path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ibycus-babel
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:44:40 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:44:40 +0000
commitb4fc5f639874db951177ec539299d20908adb654 (patch)
tree52f08823ca58fffe3db6a9b075635038c567626c /Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ibycus-babel
parentdec3d98ebe442d7ea93efbaa8dd2e2be8149a467 (diff)
doc 4
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
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index 00000000000..47c6a189cdb
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ibycus-babel/README
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+This package provides a way of integrating the Ibycus font
+for polytonic Greek into the standard Babel language
+framework for LaTeX. It provides for automatic hyphenation
+of Greek in the Ibycus encoding.
+You must obtain and install the Ibycus font separately. See
+the file install.txt for further details on installing this
+Peter Heslin
+Walter Schmidt
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ibycus-babel/ibycus-babel-test.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ibycus-babel/ibycus-babel-test.tex
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ibycus-babel/ibycus-babel-test.tex
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+% test file for the Ibycus-Babel interface, version 2
+% Peter Heslin, Walter Schmidt, Nov.2004
+ (Hrodo'tou Qouri'ou i(stori'hs a)po'decis h('de, w(s mh'te ta`
+ geno'mena e)c a)nqrw'pwn tw=| xro'nw| e)ci'thla ge'nhtai, mh'te
+ e)'rga mega'la te kai` qwmasta', ta` me`n ('Ellhsi, ta` de`
+ barba'roisi a)podexqe'nta, a)kle'a ge'nhtai, ta' te a)'lla kai` di'
+ h(`n ai)ti'hn e)pole'mhsan a)llh'loisi.
+ Perse'wn me'n nun oi( lo'gioi Foi'nikas ai)ti'ous fasi` gene'sqai
+ th=s diaforh=s; tou'tous ga'r, a)po` th=s )Eruqrh=s kaleome'nhs
+ qala'sshs a)pikome'nous e)pi` th'nde th`n qa'lassan kai`
+ oi)kh'santas tou=ton to`n xw=ron to`n kai` nu=n oi)ke'ousi, au)ti'ka
+ nautili'h|si makrh=|si e)piqe'sqai, a)pagine'ontas de` forti'a
+ Ai)gu'ptia' te kai` )Assu'ria th=| te a)'llh| [xw'rh|]
+ e)sapikne'esqai kai` dh` kai` e)s )'Argos; to` de` )'Argos tou=ton
+ to`n xro'non proei=xe a('pasi tw=n e)n th=| nu=n (Ella'di
+ kaleome'nh| xw'rh|. )Apikome'nous de` tou`s Foi'nikas e)s dh` to`
+ )'Argos tou=to diati'qesqai to`n fo'rton. Pe'mpth| de` h)` e('kth|
+ h(me'rh| a)p' h(=s a)pi'konto, e)cempolhme'nwn sfi sxedo`n pa'ntwn,
+ e)lqei=n e)pi` th`n qa'lassan gunai=kas a)'llas te polla`s kai` dh`
+ kai` tou= basile'os qugate'ra; to` de' oi( ou)'noma ei)=nai, kata`
+ tw)uto` to` kai` ('Ellhnes le'gousi, )Iou=n th`n )Ina'xou. Tau'tas
+ sta'sas kata` pru'mnhn th=s neo`s w)ne'esqai tw=n forti'wn tw=n sfi
+ h)=n qumo`s ma'lista, kai` tou`s Foi'nikas diakeleusame'nous
+ o(rmh=sai e)p' au)ta's. Ta`s me`n dh` ple'onas tw=n gunaikw=n
+ a)pofugei=n, th`n de` )Iou=n su`n a)'llh|si a(rpasqh=nai;
+ e)sbalome'nous de` e)s th`n ne'a oi)'xesqai a)pople'ontas e)p'
+ Ai)gu'ptou. Ou('tw me`n )Iou=n e)s Ai)'gupton a)pike'sqai le'gousi
+ Pe'rsai, ou)k w(s ('Ellhnes, kai` tw=n a)dikhma'twn prw=ton tou=to
+ a)'rcai; meta` de` tau=ta (Ellh'nwn tina's (ou) ga`r e)'xousi
+ tou)'noma a)phgh'sasqai) fasi` th=s Foini'khs e)s Tu'ron
+ prossxo'ntas a(rpa'sai tou= basile'os th`n qugate'ra Eu)rw'phn;
+ \mytext
+ \showhyphens{\mytext}
+Dimitrios Filippou's improved hyphenation patterns discover far more
+hyphenation points than the default Latex patterns, and are more
+accurate, especially for compound words. Here is an example of the
+default patterns at work on the start of Herodotus:
+(H-ro-do'-tou Qou-ri'-ou i(sto-ri'hs a)po'-de-cis h('de, w(s mh'-te
+ ta` ge-no'-me-na e)c a)n-qrw'-pwn tw=| xro'-nw| e)ci'-th-la
+ ge'-nh-tai, mh'-te e)'r-ga me-ga'-la te kai` qw-ma-sta', ta` me`n
+ ('El-lh-si, ta` de` bar- ba'-roi-si a)po-de-xqe'n-ta, a)kle'a
+ ge'-nh-tai, ta' te a)'l-la kai` di' h(`n a i)-ti'hn e)po-le'-mh-san
+ a)l-lh'-loi-si. Per-se'wn me'n nun oi( lo'-gioi Foi'-n i-kas
+ ai)-ti'-ous fa-si` ge-ne'-sqai th=s dia-fo-rh=s; tou'-tous ga'r,
+ a)po` th =s )E-ru-qrh=s ka-leo-me'-nhs qa-la's-shs a)pi-ko-me'-nous
+ e)pi` th'n-de th`n q a'-las-san kai` oi)-kh'-san-tas tou=-ton to`n
+ xw=-ron to`n kai` nu=n oi)-ke'ou- si, au)-ti'-ka nau-ti-li'h|-si
+ ma-krh=|-si e)pi-qe'-sqai, a)pa-gi-ne'on-tas de` for-ti'-a
+ Ai)-gu'-ptia' te kai` )As-su'-ria th=| te a)'l-lh| [xw'-rh|] e)sa-pi
+ k-ne'e-sqai kai` dh` kai` e)s )'Ar-gos; to` de` )'Ar-gos tou=-ton
+ to`n xro'-non proei=-xe a('pa-si tw=n e)n th=| nu=n (El-la'-di
+ ka-leo-me'-nh| xw'-rh|. )A-pi -ko-me'-nous de` tou`s Foi'-ni-kas e)s
+ dh` to` )'Ar-gos tou=-to dia-ti'-qe-sqai to`n fo'r-ton. Pe'm-pth| de`
+ h)` e('kth| h(me'-rh| a)p' h(=s a)pi'-kon-to, e)c em-po-lh-me'-nwn
+ sfi sxe-do`n pa'n-twn, e)l-qei=n e)pi` th`n qa'-las-san gu-nai =-kas
+ a)'l-las te pol-la`s kai` dh` kai` tou= ba-si-le'os qu-ga-te'-ra; to`
+ de' oi( ou)'-no-ma ei)=-nai, ka-ta` tw)u-to` to` kai` ('El-lh-nes
+ le'-gou-si, )Iou =n th`n )I-na'-xou.
+And here is what Filippou's finds in the same passage: (You should
+obtain the same result when compiling the present file, except for the
+hyphenation points before the last letter of a word, which the
+Ibycus-Babel interface suppresses by default.)
+(H-ro-do'-tou Qou-ri'-ou i(-sto-ri'-hs a)-po'-de-cis h('-de, w(s
+ mh'-te ta` ge-no'-me-na e)c a)n-qrw'-pwn tw=| xro'-nw| e)c-i'-th-la
+ ge'-nh -tai, mh'-te e)'r-ga me-ga'-la te kai` qw-ma-sta', ta` me`n
+ ('El-lh-si, ta` de` bar-ba'-roi-si a)-po-de-xqe'n-ta, a)-kle'-a
+ ge'-nh-tai, ta' te a)'l-la kai` di ' h(`n ai)-ti'-hn e)-po-le'-mh-san
+ a)l-lh'-loi-si. Per-se'-wn me'n nun oi( lo'- gi-oi Foi'-ni-kas
+ ai)-ti'-ous fa-si` ge-ne'-sqai th=s di-a-fo-rh=s; tou'-tous g a'r,
+ a)-po` th=s )E-ru-qrh=s ka-le-o-me'-nhs qa-la's-shs a)-pi-ko-me'-nous
+ e)-p i` th'n-de th`n qa'-las-san kai` oi)-kh'-san-tas tou=-ton to`n
+ xw=-ron to`n kai ` nu=n oi)-ke'-ou-si, au)-ti'-ka nau-ti-li'-h|-si
+ ma-krh=|-si e)-pi-qe'-sqai, a )-pa-gi-ne'-on-tas de` for-ti'-a
+ Ai)-gu'-pti-a' te kai` )As-su'-ri-a th=| te a) 'l-lh| [xw'-rh|]
+ e)s-a-pi-kne'-e-sqai kai` dh` kai` e)s )'Ar-gos; to` de` )'Ar- gos
+ tou=-ton to`n xro'-non pro-ei=-xe a('-pa-si tw=n e)n th=| nu=n
+ (El-la'-di k a-le-o-me'-nh| xw'-rh|. )A-pi-ko-me'-nous de` tou`s
+ Foi'-ni-kas e)s dh` to` )'A r-gos tou=-to di-a-ti'-qe-sqai to`n
+ fo'r-ton. Pe'm-pth| de` h)` e('-kth| h(-me' -rh| a)p' h(=s
+ a)-pi'-kon-to, e)c-em-po-lh-me'-nwn sfi sxe-do`n pa'n-twn, e)l-q ei=n
+ e)-pi` th`n qa'-las-san gu-nai=-kas a)'l-las te pol-la`s kai` dh`
+ kai` tou = ba-si-le'-os qu-ga-te'-ra; to` de' oi( ou)'-no-ma
+ ei)=-nai, ka-ta` tw)-u-to` to` kai` ('El-lh-nes le'-gou-si, )I-ou=n
+ th`n )I-na'-xou.
+Notice that the hyphenation points right after the first letter of
+words beginning with a vowel+consonant+vowel are legal, according to
+the rules for hyphenation of Greek, ancient and modern. See the
+account by Yannis Haralambous "From Unicode to Typography, a Case
+Study: the Greek Script",
+<>, pp~18f.
+% finis
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ibycus-babel/ibycus-babel.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ibycus-babel/ibycus-babel.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0399d4cfe29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ibycus-babel/ibycus-babel.pdf
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fe6a6734877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ibycus-babel/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# This perl script converts the Greek hyphenation patterns for the
+# cbgreek encodings to the encoding used by the Ibycus greek font.
+# Copyright Peter Heslin 2003.
+# Usage: perl < grhyph.tex > ibyhyph.tex
+use strict;
+my %seen;
+my ($f, $p);
+my $preamble = << 'END';
+\message{Greek hyphenation patterns for Ibycus 4}
+% This file was mechanically translated from a set of patterns
+% for the standard greek encoding using the perl script
+\ifx\eTeXversion\undefined\message{not using eTeX}\else\savinghyphcodes=1\fi
+\lccode`(=`( \lccode`)=`) \lccode``=``
+\lccode `'=`' \lccode`==`= \lccode`+=`+
+\lccode `|=`|
+print $preamble;
+my $v = '[aeiouhwr]'; # vowels plus rho
+my $a = '[<>\'`~"|]'; # accents
+# Will break if patterns begin on the same line
+while(<>) {last if m/\\patterns{%/}
+print "\\patterns{%\n";
+while (<>)
+ last if m/^}/;
+ if (m/^%/)
+ {
+ print $_;
+ next;
+ }
+ for $p (split)
+ {
+ next LINE if $p =~ m/%/;
+ #print STDERR "$p\n";
+ $p =~ s/''(\s|$)/'.$1/g; # apostrophe (at end of word)
+ $p =~ s/(\s|^)''/.'/g; # apostrophe (at start)
+ $p =~ s/\b\w*v\w*\b//g; # get rid of patterns with v
+ $p =~ s/<($a*)($v)/$2($1/g; # move and change breathings
+ $p =~ s/>($a*)($v)/$2)$1/g; # move and change breathings
+ $p =~ s/($a+)($v)/$2$1/g; # move accents
+ $p =~ s/~/=/g; # change circumflex
+ $p =~ s/"/+/g; # change diaresis
+ $p =~ tr/jxqc/qcxj/; # change theta, xi, chi, final sigma
+ # odd bits
+ $p =~ s/<(\d)($v)/$2$1(/g;
+ $p =~ s/>(\d)($v)/$2$1)/g;
+ # This is a trick Ibycus can't use: breaking right after the vowel
+ $p =~ s/^($v+)1$/${1}1 ${1}2'1 ${1}2`1 ${1}2=1 ${1}2)1 ${1}2)2'1 ${1}2)2`1 ${1}2)2=1 ${1}2(1 ${1}2(2'1 ${1}2(2`1 ${1}2(2=1 ${1}2+1 ${1}2+2'1 ${1}2+2`1/g;
+ # iota subscript follows accents as well as vowels
+ $p =~ s/$v(\d)\|(\d)/$1|$2/g;
+ $p =~ s/r\d$a//g;
+ $p =~ s/\w*\^\^\w*//g;
+ # If we fold c and s, it causes duplicates
+ next if $seen{$p};
+ $seen{$p}++;
+ #print STDERR "$p\n\n";
+ print "$p\n" unless $p =~ m/^\s*$/;
+ }
+print "}\n\\endgroup\n\\endinput\n";
+# end
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ibycus-babel/install.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ibycus-babel/install.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..72296562c88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ibycus-babel/install.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ Installing the Ibycus-Babel interface
+ version 2.4 as of 2004-11-19
+ Peter Heslin p.j.heslin(at)
+ Walter Schmidt w-a-schmidt(at)
+1) You must have installed the Ibycus fonts, (The related
+macros are, however, not needed.)
+2) LaTeX must be based upon an eTeX program, rather than on
+`ordinary' TeX.
+Hyphenation patterns
+The file ibyhyph.tex provides the hyphenation patterns for
+the Greek language with the particular encoding of the
+Ibycus fonts.
+Store the file in a directory where LaTeX will find it. To
+make LaTeX actually use it, edit the configuration file for
+the hyphenation patterns. Most likely, the file has the
+name "language.dat" in your TeX system. Add the following
+line to this file:
+ibycus ibyhyph
+Thus, you establish a relation between the language name
+"ibycus" and the file name "ibyhyph.tex". Update the
+filename database (if applicable) and create a new LaTeX
+format file, which will use the additional hyphenation
+patterns. If you do not know how to do this, check the
+documentation of your TeX distribution, or consult the FAQ
+ibyhyph.tex was generated from a set of Greek hyphenation
+patterns for LGR encoding through the Perl script, which is also part of the distribution.
+| We recommend to update the hyphenation file and re-make
+| the LaTeX format, even if you have installed release 1.5
+| of the Ibycus-Babel interface already. Rationale: The
+| pattern file has been improved so as to auto-detect eTeX.
+Macro files
+Store the documented source file ibycus-latex.dtx, the
+related installation script ibycus-latex.ins and the Perl
+script in an appropriate directory of your TeX
+system, e.g., in texmf/source/latex/ibycus-babel.
+In this directory, run the installation script
+ibycus-latex.ins through LaTeX:
+ latex ibycus-babel.ins
+Doing so will create the files ibycus.ldf and ufib.fd.
+Move the files ibycus.ldf and ufib.fd to a directory, where
+LaTeX can find them, e.g., texmf/tex/latex/ibycus-babel.
+| If you have installed the previous version 1.5, remove the
+| ibycus.ldf from the directory texmf/tex/generic/babel,
+| where it used to be installed automatically.
+Finally, update the filename database (if applicable).
+Use of the Ibycus-babel interface is described in the
+document ibycus-babel.pdf. Store it in an appropriate
+directory of your TeX system.
+Compile the file ibycus-babel-test.tex. Examine the printed
+result, and check the list of possible hyphenation points in
+the log file. You can see if these match those given in the
+comments in the source of ibycus-babel-test.tex, near the
+end of the file.
+-- finis