path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2014-10-10 22:04:00 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2014-10-10 22:04:00 +0000
commit2afe81e876627e6ab68d6f8999467e2559ad70b1 (patch)
tree94a7ba24efbcc65ac990ad2e2a7a4c5790fce4a8 /Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example
parentca3d251e96e4ab3ac745a18d1a8ef843a8cd803a (diff)
featpost (10oct14)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example')
27 files changed, 1590 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
index 6d1d06e59eb..473ab499a1d 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -1,19 +1,10 @@
% L. Nobre G.
-% 2008
+% 2014
input featpost3Dplus2D;
-% bash: export TEX=latex
-% tcsh: setenv TEX latex
-%prologues := 0;
-% verbatimtex
-% \documentclass{article}
-% \usepackage{beton,concmath,ccfonts}
-% \begin{document}
-% etex
+prologues := 1;
f := (30,0,0);
Spread := 100;
@@ -23,15 +14,18 @@ inidist = 10;
timestep = 0.1;
Gfactor = 2;
vprobe = 2.2;
-numeric numsteps, numtries, diststep, i, sigma;
-color inipos, inivel, dstp;
+numeric numsteps, numtries, diststep, i, sigma, sigmang, angl;
+color inipos, inivel, dstp, veloc;
path traject;
+pen bluepen, redpen;
+bluepen = pencircle scaled 0.9mm;
+redpen = pencircle scaled 0.55mm;
def gravitfield( expr relatposprobe ) =
( Gfactor*relatposprobe/((conorm( relatposprobe ))**3) )
-vardef scalarfu( expr index ) =
+vardef parabol( expr index ) =
@@ -40,25 +34,37 @@ vardef scalarfu( expr index ) =
draw traject;
+vardef hiperbo( expr veloc ) =
+ traject:=trajectorypath(
+ numsteps,
+ inipos,
+ veloc,
+ timestep)(gravitfield);
+ draw traject;
numtries = 36;
numsteps = 95;
sigma = 3.15;
+ sigmang = 16;
diststep = sigma/numtries;
dstp = (0,0,diststep);
inipos = (0,-inidist,0);
inivel = (0,vprobe,0);
- drawoptions( withcolor blue );
+ drawoptions( withpen bluepen withcolor blue );
for i=-numtries upto numtries:
- scalarfu( i );
+ parabol( i );
+ endfor;
+ drawoptions( withpen redpen withcolor red );
+ for i=-numtries upto numtries:
+ angl := i*sigmang/numtries;
+ veloc := vprobe*(0,cosd(angl), sind(angl));
+ hiperbo( veloc );
fill fullcircle scaled (4cm) shifted (rp(black));
-% verbatimtex
-% \end{document}
-% etex
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
index c585a52cc43..aa945d745d7 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -1,34 +1,38 @@
% L. Nobre G.
-% 2007
+% 2014
prologues := 1;
- numeric tlen, thig, plen, phig, llen, lhig, pray, sray, wray, lray;
+verbatimtex \documentclass{article}\begin{document} etex
+ ahlength := 8mm;
+ ahangle := 24;
+ numeric tlen, thig, plen, phig, llen, lhig, pray, sray, wray, tang;
numeric u, gmar, lang, hlen, rlen, pmal, pmah, aray, alim, aste, alen;
pen basepen, outerpen;
- picture mydash;
+ picture mydash, currpic[];
u = 2.5mm;
basepen = pencircle scaled 0.35u;
outerpen = pencircle scaled 1.1u;
mydash = dashpattern( off 1.5u on 1.2u off 1.5u);
pickup basepen;
gmar = 0.65u; % margem de bordadura
- lang = 35; % angulo do lancador
+ lang = 45; % angulo do lancador
+ tang = 45; % angulo da tabua (10)
hlen = 70u; % comprimento da linha horizontal
- tlen = 80u; % comprimento da tabua
+ tlen = 120u; % comprimento da tabua
thig = 6u; % altura da tabua
plen = 60u; % comprimento da placa
phig = 35u; % altura da placa
pmal = 20u; % parte da placa que fica em cima da tabua
pmah = 15u; % parte da placa que fica abaixo da horizontal
llen = 60u; % comprimento da lancador (na inclinacao zero)
- lhig = 12u; % altura do lancador (na inclinacao zero)
+ lhig = 15u; % altura do lancador (na inclinacao zero)
pray = 2u; % raio dos cantos arredondados da placa
- sray = 2.7u; % raio da marca da esfera no lancador
+ sray = 5.7u; % raio da marca da esfera no lancador
wray = 1u; % raio do peso de marcacao do angulo
- lray = 3u; % raio da ponta do gatilho do lancador
rlen = 20u; % comprimento da cordinha que segura o peso de marcacao
alim = 45; % angulo limite do tansferidor
aste = 5; % divisao da escala do transferidor
@@ -46,7 +50,7 @@ beginfig(1);
a = buildcycle( fullcircle rotated (-10), dir(90+alim)--origin--right );
numeric auxa, auxb, aucc;
- auxa = aray+5*gmar-llen+sray;
+ auxa = aray+3*gmar-llen+sray;
auxb = 0.5*lhig-2*gmar;
z0 = (auxa,auxb);
sp = fullcircle scaled (2*sray) shifted z0;
@@ -59,18 +63,53 @@ beginfig(1);
for i=aste step aste until alim-aste+90:
draw (aray-gmar)*dir(i)--(aray-gmar-alen)*dir(i);
- z1 = rlen*dir(90-lang);
+ z1 = rlen*dir(90-lang+tang);
draw origin--z1;
fill fullcircle scaled (2*wray) shifted z1;
+ currpic0 = currentpicture shifted -z0 rotated 180;
+ pair haxis, vaxis, pos;
+ numeric velh, velv, halfaccel, maxtime;
+ halfaccel = -1.866; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ maxtime = 20; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ haxis = dir(180+tang-lang);
+ vaxis = dir(270+tang-lang);
+ velh = tlen/maxtime;
+ velv = velh*sind(lang-tang)/cosd(lang-tang);
+ for i=1 upto maxtime:
+ pos := haxis*velh*i+vaxis*(velv+halfaccel*i)*i;
+ fill fullcircle scaled (2*sray) shifted (z0+pos);
+ endfor;
+ drawdblarrow z0--(z0+pos) withcolor white withpen outerpen;
+ drawdblarrow z0--(z0+pos) withcolor blue withpen basepen;
picture tmppicture;
tmppicture = currentpicture;
currentpicture := nullpicture;
draw t;
- fill p;
- draw tmppicture rotatedaround (z0,180+lang)
- shifted ((-0.5*(plen-pmal),sray)-z0);
+ draw p;
+ z999 = (-0.5*(plen-pmal),sray)-z0;
+ draw tmppicture rotatedaround (z0,180+lang) shifted (z999);
undraw origin--(-hlen,0) dashed mydash withpen outerpen;
draw origin--(-hlen,0) dashed mydash withpen basepen;
+ tmppicture := currentpicture;
+ currentpicture := nullpicture;
+ draw tmppicture rotated (-tang);
+ draw currpic0;
+ for i=0 step 90 until 270:
+ draw origin--(u*dir(i));
+ endfor;
+ label(btex Launch etex,(0,0.5sray));
+ label(btex \begin{tabular}{c} Position \\ of Ball \end{tabular} etex,
+ (0,-0.5sray));
+ basepen := pencircle scaled 0.35u;
+ outerpen := pencircle scaled 1.1u;
+ ahlength := 4mm;
+ drawdblarrow origin--(gmar+sray,0) withcolor white withpen outerpen;
+ drawdblarrow origin--(gmar+sray,0) withcolor blue withpen basepen;
+verbatimtex \end{document} etex
end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/bananadimmer.log b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/bananadimmer.log
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe5102d83b..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/bananadimmer.log
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-This is MetaPost, version 1.504 (kpathsea version 6.0.0) 24 NOV 2011 13:14
-( (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/metapost/base/
-Preloading the plain mem file, version 1.004)) (./
-Preloading FeatPost macros, version 0.6.7)
->> banana
-! Isolated expression.
-<to be read again>
- (
-l.62 banana(
-? x
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d5204a4b5eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2014
+prologues := 1;
+ numeric u, firstep, cylray, plangle, i, a, as, speed, dist, accel, li, aux;
+ pair poi, tip, ref;
+ pen one;
+ accel = 0.27;
+ u = 1.2cm;
+ firstep = 6u;
+ cylray = 2u;
+ plangle = 12;
+ as = 5;
+ ahangle := 30;
+ ahlength := 0.035cylray;
+ one = pencircle scaled 0.015cylray;
+ drawoptions( withpen one );
+ li = 3;
+ aux = li*accel*firstep*(li+1);
+ fill (-cylray,0)--(aux,0)--(aux,-ahlength)--(-cylray,-ahlength)--cycle withcolor 0.5white;
+ for i=0 upto li:
+ speed := i*accel;
+ ref := (speed*firstep*i,0);
+ for a=as-90 step as until 270-as:
+ poi := ref+cylray*(dir(a)+up);
+ dist := abs( poi-ref );
+ tip := poi+speed*dist*dir(0.5*a-45);
+ drawarrow poi--tip;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ picture tmpicture;
+ tmpicture = currentpicture;
+ currentpicture := nullpicture;
+ draw tmpicture rotated -plangle;
+end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
index 37af4b547e2..7ff440223c3 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
% L. Nobre G.
-% Feb2001
+% 2013
-verbatimtex \documentclass{article} \begin{document} etex
-%%input mp-tool;
+verbatimtex \documentclass{article}\begin{document} etex
def wmg = withcolor mygray enddef;
@@ -106,6 +104,19 @@ def picketfence =
+def woodblock =
+ begingroup
+ picture storepicture, returnpicture;
+ path borderbox;
+ storepicture := currentpicture;
+ currentpicture := nullpicture;
+ borderbox = origin--(136mm,0)--(136mm,45mm)--(0,45mm)--cycle;
+ fill borderbox wmg;
+ returnpicture := currentpicture;
+ currentpicture := storepicture;
+ ( returnpicture scaled (1/(136mm)) )
+ endgroup
numeric u, ma, mb, mc, md, me, mf, mg, mh, mi, mj, mk, ml, mq;
@@ -136,7 +147,11 @@ beginfig(1);
mr := (mf*md-me*mc)/(mf-me);
mygray := 0.8white;
magn := 2.5;
- linecap := butt;
+% draw picketfence scaled 0.8ml shifted (mn+0.1ml,mo+mk);
+ draw woodblock scaled 0.8ml shifted (mn+0.1ml,mo+mk);
+ linecap := butt;
pickup pencircle scaled ma;
draw (0,0)--(mb,0) wmg;
draw (0,0.5mg)--(mb,0.5mg);
@@ -160,21 +175,21 @@ beginfig(1);
pickup pencircle scaled 0.3ma;
draw lwheel cutafter carro cutbefore carro;
draw rwheel cutbefore carro cutafter carro;
- draw picketfence scaled 0.8ml shifted (mn+0.1ml,mo+mk);
- xzero := (0.8ml)*52.5/136+mn+(0.5ml);
+% xzero := (0.8ml)*52.5/136+mn+(0.5ml);
+ xzero := (1.0ml)*52.5/136+mn+(0.5ml);
ystart := 3.5*(mo+mk);
yzero := 1.05*(mo+mk)+(0.8ml)*45/136;
pickup pencircle scaled 0.3ma;
drawarrow (xzero,ystart)--(xzero,yzero); btex $x_0$ etex scaled magn, (xzero,ystart) );
- zoom := fullcircle scaled (0.5ml) shifted (xzero,mo+mk+(0.8ml)*45/136);
- storepicture := currentpicture;
- clip currentpicture to zoom;
- draw zoom;
- resetpic;
- draw storepicture;
- draw tmpicture scaled 2 shifted (-5cm,5mm);
+ %zoom := fullcircle scaled (0.5ml) shifted (xzero,mo+mk+(0.8ml)*45/136);
+ %storepicture := currentpicture;
+ %clip currentpicture to zoom;
+ %draw zoom;
+ %resetpic;
+ %draw storepicture;
+ %draw tmpicture scaled 2 shifted (-5cm,5mm);
xthree := 0.5*(mb+mn+ml);
yend := 2mo;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bd4968d92f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2014
+prologues := 1;
+input featpost3Dplus2D;
+ f := (3,5,2);
+ numeric margi, ray, dist, len, marj;
+ margi = 0.15;
+ marj = 0.37;
+ ray = 0.2;
+ dist = 0.6;
+ len = 0.25;
+ color pos, pa, pb, pc, pd, qa, qb, qc, qd, ra, P, Q;
+ pos = (marj,dist,0);
+ numeric pqwid, pqlen, theta;
+ pqwid = (dist ++ ray) + 2*margi;
+ pqlen = len + 4*margi;
+ theta = 2*angle(dist,ray);
+ pa = (2margi+marj,dist+margi,0);
+ pb = (2margi+marj,-margi,0);
+ pc = (-len-margi,-margi,0);
+ pd = (-len-margi,dist+margi,0);
+ qa = (margi+marj,dist+margi*cosd(theta),-margi*sind(theta));
+ qb = (margi+marj,dist-(dist+margi)*cosd(theta),(dist+margi)*sind(theta));
+ qc = (-len-2margi,dist-(dist+margi)*cosd(theta),(dist+margi)*sind(theta));
+ qd = (-len-2margi,dist+margi*cosd(theta),-margi*sind(theta));
+ ra = (margi+marj,dist,0);
+ path lowplan, higplan;
+ lowplan = rp(pa)--rp(pb)--rp(pc)--rp(pd)--cycle;
+ higplan = rp(qa)--rp(qb)--rp(qc)--rp(qd)--cycle;
+ unfill higplan;
+ draw higplan;
+ unfill lowplan;
+ draw lowplan;
+ draw rp(pos)--rp(-len*red);
+ rigorousdisc( 0, true, (0,0,ray), ray, -len*red );
+ draw rp(ra)--rp(qb);
+ draw rp(pos) withpen pencircle scaled 3pt;
+ P = (0,ray*sind(theta),ray*(1+cosd(theta)));
+ Q = P-len*red;
+ draw rp(black)--rp(pos)--rp(P)--rp(Q)--rp(pos);
+ draw rp(ra)--rp((-margi-len,dist,0)) dashed withdots withcolor 0.5white;
+ draw rp(P)--rp(Q) withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 2pt;
+end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dba8b80a49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2011
+prologues := 2;
+ numeric u;
+ u = 5mm; % deve corresponder a um metro
+ numeric theta, gamma;
+ theta = 8.7;
+ gamma = 25;
+ numeric lqua, lwca, lqub, lcor, lpor, lwcb, cqua, cqub, lwcc, cwcc, lesc;
+ lqua = 3.8u;
+ lwca = 1.5u;
+ lqub = 3.0u;
+ lcor = 1.2u;
+ lpor = 0.9u;
+ lwcb = 2.0u;
+ cqua = 4.0u;
+ cqub = 5.0u;
+ lwcc = 1.5u;
+ cwcc = 1.5u;
+ lesc = 3.0u;
+ numeric lcas, cdoj, cfaf, cfat, csal, cesc, cwca, dcor, ldoj, extr;
+ lcas = lqua+lwca+lqub;
+ cdoj = cqub+lcor+lwcb;
+ extr = cqua*sind(theta)/cosd(theta);
+ csal = lwca+lqua+extr;
+ ldoj = csal+lqub;
+ cesc = csal+lqub-2*lpor-lqub;
+ cwca = cqua-lcor;
+ dcor = lcor/cosd(gamma);
+ z1 = left*lpor;
+ z2 = z1+cesc*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z3 = z1+lesc*dir(180-gamma);
+ z4 = z2+lesc*dir(180-gamma);
+ z5 = z3+2*lpor*dir(90-gamma);
+ z6 = z5+lqub*dir(90-gamma);
+ z7 = z6+lwcb*dir(180-gamma);
+ z8 = z5+lwcb*dir(180-gamma);
+ z9 = z7+lcor*dir(180-gamma);
+ z10= z9+lqub*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z11= z9+cqub*dir(180-gamma)+extr*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z12=z11+(lqub-extr)*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z13=z12+cwca*dir(-gamma);
+ z14=z12+cqua*dir(-gamma);
+ z15=z12+lwca*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z16=z15+cwca*dir(-gamma);
+ z17=z11+(lcas-extr)*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z18=z14+csal*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z19=whatever[z17,z18];
+ x19= 0;
+ z20=z11+whatever*dir(theta-gamma);
+ x20= 0;
+ z21=whatever[z11,z6];
+ x21= 0;
+ z22=whatever[z4,z2];
+ x22= 0;
+ z23= right*lpor;
+ z24=z22+whatever*dir(gamma);
+ x24=x23;
+ z25=z23+dcor*down;
+ z26=z24+dcor*up;
+ z27=z26+lcor*right;
+ z28=z27+whatever*up;
+ z28=z25+whatever*right;
+ z33= (-x18,y18);
+ z30= (-x6,y6);
+ z29=z30+whatever*dir(gamma);
+ z29=z33+whatever*dir(90+gamma);
+ z31=z18+ldoj*dir(90-gamma);
+ z32= (-x4,y4);
+ z34= (-x3,y3);
+ z35=z24+whatever*dir(gamma);
+ z35=z27+whatever*down;
+ z36=z35+lwcc*dir(gamma);
+ z37=z36+cwcc*dir(90+gamma);
+ z38=z37+whatever*left;
+ z38=whatever[z28,z35];
+ draw origin--z1--z2;
+ draw z34--z23--z1--z3;
+ draw z4--z6;
+ draw z5--z8--z7;
+ draw z9--z10--z12;
+ draw z14--z18--z22--z33;
+ draw z13--z16--z15;
+ draw z18--z17--z11--z31--z21--z29--z33;
+ draw z30--z32;
+ draw z23--z24;
+ draw z25--z28--z35;
+ draw z36--z37--z38;
+ pen outpen;
+ outpen = pencircle scaled (0.2u);
+ draw z11--z17--z18--z22--z33--z29--z21--z31--cycle withpen outpen;
+ numeric u;
+ u = 5mm; % deve corresponder a um metro
+ numeric theta, gamma;
+ theta = 8.7;
+ gamma = 25;
+ numeric lqua, lwca, lqub, lcor, lpor, lwcb, cqua, cqub, lwcc, cwcc, lesc;
+ numeric lcas, cdoj, cfaf, cfat, csal, cesc, cwca, dcor, ldoj, cwcb;
+ numeric cmed, lare, mroo;
+ lqua = 3.25u;
+ lcor = 1.2u;
+ lpor = 0.9u;
+ cqua = 4.5u;
+ lwcc = 2.0u;
+ cwcc = 1.5u;
+ lesc = 2.5u;
+ csal = 5.8u;
+ cwca = 2.0u;
+ lare = 2.0u;
+ mroo = 0.6u;
+ cdoj = 5.5u;
+ cwcb = 2*lcor;
+ cqub = cqua+cwca-lcor;
+ lwca = lqua-lcor;
+ lqub = lqua;
+ lwcb = lwca;
+ lcas = lqua+lqub;
+ ldoj = lcas;
+ cesc = lqua;
+ dcor = lcor/cosd(gamma);
+ cmed = csal+lwca+cqua;
+ z1 = left*lpor;
+ z2 = z1+cesc*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z3 = z34;
+ z4 = z32+ldoj*dir(90+gamma);
+ z5 = z1+2*lcor*dir(180-gamma);
+ z6 = z7+lqub*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z7 = z8+cwcb*dir(-gamma);
+ z8 =z11+cqub*dir(-gamma);
+ z9 = z8+lqub*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z10=z12+(cqua+lwca)*dir(-gamma);
+ z11=z12+lqub*dir(90-gamma);
+ z12= z1+cmed*dir(180-gamma);
+ z13=z10+lcor*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z14= z7+lwcb*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z15= z8+lwcb*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z16=z13+cwca*dir(180-gamma);
+ z17=z11+lcas*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z18=z13+lwca*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z19=z16+lwca*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z20= z22+up*lcor/cosd(gamma);
+ z21=whatever[z11,z7];
+ x21= 0;
+ z22=whatever[z18,z17];
+ x22= 0;
+ z23= right*lpor;
+ z24=z20+whatever*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z24=whatever[z2,z22];
+ z25=z23+cesc*dir(-90+gamma);
+ z26=z25+lcor*dir(90+gamma);
+ z27=z25+cwcc*dir(90+gamma);
+ z28=z27+lwcc*dir(gamma);
+ z29=z30+lqub*dir(-90+gamma);
+ z30= z4+lesc*dir(180+gamma);
+ z31=z25+lwcc*dir(gamma);
+ z32=z31+lare*dir(gamma);
+ z33=z32+cdoj*dir(gamma);
+ z34=z32+cesc*dir(90+gamma);
+ z35=z33+ldoj*dir(90+gamma);
+ z36=z35+sqrt(2)*mroo*dir(45+gamma);
+ z37=z36+whatever*dir(180+gamma-theta);
+ x37= 0;
+ z38=z11+sqrt(2)*mroo*dir(135-gamma);
+ z39=z38+(lcas+2*mroo)*dir(-90-gamma);
+ z40=z41+whatever*dir(180+gamma+theta);
+ x40= 0;
+ z41=z36+(ldoj+2*mroo)*dir(-90+gamma);
+ z42=z30+lcor*dir(-90+gamma);
+ draw z32--z34--z23--z1;
+ draw z5--z6--z7;
+ draw z14--z15;
+ draw z8--z9;
+ draw z27--z28--z31;
+ draw z18--z10--z12;
+ draw z13--z16--z19;
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z3--z4;
+ draw z23--z25;
+ draw z26--z20--z24;
+ draw z29--z42;
+ pen outpen;
+ outpen = pencircle scaled (0.2u);
+ draw z11--z17--z22--z33--z35--z21--cycle withpen outpen;
+ draw z36--z37--z38--z39--z40--z41--cycle withpen outpen withcolor 0.5white;
+ drawoptions( withcolor 0.75white);
+ numeric aux;
+ aux = abs(z35-z21)+abs(z33-z22)+abs(z21-z11)+abs(z22-z17);
+ show aux*lqua/(u**2);
+ label("QUA",(z12+z10+z17+z18)/4);
+ label("QUB",(z11+z12+z8+z9)/4);
+ label("WCA",(z19+z18+z16+z13)/4);
+ label("WCB",(z14+z15+z8+z7)/4);
+ label("SAL",(z2+z1+z10+z18)/4);
+ label("COZ",(z21+z5+z29)/3);
+ label("HAL",(z1+z2+z23+z25)/4);
+ label("ESC",(z30+z29+z4+z3)/4);
+ label("ARE",(z23+z34+z32)/3);
+ label("DOJ",(z4+z32+z33+z35)/4);
+ label("WCC",(z25+z27+z28+z31)/4);
+end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
index 4e54429b3ed..f4984971b67 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
% L. Nobre G.
-% 2007
+% 2014
input featpost3Dplus2D;
-Spread := 40;
-%f := 0.5[0.3*(15,10,5),0.3*(1.5,1,15)];
-f := 1.5*(2.5,1.7,1.5);
-viewcentr := (0,0,0.96);
-%show f;
prologues := 1;
+Spread := 9;
+f := 4.5*(2.5,-1.3,1.7);
+viewcentr := (0,0,2);
+background := 0.9white;
color referencewind;
-numeric dragcoeff, horangle, quadcoef;
+numeric dragcoef, dragcoeg, horangle, quadcoef;
horangle = 90;
referencewind = red*cosd( horangle ) + green*sind( horangle );
-dragcoef = 0.045;
+dragcoef = 0.065;
+dragcoeg = 0.009;
quadcoef = 0.99;
def vecfunc( expr posit, veloc )=
@@ -25,47 +25,51 @@ def vecfunc( expr posit, veloc )=
color wind, field, blow;
numeric heig, wint;
heig = Z( posit );
- wind = referencewind*quadcoef*(( heig+0.0001 )**2);
+ wind = referencewind*quadcoef*sqrt( heig+0.05 );
wind := wind-veloc;
wint = conorm( wind );
blow = N( wind );
- field = dragcoef*blow*wint-blue;
+ field = (dragcoef+dragcoeg*wint)*wind-blue;
( field )
- numeric i, numa, sa, ea, diffstep, ray;
+ numeric i, j, k, numa, sa, ea, diffstep, ray;
color stp, svl, arrbe, arren;
- path oneline;
+ path oneline[];
pen grossa, fina;
- arrbe = (0,-5,1);
- arren = (0,-3,1);
- TDAtiplen := 0.5;
- TDAhalftipbase := 0.2;
- TDAhalfthick := 0.1;
- grossa = pencircle scaled 3pt;
- fina = pencircle scaled 2pt;
- diffstep = 0.03;
- ray = 2.2;
-% numa = 0.02;
-% sa = 106.4;
-% ea = 106.6;
- numa = 2;
- sa = 80.5;
- ea = 130.5;
- setthestage( 20, 10 );
+ arrbe = (0,-8,5);
+ arren = (0,-5.5,5);
+ setthestage( 18, 20 );
+ TDAtiplen := 0.75;
+ TDAhalftipbase := 0.3;
+ TDAhalfthick := 0.15;
+ grossa = pencircle scaled 1.8pt;
+ fina = pencircle scaled 1.2pt;
+ diffstep = 0.015;
+ ray = 3.95;
+ numa = 3.45;
+ sa = 38;
+ ea = 142;
+ j = 0;
for i=sa step numa until ea:
+ j := j+1;
stp := black;
svl := ray*(green*cosd(i)+blue*sind(i));
- oneline := dragtrajectorypath( stp, svl, diffstep, vecfunc );
- draw oneline;
-% draw oneline withpen fina withcolor background;
+ oneline[j] := dragtrajectorypath( stp, svl, diffstep, vecfunc );
+ draw oneline[j] withpen grossa withcolor white;
+ endfor;
+ for k=1 upto j:
+ draw oneline[k] withpen fina withcolor red;
tdarrow( arrbe, arren );
+ draw rp(black)--rp((0,0,4.5)) dashed withdots withpen fina withcolor blue;
ray := 3.25;
numeric min, rst;
min = 0.5;
@@ -98,5 +102,5 @@ for i=min step rst until ray:
message " ";
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
index 88bd19d0d1f..655d83dc9a5 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
% L. Nobre G.
-% 2006
+% 2014
input featpost3Dplus2D;
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ beginfig(1);
z10 = (lba/lca)[z2,z6];
draw z1--z10;,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
+ z11 = vp( vf-vd );
+ drawarrow z9--z11;
verbatimtex \end{document} etex
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5a4b0b04dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2014
+verbatimtex \documentclass{article}\begin{document} etex
+prologues := 3;
+input graph;
+ numeric u, vertlim, horilim, dotsiz, inistep, mininistep, maxinistep;
+ numeric securitymargin;
+ u = 1.01cm;
+ vertlim = 30u;
+ horilim = vertlim/sqrt(2);
+ dotsiz = 0.3u;
+ mininistep = 4.867u;
+ maxinistep = 4.868u;
+ inistep = 0.5*(mininistep+maxinistep);
+ securitymargin = 4u;
+ pair upperleft, horizrigh;
+ upperleft = (-15u,45u)+45u*dir(135);
+ horizrigh = (35u,vertlim);
+ pen defpen;
+ defpen = pencircle scaled dotsiz;
+ numeric i, j, Num;
+ Num = 150;
+ j = 0;
+ for i=mininistep step (maxinistep-mininistep)/Num until maxinistep:
+ pair Dh[]v[];
+ Dh0v0 = (0,vertlim);
+ Dh0v1 = (0,vertlim-i);
+ numeric indh;
+ indh = 0;
+ forever:
+ Dh[indh+1]v1 = whatever[upperleft,Dh[indh]v0];
+ Dh[indh+1]v1 = whatever[horizrigh,Dh[indh]v1];
+ xpart Dh[indh+1]v0 = xpart Dh[indh+1]v1;
+ Dh[indh+1]v0 = whatever[horizrigh,Dh[indh]v0];
+ exitif xpart Dh[indh+1]v0 > horilim;
+ indh := indh + 1;
+ endfor;
+ z[j] = (i,xpart Dh[indh+1]v0 - horilim)/u;
+ j := j + 1;
+ endfor;
+ path thecurve;
+ picture theplus;
+ theplus = btex $+$ etex;
+ theplus := theplus shifted -(center theplus);
+ thecurve = z0 for i=1 upto j-1: --z[i] endfor;
+ picture thegraph;
+ thegraph = begingraph(9u,6u);
+ btex inistep/u etex, OUT );
+ glabel.lft( btex deviation/u etex, OUT );
+ gdraw thecurve withpen defpen withcolor blue;
+ gdraw thecurve plot theplus;
+ autogrid(,grid.lft) withcolor red dashed evenly;
+ endgraph;
+ draw thegraph;
+ pair Dh[]v[];
+ Dh0v0 = (0,vertlim);
+ Dh0v1 = (0,vertlim-inistep);
+ drawoptions( withpen defpen );
+ draw Dh0v0;
+ draw Dh0v1;
+ numeric indh, indv, maxindv[];
+ indh = 0;
+ indv = 2;
+ forever:
+ Dh[indh+1]v[indv-1] = whatever[upperleft,Dh[indh]v[indv-2]];
+ Dh[indh+1]v[indv-1] = whatever[horizrigh,Dh[indh]v[indv-1]];
+ draw Dh[indh+1]v[indv-1];
+ forever:
+ xpart Dh[indh+1]v[indv-1] = xpart Dh[indh+1]v[indv];
+ Dh[indh+1]v[indv] = whatever[upperleft,Dh[indh]v[indv-1]];
+ draw Dh[indh+1]v[indv];
+ xpart Dh[indh]v[indv] = xpart Dh[indh]v[indv-1];
+ Dh[indh]v[indv] = whatever[horizrigh,Dh[indh+1]v[indv]];
+ draw Dh[indh]v[indv];
+ exitif ypart Dh[indh]v[indv] < -securitymargin;
+ indv := indv + 1;
+ endfor;
+ maxindv[indh] = indv;
+ xpart Dh[indh+1]v0 = xpart Dh[indh+1]v1;
+ Dh[indh+1]v0 = whatever[horizrigh,Dh[indh]v0];
+ draw Dh[indh+1]v0;
+ show xpart Dh[indh+1]v0 - xpart Dh[indh]v0;
+ exitif xpart Dh[indh+1]v0 > horilim+securitymargin;
+ indh := indh + 1;
+ indv := 2;
+ Dh[indh+1]v[indv-1] = whatever[upperleft,Dh[indh]v[indv-2]];
+ Dh[indh+1]v[indv-1] = whatever[horizrigh,Dh[indh]v[indv-1]];
+ draw Dh[indh+1]v[indv-1];
+ xpart Dh[indh+1]v0 = xpart Dh[indh+1]v1;
+ show xpart Dh[indh+1]v0 - xpart Dh[indh]v0;
+ Dh[indh+1]v0 = whatever[horizrigh,Dh[indh]v0];
+ draw Dh[indh+1]v0;
+ indh := indh + 1;
+ endfor;
+ drawoptions();
+ for i=2 step 2 until indh+1:
+ for j=0 upto maxindv[i-2]-1:
+ draw Dh[i]v[j+1]--Dh[i-1]v[j]--Dh[i]v[j]--cycle;
+ draw Dh[i-1]v[j+1]--Dh[i-2]v[j]--Dh[i-1]v[j]--cycle;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ path borde, bordf;
+ borde = (-dotsiz,-dotsiz)
+ --(-dotsiz,vertlim+dotsiz)
+ --(horilim+dotsiz,vertlim+dotsiz)
+ --(horilim+dotsiz,-dotsiz)--cycle;
+ bordf = origin--(0,vertlim)--(horilim,vertlim)--(horilim,0)--cycle;
+ clip currentpicture to bordf;
+ draw bordf;
+ picture lasercutprofile;
+ lasercutprofile = currentpicture;
+ draw borde;
+ %draw upperleft withpen defpen;
+ %draw horizrigh withpen defpen;
+ draw lasercutprofile withpen pencircle scaled 0 withcolor red;
+verbatimtex \end{document} etex
+end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..04e9ff2fd71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2014
+input featpost3Dplus2D;
+f := (1,-5,2);
+ numeric ray, i, Num, zcoord;
+ color startpoi, lindir, outpoi, auxpoi;
+ ray = 0.4;
+ zcoord = 0.5*ray;
+ startpoi = (-1-0.5*ray,-1,zcoord);
+ lindir = (0,3,-2.5);
+ Num = 50;
+ smoothtorus( black, blue, 1, ray );
+ for i=0 upto Num:
+ auxpoi := startpoi+2*(1+0.5*ray)*red*i/Num;
+ outpoi := intersectorus( black, blue, 1, ray, auxpoi, lindir );
+ if pointinsidetorus( auxpoi, black, blue, 1, ray ):
+ draw rp(auxpoi)--rp(outpoi) withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor red;
+ else:
+ draw rp(auxpoi)--rp(outpoi) withpen pencircle scaled 2pt;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ draw rp(startpoi)--rp(auxpoi);
+end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
index e2cf2281f2d..b30e6b04377 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
% L. Nobre G.
-% 2013
+% 2014
%input featpost3Dplus2D;
@@ -8,27 +8,31 @@ prologues := 0;
%verbatimtex \documentclass{article}\usepackage{mathpazo}\begin{document} etex
+ahangle := 30;
- numeric u, abratio, foc, pang, auxang, refdist, stepang, factor;
+ numeric u, abratio, foc, pang, auxang, refdist, stepang, factor, thang;
pair secofod, ocirpoi, midpoi, tpoi, dirplu, dirmin;
pen poipen;
color mygrey;
path thecircle;
- stepang = 4.3;
+ thang = -45;
+ stepang = 4;
poipen = pencircle scaled 1mm;
mygrey = 0.5*(red+green);
u = 1cm;
- abratio = 0.5*(1+sqrt(5));
+ %abratio = 0.5*(1+sqrt(5));
+ abratio = 1.2;
foc = u*(abratio +-+ 1);
refdist = 2*u*abratio;
- factor = 1.5;
- secofod = (refdist,0)*factor;
- secofod := (2foc,0);
+ factor = 1.02;
+ secofod := 2*foc*dir(thang);
thecircle = fullcircle scaled 2refdist;
+ pickup pencircle scaled 0;
%draw fullcircle scaled 2u xscaled abratio shifted (foc,0);
- draw thecircle;
- draw secofod withpen poipen;
+ %draw thecircle;
+ draw secofod withpen poipen withcolor blue;
for pang = stepang step stepang until 360:
ocirpoi := refdist*dir(pang);
midpoi := 0.5[secofod,ocirpoi];
@@ -39,11 +43,11 @@ beginfig(1);
tpoi = whatever*dir(pang);
tpoi = whatever[midpoi,midpoi+dirplu];
%draw ocirpoi--secofod withcolor mygrey;
- draw tpoi withpen poipen withcolor red;
+ %draw tpoi withpen poipen withcolor red;
drawarrow tpoi--(tpoi+abs(midpoi-secofod)*dirplu/factor);
clip currentpicture to (thecircle scaled (factor**2));
- draw origin withpen poipen;
+ draw origin withpen poipen withcolor green;
verbatimtex \end{document} etex
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
index 4cb3f4f6bfd..b62491b74a6 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -1,9 +1,34 @@
% lgc means LaTeX Graphics Companion
-% 2013
+% 2014
prologues := 1;
+vardef refractray(expr s,a,p,rir)=
+ save tI,tn,ia,ib,I,J,sib;
+ pair I,J;
+ tI = xpart(p intersectiontimes (s--(s+30cm*dir(a))));
+ if tI>=0:
+ I=point tI of p;
+ draw s--I;
+ tn=angle(direction tI of p)+90;
+ ia=tn-angle(s-I);
+ sib=sind(ia)/rir;
+ ib=-angle(1+-+sib,sib);
+ J=I+dir(tn+180+ib)*2cm;
+ draw I--J withcolor blue;
+ fi;
+ numeric u;
+ u=3mm;
+ path p;
+ p=((5u,-6u)..(4u,-2u)..(4.5u,0)..(5u,5u)) rotated 90;
+ for a=40 step 5 until 140: refractray(origin,a,p,1.5); endfor;
+ draw p withcolor red;
vardef lensrefractray(expr s,a,p,q,rir)=
save tI,tn,ia,ib,I,J,K,sib;
pair I,J,K;
@@ -30,57 +55,72 @@ vardef lensrefractray(expr s,a,p,q,rir)=
-vardef refractray(expr s,a,p,rir)=
- save tI,tn,ia,ib,I,J,sib;
+ path q;
+ q = reverse (p yscaled (-1)) shifted (up*10.5u);
+ fill (p--q--cycle) withcolor red;
+ for a=46 step 3 until 120:
+ lensrefractray(origin,a,p,q,1.4);
+ endfor;
+vardef reflectray(expr s,a,p,l)=
+ save tI,tn,ia,I,J;
pair I,J;
- tI = xpart(p intersectiontimes (s--(s+30cm*dir(a))));
+ tI=xpart(p intersectiontimes (s--(s+30cm*dir(a))));
if tI>=0:
I=point tI of p;
draw s--I;
tn=angle(direction tI of p)+90;
- sib=sind(ia)/rir;
- ib=-angle(1+-+sib,sib);
- J=I+dir(tn+180+ib)*2cm;
+ J=I+dir(tn+ia)*l;
draw I--J withcolor blue;
-vardef reflectray(expr s,a,p)=
- save tI,tn,ia,I,J;
- pair I,J;
+ for a=40 step 5 until 140: reflectray(origin,a,p,2cm); endfor;
+ draw p withcolor red;
+vardef doublereflection(expr s,a,p,q,l,m)=
+ save tI,tn,ia,I,J,K;
+ pair I,J,K;
tI=xpart(p intersectiontimes (s--(s+30cm*dir(a))));
if tI>=0:
I=point tI of p;
draw s--I;
tn=angle(direction tI of p)+90;
- J=I+dir(tn+ia)*2cm;
- draw I--J withcolor blue;
+ J=I+dir(tn+ia)*l;
+ tI := xpart(q intersectiontimes (I--J));
+ if tI>=0:
+ K:=point tI of q;
+ draw I--K withcolor blue;
+ tn:=angle(direction tI of q)+90;
+ ia:=tn-angle(I-K);
+ J:=K+dir(tn+ia)*m;
+ draw K--J;
+ fi;
- numeric u;
+ numeric u, ad, len;
- path p;
- p=((5u,-6u)..(4u,-2u)..(4.5u,0)..(5u,5u)) rotated 90;
- for a=40 step 5 until 140: reflectray(origin,a,p); endfor;
- draw p withcolor red;
- for a=40 step 5 until 140: refractray(origin,a,p,1.5); endfor;
- draw p withcolor red;
- path q;
- q = reverse (p yscaled (-1)) shifted (up*10.5u);
- fill (p--q--cycle) withcolor red;
- for a=46 step 3 until 120:
- lensrefractray(origin,a,p,q,1.4);
+ ad=83;
+ len = 5cm;
+ path p,q;
+ pair sourc;
+ sourc = (-2u,0);
+ p=(-5u,0){up}..{right}(3u,9u);
+ q=(6u,0)..{dir(ad)}(10u,11u);
+ for a=60 step 3 until 120:
+ %reflectray(sourc,a,p,len);
+ doublereflection(sourc,a,p,q,len,0.3*len);
+ draw p withcolor red;
+ draw q withcolor red;
end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..92c09ff7d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2014
+prologues := 3;
+verbatimtex \documentclass{article}\begin{document} etex;
+ numeric u;
+ u = 7mm;
+ numeric numcenhexagons, marg;
+ numcenhexagons = 2;
+ marg = 0.2u;
+ numeric wid, len, ray, basewid;
+ basewid = 11*sqrt(3)/3;
+ wid = basewid*u;
+ len = 2*u*(3*numcenhexagons+basewid);
+ draw (-marg,-marg)--(marg+wid,-marg)--
+ (marg+wid,marg+len)--(-marg,marg+len)--cycle;
+ path botcircle, topcircle;
+ z1 = (wid/2,0);
+ botcircle = halfcircle scaled wid shifted z1;
+ z2 = (0,len);
+ topcircle = botcircle yscaled -1 shifted z2;
+ draw botcircle;
+ draw topcircle;
+ z3 = (0,len-wid/2);
+ z4 = (wid,len-wid/2);
+ draw z3--z4 withcolor red;
+ z5 = (0,wid/2);
+ z6 = (wid,wid/2);
+ draw z5--z6 withcolor red;
+ z7 = (0,-2marg);
+ z8 = (wid,-2marg);
+ drawdblarrow z7--z8;
+ $w$ etex, 0.5[z7,z8]);
+ z9 = (-2marg, wid);
+ z10 = (-2marg, 0);
+ drawdblarrow z9--z10;
+ label.lft(btex $w=\frac{11}{3}\sqrt{3}$ etex, 0.5[z9,z10]);
+ numeric j, k;
+ k = 11;
+ for j=wid*(1-0.5*sqrt(3)) step 6u until len-sqrt(3)*wid:
+ z[k] = (0,j);
+ z[k+1] = (wid,j+sqrt(3)*wid);
+ draw z[k]--z[k+1];
+ z[k+2] = (wid,j);
+ z[k+3] = (0,j+sqrt(3)*wid);
+ draw z[k+2]--z[k+3];
+ z[k+4] = (0,j+0.5*sqrt(3)*wid-1.5u);
+ z[k+5] = (wid,j+0.5*sqrt(3)*wid-1.5u);
+ draw z[k+4]--z[k+5] withcolor (red+blue);
+ z[k+6] = (0,j+0.5*sqrt(3)*wid+1.5u);
+ z[k+7] = (wid,j+0.5*sqrt(3)*wid+1.5u);
+ draw z[k+6]--z[k+7] withcolor (red+blue);
+ k := k+8;
+ endfor;
+ z100 = z16+2*marg*right;
+ z101 = z18+2*marg*right;
+ drawdblarrow z101--z100;
+ label.rt(btex $3$ etex, 0.5[z100,z101]);
+ z200 = z19-2*marg*right;
+ z201 = z17-2*marg*right;
+ drawdblarrow z201--z200;
+ label.lft(btex $1$ etex, 0.5[z200,z201]);
+verbatimtex \end{document} etex
+end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
index 81b2904b223..da101392427 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -1,28 +1,27 @@
% L. Nobre G.
-% 2005
-%%input mp-tool;
+% 2014
prologues := 1;
- numeric u, xsize, ysize, i;
+ numeric u, xsize, ysize, i, ticsize;
numeric minstep, majstep, bigstep;
pen minpen, majpen, bigpen;
color mincolor, majcolor, bigcolor;
u = 1mm;
- xsize = 16cm;
- ysize = 16cm;
+ xsize = 15cm;
+ ysize = 11cm;
+ ticsize = 3u;
minstep = 2u;
majstep = 10u;
- bigstep = 50u;
+ bigstep = 20u;
minpen = pencircle scaled 0pt;
- majpen = pencircle scaled 0.3pt;
- bigpen = pencircle scaled 0.8pt;
- mincolor = 0.5white;
- majcolor = 0.2white;
- bigcolor = 0.5white;
+ majpen = pencircle scaled 0.4pt;
+ bigpen = pencircle scaled 0.99pt;
+ mincolor = 0.65white;
+ majcolor = 0.35white;
+ bigcolor = 0.15white;
for i=0 step minstep until xsize:
draw (i,0)--(i,ysize) withpen minpen withcolor mincolor;
@@ -30,10 +29,10 @@ beginfig(1);
draw (0,i)--(xsize,i) withpen minpen withcolor mincolor;
for i=0 step bigstep until xsize:
- draw (i,0)--(i,ysize) withpen bigpen withcolor bigcolor;
+ draw (i,-ticsize)--(i,ysize) withpen bigpen withcolor bigcolor;
for i=0 step bigstep until ysize:
- draw (0,i)--(xsize,i) withpen bigpen withcolor bigcolor;
+ draw (-ticsize,i)--(xsize,i) withpen bigpen withcolor bigcolor;
for i=0 step majstep until xsize:
draw (i,0)--(i,ysize) withpen majpen withcolor majcolor;
@@ -42,4 +41,12 @@ beginfig(1);
draw (0,i)--(xsize,i) withpen majpen withcolor majcolor;
-end. \ No newline at end of file
+ drawarrow origin--(xsize,0) withpen bigpen;
+ for i=majstep step majstep until xsize-2majstep:
+ draw (i,-minstep)--(i,minstep) withpen majpen;
+ endfor;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3b81e587775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2014
+input featpost3Dplus2D;
+Spread := 30;
+f := (5,3,2);
+ numeric i, li;
+ li = 50;
+ setthestage( 18, 10 );
+ draw for i=-li step 0.25 until li-0.25:
+ rp((5-(i**2),i,0))...
+ endfor rp((5-(li**2),li,0)) withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 3pt;
+end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
index 348a39321dd..34d4e7e4b13 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2013
+verbatimtex \documentclass{article}\begin{document} etex
ahangle := 30;
numeric angthe, angalf, angpsi, xtopo, ytopo, xpoin;
- numeric radthe, radalf, radpsi;
+ numeric radthe, radalf, radpsi, extenfac;
numeric ysize, xsize, margs, units, parac, i, dim;
pair vzer, incl, hori, topo;
path parab, plani, veloc, xaxis, yaxis, auxil;
pen thick, usual, vthin;
- angpsi = 20;
+angpsi = -13;
+extenfac = 1.2;
dim = 50;
units = 1mm;
margs = 8units;
xsize = 70units;
ysize = 40units;
- radthe = 22units;
- radalf = 34units;
- radpsi = 46units;
+ radthe = 34units;
+ radalf = 46units;
+ radpsi = 22units;
thick = pencircle scaled 0.5units;
usual = pencircle scaled 0.2units;
vthin = pencircle scaled 0.1units;
@@ -29,11 +30,11 @@ beginfig(1);
parac = ytopo/(xtopo*xtopo);
yaxis = ( 0, -margs/2 )--( 0, ysize-margs );
xaxis = ( -margs, 0 )--( xsize-margs, 0 );
- plani = ( -margs*cosd( angpsi ), -margs*sind( angpsi ) )
- --( 2*xtopo, 2*xtopo*sind( angpsi )/cosd( angpsi ) );
+ plani = (margs*( -cosd( angpsi ), -sind( angpsi ) ) )
+ --(extenfac*( 2*xtopo, 2*xtopo*sind( angpsi )/cosd( angpsi ) ) );
topo = ( xtopo, ytopo );
parab = origin;
- for i = 1 upto dim:
+ for i = 1 upto extenfac*dim:
xpoin := 2*i*xtopo/dim;
parab := parab..(xpoin,ytopo-parac*(xpoin-xtopo)*(xpoin-xtopo));
@@ -51,25 +52,23 @@ beginfig(1);
drawarrow yaxis;
draw plani;
draw parab cutbefore reverse plani dashed evenly;
- draw auxil dashed evenly;
+% draw auxil dashed evenly;
pickup vthin;
draw fullcircle scaled radthe cutafter veloc;
- draw fullcircle scaled radalf cutafter auxil;
+% draw fullcircle scaled radalf cutafter auxil;
draw fullcircle scaled radpsi cutafter plani;
dotlabel.urt( btex $H$ etex, hori );
- btex $I$ etex, incl );
- btex $T$ etex, topo );
+ dotlabel.urt( btex $I$ etex, incl );
+% btex $T$ etex, topo ); btex $x$ etex, point 1 of xaxis );
label.lft( btex $y$ etex, point 1 of yaxis );
label.lft( btex $\vec{v}_0$ etex, vzer );
label.urt( btex $\Theta$ etex, ( radthe/2, 0 ) );
- label.urt( btex $\alpha$ etex, ( radalf/2, 0 ) );
+% label.urt( btex $\alpha$ etex, ( radalf/2, 0 ) );
label.urt( btex $\Psi$ etex, ( radpsi/2, 0 ) );
+verbatimtex \end{document} etex
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index c618e659ba8..27974ecb0e8 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
% L. Nobre G.
-% 2013
+% 2014
numeric u, r, p;
@@ -51,20 +51,47 @@ endfig;
drawoptions( withpen mypen );
draw mysquare scaled u;
- r := 1/(1+sqrt(2));
- halcir := halfcircle scaled 2r shifted (r*right);
- draw halcir scaled u;
- secondhalfcircle := halfcircle scaled 2r rotated 90 shifted (1,1-r);
- draw secondhalfcircle scaled u;
+ r := sqrt(2)-1;
+ draw quarcirc scaled 2 shifted (right+up) scaled u;
+ draw quarcirc rotated 180 scaled (2r*u);
drawoptions( withpen mypen );
draw mysquare scaled u;
r := 1/4;
- halcir := halfcircle scaled 0.5 shifted (right/4);
+ halcir := halfcircle scaled 0.5 shifted (r*right);
draw halcir scaled u;
draw quarcirc scaled 2 shifted (right+up) scaled u;
+ drawoptions( withpen mypen );
+ path thisquare;
+ thisquare = mysquare scaled u;
+ draw thisquare;
+ r := (sqrt(7)-1)/3;
+ halcir := (halfcircle scaled 2r shifted (r*right)) cutbefore mysquare;
+ draw halcir scaled u;
+ draw quarcirc scaled 2r shifted (right+up) scaled u;
+ drawoptions( withpen mypen );
+ draw mysquare scaled u;
+ r := 1/(1+sqrt(2));
+ draw quarcirc rotated 180 scaled (2r*u);
+ draw fullcircle scaled 2r shifted ((1-r)*(right+up)) scaled u;
+ drawoptions( withpen mypen );
+ draw mysquare scaled u;
+ r := 1/(1+sqrt(2));
+ halcir := halfcircle scaled 2r shifted (r*right);
+ draw halcir scaled u;
+ secondhalfcircle := halfcircle scaled 2r rotated 90 shifted (1,1-r);
+ draw secondhalfcircle scaled u;
end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a0a29ac22e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2014
+%outputformat := "png";
+%outputformatoptions := "format=rgb antialias=best";
+%hppp := 0.5;
+%vppp := 0.5;
+input featpost3Dplus2D;
+%prologues := 1;
+f := 0.7*(3,3,-5);
+ numeric u, r;
+ color b, t;
+ u = 2mm;
+ b = (-1.0,0.0,0.0);
+ t = (-0.4,0.3,0.9);
+ r = 0.6;
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled u);
+ revolparab( b, t, r );
+def parab( expr xis ) = (0.25*(xis**2)) enddef;
+def oloid( expr xis ) = (1-(xis/2)**2) enddef;
+def deriv( expr xis ) = (0.5*xis) enddef;
+ pair pzero, pone;
+ pzero = (-0.5,-5.5);
+ numeric u, delta, n, ste, minx, maxx, itex, tanx, marg, slope, sa, aux;
+ n = 50;
+ marg = 1;
+ u = 5mm;
+ delta = sqrt((xpart pzero)**2-4*(ypart pzero));
+ minx = (xpart pzero)-delta-marg;
+ tanx = (xpart pzero)+delta;
+ maxx = -minx;
+ ste = (maxx-minx)/(n+1);
+ z0 = (minx,parab(minx));
+ z1 = ((xpart pzero)-delta,parab((xpart pzero)-delta));
+ z2 = (tanx,parab(tanx));
+ z3 = 0.5[z1,z2];
+ draw z0 for itex=minx+ste step ste until maxx:
+ --(itex,parab(itex)) endfor withcolor blue;
+ draw pzero--z1--z2--cycle;
+ draw pzero--z3;
+ sa = -angle(z1-z2);
+ slope = sind(sa)/cosd(sa);
+ aux = 2*(-slope+(slope++1));
+ z4 = (aux,parab(aux));
+ z6 = z4+whatever*dir(angle(1,deriv(aux)));
+ aux := 2*(-slope-(slope++1));
+ z5 = (aux,parab(aux));
+ z6 = z5+whatever*dir(angle(1,deriv(aux)));
+ draw z6--z4--z5--cycle withcolor red;
+ %draw up withcolor blue;
+ picture scalpic;
+ scalpic = currentpicture;
+ currentpicture := nullpicture;
+ draw scalpic scaled u withpen pencircle scaled 0;
+% ParallelProj := true;
+ f := (7, 6, 5);
+% f := (2, 1, 8);
+% f := (7,6,8);
+% f := (0.05,0,9.5);
+% f := (0,9,0);
+ numeric ray, coneray, angrotparab, angrotfoc, steprotfoc, itex, xzer, yzer;
+ numeric tmpxzero, tmpdelta, tmpxtplu, tmpxtmin, stepx;
+ color focus, tmpxaxis, auxca, auxcb, auxcc, auxcd;
+ pen penone;
+ pair auxa, auxb;
+ penone = pencircle scaled 3mm;
+ xzer = 1;
+ yzer = -0.5;
+ stepx = 0.05;
+ ray = 3;
+ revolparab(blue*parab(ray),black,ray);
+ coneray = 4;
+ steprotfoc = 15;
+ focus = (xzer,0,yzer);
+ for angrotfoc=0 step steprotfoc until 360-steprotfoc:
+ angrotparab := 0.5*angrotfoc;
+ tmpxzero := xzer*cosd(angrotparab);
+ tmpxaxis := (cosd(angrotparab),sind(angrotparab),0);
+ z0 = (minx,parab(minx));
+ draw rp(-ray*tmpxaxis+blue*parab(-ray))
+ for itex=-ray+stepx step stepx until ray:
+ --rp(itex*tmpxaxis+blue*parab(itex)) endfor withcolor blue;
+ tmpdelta := sqrt(tmpxzero**2-4*yzer);
+ tmpxtplu := tmpxzero+tmpdelta;
+ tmpxtmin := tmpxzero-tmpdelta;
+ auxca := tmpxtplu*tmpxaxis+blue*parab(tmpxtplu);
+ auxcb := tmpxtmin*tmpxaxis+blue*parab(tmpxtmin);
+ auxa := rp(auxca);
+ auxb := rp(auxcb);
+ auxcc := auxca-focus;
+ auxcd := auxcb-focus;
+ draw auxa withpen penone;
+ draw auxb withpen penone;
+ endfor;
+ draw rp(focus) withpen penone withcolor green;
+ produce_auto_scale;
+ numeric major, minor, focdi, rotaroun, steparoun, ra;
+ color majorc, minorc, focdic, garbac, vertec;
+ major = 4;
+ minor = 2.5;
+ f := (-5,0.5,0.4);
+ steparoun = 20;
+ ra = 0.35;
+ focdi = major +-+ minor;
+ majorc = major*red;
+ minorc = minor*green;
+ focdic = -focdi*red;
+ for rotaroun=0.5*steparoun step steparoun until 180-0.5*steparoun:
+ garbac := planarrotation(majorc,minorc,rotaroun);
+ vertec :=0.5[garbac,focdic];
+ revolparab( garbac, vertec, ra );
+ revolparab( (X(garbac),-Y(garbac),0), (X(vertec),-Y(vertec),0), ra );
+ endfor;
+ f := (9,6,3);
+ numeric u, slo, delt, higx, lowx, cenx, rai, focz;
+ color cen, foc, low, base;
+ path ell, cir, both;
+ u = 2mm;
+ slo = 0.35;
+ delt = slo ++ 1;
+ lowx = 2*(slo-delt);
+ higx = 2*(slo+delt);
+ rai = 2*delt;
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled u withcolor blue);
+ revolparab( (0,0,-3), blue, 4 );
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled u);
+ z4 = (lowx,oloid(lowx));
+ z6 = z4+whatever*dir(angle(1,-deriv(lowx)));
+ z5 = (higx,oloid(higx));
+ z6 = z5+whatever*dir(angle(1,-deriv(higx)));
+ focz = ypart z6;
+ cen = (2*slo,0,ypart 0.5[z4,z5]);
+ foc = (2*slo,0,focz);
+ low = (lowx,0,ypart z4);
+ ell = ellipticpath( cen, low-cen, rai*green );
+ cir = fullcircle scaled u;
+ both = twocyclestogether( ell, cir shifted rp(foc) );
+ draw both;
+ draw ell;
+ draw rp(2*cen-low)--rp(low)--rp(foc)--cycle;
+ %draw rp(cen+rai*green)--rp(cen-rai*green);
+ fill cir shifted rp(black);
+ base = (2*slo,0,-3);
+ draw rigorouscircle( base, blue, rai );
+ draw rp(base)--rp(foc) dashed withdots withcolor red;
+end. \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a709d29399a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2013
+prologues := 1;
+def getcrossingscale( expr Ang, Lev ) =
+ begingroup
+ numeric angoflevel;
+ pair tmpair, northpoi, levelpoi;
+ angoflevel = 90-180/(2**Lev);
+ northpoi = (0,1);
+ levelpoi = dir(angoflevel);
+ tmpair = northpoi+whatever*dir(Ang-90);
+ tmpair = levelpoi+whatever*dir(angoflevel-Ang);
+ ( cosd(Ang)*abs(levelpoi-tmpair) )
+ endgroup
+ numeric level, i, j, ang, u, scal, penscal, startang;
+ path basetriang, worktriang;
+ color fillcol;
+ pen pathpen;
+ pair shiftvec;
+ level = 4;
+ ang = 18;
+ u = 7cm;
+ fillcol = (0.77,0.88,0.99);
+ penscal = 50;
+ pathpen = pencircle scaled (u/penscal);
+ basetriang = (0,1)--(-sind(ang)/cosd(ang),0)--(sind(ang)/cosd(ang),0)--cycle;
+ basetriang := basetriang scaled u;
+ fill basetriang withcolor fillcol;
+ fill basetriang rotated 180 withcolor fillcol;
+ draw basetriang withpen pathpen;
+ draw basetriang rotated 180 withpen pathpen;
+ for i=1 upto level:
+ scal := getcrossingscale( ang, i );
+ shiftvec := (0,u*(1-scal));
+ worktriang := basetriang scaled scal shifted shiftvec rotated -90;
+ startang := -90+360/(2**(i+1));
+ for j=startang step 360/(2**i) until 270:
+ fill worktriang rotated j withcolor (fillcol/(2**i));
+ draw worktriang rotated j withpen pathpen;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af05771602f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2013
+prologues := 1;
+input featpost3Dplus2D;
+color actpoi, actdir, actperp;
+boolean finish;
+%def findintersection( expr SourcePoi, RayDir ) =
+% begingroup
+% endgroup
+vardef reflectrayr(expr sourcepoi, raydir )=
+ save J, Perp, newdir, cropro, tandir, theangle;
+ color J, Perp, newdir, cropro, tandir;
+ numeric theangle;
+ findintersection( sourcepoi, raydir );
+ if not finish:
+ draw rp(sourcepoi)--rp(actpoi);
+ theangle = 180-getangle( raydir, actperp );
+ if theangle<0.5: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DANGER!
+ cropro = ncrossprod( raydir, actperp );
+ tandir = ncrossprod( actperp, cropro );
+ newdir = planarrotation( actperp, tandir, theangle );
+ else:
+ newdir = actperp;
+ fi;
+ reflectrayr( actpoi, newdir );
+ else:
+ J=sourcepoi+raydir;
+ drawarrow rp(sourcepoi)--rp(J);
+ finish := false;
+ fi;
+ f := (6,4,5);
+ numeric iz, jang, numcircs, zcoord;
+ numcircs = 10;
+ draw rp((1,0,1))--rp(red)--rp(-red)--rp((-1,0,1));
+ for iz=1 upto numcircs:
+ zcoord := iz/numcircs;
+ draw
+ rp((1-zcoord,zcoord,zcoord))--rp((zcoord-1,zcoord,zcoord))..
+ for jang=5 step 5 until 175:
+ rp((zcoord-1-zcoord*sind(jang),zcoord*cosd(jang),zcoord))..
+ endfor
+ rp((zcoord-1,-zcoord,zcoord))--rp((1-zcoord,-zcoord,zcoord))..
+ for jang=5 step 5 until 175:
+ rp((1-zcoord+zcoord*sind(jang),-zcoord*cosd(jang),zcoord))..
+ endfor
+ cycle;
+ endfor;
+ draw rp(red)--rp((0,1,1))--rp(-red)--rp((0,-1,1))--cycle;
+end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d5bbf5f7d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2013
+prologues := 1;
+vardef reflectrayr(expr s,a,p,l)=
+ save tI,tn,ia,I,J;
+ pair I,J;
+ tI=xpart(p intersectiontimes ((s+1mm*dir(a))--(s+30cm*dir(a))));
+ if tI>0:
+ I=point tI of p;
+ draw s--I;
+ tn=angle(direction tI of p)+90;
+ ia:=tn-angle(s-I);
+ reflectrayr(I,tn+ia,p,l);
+ else:
+ J=s+dir(a)*l;
+ drawarrow s--J;
+ fi;
+beginfig(1); % parabolic dish
+ numeric u, i, num, calx, incidang;
+ pair sunpoi;
+ u = 8cm;
+ num = 12;
+ incidang = -60;
+ path p;
+ p=(-2u,u) for i=1 upto 2num:
+ hide( calx:=-2+2*i/num; )
+ ..(calx*u,u*(calx**2)/4)
+ endfor;
+ for i=1 upto 2num-1:
+ sunpoi := ((-2+2*i/num,1)*u)-u*dir(incidang);
+ reflectrayr(sunpoi,incidang,p,14cm);
+ endfor;
+ draw p withcolor red;
+beginfig(2); % circle evolute dish
+ numeric u, i, num, calc, incidang, panray;
+ pair sunpoi, crosa, crosb;
+ u = 8cm; % this value is related with "14cm" inside reflectray
+ num = 12;
+ incidang = -60;
+ panray = 2cm;
+ path p, q, w;
+ w = fullcircle scaled 2panray shifted (0,u-panray);
+ p=(0,u-2panray) for i=1 upto num:
+ hide(
+ calc:=(i/num)*panray*3.14159;
+ sunpoi := (0,u-panray)+dir(i*180/num-90)*panray-calc*dir(i*180/num);
+ )
+ ..sunpoi
+ endfor;
+ q = reverse (p xscaled -1) & p;
+ sunpoi := (xpart point 2 of q,u)-u*dir(incidang);
+ crosa = sunpoi+whatever*dir(incidang);
+ crosa = (0,u-panray)-whatever*dir(incidang+90);
+ crosb = ((0,u-panray)--crosa) intersectionpoint w;
+ for i=0 upto num:
+ sunpoi := (i/num)[crosa,crosb]-u*dir(incidang);
+ reflectrayr(sunpoi,incidang,q,5cm);
+ endfor;
+ pair crosa;
+ sunpoi := (xpart point ((length q)-2) of q,u)-u*dir(incidang);
+ crosa = sunpoi+whatever*dir(incidang);
+ crosa = (0,u-panray)-whatever*dir(incidang+90);
+ crosb := ((0,u-panray)--crosa) intersectionpoint w;
+ for i=0 upto num:
+ sunpoi := (i/num)[crosa,crosb]-u*dir(incidang);
+ reflectrayr(sunpoi,incidang,q,5cm);
+ endfor;
+ draw q withcolor red;
+ fill w withcolor 0.5white;
+beginfig(3); % spheric dish
+ numeric u, i, num, incidang;
+ pair sunpoi;
+ u = 8cm;
+ num = 12;
+ incidang = -60;
+ path p;
+ p = halfcircle scaled 4u rotated 180 shifted (0,u);
+ for i=1 upto 2num-1:
+ sunpoi := ((-2+2*i/num,1)*u)-u*dir(incidang);
+ reflectrayr(sunpoi,incidang,p,14cm);
+ endfor;
+ draw p withcolor red;
+beginfig(4); % elliptic dish
+ numeric u, i, num, cal, incidang;
+ pair sunpoi;
+ u = 8cm;
+ num = 12;
+ incidang = -55;
+ path p;
+ p=(-2u,u) for i=1 upto 2num:
+ hide( cal:=90*i/num; )
+ ..(-2*cosd(cal)*u,u-u*sind(cal))
+ endfor;
+ for i=1 upto 2num-1:
+ sunpoi := ((-2+2*i/num,1)*u)-u*dir(incidang);
+ reflectrayr(sunpoi,incidang,p,14cm);
+ endfor;
+ draw p withcolor red;
+end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
index 8329f5a27fa..bc0f99cc74d 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-% torus
% L. Nobre G.
-% 20013
+% 2014
input featpost3Dplus2D;
@@ -200,24 +200,31 @@ beginfig(2);
- f := ( 3,1,1 );
- Spread := 110;
- NP:=500;
- RB:=1;
- RS:=0.2;
- R3:=0.1;
- NB:=8;
- NS:=5;
- jB:=360*NB/NP;
- jS:=360*NS/NP;
- for i=1 upto NP:
- phi :=i*jS;
- theta :=i*jB;
- first :=(RB+(RS+R3*sind(4*theta))*cosd(phi))*cosd(theta);
- second:=(RB+(RS+R3*sind(4*theta))*cosd(phi))*sind(theta);
- third := (RS+R3*sind(4*theta))*sind(phi);
- signalvertex( (first,second,third), 1, black );
- endfor;
+ color tmpcolor;
+ string tmpstr;
+ Nobjects := 0;
+ f := ( 3,1,1 );
+ Spread := 110;
+ NP:=624;
+ RB:=1;
+ RS:=0.2;
+ R3:=0.1;
+ NB:=8;
+ NS:=5;
+ jB:=360*NB/NP;
+ jS:=360*NS/NP;
+ for i=1 upto NP:
+ phi :=i*jS;
+ theta :=i*jB;
+ first :=(RB+(RS+R3*sind(4*theta))*cosd(phi))*cosd(theta);
+ second:=(RB+(RS+R3*sind(4*theta))*cosd(phi))*sind(theta);
+ third := (RS+R3*sind(4*theta))*sind(phi);
+ tmpcolor := (first,second,third);
+ tmpstr := cstr( tmpcolor );
+ getready("signalvertex(" & tmpstr &
+ ",1,black);signalvertex(" & tmpstr & ",0.7,white);", tmpcolor );
+ endfor;
+ doitnow;
@@ -276,9 +283,9 @@ beginfig(6);
draw holepic;
draw opath withcolor green;
draw ipath withcolor red;
-% Perhaps there is an analytic way of getting the angle of the cusp point? %
+% There is an analytic way of getting the angle of the cusp point! %
i := ceiling(1+180/angstep);
i := incr( i );
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e9ad366138a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2014
+prologues := 1;
+input featpost3Dplus2D;
+%SphericalDistortion := true;
+%ParallelProj := true;
+ Spread:=70;
+ numeric bigray, smaray, angstep;
+ color toruscenter, torusmoment, nearaxe, sideaxe, viewline;
+ color circlecenter, circlemoment;
+ numeric ang, ind, i, anglim;
+ path cpath, apath, opath, ipath, wp, ep;
+ pair outerp[], innerp[], refpair;
+ pen markpen;
+ boolean cuspcond;
+ picture holepic;
+ color hvec, fakef, visualcircenter, hvecf, perpvec, axisvec;
+ numeric rratio, hratio, visualray, resultang;
+ numeric fakedist, fakeangle, fakeviewlimitangle, tmpangle;
+ markpen = pencircle scaled 5pt;
+ pickup markpen;
+ bigray = 5;
+ smaray = 1;
+ %message "Villarceau angle: " & decimal(angle(bigray+-+smaray,smaray));
+ message "Actual view angle: " & decimal(angle(X(f)++Y(f),Z(f)));
+ angstep= 0.5;
+ toruscenter = black;
+ torusmoment = (0,0,1);
+ % f := (3,-6,3);
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% f := 3*(0,4.24706,0.67267); fakedist = 7.3;
+ f := (7,4,2); fakedist = 4.3; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ fakeangle = 9;
+ fakeviewlimitangle = 2;
+% fakef = (0,4,3);
+% fakef = f;
+% fakef = (-Y(f),X(f),Z(f));
+ fakef = (0,fakedist*cosd(fakeangle),fakedist*sind(fakeangle));
+ %show fakef;
+ %endfig;
+ %end.
+ if cdotprod(f-viewcentr,torusmoment)<0 :
+ torusmoment := -torusmoment;
+ fi;
+ refpair = unitvector( rp(toruscenter+torusmoment)-rp(toruscenter) );
+ viewline = f-toruscenter;
+ ind = 0;
+ sideaxe = bigray*ncrossprod( torusmoment, viewline );
+ nearaxe = bigray*ncrossprod( sideaxe, torusmoment );
+ anglim = 0.5*angstep-180;
+ hvec = cdotprod(f-toruscenter,N(torusmoment))*N(torusmoment);
+ hratio = conorm(hvec)/bigray;
+ rratio = conorm(f-toruscenter-hvec)/bigray;
+ for ang=anglim step angstep until -anglim:
+ ind := incr( ind );
+ circlecenter:= nearaxe*cosd(ang)+sideaxe*sind(ang);
+ circlemoment:=-nearaxe*sind(ang)+sideaxe*cosd(ang);
+ cpath:=spatialhalfcircle(circlecenter,circlemoment,smaray,true);
+ if ang>=0:
+ outerp[ind]=point 0 of cpath;
+ innerp[ind]=point (length cpath) of cpath;
+ elseif ang<0:
+ innerp[ind]=point 0 of cpath;
+ outerp[ind]=point (length cpath) of cpath;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ opath = for i=1 upto ind: outerp[i].. endfor cycle;
+ ipath = for i=1 upto ind: innerp[i].. endfor cycle;
+ holepic = currentpicture;
+ clip holepic to ipath;
+ unfill opath;
+ draw holepic;
+ draw ipath withcolor red;
+% There is an analytic way of getting the angle of the cusp point! %
+ i := ceiling(1+180/angstep);
+ forever:
+ i := incr( i );
+ cuspcond := refpair dotprod innerp[i+1] < refpair dotprod innerp[i];
+ exitif cuspcond or ( i > ind-1 );
+ endfor;
+ resultang = anglim+angstep*(i-1);
+ write decimal(smaray/bigray) & " " & decimal(rratio) & " " & decimal(hratio) & " " & decimal(resultang) to "torusexperimentoneline.dat";
+ ep = outerp[ind-i]--innerp[ind-i];
+ wp = innerp[i]--outerp[i];
+ unfill buildcycle(opath,ep,reverse ipath,wp);
+ draw opath withcolor green;
+ draw subpath (i,ind-i) of ipath withcolor red;
+ hvecf = cdotprod(fakef-toruscenter,N(torusmoment))*N(torusmoment);
+ visualcircenter = 0.5[toruscenter+hvecf,fakef];
+ axisvec = fakef-visualcircenter;
+ visualray = conorm( axisvec );
+ perpvec = ncrossprod(axisvec,torusmoment)*visualray;
+ color tmpf, tmpc, tmpp[], tmpq[], tmpa, tmpv;
+ numeric theta, alpha, beta;
+ tmpv = N(torusmoment);
+ i := 0;
+ drawoptions( withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 5pt );
+ for theta=2*anglim step angstep until -2*anglim:
+ tmpf := visualcircenter+planarrotation( axisvec, perpvec, theta );
+ tmpa := N( planarrotation( axisvec, perpvec, theta/2 ) );
+ tmpc := toruscenter+tmpa*bigray;
+ beta := getangle(tmpa,tmpf-tmpc);
+ alpha := angle( smaray, conorm( tmpf-tmpc ) +-+ smaray ); %%%%%%%%%%%%
+ tmpp[i] := tmpc + smaray*planarrotation( -tmpa, tmpv, 180-alpha-beta );
+ tmpq[i] := tmpc + smaray*planarrotation( -tmpa, tmpv, 180+alpha-beta );
+ if i>0:
+ tmpangle := getangle(tmpp[i]-tmpp[i-1],tmpp[i]-fakef);
+ %write decimal(i) & " " & decimal(tmpangle) to "torusexperimentangles.dat";
+ if (tmpangle<fakeviewlimitangle) or (180-tmpangle<fakeviewlimitangle):
+ draw rp(tmpp[i])--rp(fakef) withpen pencircle scaled 0pt;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ i := incr(i);
+ endfor;
+ draw rp(fakef);
+ if smaray>bigray:
+ draw rp(toruscenter+tmpv*(smaray+-+bigray));
+ draw rp(toruscenter-tmpv*(smaray+-+bigray));
+ fi;
+ ind := i-1;
+ drawoptions();
+ pickup pencircle scaled 0pt;
+ draw rp(fakef)--rp((X(fakef),Y(fakef),0))--rp((0,bigray,0))--cycle dashed evenly;
+ draw goodcirclepath((0,bigray,0),red,smaray) dashed evenly;
+ draw for i=0 upto ind: rp(tmpp[i]).. endfor cycle;
+ draw for i=0 upto ind: rp(tmpq[i]).. endfor cycle;
+ pickup pencircle scaled 2pt;
+ draw spatialhalfcircle( toruscenter, torusmoment, bigray+smaray, true );
+ %draw rigorouscircle( toruscenter, torusmoment, bigray-smaray );
+ draw rigorouscircle( toruscenter+smaray*tmpv, torusmoment, bigray );
+ %draw rigorouscircle( toruscenter-smaray*tmpv, torusmoment, bigray );
+ picture tmppicture;
+ path zoomwindow;
+ zoomwindow = (550,230)--(750,230)--(750,330)--(550,330)--cycle;
+ tmppicture = currentpicture;
+ clip tmppicture to zoomwindow;
+ draw tmppicture scaled 4;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
index bcd0311d59c..b9d81babd29 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
% L. Nobre G.
-% 2012
+% 2014
-prologues := 1;
+%prologues := 1;
+%outputformat := "png";
+%outputformatoptions := "format=rgb antialias=best";
+%hppp := 0.25;
+%vppp := 0.25;
numeric i, s, a, u, h, t;
@@ -29,4 +33,4 @@ beginfig(1);
draw pi--pk withcolor 0.5white;
-end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5d9b378163a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2013
+verbatimtex \documentclass{article}\begin{document} etex;
+ ahangle := 30;
+ numeric angthe, angalf, xpoin;
+ numeric radthe, vini;
+ numeric ysize, xsize, margs, units, i, dim;
+ pair vone, vinic, vtwo;
+ path xaxis, yaxis, vonep, vinicp, vtwop, auxil;
+ pen thick, usual, vthin;
+ angthe = 65;
+ dim = 50;
+ units = 0.8mm;
+ ahlength := 2.5units;
+ margs = 8units;
+ xsize = 75units;
+ ysize = 40units;
+ radthe = 23units;
+ vini = xsize-2.5*margs;
+ thick = pencircle scaled 0.5units;
+ usual = pencircle scaled 0.2units;
+ vthin = pencircle scaled 0.1units;
+ yaxis = ( 0, -vini/2 )--( 0, ysize-margs );
+ xaxis = ( -margs, 0 )--( xsize-margs, 0 );
+ pickup usual;
+ drawarrow xaxis;
+ btex $x$ etex, point 1 of xaxis );
+ drawarrow yaxis;
+ label.lft( btex $y$ etex, point 1 of yaxis );
+ pickup thick;
+ vinic = vini*right;
+ vinicp = origin--vinic;
+ drawarrow vinicp;
+ label.urt( btex $\vec{v}_i$ etex, vinic );
+ vone = vini*cosd(angthe)*dir(angthe);
+ vonep = origin--vone;
+ drawarrow vonep;
+ label.ulft( btex $\vec{v}_1$ etex, vone );
+ vtwo = vini*sind(angthe)*dir(angthe-90);
+ vtwop = origin--vtwo;
+ drawarrow vtwop;
+ label.lrt( btex $\vec{v}_2$ etex, vtwo );
+ pickup vthin;
+ draw fullcircle scaled radthe cutafter vonep;
+ draw fullcircle scaled vini shifted (vinic/2);
+ label.urt( btex $\Theta$ etex, ( radthe/2, 0 ) );
+ z1 = dir(angthe)*margs/2;
+ z2 = dir(angthe-45)*margs/sqrt(2);
+ z3 = dir(angthe-90)*margs/2;
+ draw z1--z2--z3;
+verbatimtex \end{document} etex
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6913fb0c95f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2014
+input featpost3Dplus2D;
+f := (2.7,5,2);
+Spread := 170;
+color poi[], colthr, coltwo;
+pen penthr, pentwo;
+numeric projx, projy, projz;
+penthr = pencircle scaled 2.4pt;
+pentwo = pencircle scaled 1.0pt;
+colthr = blue;
+coltwo = black;
+projx = -0.5;
+projy = -1;
+projz = -0.5;
+def drawonesegmentmanytimes( expr poia, poib ) =
+ begingroup
+ draw rp((projx,Y(poia),Z(poia)))--rp((projx,Y(poib),Z(poib))) withpen pentwo withcolor coltwo;
+ draw rp((X(poia),projy,Z(poia)))--rp((X(poib),projy,Z(poib))) withpen pentwo withcolor coltwo;
+ draw rp((X(poia),Y(poia),projz))--rp((X(poib),Y(poib),projz)) withpen pentwo withcolor coltwo;
+ draw rp(poia)--rp(poib) withpen penthr withcolor colthr
+ endgroup
+vardef segments( text t ) =
+ color tmpcol[];
+ numeric tmpnum, i;
+ tmpnum := 0;
+ forsuffixes $=t:
+ tmpnum := tmpnum+1;
+ tmpcol[tmpnum] = poi$;
+ endfor;
+ for i=1 upto tmpnum-1:
+ drawonesegmentmanytimes(tmpcol[i],tmpcol[i+1]);
+ endfor
+ numeric fac;
+ fac = 0.5*sqrt(2);
+ numeric panelangle, roofangle, panelwid, panellen;
+ panelangle = 61;
+ roofangle = 22;
+ panelwid = 0.5;
+ panellen = 0.8;
+ numeric panelz, panelx;
+ panelz = panellen*sind(panelangle);
+ panelx = panellen*cosd(panelangle);
+ numeric forwarddescent, backwardascent, middledescent;
+ forwarddescent = panelwid*fac*sind(roofangle)/cosd(roofangle);
+ backwardascent = panelx*fac*sind(roofangle)/cosd(roofangle);
+ middledescent = (panelwid-panelx)*fac*sind(roofangle)/cosd(roofangle);
+ poi1 = (panelwid,0,panelz);
+ poi2 = (panelwid,panelwid,panelz);
+ poi3 = (0,panelwid,panelz);
+ poi4 = (panelwid,0,backwardascent);
+ poi5 = (0,panelwid,backwardascent);
+ poi6 = (panelwid+panelx,0,0);
+ poi7 = (panelwid+panelx,panelwid,0);
+ poi8 = (panelwid,panelwid,0);
+ poi9 = (panelwid,panelwid+panelx,0);
+ poi10= (0,panelwid+panelx,0);
+ poi11= (panelwid,panelwid,-middledescent);
+ poi12= (panelwid+panelx,panelwid,-forwarddescent);
+ poi13= (panelwid,panelx+panelwid,-forwarddescent);
+ segments( 6, 12, 11, 13, 10 );
+ segments( 12, 7, 8, 9, 13 );
+ segments( 7, 6, 1, 2, 7 );
+ segments( 9, 10, 3, 2, 9 );
+ segments( 11, 8, 2 );
+ segments( 6, 4, 1 );
+ segments( 10, 5, 3 );
+ segments( 1, 3 );
+ segments( 12, 4, 5, 13 );
+ segments( 6, 10 );
+ segments( 4, 11, 5 );
+ unfill rp(poi7)--rp(poi6)--rp(poi1)--rp(poi2)--cycle;
+ unfill rp(poi9)--rp(poi10)--rp(poi3)--rp(poi2)--cycle;
+end. \ No newline at end of file