path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/plain-doc
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2009-05-23 00:40:02 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2009-05-23 00:40:02 +0000
commita3b7bac23ec996ef6e36711839c9f5bb9a22519b (patch)
treef1a6e8cc1b88c0596bbdd341f7553f0d1ccba2e3 /Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/plain-doc
parent3b8ae63ca616b0a5d4f056524b53c9b896dee994 (diff)
added directories
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/plain-doc')
1 files changed, 1892 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/plain-doc/csname.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/plain-doc/csname.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2016f64bd50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/plain-doc/csname.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1892 @@
+This file contains all unique control sequences used by TeX and the
+pricipal macro packages in use at AMS:
+ Plain: primitives; plain.tex
+ AMS-TeX: amstex.tex, amsppt.sty
+ LaTeX: (not yet installed)
+\ *primitive (control space)
+\! plain.tex
+\" plain.tex
+\# plain.tex
+\$ plain.tex
+\% plain.tex
+\& plain.tex
+\' plain.tex
+\( plain.tex
+\) plain.tex
+\* plain.tex
+\+ plain.tex
+\, plain.tex
+\- *primitive (discretionary hyphen)
+\. plain.tex
+\/ *primitive (italic correction)
+\/ plain.tex
+\: plain.tex (redefined in amstex.tex)
+\; plain.tex (redefined in amstex.tex)
+\< plain.tex
+\= plain.tex (undefined in amstex.tex)
+\> plain.tex (undefined in amstex.tex)
+\? plain.tex
+\*@@at(csname) amstex.tex (* will be replaced by some string)
+\*@at(csname) amstex.tex (* will be replaced by some string)
+\*@box(csname) amstex.tex (* will be replaced by some string)
+\*@true(csname) amsppt.sty (* will be replaced by some string)
+\*box@(csname) amsppt.sty (* will be replaced by some string)
+\*Zat(csname) amstex.tex (* will be replaced by some string)
+\*ZZat(csname) amstex.tex (* will be replaced by some string)
+\@ amstex.tex
+\@cclv plain.tex
+\@cclvi plain.tex
+\@crfalse plain.tex
+\@crtrue plain.tex
+\@foot plain.tex
+\@if plain.tex
+\@ins plain.tex
+\@lign plain.tex
+\@m plain.tex
+\@M plain.tex
+\@midfalse plain.tex
+\@midtrue plain.tex
+\@MM plain.tex
+\@ne plain.tex
+\@nother plain.tex
+\@penup plain.tex
+\@sf plain.tex
+\@vereq plain.tex
+\aa plain.tex
+\AA plain.tex
+\above *primitive
+\abovedisplayshortskip *primitive
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+\accentmu@ amstex.tex
+\active plain.tex
+\acute plain.tex
+\Acute amstex.tex
+\acuteaccent amstex.tex
+\address amsppt.sty
+\addresscount@ amsppt.sty
+\address* amsppt.sty (expands to *i, *ii, etc.)
+\addressnum@ amsppt.sty
+\adjdemerits *primitive
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+\advance *primitive
+\advancepageno plain.tex
+\ae plain.tex
+\AE plain.tex
+\affil amsppt.sty
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+\after amstex.tex
+\afterassignment *primitive
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+\afterbook@true amsppt.sty
+\aftergroup *primitive
+\aleph plain.tex
+\align amstex.tex
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+\aligned amstex.tex
+\aligned@ amstex.tex
+\alignedat amstex.tex
+\alloc@ plain.tex (redefined in amstex.tex)
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+\allocationnumber plain.tex
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+\and@ amstex.tex
+\angle plain.tex
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+\Ans@ amstex.tex
+\appendit@ amstex.tex
+\approx plain.tex
+\arccos plain.tex
+\arcsin plain.tex
+\arctan plain.tex
+\arg plain.tex
+\arrowvert plain.tex
+\Arrowvert plain.tex
+\ast plain.tex
+\asymp plain.tex
+\at@ amstex.tex
+\atcount@ amstex.tex
+\atdef@ amstex.tex
+\athelp@ amstex.tex
+\athelpZ(csname) amstex.tex
+\atop *primitive
+\atopwithdelims *primitive
+\attag@ amstex.tex
+\atZ(csname) amstex.tex
+\atZZ(csname) amstex.tex
+\atZZZ(csname) amstex.tex
+\atZZZZ(csname) amstex.tex
+\author amsppt.sty
+\author@true amsppt.sty
+\authorbox@ amsppt.sty
+\b plain.tex
+\B amstex.tex
+\backslash plain.tex
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+\badans@true amstex.tex
+\bar plain.tex
+\Bar amstex.tex
+\baselineskip *primitive
+\batchmode *primitive
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+\Bbb@ amstex.tex
+\Bbb@@ amstex.tex
+\begingroup *primitive
+\beginsection *primitive
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+\bf plain.tex
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+\bffam@ amstex.tex
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+\big plain.tex
+\Big plain.tex
+\bigaw@ amstex.tex
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+\bigcap plain.tex
+\bigcap@ amstex.tex
+\bigcirc plain.tex
+\bigcup plain.tex
+\bigcup@ amstex.tex
+\bigg plain.tex
+\Bigg plain.tex
+\biggl plain.tex
+\Biggl plain.tex
+\biggm plain.tex
+\Biggm plain.tex
+\biggr plain.tex
+\Biggr plain.tex
+\bigl plain.tex
+\Bigl plain.tex
+\bigm plain.tex
+\Bigm plain.tex
+\bigodot plain.tex
+\bigodot@ amstex.tex
+\bigoplus plain.tex
+\bigoplus@ amstex.tex
+\bigotimes plain.tex
+\bigotimes@ amstex.tex
+\bigpagebreak amstex.tex
+\bigr plain.tex
+\Bigr plain.tex
+\bigskip plain.tex
+\bigskipamount plain.tex
+\bigsqcup plain.tex
+\bigsqcup@ amstex.tex
+\bigtriangledown plain.tex
+\bigtriangleup plain.tex
+\biguplus plain.tex
+\biguplus@ amstex.tex
+\bigvee plain.tex
+\bigvee@ amstex.tex
+\bigvspace amstex.tex
+\bigwedge plain.tex
+\bigwedge@ amstex.tex
+\binom amstex.tex
+\binoppenalty *primitive
+\binrel@ amstex.tex
+\binrel@@ amstex.tex
+\black@ amstex.tex
+\BlackBoxes amstex.tex
+\bmatrix amstex.tex
+\bmod plain.tex
+\body plain.tex
+\bold amstex.tex
+\bold@ amstex.tex
+\bold@@ amstex.tex
+\boldDelta amstex.tex
+\boldGamma amstex.tex
+\boldLambda amstex.tex
+\boldOmega amstex.tex
+\boldPhi amstex.tex
+\boldPi amstex.tex
+\boldPsi amstex.tex
+\boldSigma amstex.tex
+\boldTheta amstex.tex
+\boldUpsilon amstex.tex
+\boldXi amstex.tex
+\book amsppt.sty
+\book@false amsppt.sty
+\book@true amsppt.sty
+\bookbox@ amsppt.sty
+\bookinfo amsppt.sty
+\bookinfo@false amsppt.sty
+\bookinfobox@ amsppt.sty
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+\bot plain.tex
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+\botaligned amstex.tex
+\botfolded@false amstex.tex
+\botfolded@true amstex.tex
+\botfoldedtext amstex.tex
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+\box *primitive
+\box255 *primitive (page contents)
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+\braceld plain.tex
+\bracelu plain.tex
+\bracerd plain.tex
+\braceru plain.tex
+\bracevert plain.tex
+\brack plain.tex
+\break plain.tex
+\breve plain.tex
+\Breve amstex.tex
+\brokenpenalty *primitive
+\buffer amstex.tex
+\buffer@ amstex.tex
+\buildrel plain.tex
+\bullet plain.tex
+\bunch amstex.tex
+\bunchtag amstex.tex
+\by amsppt.sty
+\by@false amsppt.sty
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+\bybox@ amsppt.sty
+\bye plain.tex
+\bysame amsppt.sty
+\bysame@false amsppt.sty
+\bysame@true amsppt.sty
+\bysamebox@ amsppt.sty
+\c amstex.tex (center, in \matrix)
+\c plain.tex
+\c@ncel plain.tex
+\cal plain.tex (undefined in amstex.tex)
+\Cal amstex.tex
+\Cal@ amstex.tex
+\Cal@@ amstex.tex
+\cap plain.tex
+\caption amstex.tex
+\captionwidth amstex.tex
+\captionwidth@ amstex.tex
+\cases plain.tex (redefined in amstex.tex)
+\catcode *primitive
+\CD amstex.tex
+\CD@true amstex.tex
+\cdot plain.tex
+\cdotp plain.tex
+\cdots plain.tex
+\CenteredTagsOnSplits amstex.tex
+\centering plain.tex
+\centering@ amstex.tex
+\centerline plain.tex
+\cfrac amstex.tex
+\cfraccount@ amstex.tex
+\ch@ck plain.tex
+\ChangeBuffer amstex.tex
+\char *primitive
+\chardef *primitive
+\check plain.tex
+\Check amstex.tex
+\chi plain.tex
+\choose plain.tex
+\circ plain.tex
+\cite amsppt.sty
+\classnum@ amstex.tex
+\cleaders *primitive
+\cleartabs plain.tex
+\closein *primitive
+\closeout *primitive
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+\colon plain.tex
+\columns plain.tex
+\comment amstex.tex
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+\comment@@ amstex.tex
+\comment@@@ amstex.tex
+\cong plain.tex
+\coprod plain.tex
+\coprod@ amstex.tex
+\copy plain.tex
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+\cos plain.tex
+\cosh plain.tex
+\cot plain.tex
+\coth plain.tex
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+\count0 plain.tex (page number, \pageno)
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+\csname *primitive
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+\cup plain.tex
+\d plain.tex
+\D amstex.tex
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+\dagger plain.tex
+\dashv plain.tex
+\date amsppt.sty
+\date@ amsppt.sty
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+\define@@ amstex.tex
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+\Delta plain.tex
+\demo amsppt.sty
+\demo@ amsppt.sty
+\demonp % amsppt.sty
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+\diamondsuit plain.tex
+\dim plain.tex
+\dimen *primitive
+\dimen@ plain.tex
+\dimen@i plain.tex
+\dimen@ii plain.tex
+\dimendef *primitive
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+\dots plain.tex
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+\DOTS@true amstex.tex
+\dotsb amstex.tex
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+\dotsb@ amstex.tex
+\dotsc amstex.tex
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+\dotsi amstex.tex
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+\dotsm amstex.tex
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+\dp *primitive
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+\ell plain.tex
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+\frown plain.tex
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+\gathered amstex.tex
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