has the same renormalizability structure (actually the
+same perturbative non-renormalizability structure) as the theory of
+As in gravity, the fields of the $\sigma$-model obey a constraint,
+and the configuration space defined by the constraint is both {\it
+curved} and {\it noncompact}.
+The surface of constraint is invariant under global $O(2,1)$
+transformations, but
+% unlike gravity
+there is no local symmetry in the
+model. This is a great simplification which lets us study just the
+renormalizability properties of the model without the added
+complications introduced by local symmetries.
+Unlike gravity, the Euclidean action of the $\sigma$-model is bounded
+from below. The unboundedness of the gravitational action is a serious
+problem which must be dealt with at some point, but one which we want to
+avoid entirely for now.
+\vskip\colwidth % just leave some space to glue in figure
+%%\epsfbox{} % or include with epsf
+\caption{The constraint surface of the $O(2,1)$ noncompact nonlinear
+The transcription of the $\sigma$-model to the lattice is more or less
+standard with one exception, our definition of the lattice derivative.
+Rather than using the simple difference between field values at
+neighboring lattice sites we use the geodesic distance between two
+points on the constraint surface. The lattice action is thus
+S = \half \mu^2 \sum_x a^4 \sum_{\hat\mu}
+ [{ \Delta(\varphi(x+\hat\mu a), \varphi(x)) \over a}]^2 \,,
+\EQN 4$$
+where $\Delta(\varphi,\varphi^\prime)$ is the arc length between
+$\varphi$ and $\varphi^\prime$ on the manifold,
+\Delta(\varphi,\varphi^\prime) =
+ \cosh^{-1}(-\eta^{ab} \varphi_a\varphi^\prime_b) \,.
+\EQN 5$$
+Our reason for this choice is that it is consistent with the idea that
+the fields be restricted only to the constraint surface of the
+In contrast, simply taking the na\"{\i}ve difference between fields, as
+is usually done for compact $\sigma$-models, produces a difference
+vector which does not lie in the manifold of constraint. While both
+methods lead to the same classical continuum limit there is nothing that
+guarantees that the quantum theories obtained from the two lattice
+definitions will be the same.
+ It is convenient to factor the dependence on the lattice spacing $a$
+out to the front of \Eq{4} and to define the dimensionless coupling
+constant $\beta = \mu^2 a^2$. If the theory is nonperturbatively
+renormalizable the Planck mass $\mu$ will be renormalized to $\mu_R$,
+which results in a renormalized dimensionless coupling constant
+\beta_R = \mu_R^2 a^2 \,.
+\EQN 6$$
+The renormalized Planck mass defines a characteristic length scale
+$1/\mu_R$ for the interactions of the theory. The lattice approximation
+to the continuum theory will be reliable when $a \ll 1/\mu_R \ll L=Na$.
+Considering each inequality separately, this requires
+\mu_R a = \sqrt{\beta_R} \ll 1
+\qquad \hbox{\rm and} \qquad
+ N \gg {1\over \sqrt{\beta_R}}
+\EQN 7$$
+In the continuum limit $a \to 0$, hence $\beta \to 0$, and for $\mu_R$
+to remain finite this requires $\beta_R \to 0$. If this condition is
+not fulfilled then it would appear to be impossible to define a
+consistent quantum field theory from the $\sigma$-model, even
+\forceright % force this to the righthand column
+\vskip\colwidth % leave this much space
+%%\epsfbox{} % or include with EPSF
+\caption{The renormalized dimensionless coupling constant $\beta_R$
+plotted against the bare coupling constant $\beta$ for an $N=10$
+In \Fig{2} we show $\beta_R$ plotted as a function of $\beta$ as
+obtained from Monte Carlo simulations on an $N=10$ lattice. As can
+clearly be seen, $\beta_R$ vanishes nowhere. We therefore conclude that
+the $O(2,1)$ nonlinear sigma model does not have an interacting
+continuum limit. One may view $1/\mu_R$ as the renormalized coupling
+constant in the theory, in which case our result implies that the model
+is ``trivial'' (in the technical sense) in that the continuum limit is a
+free field theory.
+This work was supported by NSF grants PHY\-8617103 and PHY\-8919177.
+%\nosechead{References} % header for references
+%>>> EOF Example.tex <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Fonts.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Fonts.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..70b6822f611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Fonts.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+%% File: Fonts.tex (TeXsis version 2.16)
+% $Revision: 16.2 $ : $Date: 1994/09/14 14:57:08 $ : $Author: myers $
+% TeXsis Manual -- TYPE SIZES AND STYLES : This file is a part of TeXsis
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+\TeXquoteon % | is a TeX quote (printed tt)
+\input TXSdocM.doc % macros for manual
+\line{\revdate \hfill \TeXsis\ \fmtversion} % a banner of sorts
+\vbox{\vskip.75in} % some whitespace
+\TeX\ Macros for Physicists
+-- Font Tables --
+Eric Myers
+Department of Physics and Astronomy
+Vassar College
+Poughkeepsie, New York 12601~USA
+Frank E. Paige
+Physics Department
+Brookhaven National Laboratory
+Upton, New York 11973~USA
+This supplement to the \TeXsis\ manual contains tables of the characters
+in all of the available fonts.
+\parskip=\medskipamount % some extra space between paragraphs
+\appendix{B}{Font Tables}
+Fonts used in \TeXsis, with the design size names and the required
+sizes in points.
+ Base Name | Description | Sizes (pt) \crthick
+ cmr10 | Roman | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmti10 | Text italic | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmsl10 | Slanted | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmbx10 | Roman bold | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmmi10 | Math italic | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmsy10 | Math symbol | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmex10 | Math extended | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmtt10 | Typewriter | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \cr
+ cmss10 | Sans serif | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~~~~~~~~~~~ \crthick
+ cmmib10 | Math italic bold | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmbsy10 | Bold symbol | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24
+ The Computer Modern fonts that are used either by Plain \TeX\ or by
+\TeXsis\ and the required sizes for each are listed in \Tbl{Fonts}. The
+|cmmib10| and |cmbsy10| fonts may not exist in all installations, but
+they will not be loaded unless |\mib| is used, so they are not required.
+The command |\printfont{|\meta{font}|}| can be used to print a table of
+the characters in any \meta{font}, e.g.,
+Such tables are given on the following pages.
+ Most versions of \TeX\ now use Computer Modern fonts, but some
+still use the older American Modern fonts. If you have problems with the
+fonts, try editing |TXSfonts.tex|, replacing all occurrences of |=cm|
+with |=am| and then recompiling \TeXsis. Mixing the two types of fonts
+will produce errors.
+% \Printfont uses \printfont from printfont.txs, but puts the font
+% table in a nice table with a caption.
+\def\Printfont#1#2{% Print a nice font table, with caption
+ \table{#2}%
+ \printfont{#1}%
+ \caption{Font {\tt #1} -- #2}%
+ \endtable}
+\Printfont{cmti10}{Text Italic}
+\Printfont{cmbx10}{Roman bold}
+\Printfont{cmmi10}{Math italic}
+\Printfont{cmsy10}{Math symbol}
+\Printfont{cmex10}{Math extended}
+\Printfont{cmss10}{Sans serif}
+\Printfont{cmmib10}{Math italic bold}
+\Printfont{cmbsy10}{Math bold symbol}
+%>>> EOF Fonts.tex <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/INSTALL b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..288b8ee4160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/INSTALL
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+texsis/INSTALL - How to get the installation instructions
+ A complete set of instructions for installing TeXsis on
+Unix, VMS, and DOS PC's is given in the appendix of the TeXsis
+manual. You can print this appendix using plain TeX with the
+file Install.tex. (You must also have the files TXSinstl.doc,
+TXSmacs.tex, TXSenvmt.tex and TXSdocM.doc in the current
+directory or input path.) A pre-processed version is in the file
+ If you are running TeX 3.0 or later on a Unix machine you can
+probably install TeXsis on your system by simply editing the
+parameters in the Makefile and the proto-site file TXSsite.000
+and saying `make install`. If you have any problems with this
+see the full instructions.
+Eric Myers <> 12 November 1994
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Install.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Install.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..afa76f3e66d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Install.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+%% file: Install.tex (TeXsis version 2.17)
+% $Revision: 17.2 $ : $Date: 1997/08/27 21:44:25 $ : $Author: myers $
+% Installation Instructions for TeXsis E. Myers and F.E. Paige
+% This file can be used with Plain TeX to print the installation
+% instructions for TeXsis (which is an appendix of the manual).
+% For quick installation instructions see the Makefile.
+% Dependencies: TXSmacs.tex, TXSenvmt.tex, TXSinstl.doc
+% TeXsis -- Installation Instructions : This file is a part ot TeXsis
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1997 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% first load just the parts of TeXsis we need to do the job
+\input TXSmacs % main macros common to all components
+\input TXSenvmt % center and flush environments, etc..
+% now some stand-in definitions for full TeXsis macros
+\def\revdate{17 September 1994}%
+ \noindent{\bf\uppercase{#1}}\bigskip}
+\def\nosechead#1{\medskip\noindent{\bf #1}\medskip}
+\def\URL#1{{\tt #1}}
+\def\TeXsis{\TeX sis}
+\def\square{\hbox{{$\sqcup$}\llap{$\sqcap$}}} % box
+\def\ATunlock{\catcode`@=11}\ATunlock % @ is a letter
+\newskip\ttglue \ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em
+\newskip\sectionskip \sectionskip=0pt
+\newskip\subsectionskip \subsectionskip=0pt
+\newcount\refnum \refnum=\z@ % counter for reference numbers
+\newcount\@firstrefnum \@firstrefnum=1 % first of a series of refs
+\newcount\@lastrefnum \@lastrefnum=1 % last of a series of refs
+\newcount\tabnum \tabnum=\z@ % table number
+\newcount\fignum \fignum=\z@ % figure number
+\newcount\eqnum \eqnum=\z@ % equation number in section
+\def\@chaptID{}\def\@sectID{} % start with these null
+\newif\ifContents \newif\ifRunningHeads
+% Simpler versions of manual macros
+\def\meta#1{\leavevmode\hbox{$\langle$\rm #1\/$\rangle$}} % new \meta
+\def\cs#1{{\tt\string#1}} \def\CS#1{{\tt\string#1}}
+\input TXSinstl.doc % Installation instructions from manual
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/MANIFEST b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/MANIFEST
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c1a8e5d40a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/MANIFEST
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ File Name Description
+ AIP.txs American Institute of Physics style file
+ COPYING Copyright, Warranty, and Distribution Restrictions
+ CVformat.txs style file for Curriculum Vitae
+ Elsevier.txs style file for North Holland publications
+ Example.tex short example of a paper created with TeXsis
+ Fonts.tex Standalone fonttable printout
+ Formletr.txs macros for making form letters
+ IEEE.txs IEEE proceedings style file
+ INSTALL Info on how to get installation instructions
+ Install.tex TeXsis installation instructions, in Plain tex
+ LPPL LaTeX Project Public License
+ MANIFEST This shipping list
+ Makefile Unix makefile to build the format and Manual
+ Manual.aux label definitions for the TeXsis Manual
+ Manual.ind processed index for the TeXsis manual
+ Manual.tex TeXsis file to print manual
+ PhysRev.txs Physical Review style file
+ README General information about this distribution
+ TXSapxF.doc Appendix with font tables
+ TXSconts.tex table of contents
+ TXScover.doc Cover for the Manual
+ TXSdcol.doc double column documentation
+ TXSdcol.tex double column format
+ TXSdoc.doc documentation masterfile
+ TXSdoc0.doc documentation title page
+ TXSdocM.doc macros for manual
+ TXSend.doc end of Manual, acknowledgements and contents
+ TXSenvmt.doc documentation for center and list environments
+ TXSenvmt.tex special environments, \center, \Listing, etc
+ TXSeqns.doc Documentation for equation numbering
+ TXSeqns.tex equation numbering
+ TXSfigs.doc documentation for figures and tables
+ TXSfigs.tex figure and table macros
+ TXSfmts.doc documentation for layouts
+ TXSfmts.tex document layouts
+ TXSfonts.doc font documentation
+ TXSfonts.tex TeXsis font definitions
+ TXShead.tex running headlines and footlines
+ TXSinit.tex initialization stuff and some basic macros
+ TXSinstl.doc installation instructions, Manual appendix A
+ TXSintro.doc Manual introduction
+ TXSletr.doc documentation for letter and memo macros
+ TXSletr.tex LetterFormat for typing letters
+ TXSmacs.tex miscelaneous macros common to all components
+ TXSmemo.tex MemoFormat for typing memoranda
+ TXSmisc.doc Documentation for miscellaneous macros
+ TXSprns.doc documetation for paren sizing and balancing
+ TXSprns.tex automatic paren sizing and balancing
+ TXSrefs.doc documentation for reference numbering
+ TXSrefs.tex references and citations
+ TXSrevs.doc revision history, manual appendix C
+ TXSruled.doc documentation for ruled tables
+ TXSruled.tex TeX macros for ruled tables, vis. ruled.tex
+ TXSsects.doc chapter and section documentation
+ TXSsects.tex chapter and section divisions
+ TXSsite.000 proto (or example) site dependent info file
+ TXSsymb.doc documentation for extended math symbols
+ TXSsymb.tex extended math symbols for physics
+ TXStags.doc documentation for misc tags
+ TXStags.tex tags for ref and eqn numbers, labeling
+ TXStitle.tex title page macros for physics papers
+ Tablebod.txs old-style table making macros
+ WorldSci.txs World Scientific proceedins style file
+ color.txs macros to change colors for color PostScript
+ index.tex index making macros for Plain TeX & MakeIndex
+ nuclproc.txs style file for Nuclear Physics proceedings
+ penguin.eps sample encapsulated PostScript figure
+ penguin2.eps sample encapsulated PostScript figure
+ printfont.txs Macros for printing font tables
+ ruled.tex Plain TeX interface for ruled tables
+ spine.txs macro for making 3-Ring binder labels
+ texsis.1 man page for texsis, in troff -man format
+ texsis.bst BIBTeX reference style file for TeXsis
+ texsis.el emacs mode for TeXsis
+ texsis.tex master file to generate TeXsis format
+ thesis.txs style file for a thesis
+ twin.txs two pages side by side on one piece of paper
+ texsis.lsm Short description of the TeXsis package \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Manual.fgl b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Manual.fgl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b05bdc70273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Manual.fgl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+% List of Figures for job Manual - created: 2004/6/5 23:{0}2
+% ====================================
+% > Figure 7.1:
+\FIGLitem{Figure} {7.1. }
+Sample figure showing how easy it is
+to insert numbered figures with captions in \TeXsis .\@endFIGLitem
+% > Figure 1.17:
+\FIGLitem{Figure} {1.17. }
+A bizarrely placed figure for Section~\use {sect.intro}\@endFIGLitem
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Manual.ref b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Manual.ref
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..30bbfa60885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Manual.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+% List of References for job Manual - created: 2004/6/5 23:{0}2
+% ====================================
+% (1) Reference text for "Knuth" defined on page 1.
+\booktitle {The \TeX book} (Addison-Wesley, 1986)
+\@refpunct .
+% (2) Reference text for "LaTeX" defined on page 1.
+L. Lamport,
+\booktitle {\LaTeX , A Document Preparation System},
+(Addison-Wesley, 1985)
+\@refpunct .
+% (3) Reference text for "Doob" defined on page 1.
+\booktitle {A Gentle Introduction to \TeX \ (A Manual for Self-Study)},
+(\TeX \ User's Group, Providence).
+Also available as a plain \TeX \ file from CTAN or at\n
+\URL {}
+\@refpunct .
+% (4) Reference text for "Spivak" defined on page 1.
+\booktitle {PC\TeX \ User's Guide.}
+(Documentation distributed with PC\TeX )
+\@refpunct .
+% (5) Reference text for "Feynman, 1949" defined on page 21.
+\@refitem{5}{Feynman, 1949}
+R.P.~Feynman, Phys.\ Rev.\ \vol {76}, 749 (1949)
+\@refpunct .
+% (6) Reference text for "Pauli and Villars, 1949" defined on page 23.
+\@refitem{6}{Pauli and Villars, 1949}
+W.~Pauli and F.~Villars, \journal Rev. Mod. Phys.;21,434(1949)
+\@refpunct ;
+% ... Reference text for "*Schwinger, 1948" defined on page 23.
+\hfill \penalty -\@M
+J.~Schwinger, \journal Phys. Rev.;74,1439(1948)
+\@refpunct .
+% (7) Reference text for "BCS" defined on page 31.
+J.~Bardeen, L.~N.~Cooper, and
+\journal Phys. Rev.;108,1175(1957)
+\@refpunct .
+% (8) Reference text for "DIS" defined on page 35.
+E.D. Bloom, et al.,
+Phys.\ Rev.\ Letters \vol {23}, 930 (1969) \@endrefitem
+\@refpunct .
+% (9) Reference text for "makeindex" defined on page 44.
+Pehong Chen and
+Michael A. Harrison, ``Index Preparation and Processing'', in {\sl
+Software: Practice and Experience}, \vol {19}, 897-915 (1988)
+\@refpunct .
+% (10) Reference text for "Rokicki" defined on page 48.
+Tomas Rokicki, \booktitle {{\tt dvips}
+User's Manual}.
+The source code for {\tt dvips} is available from CTAN
+in the directory {\tt dviware/dvips}
+\@refpunct .
+% (11) Reference text for "FeynDiagram" defined on page 50.
+Dimm, Bill,
+\booktitle {FeynDiagram Tutorial},
+available at \URL {}
+\@refpunct .
+% (12) Reference text for "Masters" defined on page 52.
+D.E.~Knuth, {\sl The \TeX book} (Addison Wesley, 1986), page 245
+\@refpunct .
+% (13) Reference text for "Cowan" defined on page 52.
+Ray F.~Cowan, {\sl
+Making Tables with Macros} (unpublished)
+\@refpunct .
+% (14) Reference text for "Bozek, 1991" defined on page 54.
+\@refitem{14}{Bozek, 1991}
+J.D.~Bozek, Ph.D. thesis (unpublished), Department of Chemistry,
+University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario CANADA
+\@refpunct .
+% (15) Reference text for "Weinberg, 1972" defined on page 65.
+\@refitem{15}{Weinberg, 1972}
+\booktitle {Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the
+General Theory of Relativity}
+(Wiley, New York, 1972) pg.~3
+\@refpunct .
+% (16) Reference text for "K&R" defined on page 67.
+Brian W.~Kernighan and Dennis M.~Ritchie,
+\booktitle {The C Programming Language},
+(Prentice Hall, Englewood Clifs, NJ, 1978)
+\@refpunct .
+% (17) Reference text for "Banzai, 1984" defined on page 69.
+\@refitem{17}{Banzai, 1984}
+\booktitle {The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the Eighth
+Dimension}, (Twentieth Century Fox, 1984)
+\@refpunct .
+% (18) Reference text for "colordvi" defined on page 79.
+Hafner, Jim, the {\tt COLORDVI.TEX} macros
+are included in the {\tt dvips} distribution. See \Ref {Rokicki}
+\@refpunct .
+% (19) Reference text for "CRC" defined on page 93.
+\booktitle {Handbook of Chemistry and Physics}, 56th Edition,
+(CRC Press, Cleveland, Ohio, 1974), pg. B-9
+\@refpunct .
+% (20) Reference text for "TeXsis-1.00" defined on page 116.
+\booktitle {\TeX sis Version 1.00} (unpublished)
+\@refpunct .
+% (21) Reference text for "Myers, 1984" defined on page 116.
+\@refitem{21}{Myers, 1984}
+\booktitle {Calculation of the Gravitational Casimir Energy and Gauge Field
+Couplings in Non-Abelian Kaluza-Klein Theories},
+Ph.D.\ thesis (unpublished), Yale University, 1984
+\@refpunct .
+% (22) Reference text for "Groppe" defined on page 116.
+\booktitle {TechRpt} (unpublished)
+\@refpunct .
+% >>> EOF Manual.ref <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Manual.tbl b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Manual.tbl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0e67908e451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Manual.tbl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+% List of Tables for job Manual - created: 2004/6/5 23:{0}2
+% ====================================
+% > Table 7.1:
+\FIGLitem{Table} {7.1. }
+Charged leptons.\@endFIGLitem
+% > Table 7.2:
+\FIGLitem{Table} {7.2. }
+Example of a ruled table --- AT\&T Common Stock.\@endFIGLitem
+% > Table 7.3:
+\FIGLitem{Table} {7.3. }
+Example of a ruled table --- Parameters used in the
+MS-X$\alpha $ calculations for the chlorosilane molecules,
+H$_{\rm x}$SiCl$_{\rm 4-x}$; x=0--4.\@endFIGLitem
+% > Table 7.4:
+\FIGLitem{Table} {7.4. }
+Basic macros for {\tt \bs ruledtable}\@endFIGLitem
+% > Table 7.4:
+\FIGLitem{Table} {7.4. }
+Additional macros for {\tt \bs ruledtable}\@endFIGLitem
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Manual.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Manual.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0b9f8fc9693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/Manual.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+%% file: Manual.tex (TeXsis version 2.17)
+% $Revision: 17.1 $ : $Date: 1997/07/08 22:09:47 $ : $Author: myers $
+% TeXsis Manual -- This file prints the TeXsis manual.
+% First we look to see if this is being run under TeXsis, or
+% Plain TeX. If \TeXsis is undefined then it must be Plain
+\ifx \TeXsis\undefined\relax
+ \input texsis \relax % read in TeXsis macros
+ \the\everyjob % start it up
+% Now go read in the manual Master file. The manual files are TXS*.doc
+\input TXSdoc.doc % read the manual
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/NEWS b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..03bc808bb10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ ========================
+The latest distribution version of TeXsis is in a file of the name where 2.xx is the latest version number.
+The latest experimental version of TeXsis is in the beta subdirectory
+ but is not
+mirrored by CTAN.
+ ========================
+13 May 2000:
+ The TeXsis ftp site has been moved to
+ There is now a TeXsis home page, which is at
+18 December 1997:
+ Here is what is new in TeXsis 2.17:
+ * Support for using BibTeX to extract references from bibliographic
+ databases. (Easier to use than in LaTeX!)
+ * The ability to change the colors in PostScript output, which is
+ useful for making overhead transparancies. (The style file
+ color.txs is a functional superset of colordvi.sty, but also lets
+ you push/pop the PostScript color stack.)
+ * Improvements in the organization of the manual, and slightly updated
+ installation instructions. Updated Makefile.
+ * Change in the format of the .aux file. You shouldn't notice
+ this, but it will allow the use of tools and packages that use
+ this file (such as BibTeX) that were formerly only available in
+ LaTeX.
+ * Form letter macros moved to a style file, Formletr.txs.
+ Here is what is NOT in TeXsis, but expected in a later release:
+ * Babel support for other languages. We had this working with Babel
+ 3.4, but then the author of Babel made a big revision (probably to
+ update to LaTeX/2e) and now it doesn't quite work. You can try to
+ find the older version of Babel if you really want this.
+ * Hypertext: I had hyperTeX html links working, but have not
+ documented it. It seems that work on hyperTeX has either frozen
+ or changed direction with the anticipated arrival of tex2pdf.
+ Once I get a chance to read through the proper documentation and
+ figure out where things are going I will update TeXsis to put in
+ the proper pdf marks.
+ * Alternate citation styles: numbered footnotes (rather than
+ endnotes) or citation by the label ("citation key"). It's almost
+ ready, but not quite.
+$Id: NEWS,v 1.1 2000/05/17 01:06:42 myers Exp $
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..08751ec580d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/README
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ TeXsis version 2.18
+ 6 April 2001
+ TeXsis is a Plain TeX macro package for typesetting physics
+documents, including papers and preprints, conference proceedings,
+books, theses, referee reports, letters, and memos. Texsis macros
+provide the following features:
+ * Automatic numbering of and symbolic reference to equations,
+ figures, tables, and references;
+ * Simpified control of type sizes, line spacing, footnotes, running
+ headlines and footlines;
+ * Specialized document formats for research papers, preprints and
+ "e-prints," conference proceedings, theses, books, referee
+ reports, letters, and memoranda;
+ * Table(s) of contents and lists of figures and tables, as well as
+ list of figure and table captions;
+ * Specialized environments for lists, theorems and proofs, centered
+ or non-justified text, and listing computer code;
+ * Specialized macros for easily constructing ruled tables;
+ * Simplified means of constructing an index for a book or thesis;
+ * Easy to use double column formatting.
+TeXsis was originally designed for use by physicists, but others may
+also find it useful. It is completely compatible with Plain TeX.
+ You can find out more about TeXsis from the TeXsis Home Page, at
+ Source code and documentation for TeXsis can be obtained from
+ and is also mirrored by CTAN, the
+Common TeX Archive Network, in CTAN:/tex-archive/macros/texsis/ .
+Finger to find the nearest CTAN server.
+ Small improvements and corrections to TeXsis are distributed as
+patches in the patch file TXSpatch.tex. If there is such a file in the
+texsis directory you should copy it as well.
+ Several components of TeXsis can be used independently under Plain
+ * index: index.tex contains Plain TeX macros for constructing an
+ index for a document, in conjunction with the MakeIndex program.
+ * tables: ruled.tex (with TXSruled.tex) contain Plain TeX macros
+ for making nice ruled tables.
+ * dcol: TXSdcol.tex contains Plain TeX macros for double column
+ formatting.
+For details on how to use these see the documentation files that
+accompany them on the TeXsis ftp site (each has a separate directory).
+The comments in the files are also very complete.
+ TeX runs on many different platforms, not just Unix, and TeXsis
+will run on any installation of TeX. It is best to perform a system-
+wide installation of TeXsis so that everybody may use it, but it is
+also possible to install it in a private directory for personal use.
+Since TeXsis is a "format" the steps required to install it are the
+same as the steps required to install any TeX "format", probably using
+the `initex` program. It would be best if you would review the
+documentation on how to do this for your own TeX installation.
+ Very complete installation instructions for Unix, VMS, and PC-TeX
+are given in an appendix to the TeXsis manual. You can print these
+without having to have TeXsis installed by running the file
+Install.tex through Plain TeX.
+ That said, installation on Unix computers is rather simple. Unless
+you have an unusual installation of TeX (in which case please read the
+output from Install.tex) the steps are:
+ 1. Edit the Makefile and change parameters and paths as
+ appropriate, following the directions given in the comments.
+ The defaults are set to work with teTeX, a common distribution
+ of TeX for Unix. You will probably only have to set the paths
+ to your top-level "texmf" directory and your local "bin" directory.
+ 2. (Optional) Copy the file TXSsite.000 to TXSsite.tex and edit
+ this file to contain appropriate site dependent information,
+ such as definitions for the name of your \ORGANIZATION, or your
+ \letterhead, or change \LandscapeSpecial, etc... If you already
+ have a TXSsite.tex file then copy it to the current directory so
+ that it will be included when building the format file.
+ 3. Give the command `make` to build the format file and the manual.
+ 4. Give the command `make install' to install the files in the
+ appropriate directories.
+ To make it easier for the casual reader of electronic preprints
+("e-prints") to print a TeXsis document we have collected the core
+TeXsis macros into one source file (called mtexsis.tex), with all the
+comments and blank lines removed. A reader who does not have TeXsis
+on her/his system can then simply get this file, add
+ \input mtexsis
+to the manuscript file, and print the paper with Plain TeX. You can
+make your e-print manuscript files automatically load mtexsis.tex, if
+it is needed, by adding the following line at the begining of your
+manuscript file:
+ \ifx\TeXsis\undefined\input mtexsis.tex\fi
+It is suggested that you try running such a manuscript through Plain TeX
+with mtexsis.tex first to make sure that it works.
+ If you find TeXsis useful you may want to send a short e-mail
+message to to be put on the mailing list for any
+notices of updates or changes. We will only use this list to inform
+you of updates or changes, and we won't give the list out to anybody
+else (we hate spam too).
+ Eric Myers <> Frank E. Paige <>
+ Department of Physics and Physics Department
+ University of Michigan Brookhaven National Laboratory
+ Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109 USA Upton, New York 11973 USA
+ --- ---- ---
+@(#) $Id: README,v 18.3 2001/04/06 23:12:48 myers Exp $
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSapxF.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSapxF.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..37b8be0e5b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSapxF.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+%% file: TXSapxF.doc - Font Table Appendix - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSapxF.doc,v 18.1 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\meta\texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\draft\fi
+\appendix{C}{Font Tables}
+ The Computer Modern fonts that are used either by Plain \TeX\ or by
+\TeXsis\ and the required sizes for each are listed in \Tbl{Fonts}. The
+|cmmib10| and |cmbsy10| fonts may not exist in all installations, but
+they will not be loaded unless \cs{mib} is used, so they are not required.
+The command \CS{printfont}\arg{font} can be used to print a table of
+the characters in any \meta{font}, e.g.,
+A separate file called |Fonts.tex| is included with the standard
+distribution of \TeXsis. Running |Fonts.tex| through \TeXsis\ will
+produce tables of all of the fonts used by your installation of \TeXsis.
+ Most versions of \TeX\ now use ``CM'' (Computer Modern) fonts, but
+some still use the older ``AM'' (Almost Modern) fonts. If you have
+problems with the fonts, try editing |TXSfonts.tex|, replacing all
+occurrences of |=cm| with |=am| and then recompiling \TeXsis. Mixing the
+two types of fonts will produce errors.
+Fonts used in \TeXsis, with the design size names and the required
+sizes in points.
+ Base Name | Description | Sizes (pt) \crthick
+ cmr10 | Roman | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmti10 | Text italic | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmsl10 | Slanted | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmbx10 | Roman bold | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmmi10 | Math italic | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmsy10 | Math symbol | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmex10 | Math extended | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmtt10 | Typewriter | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \cr
+ cmss10 | Sans serif | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~~~~~~~~~~~ \crthick
+ cmmib10 | Math italic bold | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
+ cmbsy10 | Bold symbol | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24
+% >>> EOF TSXapxF.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXScover.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXScover.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34d8b6ebee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXScover.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+%% file: TXScover.tex - Binder Cover - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXScover.doc,v 18.1 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1993 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+% SPINE LABEL: don't use any \special's here
+(This file should be printed in Landscape mode.)
+\emsg{This file should be printed in Landscape mode.}
+\vskip 1in
+\spine{\vbox to 1in{\vfill
+ \hbox to 18cm {\hfil\twentyfourbf \TeXsis : %%
+ \TeX\ Macros for Physicists \hfil}%
+ \vfill}
+%>>> EOF TXScover.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSdcol.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSdcol.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..88c224e5ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSdcol.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+%% file: TXSdcol.doc - Double Columns - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSdcol.doc,v 18.2 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1993 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\bs \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\input Manual.aux\draft\fi
+\section{Double Column Output \label{sect.dcol}}
+ Typesetting text in more than one column on a single page is more
+involved than typesetting text in a single page-wide column, but this
+extra effort can be rewarded with a document which looks much more
+professional and which can be easier to read (provided that the
+resolution of your printer is up to it). Many publishers of
+``\idx{camera-ready}'' conference proceedings require double
+column\index{double columns} \index{multiple columns|see{double
+columns}} typesetting, and the {\sl \idx{Physical Review}} and other APS
+and AIP journals are typeset in double columns. In order to make it
+easy for authors to prepare manuscripts either for such camera-ready
+conference proceedings or for submission to {\sl Physical Review}, we
+have included some powerful double column typesetting macros in \TeXsis.
+These macros can automatically balance columns which do not fill an
+entire page, and there are also provisions for equations which must be
+extended across both columns because they are too wide for a single
+column. Figures and tables (or other such ``floating'' insertions) can
+be put either in a single column or across both columns. The same is
+true for footnotes. By changing a single instruction in the manuscript
+file it is also possible to take a document which has been prepared for
+double columns and to print it in single column mode. The converse is
+not true --- typesetting text in double columns with automatic column
+balancing is a nontrivial task. While the macros generally behave as
+intended, more attention to the layout of the document is required, and
+even then the macros will sometimes fail without some extra guidance.
+It is not possible to divide three lines into two balanced columns! In
+such cases you must rearrange text or the placement of figures and
+tables, or explicitly select column or page breaks elsewhere in the
+document, in order to give \TeXsis\ some extra guidance on how best to
+format the page.
+ In order to use the double column formatting macros you must first
+specify the size of the columns with the command
+\CS{SetDoubleColumns}\arg{c-width}. The width and height of the full
+page are taken from the current settings of \cs{hsize} and \cs{vsize},
+while the width of each column is \meta{c-width}. This re-defines
+\TeX's \cs{output} routine, so it should be called shortly after you say
+\cs{texsis}, before any output is actually produced, and it should only
+be called if double column output is to be produced.
+ \CS{SetDoubleColumns} only sets the column dimensions and
+prepares the \cs{output} routine for double column output at some point
+in the future --- it does not actually put you in double column mode.
+Text will still be set in a single page-wide column until you say
+\CS{doublecolumns}. After you say \CS{doublecolumns} text will be set
+in double columns until you say \CS{enddoublecolumns}. This will cause
+the text collected so far to be put into two ``balanced'' columns of the
+same height. You can, if you desire, return to double column mode at
+any later time by saying \CS{doublecolumns} again, and you can switch
+back and forth as much as you like. However, keep in mind that
+frequently switching between single and double columns will make it very
+difficult for \TeXsis\ to choose good points to break columns and pages,
+and you may get an error message warning you that a column cannot be
+A simple example of the use of these double column commands is the
+{\bf BISMUTH} (Ger.\ {\it Weisse Masse}, white mass; later
+{\it Wismuth} and {\it Bisemutum}, Bi; at.~wt. 308.981;
+at.~no. 83; m.p. 271.3$^\circ$C; b.p. 1560 $\pm$ 5$^\circ$C;
+sp.~gr. 9.747 (20$^\circ$); valence 3 or~5. In early times
+bismuth was confused with tin and lead. Claude Geoffroy the
+Younger showed it to be distinct from lead . . .
+ . . . . . . .
+. . . High purity bismuth metal costs about \$4/lb.
+Here the column size is chosen to be slightly less than half of the
+\cs{hsize} (0.47 times the \cs{hsize}) to allow some space (called the
+``gutter'') between the two columns. The result is the
+\booktitle{Handbook of Chemistry and Physics}, 56th Edition,
+(CRC Press, Cleveland, Ohio, 1974), pg. B-9
+% set up double column mode:
+\doublecolumns\tenpoint\baselineskip=12pt plus 1pt \relax
+{\bf BISMUTH} (Ger.\ {\it Weisse Masse}, white mass; later {\it Wismuth}
+and {\it Bisemutum}, Bi; at.~wt. 308.981; at.~no. 83; m.p.
+271.3$^\circ$C; b.p. 1560 $\pm$ 5$^\circ$C; sp.~gr. 9.747 (20$^\circ$);
+valence 3 or~5. In early times bismuth was confused with tin and lead.
+Claude Geoffroy\index{Geoffroy, Claude} the Younger showed it to be
+distinct from lead in 1753. It is a white, crystalline, brittle metal
+with a pinkish tinge. It occurs native. The most important ores are
+{\it bismuthinite} or {\it bismuth glance} (Bi$_2$S$_3$) and {\it
+bismite} (Bi$_2$O$_3$). Peru, Japan, Mexico, Bolivia, and Canada are
+major \idx{bismuth} producers. Much of the bismuth produced in the U.S. is
+obtained as a by-product in refining lead, copper, tin, silver, and
+gold ores. Bismuth is the most diamagnetic of all metals, and the
+thermal conductivity is lower than any metal, except mercury. It has a
+high electrical resistance, and has the highest \idx{Hall effect} of any
+metal (i.e., greatest increase in electrical resistance when placed in
+a magnetic field). ``Bismanol'' is a permanent magnet of high coercive
+force, made of MnBi, by the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory. Bismuth
+expands 3.32\% on solidification. This property makes bismuth alloys
+particularly suited to the making of sharp castings of objects subject
+to damage by high temperatures. With other metals, such as tin,
+\idx{cadmium}, etc., bismuth forms low-melting alloys which are extensively
+used for safety devices used in \idx{fire detection} and extinguishing
+systems. Bismuth is used in producing malleable irons and is finding use
+as a catalyst for making acrylic fibers. When bismuth is heated in air
+it burns with a blue flame forming yellow fumes of the oxide. The metal
+is also used as a \idx{thermocouple} material (has highest negativity
+known), and has found application as a carrier for U$^{235}$ or
+U$^{238}$ fuel in \idx{atomic reactors}. Its soluble salts are
+characterized by forming insoluble basic salts on the addition of water,
+a property sometimes used in detection work. Bismuth oxychloride is
+used extensively in cosmetics. Bismuth subnitrate and subcarbonate are
+used in medicine. High purity bismuth metal costs about \$4/lb.
+ The \cs{IEEE}, \cs{PhysRev}, and \cs{NorthHollandTwo} document formats
+described in \Sect{fmts} also use these double column macros.
+ Any document prepared for double column output using the macros just
+described can also be printed in the simpler single column mode very
+easily, simply by leaving out the \CS{SetDoubleColumns}. Without the
+initialization provided by \CS{SetDoubleColumns} the \cs{doublecolumns}
+and \cs{enddoublecolumns} commands do nothing (they are, in fact, the
+same as saying \cs{relax}). However, if you restore the
+\CS{SetDoubleColumns} command, or invoke one of the specialized document
+styles which use double column output (like \cs{PhysRev}) they will come
+back to life and perform as required.
+ In double column mode displayed equations that fit within a
+single column are typed within the usual |$$|\ttdots|$$|. If an equation
+is too long then it may have to be printed across both columns. This is
+easily done by saying \CS{longequation} before the |$$| which begins the
+equation and \CS{endlongequation} after the |$$| which ends the
+equation, like so:\index{double columns!long equations}%
+ = [({2Z \over n a_0})^3 {(n-l-1)! \over 2n(n+l)!} ]^{1 \over 2}
+ \, (\rho)^l \, e^{-\rho / 2} \, \,
+ L_{n-l-1}^{2l+1} (\rho) \,\, Y_l^m(\theta,\phi)
+The command \CS{longequation} invokes \cs{enddoublecolumns} to end
+double column mode and balance the partial double columns, and it will
+also draw a ruled line across the bottom of the left column. After the
+equation has been completed \CS{endlongequation} invokes
+\cs{doublecolumns} to go back to double column mode, and it also draws a
+rule across the top of the right column.
+ The purpose of these ruled lines is to guide the reader's eye from the
+incomplete left column to the right column above the equation, and to
+the top of the incomplete right column from the left column below the
+long equation. The default style of these rules is the same as is used
+by {\sl Physical Review}. The rules are drawn by macros called
+\CS{leftcolrule} and \CS{rightcolrule}, and these can be changed either
+by you or by a style file. For
+example, if you don't want these rules you can turn them off simply
+by redefining these macros to be \cs{relax}:
+ \def\leftcolrule{\relax}
+ \def\rightcolrule{\relax}
+As with the other double column macros, \CS{longequation} and
+\CS{endlongequation} do nothing if they are invoked when double column
+mode has not been initialized with \CS{SetDoubleColumns}, to make it
+easy to print the document in single column mode.
+ Keep in mind that when dealing with long equations which span both
+columns, switching frequently between single and double columns will
+almost certainly cause trouble in balancing the double columns. Also
+note that each separate piece of double-column material forms its own
+group, so any definitions made inside that group will be forgotten
+outside it. To avoid this problem put all definitions at the beginning of the
+paper, before double column mode is begun. Alternatively, make your
+definitions global by using \cs{gdef} rather than \cs{def}.
+ Figures, tables, or other floating insertions can be inserted
+within a single column using the usual insertion commands of \TeX\ and
+\TeXsis:\index{double columns!insertions} \cs{topinsert}, \cs{midinsert},
+\cs{pageinsert}, \cs{bottominsert}, or \cs{heavyinsert}, all of which
+are terminated as usual by \cs{endinsert}. A \cs{midinsert} or
+\cs{heavyinsert} will appear in the column where it is called for,
+unless it won't fit, in which case it migrates to the next {\sl
+column} (rather than all the way to the next page). You can force an
+insertion into a particular column by placing {\sl within} the
+insertion either \CS{forceleft} or \CS{forceright}. Since insertions
+which have been forced into the left or right columns are handled
+separately, an insertion which fails to fit on a page is moved to the
+same column of the next page and not just to the next column. This means
+that if there are several figures per page, then the figures can
+easily appear in the wrong order. Also, a \cs{topinsert} which follows
+a wide equation on a page will be placed after the equation, not at
+the top of the page. Such problems can easily be corrected by moving
+the insertion to a better place in the manuscript file.
+Besides putting insertions in one column or the other, it is also
+sometimes desirable to be able to put an insertion across the full width
+of the page. These ``wide'' insertions can be made with ``wide''
+versions of some of the the insertions already mentioned:
+\CS{widetopinsert}, \CS{widepageinsert} and \CS{widebottominsert}
+(there is no such thing as |\widemidinsert| or |\wideheavyinsert|). These
+wide insertions behave just like their more conventional counterparts
+when in single column mode.
+ The standard \TeXsis\ macros for table and figure insertions
+described in \Sect{tbls} use \cs{topinsert} and cousins, and so make
+insertions within a single column in double column format.
+There are also macros to make two-column wide tables and figures:
+\index{double columns!figures and tables}%
+Insert a two-column wide table, with the tag \meta{label\/}, at the top of the
+current page.
+Insert a two-column wide figure, with the tag \meta{label\/}, at the top of the
+current page.
+A synonym for |\widefigure|.
+Insert a two-column wide, full-page table, with the tag \meta{label\/}.
+Insert a two-column wide, full-page figure, with the tag \meta{label\/}.
+These also behave correctly in single column document formats.
+Here is a summary of the commands which can be used to set-up and
+control double column mode:
+Set up the double column format, using the current \cs{hsize} and
+\cs{vsize} for the total size of the page and \meta{c-width} for the
+column width.
+Begin double column mode.
+Force a \idx{column break}, much like \cs{newpage} forces a page break.
+End double column mode, making balanced double columns,
+Begins a ``long'' equation which cannot fit within one column
+and therefore must stretch across both columns. This balances the
+columns, putting a \CS{leftcolrule} below the left column, and then
+enters single column mode.
+Ends a long equation, returning to double column mode and
+putting a \CS{rightcolrule} above the right column of the text following.
+%>>> EOF TXSdcol.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSdoc.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSdoc.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..521fca0e85e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSdoc.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+%% file: TXSdoc.doc - Manual Master File - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSdoc.doc,v 18.2 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1997 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\book % ``book'' document style (mostly)
+\input TXSdocM.doc % special macros for this manual
+\markindexfalse % proof marks for index entries OFF!
+\ContentsSwitchtrue % be sure contents pages are made
+%% Save trees and print this double sided if you can. Otherwise,
+%% Uncomment this to get the page numbers correct for single sided.
+% \bookpagenumbersfalse
+% Uncomment the following line to make a HyperTeXt linked
+% version of the Manual: (Experimental)
+%\htmltrue % HyperText links ON
+\input TXSdoc0.doc % Title page
+\pageno = 1
+\input TXSintro.doc % introduction
+\input TXSfonts.doc % typestyles and line spacing
+\input TXSeqns.doc % equation numbering, easyparens
+\input TXSsymb.doc % special symbols
+\input TXSprns.doc % easy parentheses
+\input TXSrefs.doc % references
+\input TXStags.doc % labeling things
+\input TXSsects.doc % chapters and sections and titles
+\input TXSfigs.doc % figures and tables
+\TOCwrite{\string\pagecheck{2cm}}% skip to next page between major divisions
+\input TXSenvmt.doc % special text environments
+\input TXSfmts.doc % special document formats
+\input TXSletr.doc % letter and memo formats
+\input TXSdcol.doc % double column format
+\input TXSmisc.doc % miscellaneous macros
+\TOCwrite{\string\bigskip\string\nosechead{Appendices:}}% title in TOC
+\input TXSinstl.doc % appendix on installation
+\input TXSrevs.doc % appendix on revision records
+\input TXSapxF.doc % appendix on font tables
+\input TXSend.doc % end material, references, etc...
+\tracingstats=1 % how much memory did that use?
+%>>> EOF TXSdoc.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSdoc0.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSdoc0.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..254c56eaa70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSdoc0.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+%% file: TXSdoc0.doc - Manual Title Pages - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSdoc0.doc,v 18.2 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1994, 1996 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\meta\texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\input Manual.aux\draft\fi
+% First print the outside cover page and back
+% Just define needed large fonts; otherwise some systems may run out
+% of font space!
+\font\fourteenbf=cmbx10 scaled \magstep2
+\font\sixteenbf=cmbx10 scaled \magstep3
+\font\twentybf=cmbx10 scaled \magstep4
+\font\twentyfourbf=cmbx10 scaled \magstep5
+ \singlespaced
+ \line{\hfill \TeXsis~\fmtversion}
+ \line{\hfill \revdate}
+\vskip 1.0in plus 1fil
+\endcenter \flushleft \Tbf\singlespaced
+\twentyfourbf \TeXsis
+\vskip .25 cm
+\hrule height .2cm
+\vskip .1cm
+\hrule height .07cm
+\vskip .25cm
+\sixteenbf \TeX\ Macros for Physicists
+\vskip 1.5in plus 1fil
+{\fourteenbf Eric Myers}
+\vskip 3pt \hrule \vskip 3pt
+Department of Physics
+University of Michigan
+Ann Arbor, Michigan
+\vskip 2cm
+{\fourteenbf Frank E. Paige}
+\vskip 3pt \hrule \vskip 3pt
+Physics Department
+Brookhaven National Laboratory
+Upton, New York
+% A blank page for the back of the cover page
+% Now the inside title page
+\titlepage % begin title page
+\line{\revdate \hfill \TeXsis\ \fmtversion} % a banner of sorts
+\vbox{\vskip.75in} % some whitespace
+\title % the title
+\TeX\ Macros for Physicists
+Eric Myers
+Department of Physics
+University of Michgian
+Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1120~USA
+Frank E. Paige
+Physics Department
+Brookhaven National Laboratory
+Upton, New York 11973~USA
+\TeXsis\ is a collection of \TeX\ macros for typesetting many kinds of
+physics documents, including research papers, preprints
+and ``e-prints,''
+conference proceedings, theses, books,
+referee reports,
+letters, and memoranda.
+\TeXsis\ macros provide automatic numbering of equations, automatic
+numbering and formatting of references, double column formatting, macros
+for making tables and figures, with or without captions, and including
+tables with horizontal and vertical rules.
+\TeXsis\ supports a wide variety of type sizes and a number of
+specialized document formats, and it even includes macros for making
+form letters for job applications or letters of recommendation.
+This document describes version \fmtversion\ of \TeXsis, and also serves
+as an example of its use.
+% back page of title
+\pageno=-2 % page ``ii''
+\centerline{\TeXsis: \TeX\ Macros for Physicists}
+For the latest information about \TeXsis\ consult the \TeXsis\ home
+page, at
+Source code and documentation for \TeXsis\ are available via
+the Internet at
+[You can also use ``anonymous ftp'' instead of a Web brower.
+In that case, run ftp on your computer and connect to,
+give the login name "anonymous" and your e-mail address as the
+password. Issue the command ``{\tt cd texsis}'' to change to the {\tt
+texsis} subdirectory. ]
+The files for Unix machines are in a gzip compressed tar file
+with a name like {\tt TeXsis-X.XX.tar.gz}, where {\tt X.XX} is the
+version number.
+There are also subdirectories for \TeXsis\ packaged for Macintosh,
+PC's (DOS or Windows), VMS (Vax computers), Linux, and Amiga.
+The code is the same in any case, it's just packed differently for
+different machines.
+See the {\tt README} file on the TeXsis ftp server for more details.
+If you have problems with this server, please send e-mail to {\tt}.
+The \TeXsis\ distribution on the TeXsis ftp server is also mirrored by
+CTAN (the Common TeX Archive Network).
+You may find it easier to get \TeXsis\ from a nearby CTAN site.
+To find the CTAN site nearest you finger
+The files can be found in the directory {\tt macros/texsis/}.
+ Small improvements and bug corrections for \TeXsis\ are distributed
+as patches in the patch file |TXSpatch.tex|.
+If there is such a file in the |/texsis| directory you should copy it
+as well.
+ We would be grateful to hear of any errors found in this
+documentation or in the software, and we also invite suggestions for
+improvements to both.
+We try to correct errors as quickly as possible, and we try to improve
+\TeXsis\ as our time allows.
+When reporting an error in the code it would help a great deal if you
+would send us a copy of the relevant sections of the manuscript file,
+the log file, and if possible a sample of any output generated.
+It would be even better if you could break your example down into a
+short file that demonstrates the error on a single page or two.
+\vskip 0.5cm plus 1 fill
+To contact us send e-mail to {\tt} or:
+\settabs\+Internet Electronic Mail:\quad
+ & Boston Massachusetts 02215 USA\quad
+ & Brookhaven National Laboratory \cr % sample line
+\+Electronic Mail:
+& & \cr
+\+Surface Mail:
+ & Eric Myers & Frank E. Paige \cr
+\+& Department of Physics & Physics Department \cr
+\+& 2477 Randall Laboratory & Box 510A \cr
+\+& University of Michigan & Brookhaven National Laboratory \cr
+\+& Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1120 USA & Upton, NY 11973 USA \cr
+\vskip 0.25cm plus 1 fill
+\TeX\ is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society.
+UNIX is a trademark of Unix System Laboratories, Inc.
+Copyright \copyright\ 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1997, 1999
+by Eric A. Myers and Frank E. Paige.
+Distribution and/or modification of the \TeXsis\ source code and
+documentation is allowed under the terms of the
+\linkto{}{LaTeX Project Public
+License (LPPL)}.
+\TeXsis\ is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
+\vskip 0.5cm plus 1fill
+\line{\fmtname\ \fmtversion \hfil Printed \today}
+\endgroup % end \tenpoint
+% -- TABLE OF CONTENTS, page iii
+\vfill\eject % new page
+\pageno=-3 % contents on iii, iv, ...
+\nosechead{\fourteenbf \linkname{sect.TOC}{Contents}} % no section number
+\bigskip % needs some space
+\setHeadline{Table of Contents}%
+\def\ContentsFormat{\parskip=0pt\singlespaced %
+ \advance\baselineskip by 0.5pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}
+\tag{page.TOC}{\folio} % tag page for TOC
+\Contents % make table of contents
+\begingroup % keep changes local
+\parskip=0pt\singlespaced % like contents
+\advance\baselineskip by 1pt plus 1pt minus 1pt % like contents
+\vbox to 0.4\vsize{%
+ \nosechead{\fourteenbf List of Tables}% % no section number
+ \medskip % needs some space
+ \ListTables
+ \vfill} % list tables
+\nosechead{\fourteenbf List of Figures} % no section number
+\medskip % needs some space
+\ListFigures % list tables
+% -- If the manual is to be printed double sided then we may need
+% an extra blank page in the head material to get it right.
+% if so, use this....
+\vfill\eject %
+\ifbookpagenumbers % only if page numbers for double sided
+ \ifodd\pageno\else % only if even
+ \global\def\HeadText{{\hss}}% clear heading
+ \vbox to \vsize{\vss
+ \centerline{This page was intentionally left blank}%
+ \centerline{(for double sided printing)}%
+ \vss}%
+ \fi
+\fi % end ifodd
+%>>> EOF TXSdoc0.doc <<<
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5d0811e38c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSdocM.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+%% file: TXSdocM.doc - Macros for the Manual - TeXsis 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSdocM.doc,v 18.2 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1997 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+% Document Format for the TeXsis manual:
+\ATunlock % allow @ macros here
+\singlespaced % single spaced
+\singlelinetrue % for \description
+\Contentsfalse % don't bother with table of contents (DRAFT)
+\parskip=\medskipamount % some extra space between paragraphs
+\EnvRightskip=0pt % allow environments all the way right
+\RunningHeadstrue % do show running headlines
+\input epsf % epsf figures
+% We begin a new \section on a new page. This does it automatically:
+\sectionminspace=0.25\vsize % subsections too
+% -- Font selections:
+\def\HeadFont{\tenpoint\sl} % print running headlines in slanted type
+\def\smalltt{\tenpoint\tt} % for long \TeXexample's
+\def\em{\sl} % \em for emphasis
+% -- some useful symbols and such
+\def\bs{\char92} % '\' for macro names
+\def\VT{\char'174} % vertical bar
+\def\offtt{\TeXquoteoff\tt} % \tt with | allowed
+\def\ttdots{{\tt\phantom{0}...\phantom{0}}}% '...' with correct spacing
+\def\lb{{\tt\char'173}} % { in \tt
+\def\rb{{\tt\char'175}} % } in \tt
+\let\rqbrack=\} % save right curly bracket
+\let\lqbrack=\{ % save left curly bracket
+% \meta{stuff} was our way of doing <stuff> in text. Knuth used
+% \<stuff> in the TeXbook, so I use that too. The only change
+% I made was to force \rm -EAM
+\def\<#1>{\leavevmode\hbox{$\langle$\rm #1\/$\rangle$}} % syntactic quantity
+\def\meta#1{\leavevmode\hbox{$\langle$\rm #1\/$\rangle$}} % new \meta
+% \arg is like \meta but it put's the <thing> in braces too.
+\def\Sect#1{Sect\-ion~\use{sect.#1}} % section number
+\obsolete\SEC\Sect % old synonym
+% \clump will ``clump'' closer together the material in a \definition
+% or \itemize
+\def\clump{% % "clump" \definitions and \itemize
+ \parskip=\baselineskip % \parskip is what \baselineskip was
+ \advance \parskip by 0pt plus 2pt % add some stretch
+ \singlespaced % singlespaced
+ \singlelinetrue} % long guys on own line
+% -- the ``competition''
+\def\TeXbook{{\sl The \TeX book}\index{TeXbook@{\TeXbook}}} % The TeXbook
+\def\LaTeX{% the LaTeX symbol
+ {\rm L\kern -.36em\raise .3ex\hbox {A}\kern -.15em\TeX}}
+\def\AmSTeX{% the AMSTeX symbol
+ $\cal A\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}\kern-.075em S$-\TeX}
+\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em\hbox{$\scriptstyle\rm IB$}\kern-.08em\TeX}}
+% modify \emsg to recognize thes
+\def\emsg#1{\relax% write an error/information message to the screen
+ \begingroup % disable special characters
+ \def\@quote{"}% % to output "
+ \def\TeX{TeX}\def\label##1{}\def\use{\string\use}%
+ \def\BibTeX{BibTeX}\def\LaTeX{LaTeX}%
+ \def\ { }\def~{ }% spaces are spaces
+ \def\tt{}\def\bf{}\def\Tbf{}\def\tbf{}%
+ \def\break{}\def\n{}\def\singlespaced{}\def\doublespaced{}%
+ \immediate\write16{#1}%
+ \endgroup}
+% -- some goodies from manmac.tex
+\def\bull{\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex } % square bullet
+\def\SS{{\it SS}} % scriptscript style
+\def\|{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char`\|}} % vertical line
+\def\dn{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char'14}} % downward arrow
+\def\up{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char'13}} % upward arrow
+\def\pt{\,{\rm pt}} % units of points, in math formulas
+\def\oct#1{\hbox{\rm\'{}\kern-.2em\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % octal constant
+\def\hex#1{\hbox{\rm\H{}\tt#1}} % hexadecimal constant
+ \hbox{\vphantom{\tt/}\thinspace{\tt#1}\thinspace}}
+ \kern1pt\hrule}\vrule}\thinspace} % control sequence token
+% -- The index is constructed with index.tex and MakeIndex
+\input index
+\ATunlock % make sure @ is still a letter after index.tex
+%%\markindextrue % proof marks for index entries (DRAFT ONLY)
+% Use \cs{foo} to get \foo in \tt type and make an entry in the
+% index. Use \CS{foo} to get \foo in \tt type and make an BOLD
+% (defining) entry in the index.
+\TeXquoteoff % be sure | in \index is not active
+ {\tt\bs #1}\index{#1@{\tt\bs #1}|pg}% % put it in text and index it.
+ \ifmarkindex % mark index entries in right margin?
+ \llap{\lower\jot\vbox to 0pt{\vss % box it
+ \tightboxit{\loosebox{\phantom{\tt\bs #1}}}}\hskip-\jot}%
+ \fi}
+ {\tt\bs #1}\index{#1@{\tt\bs #1}|bold}% % put it in text and index it.
+ \ifmarkindex % mark index entries in right margin?
+ \llap{\lower\jot\vbox to 0pt{\vss % box it
+ \tightboxit{\loosebox{\phantom{\tt\bs #1}}}}\hskip-\jot}%
+ \fi}
+%>>> EOF TXSdocM.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSend.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSend.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2939ab55900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSend.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+%% TXSend.doc - End Material for the Manual - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSend.doc,v 18.3 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989-1999 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\meta\texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\draft\fi
+\vfill\eject % start new page
+\nosechead{\fourteenbf Acknowledgments}% % no section number
+\addTOC{1}{Acknowledgments}{\folio}% % add to contents
+\global\def\HeadText{{\tenit Acknowledgments}}
+\TeXsis\ began as a collection of macros used by
+\booktitle{\TeX sis Version 1.00} (unpublished)
+to typeset his Ph.D. thesis.\reference{Myers, 1984}
+\booktitle{Calculation of the Gravitational Casimir Energy and Gauge Field
+Couplings in Non-Abelian Kaluza-Klein Theories},
+Ph.D.\ thesis (unpublished), Yale University, 1984
+These were in turn developed from a collection of macros
+for creating technical reports known as \idx{TechRpt}.
+We don't know for sure who wrote TechRpt, but the manual we used was
+written by W.~Groppe\reference{Groppe}
+\booktitle{TechRpt} (unpublished)
+so he may be the author of the macros as well.
+The original \BibTeX\ support, including {\tt texsis.bst}, was written
+by Bernd Dammann.
+We wish to thank Isabel Harrity\index{Harrity, Isabel} for her patience
+in trying this code while it was originally being developed.
+Various other people have also given us suggestions, criticisms, and
+comments regarding the code and documentation for \TeXsis; among them we
+would like to thank:
+ Vladimir Alexiev,
+ Betty Armstrong,
+ Akif Baysal,
+ Richard Brown,
+ Bernd Dammann,
+ Vickie Darnell,
+ Leo Eskin,
+ Mira Franke,
+ Ralf Gaertner,
+ Romano Giannetti,
+ Don Groom,
+ Donavan Hall,
+ Scott Hannahs,
+ Diab Jerius,
+ Arik Kapulkin,
+ Kate Logan,
+ Bob Love,
+ Michael Morrison,
+ T.C. Pierce,
+ Jeroen Rommers,
+ Norbert Roth,
+ Kurt Stump,
+ David Su\'arez de Lis,
+ Anil Trivedi,
+ and
+ Samir Varma.
+Additional suggestions are welcome and will be incorporated in future
+versions of \TeXsis\ when possible.
+This work was supported in part by the United States Department
+of Energy under contracts DE-AC02-76CH00016 and DE-AC02-89ER40509,
+and in part by the National Science Foundation under grant number
+\nosechead{\fourteenbf References}% % no section number
+\addTOC{1}{References}{\folio}% % add to contents
+\setHeadline{References}% % running head text
+\ListReferences % print references
+\nosechead{\fourteenbf Index}
+\addTOC{1}{Index}{\folio}% % add to contents
+\setHeadline{{Index}}% % running head text
+\def\bold#1{\linkto{page.#1}{\bf #1}}% % boldface for |bold
+\def\italic#1{\linkto{page.#1}{\it #1}}% % italics for |italic
+\def\slanted#1{\linkto{page.#1}{\sl #1}}% % slanted for |slanted
+\def\pg#1{{\rm #1}}% % roman for |reg
+\index{recursion|see{recursion}} % I couldn't resist this -EAM
+\immediate\openin\patchfile=Manual.ind % try to open the index file
+\ifeof\patchfile % EOF? Then it's not there
+ \closein\patchfile % so just close it.
+ \emsg{> Cannot find the processed index file Manual.ind.}%% tell them.
+ \meta{There is no index. I cannot find the file Manual.ind\/}
+ \immediate\closein\patchfile % close it to read with \input
+ \footline={{\hfil\tenpoint (Boldface page numbers are the defining
+ entries) \hfil}}% % helpful footline
+ \doublecolumns % index in double columns
+ \singlespaced
+ \baselineskip=14pt plus 1pt\relax % allow stretch
+ \input Manual.ind
+ \vfill
+ \enddoublecolumns
+\vfill\eject % next...
+\footline={\relax} % footline back to nothing
+% if the last page is even then print ``nothing'', for duplex printers
+ \ifodd\pageno\else
+ \global\def\HeadText{{\hss}}% clear heading
+ \vbox to \vsize{\vss
+ \centerline{This page was unintentionally left blank.}% :-)
+ \vss}
+ \fi % end ifodd
+% >>> EOF TSXend.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSenvmt.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSenvmt.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34de0ac5927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSenvmt.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+%% file: TXSenvmt.doc - Environments - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSenvmt.doc,v 18.2 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) copyright 1988, 1991, 1994 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige.
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\bs \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\draft\input Manual.aux\fi
+\section{Environments \label{sect.envmt}}
+ \TeX\ ordinarily provides a layout appropriate for straight text
+and equations. The \TeXsis\ macros described below create environments
+which bypass the normal layout to format text in special ways, to create
+different types of lists, to display theorems and proofs, to display
+computer code, and even to print \TeX\ examples. With the exception of
+some of the specialized \TeX\ example macros, the syntax for all of
+these is generally of the form ``|\thing|...'' to begin the environment
+and ``|\endthing|'' to end it.
+\subsection{Flush or Centered Text}
+ There are three environments in \TeXsis\ which center lines, set
+them flush left, or set them flush right, respectively:
+Centers all lines which follow, up to |\endcenter|.
+The lines which follow, up to |\endflushleft|,
+are made to line up flush to the left margin.
+The lines which follow, up to |\endflushright|,
+are made to line up flush to the right margin.
+In all of these environments line endings
+in the input file {\sl are} obeyed, as with \cs{obeylines}.
+\index{lines!centering}\index{lines!flush left}\index{lines!flush right}%
+For example,
+A Centered Line
+and Another
+A Centered Line
+and Another
+There is also a \CS{raggedcenter} environment which does not respect line
+breaks but instead produces centered lines each of which is made as long
+as possible:
+Center lines without respecting line endings.
+Terminate with |\endraggedcenter|.
+For example
+\def\|{\ifmmode\Vert\else \char`\|\fi}
+In the ragged centering environment each line
+is made as long as possible, and
+the successive lines are centered.
+In the ragged centering environment each line
+is made as long as possible, and
+the successive lines are centered.
+Note that \cs{raggedcenter} does not hyphenate words.
+\subsection{Simple Examples and Quoted Text}
+ The \CS{example} environment can be used to display an example of
+something in a way that sets it off from the main text. The indentation
+of an example is the same as in the list environments (see
+\Sect{env-indent}). The text in an example will be single
+spaced, even if the rest of the document is double spaced. End this
+environment with \cs{endexample}. An example of the use of \CS{example}
+Physics is not a finished logical system. Rather, at any
+moment it spans a great confusion of ideas, some that
+survive like folk epics from the heroic periods of the past,
+and other that arise like utopian novels from our dim
+premonitions of a future grand synthesis.
+which produces\reference{Weinberg, 1972}
+\booktitle{Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the
+General Theory of Relativity}
+(Wiley, New York, 1972) pg.~3
+\endreference\relax\index{Weinberg, Steven}
+\EnvRightskip=\parindent % need this to show off defaults!
+Physics is not a finished logical system. Rather, at any
+moment it spans a great confusion of ideas, some that
+survive like folk epics from the heroic periods of the past,
+and other that arise like utopian novels from our dim
+premonitions of a future grand synthesis.
+Another example of \CS{example} is given in the next subsection as an
+example of the |\theorem| environment.
+Since one of the uses of \CS{example} is to display block quotes, as
+we've just done above, a synonym for \CS{example} is \CS{blockquote},
+which should be ended with \CS{endblockquote}.
+\subsection{Theorems and Proofs}
+ Theorems,\index{theorems} \idx{lemmas}, and \idx{corollaries} are
+typeset in a quasi-SIAM format, with the number in boldface and the text
+in slanted type.
+They are automatically numbered, including the chapter and
+section numbers if \cs{showchaptIDtrue} and \cs{showsectIDtrue} are
+being used. The syntax for a theorem is
+\CS{theorem}\arg{label} \n
+\meta{text} \n
+\cs{endtheorem} \n
+\CS{proof} \n
+\meta{text} \n
+and similarly for \CS{lemma}, \CS{corollary} and \CS{definition}.
+Definitions are printed in Roman type, not slanted. The
+\cs{endproof} macro inserts a black box to mark the end of the
+proof. Subsequent references to theorems, lemmas, corollaries
+and definitions can be made in the text automatically using
+\CS{Theorem}\arg{label}, \CS{Lemma}\arg{label},
+\CS{Corollary}\arg{label}, and \CS{Definition}\arg{label},
+which give the appropriate name and number. An example of a
+Theorem is:
+If $f(z)$ is a function of $z$ which is analytic on and inside of
+a contour $C$, then
+\int_C f(z)\,dz = 0
+Left as an exercise to the reader.
+which produces
+\EnvRightskip=\parindent % need this to show off defaults!
+If $f(z)$ is a function of $z$ which is analytic on and inside of
+a contour $C$, then
+\int_C f(z)\,dz = 0
+Left as an exercise to the reader.
+Note the use of \cs{example} to indent the theorem and proof and print
+them single spaced. Had the \cs{example} been omitted the theorem and
+proof would have had the same margins and spacing as the rest of the text.
+This theorem would be referred to in the text with |\Theorem{Cauchy}|,
+which gives ``\Theorem{Cauchy}.'' This should be sufficient in most
+cases, but if necessary one can refer to theorem or lemma numbers with
+the primitive \cs{use}|{|\meta{type}.\meta{label}|}|, where \meta{type} is
+either |Thm|, |Lem|, respectively. See Section~\use{sect.labels} for
+more on the use of \cs{use}.
+\subsection{Listing Computer Code}
+ The \CS{Listing} environment can be used to display computer code
+or fragments of computer code. \index{listing computer code}%
+The text is printed in |\tt| type with line endings respected and every
+space counted. You can still use \TeX\ control sequences in this
+environment, but many of the special characters like |%|, |&|, and |#|
+are simply printable characters, since they are used in languages like
+C. (|$|, |_| and |^| also lose any special meaning in this
+environment.) Since the curly brackets used by \TeX\ are also used in C
+(and other languages) they are also simply characters in the |\Listing|
+environment. To perform grouping you should use \cs{bgroup} and
+\cs{egroup}. The backslash is also used in C as an escape character, so
+there has to be some way to print it --- you simply use |\\|; thus \cs{n}
+should be typed as |\\n|. You end the listing environment with
+\cs{endListing}. As an example here is a very famous little
+Brian W.~Kernighan and Dennis M.~Ritchie,
+\booktitle{The C Programming Language},
+(Prentice Hall, Englewood Clifs, NJ, 1978)
+\index{hello@``hello, world''}%
+#include <stdio.h>
+ printf("hello, world\\n");
+which was created by simply typing,
+#include <stdio.h>
+ printf("hello, world\\n");
+The indentation and spacing of the of the \CS{Listing} environment are
+controlled by the same parameters that control the indentation of the
+list environments, as described in Sect.~\use{sect.env-indent}. In
+addition, at the begining of the \CS{Listing} environment the macro
+\CS{everyListing} is executed, if it exists. You can define
+\CS{everyListing} to change the typestyle, type size, or spacing in the
+\CS{Listing} environment.
+An alternative way to list computer code is
+\CS{ListCodeFile}\arg{filename}, which will list the contents of a
+source code file exactly as it appears in the file (with no need to make
+|\n| into |\\n| and such). The call to this macro should {\sl not\/} be
+enclosed in a |\Listing| environment. If the example program above were
+contained in the source file |hello.c| it could be listed simply by
+Long lines can bump up against the right margin.
+Some extra glue has been added to help allow for this, but another way
+to make such lines fit is to make the type size smaller before you
+\CS{ListCodeFile} (you can do this using \CS{everyListing}).
+Note also that tab characters in the code file may not be treated
+exactly correctly. In the present implementation of \TeXsis\ they will
+simply be replaced with eight spaces. We hope to be able to improve how
+this macro deals with tabs in in a future release of \TeXsis, but it is
+difficult to do it exactly right in all cases, so for now it may be best
+to change tabs to spaces in the source file if proper tab stops are
+needed. Most good editors (like emacs) already do this for you, so this
+should not pose much of a problem.
+\subsection{List Environments}
+ When you want to make a list of things there are several ways
+to do it. The items in the list can be marked by a simple marker
+(like a bullet: $\bullet$), by a number or numbers and letters (as in
+an outline), or by some sort of descriptive text in the margin.
+In Plain \TeX\ you
+would make all of these kinds of lists using the |\item| macro. The
+``list environments'' described below are generalizations of |\item| for
+making these various kinds of lists:\index{lists!different kinds}
+List of paragraphs marked by a bullet ($\bullet$) or other symbol.
+List of paragraphs labeled by numbers or by combinations of
+numbers and letters, as for an outline.
+List of items and paragraphs describing them.\index{lists!text labels}
+In each list environment \cs{itm} is used to introduce each individual
+item. The environments are terminated with \cs{enditemize},
+\cs{endenumerate} and \cs{enddescription}, respectively. The three
+different kinds of environments can be nested to produce a list with
+several levels. The indentation of and spacing above and below the list
+environments can be easily controlled. This is described in
+% ----------
+\subsubsection{Itemized lists}\relax
+\CS{itemize} produces paragraphs marked by \idx{bullets}~($\bullet$)
+or some other appropriate symbol; {} % a little extra space in this line
+this is usually used for a short list with only a single level of
+nesting where the order \hbox{either} does not matter or is already
+contained in the items of the list.
+For example, |\itemize| was used to produce the list of
+sections of this manual which begins
+on \linkto{page.itemize}{page~\use{page.itemize}}. The first few items in
+this list were produced by saying:
+\itm Sect.~\use{sect.intro}:
+An introduction to \TeXsis\ and the philosophy behind the macros, and
+instructions on how to begin using \TeXsis.
+\itm Sect.~\use{sect.fonts}:
+Selecting sizes and fonts of type, choosing single,
+double, or triple spacing, and automatically handling
+quotation marks.
+\itm Sect.~\use{sect.eqns}:
+Automatic numbering of equations, automatic sizing of
+parentheses and brackets, and special symbols for
+physics equations....
+A paragraph begun by |\itm| is not indented beyond the new left margin,
+but paragraphs that follow {\sl are} indented unless |\noindent| is
+specified (or if they also begin with |\itm|).
+You can change the symbol used to mark each item in the list to be
+anything you want by creating your own definition of \CS{itemmark}.
+For example, if you want the symbol to be a \cs{square} you
+would define \CS{itemmark} to be
+before invoking \CS{itemize}, or at least before the first |\itm|.
+An example is the following important checklist:\reference{Banzai, 1984}
+\booktitle{The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the Eighth
+Dimension}, (Twentieth Century Fox, 1984)
+\itm Event timer started (display: SINED)
+\itm Antenna Aligned (display: SEELED)
+\itm Oscillation overthruster armed (display: DELIVERED)
+This was produced by saying:
+\itm Event timer started (display: SINED)
+\itm Antenna Aligned (display: SEELED)
+\itm Oscillation overthruster armed (display: DELIVERED)
+\CS{itemize} starts a new group, which is ended by the \cs{enditemize},
+so in this example \CS{itemmark} reverts back to its
+previous definition when the list is finished.
+You can get a ``check-mark'' symbol instead of a square by
+replacing \cs{square} with \cs{surd}, or you can use any other symbol
+that suits you. Note though that in this example
+the \cs{square} is enclosed in math
+quotes --- you will have to remember this for any symbol which is defined
+in math mode.
+% ----------
+\subsubsection{Enumerated lists}
+ \cs{enumerate} produces numbered paragraphs, either with a single level
+or nested several levels deep, like so:
+|tentt\tenpoint\parskip=0pt % this just makes our examples smaller
+\itm Paragraph 1.
+\itm sub-paragraph 1a.
+\itm sub-sub-paragraph 1a(i).
+\itm sub-sub-paragraph 1a(ii).
+\itm sub-paragraph 1b.
+\itm and so on...
+\itm Paragraph 2.
+\itm and so on...
+This produces the enumerated list:
+\def\ListExample{% Define once, use several times...
+ \tenpoint\parskip=0pt\medskip
+ \itm Paragraph 1.
+ \enumerate
+ \itm sub-paragraph 1a.
+ \enumerate
+ \itm sub-sub-paragraph 1a(i).
+ \itm sub-sub-paragraph 1a(ii).
+ \endenumerate
+ \itm sub-paragraph 1b.
+ \itm and so on...
+ \endenumerate
+ \itm Paragraph 2.
+ \itm and so on...}
+The default form for the paragraph numbering is called \CS{enumPoints},
+which produces numbers of the form $ii.jj.kk$. You can also have the
+list printed in a standard outline format with a mixture of Roman
+numerals, letters, and Arabic numerals by saying \CS{enumOutline}.
+Doing so to the example above produces:
+Unless enclosed within a group,
+the \CS{enumPoints} or \CS{enumOutline} style selected remains in effect
+until it is changed. The punctuation following the item number is
+\CS{enummark}, which by default is a period (\hbox{.}) but which can be
+redefined by the user [for example, you can change it to |\rparen| to
+obtain numbering of the form ``\hbox{2\rparen}'']. \CS{enummark} can
+also be used to change the spacing between the numbers and the text that
+A third enumeration style, called \CS{enumNumOutline}, is also available.
+Top level items are labeled by arabic numbers, the level below by
+lower case roman letters, and the level below that by lower case
+roman numerals. With \CS{enumNumOutline} the example above becomes:
+If you prefer a different style of enumeration you can create your
+own |\enumWhatever| to use in place of \CS{enumPoint} or
+\CS{enumNumOutline}. To do so, copy the definition of \CS{enumPoints} or
+one of its brothers, along with the comments that go with them, from the
+file |TXSenvmt.tex| into a file called |TXSmods.tex| (see
+Appendix~\use{install}) and then make the appropriate changes as
+described in those comments.
+% ----------
+\subsubsection{Lists Labeled by Text}\relax
+\CS{description} is used to create a list of words or other
+items labeled by some text.
+The syntax is\index{lists!text labels}
+\CS{description}\arg{sample text} \n
+\cs{itm}\arg{label 1} |Paragraph 1...| \n
+\cs{itm}\arg{label 2} |Paragraph 2...| \n
+\cs{itm}|{...}| \n
+The argument \meta{sample text} is not printed, but its length is used
+to determine the indentation for the labels on the items, so it
+should be the longest item, followed by some extra space. For example, the
+descriptions of the flush and centered environments at the beginning of
+this section of the manual were typeset with
+Center each line.
+Set each line flush left.
+Set each line flush right.
+since |\flushright| is the longest of the three items. (|\CS| is a
+special macro defined for this manual for printing control sequence
+names.) Each item in the list is separated by a \cs{parskip},
+just as in itemized or enumerated lists.
+If the label text for an item comes out wider than the space
+allowed, the text will usually be broken into several lines
+so that it will fit in the indented margin (if this is possible!).
+Saying \CS{singlelinetrue} will instead put the label text on a
+line by itself, above the item. \CS{singlelinefalse} is the default,
+but this manual has been printed with \CS{singlelinetrue}.
+\subsubsection{Spacing of List Environments \label{sect.env-indent}}
+Each of the list environments described above is surrounded by the
+following skips:
+\EnvTopskip = \medskipamount % space above the list
+\EnvBottomskip = \medskipamount % space below the list
+\EnvLeftskip = 2\parindent % left indent for the list
+\EnvRightskip = \parindent % right margin moves in too
+You can change these as you please to any legal \TeX\ dimension. The
+space between
+items which are begun by \cs{itm} is taken from the \cs{parskip}. Since the
+list environment begins a group you can change the |\parskip| inside
+this group to control the spacing between |\itm|'s. For example, if you
+wanted no extra space between the items in the list you could say
+set the |\parskip| to zero, as in,
+\parskip=0pt \def\itemmark{$\triangleright$}
+\itm Event timer started (display: SINED)
+\itm Antenna Aligned (display: SEELED)
+\itm Oscillation overthruster armed (display: DELIVERED)
+which would produce:
+\parskip=0pt \def\itemmark{$\triangleright$}
+\itm Event timer started (display: SINED)
+\itm Antenna Aligned (display: SEELED)
+\itm Oscillation overthruster armed (display: DELIVERED)
+\subsection{\TeX\ example macros}
+ Typing \TeX\ examples can't be done in either the \cs{example}
+environment nor the |\Listing| environment, because the backslash must
+be turned into a simple printing character. There are several ways \TeXsis\
+allows you to show examples of \TeX\ code. First, to display \TeX\
+instructions separately, use
+\index{TeX@\TeX, typing examples}%
+Prints like an \cs{example}, but verbatim in \cs{tt} type, with
+``{\offtt |}'' made the escape character. Note that you must therefore
+say {\offtt |endTeXexample} to end the example, since "{\tt\bs}" is no
+longer the escape character!
+To display \TeX\ instructions in running text use
+Make ``{\offtt |}'' a "\TeX\ quote" so that everything between
+{\offtt |}'s is printed verbatim in |\tt| type.
+Turns off "\TeX\ quotes."
+All of the displayed examples in this document have been typed using
+\CS{TeXexample}, and many of the inline examples have been typed by
+putting \CS{TeXquoteon} at the beginning of the document and then typing
+{\offtt |\bs whatever\ttdots|}. For both \CS{TeXexample} and
+\CS{TeXquoteon} the only special character is the escape character
+``{\offtt |}''. In particular one must type
+\bs TeXexample
+\meta{TeX stuff}
+with {\offtt |endTeXexample} instead of |\endTeXexample|. All other
+characters are set in |\tt| type without any interpretation. The input
+line breaks and spacing are respected, including any leading spaces on
+the lines. \TeX\ commands can be used within a |\TeXexample| environment
+by typing {\offtt |macro} in place of |\macro|, {\offtt |bgroup} and
+{\offtt |egroup} in place of |{| and |}|, etc. In particular, a {\offtt
+|} can be obtained by typing {\offtt |char124}. If you want to display
+the results of a complicated macro inside the |\TeXexample| environment
+you should probably define a different macro to display these results
+and then invoke that macro inside the environment. For example, in this
+manual we have sometimes inserted ``meta'' constructions showing where
+to insert a particular piece of text by using a |\meta| macro which
+encloses its argument in angle brackets (see the example immediately
+above). But in a |\TeXexample| you cannot say ``{\tt \VT meta\lb TeX
+stuff\rb},'' because the ``|{|'' and ``|}|'' are no longer grouping
+characters. Instead you could define the temporary macro |\tmp| as
+\def\tmp{\meta{TeX stuff}}
+and then inside the |\TeXexample| environment simply type {\tt \VT tmp}
+to insert the phrase ``\meta{TeX stuff}''.
+The indentation and
+spacing of the |\TeXexample| environment are controlled by the same
+parameters that control the indentation of the list environments, as
+described in Sect.~\use{sect.env-indent}.
+The general method used by all of these macros to turn off \TeX's usual
+mechanism for interpreting special characters is discussed in \TeXbook,
+p.~421ff. The \cs{begintt} and \cs{beginlines} macros described there are
+included in \TeXsis\ for completeness.
+%>>> EOF TXSenvmt.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSeqns.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSeqns.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d7c0e43aa90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSeqns.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+%% file: TXSeqns.doc - Equations - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSeqns.doc,v 18.2 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\meta\texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\draft\fi
+\section{Equations \label{sect.eqns}}
+Plain \TeX\ was designed to make it easy to typeset equations
+and mathematical formulae. \TeXsis\ provides additional features
+that make the job even easier. Among these are the automatic
+numbering of equations (with the ability to refer to numbered equations
+by symbolic labels), automatic sizing of parentheses, and a
+collection of special symbols which are often used by physicists.
+\subsection{Equation Numbering \label{sect.eqno}}%
+In Plain \TeX\ equation numbers are added to displayed
+equations with the \cs{eqno} command, as described in Chapter~19 of
+\TeXbook. For example, typing
+$$ E=mc^2. \eqno (47) $$
+will produce
+E = mc^2 \eqno (47)
+With \TeXsis\ the procedure for getting
+automatically numbered equations is similar, except that you use
+\CS{EQN} instead of \cs{eqno}, and what follows this (up to the
+``|$$|'') is not used as the number of the equation, but as an
+internal {\it label}\, for the equation. For example, if you had
+already used |\EQN| to create three numbered equations, then
+$$ \vec F = -{G_N Mm \over r^2} \, \hat r
+ \EQN Newton $$
+would produce
+\vec F = -{G_N Mm \over r^2} \, \hat r
+ \EQN Newton
+\TeXsis\ automatically assigns the next available equation number to
+the equation and prints this number on the right, in parentheses.
+The equations that follow the one above would be numbered 4.5,
+4.6, and so on.
+ The purpose of the "label" after the |\EQN| is to let you
+refer to the equation in the text without knowing the equation
+number that has been assigned to it. For example, to refer to
+\Eq{Newton} above, which has the label ``Newton'', you might type
+The dependence of the force on the inverse square of the distance
+can be seen in \Eq{Newton}.
+This would be printed as:
+The dependence of the force on the inverse square of the distance
+can be seen in \Eq{Newton}.
+The control sequence \CS{Eq}\arg{label} gives the same result
+as typing "|Eq.~(|$nn$|)|", where $nn$ is the appropriate
+equation number for the given label. Two similar control
+words allow you to refer to a range of equations, or to refer to
+an equation simply by number, without the preceding "|Eq.~|."
+Typing \CS{Eqs}\arg{label} produces "Eqs.~($nn$)", while
+\CS{Ep}\arg{label} gives just the equation number associated
+with the label, enclosed in parentheses. Thus typing
+The class of metrics defined by \Eqs{cond-1} through
+\Ep{cond-5} can all be shown to satisfy inequality
+\Ep{triangle}, as well as the condition in \Eq{Killing}.
+would produce output something like
+The class of metrics defined by Eqs.~(14) through
+(19) can all be shown to satisfy inequality
+(23), as well as the condition in Eq.~(7).
+ Almost any sequence of characters can be used as a "label" for
+an equation. This includes letters, numbers, and punctuation
+marks, but it is best to avoid \TeX's special characters, such as
+|\|, |&|, |}|, |{|, |$|, |_|, and |^|. Spaces may be included
+but will be ignored, and there {\sl is} a difference between
+uppercase and lowercase letters. Also, the semicolon (|;|) is
+reserved for a special purpose, which is described below.
+ You may want to give equations "names," as in the example
+called "Newton" above, or you can give the equations labels that
+are numbers. This is the best thing to do if the equations in
+the original manuscript already have numbers, but if you do this
+then you should be sure to remember that the internal label and
+the number which is printed (the ``external'' number) are not
+necessarily the same. If the equation {\it labeled} ``15'' is
+the fifteenth equation in the document then it will also be
+equation number 15, but if you move the equation around in the
+file so that it is the sixth equation in the document it will be
+printed as equation 6, even though it has the label ``15''.
+ If you have a heavily edited document and the arrangement of
+the numbers and labels gets confusing there is a useful aid to
+help straighten things out. If you say
+then the equation numbers will be printed as usual, but with the label
+appearing next to it in the right margin in square brackets.
+For example, the equation
+(i\gamma^\mu \partial_\mu - m)\psi (x) = 0
+ \EQN Dirac $$
+when printed with |\eqnotracetrue| would appear as:
+(i\gamma^\mu \partial_\mu - m)\psi (x) = 0
+\EQN Dirac$$
+Since the label appears in the margin the spacing of your document
+remains exactly the same.
+Obviously you would not print the final copy of the document this way,
+but it can be very useful for editing. You can turn off this
+equation tracing feature anytime by saying \cs{eqnotracefalse}. If you
+say \cs{draft} at the beginning of your document then the equation
+tracing will be turned on automatically (along with some other useful
+ Sometimes when several equations are closely related you will
+want to give the whole set the same equation number. To distinguish
+separate formulae in such a group you then generally add a letter to
+the number. You might, for example, have the equation
+J^2\ket{j,m} = j(j+1) \ket{j,m} \EQN eigen;a
+and then a short while later you might have the related equation
+J_z\ket{j,m} = m \ket{j,m} \EQN eigen;b
+These may be referred to together as \Eqs{eigen} or may be
+referred to separately as \Eqs{eigen;a} and \Ep{eigen;b}. To get
+an equation number with a letter in it you still use \CS{EQN}, but
+you add the appropriate letter to the end of the label, separated
+{from} the label by a semicolon. The equations above were created
+by typing:
+J^2\ket{j,m} = j(j+1) \ket{j,m} \EQN eigen;a
+J_z\ket{j,m} = m \ket{j,m} \EQN eigen;b
+The semicolon is not printed --- it is just used to separate the
+letter from the label. If the letter is ``a'' then the next
+available equation number is used, as usual, but if the letter is
+anything else then the equation number is not incremented and
+instead the number from the previous equation is used. You can
+use any sequence of letters you like, although it is usually best
+to use ``a,b,c$\ldots$'' for consecutive equations.
+ To refer to equations that have both numbers and letters you
+can either use the letter to pick out a specific equation, or
+simply leave out the letter and use the label to refer to the
+whole set together. You can use either \CS{Eq} or \CS{Eqs} to do
+this. For example, the sentence after \Eq{eigen;b} above was
+created by typing
+These may be referred to together as \Eqs{eigen}
+or may be referred to separately as
+\Eqs{eigen;a} and \Ep{eigen;b}.
+ You will eventually encounter an equation that is so long that
+it has to be broken up into several lines, or you will want to
+print several equations together, lined up by their "$=$" signs.
+In plain \TeX\ you would use |\eqalign| to display these kinds of
+equations, or |\eqalignno| to display them with equation numbers.
+With \TeXsis\ you should use \CS{EQNalign} in place of
+\cs{eqalign} or \cs{eqalignno}
+to get automatically assigned equation numbers in aligned
+equations. As in plain \TeX, the alignment of the
+equations is controlled by |&| and |\cr|. An equation number is
+assigned to a particular line by putting |\EQN| followed by a
+label on that line, before the |\cr|. The label is everything
+{from} the |\EQN| up to the |\cr|. For example,
+{dp \over dt} &= - {\partial H \over \partial q}
+\EQN Hamilton-1 \cr
+{dq \over dt} &= {\partial H \over \partial p}
+\EQN Hamilton-2 \cr}
+produces the two aligned and numbered equations
+{dp \over dt} &= - {\partial H \over \partial q} \EQN Hamilton-1 \cr
+{dq \over dt} &= {\partial H \over \partial p} \EQN Hamilton-2 \cr}
+ \cs{EQNalign} can be used both for typing multi-part equations or for
+splitting an equation which is too long to fit on a single line.
+However, when splitting a single long equation into several lines it may
+actually be better to use |$$\eqalign{|\meta{formula}|}| followed by
+|\EQN| \meta{label}|$$|. For example, in
+{\cal L}_{NC} &= {-g \over 2\cos\theta_W} \sum_i
+ \bar\psi_i [ (t_{3,i}-2Q_i\sin^2\theta_W) \gamma_\mu
+ - t_{3,i}\gamma_\mu\gamma_5 ]\psi_i Z^\mu \cr
+&\quad - e \sum_i Q_i \bar\psi_i \gamma_\mu \psi_i A^\mu \cr}
+the equation number is centered between the two lines of the equation,
+which looks better.
+This equation was produced using \cs{eqalign} by typing:
+{\cal L}_{NC} &= {-g \over 2\cos\theta_W} \sum_i
+ \bar\psi_i [ (t_{3,i}-2Q_i\sin^2\theta_W) \gamma_\mu
+ - t_{3,i}\gamma_\mu\gamma_5 ]\psi_i Z^\mu \cr
+&\quad - e \sum_i Q_i \bar\psi_i \gamma_\mu \psi_i A^\mu \cr}
+ Closely related equations can be displayed together with the
+same equation number by following the label with a semicolon and
+a letter, as already described above. For example, the set of
+\nabla \cdot \vec D &= 4 \pi \rho \EQN EM;a \cr
+\nabla \times \vec E &=
+ - {1 \over c} {\partial \vec B \over \partial t}
+ \EQN EM;b \cr
+\nabla \cdot \vec B &= 0 \EQN EM;c \cr
+\nabla \times \vec H &= {4 \pi \over c} \vec J
+ + {1 \over c} {\partial \vec D \over \partial t}
+ \EQN EM;d \cr}
+is produced by typing:
+\nabla \cdot \vec D &= 4 \pi \rho \EQN EM;a \cr
+\nabla \times \vec E &=
+ - {1 \over c} {\partial \vec B \over \partial t}
+ \EQN EM;b \cr
+\nabla \cdot \vec B &= 0 \EQN EM;c \cr
+\nabla \times \vec H &= {4 \pi \over c} \vec J
+ + {1 \over c} {\partial \vec D \over \partial t}
+ \EQN EM;d \cr}
+Note that the alignment of the equations is controlled by |&| and
+|\cr|, not by the arrangement used when the equation was typed
+into the manuscript file. Still, it is recommended that you
+arrange long sets of equations like these in some sort of clear
+pattern when you type them. This will both reduce errors when
+the equation is typed and make it easier for you to read the file
+when you are looking at it later. Remember, \TeX\ ignores all
+spaces and tabs when it reads material for equations or displayed
+ \CS{EQNdoublealign} is similar to \cs{EQNalign} but makes
+equations with two alignment tabs. For example,
+\sigma_i^2 &= 1 & \EQN Pauli;a \cr
+\sigma_i\sigma_j + \sigma_j\sigma_i &= 0 \qquad & (i \ne j)
+ \EQN Pauli;b \cr
+\sigma_i\sigma_j &= i\sigma_k \qquad & (i,j,k\ {\rm cyclic})
+ \EQN Pauli;c \cr}
+\sigma_i^2 &= 1 & \EQN Pauli;a \cr
+\sigma_i\sigma_j + \sigma_j\sigma_i &= 0 \qquad & (i \ne j)
+ \EQN Pauli;b \cr
+\sigma_i\sigma_j &= i\sigma_k \qquad & (i,j,k\ {\rm cyclic})
+ \EQN Pauli;c \cr}
+with both the equal signs and the parentheses aligned. The second
+|&| is required in the first line, because without it the |\EQN| would
+have aligned the equation number with the parentheses enclosing $i\ne j$.
+ Plain \TeX\ also lets you display formulae on several lines
+without any alignment by using \cs{displaylines}. With \TeXsis\ you
+can use the similar control sequence \CS{EQNdisplaylines} to get an
+automatically assigned equation number for any line in such a
+display. The pattern is the same as in |\displaylines|, but you
+simply insert \cs{EQN}\meta{label} in front of the \cs{cr} on the
+line you want numbered. \CS{EQNdisplaylines} produces less space
+between the equations than would result from typing them
+separately, and generally looks better for closely related equations.
+ All of the equation alignment macros are special cases of the plain
+\TeX\ macro \cs{halign}. Therefore, if necessary, the vertical spacing can
+be adjusted by inserting
+where \meta{dimen} can be either a positive or a negative dimension.
+ In a long document there are several different ways to number
+the equations. You could just start at ``1'' and count up for
+each new equation, but sometimes it is better to number the
+equations consecutively within each chapter or section of a
+document. In \TeXsis\ the default form for an equation number is
+$$ where $cc$ stands for the chapter number, $ss$ is the
+section number, and $nn$ is the equation number within that
+section. Whenever you move to a new section or chapter (using
+\cs{section} or \cs{chapter}, as described in
+Section~\use{sect.sects}) the number $ss$ or $cc$ is incremented
+by one and the number $nn$ is reset to one. If you are not using
+chapter divisions in your document then the chapter number $cc$
+is not made a part of the equation number, and the number $nn$ is
+reset only at the beginning of a section. If you are not using
+section divisions in your document then the section number $ss$
+is not made a part of the equation number, and the number $nn$ is
+reset to one only at the beginning of a chapter. If you use
+neither chapter nor section divisions in your document then
+neither the chapter number $cc$ nor the section number $ss$ will
+be made a part of the equation number, and the equations will
+simply be numbered consecutively, 1, 2, 3\dots.
+ Although the system just described for forming equation
+numbers gives a result that is usually what you will want for
+your equation numbering, you can change the method by setting
+either of two switches. If you say |\showchaptIDfalse| then the
+chapter number $cc$ will not be made a part of the equation
+number even though you may be using chapter level divisions in
+your document. Similarly, saying |\showsectIDfalse| prevents the
+section number $ss$ from being used in the equation number. The
+opposites of these two switches are \cs{showchaptIDtrue} and
+\cs{showsectIDtrue}. The equation number $nn$ is reset to one only
+when a section or chapter number that is supposed to be visible
+is incremented, as you might expect.
+%>>> EOF TXSeqns.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSfigs.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSfigs.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..06d77bc35d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSfigs.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+%% file: TXSfigs.doc - Figures and Tables - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSfigs.doc,v 18.2 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992,1993,1994, 1997 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\meta \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\input Manual.aux\draft\fi
+% Select the Penguin shown at the end of the section
+% (the one in the middle is always the Feynman diagram).
+%\def\penguin{penguin2} % to use Larry Ewing's Linux Penguin
+\def\penguin{penguin} % to use the Feynman diagram.
+\section{Figures and Tables \label{sect.figures}}
+Technical papers often include tables and/or figures. Regardless of how
+the contents of the figures or tables are created, these have a lot in
+common in the way they are generally treated. \TeXsis\ makes use of
+\TeX's \idx{floating insertion} capabilities (see Chapter~15 of
+\TeXbook) to insert figures and tables on the current page or on a
+following page. It is also possible to have figures or tables saved and
+printed at the end of the document. Captions are easily added either
+above or below the figure or table. Both kinds of objects are
+automatically assigned numbers, which are associated with internal
+labels so that they may be referred to in the text without having to
+know their order. It is possible to create a list of the figures and
+tables which appear in a document, much like creating a table of
+contents. Figures themselves
+are generally created outside of \TeX, either by hand
+or by computer graphics programs, while tables can be created using
+\TeX\ commands. The most complicated tables have vertical and
+horizontal lines (called ``rules'') to guide the reader's eye and to
+make the table more readable. \TeXsis\ has some very easy to use
+commands for making ruled tables.
+Before discussing \TeXsis's figure and table making macros in detail we
+should mention that \TeXsis\ also adds a new insertion class to those of
+Plain \TeX. In Plain \TeX\ saying \cs{topinsert}, \cs{midinsert} or
+\cs{pageinsert} begins a \idx{floating insertion} (ended by
+\cs{endinsert}) which will appear somewhere on the current page or a
+following page. Material entered with a \cs{topinsert} appears at the
+top of the current page, if there is room for it, or at the top of the
+next page where there is room. A \cs{midinsert} attempts to insert the
+text into the current page right where it is invoked, but if the
+insertion won't fit it becomes a \cs{topinsert}. Saying \cs{pageinsert}
+creates an insertion which takes up a whole page by itself.
+In \TeXsis\ you can also say \cs{bottominsert} to make a \idx{floating
+insertion} that will appear at the bottom of the current page, if it
+will fit, or at the bottom of the next page where it will fit.
+There is also \cs{heavyinsert}, which like \cs{midinsert} tries first to
+insert the material into the current page right where it is called, but
+in this case becomes a \cs{bottominsert} if the material wont' fit.
+\subsection{Figures \label{sect.figs}}
+\TeX\ is designed for technical typesetting, but does not include a
+graphics standard, so to include a figure or drawing in a document
+it is necessary to
+leave blank space and to either glue the drawing in later or to arrange
+for the figure material to be inserted by some mechanism outside of
+\TeX\ when the page is actually printed (e.g., using the \cs{special}
+command or the \cs{epsfbox} command described later).
+ Imagine that you wish to insert into the text a drawing of a
+``\idx{penguin} diagram,'' which is about 6~cm tall. You could create
+the space for this figure at the top of a page, along with a caption,
+with the following commands:\index{figures}%
+\vskip 2cm
+\line{\hss (glue your penguin here) \hfil}
+\vskip 2cm
+Sample figure showing how easy it is to insert
+numbered figures with captions in \TeXsis.
+This produces \Fig{Penguin} (we put the \cs{hrule}'s in just to show
+off the empty space). ``Penguin'' is the
+label for the figure, so to refer to the figure in the text we typed
+\CS{Fig}|{Penguin}|, which produced ``\Fig{Penguin}.'' The caption can be
+placed either before or after the figure: if it is to be at the top then
+\CS{Caption} must be the first token after |\figure|. As shown, the
+caption text must be terminated with \CS{endCaption}. When the caption is
+printed it will automatically start with the figure number in bold type,
+followed by the caption text. The caption is indented on both sides if
+it is more than one line long and centered otherwise.
+ \CS{caption}\arg{text} is equivalent to \CS{Caption}\meta{text}
+\CS{endCaption} and may be more convenient for short captions.
+It should be avoided for very long captions to keep from overflowing \TeX's
+internal memory.
+\vskip 2cm
+\line{\hss (glue your \idx{penguin} here) \hfil}
+\vskip 2cm
+Sample figure showing how easy it is to insert
+numbered figures with captions in \TeXsis.
+\infiglist{Sample figure showing how easy it is
+to insert numbered figures with captions in \TeXsis.}
+ There are commands to create figures for each of the \idx{insertion
+classes} of Plain \TeX (that is, \cs{midinsert}, \cs{topinsert} and
+\cs{pageinsert}) along with the new insertion class
+added by \TeXsis\ (\cs{bottominsert}) .
+In addition, there are special commands for creating wide or full page
+figures while in double column mode (which is described later in
+Inserts a figure at the top of the current page, if there is enough room for
+it, or at the top of the next available page.
+Inserts a figure at the current position, if there is enough room for it, or at
+the top of the next page if there is not.
+Inserts a figure on a separate page. The body of the figure should
+normally contain a \cs{vfill} to allow the figure to stretch to fill the
+whole page.
+Inserts the figure at the bottom of the current page, if there is room
+for it, or on the bottom of the next page where there is room.
+Inserts a figure at the current position, if there is room for it on the
+page, or at the bottom of the page following if there is not. This is
+therefore like \CS{midfigure}, except that if the figure can't be fit on
+the page it ends up on the bottom of a following page, not the top.
+Inserts a figure at the top of a page across both columns in
+double column format. Equivalent to \CS{figure} in single column
+format. \cs{widefigure} is a synonym.
+Inserts a full page figure across both columns in double column
+format. Equivalent to \CS{fullfigure} in single column format.
+Ends any of the figure insertions described above.
+In all cases \meta{label\/} is an internal label which is assigned to
+the figure number. The figure number will include the chapter and
+section numbers in the format ``$$'' if \cs{showchaptIDtrue} and
+\cs{showsectIDtrue} have been selected.
+ The body of the figure can include any vertical mode
+commands, as in the example above. When you are simply leaving
+space for a figure to be glued in later a convenient way to specify the
+amount of space to leave is to \cs{vskip} by some amount proportional to
+the width of the current column or page. The dimension \cs{colwidth} is
+the width of the page (the \cs{hsize}) in single column mode and the width
+of the current column in double column mode. So for example, if you
+have a figure which was half again as tall as it is wide you could say
+\cs{vskip} |1.5|\cs{colwidth}
+Another way to standardize the space reserved for figures is to define
+your own dimension, such as |\myfigsize|, to use in the \cs{vskip}
+above. For example,
+\myfigsize= 1.5\colwidth
+and then |\vskip\myfigsize|. This has the same effect as the previous
+example, but |\myfigsize| can be changed to any valid dimension.
+\subsection{Encapsulated PostScript Graphics}
+Instead of simply gluing figures into a paper by hand it is possible to
+have computer generated graphs and drawings automatically inserted into
+a document. Unfortunately, the method can vary from
+computer to computer and printer to printer. Recall that \TeX\
+produces as output a \idx{DVI file}, which contains device independent
+instructions for typesetting the document. To actually print the
+document the \idx{DVI file} must be translated into instructions for
+the specific printer being used by a suitable device driver. It is at
+this stage, when the device driver is converting the \idx{DVI file} to
+printer instructions, that graphs and drawings may be inserted.
+However, since different printers may require different kinds of
+instructions, there are many different device drivers, each having its
+own way of including drawings in the document.
+In recent years some standardization has become possible, because many
+printer manufacturers have chosen \idx{PostScript} as the ``language''
+for giving instructions to their printers. PostScript contains
+commands both for drawing and for typesetting text. Still, there are
+some problems, because there are many different device drivers for
+converting \idx{DVI file}s to \idx{PostScript}, and they all treat the
+inclusion of figures slightly differently. Also, while all of these filters
+require that the drawings to be included are themselves already in
+PostScript, there are several variations of \idx{PostScript}, leading to
+further problems of incompatibility.
+Until there is some standardization for inserting drawings into \TeX\
+documents (and perhaps to encourage it) we recommend using the scheme
+which (a) seems to be the easiest to use and the most well thought
+out, and (b) is potentially available to the widest group of users.
+Our choice is, first, to use a specific variation of PostScript known
+as ``Encapsulated'' \idx{PostScript} (EPS).
+\index{Encapsulated PostScript|see{PostScript}} Most newer computer
+programs which produce graphics output, including Mathematica, |xfig|,
+and |paw|, can produce EPS output files. To include these in the text
+we have chosen to rely on the program |dvips| \index{dvips} by Tomas
+Rokicki,\reference{Rokicki} Tomas Rokicki, \booktitle{{\tt dvips}
+User's Manual}.
+The source code for {\tt dvips} is available from CTAN
+in the directory {\tt dviware/dvips}
+\index{Rokicki, Tomas} along with his \TeX\ macros for including EPS
+graphics, called |epsf.tex|. Be warned that there are other programs
+called ``dvips,'' but as far as we know only Rokicki's version will
+work with |epsf.tex|. We expect that when including drawings in \TeX\
+is standardized, it will be based on Rokicki's scheme or something
+close to it.
+To include EPS graphics in a document using the |epsf.tex| macros you
+must first input the macros. Somewhere early in your manuscript file you
+should put:
+\input epsf.tex
+You can have the macros report the size of a figure when it is
+included by saying:
+At the point where you want a graph or drawing included
+you simply say:
+This will include the drawing from the file called `||,' which must
+already exist in the current directory. \TeX\ will leave enough room
+for the figure (by creating a box of the correct size) and will use a
+\cs{special} command to insert instructions into the DVI file telling
+the DVI to PS translator to read in the \idx{EPS file} ||.
+Once the document has been processed by \TeXsis\ and the DVI file has
+been produced you will convert it to a PS file with the ``\idx{dvips}''
+program. If your DVI file is called |myfile.dvi| then the command is
+dvips myfile
+This will convert |myfile.dvi| to PostScript,
+and depending on how dvips is set up at your installation it will either
+put the output in the file || or it will send it directly to
+the default printer (see the man pages for dvips on how to change this
+behavior, or try a short example to see how it is set up on your computer).
+Note that the EPS files to be included must be in the same directory as
+|myfile.dvi| when you run dvips, so that they can be merged into the final
+output file (or you can specify the full path filename in the
+\CS{epsfbox} command).
+On Unix systems you may not be able to use the |lpr -d|
+command if you have included EPS files in the document. This command
+runs the DVI file through dvips (or some other DVI to PS filter) in a
+different directory, and the EPS files will therefore not be included
+unless you have used a full path name for the file.
+If you use the latest version of
+the |xdvi| program to preview DVI files on your workstation
+you will find that it automatically includes EPS graphics in the
+display, but some other previewing programs (such as |texsun|, or older
+versions of |xdvi|) will not. Even if the previewer does not know how
+to deal with the \cs{special} commands in the DVI file, you will
+see that \TeX\ has left room for the figure. Once you have converted
+your DVI and \idx{EPS file}s into a PS file you can preview that file
+if you have a PostScript previewer, such as GhostScript. Then your
+graphs and drawings will appear just as they would if you had printed
+the PS file.
+Sometimes you will find that more room has been left for the figure than
+is really needed. The way \CS{epsfbox} decides how much room to leave is
+by reading the first part of the \idx{EPS file} to find a line
+which looks like:
+%%BoundingBox: 67 176 544 616
+The two pairs of numbers are the coordinates of the lower left and upper
+right corners of the figure, respectively. They are measured in
+printer's points (1/72${}{\hbox{nd}}$ of an inch). If you don't like
+the positioning of the figure given by the original bounding box in the
+PostScript file you can override it by specifying a new bounding box
+like so:
+\epsfbox[0 180 540 700]{}
+You may have to experiment with positioning the BoundingBox for the best
+effect, and it may help to look at the \idx{PostScript} file to see what the
+default BoundingBox is and adjust things using that coordinate system.
+You can also control the size of the included graphic using
+\CS{epsfxsize} or \CS{epsfysize} before you call \CS{epsfbox}. The
+figure will be enlarged or reduced to fit the dimension you specify.
+\CS{epsfxsize}|=|\meta{dimen} \CS{epsfbox}|{}|
+will scale the drawing in the file || so that its {\sl width\/}
+is \meta{dimen}, with the height scaled accordingly, while saying
+\CS{epsfysize}|=|\meta{dimen} \CS{epsfbox}|{}|
+will scale the drawing in the file || so that its {\sl height\/} is
+\meta{dimen}, with the width scaled accordingly. You can only specify
+the width or height, but not both at the same time. Whatever change of
+size you specify will only be applied to the \CS{epsfbox} command which
+immediately follows. After that, subsequent included graphics will
+revert to their natural sizes unless you also specify a particular size
+for them.
+The \CS{epsfbox} command creates a box of the proper size, into which
+the figure is later drawn.
+That is all.
+If you want the figure to be centered across the page then you will
+have to do so yourself, using \cs{centerline} or something similar.
+The advantage of this is that since figures are simply treated as
+boxes, you can stack them or arrange them in a row, or do whatever
+else you would with boxes.
+This gives you much more flexibility to construct complicated figures
+from several EPS files.
+Example of including EPS graphics in a figure.
+So now consider the earlier example of including a 4~cm tall
+\idx{penguin} diagram in a figure, but now assuming that the drawing
+exists as an EPS graphic in the file |penguin.eps|.
+Assume also that we need to override the default bounding box in that
+The commands to do this are:
+\centerline{\epsfysize=4cm \epsfbox{penguin.eps}}
+Example of including EPS graphics in a figure.
+The results are shown in \Fig{Penguin2}.
+The drawing was created with Bill Dimm's {\sl FeynDiagram}
+Dimm, Bill,
+\booktitle{FeynDiagram Tutorial},
+available at \URL{}
+which is a set of C++ objects which make it fairly easy to create EPS
+\idx{Feynman Diagrams} by writing short C++ programs. It was converted
+from a |.ps| to a |.eps| file using |ps2epsi|.
+\subsection{Simple Tables \label{sect.tbls}}
+ Simple tables\index{tables!simple} (without ruled lines) are constructed
+in \TeX\ with \idx{alignment tabs} or with \cs{halign}. The reader who
+is not familiar with these should look at Chapter~22 in \TeXbook. In
+\TeXsis\ simple tables with table numbers and captions are
+treated much the same as figures. For example, saying
+|smalltt\midtable{table example}
+\caption{Charged leptons.}
+\centerline{\vbox{\halign{#\ \hfil & #\ \hfil & #\hfil \cr
+Name & Mass & Lifetime \cr
+$e^-$ & .511 MeV & $>2 \times 10^{22}$ yr. \cr
+$\mu^-$ & 105 MeV & $2.197 \times 10^{-6}$ sec. \cr
+$\tau^-$ & 1784 MeV & $3.3 \times 10^{-13}$ sec. \cr}}}
+produces the following table, in the middle of the page:
+\vskip 0pt
+\midtable{table example}
+\caption{Charged leptons.}
+\centerline{\vbox{\halign{#\ \hfil & #\ \hfil & #\hfil \cr
+Name & Mass & Lifetime \cr
+$e^-$ & .511 MeV & $>2 \times 10^{22}$ yr. \cr
+$\mu^-$ & 105 MeV & $2.197 \times 10^{-6}$ sec. \cr
+$\tau^-$ & 1784 MeV & $3.3 \times 10^{-13}$ sec. \cr}}}
+\intablelist{Charged leptons.}
+Note the use of \cs{centerline} and a \cs{vbox} to center the table. The
+reference to this table in the text was produced by typing ``|\Tbl{table
+example}|.'' Note also that we used \cs{caption} followed by the text in
+brackets as an alternative method of defining the caption;
+However \cs{caption}
+should only be used when the caption is short. Table captions are
+traditionally placed above the table, so \cs{Caption} or \cs{caption} should
+be the first token after \CS{table}\arg{label\/} and its siblings.
+There are a number of different kinds of table insertions, and they
+match closely the different kinds of insertions used for figures:
+Inserts a table at the top of next available page.
+Inserts a table at the current position if there is room or at
+the top of a page if necessary.
+Inserts a table on a separate page. The body of the table
+should normally contain a \cs{vfill}.
+Inserts the table at the bottom of the current page, if there is room
+for it, or on the bottom of the next page where there is room.
+Inserts a table at the current position, if there is room for it on the
+page, or at the bottom of the page following if there is not. This is
+therefore like \CS{midtable}, except that if the table can't be fit on
+the page it ends up on the bottom of a following page, not the top.
+Inserts a table at the top of a page across both columns in
+double column format. Equivalent to \CS{table} in single column
+Inserts a full page table in double column format. Equivalent to
+\CS{fulltable} in single column format.
+Ends any of the tables above.
+Again, in these macros \meta{label\/} is an internal label which is assigned to
+the table number. The table number will include the chapter and section
+numbers in the format ``$$'' if |\showchaptIDtrue| and
+|\showsectIDtrue| have been selected. The table can then be referred to
+in the text by saying \cs{Tbl}\arg{label\/}.
+\subsection{Ruled Tables \label{sect.ruled}}
+\input TXSruled.doc
+\subsection{Lists of Figures and Tables}
+In large technical documents it is often desirable to have a list of the
+figures and/or tables which appear in the document, along with a brief
+caption and the number of the page on which the figure or table appears.
+This is similar to
+a table of contents, but is separate from it. In \TeXsis\ you can add a
+figure or table to a list of figures or tables by using \CS{infiglist}
+after \cs{figure} or \CS{intablelist} after \cs{table}, similar to the
+way you would use \cs{caption}. The syntax is \CS{infiglist}\arg{text}.
+The text is the text of the (possibly abbreviated) caption which is to
+appear in the list of figures. Remember though, if a table has a
+caption it should
+appear above the table body, so the \cs{caption} must still be the first
+thing after \cs{table}; the \CS{infiglist} can come later.
+\index{lists!of figures}\index{lists!of tables}%
+As an example, consider the ``penguin diagram'' already discussed.
+To add an entry for this figure in the list of figures it
+would be entered as follows:
+\caption{Example of including EPS graphics in a figure.}
+\infiglist{Example of including a figure in the list of figures.}
+The \cs{caption} text is what is put under the figure in the body of the
+paper, while the \CS{infiglist} text is what shows up in the list of
+figures, and these do not have to be the same.
+ To produce the list of figures at the end of the document you say
+\CS{ListFigures}, and similarly to produce the list of tables say
+\CS{ListTables}. Even if the list is to appear at the front of the
+document, along with the table of contents, you should print it at the
+end and move the list to the front afterwards. This is because until
+the document is actually processed \TeX\ does not know on which page the
+figure or table appears.
+ One word of caution: figures and tables are produced by putting them
+in ``floating inserts'', which \TeX\ saves up and prints when there is
+room. The entry into the list of figures or tables is not made until
+the item actually makes its way into the output DVI file. If you ask
+for the list of figures or tables before one of these items is output it
+will not be in the list, and in fact that entry for the figure or table
+list will later end up spewing out on your terminal. To be sure that
+all floating insertions have been output you should say \cs{supereject}
+before you print the list of figures or tables.
+\subsection{Listing Figure and Table Captions}
+When a manuscript is submitted to some journals, like the Physical
+Review, one is supposed to include a separate list of the captions of all
+figures and tables. This is similar to the lists created by
+\CS{ListFigures} and \CS{ListTables}, but the page numbers are not
+supposed to be included. It is very easy to use the caption information
+stored by \CS{infiglist} and \CS{intablelist} to make just a list of
+captions, without including the page numbers. The command to make a
+list of all the figure captions is \CS{ListFigureCaptions}, and
+similarly all the table captions can be listed with
+\CS{ListTableCaptions}. Just as with \CS{ListFigures} and
+\CS{ListTables} these should appear at the end of the job, so that all
+of the caption information will have already been stored.
+It should be said that this method of making a list of captions assumes
+that you have put the same captions under the figures, with \cs{Caption}
+or \cs{caption}, as the caption in the list of figures entered with
+ It may help to know a little bit more about how the macros
+\CS{ListFigures} and \CS{ListFigureCaptions} work. The \CS{infiglist}
+command writes the figure caption information you provide to a file
+which has the same name as your manuscript file but with the extension
+|.fgl|, meaning ``figure list'' (for tables the file name extension is
+|.tbl|). The page number on which the figure appears is also recorded
+in this file. When the whole document has been processed all of the
+figure captions will have been saved in this file, and \CS{ListFigures}
+and \CS{ListFigureCaptions} simply read this file back in. One of them
+uses the page numbers to construct a table of contents for the figures,
+while the other just prints out the figure captions by themselves. In
+either case, it is important that all the caption information be in the
+file when the list is to be made, which is why a \cs{supereject} may be
+necessary to flush all floating insertions to the output.
+\subsection{Printing Figures and Tables at the End of a Document}
+When working on a paper to be sent for publication it is sometimes
+necessary to print all of the figures at the end of the document. To cause
+this to be done you simply have to say
+at some point before you call \cs{figure} and its relatives, and then put
+\index{figures!at end of document}%
+\index{tables!at end of document}%
+at the end of the document. \cs{FiguresLast} causes \cs{figure} to save the
+definition of your figure in an auxiliary file instead of immediately
+creating the figure, and \cs{PrintFigures} reads the material back in from
+that file. If you say \cs{PrintFigures} without first saying
+\cs{FiguresLast} nothing will happen. You can return to having the
+figures printed where they are defined by saying \cs{FiguresNow}.
+In that case \cs{PrintFigures} does nothing; you have to have said
+\cs{FiguresLast} for \cs{PrintFigures} to read any stored figures back in.
+Tables can also be saved until the end of the document by saying
+\cs{TablesLast} and then \cs{PrintTables}. \cs{TablesNow} is the
+opposite of \cs{TablesLast}.
+One important note: Since the figure or table material is copied to the
+file in which it is held one line at a time it is important to use
+\cs{Caption} and \CS{endCaption} for long captions instead of \cs{caption}.
+If you use \cs{caption} \TeX\ will try to read the whole caption at once,
+which may result in the error message
+``{\tt TeX capacity exceeded, sorry.}''\index{TeX capacity
+exceeded@{\tt TeX capacity exceeded, sorry}}
+\subsection{Nonstandard Figure and Table Placement}
+On rare occasions you may need to have a figure or table from one
+section of your document appear in another section of the document. For
+example, if the introductory section is very short but has a figure,
+that figure might end up at the top of the first page when you really
+want it to appear at the top of the second page. You can cause the
+figure to come out later by moving it farther back in the manuscript
+file, but if it is moved into the next section it will then have the
+wrong figure number.
+\index{figures!nonstandard placement}%
+\index{tables!nonstandard placement}%
+The solution to this problem is to have a way to override or modify the
+way figure and table numbers are assigned. Since the first part of the
+figure or table number is the chapter or section number you need to change
+this by saying
+This changes the section number part of the figure and table numbers to
+whatever you put as \meta{something-else}. It will also effect equation
+numbers, so it is best to have this inside of a group, so that the
+change goes away at the end of the group. Next you have to change the
+figure or table number. \TeXsis\ keeps count of tables and figures in
+global variables, and increments these counters globally when a new
+figure or table is created. Thus just changing the counter inside a
+group won't work, because the counter outside of the group would still
+be modified. To temporarily change the value of such a counter you use
+where \meta{value} is the temporary value to assign to the counter
+\meta{counter}. This should be done inside of a group, and when the
+group ends the counter will go back to its previous global value. You
+should only use \cs{setcnt} once within a given group!
+An example will make this procedure clear.
+Suppose that Figure~\use{Fg.intro.17} is a part of
+Section~\use{sect.intro}, but we wanted to show it much later in this
+Manual (such as right about now).
+It can be created in this section by saying:
+\begingroup % changes are temporary
+\setSectionID{1} % changes the section ID
+\setcnt\fignum{16}% figure counter is 1 less than we want
+\caption{A bizarrely placed figure for Section~\use{sect.intro}}
+\infiglist{A bizarrely placed figure for Section~\use{sect.intro}}
+\endgroup % everything goes back the way it was
+\begingroup % changes are temporary
+\setSectionID{1} % changes the section ID
+\setcnt\fignum{16} % figure number is 1 less than we want
+\caption{A bizarrely placed figure for Section~\use{sect.intro}}
+\infiglist{A bizarrely placed figure for Section~\use{sect.intro}}
+\endgroup % everything goes back the way it was
+In this case the figure number in the counter \cs{fignum} is set to one
+less than the value we want, so that it comes out correctly when
+\cs{bottomfigure} increments the count. You can use \cs{setcnt} to
+modify any of \TeXsis's global counters. The complete list is given in
+Section~\use{sect.labels} (where the use of \cs{use} is also described).
+% If we are using Larry Ewing's penguin2.eps then we need to
+% acknowlege it:
+ The drawing in \Fig{intro.17}, which is the official \idx{Linux}
+ Penguin, was created by \idx{Larry Ewing} of Texas A\&M University
+ and turned into a scalable vector based postcript file by \idx{Neal
+ Tucker}.
+By the way, you should never move a figure out of a {\sl Chapter},
+unless you move it to the end of the document, and the appropriate way
+to do that is with \cs{FiguresLast}.
+%>>> EOF TXSfigs.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSfmts.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSfmts.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7923cea3982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSfmts.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+%% file: TXSfmts.doc - Formats and Style Files - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSfmts.doc,v 18.3 2001/04/06 21:52:07 myers Exp $
+% (C) copyright 1994-2000 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige.
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\bs \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\input Manual.aux\fi
+\section{Style Files and Specialized Formats \label{sect.fmts}}
+Section~\use{sect.papers} described the basic layout of a \TeXsis\
+document and the |\paper|, |\preprint|, |\Manuscript| and |\book| macros
+for typesetting simple documents. It is often necessary to modify the
+details of the layouts for such documents, particularly when submitting
+camera ready manuscripts for conference proceedings. Since \TeXsis\ is
+built on plain \TeX, you can of course use the full power of \TeX\ to
+format a document as you please. However, \TeXsis\ contains macros to
+produce documents in several of the common formats used in the physics
+community. These and other specialized formats are described in this
+It would be very inefficient for \TeXsis\ to load the definitions of all
+of the possible document styles listed below when at most only one of
+them will be used. \TeXsis\ therefore puts these specialized
+definitions in files known as ``style'' files (which generally have
+filename extensions of ``|.txs|'') and only loads the particular style
+file when it is needed. Besides saving space this also allows for quite
+a bit of flexibility, because it is easy to modify style files or to
+create new ones. For example, if the proceedings of a conference must
+be typeset in a particular way (as is often the case) then the commands
+to set-up a document in exactly the right way can be put in a style file
+and e-mailed to all conference participants. Another use of specialized
+style files is to define a \cs{thesis} format which conforms to the
+rules and regulations of a particular university.
+\subsection{Specialized Document Styles \label{sect.styles}}
+The following styles for various conference proceeding formats,
+journals, and thesis formats are distributed with \TeXsis~\fmtversion.
+Use these in place of |\paper| or |\preprint|. The name of the style
+file from which the definitions are loaded is shown in brackets.
+Similar to |\paper|, but specialized to the American Institute of
+\hbox{Physics} (AIP) format. [AIP.txs]
+An IEEE format using oversized double column paper. See \Sect{dcol}.
+An IEEE format reduced to 75\% of full size and printed with 9~pt.\
+type for $8\frac{1}{2}\,{\rm in} \times 11\,{\rm in}$ paper. [IEEE.txs]
+\itm{\CS{NorthHolland} }
+Format for producing camera-ready copy for proceedings published by
+North-Holland/Elsevier. This is a single column format with titles
+and authors left justified and in eleven point type. [Elsevier.txs]
+The North-Holland double column format for oversized paper.
+The ``NUCLPROC'' style for Nuclear Physics Proceedings. [nuclproc.txs]
+Similar to |\paper|, but specialized to the World Scientific
+proceedings format. [WorldSci.txs]
+Emulates the page layout and appearance of the {\sl Physical Review}.
+Similar to |\Manuscript| but customized for papers submitted to the
+{\sl Physical Review}. [PhysRev.txs]
+Similar to \cs{book}, but for printing a thesis. The default
+|\thesis| format conforms to the requirements of the Yale
+Graduate School, but it can (and probably should) be modified for
+your own installation. [thesis.txs]
+Other even more specialized styles are available, and some of them
+can be found on the \TeXsis\ anonymous ftp server, in the directory
+The IEEE and North Holland double column formats in the list above use
+the double column macros described in Sect.~\use{sect.dcol}. For
+example, \cs{NorthHollandTwo} sets up a document with an overall width
+of 21.3~cm, a page length of 27.1~cm and a column width of 10.0~cm.
+(Note that this is just about as wide or a little wider than most
+small laser printers can print, so provisions have been made for
+shifting the printed page horizontally to print one column at a time
+if necessary.) A document printed with this format might have the
+following basic structure:
+\NorthHollandTwo % set up double columns
+\titlepage % but still single column mode
+ |<title page material>
+\endtitlepage % ends the title material
+\doublecolumns % now start double column mode
+ |<text of paper>
+\enddoublecolumns % balance the final columns
+Saying \cs{NorthHollandTwo} only defines the double column layout; it
+does not turn on double column mode. The title material is printed in
+single column format across the full page width, then the main body is
+printed in double column format once \cs{doublecolumns} appears. It is
+important to say \cs{enddoublecolumns} at the end of the document to
+balance the columns on the last page. Formatting text in balanced
+double columns can be quite tricky, so you should read \Sect{dcol}
+carefully before trying to use any of the double column macros.
+\subsubsection{Physical Review Formats}
+The \CS{PhysRevManuscript} style is similar to \cs{Manuscript} but is
+customized to satisfy the requirements for manuscripts submitted to
+the {\sl Physical Review}. It uses true double
+spacing, and it places the tables and figure captions at the end of
+the document. By simply switching from this to \cs{preprint} you should
+be able to produce a version suitable for distribution as a preprint
+from the same manuscript file.
+The \CS{PhysRev} and \CS{PhysRevLett} styles are not intended for
+submission but rather emulate the page layouts in the {\sl Physical
+Review} and {\sl Physical Review Letters} respectively. We have
+attempted to reproduce accurately the double column layout, headlines,
+footlines, reference style, etc., used in the actual journals. This
+is still work in progress, but it may be useful both to see how a
+paper would look in print and as an example for constructing other
+styles. Setting up the headlines and page numbering requires calling
+a few extra macros:
+|\texsis| \n
+|\PhysRev| \n
+|\TitleBanner{|\meta{Running Title Headline}|}| \n
+|\AuthorBanner{|\meta{Running Author Headline}|}| \n
+|}{|\meta{page}|}| \n
+|\titlepage| \n
+In |\VolumeBanner| the \meta{series} should be one of A, B, C, D, E,
+for the {\sl Physical Review} or L for {\sl Physical Review Letters};
+the volume, issue, and starting page arguments are self-explanatory.
+Both \CS{PhysRev} and \CS{PhysRevLett} typeset the document in double
+columns, so to make full use of these layouts you will need to read
+about the double column macros described in \Sect{dcol}.
+In particular, you should be aware of the following: in both the
+\CS{PhysRev} and \CS{PhysRevLett} styles, double column mode is begun
+automatically at the end of the title material (\cs{endtitlepage}).
+Since any double column material is inside a group, any definitions made
+at that point will only be defined inside that group. If you want to
+define macros for use in the rest of your paper, you should do so before
+the title material (or use \cs{gdef}).
+\subsubsection{Thesis or Dissertation Format}
+The style file {\tt \idx{thesis.txs}} contains two alternative
+definitions of \CS{thesis}, one for Yale University (called
+|\YaleThesis|) and the other for the University of Texas at Austin
+(called |\UTthesis|). The default is that saying \CS{thesis} gives you
+|\YaleThesis|, but this is easily changed by saying |\let\thesis=\UTthesis|.
+If you are not at Yale or UT you will need to change the
+macros in |thesis.txs| to create your own version of the \CS{thesis}
+macro. Every university has different requirements for how a thesis is
+typed or typeset, and these requirements often conflict. Perhaps the
+first thing you should do if you want to write a thesis using \TeXsis\
+is find out if someone else at your university has already done so, and
+then copy their definition of \CS{thesis}. If you end up creating a
+new style file for your university then we hope that you will make it
+available for other students to use. We would also be willing to help,
+by putting such style files on the \TeXsis\ anonymous ftp server.
+If you have such a file (or other macros) you would like to contribute,
+send us e-mail at {\tt}.
+\subsection{Creating New Styles}
+It is very easy to create a new document style and style file.
+By convention, \TeXsis\ style files end with the filename extension
+``|.txs|,'' so all you need to do is put the definitions and macros
+defining this new document style into such a file, and then read that
+file in when beginning the document. For example, suppose you create a
+style file called |mine.txs| which contains a document style called
+|\mystyle|, which is a slightly altered version of \cs{paper}:
+ \hsize=|<dimen>
+ \vsize=|<dimen>
+ \showsectIDfalse
+ ...
+ }
+You could then simply read in this file at the beginning of the document,
+with \cs{input}, and then invoke |\mystyle|, like so,
+\input mine.txs
+However, you may have noticed that none of the special document styles
+mentioned in \Sect{styles} were actually loaded with \cs{input},
+although they are in fact read from a style file. This was done using
+the \CS{autoload} command. Saying
+defines |\AIPproceeings| to be a simpler instruction which, if invoked,
+automatically loads the style file |AIP.txs|, which contains the real
+definition of |\AIPproceedings|. After the style file has been loaded
+this real |\AIPproceedings| is automatically called. It then appears as
+if the definition of the macro was in \TeXsis's memory all the time,
+though it really was only loaded from the file when called for.
+As a practical example of using \CS{autoload}, suppose that you are a
+student at Excited State University and you want to create a customized
+\cs{thesis} macro which will load automatically from a style file called
+|ESUthesis.txs|. You could copy the macros in the file |thesis.txs|
+to this new file, and then edit them as needed. Then, to make the
+new definition load automatically you would say
+To make this new definition of \cs{thesis} available to
+anyone using \TeXsis\ on your machine you would want to put this
+\CS{autoload} command in the file |TXSsite.tex| before building the
+\TeXsis\ format. This is described in more detail in Appendix~\use{install}.
+To make the new definition automatically available just to you in your
+thesis directory you could put the command in a file called
+|TXSmods.tex| in that directory.
+Important note: many \TeXsis\ style files and source files use the ``|@|''
+character in the names of macros which are to be ``hidden'' from the
+casual user. Since ``|@|'' is not a letter these macros can't normally
+be used. If you are writing a style file which needs to use these
+hidden macros you should say \CS{ATunlock} first, to make ``|@|'' a
+letter, and then \CS{ATlock} when you are done to turn ``|@|'' back
+into a non-letter.
+\Ignore % The stuff below is maybe way too technical?
+You may also need to make changes in some of more complicated macros.
+This is most easily made by copying the original definition from one
+of the |TXSxxxx.tex| files into |mine.txs| and editing it. For
+example, if you want the abstract to be in 9~pt.\ type, copy the
+definition of |\abstract| from |TXStitle.tex| and add |\ninepoint| to
+|smalltt\def\abstract{% begin abstract of a paper or treatise
+ \endmode % end any previous field
+ \bigskip\bigskip % some space above
+ \centerline{ABSTRACT}% % ``ABSTRACT''
+ \medskip % space below that
+ \bgroup % begin \abstract group
+ \let\endmode=\endabstract % \endmode ends \abstract
+ \narrower\narrower % bring in margins
+ \ninepoint % NEW FOR \mystyle STYLE
+ \singlespaced} % single spaced
+While some of the macros you need to change may be complicated, the
+changes \hbox{you} will actually need to make will probably still be fairly
+simple. For example, in the definition of |\section| in |TXSsects.tex|
+you probably want to change only the part that actually prints the
+section heading. This is a small part of the whole and is reasonably
+well commented. The default is to print the section head left
+justified, ragged right, with a hanging indentation whose width is set
+by the section number:
+% Print the Section title:
+ \ifx\tbf\undefined\def\tbf{\bf}\fi % default \tbf is \bf
+ \vbox{% % keep heading in \vbox
+ {\raggedright %
+ \pretolerance=2000\hyphenpenalty=2000 % no hyphenation
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\noindent\tbf\@fullID}%% find width of ID
+ \hangindent=\wd0 \hangafter=1 % for hanging indent
+ \noindent\unhbox0{\tbf{#1}}\relax % number and title
+ \medskip}}% %
+ \nobreak %
+If instead you want the section headings to be centered with two
+spaces (|\ \ |) after the number, you can replace this part of the
+|\section| macro
+% Print the Section title:
+ \ifx\tbf\undefined\def\tbf{\bf}\fi % default \tbf is \bf
+ \vbox{% % keep heading in \vbox
+ {\raggedcenter % USE RAGGED CENTER
+ \tbf\@fullID\ \ #1 % ID AND TITLE
+ \endraggedcenter % END RAGGED CENTER
+ \medskip}}% %
+ \nobreak %
+You can leave the rest of the \cs{section} macro alone and it will work
+as before.
+\subsection{Overhead Transparencies (Slides)}
+\TeXsis\ contains a simple \CS{slides} format for making overhead
+transparencies or similar material.
+While \TeX\ is not a convenient language for graphical page layout, it
+is sometimes useful to be able to convert a paper to transparencies or
+visa versa.\Footnote*{However, until recently one of the
+authors of \TeXsis\ preferred to make neatly lettered transparencies by
+hand, using colored pens, rather than using a printer that could only
+print in black and white.
+He's changed his mind now that it is possible to produce text
+in color.}
+If you want to use |\slides|, simply begin your manuscript file with
+instead of (or in addition to) |\texsis|.
+This will produce
+%% NOT ANYMORE $8\frac{1}{2}\,{\rm in} \times 10\frac{1}{2}\,{\rm in}$
+pages with $1\,{\rm in}$ margins in
+the ``portrait'' orientation with 24~pt.\ type, with a ragged right
+margin and lots of incentive to suppress hyphenation.
+%% NOT ANYMORE and bottom margins.
+\CS{slides} also defines \CS{bl} to insert a blank line and
+\CS{np} to create a new page, since these are often useful for slides.
+Since the \CS{slides} format is very simple, it is not loaded from a
+style file.
+\subsection{Color PostScript Output \label{sect.color}}
+Now that color printers are fairly common, it is useful to have some
+way to produce text that is printed in different colors.
+The simplest use of this is for producing overhead transparencies, as
+with the \CS{slides} format.
+\TeXsis\ has a simple set of macros, in the style file {\tt
+color.txs}, which lets you change the colors of text printed using
+This only works for PostScript output produced by\index{Rokicki,
+Tomas} Tom Rokicki's {\tt dvips} program,\cite{Rokicki} using the
+profile file {\tt} that is usually included with {\tt
+To use these macros, you must first input the definitions,
+\input color.txs
+To change the color of all text which follows, use the command \CS{SetColor},
+as in
+Keep in mind that this will change \undertext{all}
+text, including page numbers and headlines and footlines. To print a
+small portion of text in some other color, use
+as in
+\colorit{Red}{The text inside these brackets is colored Red}
+You can change the color of the background using \CS{background},
+as in
+The 12 basic colors available are
+\settabs 4\columns
+\+& Black & White & Gray \cr
+\+& Red & Green & Blue \cr
+\+& Cyan & Magenta & Yellow \cr
+\+& Purple & Orange & Brown \cr
+Note that the case is important---the names must begin with an initial
+capital letter.
+For the basic colors listed above some shortcuts are also defined.
+Specifically, you can simply use the color name as a command, with the
+text to be colored as a single argument, as in
+\Red{This text is colored Red}
+or you can say |\text|\meta{Color} to change the text color,
+as in
+You can add shortcuts for other colors besides the basics
+with the \CS{addColor} command. Saying
+will define |\Salmon| and |\textSalmon| as shortcuts
+for |\colorit{Salmon}{|\meta{text}|}| and |\setColor{Salmon}|.
+Although the basic colors listed above should be enough for most
+simple applications, there are actually a whole host of other colors
+available. In fact, all of the colors found in a box of 64 Crayola
+Crayons are defined in {\tt} for |dvips|. You can define
+short-cuts for all of these simply by saying \CS{Crayolas}.
+You can produce a list of all of the colors, with each printed in its
+own color, by saying \CS{ListColors}.
+The commands so far have just about the same syntax as those in the
+macro package called {\tt COLORDVI.TEX}, by Jim
+Hafner\reference{colordvi} Hafner, Jim, the {\tt COLORDVI.TEX} macros
+are included in the {\tt dvips} distribution. See \Ref{Rokicki}
+(although the internal workings are slightly different).
+Any plain \TeX\ file which uses {\tt COLORDVI.TEX} should also work
+using {\tt color.txs}.
+But the {\tt color.txs} macros also include commands to specifically
+manipulate the PostScript color stack.
+To change the color temporarily by pushing it onto the stack, and then
+revert to the previous color by popping the stack, use \CS{PushColor}
+and \CS{PopColor}, as in
+This text is in some color, probably black.
+This text will be purple.
+This text will be back in the previous color.
+Be aware that the color changes have nothing to do with TeX's grouping
+mechanism (\ie\ curly brackets), but are based only on the PostScript
+color stack.
+If you really want the color to change back when a \TeX\ group ends
+(whenever that might happen), you can use
+\cs{aftergroup}, as in
+Then later when the group is ended, the \CS{PopColor} is automatically
+executed and the color reverts to its previous value.
+One nice way this can be used is to color all displayed equations,
+by putting this all in \cs{everydisplay}, like so
+A displayed equation is always constructed within a new group, and
+when it ends the \CS{PopColor} on the \cs{aftergroup} stack is invoked
+automatically and the text reverts to the previous color.
+If the 64 colors listed by \CS{ListColors} are not enough for your
+purposes, you can also define your own, using \CS{SetCmykColor} or
+Colors are specified as a quadruple of intensity values between 0.0 and 1.0
+(CMYK means Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and blacK). For example:
+\SetCmykColor{.2 .3 .4 .1}
+will give you a nice tan, while
+\PushCmykColor{.5 .5 .1 .2} Old Blue Eyes \PopColor
+will print the text in the shade of blue specified by that particular
+CMYK quadruple.
+\subsection{Twin Page Output}
+It is sometimes desirable to produce preprints or other documents in a
+compact format with two pages on each physical page in landscape
+orientation. While this can be done with \cs{SetDoubleColumns}, a much
+simpler approach is sufficient. \TeXsis\ contains a macro called
+\CS{twinout} which redefines the output routine to produce two pages
+per page, without attempting to balance columns or allowing spanned
+equations, tables, etc. (thus avoiding many of the possible problems
+with the more powerful double column macros). \CS{twinout} can be used
+with any of the standard formats described in \Sect{papers} or
+\Sect{fmts} or even with Plain \TeX. Since \CS{twinout} does not
+select fonts, the user must do so:\index{twin page output}
+ |<text>
+Alternatively, the \CS{twinformat} command can be used to produce any
+\TeXsis\ format in \CS{twinout} layout with 10~pt fonts. Thus the above
+commands can be replaced by
+ |<text>
+Here \CS{twinformat} automatically sets up 10~pt fonts and appropriate
+values for the title bold face fonts, just as in the previous example.
+\CS{twinout} use the following dimensions:
+Total width for twin column output.
+Column height for twin column output.
+Column width for twin column output.
+Normal value of \cs{hsize} in portrait mode.
+Normal value of \cs{vsize} in portrait mode.
+All of these have sensible default values for $8.5\,{\rm in} \times
+11\,{\rm in}$ paper but can be reset before \CS{twinout} is called. The
+"normal" sizes should print properly with the default device driver
+and printer. Appropriate default values for all these dimensions can
+be set in |TXSsite.tex|.
+ \CS{twinout} puts \cs{LandscapeSpecial} on each page. This is null by
+default but can be redefined to be an appropriate \cs{special} command
+to produce landscape output with your device driver and printer. For
+example, with |dvips|\cite{Rokicki}\index{dvips}\index{Rokicki, Tomas}
+and a PostScript printer, use
+A default value can be set in |TXSsite.tex|.
+ \CS{twinprint} is a substitute for \cs{preprint} which sets the
+title, author, and other titlepage material full size in landscape mode
+and then switches to \CS{twinout} twin column output with 10~pt type for
+the text of the paper. A typical preprint might read:
+ |<paper title>
+ |<author's name and address>
+ |<text of abstract>
+ |<text of paper>
+This produces a nice, compact format for preprints.
+%>>> EOF TXSfmts.doc <<<
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dd722d2a74b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSfonts.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+%% file: TXSfonts.doc - Type Sizes and Styles - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSfonts.doc,v 18.2 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\meta\texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\draft\fi
+\section{Type Sizes, Type Styles, and Line Spacing \label{sect.fonts}}
+This section describes the \TeXsis\ commands for changing font sizes,
+typestyles and the spacing between lines. It also describes how you
+can make footnotes, and a special feature for balancing quotation
+\subsection{Type Sizes and Styles}
+Plain \TeX\ is set up to use 10\pt\ type, with smaller sizes for
+superscripts and subscripts.
+\TeXsis\ expands the available type sizes to include 11, 12, 14, and
+16\pt\ type, and \TeXsis\ makes it easy to change from one size of
+type to another.
+Type sizes are selected with the following commands:
+\index{type sizes}%
+Gives 9 \pt\ type (not illustrated).
+\itm{\CS{tenpoint} }
+Gives {\tenpoint 10 \pt\ type, like this.}
+\itm{\CS{elevenpoint} }
+Gives 11 \pt\ type. (not illustrated).
+\itm{\CS{twelvepoint} }
+Gives {\twelvepoint 12 \pt\ type, like this.}
+\itm{\CS{fourteenpoint} }
+Gives {\fourteenpoint 14 \pt\ type, like this.}
+\itm{\CS{sixteenpoint} }
+Gives {\sixteenpoint 16 \pt\ type, like this.}
+Gives 20 \pt\ type (not illustrated).
+Gives 24 \pt\ type (not illustrated).
+In some implementations of \TeX\ there is insufficient room to load
+all of these fonts, so \idx{fonts} are loaded only when they are first
+used, and not all of them can be illustrated here.
+\TeXsis\ starts out with \CS{tenpoint}, just like Plain \TeX, but
+switches to \CS{twelvepoint} once you say \cs{texsis}.
+In Plain \TeX\ you can switch between Roman, Bold, or Italic
+typestyles with the commands \cs{rm}, \cs{bf}, and \cs{it}.
+The same is true with \TeXsis.
+These commands change the style of the type, but not the size.
+The complete set of commands to change typestyles is:
+\itm{\cs{rm} }
+Gives Roman type. Available in all sizes.
+\itm{\cs{it} }
+Gives {\it italic type} for emphasis. Available in all sizes.
+\itm{\cs{sl} }
+Gives {\sl slanted type} for book titles, etc. Available in all sizes.
+\itm{\cs{bf} }
+Gives {\bf bold face type} for emphasis. Available in all sizes.
+\itm{\cs{tt} }
+Gives {\tt typewriter type} for listing computer programs, \TeX\
+examples, etc. Available in 10, 11, and 12~pt.
+Gives math italic bold in math mode (|$...$|) for titles. Available in
+10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20, and 24~pt base sizes, but the minimum size for
+subscripts and superscripts is 10\pt.
+Gives script capital letters (using Ralph Smith's Formal Script fonts,
+the |rsfs| fonts, if they are available on your computer).
+Use |\scr| as you would use |\cal|.
+ \TeXsis\ includes the mathematics fonts in all sizes; these are
+used automatically when you type equations between the math quotes,
+|$...$|. Limited \idx{sans-serif fonts} are also available using the commands
+\cs{tenss} and \cs{twelvess}.
+ Two special symbols, \CS{Tbf} and \CS{tbf}, are used to produce
+``\idx{Title bold face}'' and ``\idx{small title bold face}.'' The first is
+used to print the title of a paper and titles of the chapters of a
+paper, and the second is used to print the titles of sections of a
+paper. You are free to change the definitions of these control words,
+but if you do not they default to 14\pt\ boldface for \CS{Tbf} and 12\pt\
+boldface for \CS{tbf}.
+ Math italic bold (\CS{mib}) is listed with the other fonts but
+is actually slightly different: it substitutes boldfaced versions of
+the math italic and math symbol fonts for the normal ones {\sl
+everywhere\/} in math mode (|$...$|). These fonts are available only
+with with Computer Modern fonts and only in 10\pt\ and larger sizes;
+the standard math fonts are used for smaller superscripts. Since
+\CS{mib} effectively redefines |$..$|, it must be placed before the
+math material (i.e., outside the math quotes) and the whole formula
+will be bold. For example,
+{\tbf\mib Observation of $Z^0 \to \mu^+\mu^-$}
+will produce the indicated text in \CS{tbf} size with a bold formula,
+provided you have the right fonts. The easiest way to find out is to try
+it. Since the \CS{mib} fonts are not available everywhere, they are never
+loaded or used unless you explicitly ask for them.
+ Plain \TeX\ includes a \idx{calligraphic script} font known as
+\cs{cal}, but the letters in this font are not quite what most
+physicists are accustomed to using for things like \idx{Lagrangian}
+densities or \idx{functional measure}s.
+Ralph Smith\index{Smith, Ralph} of U.C. San Diego has created a new
+``\idx{formal script}'' font with much better letters for such
+purposes, and \TeXsis\ supports this font provided that it is
+available on your computer.
+To get this new font you simply use \CS{scr} in place of \cs{cal}.
+An example is:
+ {\scr L} = - \del^\mu \phi^\ast \del_\mu \phi + m^2 \phi^2
+Unfortunately, we don't know if your computer has the |rsfs|
+fonts\index{rsfs font} so we won't try to show you the output from
+this example.
+The quickest way to determine whether the fonts are available on your
+system is to try this example and verify that \TeX\ does not complain
+about the font.
+If your system does not have the font then you can obtain it from
+CTAN, or from the \TeXsis\ ftp server. (See the front cover of this
+manual for instructions.)
+\subsection{Interline Spacing}
+ When you use the macros \cs{tenpoint}, \cs{twelvepoint}, etc., the
+style of the type is reset to Roman, as if you'd also typed \cs{rm}. The
+\idx{baseline skip} (the \idx{distance between lines}) is also set to be
+suitable for the type size.
+Several commands are provided that vary the interline spacing, both in
+the text and in auxiliary material such as tables.
+These are:
+Makes the baseline skip 1.5 times its normal value.
+True double spacing looks too wide with typesetting.
+\itm{\CS{singlespaced} }
+Resets the baseline skip to its normal value.
+Makes the baselineskip twice its normal value.
+This usually looks too wide for a final document, but it is desirable
+in a manuscript being submitted to journals such as Physical Review.
+Makes the baseline skip 3~times its normal value.
+This should only be used for drafts of papers to leave room for notes
+or corrections.
+Increases the current spacing by a factor of 1.25.
+With single spacing this is the analog of $1 {1\over2}$ spacing on a
+Repeating |\widenspacing| increases the spacing by 1.25~times whatever
+it already was; it does not reset the spacing to singlespaced first.
+When \TeXsis\ is first started the default is |\singlespaced|, but once
+it is initialized with the |\texsis| command (or |\preprint| or
+|\paper|, etc...) the spacing is set to |\doublespaced|.
+ Even when a paper is double spaced, you may want to have the
+footnotes single spaced. Also, if the text is in 12~point type you may
+nevertheless want to have the footnotes in 10~point type.
+In \TeXsis\ you can do this easily using \CS{Footnote} in place of
+\cs{footnote}, as in this example:\Footnote\dag{This is an example of
+the use of {\tt\bs Footnote} in \TeXsis.}\index{footnotes}%
+... as in this example:\Footnote\dag{This is an example of
+the use of {\tt\bs Footnote} in \TeXsis.}
+|\Footnote| also automatically puts the reference mark (in this case the
+dagger symbol |\dag|) in a superscript.\Footnote{*}{The footnote
+character is typeset in math mode, as if it were between two {\tt
+\$}'s.}\ \
+The typestyle used for the text of the footnote is
+controlled by \CS{FootFont}, which defaults to:
+If you want to change this you can do so somewhere near the beginning of
+your document. The spacing between multiple paragraphs in a |\Footnote|
+(if you are prone to being so verbose) is set to zero, regardless of the
+\cs{parskip} in the main part of the document, but you can also change
+this by adding \cs{parskip}|=|\meta{amount} to your new definition of
+|\FootFont|. If you want a singlespaced footnote in the |\FootFont|
+typestyle but without putting a reference
+mark in the text you can use
+\CS{Vfootnote} just as you would use \cs{vfootnote} in Plain \TeX. And
+of course if |\Footnote| or |\Vfootnote| cannot do what you need even
+after changing |\FootFont| then you can always use \cs{footnote} or
+\cs{vfootnote} from Plain \TeX.%%
+\Footnote{\ddag}{A technical footnote: With
+|\footnote| from plain \TeX\ the group is closed before the footnote is
+typeset, so any line spacing you set inside the footnote is lost. You
+can solve this by putting a |\par| or |\vskip 0pt| at the end of your
+footnote, but then the final strut is put on a separate line. Getting
+footnotes to work just right is tricky business, which is why we wrote
+Sometimes it is desirable to have footnotes numbered consecutively.
+This is easily done with \CS{NFootnote}, which keeps a count of the
+footnotes it has created and uses the numbers for the reference marks.
+Just as with \CS{Footnote}, the text is single spaced and printed in
+the \CS{FootFont} typestyle.\NFootnote{This is an example of a
+numbered footnote, which was created by saying ``|...printed in the
+{\tt\bs FootFont} typestyle.\NFootnote{This is an example ... }|''}
+The footnote counter is called \CS{footnum}, so if you want to start
+over numbering footnotes (at the begining of a new chapter, for
+example), then simply set this back to zero, by saying
+\subsection{Automatic Quote Balancing}
+One of the differences between typing and typesetting is the way in
+which quote marks are handled.
+On a typewriter you would simply use the non-oriented double-quote
+mark (|"|) both to begin and end the quoted material.
+In typesetting, however, quoted text begins with a left-quote mark
+(``) and ends with a right-quote mark ('').
+To produce these in \TeX\ you have to type two single-quote marks,
+either |``| or |''|.
+This is not very difficult to do, but unless you have an editing
+program which does it for you, it is easy to forget and use the
+double-quote marks instead.
+With \TeXsis\ that's okay.
+If you say\index{quote balancing}%
+then the next time a double-quote mark comes along it will be
+translated into a left-quote mark.
+The double-quote mark after that will become a right-quote mark, and
+so on, so that material enclosed in double-quote marks will be typeset
+All you have to do is remember to use the double-quote marks in pairs.
+ In some special cases you may not want \TeXsis\ to be so smart
+about double-quotes. You can turn this feature off by saying
+The default though, once you have said |\texsis|, is |\quoteon|.
+%>>> EOF TXSfonts.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSinstl.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSinstl.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e6a112c75b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSinstl.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+% file: TXSinstl.doc - Installation Instructions - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSinstl.doc,v 18.2 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% Copyright (c) 1990, 1992, 1995, 1997 by Eric Myers and Frank Paige.
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\meta \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\input Manual.aux\draft\fi
+\appendix{A}{Customization and Installation of \TeXsis \label{install}}
+\centerline{(\TeX sis version \fmtversion, as of \revdate)}
+This appendix contains information about how to install \TeXsis\ on
+several types of computer systems, and how to customize \TeXsis\ for a
+particular installation. The discussion below on ``Local
+Modifications'' may be of interest to any user, but the rest of this
+Appendix is probably only of interest to someone who is responsible for
+installing or maintaining \TeXsis.
+ There are three different mechanisms for making modifications to
+the basic \TeXsis\ macro package. It is better to use one of these
+mechanisms rather than modifying the original code.
+\subsubsection{Local Modifications}
+ \TeXsis\ will read the file {\tt TXSmods.tex}, if it exists, from
+the current directory or search path every time you run \TeXsis. This
+lets you make your own \idx{custom modifications} or additions to
+\TeXsis. For example, say you have a directory specifically for a
+particular project you are working on and you are writing several
+different papers or other documents related to this project. You could
+add a file called {\tt TXSmods.tex} to this directory to contain extra
+macro definitions that are used in all of these documents, and these
+will be loaded automatically whenever you run \TeXsis\ in this
+directory. If you run \TeXsis\ from another directory these macros will
+not be loaded.
+\subsubsection{Site Modifications}
+ If a file called {\tt TXSsite.tex} exits in the current directory
+at the time the \TeXsis\ format file is created (see below) then it is
+automatically read in at this time. The purpose of this file is to
+allow you to add definitions and macros that are local to your computer
+installation. For example, in this file you would define the control
+word \cs{ORGANIZATION} to give the name of your organization or
+institution. \cs{ORGANIZATION} is used at the top of memos and at the
+top of the title page of a \cs{preprint}. You might also put a
+customized \cs{letterhead} macro in this file, and you may well want to
+change the definition of \CS{LandscapeSpecial}, which controls how your
+laser printer is put into landscape mode. Note that the file {\tt
+TXSsite.tex} is only read {\sl once}, when the \TeXsis\ format file is
+created, not every time \TeXsis\ is run.
+A prototype site file, called |TXSsite.000|, is included in the standard
+distribution of \TeXsis.
+ \TeXsis\ will also automatically read in a file called
+{\tt TXSpatch.tex} from the standard input path, if it exists,
+every time \TeXsis\ is run.
+This file should contain additions or corrections (``patches'') to
+\TeXsis. This patch file lets you correct minor problems or make minor
+changes to \TeXsis\ without having to rebuild the format file.
+Whenever we find a problem with \TeXsis\ we try to correct it as soon
+as possible.
+To make the correction available to users before the next version of
+\TeXsis\ is released we issue patch files containing the corrections.
+The most current patch file should always be available at
+\URL{}, or in {\tt
+macros/texsis} on any CTAN server.
+\subsection{Installation of \TeXsis}
+To use \TeXsis\ or any large macro package effectively you should run
+the |initex| program to create a pre-compiled format. The general method
+of doing this is machine independent, but the specific commands depend
+on the operating system on your computer. This appendix gives the
+appropriate commands for running |initex| and installing \TeXsis\ on a
+computer running UNIX, a VAX or Alpha running VMS, and for an IBM PC running
+PC\TeX\ under \idx{MS-DOS}. We assume that you are familiar with the
+operating system and that \TeX\ and the Plain format have already been
+Notes on how to install \TeXsis\ on other kinds of machines (such as
+Atari or Apple computers, or on Linux) are available on the \TeXsis\
+ftp server (\URL{}).
+VMS users should note that \TeXsis\ is also available with the latest
+release of DECUS \TeX, and much of the installation work has already
+been done or can be done almost automatically. You may want to get this
+version from CTAN rather than the ``raw'' distribution from the TeXsis
+ftp site.
+If you are installing from the DECUS distribution you should read the
+file |INSTALL.VMS| with that distribution.
+\subsubsection{Quick Install for Unix and \TeX~3.x}
+The current version for \TeX\ as of 1997 is 3.14159. If you have
+anything earlier than version 3.x then it is strongly recommended that
+you first upgrade your \TeX\ installation. Assuming that you have a
+current \TeX\ installation on a Unix computer, you can build and
+install \TeXsis\ by simply doing the following:
+Edit the file |Makefile| and change parameters and paths as
+appropriate, following the directions given in the comments.
+The TEXDIR variable should point to the top-level \TeX\ directory
+on your system. The default directories under TEXDIR are those
+recommended by the TeX Directory Structure (TDS) working group of the
+\TeX\ Users Group.
+(Optional) Copy the file |TXSsite.000| to |TXSsite.tex| and edit
+this file to contain appropriate site dependent information, such as
+definitions for the name of your |\ORGANIZATION|, or your
+\cs{letterhead}, or change \cs{LandscapeSpecial}.
+If you already have a |TXSsite.tex| file then copy it to the current
+directory so that it will be included when building the format file.
+Give the command `|make|' to build the format file and the manual.
+Give the command `|make install|' to install the files on the system.
+\subsubsection{Detailed Installation}
+To install \TeXsis\ follow the steps below or their equivalents for
+your computer and operating system. If you are installing a system-wide
+version of \TeXsis\ then you may want to review the appropriate
+documentation on how \TeX\ itself is installed on your system.
+Create a separate directory to hold the \TeXsis\ files. This is not
+strictly necessary, but it is strongly recommended, since there are
+more than 70~files for the source code and
+documentation. On a Unix machine we recommend using
+|/usr/local/share/texmf/tex/texsis| or |/usr/local/lib/tex/texsis|, depending on
+where your other \TeX\ files are kept. For a VMS system,
+you should use a subdirectory of the main \TeX\ directory, whatever that
+happens to be. On an IBM PC
+it is best to use a top-level directory |C:\TEXSIS| on your hard disk,
+rather than a subdirectory of |C:\PCTEX|, to simplify backing up your
+Copy all of the \TeXsis\ files into this directory. The \TeXsis\ source
+files all have names of the form |TXS|$xxx$|.tex|, and
+most of the documentation
+files have names |TXS|$xxx$|.doc|. \TeXsis\ style files end with
+the extension |.txs|. There will also be several other files in your
+distribution of \TeXsis, such as |texsis.tex| and |Manual.tex|.
+A complete list of the files can be found in a file called |MANIFEST|.
+Make any necessary changes in the source code. You will probably want to
+copy the file |TXSsite.000| to |TXSsite.tex| and edit this file,
+changing the definition of \cs{ORGANIZATION}, \cs{LandscapeSpecial},
+and the letterhead macros.
+On VMS systems you may (or may not) want to define |\TeXsisLib| to be
+the \TeXsis\ directory and |\TXSpatches| to be the patch file in that
+If you have problems with missing fonts, look at the documentation
+in the file |TXSfonts.tex|.
+Create the format file |texsis.fmt| by running |initex|. \index{initex}
+On a Unix machine the command is:
+|% initex \&plain texsis '\dump'|
+You must remember the ``|\|'' to escape the ``|&|.''
+On a VMS system replace the |initex| command with |TEX/INIT|. You must
+also tell \TeX\ where to find the input files for both \TeXsis\ and
+Plain \TeX. The commands are:
+\example\obeylines\advance\rightskip by -1cm
+|$ DEFINE/USER TEXIN | \meta{texsis} \meta{plain}
+|$ TEX/INIT/NOFORMAT/TEXINPUTS=TEXIN: "&plain texsis \dump"|
+where \meta{texsis} is the specification for the device, directory, and
+subdirectories of \TeXsis, and \meta{plain} is the specifiation for
+the standard files like |PLAIN.TEX|.
+For an IBM PC with PC\TeX\ give the command,
+and reply to the |*| prompt with ``\cs{dump}.'' (In some versions of
+PC\TeX\ the |TEX| command is replaced with |TEX386| or |TEX386b|. Check
+your manual to be sure.) \TeXsis\ will also work with |emtex| or any
+other version of ``big'' \TeX\ for the PC, but you will have to check
+the documentation for that particular implementation of \TeX\ for
+specific instructions for creating a preloaded format.
+In any case |initex| will load the Plain \TeX\ format and then the
+various pieces of \TeXsis, displaying a message for each piece.
+Finally it will spew out a list of fonts used and other information.
+This should contain near the end the statement ``No pages of output
+produced.'' (If it does not, something may be wrong with your distribution,
+although it is probably a minor problem. Check your editing of the
+|TXSsite.tex| file.) The preloaded format will be
+written to the file |texsis.fmt|.
+Copy or move various files to where they need to be:
+Copy the format file to the place where your version of \TeX\ looks for
+pre-loaded formats. On Unix systems this is usually
+or some variation of this.
+For VMS machines make sure the file is in the directory named by
+With PC-\TeX\ the file goes into |\PCTEX\TEXFMTS|.
+Copy the \TeXsis\ style files (which end with the extension |.txs|) to
+the place your version of \TeX\ usually looks for input. Under Unix
+this should be
+(or sometimes |/usr/local/lib/tex/macros|).
+For VMS machines make sure these files are in the directory included
+in the path defined by the |TEX_INPUTS| logical. For PC-\TeX\ the
+proper place is |\PCTEX\TEXINPUT|.
+If you have any run-time patches to add to \TeXsis\ copy the
+file |TXSpatch.tex| to the same \TeX\ inputs directory.
+If there is a |TXSpatch.tex| from a previous release of \TeXsis\ you
+should be sure to remove the old file if it is not being replaced.
+Having created the format file, you need to make a command |texsis| to
+run \TeX\ using it. The way to do this is very dependent on the
+operating system.
+On a Unix system running \TeX~3.0 or higher you need only to make a link
+to the executable |virtex|\index{virtex} with the same name as the
+format you want to load. |Virtex| probably lives in |/usr/local/bin| or
+some similar place. The command to make the link is something like:
+|ln /usr/local/bin/virtex /usr/local/bin/texsis|
+For \TeX\ versions 2.9x you can build an ``undumped'' version of
+\TeXsis. You will have to see the \TeX\ distribution notes for a
+description of |undump|. \index{undump} However, this is now a very old
+version of \TeX\ (as of this writing \TeX\ is up to version~3.1415), so
+you should seriously consider upgrading to a newer version of \TeX.
+If you are going to create a ``private'' version of \TeXsis\ rather than
+installing it for the whole system then you need to add your \TeXsis\
+directory to the environment variables |TEXFORMATS| and |TEXINPUTS| and
+define the command |texsis| as follows. For the C-shell, put in your
+|.cshrc| file:
+|alias texsis virtex \\\&texsis|
+|setenv TEXSIS_LIB $HOME/texsis/|
+(This assumes that |TEXFORMATS| and |TEXINPUTS| are already properly
+defined. If not, insert the proper directories.)
+Under VMS, place in your || file the commands
+|$ DEFINE TEXSIS_LIB| \meta{disk}|:[|\meta{directory}|]|
+where |TEX$| is the logical name for the main \TeX\ directory. You can
+also put these commands in a \TeX\ initialization |.COM| file.
+For PC\TeX\index{PCTeX@{PC\TeX}} you should find in the distribution a file
+|TEXSIS.BAT|. If you don't, you can create it. The file should contain:
+|\PCTEX\TEX &TEXSIS %1 /F 25000|
+(Replace the |TEX| command with |TEX386| or |TEX386b| if appropriate for
+your machine. For PC-\TeX\ versions 3.14 and greater the |/F 25000| is
+no longer needed.)
+Either put this file
+in a directory in your command path or add the directory it is in
+to your |PATH| statement.
+If you want to be able to load a patch file then you should also
+include a line such as
+in the |TXSsite.tex| file. Because \TeX\ and MS-DOS both use
+backslashes for their own purposes the path is specified with {\sl
+forward} slashes;
+DOS understands them to be the same as a backslash.
+ After these steps have been carried out, \TeXsis\ should be
+installed and available to you, and to other users if installed
+system-wide. The command
+|texsis| {\sl name}
+should run \TeXsis\ on the file {\sl name}|.tex| and produce the file
+{\sl name}|.dvi|, which can be printed like any |.dvi| file.
+A good test is to go to the \TeXsis\ source directory (or the
+documentation directory, if the documentation files |TXS|$xxx$|.doc|
+have been put in a separate directory) and say
+|texsis Manual|
+On the first try this will produce several warning messages coming from
+undefined tags for forward references. These will be defined later in
+the document and saved in the file |Manual.aux|; Running \TeXsis\ a
+second time should produce the \TeXsis\ manual with no errors.
+%>>> EOF TXSinstl.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSintro.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSintro.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c8e1d60256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSintro.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+%% file: TXSintro.doc - Manual Intructions - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSintro.doc,v 18.2 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1997 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\meta \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\input Manual.aux\draft\fi
+\section{Introduction \label{sect.intro}}
+ \TeX\ is a computer typesetting system created by Donald
+Knuth\index{Knuth, Donald} of Stanford University.
+It is described succinctly in his book, \TeXbook.\reference{Knuth}
+\booktitle{The \TeX book} (Addison-Wesley, 1986)
+\TeX\ is especially well suited for typesetting technical material
+containing mathematical symbols and equations.
+As a result, \TeX\ in one form or another is now used by almost all
+mathematicians and most physicists for writing scientific papers and
+related documents.
+The journals of the American Mathematical Society are typeset with
+\TeX, and the journals of the American Physical Society now accept
+manuscripts written in \TeX.
+A large number of physicists also distribute preprint
+(pre-publication) versions of their papers, known as ``e-prints,'' via
+an archive server based at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
+\TeX\ in some form is the {\it de facto} standard for such papers.
+There are actually several different ``flavors'' of \TeX.
+One of the reasons that \TeX\ is so useful is that it has a powerful
+macro capability --- to the point that \TeX\ can actually be
+considered to be a computer ``language.''
+As a result, there now exist a number of macro packages, or
+``formats,'' which either extend or replace the basic \TeX\ language
+of \TeXbook\ (which is commonly known as ``plain'' \index{plain TeX@{plain
+\TeX}}\TeX) by adding more advanced features or commands appropriate
+to more specialized types of documents.
+\TeXsis\ is one such macro package, designed specifically (but not
+exclusively) for physicists.
+\TeXsis\ provides the author with many useful commands with are either
+not available or not easily implemented by the casual user of plain
+Among these are the ability to automatically number equations,
+references, figures and tables, and to refer to these ``numbered''
+objects easily by symbolic names which are independent of the values
+assigned to them when the document is processed.
+\TeXsis\ makes it easy to change the type style or size, and to
+control other aspects of the formatting.
+\TeXsis\ also includes special macros for printing in double columns
+and for constructing ruled tables.
+It is easy with \TeXsis\ to produce more specialized documents, such
+as letters, referee reports, and memoranda, or even a thesis or a book.
+Many physicists are now familiar, at least by name, with another
+\TeX-based format, the REVTEX package from the American Physical
+REVTEX is in turn based on a more general format, known as
+L. Lamport,
+\booktitle{\LaTeX, A Document Preparation System},
+(Addison-Wesley, 1985)
+Unfortunately, \LaTeX\ differs from plain \TeX\ in several subtle but
+important ways, so that documents created using plain \TeX\ cannot be
+used with \LaTeX.
+In contrast, \TeXsis\ is functionally a superset of plain TeX, so that
+everything described in \TeXbook\ will also work in \TeXsis\ (even
+though the internal workings of some of the plain \TeX\ macros have
+actually been modified).
+This means that \TeXsis\ documents can also make use of just about any
+of the many smaller macro packages designed for use with plain \TeX,
+or an author can make use of the methods and tricks described in
+Unfortunately, it also means that REVTEX and \TeXsis\ are mutually
+This manual explains how to use \TeXsis.
+Since it is a user's guide, it makes no attempt to describe how the
+various macros work; for that one should consult the source code,
+which is extensively commented.
+However, we do assume that the reader is already familiar with
+\idx{plain} \TeX.
+If you don't already know plain \TeX, a good way to learn is to read
+and work through the exercises in
+\booktitle{A Gentle Introduction to \TeX} by Michael~Doob.\reference{Doob}
+\booktitle{A Gentle Introduction to \TeX\ (A Manual for Self-Study)},
+(\TeX\ User's Group, Providence).
+Also available as a plain \TeX\ file from CTAN or at\n
+The source file for this (called {\tt gentle.tex}) is available on the
+\TeXsis\ ftp server, or on CTAN.
+You can also start by reading the \TeXbook, paying special attention
+to chapters~1-10 and 16-19.
+The manual by Spivak\reference{Spivak}
+\booktitle{PC\TeX\ User's Guide.}
+(Documentation distributed with PC\TeX)
+which accompanies PC\TeX\ (which is an implementation of \TeX\ for the
+IBM~PC) is also recommended.
+\subsection{Overview of this Manual}
+The main topics covered in the several sections of this manual
+\itemize \clump
+\itm \Sect{intro} --
+An introduction to \TeXsis\ and the philosophy behind the macros, and
+instructions on how to begin using \TeXsis.
+\itm \Sect{fonts} --
+Selecting sizes and fonts of type, choosing single, double, or triple
+spacing, and automatically handling quotation marks.
+\itm \Sect{eqns} --
+Automatic numbering of equations, automatic sizing of parentheses and
+brackets, and special symbols for physics equations.
+\itm \Sect{refs} --
+Defining new references, for which numbers are assigned automatically,
+citing references already so defined, and making a list of references.
+\itm \Sect{labels} --
+Labeling things like section numbers, figures, items in an outline, or
+page numbers, and referring to them in other parts of the document.
+\itm \Sect{papers} --
+Producing a complete paper, including the title page, chapters,
+sections, subsections, and appendices, a table of contents, running
+headlines, and an index.
+How to use the "master file" concept to split a long document into
+several files.
+\itm \Sect{figures} --
+Producing automatically numbered tables and figures and producing
+ruled tables.
+\itm \Sect{envmt} --
+Displaying text in special ways using "environments," including those
+for centered lines, lists of things, listings of computer programs, and
+\TeX\ examples.
+\itm \Sect{fmts} --
+Using specialized layouts for journals and conference proceedings, and
+creating new ones.
+\itm \Sect{letr} --
+Typing letters, form letters, memos and referee reports.
+\itm \Sect{dcol} --
+Producing double column output.
+\itm \Sect{misc} --
+Miscellaneous macros for ignoring text and doing various other useful
+things, and a checkpoint/restart feature for printing very long documents.
+Several appendices are also included to deal with more technical
+Appendix~A explains how to install \TeXsis\ on Unix computers, on a
+VAX/VMS system, and on an IBM~PC. It also explains how to customize
+\TeXsis\ for your own installation. Appendix~B lists changes that have
+been made to \TeXsis\ in recent revisions. Appendix~C lists the fonts
+usually available with \TeXsis.
+Two examples of \TeXsis\ documents are included in the standard
+distribution. The first, in the file |Example.tex|, is a short
+(3~pages) example of a physics paper typeset with \TeXsis. The second
+is this manual itself, which was also created with \TeXsis. If you
+would like to look at the files used to create the Manual, the master
+file is called |TXSdoc.doc|, and the various sections of the document
+are in files with names of the form |TXS|$xxxx$|.doc|. For those who
+are comfortable programming in \TeX\ it is possible to extract specific
+macros from the \TeXsis\ source code or to modify or even rewrite these
+macros. The source code is contained in files with names of the form
+|TXS|$xxxx$|.tex|. We have tried wherever possible to include
+at least somewhat
+illuminating comments in the source code.
+\subsection{Getting Started \label{sect.start}}
+ Assuming that \TeXsis\ has been properly installed on your computer,
+using \TeXsis\ is as simple as using \TeX\ or \LaTeX.
+To run \TeX\ with the \TeXsis\ format to process a manuscript file
+called |myfile.tex| you simply give the command:
+\index{running@{running \TeXsis}}
+\def\HeadText{Getting Started}
+texsis myfile
+As with any version of \TeX, the output from \TeX\ is put in the file
+|myfile.dvi|, which you may view on your computer terminal or print on
+a laser printer or other output device.
+ Since \TeXsis\ is a superset of plain \TeX, any file that you
+process with plain \TeX\ can be processed with \TeXsis, and you will
+get the same results.
+In particular, plain \TeX\ defaults to 10~pt.\ type and single spacing
+between lines, and so does \TeXsis\ unless you initialize its special
+But since you are probably using
+\TeXsis\ because of these special features, you should begin your
+manuscript file with the initialization command
+One of the things this command does is switch the output to 12~pt.\
+type, double spaced, which generally looks better on a small laser
+printer. Commands that allow you to change the type size or line
+spacing yourself are described in \Sect{fonts}. More
+specialized initialization commands may be used in place of (or
+in addition to) the |\texsis| command when you are using a
+pre-defined document layout. These are described in
+ Note also that just as in plain \TeX\ there is a difference
+between uppercase and lowercase letters in control word names.
+Thus if you say \cs{TeXsis} instead of \cs{texsis} you won't
+initialize any special features but you will print out
+\subsection{Some Philosophy \label{sect.philosophy}}
+In designing the \TeXsis\ macros we have tried to follow some basic
+guidelines which we feel make \TeXsis\ a more useful tool.
+It may help you while learning about \TeXsis\ to know what these
+guidelines are, especially if you are already familiar with other
+\TeX\ macro packages.
+However, you can skip this section without missing anything important
+to a first time user.
+The guidelines we have followed are: \index{philosophy}
+\TeXsis\ is a superset of plain \TeX, so that anything
+you can't do in \TeXsis\ (and even those that you can) can be done
+with plain \TeX\ instead. \index{compatibility!with@{with plain \TeX}}
+This also means that \TeXsis\ is compatible with most plain
+\TeX\ macro packages, such as |epsf.tex| and |index.tex|, or other
+specialized macro sets.\Footnote\dag{We cannot completely guarantee this
+because other macro packages might define macros with the same names as
+used by \TeXsis, although we have taken several steps to prevent this
+kind of conflict.} Even if some of the plain macros are actually
+redefined in \TeXsis, they are required to still behave as described in
+When a \TeXsis\ macro is similar to a plain \TeX\ macro it should, when
+possible, have a similar name and syntax. \index{macros!syntax} Thus
+\cs{Footnote} in \TeXsis\ is used exactly like \cs{footnote} in plain
+\TeX, and in ruled tables ``|&|'' and ``|\cr|'' can be used exactly as
+they are in an |\halign|.
+Macro names\index{macros!names} will be short and simple, but
+Almost all plain \TeX\ macro names are in lower case for ease of
+typing, so macros with names containing uppercase letters can
+immediately be recognized as being a part of
+\TeXsis\ (instead of plain \TeX). As a general rule though we try
+to use lowercase for frequently used macro names for ease of typing.
+There are two different ways in which arguments may be passed to
+macros, depending on the length of the argument.
+Short arguments are simply enclosed in curly brackets, the way \TeX\
+usually handles macro arguments.
+For example, the title of a section is created by the
+\cs{section}\index{macros!arguments} command with,
+\section{The nonlinear $\sigma$-model}
+Longer amounts of text (many lines), and text which is considered to be
+in a special environment, is enclosed between commands of the
+form ``|\thing|'' and ``|\endthing|.'' An abstract, for example, is
+typed as,
+A mechanism for total confinement of quarks, similar to that
+of Schwinger, is defined which requires the existence of
+Abelian or non-Abelian gauge fields. It is shown how ...
+This is similar to the |\begin{thing}| {\ttdots} |\end{thing}|
+construction in \LaTeX\ \index{latex@{\LaTeX}} but is slightly easier
+to type.\Footnote*{And, more importantly, is compatible with plain
+\TeX---|\end| signals the end of a document in plain \TeX,
+and shouldn't be used for anything else. However, if you really want
+to type |\begin{thing}| and |\end{thing}| you can do so, and \TeXsis\
+will understand it to mean |\thing| and |\endthing|.}
+The reason for preferring this way of delimiting text or arguments is
+that for very long pieces of material it is much easier to look for
+something like |\thing| and |\endthing| than it is to count curly brackets.
+The fundamental purpose of \TeXsis\ is to typeset printed words and
+\hbox{equations} on a physical piece of paper.
+In other ``document mark-up'' languages, including SMGL, HTML, and
+\LaTeX, the primary goal is to create in the computer an abstract
+representation of a document which is independent of the way the
+document is printed.
+It can be useful to treat a document this way, and so we sometimes use
+similar ideas in \TeXsis, but this approach can also conflict with the
+goal of typesetting the document the way an author or editor would
+Whenever there is such a conflict we will err on the side of
+``typesetting'' rather than on the ``abstract representation'' of the
+The source code defining the macros should be available to the users,
+so that those who want to see how something is done can do so, and
+those who want to make their own modifications can do so.
+The macro definitions should include sufficient comments that
+(usually) someone with only a little bit of experience with \TeX\ can
+understand what is going on.
+Also, macros which perform similar functions and work together should
+be kept in a single file, but separate parts of the whole package
+should be kept in separate files.
+When possible these individual files should be usable on their own
+with plain \TeX.
+For example, it is possible to use just the double column macros of
+\TeXsis\ by saying |\input TXSdcol.tex|, and the ruled table macros
+can be used in plain
+\TeX\ by saying |\input TXSruled.tex|.
+% >>> EOF TXSintro.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSletr.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSletr.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4451a3c304b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSletr.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+%% file: TXSletr.doc - Letters and Memos - TeXsis 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSletr.doc,v 18.3 2000/06/01 21:54:30 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1994, 1997 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\bs \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\input Manual.aux\draft\fi
+\section{Letters, Memos and Referee Reports \label{sect.letr}}
+ The commands \CS{letter}, \cs{memo}, \cs{referee} and
+\cs{formLetters} invoke special styles for producing letters or
+The letter formats follow closely the letter format given in
+Appendix~E of \TeXbook, although there are some differences and some
+ \CS{letter} is designed for typing basic business-style letters
+on letterhead stationary. It uses the following commands:
+Initialize the letter format.
+Sets the current date to be \meta{date} rather than today's date.
+This redefines \cs{today} to be the date you give. If omitted,
+\cs{today} just gives the current date.
+Signals that an envelope should also be printed.
+See Section~\use{sect.env} to find out how this works.
+Puts the date and phone number \<phone-ext> at the top of the page, so
+that it will appear near the letterhead when the letter is printed on
+your institutional stationary.
+The name and address of the recipient should follow, in \cs{obeylines}
+format. The first line is used as the name of the addressee in a running
+headline for pages after the first.
+Begins the body of the letter. The line immediately below this should
+be the opening salutation, (e.g. ``Dear Ann Landers,'').
+Begins the closing material, in \cs{obeylines} format. The first line
+following is the closing salutation (e.g. "Sincerely Yours,") and the
+second is the sender's name. When the letter is printed, room is left
+for a signature. Optional additional lines can be added after the name
+for the sender's title, or similar information.
+Optional annotations follow, in \cs{obeylines} format.
+Carbon copy. A "cc:" and the names following are printed,
+properly aligned.
+Enclosure. This is like \CS{cc} but "Encl:" is printed
+for a list of enclosures.
+Optional postscript follows. This is not in \cs{obeylines} format.
+Ends the letter. You can say \cs{bye} instead.
+The \CS{letter} document format automatically sets up a running headline
+for all pages after the first, containing the addressee's name (taken
+from the first line following \cs{address}), the date, and the page
+number. If you wish, you can turn off these running headlines by saying
+\cs{nopagenumbers}. If you want to change the name of the addressee you
+can simply redefine the macro called \CS{addressee} anytime after
+\cs{address} has been used (using \cs{gdef}, so that the re-definition
+exists outside of the group used to enclose the address). Or, if you
+don't want the person's name used at all, simply redefine \CS{addressee}
+to be empty, like so: |\gdef\addressee{}|.
+ The use of some of these macros is illustrated by the following
+\dated{1 April 1999}
+Prof.~D. Knuth
+Stanford University
+Stanford, CA~94305
+\gdef\addressee{Knuth, the \TeX\ God}
+Dear Prof.~Knuth:
+ We enclose the documentation and source code for a \TeX\
+macro package which we have developed for physics papers.
+Sincerely yours,
+Eric Myers
+Frank E.~Paige
+\ps This stuff is also available by anonymous ftp.
+By default the closing material is indented about 3.5 inches.
+The actual amount is set by \CS{longindent}, which you can change.
+You should put the change on the same line as the \CS{closing},
+like so:\index{letters!adjusting size}
+Sincerely yours,
+Joe User
+This example puts the closing material flush with the left margin. You
+should not put \CS{longindent}|=0pt| on the line following, because
+\CS{closing} uses that line as the closing salutation (like
+The default ``letterhead'' created by \CS{letterhead} is pretty plain --
+it just puts the date and phone number at the top of the page. The
+idea is that you can put your own office letterhead stationary in the
+printer and when you print the letter on this paper the date and phone
+number will be in an appropriate position.\Footnote*{If you can't put
+stationary in your printer you can copy it onto stationary with a
+copying machine.}
+Alternatively, you can create a different letterhead macro to actually
+print a letterhead at the top of the page. The physics department at
+Excited State University could have a custom |\ESUletterhead| macro
+which prints their logo and letterhead (it should still take a phone
+number as an argument, to make it easier to switch between
+|\ESUletterhead| and |\letterhead|.) These kind of custom macro
+definitions should be put in a local site file, as described in
+ If a letter is somewhat too short or too long to fit on a page,
+its length can be adjusted indirectly by changing the width of the text.
+To do this insert \CS{letterwidth}\arg{width} immediately after
+\cs{letter} to set the width of the text.
+Not only does this change the \cs{hsize} to the size you specify, but it
+also adjusts the margins and centers the text appropriately (so it is
+preferable to simply changing the \cs{hsize}).
+A simple Unix shell script called \idx{{\tt letr}} is included with
+the current \TeXsis\ distribution to make it easier to compose
+letr -m Hutu |endTeXexample will create a template file |Hutu.tex|, if
+there is not already a file by that name, and then start you editing
+the file.
+It then automatically runs your file through \TeXsis, and the envelope
+file too if it exists (see the next section).
+The |-m| flag, which is optional, should tell your printer to go into
+``manual feed'' mode to wait for you to feed in your own stationary.
+(Manual feed mode is always selected for an envelope printed by |letr|.)
+ Keep in mind that this only works on Unix and the script
+has to be executable and exist in your ``path''. Ask a local wizard
+for help if you don't know what this means.
+\subsection{Envelopes \label{sect.env}}
+Many laser printers can print on envelopes, as long as you arrange to
+put the address and return address in the right place, and print the
+material in ``landscape'' mode (turned 90\degree\ on the page).
+The simplest way to do this is to simply say \CS{withEnvelope} at the
+beginning of your file, after the \cs{letter}.
+When you run your letter through \TeXsis, it will then create a file
+with the same name but an extension of |.env|, which contains the
+commands to print the envelope.
+Run {\sl that} file through \TeXsis\ and print the output in landscape
+mode and you will get your envelope.
+If you are using |dvips| the appropriate command is
+|dvips -m -t landscape myfile.dvi|
+The ``|-t landscape|'' rotates the output, while the ``|-m|'' puts the
+printer in manual feed mode so that you can feed in the envelope.
+You will have to figure out how your printer wants the envelopes to be
+fed to it.
+Some take the envelope down the middle, while others want it over to
+one side or another.
+You can adjust for different envelope sizes, or shift the position of
+the printing over a bit to make it easier to feed in the envelope, by
+changing the parameters \CS{EnvlWidth}, \CS{EnvlHeight}, and
+\CS{ENvlVoffset}. The default values are
+\newdimen\EnvlWidth \EnvlWidth=24cm
+\newdimen\EnvlHeight \EnvlHeight=10.5cm
+\newdimen\EnvlVoffset \EnvlVoffset=1.25in
+The actual printing of the envelope is done by the macro
+\CS{MakeEnvelope}, which takes two arguments.
+The first is the address, while the second is the return address.
+Line endings in either are respected, or you can use \cs{n} to cause a
+line break.
+Saying \CS{withEnvelope} simply causes a \CS{MakeEnvelope} command to
+be written to the |.env| file when you say \cs{endletter} or \cs{bye}.
+You can edit that file before your run it through \TeXsis\ if you
+don't like the form of the address or return address.
+Alternatively, \CS{withEnvelope} will use the two macros
+\CS{theSignature} and \CS{ReturnAddress} to construct the return
+The default value for \CS{theSignature} is taken to be the name
+appearing after the closing salutation, below \cs{closing}.
+If you want to change it to something else you should include a new
+definition {\em after} the \cs{closing}, using |\gdef|.
+For example,
+Sincerely yours,
+Joe User
+\gdef\theSignature{Joe's Mamma}
+This would use ``Joe's Mamma'' as the name on the return address,
+even though ``Joe User'' would appear in the closing of the letter.
+\subsection{Memos \label{sect.memo}}
+ Saying \CS{memo} sets up a special format for memoranda,
+including a header at the top of the page with the name of your
+organization and the word "MEMORANDUM". The organization name defaults
+to \cs{ORGANIZATION}, which you can change if you like simply by
+saying \index{memos}
+(This can be done once in the file |TXSsite.tex| before compiling
+\TeXsis, as described in
+Appendix~\use{install},\index{memos!customization} or you can explicitly
+put the name of your organization in your file.) The commands for the
+memo format are:
+Initialize \TeXsis\ for memo format.
+A document format similar to \CS{memo}, but for faxes.
+Included in the header is a space to enter the number of pages sent.
+A return fax number is also included if it is defined in
+Prints the word "{\twelvess Date:}" and the date, which must be on the
+same line. If no date is given, then the current date is used, as given
+by \cs{today}. If you would rather have the date in the upper right hand
+corner, as in a letter, use |\letterdate| instead of \CS{Date}.
+Prints the word "{\twelvess To:}" and the name(s) which follow.
+Prints the word "{\twelvess From:}" and the name(s) which follow
+Prints the word "{\twelvess Subject:}" and the subject which
+follows. The subject may be several lines long. The first line
+of the subject field is used in a running headline at the top of
+all pages following the first.
+Prints ``{\twelvess FAX \#:},'' for entering a fax telephone number.
+New line for |\To|, |\From|, or |\Subj|.
+Turns off the running subject headlines and the page numbers.
+This must be typed after |\memo| since it is redefined by the
+memo format.
+Begins the text of the memo. You can also say \cs{body}.
+Optional annotations follow, in \cs{obeylines} format.
+Carbon copy. A "cc:" and the names following it are printed,
+properly aligned in \cs{obeylines} format.
+This is like \CS{cc} but prints "Distribution:" instead.
+This is like \CS{cc} but prints "Encl:" instead, as for letters.
+Optional postscript follows. This is not in \cs{obeylines} format.
+Ends the memo. You can say \cs{bye} instead.
+ All of these commands with mixed case names have synonyms which are
+the same name but in all lower case letters. The use of the \cs{memo}
+format is illustrated by the following example:
+\To \TeXsis\ Users
+\From E. Myers and F.E. Paige
+\Subj \TeXsis\ 2.18
+ \TeXsis\ 2.18 is now available. The new version adds
+several features and corrects various bugs.
+A. Blake
+I. Harrity
+B. Nichols
+If the memo is longer than one page a headline containing the subject
+and page number is put across the top of all pages after the first. If
+the subject is longer than one line only the first line of the subject
+is used in this headline. You can easily change what is used as this
+subject line by changing the definition of the macro \CS{subjectline}
+anywhere in the body of the memo. For example, although the subject of
+your memo might be simply ``Annual Report,'' you might make the headline
+more specific by defining:
+\def\subjectline{Annual Activity Report for Buckaroo Banzai}
+Then this longer title will appear with the page number on all pages
+the first.
+\subsection{Referee Reports}
+ The \CS{referee} format creates a document very much like a
+\cs{memo}, although there are some important differences.
+\index{referee reports}
+Referee reports are supposed to be confidential, so instead of
+printing the name of your organization at the top of the first
+page it puts the words ``Referee Report.'' In the
+\CS{referee} format you can use the same commands that are used in
+the \cs{memo} format, such as |\To| and |\Date|, but if you use
+\cs{From} a warning message will be printed on your screen. (This
+is only a warning, it still does what it has been asked to do!)
+\def\resetcounters{\relax} % don't globally change the section number
+\tightboxit{\hbox{\vbox to 11cm{\leftskip=1cm
+\centerline{{\twelvepoint\bf Referee Report}}
+\memoitem{DATE:} 1 April 2001
+\memoitem{TITLE:} \TeXsis\ -- \TeX\ Macros for Physicists
+\memoitem{AUTHORS:} E.~Myers and F.E.~Paige
+\memoitem{MANUSCRIPT:} LP-3105
+This is pretty good, but it's too long
+for Physical Review Letters.
+\caption{Sample Referee Report}
+ There are also some additional commands for the referee
+report format:
+The title of the paper being reviewed should follow this on the
+same line. This is similar to |\Subj| in the memo format.
+Prints ``{\twelvess AUTHOR:}'' and the name that follows on the
+same line.
+Same as \cs{author} for a paper with more than one author.
+Prints ``{\twelvess MANUSCRIPT:}'' and the manuscript reference number
+which follows.
+ The text of the report should begin with \cs{text} or
+\cs{body}, just as for a memo, and the whole document should end
+with |\endmemo| or \cs{bye}. An example of the referee report
+format is given by the following:
+\date 1 April 1999
+\title \TeXsis\ -- \TeX\ Macros for Physicists
+\authors E.~Myers and F.E.~Paige
+\MSref LP-3105
+This is pretty good, but it's too long
+for Physical Review Letters.
+This produces a report which looks something like \Fig{Referee}
+\subsection{Form Letters \label{sect.form}}
+ The \CS{formLetters} layout makes it simple to send
+identical or similar letters to a list of people.
+\index{form letters}\index{letters|see{form letters}}
+\index{mail merge|see{form letters}}
+The body of the form letter is stored in one file using the standard
+\TeXsis\ letter format, while the control commands and a list of
+addresses are put in a second file. The body of the letter should begin
+with \cs{body} and end with \cs{endletter}, and it can contain an
+arbitrary number of control sequences defined for each recipient. It
+can make use of all the features of the letter format. For example,
+the letter body might contain the following
+Dear \Whoever:
+\if P\Job
+ I wish to apply for a postdoctoral position
+\else\if F\Job
+ I wish to apply for a faculty position
+ I wish to apply for a postdoctoral or faculty position
+at your institution. Enclosed you will find my curriculum vitae,
+a list of publications, and ...
+Sincerely yours,
+Joe Postdoc
+Publication list
+Curriculum vita
+\endletter % don't say \bye here!
+This example addresses the letter to |\Whoever|, and it uses the
+first text if |\Job| is |P|, the second if |\Job| is |F|, and the
+third otherwise. Thus form letters are very flexible.
+ The mailing list file initializes the form letter macros and
+contains the list of addresses. \TeXsis\ should be run on this file, not
+on the file containing the body of the letter! For the example above it
+would have the form:
+\BL Prof.\ John Doe
+ Department of Physics
+ University of Nowhere
+ Nowhere, OK 73019 USA
+ \V\Whoever{Professor Doe}
+ \V\Job{F}\EL
+\BL Dr.\ Buckaroo Banzai
+ Physics Department
+ The Banzai Institute
+ Grovers Mill, NJ 08544
+ \V\Whoever{Dr.\ Banzai}
+ \V\Job{P}\EL
+ The first argument of \cs{formLetters} is something like the usual
+\cs{letterhead} macro, with your phone number. Depending on your
+letterhead this might have multiple parameters or might even be several
+control sequences (all enclosed in a set of curly braces, of course).
+The second argument to \cs{formLetters} is the name of the file
+containing the body of the letter. The idea is that the stuff in the
+first argument gets put into the letter {\it before} the address, while
+the body of the letter (read from the file) is what goes after the
+address. Each letter begins with \CS{BL} ("Begin Letter") and has the
+name of the addressee on the same line and the address on the following
+lines. Any ``variables'' used in the letter can be defined using
+\cs{V}, which is just an abbreviation for \cs{gdef}. Because \cs{V} is
+simply \cs{gdef}, if you omit \cs{V} from an address entry, the value
+defined in a previous entry will be used. If necessary, variables can
+also be defined before the \CS{BL}. Each address in the mailing list is
+ended by \CS{EL} ("End Letter"). When the \CS{EL} is executed it reads
+in the file containing the text for the letter and actually produces the
+ Any address in the list can be ignored simply by replacing the
+\CS{BL} with \CS{IL} ("Ignore Letter"). In particular, this can be done
+by a simple global edit after each batch of letters is made, and the
+same file can then be used to send a second mailing by changing \CS{IL}
+back to \CS{BL} for a select subset of addresses.
+In earlier versions of \TeXsis\ the
+\cs{formLetters} command was called \cs{formletters}.
+The first is now prefered, though the second will also be accepted.
+Also, as of \TeXsis\ version 2.17 the form letter macros have actually
+been moved to the style file {\tt Formletr.txs}.
+This style file is \cs{autoload}'ed, so as long as you have that file
+on your system you should not notice a difference.
+\nosechead{Mailing Labels}
+ The same address file can be used to produce mailing labels
+instead of letters simply by replacing |\formLetters{...}{...}| with
+\CS{formLabels}. It is assumed that there are three columns of names and
+addresses to fit on standard photocopy machine mailing labels. With the
+default parameters nine labels each 1~in.\ high are printed per column
+with the top and bottom rows left blank. This can be changed, and the
+alignment of the labels can be adjusted, by setting appropriate values
+for the following dimensions:
+\fullHsize=8.500in % hsize for label page
+\fullVsize=9.999in % vsize for label page
+\lblHsize=2.833in % width of standard label
+\lblVsize=1.000in % height of standard label
+\lblVoffset=0.100in % vertical starting position
+\lblHoffset=-0.500in % horizontal starting position
+Choosing appropriate values may require some experimentation with your
+printer and labels. When the correct values are found, they can be
+set in the file |TXSsite.tex| before compiling the format (see Appendix~A).
+ Please note that earlier versions of \TeXsis\ used
+\cs{formlabels} rather than \CS{formLabels}, but the latter is now
+\nosechead{Printing Envelopes}
+ Instead of printing mailing labels and then peeling these off to
+put them on envelopes, it is possible to print addresses from your
+mailing list directly onto envelopes, if your printer is capable of
+feeding envelopes. To do this, simply use \CS{formEnvelopes} in place
+of \CS{formLabels}. Then each address is simply fed into a
+\cs{MakeEnvelope} command.
+To set the return name and address you can define \cs{theSigature}
+and \CS{ReturnAddress}, as in this example:
+\def\theSignature{Joe Rockhead}
+\def\ReturnAddress{Department of Physics\n
+ University of Delphi\n
+ Oracle, UT 65432}
+You will probably have to print the output in ``landscape'' mode,
+and you may want to adjust the size or placement of the envelopes,
+as described in Section~\use{sect.env}.
+%>>> EOF TXSletr.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSmisc.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSmisc.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..399be609773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSmisc.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+%% file: TXSmisc.doc - Miscellaneious Macros - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSmisc.doc,v 18.2 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\bs \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\input Manual.aux\draft\fi
+\section{Miscellaneous Macros \label{sect.misc}}
+There are a number of useful macros in \TeXsis\ which don't fit into any
+of the topics covered in previous sections but which still deserve some
+discussion. We will simply lump them all together in this final
+\subsection{{\tt\string\draft} mode}
+Saying \CS{draft} turns on a number of features which are useful for
+making a draft copy of a document. The disclaimer ``{\tt Preliminary
+Draft}'' is added to the bottom of each page of the document, along with
+the page number and a time and date stamp. The page number will let you
+keep track of the page order even when using a document format which
+does not print page numbers (such as the \cs{nuclproc} or
+\cs{NorthHollandTwo} camera-ready formats). The date/time stamp
+can help you tell later drafts from earlier versions of the same
+document. \CS{draft} sets \cs{eqnotracetrue} so that equations
+are marked with their internal labels in the right margin next to
+the equation number (as described in Section~\use{sect.eqns}).
+Other kinds of errors, such as trying to use undefined labels for citations
+equations, are also marked in the right-hand margin. \CS{draft} also
+sets \cs{overfullrule}|=1em| so that over full \cs{hbox}es are marked
+with a black box.
+Without \CS{draft}, initializing \TeXsis\ with \cs{texsis} sets
+\cs{overfullrule}|=0pt| so that over-full hboxes don't
+get these kinds of marks (while with plain \TeX\ you do get these
+\subsection{Ignoring blocks of text}
+Sometimes you'd really like to take out a whole paragraph or an even
+larger section of a document, but only temporarily, and you don't want
+to actually delete it from the manuscript file. Recalling that in
+\TeX\ everything on a line following the comment character ``{\tt\%}'' is
+discarded, you could put a {\tt\%} on each line to be ignored,
+but that could be a lot of work. Instead, you can use \CS{comment}.
+The syntax is:
+\comment/* anything in here is ignored */
+Everything between the |/*| and the |*/| is completely ignored. By
+removing the |\comment/*| and the |*/| the text can easily be restored
+to its previous state. You can include several paragraphs of text in
+the material to be ignored, or even several pages, but with one
+important restriction: All the curly brackets |{| and |}| must match in
+the text to be ignored. If there is a |{| with no closing |}| in the
+commented text then \TeX\ will skip the |*/| while searching for the
+closing |}|!
+Along the same lines is \CS{Ignore}, which will ignore everything
+following it up to \cs{endIgnore} (with the same restrictions above
+about matching grouping brackets). The useful thing about these is that
+if an \cs{endIgnore} is encountered before an \CS{Ignore} then the
+\cs{endIgnore} is simply ignored. Is that too confusing? What this means
+is that if you have a document with a large block of conditional text
+that you may or may not want included you can choose to include the text
+by simply removing (or commenting out) the \CS{Ignore}. If the block of
+conditional text looks like
+\def\1{\meta{unconditional text}}\def\2{\meta{more unconditional text}}
+Having obtained these eigenvalues we would like to
+know their degeneracies. For a given $l$ the ...
+It is relatively easy to show that the number of
+independent components of such a tensor is ${N+l \choose l}$.
+then even if the block of text to be ignored spans many pages it can be
+restored simply by changing the ``|\Ignore|'' to ``|%\Ignore|.'' Then
+the |\Ignore| is itself ignored, and when \TeX\ reaches the |\endIgnore|
+this also does nothing. The effect is the same as if these two commands
+were completely removed from the manuscript file, but it is easily
+Why are there two ways to ignore blocks of text? \cs{comment} was
+created first, and some programmer-types may prefer it because of the
+similarity it bears to comments in the C programming language.
+\cs{Ignore} is newer and probably a little more useful, but \cs{comment}
+will remain for those who want to use it.
+\subsection{Checkpoint/Restart \label{sect.chkpt}}
+ The checkpoint/restart feature allows long documents to be printed in
+pieces. You can, for example, process and print the first chapter of a
+thesis (or a book) and then later do the same for following chapters.
+Saying \CS{checkpoint}|{NAME}| saves the settings of important counters
+like the current page number and the last equation number in a file
+called |NAME.chk|. Saying \CS{restart}|{NAME}| reads in this file and
+resets the counters to their previous values.
+ As an example consider a document with two major chapters.
+Using a Master File you would first process the first chapters
+with the following:
+\input chap1
+With this printed you could resume at the next page number with
+the correct subsequent numbers for equations, figures and tables
+by saying:
+\input chap2
+Normally |\checkpoint| and |\restart| are silent,
+but you can say \CS{endstat} to see the values of the counters
+saved by |\checkpoint|. The output looks like this:
+% Last PAGE number IS 63.
+% Last CHAPTER number IS 0.
+% Last EQUATION number IS 47.
+% Last FIGURE number IS 1.
+% Last REFERENCE number IS 9.
+% Last SECTION number IS 13.
+% Last TABLE number IS 0.
+Modern laser printer drivers or filter programs like |dvips|, |dvi2ps|,
+or QTeX have
+options that let you select which pages of a document are printed,
+or there is a useful program called |dviselect|, which can select
+certain pages out of a dvi file into a smaller dvi file. These offer
+other ways to selectively print only part of a document
+and still get the page and equation numbers correct.
+\subsection{Other Goodies...}
+These macros do various useful things:
+\singlelinetrue % make label overhang
+\description{unobeyspaces}\clump %
+Similar to plain \TeX's |\item|, but sets the label \arg{label} with a
+variable hanging indentation \arg{dimen}.
+Turns the \meta{text} into a paragraph with a ragged {\sl left} margin.
+Checks the amount of space remaining on the current page, and if this is
+less then \meta{dimen} then skips to a new page.
+Use this like \cs{vskip} to create a blank space to the top of a page
+(because any space inserted with \cs{vskip} is thrown out if it appears
+at the top of a page). Example: |\topspace 2.54cm|.
+The opposite of \cs{obeylines}, so line endings are no longer respected.
+The opposite of \cs{obeyspaces}, so that spaces in the manuscript file
+are not counted exactly.
+These macros let you underline words or create a ``blank'' line:
+\description{unobeyspaces}\clump %
+Underlines the \meta{text}, as in this \undertext{example}. This is
+generally okay for words but not phrases or sentences.
+Creates an underline of the specified length where one can ``fill in the
+blank.'' For example, saying `` |Name: \theBlank{6cm}| produces:
+These macros let you put boxes around text or equations, or
+something similar:
+\description{unobeyspaces}\clump %
+Puts a ruled box around the argument (which must be a box), with no
+intervening space.
+Example: |\tightbox{\hbox{Boo}}| produces ``\tightbox{\hbox{Boo}}'',
+Puts a ``loose'' box around the \meta{box}, with about one \cs{jot} of
+space between the edge of the \meta{box} and the enclosing box. What you
+do with this resulting box is up to you. Rules are {\sl not\/} put
+around this outer box, but you can enclose it in a \CS{tightbox} to do
+so, as in |\tightbox{\loosebox{Boo}}|, which gives
+``\tightbox{\loosebox{Boo}}.'' If you want the contents of this box to
+match the baseline of the current line, lower it by a \cs{jot}, as in
+|\lower\jot\tightbox{\loosebox{Boo}}|, which gives
+Creates a label enclosed in a ruled box, suitable for the spine of a
+3-ring binder. The box will be at least 15~cm long, but will extend if
+the text requires more space. The default type size is 24~pt, but can
+be changed in the \meta{text}. If the label is longer than the width of
+a page then it should be printed in landscape mode. Instructions for
+installing the label in the spine of a binder are printed (but only once).
+Puts a box around the mathematical expression \meta{math-expr}.
+This can be useful for highlighting an important result.
+You can use this in any kind of math
+mode, but usually you will want to use it in a displayed equation,
+like so:
+\EQN 47$$
+which produces:
+\EQN 47$$
+In an in-line math expression it appears like so: \eqnbox{E=mc^2}.\n
+Be careful not to over-use this, or its utility is lost!
+Putting a box around an equation can be to distracting, but it is nice
+to have a way to mark ``important'' results. This is an alternative
+to \CS{eqnbox}. Simply put \CS{eqnmark} at the beginning of the
+displayed equation, immediately after the |$$|, and it will put a marker
+defined by \CS{eqnmarker} at the left edge of the equation (the default
+is ``$\eqnmarker$'').
+For example, typing
+\EQN 47$$
+\EQN 47$$
+Note that \CS{eqnmark} does not work with \cs{eqalignno} or \cs{EQNalign}
+(which is just as well, so that you can't overuse it).
+\subsubsection{Read the Code}
+There are a number of other macros in \TeXsis\ which are not
+described in this manual, either because (a) we didn't have time
+to describe everything, or (b) they are works in progress.
+In either case, if you are familiar enough with \TeX\ to write
+some simple macros for yourself, then you are familar enough to
+read through the code and find other useful goodies, or learn some new
+tricks. Just keep in mind that anything not described in the manual
+may be subject to change in a future release. And let us know if you
+find any mistakes.
+%>>> EOF TXSmisc.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSprns.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSprns.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..03f734edea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSprns.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+%% file: TXSprns.doc - Parentheses Sizing - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSprns.doc,v 18.2 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\meta \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\draft\fi
+\subsection{Automatic Parentheses Sizing \label{sect.paren}}%
+Plain \TeX\ provides automatic adjustment of the sizes of parentheses
+and other delimiters when you use \cs{left} and \cs{right}, as in
+\cs{left}|(| \meta{math material } \cs{right}|)|
+\TeXsis\ provides similar automatic sizing of parentheses and square
+brackets in displayed equations without the need of typing \cs{left} and
+\cs{right}. You must still use \cs{left} and \cs{right} for all other
+delimiters, and they can be used for parentheses and square brackets if
+desired. This feature is turned on and off with \CS{autoparens} and
+\cs{offparens} respectively; the default, once you say \cs{texsis}, is
+\CS{autoparens}. Thus, for example,
+ $$
+( a \over b )
+ $$
+ $$
+( a \over b )
+ $$
+ $$
+( a \over b )
+ $$
+ $$
+( a \over b )
+ $$
+which is not what one normally desires.
+ The automatic sizing of parentheses works by making |)|, |(|, |]|,
+and |[| active characters in displayed equations and defining them to be
+macros which use \cs{left} and \cs{right} to size the parentheses. While
+this normally works properly and simplifies the typing of equations, it
+will fail if the \cs{left} and \cs{right} operators are not properly
+balanced, such as when a long equation is split between two or more
+lines with \cs{eqalign} or \cs{EQNalign}. Almost all such problems can be
+solved by using the control sequences \cs{lparen}, \cs{rparen}, \cs{lbrack},
+and \cs{rbrack}, which are taken from Plain \TeX\ and which give just the
+standard parenthesis and bracket characters. For example,
+F &= \Biggl\lbrack (a \over b) + (c \over d) \cr
+&\qquad + (e \over f) + (g \over h) \Biggr\rbrack \cr}
+can be produced with
+F &= \Biggl\lbrack (a \over b) + (c \over d) \cr
+&\quad + (e \over f) + (g \over h) \Biggr\rbrack \cr}
+Note that in this example the parentheses are balanced on one line and
+so can be sized automatically, while the brackets span two lines and so
+must be sized ``by hand.'' The \cs{vbig} macro described in the next section
+provides additional flexibility for sizing.
+ If all else fails, you can use \cs{offparens} to turn off the
+automatic sizing of parentheses and put in \cs{left} and \cs{right} or
+explicit sizes yourself. In any case, you must put \cs{left} and
+\cs{right}, if needed, in in-line equations (math expressions which are
+not displayed equations), because. \CS{autoparens} only applies to
+displayed equations, not in-line math text.\Footnote\dag{Previous
+versions of \TeXsis\ used the control sequence \cs{onparens} to provide
+automatic parentheses sizing in {\it all} math-mode expressions. While
+you can still use this, we do not encourage it since it may cause
+problems with other uses of these characters.}
+%>>> EOF TXSprns.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSrefs.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSrefs.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5d3f5c46449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSrefs.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+%% file: TXSrefs.doc - References and Citations - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSrefs.doc,v 18.5 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1999 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige.
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\meta\texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\input Manual.aux\draft\fi
+\section{References and Citations \label{sect.refs}}
+ \TeXsis\ includes instructions for making citations to the
+literature in the text of a document.
+References are processed in the standard format used by many American
+physics journals: they are automatically assigned consecutive numbers
+as they appear in the text and are listed in numerical order at the
+end of the document.
+In the text a citation appears as a superscript number corresponding
+to the reference cited, though other methods of citation are possible
+(see Section~\use{sect.cite}).
+When each reference is defined it is given a \idx{label}, which is
+associated with the number assigned to the reference.
+Subsequent citations to the same reference are made using this label,
+so there is no need to know the particular number assigned to the
+reference. Indeed, the number may change as the document goes through
+editing and revision, \index{references}\index{citations|see{references}}
+but the references will still automatically be in the correct order.
+\subsection{Entering References}
+ \TeXsis\ is flexible enough that the text of the references may be
+entered in two different ways, either all references at once at the
+beginning of the document or each one individually at the point in the
+text where the work is first cited.
+In either case, \TeXsis\ stores the text of all of the references in
+numerical order until it is asked to print the list at the end of the
+document, by saying \cs{ListReferences}.
+ To make a citation to a new reference and to enter the text of the
+reference, use the command \CS{reference}\arg{label}, where
+\meta{label} is the label to be used to refer to this reference.
+This is followed by the text of the reference, which is terminated by
+\cs{endreference}. An example is:
+To this end we will follow Feynman\reference{Feynman, 1949}
+R.P.~Feynman, Phys.\ Rev.\ \vol{76}, 749 (1949)
+in developing the propagator approach.
+This would appear in the text of the document as,
+To this end we will follow Feynman\reference{Feynman, 1949}
+R.P.~Feynman, Phys.\ Rev.\ \vol{76}, 749 (1949)
+in developing the propagator approach.
+and the text of the reference would be saved until the list of
+references is printed at the end of the document.
+If you look at the end of this manual you will see it.
+ There are several things to take note of in the example above. Most
+importantly, there is no space between the word in the text where the
+citation is made ("Feynman")\index{Feynman, Richard P.}
+and the \CS{reference}. This is so the
+superscript reference number will appear in the text right after the
+word to which the citation is attached, with no intervening space. Note
+also in the reference text the tie (|~|) between the initials and the
+name, the control spaces (\hbox{\tt\bs\ }) after the abbreviations, and
+the use of the \CS{vol} macro for the volume number;
+\CS{vol}\arg{number} prints the volume \meta{number} with an underscore
+below it.
+(This is easier to read than boldfaced volume numbers on small laser
+printers, but if you prefer something else you can simply redefine the
+\CS{vol} macro).
+Similarly, \CS{booktitle}\arg{title} will print the title of a book,
+in slanted type.
+Finally, note that there is no punctuation at the end of the reference
+This is because \TeXsis\ automatically supplies the appropriate
+punctuation when it prints the list of references.
+Normally this will simply be a period (.), but it is possible to have
+multiple references assigned to the same reference number, in which
+case the references are separated by semi-colons, with the last
+reference terminated by a period.
+How to do this is described below.
+ Since typing the text of a journal citation is somewhat complicated,
+the \CS{journal} macro was created to make things a little easier.
+The format is
+|\journal| \meta{journal name}|;|\meta{volume}|,|\meta{page number}%
+This constructs the journal citation for you, with periods automatically
+replaced by ``\hbox{\tt .\bs\char`\ }'' in abbreviations and the volume
+number underlined for you by |\vol|. It is important that the field
+separators (the semi-colon, the comma and the parentheses), all be
+present and in the right order or \TeX\ will look as far forward as it
+takes to find the next one it wants. There should be no extra spaces
+between the arguments.
+Besides making it a little easier to type a citation to a journal
+article, using \CS{journal} lets you switch from the American form of
+citation to the European form very easily. In the American form the
+page number follows the volume, followed by the year in parentheses. In
+the European form the year follows the volume number and the the page
+number comes after that. Normally \TeXsis\ uses the American form, but
+you can change to the European form simply by saying
+The arguments to \CS{journal} are always in the American order,
+no matter how they are eventually printed.
+A number of abreviations which are commonly used in references
+and which are usually set in italics are defined as simple control
+Thus saying \CS{cf} produces ``\cf'', saying \CS{etal}
+produces ``\etal'', saying \CS{ie} produces ``\ie'', and
+saying \CS{ibid} produces ``\ibid''
+Sometimes you want to print the title of a journal article, and
+sometimes you don't. An easy way to control this is to enter the
+title using \CS{ArticleTitle}, as in\index{Schwinger, Julian}
+\reference{Schwinger, 1951}
+\ArticleTitle{On Gauge Invariance and Vacuum Polarization}
+\journal Phys. Rev.;82,664(1951)
+|endTeXexample Then if you say \CS{ShowArticleTitletrue}, the title
+will be printed (in slanted type, with a trailing comma), but with
+\CS{ShowArticleTitlefalse} (the default)
+it will not.
+ To enter several references with the same reference number simply
+begin the next \CS{reference} immediately after the previous
+\cs{endreference}, and begin the labels of all but the first reference with
+an asterisk "|*|", as in the following example:
+The vacuum polarization term can be regularized
+by introducing a cut-off at high
+frequencies.\reference{Pauli and Villars, 1949}
+W.~Pauli and F.~Villars, \journal Rev. Mod. Phys.;21,434(1949)
+\reference{*Schwinger, 1948}
+J.~Schwinger, \journal Phys. Rev.;74,1439(1948)
+This produces the single citation
+\index{Schwinger, Julian}\index{Villars, F.}\index{Pauli, W.}%
+The vacuum polarization term can be regularized
+by introducing a cut-off at high
+frequencies.\reference{Pauli and Villars, 1949}
+W.~Pauli and F.~Villars, \journal Rev. Mod. Phys.;21,434(1949)
+\reference{*Schwinger, 1948}
+J.~Schwinger, \journal Phys. Rev.;74,1439(1948)
+The "|*|"\index{*@{\tt *}'d citations}
+at the beginning of the second label tells \TeXsis\ not
+to assign a new reference number to this reference, but instead
+just to add it to the text of the previous one.
+Of course you
+could type the text of both references between one \cs{reference}
+and \cs{endreference}. An advantage to following the example
+above is that the second reference can be given a reference
+number of its own simply by deleting the "|*|" at the beginning of
+the label. Similarly, two references with different reference
+numbers can be lumped together into one citation by inserting a
+"|*|" in front of the label of the second reference. Another
+advantage to keeping the references separate is that it is easy
+to move references around, either within a document that is being
+revised or between documents. It is therefore recommended that
+each reference be entered separately, although this is obviously
+not required.
+ Instead of putting the \cs{reference} \dots \cs{endreference} in
+the text it may be more convenient to type them all together,
+especially if they already
+appear that way in the manuscript. This can be
+done without producing any unwanted printed numbers by using
+\index{references!entering a list}
+|\reference{1}| {\it text 1...} |\endreference |
+|\reference{2}| {\it text 2...} |\endreference |
+|\reference{last}| {\it last text...} |\endreference|
+The \CS{referencelist} must appear at the beginning of the
+document, so that the reference labels are defined before they
+are used. This is best put into a separate file which is \cs{input}
+by the master file. Of course the list of references is not
+printed until the end of the document, when \cs{ListReferences} is
+\subsection{Citations to Defined References}
+ All subsequent citations to a previously defined reference are made
+using its label.
+If a \CS{referencelist} is used, then \undertext{all} citations
+appearing in the text will be made in this way, since then the initial
+reference definitions print nothing.
+The construction \CS{cite}\arg{label} prints the reference number
+corresponding to the label as a superscript.
+For example,
+A good discussion of this is given by Doob\cite{Doob} in section~7.
+|endTeXexample produces
+A good discussion of this is given by Doob\cite{Doob}
+in section 7.
+since Michael Doob's\index{Doob, Michael} book \booktitle{A Gentle
+Introduction to \TeX} is in fact \Ref{Doob} of this document and has
+the label "|Doob|."
+If several \CS{cite}'s are given in succession then the corresponding
+numbers are printed separated by commas.
+Unlike \cs{reference}, which defines the reference numbers, \CS{cite}
+does not know if references are sequential, so it cannot replace a
+sequence of numbers by a range.
+To avoid a long sequence of reference numbers use instead
+\CS{citerange}\arg{first label}\arg{last label} to print the numbers
+corresponding to the first and last labels as a range.
+ The construction \CS{Ref}\arg{label} produces ``Ref.~$nn$'' in the
+text, with $nn$ the number of the reference corresponding to the
+label. For example, the ``\Ref{Doob}'' in the previous paragraph was
+typed into the manuscript file as |\Ref{Doob}|. \CS{Ref} is simply
+for |Ref.~\use{Ref.|\<label>|}|, and you can change what is printed
+simply by changing the definition of \CS{Ref}. For example, if you said
+then |\Ref{Doob}| would produce ``reference~\use{Ref.Doob}'' instead.
+See Section~\use{sect.labels} for more on how to use \cs{use}.
+\subsection{Listing the References}
+ After the text of the document is complete a printed list of the
+references can be obtained by saying
+This prints the numbers at the left hand edge of the page with the
+text indented by \CS{refindent}, which is chosen so that the equation
+numbers line up, and it puts a \CS{refskip} (initially equal to a
+\cs{smallskip}) between references.
+The reference format can be changed by redefining the command
+\CS{refFormat}, which is executed just before the references are
+printed and which initially is simply \cs{relax}.
+For example, to have the reference list printed with a ragged right
+margin, with no vertical skip in between references, one could say
+\index{references!printing the list}
+\index{lists!of references}
+\def\refFormat{% formatting for the list of references
+ \raggedright % ragged right margin
+ \refindent=2cm % instead of ``natural'' value
+ \let\refskip=\bigskip % more space between entries
+ }
+\ListReferences % now do it
+No heading is printed for the reference list --- you have to do this
+yourself in whatever format is appropriate.
+Often you will want to use \cs{nosechead} (or perhaps
+\cs{beginsection} from Plain \TeX), but sometime you may want
+to use \cs{chapter} or \cs{section} instead.
+The choice is up to you.
+When you have several references under the same number, the |*|'d
+references described earlier, they will each normally be printed
+begining on a new line.
+You can supress the extra line ends and run the reference text
+together by saying \CS{refbreaksfalse}.
+To go back to breaking lines between multiple citations you should say
+Once the list of references has been printed, everything is reset so
+that you can start over collecting new references.
+This is useful if you want to print the references at the end of each
+chapter of a book, or at the end of each paper in a conference
+\subsection{Citation Styles \label{sect.cite}}
+Superscript reference numbers are the simplest form of citation, and
+the default in \TeXsis, but there are also several other popular
+conventions for making citations.
+One common one is to display the reference number enclosed in squaqre
+brackets rather than as a subscript.
+Another is to display a ``citation key,'' such as the first author's
+last name and the year, either in brackets or parentheses.
+\TeXsis\ is flexible and allows you to use any of these citation
+To cause the reference numbers to appear within brackets simply say
+(To go back to superscript reference numbers say
+It would be nice if that is all you had to do to switch from one
+citation style to another, but there is one complication.
+When a citation appears at the end of a sentence it looks best if the
+punctuation comes before a superscript, but after a reference number
+in brackets.
+Getting this right is more than a mere macro can easily do, so if you
+switch from one style to the other you will have to make appropriate
+corrections to your document for citations that appear at the end of
+\Ignore % Duh?
+Both \CS{CiteBySuperscript} and \CS{CiteByNumber} list the references
+by number when you say \cs{ListReferences}.
+Another citation style which was more popular in journals many years
+ago is to cite the work in the text using a superscript number, but to
+put the text of the reference at the bottom of the page as a footnote
+rather than at the end of the paper or chapter as an ``endnote.''
+This is achieved by saying \CS{CiteByFootnote}.
+This can be useful for a draft of a paper even if you will eventually
+use a different citation style, because it makes it easier to check
+the reference text as you proofread the paper.
+By the same reasoning it's actually a nice citation style for
+scientific books and papers in general, because the reference text is
+right there.
+If the author thinks it is important enough to his/her argument to
+cite another work then it is probably imporant for the reader to see
+the reference text at that point.
+We hope that this citation style gets used more than it has of late,
+though with the increased use hypertext it probably won't. (Why
+bother to put the reference text on the same page as the citation when
+you can click on the reference number and jump right to the
+appropriate point in the list of references?\ifhtml\phantom{.}
+ See Section~\use{sect.hypertext} for details.\fi)
+As you might expect, if you use \CS{CiteByFootnote} then no list of
+references is produced should you also say \cs{ListReferences}.
+After all, the text of the references has already appeared so there
+are actually no references to list.
+It is probably not a good idea to mix \CS{CiteByFootnote} and numbered
+footnotes using \cs{Nfootnote}, since they are completely separate
+and keep track of their footnote numbers independently.
+Earlier versions of \TeXsis\ had only two citation styles, and for
+backward compatibility they are still supported.
+Saying \CS{superrefsfalse} is the same as saying \CS{CiteByNumber},
+while \CS{superrefstrue} is the same as \CS{CiteBySuperscript}.
+The older forms are supported so that you can print old documents that
+use them, but you should avoid including them in new documents since
+they might disappear some day.
+\subsection{Using \BibTeX}
+\BibTeX\ is a system for managing and using bibliographic databases.
+If you find you are always citing the same sources again and again in
+your papers, or if you have access to a bibliographic database someone
+else has already compiled (or which you yourself have compiled), then
+\BibTeX\ can make it much easier for you to make your list of references.
+All you need to do is specify the name of the database files to be
+searched (there can be several), and use the \cs{cite} command to
+refer to a paper listed in the database.
+Papers in the databases are indexed by a ``citation key,'' and all you
+have to do is use that key as the label in the \cs{cite} command.
+The first time you run your document through \TeXsis\ these references
+will be undefined, but if you then run the \BibTeX\ program it will
+extract the proper references from the databases, so that they
+will be properly defined (and formatted) the next time you
+process your document.
+Some extra work is needed to get started using \BibTeX.
+First, since \BibTeX\ is a separate program, you need to get that
+program---it isn't included with \TeXsis.
+You can get the standard distribution of \BibTeX\ from CTAN, in the
+directory {\tt bibliography/bibtex}.
+If you are not familiar with how to build and install \TeX\ and
+related programs then you will need to get your system adminstrator or
+\TeX\ guru to install it for you.
+You also need to have the ``reference style'' file for \TeXsis.
+This file, called {\tt texsis.bst}, tells \BibTeX\ how to write out
+references in the proper \TeXsis\ format.
+This file now comes with the standard \TeXsis\ distribution, but if
+you don't have it you can easily get it from the \TeXsis\ ftp site, or
+from CTAN, in the directory {\tt texsis/bibtex}.
+Once \BibTeX\ and {\tt texsis.bst} are installed it is fairly easy to
+use them.
+First you have to add to your manuscript files a couple of
+instructions that tell \BibTeX\ which bibliography database files to
+use and how to format the references.
+To specify the database files, use \CS{ReferenceFiles}, as in
+In this case, \BibTeX\ will search for the references in the
+files {\tt unix.bib}, {\tt internet.bib}, and {\tt mylist.bib}.
+(Examples of these files are also included in the {\tt texsis/bibtex}
+directory on the ftp servers.)
+Next, you tell \BibTeX\ to use a ``style'' for creating references in a
+form that \TeXsis\ can understand, with
+This tells \BibTeX\ to use the {\tt texsis.bst} style file,
+but you must leave off the {\tt .bst} extension.
+Once you have invoked \CS{ReferenceFiles} and \CS{ReferenceStyle} you
+can cite your references using \cs{cite}, as usual.
+The ``label'' you use for \cs{cite} should be the ``citation key''
+used in the bibliography database.
+You can also use \CS{nocite} to create a citation entry without
+putting a citation mark (superscript number or number in brackets) in
+the output.
+Finally, to print the list of references, simply say
+\cs{ListReferences}, as usual.
+This just lists the references---it's up to you to provide any heading
+or extra space before the list.
+Once you have set up your document this way, the only additional thing
+you have to do is run the \BibTeX\ program.
+Before you do, run your manuscript file through \TeXsis\ once.
+It will complain about undefined references, but it will also produce
+a list of the papers you cited, in order, in the {\tt .aux} file.
+Then run \BibTeX, like so:
+bibtex myjob
+This uses the information in the {\tt .aux} file and
+extracts the references, in the proper order and with the proper
+\TeXsis\ \cs{reference} commands, into the file {\tt myjob.bbl} (the
+extension means ``bibliography list'').
+Finally, run \TeXsis\ again.
+This time, since the {\tt .bbl} file exists, it is read in as a
+\cs{referencelist} when the \CS{ReferenceFiles} command is executed.
+Now all of your citations will be properly defined, with no
+Just remember to run the \BibTeX\ program again if you add or delete
+citations or change their order.
+%>>> EOF TXSrefs.tex <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSrevs.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSrevs.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a894b34948f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSrevs.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+%% file: TXSrevs.doc - Revision List - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSrevs.doc,v 18.4 2001/04/21 16:46:17 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1999 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\meta\texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\input Manual.aux\draft\fi
+\def\Sect#1{{\sl Sect\-ion~\use{sect.#1}:\ }} % for revision sections
+ This appendix lists the major changes in \TeXsis\ as new versions
+have come out. It is organized by sections of the manual and is
+intended as a guide for users familiar with the previous version. There
+are many smaller changes in addition to those listed here.
+\begingroup %------- normal indent on everything
+\subsection{Revisions for Version 2.18 \label{rev.2.18}}
+The most noticable change is that as of version 2.18 the distribution
+of \TeXsis\ is covered by the \LaTeX\ Project Public License (LPPL).
+\TeXsis\ has been an ``open source'' software project since it was
+started in 1988, but we finally found that we had to be more explicit
+about the licensing, to give proper assurances that it could indeed be
+distributed freely. After considering several options we found that
+the the LPPL suited the needs and the spirit of \TeXsis\ most closely.
+ Please note that the LPPL only applies to the \TeXsis\ source code and
+code derived from it, but it does not apply to \TeXsis\ style files
+(or other files) which were written independently
+without using \TeXsis\ source code. We hope that the authors of style
+files will choose to follow our lead and license their works under the
+LPPL, but they are free to choose whatever license they deem
+Two patches were released for \TeXsis~2.17 to fix minor problems,
+and these have been incorporated into the current release.
+The default installation directory has been changed
+to |/usr/local/texmf| in the |Makefile| to conform to the recommendations of the \TeX\
+Directory Structure (TDS). You can, of course, easily change this by
+editing the |Makefile| before you install \TeXsis. This change has
+not yet been made in the installation instructions.
+Some common \LaTeX\ opening instructions are now detected and a
+warning message given. Thus if you try to run a \LaTeX\ file through
+\TeXsis\ you'll be given a little more help in figuring out your mistake.
+Different citation styles are now available by different names,
+and new ones (\cs{CiteByFootnote}, \cs{CiteByAuthor},
+\cs{CiteByTag}) have been added.
+This section of the manual has been broken into separated into
+subsections to make it easier to read.
+Documentation was added for \cs{ArticleTitle} and for BibTeX.
+A bug in \cs{ListReferences} was fixed, and the formatting
+adjusted for the new citation styles. \cs{CiteByFootnote} is now
+correctly syncronized to the same counter used by \cs{NFootnote}.
+Documentation was added for setting \cs{ChapterTitle},
+\cs{SectionTitle}, and \cs{SubsectionTitle}.
+A rare problem that appears when there are a large number of floating
+insertions was fixed.
+The \cs{bottompagenumbers} macro just puts the page number at the
+bottom of the page, but doesn't surround it by dashes.
+The number produced by \cs{PageNumber} will now always appear in
+|\rm| type.
+The \cs{ListColors} macro was added.
+An example is now given in the manual showing how to automatically
+have every displayed equation printed in color, using |\PushColor| and
+The file |TXSform.tex| has been renamed |Formletr.txs|, making this
+less-used feature a style file rather than a part of the core \TeXsis\
+The bottom insertions code has been moved to the file |TXSdcol.tex| so
+that it can be used with Plain \TeX\ by inputing that file by itself.
+\subsection{Revisions for Version 2.17 \label{rev.2.17}}
+Most of the changes are internal, and won't be noticed by most users.
+But there are also a few major useful additions, such as \BibTeX\ support.
+One can now use \cs{scr} in subscripts and superscripts.
+Added symbols \CS{sun} and \CS{earth} for astronomical symbols
+\sun\ and \earth.
+Added support for \BibTeX.
+Reference counters and files are reset so that you can go on to
+collect more references (as for separate chapters in a book).
+Many internal improvements to the referencing macros.
+The format of the |.aux| file has changed, and now matches more
+closely the format used by \LaTeX.
+This allows it to be used with packages like \BibTeX.
+If you have problems with an old |.aux| file, just delete it.
+A new one will be created when you process the document again.
+First paragraph of a chapter, section or subsection is not indented.
+Added {\tt color.txs} macros to change the colors of PostScript output.
+These macros should be backward compatible with {\tt colordvi.sty}.
+The letter writing macros can now print envelopes.
+The form letter macros have moved to a style file, {\tt Formletr.txs}
+Added \cs{faxmemo} and \cs{FAX}.
+Fixed \cs{undertext}. \cs{spine} has moved to a style file, {\tt
+spine.txs}, but it auto-loaded from it, so the user shouldn't notice
+the difference.
+\subsection{Revisions for Version 2.16 \label{rev.2.16}}
+We created a single file |mtexsis.tex| which can be used for
+processing \TeXsis\ e-prints and other documents if you have not
+installed \TeXsis.
+Added \cs{NFootnotes} to produce automatically numbered footnotes.
+Added a number of useful symbols. Removed the raised |\zeta| and
+|\chi|, which caused trouble in some contexts.
+Improved the treatment of spacing for reference numbers and for
+multiple citations.
+Reorganized the documentation so that document formats, the title
+page, chapters and sections, running headlines, the table of contents,
+and the index are all described together here.
+Fixed spacing and hyphenation for long section titles.
+Changed default value of \cs{sectionskip} and \cs{subsectionskip},
+so they are not quite so big.
+The page numbers for full-page tables and figures were wrong in the
+table of contents; this has been corrected.
+\cs{Contentstrue} and \cs{Contentsfalse} turn on and off the table of
+contents. The old |\ContentsSwitchtrue| is obsolete but still works.
+Figures and tables can now be inserted at the bottom of a page
+with \cs{bottominsert} or \cs{heavyinsert}.
+\cs{ListFigureCaptions} allow you to print the figure captions at the
+end of a document.
+In the previous version the obsolete \cs{Tablebody} was moved to a style
+file called |Tablebody.txs|. The name of this file has been changed to
+|Tablebod.txs| so that it can be used on a DOS PC.
+Added \cs{PhysRevManuscript} style for manuscripts to be submitted to
+the {\sl Physical Review}, and \cs{PhysRev} and
+\cs{PhysRevLett} styles emulating the appearance of those journals.
+These are in the style files |PhysRev.txs|.
+Revised the |\IEEE| and |\WorldScientific| styles to follow those
+formats more closely. Moved twin page output to a style file.
+Changed the method of loading site and style files so that they work
+even with OZ\TeX\ on a Macintosh.
+Extensively revised the double column macros. They now support
+insertion of figures at the bottom of the page or of a column, allow
+figures to flow from one column to the next, and allow footnotes. The
+new version is backwards compatible except for the names of the
+headline and footline offsets, and can also be used by itself with Plain
+\subsection{Revisions for Version 2.15 \label{rev.2.15}}%
+An index has been added to the manual, using the index making macros
+of |index.tex| and the MakeIndex program. We have included |index.tex|
+in the standard distribution of \TeXsis, but the only documentation at
+present is that contained in the source file.
+Added a separate file called |Example.tex| which contains a short
+example physics paper which uses the \TeXsis\ macros.
+Support added for \cs{scr} using Ralph Smith's Formal Script fonts,
+assuming that they are available.
+Added \cs{Footnote} to act like \cs{footnote} but with the text
+of the footnote singlespaced and in 10\pt\ type. (The font
+can be changed by changing \cs{FootFont}.)
+Modified \cs{reference}, \cs{cite}, etc., to insert extra space after
+a reference following the end of a sentence.
+Added \cs{pagecheck} to \cs{section} and \cs{subsection}, etc. These
+macros skip to to a new page if less than \cs{sectionminspace} space
+is left on the page. The initial setting for \cs{sectionminspace} is
+|0.25\vsize|. Also made the skips before the titles of sections and
+subsections variables \cs{sectionskip} and \cs{subsectionskip} in
+place of the previous fixed values.
+The definition of \cs{thesis} has been moved to the style file
+|thesis.txs| so that it is easier to make local changes.
+The \cs{thesis} command automatically loads from this file.
+Added the style file |PhysRev.txs| containing a definition of
+\cs{PhysRev} for a Physical Review format. A page proof layout
+should be available in the future.
+Added |epsf.tex| to the standard \TeXsis\ distribution and included
+documentation for \cs{epsfbox} and related macros.
+The macros for making lists of figures and tables have been improved
+(along the lines of the new table of contents macros).
+Modified \cs{formletters} to have a complete \cs{letterhead} macro or
+even more complicated things as one of the arguments, rather than just
+the phone number. This allows you to create more complicated
+letterheads. Note also that the order of arguments is now reversed from
+what it was previously! The first argument is the \cs{letterhead} stuff
+(it gets done {\sl before} the address) and the second argument is the
+name of the text file (it controls what is printed {\sl after} the
+Introduced \cs{longequation} and \cs{endlongequation} for equations
+which span both columns. The definitions of these can vary from style
+to style, so they may or may not include a \cs{leftcolrule} and
+Added this section to the manual to explain miscellaneous useful macros
+which don't fit anywhere else.
+Added \cs{Ignore} and |\endIgnore| to ignore large blocks of text.
+This is slightly more clever than |\comment|, which remains available.
+\subsection{Revisions for Version 2.14 \label{rev.2.14}}
+\cs{TrueDoubleSpacing} generates a document with 2 times the normal
+spacing, in contrast to \cs{doublespaced}, which gives 1.5 times the
+normal spacing.
+Fixed a bug in \cs{bordermatrix}.
+An error which occurred if \cs{endreference} was followed by
+additional text on the same line has been fixed.
+Extra space is now inserted after a reference number which follows a
+\cs{refrange} can now be used with \cs{reference} or \cs{cite}; the
+correct numbers and ranges separated by commas are printed.
+The internal spacing mechanism for environments has been modified to
+work with arbitrary \cs{baselineskip} and \cs{parskip} values. Some minor
+changes have been made to the center and flush environments.
+The \cs{Listing} environment has been modified so that the characters
+|{} % & () $ #| and~{\tt \VT} are just ordinary printable characters and
+so that |\\| gives a printed |\|.
+|\@startenv| and |\@endenv| to begin and end environments have been
+replaced with \cs{begEnv} and \cs{endEnv}, which are accessible to the
+user because the do not have |@| in their names.
+The \cs{ruledtable} macros can now use \cs{tabskip} glue to produce a
+table of arbitrary width. Spacing of the tables has been improved and
+made more robust.
+|\addsectioncont| has been replaced with \cs{addTOC}, i.e., "add to
+Table Of Contents." The new macro is simpler and produces
+better-looking output.
+Spacing such as \cs{singlespaced} placed after the \cs{texsis}
+initialization now sets the spacing for the entire document; the
+explicit spacing commands in \cs{abstract}, etc., have been removed.
+A macro \cs{setSectionID} has been added to allow one to place a figure
+or table for one section in a different section if necessary and still
+get the correct number.
+The \cs{NorthHolland} format now gives the more common single-column
+North-Holland/Elsevier format. \cs{NorthHollandTwo} produces the
+previous double-column oversized format. \cs{Manuscript} produces a
+preprint with true double spacing as requested by The Physical Review.
+\cs{endtitle}, \cs{endauthor}, etc., can now be omitted from the titlepage
+material, since \cs{title}, \cs{author}, etc., now close the previous mode
+Letters and memos can now be ended with \cs{bye}.
+\subsection{Revisions for Version 2.13 \label{rev.2.13}}%
+Italic fonts are now available in large sizes, e.g. for \cs{slides}. Math
+italic bold fonts have been added for titles.
+By default parentheses and brackets are now ordinary characters except
+in math mode and so can be used, e.g., in file names. As a result,
+automatic sizing of parentheses works only in {\sl displayed\/} equations. You
+can restore the old behavior by saying |\onparens| at the beginning of
+the document.
+The text for references is now written with \cs{unexpandedwrite}. In
+practice this means that references can contain almost anything,
+including a \cs{Ref}.
+The \cs{journal} macro was added to make it easier to create standard
+citations to journal articles, and to be able to switch between the
+American and European styles.
+Superscript references are now in \cs{citestyle}, which is initially set
+to \cs{scriptstyle} but can be changed.
+A way was created to save all figure and table insertions until the end
+of the document with \cs{FiguresLast}, and then print them with
+\cs{PrintFigures}, and similarly for tables.
+The \cs{NorthHolland} document layout was added to produce camera-ready
+copy for Proceedings published by North-Holland/Elsevier. This is a
+double column format with titles left justified and eleven point type.
+Saying \cs{singlespaced} immediately after \cs{texsis} or its equivalent
+will now make the whole document single spaced.
+The double column macros have been modified so that removing the
+\cs{setdoublecolumns} will produce a single column document.
+\subsection{Revisions for Version 2.12 \label{rev.2.12}}%
+A new command \cs{texsis} performs the initialization, and calling it more
+than once no longer causes an error. |\inittexsis| remains as a synonym.
+\cs{ninepoint}, \cs{twentypoint}, and \cs{twentyfourpoint} commands have been
+added to select these sizes. The 9~pt.\ size is really too small for a
+standard laser printer, but it is useful if you must print IEEE format
+on $8.5\,{\rm in} \times 11\,{\rm in}$ paper. The large sizes are useful
+for slides and other special purposes.
+The table and figure insertion macros has been extensively modified, and
+the syntax has been changed. |\topTable|, etc., have been replaced by
+|\table|, etc., which make the insertion and define the number for the
+tag. |\Tbl| and |\Fig| use the number. References to tables defined
+later in the paper are satisfied using the |.aux| file, so
+|\TOPTABLE|, etc., are no longer needed. The old names remain as
+synonyms but their use is discouraged.
+\cs{ruledtable} and many associated macros have been added to make complex
+ruled tables, including those with entries spanning more than one
+column. |\Tablebody| is still available, but the new macros are much
+more flexible and should be used instead.
+New macros have been added to list figures and tables.
+New formats have been added. \cs{WorldScientific} and \cs{IEEEreduced} make
+conference proceedings in World Scientific format and in IEEE format at
+75\% of full size. \cs{referee} is based on the memo format and can be
+used for referee reports. \cs{slides} uses large type to make
+transparencies for overhead projectors and similar material.
+An \cs{authors} macro for papers with multiple authors and facilities for
+putting footnotes on titles have been added.
+\cs{bookpagenumbers} causes odd page numbers to be placed in the upper
+right corner and even ones in the upper left corner. Additional
+information on headlines is given.
+The form letter macros have been rewritten. The syntax is the same
+except that |\v| has been replaced by \cs{V} to avoid conflict with the
+Plain \TeX\ accent. Also, \cs{V} now also works with \cs{formlabels}.
+The new \cs{referee} format is described.
+The double column format has been extended to handle floating
+insertions. \cs{topinsert} and \cs{pageinsert} produce insertions within a
+column, while \cs{widetopinsert} and \cs{widepageinsert} produce insertions
+across both columns.
+The tagging mechanism has been changed to add an |@| before and after
+the name. The practical effect is that using the name of a defined
+control sequence like |book| for a tag no longer produces an error.
+\endgroup % -- \everysubsection back to what it was
+%>>> EOF TXSrevs.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSruled.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSruled.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..826d042c07c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSruled.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+%% file: TXSruled.doc - Ruled Tables - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSruled.doc,v 18.2 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) copyright 1994, 1999 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige.
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\bs \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\draft\fi
+While \cs{halign} in Plain \TeX\ is convenient for making simple
+tables, it is still difficult to make tables with horizontal and
+vertical rules. Indeed, typesetting ruled tables in \TeX\ has often
+been likened to programming a computer in assembler language. Even
+\TeXbook\ acknowledges that ``people who know how to make ruled tables
+are generally known as \TeX\ Masters.''\reference{Masters}\relax
+D.E.~Knuth, {\sl The \TeX book} (Addison Wesley, 1986), page 245
+The macros described below take a great deal of the difficulty out of
+making ruled tables, so that anybody can become a
+\TeX\ Master, or at least a master of ruled tables.
+\index{ruled tables}\index{tables!ruled|see{ruled tables}}
+\def\VT{\char'174} % the vertical var character ``|'' is needed below
+ The basic idea behind making a ruled table is similar to
+\cs{halign}, and the syntax is the same as the Princeton table macros
+known as |TABLES.TEX| by Ray Cowan\reference{Cowan} Ray F.~Cowan, {\sl
+Making Tables with Macros} (unpublished)
+\endreference\index{Cowan, Ray F.}
+(although the \TeXsis\ macros are quite different internally and run
+about 5 times faster). You begin the table material with \cs{ruledtable}
+and end it with \cs{endruledtable}. The table material is a list of items
+to appear in the rows and columns of the tables. Just as with \cs{halign},
+you can separate items in different columns with |&|\index{&@{\tt \&}}
+and end a row with
+\cs{cr}. The |&| \idx{alignment character}\index{&@{\tt \&}}
+separates columns without putting a
+vertical rule between the columns, while \cs{cr} ends a line and puts a
+thin horizontal rule under it. To get a vertical rule between columns
+replace the |&|\index{&@{\tt \&}}
+ with a `{\tt\VT}' (the vertical line), and to end a line
+without a horizontal rule under it replace the \cs{cr} with \cs{crnorule}.
+One important thing to remember is to end the last line in the table
+with \cs{endruledtable} instead of \cs{cr}.
+ As a first example, here is a simple ruled table,
+Year | World Population \cr
+8000 B.C. | ~~~5000000 \crnorule
+~~50 B.C. | ~200000000 \crnorule
+1650 A.D. | ~500000000 \crnorule
+1850 A.D. | 1000000000 \crnorule
+1945 A.D. | 2300000000 \crnorule
+1980 A.D. | 4400000000
+and here are the instructions that created it,
+Year |VT World Population \cr
+8000 B.C. |VT ~~~5000000 \crnorule
+~~50 B.C. |VT ~200000000 \crnorule
+1650 A.D. |VT ~500000000 \crnorule
+1850 A.D. |VT 1000000000 \crnorule
+1945 A.D. |VT 2300000000 \crnorule
+1980 A.D. |VT 4400000000
+This example also appears in \TeXbook, on page~246, where it is typeset using
+|\halign|. Compare how the two are constructed
+and see which way you think is easier.
+ By default each item in the table is centered in its column. Inside
+a table the tie character ``|~|''\index{~@{\tt\char'176}} takes up the space
+of exactly one digit (it is the same as saying
+|\phantom{0}|),\index{phantom@{\tt\bs phantom\lb 0\rb}} and this has been
+used to line up the digits of the entries in both columns. It is also
+possible to change the definition of the \cs{TableItem} macro so that each
+entry in each column is left or right justified. This is described a
+little bit later.
+ Something to note about this example table is that the outer
+rules are thicker than the others. You can also get a thick
+vertical rule between columns by using ``{\tt\bs\VT}'' in place of
+``{\tt\VT}'', and you can get a thick horizontal rule below a row by
+replacing the \cs{cr} with \cs{crthick}. The widths of thick and
+thin rules are controlled by the dimensions \cs{thicksize} and
+\cs{thinsize}. If you don't want thick rules at all simply say
+|\thicksize=\thinsize|, which makes the thick rules as thin
+as the thin rules.
+ Some synonyms: \cs{CR} is the same as \cs{crthick}, \cs{nr} is the
+same as \cs{crnorule}, and \cs{crrule} is the same as \cs{cr} (actually
+it's the other way around). \cs{tab} is the same as |&|\index{&@{\tt \&}}
+--- it separates columns without a vertical rule. \cs{vb} is the same as
+{\tt\VT}, it separates columns with a thin vertical bar, while
+\cs{Vb} is the same as {\tt\bs\VT} and separates the columns with a
+thick vertical bar. You can also use \cs{dbl} to separate columns
+with a double vertical rule.
+ As in Plain \TeX\ you can use \cs{span} in place of
+|&|\index{&@{\tt \&}} (or the other column separators) to join two
+columns together into one, and you can use \cs{omit} as the very first
+token in a column to tell it to omit the fancy column layout (the
+centering or other spacing).
+You can also use \cs{multispan} to \cs{span} and \cs{omit} several
+columns, just as in an \cs{halign}.
+The only difference is that the number of columns you tell it to
+\cs{multispan} is the number of columns of the table it spans --- in a
+ruled table constructed with \cs{halign} you would count the columns
+{\sl and} any vertical rules (because the rules are also columns of
+the \cs{halign}).
+\caption{Another example of a ruled table.}
+\intablelist{Example of a ruled table --- AT\&T Common Stock.}
+\multispan3\hfil AT\&T Common Stock \hfil\CR
+ Year \dbl Price | Dividend \cr
+ 1971 \dbl 41-54 | \$2.60 \cr
+ ~~~2 \dbl 41-54 | \$2.70 \cr
+ ~~~3 \dbl 46-55 | \$2.87 \cr
+ ~~~4 \dbl 40-53 | \$3.24 \cr
+ ~~~5 \dbl 45-52 | \$3.40 \cr
+ ~~~6 \dbl 51-59 | ~~.95
+ \Tbl{example-II} is another sample table, again taken
+{from} \TeXbook. Something important to notice is that the last
+ruled table example didn't have a table number or a caption,
+while this one does. That's because the last example was created
+using just \cs{ruledtable}, while this example is inside of
+\cs{table}. The point is that \cs{table} and \cs{ruledtable} do
+separate things and can be used either separately or together;
+\cs{table} creates the space for the table and gives it a caption
+and a number, while \cs{ruledtable} actually constructs the body of
+the ruled table. The instructions that created \Tbl{example-II}
+\caption{Another example of a ruled table.}
+\multispan3\hfil AT\&T Common Stock \hfil\CR
+Year \dbl Price |VT Dividend \cr
+1971 \dbl 41-54 |VT \$2.60 \cr
+~~~2 \dbl 41-54 |VT \$2.70 \cr
+~~~3 \dbl 46-55 |VT \$2.87 \cr
+~~~4 \dbl 40-53 |VT \$3.24 \cr
+~~~5 \dbl 45-52 |VT \$3.40 \cr
+~~~6 \dbl 51-59 |VT ~~.95
+\caption{Parameters used in the MS-X$\alpha$ calculations for
+ the chlorosilane molecules, H$_{\rm x}$SiCl$_{\rm 4-x}$;
+ x=0--4.}
+\intablelist{Example of a ruled table --- Parameters used in the
+ MS-X$\alpha$ calculations for the chlorosilane molecules,
+ H$_{\rm x}$SiCl$_{\rm 4-x}$; x=0--4.}
+\vctr{Molecule} | \vctr{Region} | Radius |
+ \vctr{$\alpha _{\rm HF}$}|\multispan{2} $l_{\rm max}$ \crnorule
+\cskip | \cskip | \cskip |\cskip| \crule | \crule \crpart
+ | | (au) | | initial state | final state \CR
+SiCl$_4$ | outersphere | 6.21 | 0.7238 | 4 | 7\crnorule
+ | Si | 2.20 | 0.7275 | 2 | 3\crnorule
+ | Cl | 2.40 | 0.7233 | 2 | 3\cr
+SiHCl$_3$ | outersphere | 6.21 | 0.7260 | 4 | 7\crnorule
+ | Si | 2.16 | 0.7275 | 2 | 3\crnorule
+ | Cl | 2.40 | 0.7233 | 2 | 3\crnorule
+ | H | 1.20 | 0.7772 | 1 | 2\cr
+SiH$_2$Cl$_2$ | outersphere | 6.25 | 0.7295 | 4 | 7\crnorule
+ | Si | 2.20 | 0.7275 | 2 | 3\crnorule
+ | Cl | 2.40 | 0.7233 | 2 | 3\crnorule
+ | H | 1.20 | 0.7772 | 1 | 2\cr
+SiH$_3$Cl | outersphere | 6.30 | 0.7360 | 4 | 7\crnorule
+ | Si | 2.20 | 0.7275 | 2 | 3\crnorule
+ | Cl | 2.40 | 0.7233 | 2 | 3\cr
+SiH$_4$ | outersphere | 4.10 | 0.7524 | 4 | 7 \crnorule
+ | Si | 2.04 | 0.7275 | 2 | 3 \crnorule
+ | H | 1.20 | 0.7772 | 1 | 2
+Sometimes it is desirable to have rules across only some of the columns
+of a table. In this case put \cs{crule} in the columns that are to have
+rules, \cs{cskip} in the columns where no rules are desired, and
+end the line with \cs{crpart}, which signals that the line contains a
+partial rule. The column headings in \Tbl{SiHCl} are an example of
+partial rules in a table.
+That table was created with the commands,\reference{Bozek, 1991}
+J.D.~Bozek, Ph.D. thesis (unpublished), Department of Chemistry,
+University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario CANADA
+\vctr{Molecule} |VT \vctr{Region} |VT Radius |VT
+ \vctr{$\alpha _{\rm HF}$}|VT\multispan{2} $l_{\rm max}$
+\cskip |VT \cskip |VT \cskip |VT\cskip|VT \crule |VT \crule \crpart
+ |VT |VT (au) |VT |VT initial state |VT final state \CR
+SiCl$_4$ |VT outersphere |VT 6.21 |VT 0.7238 |VT 4 |VT 7 \crnorule
+ |VT Si |VT 2.20 |VT 0.7275 |VT 2 |VT 3 \crnorule
+ |VT Cl |VT 2.40 |VT 0.7233 |VT 2 |VT 3 ...
+ Ruled tables are normally centered on the page, but you can turn
+off the centering with \cs{noncenteredtables}.
+Then the table becomes just another piece to add to a horizontal list.
+One thing this lets you do is have two tables side by side on the
+page, like so:
+\noncenteredtables\index{ruled tables!centered}
+Item ABC | Item DEF \cr
+Item GHI | Item JKL \endruledtable
+Data 111 | Data 222 \cr
+Data 333 | Data 444 \cr
+Data 555 | Data 666 \endruledtable}
+This pair of tables was produced by saying:
+Item ABC |VT Item DEF \cr
+Item GHI |VT Item JKL \endruledtable
+Data 111 |VT Data 222 \cr
+Data 333 |VT Data 444 \cr
+Data 555 |VT Data 666 \endruledtable}
+\noindent Saying \cs{centeredtables} turns table centering back on.
+Tables are then centered across the page, and a table is then
+added to a {\sl vertical\/} list.
+ Usually \cs{ruledtable} makes tables as wide as their natural
+width, but it is possible to make them wider by setting the dimension
+\cs{tablewidth} to the width desired before saying \cs{ruledtable}. We can
+make the same table in \Tbl{example-II} but with the width set to
+10cm: \index{ruled tables!size}
+ \ruledtable
+ \multispan3\hfill AT\&T Common Stock \hfill\CR
+ Year \dbl Price | Dividend \cr
+ 1971 \dbl 41-54 | \$2.60 \cr
+ ~~~2 \dbl 41-54 | \$2.70 \cr
+ ~~~3 \dbl 46-55 | \$2.87 \cr
+ ~~~4 \dbl 40-53 | \$3.24 \cr
+ ~~~5 \dbl 45-52 | \$3.40 \cr
+ ~~~6 \dbl 51-59 | ~~.95\rlap*
+ \endruledtable
+ \hbox{* (first quarter only)}
+The careful reader will notice that the version of
+\Tbl{example-II} in \TeXbook\ had a footnote to the last entry,
+and we have added that here. To do so we had to put the footnote in an
+\cs{hbox} and stack it under the table, so we had to turn off table
+centering. The table is therefore a bit more complicated to make, but
+not much: \index{ruled tables!footnotes}
+ \ruledtable
+ \multispan3\hfill AT\&T Common Stock \hfill\CR
+ Year \dbl Price |VT Dividend \cr
+ 1971 \dbl 41-54 |VT \$2.60 \cr
+ ~~~2 \dbl 41-54 |VT \$2.70 \cr
+ ~~~3 \dbl 46-55 |VT \$2.87 \cr
+ ~~~4 \dbl 40-53 |VT \$3.24 \cr
+ ~~~5 \dbl 45-52 |VT \$3.40 \cr
+ ~~~6 \dbl 51-59 |VT ~~.95\rlap*
+ \endruledtable
+ \hbox{* (first quarter only)}
+\centeredtables % turn back on!
+If we had not wanted to add the footnote, then the table would have
+been typed the same way as \Tbl{example-II} except for setting
+the \cs{tablewidth}.
+ Important note: \cs{tablewidth} is turned ``off'' after the
+table is made, so the next table will have its natural width unless
+you explicitly set \cs{tablewidth} again! \index{ruled tables!size}
+ \cs{ruledtable} normally inserts a \cs{quad} of space around each
+item. If you have a very wide table, especially one with many columns,
+you may wish to reduce this. \cs{TightTables} make this spacing a single
+space, the minimum acceptable. \cs{LooseTables} restores the default
+spacing. You can define this space to be something else by
+re-defining \cs{tablespace}, for example as \index{ruled tables!spacing}
+\def\tablespace{\ \ }
+If the table is still too wide with \cs{TightTables}, you will probably
+have to reformat it or print it in landscape mode (tilted 90\degrees on
+the page).
+ The careful reader may also have noticed that in the
+examples in \Tbl{example-II} and \Tbl{SiHCl} we said
+\cs{singlespaced}. That's
+because the spacing of the rows of a table can be controlled just like
+the spacing of the text with \cs{singlespaced}, \cs{doublespaced},
+etc. \index{ruled tables!spacing}
+The space between the rows of a table is set by a strut called
+\cs{tstrut}, which holds the rows apart. Its default definition is
+\def\tstrut{\vrule height 3.1ex depth 1.2ex width 0pt}
+You can change the spacing between rows by changing the definition of
+this strut. One of the things \cs{singlespaced} does is define the
+\cs{tstrut} to be 0.5ex higher and deeper than a parenthesis.
+\cs{doublespaced}, \cs{triplespaced}, and \cs{widenspacing} all increase the
+height and depth of the strut in proportion to the increase in the
+baseline spacing.
+ If you put something in a table which is larger than the strut,
+then it will touch the rules above or below. You can fix this by
+inserting your own strut into that row. More simply, you can say
+\cs{bigitem}\arg{stuff}, and the ``stuff'' will be positioned correctly
+with a nice amount of space above and below. \index{ruled tables!spacing}
+ You can also decide whether or not you want diagnostic messages
+printed when a table is created. Saying \cs{tableinfotrue} causes a
+message to be printed on your terminal every time a ruled table is
+created. The message tells you how many rows and columns were in the
+table. This is useful information, because it can tell you immediately
+if you made a mistake in the table or left out a row or column.
+\cs{tableinfotrue} is the default, but you can turn off these messages
+by saying
+\cs{tableinfofalse}. In any case, you will be warned if a row has a
+different number of columns from the previous one.
+ The tables we have demonstrated so far all contain numbers, but
+sometimes it is desirable to have an entry in a table which is a
+paragraph of text. \index{ruled tables!text} For that purpose, you can
+use \cs{para}\arg{text}. The width of the paragraph is determined by
+the dimension \cs{parasize}, which defaults to 4 inches.
+Tables \use{Tb.tablemac;a} and \use{Tb.tablemac;b} summarize the most
+important commands for making ruled tables.
+ Finally, we can discuss how you can change how each column of
+a table is constructed. The macros which build the table take
+each entry and pass it to a macro called \cs{TableItem}. The
+default definition of \cs{TableItem} is:
+\vskip 0pt\goodbreak
+|smalltt\def\TableItem#1{% % centers item in ruled table
+ \hfil\tablespace % left glue
+ #1\killspace % item, no space after
+ \tablespace\hfil % right glue
+ }%
+\caption{Basic table macros for use with {\tt\bs ruledtable}.}%
+\intablelist{Basic macros for {\tt\bs ruledtable}}%
+\sl Macro name\relax
+ | \sl Description \relax \crthick
+\tt\bs ruledtable\relax
+ | \para{Starts a ruled table.}\cr
+ \tt\char124\quad \rm (vertical bar)\hfil\break
+ or \tt\bs vb\hfil}\relax
+ | \para{Separates one column from the next, with a
+ a thin vertical rule between them.}\cr
+\tt\&\ \rm or\tt\ \bs tab \relax
+ | \para{Separates one column from the next, but with
+ no rule between them.}\cr
+\tt\bs cr\relax
+ | \para{Ends the current row, and starts the next
+ one. The completed row will be separated from
+ the next with a thin horizontal rule.}\cr
+\tt\bs crthick \hfil\break \rm or \tt\bs CR\hfil }\relax
+ | \para{Similar to {\tt\bs cr}, but the rows will
+ be separated with a thick horizontal rule.}\cr
+\tt\bs crnorule \hfil\break \rm or \tt\bs nr\hfil }\relax
+ | \para{Similar to {\tt\bs cr}, but the rows will
+ not be separated by a rule.}\cr
+\tt\bs\char124 \relax
+ | \para{Same as {\tt\char124}, but with a thick vertical rule.}\cr
+\tt\bs dbl
+ | \para{Same as {\tt\char124}, but with two thin vertical rules.}\cr
+\tt\bs endruledtable\relax
+ | \para{Ends the ruled table.}%
+\line{\hfil {\sl Continued...}}%
+\caption{Additional macros for use with {\tt\bs ruledtable}.}
+\intablelist{Additional macros for {\tt\bs ruledtable}}
+\line{{\sl Continued...}\hfil}
+\sl Macro name\relax
+ | \sl Description \relax \crthick
+\tt\bs multispan\lb{\it n}\rb\relax
+ | \para{Makes the next entry span the next $n$
+ columns, where $n$ is an integer, $n>0$.
+ See {\tt\bs omit} below.} \cr
+\tt\bs omit \relax
+ | \para{This \TeX\ primitive causes the normal
+ template for its entry to be omitted, allowing
+ the user to do something else with this entry.} \cr
+\tt\bs para\arg{text}\relax
+ | \para{Formats {\sl text\/} into a neat little
+ paragraph like this one. The width of the
+ paragraph produced is determined by the dimension
+ {\tt\bs parasize}. The default is 4 inches. } \cr
+\tt\bs parasize=\meta{dimen} \relax
+ | \para{Sets the width of paragraphs for the {\tt\bs para}
+ macro.} \cr
+\tt\bs TableItem\arg{stuff}\relax
+ | \para{Used in the standard template, this
+ macro centers its argument in the column. The
+ user can redefine it for special effects.} \cr
+\tt\bs tablespace
+ | \para{The spacing around each item for {\tt\bs TableItem}.}\cr
+\tt\bs LooseTables \hfil\break
+\tt\bs TightTables\hfil}\relax
+ | \para{Set {\tt\bs tablespace} to {\tt\bs quad} and {\tt\bs\ }
+ respectively.\hfill\break\ }\cr
+\tt\bs TrailingSpaces \hfil\break
+\tt\bs NoTrailingSpaces \hfil}\relax
+ | \para{Use trailing spaces and glue items in table entries
+ (default) or ignore them. See text.}\cr
+\tt\bs bigitem\arg{stuff}\relax
+ | \para{Use this for something that would normally
+ not fit in one line of a table to make the spacing
+ between rows large enough for this item.} \cr
+\tt\bs vctr\arg{stuff}\relax
+ | \para{Centers the item {\sl vertically\/} so that
+ it can appear between two rows.}\cr
+\tt\bs centeredtables\relax
+ | \para{Turns table centering on. Each table
+ will be centered left-to-right on the page.
+ This is the default.} \cr
+\tt\bs noncenteredtables\relax
+ | \para{Turns table centering off. Each table
+ is returned as an {\tt\bs hbox}, and it is up
+ to the user to place it as desired.} \cr
+\tt\bs tableinfotrue \hfil\break
+\tt\bs tableinfofalse\hfil}\relax
+ | \para{Turns on or off the diagnostic message telling
+ you how many rows and columns were found in the
+ table. }\cr
+\tt\bs thicksize=\meta{dimen} \relax
+ | \para{This dimension specifies the thickness
+ of the thick rules in the table. The default
+ size is 1.5 points.} \cr
+\tt\bs thinsize=\meta{dimen} \relax
+ | \para{This dimension specifies the thickness
+ of thin rules in the table. The default
+ size is 0.8 points.} \cr
+\tt\bs tablewidth=\meta{dimen} \relax
+ | \para{Specifies how wide to make the next
+ table. If not specified, the table is made to
+ its natural width. This value is reset
+ following the construction of each table.}
+The \cs{hfil} glue on both sides of the argument causes the item to be
+centered in the column, while \cs{tablespace} (which defaults to \cs{quad})
+insures that there will be at least some amount of space between the
+item and the vertical rules on each side. Because of the way that
+\TeX\ handles macro arguments, if you type a table with spaces between
+the text and the next column separator, an extra \cs{space} will be
+inserted into the table. If you first say \cs{NoTrailingSpaces}, then
+\cs{killspace} in the above macro is defined to remove any trailing glue
+items. \cs{hfill} is redefined by the table macros so that if it is the
+last token in an entry, then that entry is properly left justified,
+but to insert any other trailing glue, you must say
+The default is \cs{TrailingSpaces}, which does incorporate any trailing
+spaces into the table but which also treats any trailing glue items
+ You can change the definition of \cs{TableItem} to suit your own
+purpose. The simplest modification is to omit the \cs{hfil} on the left
+or right so that each entry is right or left justified. This is so
+commonly used that saying \cs{RightJustifyTables} or
+\cs{LeftJustifyTables} makes the appropriate change for you. Saying
+\cs{NoJustifyTables} restores \cs{TableItem} to its original centering
+function. \index{ruled tables!customization}
+ Since \cs{TableItem} is used to create every column of the table, you
+cannot use it to modify a single column. To justify just one column
+you can simply put \cs{hfill} to the left or right of each item in the
+column, since \cs{hfill} is infinitely more stretchy than \cs{hfil}. (The
+behavior of glue items other than \cs{hfill} depends on whether
+\cs{NoTrailingSpaces} has been set.) With a little more work it is
+possible to design special or unusual tables by redefining the
+``preamble'' of the table. This is possible because \cs{ruledtable}
+uses \cs{halign} with a preamble called \cs{TablePreamble}. The default
+definition of \cs{TablePreamble} is:
+\def\TablePreamble{% % \ruledtable preamble
+ \TableItem{####}% % the first item
+ \plaintab\plaintab % && means repeat this
+ \TableItem{####}% % the subsequent items
+ \plaincr}% % end of preamble
+The syntax for \cs{TablePreamble} is like an \cs{halign} preamble in Plain
+\TeX\, but with |&| replaced by \cs{plaintab}, \cs{cr} replaced by
+\cs{plaincr}, and |#| replaced by |####|. If you have read this far and
+want to try changing \cs{TablePreable} then you should read the source
+code and the comments that go with it in the file |TXSruled.tex.|
+As a final note we point out that it is also possible for you to create
+your own column separators with the macro \cs{nextcolumn}. This macro
+takes a single argument which is used to separate one column of the
+table from another. Thus for example, the \cs{dbl} macro for creating a
+double vertical rule between columns is defined as:
+ \nextcolumn{\vrule width\thinsize
+ \hskip\thinsize\vrule width\thinsize}}
+\index{ruled tables!customization}
+%>>> EOF TXSruled.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSsects.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSsects.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34263d458f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSsects.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,899 @@
+%% TXSsects.doc - Chapters and Sections - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSsects.doc,v 18.3 2001/04/06 21:54:45 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989-1998 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\bs \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\draft\input Manual.aux\fi
+\section{Typesetting Complete Papers\label{sect.papers}}
+The commands described so far are useful for creating the body of a
+simple physics paper, but they are not enough to typeset a complete
+paper. A physics paper generally has a title, one or more authors and
+their addresses or professional affiliations, and perhaps an abstract.
+Longer documents may be divided into sections, or even chapters, and
+there might even be a table of contents or an index. This section
+describes the commands for creating the basic structural elements of a
+complete paper: the title material and divisions into chapters,
+sections, and subsections. It also includes a discussion of more
+advanced topics, such as how to create a table of contents or an index,
+and how to control the running headlines at the top of the page. Later,
+\Sect{fmts} discusses more specialized document layouts for conference
+proceedings or for papers submitted to specific journals, while
+\Sect{letr} describes the commands for producing letters, memos, referee
+reports, and similar specialized documents.
+It is often convenient to be able to typeset the same document in more
+than one format. Therefore, all complete papers in \TeXsis\ use the
+same general structure, and one can select the particular document
+format to be used by changing only one or two commands at the beginning
+of the manuscript file. The commands to typeset the title page and
+to break the paper up into sections are still the same, even if they
+behave slightly differently
+according to the particular format selected. For example, if you give
+the \cs{paper} command then the title page material will appear at the
+top of the first page, and the text of the paper will also begin on that
+page. If you simply change \cs{paper} to \cs{preprint} the title page
+material will appear on a page by itself, with a banner (defined by
+\cs{banner}) across the top of the page, and the text will begin on the
+next page. Using any of the other document formats described in
+\Sect{fmts} will cause the title page material to be formatted
+slightly differently.
+At this point an example may be more instructive than more discussion.
+Here is how a famous paper\reference{BCS} J.~Bardeen, L.~N.~Cooper, and
+\journal Phys. Rev.;108,1175(1957)
+would have begun had it been typeset with \TeXsis:
+\pubdate{July 8, 1957}
+Theory of Superconductivity
+Department of Physics
+University of Illinois
+Urbana, Illinois 61801
+Department of Physics and Astronomy
+The Ohio State University
+Columbus, OH 43210
+Department of Theoretical Physics
+University of Birmingham
+Birmingham, England B15 2TT
+A theory of superconductivity is presented, based on
+the fact that...
+\toappear{Physical Review}
+The main facts which a theory of superconductivity
+must explain are...
+A more complete example paper is given in the file |Example.tex|, which
+is included in the standard distribution of \TeXsis.
+In the rest of this section each of the elements in these examples and
+several others related to the overall structure of a complete paper will be
+\subsection{Types of Documents \label{sect.types}}
+A complete \TeXsis\ paper should start with the \cs{texsis} macro
+described in \Sect{start}. (While this is not required if you also use
+one of the macros listed below, it does serve to indicate unambiguously
+that the document is
+to be typeset with \TeXsis.) The \cs{texsis} macro can be followed by a
+command to specify whether the document should be typeset as a simple
+paper or conference proceeding, a preprint, a book, etc. This macro
+will provide sensible defaults for the layout, although additional
+commands can be given to override them. The following basic document
+types are included in \TeXsis:
+Produces a paper with the title and abstract at the top of the first
+page, such as for submission to a conference proceeding.
+The text begins on the first page, below the title and abstract.
+Produces a paper in a preprint format, with the title material by
+itself on the first page. A \cs{banner} is put across the top of the
+title page, and the text begins on the page following.
+Produces a paper in a format suitable for submission to the Los Alamos
+preprint archives (the ``e-print bulletin boards,'' such as hep-ph,
+hep-th, hep-lat, or qc-gr).
+Similar to \CS{preprint}, but with true double spacing for manuscripts
+submitted for publication in journals such as the {\sl Physical
+Review}, which require this.
+A book or other long document with a separate title page, running
+headlines, a table of contents, etc. Page numbers are printed in
+opposite corners on left and right handed pages.
+Similar to \CS{book}, this format is for typesetting a doctoral
+dissertation or similar document.
+It may be customized for your own university.
+After the command defining the type of document you can add optional
+commands to modify the default layout. For example, you might want to
+|\texsis| \n
+|\paper| \n
+|\hsize=|\meta{dimen} \n
+|\vsize=|\meta{dimen} \n
+to produce a single-spaced conference proceeding of a specified
+size. Macros to create more specialized documents in some of the common
+formats used by physics journals and conferences are described in
+\Sect{fmts}. Since \TeXsis\ obviously cannot include all
+the possible formats, that section also contains some hints about how
+to modify a format to fit your needs.
+\subsection{The Title ``Page'' \label{sect.title}}
+A complete paper almost always starts with a title. Most probably it
+will also include the names of the authors, and often it will include
+an abstract. Sometimes the title, author's name(s) and abstract
+appear on a separate page, while sometimes they simply appear at the
+top of the first page of the paper. In any case we will refer to all
+this material together as the ``title page'' material.
+\TeXsis\ has a standardized method for entering the title page
+material, whether it will actually appear on a page by itself or not.
+You begin the title page material with \CS{titlepage} and end it with
+Between these two control sequences you can use any of the commands
+listed below to enter the various parts of the title page material.
+(An example appears at the beginning of this section).
+Begins the title of the paper. All lines up to a following
+\cs{endtitle} are centered and printed in \cs{Tbf} type.
+Line endings in the input file {\sl are} respected, just as with
+Begins an entry for an author's name and address, which should
+appear on the lines that follow. Line endings in the input file
+{\it are} respected. The first line to follow is the author's
+name, which is printed centered in |\bf| type. All subsequent
+lines are centered in normal type. End with |\endauthor|.
+Prints the word "and," centered and with appropriate vertical
+separation. It can be used either between sets of |\author|
+\dots\ |\endauthor| or between multiple addresses for the same
+An alternative to |\author| for papers with many authors. Here
+line endings are not respected; instead, the list of authors is
+divided into lines as evenly as possible, and each line is
+centered and printed in Roman type. End with \cs{endauthors}.
+\itm{\CS{institution}\arg{symbol}\arg{address}} Prints the symbol and
+the institution address centered on a line. A |\medskip| is placed
+before the first address to separate the names and addresses.
+|\institution| should be placed after the author list but before
+|\endauthors| to work correctly.
+Begins the abstract. The word "ABSTRACT" is centered above the
+abstract. The left and right margins are brought in relative to
+the text of the paper. End with |\endabstract|.
+Prints the PACS (Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme) codes
+on the title page.
+Prints the phrase ``Submitted to {\sl Journal}'' centered on the page,
+with the name of the journal printed in |\sl| type.
+Similar to |\submitted|, this prints the phrase
+``To appear in {\sl Journal}'' on the title page,
+with the name of the journal printed in |\sl| type.
+Prints a standard DOE disclaimer for contract number
+\meta{contract}, printed in 10~pt.\ type, as a footnote.
+The advantage to entering the title page material this way is that if
+you change the overall document format, either from \cs{paper} to
+\CS{preprint} or to one of the more specialized formats described in
+\Sect{fmts}, then the title page material will automatically be changed
+to match the document format selected.
+The \cs{banner} macro is called in the \CS{preprint} document format to
+put the date, a preprint code number, and the name of your institution
+or organization at the top of the title page. The name of the
+institution can be changed by saying
+and this change can be made permanent by putting it into the file
+|TXSsite.tex| when \TeXsis\ is being installed.
+(When this manual was printed, the \CS{ORGANIZATION} macro was
+When this manual was printed, the \CS{ORGANIZATION} macro was:
+The preprint date and document number can be specified by putting
+before the \cs{titlepage}. If these are omitted, the date defaults to
+the current month and year and the document number defaults either to
+something set as the default when \TeXsis\ was installed or to the
+current \TeXsis\ version number. The default at this installation is
+\ATunlock "\@DOCcode".
+If you really want to customize the look of your paper you can create
+your own \cs{banner} macro.
+If you are submitting your paper to one of the \idx{preprint archives}
+at Los Alamos, such as |hep-lat|, |hep-ph|, or |hep-th|, you can have
+the archive server automatically insert the preprint number it assigns
+your document when it is submitted.
+To do this put
+% Important: putting \relax here and below inhibits any such substitutions
+% in this manual if it gets put out on such a server.
+near the top of the document (change ``\idx{hep-lat}'' as appropriate
+to the archive you are using).
+When you submit a paper to an archive with the ``put'' command the
+server will translate any occurrence in the input file of the sequence
+``|hep-lat|\relax|/yymmnnn|'' to ``|hep-lat/|'' followed by the 7
+digit paper number.
+You must use the exact string of characters ``|yymmnnn|'' for this to
+When someone else gets your paper from the server and prints a copy it
+will have the assigned document code in the banner at the top of the
+title page.
+The standard \cs{footnote} macro cannot be used to make footnotes to
+titles and authors's names, because these special fields
+use internal vertical mode, where footnotes are not allowed. You
+should instead use the \cs{vfootnote} macro of plain \TeX\ for such
+purposes. In this case you must put the reference mark in the title or
+author list yourself (for example, with |${}^*$|), and then say
+|\vfootnote*{The footnote}| somewhere else on the page, outside of the
+internal vertical mode material (the author or title blocks).
+``Footnotes'' identifying institutions in a long list of authors
+are often centered on lines immediately below the author list.
+\CS{authors} and \CS{institution} can be used for this. For example,
+the author list of one well known paper\reference{DIS} E.D. Bloom, et al.,
+Phys.\ Rev.\ Letters \vol{23}, 930 (1969) \endreference
+could be typed as follows:
+E.D.~Bloom,$^a$ M.~Breidenback,$^b$ D.H.~Coward,$^a$
+H.~DeStaebler,$^a$ J.~Drees,$^a$ J.I.~Friedman,$^b$
+G.C.~Hartmann,$^{b,c}$ H.W.~Kendall,$^b$ G.~Miller,$^a$
+L.W.~Mo,$^a$ R.E.~Taylor$^a$
+\institution{a}{Stanford Linear Accelerator Center,
+ Stanford, CA 94305}
+\institution{b}{Department of Physics and Laboratory for Nuclear
+Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
+ Cambridge MA 02139}
+\institution{c}{Xerox Corporation, Rochester, NY}
+This produces
+E.D.~Bloom,$^a$ M.~Breidenback,$^b$ D.H.~Coward,$^a$
+H.~DeStaebler,$^a$ J.~Drees,$^a$ J.I.~Friedman,$^b$
+G.C.~Hartmann,$^{b,c}$ H.W.~Kendall,$^b$ G.~Miller,$^a$
+L.W.~Mo,$^a$ R.E.~Taylor$^a$
+\institution{a}{Stanford Linear Accelerator Center,
+ Stanford, CA 94305}
+\institution{b}{Department of Physics and Laboratory for Nuclear
+Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
+ Cambridge MA 02139}
+\institution{c}{Xerox Corporation, Rochester, NY}
+\noindent Note that \cs{institution} must come {\sl before} the
+\subsection{Chapters and Sections \label{sect.sects}}
+The following commands can be used to create and automatically number
+the divisions of a document, including chapters, sections, and
+\singlelinetrue % make label overhang
+\description{\hskip 3cm}\clump
+Begins a chapter with \meta{title} printed in |\Tbf|
+type on a new page.
+Begins a section with the \meta{title} printed in |\tbf|
+type. This does {\it not} begin on a new page (although you
+certainly can start a section on a new page by saying
+|\vfill\supereject| first.)
+Begins a subsection with the \meta{title} printed in |\bf|
+Begins a sub-subsection entitled \meta{title}. This is a lower
+level than even a subsection and should only be used when truly appropriate.
+Begins a chapter-like appendix labeled by the letter \meta{label}
+(generally A, B, C, \dots or I, II, III, \dots). The \meta{title}
+is printed in |\Tbf| type at the top of a new page.
+Begins a section-like appendix labeled by the letter \meta{label}
+(generally A, B, C, \dots or I, II, III, \dots). The \meta{title}
+is printed in |\tbf| type.
+The \meta{title} is typeset like a subsection headline, but without a
+subsection number. This is suitable for acknowledgments, lists of
+references and such.
+The title appears at the top of the section or subsection, left
+justified in the appropriate typestyle for the document type and with
+an appropriate amount of vertical spacing below. These and other
+details of the layout vary with the document format.
+In general \CS{chapter} is appropriate mainly
+for books or theses; the manual you are reading now uses only
+\CS{section} and \CS{subsection} divisions.
+As you may have noticed from this manual, the first paragraph of a
+section or subsection is not indented.
+This is the usual practice for most well-designed books, though it may
+seem odd at first.
+It isn't that strange if you think of the indentation of a paragraph
+as a way to mark a {\sl separation between} paragraphs, rather than as
+a way to mark the beginning of a paragraph.
+But if you really want to indent that first paragraph, just begin it
+with \cs{par}.
+On the other hand, if you put any kind of commands or macro
+definitions between the \CS{section} or \CS{subsection} and the first
+paragraph then this will interfere with the suppression of the
+You can easily fix this by either moving your macro definitions
+elsewhere or putting in a \cs{noindent} by hand.
+ By default chapter, section, and subsection numbers are printed with
+the titles, and the chapter and section numbers are also attached to
+equation, figure and table numbers in the form ``$$'', where
+$cc$ is the chapter number, $ss$ the section number, and $nn$ the
+equation number. The inclusion of the chapter and section numbers can
+be turned on or off with the commands
+\itm{\CS{showchaptIDtrue}} Display chapter numbers.
+\itm{\CS{showchaptIDfalse}} Do not display chapter numbers.
+\itm{\CS{showsectIDtrue}} Display section numbers.
+\itm{\CS{showsectIDfalse}} Do not display section numbers.
+ \CS{Appendix} and \CS{appendix} give chapter-like and
+section-like appendices, respectively. The chapter or section number is
+replaced by a letter, which is given as the first argument, and the
+title, which is the second argument, is printed in the same format as a
+chapter or section title. For example,
+\appendix{A}{Review of Functional Integration}
+The letter labeling the appendix is attached to the equation
+numbers if \CS{showchaptIDtrue} or \CS{showsectIDtrue} is used. You can
+omit the letter by using an empty first argument, as in
+\appendix{}{Leading logarithm approximation}
+in which case the result is the same as setting
+\CS{showchaptIDfalse} or \CS{showsectIDfalse}.
+ A skip called \CS{sectionskip} is used before the title of any
+section-like division (i.e., a |\section| or an |\appendix)|; a skip
+called \CS{subsectionskip} is used for any lower-level division, that is, a
+\CS{subsection}, \CS{subsubsection}, or a \CS{nosechead}. Of course these
+are all removed by \TeX\ if the section starts on a new page.
+Furthermore, any of these divisions will start on a new page if less
+than a minimum length given by \CS{sectionminspace} remains on the
+current page.
+The defaults for these parameters are
+\sectionskip=2cm plus 8pt minus 8pt % skip before \section
+\subsectionskip=1cm plus 4pt minus 4pt % skip before \subsection
+\sectionminspace=0.25\vsize % new page if less left
+but they can be changed to any legal \TeX\ skip or dimension either
+throughout the document or in a local group. For example, you could
+to make a \CS{nosechead} which looks like a |\section|.
+ Ordinarily the order of appearance of the sections of a document
+are not changed, so there is no automatic mechanism for labeling the
+sections. Any of the divisions described above can be labeled by
+inserting \cs{label}\arg{label} into the title text. The \meta{label}
+should have the form \meta{}, where \meta{type} is |chap|,
+|sect|, etc., to avoid possible conflicts with other kinds of labels.
+The corresponding numbers can then be referred to with
+|\use{|\meta{}|}|, as described in \Sect{labels}.
+ If the title of a chapter or section is too long, a break in
+the line can be inserted with the \cs{n} command. This will also
+break the line in the title when it appears in the table of contents.
+If running headlines are being used (see \Sect{headline}) then only the
+first part of the title, up to the \cs{n}, will be used for the running
+You can always reset the headline by hand with |\setHeadline|
+(see \Sect{headline}).
+ You can customize the behavior of the section-making macros by
+adding your own definitions for the macros
+\index{customization!chapters and sections}%
+\CS{everychapter}, \CS{everysection}, \CS{everysubsection},
+which are called immediately before making the corresponding
+division of the document, or for the macros
+\CS{afterchapter}, \CS{aftersection}, \CS{aftersubsection},
+which are called immediately afterwards. By default all of these macros
+do nothing. As an example, if you wanted every section to begin on a
+new page, and you wanted numbered footnotes created by \cs{NFootnote} to
+start over counting from one at the begining of each section, you
+could define:
+\def\everysection{\vfill\supereject \footnum=0}
+The full text of the title of the current chapter, section, and
+subsection is saved in \CS{ChapterTitle}, \CS{SectionTitle}, and
+\CS{SubsectionTitle}, so that you may do whatever you want with these
+later in the chapter or section. An example of how these might be
+used with \CS{aftersubsection} to change the running headlines is
+given in \Sect{headline}.
+Another way you can control the results produced by \CS{chapter} and
+\CS{section} is to change the way the chapter or section number is
+printed, by changing the definitions of the macros \CS{ChapterStyle},
+\CS{SectionStyle}, or \CS{SubsectionStyle}. These macros take
+one argument, the chapter or section number, and by default they simply
+return that argument. By substituting your own definition you can do
+almost anything you like to the section number. For example, it is
+often desired that the section number printed as a Roman numeral
+rather than as an Arabic numeral. The following definition will convert
+the section number to an upper-case Roman numeral:
+\def\SectionStyle#1{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral #1}}
+Even more customized behavior of the section-making macros is possible.
+For example, \cs{Tbf} and \cs{tbf} can also be defined as macros which
+take a single argument, which is arranged to be the title of the
+section or chapter.
+To see how this works it may be best to look at the definitions of
+\CS{chapter} and \CS{section} and the like in the source file
+|TXSsects.tex|. For very specialized applications you could even copy
+the definitions in this file to the TXSmods.tex file or your own
+personal style file and then alter them however you like.
+\subsection{The Master File}
+ An useful concept for typesetting a long document is that of
+the\index{master file} {\em Master File}.
+The idea is to create one small file which initializes \TeXsis\ with
+\cs{texsis}, makes any special definitions or sets parameters, and
+then reads in the actual text of the document in sections using the
+|\input| command.
+As a simple example consider a manuscript called MUONS.
+The master file is called |MUONS.tex|, and contains the following:
+|smalltt\texsis % initialize TeXsis
+\input MyMacros % special macros for this paper
+\input MUONSr % references for the paper
+\input MUONS0 % title page for the paper
+\input MUONS1 % first section of manuscript
+\input MUONS2 % second section of manuscript
+\ListReferences % print the reference list
+The file |MyMacros.tex| contains any special macro definitions used
+in this paper. (If there are none, leave this line out.) The
+file |MUONSr.tex| contains the references used in this paper,
+beginning with |\referencelist| and ending with
+|\endreferencelist|, as described in \Sect{refs}. The
+file |MUONS0.tex| contains the commands for producing the title
+page of the paper, as described in \Sect{fmts}. The
+actual text of the manuscript is divided into two parts, which
+are kept in the files |MUONS1.tex| and |MUONS2.tex|. To process the
+entire document one simply runs \TeXsis\ on the master file with
+the command
+texsis MUONS
+If you are familiar with computer programming you may think of
+the master file as the main program and the other files as
+subroutines called by the main program.
+ One of the great advantages of using a master file, aside from
+keeping the manuscript organized, is that it lets you work on a single
+section of the paper at a time. For example, suppose you want to
+run off a draft of just the first section of the paper called MUONS
+above. You don't need to process the references, the title page,
+or the second section of the paper. Recall that the percent sign
+(|%|) is the comment character in \TeX\ --- anything appearing on
+a line after a |%| is ignored by \TeX. Thus we simply edit the
+master file and put a |%| in front of certain lines, like this:
+|smalltt\texsis % initialize TeXsis
+\draft % optional draft mode
+\input MyMacros % special macros for this paper
+% \input MUONSr % references for the paper
+% \input MUONS0 % title page for the paper
+\input MUONS1 % first section of manuscript
+% \input MUONS2 % section section of manuscript
+% \ListReferences % print the references
+Now when you run \TeXsis\ on this file only the first section of
+the paper will be processed, but it will use the macros defined
+in |MyMacros.tex|, as well as any other definitions that you might
+add to the master file. Once the first section is error free you
+can repeat the process on the second section of the paper,
+without rerunning the first section. After both sections are
+correct you can reinstate all lines in the master file and
+process the whole document.
+\subsection{Table of Contents \label{sect.conts}}
+The section-making macros just described automatically make an entry in
+a \idx{table of contents} for the document being prepared. The title of
+the chapter or section and the page number are stored in a table of
+contents file (which ends with the extension ``|.toc|'') until needed,
+then the table of contents is created simply
+by saying \CS{Contents}.
+If your document is divided into chapters,
+like a book, the table of contents should appear on a page with a Roman
+numeral page number (which is obtained by setting \cs{pageno} to a
+negative value). For example:
+\book % document format for a book
+\input Chapt1 % input chapters...
+\vfill\supereject % eject last page, including figures
+\pageno=-3 % print on pages iii, iv, ...
+\nosechead{Contents} % label TOC without section #
+\Contents % generate table of contents
+The table of contents is usually printed at the {\sl end\/} of the
+document so that all the page numbers are correct. You then
+simply move these pages to the front of the document by hand.
+Alternately, you can say \CS{Contents} at the beginning of your document
+to read in the table of contents file produced by a previous run of
+\TeXsis, although then you must process the document twice to be sure
+that the page numbers are correct.
+It is important to note that nothing is written to the table of contents
+file unless \CS{Contentstrue} is set. The default for most documents
+is \CS{Contentsfalse}, since one usually does not want a table of
+contents for a short paper or a memo or a letter. The exceptions are
+\cs{book} and \cs{thesis}, which automatically set
+\CS{Contentstrue}. In any case, if you want a table of contents
+you can explicitly state \CS{Contentstrue}.
+ While an entry in the table of contents is created by
+\cs{chapter} or \cs{section}, no entry is made for \cs{nosechead}. In
+this case, or in any case, you can insert an entry into the table of
+contents ``by hand'' by saying
+where \meta{level} is the level of division for the entry being made,
+with 0 for chapters, 1 for sections and 2 for subsections. This
+controls how much vertical space is put around the table of contents
+entry and how much the entry is indented in the list.
+The \meta{title} is the text of the title as it should appear in the
+table of contents. Text which is too long for one line will be split
+over several lines, but you can force a line break where you want one
+with \cs{n}. The \meta{page} is the page number for the entry you are
+making. Generally you'll use \cs{folio} here to just use the current
+page number, whatever that may be. Thus to make a section level entry
+in the table of contents having the title ``Acknowledgments'' you would
+simply say
+Entries made in the table of contents by \cs{chapter}, \cs{section},
+etc. will optionally begin with the chapter or section number, depending
+upon whether \cs{showchaptIDtrue} and \cs{showsectIDtrue} are selected.
+The decision whether or not to show the chapter or section number is
+made when the table of contents is printed by \CS{Contents}, not when
+the \cs{chapter} or \cs{section} is begun. Thus it is possible to have
+the section numbers showing at the beginning of the section, but to then
+have no section numbers in the table of contents by saying
+\cs{showsectIDfalse} immediately before saying \CS{Contents}.
+It is possible to write commands or other text to the table of contents
+file while it is being created, using the command
+For example, the heading separating the appendices from the rest of
+the entries in the table of contents of this Manual was created by
+before the appendices were created. The \cs{noexpand} prevents the
+|\nosechead| from being expanded until later, after the table of contents
+file is read back in by \CS{Contents}
+ What if you want the table of contents to appear in the table
+of contents itself!? Naturally it should appear first (even though it
+may be printed at the end of the document). You can use the tagging
+mechanism described in \Sect{labels} to make a ``forward reference''
+to the page number. At the beginning of the document you can create
+the table of contents entry by saying
+\addTOC{0}{Table of Contents}{\noexpand\use{page.TOC}}
+The \cs{noexpand} prevents the \cs{use} from being expanded until later,
+after the table of contents file is read back in. Later, when you actually
+print the table of contents you would first tag the page number, then
+invoke \CS{Contents}, like so:
+\nosechead{Table of Contents}
+\Ignore % NO, WE DON'T DO IT
+As a demonstration of this we have done this for the table of contents
+for this manual. For more information about \cs{tag} and \cs{use} see
+\subsection{Running Headlines and Footlines \label{sect.headline}}
+ In Plain \TeX, whenever a page is output an optional headline
+and footline are added at the top and bottom of the page. In \TeXsis\
+the footline is normally blank, while the headline contains the page
+number in the upper right corner. The \cs{book} and \cs{thesis} formats
+also display a running headline, centered in 10~pt.\ italic type,
+containing the chapter or section title.
+Running headlines and page numbers are {\bf not} printed on any
+page containing a \cs{title} or a new \cs{chapter}.
+For an example of running headlines look at the top of
+any page in this Manual.
+ \CS{nopagenumbers} turns off the running headlines and
+footlines, just as it does in Plain \TeX. In \TeXsis\ saying
+\CS{pagenumbers} restores the standard headlines and footlines.
+Saying \CS{bookpagenumbers} puts odd page numbers in the upper right
+corner and even page numbers in the upper left corner, the normal
+convention for books. This is the default for \cs{book}.
+ \CS{RunningHeadstrue}, the default for \cs{book} (and
+\cs{thesis}), displays the running headline text \cs{HeadText}, as well
+as the page number. |\RunningHeadsfalse| turns off the running
+headlines but leaves the page numbers. \cs{HeadText} is defined by
+\cs{chapter} to be the chapter title in 10~pt.\ italic type; if no
+chapters are used, then it is defined by \cs{section} to be the section
+title. You can change the running headline yourself with the command
+\CS{setHeadline}\arg{text}. For example, the headline at the top of
+this page could have been created by saying
+The headline text appears in typestyle \CS{HeadFont}, which
+you can change to suit your tastes. The default is
+but for this manual we used |\def\HeadFont{\tensl}|.
+Running headlines are not normally affected by \cs{subsection}, but it
+is easy to have each subsection change the runing headlines by
+defining \cs{aftersubsection} to include a \CS{setHeadline} command.
+As a useful example, suppose that each subsection is to have a running
+headline composed of both the title of the section and the title of
+the subsection. You could have this done automatically by defining
+something like:
+\def\aftersubsection{\setHeadline{\SectionTitle: \SubsectionTitle}}
+The rest of this section will have such running headlines as an
+\def\aftersubsection{\setHeadline{\SectionTitle: \SubsectionTitle}}
+\bigskip %<-- needed to force page break before next section!
+\subsection{How to Make an Index \label{sect.index}}
+The traditional way to make an index for a book was to write key~words
+on 3$\times$5 ``index'' cards, and to then write on these card the
+numbers of the pages on which the key words occurred.
+The cards were then sorted by hand and then their contents also sorted
+and typed in order to make the index.
+This was a tedious and time consuming task.
+Fortunately this whole process has been modernized so that an index
+can be made almost automatically.
+Still, it takes a certain amount of care to create a useful, well
+constructed index.
+An important part of designing a good index is deciding which
+key~words will be useful in the index and which key~words will not.
+A computer cannot make these decisions for you.
+Making an index with \TeX\ still involves collecting the index entries,
+sorting them (and removing duplicate references), and then producing the
+final index. The first and last steps are accomplished with a set of
+plain \TeX\ macros known as |index.tex|, while the sorting and collating
+of the index entries is done by a separate computer program called
+|makeindex|.\index{makeindex}\ This is how we made the index for this
+Manual, which starts on page~\use{pg.index}.
+To create an entry in the index you can say \CS{index}\arg{key}, where
+\meta{key} is the key~word to be entered into the index, or more simply
+you can say \CS{idx}\arg{word}, which both includes the word in the
+text and makes an index entry for it; saying ``\CS{idx}|{Frisbee}|''
+is the same as saying ``|Frisbee|\CS{index}|{Frisbee}|''.
+Either of these indexing commands writes the index entry to a file
+with the name extension ``|.idx|''.
+Once your document has been processed by \TeX\ this file will contain
+all of the ``raw'' index entries.
+The entries in the raw index file are not sorted, and there may be many
+duplications. The |makeindex|\index{makeindex} program will sort the
+index entries and reformat them in a form appropriate for printing the
+index. The output from the |makeindex| program is a file with the
+extension ``|.ind|''. So if your
+manuscript file is called |myfile.tex| and you have run it through
+\TeXsis\ you should find a file called |myfile.idx| containing the raw
+index entries. You would run the |makeindex| program like so,
+|makeindex myfile.idx|
+to produce the processed index file |myfile.ind|.
+(You can leave off the |.idx| extension for the raw file and |makeindex|
+will assume it.)
+To print the index you can either include it in another pass of the full
+document, by saying
+\input \jobname.ind
+in the manuscript file, or you can print it separately by adding
+``|\input index|'' to the begining of the |myfile.ind| file and running
+it through \TeX\ or \TeXsis.
+If you set \CS{markindextrue} then indexed words selected with \CS{idx}
+will appear in the printed output inside a ruled box
+like so:
+\markindextrue \idx{Frisbee}.
+The box does not interfere with or change the word or line spacing.
+These ``proof marks'' are useful for draft copies when you are putting
+together the index, but obviously you do not want them to appear in the
+final copy, so the default is |\markindexfalse|.
+The |index.tex| macros are distributed with \TeXsis, but |makeindex|
+is not.
+If you do not have the |makeindex| program you can get the C source
+code for it from the \TeXsis\ anonymous ftp site,
+It is a well-known program, and is also available from CTAN in the
+directory {\tt indexing/makeindex}.
+Note that the |index.tex| macros work with plain \TeX\ as well as
+\TeXsis, and they work with |makeindex| in its default mode, even
+though that default mode was originally intended for \LaTeX\ code.
+For more information about how to make full use of |makeindex| see the
+file |index.tex|, the Unix man page for makeindex(1), and the original
+paper by Chen and Harrison\reference{makeindex} Pehong Chen and
+Michael A. Harrison, ``Index Preparation and Processing'', in {\sl
+Software: Practice and Experience}, \vol{19}, 897-915 (1988)
+describing how they designed the |makeindex| program.
+%>>> EOF TXSsects.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSsite.000 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSsite.000
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a9825ef9621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSsite.000
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+%% file: TXSsite.tex (TeXsis version 2.17)
+% $Revision: 18.0 $ : $Date: 2000/05/17 00:45:04 $ : $Author: myers $
+% This is the site dependent info file for TeXsis. Edit the things
+% below to match your installation. Take out what you don't need or
+% want and add any local macros or other stuff you want. Anything
+% between \Ignore and \endIgnore is ignored, but will become active if
+% you remove the \Ignore. Remember, this file is only read in once when
+% texsis.fmt is made!
+% Change name to your own institution or site here:
+\message{Site dependent info.... Generic version.}
+\ATunlock % make @ a letter
+% \ORGANIZATION is the name of the issuing organization, which
+% appears at the top of the title page, or on a \Memo.
+% You can also change it before you call \titlepage.
+\Ignore % an example using mixed caps
+ \def\ORGANIZATION{{\eightrm {\tenrm B}ANSAI {\tenrm I}NSTITUTE}}
+% \LandscapeSpecial turns on landscape mode on the laser printer.
+% How this is done is very site dependent. Uncomment the version
+% that works for you, or insert your own if these don't work.
+% 1) This is how dv2ips does it, and you need to have
+% accesable to the filter program
+ \def\LandscapeSpecial{\special{}}
+% 2) This is how dvips (Rokicki's version 5.484 and later) does it:
+% \manualfeed tries to put the printer in Manual Feed mode, for
+% printing on letterhead stationary or envelopes.
+% How you do this is really installation specific.
+% If you use 'dvi2ps' then use \special to read the file
+% You can get it from
+ \def\manualfeed{\emsg{\@comment MANUAL FEED MODE SELECTED!}%
+ \special{}}
+% Rokicki's dvips will do manual feed if you use 'dvips -m'
+% but this tries to do the same thing (and doesn't work! -EAM 98/03/06)
+ \def\manualfeed{\emsg{\@comment MANUAL FEED MODE SELECTED!}%
+ \special{! @manualfeed}}
+% \@DOCcode is the document code that appears in the upper right
+% part of the title page of a \preprint. It starts out at its default
+% value, and is changed by calling \pubcode{<code>} before you call
+% \titlepage. If you don't use anything you'll get \TeXsis.
+ \def\@DOCcode{UTREL\hbox to 1.5cm{\hss}}
+% \banner produces a banner across the top of the title page for
+% a \preprint. Customize this however you like.
+\def\banner{\vskip 0pt
+ \line{{\ninepoint\@PUBdate \hfil
+ \hbox{\vbox{\hrule\vskip 4pt \hbox{\ORGANIZATION}\vskip 4pt\hrule}}% %
+ \hfil \@DOCcode}}%
+ \vskip 1.0cm
+\def\@PUBdate{\uppercase{\today}} % default is today
+% \letterhead{phone} is for copying onto letterhead stationary.
+% It just puts on the date and a phone number (if given).
+\def\letterhead#1{% letterhead for copying onto Univ. Michigan stationary
+ \def\PhoneNumber{#1}%
+ \emsg{Positioning date/phone for University of Michigan letterhead.}%
+ \begingroup % this header stuff is local
+ \parskip=0pt \parindent=0pt %
+ \null\vskip 0.6in % skip down to date line
+ \line{\hfill \hbox to 5in{\tensl \today\hfill}}% Today's Date
+ \line{\tenss \hfill (734)
+ \ifx\PhoneNumber\empty 764-4437\else \PhoneNumber\fi}%
+ \ifx\Email\undefined\else\line{\hfill \tt \Email}\fi
+ \vskip 10pt plus 1fil
+ \endgroup}
+% \UMletterhead{phone} is a facsimile of the University of Michigan
+% stationary. If \Email is defined it is included under the phone number.
+% It uses a PostScript image of the Univ. Michigan seal,
+\def\UMletterhead#1{% Facsimile of UM letterhead
+ \def\PhoneNumber{#1}%
+ \begingroup % make these these things local
+ \null\vskip -27pt % masthead up a bit to match real thing
+ \UMmasthead % UM seal and name
+ \line{\hfill \hbox to 5in{\tensl \today\hfill}}% Today's Date
+ \line{\tenss \hfill (734)
+ \ifx\PhoneNumber\empty 764-4437\else \PhoneNumber\fi}%
+ \ifx\Email\undefined\else\line{\hfill \tt \Email}\fi
+ \vskip 10pt plus 1fil
+ \endgroup}
+\def\UMmasthead{\line{\llap{\UMseal\hskip -35pt}\hfill
+ \hbox{\vbox{\hsize=13.99cm \def\LC##1{{\twentyfourpoint\bf ##1}}%
+ \line{\hfill \twentypoint\bf \LC{T}HE \LC{U}NIVERSITY OF \LC{M}ICHIGAN}%
+ \vskip 0.85cm
+ \line{\tenss DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS \hfill 2071 Randall Laboratory}%
+ \line{\tenss \hfill Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1120}%
+ }}}}%
+% Mailing Labels: you may have to change these depending on your
+% printer and the kind of labels you use.
+% This is for the "standard" inch high, 3 across the page labels
+\lblHsize=7.32cm % width of standard label
+\lblVsize=2.54cm % height of standard label
+\fullHsize=8.5in % hsize for page
+\fullVsize=11.0in % vsize for page
+\lblVoffset=0pt % shift down this much
+\lblHoffset=-1.8cm % shift over this much
+%>>> EOF TXSsite.tex <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSsymb.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSsymb.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eef1dc39730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXSsymb.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+%% file: TXSsymb.doc - Special Symbols - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXSsymb.doc,v 18.2 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1995, 1997 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\meta \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\input Manual.aux\draft\fi
+\subsection{Special Symbols \label{sect.symb}}
+\TeXsis\ defines some special symbols and other constructions which
+are not included in plain \TeX\ and which either are commonly used
+by physicists or are not trivial to construct. The following
+macros, which are listed here by related groups, provide these
+additional special symbols for use in equations:
+ \itm \CS{bra}\arg{text} and \CS{ket}\arg{text} produce the
+notations $\bra{\hbox{\it text}}$ and $\ket{\hbox{\it text}}$
+respectively for quantum mechanical states. \CS{vev}\arg{text}
+produces $\vev{\hbox{\it text}}$ for a VEV (\idx{Vacuum Expectation Value}).
+ \itm \CS{del}, \CS{grad}, and \CS{square} produce the notations
+$\del$, $\grad$, and $\square$ for various derivatives. (The first two
+are just synonyms for \cs{partial} and \cs{nabla}.)
+ \itm \CS{degrees} is the degrees symbol. For example, |90\degrees|
+produces ``90\degrees''. You can use \CS{degree} as a synonym. These
+work equally well in math or text mode.
+ \itm \CS{frac}\arg{numerator}\arg{denominator} produces the fraction
+|{|\<numerator> |\over| \<de\-nomi\-nator>|}|, while
+\hskip 0pt plus 6pt\CS{smallfrac}\arg{numerator}\arg{denominator}
+\hskip 0pt plus 6pt
+produces the same fraction in the smaller
+subscript style type. \CS{half} produces a $\half$ in a size appropriate
+to its usage.
+ \itm \CS{simle} and \CS{simge} make the symbols $\simle$ and
+$\simge$ to indicate "less than about" and "greater than about,"
+respectively. Synonyms for these are \CS{ltsim} and \CS{gtsim}.
+ \itm \CS{parenbar} puts a bar in parentheses above a character;
+this is often used to indicate either a particle or its antiparticle.
+\CS{nunubar} and \CS{ppbar} are special cases. Thus
+$$ n \parenbar{n} \qquad \nu \nunubar \qquad p \ppbar $$
+n \parenbar{n} \qquad \nu \nunubar \qquad p \ppbar
+ \itm \CS{subrightarrow}\arg{text} puts the text under a right
+arrow of the appropriate length. Thus
+$$ f(x) \subrightarrow{x \to 0} f(0) $$
+f(x) \subrightarrow{x \to 0} f(0)
+ \itm \CS{buildchar}\arg{\#1}\arg{\#2}\arg{\#3} gives character |#1| with
+|#2| above it and |#3| below it, allowing the construction of a variety
+of special symbols. \CS{overcirc} is a special case of this which puts
+a small circle above a character, as in $\overcirc R$. This is often
+used in general relativity and related fields.
+ \itm \CS{vbigl}\arg{delim}\arg{size} and
+\CS{vbigr}\arg{delim}\arg{size} produce very (or variably) big
+delimiters, generalizing the Plain \TeX\ macros \cs{bigl}, \cs{Bigr},
+etc. They produce, respectively, the left and right delimiters
+\meta{delim} with height \meta{size}, which can be given in pt., cm.,
+in., or any other valid units. Any valid delimiter may be used, but you
+must be careful if you use parentheses and automatic parenthesis sizing
+is also in effect (\Sect{paren}), because these conflict. You must
+either turn off automatic parenthesis sizing (with \cs{offparens}) or
+use \cs{lparen} or \cs{rparen} in place of `|(|' and `|)|'.
+\itm \CS{Leftcases}\arg{size} and \CS{Rightcases}\arg{size} give left
+and right braces of size \meta{size} smashed to zero height; these can
+be used in place of the \cs{cases} of Plain \TeX\ when it is desired to
+put an equation number on each line. For example,
+m_e &= ~.511~\MeV \EQN lep;a \cr
+m_\mu &= ~105~\MeV
+ \quad \Rightcases{50pt} \quad {\rm Leptons}
+ \EQN lep;b \cr
+m_\tau &= 1784~\MeV \EQN lep;c \cr}
+m_e &= ~.511~\MeV \EQN lep;a \cr
+m_\mu &= ~105~\MeV
+ \quad \Rightcases{50pt} \quad {\rm Leptons}
+ \EQN lep;b \cr
+m_\tau &= 1784~\MeV \EQN lep;c \cr}
+Note that |\Leftcases| and |\Rightcases| do not provide automatic
+spacing, which must be adjusted by the user as in the previous example.
+There seems to be no simple way to obtain automatic spacing and to
+allow an equation number on each line.
+ \itm \CS{sterling} produces the British currency mark \sterling.
+ \itm The astronomical symbols for the sun and the earth are
+\CS{sun} and \CS{earth}. For example, |$M_\sun$| and |$M_\earth$| give
+$M_\sun$ and $M_\earth$. You can also use them outside of math mode.
+ \itm \CS{dimensions}\arg{units}\arg{power} is used for dimensional
+analysis. The units appear in square brackets, raised to the given
+power. For example to produce \dimensions{mass}{-3} you would type
+ \itm \CS{slashchar}\arg{letter} puts a slash through a character, the
+notation for the contraction of a vector with Dirac $\gamma$ matrices
+in Feynman graphs. For example
+$$ {\cal L} =
+ \bar\psi[i\slashchar{\partial} - e\slashchar{A}-m]\psi $$
+{\cal L} =
+ \bar\psi[i\slashchar{\partial} - e\slashchar{A}-m]\psi
+The results produced by |\slashchar| are not as good as one would
+like. You can do somewhat better by adjusting the kerning of the |/|
+by hand for each character. For example,
+\def\Aslash{A\kern -0.47em/}
+\def\Aslash{A\kern -0.47em/}%
+produces ``$\Aslash$''. But note that the angle of the slash is still
+not quite what one would like for a slashed ``$A$.'' To really get good
+looking slashed characters someone will have to create a new slashed
+character math font using MetaFont. Meanwhile you can get by with
+|\slashchar| or define your own using kerning.
+ Abbreviations for units are normally set in Roman type even when used
+in formulas. Special function (e.g., sine, cosine and logarithm) or
+operator names are also set in Roman type, and \TeXsis\ adds some new
+names to go with the old standards.
+ \itm \CS{Tr} and \CS{tr} give ``$\Tr$'' and ``$\tr$'' respectively for the
+trace of an operator or of a matrix. \CS{diag} is used to denote a
+diagonal matrix, as in $\eta_{\mu\nu}=\diag(-1,1,1,1)$.
+ \itm \CS{real} and \CS{imag} give the symbols $\real$ and $\imag$
+for the real and imaginary parts of an expression; the spacing is like
+that for any other function or operator.
+ \itm \CS{eV}, \CS{keV}, \CS{MeV}, \CS{GeV}, and \CS{TeV} give the
+abbreviations for energy units $\eV$, $\keV$, $\MeV$, $\GeV$, and
+$\TeV$ respectively.
+ \itm \CS{mb}, \CS{mub}, \CS{nb}, \CS{pb}, and \CS{fb} give the
+abbreviations for cross section units $\mb$, $\mub$, $\nb$, $\pb$, and
+$\fb$ respectively, while \CS{cmsec} gives $\cmsec$, the standard units
+for luminosity in colliding beam accelerators.
+ \itm \CS{units}\arg{name} is a generic macro to print in Roman type
+the name of any units not covered by the macros above. For example,
+you can say \CS{units}|{furlongs}| and \CS{units}|{fortnights}|
+if you are using that particular system of units.
+ Note that all of the abbreviations for units above are defined
+without any spacing; to produce
+{\cal L} = 10^{33}\,\cmsec, \qquad p_\perp = 8.3\,\GeV
+you should type
+{\cal L} = 10^{33}\,\cmsec, \qquad p_\perp = 8.3\,\GeV
+with a |\,| to make a thin space between the number and the units.
+%>>> EOF TXSsymb.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXStags.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXStags.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..768e4f1692f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/TXStags.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+%% file: TXStags.doc - Tags and Labels - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% @(#) $Id: TXStags.doc,v 18.1 1999/07/30 18:34:24 myers Exp $
+% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1997 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\ifx\undefined\meta \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\draft\input Manual.aux\fi
+\section{Labels and Tags \label{sect.labels}}
+One of the most useful features of \TeXsis\ is that it automatically
+numbers things like equations and references and lets you refer to
+these things by means of symbolic names or ``labels.''
+This section explains how to get the most use out of this labeling
+ Here is a rough outline of how labeling or ``tagging'' works.
+\TeXsis\ keeps track of numbers for equations, figures, tables, and
+other useful things in counters. Whenever you create a new equation,
+figure, table or reference the appropriate counter is incremented. At
+the same time, a new macro instruction is defined, with the label
+incorporated into the name, and the definition of this macro is
+simply the (new) value of the counter. Thus if you create a displayed
+equation and label it ``Newton'' then a macro called ``|\Eq.Newton|'' is
+created and it is automatically defined to be whatever the next number
+is for the equation.
+ The actual mechanism is somewhat more subtle. Normally you can
+only use letters in macro names, but \TeXsis\ uses \cs{csname} |...|
+\cs{endcsname} to allow numbers and punctuation to be used in
+Also, an extra |@| is added at the beginning and end of each macro
+If this were not done then, for example, using ``|end|'' as a label
+(using \CS{tag}) could redefine \cs{end}, and you would not be able to
+get out of \TeX!
+So the macro containing the equation number for the equation named
+``Newton'' actually ends up being named ``|\@Eq.Newton@|''.
+ Once a label macro is defined you can use it to refer to the
+thing it labels, and it will yield the proper number.
+In the case of the equation called ``Newton,'' saying |\Eq{Newton}| is
+really saying |Eq.~(\@Eq.Newton@)|.
+(Again, since punctuation is not allowed in names, \TeXsis\ actually
+uses \cs{csname} |...| \cs{endcsname} in the definition.)
+References, equations, figures, tables, etc., all produce their
+numbers in this way.
+ Each of the \TeXsis\ macros which uses labels attaches to
+the label a unique prefix identifying the kind of object labeled.
+These objects and the corresponding prefixes are shown in
+Because of these prefixes the same label can be used for different
+kinds of objects.
+For example, the name ``Witten'' can be used as a label for an
+equation and as a reference, since their internal labels are
+|Eq.Witten| and |Ref.Witten|, respectively (and in reality the names
+are bracketed by |@| characters).
+The prefixes are automatically inserted by \TeXsis\ macros like
+\cs{Eq} and \cs{cite}.
+ At the most primitive level you can always associate a label with
+some value by saying \CS{tag}\arg{label\/}\arg{value}. You can then
+reference the value, whatever it is, by its name using the command
+\CS{use}\arg{label\/}. In this case if there is to be a prefix in the
+label you must put it in explicitly. Thus to say just the number of the
+equation labeled ``Newton'' without any parentheses or anything you
+would say |\use{Eq.Newton}|. To get the number of the reference labeled
+``Knuth'' you would say |\use{Ref.Knuth}|, which produces
+``\use{Ref.Knuth}'' because ``Knuth'' is the label of the first document
+we referenced in this manual and ``Ref'' is the prefix used for
+\caption{Prefixes for labels and the corresponding counters for
+various objects.}
+Entity \\| Tag Prefix | Counter \CR
+Corollary \\| {\tt Cor.} | \CS{corollarynum} \\\cr
+Definition \\| {\tt Df.} | \CS{definitionnum} \\\cr
+Equation \\| {\tt Eq.} | \CS{eqnum} \\\cr
+Figure \\| {\tt Fg.} | \CS{fignum} \\\cr
+Lemma \\| {\tt Lem.} | \CS{lemmanum} \\\cr
+Reference \\| {\tt Ref.} | \CS{refnum} \\\cr
+Table \\| {\tt Tb.} | \CS{tabnum} \\\cr
+Theorem \\| {\tt Thm.} | \CS{theoremnum} \\
+ One particularly useful way to use \CS{tag} and \CS{use} is to
+refer to a topic which is discussed on some other page in the
+On the page you want to reference you could define the tag
+``'' to be the page number by saying
+Then somewhere else in the document if you want to refer to the
+information on that page you could do so with
+\CS{use}|{}|, as in ``This difficulty is discussed in
+more detail on page |\use{}|.''
+Then even if the document is rearranged so that the page numbers
+change, the page number you referred to will come out correct.
+Here is another useful example.
+Suppose you want to state the number of questions at the begining of
+an examination (or similarly, the number of chapters in a book).
+A count of the questions could be kept in |\Qcount|, but it won't be
+set correctly until the end of the job.
+Even so, when the count is known we can tag it with a name like ``NQ''
+and use it in the text with |\use{NQ}|.
+The first time this is encountered it will display as an undefined tag
+and an error message will appear in the log.
+But at the end of the document we say
+|endTeXexample to assign the final value of |\Qcount| to the
+The next time the job is run saying |\use{NQ}| will be defined as the
+value from the previous run.
+Unless you've recently changed things (by adding or removing a
+question) then this will be the correct count.
+ Knowing about \CS{use} and the prefixes in \Tbl{labels} also lets you
+change how the macros that refer to these objects work. For example, to
+refer to figure~\use{Fg.Penguin} in section~\use{sect.figs} you would
+normally say \cs{Fig}|{Penguin}|. This produces
+``Fig.~\use{Fg.Penguin},'' but suppose you want it to say the full word
+``figure'' instead of just ``Fig.'' You can make this change throughout
+the document simply by changing the definition of \cs{Fig} to:
+Then ``\cs{Fig}|{Penguin}|'' would produce ``figure~\use{Fg.Penguin}.''
+ Whenever you create any of the objects listed in \Tbl{labels} a
+label is automatically created. However, chapters, sections, and
+subsections are not automatically labeled because their values are not
+ordinarily changed. If you want to remember the number of a chapter or
+section of your document to be able to refer to it somewhere else, put
+\CS{label}\arg{label\/} in the text of the title of the chapter or
+section. \CS{label}\arg{label\/} is the same as
+\CS{tag}\arg{label\/}\arg{counter}, where \meta{counter} is the current
+section or chapter number, as appropriate. For example you might have:
+\section{Supersymmetry and Supergravity \label{sect.SUSY}}
+To refer to that section later on you would say |\use{sect.SUSY}|.
+Note that \CS{label} does not insert any prefix in front of the label,
+so you must include it explicitly if you want one.
+We suggest ``sect'' for sections, ``chapt'' for chapters, and so
+forth, but you are free to use whatever you want.
+\subsection{Forward References}
+If you label an equation or a figure or a section you can refer to
+the number of that object later in the text, but what if you want to
+refer to the thing before it has been tagged? Then the label won't
+exist yet. This is called making a forward reference. To allow for
+this \TeXsis\ also writes the definition of every label to an auxiliary
+file, which has a name ending in |.aux|. The label will still be
+undefined the first time you make the forward reference, but the next
+time you run the document through \TeXsis\ it will automatically read in
+the auxiliary file at the beginning of the job and define the label.
+Thus on the second pass the label will already be defined when it is
+called for. Having to make a second pass may sound like extra work,
+but when you are editing a document and putting the finishing
+touches on it you will find you end up making the extra pass without
+thinking about it. Just don't delete the |.aux| file between runs.
+\index{forward references}
+ If you try to reference a label that does not exist you'll be
+told so at the end of the run (when you say \cs{bye}) and another pass
+will be suggested. Undefined references are also noted in the log file
+when they occur, and the label itself is inserted into the output text
+in boldface to make it easier for you to track down the problem. In
+\cs{draft} mode the mark ``{\tt UNDEF}'' is also put in the right
+margin to help you find the problem.
+% Describe \twopass here, if we ever decide to publicize it
+\subsection{Hypertext \label{sect.hypertext}}
+(Documentation for Hypertext linking will go here)
+%>>> EOF TXStags.doc <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/index.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/index.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dbb9a09bf13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/index.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+%% file: index.tex - creating an index - TeXsis 2.18
+% @(#) $Id: index.tex,v 18.0 2000/05/16 22:37:11 myers Exp $
+% index.tex -- Macros for creating an index using MakeIndex
+% Use \index{key} or \idx{word} to make an entry in the index file
+% [\idx{word} is more or less the same as ``word\index{word}''].
+% At the end of the job the file \jobname.idx is the raw index file,
+% ready to be fed into the MakeIndex program to create the index.
+% The MakeIndex output file \jobname.ind is then fed back through TeX with
+% the output formatting macros below to print the final formatted index.
+% To process the index file with MakeIndex the command is simply
+% makeindex jobname.idx
+% You can leave off the .idx extension for the raw file and makeindex
+% will assume it. This will produce the processed index file, called
+% \jobname.ind. To print the index you can either include it in
+% another pass of the full document with ``\input \jobname.ind'' or
+% print it separately by adding ``\input index'' to the begining of the
+% \jobname.ind file and running it through TeX.
+% If you set \markindextrue then indexed words selected with \idx
+% will appear in the printed output inside a ruled box. This is
+% useful for draft copies when you are putting together the index,
+% but obviously you do not want to use it in a final copy.
+% The box does not interfere with or change the line spacing.
+% These macros are completely compatible with Plain TeX, although
+% they can also be used with TeXsis (some of the macros used below
+% are a part of TeXsis). Note however that these macros support output
+% from MakeIndex in it's default LaTeX mode. You don't need a separate
+% style file for MakeIndex!
+% For more information about how to make full use of MakeIndex read
+% the man page for makeindex(1) and/or the paper ``Index Preparation
+% and Processing'' by Pehong Chen and Michale A. Harrison,
+% Software: Practice and Experience, Vol 19, No. 9, Sep. 1988, pp. 897-915
+% (a copy is available at )
+% It is possible to make more than one index by creating a few extra
+% macros based on the ones below. See the documentation at the end
+% of this file for details.
+% (C) Copyright 1992, 1999, 2000 by Eric Myers and Frank Paige.
+% This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications
+% are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
+% See the file COPYING or
+\message{- indexing macros}
+\catcode`@=11 % @ is a letter here to hide workings
+\newif\ifmarkindex \markindexfalse % put proof marks in text?
+\newif\ifmakeindex \makeindextrue % set false to suppress .idx output
+% Index Entries:
+% \idx{word} is the quickest way to make an index entry.
+% The word is put in the text and an index entry is made at the
+% same time. It is the same as typing ``word\index{word}''.
+% If \markintdextrue is selected the word appears in the text with a
+% box around it so you know it has been included in the index.
+\def\idx#1{% include a word in the index output file
+ #1\index{#1}% % put word in text and \index it
+ \ifmarkindex % proof marks?
+ \llap{\lower\jot\vbox to 0pt{\vss % box it
+ \tightboxit{\loosebox{\phantom{#1}}}}\hskip-\jot}%
+ \fi} % put a ruled box around word
+% \index{key} makes an index entry for the given key.
+% Since MakeIndex can use special characters like @ | ! and " in the key
+% we must make sure that they are printed correctly to the raw index file.
+\def\index{% make an index entry for a given key
+ \begingroup % turn MakeIndex special characters to letters
+ \catcode`@=11 \catcode`"=11 \catcode`!=11 \catcode`|=11 \catcode`-=11
+ \@index}
+\def\@index#1{% get the index entry and write it to the file
+ \endgroup % special characters back to before
+ \ifmakeindex % .idx file output enabled?
+ \indexwrite\indexout{\indexentry{#1}}% write entry to file
+ \fi}
+% \loosebox put a loose box around a box.
+% \tightboxit draws a rule box around the box #1 without any added space
+ \vbox{\vskip\jot
+ \hbox{\hskip\jot #1\hskip\jot}%
+ \vskip\jot}}
+% Index Formatting (printing the processed index file)
+% The index is begun by \theindex or \begin{theindex} and ended
+% with \endtheindex or \end{theindex}
+\def\theindex{% begin a formatted index
+ \begingroup
+ \parskip = 0pt % no extra space between items
+ \def\item{\indexitem{0pt}}% % level 0 item separator
+ \def\subitem{\indexitem{20pt}}% % level 1 item separator
+ \def\subsubitem{\indexitem{30pt}}% % level 2 item separator
+ \def\indexspace{\medskip}% % intergroup vertical space
+ \def\setcounter##1##2{\global\csname ##1no\endcsname=##2}% to set page counter
+ \def\bold##1{{\bf ##1}}% % boldface for |bold
+ \def\italic##1{{\it ##1}}% % italics for |italic
+ \def\slanted##1{{\sl ##1}}% % slanted for |slanted
+ \def\see##1##2{{\it see} ##1}% % italics for |see
+ \def\seealso##1{{\it see also}##1}%% italics for |seealso
+ \def\also##1{{\it see also}##1}% % italics for |also
+ }
+\def\indexitem#1{% how to make an entry for an item in the index
+ \vskip 0pt % force vertical mode
+ \hangindent=30pt\hangafter=1 % hanging indent for extra lines
+ \noindent\hskip #1} % level N item separator
+\def\endtheindex{% end a formatted index
+ \endgroup}
+% If you don't have MakeIndex you can still make a sorted index.
+% (Even though it may not look as good. If you are really going to
+% do it right, do get MakeIndex). The Unix sort(1) command or a similar
+% program can be used to sort the \jobname.idx file. You can then
+% edit the file to collect all the page numbers for a key into
+% one \indexentry, like ``\indexentry{foo}{29,47-48}'' , and \indexentry
+% will format the items as best it can.
+\def\indexentry#1#2{% prints an index entry (from the raw file)
+ \indexitem{0pt}#1, #2} % keyword, page number
+% Simple \begin .. \end support (like in LaTeX): There is a conspiracy
+% to preserve job security for typists by making sure one has to
+% type \begin{thing} and \end{thing} everywhere. In TeXsis it's just
+% \thing and \endthing, so here we just make \begin{thing} become \thing
+% and \end{thing} become \endthing. Then we can use MakeIndex in it's
+% default mode, even though that is for LaTeX.
+% Note: we don't check that you begin and end the same thing. After all,
+% you might want to say \begin{midfigure} followed by \end{figure}.
+\def\begin#1{% \begin{foo} just becomes \foo
+ \begingroup % changes to \end are temporary
+ \let\end=\endbegin % now \end will end the \begin
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\relax\relax % is \thing defined?
+ \def\next{\beginerror{#1}}% NO: flag an error
+ \else %
+ \def\next{\csname #1\endcsname}% YES: just invoke it
+ \fi\next}
+\def\endbegin#1{% \end{foo} just becomes \endfoo
+ \endgroup % now \end goes back to normal
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname end#1\endcsname\relax\relax % is \endthing defined?
+ \def\next{\begingroup\beginerror{end#1}}% % NO: flag an error
+ \else %
+ \def\next{\csname end#1\endcsname}% YES: just invoke it
+ \fi\next}
+ The \string\begin\space or \string\end\space marked above is for a^^M%
+ non-existant environment. Check for spelling errors and such.}
+\def\beginerror#1{% \begin{foo} or \end{foo} fail if no \foo or \endfoo
+ \endgroup % make sure \end is back to normal
+ \errhelp=\beginhelp % longer help message
+ \newlinechar=`\^^M % ^^M is line break
+ \errmessage{Undefined environment for \string\begin\space or \string\end}}
+% Index file output:
+\newwrite\indexout % raw index output file
+% \indexinit will only get called once. It opens the output file,
+% write an identifying comment to it, and then undefines itself.
+\def\indexinit{% open and initialize raw index file
+ \immediate\openout\indexout=\jobname.idx % open file as \jobname.idx
+ \immediate\write\indexout{\@comment Raw index file ``\jobname.idx''}%
+ \immediate\write\indexout{\@comment ====================================}%
+ \gdef\indexinit{\relax}} % so we initialize only once
+% \@comment is for writing % to a file. It expands to '% '.
+{\catcode`\%=11 \gdef\@comment{% }}
+% \indexwrite writes an entry to the raw index file named by #1. Argument
+% #2 is the \indexentry{foo}, so it is not expanded (which is why this is so
+% complicated), while \@indexpage is the page number, which *is* expanded.
+\def\indexwrite#1#2{% % write entry to raw index file
+ \indexinit % open output file if not already
+ \def\@finwrite{\write#1}% % to write to index output file (#1)
+ \begingroup % begin collecting tokens on stack
+ \aftergroup\@finwrite % put \write\indexout on stack
+ \aftergroup{\relax % put { on stack
+ \@stackNX#2\@endstack % puts \noexpand\token... on stack
+ \aftergroup\@indexpage % expanded {enclosed} page number
+ \aftergroup}\relax % put } on stack
+ \endgroup} % now dump from stack to \write
+\def\@indexpage{{\folio}} % to get the {enclosed} page number
+% Saying \@stackNX <stuff>\@endstack will take all the tokens
+% in <stuff> and put them on the stack, with every control sequence
+% prefaced by \noexpand. \indexwrite uses this for unexpanded write.
+\def\@stackswitch{% decides what to do with various types of tokens
+ \ifx\next\@endstack\relax % if \@endstack then we'll quit
+ \else\ifcat\noexpand\next\@stoken % if token is a space,
+ \aftergroup\space\let\next=\@eatnext% write \space and eat token
+ \else\ifcat\noexpand\next\bgroup % if token is \bgroup
+ \aftergroup{\let\next=\@eatnext % write { and eat it
+ \else\ifcat\noexpand\next\egroup % if token is \egroup
+ \aftergroup}\let\next=\@eatnext % write a } and eat it
+ \else % otherwize
+ \let\next=\@stacktoken % just copy to the stack with \NX
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi % end all \if's
+ \next} % do it to the token
+\def\\{\global\let\@stoken= }\\
+% \@eatnext ignores the \next token and goes on to the
+% one following in the argument list
+\def\@eatnext{\afterassignment\@stackNX\let\next= }
+% \@stacktoken copies one token to the stack with \aftergroup,
+% then calls \@stackNX to get the one following.
+\long\def\@stacktoken#1{% write token to stack, unexpanded
+ \ifcat\noexpand#1\relax % if token is a control sequence
+ \aftergroup\noexpand % preface with \noexpand
+ \else\ifcat\noexpand#1\noexpand~\relax % if token is an active character
+ \aftergroup\noexpand % preface with \noexpand
+ \fi\fi %
+ \aftergroup#1\relax % put the next token on the list
+ \@stackNX} % do next token from argument...
+\def\@endstack\@endstack{} % just marks the end of token list
+\catcode`@=12 % @ goes back to \other, not a letter
+% If you want more than one index I can't guess how you will want to
+% use them, so all I can do is tell you how to use the macros above to
+% create another (or several other) additional indices:
+% 1) Create another output file and open it, with something like:
+% \newwrite\otherindexout
+% \immediate\openout\otherindexout=other.idx
+% 2) Define a macro to make the entry to the second index, following
+% the pattern of \index and \@index above, but using the other index
+% file (but don't use @ in a macro name). For example:
+% \def\OtherIndex{\begingroup % special characters letters
+% \catcode`@=11 \catcode`"=11 \catcode`!=11 \catcode`|=11
+% \catcode`-=11
+% \Oindex}
+% \def\Oindex#1{\endgroup % special characters return
+% \indexwrite\otherindexout{\indexentry{#1}}}
+% Then saying \OtherIndex{word} will make an entry into the alternate
+% index for ``word''.
+%>>> EOF index.tex <<<
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/letr b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/letr
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..ad4697fc80e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/letr
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+# letr - a Unix shell script for printing a letter with an addressed
+# envelope, using TeXsis (the TeX macros for physicists). The syntax is:
+# letr [ -q ][ -Pprinter ] [ dvips flags ] [ filename ]
+# where "filename" is the name for your TeX job. The TeX instructions
+# for creating your letter will be put in the file filename.tex, while
+# the instructions for creating the printed envelope will be in the
+# file filename.env. If no name is given the default is "TeXletter".
+# You first edit your letter with your default EDITOR, then it is run
+# through TeXsis. You can preview the letter, and then choose whether
+# or not to print it, and whether or not to print the addressed envelope.
+# Use the -q flag to bypass the editor, and -P to specify an alternate
+# printer. All other flags are passed to dvips. So, for example, if
+# you give the -m flag it will go to dvips and the letter (not just the
+# envelope) will be printed in manual feed mode, so you can put your own
+# paper in the printer for it.
+# To get the envelope to print in landscape mode and with manual feed
+# we call dvips explicitly. If you need to, change the DVIPS command
+# and ENVFLAGS below to match your local site configuration.
+# Eric Myers <> - 27 January 1996
+# Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
+# @(#) $Id: letr,v 1.7 2000/06/01 20:02:30 myers Exp $
+# Local Customization:
+EDITOR=${EDITOR-"emacs"} # editor (default to emacs)
+DVIVIEW=${DVIVIEW-"xdvi"} # dvi file viewer (dviview is more general)
+DVIPS=${DVIPS-"dvips -q"} # general dvips command
+ENVLFLAGS="-m -t landscape" # dvips flags for the envelope
+#====================(end of customization)====================*
+## Parse command line arguments. Unrecognized ones are saved for dvips
+FNAME=${FNAME-"TeXletter"} # name of file to process
+FLAGS=" " # flags to pass on to dvips
+while [ $# != 0 ]
+do case "$1" in
+ -P*) PRINTER=`echo $1 | tail +3c` # strip off the -P
+ -q) NOEDIT="NOEDIT" ;;
+ -*) FLAGS="$FLAGS $1" ;;
+ *) FNAME="$1" ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+PROG=`basename $0`
+# Determine which printer we shall use, and how. In NeXTStep the lpr
+# command ignores the $PRINTER variable, so we will correct for that
+# here by always using `lpr -P$PRINTER`, with "Local_Printer" as the
+# default. For other Unix change default printer to 'lp'. For SYSV
+# we need to use "lp -d$LPDEST" instead.
+if [ -x /usr/ucb/lpr ]; then
+ if [ -x /sdmach ]; then # NeXTStep
+ PRINTER=${PRINTER-"Local_Printer"}
+ else # other BSD
+ fi
+ # The -h option suppresses the banner page
+ LPR="/usr/ucb/lpr -h -P$PRINTER"
+if [ -x /usr/bin/lpr ]; then # BSD (Linux, Solaris)
+ # The -h option suppresses the banner page
+ LPR="/usr/bin/lpr -h -P$PRINTER"
+if [ -x /usr/bin/lp ]; then # SYSV (eg. HP-UX)
+ # The -onb option suppresses the banner page on HP LaserJet3/4 (and 5?)
+ LPR="/usr/bin/lp -onb -d${LPDEST} "
+if [ ! $?LPR ]; then
+ echo "Cannot determine lpr/lp command."
+ exit 2
+## Figure out line end suppression for BSD or SYSV
+if [ "`echo 'EC\c'; echo HO`" = "ECHO" ]; then
+ SYSVNL="\c"; BSDNL="" # System V line control
+ BSDNL="-n"; SYSVNL="" # BSD line control
+## the function `ask_def default text` asks a question and returns
+## the user's answer, using the default if just <cr> is pressed.
+ask_def () {
+ DEFAULT=$1 ; shift
+ echo ${BSDNL} "$* [${DEFAULT}] ${SYSVNL}"
+ read ANS
+ if [ -z "$ANS" ]; then ANS=$DEFAULT ; fi
+ export ANS; }
+## Strip off .tex from the filename, if it is included.
+## Any trailing . is also removed (helps for tcsh filename completion).
+FNAME=`basename $FNAME .tex` # get just the file name, strip .tex
+FNAME=`basename $FNAME .` # get just the file name, strip "."
+## If the named TeX file does not exist, create it with a simple
+## TeXsis \letter template
+if [ ! -f ${FNAME}.tex ]; then
+cat >${FNAME}.tex <<End-of-Text
+\\withEnvelope % if you also want to print an envelope
+\\def\\Email{}% <-- set e-mail address if you want it in the letterhead
+\\letterhead{}% <-- phone number or extension goes here
+## Edit the file with EDITOR, unless -q flag was given
+if [ -z "$NOEDIT" ]; then
+ if $EDITOR ${FNAME}.tex
+ then echo " "
+ else
+ echo "${PROG}: ${EDITOR} editing error ($?). Bailing out..."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+if [ ! -f ${FNAME}.tex ]; then exit 0 ; fi
+## Process through TeXsis
+if [ -z "$NOEDIT" ]; then
+ ask_def yes "Process file ${FNAME}.tex through TeXsis? "
+ ANS="yes"
+case $ANS in
+ yes|Y|y|YES|Yes)
+ if texsis ${FNAME}.tex
+ then
+ echo " "
+ else
+ echo "${PROG}: TeXsis error ($?). Bailing out..."
+ exit 1
+ fi ;;
+ *) exit 0
+## Preview the .dvi file, if desired
+if [ -f ${FNAME}.dvi ]; then
+ ask_def yes "Do you want to preview the letter? "
+ case $ANS in
+ yes|Y|y|YES|Yes) echo " "
+ $DVIVIEW ${FNAME} #>/dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 1 ;;
+ esac
+ echo " "
+ echo "Default printer is '${PRINTER}'."
+ ask_def yes "Do you want to print this now? "
+ case $ANS in
+ yes|Y|y|YES|Yes)
+ ${DVIPS} ${FLAGS} ${FNAME}.dvi # >/dev/null 2>&1
+ echo "Printing the letter..."
+ ${LPR} ${FNAME}.ps ;;
+ *);;
+ esac
+## Process envelope, if desired and it exists
+if [ -f ${FNAME}.env ]; then
+ ask_def yes "Do you want to print the envelope? "
+ case $ANS in
+ yes|Y|y|YES|Yes)
+ /bin/rm -rf ${FNAME}.dvi ${FNAME}.ps
+ texsis ${FNAME}.env
+ $DVIPS ${FLAGS} ${ENVLFLAGS} ${FNAME}.dvi ## >/dev/null 2>&1
+ echo "Printing the envelope... Please feed the printer. "
+ ${LPR} ${FNAME}.ps
+ esac
+ echo "No envelope file ${FNAME}.env was found."
+# Clean up: remove .dvi file, .ps file, and .log file (but keep .env file).
+/bin/rm -f ${FNAME}.dvi ${FNAME}.log ${FNAME}.ps
+exit 0
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/penguin.eps b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/penguin.eps
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af54d9dfec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/penguin.eps
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2
+%%Creator: FeynDiagram 2.4 by Bill Dimm
+%%CreationDate: Dec 15 10:44
+%%For:paige paige
+%%Pages: 1
+%%BoundingBox: 100 299 513 650
+/showpage {} def
+%%Page 1 1
+% @(#) 1.10@(#)
+/CP /charpath load def
+/CF /currentflat load def
+/CPT /currentpoint load def
+/C2 /curveto load def
+/RC2 /rcurveto load def
+/FP /flattenpath load def
+/L2 /lineto load def
+/M2 /moveto load def
+/NP /newpath load def
+/PBX /pathbbox load def
+/RM2 /rmoveto load def
+/SD /setdash load def
+/SLC /setlinecap load def
+/SLW /setlinewidth load def
+/S /show load def
+/ST /stroke load def
+% @(#) 1.9@(#)
+/max { 2 copy lt {exch} if pop } bind def
+% @(#) 1.9@(#)
+ {
+ dup
+ sin exch cos div
+ } bind def
+/arrow_dict 12 dict def
+arrow_dict /arrow_mtrxstor matrix put
+ {
+ arrow_dict
+ begin
+ /alpha exch def
+ /y2 exch def
+ /x2 exch def
+ /y1 exch def
+ /x1 exch def
+ /arrow_oldmtrx arrow_mtrxstor currentmatrix def
+ /dx x2 x1 sub def
+ /dy y2 y1 sub def
+ /len dx dx mul dy dy mul add sqrt def
+ /theta 1 alpha tan atan def
+ /rad len alpha tan mul
+ theta sin alpha tan theta cos -1 add mul add div def
+ x1 y1 translate
+ dy dx atan rotate
+ len 0 M2
+ rad neg 0 rad theta 360 theta sub arcn
+ closepath
+ arrow_oldmtrx setmatrix
+ end
+ } bind def
+% @(#) 1.9@(#)
+/text_dict 20 dict def
+text_dict /text_mtrxstor matrix put
+/SF* { exch findfont exch scalefont setfont } bind def
+systemdict /selectfont known
+ { /SF /selectfont load def }
+ { /SF /SF* load def }
+ ifelse
+ {
+ text_dict begin
+ /angle exch def
+ /y exch def
+ /x exch def
+ /text_oldmtrx text_mtrxstor currentmatrix def
+ x y translate
+ angle rotate
+ } bind def
+ {
+ text_oldmtrx setmatrix
+ end
+ } bind def
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+306 314.1 M2
+118.8 314.1 L2
+1 SLW
+0 SLC
+217.805 314.1 206.995 314.1 22 arrow
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+493.2 314.1 M2
+306 314.1 L2
+1 SLW
+0 SLC
+405.005 314.1 394.195 314.1 22 arrow
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+120.028 590.132 112.239 269.373 338.007 arc
+1 SLW
+0 SLC
+177.719 493.855 186.711 499.849 22 arrow
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+306 560.775 82.875 188.797 351.203 arc
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+491.971 590.132 112.239 201.993 270.627 arc
+1 SLW
+0 SLC
+425.289 499.849 434.281 493.855 22 arrow
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+488.676 396 65.676 86.0501 273.95 arc
+1 SLW
+0 SLC
+423.222 401.399 423.222 390.601 22 arrow
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+306 314.1 M2
+299.762 314.724 294.862 319.696 294.862 326.817 C2
+294.862 333.939 299.762 338.911 306 339.535 C2
+314.131 340.348 317.138 338.436 317.138 335.465 C2
+317.138 332.494 314.131 330.583 306 331.396 C2
+1 setgray
+4.914 SLW
+0 SLC
+[] 0 SD
+306 331.396 M2
+299.762 332.019 294.862 336.991 294.862 344.113 C2
+0 setgray
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+306 331.396 M2
+299.762 332.019 294.862 336.991 294.862 344.113 C2
+294.862 351.235 299.762 356.207 306 356.83 C2
+314.131 357.644 317.138 355.732 317.138 352.761 C2
+317.138 349.79 314.131 347.878 306 348.691 C2
+1 setgray
+4.914 SLW
+0 SLC
+[] 0 SD
+306 348.691 M2
+299.762 349.315 294.862 354.287 294.862 361.409 C2
+0 setgray
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+306 348.691 M2
+299.762 349.315 294.862 354.287 294.862 361.409 C2
+294.862 368.53 299.762 373.502 306 374.126 C2
+314.131 374.939 317.138 373.027 317.138 370.057 C2
+317.138 367.086 314.131 365.174 306 365.987 C2
+1 setgray
+4.914 SLW
+0 SLC
+[] 0 SD
+306 365.987 M2
+299.762 366.611 294.862 371.583 294.862 378.704 C2
+0 setgray
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+306 365.987 M2
+299.762 366.611 294.862 371.583 294.862 378.704 C2
+294.862 385.826 299.762 390.798 306 391.422 C2
+314.131 392.235 317.138 390.323 317.138 387.352 C2
+317.138 384.381 314.131 382.47 306 383.283 C2
+1 setgray
+4.914 SLW
+0 SLC
+[] 0 SD
+306 383.283 M2
+299.762 383.906 294.862 388.878 294.862 396 C2
+0 setgray
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+306 383.283 M2
+299.762 383.906 294.862 388.878 294.862 396 C2
+294.862 403.122 299.762 408.094 306 408.717 C2
+314.131 409.53 317.138 407.619 317.138 404.648 C2
+317.138 401.677 314.131 399.765 306 400.578 C2
+1 setgray
+4.914 SLW
+0 SLC
+[] 0 SD
+306 400.578 M2
+299.762 401.202 294.862 406.174 294.862 413.296 C2
+0 setgray
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+306 400.578 M2
+299.762 401.202 294.862 406.174 294.862 413.296 C2
+294.862 420.417 299.762 425.389 306 426.013 C2
+314.131 426.826 317.138 424.914 317.138 421.943 C2
+317.138 418.973 314.131 417.061 306 417.874 C2
+1 setgray
+4.914 SLW
+0 SLC
+[] 0 SD
+306 417.874 M2
+299.762 418.498 294.862 423.47 294.862 430.591 C2
+0 setgray
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+306 417.874 M2
+299.762 418.498 294.862 423.47 294.862 430.591 C2
+294.862 437.713 299.762 442.685 306 443.309 C2
+314.131 444.122 317.138 442.21 317.138 439.239 C2
+317.138 436.268 314.131 434.356 306 435.17 C2
+1 setgray
+4.914 SLW
+0 SLC
+[] 0 SD
+306 435.17 M2
+299.762 435.793 294.862 440.765 294.862 447.887 C2
+0 setgray
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+306 435.17 M2
+299.762 435.793 294.862 440.765 294.862 447.887 C2
+294.862 455.009 299.762 459.981 306 460.604 C2
+314.131 461.417 317.138 459.506 317.138 456.535 C2
+317.138 453.564 314.131 451.652 306 452.465 C2
+1 setgray
+4.914 SLW
+0 SLC
+[] 0 SD
+306 452.465 M2
+299.762 453.089 294.862 458.061 294.862 465.183 C2
+0 setgray
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+306 452.465 M2
+299.762 453.089 294.862 458.061 294.862 465.183 C2
+294.862 472.304 299.762 477.276 306 477.9 C2
+1.638 SLW
+1 SLC
+224.1 548.1 M2
+235.781 550.101 236.647 553.765 227.389 561.308 C2
+218.13 568.852 220.005 573.416 231.893 572.273 C2
+243.781 571.13 245.74 574.346 239.273 584.386 C2
+232.806 594.427 236.003 598.186 246.952 593.417 C2
+257.901 588.648 260.76 591.098 257.721 602.648 C2
+254.683 614.197 258.887 616.781 267.82 608.855 C2
+276.753 600.929 280.231 602.373 280.919 614.296 C2
+281.608 626.219 286.405 627.374 292.444 617.07 C2
+298.483 606.767 302.236 607.063 306.584 618.186 C2
+310.933 629.309 315.852 628.921 318.402 617.253 C2
+320.952 605.586 324.612 604.705 332.192 613.934 C2
+339.772 623.163 344.329 621.27 343.139 609.387 C2
+341.95 597.504 345.157 595.532 355.223 601.959 C2
+365.289 608.386 369.035 605.175 364.223 594.245 C2
+359.411 583.314 361.85 580.446 373.412 583.439 C2
+384.973 586.432 387.541 582.218 379.58 573.316 C2
+371.618 564.414 373.049 560.931 384.969 560.196 C2
+396.889 559.46 398.025 554.658 387.9 548.1 C2
+114.12 477.9 0 txtsta
+0 0 M2
+CF dup 5 mul setflat
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(s) true CP
+3 -1 roll sub
+3 1 roll sub neg
+-1 mul 2 1 roll -0.5 mul
+4 2 roll M2 RM2
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(s) S
+114.12 314.1 0 txtsta
+0 0 M2
+CF dup 5 mul setflat
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(d) true CP
+3 -1 roll sub
+3 1 roll sub neg
+-1 mul 2 1 roll -0.5 mul
+4 2 roll M2 RM2
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+() S
+CF dup 5 mul setflat
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(d) true CP
+7 -1 roll setflat
+4.212 add
+3 -1 roll pop dup 3 1 roll
+NP M2 1.9656 SLW
+L2 ST
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(d) S
+324.72 396 0 txtsta
+0 0 M2
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(g) S
+306 489.6 0 txtsta
+0 0 M2
+CF dup 5 mul setflat
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(u, c, t) true CP
+3 -1 roll sub
+3 1 roll sub neg
+-0.5 mul 2 1 roll 0 mul
+4 2 roll M2 RM2
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(u, c, t) S
+306 630 0 txtsta
+0 0 M2
+CF dup 5 mul setflat
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(W) true CP
+3 -1 roll sub
+3 1 roll sub neg
+-0.5 mul 2 1 roll 0 mul
+4 2 roll M2 RM2
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(W) S
+497.88 477.9 0 txtsta
+0 0 M2
+CF dup 5 mul setflat
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(d) true CP
+3 -1 roll sub
+3 1 roll sub neg
+0 mul 2 1 roll -0.2 mul
+4 2 roll M2 RM2
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(d) S
+497.88 461.52 0 txtsta
+0 0 M2
+CF dup 5 mul setflat
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(u) true CP
+3 -1 roll sub
+3 1 roll sub neg
+0 mul 2 1 roll -0.8 mul
+4 2 roll M2 RM2
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+() S
+CF dup 5 mul setflat
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(u) true CP
+7 -1 roll setflat
+4.212 add
+3 -1 roll pop dup 3 1 roll
+NP M2 1.9656 SLW
+L2 ST
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(u) S
+497.88 330.48 0 txtsta
+0 0 M2
+CF dup 5 mul setflat
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(u) true CP
+3 -1 roll sub
+3 1 roll sub neg
+0 mul 2 1 roll -0.2 mul
+4 2 roll M2 RM2
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(u) S
+497.88 314.1 0 txtsta
+0 0 M2
+CF dup 5 mul setflat
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(d) true CP
+3 -1 roll sub
+3 1 roll sub neg
+0 mul 2 1 roll -0.8 mul
+4 2 roll M2 RM2
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+() S
+CF dup 5 mul setflat
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(d) true CP
+7 -1 roll setflat
+4.212 add
+3 -1 roll pop dup 3 1 roll
+NP M2 1.9656 SLW
+L2 ST
+/Times-Roman 28.08 SF
+(d) S
+countdictstack exch sub { end } repeat
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/penguin2.eps b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/penguin2.eps
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..46819fc95ef
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,1041 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
+%%Creator: Adobe Illustrator(TM) 3.2
+%%For: (Neal Tucker) (
+%%Title: (penguin.eps)
+%%CreationDate: (4/29/96) (8:20 AM)
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+%%Title: (Packed Array Operators)
+%%Version: 2.0
+%%CreationDate: (8/2/90) ()
+%%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1990 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved)
+userdict /Adobe_packedarray 5 dict dup begin put
+/packedarray where
+ {
+ pop
+ }
+ {
+ Adobe_packedarray begin
+ Adobe_packedarray
+ {
+ dup xcheck
+ {
+ bind
+ } if
+ userdict 3 1 roll put
+ } forall
+ end
+ } ifelse
+} def
+} def
+array astore readonly
+} def
+} def
+} def
+currentdict readonly pop end
+Adobe_packedarray /initialize get exec
+%%BeginResource: procset Adobe_cshow 1.1 0
+%%Title: (cshow Operator)
+%%Version: 1.1
+%%CreationDate: (1/23/89) ()
+%%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1990 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved)
+currentpacking true setpacking
+userdict /Adobe_cshow 3 dict dup begin put
+/cshow where
+ {
+ pop
+ }
+ {
+ userdict /Adobe_cshow_vars 1 dict dup begin put
+ /_cshow
+ {} def
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+ Adobe_cshow
+ {
+ dup xcheck
+ {
+ bind
+ } if
+ userdict 3 1 roll put
+ } forall
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+ exch put
+ {
+ 0 0 Adobe_cshow_vars /_cshow get exec
+ } forall
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+currentdict readonly pop end
+%%BeginResource: procset Adobe_customcolor 1.0 0
+%%Title: (Custom Color Operators)
+%%Version: 1.0
+%%CreationDate: (5/9/88) ()
+%%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1990 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved)
+currentpacking true setpacking
+userdict /Adobe_customcolor 5 dict dup begin put
+/setcustomcolor where
+ {
+ pop
+ }
+ {
+ Adobe_customcolor begin
+ Adobe_customcolor
+ {
+ dup xcheck
+ {
+ bind
+ } if
+ pop pop
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+currentdict Adobe_customcolor eq
+ {
+ end
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+5 packedarray
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+aload pop pop
+ {
+ 4 index mul 4 1 roll
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+5 -1 roll pop
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+currentdict readonly pop end
+%%BeginResource: procset Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 1.1 3
+%%Title: (Adobe Illustrator (R) Version 3.0 Abbreviated Prolog)
+%%Version: 1.1
+%%CreationDate: (3/7/1994) ()
+%%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1994 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved)
+currentpacking true setpacking
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+Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 begin
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+ dup xcheck
+ {
+ bind
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+ pop pop
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+Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3_vars 3 1 roll put
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+dup load dup length exch maxlength eq
+ {
+ dup dup load dup
+ length 2 mul dict copy def
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+load begin def end
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+ {
+ pop
+ } repeat
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+dup length exch stringwidth
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+6 2 roll /_cnt 0 ddef
+{1 index eq {/_cnt _cnt 1 add ddef} if} forall pop
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+ {
+ 2 npop
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+ gsave
+ false charpath currentpoint
+ 4 index setmatrix
+ stroke
+ grestore
+ moveto
+ 2 copy rmoveto
+ } exch cshow
+3 npop
+} def
+4 1 roll
+ {
+ 2 npop
+ (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put
+ gsave
+ _sp eq
+ {
+ exch 6 index 6 index 6 index 5 -1 roll widthshow
+ currentpoint
+ }
+ {
+ false charpath currentpoint
+ 4 index setmatrix stroke
+ }ifelse
+ grestore
+ moveto
+ 2 copy rmoveto
+ } exch cshow
+6 npop
+} def
+ {
+ 2 npop (0) exch
+ 2 copy 0 exch put pop
+ false charpath
+ 2 copy rmoveto
+ } exch cshow
+2 npop
+} def
+ {
+ 2 npop
+ (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put
+ _sp eq
+ {
+ exch 5 index 5 index 5 index 5 -1 roll widthshow
+ }
+ {
+ false charpath
+ }ifelse
+ 2 copy rmoveto
+ } exch cshow
+5 npop
+} def
+0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch
+0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch
+} def
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+ {
+ pop true setstrokeadjust
+ /c
+ {
+ curveto
+ } def
+ /C
+ /c load def
+ /v
+ {
+ currentpoint 6 2 roll curveto
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+ {
+ 2 copy curveto
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+ /Y
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+ /l
+ {
+ lineto
+ } def
+ /L
+ /l load def
+ /m
+ {
+ moveto
+ } def
+ }
+ {
+ /c
+ {
+ pl curveto
+ } def
+ /C
+ /c load def
+ /v
+ {
+ currentpoint 6 2 roll pl curveto
+ } def
+ /V
+ /v load def
+ /y
+ {
+ pl 2 copy curveto
+ } def
+ /Y
+ /y load def
+ /l
+ {
+ pl lineto
+ } def
+ /L
+ /l load def
+ /m
+ {
+ pl moveto
+ } def
+ }ifelse
+} def
+/cf {} def
+dup 0 eq
+ {
+ pop cf
+ } if
+} def
+} def
+} def
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+{} def
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+ {
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+ {
+ S
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+ {
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+/_doClip 1 ddef
+} def
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+ {
+ dup type (stringtype) eq {pop} if
+ } if
+_pola 0 eq {newpath} if
+} def
+{} def
+{} def
+_pola 0 eq {gsave} if
+} def
+_pola 0 eq {grestore} if
+} def
+_pola 1 add /_pola exch ddef
+} def
+_pola 1 sub /_pola exch ddef
+_pola 0 eq {CRender} if
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+} def
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+/_os exch ddef
+/_lp /none ddef
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+/_gf exch ddef
+_lp /fill ne
+ {
+ _of setoverprint
+ _gf setgray
+ /_lp /fill ddef
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+} ddef
+} ddef
+} ddef
+} ddef
+/_lp /none ddef
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+_lp /stroke ne
+ {
+ _os setoverprint
+ _gs setgray
+ /_lp /stroke ddef
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+} ddef
+} ddef
+} ddef
+} ddef
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+} def
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+ {
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+} ddef
+} ddef
+} ddef
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+0 D
+74.8907 215.0693 m
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+199.4255 91.172 201.1257 83.7339 193.4751 75.6583 c
+185.8245 67.5827 172.2234 54.4066 162.0226 69.2828 c
+156.9158 76.7302 156.362 85.9914 164.9978 87.9843 c
+170.5233 89.2594 174.4902 88.8343 178.5989 86.7092 c
+182.7076 84.584 183.6993 85.5757 178.7406 89.2594 c
+173.7819 92.943 172.7901 89.5427 174.4902 95.4932 c
+176.1904 101.4437 178.4436 112.1015 173.7682 123.8608 c
+171.6149 129.2767 164.3121 144.122 157.4349 147.7774 C
+156.799 148.1155 154.9871 148.8579 156.2138 147.3473 c
+158.0807 145.0483 167.9587 130.4785 170.7682 121.7774 c
+173.7716 112.4762 174.2069 103.5688 172.6484 97.9017 c
+171.09 92.2346 168.3981 89.9678 165.1395 89.9678 c
+161.8809 89.9678 158.9057 88.4093 158.9057 95.9182 c
+158.9057 103.4272 159.6849 114.7614 155.6471 124.3246 c
+151.6093 133.8879 146.7214 140.4759 145.6588 144.5137 c
+144.5962 148.5515 142.2585 159.3899 137.3706 165.5529 c
+132.4828 171.7159 130.3576 175.7537 132.9078 182.7667 c
+135.458 189.7798 133.5453 191.6925 128.4449 193.1801 c
+123.3445 194.6677 116.544 196.7929 114.8439 200.1931 c
+113.1437 203.5934 114.2063 210.3939 118.0316 212.0941 c
+121.8569 213.7942 128.2324 211.4565 128.4449 206.5686 c
+128.6575 201.6807 126.3198 199.1305 126.9573 198.068 c
+127.5949 197.0054 130.9951 195.3052 132.6953 197.2179 c
+134.3954 199.1305 134.8204 205.081 133.1203 210.6064 c
+131.4202 216.1319 130.5701 219.9572 124.4071 221.2323 c
+118.2441 222.5074 115.4814 222.0823 112.5062 218.257 c
+109.531 214.4317 108.2559 208.2688 109.1059 203.8059 c
+109.956 199.3431 108.2559 201.8933 105.2806 202.1058 c
+102.3054 202.3183 103.1555 202.5308 100.1802 202.3183 c
+97.205 202.1058 98.2676 204.0184 98.055 207.2062 c
+97.8425 210.3939 97.4175 216.9819 92.9546 219.5321 c
+88.4918 222.0823 80.8412 219.1071 81.0537 208.4813 c
+81.2662 197.8554 84.879 192.755 87.0042 196.5803 c
+89.1293 200.4056 88.0668 198.493 85.9416 200.1931 c
+83.8164 201.8933 82.3288 208.9063 84.6665 211.0315 c
+87.0042 213.1566 89.7669 213.1566 91.2545 211.8815 c
+92.7421 210.6064 95.0798 206.3561 94.6548 203.5934 c
+94.2297 200.8307 94.0172 200.6182 91.2545 198.7055 c
+88.4918 196.7929 87.4292 195.0927 84.2415 192.9676 c
+81.0537 190.8424 79.7786 185.9545 82.3288 184.6794 c
+84.879 183.4043 85.0915 183.6168 87.2167 180.4291 c
+89.3419 177.2413 92.9546 175.7537 101.8804 177.2413 c
+110.8061 178.7289 114.472 180.8449 121.2194 183.1918 c
+126.1073 184.8919 124.4071 184.6794 126.1073 186.5921 c
+127.8074 188.5047 130.5701 185.742 128.0199 184.0419 c
+125.4697 182.3417 119.7318 180.6416 115.4814 179.154 c
+111.2311 177.6663 106.3432 173.416 97.4175 173.841 c
+88.4918 174.2661 94.6548 174.0536 91.8921 174.2661 c
+89.1293 174.4786 87.8542 174.0536 90.8295 171.9284 c
+93.8047 169.8032 93.5922 169.1657 96.1424 168.3156 c
+98.6926 167.4655 102.0929 167.4655 106.1307 168.9532 c
+110.1685 170.4408 120.3693 174.9036 123.5571 177.0288 c
+126.7448 179.154 129.295 176.3912 126.1073 174.2661 c
+122.9195 172.1409 122.0694 172.7785 119.0942 170.8658 c
+116.119 168.9532 110.5935 165.7654 106.9808 162.3651 c
+103.368 158.9649 102.5179 158.7523 98.055 158.5398 c
+93.5922 158.3273 90.8295 163.0027 88.9168 165.1278 c
+87.0042 167.253 87.2167 168.5281 84.879 171.0783 c
+82.5413 173.6285 82.3288 172.991 81.9038 170.2283 c
+81.4787 167.4655 78.291 160.4525 75.5283 155.7771 c
+72.7655 151.1017 72.553 145.3638 72.9781 141.326 c
+73.4031 137.2882 72.3405 136.8631 69.1528 132.1878 c
+65.965 127.5124 60.6521 113.6988 59.802 109.2359 c
+58.952 104.7731 57.8894 95.6349 58.3144 90.3219 c
+58.7394 85.009 57.2518 83.9464 53.4265 87.5592 c
+49.6012 91.172 48.3261 95.2098 48.5386 100.5227 c
+48.7204 105.068 49.3516 108.2774 49.9349 109.9441 c
+50.5182 111.6108 49.9557 112.7983 48.7512 110.7236 c
+46.1324 106.2131 45.9884 98.3976 46.626 95.6349 c
+47.2635 92.8721 47.4761 87.9843 54.4891 81.3962 c
+61.5022 74.8082 71.703 65.67 80.2036 59.507 c
+88.7043 53.344 91.6795 45.6934 79.141 40.168 C
+87.0042 29.5421 91.2545 24.0167 87.8542 17.0037 C
+94.8673 21.0415 92.1685 30.5606 88.7682 33.1108 c
+85.368 35.661 87.4292 37.6178 90.4044 35.7051 c
+93.3797 33.7925 94.4423 29.9672 106.1307 30.1797 c
+117.8191 30.3922 130.4218 31.5766 137.4349 41.7774 c
+144.4479 51.9783 145.8017 43.3946 144.1016 37.4441 c
+142.4014 31.4936 138.2207 18.0662 144.8087 19.3413 C
+145.6588 27.2045 147.5715 34.005 147.5715 42.5057 c
+147.5715 51.0063 148.4349 55.1108 147.7682 67.4441 c
+147.1259 79.3277 152.2468 80.1211 157.5597 80.1211 c
+162.8727 80.1211 161.1725 76.7209 157.7723 76.9334 c
+154.372 77.1459 150.7592 75.8708 150.5467 67.1576 c
+150.3342 58.4444 150.5467 59.2945 152.0343 51.4314 c
+153.5219 43.5682 153.7344 41.2306 152.4593 32.5174 c
+151.1842 23.8042 150.1217 19.1288 155.8596 13.8159 c
+161.5976 8.503 170.3108 9.9906 174.7736 13.3909 c
+179.2365 16.7911 187.7371 24.6543 195.3877 27.2045 c
+203.0383 29.7547 211.114 31.6673 215.3643 35.9176 c
+219.6147 40.168 218.5521 43.1432 214.0892 45.4809 c
+209.6264 47.8186 205.376 46.756 201.9757 50.5813 c
+198.5755 54.4066 196.8753 62.9073 198.1504 67.3701 c
+199.4255 71.833 200.9132 69.9203 200.9132 66.7326 c
+200.9132 63.5448 201.1257 60.5696 204.3134 56.5318 c
+207.5012 52.494 210.4764 50.5813 215.5768 47.3936 c
+220.6772 44.2058 223.865 39.1054 217.4895 34.6425 c
+211.114 30.1797 207.5012 27.6295 202.1883 25.5043 c
+196.8753 23.3792 188.1622 18.2788 182.8492 12.9658 c
+177.5363 7.6529 174.5611 2.9776 164.1478 2.9776 c
+153.7344 2.9776 148.9787 5.4759 145.8713 11.6907 c
+143.7462 15.9411 142.6836 15.3035 137.7957 15.516 c
+132.9078 15.7286 116.544 15.9411 103.793 15.7286 c
+91.042 15.516 86.7917 13.3909 81.0537 8.7155 c
+75.3157 4.0401 73.1906 0.4273 62.3522 4.0401 c
+51.5139 7.6529 45.7759 11.6907 29.6246 14.8785 c
+13.4734 18.0662 22.1865 16.5786 12.4108 18.7038 c
+2.635 20.829 3.2726 25.5043 4.5477 29.3296 c
+5.8228 33.1549 9.0105 39.1054 6.2478 46.9685 c
+3.4851 54.8316 4.5477 62.9073 11.9857 62.9073 c
+19.4238 62.9073 26.4369 61.4197 29.4121 71.1954 c
+32.3874 80.9712 33.2374 73.3206 32.3874 70.7704 c
+31.5373 68.2202 31.1123 61.2071 24.5242 60.1446 c
+17.9362 59.082 16.4486 60.5696 12.4108 60.5696 c
+8.373 60.5696 6.6728 57.8069 8.798 53.1315 c
+10.9232 48.4561 13.2608 43.5682 12.8358 39.5304 c
+12.4108 35.4926 11.9857 34.005 9.0105 30.1797 c
+6.0353 26.3544 6.4603 24.4417 11.7732 23.1666 c
+17.0861 21.8915 26.6494 19.3413 35.5751 17.2162 c
+44.5008 15.091 45.1384 15.091 60.6521 11.0532 c
+76.1658 7.0154 80.4161 14.2409 81.6912 22.9541 c
+82.9664 31.6673 77.0159 39.9555 71.4904 48.2436 c
+65.965 56.5318 60.0145 66.095 52.789 74.8082 c
+45.5634 83.5214 41.3131 84.159 37.7003 82.2463 c
+34.0875 80.3337 33.4499 80.7587 33.2374 85.6466 c
+33.0249 90.5345 32.5999 93.7222 36.6377 100.9478 c
+40.6755 108.1734 44.2883 116.0365 48.5386 128.1499 c
+52.789 140.2634 56.6143 142.6011 63.8398 153.0144 c
+71.0654 163.4277 67.8777 159.3899 72.9781 166.4029 c
+78.0785 173.416 76.5908 172.1409 76.1658 183.1918 c
+75.7408 194.2427 75.3157 200.6182 74.8907 215.0693 c
+1 D
+54.5971 128.6793 m
+55.6961 127.3382 57.2428 130.4814 58.871 131.6548 c
+60.3363 132.9959 60.9469 134.8818 60.6213 136.7258 c
+60.4584 137.7316 58.8303 137.3963 58.5046 137.0611 c
+57.5278 136.0552 57.7262 134.4523 57.0393 133.0378 c
+56.2252 131.3615 53.498 130.0204 54.5971 128.6793 c
+145.951 173.0707 m
+148.2714 171.137 149.6701 169.4579 150.9452 172.3269 c
+152.2203 175.1958 152.2203 176.3647 149.1388 177.5335 c
+146.0573 178.7024 144.6759 179.9775 143.2946 181.5713 c
+141.9132 183.1652 141.4224 180.4368 142.5507 177.746 c
+143.9321 174.452 144.7375 174.0819 145.951 173.0707 c
+98.0873 199.4234 m
+96.4935 199.7421 94.5808 199.6359 93.5182 198.3608 c
+93.0932 197.9357 93.3057 196.7669 94.0495 196.4481 c
+95.0058 196.0231 95.6434 196.9794 95.8559 197.7232 c
+95.9622 198.042 96.0684 198.467 96.3872 198.5733 c
+96.8122 198.7858 97.4336 198.6093 97.8748 198.7858 c
+98.4061 198.9983 98.1936 199.4234 98.0873 199.4234 c
+105.5994 199.1305 m
+106.2369 198.1742 107.4058 198.1742 108.3621 197.7492 c
+108.8934 197.5367 109.956 197.2179 110.2748 197.9617 c
+111.0186 200.2994 107.8346 199.5556 106.3432 199.5556 c
+106.0244 199.5556 105.2806 199.6618 105.5994 199.1305 c
+121.1016 209.4441 m
+122.5269 209.3691 124.5182 206.7774 124.7124 203.8036 c
+124.7431 203.3336 125.9489 203.3623 126.2015 203.838 c
+126.8964 205.0116 126.4187 206.3414 126.0992 207.7666 c
+125.8436 208.9067 124.4549 210.1084 123.2792 210.6309 c
+122.4954 211.0229 121.7116 211.1535 120.6665 211.0229 c
+120.4052 210.8922 119.5182 209.5274 121.1016 209.4441 c
+89.4377 210.1679 m
+88.1053 210.0672 88.5823 209.0454 88.6441 208.2274 C
+90.4855 207.1912 90.6621 204.8539 91.0372 203.0018 c
+91.0901 202.3005 92.1243 202.6138 92.2235 202.8563 c
+93.0524 204.3294 92.0434 206.0161 91.6772 207.7514 c
+91.3728 208.6687 90.7674 209.6807 89.8964 210.3201 c
+89.7707 210.4281 89.5546 210.1767 89.4377 210.1679 c
+130.0182 242.7358 m
+128.7024 243.8124 126.6432 244.2358 126.0182 242.4858 c
+125.3932 240.9858 125.6432 239.4858 125.2682 237.8608 c
+125.2682 237.3608 124.6432 237.2358 124.2682 236.7358 c
+123.7682 236.1108 123.8932 235.3608 124.1432 235.1108 c
+125.3932 233.8608 127.6432 236.3608 129.2682 237.2358 c
+130.5182 237.9858 132.2682 236.9858 133.6432 237.8608 c
+134.0182 238.1108 134.1432 238.7358 133.7682 239.2358 c
+132.8932 240.7358 131.3932 241.6108 130.0182 242.7358 c
+0 D
+168.2848 73.7743 m
+168.5016 74.6532 168.9399 76.3409 169.7682 76.6108 c
+170.0768 76.7112 170.3298 76.5961 170.4302 76.2876 c
+170.6103 75.7354 170.0485 72.6062 170.2761 71.9079 c
+170.5247 71.1445 171.3895 71.2465 172.023 71.4529 c
+173.4685 71.9237 174.2959 73.6304 174.2429 73.7927 c
+174.2219 73.8576 174.1949 73.8848 174.1464 73.869 c
+173.9189 73.7949 173.7245 73.013 173.0585 72.7962 c
+172.6525 72.6638 172.3397 72.7417 172.2023 73.164 c
+172.0594 73.6024 172.6218 76.8395 172.3784 77.5868 c
+172.1352 78.3338 171.3801 78.5011 170.698 78.2789 c
+169.1062 77.7604 168.4145 75.3615 168.0211 73.922 C
+167.9833 73.9276 L
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+166.2463 76.6135 L
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+167.9804 70.3516 L
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+176.8278 73.0178 m
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+179.0232 75.709 178.9751 75.7472 178.9263 75.7312 c
+178.7964 75.6889 178.4863 74.6 177.593 74.309 c
+177.2032 74.182 176.8475 74.2816 176.7627 74.5416 c
+176.6359 74.9313 176.7162 75.6223 176.7309 76.1839 C
+176.7792 79.2896 L
+178.9394 79.993 L
+178.9284 80.7439 L
+176.7519 80.0351 L
+176.8533 82.9783 L
+174.9009 81.8573 L
+174.8182 75.3274 L
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+.\" Unix Manual Pages for TeXsis, the TeX macros for physicists
+.\" (C) Copyright 1991,1994,2000 by Eric Myers and Frank Paige.
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+.TH TEXSIS 1 "16 May 2000" "TeXsis 2.18" "User Manuals"
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+.I filename.tex
+is the name of a file containing TeX and/or TeXsis
+TeXsis is initally in plain TeX mode, i.e. 10pt type and singlespaced,
+but the control sequence \\texsis selects 12pt type, doublespacing,
+and enables other useful features.
+Alternatively, \\paper turns on these features and sets things up to
+typeset a paper, \\thesis does the same for typesetting a thesis,
+\\letter is used to produce a letter using macros similar to those
+listed in the back of
+.I The TeXbook,
+\\memo gives a setup for producing memoranda, and so on.
+A manual which describes all of the TeXsis macro instructions is
+It is written in TeXsis, so it serves as its own example of how to
+write a document with TeXsis.
+The source code is also heavily commented, so it is possible to
+extract useful macros from the source code and modify them to suit
+your own purposes.
+Provisions are made for local customization of TeXsis.
+In particular, the file
+.I TXSmods.tex,
+if it exists, is read from the current directory or from the path
+whenever TeXsis is started.
+You can therefore put your own custom macros for a given project in a
+directory and they will automatically be loaded when TeXsis is run
+from that directory.
+There is an appendix to the printed manual containing detailed
+installation instructions, but they are also provided in a form which
+can be processed by plain TeX, in the file
+.I Install.tex.
+TeXsis informational messages are written to the terminal and the log
+file begining with `% '.
+Warning and error messages begin with `> '.
+The source files for TeXsis and the TeXsis manual are usually installed
+in the same place the rest of TeX is kept.
+Although this may vary from intallation to installation, it will
+generally include a root directory named
+.I texmf.
+Common examples are
+.I /usr/share/texmf/,
+.I /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf,
+.I /usr/local/lib/texmf.
+Filenames here are relative to this
+.I texmf
+root directory.
+.TP 2.5i
+.I web2c/texsis.fmt
+TeXsis pre-loaded format.
+.I tex/texsis/TXS*.tex
+TeXsis source code.
+.I tex/texsis/*.txs
+"Style" files which can be read in at run time for special document
+.I doc/texsis/TXS*.doc
+Source for the printed TeXsis manual (written in TeXsis).
+.I tex/texsis/TXSsite.tex
+Local site customization instructions
+(this is read only once, when the format file is created).
+.I tex/texsis/TXSpatch.tex
+Run time patch file (like a system TeXsis.rc file, it is read
+every time TeXsis is run).
+.I TXSmods.tex
+Run time init file (this is read every time TeXsis is run from the
+current directory, or from the search path in
+Please note that TeXsis is designed to be completely compatible with
+plain TeX.
+As a result it cannot be compatible with LaTeX.
+Having the full manual written in TeXsis can cause a problem if you
+don't have a version of TeXsis already running.
+To get around this you can run
+.I Manual.tex
+through plain TeX and it will load the TeXsis files before processing
+the manual.
+This takes longer, but not by much.
+Please report bugs (or suggestions for improvements) to
+Patchs to correct small problems or make small improvements
+are available at
+in the file
+.I TXSpatch.tex
+(If that file doesn't exist then there are no current patches.)
+.BR initex (1),
+.BR tex (1),
+.BR virtex (1)
+Donald E. Knuth,
+.I The TeXbook;
+Michael Doob,
+.I A Gentle Introduction to TeX.
+Eric Myers <>
+Department of Physics
+University of Michigan
+Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
+.sp 1
+.sp 1
+Frank E. Paige <>
+Physics Department
+Brookhaven National Laboratory
+Upton, New York 11973 USA
+Revision Number: 2.18/beta3
+Release Date: 16 May 2000
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/texsis.el b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/texsis.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..41e251e31b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/texsis.el
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+;; file: texsis.el (TeXsis version 2.18)
+;; @(#) $Revision: 18.3 $ / $Date: 1998/09/26 23:57:01 $ / $Author: myers $
+; GNU emacs support for TeXsis (A TeX macro package for Physicists)
+; The function texsis-mode makes TeXsis the version of TeX run by the
+; commands TeX-buffer and TeX-region. If the mode is not already
+; "TeX" then plain-tex-mode is invoked first.
+; The function look-for-texsis looks for "\texsis" (or actually, just
+; the word "texsis") and sets texsis-mode if such is found. Put this
+; in your TeX-mode-hook to automatically set texsis-mode for TeXsis files.
+; This file is a part of TeXsis.
+; Eric Myers, University of Texas at Austin, 22 September 1990
+; (with help from -- thanks, leo.)
+(defun look-for-texsis ()
+ "search for \"texsis\" within first 256 characters of the file.
+If found, turn on texsis-mode."
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (search-forward "texsis" (min (point-max) (+ (point-min) 255)) t)
+ (texsis-mode))
+(defun texsis-mode () "TeX mode for processing TeXsis files."
+ (if (or (equal mode-name "TeX") (equal mode-name "TeXsis") )
+ (progn
+ (setq TeX-command "texsis") ;; emacs 18.xx
+ (setq tex-command "texsis") ;; emacs 19.xx
+ (setq mode-name "TeXsis") ;; mode name is TeXsis
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (message "TeXsis mode.")
+ )
+ ;; if not a TeX mode then first invoke plain-tex-mode
+ (progn
+ (plain-tex-mode)
+ (if (not (equal mode-name "TeXsis")) (texsis-mode) )
+ )
+ )
+) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/texsis.lsm b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/texsis.lsm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..44dcd8d9f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texsis/base/texsis.lsm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Title: TeXsis - TeX Macros for Physicists
+Version: 2.18
+Description: A collection of TeX macros for typesetting many kinds
+ of documents used by physicists, including research
+ papers, preprints and ``e-prints,'' conference
+ proceedings, theses, books, referee reports, letters,
+ and memoranda. Provides for automatic numbering of
+ equations, automatic numbering and formatting of
+ references, double column formatting, macros for
+ making tables and figures, with or without captions,
+ and including tables with horizontal and vertical
+ rules. Supports a wide variety of type sizes and a
+ number of specialized document formats, and it even
+ includes macros for making form letters for job
+ applications or letters of recommendation.
+Keywords: plain tex, physics, macros
+Author: Eric Myers <> and
+ Frank E. Paige <>
+Alternate-site: mirrored by CTAN (Common TeX Archive Network)
+Platform: Any implementation of Plain TeX
+Copying-policy: Versions previous to 2.18 were marked "academic use only",
+ but version 2.18 is covered by the LaTeX project
+ Public License (LPPL)