path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-veryshortguide/veryshortguide.tex
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2009-07-26 22:07:17 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2009-07-26 22:07:17 +0000
commit6b33d28b3a609104713ee266254293843866d9df (patch)
tree3fca6c711e620e86dfd806fe772f39b5ecef646b /Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-veryshortguide/veryshortguide.tex
parent915e28f2278d4295b834deaa18048192845f9ec9 (diff)
new (old) doc from pflynn, latex-veryshortguide (25jul09)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-veryshortguide/veryshortguide.tex')
1 files changed, 573 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-veryshortguide/veryshortguide.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-veryshortguide/veryshortguide.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d238b7a88c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-veryshortguide/veryshortguide.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+% This is the Very Short Guide to LaTeX, a 4pp folder designed as an
+% aide-mémoire for people who have just done a course in LaTeX and
+% need something by them on their desk the next day to refresh their
+% memories. It is NOT intended as a substitute for full documentation.
+% Copyright 2006-2009 by Silmaril Consultants <>
+% This is free documentation, issued under the LaTeX Rroject Public
+% License. For details see
+% 2009-07-24
+% Please do NOT complain that there is no math here. It won't fit.
+% Someone else can do a math leaflet. IANAM.
+% Acknowledgments
+% Thanks to all those on c.t.t whose suggestions made this version more
+% useful.
+% Alan Munn for the distinction between base font and font package and
+% for suggesting ``expected functionality'' packages on sectioning,
+% long tables, headers, and double spacing, and links to FAQ and CTAN.
+% Lars Madsen, Will Robertson, Robin Fairbairns and others for asking
+% for the center environment in tables and figures to be replaced with
+% the \centering command (I still disagree, but WTF :-)
+% Tsy for spotting a typo in the table code sample.
+% Rob Felty and Domink Wass for pointing me at Winston Chang's
+% excellent LaTeX Cheat Sheet summary.
+% This is laid out for A5 pages with margins optimised for my HP K7100
+% so that I can impose two pages per A4 sheet and print double-sided.
+% It has not been tested at letterpaper size (and may not fit).
+% The 12mm margin is needed because my printer cannot print the
+% bottom 12mm of a sheet, so if I print 2-up A5 pages on an A4
+% sheet, I need to allow for the fact that one edge of two of the
+% pages must have a 12mm margin -- so it's preferable to make it
+% the same all round.
+% For HP K7100
+% Packages
+% Assorted extra commands
+% Provide a lite font option in case you want to use a font that has it
+% (uncomment only ONE of the next two lines!)
+% Use a pointy pencil from the bbding package for itemized lists
+% Provide commands for distinguishing examples and their output
+\newcommand{\example}{\color{DarkGreen}\textsf{\bfseries Example:} \color{Grey}}
+ {\ArrowBoldRightStrobe}~\color{DarkBlue}{\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont
+ #1}\color{black}}
+% In fancyverb's Verbatim, allow rubric embedded as marked text in red
+\newcommand{\comment}[1]{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{ }}{}{#1}\normalfont
+ \itshape\footnotesize\color{red}}
+% This reverts rubric back to normal, to avoid embedded spaces
+% Provide keyboard or screen keys or buttons and their icons
+ \ovalbox{\sffamily\bfseries\footnotesize#2}%
+ \else\raisebox{#1}{\ovalbox{\sffamily\bfseries\footnotesize#2}}\fi}
+% Define a month-year date European way round
+\newcommand{\monthdate}{\ifcase\month\or January\or
+ February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or
+ September\or October\or November\or December\fi\space\number\year}
+% There's something odd about the hyphenation...
+\hyphenation{mathe-mati-cal auto-mati-cal-ly docu-ment docu-ments
+ statis-ti-cal}
+% This one is silly: we really, really shouldn't have to do this.
+% For some reason the T1 encoding is broken at this point.
+\newcommand{\sect}{\char'247 }
+% Formatting changes
+% title block
+ \hbox to\textwidth{%
+ \vbox{\hsize=.75\textwidth\huge\bfseries\raggedright
+ \@title}
+ \hss
+ \vbox{\hsize=.25\textwidth\scriptsize\raggedright
+ \@author
+ \par
+ \textit{\@date}}}
+ \par\bigskip\hrule\medskip
+% notes
+% pack headings together more tightly
+ {-0pt\@plus -.2ex \@minus -.2ex}%
+ {1pt \@plus .2ex}%
+ {\normalfont\Large\bfseries}}
+ {-0pt\@plus -.2ex \@minus -.2ex}%
+ {1pt \@plus .2ex}%
+ {\normalfont\large\bfseries}}
+ {-.5ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
+ {.25ex \@plus .2ex}%
+ {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}}
+ \hrule height.2pt width.25\columnwidth\kern 2.8pt}
+\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}% we don't want numbered sections
+\setlength{\leftmargini}{18pt}% don't waste margin space in lists
+\pagestyle{empty}% no page numbers, we're faking it
+\spaceskip=4pt plus3pt minus2pt% let text go very sloppy to fit
+% WARNING: a lot of stuff is faked up in this document, because we're
+% combining incompatible things for the sake of showing examples which
+% would not normally occur in the same document (eg both scientific
+% and humanities-style bibliographic references). The demands of space
+% also mean that there is far more manual adjustment needed than would
+% be seen in a normal continuous-text document. Live with it.
+\title{The very short guide to typesetting with~\LaTeX}
+\author{Silmaril Consultants\\
+ \textbf{Textual Therapy Division}\\
+ \protect\url{}}
+\subsection{What's this all about? What's \LaTeX?}
+\LaTeX\ is a document preparation system for the \TeX\ typesetting
+program. It enables you to produce publication-quality output with
+great accuracy and consistency. \LaTeX\ works on any computer and
+produces industry-standard PS or PDF documents. It is available both
+in free (open-source) and commercial implementations. \LaTeX\ can be
+used for any kind of document, but it is especially suited to those
+with complex structure, repetitive formatting,
+mathematics\footnote{For reasons of space this guide does not cover
+ details of mathematics typesetting.}, technical stability, and
+dimensional accuracy.
+\subsection{Syntax (how to type \LaTeX\ commands --- these are the rules)}
+ \item \textbf{All \LaTeX\ commands begin with a backslash}.\\
+ \example \verb+\tableofcontents+\endexample
+ \item \textbf{If a command needs text to work
+ with, it goes in curly braces}.\\
+ \example \verb+\title{Irisches Tagebuch}\author{Heinrich Böll}+\endexample
+ \item \textbf{If options are used, they go in square brackets first}.\\
+ \example \verb+\documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{book}+\endexample
+ \item \textbf{Space after commands \emph{without} braces gets suppressed}.\\
+ \example \verb+Copyright \copyright +\texttt{\number\year}
+ \gives{Copyright \copyright \number\year}~\nobox\\
+ To prevent this, put empty curly braces after the command.\\
+ \example \verb+Copyright \copyright{} +\texttt{\number\year}
+ \gives{Copyright \copyright{} \number\year}~\yesbox
+ \item \textbf{Curly braces are also used to restrict the scope of
+ effects inside them}.\\
+ \example \verb+Some {\tiny little} word+ \gives{Some {\tiny little} word}
+\subsection{Creating and typesetting your document}
+ \item Create your document using any suitable plain-text editor
+ with \LaTeX\ controls, eg \textit{\TeX shop} (Mac), \textit{\TeX
+ nicCenter} (Win), \textit{Kile} (Linux), \textit{Emacs} (all);
+ \item Save the file with a name ending in \verb+.tex+
+ (\emph{never} use spaces in filenames!);
+ \item Use the toolbar buttons or menu items in your editor to typeset
+ and display the document;\label{typeset}
+ \item Make any changes needed in your original document and repeat
+ step \ref{typeset}.
+This guide shows only a tiny fraction of \LaTeX's power. For
+information, visit the \TeX\ Users Group site (\url{}). For
+help, see the FAQ (\url{}) and the Usenet newsgroup
+\url{comp.text.tex}. For packages, use the Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive
+Network (\url{}). For documentation, use the sources in
+the \textit{References} [2].
+\subsubsection{Basic document structure}
+Here's the skeleton of a \LaTeX\ document. These three lines are
+\emph{compulsory}: your document will not work without them:
+!comment your preamble goes here (extra setups, if any)
+!comment your document text goes here
+ \item The document class name must be one of \verb+book+,
+ \verb+article+, or \verb+report+, or one you have
+ installed yourself (eg \verb+thesis+, \verb+memoir+, etc).
+ \item There are paper size options \verb+a4paper+
+ (210\thinspace mm$\times$297\thinspace mm) and \verb+letterpaper+
+ (8½$''\times$11$''$) and others (eg \verb+a5paper+).
+ \item There are base type size options \verb+10pt+ (the default),
+ \verb+11pt+, and \verb+12pt+.
+\subsubsection{Front matter}
+The \textbf{preamble} is where you specify any extra \textbf{packages}
+(\LaTeX\ plugins) such as typefaces or special formatting
+requirements, and where you put any changes to standard features.
+\title!comment{your document title!revert}
+\author!comment{your name!revert}
+\date!comment{date of publication!revert}
+!comment the paragraphs of the abstract go here
+!comment rest of the document goes here
+In a typical report or article, the title, author, date, abstract
+(summary), and table of contents (optional) all go at the start,
+followed by your text.
+Leave a blank line between paragraphs. This does \emph{not} mean you
+get a blank line typeset, it just means `start a new paragraph here'.
+\LaTeX\ will format your text according to the document class and
+packages you are using.
+\subsubsection{Sections and cross-references}
+Sections get numbered automatically in bold type, and get included in
+the Table of Contents (if any). Numbering can be turned off
+selectively. Section heading layout can be modified with the
+\textsf{sectsty}, \mbox{\textsf{titlesec}}, and other packages. Use
+the \textsf{babel} package for other languages.
+!comment (Preamble, titling, and abstract as above)
+\section!comment{heading of a section!revert}
+!comment text for the section goes here shown in section \ref{blah}.
+\subsubsection!comment{heading of a subsection!revert}
+!comment text for the subsection goes here
+\section!comment{heading of a new section!revert}
+\label{blah} !comment make up a name for the label
+!comment text for the section goes here
+For cross-references, use \verb+\label{...}+ to label the target
+and \verb+\ref{...}+ and/or \verb+\pageref{...}+ to refer to
+it. Make up the label values: \LaTeX\ will use them to work
+out the right numbers to print.\\
+\example{...\ttfamily section \verb+\ref{blah}+ on p.\\
+\verb+\pageref{blah}+.}\gives{...section 3 on p.9}.
+\LaTeX's default typeface is Computer Modern. There is a selection of
+other typeface packages (use them in your Preamble):
+\ff{ppl}Palatino&mathpazo&\ff{pag}\scriptsize Avant Garde&avant\\
+\ff{bch}Charter&charter&\ff{pzc}Zapf Chancery&chancery\\
+\multicolumn3l{\ff{pnc}New Century Schoolbook}&newcent\\
+Dozens of others are available, including mathematical and decorative
+fonts. To switch to a sans-serif type family (eg Helvetica, Avant
+Garde), use \verb+\sffamily+ in your text. To change font for a word
+or phrase, use these commands (they can be nested---see below):
+\begin{tabular}{l@{\enspace}>{\ttfamily\char'134 text}l<{\char'173
+ Hello\char'175}@{}>{\gives\bgroup}l<{\thinspace Hello\egroup}}
+\example \verb+\textit{\textbf{\textsf+\linebreak
+\verb+{bold ital sans}}}+
+\gives{\textit{\textbf{\textsf{bold ital sans}}}}
+Font sizing is automatic for titles, headings, and footnotes. There
+are named step-size commands (in points, relative to the base size):
+normalsize&10&11&12\\\hline\vrule height1.1em width0pt
+but you can specify an exact size with the \textsf{fix-cm} package and
+the command
+for any point-size (\textit{pp}) on any baseline (\textit{bb}). Group
+(enclose) the command \emph{and} its applicable text in curly braces
+to prevent it affecting the rest of the document. For wider line-spacing
+(eg in theses) use the \textsf{setspace} package. You can also use
+\linebreak colour with the
+\\\textsf{xcolor} package and\hfil \smash{\raisebox{0ex}{\Huge
+% web colour for l was 567122
+% web colour for o2 was CAB340
+\\the \verb+\color{+\texttt{\textit{name}}\verb+}+ command.
+There are three basic kinds: \textbf{itemized} lists (bulleted);
+\textbf{enumerated} lists (numbered or lettered); and
+\textbf{descriptive} lists (topic-and-explanation format). Others can
+be defined or downloaded from CTAN [5].
+ p{.22\columnwidth}|%
+ p{.28\columnwidth}|%
+ p{.33\columnwidth}}
+\item 1lb Sugar
+\item ½pt Cream
+\item Chocolate
+\item Mix together
+\item Boil to 112!textdegree()C
+\item Stir and cool
+\item[Fudge] is fun...
+\item[Broccoli] sucks...
+\item[Exercise] is good
+\item 1lb Sugar
+\item ½pt Cream
+\item Chocolate
+\item Mix together
+\item Boil to 112\textdegree C
+\item Stir and cool
+\item[Fudge] is fun but not if made too often.
+\item[Broccoli] sucks, period.
+\item[Exercise] is good for you if taken daily and not to extremes.
+You can nest lists inside each other. See packages like
+\textsf{paralist} and \textsf{mdwlist} to control list formatting.
+\subsubsection{Tables and figures}
+Formal tables and figures \emph{float} (change position to fill
+available space) so they may not be printed where you typed them.
+\caption{Mean growth rate and intakes
+of supplement, milk, and water for 4
+Lucerne &145&450&10.5&144\\\hline
+Sesbania&132&476& 9.2&128\\\hline
+Leucaena&128&364& 8.9&121\\\hline
+None & 89& 0& 9.8&108\\\hline
+% fake it
+\multicolumn5l{\textbf{Table 2}: \textit{Mean growth rate and intakes
+of supplement,}}\\
+\multicolumn5l{\textit{milk, and water for four diets} (after
+ Sherington, J, undated)}\\[6pt]\hline
+\vrule height1.1em width0pt&Growth&Supplement&Milk&Water\\[-1pt]
+&(g/day)&(g/day)&(ml/kg\textsuperscript{\fontsize34\selectfont 0.75})&(ml/kg\textsuperscript{\fontsize34\selectfont 0.75})\\[3pt]\hline
+Lucerne &145&450&10.5&144\\\hline
+Sesbania&132&476& 9.2&128\\\hline
+Leucaena&128&364& 8.9&121\\\hline
+None & 89& 0& 9.8&108\\\hline
+Packages like \textsf{longtable} and \textsf{array} can help
+with more complex table formats.
+For help, see the links on the front and back pages. There is a
+summary of common commands at
+\url{} and a
+comprehensive list at
+\textbf{Tables and Figures}, \textit{continued}
+\caption{Swiss and Dutch Mennonite migrations of the 1700s and 1800s}\label{lmig}
+\centering !comment (graphics must be in EPS format for standard !LaTeX; JPG, PNG, or PDF for pdf!LaTeX)
+\\\scriptsize Courtesy of Paul C. Adams, Department of Geography and the
+Environment, University of Texas at Austin. \cite{adams}\end{figure}
+\textbf{Figure 1}: \textit{Swiss and Dutch Mennonite migrations of the
+ 1700s and 1800s}\\[3pt]
+Courtesy of Paul C. Adams, Department of Geography
+and the Environment, University of Texas at Austin.~[1]
+\subsubsection{Footnotes, citations, references, and indexes (back matter)}
+Footnotes are done with a simple command,\footnote{Like this.} see
+below. Citations using BIB\TeX{} (Patashnik, 1988) are also easy (see
+[2], \sect7.4.2) and there are packages for more complex formats for
+journals and publishers. You can add indexes with the \verb+\index+
+command and the \textsf{makeindex} program.
+Footnotes are done with a simple command,\footnote{Like this.} see below. Citations
+using BIB\TeX{} \citeauthoryear{oren} are also easy (see \cite[§7.4.2]{flynn} and
+there are packages for more complex formats for journals and publishers. You can
+add indexes with the \verb`\index` command and the \textsf{makeindex} program.
+!comment add the following at the end of your document and create!ttfamily myrefs.bib!rmfamily (see BIB!TeX manual [3])
+\item Adams, Paul C. \textit{Linguistic Chaos in Montreal},
+ \url{}, 2/59, Oct 2006.
+\item {\bfseries Flynn, P. \textit{Formatting Information},
+ 2005, at \url{}}
+\item Patashnik, O. \textit{BIB\TeX ing}, \TeX\ Users Group, 1988
+ (distributed with all copies of \LaTeX).
+\item Sherington, J. example table in `Informative Presentation of
+ Tables, Graphs and Statistics', 4.2, Statistical Services Centre,
+ University of Reading,
+ \url{}
+\item \bfseries\TeX\ Users Group, for \TeX\ Live
+ (\url{}) and CTAN
+ (Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network) for downloads (\url{}).
+Commercial implementations of \TeX\ with business
+support are available from Personal \TeX, Inc (PC\TeX); Blue Sky
+Research (Textures~[Mac]); MacKichan Software, Inc (Scientific Word);
+Micropress, Inc (V\TeX), True\TeX\ Software (True\TeX), and others.