path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2010-09-14 22:50:32 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2010-09-14 22:50:32 +0000
commitca2936971d98ba223ed79ff34e97515aced1ec13 (patch)
tree6d12d9fcbae806abddaf1a0e23ac67986902526e /Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi
parentef0cfb1e230b11218843b023a39a8c975cd0363a (diff) missing .pl, et al.
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi')
4 files changed, 658 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi/Makefile b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..381ffd10fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# $Id: Makefile 1052 2009-05-03 12:24:53Z martin $
+PACKAGE = svn-multi
+PACKAGE_SRC = ${PACKAGE_DTX} ${PACKAGE}.ins Makefile example_chap1.tex example_main.tex group_example.tex
+TEXAUX = *.aux *.log *.glo *.ind *.idx *.out *.svn *.svx *.svt *.toc *.ilg *.gls *.hd *.exa *.exb *.fdb_latexmk
+GENERATED = ${INSGENERATED} ${PACKAGE}.pdf svn-multi-pl.pdf example.pdf group_example.pdf group_example_*.tex ${PACKAGE}.zip ${PACKAGE}.tar.gz ${TESTDIR}/test*.pdf
+TESTDIR = tests
+TESTS = $(patsubst %.tex,%,$(subst ${TESTDIR}/,,$(wildcard ${TESTDIR}/test?.tex ${TESTDIR}/test??.tex))) # look for all test*.tex file names and remove the '.tex'
+TESTARGS = -output-directory ${TESTDIR}
+LATEX_OPTIONS = -interaction=batchmode
+LATEX = pdflatex ${LATEX_OPTIONS}
+TEXMFDIR = ${HOME}/texmf
+RED = \033[01;31m
+GREEN = \033[01;32m
+WHITE = \033[00m
+CP = cp -v
+MV = mv -v
+RMDIR = rm -rf
+MKDIR = mkdir -p
+.PHONY: all doc package clean fullclean example testclean ${TESTS} tds ${CHECK_LOG}
+all: package doc example
+new: fullclean all
+doc: ${PACKAGE_DOC}
+%.pdf: %.dtx
+ ${LATEX} $*.dtx
+ -makeindex -s -o $*.ind $*.idx
+ -makeindex -s -o $*.gls $*.glo
+ ${LATEX} $*.dtx
+ ${LATEX} $*.dtx
+${PACKAGE}.pdf: ${PACKAGE}.sty
+ yes | latex ${PACKAGE}.ins
+ @-chmod +x *.pl
+ rm -f ${TEXAUX} $(addprefix ${TESTDIR}/, ${TEXAUX})
+fullclean: clean
+ rm -f ${GENERATED} *~ *.backup
+ rm -f ${PACKAGE}*.zip
+ rm -rf tds/
+example: example.pdf gexample
+example.pdf: example_main.tex example_chap1.tex ${PACKAGE}.sty
+ ${LATEX} $<
+ perl ./ $<
+ ${LATEX} $<
+ mv example_main.pdf $@
+gexample: group_example.pdf
+group_example.pdf: group_example.tex svn-multi.sty
+ ${RM} $(addprefix group_example, ${TEXAUX}) group_example_*.tex
+ ${LATEX} $<
+ perl group_example
+ ${LATEX} $<
+ ${LATEX} $<
+ ${LATEX} $<
+zip: ${PACKFILES}
+ @${MAKE} --no-print-directory ${ZIPFILE}
+zip: ZIPVERSION=$(shell grep "Package: ${PACKAGE} " ${PACKAGE}.log | \
+ sed -e "s/.*Package: ${PACKAGE} ....\/..\/..\s\+\(v\S\+\).*/\1/")
+tdszip: ZIPVERSION=$(shell grep "Package: ${PACKAGE} " ${PACKAGE}.log | \
+ sed -e "s/.*Package: ${PACKAGE} ....\/..\/..\s\+\(v\S\+\).*/\1/")
+ @test -n "${IGNORE_CHECKSUM}" || grep -L '\* Checksum passed \*' ${PACKAGE_DTX:.dtx=.log} | wc -l | grep -q '^0$$'
+ -pdfopt ${PACKAGE}.pdf opt_${PACKAGE}.pdf && mv opt_${PACKAGE}.pdf ${PACKAGE}.pdf
+ ${RM} $@
+ zip $@ ${PACKFILES}
+ @echo
+ @echo "ZIP file $@ created!"
+release: fullclean package doc example tests ${ZIPFILE}
+# Make sure TeX finds the input files in TESTDIR
+ @${RM} $(foreach ext, aux log out pdf svn svx, tests/test*.${ext})
+tests: package testclean
+ @echo "Running tests: ${TESTS}:"
+ @${MAKE} -e -i --no-print-directory ${TESTS} \
+ TESTARGS="-interaction=batchmode -output-directory=${TESTDIR}"\
+ > /dev/null
+${TESTS}: % : ${TESTDIR}/%.tex package testclean
+ @-${LATEX} -interaction=nonstopmode ${TESTARGS} $< 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ @if test -e ${TESTDIR}/$*.svn; then perl ./ ${TESTDIR}/$* 1>/dev/null ; fi
+ @if (${LATEX} ${TESTARGS} $< && (test ! -e ${TESTDIR}/$*.pl || ${TESTDIR}/$*.pl ${TESTPLOPT})); \
+ then /bin/echo -e "${GREEN}$@ succeeded${WHITE}" >&2; \
+ else /bin/echo -e "${RED}$@ failed!!!!!!${WHITE}" >&2; fi
+tds: .tds
+ @grep -q '\* Checksum passed \*' ${PACKAGE}.log
+ ${RMDIR} tds
+ ${MKDIR} tds/
+ ${MKDIR} tds/tex/ tds/tex/latex/ tds/tex/latex/${PACKAGE}/
+ ${MKDIR} tds/doc/ tds/doc/latex/ tds/doc/latex/${PACKAGE}/
+ ${MKDIR} tds/source/ tds/source/latex/ tds/source/latex/${PACKAGE}/
+ test -n "${PACKAGE_SCR}" && ${MKDIR} tds/scripts/ tds/scripts/${PACKAGE}/
+ ${CP} ${PACKAGE_STY} tds/tex/latex/${PACKAGE}/
+ ${CP} ${PACKAGE_DOC} tds/doc/latex/${PACKAGE}/
+ ${CP} ${PACKAGE_SRC} tds/source/latex/${PACKAGE}/
+ test -n "${PACKAGE_SCR}" && ${CP} ${PACKAGE_SCR} tds/scripts/${PACKAGE}/
+ @touch $@
+tdszip: ${TDSZIPFILE}
+${TDSZIPFILE}: .tds
+ cd tds && zip -r ../${TDSZIPFILE} .
+install: .tds
+ test -d "${TEXMFDIR}" && ${CP} -a tds/* "${TEXMFDIR}/" && texhash ${TEXMFDIR}
+ test -d "${TEXMFDIR}" && ${RM} -rv "${TEXMFDIR}/tex/latex/${PACKAGE}" \
+ "${TEXMFDIR}/doc/latex/${PACKAGE}" "${TEXMFDIR}/source/latex/${PACKAGE}" \
+ "${TEXMFDIR}/scripts/${PACKAGE}" && texhash ${TEXMFDIR}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi/example_chap1.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi/example_chap1.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..24ac0bc313b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi/example_chap1.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+% Version control information:
+{$HeadURL: svn://server/dir/example_chap1.tex $}
+{$LastChangedDate: 2009-02-27 13:58:39 +0000 (Fri, 27 Feb 2009) $}
+{$LastChangedRevision: 211 $}
+{$LastChangedBy: martin $}
+\chapter{Example Chapter}
+\subsection*{This chapter}
+% \url is needed because there is an underscore in the name
+% The package 'underscore' seems not to work properly, so the 'hyperref'
+% package is used which is not the best solution. Avoid underscore in LaTeX filenames.
+Filename: \svnnolinkurl{\svnfilefname}\\
+URL: \svnnolinkurl{\svnfileurl}\\
+% Something like \href{\svnfileurl}{Download} works also!
+\textbf{Last change}\\
+Revision: \svnfilerev\\
+Date: \svnfiledate\\
+Year: \svnfileyear\\
+Time: \svnfilehour:\svnfileminute:\svnfilesecond\ \svnfiletimezone\\
+Timezone: \svnfiletimezonehour : \svnfiletimezoneminute\\
+Author: \svnfileauthor\\
+\subsection*{Whole document}
+Filename: \svnnolinkurl{\svnmainfilename}\\
+URL: \url{\svnmainurl}\\
+\textbf{Last change}\\
+Revision: \svnrev\\
+Date: \svndate\\
+Year: \svnyear\\
+Time: \svnhour:\svnminute:\svnsecond\ \svntimezone\\
+Timezone: \svntimezonehour : \svntimezoneminute\\
+Author: \svnauthor\\
+% [...]
+\section{Full Author Names}
+Registered author name: \svnFullAuthor{\svnfileauthor}\\
+Registered revision name: \svnFullRevision{\svnfilerev}\\
+Registered author name (*): \svnFullAuthor*{\svnfileauthor}\\
+Registered revision name (*): \svnFullRevision*{\svnfilerev}\\
+\subsubsection*{Behaviour if value is not registered:}
+Not registered user name: \svnFullAuthor{someusername}\\
+Not registered revision name: \svnFullRevision{12}\\
+Not registered user name (*): \svnFullAuthor*{someusername}\\
+Not registered revision name (*): \svnFullRevision*{12}\\
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi/example_main.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi/example_main.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ef4ebce0f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi/example_main.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+% Traditional way to include keywords:
+% Version control information:
+{$HeadURL: svn://server/dir/example_main.tex $}
+{$LastChangedDate: 2008-12-03 13:29:19 +0000 (Wed, 03 Dec 2008) $}
+{$LastChangedRevision: 146 $}
+{$LastChangedBy: martin $}
+% The extra Id to access the file name is not needed anymore because it is
+% extracted from the URL:
+%\svnid{$Id: example_main.tex 146 2008-12-03 13:29:19Z martin $}
+% Don't forget to set the svn property 'svn:keywords' to
+% 'HeadURL LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision LastChangedBy' or
+% 'Id' or both depending if you use \svnidlong and/or \svnid
+% Alternative you can use the auto-keyword feature to extract the keywords from
+% the Subversion working directory:
+% This will display the last changed revision of the current chapter.
+% Change \svnfilerev to \svnrev if you like to have the
+% document revision.
+\newcommand{\svnfooter}{Last Changed Rev: \svnfilerev}
+ /CreationDate (D:\svnpdfdate)
+\svnRegisterAuthor{johnd}{John Doe}
+\svnRegisterAuthor{maryd}{Mary Doe}
+\svnRegisterAuthor{martin}{Martin S.}
+ \vspace{8ex}
+ {\huge Title\par}
+ \vspace{2ex}
+ {\large \noindent This is an small example document for the \texttt{svn-multi}
+ (aka \texttt{svnkw}) package. Please also look at the LaTeX source code of this
+ document. An advanced example which includes keyword groups is shown in
+ \url{group\_example.pdf}}
+ \vfill
+ \flushleft\sffamily
+ Version control information:\\
+ Head URL: \svnnolinkurl{\svnmainurl}\\
+ %or with hyperlink: Head URL: \url{\svnurl}\\
+ Last changed file: \texttt{\svnfname}\\
+ Last changed date: \svndate\\
+ Last changes revision: \svnrev\\
+ Version: \svnFullRevision*{\svnrev}\\
+ Last changed by: \svnFullAuthor*{\svnauthor}\\
+% Include chapters
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi/group_example.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi/group_example.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..692687d4f97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/svn-multi/group_example.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example.tex $}
+{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 01:44:01 +0000 (Main file) $}
+{$LastChangedRevision: 98 $}
+{$LastChangedBy: author3 $}
+% Pre-declaration of groups to define order in table
+% Ignore logo in subfiles and set it explicitly into the main file:
+% Special groups for images and other external files:
+% Workaround for listinputlisting
+ {\let\input\@input\lstinputlisting[#1]{#2}}%
+% This is an example document to show the group feature of svn-multi 2.0.
+% Please the notes below.
+% Version control information table for each chapter
+\textbf{Version Control Information for this chapter}\\[\bigskipamount]%
+Chapter URL & \svnnolinkurl{\svnfileurl}\\
+Chapter File name & \svnnolinkurl{\svnfilefname}\\
+Last Changed Revision & \svnfilerev\\
+Last Changed Author & \svnfileauthor\\
+Last Changed Date & \svnfiledate\\
+This files contains the following SVN keywords:\\*[-\baselineskip]
+% This file generates some example sub files from this file to avoid a lot of small
+% example files in the CTAN directory. In real life there would be separate
+% files from the beginning.
+{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part1a.tex $}
+{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 01:00:01 +0000 (Chapter 1a) $}
+{$LastChangedRevision: 101 $}
+{$LastChangedBy: author1 $}
+\chapter{Subfile 1a}
+{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part1b.tex $}
+{$LastChangedDate: 2001-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 1b) $}
+{$LastChangedRevision: 102 $}
+{$LastChangedBy: author2 $}
+\chapter{Subfile 1b}
+{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part1c.tex $}
+{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 1c) $}
+{$LastChangedRevision: 104 $}
+{$LastChangedBy: author3 $}
+\chapter{Subfile 1c}
+{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part2a.tex $}
+{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 2a) $}
+{$LastChangedRevision: 100 $}
+{$LastChangedBy: author1 $}
+\chapter{Subfile 2a}
+{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part2b.tex $}
+{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 2b) $}
+{$LastChangedRevision: 101 $}
+{$LastChangedBy: author1 $}
+\chapter{Subfile 2b}
+{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part3a.tex $}
+{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 3a) $}
+{$LastChangedRevision: 104 $}
+{$LastChangedBy: author3 $}
+\chapter{Subfile 3a}
+{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part3b.tex $}
+{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 3b) $}
+{$LastChangedRevision: 103 $}
+{$LastChangedBy: author2 $}
+\chapter{Subfile 3b}
+{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part4a.tex $}
+{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 4a) $}
+{$LastChangedRevision: 99 $}
+{$LastChangedBy: author3 $}
+\chapter{Subfile 4a}
+{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part4a_sub1.tex $}
+{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (SubSubfile 4a-1) $}
+{$LastChangedRevision: 96 $}
+{$LastChangedBy: author2 $}
+\section{SubSubfile 4a-1}
+This is a sub file in a sub file.
+{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part4b.tex $}
+{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 4b) $}
+{$LastChangedRevision: 105 $}
+{$LastChangedBy: author2 $}
+\chapter{Subfile 4b}
+{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_end.tex $}
+{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (End) $}
+{$LastChangedRevision: 100 $}
+{$LastChangedBy: author1 $}
+\chapter{End credits}
+\chapter{File with unexpanded keywords}
+\svnRegisterAuthor{author1}{Andy Author, I.}
+\svnRegisterAuthor{author2}{A. Author, II.}
+\svnRegisterAuthor{author3}{Anthony Author, III.}
+% Have VC info on every part page
+\textbf{Version Control Information for this part:}\\[\bigskipamount]%
+URL of latest File & \svnnolinkurl{\svncgurl}\\
+Name of latest File & \svnnolinkurl{\svncgfname}\\
+Last Changed Revision & \svncgrev\\
+Last Changed Author & \svncgauthor\\
+Last Changed Date & \svncgdate\\
+% Custom titlepage:
+\pdfbookmark{Title Page}{titlepage}%
+\Huge\texttt{svn-multi} v2.0 Keyword Groups Example Document\\
+\Large Martin Scharrer\\
+\large 2009/03/01\\
+This is an example and test document for the group feature of svn-multi 2.0.
+Please note that the revision keywords were generated manually for testing
+purposes. The dates are not consistent with the revisions and contain a debug
+name instead of the date text like `(Sat, January 1 2009)'. This doesn't
+influence the correct functionality of the svn-multi package.\\
+{\hbox{}\hfill Happy \TeX ing!}\\
+{\large Version Control Information for this document:\\[\bigskipamount]}%
+Main URL & \svnnolinkurl{\svnmainurl}\\
+Main File name & \svnnolinkurl{\svnmainfilename}\\
+URL of latest file & \svnnolinkurl{\svnurl}\\
+Name of latest file & \svnnolinkurl{\svnfname}\\
+Last Changed Revision & \svnrev\\
+Last Changed Author & \svnauthor\\
+Last Changed Date & \svndate\\
+The main file of this document contains the following SVN
+% Default in Engish
+This is an automatic generated table using the \textbf{\sffamily table} option.
+\pdfbookmark{Table of Revisions (1)}{tora}%
+% Redefined to German
+% Uses booktabs for nicer table
+Can be redefined to another format and language: Verstehen Sie Deutsch?
+ Name & Rev & Autor & Datum \\
+\renewcommand{\svntabgroup}[1]{Gruppe `#1'}
+% Some highlight examples:
+% Print highest revision bold:
+% Highlight all dates after the 14th March 2008 12:00:00:
+ \ifthenelse{#1#2#3#4>2008031412}{\color{red}\bfseries}{}%
+ \small #3.#2.#1\ #4:#5:#6%
+% Mark all files last changed by the last author:
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\svnauthor}}{\color{green}}{}%
+ \svnFullAuthor{#1}%
+% Using \scriptsize and \svnnolinkurl for files and subgroups:
+ \addtolength{\leftskip}{#1\medskipamount}%
+ Datei `{\scriptsize\svnnolinkurl{#2}}'
+ \addtolength{\leftskip}{#1\medskipamount}%
+ Untergruppe `{\scriptsize\svnnolinkurl{#2}}'%
+\renewcommand{\svntabglobal}[1]{Gesamtes Dokument}
+% Add rule before group rows:
+% Add rule and description after global row:
+\renewcommand{\endsvnglobalrow}{\midrule Ohne Gruppe:\\}
+\pdfbookmark{Table of Revisions (2)}{torb}%
+% The rest doesn't belong to a file group:
+\chapter*{Reference Examples}
+%To reference e.g.\ keyword from group `abc' use:
+\section*{Group `abc'}
+\svnsetcg{abc} Revision \svncgrev\ from \svncgtoday\ \svncgtime\ done by
+\svnFullAuthor{\svncgauthor}. Latest file is \svnnolinkurl{\svncgfname} (URL: \url{\svncgurl}).
+\section*{Subgroup `group\_example\_part3b'}
+\svnsetcg{group_example_part3b} Revision \svncgrev\ from \svncgtoday\ \svncgtime\ done by
+\svnFullAuthor{\svncgauthor}. Latest file is \svnnolinkurl{\svncgfname} (URL: \url{\svncgurl}).
+\section*{File `group\_example\_part3b.tex'}
+\svnsetcg{group_example_part3b.tex} Revision \svncgrev\ from \svncgtoday\ \svncgtime\ done by
+\svnFullAuthor{\svncgauthor}. File name and url: \svnnolinkurl{\svncgfname} (URL: \url{\svncgurl}).