path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pst-poker/pst-poker-doc.tex
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authorKarl Berry <>2017-08-20 17:59:45 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2017-08-20 17:59:45 +0000
commit525634945ae9a01747bfcdd58015215bcbef6818 (patch)
tree15072360ccb8b85699b336f398293c00acc0304e /Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pst-poker/pst-poker-doc.tex
parentf63a82e8e67c771615a6e2a1ef40dfdcd5c548bd (diff)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pst-poker/pst-poker-doc.tex')
1 files changed, 413 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pst-poker/pst-poker-doc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pst-poker/pst-poker-doc.tex
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+%% $Id: pst-poker-doc.tex 459 2017-05-17 20:09:46Z herbert $
+ headexclude,footexclude,oneside]{pst-doc}
+ escapechar=§}
+ \small v.\fileversion}
+%\docauthor{Herbert Vo\ss}
+\author{Herbert Voß}
+\advance\fullWidth by \marginparsep
+\advance\fullWidth by \marginparwidth
+This document illustrates the possible variations in displaying playing cards
+available in the \LaTeX\ \LPack{pst-poker} package.
+\LPack{pst-poker} is based on the package \LPack{poker} from Olaf Encke
+Thanks to:
+\section{Inline Poker symbols}
+There are several possible styles for inline cards. The default way is as small cards, i.e.
+{\Ac\Kh\Qd\Js\tenc}. They can also be displayed as simple symbols
+{\psset{inline=symbol}\Ac\Kh\Qd\Js\tenc} or as boxed symbols {\psset{inline=boxed}\Ac\Kh\Qd\Js\tenc}.
+A card back {\crdback[inline=symbol,backcolor=green]} is available, too.
+It is also possible to variate the used colorset. In addition to the standard red/black colors, a
+four color set {\psset{inline=card,colorset=4c}\Ac\Kh\Qd\Js\tenc} as often used in online
+poker can be chosen. When colors are not desired, i.e. for printing purposes, the possible
+alternatives are a grayscale version {\psset{inline=symbol,colorset=gs}\Ac\Kh\Qd\Js\tenc} or
+complete black/white {\psset{inline=boxed,colorset=bw}\Ac\Kh\Qd\Js\tenc} with outlined red symbols.
+\section{Poker cards}
+The big cards offer a lot of options for design. The default design looks like this.
+The most basic variation is the \textsf{size} set by \Lkeyword{unit}.
+As with the inline cards we can choose the \Lkeyword{colorset}.
+The \textsf{frame background} can be varied separately by the optional
+argument \Lkeyword{framebg}, either with predefined colors as shown here or by using a selfdefined color.
+It is also possible to place indices in all \textbf{four corners} or use \textbf{peek indices}.
+Besides the \textbf{jumbo indices} a \textbf{regular index} can be used. All other options remain available.
+The \Lkeyword{crdshadow} of the cards can be shown blurred, solid or deactivated.
+\textbf{Card backs} are also available in various styles and customizable in color.
+To make the poker package available within a \LaTeX\ document you have to add
+ \usepackage{poker2}
+to the preamble. Then you can change the options used with the command
+ \psset{option=value[,option=value]}
+anywhere within the document.
+\subsection{Inline cards}
+To print inline cards you just need to call the macro associated with the card you want.
+ \As\tenh\sevd\sevc\Qd
+creates the cards \As\tenh\sevd\sevc\Qd.
+They are coded by their value and suit. Use this table to select the value
+Ace & King & Queen & Jack & 10 & 9 & 8 & 7 & 6 & 5 & 4 & 3 & 2\\\hline
+\texttt{A} & \texttt{K} & \texttt{Q} & \texttt{J} & \texttt{ten} & \texttt{nine} & \texttt{eig} & \texttt{sev} & \texttt{six} & \texttt{five} & \texttt{four} & \texttt{tre} & \texttt{two}\\
+and the next to select the letter for the suit:
+Spade & Heart & Diamond & Club\\\hline
+\texttt{s} & \texttt{h} & \texttt{d} & \texttt{c}\\
+You can influence the display of the inline cards with the options \texttt{inline} and \texttt{colorset}.
+ Option & Values & Description \\\hline
+\texttt{inline} & \texttt{symbol} & uses simple symbols to depict cards\\
+& \texttt{boxed} & draws rounded boxes around the symbols\\
+& \texttt{card} * & draws simplified cards with value and suit stacked vertically\\\hline
+\texttt{colorset} & \texttt{2c} * & suits in red and black colors\\
+& \texttt{4c} & suits in black/red/blue/green colors\\
+& \texttt{gs} & grayscaled suits\\
+& \texttt{bw} & black/white and outlined suits\\\hline
+*: default\\
+Here we have a lot of options available to change the appearance of the cards. They are explained in table \ref{tab-opts}.
+Since the \texttt{peek} option modifies the \texttt{corners} setting which in turn resets \texttt{peek}, it is advisable to first declare the \texttt{corners} option and then use the \texttt{peek} option if necessary.
+The same applies to the \texttt{framebg} and \texttt{backcolor} options modifying the \texttt{colorset} option.
+\caption{Options for cards using the \texttt{cards} environment}\label{tab-opts}
+ Option & Values & Description \\\hline
+%\texttt{cpr} & \texttt{\#} (*\texttt{7})& specifies the number of cards per row to be displayed \\\hline
+\texttt{index} & \texttt{jumbo} *& jumbo size indices\\
+& \texttt{regular} & regular size indices\\\hline
+\texttt{corners} & \texttt{2} *& indices in upper left and lower right corners\\
+& \texttt{4} & indices in all four corners\\\hline
+\texttt{peek} & \texttt{right} & add peek indices to right corners\\
+& \texttt{left} & add peek indices to left corners\\
+& \texttt{both} & add peek indices to all corners\\\hline
+\texttt{colorset} & \texttt{2c} * & suits in red and black colors\\
+& \texttt{4c} & suits in black/red/blue/green colors\\
+& \texttt{gs} & grayscaled suits\\
+& \texttt{bw} & black/white and outlined suits\\\hline
+\texttt{framebg} & \texttt{beige} *& color choices for inner frame background\\
+& \texttt{blue} & \\
+& \texttt{white} & \\
+& \texttt{yellow} & \\
+& $<$\texttt{user}$>$ & user defined color\\\hline
+\texttt{back} & \texttt{simple} *& diamond/squares styled card back\\
+& \texttt{suits} & suits in ellipse on net background\\
+& \texttt{spades} & spades filled background\\\hline
+\texttt{backcolor} & \texttt{blue} *& color choices of main background elements\\
+& \texttt{red} & \\
+& \texttt{green} & \\
+& \texttt{orange} & \\
+& $<$\texttt{user}$>$ & user defined color\\\hline
+\texttt{crdshadow} & \texttt{blurred} *& gradient shadow\\
+& \texttt{solid} & solid black shadow\\
+& \texttt{none} & no shadow\\\hline
+*: default\\
+\subsubsection{Advanced constructs}
+There are several commands available for the advanced placement of cards.
+ \crdpair{\crdKs}{\crdtenh}%
+ \crdflop{\crdsevd}{\crdsevc}{\crdQd}%
+ \crdKc\crdKd%
+ \crdpair{\crdKs}{\crdtenh}%
+ \crdflop{\crdsevd}{\crdsevc}{\crdQd}%
+ \crdKc\crdKd%
+\caption{card pair, flop and two cards}\label{fig-pair}
+\caption{Advanced display variations for floating cards}
+%\minisec{Card Overview}
+\section{List of all optional arguments for \texttt{pst-poker}}