path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2012-09-20 21:55:29 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2012-09-20 21:55:29 +0000
commit79fc1285c8c1cf82da30592c3ea147a13a55843c (patch)
treed02f4895a6aa373c8e26d09ce6a6c1d52008b549 /Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex
parent4ee0c0b5bee335b4225bde6d39dabbb0fb04ec9c (diff)
rm designcon, requires nonfree fonts
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex')
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- author = {Peter Adams},
- title = {The title of the work},
- journal = {The name of the journal},
- year = 1993,
- number = 2,
- pages = {201-213},
- month = 7,
- note = {An optional note},
- volume = 4
- author = {Peter Babington},
- title = {The title of the work},
- publisher = {The name of the publisher},
- year = 1993,
- volume = 4,
- series = 10,
- address = {The address},
- edition = 3,
- month = 7,
- note = {An optional note},
- isbn = {3257227892}
- title = {The title of the work},
- author = {Peter Caxton},
- howpublished = {How it was published},
- address = {The address of the publisher},
- month = 7,
- year = 1993,
- note = {An optional note}
- author = {Peter Draper},
- title = {The title of the work},
- booktitle = {The title of the book},
- year = 1993,
- editor = {The editor},
- volume = 4,
- series = 5,
- pages = 213,
- address = {The address of the publisher},
- month = 7,
- organization = {The organization},
- publisher = {The publisher},
- note = {An optional note}
- author = {Peter Eston},
- title = {The title of the work},
- chapter = 8,
- pages = {201-213},
- publisher = {The name of the publisher},
- year = 1993,
- volume = 4,
- series = 5,
- address = {The address of the publisher},
- edition = 3,
- month = 7,
- note = {An optional note}
- author = {Peter Farindon},
- title = {The title of the work},
- booktitle = {The title of the book},
- publisher = {The name of the publisher},
- year = 1993,
- editor = {The editor},
- volume = 4,
- series = 5,
- chapter = 8,
- pages = {201-213},
- address = {The address of the publisher},
- edition = 3,
- month = 7,
- note = {An optional note}
- @manual{manual,
- title = {The title of the work},
- author = {Peter Gainsford},
- organization = {The organization},
- address = {The address of the publisher},
- edition = 3,
- month = 7,
- year = 1993,
- note = {An optional note}
- author = {Peter Harwood},
- title = {The title of the work},
- school = {The school where the thesis was written},
- year = 1993,
- address = {The address of the publisher},
- month = 7,
- note = {An optional note}
- author = {Peter Isley},
- title = {The title of the work},
- howpublished = {How it was published},
- month = 7,
- year = 1993,
- note = {An optional note}
- author = {Peter Joslin},
- title = {The title of the work},
- school = {The school where the thesis was written},
- year = 1993,
- address = {The address of the publisher},
- month = 7,
- note = {An optional note}
- title = {The title of the work},
- year = 1993,
- editor = {Peter Kidwelly},
- volume = 4,
- series = 5,
- address = {The address of the publisher},
- month = 7,
- organization = {The organization},
- publisher = {The name of the publisher},
- note = {An optional note}
- author = {Peter Lambert},
- title = {The title of the work},
- institution = {The institution that published},
- year = 1993,
- number = 2,
- address = {The address of the publisher},
- month = 7,
- note = {An optional note}
- author = {Peter Marcheford},
- title = {The title of the work},
- note = {An optional note},
- month = 7,
- year = 1993
-%********** End of bibliography **********
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-%% Author: Peter J.
- Pupalaikis (pete_pope at hotmail dot com)
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-%% Copyright 2012 Peter J.
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-Signal Flow Diagram
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-reference "fig:signal-flow-diagram"
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-LatexCommand formatted
-reference "eq:euler"
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-This is a subsection.
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-To fill in the bibliography a bit, I'll cite the following
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-key "article,conference,phdthesis,unpublished"
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Binary files differ
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-%% This is file `DesignCon.tex',
-%% Version 1.0
-%% Author: Peter J. Pupalaikis (pete_pope at hotmail dot com)
-%% Copyright 2012 Peter J. Pupalaikis
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
-%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any
-%% later version.
-%% The latest version of the license is in
-%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
-%% LaTeX version 2003/06/01 or later.
-%% This work consists of the files listed in the README file.
-%% USE XeLaTeX+MakeIndex+BibTeX in TeXworks
-\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Times New Roman}
-\setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Arial Black}
- {\def\RSsubtxt{section~}\newref{sub}{name = \RSsubtxt}}
- {}
- {\def\RSthmtxt{theorem~}\newref{thm}{name = \RSthmtxt}}
- {}
- {\def\RSlemtxt{lemma~}\newref{lem}{name = \RSlemtxt}}
- {}
-\acro{DFT}{discrete Fourier transform}
-\acro{PCB}{printed circuit board}
-\setHeading{DesignCon 2013\vspace{2.5in}}
-\setAuthorInfo{First Author Name, Company}
-\setAuthorInfo{First Author E-mail, Phone Number}
-\setAuthorInfo{Second Author Name, Company}
-\setAuthorInfo{Second Author E-mail, Phone Number etc.}
-Abstract here
-Bio here
-% include a PDF or other picture here - I'm including a tikz picture as an example.
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-\draw(17.00,49.00) node[anchor=base]{\fontsize{11.38}{13.66}\selectfont $M$};
-\caption{Signal Flow Diagram}
-This is a section.
-We can refer to the picture of the signal flow diagram as \figref{signal-flow-diagram}.
-We can insert an equation like Euler's equation:
-Then, we can refer to this equation as \eqref{euler}.
-This is a subsection.
-To fill in the bibliography a bit, I'll cite the following \cite{article,conference,phdthesis,unpublished}.
-The bibliography is in DesignCon.bib provided.
-% put an optional \clearpage here to put the Bibliography on the next page
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/designcon/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/designcon/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 55e4ad20bb0..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/designcon/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-These files are for writing a paper for the DesignCon conference using LaTeX or LyX.
-The complete CTAN file set can be found at:
-This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
-version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any
-later version.
-The latest version of the license is in
-and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
-LaTeX version 2003/06/01 or later.
-It includes:
-designcon.cls - LaTeX class file based on article
-designcon.layout - LyX layout file that goes with designcon.cls
-DesignCon.tex - A skeleton starting document for LaTeX
-DesignCon.lyx - A skeleton starting document for LyX
-DesignCon.pdf - the PDF output of either document
-Make a folder called "MyPaper" and put all of these files in it. Rename one of the skeleton
-application files to MyPaper.tex or .lyx depending on which you are using and begin editing
-these documents to produce your paper.
-The paper must be typeset in XeLaTeX since DesignCon uses some specific fonts that cannot
-be found elsewhere.
-Have fun writing in LaTeX!
-Pete Pupalaikis
-pete_pope at
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/designcon/designcon.layout b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/designcon/designcon.layout
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