path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ofs/eurotex2003-ofs.tex
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authorKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:56:57 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:56:57 +0000
commitf07bb53970ee2ecc53f81a206a3d3a67ef665e4a (patch)
tree6f57a1d62971db79e5ff023bdfd83b22cb971dc9 /Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ofs/eurotex2003-ofs.tex
parent007f67a693e4d031fd3d792df8e4d5f43e2cb2e7 (diff)
doc 6
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ofs/eurotex2003-ofs.tex')
1 files changed, 1089 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ofs/eurotex2003-ofs.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ofs/eurotex2003-ofs.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1a6601da376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ofs/eurotex2003-ofs.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1089 @@
+\chyph % use csplain
+\newcount\firstpage \firstpage=1
+\newcount\numpages \numpages=14
+\def\addcmd #1#2{\expandafter\def\expandafter\tmpa\expandafter{#1}%
+ \def\tmpb{#1}%
+ \ifx\tmpa\tmpb % the #1 is not a macro
+ \expandafter\let\csname \string#1-original\endcsname =#1%
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter #1\expandafter{%
+ \csname\string#1-original\endcsname #2}%
+ \else % the #1 is a macro
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter #1\expandafter{#1#2}%
+ \fi}
+\input ofs [ffonts] % Charter je ve skupině free fonts
+\setfonts [Charter/10pt] % výchozí rodina
+\setmath[//] % inicializace matematiky
+\fontdef\tt [CMTypewriter/mag1.1] % strojopis, korekce střední výšky
+\fontdef\verbtt [CMTypewriter-rm/8] % strojopis pro display ukázky
+\fontdef\small [!/9] % zmenšení pro abstrakt a záhlaví
+\addcmd \small {\baselineskip11pt \rm \def\mathversion{normal}\setmath[//]}
+\fontdef\fontsekce [!/12] % pro nadpisy sekcí
+\addcmd \fontsekce {\bf \let\it=\bi \def\mathversion{bold}\setmath[//]}
+\fontdef\fonttitul [!-bf/14.4] % titul
+\showboxdepth=10 \showboxbreadth=50
+ {\small \ifodd\pageno \hfil \thetitul \headspace \the\pageno
+ \else \the\pageno \headspace \theauthor \hfil \fi}}
+\def\makeheadline{\vbox to0pt{\vskip-25pt
+ \line{\vbox to8.5pt{}\the\headline}\vss}\nointerlineskip}
+ \vbox{\hbox{\copytext}\hbox{\copykonvoj}}\hfil
+ \global\footline={}}
+\def\lastpage{\advance\firstpage by\numpages \advance\firstpage by-1
+ \the\firstpage}
+\def\copytext{Euro\TeX{} 2003}
+\def\kap #1\par{\advance\subnum by1
+ \removelastskip %\goodbreak
+ \vskip17pt plus2pt minus1pt\noindent{\fontsekce
+ \ifnum\subnum>1 \the\subnum\enspace\enspace\fi #1}%
+ \par\nobreak\vskip11pt plus2pt minus1pt
+ \everypar{\setbox0=\lastbox \everypar={}}}
+\def\reference {\subnum=-1 \kap Reference\par \small}
+\def\bib{\par\advance\subnum by1 \leftskip=\parindent
+ \noindent\llap{\the\subnum.\enspace}\ignorespaces}
+\def\footnote#1{\global\advance\footnotenum by1
+ \orifootnote{$\setmath[//]^\the\footnotenum$}{\small
+ \hangindent=\parindent #1\par}}
+\def\footnoterule{\kern-3pt \hrule width 2cm \kern2.6pt }
+\def\titul #1 \par{\def\thetitul{#1}\pageno=\firstpage
+ \centerline{\fonttitul #1}\vskip20pt\relax}
+\def\autor #1 \par{\def\theauthor{#1}
+ \centerline{#1}\vskip10pt\relax}
+\def\institut #1 \par{\centerline{\small #1}}
+\def\email #1 \par{\centerline{\small Email: \tt #1}\vskip20pt\relax}
+\def\abstrakt {\bgroup \small
+ \leftskip=3em \rightskip=3em
+ \noindent{\bf Abstract:}\enspace}
+\def\endabstrakt {\par\egroup\bigskip}
+\def\begitems{\medskip\bgroup\catcode`\*=13 \narrower}
+{\catcode`\*=13 \gdef*{\par\noindent\llap{$\bullet$\kern.6em }\ignorespaces}
+\gdef\numerate{% \numerate napsat těsně za \begitems
+ \def*{\par\advance\itemnum by1\noindent
+ \llap{\bf\the\itemnum.\kern.6em }\ignorespaces}}}
+\font\mflogo=logo10 % METAFONT logo
+\font\boldsy=cmbsy10 at12pt % Tučné \CS, \AMS.
+\font\bboldsy=cmbsy10 scaled\magstep2 % Tučné \CS v titulu
+\def\CS{$\cal C\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal S$}\kern-.075em $}
+\def\bCS{{\boldsy C\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{S}\kern-.04em}}
+\def\CSTUG{\CS TUG}
+\def\CSfont{\CS\kern.1em font}
+\def\csplain{\CS\kern.1em plain} \let\CSplain=\csplain
+\def\mf{{\mflogo META}\-{\mflogo FONT}}
+\def\mp{{\mflogo META}\-{\mflogo POST}}
+\def\LaTeX{L\kern-.2em\raise.45ex\hbox{\setfonts[/mag.7] A}\kern-.05em\TeX}
+\def\cslatex{\CS\kern.05em\LaTeX} \let\CSLaTeX=\cslatex
+\def\AMS{$\cal A\kern-.166em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}\kern-.075em S$}
+\def\bAMS{{\boldsy A\kern-.166em\lower.5ex\hbox{M}\kern-.075em S}}
+%% Definice verbatim prostředí %% !verb.
+ \nobreak\setverb \parskip=0pt %\parindent=0pt
+ \catcode`\"=12\catcode`\~=13 \obeylines
+ \baselineskip=10pt
+ \let\tt=\verbtt \startverb}
+{\catcode`\|=0 \catcode`\\=12
+ |gdef|startverb#1\endtt{%
+ |tt#1|nobreak|egroup|penalty0|medskip|scannexttoken}}
+{\obeyspaces\gdef {\ }}
+\def\citeref #1 #2 {\expandafter\def\csname cit:#1\endcsname{#2}}
+\citeref wwwstorm 1
+\citeref pismolijna 2
+\citeref stormtex 3
+\citeref slido 4
+\citeref ofsftp 5
+\citeref ofsdoc 6
+\citeref stormcl 7
+\citeref berry 8
+\def\cite#1{\expandafter\ifx \csname cit:#1\endcsname\relax
+ \message{Warning: cite{#1} is not defined}[??]%
+ \else [\csname cit:#1\endcsname]\fi}
+This version of the paper is only draft! It waits to Petr Sojka's corrections.
+\titul The font management with the OFS
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\autor Petr Ol\v s\'ak, Petr Sojka
+\institut Faculty of Electro Engineering CVUT, Prague,
+ Faculty of Informatics MU, Brno
+The widely used New Font Selection System (NFSS) has its pros and cons.
+To have uniform platform for large font set management and selection for
+both plain and \LaTeX\ users, and to extend the possibilities
+of the NFSS, an Ol\v{s}\'ak's Font System (OFS) has been designed
+and implemented.
+The user interface of this macro is the same for plain and
+\LaTeX, with two independent implementations. First implementation
+is based on plain.tex macros only; the second one for \LaTeX\ users
+is implemented as an additional layer over NFSS macros, and is
+slightly less elaborate (support for math font families is missing).
+The main features of the system:
+* The OFS defines declarative language to define the mapping from
+ the original full names of fonts to the tfm names (in plain) or
+ to NFSS short names of the font families (in \LaTeX).
+ The user do not need to remember the short names of tfm files
+ and/or the short names of NFSS font families. This allows for
+ user-defined logical font markup: one can use the real font
+ (foundry) names from font (catalog).
+* The user of the OFS can use a font separated into two \TeX{} metrics
+ (basic and extended tfm). The font is from the user perspective seen
+ as one font only. The mapping works even for fonts with more than 256
+ characters (if one does not want to kern between all characters).
+* One can choose the \TeX{} internal encoding of fonts for your
+ language at the beginning of your document. This feature is commonly
+ used for Czech and Slovak languages: there are \TeX{} fonts which
+ encode the alphabets of these languages by Cork (T1 encoding) or by
+ ISO-8859-2 (IL2 encoding), or even others.
+* There are at least four independent parameters of fonts
+ (family, size, encoding, variant). Possibility to switch one
+ font parameter independently on the others is important under
+ plain.tex where NFSS is not implemented.
+* The OFS for plain includes the support of the math fonts manipulation
+ when the PostScript fonts and/or fonts at the different sizes are used.
+* One can use the "\fontusage" command which lists the short usage
+ about OFS macros on the screen and to the log file.
+* The "\showfonts" macro lists all available font families
+ on the screen and to the log file.
+* One can print the short catalogue of the all installed fonts by
+ using "\input ofscatal.tex".
+The macro is available at .
+The declaration and support OFS files for all of the fonts offered
+by the Storm Type Foundry (, and e.g. MathTimes
+fonts have been created. The macro is in use by CSTUG users since 2001.
+The English documentation (in addition to the current
+Czech one) will be released in January 2003.
+The full paper will discuss in detail the features of OFS listed
+above, will give examples of usage and pros and cons over current
+macro packages for font switching and handling in \TeX{}.
+\kap Historical notes, plain\TeX{} and \LaTeX{} version of OFS
+In 2000, Petr Ol\v s\'ak got whole set of fonts from Storm Type Foundry
+(made by Franti\v sek \v Storm) in order to make the \TeX{} support for
+these fonts. The number of fonts was very large (many hundreds) and the
+names used in Typo-catalog was a bit different from pfb file names and
+they was {\it very} different from new tfm names used in \TeX{} support
+because these names follow the Karl Berry's recommendation~\cite{berry}.
+There was a presumption that the user will want to choose individual
+fonts and to make his/her own font collections for document
+design. The simple solution like "\usepackage{times}" is not possible
+because the user have to choose the sans serif variants, serif
+variants etc. from a big offer by Storm Type Foundry. There are big
+number of such combinations---we are not able to support a style file
+for each such combination. Moreover, there are a great font collection
+for titles and posters in \v Storm's package. The conclusion is: the user
+needs to manage with individual fonts with the same names as in
+Typo-catalog provided by Storm Type Foundry. The usage of tfm names or
+short names for font families provided by NFSS are not acceptable at
+user level. The support for managing of large sets of fonts
+implemented at macro level is needed. This was an inspiration of OFS.
+The OFS was written by Petr Ol\v s\'ak primary for plain\TeX{} because he
+is a plain\TeX{} user. He never used \LaTeX{} nor NFSS. Thus the
+first version of OFS was usable only in plain\TeX{} environment
+without NFSS. This version substitutes some features solved in NFSS
+already: an independency of encoding/size/family/variant font
+setting at user level, declaration of encoding-de\-pendent commands,
+more comfortable declaration of math fonts (but plain\TeX{} approach of
+math fonts declarations is kept because this is more understandable for
+plain\TeX{} users than NFSS approach).
+The \LaTeX{} users asked the similar environment as OFS for
+plain\TeX{} after OFS for plain was released. This was a reason why
+Petr Ol\v s\'ak made the same user environment of OFS for \LaTeX{} (but
+never used it:-).
+This work was done by totally different macro code because the NFSS
+features was used in this situation. The OFS for \LaTeX{} is only the
+new macro level over NFSS. Roughly speaking, the OFS for
+\LaTeX{} implements only the dictionary from long names of fonts used
+in Font-catalog to the short family names used in NFSS and defines
+the same ``user level environment'' as in OFS for plain\TeX{}.
+Because the OFS for plain\TeX{} is more powerful and includes more
+interesting subjects in its implementation, we will describe only the
+plain\TeX{} version of OFS in this paper.
+The OFS macro is released with \TeX{}-like license. It means, that the
+names of the files and its content cannot be changed if this macro is
+re-distributed. Only Petr Ol\v s\'ak can do changes.
+There are no more restrictions for distributors and there are no
+restrictions for users.
+The macro is released in~\cite{ftpofs} and the same version
+is included in \TeX{} support of fonts from Storm Type
+Foundry~\cite{stormtex}. The \TeX{} font metrics and fd files
+are included in this support. The real fonts (implemented in pfb files)
+are not free. If you take up your interest
+in these fonts you have to buy them. See~\cite{wwwstorm} for more details.
+One family called Lido is offered as free for non-commercial use
+by Storm Type Foundry. There is the special \TeX{} support only for
+this family~\cite{slido} including the OFS.
+The first release of OFS macro (September 2000) had only Czech
+documentation. The English version of the documentation was released
+in February 2003 with help of Mat\v ej Cepl. The concept of OFS was not
+changed since its first release and Petr Ol\v s\'ak does not plan any changes
+to the future. He is ready only to remove bugs, if any occur.
+The documentation can be found at the same place as the OFS macro.
+It is a bit more technical than this paper.
+\kap Basics of user environment
+The user environment is the same in both: OFS for plain\TeX{} and
+\LaTeX{}. Of course, you have to include the OFS macro in plain\TeX{}
+by little bit different way:
+\input ofs [fonts, collections]
+than in \LaTeX{}:
+\usepackage [fonts, collections] {ofs}
+All other user-level commands have the same syntax and meaning.
+You can use the command "\fontusage". This command prints to the
+terminal and to the log file the basic usage of OFS:
+$ tex ofs \\fontusage
+This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3beta5)
+OFS (Olsak's Font System) based on plain initialized. <Oct. 2002>
+\fontusage: ============== Olsak's Font System, usage: =================
+\input ofs [sjannon, sdynamo, a35] ... for example
+\showfonts ... shows all loaded font families (by previous \input)
+\setfonts [Family/] ... local switch to the new family, after this, the
+ \rm, \bf, \it, bi will switch to the variants. The current size is used.
+\setfonts [/size] ... local switch to the new size of fonts, the family is
+ not changed. The "size" has the following possible formats:
+ at<dimen> ... the same as \font\something=file at<dimen>
+ <dimen> ... the same as at<dimen>
+ <number> ... the same as at<number>pt
+ scaled<number> ... the same as \font\something=file scaled<number>
+ mag<decimal-number> fonts will be magnified by given coefficient
+ depend on current size of the fonts.
+\setfonts [Family/size] ... switch to the new family at given size
+\setfonts [Family-vr/] ... switch to the specified font, the current size
+ is used. The "vr" is acronym for variant (bf for example).
+\setfonts [Family-vr/size] ... switch to the specified font.
+\fontdef\name [Family/size] ... same as \gdef\name{\setfonts[Family/size]}
+ The "Family" or "size" parameter may be empty.
+\fontdef\name [Family-vr/size] ... \name is fixed-font switch iff:
+ "size" is no empty and no mag<dec-number>.
+ Fixed-font switch "\name" is implemented as \global\font\name=file.
+\setmath [size/size/size] ... set math it/rm as current it/rm + use PS Symbol
+\nofontmessages, \logfontmessages, \displayfontmessages, \detailfontmessages
+ ... the levels of log.
+The "\showfonts" prints the used font collections. You can include the
+OFS macro without additional font collections in square brackets (it means
+use only "\input ofs"). The basic font collection is initialised in
+such situation:
+OFS (l.0): The list of known font families:
+ [CMRoman/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi, \sl
+ [CMSans/] \rm, \bf, \it, -
+ [CMTypewriter/] \rm, - , \it, - , \sl
+ [Times/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi
+ [Helvetica/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi, \nrm, \nbf, \nit, \nbi
+ [Courier/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi
+The family names are printed in square brackets here and followed by varinat
+switches usable for such font family.
+The basic fonts from Computer Moder family (by Donald Knuth) are
+collected into three families here: "CMRoman", "CMSans" and
+"CMTypewriter". This is sel explanatory. Note that the common
+varinat "BoldItalic" ("\bi") is missing in "CMSans" and
+"CMTypewriter". On the other hand the
+``special'' variant "\sl" (slanted) is available in
+"CMRoman" and "CMTypewriter" families.
+The declaration of another families are stored in ``declaration
+files'' (the extension "tex" is used in OFS for plain\TeX{} and "sty"
+in OFS for \LaTeX{}. It is recommended to manage the file
+"allfonts.tex" in all \TeX{} distribution. This file includes the
+"\input"s to the declaration files of all fonts installed in such
+distribution. The "allfonts.tex" file may look like:
+$ cat `kpsewhich allfonts.tex`
+%%% All OFS families declared on this TeX
+%%% Petr Olsak
+\input a35 % PostScript 35
+\input ffonts % Another free fonts
+\input btfonts % Bitstream fonts
+\input skatalog % Stromtype foundry, 89 families
+When we write "$ tex allfonts \\showfonts \\end | less", we get the
+listing of all font families available on \TeX{} distribution. This
+listing includes cca three hundred font families on the computer of
+one of the author of this article. He need not remember the tfm file
+names of thousands of fonts. The part of the listing follows:
+OFS (l.0): The list of known font families:
+ [CMRoman/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi, \sl
+ [CMSans/] \rm, \bf, \it, -
+ [CMTypewriter/] \rm, - , \it, - , \sl
+ [Times/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi
+ [Helvetica/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi, \nrm, \nbf, \nit, \nbi
+ [Courier/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi
+ [AvantGarde/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi
+ [Bookman/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi
+ [NewCentury/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi
+ [Palatino/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi
+ [ZapfChancery/] \rm, - , \it, -
+ [ZapfDingbats/] \rm, - , - , -
+ [Symbol/] \rm, - , \it, -
+ [Charter/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi
+ [JannonAntikva/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi, \mr, \mi
+ [JannonText/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi, \mr, \mi
+ [JannonCaps/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi
+ [DynaGroteskLE/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi
+ [DynaGroteskD/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi
+ [DynaGroteskR/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi
+ [Alcoholica/] \rm, \bf, \it, -
+ [Monarchia/] \rm, \bf, - , -
+ [MonarchiaText/] \rm, \bf, - , -
+ [Clichee/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi
+ [Regula/] \rm, - , \it, -
+ [Splendid/] \rm, \bf, \it, - , \script, \sans
+ [Cobra/] \rm, \bf, - , -
+ [ExcelScript/] \rm, - , - , - , \ext
+ [ExcelScriptText/] \rm, - , - , - , \ext
+ [Zeppelin/] \rm, \bf, - , - , \lr, \coll
+ [Negro/] \rm, - , - , -
+ [Farao/] \rm, \bf, - , - , \kr, \coll
+ [Lido/] \rm, \bf, \it, \bi, \crm, \cbf
+If you need recall what the special variant switches means
+("\mr" and "\mi" in JannonText family, for instance), you can try
+to switch to this family and look to the log file
+(or to the terminal if "\displayfontmessages" is set):
+*\displayfontmessages \setfonts [JannonText/]
+OFS (l.0): Font family JannonText at10pt (enc=8z) activated:
+OFS (l.0): \rm () \bf (Bold) \it (Italic) \bi (BoldItalic)
+OFS (l.0): \mr (Medium) \mi (MediumItalic)
+Aha, "\mr" means MediumItalic variant of JannonText family.
+The "\it" means sometimes "Italic" variant and sometimes "Oblique"
+variant. You can try:
+OFS (l.0): Font family Helvetica at10pt (enc=8z) activated:
+OFS (l.0): \rm () \bf (Bold) \it (Oblique) \bi (BoldOblique)
+OFS (l.0): \nrm (Narrow) \nbf (NarrowBold) \nit (NarrowItalic)
+ \nbi (NarrowBoldItalic)
+The declaration file name is mentioned in the listing of all families
+(see above). For example the file "a35.tex" declares the font families
+from standard PostScript ``35 fonts collection'' from Adobe (no all
+ten families are declared here because three families of them are
+declared in basic OFS font collection).
+You can write "\input a35" instead of "\input ofs [a35]". The second
+alternative is recommended if more font collections are used together,
+for example: "\input ofs [a35, sdynamo, slido]". You can use
+\input ofs [allfonts]
+(or simply "\input allfonts") in your document
+if all font collections are needed or if you need not use the
+names of individual font collections.
+OFS provides the printing of simple font catalog. For example, you can
+write on your command line:
+$ pdfcsplain ofscatal [sjannon, sdynamo, stitul] ; acroread ofscatal.pdf
+\kap The setfonts command
+You can select the font family and/or font size by "\setfonts"
+command. Two parameters are separated by slash in square brackets.
+The first parameter is the font family name and the second one is the
+font size. If one of the parameters is missing then this aspect stay
+unchanged. After the font family is selected, you can use the variant
+switches. Most common switches are "\rm", "\bf", "\it", "\bi", but
+another switches can be available for some font family. See the
+listing produced by "\showfonts" for more detail.
+The "\setfonts" command keeps the variant from previous family
+unchanged after setting of the new family if the current variant is
+available in new font family. If not then the "\rm" variant is
+initialized. All families have to support at least the "\rm" variant.
+\setfonts [JannonText/10.5] % the normal font
+\setfonts [/14]\bf % used for titles
+\setfonts [/8]\rm % for footnotes
+\setfonts [DynagroteskR/]\it % for citations
+\setfonts [CMTypewriter/] % monospaced font
+ % if you use \setfonts [CMTypewriter/] when
+ % it is active then Typewriter italics is used.
+The main advantage is that you can use the same names of font families
+as in Typo-catalog and you need not remember the cryptical names of tfm
+files or abbreviations of family names in NFSS.
+If the family name is not present in the internal OFS dictionary
+(perhaps misspelling) then "\setfonts" command prints warning plus
+all available families to log and to the terminal (the same as the
+"\showfonts" command).
+The font size can be specified as decimal number without unit
+(the unit "pt" is appended automatically) or you can type number with
+arbitrary \TeX{} unit ("mm" for example). Moreover you can use the
+keyword "scaled" before number with the same meaning as in "\font"
+primitive. OFS introduces the new keyword "mag" followed by decimal
+number (decimal point is required). This number denotes the fraction
+for the current font size. For example:
+\def\smaller{\setfonts [/mag0.8]}
+This text is {\smaller typeset by small \smaller and more small
+\smaller and more more small characters} and the normal size is used
+yields to:
+\def\smaller{\setfonts [/mag0.8]}
+This text is {\smaller typeset by small \smaller and more small
+\smaller and more more small characters} and the normal size is used
+We can use this feature in \LaTeX{} logo, for example:
+\def\LaTeX{L\kern-.2em\raise.45ex\hbox{\setfonts[/mag.7] A}\kern-.05em\TeX}
+This solution works in titles (the raised A is bod in this situation),
+in normal text, footnotes, italics etc and in all font families.
+This feature is not implemented in NFSS thus the \LaTeX{} logo has its
+A implemented as superscript math font in \LaTeX{} kernel. I mean that
+this is not a best idea.
+The another usage of mag keyword is to make a corrections of not
+perfectly the same visual ex height of used font. This problem arises
+if you combine the CMTypewriter family with some common PostScript
+font families for instance. The CMTypewriter font seems to be smaller
+if you use exactly the same design size. This is no problem:
+you can define "\tt" as "\setfonts [CMTypewriter/mag1.1]" and the ex
+height is balanced. This definition works in all sizes and font
+The NFSS keeps another aspect of fonts: the font weight. The main reason of
+this feature is to boldify all text (in titles, for example) including
+its italics part. I decided that this feature is not needed in OFS
+because plain user can define titles in the following way:
+\def\chapterfont {\setfonts[/14]\bf \let\it=\bi}
+Moreover you can simply define the macros which keeps more than five
+aspects (NFSS keeps exactly five aspects). You can find the examples
+in \TeX{} support of \v Storm's font where the big Dynagrotesk family implements
+the special font selector which keeps the level of ``condensation of
+the font'' in addition to the weight, variant (normal/italics), size
+and encoding.
+You can declare you own font-switches in OFS by "\fontdef" command.
+The code "\fontdef\fontswitch [Family/size]" declares the
+"\fontswitch" similar as "\gdef\fontswitch{\setfonts[Family/size]}".
+\input ofs [ffonts] % font Charter is in free fonts
+\setfonts [Charter/10pt] % default family
+\fontdef\tt [CMTypewriter/mag1.1] % monospaced font
+\fontdef\verbtt [CMTypewriter/8] % monospaced font in verbatim
+\fontdef\headfont [Charter/9] % the font+size for headers
+It would be more convenient to write the word ``Charter'' only once
+(this word seems to be redundant in declaration of "\headfont"). But the
+macro code "\fontdef \headfont [/9]" cannot work everywhere because the
+"\headfont" can be used for headers in output routine and this header have
+to be in Charter every time, no in CMTypewriter, if CMTypewriter family
+is the current when output routine is called out.
+You can solve this problem by using the ``"!"''
+character for the family parameter in "\fontdef". This character is
+substituted by the current family in the time of "\fontdef" declaration:
+\fontdef\headfont [!/9] \addcmd\small {\rm} % the font for headers
+Moreover the "\addcmd" is used here. This command adds the additional
+code to the macro "\headfont" thus, the example above has the same effect
+\gdef\headfont {\setfonts[Charter/9]\rm} % the font for headers
+but the word Charter is not used here. Now, you can change the default
+family only on one place and the new default family will be used in
+headers too.
+The whole font declaration for your plain\TeX{} document can be
+localized in one place in your macro code and it can be look
+like the following code:
+\input ofs [ffonts] % font Charter is in free fonts
+\setfonts [Charter/10pt] % default family
+\fontdef \tt [CMTypewriter/mag1.1] % monospaced font
+\fontdef \verbtt [CMTypewriter-rm/8] % monospaced font in verbatim
+\fontdef \headfont [!/9] \addcmd \headfont {\rm}
+\fontdef \abstractfont [!/9] \addcmd \abstractfont {\baselineskip11pt\rm}
+\fontdef \sectionfont [!/12] \addcmd \sectionfont {\bf \let\it=\bi}
+\fontdef \titlefont [!-bf/14.4] % for the title of the document
+If the ``"-vs"'' (where "\vs" is the variant switch) is used in
+parameter of "\fontdef" or "\setfonts" then the whole family is not
+initialized but only the single font is used as the current font.
+The "\fontdef\name" is the equivalent of "\global\font\name" in such
+situation. This convention is used in the example above for title font
+because no variant switches is used in text of
+\kap Font encoding
+OFS for plain\TeX{}%
+ \footnote{OFS for \LaTeX{} does not solve font encoding,
+ use NFSS tools for font encoding manipulation}
+initializes the CSfont encoding by default.
+This does no matter for English users because CSfonts have absolutely
+the same encoding(s) as Computer Modern in slots 0 to 127.
+The users of T1 encoded fonts have to set the default font encoding by
+the code: "\def\fotenc{8t}" before OFS is loaded. The macro "\fotenc"
+includes a part of used metric file names. If this macro is not
+defined then OFS define it as "8z"---it means CSfont encoding.
+If "\fotenc" has the value "8z" then the families "CMRoman",
+"CMTypewriter" and "CMSans" will work with CSfonts and the font
+metrics with "8z" encoding is used for another font families. If
+"\fotenc" is set to "8t" then DC fonts are used in "CMRoman",
+"CMTypewriter" and "CMSans" families. The EC fonts can be used instead
+DC fonts, but you have to write the declaration file for OFS and for
+EC fonts. This file does not exist now, sorry.
+Theoretically, you can switch between encoding inside the
+document but this is not common used practice:
+\input ofs
+\setfonts [Times/] text 1 % used metric: ptmr8z, CSfont encoding
+\setfonts [/] text 2 % used metric: ptmr8t, T1 encoding
+If you are using another font encoding with metric names "*8x" (for
+example) then you can do "\def\fotenc{8x}". No problem.
+You can find the files "ofs-8z.tex" and "ofs-8t.tex" in OFS
+package. The accents declaration and another encoding-dependent macros
+are included here. By default, no of these files is read, it means
+that the accent macros keep its original meaning from plain\TeX{}.
+You can use "\input" of one of these files or "\input" both files
+(there are no conflicts in these files). Assume that both files are
+read. Then accent macros (such as "\v", "\'" etc.) followed by
+a character expands to the new character code of CSfonts
+(if "\fotenc" is "8z") or to the new code of T1 encoding
+(if "\fotenc" is "8t"). Another encoding dependent macros (such as
+"\promile") work in the chosen encoding by "\fotenc".
+We can look into the parts of "ofs-8z.tex" and "ofs-8t.tex" files:
+%%% Default accents in CM
+\accentdef \` * 8z {\accent 18 } % grave
+\accentdef \' * 8z {\accent 19 } % acute
+\accentdef \v * 8z {\accent 20 } % caron
+\accentdef \u * 8z {\accent 21 } % breve
+%%% Standard characters in plain (redefined here)
+\def\aa{\r a}
+\def\AA{\r A}
+\characterdef \i 8z 16
+\characterdef \j 8z 17
+\characterdef \SS 8z {SS}
+\characterdef \AE 8z 29
+%%% Extra characters from CS fonts
+\characterdef \promile 8z 141
+\characterdef \varhyphen 8z 156
+\characterdef \flqq 8z 158
+\characterdef \frqq 8z 159
+\characterdef \clqq 8z 254
+\characterdef \crqq 8z 255
+%%% Accented letters from CS fonts
+\accentdef \` A 8z 152
+\accentdef \' A 8z 193
+\accentdef \" A 8z 196
+\accentdef \` a 8z 184
+\accentdef \' a 8z 225
+%%% Default accents in Cork
+\accentdef \` * 8t {\accent 0 }
+\accentdef \' * 8t {\accent 1 }
+\accentdef \^ * 8t {\accent 2 }
+\accentdef \~ * 8t {\accent 3 }
+\accentdef \" * 8t {\accent 4 }
+%%% Standard characters in plain (redefined here)
+\def\aa{\r a}
+\def\AA{\r A}
+\characterdef \i 8t 25
+\characterdef \j 8t 26
+\characterdef \SS 8t 223
+\characterdef \AE 8t 198
+\characterdef \promile 8t {\%\char 24 }
+\characterdef \textpertenthousand 8t {\%\char 24\char 24 }
+%%% Accented letters from T1 encoding
+\accentdef \. i 8t `\i
+\accentdef \u A 8t 128
+\accentdef \k A 8t 129
+\accentdef \' C 8t 130
+\accentdef \v C 8t 131
+This example is self explanatory and illustrates the language for
+accents and encoding-dependent macro declarations. You can find more
+information in documentation~\cite{ofsdoc}.
+The \LaTeX{} user can be familiar with the commands with similar
+meaning: "\DeclareTextSymbol", "\DeclareTextComposite", etc.
+OFS calculates with the possibility of existence of a special metric
+with extra characters (such us "\euro"). Each basic metric can be
+connected with such ``extra metric'' to the couple. These couples are
+used in \TeX{} support of Storm Type Foundry because these fonts have
+more than 256 characters. There is prepared an extra metric "*6s"
+for each basic metric "*8z" or "*8t" in \TeX{} support of \v Storm's
+fonts. The "*6s"-encoding specific macros are declared in
+"stormenc.tex" by "\accentdef" and "\characterdef" commands. If the
+current metric has declared an extra metric and user calls the
+macro declared by "\characterdef" or "\accentdef" and this macro is
+not declared for current encoding but only for the encoding of the
+extra metric then the extra metric is temporary used without any user
+intervene. Example:
+\characterdef \euro 6s 136
+Now the \euro{} works in all fonts with extra metric *6s
+\kap Declaration files
+Look into "a35.tex" now for an example of language of
+the declaration files:
+%%% Times, Helvetica, Courier is in OFS defaults
+\ofsdeclarefamily [AvantGarde] {% -------------------- AvantGarde
+ \loadtextfam (Book) pagk\fotenc;% \rm
+ (Demi) pagd\fotenc;% \bf
+ (BookOblique) pagko\fotenc;% \it
+ (DemiOblique) pagdo\fotenc;;% \bi
+ \def\TeX{T\kern-.08em\lower.3333ex\hbox{E}\kern-0.09emX}%
+\ofsdeclarefamily [NewCentury] {% -------------------- NewCenturySchlbk
+ \loadtextfam (Roman) pncr\fotenc;% \rm
+ pncb\fotenc;% \bf
+ pncri\fotenc;% \it
+ pncbi\fotenc;;% \bi
+ \def\TeX{T\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}%
+The mapping between font family names and metric files is defined
+\footnote{OFS for \LaTeX{} uses other declaration files:
+ the mapping between family names and NFSS short names
+ are defined here.
+Each family declares four metrics for four common variants "\rm",
+"\bf", "\it" and "\bi". Empty parameter means that the variant
+is missing. The metric names are saved by "\fotenc" macro in order
+to possibility of changing the used encoding. The extra metric can be
+written before the last semicolon (not used in this example).
+The commands from parameter of the "\ofsdeclarefamily" are processed
+when "\setfonts" is used. You can see the alternative definition of
+\TeX{} logo for each family in "a35.tex" file on order to optimize the
+visual aspect of this logo.
+The optional parameters of "\loadtextfam" macro is written in brackets
+and these parameters declares mapping of short variant switches and
+the full variant names printed to the log and terminal. For example,
+BookOblique is a "\it" variant in AvantGarde font family. If the
+common name is used (Bold/Italics/BoldItalics) then this parameter can
+be missing (see NewCentury family, for instance).
+How the special variants are declared? Look into the file
+"sjannon.tex", for example:
+\ofsdeclarefamily [JannonAntikva] {% -------- Jannon Antikva
+ \loadtextfam sjnr\fotenc;%
+ sjnb\fotenc;%
+ sjnri\fotenc;%
+ sjnbi\fotenc;6s;%
+ \newvariant2 \mr (Medium) sjnm\fotenc;6s;%
+ \newvariant3 \mi (MediumItalic) sjnmi\fotenc;6s;%
+\ofsdeclarefamily [JannonText] {% ------------ Jannon Text
+ \loadtextfam sjnrg\fotenc;%
+ sjnbg\fotenc;%
+ sjnrig\fotenc;%
+ sjnbig\fotenc;6s;%
+ \newvariant2 \mr (Medium) sjnmg\fotenc;6s;%
+ \newvariant3 \mi (MediumItalic) sjnmig\fotenc;6s;%
+Note that there is declared the extra metric with~"6s" encoding here.
+See the documentation~\cite{ofsdoc} for more information.
+How the "CMRoman" etc. families are declared? These families have two
+special subjects. First: the metrics file names do not include the "8z" or
+"8t" acronym for encoding. Second: the different metrics are used
+for different font sizes. Both problems are solved by the OFS command
+"\registertfm" (see the "ofsdef.tex" file):
+\registertfm cmr8z - csr10 % metric for all sizes
+\registertfm cmr8z 0pt-6pt csr5
+\registertfm cmr8z 6pt-7pt csr6
+\registertfm cmr8z 7pt-8pt csr7
+\registertfm cmr8z 8pt-9pt csr8
+\registertfm cmr8z 9pt-10pt csr9
+\registertfm cmr8z 10pt-12pt csr10
+\registertfm cmr8z 12pt-17pt csr12
+\registertfm cmr8z 17pt-* csr17
+\registertfm cmr8t - dcr10 % metris for all sizes
+\ofsdeclarefamily [CMRoman] {% ------------ Computer Modern Roman
+ \loadtextfam cmr\fotenc;%
+ cmbx\fotenc;%
+ cmti\fotenc;%
+ cmbxti\fotenc;;%
+ \newvariant8 \sl (Slanted) cmsl\fotenc;;%
+\kap Math fonts
+The math fonts are collected in math families (three fonts
+per one family)
+by "\textfont", "\scriptfont" and "\scriptscriptfont" primitives. The
+math families with number 0, 1, 2, 3 have special meaning in math
+typesetting. The declaration of new math family by \TeX{} primitives
+is not too comfortable. Plain\TeX{} user can declare the new math
+family by OFS macro "\loadmathfam". This command will be described
+Plain\TeX{} user have to initialize the math fonts in OFS by
+"\setmath" command. The math fonts are in the same state as declared
+in plain\TeX{} macro until the "\setmath" command is used. It means
+that the Computer Modern at 10/7/5 pt size are used.
+The "\setmath" command have three parameters in square brackets
+separated by slashes. These parameters means the
+text/script/scriptscript size of the math fonts. The empty parameter
+means that the mag1.0/mag.7/mag.5 (relatively to the current size of
+textual font) is substituted:
+\setmath [//] is the same as \setmath [mag1.0/mag.7/mag.5]
+The "\setmath" command calculates the needed sizes from given
+parameters and starts the "\mathfonts" macro followed by macro
+"\mathchars". The plain\TeX{} user can define these macros in
+his own opinion but OFS gives the reasonable default values of these
+macros. These macros run the variant part of the code depend on the
+values of the "\fomenc" and "\mathversion" macros.
+If "\def\fomenc{PS}" is used (it is default value in OFS) then "\setmath"
+initializes math fonts by the following way: math italic is loaded
+from text italics of the current text font family, family~0 is loaded
+from "\rm" variant of the current family. The math symbols are loaded
+(if it is possible) from common PostScript font Symbol. The rest
+(what is not included in Symbol font) is realized from Computer Modern
+fonts. The math encoding is redefined (by "\mathchardef" etc. primitives)
+for many symbols in order we keep the accessibility of all math
+characters declared in plain\TeX{}. For example the lower letter greek
+characters are loaded from the slanted variant of PostScript Symbol font.
+If you use "\def\fomenc{CM}" then "\setmath" loads the math fonts from
+Computer Modern family and does not change the math encoding.
+In this case, the "\setmath[//]" command only sets the actual sizes of these fonts
+depend on current text font size.
+If you buy the MathTimes family, you can "\input" the "ofsmtdef.tex"
+file (this is a part of OFS package) and you can use "\def\fomenc{MT}".
+Then the "\setmath" command loads the math italics from current "\it"
+font and family~0 from current "\rm" font. Moreover, it loads the
+MathTimes fonts for all math symbols. Unlike "\def\fotens{PS}" mode
+there is no ``rest'': no symbols needs to be realized from Computer
+Modern family.
+You can control the math families collection loaded by "\setmath" by
+the value of "\mathversion" macro. OFS declares two
+math families collections: "\def\mathversion{normal}"
+and "bold". You can declare more collections if you need it.
+The "bold" collection is the same as "normal", but bold variants of
+italics, family~0 and math symbols (if accessible) are loaded.
+The example from "ofsdef.tex" file illustrates the language of
+declarations of the math fonts:
+\def\defaultmathfonts{\csname load\fomenc\mathversion math\endcsname}
+\def\defaultmathchars{\csname set\fomenc mathchars\endcsname}
+ \let\mathchars=\relax % to protect the twice math-setting
+ \loadmathfam 0[tenrm/]% Actual Roman font
+ \loadmathfam 1[tenit/]% Actual Italic font
+ \loadmathfam 2[/cmsy]% Standard symbols from CM
+ \noindexsize\loadmathfam 3[tenex/]% Standard extra symbols from CM
+ \chardef\itfam=1 \chardef\bifam=5
+ \loadmathfam \bffam [tenbf/]% Actual Bold font
+ \loadmathfam \bifam [tenbi/]% Actual Bold Italic
+ \newmathfam\symbfam
+ \loadmathfam \symbfam [/psyr]% PostScript Symbol
+ \newmathfam\symbofam
+ \loadmathfam \symbofam [/psyro]% PostScript Symbol Oblique
+ \loadmathfam 0[tenbf/]% Actual Bold font
+ \loadmathfam 1[tenbi/]% Actual Bold-Italic font
+ \loadmathfam 0[/cmr8z]% Roman font
+ \loadmathfam 1[/cmmi]% Math Italic font
+ \loadmathfam 2[/cmsy]% Standard symbols from CM
+ \noindexsize\loadmathfam 3[/cmex10]% Standard extra symbols from CM
+ \loadmathfam 0[/cmbx8z]% Roman font
+ \loadmathfam 1[/cmmib10]% Math Italic font
+ \fontmessage{\ofsmessageheader Math codes are set for PS encoding}%
+ \mathcode`\,="602C
+ \mathcode`\.="002E
+ \delcode`\<="\hex\symbfam E130A
+ \delcode`\>="\hex\symbfam F130B
+ \delcode`\|="\hex\symbfam 7C30C
+ \edef\langle{\delimiter"4\hex\symbfam E130A }%
+ \edef\rangle{\delimiter"5\hex\symbfam F130B }%
+ \mathchardef\alpha "0\hex\symbofam 61
+ \mathchardef\beta "0\hex\symbofam 62
+ \mathchardef\gamma "0\hex\symbofam 67
+If you need to add next math families (math alphabets in NFSS
+terminology) then you can use the cod similar as the following:
+ \newmathfam\bbfam
+ \loadmathfam \bbfam [/bbold12]% Dvojitá vertikální kresba
+ \def\bb{\fam\bbfam}%
+ \mathchardef\balpha "0\hex\bbfam 0B
+ \mathchardef\bbeta "0\hex\bbfam 0C
+ ...
+We re-write the example from section~3 in order to support the math
+\input ofs [ffonts] % font Charter is in free fonts
+\setfonts [Charter/10pt] % default family
+\setmath[//] % math initialisation
+\fontdef\tt [CMTypewriter/mag1.1] % monospaced font
+\fontdef\verbtt [CMTypewriter-rm/8] % monospaced font in verbatim
+\fontdef\headfont [!/9] % running heads
+\addcmd \headfont {\baselineskip11pt\rm\def\mathversion{normal}\setmath[//]}
+\fontdef\sectionfont [!/12] % section font
+\addcmd \sectionfont {\bf \let\it=\bi \def\mathversion{bold}\setmath[//]}
+\fontdef\titlefont [!-bf/14.4] % for the title of the document
+The math fonts works in all sizes in our virtual example. The math
+formulae are in bold variant and in right size in section headers.
+\bib \url{}
+\bib \url{},
+\bib \url{}.
+\bib \url{}.
+\bib \url{}.
+\bib Petr Olšák. {\it OFS: Olšákův fontový systém}. 2001.
+ The English documentation is in files "ofsdoc-e.tex", "ofsdoc-e.pdf"
+\bib Petr Olšák. {\it Jak \TeX{} k~fontům ze Střešovic přišel}. Bulletin
+ of CSTUG, number 4/2001, pp~153--180.
+\bib Karl Berry. {\it Fontname}, March 1999. The documentation is included
+ in {\tt web2c} \TeX, file {\tt fontname.texi}, {\tt fontname.pdf}