path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ucbthesis/ucbthesis.tex
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authorKarl Berry <>2014-04-15 21:30:23 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2014-04-15 21:30:23 +0000
commita56058938167cce4d265761d944aa3cf19e481cf (patch)
tree4525392a0b0160af0ccde5cd4a4fff1c271e238f /Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ucbthesis/ucbthesis.tex
parentc12f1a81ed7c1f6315906e59c84f49890cb0838f (diff)
ucbthesis (15apr14)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ucbthesis/ucbthesis.tex')
1 files changed, 397 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ucbthesis/ucbthesis.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ucbthesis/ucbthesis.tex
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index 00000000000..a283aca8654
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ucbthesis/ucbthesis.tex
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+\title{The UCB Thesis Class}
+\author{Paul Vojta\\Mathematics Department\\
+ \texttt{\href{}{}}}
+\date{Version 3.4\\April 11, 2014}
+\lstset{% settings taken from msu-thesis documentation
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,
+ commentstyle=\itshape\ttfamily\small,
+ showspaces=false,
+ showstringspaces=false,
+ breaklines=true,
+ breakautoindent=true,
+ frame=single,
+ captionpos=t,
+ language=TeX
+\renewcommand{\abstractname}{\sffamily Abstract}
+\abstract{\noindent\begin{quote} This is a class file for theses and
+dissertations at the University of California, Berkeley. It is based on
+the \pkg{memoir} class, and therefore supports all of the functionality
+of that class. It should generate a document that meets all of the basic
+formatting requirements given in the \emph{Dissertation Filing Guide}
+or the \emph{Thesis Filing Guide} (as appropriate) produced by the
+UC Berkeley Graduate Division and available on the web at
+This version of the class is based on the dissertation and thesis guides,
+dated May 2010 -- December 2013 and February 2011 -- February 2014,
+The \pkg{ucbthesis} class is a modified
+version of the standard \LaTeX\ \pkg{memoir} class that is accepted for use
+with University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D.~dissertations and Master's
+theses. The available commands are almost identical to those of the
+\pkg{memoir} class, so the recommended starting point for documentation
+is general documentation for \LaTeX.
+This document class requires a reasonably recent version of the \pkg{memoir}
+class. It is known to work with \pkg{memoir} version ``2010/09/19 v3.6g,'' but
+not with \pkg{memoir} version ``2005/09/25 v1.618.''
+% v1.618 gives \undefinedpagestyle
+\emph{Note:} The documentation for the \pkg{memoir} class is long (currently
+583 pages), and the vast majority of it is completely irrelevant to the process
+of writing a thesis using \pkg{ucbthesis}. \textbf{Do not print out the
+documentation for the \pkg{memoir} class!} Doing so would be a huge waste
+of paper and money. Look to general \LaTeX\ documentation instead.
+The key features of the class are:
+\item The primary modification to the \pkg{memoir} class is the setting of the
+ margins and (for Master's theses prior to 2011) use of pseudo-double-spacing,
+ since Berkeley's rules for Master's theses were still designed
+ for typewriters. The latter is achieved by increasing the
+ \verb|\baselinestretch| parameter to 1.37. The \verb|\baselinestretch|
+ is returned to a single-spaced value of 1.00 for elements like tables,
+ captions, and footnotes and for all displayed text (quote, quotation,
+ and verse environments).
+\item Margins are 1 inch on all sides.
+\item Uses 12 point by default; you can use the 10pt or 11pt options for
+ those sizes (but note that only 12pt should be used for the final
+ submitted copy).
+\item Page numbers are in the top right corner for all pages.
+\item Complete, correct front matter for Berkeley dissertations can be
+ generated. If you are not a Berkeley student, you should make sure
+ that the front matter is OK with your school.
+The \pkg{ucbthesis} class is derived from the \pkg{ucthesis} class---the
+name has been changed to reflect the fact that it is (probably) only
+valid for Berkeley theses.
+The \pkg{ucbthesis} class should be used for new theses (at Berkeley);
+\pkg{ucthesis} may still be used for older theses submitted prior to the
+change to electronic submission in Fall 2009, and will still be maintained
+for this purpose.
+A (partial) list of thesis classes at other University of California
+campuses is available on the web at
+\section{Using the \pkg{ucbthesis} Class}
+\subsection{Sample Dissertation}
+There is a sample dissertation in the \texttt{example} subdirectory
+of the documentation directory. All of the files in that subdirectory
+form part of the sample dissertation. To produce a \texttt{pdf} or
+\texttt{dvi} file of the thesis, copy the files to some other directory
+and type the commands
+pdflatex thesis
+biber thesis
+pdflatex thesis
+(Use \texttt{latex} instead of \texttt{pdflatex} if you want a \texttt{dvi}
+file instead of a \texttt{pdf} file as output. You may need to replace
+\texttt{biber} with \texttt{bibtex}, depending on your \TeX\ setup---look
+at the output from the first run of \pkg{pdflatex} or \pkg{latex}.)
+The file \texttt{references.bib} is its bibliography database (though
+the contents of the database are not important). Mostly this example
+document is useful as an example of how to produce the front matter.
+If you don't understand \LaTeX\ at all, this file might help you get
+started, but, since you're going to be writing a quite lengthy document,
+you should look into more comprehensive information on \LaTeX.
+A list of \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ documentation is maintained at the web page
+\subsection{Selecting the \pkg{ucbthesis} Class}
+To use the \pkg{ucbthesis} class, make sure that the \texttt{ucbthesis.cls}
+file is on your TEXINPUTS search path and use the following command at
+the start of your input file:
+\subsection{Class Options}
+The options for the \pkg{ucbthesis} class are given in Table~\ref{opts}.
+They should be selected on the \verb|\documentclass| line, e.g.:
+\multicolumn{1}{c}{Option} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Description}\\
+{phd} & Selects formatting for doctoral dissertation (default) \\
+{masters} & Selects formatting for Master's thesis submitted in 2012 or later:
+ changes the word ``dissertation'' on the title page to ``thesis.'' \\
+{oldmasters} & Selects formatting for Master's thesis submitted in 2011 or
+ earlier: selects double spacing and changes the word ``dissertation''
+ on the title page to ``thesis.'' \\
+{final} & Uses pseudo-double-spacing for Master's theses submitted in 2011 or
+ earlier (default) \\
+{draft} & Uses single-spacing throughout the document \\
+{12pt} & Sets the default font size to 12 points (default) \\
+{11pt} & Sets the default font size to 11 points. \emph{Note:} This option
+ should be used only for draft copies (e.g., to save paper). The final
+ submitted copy must use 12-point fonts or larger \\
+{10pt} & Sets the default font size to 10 points. \emph{Note:} This option
+ should be used only for draft copies (e.g., to save paper). The final
+ submitted copy must use 12-point fonts or larger \\
+\caption{Document class options}\label{opts}
+All options supported by the \pkg{memoir} class are also supported
+(although some of them would not be very useful for a thesis).
+\subsection{Page Headers}
+If you want to use page headers or footers other than the default ones,
+you should try using \texttt{headerfooter.sty} or \texttt{fancyheadings.sty}.
+The \texttt{myheadings} pagestyle doesn't work well and there is no workaround.
+The \pkg{headerfooter} and \pkg{fancyheadings} styles are widely distributed,
+well documented, and easy to use.
+\subsection{Overall Document Structure}
+The overall structure of a \verb|.tex| file for a thesis is the same as
+most other \LaTeX\ files: a \verb|\documentclass| line, followed by
+declarations (e.g., \verb|\usepackage| lines and macro definitions),
+and then one (or, rarely, more) instances of a \verb|document| environment.
+Your best guide for what goes inside the \verb|document| environment is
+to follow the practice in the sample file \verb|thesis.tex|. In a nutshell,
+though, this consists of declarations and environments for the front matter,
+followed by the main content of the thesis, and then the bibliography
+and any appendices. The structure of the part of the file
+corresponding to the front matter is described in the next section.
+\section{Front Matter}
+In addition to setting the page layout and line spacing, the other key
+service provided by the \pkg{ucbthesis} class is that it generates
+correct front matter (title page, approval page, abstract, etc.)\ with
+a fairly simple set of commands. This facility could be a little
+easier, but compared to an earlier state of affairs, it's pretty
+slick. The format of the front matter is specified quite explicitly
+in the documents ``Dissertation Filing Guide'' and ``Thesis Filing Guide''
+produced by the UC Berkeley Graduate Division and available on the web at
+The current version of the class is based on the dissertation and thesis
+guides, dated May 2010 -- July 2013 and February 2011 -- July 2013,
+A complete example of the use of the front matter commands can be
+found in the sample dissertation distributed with the class.
+Generally, the part of the \LaTeX\ file that generates the front matter
+consists of the following portions:
+\item Declarations of text strings
+\item Macros to generate the title, approval, and copyright pages
+\item \verb|abstract| environment
+\item \verb|frontmatter| environment
+These portions are described in the following subsections.
+\subsection{Declarations of Text Strings}
+To use the front matter macros and environments, you must first
+declare the text strings listed in Table~\ref{decls}. This is done
+by invoking the relevant macro with the string as its argument;
+for example, \lstinline|\title{Snakes in Ireland}|.
+\multicolumn{1}{c}{Macro} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Description} \\
+\lstinline|\\title| & Dissertation title \\
+\lstinline|\\author| & Your name as registered with UC (usually with full
+ middle name) \\
+\lstinline|\\degreeyear| & Year your dissertation will be granted \\
+\lstinline|\\degreesemester| & Semester (or term) your degree will be granted \\
+\lstinline|\\degree| & The title of your degree (e.g.~Doctor of Philosophy) \\
+\lstinline|\\jointinstitution| & For joint degrees, the other institution \\
+\lstinline|\\chair| & Title and name of your committee chair
+ (e.g.~``Professor Michael A. Harrison'') \\
+\lstinline|\\cochair| & Title and name of your committee co-chair
+ (use with \lstinline|\\chair|, if you have a co-chair). \\
+\lstinline|\\othermembers| & The names of the other members of your committee
+ separated by linebreaks
+ (e.g.~\lstinline!Professor Susan L. Graham\\\\Professor Jim Pitman!) \\
+\lstinline|\\numberofmembers| & The number of members on your committee.
+ This defaults to 3 (and thus is optional) and can be any value from
+ 3 to 6. It affects the number of lines on the approval
+ page and the space between them. \\
+\lstinline|\\field| & The official title of your field. This is usually
+ your department's name, but at Berkeley, most
+ Engineering degrees have a more complex name.
+ Be sure to check the guidelines for any special
+ twists on the name of your field. \\
+\lstinline|\\emphasis| & The ``designated emphasis'' of your degree (if any) \\
+\lstinline|\\campus| & The name of your UC campus. This should be capitalized
+ (e.g.~Berkeley). This is optional, and defaults to Berkeley. \\
+\caption{Declarations for Front Matter}\label{decls}
+\subsection{Title, Approval, and Copyright Pages}
+The title, approval, and copyright pages have extremely rigid formats
+that allow them to be generated automatically once the above
+declarations have been made. To generate them, invoke the macros
+You should probably invoke them in that order, because that's the
+order required by the guidelines. The approval page should not be part
+of the submitted thesis, but the \verb|\approvalpage| macro may be used to
+generate the required approval page to be printed and submitted with the
+\subsection{Abstract Environment}
+Because you have to provide the text of the abstract, only the title
+can be generated automatically. So, there is an abstract environment.
+It generates the title and numbers the abstract in arabic numerals and
+makes sure that it starts on new page.
+The advisor's signature no longer is required (or allowed) for the
+\subsection{Other Front Matter}
+The remaining front matter (dedication, table of contents, lists of
+figures and tables, acknowledgements) \emph{must} be put inside the
+\verb|frontmatter| environment, which ensures that page numbering is
+handled properly. Within this \verb|frontmatter| environment, you put the
+environments and commands for the rest of the front matter. There are
+environments for \texttt{dedication} and \texttt{acknowledgements},
+and the standard \LaTeX\ commands for producing \verb|\tableofcontents|,
+\verb|\listoffigures|, and \verb|\listoftables| should also go inside
+the \verb|frontmatter| environment.
+The standard \LaTeX\ commands are well documented in the \LaTeX\ manual.
+You may have to hand edit the \texttt{.lof} (list of figures) and
+\texttt{.lot} (list of tables) files to make verbose captions more suitable for
+this front matter. Once you do this, remember to use the \verb|\nofiles|
+macro to keep them from getting overwritten.
+The \pkg{ucbthesis} class provides \texttt{acknowledgements} and
+\texttt{dedication} environments, which produce corresponding sections in
+the front matter and make them start on a new page. The
+environment also puts the word ``Acknowledgements'' in large, bold,
+centered text at the top of the page. For formatting the dedication page,
+you're on your own. After all, the dedication is a kind of poetry and
+there's no predicting the right way to format poetry.
+\section{Obsolete Environments and Commands}
+Previous (unreleased) versions of the \pkg{ucbthesis} (and \pkg{ucthesis})
+classes defined environments for producing small tables with single spacing.
+These environments are no longer necessary, since standard \LaTeX\ now
+handles the situation properly. Replace the \verb!\begin{...}!
+commands as indicated in Table \ref{obsolenv}, and change the
+corresponding \verb!\end! commands accordingly.
+\begin{tabular}{l l}
+ \toprule
+ \multicolumn{1}{c}{Environment} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Use Instead}\\
+ \midrule
+ \lstinline!smalltabular! & \lstinline!\small\begin{tabular}! \\
+ \lstinline!smalltabular*! & \lstinline!\small\begin{tabular*}! \\
+ \lstinline!scriptsizetabular! & \lstinline!\scriptsize\begin{tabular}! \\
+ \lstinline!scriptsizetabular*! & \lstinline!\scriptsize\begin{tabular*}! \\
+ \bottomrule
+\caption{Obsolete environments}\label{obsolenv}
+The \pkg{ucthesis} class also provided commands \verb!\smallssp! and\break
+\verb!\scriptsizessp!; these should now be changed to
+\verb!\small\SingleSpacing! and \verb!\scriptsize\SingleSpacing!,
+\section{Installing the \pkg{ucbthesis} Class}
+To install the \pkg{ucbthesis} class, you need to install the file
+\texttt{ucbthesis.cls} in your \LaTeX\ class file repository. This
+generally should go in a directory \lstinline!TEXMF/tex/latex/ucbthesis!
+(where \lstinline!TEXMF! is the base of the \texttt{texmf} tree).
+Or, it can also be placed in the directory that you use when running
+\LaTeX\ on your thesis.
+You should also install the documentation files
+ ucbthesis.tex
+ ucbthesis.pdf
+ thesis.tex
+ abstract.tex
+ chap1.tex
+ chap2.tex
+ references.bib
+in a similar directory under the documentation directory, generally
+\lstinline!TEXMF/doc/latex/ucbthesis! for the first three files, and
+\lstinline!TEXMF/doc/latex/ucbthesis/example! for the last five.
+These files should already be placed in subdirectories reflecting the above
+guidelines, so that one might extract the \texttt{tar} file in the main
+\lstinline!TEXMF! directory to get the right results.
+\section{Modification History}
+Version 3.3 was the initial release of \pkg{ucbthesis} (it was forked from
+\pkg{ucthesis}, hence the unusual version number). The package \pkg{ucthesis}
+was created for non-electronic submissions, and should no longer be used,
+except for printing out older theses. Version 3.3 was distributed only within
+Version 3.4 switched to using the \pkg{memoir} class, eliminated the
+\texttt{smalltabular}, \texttt{smalltabular*}, \texttt{scriptsizetabular},
+\texttt{scriptsizetabular*} environments, and the \lstinline!\smallssp!
+\lstinline!\scriptsizessp! commands. It also added support for co-chairs
+on the dissertation/thesis committee, joint degrees, and degrees with a
+Designated Emphasis. In addition, it was modified for release on \textsc{ctan}.