path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/barr
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authorKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:44:40 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:44:40 +0000
commitb4fc5f639874db951177ec539299d20908adb654 (patch)
tree52f08823ca58fffe3db6a9b075635038c567626c /Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/barr
parentdec3d98ebe442d7ea93efbaa8dd2e2be8149a467 (diff)
doc 4
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/barr')
2 files changed, 1764 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/barr/diagdoc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/barr/diagdoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5dd69eb2c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/barr/diagdoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+\input diagram
+\textheight=9in \topmargin=0pt\headheight=0pt\headsep=0pt
+\textwidth=6.5in \oddsidemargin=0pt
+{\catcode`\ =13\global\let =\ \catcode`\^^M=13
+\catcode`\ =13
+All commercial rights reserved. May be freely distributed
+and used with the following exceptions:\\
+1. No commercial use without explicit permission.\\
+2. It may not be distributed without this notice.
+\def\\{{\tt \char 92}}
+\section*{The diagram macros}
+The file diagram includes a number of macros for drawing commutative
+diagrams in special shapes as well as more flexible macros to paste
+together more complicated diagrams.
+In general, there are two kinds of macros. The first kind has the
+following form
+{\tt \\shape\-name[shape\_\-parameters]} and is intended to be used in
+the following way:
+This will create a shape with the given parameters. It operates by
+building its own picture environment.
+The second kind of procedure must be used inside a picture environment
+and allows the user to put a diagram of a given size and shape at a
+given place. The usual way in which this is used is:
+\putshape1<optional parameters>(x1,y1)[shape_parameters1]
+\putshape(xn,yn)<optional parameters>[shape_parametersn]
+Here is an example of the first kind of macro. I will have to explain a
+few details before giving examples of the second. The code
+produces the diagram
+and the code
+produces the diagram
+The reason for the shape name will be explained later.
+If an arrow label extends especially high or low, the space
+automatically expands to match. For example,
+will get the diagram
+and so on.
+Before going on, I will explain about the parameters. Any shape will
+have one or two parameters for height and/or length as well as one
+parameter for each arrow in the diagram. These are in addition to the
+parameters used in the actual procedures. For example, the procedure
+gives the square:
+The meaning is as follows. The first four parameters refer to four
+arrows in linguistic order (top, left, right, bottom). A negative
+number gives a backward arrow, while a zero causes it to be omitted. A
+parameter with an absolute value of 1 is ordinary, while 2 gives an
+arrow with a tail (monomorphism) and 3 a double headed arrow
+(epimorphism). The last two parameters determine the width and height,
+respectively, in units of 0.01 em (an em is the width of an M, the
+widest letter in a font). It should be noted that it is not
+possible to give only some of the optional parameters; either all
+must be given or none is.
+Here are the shapes. We have already seen the shape {\tt \\square}.
+There are eight different triangles, all isoceles right triangles in
+different orientations. The names all have the form {\tt
+\\xtriangle}, where x is the letter that most closely resembles the
+actual shape of the triangle.
+Here are the names, followed by a sample of each one:
+\item{\tt \\btriangle}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\dtriangle}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\ptriangle}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\qtriangle}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\Atriangle}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\Vtriangle}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\Ctriangle}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\Dtriangle}\samepage
+In addition, there are two special diagrams that come up often enough to
+be worth having a special macros for.
+\item{\tt \\Atrianglepair}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\Vtrianglepair}\samepage
+Finally, there is one special shape that is probably not used by very
+many mathematicians. Still I have it and the user might as well share
+Notice what happens if the first parameter is empty:
+This takes care of the simple procedures. The remaining procedures are
+there as building blocks for more complicated diagrams.
+These take the form
+{\tt \\putshape(xpos,ypos)[shape\_parameters]}
+shape is one of the 11 shapes (excluding {\tt \\recurse}) described
+and the parms are as described there. The parameters {\tt xpos} and
+{\tt ypos} are the offsets from the lower left corner of the picture
+measured in umits of .01 em in the usual \LaTeX\ fashion.
+There is one
+more shape which is simply an arrow with an attached label. This is
+called {\tt \\putmorphism} and it is used with the syntax
+Here the parameters {\tt xpos} and
+{\tt ypos} are as above. The slope is {\tt rise/run} where {\tt rise}
+and {\tt run} are two numbers that give the slope in accordance with the
+\LaTeX\ rules. That is rise and run must have no common divisor and
+must not exceed 4 in absolute value. In addition, these procedures are
+defined so that rise must not be positive and if it is zero, then run
+must be positive. In other words, all arrows must go in the linguistic
+direction, downwards or to the right. Arrows can be made to go in the
+reverse direction as explained below.
+The next three parameters are the node that appears first (in linguistic
+order), the one that appears second and the arrow label. The next
+paramater is the distance in the sense of \LaTeX\ between the centers of
+the nodes. This means it is the horizontal component of the distance,
+unless that is negative, in which case it is the vertical distance. The
+second parameter is the code for the arrowtype, an integer between -3
+and 3 with the same meaning as explained above. Using negative values
+of this parameter allows one to draw an arrow that goes upwards or left.
+Note, however, that node1 is always the node that is above or to the
+left of node2. The last parameter should have the value a,b,l,r or m.
+The values a and b are used only for horizontal arrows and direct the
+arrow label to be placed above or below the arrow. The values l and r
+are used for all other arrows and direct the label to be left or right
+of the arrow. Finally, a vertical arrow only can be given the parameter
+m, in which case the arrow will be gapped and the label placed in the
+middle of the gap.
+In general, the simple macros are designed to be used as indicated
+either in the display
+environment or in one of the others, usually
+The \\putshape macros must be used inside a picture environment that is
+normally placed inside a display or similar environment. The
+reference point for the positioning parameters is determined as the
+lower left corner of the smallest rectangle with sides parallel to the
+coordinate axes that includes the center points of all nodes on its
+border. This rectangle will be degenerate in the case of a horizontal
+or vertical morphism. The reference point may either be on or outside
+the actual figure. For example, in the case of the btriangle, it is the
+center of the lower left node, while for a qtriangle it is outside the
+triangle itself being the fourth corner of the enclosing square.
+The macros are made so that they fit together well. That is why all
+distances are from node centers to node centers. If a vertex is part of
+two shapes, it is probably best not to repeat it, since it is
+conceivable that round-off errors will cause its two appearances to be
+slightly offset. It can either be omitted or, since the width is used
+to determine the amount to shorten horizontal arrows, replaced by {\tt
+\\phantom} versions. Both methods are illustrated in the example given
+at the end.
+A somewhat baroque (but taken from an actual text) example illustrates
+most of these points.
+ T']{700}1a
+ \phantom{TT'}`T\sigma]{700}1b
+ \phantom{TT'T'}`TT'\sigma]{700}1a
+ \phantom{TT'}`T\mu']{700}1a
+ TT'T\eta'`\sigma T``T'T\eta']
+ \phantom{T'T'}`T'\sigma]{700}1b
+\putmorphism(700,700)(0,-1)[``\sigma TT']{700}1m
+\putmorphism(1400,700)(0,-1)[``\sigma T']{700}1m
+which produces
+ T']{700}1a
+ \phantom{TT'}`T\sigma]{700}1b
+ \phantom{TT'T'}`TT'\sigma]{700}1a
+ \phantom{TT'}`T\mu']{700}1a
+ TT'T\eta'`\sigma T``T'T\eta']
+ \phantom{T'T'}`T'\sigma]{700}1b
+\putmorphism(700,700)(0,-1)[``\sigma TT']{700}1m
+\putmorphism(1400,700)(0,-1)[``\sigma T']{700}1m
+Here is a page of samples of the results from the various
+{\tt\\putshapes}. The code
+produces the diagram:
+Added: For horizontal and vertical lines only, arrow parameters of
+$\pm4$, $\pm5$ and $\pm6$ will give dashed lines.
+Here is a double cube:
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/barr/diaxydoc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/barr/diaxydoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..07ea061fb6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/barr/diaxydoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1342 @@
+ \input diagxy
+ \xyoption{curve}
+ \textwidth 6in
+ \oddsidemargin 0pt
+ \makeindex
+\title{A new diagram package (Version \thedate)}
+\author{Michael Barr\\Dept of Math and Stats\\McGill University\\805
+Sherbrooke St. W\\Montreal, QC Canada H3A 2K6\\[5pt]}
+ \date{}
+ \maketitle
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Why another diagram package?}{2}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1}The latest version}{3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.2}Main features}{3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.3}Compatibility}{3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.4}Errant spaces}{4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.5}Font sizes}{4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.6}On \LaTeX \ 2.09 and \LaTeX \ 2e}{5}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.7}Acknowledgments}{5}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.8}License}{6}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}The basic syntax}{6}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.1}A word about parameters}{7}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Defined diagrams}{8}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Examples}{10}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.1}Complex diagrams}{19}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.2}Empty placement and moving labels}{23}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.3}Inline macros}{25}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {4.3.1}Added:}{26}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.4}2-arrows}{26}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.5}Mixing \hbox {\rm \unhbox \voidb@x \hbox {\kern -.1em X\kern -.3em\lower .4ex\hbox {Y\kern -.15em}}-pic}\ code}{27}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.6}Diagram from TTT}{29}
+\kern 40pt
+For the fashion of Minas Tirith was such that it was built on seven levels,
+each delved into a hill, and about each was set a wall, and in each wall
+was a gate.
+-- J.R.R.\ Tolkien, ``The Return of the King''\footnote{These macros are
+at the seventh level of nesting. The first level is the code actually
+executed directly by the processor. The second is the microcode, burned
+into the chip, that interprets the assembly language instructions into
+the ones that are directly executed. Level three is the language,
+usually C, but originally Pascal, into which the Web code, the fourth
+level, is compiled. The fifth level is \TeX\ itself, which is best seen
+as a high level programming language for mathematical text processing.
+Level six is the \xypic\ code in which these macros, level seven, are
+\kern 5pt
+ Note: This is the first increase in functionality since the original
+general release. The macros \index{\backslash to}\verb.\to. and
+\index{\backslash two}\verb.\two. that make inline arrows and pairs of arrows now
+accept an option to vary the types of the arrow, for example to get a
+pair of adjoints going in opposite directions. A macro that makes three
+arrows has been added as well as a macro for a 3 x 3 diagram that can be
+expanded into a map between two exact sequences. A new optional
+parameter has been added to \index{\backslash to}\verb.\to.,
+\index{\backslash two}\verb.\two. and \index{\backslash three}\verb.\three. to allow the
+user to override the automatic computation of the arrow size. See the
+sections on inline arrows, page~\pageref{added} and
+page~\pageref{complex} for details.
+\section{Why another diagram package?}
+This started when a user of my old package, diagram, wrote to ask me if
+dashed lines were possible. The old package had dashed lines for
+horizontal and vertical arrows, but not any other direction. The reason
+for this was that \LaTeX\ used rules for horizontal and vertical arrows,
+but had its own fonts for other directions. While rules could be made
+any size, the smallest lines in other directions were too long for
+decent looking dashes. Presumably, Lamport was worried about compile
+time and file size if the lines were too short, considerations that have
+diminished over the years since. Also arrows could be drawn in only 48
+different directions, which is limiting. My macros were not very well
+implemented for slopes like 4 and 1/4, since I never used such lines.
+There was certainly an alternative, \xypic, for those who wanted
+something better. But it was hard to learn and I was not entirely happy
+with the results. The basic interface used an
+\index{\backslash halign}\verb.\halign.. This
+meant that no extra space was allotted to an arrow that had a large
+label. In addition, the different slots could have different horizontal
+size, which could result in a misshapen diagram. I used it in a paper
+that had a `W' shaped diagram whose nodes had different widths and the
+result was quite obviously misshapen. On the other hand, the graphics
+engine underlying \xypic\ is really quite remarkable and it occurred to
+me that I could try to redraft diagram as a front end. The result is
+the current package. It has been tested mainly with version 3.7, so
+there is no guarantee it would work with any earlier version (or, for
+that matter, later). A limited amount of testing with version 3.6
+suggests that the only thing that does not work is the 2-arrows; these
+come out vanishingly short.
+So despite the desire for logical programming, it still seems that for
+some purposes, it is desirable to have a system in which you specify
+what goes where and where the arrows are drawn.
+\subsection{The latest version}
+The latest version can be downloaded at
+\verb,, or by anonymous ftp
+from \verb,,.
+\subsection{Main features}
+ \item A general arrow drawing function
+\index{\backslash morphism}\verb.\morphism..
+ \item Various common diagram shapes such as squares, triangles, etc.
+ \item A few special shapes such as cube and $3\times3$ diagrams.
+ \item Small 2-arrows that can be placed anywhere in a diagram, much
+like \LaTeX's
+ environment.
+ \item A uniform syntax, while allowing access to all of \xypic's
+ \item Never expires and does not request acknowledgment.
+The syntax described below is not compatible with the original diagram
+package. Every front end of this sort represents a trade-off between
+simplicity and utility. A package that simply upgraded the syntax to
+allow more dashed (and dotted) lines would have been just as easy to
+implement, but would have made poor use of the wonderful possibilities
+of the underlying \xypic\ package. Also there would have been too many
+different arrow specifications (they would have had to go at least in
+the range $[-9,9]$) for easy memory) and still would not have included
+things like inclusion arrows. To those who would have liked a simpler
+syntax, I apologize. Those who would want more flexibility, I remind
+that the entire \xypic\ package is there for use.
+\subsection{Errant spaces}
+ There is one point that cannot be made too strongly. {\em Watch for
+errant spaces.} Unlike the old diagram package, which was carried out in
+math mode so that spaces were ignored, \xypic\ is not in math mode and
+spaces will mess up your diagrams. On the other hand, it will not be
+necessary to enclose duplicate nodes inside
+\index{\backslash phantom}\verb.\phantom., since the
+registration between different nodes is perfect. In the old package,
+for reasons that I now understand, objects did not always register
+properly. This was a flaw built in to the very heart of the package and
+is not worth correcting, although it could have been done better in the
+first place. If you see an object in double vision, then the almost
+certain cause is that a space has gotten in there somewhere. I have
+attempted to prevent this by liberal use of
+\index{\backslash ignorespaces}\verb.\ignorespaces. in the
+definitions, but one cannot always be sure and while testing, I found a
+number seemingly innocuous spaces that messed up diagrams. When in
+doubt, always terminate a specification with a
+\index{%}\verb.%.. See the
+\subsection{Font sizes}
+ According to the documentation of \xypic, the declarations
+ \index{tips} will cause 12 point tips to be used. This does not appear
+to be the case. The only way I can seem to get larger font sizes is to
+add \index{\backslash fontscale{x}}\verb.\fontscale{x}., with \index{x}\verb.x.
+taking on the values \verb.0,h,1,2,3,4,5., after \xypic\ is loaded.
+With \verb.11pt. you will want \verb.h. and with \verb.12pt. you will
+want 1. The others are in case you use larger sizes for transparencies
+or for later reduction. While on the subject, I might mention that if
+you want thicker arrow shafts without enlarging anything else you could
+add the declaration
+\font\xydashfont=xydash scaled \magstep1
+or even larger. However, this does not thicken the arrow tips and is
+not really recommended. There is probably no way (short of creating
+your own fonts) to thicken the tips without also lengthening them.
+\subsection{On \LaTeX\ 2.09 and \LaTeX\ 2e}
+ Since I have no other forum to do so, I use this space to indulge in a
+personal rant, which you may skip since it has nothing to do with the
+package (except periphally, since it explains why I have not made 14,
+17, and 20 point style files for \LaTeX\ 2e). Recent distributions of
+\TeX\ have omitted latex.tex, the source file for \LaTeX\ 2.09. If you
+make a posting on comp.text.tex, admitting to using the older version,
+you are certain to get one or more replies admonishing you that \LaTeX\
+2.09 is obsolete and should not be used. There are at least a couple of
+good reasons for continuing to use the older version (along with some
+reasons for switching, especially if you are using a language other than
+English). For one thing, the compatibility mode is useless if you have
+used additional fonts, as I have (most importantly, cmssbx, where many
+use bbbold, one of the ugliest fonts to see the light of day). In fact,
+the most significant change in \LaTeX\ 2e is that it uses the new font
+selection system and the compatibility mode makes no attempt to be
+compatible with the old one. The second reason for not switching is
+that, ``If it ain't broke, don't fix it.'' For many the old \LaTeX\
+worked fine, why change? If you want to use new fonts in \LaTeX\ 2e it
+is certainly possible, but the instructions for doing so are embedded
+holographically in Chapter 7 of The \LaTeX\ Companion and took me days
+to decipher. I am still not convinced that I am doing it right,
+although it seems to work. The third---and to me most important---is
+that the file latex.tex is extensively documented internally and it is
+relatively easy to make whatever changes one wants. I have never
+changed the source, but always put the changes in another file. In this
+way, I have changed, for example,
+\index{\backslash @startsection}\verb.\@startsection. in various ways.
+It is clear that Lamport intended that his version of \LaTeX\ be
+user-modifiable. It is equally clear that the implementers of the new
+version had no interest in that. They didn't go out of their way to
+make it hard, but they did nothing to encourage it and the documentation
+is entirely on how to use it.
+ First, I would like to thank Kris Rose for a superb programming job
+that made this package possible. The original versions of \xypic\ were
+based on matrices, but this version includes code to place an arrow with
+two nodes (more precisely, their centers) a user-definable distance
+apart and that is exactly what I needed. Second I would like to thank
+Ross Moore who answered innumerable questions about the use of the
+macros that the documentation did not answer or at least I could not
+understand what it said. I thank Donald Arsenau answered several of my
+questions about the internals of \TeX\ that I did not understand
+clearly and Steve Bloom who found a couple
+of typos in the first version of these notes. Finally, I would like to
+thank all those, but especially Charles Wells, who gave me opinions on
+the best syntax. But I made the final decisions and if you have any
+complaints, you can direct them to me. Not that I am likely to change
+anything at this date.
+ The use of this package is unrestricted. It may be freely distributed,
+unchanged, for non-commercial or commercial use. If changed, it must be
+renamed. Inclusion in a commercial software package is also permitted,
+but I would appreciate receiving a free copy for my personal examination
+and use. There are no guarantees that this package is good for
+anything. I have tested it with LaTeX 2e, LaTeX 2.09 and Plain TeX.
+Although I know of no reason it will not work with AMSTeX, I have not
+tested it.
+\section{The basic syntax}
+The basic syntax is built around an operation
+\index{\backslash morphism}\verb.\morphism. that is
+used as \index{\backslash morphism}
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ \morphism(x,y)|p|/{sh}/<dx,dy>[N`N;L]
+ \end{verbatim}
+ The last group of parameters is required. They are the source and
+target nodes of the arrow and the label. The remaining parameters are
+optional and default to commonly used values. Currently, the
+\verb.L.\index{label} is set in \index{\backslash scriptstyle}\verb.\scriptstyle.
+size, but this can easily be changed by putting
+\index{\backslash let\backslash labelstyle=\backslash textstyle}
+\verb.\let\labelstyle=\textstyle. in
+your file.
+ The parameters \verb.x. and \verb.y. give the location of the source
+node within a fixed local coordinate system and \verb-x+dx- and
+\verb-y+dy- locate the target. To be precise, the first coordinate is
+the horizontal center of the node and the second is that of the base
+line. These distances are given in terms of \index{\backslash ul}\verb.\ul.'s,
+(for unitlength), which is user assignable, but currectly is .01em. The
+placement parameter \verb.p. is one of \verb.a,b,l,r,m. that stand for
+above, below, left, right, or mid and describe the positioning of the
+arrow label on the arrow. If it is given any value other than those
+five, it is ignored. We describe below why you might want it ignored.
+The label \index{m}\verb.m. stands for a label positioned in the middle
+of a split arrow. When used on a non-vertical arrow, \index{a}\verb.a.
+positions the label above the arrow and \index{b}\verb.b. positions it
+below. On a vertical arrow, the positioning depends on whether the
+arrow points up or down. Similarly, when used on a non-horizontal
+arrow, \index{l}\verb.l. positions the label to the left and
+\index{r}\verb.r. positions it to the right, while on a horizontal arrow
+it depends on which way it points.
+The shape parameter \ describes the shape of the arrow. An
+arrow is thought of as consisting of three parts, the tail, the shaft
+and the head. You may specify just the head, in which case the shaft
+will be an ordinary line, or all three. However, since the tail can be
+(and usually is) empty, in practice you can also describe the shaft and
+tail. In addition, it is possible to modify the arrow in various ways.
+Although the parameter is shown within braces, the braces can be omitted
+unless one of the modifier characters is \verb./., in which case, {\em
+the entire parameter} must be put in braces. It is important to note
+that it will not work just to put the \verb./. inside the braces, since
+this will interfere with the internal parsing of \xypic. The head and
+tail shapes are basically one of \index{>}\verb.>., \index{>>}\verb.>>.,
+\verb.(., \verb.)., \index{>}\verb*+>+, and \index{<}\verb*+<+. Each of
+these may also be preceded by \index{^}\verb.^. or \index{_}\verb._. and
+others are user definable. For details, see the \xypic\ reference
+manual. The first of these is an ordinary head, while the second is for
+an epic arrow. The third is not much used, but the superscripted
+version makes and inclusion tail, as will be illustrated below. The
+reverse ones give reversed arrowheads. The sign \verb*+ + stands for an
+obligatory space and it leaves extra space for a tailed (monic) arrow,
+which otherwise runs into the source node. Although there are many
+possibilities for shafts, including alphanumeric characters, the ones
+that mainly interest us are: \index{-}\verb.-., which is an ordinary
+shaft, \index{--}\verb.--., which produces a dashed arrow,
+\index{=}\verb.=., which gives a double arrow (although with only one
+arrowhead), and ., which makes a dotted arrow. Thus \index{>}\verb.>.
+or \index{->}\verb.->. will produce an ordinary arrow,
+\index{->>}\verb.->>. an epic arrow, \index{ >->}\verb*+ >->+ makes a
+monic arrow, and \index{-->>}\verb.-->>. would make a dashed epic arrow.
+The descriptions \index{<-}\index{<<-}\verb.<-,<<-,. \index{<-<
+}\verb*+<-< +, and \index{<<--}\verb.<<--. give the reversed versions.
+Note that \index{<}\verb.<. does not give a reversed arrow, since
+\xypic\ interprets that as a reversed head, not a tail.
+If the shape parameter begins with an \index{@}\verb.@., it is
+interpreted differently. In that case, it has the form
+\index{@{shape}@}\verb.@{shape}@. modifier, where the modifier is as
+described in the \xypic\ reference guide. I just mention a couple of
+them. The parameter \index{@{->}@<3pt>}\verb.@{->}@<3pt>., for example,
+would give an ordinary arrow moved three points in the direction
+perpendicular to that of the arrow. If you give
+\index{{@{-->}@/^5pt/}}\verb.{@{-->}@/^5pt/}., you will get an epic
+arrow that is curved in the direction perpendicular to the direction of
+the arrow by five points. It is imperative that a specification such as
+\index{@{>}@/5pt/}\verb.@{>}@/5pt/. be enclosed in braces because of the
+\subsection{A word about parameters}
+ I have already mentioned the necessity of enclosing certain arrow shape
+specifications in braces. Because of the way \TeX\ operates, I have
+used a number of different delimiters: \index{(}\verb.(.,
+\index{)}\verb.)., \index{|}\verb.|., \index{/}\verb./.,
+\index{<}\verb.<., \index{>}\verb.>., \index{[}\verb.[.,
+\index{]}\verb.]., \index{`}\verb.`., and \index{;}\verb.;.. Any of
+these that appear inside an argument could conceivably cause problems.
+They were chosen as the least likely to appear inside mathematics
+(except for \index{(,)}\verb.(,). which appear in positions that are
+unlikely to cause problems). However, be warned that this is a possible
+cause of mysterious error messages. If this happens, enclosing the
+offending parameter in braces should cure the problem. The exceptions
+come when the braces interfere with \xypic's somewhat arcane parsing
+mechanism. One place it imperative to use braces is if you attempt to
+use a disk as a tip. Although most tips do not have to be enclosed in
+braces, you get a small solid disk tip from \index{{*}}\verb.{*}. and
+not from \index{*}\verb.*. (see the note at the bottom of the first
+column of page 42 in the reference manual. The first three of
+ give error messages. Only the fourth works:
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+In addition to the diagrams, there are macros that are intended to be
+used inline to make horizontal arrows, pointing left or right, plain,
+monic, epic, or user-definable shapes, and calculating their own length
+to fit the label. Finally, there is a macro for making short 2-arrows
+that may be placed (actually, \index{\backslash place}\verb.\place.d) anywhere in
+a diagram.
+\section{Defined diagrams}
+Using the basic
+\index{\backslash morphism}\verb.\morphism. macro, I have a defined a number of
+diagrams: squares (really rectangles) and variously oriented triangles
+and a few compound diagrams. The basic shapes are exactly the same as
+in the old diagram package, but the options are done entirely
+differently. Here is the syntax of the
+\index{\backslash square}\verb.\square. macro:
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ \square(x,y)|pppp|/{sh}`{sh}`{sh}`{sh}/<dx,dy>[N`N`N`N;L`L`L`L]
+ \end{verbatim}
+ Each of the first four sets of parameters is optional and any subset of
+them can be omitted. (Note that only the sets can be omitted, once you
+give \index{dx}\verb.dx., you also have to give \index{dy}\verb.dy. and
+so on.) The first set gives the horizontal and vertical position (in a
+local coordinate system) of the lower left corner of the square, the
+next four give the label placements using the same five characters
+previously described. The next four give the shapes of the arrows using
+the same syntax as discussed above. The last group is horizontal and
+vertical size of the square. More precisely, the \index{x}\verb.x.
+coordinate is that of the midpoint of the node, while the
+\index{y}\verb.y. coordinate is that of the baseline of the node. This
+is entirely based on \xypic.
+In the case of other shapes, discussed below, the positioning parameter
+may be different. The \index{x}\verb.x. coordinate is the midpoint of
+the leftmost node and the \index{y}\verb.y. coordinate is the baseline
+of the lowest node. In the case of the
+\index{\backslash qtriangle}\verb.\qtriangle.,
+\index{\backslash Vtriangle}\verb.\Vtriangle., and
+\index{\backslash Ctriangle}\verb.\Ctriangle. described below, these are different
+nodes. What this positioning means is that if you specify the
+coordinates and sizes correctly the shapes will automatically fit
+together. The last example on Page~\pageref{TTTdiag} illustrates this.
+Here is a listing of the shapes, together with the groups of parameters.
+In all cases, the first four groups are optional and any subset of them
+will work. However, they must come in the order given. Note that the
+names of the triangles are related to the shape as the shape that best
+approximates the shape of the letter. For example, a
+\index{\backslash ptriangle}\verb.\ptriangle. is a right triangle that has its
+hypotenuse going from upper right to lower left. Triangles with lower
+case names have their legs horizontal and vertical and the dimension
+parameters are the lengths of the legs. Those with capitalized names
+have their hypotenuse horizontal or vertical. In those cases, one of
+\index{dx}\verb.dx. or \index{dy}\verb.dy. is the length of a leg and
+the other is {\em half} the length of the hypotenuse. In all cases, the
+order of the nodes and of the arrows is linguistic, first moving from
+left to right and then down. The defaults are reasonable, but with
+triangles, there is not always a natural direction for arrows. I always
+made mistakes in the order with my macros and this is certainly a
+defect. But the order is the same. In every case the braces around the
+shape specification can be removed unless it includes the following
+delimiter (that is, \index{`}\verb.`. or \index{/}\verb./., as the case
+may be.)
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ [N`N`N`N;L`L`L`L]
+ \index{\backslash square} \index{\backslash ptriangle} \index{\backslash qtriangle} \index{\backslash dtriangle}
+\index{\backslash btriangle} \index{\backslash Atriangle} \index{\backslash Vtriangle}
+\index{\backslash Ctriangle} \index{\backslash Dtriangle} \index{\backslash Atrianglepair}
+\index{\backslash Vtrianglepair} \index{\backslash Ctrianglepair} \index{\backslash Dtrianglepair}
+Note that the
+\verb.%. signs are required if you break the
+macro at such points. See also the discussion of errant spaces above.
+To make a diagram, you have to enclose it inside \index{\backslash xy ...
+\backslash endxy}.\verb,\xy ... \endxy,. You will usually want it
+for which the simplest way is to enclose it in \index{$$\xy ...
+\endxy$$}\verb,$$\xy...\endxy$$,. For old times' sake, I have also let
+\index{\backslash bfig}\verb.\bfig. and \index{\backslash efig}\verb.\efig. be synonyms for
+\index{\backslash xy}\verb.\xy. and \index{\backslash endxy}\verb.\endxy., resp. (In case
+you wonder, these go all the way back to a main frame formatter running
+at McGill when Charles Wells and I were first writing TTT, where
+\verb,.BFIG, and \verb,.EFIG, were used to make display---at least as
+far as that primitive formatter was capable of.)
+Many people---including me---learn mainly by example and
+I will give a number of examples here. The formal
+syntax that is not given here can be learned in the \xypic\ reference
+manual. More samples from an actual paper can be found in
+\verb,,. If you want to compile
+that paper, you will need \verb,tac.cls,, available from \verb,,.
+We begin with \index{\backslash morphism}
+ $$\bfig
+ \morphism[A`B;f]
+ \morphism(0,300)[A`B;f]
+ \morphism(0,600)|m|[A`B;f]
+ \morphism(0,900)/<-/[A`B;f]
+ \morphism(900,500)<0,-500>[A`B;f]
+ \morphism(1200,0)<0,500>[A`B;f]
+ \efig$$
+which gives the diagram
+ $$\bfig
+ \morphism[A`B;f]
+ \morphism(0,300)[A`B;f]
+ \morphism(0,600)|m|[A`B;f]
+ \morphism(0,900)/<-/[A`B;f]
+ \morphism(900,500)<0,-500>[A`B;f]
+ \morphism(1200,0)<0,500>[A`B;f]
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+ produces
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+ This can be modified, for example
+ $$\bfig
+\square/>>`>`>` >->/[A`B`C`D;e`f`g`m]
+ \efig$$
+ produces
+ $$\bfig
+\square/>>`>`>` >->/[A`B`C`D;e`f`g`m]
+ \efig$$
+ This can be put together with a morphism as follows:
+ $$\bfig
+\square/>>`>`>` >->/[A`B`C`D;e`f`g`m]
+ \morphism(500,500)|m|/.>/<-500,-500>[B`C;h]
+ \efig$$
+ \index{\backslash square}
+ which makes a familiar diagram:
+ $$\bfig
+\square/>>`>`>` >->/[A`B`C`D;e`f`g`m]
+ \morphism(500,500)|m|/.>/<-500,-500>[B`C;h]
+ \efig$$
+ The same diagram could have been made by
+ $$\bfig
+ \ptriangle|alm|/>>`>`.>/[A`B`C;e`f`h]
+ \dtriangle/`>` >->/[B`C`D;`g`m]
+ \efig$$
+\index{\backslash ptriangle} \index{\backslash dtriangle}
+There are four macros for making pairs of triangles put together:
+ $$\bfig
+ \Vtrianglepair[A`B`C`D;f`g`h`k`l]
+ \efig$$
+ comes from
+ $$\bfig
+ \Vtrianglepair[A`B`C`D;f`g`h`k`l]
+ \efig$$
+ \index{\backslash Vtrianglepair}
+ \index{\backslash Atrianglepair}
+ \index{\backslash Ctrianglepair}
+ \index{\backslash Dtrianglepair}
+ The other three are called \verb.\Atrianglepair.,
+\verb.\Ctrianglepair., and \verb.\Dtrianglepair..
+ You can fit two squares together, horizontally:
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+ or vertically
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+or a square and a triangle
+ $$\bfig
+\Ctriangle/<-`>`>/<400,400>[\hbox{\rm rec}(A,B)`B`X;r_0(A,B)`f`t_0]
+ \square(400,0)/<-``>`<-/<1000,800>[\hbox{\rm rec}(A,B)`A\times\hbox{\rm
+ rec}(A,B)`X`A\times X;r(A,B)``\hbox{\rm id}_A\times f`t]
+ \efig$$
+ gives the diagram
+ $$\bfig
+\Ctriangle/<-`>`>/<400,400>[\hbox{\rm rec}(A,B)`B`X;r_0(A,B)`f`t_0]
+ \square(400,0)/<-``>`<-/<1000,800>[\hbox{\rm rec}(A,B)`A\times\hbox{\rm
+ rec}(A,B)`X`A\times X;r(A,B)``\hbox{\rm id}_A\times f`t]
+ \efig$$
+ This diagram is on page 361 of the third edition of Category Theory for
+Computing Science to describe recursion.
+ Here is an example using the procedure for sliding an arrow sideways.
+This one could even be used in a text,
+ \index{sliding arrows}
+$\xy \morphism(0,0)|a|/@{>}@<3pt>/<400,0>[A`B;d]
+ which was made using
+$\xy \morphism(0,0)|a|/@{>}@<3pt>/<400,0>[A`B;d]
+ Indidentally, if you don't put this in math mode, the diagram will come
+out too low, for reasons I do not understand but must be buried within
+the \xypic\ code.
+Later we will introduce a number of inline procedures.
+Something a bit different that illustrates the use of another shaft
+\index{=}\verb.=. that gives a 2-arrow, as well as curved arrows:
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+ In order to use curved arrows, you must insert
+\index{\backslash xyoption{curve}}\verb.\xyoption{curve}.
+into your file. Here are two ways of doing three arrows between two
+objects, depending on what you like:
+ $$\bfig
+ \morphism(0,0)|a|/@{>}@<5pt>/<500,0>[A`B;f]
+ \morphism(0,0)|m|/@{>}/<500,0>[A`B;g]
+ \morphism(0,0)|b|/@{>}@<-5pt>/<500,0>[A`B;h]
+ \efig$$
+ which gives
+ $$\bfig
+ \morphism(0,0)|a|/@{>}@<5pt>/<500,0>[A`B;f]
+ \morphism(0,0)|m|/@{>}/<500,0>[A`B;g]
+ \morphism(0,0)|b|/@{>}@<-5pt>/<500,0>[A`B;h]
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig
+ \morphism(0,0)|a|/{@{>}@/^5pt/}/<500,0>[A`B;f]
+ \morphism(0,0)|m|/@{>}/<500,0>[A`B;g]
+ \morphism(0,0)|b|/{@{>}@/^-5pt/}/<500,0>[A`B;h]
+ \efig$$
+ which gives
+ $$\bfig
+ \morphism(0,0)|a|/{@{>}@/^5pt/}/<500,0>[A`B;f]
+ \morphism(0,0)|m|/@{>}/<500,0>[A`B;g]
+ \morphism(0,0)|b|/{@{>}@/^-5pt/}/<500,0>[A`B;h]
+ \efig$$
+ Either of these could also be used inline.
+ There is a macro
+\index{\backslash place}\verb.\place.
+that places that object anywhere. I have changed the name from
+\verb.\put. in order to avoid clashing with the \LaTeX\ picture mode's
+\index{\backslash put}\verb.\put..
+Here is an example that uses a construction that is undocumented here,
+but uses a documented \Xy\ construction:
+\setbox\anglebox=\hbox{\xy \POS(75,0)\ar@{-} (0,0) \ar@{-} (75,75)\endxy}
+ \def\angle{\copy\anglebox}
+ $$\bfig
+ \square[A`B`C`D;f`g`h`k]
+ \place(100,400)[\angle]
+ \efig$$
+\setbox\anglebox=\hbox{\xy \POS(75,0)\ar@{-} (0,0) \ar@{-} (75,75)\endxy}
+ \def\angle{\copy\anglebox}
+ $$\bfig
+ \square[A`B`C`D;f`g`h`k]
+ \place(100,400)[\angle]
+ \efig$$
+ Notice that you get a headless arrow by using
+\index{\backslash ar@{-}}\verb.\ar@{-}..
+Here is a special code installed at the request of Jonathon Funk:
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+ \index{\backslash pullback}
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+The full syntax for this is
+ |ppp|/{sh}`{sh}`{sh}/<dx,dy>[N;L`L`L]
+ Of these only the nodes placed inside brackets are obligatory. The
+first sets of parameters are exactly as for
+\index{\backslash square}\verb.\square. and the
+remaining parameters are for the nodes and labels of the outer arrows.
+There is no positioning parameters for them; rather you set the
+horizontal and vertical separations of the outer node from the square.
+Here are some more special constructions. In general, if you are doing
+a square, you should use
+\index{\backslash Square}\verb.\Square. instead of
+\index{\backslash square}\verb.\square.
+because if figures its own width. The syntax is almost the same, except
+\index{dx}\verb.dx. is omitted. For example,
+ $$\bfig
+ \Square/^{ (}->`>`>`^{ (}->/<350>[{\rm Hom}(A,2^B)`{\rm Sub}(A\times B)`
+ {\rm Hom}(A',2^{B'})`{\rm Sub}(A'\times B');\alpha(A,B)```\alpha(A',B')]
+ \efig$$
+ will produce the square
+ $$\bfig
+ \Square/^{ (}->`>`>`^{ (}->/<350>[{\rm Hom}(A,2^B)`{\rm Sub}(A\times B)`
+ {\rm Hom}(A',2^{B'})`{\rm Sub}(A'\times B');\alpha(A,B)```\alpha(A',B')]
+ \efig$$
+ There are a couple of points to note here. Note the use of the
+\index{^{ (}->}\verb.^{ (}->. to get the inclusion arrow. The
+complication is
+created by the necessity of adding a bit of extra space before the hook.
+You get pretty much the same effect by putting a bit of extra space
+after the node:
+ $$\bfig
+ \Square/^(->`>`>`^(->/<350>[{\rm Hom}(A,2^B)\,`{\rm Sub}(A\times B)`
+ {\rm Hom}(A',2^{B'})\,`{\rm Sub}(A'\times B');\alpha(A,B)```\alpha(A',B')]
+ \efig$$
+ The full syntax is
+ \Square(x,y)|pppp|/{sh}`{sh}`{sh}`{sh}/<dy>[N`N`N`N;L`L`L`L]
+There are also macros for placing two
+\index{\backslash Square}\verb.\Square.s together
+horizontally or vertically. The first is
+\index{\backslash hSquares}\verb.\hSquares. with the
+The second is
+\index{\backslash vSquares}\verb.\vSquares. with a similar syntex except that there
+are two
+\index{dy}\verb.dy. parameters, one for each square:
+ Similarly, there are four macros for making pairs of triangles put
+together. For example,
+ $$\bfig
+ \Vtrianglepair[A`B`C`D;f`g`h`k`l]
+ \efig$$
+ comes from
+ $$\bfig
+ \Vtrianglepair[A`B`C`D;f`g`h`k`l]
+ \efig$$
+There is a macro for making cubes\index{\backslash cube}. The syntax is
+ \cube(x,y)|pppp|/{sh}`{sh}`{sh}`{sh}/<dx,dy>[N`N`N`N;L`L`L`L]%
+ (x,y)|pppp|/{sh}`{sh}`{sh}`{sh}/<dx,dy>[N`N`N`N;L`L`L`L]%
+ |pppp|/{sh}`{sh}`{sh}`{sh}/[L`L`L`L]
+ The first line of parameters is for the outer square and the second for
+the inner square, while the remaining parameters are for the arrows
+between the squares. Only the parameters in square brackets are
+required; there are defaults for the others. Here is an example:
+ $$\bfig
+\cube(0,0)|arlb|/ >->` >->`>`>/<1500,1500>[A`B`C`D;f`g`h`k]%
+ |mmmm|/<-`<-`<-`<-/[\alpha`\beta`\gamma`\delta]
+ \efig$$
+ gives the somewhat misshapen diagram
+ $$\bfig
+\cube(0,0)|arlb|/ >->` >->`>`>/<1500,1500>[A`B`C`D;f`g`h`k]%
+ |mmmm|/<-`<-`<-`<-/[\alpha`\beta`\gamma`\delta]
+ \efig$$
+ because the parameters were oddly chosen. The defaults center the
+squares. I discovered accidently, while debugging the cube that what I
+thought was an out-of-range choice of parameters would produce an offset
+ $$\bfig
+\cube|arlb|/ >->` >->`>`>/<1000,1000>[A`B`C`D;f`g`h`k]%
+ |rrrr|/<-`<-`<-`<-/[\alpha`\beta`\gamma`\delta]
+ \efig$$
+ gives
+ $$\bfig
+\cube|arlb|/ >->` >->`>`>/<1000,1000>[A`B`C`D;f`g`h`k]%
+ |r`r`r`r|/<-`<-`<-`<-/[\alpha`\beta`\gamma`\delta]
+ \efig$$
+\subsection{Complex diagrams}\label{complex}
+In homological algebra one often has a $3\times3$ diagram, with or
+without 0's on the margins. There is a macro to do that:
+ \index{3 by 3}\index{\backslash iiixiii}
+ $$\bfig
+ <400,400>[A'`B'`C'`A`B`C`A''`B''`C'';f'`g'`f`g`f''`g''`u`v`w`u'`v'`w']
+ \efig$$
+ that gives
+ $$\bfig
+ <400,400>[A'`B'`C'`A`B`C`A''`B''`C'';f'`g'`f`g`f''`g''`u`v`w`u'`v'`w']
+ \efig$$
+ Here is the explanation. The arrow parameters are not given in the
+usual order, but rather first all the horizontal arrows and then all the
+vertical ones, each in their usual order. The nodes are given in the
+usual order. The fifth parameter is the octal number
+\verb.`5436. (In
+\TeX, the
+\verb.'. introduces octal numbers and
+\verb.". introduces
+hexadecimal numbers) which corresponds to the binary number
+101,100,011,110 that describes the distribution of the 0's around the
+margins. The same results would have been obtained if the number had
+been the hexadecimal number
+\verb."B1E. or the decimal number
+\verb.2846.. The sixth parameter gives the horizontal and vertical
+offset of the 0's, which you often want smaller than the others. You
+must not give the sixth parameter unless you have given a value (which
+could be 0) to the fifth or an error condition will result. Note that
+the positioning parameters ignore the 0's so that it is the lower left
+node that appears at the position
+\verb.(x,y).. As usual, there are
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig
+ {'5436}[A'`B'`C'`A`B`C`A''`B''`C'';f'`g'`f`g`f''`g''`u`v`w`u'`v'`w']
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig
+ {'5436}[A'`B'`C'`A`B`C`A''`B''`C'';f'`g'`f`g`f''`g''`u`v`w`u'`v'`w']
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig
+ \efig$$
+A similar macro\index{3 by 2}%
+\index{\backslash iiixii}\verb.\iiixii. has been added for a map between exact
+sequences, with parameters similar to the above. An actual example is
+ $$\bfig
+ \iiixii|aaaalmr|<1000,800>[H`G`F`H\oplus H_0`G\oplus H_0\oplus F_0`
+F\oplus F_0; f`g`\pmatrix{f&0\cr0&1\cr0&0}`\pmatrix{g&0&0\cr0&0&1}`
+ \pmatrix{1\cr0}`\pmatrix{1\cr0\cr0}`\pmatrix{1\cr0}]
+ which gives
+ $$\bfig
+ \iiixii|aaaalmr|<1000,800>[H`G`F`H\oplus H_0`G\oplus H_0\oplus F_0`
+F\oplus F_0; f`g`\pmatrix{f&0\cr0&1\cr0&0}`\pmatrix{g&0&0\cr0&0&1}`
+ \pmatrix{1\cr0}`\pmatrix{1\cr0\cr0}`\pmatrix{1\cr0}]
+ The general syntax is
+ \iiixii(x,y)|ppppppp|/1`2`3`4`5`6`7/<dx,dy>{n}<dx'>[...]
+ with the usual meaning. The number n is a number between 0 and 15
+(default 15) that specifies whether and where 0's appear (think binary,
+with the high bit at the upper left) and dx' specifies the separation of
+the zeroes. You get two squares side by side if both n and dx' are 0.
+\subsection{Empty placement and moving labels}
+ The label placements within \verb.|p|. is valid only for
+\verb.x=a,b,r,l,m.. If you use any other value (or leave it empty) the
+label entry is ignored, but you can use any valid \xypic\ label, as
+described in Figure 13 of the reference manual. One place you might
+want to use this is for the placement of the labels along an arrow. In
+\xypic\ the default placement of the label is midway between the
+midpoints of the nodes. If the two nodes are of widely different sizes,
+this can result in strange placements; therefore I always place them
+midway along the arrow. However, as the following illustrates, this can
+be changed.
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ $$\bfig
+\morphism(0,900)||/@{->}^<>(0.7){f}/<800,0>[A^B\times B^C\times C`C;]
+\morphism(0,600)||/@{->}^<(0.7){f}/<800,0>[A^B\times B^C\times C`C;]
+\morphism(0,300)||/@{->}^>(0.7){f}/<800,0>[A^B\times B^C\times C`C;]
+\morphism(0,0)||/@{->}^(0.7){f}/<800,0>[A^B\times B^C\times C`C;]
+ \efig$$
+ which produces
+ $$\bfig
+\morphism(0,900)||/@{->}^<>(0.7){f}/<800,0>[A^B\times B^C\times C`C;]
+\morphism(0,600)||/@{->}^<(0.7){f}/<800,0>[A^B\times B^C\times C`C;]
+\morphism(0,300)||/@{->}^>(0.7){f}/<800,0>[A^B\times B^C\times C`C;]
+\morphism(0,0)||/@{->}^(0.7){f}/<800,0>[A^B\times B^C\times C`C;]
+ \efig$$
+ Here is the explanation. The label placement argument is empty (it
+cannot be omitted) and the arrow entry is empty. However, placing
+\verb.^(0.7){f}. inside the arrow shape places the label $f$ 7/10 of the
+way between the nodes. Unmodified, this places it 7/10 of the way
+between the centers of the nodes. This may be modified by
+\index{<}\verb.<., which moves the first (here the left) reference point
+to the beginning of the arrow, \index{>}\verb.>. which moves the second
+reference point to the end of the arrow, or by both, which moves both
+reference points. In most cases, you will want both. Incidentally,
+\index{-}\verb.-. is a synonym for the sequence
+\index{<>(}5).\verb.<>(.5). and that is the default placement in my
+Here are some more examples that illustrates the special sequence
+\index{\backslash hole}\verb.\hole. used in conjunction with \index{|}\verb.|.
+that implements \index{m}\verb.m. as well as the fact that these things
+can be stacked. For more details, I must refer you to the \xypic\
+reference manual.
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ $$\bfig
+\morphism(0,600)||/@{->}|-\hole/<800,0>[A^B\times B^C\times C`C;]
+\morphism(0,300)||/@{->}|-\hole^<>(.7)f/<800,0>[A^B\times B^C\times C`C;]
+B^C\times C`C;]
+ \efig$$
+ produces
+ $$\bfig
+\morphism(0,600)||/@{->}|-\hole/<800,0>[A^B\times B^C\times C`C;]
+\morphism(0,300)||/@{->}|-\hole^<>(.7)f/<800,0>[A^B\times B^C\times C`C;]
+B^C\times C`C;]
+ \efig$$
+Here is another version of the cube we looked at above, using these
+special placements and\index{\backslash cube}
+\index{\backslash hole}\verb.\hole.'s to break some lines and make it
+ $$\bfig
+\cube|arlb|/@{ >->}^<>(.6){f}` >->`@{>}_<>(.4){h}`>/%
+ |rrrr|/<-`<-`<-`<-/[\alpha`\beta`\gamma`\delta]
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig
+\cube|arlb|/@{ >->}^<>(.6){f}` >->`@{>}_<>(.4){h}`>/%
+ |rrrr|/<-`<-`<-`<-/[\alpha`\beta`\gamma`\delta]
+ \efig$$
+ This one is probably worth saving as a template. Later I will explain
+the meaning of the strings \verb.!{(300,1000);(500,1000)}\hole. and
+ \verb.!{(1000,500);(1000,300)}\hole. along with a caveat on their use.
+If the nodes are unusually large, the cube may be magnified using
+\index{\backslash scalefactor}\verb.\scalefactor. .
+\subsection{Inline macros}
+ Here we illustrate a few of the macros for inline---or
+displayed---equations the package contains. In each case, the macro may
+have a superscript or subscript or both (in which case the superscript
+must come first) and the arrow(s) grow long enough to hold the super- or
+subscript. If you type\par\noindent
+\verb.$A\to B\to^f C\to_g D\to^h_{{\rm Hom}(X,Y)} E$., you get
+ $A\to B\to^f C\to_g D\to^h_{{\rm Hom}(X,Y)} E$. Similarly, the macro
+\index{\backslash toleft}\verb.\toleft. reverses the arrows. The remaining macros
+of this sort are \index{\backslash mon}\verb.\mon. which gives a monic arrow,
+\index{\backslash epi}\verb.\epi. which gives an epic arrow,
+\index{\backslash two}\verb.\two. that gives a pair of arrows, as well as
+leftwards pointing versions, \index{\backslash monleft}\verb.\monleft.,
+\index{\backslash epileft}\verb.\epileft., and \index{\backslash twoleft}\verb.\twoleft. of
+each of them. Here is one more example:
+ $A\twoleft B\twoleft^f C\twoleft_g D\twoleft^h_{{\rm Hom}(X,Y)} E$
+ gives $A\twoleft B\twoleft^f C\twoleft_g D\twoleft^h_{{\rm Hom}(X,Y)} E$.
+There is an almost unlimited variety of such procedures possible. The
+ones that are provided can be used as templates to define new ones with,
+say, curved arrows or three arrows or whatever a user might have need
+\subsubsection{Added:}\label{added} The macros \index{\backslash to}\verb.\to. and
+\index{\backslash two}\verb.\two. can each have optional parameters of the form
+\index{/{sh}/<dx>}\verb./{sh}/<dx>. and
+\index{/{sh}`{sh}/<dx>}\verb./{sh}`{sh}/<dx>., resp. that allow you to
+specify the shapes of the arrows and to override the automatic
+computation of the lengths of the arrows. For example,
+ \begin{verbatim}
+$$A\to/<-/ B\to^f C \to/ >->/<500>_g D\to/<-< /^f_g E$$
+$$A\two/<-`->/<100> B\two^f C \two/ >->` >->/_g D\two/<-< `<-< /^f_g E$$
+ gives
+$$A\to/<-/ B\to^f C \to/ >->/<500>_g D\to/<-< /^f_g E$$
+$$A\two/<-`->/<100> B\two^f C \two/ >->` >->/_g D\two/<-< `<-< /^f_g E$$
+ This renders \index{\backslash mon}\verb.\mon., \index{\backslash epi}\verb.\epi.,
+\index{\backslash toleft}\verb.\toleft., \index{\backslash monleft}\verb.\monleft.,
+\index{\backslash epileft}\verb.\epileft., and \index{\backslash twoleft}\verb.\twoleft.
+obsolete, but they have been retained for back compatibility and
+convenience. A three arrow macro that works similarly has been added.
+For example
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ $$A\threepppp/>`<-`>/<400>^{d^0}|{s^0}_{d^1}B\three<100>
+C\three/->>`<-< `->>/ D$$
+ gives
+ $$A\threepppp/>`<-`>/<400>^{d^0}|{s^0}_{d^1}B\three<100>
+C\three/->>`<-< `->>/ D$$
+ There is a macro for making 2-arrows of a fixed size, but varying
+orientation. They should be put at the appropriate position in a
+diagram. The two parameters are two integers \index{dx}\verb.dx. and
+\index{dy}\verb.dy. whose ratio is the slope of the arrow. They need
+not be relatively prime, but arithmetic overflow could occur if they are
+too large. Note that although \index{(dx,dy)}\verb.(dx,dy). and
+\index{(-dx,-dy)}\verb.(-dx,-dy). describe the same slope, the arrows
+point in opposite directions. Here is a sampler
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ $$\bfig
+ \place(0,0)[\twoar(1,0)]
+ \place(200,0)[\twoar(0,1)]
+ \place(400,0)[\twoar(1,1)]
+ \place(600,0)[\twoar(0,-1)]
+ \place(800,0)[\twoar(1,2)]
+ \place(1000,0)[\twoar(1,3)]
+ \place(1200,0)[\twoar(1,-3)]
+ \place(1400,0)[\twoar(-3,1)]
+ \place(1600,0)[\twoar(-1,-3)]
+ \place(1800,0)[\twoar(255,77)]
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig
+ \place(0,0)[\twoar(1,0)]
+ \place(200,0)[\twoar(0,1)]
+ \place(400,0)[\twoar(1,1)]
+ \place(600,0)[\twoar(0,-1)]
+ \place(800,0)[\twoar(1,2)]
+ \place(1000,0)[\twoar(1,3)]
+ \place(1200,0)[\twoar(1,-3)]
+ \place(1400,0)[\twoar(-3,1)]
+ \place(1600,0)[\twoar(-1,-3)]
+ \place(1800,0)[\twoar(255,77)]
+ \efig$$
+Here is little amusement.
+ $$\bfig
+ \square/@3{->}`~)`=o`--x/[A`B`C`D;```]
+ \place(400,100)[\twoar(-1,-1)]
+ \place(100,400)[\twoar(1,1)]
+ \morphism(500,500)||/{*}.{*}/<-500,-500>[B`C;]
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig
+ \square/@3{->}`~)`=o`--x/[A`B`C`D;```]
+ \place(400,100)[\twoar(-1,-1)]
+ \place(100,400)[\twoar(1,1)]
+ \morphism(500,500)||/{*}.{*}/<-500,-500>[B`C;]
+ \efig$$
+\subsection{Mixing \xypic\ code}
+ Here is a sample in which I have mixed code from \xypic\ with my own.
+ $$\bfig
+ \square(1500,500)/>`>`>`@{>}^<>(.2){r_{n-1}}/[T_{n-1}`T_{n-2}`R_{n-1}
+`R_{n-2}; t_{n-1}``\sigma_{n-2}`]
+ \square(1500,0)/`>`>`>/[R_{n-1}`R_{n-2}`S_{n-1}`S_{n-2};
+ \morphism|b|[\tilde S_{n+1}`S_n;\tilde s_{n+1}]
+ \square(1000,500)/>`>`>`>/[\tilde T_n`T_{n-1}`\tilde
+R_n`{R_{n-1}};\tilde t_n`\tilde \sigma_n`\sigma_{n-1}`]
+ \square(1000,0)/>`>``>/[\tilde R_n`R_{n-1}`\tilde S_n`{S_{n-1}};\tilde
+r_n\quad ```\tilde s_n]
+ \square(500,0)/>`>``>/[R_n`{R_n}`{S_n}`{S_{n}};
+\hat r_n`f_n`\tilde f_n`\hat s_n]
+ \POS(1500,1000)*+!!<0ex,.75ex>{T_{n-1}}
+ \ar@{-}|!{(1000,500);(1500,500)}\hole(1167,334)%
+ \POS(1167,334)\ar|!{(1000,500);(1000,0)}\hole_<>(.6){h_{n-1}}
+ (500,0)*+!!<0ex,.75ex>{S_n}
+ \morphism(2000,1000)/@{>}|\hole^<>(.8){h_{n-2}}/%
+ <-500,-1000>[T_{n-2}`S_{n-1};]
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig
+ \square(1500,500)/>`>`>`@{>}^<>(.2){r_{n-1}}/[T_{n-1}`T_{n-2}`R_{n-1}
+`R_{n-2}; t_{n-1}``\sigma_{n-2}`]
+ \square(1500,0)/`>`>`>/[R_{n-1}`R_{n-2}`S_{n-1}`S_{n-2};
+ \morphism|b|[\tilde S_{n+1}`S_n;\tilde s_{n+1}]
+ \square(1000,500)/>`>`>`>/[\tilde T_n`T_{n-1}`\tilde
+R_n`{R_{n-1}};\tilde t_n`\tilde \sigma_n`\sigma_{n-1}`]
+ \square(1000,0)/>`>``>/[\tilde R_n`R_{n-1}`\tilde S_n`{S_{n-1}};\tilde
+r_n\quad ```\tilde s_n]
+ \square(500,0)/>`>``>/[R_n`{R_n}`{S_n}`{S_{n}};
+\hat r_n`f_n`\tilde f_n`\hat s_n]
+ \POS(1500,1000)*+!!<0ex,.75ex>{T_{n-1}}
+ \ar@{-}|!{(1000,500);(1500,500)}\hole(1167,334)%
+ \POS(1167,334)\ar|!{(1000,500);(1000,0)}\hole_<>(.6){h_{n-1}}
+ (500,0)*+!!<0ex,.75ex>{S_n}
+ \morphism(2000,1000)/@{>}|\hole^<>(.8){h_{n-2}}/%
+ <-500,-1000>[T_{n-2}`S_{n-1};]
+ \efig$$
+ There are three points to note here in connection with the two lines
+that begin with \index{\backslash POS}\verb.\POS. First the objects that are the
+source of the first and the target of the second are preceded by
+\verb;!!<0ex,.75ex>;\verb;!!<0ex,.75ex>;. The effect is to reset the
+baseline to the baseline of the object (rather than the vertical center)
+and then to lower that by 3/4 of xheight so that the arrow goes in the
+right place. This string precedes all objects. Without that, an object
+like $\tilde R $ would be set lower that $R$. Second, the first arrow
+has no target and the second no source. This does not give the same
+result as empty source and target since in the latter cases, there would
+be spaces allowed around them and then the two lines would not meet. It
+would be possible to add code that tests for empty nodes, but it comes
+up so seldom that I have refrained. In the meantime, the only recourse
+is to revert to the underlying \xypic\ code. Thirdly the string
+\verb.|!{(1000,500);(1500,500)}\hole. specifies that the line should be
+broken at the place where the current arrow intersects the line between
+the nodes located at (1000,500) and (1500,500). One must be careful
+using this construction, however, as it does not seem to work correctly
+if the line segment fails to intersect the current line, or if it does
+intersect, but happens to be too long. I have not worked out how long
+is too long, but you can get odd results. I assume that this bug will
+be fixed eventually. (Ross Moore says that it works correctly in the
+version he has, which, however, has not been released.) There is a
+similar string, with similar effect, in the following line. The last
+line uses simply \index{|\hole}\verb.|\hole. which positions the gap in
+the middle of the arrow.
+\subsection{Diagram from TTT}
+ The last example is a complicated diagram from TTT. If you have the
+documentation from the old diagram macros (or the errata from TTT), you
+can see how much easier it is to describe this diagram with these
+macros. Note the use of \index{\backslash scalefactor}\verb.\scalefactor. to
+change the default length from 500 to 700 that made it unnecessary to
+specify the scales on the squares and triangles.
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ $$\bfig
+ \scalefactor{1.4}%
+ \qtriangle(0,1000)/>`>`/[TT`T`TTT';\mu`TT\eta'`]%
+ \btriangle(500,1000)/`>`@<-14\ul>/[T`TTT'`TT';`T\eta`T\sigma]%
+ \morphism(0,1500)|l|/>/<0,-1000>[TT`TT'T;T\eta'T]%
+ \square(500,500)|ammx|/@<14\ul>`>`>`/[TTT'`TT'`TT'TT'`TT'T';%
+ \mu T'`T\eta'TT'`T\eta'T'`]%
+ \morphism(1000,1000)|r|/>/<500,-500>[TT'`TT';\hbox{\rm id}]%
+ \square/>`>``>/[TT'T`TT'TT'`T'T`T'TT';TT'T\eta'`\sigma T``T'T\eta']%
+ \square(500,0)|ammb|[TT'TT'`TT'T'`T'TT'`T'T';%
+ TT'\sigma`\sigma TT'`\sigma T'`T'\sigma T']%
+ \square(1000,0)/>``>`>/[TT'T'`TT'`T'T'`T';T\mu'``\sigma`\mu']%
+ \efig$$
+ $$\bfig\label{TTTdiag}
+ \scalefactor{1.4}%
+ \qtriangle(0,1000)/>`>`/[TT`T`TTT';\mu`TT\eta'`]%
+ \btriangle(500,1000)/`>`@<-14\ul>/[T`TTT'`TT';`T\eta`T\sigma]%
+ \morphism(0,1500)|l|/>/<0,-1000>[TT`TT'T;T\eta'T]%
+ \square(500,500)|ammx|/@<14\ul>`>`>`/[TTT'`TT'`TT'TT'`TT'T';\mu T'`%
+ T\eta'TT'`T\eta'T'`]%
+ \morphism(1000,1000)|r|/>/<500,-500>[TT'`TT';\hbox{\rm id}]%
+ \square/>`>``>/[TT'T`TT'TT'`T'T`T'TT';TT'T\eta'`\sigma T``T'T\eta']%
+ \square(500,0)|ammb|[TT'TT'`TT'T'`T'TT'`T'T';TT'\sigma`\sigma TT'%
+ `\sigma T'`T'\sigma T']%
+ \square(1000,0)/>``>`>/[TT'T'`TT'`T'T'`T';T\mu'``\sigma`\mu']%
+ \efig$$
+ \item \verb@%@, 3
+ \item \verb@(@, 7
+ \item \verb@(@,), 7
+ \item \verb@(-dx@,-dy), 25
+ \item \verb@(dx@,dy), 25
+ \item \verb@)@, 7
+ \item \verb@*@, 7
+ \item \verb@-@, 6, 23
+ \item \verb@--@, 6
+ \item \verb@-->>@, 7
+ \item \verb@->@, 7
+ \item \verb@->>@, 7
+ \item \verb@/@, 7, 9
+ \item \verb@/{sh}/<dx>@, 25
+ \item \verb@/{sh}`{sh}/<dx>@, 25
+ \item \verb@;@, 7
+ \item \verb@<@, 6, 7, 22
+ \item \verb@<-@, 7
+ \item \verb@<-< @, 7
+ \item \verb@<<-@, 7
+ \item \verb@<<--@, 7
+ \item \verb@<>(@, 23
+ \item \verb@=@, 6, 13
+ \item \verb@>@, 6, 7, 22
+ \item \verb@>>@, 6
+ \item \verb@[@, 7
+ \item \verb@\startsection@, 5
+ \item \verb@\Atriangle@, 9
+ \item \verb@\Atrianglepair@, 9, 12
+ \item \verb@\Ctriangle@, 8, 9
+ \item \verb@\Ctrianglepair@, 9, 12
+ \item \verb@\Dtriangle@, 9
+ \item \verb@\Dtrianglepair@, 9, 12
+ \item \verb@\POS@, 27
+ \item \verb@\Square@, 15, 16
+ \item \verb@\Vtriangle@, 8, 9
+ \item \verb@\Vtrianglepair@, 9, 12
+ \item \verb@{-}@, 14
+ \item \verb@\bfig@, 9
+ \item \verb@\btriangle@, 9
+ \item \verb@\cube@, 16, 23
+ \item \verb@\dtriangle@, 9, 11
+ \item \verb@\efig@, 9
+ \item \verb@\endxy@, 9
+ \item \verb@\epi@, 24, 25
+ \item \verb@\epileft@, 24, 25
+ \item \verb@\fontscale{x}@, 4
+ \item \verb@\hSquares@, 16
+ \item \verb@\halign@, 2
+ \item \verb@\hole@, 23
+ \item \verb@\ignorespaces@, 3
+ \item \verb@\iiixii@, 21
+ \item \verb@\iiixiii@, 18
+ \item \verb@\let\labelstyle=\textstyle@, 6
+ \item \verb@\mon@, 24, 25
+ \item \verb@\monleft@, 24, 25
+ \item \verb@\morphism@, 2, 5, 8, 10
+ \item \verb@\phantom@, 3
+ \item \verb@\place@, 8, 14
+ \item \verb@\ptriangle@, 8, 9, 11
+ \item \verb@\pullback@, 15
+ \item \verb@\put@, 14
+ \item \verb@\qtriangle@, 8, 9
+ \item \verb@\scalefactor@, 24, 28
+ \item \verb@\scriptstyle@, 6
+ \item \verb@\square@, 8, 9, 11, 15
+ \item \verb@\three@, 1
+ \item \verb@\to@, 1, 25
+ \item \verb@\toleft@, 24, 25
+ \item \verb@\two@, 1, 24, 25
+ \item \verb@\twoleft@, 24, 25
+ \item \verb@\ul@, 6
+ \item \verb@\vSquares@, 16
+ \item \verb@\xy@, 9
+ \item \verb@\xy ... \endxy@, 9
+ \item \verb@\xyoption{curve}@, 13
+ \item \verb@]@, 7
+ \item \verb@^@, 6
+ \item \verb@^{ (}->@, 16
+ \item \verb@_@, 6
+ \item \verb@`@, 7, 9
+ \item \verb@{*}@, 7
+ \item \verb@3 by 2@, 21
+ \item \verb@3 by 3@, 18
+ \indexspace
+ \item \verb@ >->@, 7
+ \indexspace
+ \item \verb@a@, 6
+ \indexspace
+ \item \verb@b@, 6
+ \indexspace
+ \item \verb@dx@, 8, 15, 25
+ \item \verb@dy@, 8, 16, 25
+ \indexspace
+ \item \verb@l@, 6
+ \item \verb@label@, 6
+ \indexspace
+ \item \verb@m@, 6, 23
+ \indexspace
+ \item \verb@r@, 6
+ \indexspace
+ \item \verb@sliding arrows@, 13
+ \indexspace
+ \item \verb@tips@, 4
+ \indexspace
+ \item \verb@x@, 4, 8
+ \indexspace
+ \item \verb@y@, 8