path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/acmart/sample-sigchi-a.tex
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2016-05-10 21:28:54 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2016-05-10 21:28:54 +0000
commit9edaf8cb54cb95b68a38e1242c116c0ca0985195 (patch)
tree2a09230764d798a860a2ac1fec37d0d67b471eb0 /Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/acmart/sample-sigchi-a.tex
parent55d9827b710e8c945cd35bd1efec973bf7d53698 (diff)
acmart (10may16)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/acmart/sample-sigchi-a.tex')
1 files changed, 430 insertions, 0 deletions
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+\documentclass[sigchi-a, authorversion]{acmart}
+\usepackage{booktabs} % For formal tables
+\usepackage{ccicons} % For Creative Commons citation icons
+% Copyright
+% DOI
+\acmConference[WOODSTOCK'97]{ACM Woodstock conference}{July 1997}{El
+ Paso, Texas USA}
+\title{SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Sample File}
+\author{First Author}
+\affiliation{University of Author\\
+ Authortown, CA 94022, USA}
+\author{Second Author}
+\affiliation{VP, Authoring\\
+ Authorship Holdings, Ltd.\\
+ Awdur SA22 8PP, UK}
+\author{Third Author \\
+ Fourth Author}
+\affiliation{L\={e}khaka Labs\\
+ Bengaluru 560 080, India}
+\author{Fifth Author}
+\affiliation{YetAuthorCo, Inc.\\
+ Authortown, BC V6M 22P Canada}
+\author{Sixth Author}
+\affiliation{Universit\'e de Auteur-Sud\\
+ 40222 Auteur France}
+\author{Seventh Author}
+\affiliation{University of Umbhali\\
+ Pretoria, South Africa}
+% The code below should be generated by the tool at
+% Please copy and paste the code instead of the example below.
+ <concept>
+ <concept_id>10010520.10010553.10010562</concept_id>
+ <concept_desc>Computer systems organization~Embedded systems</concept_desc>
+ <concept_significance>500</concept_significance>
+ </concept>
+ <concept>
+ <concept_id>10010520.10010575.10010755</concept_id>
+ <concept_desc>Computer systems organization~Redundancy</concept_desc>
+ <concept_significance>300</concept_significance>
+ </concept>
+ <concept>
+ <concept_id>10010520.10010553.10010554</concept_id>
+ <concept_desc>Computer systems organization~Robotics</concept_desc>
+ <concept_significance>100</concept_significance>
+ </concept>
+ <concept>
+ <concept_id>10003033.10003083.10003095</concept_id>
+ <concept_desc>Networks~Network reliability</concept_desc>
+ <concept_significance>100</concept_significance>
+ </concept>
+\ccsdesc[500]{Computer systems organization~Embedded systems}
+\ccsdesc[300]{Computer systems organization~Redundancy}
+\ccsdesc{Computer systems organization~Robotics}
+\ccsdesc[100]{Networks~Network reliability}
+% We no longer use \terms command
+ UPDATED---\today. This sample paper describes the formatting
+ requirements for SIGCHI Extended Abstract Format, and this sample
+ file offers recommendations on writing for the worldwide SIGCHI
+ readership. Please review this document even if you have submitted
+ to SIGCHI conferences before, as some format details have changed
+ relative to previous years. Abstracts should be about 150
+ words. Required.
+\keywords{Authors' choice; of terms; separated; by
+ semicolons; include commas, within terms only; required.}
+ \textbf{Good Utilization of the Side Bar}
+ \textbf{Preparation:} Do not change the margin
+ dimensions and do not flow the margin text to the
+ next page.
+ \textbf{Materials:} The margin box must not intrude
+ or overflow into the header or the footer, or the gutter space
+ between the margin paragraph and the main left column.
+ \textbf{Images \& Figures:} Practically anything
+ can be put in the margin if it fits. Use the
+ \texttt{{\textbackslash}marginparwidth} constant to set the
+ width of the figure, table, minipage, or whatever you are trying
+ to fit in this skinny space.
+ \caption{This is the optional caption}
+ \label{bar:sidebar}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=\marginparwidth]{sigchi-logo}
+ \caption{Insert a caption below each figure.}
+ \label{fig:sample}
+This format is to be used for submissions that are published in the
+conference publications. We wish to give this volume a consistent,
+high-quality appearance. We therefore ask that authors follow some
+simple guidelines. In essence, you should format your paper exactly
+like this document. The easiest way to do this is to replace the
+content with your own material.
+\section{ACM Copyrights \& Permission}
+Accepted extended abstracts and papers will be distributed in the
+Conference Publications. They will also be placed in the ACM Digital
+Library, where they will remain accessible to thousands of researchers
+and practitioners worldwide. To view the ACM's copyright and
+permissions policy, see:
+\section{Page Size}
+All SIGCHI submissions should be US letter (8.5 $\times$ 11
+inches). US Letter is the standard option used by this \LaTeX\
+\section{Text Formatting}
+Please use an 8.5-point Verdana font, or other sans serifs font as
+close as possible in appearance to Verdana in which these guidelines
+have been set. Arial 9-point font is a reasonable substitute for
+Verdana as it has a similar x-height. Please use serif or
+non-proportional fonts only for special purposes, such as
+distinguishing \texttt{source code} text.
+\subsubsection{Text styles}
+The \LaTeX\ template facilitates text formatting for normal (for body
+text); heading 1, heading 2, heading 3; bullet list; numbered list;
+caption; annotation (for notes in the narrow left margin); and
+references (for bibliographic entries). Additionally, here is an
+example of footnoted\footnote{Use footnotes sparingly, if at all.}
+text. As stated in the footnote, footnotes should rarely be used.
+ \centering
+ \caption{Table captions should be placed above the table. We
+ recommend table lines be 1 point, 25\% black. Minimize use of
+ table grid lines.}
+ \label{tab:table1}
+ \begin{tabular}{l r r r}
+% \toprule
+ & & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\small{\textbf{Test Conditions}}} \\
+ \cmidrule(r){3-4}
+ {\small\textit{Name}}
+ & {\small \textit{First}}
+ & {\small \textit{Second}}
+ & {\small \textit{Final}} \\
+ \midrule
+ Marsden & 223.0 & 44 & 432,321 \\
+ Nass & 22.2 & 16 & 234,333 \\
+ Borriello & 22.9 & 11 & 93,123 \\
+ Karat & 34.9 & 2200 & 103,322 \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+\subsection{Language, style, and content}
+The written and spoken language of SIGCHI is English. Spelling and
+punctuation may use any dialect of English (e.g., British, Canadian,
+US, etc.) provided this is done consistently. Hyphenation is
+optional. To ensure suitability for an international audience, please
+pay attention to the following:
+\item Write in a straightforward style. Use simple sentence
+ structure. Try to avoid long sentences and complex sentence
+ structures. Use semicolons carefully.
+\item Use common and basic vocabulary (e.g., use the word ``unusual''
+ rather than the word ``arcane'').
+\item Briefly define or explain all technical terms. The terminology
+ common to your practice/discipline may be different in other design
+ practices/disciplines.
+\item Spell out all acronyms the first time they are used in your
+ text. For example, ``World Wide Web (WWW)''.
+\item Explain local references (e.g., not everyone knows all city
+ names in a particular country).
+\item Explain ``insider'' comments. Ensure that your whole audience
+ understands any reference whose meaning you do not describe (e.g.,
+ do not assume that everyone has used a Macintosh or a particular
+ application).
+\item Explain colloquial language and puns. Understanding phrases like
+ ``red herring'' requires a cultural knowledge of English. Humor and
+ irony are difficult to translate.
+\item Use unambiguous forms for culturally localized concepts, such as
+ times, dates, currencies, and numbers (e.g., ``1-5- 97'' or
+ ``5/1/97'' may mean 5 January or 1 May, and ``seven o'clock'' may
+ mean 7:00 am or 19:00). For currencies, indicate equivalences:
+ ``Participants were paid {\fontfamily{txr}\selectfont \textwon}
+ 25,000, or roughly US \$22.''
+\item Be careful with the use of gender-specific pronouns (he, she)
+ and other gender-specific words (chairman, manpower,
+ man-months). Use inclusive language (e.g., she or he, they, chair,
+ staff, staff-hours, person-years) that is gender-neutral. If
+ necessary, you may be able to use ``he'' and ``she'' in alternating
+ sentences, so that the two genders occur equally
+ often~\cite{Schwartz:1995:GBF}.
+\item If possible, use the full (extended) alphabetic character set
+ for names of persons, institutions, and places (e.g.,
+ Gr{\o}nb{\ae}k, Lafreni\'ere, S\'anchez, Nguy{\~{\^{e}}}n,
+ Universit{\"a}t, Wei{\ss}enbach, Z{\"u}llighoven, \r{A}rhus, etc.).
+ These characters are already included in most versions and variants
+ of Times, Helvetica, and Arial fonts.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=\marginparwidth]{cats}
+ \caption{In this image, the cats are tessellated within a square
+ frame. Images should also have captions and be within the
+ boundaries of the sidebar on page~\pageref{bar:sidebar}. Photo:
+ \cczero~jofish on Flickr.}
+ \label{fig:marginfig}
+The examples on this and following pages should help you get a feel
+for how screen-shots and other figures should be placed in the
+template. Your document may use color figures (see
+Figures~\ref{fig:sample}), which are included in the page limit; the
+figures must be usable when printed in black and white. You can use
+the \texttt{marginfigure} environment to insert figures in the (left) margin
+of the document (see Figure~\ref{fig:marginfig}). Finally, be sure to
+make images large enough so the important details are legible and
+clear (see Figure~\ref{fig:cats}).
+ \includegraphics[width=\fulltextwidth]{map}
+ \caption{In this image, the map maximizes use of space.
+ Note that \LaTeX\ tends to render large figures on a
+ dedicated page. Image: \ccbynd~ayman on Flickr.}~\label{fig:cats}
+ \centering
+ \caption{A simple narrow table in the left margin
+ space.}
+ \label{tab:table2}
+ \begin{tabular}{r r l}
+ & {\small \textbf{First}}
+ & {\small \textbf{Location}} \\
+ \toprule
+ Child & 22.5 & Melbourne \\
+ Adult & 22.0 & Bogot\'a \\
+ \midrule
+ Gene & 22.0 & Palo Alto \\
+ John & 34.5 & Minneapolis \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+You man use tables inline with the text (see Table~\ref{tab:table1})
+or within the margin as shown in Table~\ref{tab:table2}. Try to
+minimize the use of lines (especially vertical lines). \LaTeX\ will
+set the table font and captions sizes correctly; the latter must
+remain unchanged.
+The Executive Council of SIGCHI has committed to making SIGCHI
+conferences more inclusive for researchers, practitioners, and
+educators with disabilities. As a part of this goal, the all authors
+are asked to work on improving the accessibility of their
+submissions. Specifically, we encourage authors to carry out the
+following five steps:
+\item Add alternative text to all figures
+\item Mark table headings
+\item Generate a tagged PDF
+\item Verify the default language
+\item Set the tab order to ``Use Document Structure''
+For links to instructions and resources, please see:
+Unfortunately good tools do not yet exist to create tagged PDF files
+from Latex (see the ongoing effort at
+\url{}). \LaTeX\ users will need to
+carry out all of the above steps in the PDF directly using Adobe
+Acrobat, after the PDF has been generated.
+For more information and links to instructions and resources, please
+\url{} and
+\section{Producing and Testing PDF Files}
+We recommend that you produce a PDF version of your submission well
+before the final deadline. Your PDF file must be ACM DL Compliant and
+meet stated requirements,
+ So long as you don't type outside the right
+ margin or bleed into the gutter, it's okay to put annotations over
+ here on the left. You may need to have
+ to manually align the margin paragraphs to your \LaTeX\ floats using
+ the \texttt{{\textbackslash}vspace{}} command.
+Test your PDF file by viewing or printing it with the same software we
+will use when we receive it, Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 10. This is
+widely available at no cost. Note that most reviewers will use a North
+American/European version of Acrobat reader, so please check your PDF
+We thank all the volunteers, publications support, staff, and authors
+who wrote and provided helpful comments on previous versions of this
+document. As well authors 1, 2, and 3 gratefully acknowledge the grant
+from NSF (\#1234--2222--ABC). Author 4 for example may want to
+acknowledge a supervisor/manager from their original employer. This
+whole paragraph is just for example. Some of the references cited in
+this paper are included for illustrative purposes only.
+\section{References Format}
+Your references should be published materials accessible to the
+public. Internal technical reports may be cited only if they are
+easily accessible and may be obtained by any reader for a nominal fee.
+Proprietary information may not be cited. Private communications
+should be acknowledged in the main text, not referenced (e.g.,
+[Golovchinsky, personal communication]). References must be the same
+font size as other body text. References should be in alphabetical
+order by last name of first author. Use a numbered list of references
+at the end of the article, ordered alphabetically by last name of
+first author, and referenced by numbers in brackets. For papers from
+conference proceedings, include the title of the paper and the name of
+the conference. Do not include the location of the conference or the
+exact date; do include the page numbers if available.
+References should be in ACM citation format:
+\url{}. This
+includes citations to Internet
+according to ACM format, although it is often appropriate to include
+URLs directly in the text, as above. Example reference formatting for
+individual journal articles~\cite{ethics}, articles in conference
+books~\cite{Schwartz:1995:GBF}, theses~\cite{sutherland:sketchpad},
+book chapters~\cite{winner:politics}, an entire journal
+tweets~\cite{CHINOSAUR:venue}, patents~\cite{heilig:sensorama},
+games~\cite{supermetroid:snes}, and
+online videos~\cite{psy:gangnam} is given here. See the examples of
+citations at the end of this document and in the accompanying
+\texttt{BibTeX} document. This formatting is a edited version of the
+format automatically generated by the ACM Digital Library
+(\url{}) as ``ACM Ref''. DOI and/or URL links are
+optional but encouraged as are full first names. Note that the
+Hyperlink style used throughout this document uses blue links;
+however, URLs in the references section may optionally appear in