path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2015-12-06 23:49:43 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2015-12-06 23:49:43 +0000
commit8b958843c92e1dc188620b20cd04a85abe4f7fbc (patch)
tree28084f1ec206292fa891f062f8afb5843c1c686e /Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo
parent9d56960309cc52d03d3d9c39cd0bb1ab31d6d3fa (diff)
ksp-thesis (6dec15)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo')
16 files changed, 592 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/appendix.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/appendix.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..74641955d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/appendix.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+%%% appendix
+%%% =============================================================
+\include{content/appendix/bibliography} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/appendix/bibliography.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/appendix/bibliography.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c57a0876833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/appendix/bibliography.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Put your publications here. You might consider using the \texttt{biblatex} package, for example with the following code:
+\end{verbatim} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/appendix/lists.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/appendix/lists.tex
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/appendix/lists.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+%%% list of figures, tables, nomenclature, etc.
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%%% >> note that too many lists in combination with tikzexternalize results in
+%%% 'no room for a new \write' errors!
+ \hyphenpenalty10000
+ %%% list of figures
+ %\cleardoublepage
+ %\phantomsection
+ %\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listfigurename}
+ \listoffigures
+ %%% list of tables
+ %\cleardoublepage
+ %\phantomsection
+ %\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listtablename}
+ \listoftables
+ %%%% list of listings
+ %\cleardoublepage
+ %\phantomsection
+ %\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\lstlistlistingname}
+ %\lstlistoflistings
+\endgroup \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/docinfo.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/docinfo.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bbbad1fab0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/docinfo.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+\newcommand{\doctitle}{\foreignlanguage{english}{The \texttt{ksp-thesis} class}}
+\newcommand{\docsubtitle}{A \LaTeX\ class for theses published with KIT Scientific Publishing}
+\newcommand{\docauthor}{Publi Cator}
+\newcommand{\doctime}{\today} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/abstract.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/abstract.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e5c50d8ce89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/abstract.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+%%% abstract
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%%% english
+%%% ...........................................................................
+%%% german
+%%% ...........................................................................
+\endgroup \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/acknowledgments.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/acknowledgments.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..37e6bd0b2f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/acknowledgments.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+%%% Acknowledgements
+%%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+% you can erase the following three lines if you do not use an introductory quote
+ Put your fancy quote here. Or don't. \\ \medskip
+ --- Awesome Author
+ Place, \doctime
+\endgroup \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/dirtytitle.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/dirtytitle.tex
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/dirtytitle.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+%%% dirty title page
+%%% -----------------------------------------------------------
+ \spacedlowsmallcaps{\docauthor} \\ \medskip
+ {
+ \color{KITblue}\spacedallcaps{\doctitle}
+ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/lists.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/lists.tex
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/lists.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+%%% list of figures, tables, nomenclature, etc.
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%%% >> note that too many lists in combination with tikzexternalize results in
+%%% 'no room for a new \write' errors!
+ %\newcommand{\listvspace}{\vspace*{8ex}}
+ %\let\clearpage\relax
+ %\let\cleardoublepage\relax
+ %\let\cleardoublepage\relax
+ %%% in appendix
+ %%%% list of figures
+ %%\phantomsection
+ %%\refstepcounter{dummy}
+ %\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listfigurename}
+ %%\pdfbookmark[1]{\listfigurename}{pdf:lof}
+ %\listoffigures
+ %\listvspace
+ %
+ %%%% list of tables
+ %%\phantomsection
+ %%\refstepcounter{dummy}
+ %\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listtablename}
+ %%\pdfbookmark[1]{\listtablename}{pdf:lot}
+ %\listoftables
+ %\listvspace
+ %
+ %%%% list of listings
+ %%%\phantomsection
+ %%%\refstepcounter{dummy}
+ %%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\lstlistlistingname}
+ %%%\pdfbookmark[1]{\lstlistlistingname}{pdf:lol}
+ %%\lstlistoflistings
+ %%\listvspace
+ %%% acronyms
+ %\phantomsection
+ %%\refstepcounter{dummy}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Abbreviations and acronyms}
+ %\pdfbookmark[1]{acronyms}{pdf:acronyms}
+ %%\markboth{\spacedlowsmallcaps{Abbreviations and acronyms}}{\spacedlowsmallcaps{Abbreviations and acronyms}}
+ \printglossary[type=acronym,style=acrtab-descr,title={Abbreviations and acronyms}]
+ \glsaddfrompreamble%
+ %\listvspace
+ %%% nomenclature
+ %\phantomsection
+ %%\refstepcounter{dummy}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Nomenclature}
+ %\pdfbookmark[1]{Nomenclature}{pdf:nomenclature}
+ %\renewcommand{\glossarypreamble}{\vskip -6pt\noindent\setfontsize{8pt}}
+ \renewcommand{\glssymbolsheadfont}[1]{\spacedlowsmallcaps{#1}} % font in glossary head
+ \renewcommand{\glssymbolsgroupfont}[1]{{\usekomafont{subsection}#1}} % font in glossary group head
+ %\renewcommand{\glssymbolsfootfont}[1]{#1} % font in glossary foot
+ \begingroup
+ \renewcommand*{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\hspace*{\labelsep}#1} % bug fix for classicthesis
+ \hypersetup{linkcolor=black}
+ %\glssymbolsunitbracketstrue
+ \renewcommand{\glssymbolsbetweengroups}{\clearpage}
+ \printglossary[type=symbols,style=symbols-longtable-sep]%,nonumberlist]
+ \endgroup
+\endgroup \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/publications.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/publications.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..675ee6f4f12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/publications.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+%%% publications
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Some ideas and figures have appeared previously in the following publications:
+Put your publications here. You might consider using the \texttt{biblatex} package, for example with the following code:
+\end{verbatim} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/titlepage.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/titlepage.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2662a0f96ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/titlepage.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+%%% title page
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {\docsubtitle}
+ \vskip 15mm
+ {\normalsize\textmd{%
+ Zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades\\
+ \spacedallcaps{Doktor der TeX-Wissenschaften}\\
+ %(Dr.-Ing.)\\
+ \vskip 5mm
+ der Fakult\"at f\"ur Typographie\\
+ Karlsruher Institut f\"ur Technologie (KIT)\\
+ \vskip 15mm
+ %vorgelegte\\
+ genehmigte\\
+ \spacedallcaps{Dissertation}
+ }}
+ \vskip 5mm
+ {\normalsize\textmd{von}}\\
+ {\docauthortitle~\docauthor}
+ \vskip 25mm
+ {
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}}
+ Datum der m\"undlichen Pr\"ufung: & \printdate{03.11.2015}\\
+ Hauptreferent: &Prof.~Dr.-\TeX.~Typo Graphus \\
+ Koreferent: &Prof.~Dr.-\TeX.~Manu Scriptus \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ }
+%%% title back page
+%%% ...........................................................................
+ \raggedright \textsmaller{\textsc{KIT}} -- Universität des Landes Baden-Württemberg und nationales Forschungszentrum der Helmholtz-Gesellschaft\\
+ \url{}
+\lowertitleback{\raggedright\docauthor: \textit{\doctitle,} \doctime }
+%%% dedication
+%%% ...........................................................................
+%\dedication{Für \LaTeXe}
+%%% set title
+%%% ...........................................................................
+\maketitle \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/toc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/toc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..babdaa2a62c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/front/toc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+%%% tabe of contents
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%\settowidth{\cftpartnumwidth}{\cftpartfont III}
+\clearpage \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/frontmatter.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/frontmatter.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d614c0c1f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/frontmatter.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+%%% front matter
+%%% =============================================================
+\pagenumbering{Alph} %%%
+%\include{content/front/lists} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/mainmatter.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/mainmatter.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dd865c80cbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/content/mainmatter.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% main matter
+%%% ===========================================================================
+\part{The First}
+\chapter{This is a chapter title which is definitely quite long}
+\section{This is a section title which is also quite long, causing a line break}
+\subsection{A subsection title which -- again -- is quite long and will not fit into one line}
+\subsubsection{And finally a subsubsection title which is quite long as well, therefore requiring more than one line}
+\paragraph{This is a long paragraph heading. It will not fit into one line, either. At least not with this last sentence.}
+There is no line break after the paragraph heading.
+You can (moderately!) reduce the word spacing and stretching to avoid single words or syllables on the last line of a paragraph. For this purpose, the class provides the commands \verb|\reducewstr| and \verb|\reducewspc| (and, moreoever, \verb|\resetwstr| and \verb|\resetwspc| to reset the default values) to avoid situations like \emph{this}.
+In the following paragraph, the word spacing is reduced to 90\% of its default value and the single word on the last line of the paragraph disappears:
+\reducewspc[.9] You can (moderately!) reduce the word spacing and stretching to avoid single words or syllables on the last line of a paragraph. For this purpose, the class provides the commands \verb|\reducewstr| and \verb|\reducewspc| (and, moreoever, \verb|\resetwstr| and \verb|\resetwspc| to reset the default values) to avoid situations like \emph{this}.\resetwspc
+Use this feature with care to avoid ugly typesetting!
+ \item[Minion] small, yellow creatures who have existed since the beginning of time
+ \item[banana] a fruit, particularly cherished by Minions\footnote{with a meaningless footnote}
+ \item[lorem] \blindtext
+ \item \blindtext
+ \item \blindtext
+ \item \blindtext
+ \item \blindtext
+\begin{figure}\centering %
+ \framebox[12em][l]{\parbox[c][12em][c]{12em}{\centering your advertisement here\\for only\\\$99 per month!}}
+\caption{a figure}%
+ first column & second column & third column
+ left & centered & right
+ aligned & & aligned
+\caption{a table}
+\chapter{Mathematical Showcase}
+\section{Some Formulas}
+Euler's identity:
+ e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0
+Fundamental theorem of calculus:
+ \int_a^b f^\prime\!\left(x\right)\,dx = f\!\left(b\right) - f\!\left(a\right)
+Einstein's general theory of relativity:
+ G_{\mu\nu} = 8 \pi G \left(T_{\mu\nu} + \rho_\Lambda g_{\mu\nu}\right)
+Einstein's special theory of relativity -- time dilatation:
+ t^\prime = t \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}
+Navier-Stokes equations in spherical coordinates:
+ \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} + \frac{1}{r^2}\frac{\partial}{\partial r}\left(\rho r^2 u_r\right) +
+ \frac{1}{r \sin(\theta)}\frac{\partial \rho u_\phi}{\partial \phi} +
+ \frac{1}{r \sin(\theta)}\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}\left(\sin(\theta) \rho u_\theta\right)
+ = 0
+ r:\ &
+\rho \left(\frac{\partial u_r}{\partial t} + u_r \frac{\partial u_r}{\partial r} + \frac{u_{\phi}}{r \sin(\theta)} \frac{\partial u_r}{\partial \phi} +
+ \frac{u_{\theta}}{r} \frac{\partial u_r}{\partial \theta} - \frac{u_{\phi}^2 + u_{\theta}^2}{r}\right) =
+ -\frac{\partial p}{\partial r} + \rho g_r + \\
+ &\mu \left[\frac{1}{r^2} \frac{\partial}{\partial r}\left(r^2 \frac{\partial u_r}{\partial r}\right) +
+ \frac{1}{r^2 \sin(\theta)^2} \frac{\partial^2 u_r}{\partial \phi^2} +
+ \frac{1}{r^2 \sin(\theta)} \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}\left(\sin(\theta) \frac{\partial u_r}{\partial \theta}\right)\right.\\
+ &\left.- 2\frac{u_r +
+ \frac{\partial u_{\theta}}{\partial \theta} + u_{\theta} \cot(\theta)}{r^2} - \frac{2}{r^2 \sin(\theta)} \frac{\partial u_{\phi}}{\partial \phi}
+ \right]
+ \phi:\ &\rho \left(\frac{\partial u_{\phi}}{\partial t} + u_r \frac{\partial u_{\phi}}{\partial r} +
+ \frac{u_{\phi}}{r \sin(\theta)} \frac{\partial u_{\phi}}{\partial \phi} + \frac{u_{\theta}}{r} \frac{\partial u_{\phi}}{\partial \theta} +
+ \frac{u_r u_{\phi} + u_{\phi} u_{\theta} \cot(\theta)}{r}\right) =\\
+ &-\frac{1}{r \sin(\theta)} \frac{\partial p}{\partial \phi} + \rho g_{\phi} + \\
+ &\mu \left[\frac{1}{r^2} \frac{\partial}{\partial r}\left(r^2 \frac{\partial u_{\phi}}{\partial r}\right) +
+ \frac{1}{r^2 \sin(\theta)^2} \frac{\partial^2 u_{\phi}}{\partial \phi^2} +
+ \frac{1}{r^2 \sin(\theta)} \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}\left(\sin(\theta) \frac{\partial u_{\phi}}{\partial \theta}\right) +\right.\\
+ &\left.
+ \frac{2 \sin(\theta) \frac{\partial u_r}{\partial \phi} + 2 \cos(\theta) \frac{\partial u_{\theta}}{\partial \phi} -
+ u_{\phi}}{r^2 \sin(\theta)^2}
+ \right]
+ \theta:\ &\rho \left(\frac{\partial u_{\theta}}{\partial t} + u_r \frac{\partial u_{\theta}}{\partial r} +
+ \frac{u_{\phi}}{r \sin(\theta)} \frac{\partial u_{\theta}}{\partial \phi} +
+ \frac{u_{\theta}}{r} \frac{\partial u_{\theta}}{\partial \theta} + \frac{u_r u_{\theta} - u_{\phi}^2 \cot(\theta)}{r}\right) =\\
+ &-\frac{1}{r} \frac{\partial p}{\partial \theta} + \rho g_{\theta} + \\
+ &\mu \left[\frac{1}{r^2} \frac{\partial}{\partial r}\left(r^2 \frac{\partial u_{\theta}}{\partial r}\right) +
+ \frac{1}{r^2 \sin(\theta)^2} \frac{\partial^2 u_{\theta}}{\partial \phi^2} +
+ \frac{1}{r^2 \sin(\theta)} \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}\left(\sin(\theta) \frac{\partial u_{\theta}}{\partial \theta}\right) +\right.\\
+ &\left.
+ \frac{2}{r^2} \frac{\partial u_r}{\partial \theta} - \frac{u_{\theta} +
+ 2 \cos(\theta) \frac{\partial u_{\phi}}{\partial \phi}}{r^2 \sin(\theta)^2}
+ \right].
+\part{The Second}
+\part{The Third}
+\blinddocument \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/example.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/example.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b467311707b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/example.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% ===========================================================================
+\RequirePackage[l2tabu,orthodox]{nag} % issue warnings for deprecated code
+%%% ClassicThesis options
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%%% --- Allgemeines -----------------------------------------------------------
+ %drafting, % Angabe von Datum und Versionsnummer
+%%% --- Dokumentenstruktur ----------------------------------------------------
+ parts, % Dokument ist in Teile untergliedert
+ %nochapters, % Dokument hat keine Kapitel
+ %linedheaders, % Abtrennung der Kopfzeile
+%%% --- Typographie -----------------------------------------------------------
+ %eulerchapternumbers, % 'Euler Math'-Schriftart für Kapitelnummern
+ %beramono, % 'Bera Mono' als Typewriter-Schriftart
+ %eulermath, % 'Euler Math'-Schriftart für Mathematik-Modus
+ pdfspacing, % makes use of pdftex’ letter spacing
+ % capabilities via the microtype package.
+ %minionprospacing, % uses the internal textssc command of
+ % the MinionPro package for letter spacing
+%%% --- Inhaltsverzeichnis ----------------------------------------------------
+ %tocaligned, % aligns the whole table of contents on the left
+ %dottedtoc, % sets pagenumbers flushed right
+ %manychapters, % Layout-Korrektur bei >9 Kapiteln
+%%% --- Gleitobjekte ----------------------------------------------------------
+ %listings, % loads the listings package (if not already
+ % done) and configures the List of Listings
+ floatperchapter, % activates numbering per chapter for all
+ % floats such as figures, tables, and listings
+ %subfig, % is passed to the tocloft package to enable
+ % compatibility with the subfig packag
+ %subfigure, % is passed to the tocloft package to enable
+ % compatibility with the subfigure packag
+%%% Document class and generic options
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% <ksp-thesis> options
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %layout=draft, % set page layout according to document status (draft/official/report/17x24)
+ %%% table of contents options
+ %dottedtoc=false, % use dots as leader between the section, subsection etc. title and the page number?
+ %dottedtocparts, % use dots as leader between the part title and the page number?
+ %dottedtocchapters, % use dots as leader between the chapter title and the page number?
+ %tocpartentriesbold=false, % use bold font instead of caps for part entries?
+ %tocchapterentriesbold=false, % use bold font instead of caps for chapter entries?
+ %tocentriesbold=false, % use bold font instead of caps for part and chapter entries?
+ %%% typesetting options
+ %raggedlists=false, % set lists (itemize, enumerate, description) ragged right?
+%%% <scrbook> options
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %numbers=endperiod,
+ listof=totoc, % add list of figures, tables, etc. to table of contents
+%%% generic options
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ngerman,english, % document language(s)
+%%% Load packages
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Packages that should be loaded at the beginning
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\usepackage{amsmath} % various math typesetting improvements, load before <pst-pdf>
+\usepackage{relsize} % relative text sizes
+%%% Language and encoding
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % file encoding
+\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % font encoding
+\usepackage{babel} % spelling, hyphenation, etc.
+%%% Typesetting
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\usepackage{isodate} % date formatting
+%%% Development tools
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\usepackage{blindtext} % blindtext macros
+%%% Paper meta data
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Document layout
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% ===========================================================================
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/preamble/layout.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/full/preamble/layout.tex
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+%% Alter some LaTeX defaults for better treatment of figures:
+%% See p.105 of "TeX Unbound" for suggested values.
+%% See pp. 199-200 of Lamport's "LaTeX" book for details.
+%%%% General parameters, for ALL pages:
+%\renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.8} % max fraction of floats at top
+%\renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{0.7} % max fraction of floats at bottom
+%%%% Parameters for TEXT pages (not float pages):
+%\setcounter{totalnumber}{3} % 2 may work best
+%\setcounter{dbltopnumber}{2} % for 2-column pages
+%\renewcommand{\dbltopfraction}{0.9} % fit big float above 2-col. text
+%\renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.1} % allow minimal text w. figs
+%%%% Parameters for FLOAT pages (not text pages):
+%\renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{0.7} % require fuller float pages
+%% N.B.: floatpagefraction MUST be less than topfraction !!
+%\renewcommand{\dblfloatpagefraction}{0.7} % require fuller float pages
+%%%% make float-pages top-aligned
+%\setlength{\@fpbot}{0pt plus 1fil}
+%%%% custom skip to be inserted between subfigure/-table captions
+%%%% caption setup
+%\captionsetup[subfigure,subtable]{font={footnotesize}} % for some reason font=... is ignored here and therefore in the package options
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/minimal/example.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/minimal/example.tex
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/demo/minimal/example.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ pdfspacing, % makes use of pdftex letter spacing capabilities via the microtype package
+ floatperchapter, % activates numbering per chapter for all floats
+ layout=17x24, % set page layout according to document status
+ english, % document language
+\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % file encoding
+\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % font encoding
+\usepackage{babel} % spelling, hyphenation, etc.
+\usepackage{blindtext} % blindtext macros
+\title{The \texttt{ksp-thesis} class}
+\author{Publi Cator}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file