path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig
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authorKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:56:57 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:56:57 +0000
commitf07bb53970ee2ecc53f81a206a3d3a67ef665e4a (patch)
tree6f57a1d62971db79e5ff023bdfd83b22cb971dc9 /Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig
parent007f67a693e4d031fd3d792df8e4d5f43e2cb2e7 (diff)
doc 6
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig')
11 files changed, 1566 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a847dad6e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/README
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+psfig/tex -- TeX macros for the inclusion of postscript figures
+All software, documentation, and related files in this distribution of
+psfig/tex are Copyright 1993 Trevor J. Darrell
+Permission is granted for use and non-profit distribution of psfig/tex
+providing that this notice be clearly maintained, but the right to
+distribute any portion of psfig/tex for profit or as part of any commercial
+product is specifically reserved for the author.
+Thanks to Ned Batchelder, Greg Hager, J. Daniel Smith, Tom Rokicki,
+Robert Russell, George V. Reilly, Ken McGlothlen, Dr. Baron Grey,
+Gerhard Tobermann and all others who have contributed code and
+comments to this project!
+- Support for OzTeX (derived from Baron Grey's OzTeX version of psfig)
+- New searching path algorithm (from Gerhard Tobermann); looks in
+ multiple directories; looks for before
+- Many small bug fixes (underscore in draft mode, angle/clip interaction)
+- Improved documentation and man page
+Psfig/tex uses \special calls to manipulate the PostScript environment
+within a document, and include figure files. To use psfig, you must
+therefore be using a postscript device for your output. This version
+of psfig/tex works with the unix "dvips" PostScript driver, which is
+available from, and with OzTeX.
+It may also work with the ArborText "dvips" driver, and with the
+"dvi2ps" written by Tony Li <tli@sargar.usc.edy>; see the
+"unsupported" directory.
+To install psfig, simply copy psfig.sty into a directory on your TeX
+include path (e.g. /usr/lib/tex/macros).
+If you are using OzTeX, change the driver line at the top of
+the psfig.sty file to read
+ \def\setDriver{\OzTeXDriver}
+instead of
+ \def\setDriver{\DvipsDriver}
+A users guide and manual page can be found in the "doc" directory.
+For tips on dealing with Macintosh postscript, see the directory
+If you use the letter style, make sure you include the psfig style
+If you have an old version of dvips, you may need to make a patch to
+use the compressed figure option, and to handle magnification
+correctly. The files "unsupported/dospecial.[patch,frag]" contain a
+patch and a corresponding code fragment for dvips' dospecial.c file.
+To apply the patch copy dospecial.patch into your dvips directory and
+run "patch < dospecial.patch", and then recompile. "dospcial.frag"
+contains the modified portion of the code as it should appear in the
+patched file. To use magnification with psfig and dvips, you need to
+change the line
+ /magscale false def
+in to
+ /magscale true def
+in order to have the figures scaled correctly.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ca6807a1384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+%%BoundingBox: 0 0 1 1
+0 0 moveto
+1 0 lineto
+1 1 lineto
+0 1 lineto
+.8 setgray
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..93b94b0a3bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+%%BoundingBox: 27.47 27.47 172.52 172.52
+100 100 translate
+ 0 0 moveto
+ 0 0 72 0 90 arc
+ closepath
+ fill
+ 0 0 moveto
+ 0 0 72 90 180 arc
+ closepath
+ stroke
+ 0 0 moveto
+ 0 0 72 180 270 arc
+ closepath
+ fill
+ 0 0 moveto
+ 0 0 72 270 360 arc
+ closepath
+ stroke
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..164583e8d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+%%BoundingBox: 126 246 486 546
+% Cookbook Example Program from First Printing, Revised 7 Jan 1985
+% Program: Drawing a Pie Chart Number: 18
+/PieDict 24 dict def % Local storage for
+ % ``DrawPieChart'' and its related
+ % procedures.
+PieDict begin
+ /DrawSlice % DrawSlice draws an outlined and
+ { /grayshade exch def % filled-in pie slice. It takes
+ /endangle exch def % four operands: the label for
+ /startangle exch def % this particular pie slice, the
+ /thelabel exch def % starting angle for the slice,
+ % the ending angle for the slice
+ % and the shade of gray the slice
+ % should be.
+ newpath % Create a path which will draw a
+ % pie slice.
+ 0 0 moveto
+ 0 0 radius startangle endangle arc
+ closepath
+ 1.415 setmiterlimit % This guarantees that when we
+ % outline the pie slices with a
+ % stroke that we will not get a
+ % spike on the interior angles.
+ gsave grayshade setgray fill grestore % Fill the pie slice path with the
+ stroke % appropriate gray color. By using
+ % gsave and grestore we don't lose
+ % the current path. Since
+ % PostScript paints color onto the
+ % page, it is very important that
+ % we fill the pie slice first and
+ % then outline it with a stroke.
+ gsave % Draw the tick mark and place the
+ % label:
+ startangle endangle add 2 div % Find the center of the pie slice
+ rotate % and rotate so that the x-axis
+ % coincides with this center.
+ radius 0 translate % Translate the origin out to the
+ % circumference.
+ newpath
+ 0 0 moveto labelps .8 mul 0 lineto% Draw the tick-mark.
+ stroke
+ labelps 0 translate % Move the origin out a little
+ % beyond the circumference.
+ 0 0 transform % Next we wish to place the label
+ grestore % at the current origin. If we
+ itransform % simply draw the text on the page
+ /y exch def /x exch def % now, it would come out rotated.
+ x y moveto % Since this is not desired we
+ % avoid it by returning to the
+ % previous unrotated coordinate
+ % system. Before returning,
+ % though, we would like to
+ x 0 lt % remember the position of the
+ { thelabel stringwidth pop neg % current origin on the printed
+ 0 rmoveto % page. We will accomplish this by
+ } if % using the transform and
+ % itransform operators. Performing
+ % a transform on the origin pushes
+ % the coordinates of the origin in
+ % device space onto the operand
+ % stack. Performing a grestore
+ % returns us to the previous
+ % unrotated coordinate system.
+ % Next we perform an itransform on
+ % the two device coordinates left
+ % on the stack to determine where
+ % we are in the current coordinate
+ % system.
+ y 0 lt { 0 labelps neg rmoveto } if % Make some adjustments so that
+ thelabel show % the label text won't collide
+ } def % with the pie slice.
+ /findgray % Procedure findgray calculates
+ { /i exch def /n exch def % the gray value for a slice. It
+ i 2 mod 0 eq % takes two arguments: the total
+ { i 2 div n 2 div round add n div } % number of slices and the current
+ { i 1 add 2 div n div } % slice number (Given that there
+ ifelse % are n pie slices, the slices are
+ } def % ``numbered'' from 1 to n). The
+end % gray values for the pie slices
+ % range evenly from white to black
+ % (i.e. - the values provided to
+ % setgray range from (n/n, n-1/n,
+ % ..., 1/n)). Since we don't want
+ % similar values of gray next to
+ % each other, findgray
+ % ``shuffles'' the possible
+ % combinations of gray.
+/DrawPieChart % DrawPieChart takes seven
+ { PieDict begin % arguments: the title of the pie
+ /radius exch def % chart, the point size to print
+ /ycenter exch def /xcenter exch def % the title in, the point size to
+ /PieArray exch def % print the labels for each slice
+ /labelps exch def /titleps exch def % in, a special array (described
+ /title exch def % below where DrawPieChart is
+ % called), the (x,y) center of the
+ % pie chart and the radius of the
+ % pie chart.
+ gsave
+ xcenter ycenter translate % Translate the coordinate system
+ % origin to center of pie chart.
+ /Helvetica findfont titleps % Print the title of the pie chart
+ scalefont setfont % in Helvetica.
+ title stringwidth pop 2 div neg % Center the title below the pie
+ % chart.
+ radius neg titleps 3 mul sub
+ moveto title show
+ /Helvetica findfont labelps % Print the individual pie slice
+ scalefont setfont % labels in Helvetica
+ /numslices PieArray length def
+ /slicecnt 0 def
+ /curangle 0 def % A ``loop'' variable that keeps
+ % track of the angle of arc to
+ % begin each pie slice at.
+ PieArray % Repeat the following for each
+ % element in the PieArray.
+ { /slicearray exch def
+ slicearray aload pop % Push the label and percentage
+ % onto the stack.
+ /percent exch def
+ /label exch def
+ /perangle percent 360 mul def % Convert the percentage into
+ % degrees of angle.
+ /slicecnt slicecnt 1 add def
+ label curangle
+ curangle perangle add
+ numslices slicecnt findgray
+ DrawSlice
+ /curangle curangle perangle add % Update the current starting
+ % angle.
+ def
+ } forall
+ grestore
+ end
+ } def
+() 18 9
+ [ [(Blueberry) .12 ] % The pie array is an array of
+ [(Cherry) .30 ] % arrays. Each array in the pie
+ [(Apple) .26 ] % array contains a string denoting
+ [(Boston Cream) .16 ] % the label to be printed next to
+ [(Other) .04 ] % the pie slice followed by a real
+ [(Vanilla Cream) .12 ] % number indicating the percentage
+ ] 306 396 100 DrawPieChart % of the pie represented by this
+ % particular slice.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e6bbf413b34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+%! -- an example for the psfig paper.
+%%BoundingBox: 95 100 185 200
+5 setlinewidth
+1 setlinecap
+110 100 moveto
+120 120 140 160 160 160 curveto
+170 160 180 150 180 140 curveto
+180 120 160 100 140 100 curveto
+120 100 100 120 100 140 curveto
+100 150 110 160 120 160 curveto
+140 160 160 120 170 100 curveto
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2ab4424b556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+%%BoundingBox: 124.38 124.38 487.61 487.61
+% Cookbook Example Program from First Printing, Revised 7 Jan 1985
+% Program: Repeated Shapes Number: 6
+ % This program prints a rosette
+ % design by defining a section of
+ % that design and printing that
+ % section repeatedly. This program
+ % illustrates the ``for'' and
+ % "arc" operators, and it shows
+ % how coordinate transformations
+ % can be nested so as to use the
+ % most convenient coordinate
+ % system for each part of a
+ % design.
+/inch {72 mul} def
+/wedge % Define an ``ice cream cone''
+ { newpath % shape by means of the ``arc''
+ 0 0 moveto % operator. This shape will have a
+ 1 0 translate % 30 degree angle topped off with
+ 15 rotate % a semicircle. Set the path's
+ 0 15 sin translate % first point at the current
+ 0 0 15 sin -90 90 arc % origin. Next, move the origin to
+ closepath % the center of the semicircle by
+ } def % translating to the right 1 unit,
+ % rotating counter-clockwise by 15
+ % degrees, and translating ``up''
+ % in the rotated system by the
+ % radius of the semicircle. The
+ % ``arc'' operator includes a
+ % straight line to the initial
+ % point of the arc and a curved
+ % section to the end of the arc.
+ % Note that the semicircle goes
+ % from -90 degrees to 90 degrees
+ % in the rotated coordinate
+ % system.
+ 4.25 inch 4.25 inch translate % Move into position for the
+ % rosette.
+ 1.75 inch 1.75 inch scale % Make the edges of the rosette 1
+ % 3/4 inches long.
+ 0.02 setlinewidth % Use a 7/200 inch thick line.
+ 2 1 13 % Set up the ``for'' operator to
+ % iterate 12 times, pushing 2 onto
+ % the stack the first time, 3 the
+ % next time, ... , and 13 the last
+ % time.
+ { % The last argument for ``for'' is
+ % the sequence of operations to be
+ % repeated. This sequence must be
+ % enclosed by braces.
+ 13 div setgray % Divide the loop index by 13 to
+ % set a gray value.
+ gsave % Enclose the ``wedge'' operation
+ wedge % in a ``gsave''-``grestore''
+ % pair, as it will mess up the
+ % coordinate system.
+ gsave % Save the wedge path for use
+ % after the ``fill''.
+ fill
+ grestore
+ 0 setgray stroke % Draw a black border around the
+ % wedge.
+ grestore % Get out of the coordinate system
+ % left by wedge.
+ 30 rotate % Set up for the next section.
+ } for % Close the last argument and
+ % execute the ``for'' operator.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a7cf877ea60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+%%BoundingBox: 300 400 410 420
+/Times-Roman findfont
+30 scalefont setfont
+300 400 translate
+.25 setlinewidth
+0 0 moveto
+(StarLines) true charpath clip
+/rays {
+ 0 1.5 179
+ { gsave
+ rotate
+ 0 0 moveto
+ 108 0 lineto
+ stroke
+ grestore
+ } for
+} def
+54 -15 translate
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b46453479aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+%%Title: trevor
+%%Creator: Ned Batchelder
+%%CreationDate: Wed Mar 26 11:05:04 1986
+%%BoundingBox: 72 72 432 525
+%%Pages: 1
+/doimage {
+ /b exch def /m exch def /n exch def
+ /pix n string def
+ n m b [n 0 0 m neg 0 m]
+ { currentfile pix readhexstring pop }
+ image
+} def
+/spotsize {
+ /perinch exch def
+ currentscreen 3 -1 roll
+ pop perinch
+ 3 1 roll setscreen
+} def
+/invert {
+ /curtran currenttransfer cvlit def
+ /newtran curtran length 3 add array def
+ newtran 0 {1 exch sub} putinterval
+ newtran 3 curtran putinterval
+ newtran cvx settransfer
+} def
+72 72 translate
+%%Page: ? 1
+360.000 453.600 scale
+60 spotsize
+112 176 8 doimage
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..783ec71b24c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/figs/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%%BoundingBox: 301.0 392.44 360.02 437.4
+/Times-Italic findfont 30 scalefont setfont
+/printZip {
+ 0 0 moveto
+ (Zip) show
+} def
+320 400 translate
+.95 -.05 0 {
+ setgray
+ printZip
+ -1 .5 translate
+} for
+1 setgray printZip
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/psfig-doc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/psfig-doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0aec9e81218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/psfig-doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+\input ../psfig.sty
+\title{Psfig/\TeX\ 1.10 Users Guide}
+\author{Trevor Darrell \\ {\it}}
+\date{\ }
+Psfig/\TeX\ is a macro package for \TeX\ that facilitates the
+inclusion of \Ps\ figures into \TeX\ documents. With the
+help of a compatible postprocessor,
+\footnote{The {\tt dvips} program developed by T. Rokicki
+has full psfig support; it is available via anonymous FTP from {\tt}. OzTeX also supports psfig and is available from various ftp sites. Psfig is available from {\tt}.}
+\Ps\ figures are automatically
+scaled and positioned on the page, and the proper amount of space is
+Custom characters such as
+`\psfig{,height=8pt,silent=}' and
+may be created and used freely throughout a document, or figures can
+be presented as traditional broken-out displays:
+\section{Simple figures}
+To include a \Ps\ figure with psfig, include the psfig style at the top
+of your document:
+and then, when you wish to include a figure, invoke the macro
+{\tt\verb+\+psfig\{figure={\it input}\}}
+where {\it input} is the name of a \Ps\ file. Psfig will
+automatically position the figure at the current point on the page,
+and reserve the proper amount of space in \TeX\ so that it doesn't
+block any other objects on the page. For example, if we have a file
+called `' which contains the \Ps\ code to draw the chart in
+the introduction, we could use the commands
+\verb+\+par \\
+\verb+\+centerline\{\verb+\+psfig\{\}\} \\
+to include it as a centered paragraph.
+Since no mention of size was made in the above example, psfig draws the figure
+at its natural size (as if it was printed directly on
+a \Ps\ printer.) The pie's natural size is several inches across, which
+is a little large; the pie in the introduction was produced with:
+The {\tt height} option specifies how tall the figure should be on the
+page. Since no {\tt width} was specified, the figure was scaled
+equally in both dimensions. (This will also happen with a {\tt width}
+but no {\tt height} option.) By listing both a {\tt height} and {\tt
+width}, figures can be scaled disproportionately, with interesting
+\noindent This figure was produced with:
+\tt\verb+\+centerline\{\verb+\+hbox\{ \\
+\verb+\+psfig\{,height=.8in\} \\
+The \verb+\psfig+ macro is (unfortunately) sensitive to whitespace, and will be
+confused by any extra spaces or newlines in its argument.
+\section{Sources of figures}
+\vbox{\parbox{3.5in} {Any program that produces \Ps\ as output
+can be used for psfig figures
+as long as it adheres to the bounding box comment convention (see below).
+For instance, the bitmap image
+of the author was included as a figure at left.}\vspace{.2in}}}
+Since the Macintosh drawing applications produce \Ps, they can be used
+to create figures. However, the \Ps produced by most Macintosh
+applications is often not well suited to be included directly as
+aBpsfig figure, unless it is saved as an ``EPSF compliant'' file. If
+the file is not EPSF compliant then the postscript may have to be
+edited before being used as an included figure.
+\section{Draft figures and Silent mode}
+\centerline{Figure 2: The figure, in non-draft and draft mode}
+Normally, psfig will print advisory messages to remind you that it is
+including figures as TeX processes a document. This behavior can
+be disabled with {\tt \verb+\+pssilent}, and re-enabled with
+{\tt \verb+\+psnoisy}.
+Some \Ps\ figures can take quite a long time to transmit and print;
+for these figures a draft mode is available to speed printing of draft
+versions of the document. A figure printed in draft mode will appear
+as an outlined box (Figure 2). The macro {\tt
+\verb+\+psdraft} will switch into draft mode, and all subsequent psfig
+macros will produce draft figures until reaching the macro {\tt
+\verb+\+psfull}, which switches out of draft mode.
+No {\tt
+\verb+\+special} commands are used in draft mode, so a draft document
+can be previewed using any Dvi viewer. Psfig uses the \LaTeX\ {\tt
+\verb+\+fbox} command to produce the draft box; thus draft boxes will
+not work in plain \TeX. The printing of boxes in draft mode can be
+disabled/enabled with {\tt
+\verb+\+psnodraftbox} and {\tt
+\section{Bounding boxes}
+To properly translate and scale a figure psfig must know its `natural'
+position on the page; this information is present
+in what is called the {\it bounding box} of a \Ps\ program. The
+bounding box is an outer limit to the marks created by a program,
+and is specified as four coordinates of a rectangle: the lower-left $x$ coordinate
+(bbllx), the lower-left $y$ coordinate (bblly), the upper-right
+$x$ coordinate (bburx), and the upper-right $y$ coordinate (bbury).
+Adobe has defined a convention whereby the bounding box of a program
+is contained in a `bounding box comment'.
+\footnote{See `Appendix J: \Ps\ File Structuring Conventions' in
+{\it The \Ps\ Language Reference Manual}}
+This comment, which must be present in any file to be used as a psfig figure,
+is a line of the form
+\tt \verb+%%+BoundingBox: \it bbllx bblly bburx bbury
+All values are in \Ps\ points, relative to the {\it default}
+transformation matrix. The only mandatory \Ps\ convention is
+that the first line of the file should begin with the characters
+`\verb+%+!' (a `\verb+%+' begins a comment in \Ps.) A good place for the
+bounding box comment is as the second line of the file.
+If a bounding box comment is present in the figure file, psfig will
+extract its values. The bounding box values may instead be specified
+directly in the {\tt \verb+\+psfig} argument, using clauses of the
+form {\tt bbllx=\it bbllx},{\tt bblly=\it bblly},..., in which case
+the figure file is not searched for the bounding box.
+\section{Reserved size}
+There are two sizes associated with each psfig figure: the size
+at which it is to be printed on the page
+and the size it reserves in \TeX. This latter size is appropriately
+termed the {\it reserved size}, and is expressed as clauses of the form
+``{\tt rheight={\it dimen}}''
+and ``{\tt rwidth={\it dimen}}''. If omitted, the reserved size defaults
+to the real size. Some special effects need to be transparent
+to \TeX\ and thus have a zero reserved size, such as the grey
+box enclosing
+this paragraph.
+Normally a \Ps\ program can be expected to not mark the page
+outside its bounding box. If this is not the case, or if you
+want to specify a bounding box so as to isolate part of a larger figure,
+there is an option that sets the \Ps\ clip path so that
+no marks will show up outside the declared bounding box. Currently
+this is invoked by adding a clause of the form ``{\tt clip=}''.
+Here a slice has been taken out of the pie chart in the example by
+specifying a smaller bounding box and adding the clip option.
+\centerline{A piece of the pie.}
+Some \Ps\ programs use the clipping path to position their output on
+the page; if a figure is being drawn at its natural size and position
+despite psfig commands to the contrary, it may need the clip option.
+\section{Rotating figures}
+Figures can be rotated by psfig using the {\tt angle={\it degrees}}
+clause. For example, here is the rosette and its 90 degree rotation:
+By default psfig scales the figure so that its rotated bounding box
+fits within the desired size. This can lead to counterintuitive results
+when rotating to angles which are not multiples of 90 degrees. Here
+is the rosette rotated to 0,20,40, and 60 degrees.
+With autoscaling, some rotated figures come out smaller because the
+diagonal of their bounding box is of course longer than their height
+or width alone. This behavior can be disabled with {\tt
+\verb+\+psscalefirst}, and re-enabled with {\tt
+\verb+\+psrotatefirst}. With {\tt \verb+\+psscalefirst} a new
+height and width is computed after the bounding box;
+the previous figure would now look like:
+While the rotated figures will all come out at the same
+size their reserved sizes will be different, thus
+they may not be aligned correctly.
+\section{Compressed Figures}
+Psfig allows the inclusion of compressed \Ps files when using
+the {\tt dvips} dvi processor.
+The shell script {\tt pscompress} is used to compress figures, and
+produces two files: {\it filename}{\tt .bb} and {\it filename}{\tt .Z}.
+The first file contains the bounding box comment only, while the second
+file contains the actual compressed PostScript file. Usage:
+\tt \verb+%+ pscompress \it filename
+When psfig searches for a figure, if it fails to find
+{\it filename}, it then searches for {\it filename}{\tt .bb}.
+If that file exists, it is used for bounding box processing,
+and a command to decompress and include the file {\it filename}{\tt .Z}
+is issued to dvips.
+\section{Figure search path}
+Psfig first searches in the current directory for a figure (or
+in the specified directory if given an absolute path). If it fails
+to find the figure in the current directory, it optionally searches
+a search path of figure directories to see if the figure is
+present. To specify the figure search path, use
+\tt \verb+\+psfigurepath\verb+{+\it dir1 \tt :\it dir2\tt :\it ...\tt :\it dirn\tt\verb+}+
+where {\it dir1...dirn} are the directories figures are to be found in.
+This work was done while the author was with the Department of
+Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania. Ned
+Batchelder co-developed the original {\it troff} version of this
+program with the author, and was responsible for much of the overall
+design. For more detailed information on the original version of \Ps\
+see {\it Psfig -- A Ditroff Preprocessor for PostScript Figures} in
+the USENIX 87 proceedings, or {\it Bringing troff up to speed} in the
+July 1987 issue of Unix Review.
+Greg Hager provided the initial pure-\TeX\ implementation of psfig.
+J. Daniel Smith of Schlumberger CAD/CAM implemented the rotation
+feature and improved the file scanning routines, using certain code
+fragments from Tom Rokicki's dvips program.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b6388528674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/psfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+.TH Psfig/TeX 1
+Psfig/TeX (1.10) \- PostScript figures in TeX
+\\\fBinput psfig\fP
+.B Psfig/TeX
+is a macro package for TeX, as well as LaTeX, that facilitates the
+inclusion of PostScript figures into (La)TeX documents.
+With the help of a compatible postprocessor, PostScript figures are
+automatically scaled and positioned on the page, and the proper amount
+of space is reserved.
+Figures can be presented as traditional broken-out displays,
+and Custom characters may be created and used freely throughout a document.
+The \fBdvips\fP program developed by Tomas Rokicki has full
+\fBpsfig\fP support. The \fBOzTeX\fP package has support for
+all \fBpsfig\fp functions except compressed figures.
+To include a figure with \fBpsfig\fP, include the \fBpsfig\fP style at
+the top of your document.
+In LaTeX: ``\\\fBdocumentstyle\fP[psfig,...]{article}''; in TeX:
+``\\\fBinput\fP psfig''.
+Then invoke the macro ``\\\fBpsfig\fP{figure=\fIfilename\fP}'', where
+\fIfilename\fP is the name of a PostScript file.
+.B Psfig
+will automatically position the figure at the current
+point on the page, and reserve the proper amount of space.
+Options may be specified in the form
+recognized options include \fBheight\fP, \fBwidth\fP, \fBrheight\fP,
+\fBrwidth\fP, \fBclip\fP, and \fBangle\fP.
+.IP height 9
+The ``\fBheight\fP=\fIdimen\fP'' option specifies how tall the
+figure should be on the page.
+When no \fBwidth\fP is specified, the figure is scaled equally
+in both dimensions.
+.IP width
+The ``\fBwidth\fP=\fIdimen\fP'' option specifies how wide the
+figure should be on the page.
+When no \fBheigth\fP is specified, the figure is scaled equally
+in both dimensions.
+If no \fBheight\fP or \fBwidth\fP option is given, the figure's
+`natural' size will be used.
+By listing both a \fBheight\fP and \fBwidth\fP, figures can be scaled
+.IP rheight
+There are two sizes associated with each \fBpsfig\fP figure: the size
+at which it is to be printed on the page and the size it reserves
+in TeX.
+This latter size is appropriately termed the reserved size, and is
+expressed as an option of the form ``\fBrheight\fP=\fIdimen\fP'',
+to reserve a vertical size of \fIdimen\fP.
+If omitted, the reserved size defaults to the real size.
+Some special effects need to be transparent to TeX and thus have a
+zero reserved size, such as a grey box enclosing a paragraph.
+.IP rwidth
+To reserve a width in TeX, the ``\fBrwidth\fP=\fIdimen\fP''
+option is used.
+.IP clip
+The ``\fBclip\fP=t'' option sets the PostScript clipping path
+so that no marks will show up outside the declared bounding box.
+This option allows the user to isolate part of a larger figure,
+by specifying a new bounding box:
+.IP angle
+Figures can be rotated by \fBpsfig\fP using the ``\fBangle\fP=\fIdegrees\fP''
+With autoscaling, some rotated figures come out smaller because the
+diagonal of their bounding box is longer than their \fBheight\fP
+or \fBwidth\fP alone.
+This behavior can be disabled with \\\fBpsscalefirst\fP, and re-enabled
+with \\\fBpsrotatefirst\fP.
+With \\\fBpsscalefirst\fP a new \fBheight\fP and \fBwidth\fP are
+computed after the bounding box.
+While the rotated figures will all come out at the same size, their
+reserved sizes will be different, thus they may not be aligned
+Any PostScript program can be used as a
+\fBpsfig\fP figure, as long as it adheres to the
+Encapsulated PostScript Format (EPSF), which
+dictates a set of forbidden operators and a comment
+structuring convention. \fBPsfig\fP
+is actually less restrictive than the EPSF requirements; it can handle
+some of the "non-compliant" postscript operators, and the only
+required comment is the Bounding Box comment (see below).
+To properly translate and scale a figure \fBpsfig\fP must know
+its `natural' position on the page; this information is present
+in the `bounding box comment' of a PostScript program.
+This is a line of the form
+``%%BoundingBox: \fIbbllx bblly bburx bbury\fP'' in the header of
+the file.
+The bounding box specifies four coordinates of a rectangle that
+defines the outermost edges of the PostScript figure: the lower-left
+\fIx\fP coordinate (\fIbbllx\fP), the lower-left \fIy\fP coordinate
+(\fIbblly\fP), the upper-right \fIx\fP coordinate (\fIbburx\fP), and
+the upper-right \fIy\fP coordinate (\fIbbury\fP).
+This rectangle must be present in any file to be used as a
+\fBpsfig\fP figure.
+Most modern graphics packages produce (encapsulated) PostScript
+files which contain a ``%%BoundingBox:'' comment line in the header.
+All \fIbb...\fP values are in points, relative to the default
+transformation matrix.
+When no bounding box comment line is present in your PostScript file,
+you can edit one in.
+The only mandatory PostScript convention is that the first line of
+the file should begin with the characters `%!'.
+A good place for the bounding box comment is the second line of
+the file.
+The bounding box values may also be specified directly in the
+\\\fBpsfig\fP argument, using clauses of the form
+``bbllx=\fIbbllx\fP,bblly=\fIbblly\fP,...'', in which case
+the figure file is not searched for the bounding box.
+To control the amount of white space around a figure in a (La)TeX
+document, it may be necessary to experiment with the bounding box
+parameters \fIbb...\fP, also in cases where the bounding box is
+provided by the plot or graphics package.
+Some PostScript figures take quite a long time to transmit and print;
+for these figures a draft mode is available to speed printing of draft
+versions of the document.
+A figure printed in draft mode will appear as an empty box.
+The macro \\\fBpsdraft\fP will switch into draft mode, and all
+subsequent \fBpsfig\fP macros will produce draft figures until reaching
+the macro \\\fBpsfull\fP, which switches out of draft mode.
+No \\\fBspecial\fP commands are used in draft mode, so a draft document
+can be previewed using \fIany\fP DVI viewer.
+The printing of boxes in draft mode can be disabled/enabled with
+\\\fBpsnodraftbox\fP and \\\fBpsdraftbox\fP.
+Normally, \fBpsfig\fP will print advisory messages to remind you that it is
+including figures as (La)TeX processes a document. This behavior can
+be disabled with \\\fBpssilent\fP, and re-enabled with \\\fBpsnoisy\fP.
+As off version 1.9, \fBpsfig\fP allows the inclusion of compressed
+PostScript files (when using \fBdvips\fP).
+To compress PostScript files, the shell script \fBpscompress\fP is used.
+\fBPscompress\fP produces two files: \fIfilename\ and \fIfilename\fP.Z.
+The first file contains the bounding box comment only, while the second
+file contains the actual compressed PostScript file.
+Usage: ``% \fBpscompress\fP \fIfilename\fP''.
+When (La)TeX is run on \fIyour_document\fP.tex, the file \fIfilename\
+is scanned for the bounding box comment, to allow (La)TeX to properly
+reserve the right size for the figure.
+Only when the file \fIyour_document\fP.dvi is printed by means of \fBdvips\fP,
+the actual PostScript file \fIfilename\fP.Z is decompressed (\fBzcat\fP-ed)
+and included in \fIyour_document\
+Since the Macintosh drawing applications produce PostScript, they can
+be used to create figures.
+However, the PostScript produced by most Macintosh applications is often
+not well
+suited to be included directly as a \fBpsfig\fP figure, unless it is
+saved as an "EPSF compliant" file. If the file is not "EPSF compliant"
+then the postscript may have to be edited before being used
+as an included figure. See the \fBpsfig\fP tool \fBcleanfig\fP
+and the sample document \fBmacdemo.tex\fP for guidance.
+Non-EPSF Macintosh PostScript files often
+require a ``Laserprep'' prolog in order to
+be properly printed.
+A laserprep prolog can be included with the \fBdvips\fP special
+header command at the top of your (La)TeX file:
+\fBPsfig\fP provides `lprep68.procs', as well as `lprep70.procs',
+to suit various versions of the Macintosh applications.
+Psfig first searches in the current directory for a figure (or
+in the specified directory if given an absolute path). If it fails
+to find the figure in the current directory, it optionally searches
+a search path of figure directories to see if the figure is
+present. To specify the figure search path, use
+where dir1...dirn are the directories figures are to be found in.
+.IP Problem: 10
+The page with graphics is not printed.
+.IP Solution: 10
+Remove lines containing `\fBshowpage\fP' and/or `\fBstop\fP'
+from the PostScript graphics file.
+Lines of this kind are usually found near the end of the file.
+.IP Problem: 10
+The figure is positioned in weird places.
+Generally, this is an indication that the PostScript ``%%BoundingBox:''
+comment is missing.
+It may also be that a translation takes places \fIafter\fP the
+bounding box was determined.
+.IP Solution: 10
+Edit a bounding box comment into the PostScript file
+and/or experiment with the \fIbb...\fP values (see: MISSING BOUNDING
+BOX above).
+The \\\fBpsfig\fP macro is (unfortunately) sensitive to whitespace,
+and will be confused by any extra spaces or newlines in its argument.
+The LaTeX \fBletter\fP style must be loaded after the
+\\\fBpsfig\fP macros due to naming conflicts. This can be
+forced by including psfig with an explicit \\\fBinput\fP
+command before the \\\fBdocumentstyle\fP command.
+This work was done while the author was with the Department of
+Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania. Ned
+Batchelder co-developed the original troff version of this
+program with the author, and was responsible for much of the overall
+design. For more detailed information on the original version of
+see \fIPsfig \- A Ditroff Preprocessor for PostScript Figures\fP in
+the USENIX 87 proceedings, or \fIBringing troff up to speed\fP in the
+July 1987 issue of Unix Review.
+Greg Hager provided the initial pure-TeX implementation of \fBpsfig\fP.
+J. Daniel Smith of Schlumberger CAD/CAM implemented the rotation
+feature and improved the file scanning routines, using certain code
+fragments from Tom Rokicki's \fBdvips\fP program.
+Thanks to Sake Hogeveen ( for editing this man page.
+Trevor Darrell
+tex(1), latex(1), dvips(1), psfig-troff(1)
+A printed version of the psfig-tex manual may be obtained by typing
+``% \fBlatex\fP psfig-doc'', then ``% \fBdvips\fP psfig-doc'',
+and finally printing the resulting file on your nearest
+PostScript printer.
+The manual provides many examples with real-life PostScript graphics,
+see the text of psfig-doc.tex for more usage examples.