path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pmhanguljamo/pmhanguljamo-doc.tex
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authorKarl Berry <>2020-01-23 17:58:25 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2020-01-23 17:58:25 +0000
commit9a10b8e494005a7ee98c3623327a1aa79205fc00 (patch)
tree7f44a8260050dfb97d5bc9a15ba052c0a5393698 /Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pmhanguljamo/pmhanguljamo-doc.tex
parentedb82f6a574be02670ad3d8a0527736dae7d9ec8 (diff)
pmhanguljamo (22jan20)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pmhanguljamo/pmhanguljamo-doc.tex')
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 0 deletions
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+%!TEX program = xelatex
+% pmhanguljamo-doc.tex
+%. written by Kangsoo Kim, 2020.
+%\setmainfont{Noto Serif}
+%\setsansfont{Noto Sans}
+%\setmonofont{Noto Sans Mono}
+\title{Poorman's Hangul Jamo Input Method \\ \Large \texttt{pmhanguljamo.sty} }
+\author{Kangsoo Kim}
+\date{20 Jan 2020\quad version 0.2.1}
+This \LaTeX\ package provides Hangul\footnote{%
+ \emph{Hangul} is the Korean alphabet
+ to write the Korean language. In both South and North Korea,
+ the standard writing system uses Hangul.}
+\emph{transliteration} input method, which
+enables to typeset Korean Letters (Hangul) with the help of proper fonts.
+The name is from ``Poorman's Hangul Jamo Input Method.'' It is mainly for
+the people who have a system without Korean IM, but want to typeset
+Hangul in their document.
+Not only modern Hangul, but so-colled ``Old Hangul'' characters
+that uses the lost letters such as `Arae-A', `Yet Ieung' or `Pan-Sios' etc.\ can also be typeset.
+\XeLaTeX\ or \LuaLaTeX\ is required (\XeLaTeX\ recommended). The legacy pdf\TeX\ is not supported.
+The Korean Language supporting packages such as \pkg{xetexko} or \pkg{luatexko} (in the ko.\TeX\ bundle)
+or \pkg{polyglossia} under \XeLaTeX\
+are recommended, but without them typesetting Hangul is of no problem
+with this package \thispkg.
+\subsection{Loading the package}
+Put the following line in your preamble:
+\subsection{Commands and Environment Provided}
+The main command to typeset Hangul is \verb|\jamoword|.
+\verb|\jamoword{myec dan/e/ga or su iss/svb/ni/da/.}|\\
+Result: \textkorean{\jamoword{myec dan/e/ga or su iss/svb/ni/da/.}}
+The argument of the command consists of roman alphabets
+and a few marks that represent the transliteration of Hangul Jamo.
+The transliteration rule will be explained in the section~\ref{sec:rule} (page~\pageref{sec:rule}).
+And an environment named \emph{jamotext} is provided.
+In the environment, multiple paragraphs can be located. So, it is
+suitable to typeset longer text stuffs. For example,
+jug/nvn nar/gga/ji ha/nvr/vr u/re/re \\
+han jem bu/ggv/rem ebs/gi/rvr
+ip/sai/ei i/nvn ba/ram/ei/do \\
+na/nvn goi/ro/oa/haiss/da/.
+The result will be like this:
+jug/nvn nar/gga/ji ha/nvr/vr u/re/re \\
+han jem bu/ggv/rem ebs/gi/rvr
+ip/sai/ei i/nvn ba/ram/ei/do \\
+na/nvn goi/ro/oa/haiss/da/.
+\subsection{Preamble of Document}
+Without any other packages, you can type Hangul. Note that
+proper fonts should be declared for Hangul, using \pkg{fontspec}.
+\texttt{UnBatang.ttf} is a font shipped in \pkg{unfonts-core} package of \TeX\,Live.
+Not all Korean fonts can be available to typeset so-called `Old Hangul',
+because they happen to lack
+the feature of composing Korean Syllables from conjoining Jamo codes. Fortunately,
+we have a few more fonts besides \texttt{UnBatang} that are \emph{proper}
+and freely available, which are listed in the section~\ref{sec:font}.
+In \TeX\,Live distribution, \texttt{UnBatang} is the only \emph{proper} one.
+The \pkg{polyglossia} package provides Korean language support. This package \thispkg\
+can be used with it. The following is an example.
+\jamoword{han/gvr/vr si/hem/hab/ni/da/.}
+Or the ko.\TeX\ package bundle can be used together.
+In any case, the option \verb|[Script=Hangul]| should be given
+to the font settings for Hangul. For more information, see section~\ref{sec:font}.
+The Korean writing system does not have hyphenation rule.
+The line breaking can arise at the end of mostly every character. Therefore,
+without Korean language supporting packages the line breaking and
+justification of paragraphs will not be acceptable.
+But when just single or a few Hangul characters are needed, for example in the case of typesetting
+the author's name in Hangul, this package provides a casual way to print them out.
+\section{Transliteration Rule}\label{sec:rule}
+\subsection{Tone Marks and Syllable Serapator}
+This package assumes that every Hangul syllable has Tone Mark which
+must be explicitly put at the end of it. Table~\ref{tab:tonemark}
+shows the input scheme of them.
+\caption{Tone Marks} \label{tab:tonemark}
+input & description \\ \hline
+\texttt{/} & for \emph{PyeongSeong}, no dot \\ \hline
+\texttt{;} & for \emph{GeoSeong}, single dot on the left of a character, [U+302E] \\ \hline
+\texttt{:} & for \emph{SangSeong}, double dots on the left of a character, [U+302F] \\ \hline
+The tone marks were used in the 15th century, but in the modern Korean they are
+out of use. Nevertheless the \verb|/| mark in this package is also used in order to depict
+the completion of composing a syllable --- i.e., syllable separator. So DO NOT miss it.
+However, it is possible to omit `\verb|/|' mark at the end of a word, i.e., just before \texttt{<space>}, or at the end of the argument of \verb|\jamoword|.
+Note that before the puctuation mark --- period , comma, etc., omitting \verb|/| is not permitted.
+Table~\ref{tab:cons} shows the transliteration rule for the consonants which are
+used in the leading and trailing position of a syllable.
+\caption{Consonants} \label{tab:cons}
+ㄱ & g & ㄴ & n & ㄷ & d & ㄹ & r \\
+ㅁ & m & ㅂ & b & ㅅ & s & ㅇ & \textbf{x} \\
+ㅈ & j & ㅊ & c & ㅋ & k & ㅌ & t \\
+ㅍ & p & ㅎ & h & \char"3181 & \textbf{q} & \char"317F & \textbf{z} \\
+\char"3186 & \textbf{f} & & w & & & & \\
+\item The corresponding letters ``g, n, d, m, b, s, j, k, t, p, h'' are
+the same as Korean Romanization Method (RRK).\footnote{The \emph{Revised Romanization of Korean} 1995:2000 is the official Korean language romanization system in South Korea.}
+\item The letter for `\textkorean{\jmcc{R}}' is allocated to \texttt{r} not \texttt{l}.
+\item The letter `c' is for `\textkorean{\jmcc{C}}'. In the RRK, it is `\texttt{ch}' there.
+\item Note that the letter for `\textkorean{\jmcc{X}}' is \texttt{x}, which is a bit strange, but commonly accepted `\texttt{ng}' was not to be chosen. It should be reserved for `\textkorean{\jamoword{@ng/}}'
+\item And the letters `q, z, f' are more freely selected. These letters are the lost ones in Modern Korean.
+\item The letter `w' is chosen to present \emph{Choseong Filler}.
+\item The letters `l' and `lr' are for very rare case. In the 15th century Korean, `\textkorean{\jamoword{sla}}' and
+`\textkorean{\jamoword{slra}}' were distinguishable. `sl' is chosen for the SIOS with left branch being longer, and `slr' means right branch longer. The same is the case `ssl', `sslr', `jl', `jlr' etc.
+\item The `light labial consonants', \textkorean{\jmcc{BX}, \jmcc{PX}} in the Old Hangul can be input as `bx, px, bbx, mx'.
+\item In the Modern Korean, only `gg, dd, bb, ss, jj' are additionally permitted in the leading consonant position,
+But in the Old Hangul this limitation was not applied. So \emph{Choseong} can have multiple consonants, e.g., `bsg', `bsd', `ss', `sd' etc.
+\item The leading `zero consonant' can be omitted. So if a syllable begins with vowel, then the leading `\textkorean{\jmcc{X}}' will appear. You can write the leading `x' of a syllable or not.
+For example, `\verb|\jamoword{xax}|' and `\verb|\jamoword{ax}|' will generate the same result `\jamo{xax}'.
+Table~\ref{tab:vow} shows the transliteration rule for vowels.
+ㅏ & a & ㅓ & e & ㅗ & o & ㅜ & u & ㅡ & \textbf{v} \\
+ㅣ & i & \jmcc{@} & \textbf{@} & & & & & & \\ \hline
+ㅑ & ya & ㅕ & ye & ㅛ & yo & ㅠ & yu & \kern-.3em\jmcc{@}\kern-.6em\jmcc{@} & @@ \\ \hline
+ㅐ & ay, ai & ㅔ & ey, ei & ㅚ & oy, oi & ㅟ & uy, ui & ㅢ & vy, vi \\
+ㅒ & yay, yai & ㅖ & yey, yei & \jmcc{YOI} & yoi & \jmcc{YUI} & yui & \jmcc{@I} & @i \\ \hline
+ㅘ & oa & ㅙ & oay, oai & ㅝ & ue & ㅞ & uey, uei & & \\ \hline
+\item The rule for vowels may look unfamiliar. But it is simple and easily rememberable.
+\item The letter `v' is never considered to be a vowel. But this package
+determined it to stand for the vowel `\textkorean{\jmcc{V}}'. In fact,
+the roman alphabets fall short of the vowels. This allocation is arbitrary.
+\item The lost `Arae-A' is allocated to `@', and the rare `Double Arae-A' to `@@', which are forgotten vowels in Modern Korean.
+\subsection{Compatibility Jamos}
+The compatibility Jamo block in Unicode contains several Hangul Jamo characters,
+which cannot be used to compose Hangul syllables, and are considered
+independent Jamo characters respectively.
+To input the compatibility Jamos in the arguments of \verb|\jamoword| or \verb|jamotext|,
+you are to type them in their capital letters (upper cases). And every compatibility Jamo has to be
+separated with syllable separator --- \verb|/|.
+Because the \verb|@| character has no upper case, write \verb|W| instead of \verb|@| to display compatibility `Arae-A'.
+Here is an example:
+\jamoword{W/nvn a/rai/a/ra/go bu/rv/go A/oa bi/svs/ha/gei irg/nvn/da}
+\textkorean{\jamoword{W/nvn a/rai/a/ra/go bu/rv/go A/oa bi/svs/ha/gei irg/nvn/da}}
+\section{Proper Fonts}\label{sec:font}
+In order to typeset Hangul characters successfully with the input method
+of this package, the help of the \emph{proper} font is crucial.
+What we call \emph{proper} font is the font that has the Opentype feature of `Script Hangul', that is, the feature of conjoining jamo characters.
+A Truetype font may have this Opentype feature.
+Otherwise, it is regarded as an \emph{improper} font.
+Not so many fonts are \emph{proper}.
+The fonts or font families listed in the following lines are
+what we know \emph{proper}.
+They can be downloaded from the url and used freely. And note that
+\texttt{UnBatang} is already installed in your \TeX\,Live installation.
+\item[Hamchorom LVT] Hamchorom fonts by Hancom Inc., and their variants with GSUB tables by KTS (the Korean \TeX\ Society). \url{}
+\item[KoPub World] free fonts by Korea Publisher Society. \url{}
+\item[Malgun Gothic] One of Windows 10 system font.
+\item[Nanum Yet Hangul] Two font families from Naver. Nanum Myeongjo Yet Hangeul and Nanum Barun Gothic Yet Hangeul. \url{}
+\item[Noto CJK] Google's Noto CJK fonts. Or Adobe's Source Han fonts. \url{}
+\item[Un Batang] \verb|UnBatang.ttf|. on CTAN. \url{}
+To use one of these fonts, do not forget to provide
+the \texttt{[Script=Hangul]} option. For example, you can specify
+Hamchorom Batang LVT font as:
+\newfontfamily\pmjamofont{HCR Batang LVT}[Script=Hangul]
+and then issue \verb|\pmjamofont| command in the scope of Hangul to be typeset.
+It is recommended that the \emph{proper} font should be used consistently.
+In case the font you take is not \emph{proper}, you are to meet the warning
+message at the console and log file,
+ Package fontspec Warning: (fontspec)
+ Font "batang" does not contain requested Script "Hangul".
+However, when \XeLaTeX\ is concerned, it is known that the \emph{Modern} Korean Characters (\emph{Hangul Precomposed Syllables} in the Unicode block [U+AC00] -- [U+D7A3]) can be rendered with this kind of font, in spite of the warning message.
+Now, we will show a few practical examples, where
+the \emph{korean} environment of \pkg{polyglossia} package is used.
+The preamble is like this:
+\subsection{Modern Hangul}
+e/rin/i/nvn na/ra/oa gye/rey/vi ap/nar/vr i/e/na/gar
+sai/sa/ram/i/mv/ro gv/dvr/vi mom/goa ma/vm/vr gui/hi
+ye/gye orh/go a/rvm/dab/go ssig/ssig/ha/gey ja/ra/do/rog
+him/sse/ya han/da/.
+\item \textkorean{\jamoword{e/rin/i/nvn in/gan/v/ro/se
+jon/jux/ha/ye/ya ha/mye sa/hoi/vi han sa/ram/v/ro/se
+or/ba/rv/gey ki/ue/ya han/da/.}}
+e/rin/i/nvn na/ra/oa gye/rey/vi ap/nar/vr i/e/na/gar
+sai/sa/ram/i/mv/ro gv/dvr/vi mom/goa ma/vm/vr gui/hi
+ye/gye orh/go a/rvm/dab/go ssig/ssig/ha/gey ja/ra/do/rog
+him/sse/ya han/da/.
+\item \textkorean{\jamoword{e/rin/i/nvn in/gan/v/ro/se
+jon/jux/ha/ye/ya ha/mye sa/hoi/vi han sa/ram/v/ro/se
+or/ba/rv/gey ki/ue/ya han/da/.}}
+\subsection{pre-1933 Hangul}
+A 15th century text with tone marks (\emph{BangJeom}).
+na/ras;mar:ss@/mi; dyuq/guig;ei; dar/a;
+mun/jj@x;oa;ro; se/rv s@/m@s/di; a/ni;h@r/ss@i;
+i;ren jyen/c@;ro; e/rin; b@ig;syeq;i;
+ni/rv/go;jye; horf; bai;
+i/sye;do; m@/c@m;nai: jey bdv;dvr; si/re; pye/di;
+mod:h@rf no;mi; ha/ni;ra;.
+na/ras;mar:ss@/mi; dyuq/guig;ei; dar/a;
+mun/jj@x;oa;ro; se/rv s@/m@s/di; a/ni;h@r/ss@i;
+i;ren jyen/c@;ro; e/rin; b@ig;syeq;i; ni/rv/go;jye; horf; bai;
+i/sye;do; m@/c@m;nai: jey bdv;dvr; si/re; pye/di;
+mod:h@rf no;mi; ha/ni;ra;.
+And another example of 17th century, from \jamo{du/si/en/hai}, \emph{Selected Translations of
+Du Fu's Poems}, without tone marks.
+g@/r@/mi p@/r@/ni sai de/ug h@i/o/,\\
+moy/hi pe/re/h@/ni gos/ bi/ci bvr bvd/n@n d@s/do/da/.\\
+ors bo/mi bon/d@in sdo di/na/ga/n@/ni \\
+e/nv na/ri i do/ra/gar h@i/o/.
+g@/r@/mi p@/r@/ni sai de/ug h@i/o/,\\
+moy/hi pe/re/h@/ni gos/ bi/ci bvr bvd/n@n d@s/do/da/.\\
+ors bo/mi bon/d@in sdo di/na/ga/n@/ni \\
+e/nv na/ri i do/ra/gar h@i/o/.
+For more examples and information about this package,
+please read the documentation \texttt{pmhanguljamo-kdoc.pdf}
+(in Korean).
+Thanks go to yihoze at the KTUG board, there he commented,
+``The IMs I've tried such as Korean Windows Old Hangul IM or Saenaru IM
+were all somewhat inconvenient. \ldots.
+In my opinion, for the foreign scholar who
+studies Korean language, especially Middle Age Korean language,
+this kind of transliteration method may be much more convenient and
+confident way of typesetting Korean than the IM solutions.''\footnote{\url{}}