path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ptptex/manptp.tex
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:49:07 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:49:07 +0000
commit007f67a693e4d031fd3d792df8e4d5f43e2cb2e7 (patch)
tree90d17e00e572ecb1e24764b6f29c80e098b08d29 /Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ptptex/manptp.tex
parent950209b26f70aa87ed07c54f82a95b6f03b7c3a0 (diff)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ptptex/manptp.tex')
1 files changed, 1011 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 00000000000..0db575f4301
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ptptex/manptp.tex
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+%%%%%% template.tex for PTPTeX.cls <ver.0.9> %%%%%%
+%%%%% Personal Macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\def\BS{\ttfamily \symbol{"5C}} %backslash
+\def\itPTP{{\slshape Progress of Theoretical Physics}} %backslash
+\def\ttmac#1{{\ttfamily \BS #1}}
+\def\boxenv#1{\fbox{\ttfamily #1}}
+\pubinfo{Vol.~111, No.~4, April 2004}%Editorial Office will fill
+%\setcounter{page}{} %Editorial Office use
+%\def\ptype{p} %Editorial Office use
+%\def\ptpsubject{} %Editorial Office use
+%\def\pageinfo{X-X} %Editorial Office use
+%\nofigureboxrule%to eliminate the rule of \figurebox
+%\notypesetlogo %comment in if to eliminate PTPTeX logo
+%\subfontMBF %use if you have not enough fonts when using mbf.sty
+%---- When [preprint] you can put preprint number at top right corner.
+%\preprintnumber[3cm]{%<-- [..]: optional width of preprint # column.
+%KUNS-1325\\PTPTeX ver.0.9\\ August, 1997}
+\markboth{% %running head for odd-page (authors' name)
+S.-I.~Tomonaga and H.~Yukawa
+}{% %running head for even-page (`short' title)
+Instruction for Making \LaTeX\ Compuscripts Using \protect\PTPTeX}
+\title{% %You can use \\ for explicit line-break
+Instruction for Making \LaTeX\ Compuscripts Using \PTPTeX
+\subtitle{\LaTeXe\ Version} %use this when you want a subtitle
+\author{% %Use \scshape for the family name
+Shin-Ichiro \textsc{Tomonaga}$^{1,}$\footnote{A friend of Schwinger,
+because they both have `swing' in their names.}
+and Hideki \textsc{Yukawa}$^{2,}$\footnote{A friend of Fermi and
+Bose. E-mail:}
+\inst{% %Affiliation, neglected when [addenda] or [errata]
+$^1$Physics Department, Tokyo Bunrika University, Tokyo 113-1234, Japan\\
+$^2$Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University,\\
+Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
+%\publishedin{% %Write this ONLY in cases of addenda and errata
+%Prog.~Theor.~Phys.\ {\bfseries XX} (19YY), page}
+\recdate{% %Editorial Office will fill in this.
+April 1, 2004}
+\abst{% %this abstract is neglected when [addenda] or [errata]
+This is a manual for making \LaTeX\ compuscripts for
+\itPTP\, using the \PTPTeX\ class file ``ptptex.cls.'' In particular,
+we explain some useful options, macros and environments that are
+specially prepared with ptptex.cls.
+The source file for this manual itself is designed to provide a template
+that can be used for writing compuscripts.
+We started printing some articles in \itPTP\ (PTP) directly from
+\LaTeX\cite{rf:1} manuscripts in April, 1996.
+The Editorial Office of PTP has prepared two versions of the Style
+setting file for \LaTeX.
+When you prepare a \LaTeX\ manuscript (compuscript) to submit to PTP
+using \LaTeX\ Ver.2.09, please use \linebreak
+When you prepare a manuscript using \LaTeXe, please use
+ptptex.cls.\footnote{\LaTeXe\ is the later version. One improvement in
+\LaTeXe is a new font selection scheme.}
+In this text, we explain how to use ptptex.cls.
+In \PTPTeX, all the usual \LaTeX\ commands can be used,
+and there are some additional options, macros and environments that are
+specially prepared. This manual explains the commands specific
+to \PTPTeX\ from \S2 on.
+When submitting a \LaTeX\ compuscript written using \PTPTeX, please
+use {\bfseries E-mail} if possible.
+The E-mail address to which compuscripts should be sent is that for
+the Editorial Office of PTP:
+{\vskip \asp
+If the compuscript consists of two or more files, e.g.
+ps/eps figure files, other than the \LaTeX\ source file itself, please first
+combine them into a single compacted file in one of the following ways:
+\footnote{If you prepare your document in this manner, you
+can send your file as the ``text'' of the E-mail. If you send your
+document as an ``attachment file,'' however, you do not have to use
+``uuencode'' or ``ish.''
+These programs convert a binary file into plain text format. You can send
+.gz files and .lzh files as attachments.}
+\item[1)] Use (P.~Ginsparg's) {\ttfamily uufiles} command on UNIX, or,
+manually carry out \ {\ttfamily tar+gzip(compress)+uuencode}.
+\item[2)] Use \ {\ttfamily lha+ish}.
+You can use these methods even if you are sending a single file, and,
+in fact, we recommend it.\footnote{We have discovered that often extraneous
+``$>$'' characters (which read ``>" when compiled) appear
+in some manuscripts when they are sent as the main text of an E-mail.
+To avoid this problem, the file should be compressed
+before it is sent, just as in the case of sending multiple files,
+or the manuscript should be sent as an attachment file.}
+In your E-mail correspondence, please include your name, institution,
+address, and telephone and facsimile numbers.
+If you are in Japan, your institution name and address should be
+written in Japanese (as this may be needed when we correspond by
+postal mail).
+In general, when you send an E-mail message to the PTP Editorial Office,
+please complete the subject line of the mail header as
+follows: $<$type of message$>$ $<$manuscript Ref.~Number$>$ $<$first
+author's last name$>$.
+For example, this would be something like one the following:
+WW\={\ttfamily submit PTP Kobayashi} \ \ \ \= : Final version of
+manuscript accepted for publication \kill %setting width
+\>``{\ttfamily submit PTP Kobayashi}" \>: for the submission of a
+new manuscript \\
+\>``{\ttfamily final 5Z03L Suzuki}"
+\>: for the final version of a manuscript accepted for\\
+\> \> \ \ publication \\
+\>``{\ttfamily status 5X31 Sato}" \> : for a status query \\
+\>``{\ttfamily report 6425 Yamada}"\> : for a Referee Report
+When sending Referee Reports and other such correspondence to authors,
+the Editorial Office sends them by E-mail. Authors may send revised
+manuscripts with replies to referees by postal mail or by E-mail.
+Submission of papers can also be accomplished by simply communicating
+to PTP the e-print arXiv ID by E-mail.
+In this case, the pdf file representing the latest version of the e-Print archive at the time of submission will be passed on for
+After the refereeing process, the revised version of the manuscript should be
+submitted, along with replies to referees, in the form of .tex and eps files
+to PTP by E-mail.
+In the case that E-mail is not available, we also accept hard copies
+ of contributed manuscripts.
+In this case, the word processing environment used in producing the
+manuscript, such as
+\PTPTeX, \LaTeX, Word, etc., should be specified.
+In any case, when a paper is accepted for publication, the
+PTP Editorial Office makes corrections/additions to
+the {\bfseries hard copy} of the manuscript and returns this to the author.
+The author is asked to examine the suggested corrections/additions
+and make the necessary changes to the source file.
+The corrected source file should then be sent as the final manuscript to
+the PTP office either by E-mail or on CD-R or floppy disk by postal mail.
+(In the latter case, please use a {\bfseries 3.5 inch} DOS/V or NEC
+formatted floppy disk.)
+Please return the hard copy of the manuscript corrected by the Editorial
+Office, along with the order form for reprints, etc., by postal mail.
+\subsection{How to obtain the \protect\PTPTeX\ style file}
+The \PTPTeX\ class file can be obtained from
+the WWW home page of Progress of Theoretical Physics:
+{\vskip \asp \baselineskip 1.1em
+ PTP Home Page:
+Please check this site occasionally to obtain the most recent version,
+as it is revised from time to time.
+The file {\ttfamily ptptexXX.uu} that can be downloaded from there is a
+`uuencoded-gzipped-tar' file, which is automatically unpacked when the
+{\ttfamily \% csh ptptexXX.uu}
+is executed on a UNIX machine. (Here ``XX" represents the version
+number of the class file. For example, XX is 09 for version 0.9.)
+The same directory also contains the
+`lha+ish'-ed file {\ttfamily ptptexXX.ish} and
+the `gzipped-tar' file {\ttfamily ptptexXX.tar.gz},
+which have the same content as the {\ttfamily ptptexXX.uu} file in
+alternative compacted forms, as well as the un-packed files
+themselves. Please choose the form appropriate for your system
+environment. When any of these compacted files is unpacked, the
+following will be obtained:
+1. manptp.tex & Source file for this manual.\\
+2. template.tex & Template for making a \PTPTeX\ compuscript.\\
+3. ptptex.cls & Main class file of \PTPTeX.\\
+4. ptp-prep.clo & Class option file for preprint style output.\\
+5. wrapft.sty & Macro for wrapfigure and wraptable environments. \\
+6. wrapfig.sty & (Macro called by wrapft.sty)\\
+7. overcite.sty & (Macro called by ptptex.cls)\\
+The macros 6 and 7 are style files attached to the standard
+\LaTeX\ systems. We include them here because using
+different versions together may cause unexpected output.
+The \PTPTeX\ class file takes as inputs the style files
+amsmath.sty and \linebreak
+amssymb.sty, which are included in
+the AMS-\LaTeX\ package.{\footnote{The amsmath.sty style
+file, in turn, reads in several other AMS-\LaTeX\ files.}}
+With these files input, AMS-\LaTeX\ commands, such as
+\boxmac{boldsymbol} (and including commands that produce
+special mathematical symbols) can be used. In the case that
+these style files are not found, an error message appears and
+compilation is suspended. Also, in the case that the \LaTeX\ 2.09
+version of amsmath.sty is input, an error results.{\footnote{The error
+message displayed in this case is {\tt ``Package amsfonts Warning:
+Obsolete command $\backslash$newsymbol;
+$\backslash$DeclareMathSymbol should be used instead $\cdots$''.}}
+ For the correct versions of these files, the \LaTeXe\ version of
+the AMS-\LaTeX\ package is necessary.
+\section{Style and preamble}
+When creating a compuscript using ptptex.cls,
+please make use of the \linebreak
+{\bfseries template.tex} file, which is prepared for users'
+convenience as a separate file. With this,
+it is easy to make your compuscript in ptptex.cls format.
+The default style of ptptex.cls is that for Regular
+Articles in {\slshape Progress of Theoretical Physics}.
+You can start your \LaTeX\ source file with the line
+{\vskip \asp \baselineskip 1.1em
+ \documentclass{ptptex}
+ \documentclass[seceq]{ptptex}
+Generally, a \LaTeX\ command appearing in square brackets
+{\ttfamily [ ]} is an ``optional argument" and can be omitted.
+The optional argument {\ttfamily [seceq]} in the second of the above
+command lines is a declaration
+to create equation numbers that include
+section numbers, like (2$\cdot$15). If this optional command is
+omitted, then the equation numbers will appear as a single sequence
+from the beginning to the end of the paper,
+like (1),\ (2),\ $\cdots$.
+In a usual \LaTeX\ {\ttfamily article.cls}, this first line is something like
+{\vskip \asp
+ \documentclass[12pt]{article}
+If such a command line is replaced by one of those given above, then
+the output automatically becomes of
+the Article form for {\sl Progress of Theoretical Physics}.
+Since ptptex.cls is designed to be as compatible with the usual
+\LaTeX\ \verb+article.cls+ as possible, a source file
+using \LaTeX\ \verb+article.cls+ can (probably) also be compiled with
+In case you wish for the output to be in ``preprint" form
+for private distribution, the file should begin with the line
+{\vskip \asp
+ \documentclass[seceq,preprint]{ptptex}
+If you are writing a Letter article, Supplement article, Addenda or
+Errata instead of a regular PTP article, please start with the
+appropriate one of the following:
+{\vskip \asp \baselineskip 1.1em
+ \documentclass[letter]{ptptex}
+ \documentclass[seceq,supplement]{ptptex}
+ \documentclass[seceq,addenda]{ptptex}
+ \documentclass[seceq,errata]{ptptex}
+The part of the source file from the first \verb+\documentclass+ line
+to the declaration line
+{\vskip \asp
+ \begin{document}
+is called the {\itshape preamble}. In the preamble there usually appear
+definitions of personal macros and style specifications.
+However, because style specifications are quite unnecessary
+(and even harmful) in \PTPTeX, please do not include them.
+In \PTPTeX, you should enter the appropriate information in the
+following items (within the brackets) in the preamble.
+You do not have to enter in ``\verb+\recdate{ }+}''.
+{\vskip \asp \baselineskip 1.1em
+ \markboth{ }{ } : Running head [in the left { } appears the
+ author's name (or authors'names), and in
+ the right { } appears the paper's title]
+ \title{ } : Title of paper
+ \author{ } : Author's name (or authors' names)
+ \inst{ } : Institution (address)
+ \recdate{ } : Date received
+ \abst{ } : Abstract
+An example of the above is given in {\ttfamily template.tex}.
+(Please beware of the fact that the commands appearing from \verb+\inst+ to
+\verb+\abst+ are macros particular to ptptex.cls.
+For this reason, if you compile a file containing these commands
+using \LaTeX\ \verb+article.cls+, you will get
+the error message\ `{\ttfamily !\,Undefined control sequence}'.)
+In the preamble of {\ttfamily template.tex}, the following
+commands also appear, but each is ``commented out" by the symbol
+{\ttfamily \%} appearing in front:
+ \verb+\notypesetlogo+ &:& Prevents appearance of
+ ``{\sffamily typeset using}\\
+&& {\sffamily \PTPTeX.cls}" in output file.\\
+ \verb+\publishedin{ }+
+&:& Vol/Year/Page of the paper about which \\
+&& Addenda or Errata is written.\\
+ \verb+\preprintnumber[+{\itshape width}\verb+]{ }+ &:& To include
+ preprint numbers when manuscript \\
+&&is printed. Here [{\itshape width}] stipulates the width of \\
+&&the preprint number column. \\
+Use these commands (by deleting the preceding ``\,{\ttfamily \%}\,")
+when necessary. Their usage is made clear in
+the {\ttfamily template.tex}.
+In general, any packages to be used in compiling the manuscript are called
+in the preamble using the \verb+\usepackage+ command. However, such
+files as amsbsy.sty (which is necessary for a number of commands,
+including \verb+\boldsymbol+) are automatically input when
+{\ttfamily ptptex.cls} is used, and therefore there is no need for them to
+be called explicitly.
+With the \LaTeXe\ version of \PTPTeX, the amsmath.sty style file is input
+automatically, and therefore all of the basic mathematical commands contained
+in AMS-\LaTeX\ can be used. Here we briefly explain two particularly
+useful such commands.
+\subsection{Mathematical italic bold}
+The \verb+\boldsymbol+ command is used to make
+math-bold (mathematical italic bold) fonts. Its use is demonstrated below:
+{\vskip \asp
+ \boldsymbol{\alpha kx}
+To number equations in a form like
+(3$\cdot$2a), (3$\cdot$2b), $\cdots$ in an array of equations,
+you can use the \boxenv{subequations} environment. Its usage is
+clear from the following simple example:
+%\vskip .5em
+\centerline{\bfseries Input}
+\vskip .4em
+\baselineskip 1.1em
+ \label{eq:1}
+ An example of subequations:
+ \begin{equation}
+ \alpha + 2\beta + \gamma = 2
+ \label{eq:1a}
+ \end{equation}
+ Here is a sentence,
+ which can be of any length.
+ \begin{eqnarray}
+ \gamma &=& \nu (2-\eta) \\
+ \delta &=& \mu (1+\rho)
+ \end{eqnarray}
+$\Longrightarrow$ \\
+\centerline{\bfseries Output}
+\vskip 22pt
+ \label{eq:1}
+ An example of subequations:
+ \begin{equation}
+ \alpha + 2\beta + \gamma = 2
+ \label{eq:1a}
+ \end{equation}
+ Here is a sentence, which can be of any length.
+ \begin{eqnarray}
+ \gamma &=& \nu (2-\eta) \hspace{4em} \\
+ \delta &=& \mu (1+\rho)
+ \end{eqnarray}
+%\vskip 0em%\baselineskip
+\vskip 1em
+Here note that the command \verb+\label{eq:1}+ just after
+\verb+\begin{subequations}+ defines the label for the entire array,
+so that \verb+(\ref{eq:1})+ gives
+``(\ref{eq:1})", while \linebreak
+\verb+\label{eq:1a}+ refers to the first
+equation in the array, (\ref{eq:1a}).
+References are cited using the \boxmac{cite} command. All references
+to be cited at the same point in the paper
+should be listed in a single series and separated by commas inside the
+curly brackets, as \verb+\cite{rf:1,rf:3,rf:4,rf:5}+.
+(There should be no space after any commas here. Such a space will
+be interpreted by \LaTeX\ as being part of the reference label.)
+When three or more consecutive reference numbers appear, as in this
+example, the numbers are automatically printed in a compressed
+format, like that at the end of this sentence.~\cite{rf:1,rf:3,rf:4,rf:5}
+In the case that all the references to be cited have consecutively
+numbered reference numbers, the following type of command can be used:
+\verb+\cite{rf:3}\tocite{rf:5}+. In this way, only the first and
+last reference numbers need to be included.
+The output obtained from this command is that appearing at the end of
+this sentence.\cite{rf:3}\tocite{rf:5}
+The \ \boxmac{citen} command can be used to obtain citation numbers:
+e.g., \verb+Ref.~\citen{rf:3}+ gives the output ``Ref.~\citen{rf:3}".
+When you use the \ttmac{cite} command at the end of a sentence,
+it should \linebreak
+always appear {\itshape after a period, comma, colon or
+semicolon}, as follows: \verb+...some+ \linebreak
+ \verb+text.\cite{rf:5}+ \
+Then, between such a command and the next sentence (if the paragraph
+is continued), the command
+ \spacesymb{\ttfamily \BS}\spacesymb\ (where \spacesymb\ represents
+a space) should be included to give an
+appropriate space between sentences. For instance, typing
+{\vskip \asp \baselineskip 1.1em
+ This is $\cdots$ something.\cite{rf:5} \ Therefore we can $\cdots$
+the output becomes the following:
+This is $\cdots$ something.\cite{rf:5} \ Therefore we can $\cdots$
+The references are included at the end of the file by using the
+\boxenv{thebibliography} environment and \boxmac{bibitem} command,
+as usual. For example, the references at the end of this manual are
+input as follows:
+{\vskip \asp \baselineskip 1.1em
+ \bibitem{rf:1}
+ Leslie Lamport, \textit{LaTeX: A Document Preparation System}
+ (Addison-Wesley, New York, 1986).
+ \bibitem{rf:2}
+ S.~Weinberg, Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.\ \textbf{19} (1967), 1264.
+ \bibitem{rf:3}
+ M.~Kobayashi and T.~Maskawa, \PTP{49,1973,652}.
+ \bibitem{rf:4}
+ D.~Gross and F.~Wilczek, \PRL{30,1973,1343}.\\
+ H.~D.~Politzer, \PRL{30,1973,1346}.
+ \bibitem{rf:5}
+ Y.~Nambu, Phys.\ Rev.\ \textbf{117} (1960), 648; \PRL{4,1960,380}.\\
+ G.~'t~Hooft, \NPB{33,1971,173}; ibid. \andvol{35,1971,167}.
+ \bibitem{rf:6}
+ E.~Witten, \JL{Adv.\ Theor.\ Math.\ Phys.,2,1998,253},
+ hep-th/9802150; hep-th/0112258.
+ \bibitem{rf:7}
+ M.~Harada, Y.~Kikukawa, T.~Kugo and H.~Nakano, \PTP{92,1994,1161}
+ [Errata; \textbf{95} (1996), 835].
+Please input your bibitems following these examples
+in the PTP format. In particular, the volume numbers should be in
+boldface, ({\it{year}}) should be followed by a comma, and
+each item should end with a period. When
+two or more references by different authors are cited in a single item,
+as in {\ttfamily rf:4}, each reference should end with a period, and the
+next reference should be preceded by a line return, facilitated by the
+command {\ttfamily \BS\BS}. When two or more references by the same
+author are cited in a single item, as in {\ttfamily rf:5}, each
+should be separated by a semi-colon without a line return.
+When consecutive references appear in the same journal, the word
+``ibid'' should replace the journal name in the second reference.
+For the proper format to be used in citing references from ``e-print
+arXiv,'' see {\ttfamily rf:6} as an example. In the case that a
+preprint reference of this type corresponds to a paper already
+published in a journal, whose reference appears before it, the two
+should be separated by a comma. In the case that such a preprint has
+not yet been published, if its reference appears after a reference for
+a paper published by the same author, the two references should be
+separated by a semi-colon. To make it easier to input bibitems
+following this PTP format, we prepared the macros
+\boxmac{JL}\ , \boxmac{andvol}\ , \boxmac{PRL}\ ,
+$\cdots$, which are used in {\ttfamily rf:3} -- {\ttfamily rf:7}.
+When referring to an errata, please follow the example of {\ttfamily rf:7}.
+Personal, custom-made macros cannot be used in the bibliography section.
+This is because in PTP Online (the online version of Progress of
+Theoretical Physics), we provide a hyperlink
+function that allows one to link from PTP papers to the online
+versions of the references listed in their bibliographies.
+Custom-made macros in the bibliography section may cause errors
+to arise in this process and make such linking impossible.
+If you wish to use macros in writing your bibliography, please use only
+the following macros, which are designed specifically for PTP:
+\begin{tabular}{r@{}l@{ : }p{4cm}l@{ : }p{4cm}}
+ $\circ\ $ &\multicolumn{4}{@{}l}{for general use}\\
+ & \verb+\JL+ & general journals
+& \verb+\andvol+ & Vol.~(Year), Page\\
+$\circ\ $ &\multicolumn{4}{@{}l}{for individual journal}\\
+ & \verb+\AJ+ & Astrophys.~J. & \verb+\NC+ & Nuovo Cim. \\
+ & \verb+\ANN+ & Ann.~of Phys.
+ & \verb+\NPA+, \verb+\NPB+ & Nucl.~Phys.~[A, B] \\
+ & \verb+\CMP+ & Commun.~Math.~Phys.
+ & \verb+\PLA+, \verb+\PLB+ & Phys.~Lett.~[A, B] \\
+ & \verb+\IJMP+& Int.~J.~Mod.~Phys.
+ & \verb+\PRA+ -- \verb+\PRE+ & Phys.~Rev.~[A--E] \\
+ & \verb+\JHEP+& J.~High Energy Phys.
+ & \verb+\PRL+ & Phys.~Rev.~Lett. \\
+ & \verb+\JMP+ & J.~Math.~Phys. & \verb+\PRP+ & Phys.~Rep.\\
+ & \verb+\JP+ & J.~of Phys. & \verb+\PTP+ & Prog.~Theor.~Phys. \\
+ & \verb+\JPSJ+& J.~Phys.~Soc.~Jpn.
+ & \verb+\PTPS+&Prog.~Theor.~Phys.~Suppl. \\
+The above macros are defined such that the output of each line on the
+left below is that given
+to its right (with those macros not appearing below defined similarly):
+\verb+\PRD{45,1990,34}+ & $\Rightarrow$ &
+ \verb+Phys.\ Rev.\ D \textbf{45} (1990), 34+ \\
+\verb+\JL{Nature,418,2002,123}+ & $\Rightarrow$ &
+ \verb+Nature \textbf{418} (2002), 123+ \\
+\verb+\andvol{123,1995,1020}+ & $\Rightarrow$ &
+ \verb+\textbf{123} (1995), 1020+\\[1mm]
+Note that here again, no space should appear after commas separating
+volume, year and page numbers in the argument.
+\subsection{PostScript (ps/eps) figure files}
+Figure files in the form of epsf (encapsulated PostScript files)
+are best suited for \PTPTeX\ manuscripts.
+To insert an epsf figure into the text, the file
+{\ttfamily graphicx.sty}\footnote{{\ttfamily graphicx.sty} is included
+in standard \LaTeX\ distributions} must be input. This can be
+accomplished by including the following line in the preamble of
+the manuscript source file:
+{\vskip \asp
+ \usepackage{graphicx}
+Then, at the point in the manuscript where you wish for the figure to begin,
+command lines like the following should be input:
+{\vskip \asp
+ \begin{figure}
+ \centerline{\includegraphics[width=WIDTH cm,height=HEIGHT cm]
+ {FILENAME.eps}}
+ \caption{Explanation of the figure.}
+ \label{fig:1}
+ \end{figure}
+Here, {\ttfamily width=WIDTH cm} specifies the horizontal size
+and {\ttfamily height=HEIGHT cm} the vertical size.
+If one of these is omitted, the size is automatically set
+by making the ratio of the height and width of the figure the same as
+that of the original epsf figure. If both of them are omitted, the
+size defined in the epsf file is used. However, it is best not to omit
+both, because in this case an unexpected result can occur for some
+epsf files.
+If you wish to incorporate figures for which there only exist hard copies,
+the original figures should be mailed to the PTP editorial office separately.
+(They can be sent with other such correspondence, for example orders
+for reprints.)
+In this case, space for the figures in the \LaTeX\ source file should
+be created using the
+\boxmac{figurebox} command. The following demonstrates how this is done:
+ \begin{figure}
+ \figurebox{WIDTH}{HEIGHT}
+ \caption{This is the caption.}
+ \label{fig:1}
+ \end{figure}
+To delete the frame demarking this {\ttfamily figurebox},
+the command \boxmac{nofigureboxrule} should be added to the preamble. In
+{\ttfamily template.tex}, this command can be enabled by deleting the
+{\ttfamily \%} appearing before it.
+\subsection{Wrapfigure environment}
+ \figurebox{60mm}{3cm}
+\caption{A figure created using the {\ttfamily wrapfigure} environment.}
+Narrow figures should be displayed with half text width. (The size
+ used here is 6.6cm, which is actually 4mm smaller than the true
+half text size, as it is necessary to include a space.)
+The \boxenv{wrapfigure} environment can be used for this purpose.
+We give an example of the \verb+wrapfigure+ in Fig.~\ref{fig:2}.
+It should be noted that the \verb+wrapfigure+ environment is not a
+floating environment; that is, the position of the figure in the
+manuscript corresponds to the place in the source
+file at which the \verb+\begin{wrapfigure}+ command appears, whether
+there is sufficient space for the figure or not.
+Please take care, therefore, when this environment is used
+near the beginning or end of a section, subsection or page. Also,
+it is best to incorporate figures using
+\verb+wrapfigure+ only when creating the final form of the source
+file, after no further changes in the text are to be made.
+The use of the wrapfigure environment is demonstrated by the following
+commands, which create Fig.~\ref{fig:2} and appear at the beginning of
+the previous paragraph in the source file of this manuscript:
+ \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{6.6cm} % r: RIGHT, 6.6cm: WIDTH
+ \figurebox{60mm}{3cm}
+ \caption{A figure created using the {\ttfamily wrapfigure}
+ environment.}
+ \label{fig:2}
+ \end{wrapfigure}
+ Narrow figures should be displayed with half text width....
+Also, note that \verb+\centerline{\includegraphics{FILENAME.eps}}+ can
+be used here in place of \verb+\figurebox+.
+To use the wrapfigure environment, {\ttfamily wrapft.sty} must be
+input. This can be done by including the following command in the preamble:
+{\vskip \asp
+ \usepackage{wrapft}
+The basic format of the \verb+wrapfigure+ environment is
+{\vskip \asp
+ \begin{wrapfigure}[number]{position}{width}
+ <figure> etc.
+ \caption{ <caption> }
+ \end{wrapfigure}
+Here the optional argument {\ttfamily [number]} specifies the number of
+text lines corresponding to the height of the figure. Since this is
+almost always calculated automatically with no problem, it is usually
+best to omit it. It should be explicitly included only when there is a
+special need to enforce a certain value for this number.
+(For instance, when a figure is placed at the bottom of a page, the
+text lines at the beginning of the next page can sometimes become
+narrow. This can be avoided by explicitly specifying the
+{\ttfamily [number]}.) \ The argument \verb+{width}+
+specifies the width of the space allocated for the
+figure (and the figure caption). PTP allows only half
+the text width for this size (7cm), for aesthetic reasons.
+For this reason, the argument
+input here must be \verb+{6.6cm}+ or \verb+{\halftext}+,
+which allots the proper space between the figure and the text.
+(The quantity \boxmac{halftext} is defined to be 0.471
+times {\ttfamily \BS textwidth}. This is 6.6cm for PTP text
+style.) The argument \verb+{position}+ is \verb+{r}+,
+which positions the figure on the right, or \verb+{l}+,
+which positions the figure on the left.
+(In PTP, half-size figures are placed on the right for odd pages
+and on the left for even pages.)
+If you are inserting a full-size figure and wish to specify its
+position exactly, instead of using the floating positioning of the
+usual \verb+figure+ environment,
+you can employ the wrapfigure environment
+and set the position as \verb+{c}+
+(center). In this case, the command line beginning the
+figure would be \verb+\begin{wrapfigure}{c}{width}+.
+With this command line, the figure is treated just as if
+the \verb+figure+ environment were used,
+except that it is positioned at the point in the manuscript
+corresponding to the position of this command line
+in the source file.
+The item \verb+{width}+ specifies the
+caption width in this case. In the place where
+``{\ttfamily <figure> etc.}" appears here,
+an epsf figure can be input (as in the example used to create
+Fig.~1) or a picture environment can be
+used, among other options.
+To position a figure at the beginning of a paragraph, as
+in the case of Fig.~\ref{fig:2}, place
+the commands for the \verb+wrapfigure+ environment before the
+beginning of the paragraph. If you wish to position a figure within
+a paragraph, this can be done manually. First, comment out the entire
+\verb+wrapfigure+ environment and compile the source file.
+Then, preview the manuscript and note the word that appears
+at the end of the line below which you wish to place the
+figure. Insert the entire \verb+wrapfigure+ environment
+directly after this word.
+If you would like to avoid all such complications, please simply
+include all the figures with the ordinary \verb+figure+ environment.
+The Editorial Office will make the appropriate changes.
+\subsection{Putting figures side by side}
+Using either the {\ttfamily figure} or {\ttfamily wrapfigure} environment,
+it is easy to position two or more figures in immediate succession vertically.
+To do this, simply repeat the {\ttfamily <figure>} part of the environment,
+making reference to the each of the figure files to be displayed.
+To include a separate caption for each such figure, the
+{\ttfamily \BS caption} part must also
+be repeated accordingly.
+It is not so simple to place two figures side by side. In fact
+there are several ways to do this. Below we demonstrate one, in which the
+{\ttfamily \BS parbox} command is used:
+ \begin{figure}[htb]
+ \parbox{\halftext}{% %\def\halftext{.471\textwidth}
+ \figurebox{6cm}{2cm}
+ \caption{The first figure on the left.}}
+ \hfill
+ \parbox{\halftext}{
+ \figurebox{6cm}{2cm}
+ \caption{The second figure on the right.}}
+ \end{figure}
+This gives the following output:
+ \parbox{\halftext}{\figurebox{6cm}{2cm}
+ \caption{The first figure on the left.}}
+ \hfill
+ \parbox{\halftext}{\figurebox{6cm}{2cm}
+ \caption{The second figure on the right.}}
+\caption{An example of a small table created with
+ {\ttfamily \BS begin\{wraptable\}\{r\}\{\BS halftext\}}.}
+\begin{tabular}{ccc} \hline \hline
+temperature & energy & specific heat \\ \hline
+0.1 & 0.24 & 2.46\\
+0.2 & 0.80 & 4.62\\
+0.3 & 1.11 & 3.27\\ \hline
+To make tables in \PTPTeX, the standard \LaTeX\ \verb+table+
+environment can be used.
+Here we give an example of a small table
+using the \boxenv{wraptable} environment in Table~\ref{table:1}.
+This environment is also supported by the {\ttfamily wrapft.sty} file,
+discussed above, and the format for this environment is quite similar
+to that for the \verb+wrapfigure+ environment. For tables in PTP the
+conventions are, as in this example, to put the caption above the
+table and to use a double line only at the top with the repeated
+commands {\ttfamily \BS hline\ \BS hline}. Please follow these
+conventions. Table~\ref{table:1} was created with the
+{\vskip.4em\baselineskip 1.1em
+ \begin{wraptable}{r}{\halftext}
+ \caption{An example of small table created with
+ {\ttfamily \BS begin\{wraptable\}\{r\}\{\BS halftext\}}.}
+ \label{table:1}
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccc} \hline \hline
+ temperature & energy & specific heat \\ \hline
+ 0.1 & 0.24 & 2.46 \\
+ 0.2 & 0.80 & 4.62 \\
+ 0.3 & 1.11 & 3.27 \\ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{wraptable}
+ To make tables in \PTPTeX, the standard \LaTeX\ .......
+The original \verb+tabular+ environment is rewritten in \PTPTeX\
+so as to make the font used in the table footnote size.
+If, however, you wish to use the usual text font in a table, please add
+the line %\verb+\let\tabularsize\normalsize+
+{\vskip \asp
+ \let\tabularsize\normalsize
+after the \verb+\begin{wraptable}+ command to
+obtain normal size
+output. However, care must be taken to make sure that the size change
+only acts {\itshape locally}.
+If you discover any bugs in {\ttfamily ptptex.cls} when using
+\PTPTeX, we would appreciate it if you would inform us. Please send
+any such correspondence to the following E-mail address:
+{\vskip \asp
+ {\ttfamily}
+It would help us if you could make the title of the E-mail something like
+{\ttfamily ptptex.cls bug}.
+Acknowledgements in \PTPTeX\ can be written using the \LaTeX\ standard command
+Class files and manuals for JJAP and JPSJ were of great help to us in
+creating the \PTPTeX\ class file and writing this manual.
+We acknowledge the staff of JJAP and JPSJ for this help.
+At the end of our class file {\ttfamily ptptex.cls},
+we have included the free-ware
+package files {\ttfamily subeqn.sty} (created by Stephen Gildea) and
+{\ttfamily overcite.sty} (created by Donald Arseneau). Also,
+the file {\ttfamily wrapft.sty} is a modified version of the
+{\ttfamily wrapfig.sty} created by Donald Arseneau.
+We express our sincere thanks to these authors.
+\section{How to Make an Appendix}
+Appendices can be made using the standard \LaTeX\ commands as follows:
+{\vskip.4em\baselineskip 1.1em
+ \appendix
+ \section{How to Make an Appendix}
+ ...
+ \section{Second Appendix}
+ ...
+If you make two or more appendices, the appendix numbers automatically
+become {\bfseries A}, {\bfseries B}, etc. In an appendix, equations become
+numbered as
+\section{Notes on Preparing Figures}
+When you make graphics files for figures to be used in \PTPTeX,
+please do so according to the following directions.
+\item Graphics files should be prepared in EPS (encapsulated
+PostScript) format.
+Files should be made using graphics software supporting the EPS format.
+The types of software we recommend include Adobe Illustrator, xfig,
+tgif, Mathematica and Maple.
+We do not accept files made with a ``printer driver."
+\item Fonts used in figures should be common PostScript fonts.
+Times-Roman, Helvetica, Courier and Symbol fonts can be used.
+\item Lines (solid, dotted, etc.) in figures must be thick and clear.
+Because the printer we use for publishing has very fine resolution,
+lines in original figures that are very pale or fine are reproduced
+faithfully (i.e. very pale or fine), and for this reason, they may be
+Specifically, be sure that line widths are 1pt or thicker.
+\item If a manuscript is to be published in monochrome (i.e. black
+and white only), the graphics files must also be prepared as
+monochrome files. The reason for this is that when a colored graphics
+file is printed in monochrome, sometimes parts that are colored
+differently cannot be distinguished and sometimes colored lines become
+too faint. (Note that papers can be published in color, but in this
+case there is an additional fee.)
+\item When preparing graphics files by scanning original figures, the
+scan setting should be ``monochrome (2bit),'' with a resolution of
+1200dpi if the original size is being used.
+If a scanned figure is being enlarged or reduced, the resolution used
+should be [magnification ratio] $\times$ 1200dpi.
+If a figure is to be printed as half the size (in a single dimension)
+of the original, the scanning resolution $1/2 \times 1200 = 600$dpi
+can be used.
+\section{ }
+If you wish to make an appendix without a title, like this appendix,
+simply begin it with the command \verb+\section{}+, leaving the
+argument empty or blank. Even in this case, the
+appendix section counter is active, and equation numbers will reflect
+this, as seen in the following:
+Making an appendix without a title is not recommended, except when
+there is only a single appendix.
+% Some macros are available for the bibliography:
+% o for general use
+% \JL : general journals \andvol : Vol (Year) Page
+% o for individual journal
+% \AJ : Astrophys. J. \NC : Nuovo Cim.
+% \ANN : Ann. of Phys. \NPA, \NPB : Nucl. Phys. [A,B]
+% \CMP : Commun. Math. Phys. \PLA, \PLB : Phys. Lett. [A,B]
+% \IJMP : Int. J. Mod. Phys. \PRA - \PRE : Phys. Rev. [A-E]
+% \JHEP : J. High Energy Phys. \PRL : Phys. Rev. Lett.
+% \JMP : J. Math. Phys. \PRP : Phys. Rep.
+% \JP : J. of Phys. \PTP : Prog. Theor. Phys.
+% \JPSJ : J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. \PTPS : Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl
+% Usage:
+% \PR{D45,1990,345} ==> Phys.~Rev.\ \textbf{D45} (1990), 345
+% \JL{Nature,418,2002,123} ==> Nature \textbf{418} (2002), 123
+% \andvol{B123,1995,1020} ==> \textbf{B123} (1995), 1020
+ Leslie Lamport, \textit{LaTeX: A Document Preparation System}
+ (Addison-Wesley, New York, 1986).
+ S.~Weinberg, Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.\ \textbf{19} (1967), 1264.
+ M.~Kobayashi and T.~Maskawa,
+ \PTP{49,1973,652}.
+ D.~Gross and F.~Wilczek, \PRL{30,1973,1343}.\\
+ H.~D.~Politzer, \PRL{30,1973,1346}.
+ \bibitem{rf:5}
+ Y.~Nambu, Phys.\ Rev.\ \textbf{117} (1960), 648; \PRL{4,1960,380}.\\
+ G.~'t~Hooft, \NPB{33,1971,173}; ibid. \andvol{35,1971,167}.
+ \bibitem{rf:6}
+ E.~Witten, \JL{Adv.\ Theor.\ Math.\ Phys.,2,1998,253}, hep-th/9802150;
+ hep-th/0112258.
+ M.~Harada, Y.~Kikukawa, T.~Kugo and H.~Nakano, \PTP{92,1994,1161}
+ [Errata; \textbf{95} (1996), 835].