path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/shapepar/shapepar.ltx
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authorKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:56:57 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:56:57 +0000
commitf07bb53970ee2ecc53f81a206a3d3a67ef665e4a (patch)
tree6f57a1d62971db79e5ff023bdfd83b22cb971dc9 /Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/shapepar/shapepar.ltx
parent007f67a693e4d031fd3d792df8e4d5f43e2cb2e7 (diff)
doc 6
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/shapepar/shapepar.ltx')
1 files changed, 1039 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/shapepar/shapepar.ltx b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/shapepar/shapepar.ltx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a583ad0d4a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/shapepar/shapepar.ltx
@@ -0,0 +1,1039 @@
+% shapepar.ltx Manual for shapepar.sty
+% Version 2.0 (Dec 2002)
+% Copyright (c) 1993,2002 Donald Arseneau
+% These definitions may be freely transmitted, reproduced, or modified
+% provided that any modifications are clearly identified and this notice
+% is left intact.
+\addtolength{\topskip}{0pt plus 8pt}
+ \vskip 0pt plus 12pt \penalty 50 \vskip 0pt plus -12pt
+ \begingroup\samepage
+ \paragraph*{\textbackslash #1} #2\unskip\strut\\*
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}p{.15\linewidth}@{}p{.85\linewidth}@{}}
+ Type: \ & \rightskip\fill #3\\
+ Default: \ & \rightskip\fill #4\\
+ Set with: \ & \rightskip\fill #5\\
+ Example: \ & \rightskip\fill #6
+ \end{tabular}
+ \par \endgroup
+% Code from: underscore.sty 12-Oct-2001 Donald Arseneau
+% Make the "_" character print as "\textunderscore" in text.
+ \catcode`\_=\active
+ \gdef_{% \relax % No relax gives a small vulnerability in alignments
+ \ifx\if@safe@actives\iftrue % must be outermost test!
+ \string_%
+ \else
+ \ifx\protect\@typeset@protect
+ \ifmmode \sb \else \BreakableUnderscore \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx\protect\@unexpandable@protect \noexpand_%
+ \else \protect_%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi}
+% At begin: set catcode; fix \long \ttdefault so I can use it in comparisons;
+ {\immediate\write\@auxout{\catcode\number\string`\_ \string\active}}%
+ \catcode\string`\_\string=\active
+ \edef\ttdefault{\ttdefault}%
+ \ifx\f@family\ttdefault \string_\else \textunderscore\fi
+ \usc@dischyph\nobreak\hskip\z@skip}
+ \ifmmode \nfss@text{\textunderscore}\else \BreakableUnderscore \fi}
+% end of underscore.sty extract %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\author{Donald Arseneau\\ Vancouver, Canada\\}
+\date{v 2.0 \ Dec 2002}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Active character definitions:
+ \ifdim 0pt=\lastskip\penalty200 \fi
+ \catcode`\{11 \catcode`\}11 \catcode`\%11
+ \moreV}
+ \def\LtxCode{#1}%
+ \texttt{\ignorespaces
+ \expandafter\Meaningless\meaning\LtxCode
+ \unskip}%
+ \endgroup}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End active character definitions
+"\shapepar": a macro to typeset paragraphs in a specific shape. The
+size is adjusted automatically so that the entire shape is filled
+with text. This package is for Plain \TeX, \LaTeX, or similar.
+\section{\textbackslash shapepar and \textbackslash Shapepar}
+The "\shapepar" macro (or `command') is used to typeset paragraphs
+of a specified shape, where
+the total size is adjusted automatically so that the entire shape is
+filled with text, and the shape may include separate pieces and
+holes. This is distinct from the normal "\parshape" command
+which specifies a simple shape \emph{and} a size that may be partially
+filled, or over-filled, from top to bottom. In a "\shapepar" there
+can be no displayed math, and no `"\vadjust"' material, (including
+"\vspace"). This style is mainly
+intended for cards, invitations etc., not for whole books! Although
+short paragraphs process much faster, only long paragraphs accurately
+fill complex shapes.
+These macros work for both \LaTeX\ and plain \TeX. For \LaTeX, specify
+"\usepackage""{shapepar}", or for Plain, "\input" "shapepar.sty".
+The command "\shapepar" should be used at the beginning of a paragraph,
+and it applies to the entire paragraph. There is one optional length
+parameter: a fixed scale, <scale_len>; and one required parameter:
+a description of the shape, <shape_spec>.
+"\shapepar" "["<scale_len>"]""{"<shape_spec>"}" Text of the paragraph
+The text of the paragraph is delimited by a blank line or "\par", but
+is not literally a \emph{parameter}, so verbatim macros will work there.
+If you want to typeset two paragraphs in one shape, then use
+"\endgraf" or "\\" to split them.
+Ordinarily, the scale is calculated automatically so the pargaraph
+best fills the shape. If a scale length is given, then the shape is
+reproduced so one unit of the <shape_spec> equals the <scale_len>, and
+the shape is filled with white space after the paragraph text.
+The <scale_len> is much like "\unitlength" for the picture environment.
+For an application of a fixed scale, see the "\CDlabel" macro.
+With the "\shapepar" command, the text will be typeset centered on the
+page using the specified shape (specifically, the shape's <h_center>
+will be centered on the page; see below). A "\shapepar" should not
+break across pages (due to inter-line penalties) but that feature is
+not guaranteed.
+The "\Shapepar" macro (capital~S) typesets the shaped paragraph in a box
+("\vtop" or "\parbox""[t]") without extra horizontal padding. If it occurs
+in vertical mode, special care is taken with the line-spacing around
+this box, but the line-spacing might be better with plain "\shapepar".
+"\Shapepar" is particularly useful for "\fbox" or "\put".
+\section{\textbackslash cutout}
+A shaped paragraph can be incorporated with the page in a third way:
+nestled in a cut-out at the side of the running text.
+"\cutout" "{"<side>"}" "("<h_offset>","<v_offset>")" <settings> "\shapepar" \dots
+The <side> argument is required, and must be `l' or `r', indicating
+which margin (left or right) the shape should occupy. By default (in
+the absence of other parameters) the shaped paragraph will be placed so
+its center-line (<h_center>) is at the specified edge of the running
+text, and its first line is level with the first line of the ensuing
+text. This position may be changed by specifying the optional horizontal
+and vertical offset distances "("<h_offset>","<v_offset>")" in
+parentheses. A positive <h_offset> moves the shape further right, and a
+positive <v_offset> moves it down. A negative <v_offset> will move the
+shape upwards, where it might overlap preceding text, which will
+\emph{not} be cut away to accommodate.
+Yes, the text coming after the "\cutout" "\shapepar" is cut out (surprise!)
+to fit the shape, leaving a gap of `"\cutoutsep"'. This length (dimen)
+parameter is initialized to 12\,pt; you may set it as you please.
+The cutout separation is applied by looking at the paragraph shape
+expanded by "\cutoutsep" in all directions, to give the same gap at
+every slope. The cutout only lasts for one paragraph.\footnote
+{Re-defining \texttt{\string\p ar} for the extent of the cutout is an
+attractive feature, but has conflicts with various \TeX\ formats.
+It seems best to leave the paragraph control in the hands of the user.
+This will likely change in the future.}
+To extend the effect further, divide paragraphs with
+`"\\[\parskip""]" "\indent"' (\LaTeX) or `"\hfill" "\break" "\indent"'
+so \TeX\ does not treat them as separate paragraphs.
+Furthermore, the cut-out paragraph should not end in a local
+group, so make sure there is an explicit "\par" or blank line
+there, outside of braces.
+\font\cmsybig=cmsy10 at 1.2in
+\newcommand\BigO{{\cmsybig \char10}}
+\indent The combination of "\cutout" with fixed scale allows an
+entirely different application: producing cutouts for graphics. First,
+produce a rough <shape_spec> for the image to delineate its left and
+right borders (you can ignore all internal detail) or use an appropriate
+pre-defined shape. Then use "\includegraphics" as the text of the
+shaped paragraph. There is a difficulty though: we want the image
+to take the place of the entire paragraph, not to stand up on the
+top line. There are a number of methods for lowering the graphic
+appropriately (and some methods that will not work with "\shapepar");
+three that work are:
+"\hfill\makebox[0pt][c]{""\raisebox""{1ex-\height}" \% requires calc.sty \\*
+\qquad" {\includegraphics{"<file>"}}}" \\*
+or \\
+" \vspace {-1ex} % \vspace works here only"\\*
+" \centerline{ \includegraphics{"<file>"} }"\\*
+and, most general,\\
+The first two adjust the height automatically, but assume the
+top line of the shape is horizontally centered. The picture
+environment handles positioning more flexibly, but requires
+you to provide parameters $x,y$. Just try approximate values,
+make a test run, measure the offset, and correct. This should
+only require one trial, not an endless cycle. Because the
+reference point for the shaped paragraph is based on the \emph{text}
+it contains, and not just the specified shape, some adjustment
+will usually be needed to position a shaped paragraph precisely.
+% For example,
+%this paragraph begins with
+%(I used a big symbol rather than including a graphics file
+%with this manual.)
+There are some shapes predefined in shapepar.sty (square, circle,
+circle-with-hole, diamond, heart, star and hex-nut) which are used as
+examples in the instructions below. Each of these shapes is stored in
+a macro, and there is a command to use that shape:
+"\squareshape"& "\squarepar"& Square \\
+"\circleshape"& "\circlepar"& Circle \\
+"\CDshape" & "\CDlabel" & Circle with circular hole ("\CDlabel" uses\\
+ & & a fixed scale to fit a compact disc)\\
+"\diamondshape" & "\diamondpar" & Rhomboid `diamond' ($\diamondsuit$)\\
+"\heartshape" & "\heartpar" & Heart (symbolic shape $\heartsuit$)\\
+"\starshape" & "\starpar" & Five-point star\\
+"\nutshape" & "\nutpar" & Nut for bolt (hexagon with circular hole)
+For example, "\heartpar{"<text>"}" performs
+"\shapepar" "{\heartshape}" <text>"\ \ $""\heartsuit""$""\par"
+(ending the text with a heart symbol).
+More shape definitions are provided in separate files named
+$*$shape.def. Look on your disk to be sure, but the
+list should include:
+candleshape & A burning candle\\
+TeXshape & The \TeX\ logo\\
+Canflagshape & The Canadian flag
+% USAshape & The American flag
+Please contribute your shapes!
+Although defining shapes by hand can be difficult, there are
+programs to aid you.
+\subsection{ by Man\-uel Gu\-ti\-er\-rez Al\-ga\-ba}
+\shapepar\bassshape (ver 1.1) is a python script written by Man\-uel
+Gu\-ti\-er\-rez Al\-ga\-ba to produce shape definitions from rough
+`ascii art'. There is no instruction manual, so here are Donald
+Arseneau's observations. There is not much of a user interface; look
+in (which is a plain text file) and see how the various
+`test' shapes are defined (note the triple-double quotes). Choose
+one of them, or add a new one, then change the line `test = test3' to select
+the desired picture. Execute `python' which will output a
+definition of "\bassshape" to the screen and to the file `result.tex'.
+The goul\-ish face you see here is the test3 shape. You should be
+aware that the characters in the ascii input are treated as square,
+even though they are taller than they are wide, so the output shape
+specification will be taller and thinner than the input text. There
+also seems to be a problem with all `bottoms': flat bottoms of text
+blocks and of holes are expanded downwards to end at a point. Compare
+this face to the original face in Warning: These
+instructions and observations are probably wrong; the author does not
+program in python so can't even read the code properly. For now, look
+for bundled with shapepar.sty.
+\vspace{0pt plus 5cm}
+\penalty 0
+\vspace{0pt plus -5cm}
+\penalty 9999
+\subsection{ShapePatch by Christian Gollwitzer}
+\hyphenation{trans-fig shape-patch}
+ShapePatch is an amazing utility written by Christian Gollwitzer. It
+allows you to simply draw the shape you want with Xfig, and then
+convert it to a shapepar shape definition, either by manually running
+fig2dev (a component of transfig), or by choosing `Export/Shape' in
+Xfig. Its odd name is indicative of its implementation: it is an
+upgrade or `patch' to both the Xfig program and the transfig tool-set.
+ShapePatch can be found on \textsc{ctan} under
+"graphics/""trans""fig-shape""patch", and includes instructions
+(\textsc{readme}) and sample shapes besides the patch itself. This
+smiley face is one of the sample shapes. In the future, the
+ShapePatch utility will be included in transfig, so there will be no
+need to install the patch. Besides enabling a graphical utility
+(Xfig) to produce shapepar specifications, the ShapePatch upgrade
+opens up great libraries of existing Fig clip-art to be used for
+paragraph shapes. For example, a Canadian flag taken from the Xfig
+flag library is one of the examples provided with ShapePatch, for
+comparison with the hand-coded one bundled with shapepar.sty. (I
+prefer my own version because there is an error in the maple leaf
+shape on the Xfig flag library version. The error is not the fault of
+ShapePatch, but ShapePatch faithfully reproduces the faulty shape.)
+\section{Shape Syntax}
+The syntax rules for <shape_spec> are very specific, and must be
+followed closely. In these rules, "{ }" mean explicit braces, [~]
+denote optional parts, <~> surround a keyword that is defined (perhaps
+loosely), and $|$ means `or'; do not type [~] <~> or~$|$, but do type "{ }".
+<shape_spec> = "{"<h_center>"}" <lines> \\[\topsep]
+<lines> = <line_spec> [ "\\"<lines> ]
+That is, the shape is specified as a single number in braces, followed
+by the specifications for the lines, with the lines separated by "\\". The
+resulting paragraph will have its <h_center> position centered on the page,
+or used as a reference point. It is a number like 10.5, without explicit
+units, but using the same length scale as the
+lengths and positions in the <lines>. Ordinarily, shapepar will
+determine the unit length that best fits the text, but will use
+a fixed scale when specified for "\shapepar".
+The lines in the spec are not lines of text, nor are they the lines
+that you would use to draw the shape itself. They are horizontal
+scans across the shape at regular or irregular intervals. Complex
+curved shapes need
+many scan lines for accurate rendering, while simple shapes need only
+a few. To determine the line specifications, start by drawing the
+shape on paper, then draw a series of horizontal lines across it,
+including lines that just touch the top and the bottom of the figure,
+and, preferably, lines through each sharp corner.
+Each line crosses over pieces of the figure in some region. These
+intersections of line and figure define a <line_spec>.
+<line_spec> = "{"<v_pos>"}" <segment> [ other <segment>s ]
+The <v_pos> is the vertical position of the line, increasing from top to
+bottom. Each <line_spec> usually has a position greater than or equal
+to that of the previous line, and with all <v_pos>${} > -1000$. The
+exception is that between consecutive lines relating to completely
+disconnected parts of the figure the <v_pos> may decrease (backspacing).
+This allows text to flow from one disconnected area to another in
+sequence (see the Canadian flag shape). Each <segment> represents a
+region where text will go in the final paragraph; it is the segment of
+the horizontal scan line that overlaps the body of the figure. There
+are five types of segment:
+<segment> \ = \ "t{"<pos>"}{"<len>"}" \ $|$ \ "b{"<pos>"}" \ $|$ \
+ "e{"<pos>"}" \ $|$ \ "s" \ $|$ \ "j" \\[\topsep]
+ "b{"<pos>"}" & begin text block at a point at horizontal position <pos>\\
+ "e{"<pos>"}" & end text at a point at horizontal position <pos>\\
+ "t{"<pos>"}{"<len>"}" & text segment at position <pos> with length <len>\\
+ "s" & split text block (begin a gap)\\
+ "j" & join two text blocks (end a gap)
+The most common type of segment is "t" (text). The other types are
+degenerate in that they are single points rather than finite segments.
+Types "s" and "j" have no explicit position, but they must appear between
+text segments, and those texts should abut; e.g., "t{3}{2}st{5}{4}"
+(text from 3 to 5 and text from 5 to 9).
+%\subsection{Diamond shape example}
+Let's jump right into a simple example, and the meanings will be
+\put(20,120){\vector(1,0){35} \ $_{\textstyle x}$}
+\put(162,144){\makebox[0pt]{$(x=3,\ y=0)$}}
+% (x=3,y=0)
+% .
+% +---> x
+% ! (0,4) . . (6,4)
+% !
+% V y
+% .
+% (3,8)
+\caption{Diamond shape, showing vertex locations and scan lines.}
+A rhombus `diamond' shape can have the four vertices, with
+coordinates shown in figure~\ref{fig:diamond}.
+This shape can be exactly specified by just three scan lines passing
+through the vertices. The intersections of the scan lines with the
+shape's edges occurs at the vertices and so the shape specification is:
+"{3}" & <h_center>: $x = 3$\\
+"{0}b{3}\\" & text block begins at point $y=0, x=3$\\
+"{4}t{0}{6}\\" & scan (at $y=4$) crosses text (len~6) starting at $x=0$\\
+"{8}e{3}" & text block ends at point $y=8, x=3$
+Other specification lines, such as
+could be inserted, but would make no difference~-- the shape is
+interpolated linearly between scan lines.
+%\subsection{Valid specs}
+Every block of text must start with a "b" specifier and end with an "e"
+spec on some line below. Every segment specified by "t" must have a
+length greater than zero. If two blocks of text merge to form one (like
+at the notch of a heart shape) there should be a "j" spec at the point of
+junction. If one block bifurcates or splits (like at the top of a hole in
+a doughnut) there should be an "s" spec.
+Thus, the first line for any valid shape description must consist
+of only "b" segment descriptors; the last line can only have "e" type
+descriptors. Although the definition of the units is arbitrary, the
+numbers should range in magnitude from ${\sim}\,0.1$ to 100 to avoid
+numeric overflows and underflows.
+If there are errors in the format of the specification, "\shapepar"
+might complain with the error message
+Shaped Paragraph Error: Error in specification. Check carefully!
+At this point you may as well type "x" or "e", to exit from \TeX,
+as there is very little chance that {\TeX} will continue successfully.
+You might also get one of \TeX's regular error messages, like
+Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).\\[3pt]
+Missing number, treated as zero.
+or you might get no error message at all, just ridiculous formatting.
+Check shape syntax carefully against the rules and the examples before
+running them through \TeX.
+%\subsection{Square example}
+What to do if the figure does not start at a point~-- if it has a flat
+top? It can start at a single point, but have the next scan line at
+the same vertical position! A square paragraph is specified by:
+ "{1}" & centerline is at $x=1$\\
+ "{0}b{0}\\" & begin at $(0,0)$\\
+ "{0}t{0}{2}\\" & text at $y=0$, width${}=2$\\
+ "{2}t{0}{2}\\" & text at $y=2$, width${}=2$\\
+ "{2}e{1}" & end at $(1,2)$
+%\subsection{Heart example}
+Now let's get more ambitious. A heart shape must have two simultaneous
+beginnings, a short stretch where there are two separated text areas
+ending with a join,
+whereafter there is just one block of text leading to the final
+bottom point. Figure \ref{fig:heart} shows the heart-shape
+{20}{0} b{13.32} b{26.68}
+\\{.14} t{10.12}{4.42} t{25.46}{4.42}
+\\{.7} t{9.14}{7.16} t{23.7}{7.16}
+\\{1.4} t{8.4}{9.02} t{22.58}{9.02}
+\\{2.1} t{7.82}{10.42} t{21.76}{10.42}
+\\{2.8} t{7.36}{11.58} t{21.06}{11.58}
+\\{3.5} t{6.98}{12.56} t{20.46}{12.56}
+\\{4.2} t{6.68}{13.32} j t{20}{13.32}
+\\{4.9} t{6.48}{27.04}
+\\{5.6} t{6.34}{27.32}
+\\{6.3} t{6.28}{27.44}
+\\{7} t{6.26}{27.48}
+\\{7.7} t{6.27}{27.46}
+\\{8.4} t{6.32}{27.36}
+\\{9.1} t{6.4}{27.2}
+\\{9.8} t{6.52}{26.96}
+\\{10.5} t{6.68}{26.64}
+\\{11.9} t{7.12}{25.76}
+\\{13.3} t{7.72}{24.56}
+\\{14.7} t{8.51}{22.98}
+\\{16.1} t{9.5}{21}
+\\{17.5} t{10.69}{18.62}
+\\{18.9} t{12.08}{15.84}
+\\{20.3} t{13.7}{12.6}
+\\{21.7} t{15.62}{8.76}
+\\{22.4} t{16.7}{6.6}
+\\{23.1} t{17.87}{4.26}
+\\{24.6} e{20}
+\hspace*{0pt plus 1fill minus \linewidth}%
+\mbox{ }In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes,
+~For they in thee a thousand errors note,
+~But is my heart that loves what they despise,
+~Who in despite of view is pleased to dote;
+~Nor are mine ears with thy tongue's tune delighted,
+~Nor tender feeling to base touches prone,
+~Nor taste nor smell, desire to be invited
+~To any sensual feast with thee alone;
+~But my five wits nor my five senses can
+~Dissuade one foolish heart from serving thee,
+~Who leaves unswayed the likeness of a man,
+~Thy proud heart's slave and vassal wretch to be;
+~Only my plague thus far I count my gain,
+~That she that makes me sin awards me pain.}
+\caption{Specification for the heart shape, and an example.}
+Find the two "b" specifiers at the beginning, and find the "j" a few
+lines below; notice that above the "j" there are two segments per line,
+but only one below it~-- the two lobes join at the "j"
+point: 20. I drew this heart freehand, and measured
+lengths from the sketch, so you should be able to do better! The spec
+has many scan lines so that the smooth curves are preserved, but there
+are probably more lines than necessary.
+%\subsection{Holes -- nut shape}
+Text shapes can have holes. For example, a doughnut-shape would have a "b"
+on the first line, followed by some lines with a single "t", then a line with
+"t s t" at the start of the hole. The hole is represented by lines with two
+"t" specs~-- the gap between them is the hole. A line with "t j t" ends the
+hole. There are more lines with single "t", and then an "e" line to end
+with. Such a doughnut is used by the "\CDlabel" shape, but the
+example given in Figure~\ref{fig:nut} is a nut. Not a doughnut, but a hex-nut (for a
+machine screw or bolt)~-- a regular hexagon with a circular hole in the center.
+The hexagon is flat on top and bottom so the specification begins and
+ends like the square shape. The circle is rendered as a 24-gon, beginning
+with a split ("s") of the surrounding text and ending with a join ("j").
+If the spacing of the scan lines looks odd, it is because the hexagon alone
+would need just 5 scan lines (at only 3 distinct locations), but the circle
+needs many; the points on the circle are at 15-degree intervals.
+{0} b{0}\\
+{0} t{-12.5}{25}\\
+{11.65} t{-19.23}{19.23} s t{0}{19.23}\\
+{11.99} t{-19.42}{16.835} t{2.59}{16.835}\\
+{12.99} t{-20}{15} t{5}{15}\\
+{14.58} t{-20.92}{13.85} t{7.07}{13.85}\\
+{16.65} t{-22.11}{13.45} t{8.66}{13.45}\\
+{19.06} t{-23.51}{13.85} t{9.66}{13.85}\\
+{21.65} t{-25}{15} t{10}{15}\\
+{24.24} t{-23.51}{13.85} t{9.66}{13.85}\\
+{26.65} t{-22.11}{13.45} t{8.66}{13.45}\\
+{28.72} t{-20.92}{13.85} t{7.07}{13.85}\\
+{30.31} t{-20}{15} t{5}{15}\\
+{31.31} t{-19.42}{16.835} t{2.59}{16.835}\\
+{31.65} t{-19.23}{19.23} j t{0}{19.23}\\
+{43.3} t{-12.5}{25}\\
+{43.3} e{0}
+\caption{Specification for the nut shape.
+(The definition in shapepar.sty is the same except that
+the spaces are removed.)}
+There are several parameters that control details of how "\shapepar"
+functions, varying from those (one) that will be set often, to some that
+are cryptic, and require editing shapepar.sty itself. Here we will
+explain some of those operational details and the parameters that
+control them.
+\subsection{Cut-out separation}
+The cutout separation is applied by looking at the paragraph shape
+expanded by "\cutoutsep" in `all' directions, to give the same gap at
+every slope. That is a white lie. The shape's `"\parshape"' is
+actually regenerated at a finer line-spacing (but the same scale factor
+as for the shaped paragraph), and the leftmost (or rightmost) position
+of each finer-parshape line is used to exclude an octagon (as an
+approximation to a circle) centered on that position. The octagon is not
+even regular, but is extended vertically by
+$\hbox{"\cutoutsepstretch"}\times\hbox{"\baselineskip"}$ to allow
+for the height and depth of characters. Figure~\ref{fig:cutoutsep}
+illustrates these parameters.
+ \xdef\CUa{\Pointless\cutoutsep}
+ \lineskiplimit=.414\cutoutsep
+ \xdef\CUb{\Pointless\lineskiplimit}
+ \advance\lineskiplimit\cutoutsepstretch\baselineskip
+ \xdef\CUc{\Pointless\lineskiplimit}
+ \advance\lineskiplimit .586\cutoutsep
+ \xdef\CUd{\Pointless\lineskiplimit}
+ \lineskiplimit=.586\cutoutsep
+ \xdef\CUe{\Pointless\lineskiplimit}
+ \lineskiplimit=\cutoutsep
+ \advance\lineskiplimit -5pt
+ \xdef\CUf{\Pointless\lineskiplimit}
+ \advance\lineskiplimit\cutoutsepstretch\baselineskip
+ \xdef\CUg{\Pointless\lineskiplimit}
+% Outer Octagon
+% Inner Octagon
+% Distance arrows
+% Distance labels
+\put(\CUf,0){\makebox[0pt]{$c$ \ \ }}
+ \unitlength=.5pt % half-distances for centered labels
+ \put(-\CUa,-15){\makebox[0pt]{$a$}}
+ \put(-12,\CUd){$d$}
+ \put(28,\CUa){$a$}
+Figure \thefigure: This is an example with a tiny (unrecognizable)
+square shaped `paragraph' and a large cutout separation. Here "\cutoutsep" is
+set to \the\cutoutsep, and "\cutoutsepstretch" is \cutoutsepstretch. Since the
+`paragraph' is so small (`A'), and the separation so great, the cutout
+is dominated by the octagonal expansion of the shape which
+is drawn for "\cutoutsep" alone and for the full exclusion zone
+including "\cutoutsepstretch". The labelled distances are
+as follows:
+$a={}$"\cutoutsep"; $b=0.828$\,"\cutoutsep";
+The exclusion zone (outer octagon) applies to the baseline position
+of each paragraph line, so the characters do intrude into the octagon
+from above and below. The vertical expansion factor "\cutoutsepstretch"
+should be chosen to just counteract this effect, leaving a symmetric
+border of white space (inner octagon).
+In ordinary use, with a larger shaped paragraph and a smaller
+separation, the expansion of the shape should appear equal in all directions
+(circular); it is only in this contrived example that it is revealed
+as an octagon.
+A good place to set these parameters is between "\cutout"
+and "\shapepar" so they apply locally to just that instance.
+ {Distance separating shaped paragraph and the surrounding cut-out text.}
+ {length (dimen register)}
+ {12\,pt}
+ {"\setlength"}
+ {"\setlength{\cutoutsep}{1cm}" \ or \ "\cutoutsep= 5pt"}
+ {Vertical extension of cutout gap, given as a fraction of "\baselineskip",
+ which accounts for the height and depth of characters. Note that,
+ even with a good setting for "\cutoutsepstretch", the separation
+ above and below the shaped paragraph may not match the side spacing
+ simply because the cutout text has rigid baseline skips.
+ \interlinepenalty 1000\nopagebreak[0]}
+ {macro (`command', but really `data')}
+ {.5}
+ {"\renewcommand" or "\def"}
+ {"\renewcommand{\cutoutsepstretch}{.75}"}
+ {Fineness of cut-out matching to lines (number of reference points
+ per line of cut-out text).}
+ {integer constant (not a \LaTeX\ counter)}
+ {3}
+ {"\renewcommand", "\def", "\chardef", "\mathchardef" etc.}
+ {\rightskip\fill"\renewcommand{\RefineBaselines}{2}" \ or \
+ \hbox{"\chardef\RefineBaselines= 4"}}
+\subsection{Scale length optimization}
+When "\shapepar" is used without an explicit scale length, it must
+determine a scale that allows the given text to fill the shape.
+It makes a first guess by comparing the length of the text with
+the area of the shape specification, and then typesets the paragraph
+at that scale. If the text does not fit well, then "\shapepar"
+changes the scale and tries again. It will make as many as
+"\ScaleMaxTries" trial paragraphs:
+ {How many times will "\shapepar" try to get the size of the paragraph?}
+ {integer constant (not a \LaTeX\ counter)}
+ {9}
+ {"\renewcommand", "\def", "\chardef", "\mathchardef" etc.}
+ {"\renewcommand{\ScaleMaxTries}{7}" \ or \
+ \hbox{"\chardef\ScaleMaxTries= 5"}}
+It is quite common that text will not esaily fit a shape even when
+the best scaling is chosen, so it is counter-productive to set a very
+high value for "\ScaleMaxTries".
+There are many other numbers explicitly coded into shapepar.sty that
+control the scale-optimization process: choosing the initial guess,
+choosing the initial step size (`dscale'), changing dscale by different
+factors (`fac'), fitting the text to the paragraph shape, and more.
+These are accompanied by the comment `optimize', and they can be
+changed by editing shapepar.sty.
+\subsection{Applying the shape}
+"\shapepar" cheats a bit when the horizontal gap between two bits of text
+is small (like down in the notch of "\heartpar"). When the gap is less
+than an interword space it is eliminated, and the texts are joined; when
+it is somewhat larger it is expanded to give it more visibility. Likewise,
+when a segment of text is too small, it is eliminated. There are three
+parameters to control this behavior. Although they are lengths, they are
+all macros (commands) rather than dimen registers in order to use
+font-size-based length units (em).
+ {Smallest gap size allowed; smaller gaps will be eliminated (text joined).}
+ {macro (command) giving a length}
+ {.4\,em}
+ {"\renewcommand" or "\def"}
+ {"\renewcommand{\SmallestGap}{.5em}"}
+ {Small gap size; smaller gaps will be enlarged.}
+ {macro (command) giving a length}
+ {1\,em}
+ {"\renewcommand" or "\def"}
+ {"\renewcommand{\SmallGap}{2em}"}
+ {Smallest segment allowed; smaller will be omitted.}
+ {macro (command) giving a length}
+ {.2\,em}
+ {"\renewcommand" or "\def"}
+ {"\renewcommand{\SmallestSegment}{10pt}"}
+Since the processing is slow, some messages will be displayed to show how
+things are going. \LaTeX\ users can disable this feedback by loading
+shapepar with
+"\usepackage""[quiet]""{shapepar}", or they can get more verbose
+messages by requesting "\usepackage""[noisy]""{shapepar}". There are
+even more verbose messages that can be activated by removing the \%
+that hides them, but they are only useful for debugging shapepar.sty
+% Kludge strike-through because I don't want to load more packages
+\section[Future improvements]%
+ {\begin{tabular}[t]{l}Deficiencies\\[-1.5ex]\hline\end{tabular}
+ Future Improvements}
+\item The shape is followed by the text baselines, and this makes the
+shaped paragraph marginally taller; mis-fitting of baselines makes the
+paragraph squatter.
+\item Exact placement of CD-labels on label stock and of graphics in a
+cut-out requires a box reference-point defined by the shape alone,
+not the text. But portions of the text spill out of the shape and
+might go off the label. How to handle best?
+\item The restriction to a single paragraph is a pain, especially
+for fixed-scale shapes. The pre-boxing and un-boxing of the text
+forces a single paragraph without displays. Omitting pre-boxing is
+easiest with fixed-scale, but even then there may be multiple
+typesettings. Global assignments will accumulate and my register
+re-use will cause conflicts.
+\item The restrictions in cut-out text are likewise a problem.
+Should upgrade wrapfig.sty and merge some code.
+\item Discrete segments and fixed-scale suggest an application to
+magazine or poster layout. For this to be useful, excess text
+should be able to overflow onto the next page, and complex text
+(multiple paragraphs, lists, and displays) must be accepted.