path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/diffcoeff/diffcoeffx.tex
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authorKarl Berry <>2016-06-27 20:41:31 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2016-06-27 20:41:31 +0000
commitf3714e22cf9b596abec6c42dc1dc9dd95ef82b61 (patch)
tree4aa08c0e81aa4e5b21e2cd909cabaa8dca30a889 /Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/diffcoeff/diffcoeffx.tex
parente9f2b559eb367b62e1b88e7e73dd32c3b7d253c1 (diff)
diffcoeff (27jun16)
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+ \PassOptionsToPackage{caption=false}{subfig}}
+extending the \texttt{diffcoeff} package}
+\author{Andrew Parsloe\\
+\noindent \texttt{diffcoeffx.sty} is \texttt{diffcoeff.sty} `on steroids'.
+It provides additional functionality for the trailing optional argument
+and extends the algorithm used to calculate the overall order of differentiation
+of mixed partial derivatives. That now accepts order-of-differentiation
+specifications that include powers of numbers and variables, subscripts
+on variables, and (possibly nested) parentheses with numerical coefficients.
+The enhancements come under the category of `gilding the lily'.
+\section{The \texttt{diffcoeffx} package}
+The \texttt{diffcoeffx} package is \texttt{diffcoeff} `on steroids',
+providing exactly the same commands but with some extra functionality.\texttt{ }It
+is called in the usual way in the LaTeX preamble:
+It is assumed that you are familiar with the \texttt{diffcoeff} package
+and its manual.\texttt{ }There are two enhancements to that package: \texttt{diffcoeffx}
+takes the calculation of the overall order of mixed partial derivatives
+deep into `overkill' territory, accepting single-token powers of numbers
+and variables, single-token subscripts on variables, and possibly nested
+parentheses with numerical coefficients. The \texttt{\textbackslash{}times}
+token ($\times$) can also be used in an order specification. The other
+enhancement is an extension to the capabilities of the trailing optional
+\subsection[Exploiting the final argument]{Exploiting the trailing optional argument}
+For \texttt{diffcoeff }there was an attempt to give a `natural feel'
+to the design choices made and their use. By comparison the additional
+functionality that the trailing optional argument acquires in \texttt{diffcoeffx.sty}
+is in the nature of a \emph{hack}. It works, but I'm not sure that it should
+be encouraged.
+In \texttt{diffcoeff} if you write \texttt{\textbackslash{}diff yx\{\}}
+the trailing but \emph{empty} optional argument is ignored. Not so in \texttt{diffcoeffx}:
+\textbackslash{}diffp yx\{\}${\displaystyle \Longrightarrow\quad\diffp yx{}}$
+The parentheses are inserted without a subscript. Thus we can write (for
+instance) Lagrange's equations of motion in analytical mechanics in the
+\textbackslash{}diffp L\{q\_k\}-\textbackslash{}diff{*}\{\textbackslash{}diffp
+L\{\textbackslash{}dot\{q\}\_k\}\{\}\}t = 0 $\Longrightarrow\quad{\displaystyle \diffp L{q_{k}}-\diff*{\diffp L{\dot{q}_{k}}{}}t}=0$,
+without having to bother with inserting \texttt{\textbackslash{}left(}
+and \texttt{\textbackslash{}right}).\texttt{ }The empty trailing optional
+argument and the default delimiters for partial derivatives do the job
+for us.
+There are many other places in analytical mechanics where using an empty
+trailing optional argument is a similarly convenient way of writing large
+parentheses, for instance,
+\textbackslash{}dot\{q\_k\}=\textbackslash{}diffp H\{\textbackslash{}diffp
+S\{q\_k\}\{\}\} ${\displaystyle \Longrightarrow\quad\dot{q_{k}}=\diffp H{\diffp S{q_{k}}{}}}\!.$
+An application of Lagrange's equations (to a one-dimensional elastic solid)
+gives rise to a Langrangian density function,
+\textbackslash{}frac 12\textbackslash{}left\textbackslash{}\{ \textbackslash{}rho\textbackslash{}dot\{\textbackslash{}eta\}\textasciicircum{}2-E\textbackslash{}diff\textbackslash{}eta
+x\{;2;()\}\textbackslash{}right \textbackslash{}\} $\Longrightarrow\quad{\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}\left\{ \rho\dot{\eta}^{2}-E\diff\eta x{;2;()}\right\} }.$
+Another application of those equations (the acoustic approximation to the
+irrotational motion of a compressible non-viscous fluid) produces a Lagrangian
+\textbackslash{}frac 12\textbackslash{}rho\textbackslash{}left\textbackslash{}\{(\textbackslash{}nabla\textbackslash{}psi)\textasciicircum{}2-\textbackslash{}frac
+1\{c\textasciicircum{}2\}\textbackslash{}diff\textbackslash{}psi t\{;2;()\}\textbackslash{}right\textbackslash{}\}
+$\Longrightarrow\quad{\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}\rho\left\{ (\nabla\psi)^{2}-\frac{1}{c^{2}}\diff\psi t{;2;()}\right\} }.$
+In both examples, the trailing optional argument of the \emph{ordinary}
+derivative has been filled by a semicolon-delimited list: \texttt{\{;2;()\}}.
+The initial slot where a subscript is specified is empty but the semicolon
+is necessarily included. The second spot specifies a \emph{superscript}
+and the third slot the delimiters to use. Since parentheses are not the
+default delimiters for an ordinary derivative we needed to specify them
+explicitly here. However, this does not change the default delimiters which
+remain \texttt{.|} for an ordinary derivative and can only be changed by
+means of the \texttt{\textbackslash{}diffset} command.
+Both subscript and superscript can be used at the same time. In a text
+on ordinary differential equations, an example employing Green's functions
+gives rise to
+$\Longrightarrow\quad{\displaystyle \diff[n-1]Gx{\xi-\epsilon;\xi+\epsilon;[]}}$
+the derivative being evaluated at both superscript and subscript values
+and the difference taken. Here the trailing optional argument has its first
+three slots filled, with square brackets explicitly specified. The same
+book includes the example
+$\Longrightarrow\quad{\displaystyle \diff*[p-1]{x^{\alpha}}\alpha{\alpha=a;;\{\}}}$
+where, this time braces are specified in the trailing optional argument.\footnote{For LyX users, the braces \textbackslash{}\{ and \textbackslash{}\} are
+inserted into a formula in the maths editor simply by typing the braces
+without the backslashes. LyX takes care of the latter.}
+This argument can be used to form the absolute value of a derivative,
+\textbackslash{}diff yx\{;;||\} ${\displaystyle \Longrightarrow\quad\diff yx{;;||}}$
+where both initial slots, subscript and superscript, are empty and two
+semicolons necessarily included in the trailing optional argument: \texttt{\{;;||\}}.
+It also provides an alternative way, indeed \emph{two} alternative ways,
+of forming a quotient of derivatives:
+\textbackslash{}diff yx\{;;./\}\textbackslash{}diff xy=\textbackslash{}diff
+yx\textbackslash{}diff xy\{;;/.\} ${\displaystyle {\displaystyle \Longrightarrow\quad\diff yx{;;./}}\diff xy={\displaystyle \diff yx}\diff xy{;;/.}}$
+where the delimiter specification \texttt{./} on the left has been changed
+to \texttt{/.} on the right. The spacing in the two quotients is not quite
+identical, which might be relevant in some contexts. As a more realistic
+example of use of the same construct, if $F(x,t)$ is a function of $x$
+and $t$ and $x=x(t)$, then if $\diff Ft=0$,
+\textbackslash{}diff xt=-\textbackslash{}diffp Ft\{;;./\}\textbackslash{}diffp
+Fx $\Longrightarrow\quad{\displaystyle \diff xt=-\diffp Ft{;;./}\diffp Fx}$
+For an inline use, you may prefer to use the slash form of the derivative
+$\diff y/z{0;;();-1}$. In this case a \emph{fourth} slot in the trailing
+optional argument has been filled, the \texttt{nudge override} slot, since
+the default nudge is designed to position the subscript relative to the
+\emph{displaystyle} delimiters.
+The complete specification of what is available in the trailing optional
+argument is:
+\{ subscript; superscript; delimiters; nudge override \}
+\item In `normal' use, the \texttt{subscript} is the point of evaluation (ordinary
+derivatives), or list of variables held constant (partial derivatives).
+Since the list of variables held constant is likely to be comma-separated,
+so we have the need for semicolons to separate items in the larger list.
+\item The \texttt{superscript} is generally a power to which the derivative is
+raised but, as instanced by the Green's function example, it can also be
+another point of evaluation of the derivative.
+\item The \texttt{delimiters} are, by default, \texttt{.|} for ordinary derivatives
+and \texttt{()} for partial derivatives. These are not always the right
+ones for a particular task. Rather than changing them \emph{globally} as
+the use of \texttt{\textbackslash{}diffset} entails, they can be changed
+\emph{locally} for the particular instance by specifying them in this slot.
+The global choices are unaffected.
+\item If the built-in placement of sub- or superscript relative to the right
+delimiter is unsatisfactory, a value specified in the \texttt{nudge override}
+slot\texttt{ }overrides the default value locally. The value is a pure
+number which \texttt{diffcoeffx} treats as that number of mu (1/18 of an
+em). (For comparison, a thin space \textbackslash{}, and a negative thin
+space \textbackslash{}! are 3/18 of an em.) The default nudges are shown
+in Table~\ref{tab:Default-nudges}. They are intended for displaystyle
+presentation, and are not affected by any value included in this slot.
+\centering{}\caption{\label{tab:Default-nudges}Default nudges}
+right delimiter & nudge\tabularnewline
+), > & -6\tabularnewline
+\textbackslash{}\} & -4\tabularnewline
+|, {]} & 0\tabularnewline
+other & 0\tabularnewline
+Note that if one wants to use the nudge override with the default delimiters,
+it is necessary to indicate all preceding slots, even if they are empty,
+e.g., \texttt{\{;;;-3\}}. Similarly, to change the delimiters, to parentheses
+say, without sub- or superscript, it is necessary to indicate all preceding
+empty slots, but the following one does not need to be indicated: \texttt{\{;;()\}}.
+If one wants to specify a superscript, 2 say, but leave all else unchanged,
+it is only necessary to specify the one preceding empty slot: \texttt{\{;2\}}.
+Trailing empty slots can be omitted, which is why, if one wants to use
+the trailing empty argument `as nature intended', i.e., to specify a
+point of evaluation or variables held constant, one can close one's mind
+to the other potential slots and simply write (for instance) \texttt{\{0\}}
+or \texttt{\{x=1\}}.%
+\subsection{The enhanced mixed partial derivative algorithm\label{subsec:The-enhanced-mixed}}
+In the documentation for \texttt{diffcoeff.sty} I discussed the transition
+table, Table~\ref{tab:Input-output-states}, in which signed \strong{s},
+numeric \strong{n}, or algebraic \strong{a} states changed to one of
+the others, or not, depending on the nature of the current token: sign,
+digit or variable. Signs and digits were explicitly defined; anything and
+everything else was called a (prime) variable. (Not quite true: in fact
+\texttt{diffcoeff.sty} checked for \texttt{(}, \texttt{\textasciicircum{}}
+and \texttt{\_} and raised an error if they were encountered.)\texttt{ }
+\noindent \begin{centering}
+\caption{A first enhancement}
+\subfloat[\label{tab:Input-output-states}State transitions]{\noindent \centering{}\medskip{}
+ & Curr. state & Curr. token & Action & Next state\tabularnewline
+1 & \strong{s} & $s$ & $Ts\to s'$; $T=s'$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+2 & \strong{s} & $d$ & $Td$ & \strong{n}\tabularnewline
+3 & \strong{s} & $v$ & $Vv$; $T1v$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+4 & \strong{n} & $s$ & $\mathbf{N}T$; $T=s$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+5 & \strong{n} & $d$ & $Td$ & \strong{n}\tabularnewline
+6 & \strong{n} & $v$ & $Vv$; $Tv$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+7 & \strong{a} & $s$ & $\mathbf{V}V,$; $V=\textrm{Ø}$; $\mathbf{A}T$; $T=s$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+8 & \strong{a} & $d$ & error & \strong{!!}\tabularnewline
+9 & \strong{a} & $v$ & $Vv$; $Tv$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+\noindent \centering{}\subfloat[\label{tab:Allowing-powers-variables}Allowing powers of variables]{\centering{}%
+ & Curr. state & Curr. token & Action & Next state\tabularnewline
+8 & \strong{a} & $d$ & $Vd$; $Td$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+There is a certain inner logic at play here. Multi-token variables like
+$kmn$ are included in the above scheme. But having accommodated $mn$,
+surely one should be able to handle $mm$, i.e. $m^{2}$? And if $m^{2}$,
+then why not $m^{n}$? In fact it is easy to do so. Since the superscript
+token \textasciicircum{} is neither sign nor digit, no longer raise an
+error if it is encountered but treat it, among the `everything else'
+tokens, as a variable. If we change row 8 of the table as in Table~\ref{tab:Allowing-powers-variables}
+we have enlarged our scheme to include powers of variables \textendash{}
+not only numerical powers (row 8) but also algebraic powers (row 9). As
+a side-effect, if we also suppress the raising of an error when the subscript
+token \texttt{\_} is encountered, it too will be classified as a variable
+and allow numeric and algebraic subscripts on variables: things like $k_{2}$
+or $k_{n}$.
+Implicit in this discussion is the understanding that exponents and subscripts
+are restricted to \emph{single tokens}. Coping with multi-token quantities
+in those positions would entail changes to other parts of the code, which
+I have chosen not to do.
+This is a simple way of enlarging the range of tokens acceptable to the
+overall-order algorithm, but it does assume that the user does \emph{not}
+include a sign as a superscript or subscript. If they do, then when the
+algorithm meets the sign it arrives at row 7 of the table and stores what
+is clearly an unintended variable, something like \texttt{k\textasciicircum{}}
+or \texttt{k\_}. So, we need to check when a sign is met whether the previous
+token was one of \texttt{\textasciicircum{}} or \texttt{\_} and raise an
+error if it was. But then the thought arises: if we are going to the trouble
+of checking for sub- or superscript tokens, why just raise an error? Why
+not incorporate signs in sub- or superscript positions into the scheme?
+To this end, we might introduce a fourth state, the \emph{script} state,
+denoted by \strong{p}. A script token, denoted $p$, is one of \texttt{\textasciicircum{}}
+or \texttt{\_}. There is only one way to enter a script state, and that
+is by appending a script token to a \emph{variable}. Appending a script
+token to a sign or number (or, indeed, another script token) raises an
+error. Table~\ref{tab:Enlarged-scheme-transitios} is the result. In this
+scheme, signs can be used as sub- or superscripts to variables, but not
+to numbers. We might console ourselves with the thought that this is, in
+any case, a limitation of the calculational engine used to evaluate our
+integer expressions. The \texttt{l3int} module of the LaTeX3 bundle \texttt{l3kernel}
+cannot handle powers of integers.
+\caption{\label{tab:Enlarged-scheme-transitios}Transition states for an enlarged
+\noindent \centering{}%
+ & Curr. state & Curr. token & Action & Next state\tabularnewline
+1 & \strong{s} & $s$ & $Ts\to s'$; $T=s'$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+2 & \strong{s} & $d$ & $Td$ & \strong{n}\tabularnewline
+3 & \strong{s} & $v$ & $Vv$; $T1v$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+4 & \strong{s} & $p$ & error & \strong{!!}\tabularnewline
+5 & \strong{n} & $s$ & $\mathbf{N}T$; $T=s$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+6 & \strong{n} & $d$ & $Td$ & \strong{n}\tabularnewline
+7 & \strong{n} & $v$ & $Vv$; $Tv$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+8 & \strong{n} & $p$ & error & \strong{!!}\tabularnewline
+9 & \strong{a} & $s$ & $\mathbf{V}V,$; $V=\textrm{Ø}$; $\mathbf{A}T$; $T=s$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+10 & \strong{a} & $x\in\{dv\}$ & $Vx$; $Tx$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+11 & \strong{a} & $p$ & $Vp$; $Tp$ & \strong{p}\tabularnewline
+12 & \strong{p} & $x\in\{sdv\}$ & $Vx$; $Tx$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+13 & \strong{p} & $p$ & error & \strong{!!}\tabularnewline
+Yet this still leaves an unfinished feeling. While attaching a script token
+to a sign or other script token is a nonmathematical usage, attaching a
+superscript token to a number is a basic mathematical use, and so two of
+the errors raised can really be ignored. For the other, the question nags:
+why should we have to remember that although variables can be raised to
+powers, numbers cannot be? The urge to enlarge the scheme again is irresistible.
+Exponents on numbers should be accepted; but subscripts should not. The
+latter is a nonmathematical usage or is used only in special contexts remote
+from the present one. But that means we need to distinguish sub- and superscript
+tokens. We can't lump them together as `script tokens'.
+\subsubsection{Raising numbers to powers: new states}
+So a first step is to enlarge the number of states. We need an \emph{exponent}
+state \strong{e} when we encounter the token \textasciicircum{} and a
+\emph{subscript }state \strong{b} when we encounter the token \_. That
+allows us to distinguish acceptable forms like \texttt{2\textasciicircum{}3}
+($2^{3}$) from unacceptable ones like \texttt{2\_3} ($2_{3}$). But how
+do we know which state to transition to when we meet the \texttt{3} in
+\texttt{2\textasciicircum{}3}? The current state is the exponent one \strong{e}
+and the \texttt{3} could be decorating either a variable or a number. We
+need to know the \emph{previous} state as well as the current one. If the
+previous state is numeric we transition to a numeric state; if it is algebraic,
+we transition to an algebraic state.
+But that also introduces a problem. It is perfectly acceptable to add a
+digit to a term in a numeric state. Normally, this is how a multi-digit
+number is accumulated: \texttt{23}4, two hundred and thirty four. That
+is a very different meaning from \texttt{2\textasciicircum{}34} which means
+$2^{3}4$ to us (rather than $2^{34}$ since we accept only single-token
+superscripts). At this point, the syntax required by the underlying engine
+used for evaluating numerical expressions comes into play. For all numerical
+evaluations except those involving exponents, \texttt{l3int} of the LaTeX3
+kernel is used; for expressions involving exponents, \texttt{l3fp} is used.
+To \texttt{l3fp}, \texttt{2\textasciicircum{}34} is read as $2^{34}$.
+We need to insert a multiplication token between the \texttt{3} and \texttt{4},
+which for \texttt{l3fp} is the asterisk, \texttt{{*}}. Considering the
+different tokens that might follow \emph{that}, we are forced to introduce
+a third new state, the \emph{multiplicative} state, \strong{m}. So, to
+introduce powers of numbers means considering three new states and reference
+to the previous state.
+That, of course, is \emph{numeric} powers of numbers. To also allow algebraic
+powers, forms like $2^{n}$, introduces further complication. These can't
+be evaluated numerically, so presumably they are to be classified as variables.
+We need to consider terms like $+2^{n}$, $3*2^{n}$, $3^{m}2^{n}$, and
+$2^{n}m$. The problem here is that we have something that looks as if
+it is going to be a number (the digit 2) but then transforms into a variable,
+$2^{n}$. Do we need a \emph{fourth} new state, the entangled state \strong{q}
+(the `q' as in `quantum entanglement')?
+\noindent \centering{}\caption{\label{tab:Revised-input-output}State transitions of the full scheme}
+ & $S_{-}$ & $S$ & $t\in\left\{ sdv\text{\textasciicircum\_}*\right\} $ & Action & $S_{+}$\tabularnewline
+1 & & \strong{s} & $s$ & $Ts\to s'$; $T=s'$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+2 & & \strong{s} & $d$ & $Qd$; $Td$ & \strong{n}\tabularnewline
+3 & & \strong{s} & $v$ & $Vv$; $T1v$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+4 & & \strong{n} & $s$ & $Q=\textrm{Ø}$; $\mathbf{N}T$; $T=s$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+5 & & \strong{n} & $d$ & $Qd$; $Td$ & \strong{n}\tabularnewline
+6 & & \strong{n} & $v$ & $Q=\textrm{Ø}$; $Vv$; $Tv$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+7 & & \strong{n} & $\text{\textasciicircum}$ & $Q\text{\textasciicircum}$; $T\text{\textasciicircum}$ & \strong{e}\tabularnewline
+8 & & \strong{n} & $*$ & $Q=\textrm{Ø}$; $T*$ & \strong{m}\tabularnewline
+9 & & \strong{a} & $s$ & $\mathbf{V}V,$; $V=\textrm{Ø}$; $\mathbf{A}T$; $T=s$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+10 & \strong{e} & \strong{a} & $d$ & $Vd$; $Td$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+11 & & \strong{a} & $v$ & $Vv$; $Tv$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+12 & & \strong{a} & $\text{\textasciicircum}$ & $V\text{\textasciicircum}$; $T\text{\textasciicircum}$ & \strong{e}\tabularnewline
+13 & & \strong{a} & $\text{\_}$ & $V\text{\_}$; $T\text{\_}$ & \strong{b}\tabularnewline
+14 & \strong{a} & \strong{e} & $t\in\left\{ sdv\right\} $ & $Vt$; $Tt$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+15 & \strong{n} & \strong{e} & $d$ & $Q=\textrm{Ø}$; $Td*$ & \strong{m}\tabularnewline
+16 & \strong{n} & \strong{e} & $v$ & $Qv$; $Tv$; $V=Q$; $Q=\textrm{Ø}$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+17 & \strong{a} & \strong{b} & $t\in\left\{ sdv\right\} $ & $Vt$; $Tt$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+18 & \strong{e} & \strong{m} & $s$ & $T1$; $\mathbf{N}T$; $T=s$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+19 & & \strong{m} & $d$ & $Qd$; $Td$ & \strong{n}\tabularnewline
+20 & & \strong{m} & $v$ & $Vv$; $T1v$ & \strong{a}\tabularnewline
+21 & & \strong{m} & $*$ & & \strong{m}\tabularnewline
+In fact I find that these problems can all be dealt with not by creating
+another state but by including another accumulator for \emph{potential}
+variables. I'll call it $Q$ (from the quantum suggestion, or perhaps quasi-variable,
+or even acqumulator). It stores numbers whose status has not been determined
+yet: they might yet be followed by a superscript token which might in turn
+be followed by a variable. Once resolved, $Q$ either transfers its contents
+to $V$, the variable accumulator, and is emptied (row 16), or is emptied
+forthwith (rows 4, 6, 8, 15).
+Table~\ref{tab:Revised-input-output} lists the transitions. I've denoted
+the previous state by $S_{-}$, the present state by $S$, and the next
+state by $S_{+}$. The final row of the table is intended: do nothing if
+we meet a multiplicative token when in a multiplicative state. The first
+scan through an order specification (to split it into numeric and algebraic
+parts) may introduce a {*} token (rows 8 and 15). We don't want to introduce
+a second such token in the recursive determination of the coefficients
+of variables. Hence row 21: do nothing. Also, if in the order specification
+we have something like $2^{3}*3^{2}$ (since \texttt{2\textasciicircum{}33\textasciicircum{}2}
+looks weird), we don't want the manually inserted {*} to cause an error
+because of the automatically inserted one (row 15).
+Possibilities not explicitly present in the table generally raise an error,
+e.g. current state \strong{s} and current token $\textnormal{\textasciicircum}$,
+or previous state \strong{n}, current state \strong{e} and current token
+$s$ ($+$ or $-$), and so on. I have omitted them from the table in the
+interests of space. The table is big enough already.
+With this table of transitions it is now possible to handle order specifications
+that include components like $n^{2}$ or $n^{m}$ or $k^{+}$ or $k_{2}$
+or $k_{n}$ or $2^{2}$ or $2^{3}3^{2}$ or $2\times3^{n}$ or $2^{2}3^{n}$
+or \ldots{}
+Note that the \texttt{\textbackslash{}times} token is converted internally
+by \texttt{diffcoeffx.sty} to the asterisk. They can be used interchangeably
+but it certainly looks more elegant.
+So, what could be better on a cool winter's evening, snug before the warmth
+of the fire, a glass of sustaining liquid to hand, than to do a few mixed
+partial derivatives? Like this,
+\textbackslash{}diffp{[}3\textasciicircum{}22\textasciicircum{}22\textasciicircum{}n+m,12\textasciicircum{}n-3m+2\textasciicircum{}3k,5m+2\textbackslash{}times2\textasciicircum{}32\textasciicircum{}n{]}\{F(x,y,z)\}\{x,y,z\}$\Longrightarrow\quad{\displaystyle \diffp[3^{2}2^{2}2^{n}+m,12^{n}-3m+2^{3}k,5m+2\times2^{3}2^{n}]{F(x,y,z)}{x,y,z}}$
+or like this,
+${\displaystyle \Longrightarrow\quad\diffp[k^{+}k_{-}+1,2\times k_{-},3^{2}k_{-},3k^{+}]{F(x,y,z,w)}{x,y,z,w}}$
+In the first example the \texttt{\textbackslash{}times} symbol is inserted
+by \texttt{diffcoeffx} in the overall order of differentiation in the numerator
+so as to prevent the formation $522^{n}$ which would be read as 522 raised
+to the power $n$ \textendash{} and for a similar reason it was used in
+specifying the order of differentiation of the variable $z$ in the denominator
+in the first example, but could and should have been deleted from the order
+of differentiation of the variable $y$ in the second example.
+The other major shortcoming of the basic scheme outlined in \texttt{diffcoeff.sty}
+was the inability to handle even the simplest instance of parentheses in
+an order specification \textendash{} something like\texttt{ {[}m-(n-1),m+(n-1){]}}
+which might well arise in a Taylor expansion. Indeed, there is more reason
+for including these in our scheme than exponents of numbers or $+$ or
+$-$ as sub- or superscripts.
+How might we fit parentheses to the scheme? We are not seeking a general
+treatment. Rather we wish to be able to handle order specifications a little
+more complicated (but only a little) than the one just given, say something
+like \texttt{{[}m+2(n-1),m-(n-1){]}}, perhaps with nesting. In that case
+the following stipulations meet our needs:
+\item a left parenthesis, (, either starts an item in the comma list, or is preceded
+by a sign or a number or $*$ or (, but \emph{not} by a variable or \textasciicircum{}
+or \_ or );
+\item a right parenthesis, ), either concludes an item in the comma list, or
+is followed by a sign or ), but \emph{not} by a number or a variable or
+\textasciicircum{} or \_ or $*$ or (.
+These limitations allow nesting of parentheses but not products of parentheses.
+The main limitation they impose is that a variable lie \emph{within} parentheses
+but not adjoining-outside. They enable us to get away with the following
+`cheap and cheerful' scheme. It means we do not need to add parenthesis
+states to our scheme. The particular point to note are the $+0$ insertions.
+When we start parsing an expression from the left we do not know what it
+contains. In particular when we meet a left parenthesis, we have no foreknowledge
+of whether the parenthesised expression will be numeric, algebraic or a
+mix of both. We need to prepare for both by inserting a left parenthesis
+to both numeric and algebraic parts. But that brings us up against a quirk
+of \texttt{l3int}, the `engine' behind the numerical evaluations performed
+in \texttt{diffcoeff} and \texttt{diffcoeffx}. \texttt{l3int} objects to
+an empty pair of parentheses, \texttt{()}, which we would have should either
+numeric or algebraic parts be missing from the parenthesised expression.
+To avoid this we insert $+0$ and \texttt{l3int} is happy.\texttt{ }
+ & Curr. state & Curr. token & Action & Next state\tabularnewline
+1 & \strong{s} & ( & $T\text{1*(}$; $\mathbf{N}T$; $\mathbf{A}T$; $T=+$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+2 & \strong{s} & ) & $\mathbf{N})$; $\mathbf{A})$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+3 & \strong{n} & ( & $T*($; $\mathbf{N}T$; $\mathbf{A}T$; $T=+$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+4 & \strong{n} & ) & $T)$; $\mathbf{N}T$; $\mathbf{A}\text{+0)}$; $T=+$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+5 & \strong{a} & ) & $\mathbf{V}V,$; $V=\textrm{Ø}$; $\mathbf{N}\text{+0)}$; $T)$; $\mathbf{A}T$
+; $T=+$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+6 & \strong{m} & ( & $T($; $\mathbf{N}T$; $\mathbf{A}T$; $T=+$ & \strong{s}\tabularnewline
+\item Row 1. Quirks of the \texttt{l3int} module of the \LaTeX{}3 kernel mean
+we need to insert \strong{1{*}} before the left parenthesis.\footnote{Specifically, \texttt{\textbackslash{}int\_eval\{}\textbf{ }\texttt{\textendash (}
+or \texttt{\textbackslash{}int\_eval\{}\textbf{ }\texttt{+(} throw errors.} Note that we add $T$ to \emph{both} the numeric and algebraic parts of
+the expression. We are working through our expression $\mathbf{E}$ from
+the left, token by token, and have no foreknowledge of what the parenthesised
+expression contains, whether algebraic terms only or numeric terms only
+or some combination of both. Hence the need to prepare for both. The system
+shifts to a signed state \strong{s} with $T=+$, exactly the same as when
+beginning to scan $\mathbf{E}$. After all, the parenthesised expression
+is an expression in itself.
+\item Row 2. This is to allow nested parentheses like )). It shouldn't arise
+otherwise. Because of rows 4 and 5, the first right parenthesis puts the
+system into a signed state. The current term will be $T=+$, but we ignore
+it and store only a right parenthesis in both numeric and algebraic parts.
+\item Row 3. We already have a number present in $T$; only the asterisk needs
+inserting before the parenthesis. Again we add $T$ to \emph{both} the
+numeric and algebraic parts of the expression, initialise $T$ to $+$
+and change the state to a signed one.
+\item Row 4. We are in a numeric state. We append ) to the current term and the
+current term to the numeric part of the expression. We append $+0)$ to
+the algebraic part, and shift to a signed state \strong{s} with $T=+$,
+as at the outset. The $+0)$ in the algebraic part is necessary to prevent
+an empty parenthesis pair in $\mathbf{A}$ should the parenthesised expression
+have contained \emph{no} algebraic term.
+\item Row 5. We are in an algebraic state. We append ) to the current term and
+the current term to the algebraic part of the expression. We append $+0)$
+to the numeric part and shift to the initial signed state again. The $+0)$
+in the numeric part is necessary to prevent an empty parenthesis pair in
+$\mathbf{N}$ should the parenthesised expression have contained \emph{no}
+numeric term.
+\item Row 6. We are in the new state, the multiplicative state, and the current
+token is a left parenthesis. We have already met and inserted an asterisk
+(row 5); we don't need to insert another. We append ( to $T$, $T$ to
+both numeric and algebraic parts and shift to the initial signed state
+again. The use of the multiplicative state prevents a string of asterisks
+arising (but we have been able to avoid introducing new states for left
+and right parentheses).
+To work through an example, suppose we have an order specificiation \strong{{[}m+(n\textendash (k\textendash 1)),m\textendash{} 2(n+(k\textendash 1)),k{]}}.
+(Digit \strong{1} rather than a lower-case letter \strong{l} within the
+parentheses!) Concatenating, with linking + signs gives \strong{m+(n\textendash (k-1))+m\textendash 2(n+(k\textendash 1))+k}.
+Splitting into numeric and algebraic parts now results in \strong{+1{*}(\textendash 1{*}(\textendash 1))\textendash 2{*}(+1{*}(\textendash 1))}
+for the numeric part, evaluating to \strong{3}, and \strong{+1m+1{*}(+1n\textendash 1{*}(+1k+0))+1m\textendash 2{*}(+1n+1{*}(+1k+0))+1k}
+for the algebraic part.
+Removing \strong{m} from the latter and splitting into numeric and algebraic
+parts gives \strong{+1+ 1{*}(\textendash 1{*}(+0))+1\textendash 2{*}(+1{*}(+0))}
+for the numeric part, evaluating to \strong{2} which is the overall coefficient
+of \strong{m}, and \strong{+1{*}(+1n\textendash 1{*}(+1k+0))\textendash 2{*}(+1n+1{*}(+1k+0))+1k}
+for the algebraic part.
+Now remove \strong{n} from this resulting algebraic part and again split
+into parts. The result is \strong{+1{*}(+1-1{*}(+0))\textendash 2{*}(+1+1{*}(+0))}
+for the numeric part, evaluating to \strong{\textendash 1} which is the
+overall coefficient of \strong{n}, and \strong{+1{*}(\textendash 1{*}(+1k+0))\textendash 2{*}(+1{*}(+1k+0))+1k}
+for the algebraic part.
+Removing \strong{k} from this and splitting gives \strong{+1{*}(\textendash 1{*}(+1+0))\textendash 2{*}(+1{*}(+1+0))+1}
+for the numeric part, evaluating to \strong{\textendash 2} which is the
+overall coefficient of \strong{k}, and \strong{+1{*}(\textendash 1{*}(+0)) \textendash 2{*}(+1{*}(+0))}
+for the algebraic part. But we have run out of variables and so the process
+stops at this point:
+\textbackslash{}diffp{[}m+(n-(k-1)),m-2(n+(k-1)),k{]}F\{x,y,z\}$\Longrightarrow{\displaystyle \hspace*{1em}\diffp[m+(n-(k-1)),m-2(n+(k-1)),k]F{x,y,z}}$