path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus
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authorKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:56:57 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:56:57 +0000
commitf07bb53970ee2ecc53f81a206a3d3a67ef665e4a (patch)
tree6f57a1d62971db79e5ff023bdfd83b22cb971dc9 /Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus
parent007f67a693e4d031fd3d792df8e4d5f43e2cb2e7 (diff)
doc 6
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus')
5 files changed, 714 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..189e8b1935e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/README
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+[This is ./doc/fonts/ibycus4/tex/README
+ 12 July, 1997. [For some of the previous history see the
+ final notes on Ibycus 3, from May 30, 1966 in README.ibycus3]
+Like its predecessors, Ibycus4 is based on Silvio Levy's
+realization of a classic Didot cut of Greek type from around 1800.
+Ibycus4 is as close as possible to Ibycus3 in all possible
+respects, but there are some improved set widths and pair-kernings
+which might clobber old carefully adjusted text spacings
+such as Alexandrian shaped poetry.
+A sample input file is provided in iby4text.tex or ibycus4.ltx
+PLAIN TeX USAGE: \input iby4text
+ then: \setgreek10/12 (or other reasonable combination
+ of pointsize and leading)
+ then: Latin text \GK{}a)rxai=a gra'mmata\RM{} Latin again.
+ NOTE that the ) is a smooth breathing, not a parenthesis.
+LaTeX2e USAGE: \usepackage{ibycus4}
+ then: Latin text {\greek{a)rxai=a gra'mmata}} Latin again.
+ (Note the double braces, there is a font change here.)
+ change font size with the \fontsize macro, thus:
+ \fontsize{14}{17pt}\selectfont
+The TeX files in $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibycus4 together with the METAFONT
+files in $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/ibycus4 {\em especially} are intended to provide a reasonable degree of
+compatibility between David Packard Jr.'s Ibycus/TLG system, and the
+TeX and METAFONT environment. If you are not using Karl Berry's
+path-searching or its equivalent, these TeX files may have to be moved
+to an appropriate branch directory of $TEXMF/tex/
+ continues . . .
+ README Page 2
+The TeX files are:
+ 1. $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibycus4/ibycus4.tex
+ The driver file for this package (in plain tex).
+ 1a. $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibycus4/ibycus4.sty
+ The driver file for this package (in LaTeX2e).
+ 2. $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibycus4/setiby4.tex
+ Included by ibygrk.tex unless newnep format is running
+ 3. $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibycus4/tlgsqq.tex
+ The name suggests the association with coding of the
+ Thesaurus Linguae Graecae.
+ This file provides uniquely named macros for all combinations
+ of letter and accent, so that any invocation of the macro will
+ produce a sequence of characters corresponding with the
+ entries put into the TFM ligature table. These sequences may
+ always be used to generate accented characters. They are
+ based, with some slight modifications where David Packard's Ibycus
+ input coding seems too misleading, on the Ibycus adaptation of
+ TLG beta-code.
+ For input coding, the parentheses, ) and ( are used for
+ breathings, ' (ASCII char '047--acute or single quote) and `
+ (ASCII char '140--grave) are used for oxytone and barytone (to
+ avoid preemption of the usual TeX excape character) and =
+ (ASCII char '075) is used for perispomenon to avoid preemption
+ of the active tie character in plain.tex. + is used for
+ dieresis after u or i and for some other special characters.
+ | is used for iota subscript and ! (ASCII char '041--\bang) is
+ used to call out the "dot-under" convention for partially
+ preserved letters in manuscript or epigraphical texts. Order
+ is significant. Breathings or diereses come first, after the
+ affected letter, then accents, then iota subscript or \bang.
+ These codings represent the input coding convention, not the
+ mapping in the font itself.
+ The digraphs, trigraphs etc. can be read from tlgsqq.tex
+ Postpositives fall into three order-dependent and
+ exclusive classes--only one from each class may be used
+ in any single accented cluster.
+ 1 2 3
+ nil nil nil
+ ( [asper] ' [oxytone] | [iota subscript]
+ ) [lenis] ` [barytone] ! [dot below letter]
+ + [other] = [perispomene]
+ continues . . .
+ README Page 3
+ Some special digraphs are K+ Koppa, k+ koppa, C+ lunate Cigma,
+ c+ lunate cigma, s+ sampi (lowercase late form only) and s| which
+ forces a medial sigma.
+ << and >> give guillemets (not guillemots as Adobe
+ ornithologically supposes) and (( )) give single parentheses
+ though care must be taken that the first ( or ) is not
+ interpreted as a breathing. {((} and {))} are safe.
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ I have tried to keep incompatible codings to the minimum
+ but the ibycus3 versions of the following were extremely
+ undesirable. These are all simplifications of ibycus3 coding.
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ The mark of elision is ' or {'} (the form in braces may be
+ needed to prevent ' from being read as an accent).
+ Single quotes may be provided by ` {`} and ' {'}, (isolate them
+ in braces if necessary). Double quotes are `` {``} and
+ '' {''} (isolate in braces if necessary). < and > are the
+ angle brackets used for conjectural supplements.
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ 4.
+ This is {\em exactly} the same file as is used by METAFONT.
+ Copy $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/ibycus4/
+ to the same directory as ibycus4.tex
+ or, even better, link it with a symbolic link.
+ It is so structured that it can be read by either
+ TeX or Metafont. The mapping is very close to that of GreekKeys,
+ which is distributed for the Macintosh by the American
+ Philological Association. Other mappings can be created
+ in the same manner.
+ 5. $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibycus4/Uibycus4.fd
+ Supporting fd file for LaTeX2e.
+ 6. $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibycus4/iby4extr.tex
+ Access to some editorial symbols for classical editions.
+ continues . . .
+ README Page 4
+ 7. $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibygrk/ibycus4.ltx
+ $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibygrk/iby4text.tex
+ The exquisite little poem by Ibycus of Rhegium, until recently
+ almost the only thing known by him. (The Ibycus system
+ developed by David Packard is only indirectly named after
+ the poet. The direct inspiration was Packard's cat.)
+ M E T A F O N T
+The METAFONT part of the package consists of a set of files which use
+the original characters of Silvio Levy's greek fonts and combine them
+in ways which reflect the increased capabilities of TeX and METAFONT
+developed since Levy did the original greek for TeX. The Levy source
+files can be got from one of the CTAN archives and placed in
+ where they will automatically become
+accessible if you are using a TeX Directory Structure [TDS] layout of
+files. If you are not using a file searching system like Karl Berry's
+"kpathsea", see $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/ibycus4/ for
+hints on making the Levy source available. For directions on the
+use and management of Karl Berry's path searching, consult "The TeX
+Live Guide, version 2" by Sebastian Rahtz and Michael Goosens, in
+{\it TUGboat}. Volume 18 (1997). Pages 81-112, especially pp. 87--9.
+Web2c TeX for Unix systems, Thomas Esser's teTeX, and the Solaris package
+referenced at all use Karl
+Berry's path searching.
+Ibycus4 METAFONT files are in $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/ibycus4
+The most significant changes are:
+ 1. The large repertory of initial/medial sigma + letter pairs
+ is suppressed from the new fonts, and the new enhanced TFM
+ ligature scheme is used instead to provide for the automatic
+ differentiation between medial and final sigma.
+ 2. The cells thus opened up in the font mapping are used for
+ a variety of additional characters:
+ a. A full repertory of vowels with breathings and
+ barytone accents (many of these were absent from the
+ original). The various forms of long epsilon and
+ omicron with perispomene accent needed for early Attic
+ and similar local scripts are provided.
+ b. Lunate sigma, digamma, koppa and sampi are
+ provided (the last in its lowercase late form
+ only, since earlier forms are rather problematic
+ and are virtually unused even in epigraphical texts).
+ c. A simple iota subscript in a 0.5em character space
+ is provided at position '174 for use in unusual
+ continues . . .
+ README Page 5
+ groupings. For all normal usages three additional
+ occurences of the glyph are kerned (in the traditional
+ sense) far to the left so that they will fit under
+ alpha, eta and omega respectively. These characters
+ are called out automatically through the TeX TFM
+ ligature system, for which see below. The glyph under
+ eta is shortened slightly to give better clearance
+ under the left stem of lowercase eta. The iota
+ subscript glyph retains its simple form in 300dpi
+ renditions, and in any bitmap which drops below
+ 500dpi, but it thins out and develops a slight
+ rightward hook at 600dpi and above.
+ d. The mechanism of drastic left kerning is also used
+ to set dots under letters which cannot be read
+ completely from the manuscript or stone. These dota
+ are likewise called out automatically through the TFM
+ ligature system. A final ! {\bang} after any letter
+ or letter with postpositive accents (except those
+ with iota subscripts) will produce the dotted form.
+ e. Angle brackets, half brackets, double quotes, braces,
+ a dagger and a doubledagger are now provided (see
+ iby4extr.tex).
+ 3. All characters have been named. The constructs
+ ASCII"A" and oct"000" appear only at lower levels
+ of programming.
+ 4. Character spacing has been adjusted through kerning tables,
+ particularly around lowercase iota (file
+ There is better separation between breathings and accents
+ (this has required a redesign of almost all accents) and
+ clearance between accent and base letter has been increased.
+ The perispomene has been restored to its traditional form with
+ a thick center and tapered ends, and the breathings have been
+ given shorter, tapered tails. The deep ink trap between the
+ bulb and tail of the breathings has been eliminated. Accents
+ over epsilon have been raised and slightly shortened to give
+ better clearance. The accents with diaeresis have been shifted
+ up and laterally to clear the dot they lean toward.
+ 5. Font mapping is specified independently of other
+ parameters, in a distinct and separate file (file
+ In some cases it may be more effective to remap the font
+ than to struggle with TeX remapping.
+ continues . . .
+ README Page 6
+ 6. A programming error which produced the wrong displacement
+ value with free-standing accents has been corrected. Accents
+ before uppercase vowels are kerned (in the traditional sense)
+ out left to a negative left side bearing of about one unit
+ (1/18em) unit so that their escapement does not leave
+ excessive space after the preceding word or at the start of a
+ line. They have also been properly pair-kerned with the
+ uppercase vowels.
+A new naming convention uses "ibycus4" wherever possible, and
+the shorter string "iby4" where that would lead to ambiguity.
+some of the individual METAFONT character files are simply
+taged with the number 4. 8+3 filename compatibility is preserved.
+(under protest and with difficulty).
+The names of PK and TFM files follow Karl Berry's font name convention
+( 84 is the encoding for Ibycus 4).
+Foundry Facename Weights Variants Encoding_Variants DesignSize
+f ib [r], b r, o 84 [10], 9, 8
+fibr84 fibo84 fibb84
+ with METAFONT design-size additions
+fibr848 fibo848 fibb848
+fibr849 fibo849 fibb849
+Driver files for the Bold Oblique variant can be provided but their use
+is discouraged. These Didot-derived characters do not stand up well
+to either boldfacing or obliqueing, and the combination is quite
+unfortunate. The typewriter style originally offered with these
+designs is quietly forgotten, although the code for it is still
+embedded in Silvio Levy's source.
+ Also in the works, a type1 version.
+Pierre A. MacKay
+Department of Classics
+University of Washington
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/ibycus3.RME b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/ibycus3.RME
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7f7f5672380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/ibycus3.RME
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+[This is ./doc/fonts/ibycus3/tex/README
+ May 1992, revised Apr. 1994, revised for LaTeX2e Sep-Oct. 1995
+ Final notes on Ibycus 3, May 30, 1966 ]
+A sample input file is provided in iby3text.tex or ibycus3.ltx
+PLAIN TeX USAGE: \input iby3text
+ then: \setgreek10/12 (or other reasonable combination
+ of pointsize and leading)
+ then: Latin text \GK{}a)rxai=a gra'mmata\RM{} Latin again.
+ NOTE that the ) is a smooth breathing, not a parenthesis.
+LaTeX2e USAGE: \usepackage{ibycus3}
+ then: Latin text {\greek{a)rxai=a gra'mmata}} Latin again.
+ (Note the double braces, there is a font change here.)
+ change font size with the \fontsize macro, thus:
+ \fontsize{14}{17pt}\selectfont
+The TeX files in $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibycus3 together with the
+METAFONT files in $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/ibycus3
+{\em especially} are intended to provide a
+reasonable degree of compatibility between David Packard Jr.'s
+Ibycus/TLG system, and the TeX and METAFONT environment. These TeX
+files may have to be moved to an appropriate branch directory of
+$TEXMF/tex/ if you are not using Karl Berry's path-searching
+or its equivalent.
+The package consists of a set of METAFONT files which use the original
+characters of Silvio Levy's greek fonts (these can be got from
+one of the CTAN archives and placed in $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/levy
+if you are using a TeX Directory Structure [TDS] layout of files)
+and combine them in ways which reflect the increased capabilities of TeX
+and METAFONT developed since Levy did the original greek for TeX.
+If you are not using a file searching system like Karl Berry's
+"kpathsea", see $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/ibycus3/ for
+hints on making the levy source available
+Ibycus3 METAFONT files are in $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/ibycus3
+The most significant changes are:
+ 1. The large repertory of initial/medial sigma + letter pairs
+ is suppressed from the new fonts, and the new enhanced TFM
+ ligature scheme is used instead to provide for the automatic
+ differentiation between medial and final sigma.
+ 2. The cells thus opened up in the font mapping are used for
+ a variety of additional characters:
+ a. A full repertory of vowels with breathings and
+ barytone accents (absent from the original).
+ b. Digamma, koppa and sampi (the last in lowercase
+ late form only, since earlier forms are rather
+ problematic and are virtually unused even in
+ epigraphical texts).
+ NOTE: there is still room for things like acrophonic
+ numerals, and perhaps the two markers used to
+ distinguish numeric from alphabetic use of the letters
+ ought to be provided. Another possibility is
+ special symbols for text-edition, such as double
+ brackets. (Editor supplements can be done
+ using the characters defined in iby3extr.tex).
+ Iota subscript retains its simple form in 300dpi
+ renditions, and in any bitmap which drops below
+ 500dpi, but it thins out and develops a slight
+ rightward hook at 600dpi and above.
+ 3. All characters have been named. The constructs
+ ASCII"A" and oct"000" appear only at lower levels
+ of programming.
+ 4. Character spacing has been adjusted through kerning tables,
+ particularly around lowercase iota (file
+ There is more that could and should be done.
+ Maybe it will yet happen.
+ 5. Font mapping is specified independently of other
+ parameters, in a distinct and separate file (file
+ In some cases it may be more effective to remap the font
+ than to struggle with TeX remapping.
+ 6. Accents have been redesigned in several cases, usually
+ in an attempt to reduce crowding among the elements of
+ accent clusters. The accents with diaeresis have been shifted
+ to clear the dot they lean toward. A programming error which
+ produced the wrong displacement value with free-standing accents
+ has been corrected. Accents before uppercase vowels are
+ pair-kerned with the vowels. Angle brackets, half brackets,
+ double quotes, braces and a dagger are now provided (see
+ ibyextra.tex).
+The associated TeX files are:
+ 1. $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibycus3/ibycus3.tex
+ The driver file for this package (in plain tex).
+ 1a. $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibycus3/ibycus3.sty
+ The driver file for this package (in LaTeX2e).
+ 2. $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibycus3/set3grk.tex
+ Included by ibygrk.tex unless newnep format is running
+ 3. $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibycus3/tlgsqq.tex
+ The name suggests the association with coding of the
+ Thesaurus Linguae Graecae.
+ This file provides uniquely named macros for all combinations
+ of letter and accent, so that any invocation of the macro will
+ produce a sequence of characters corresponding with the
+ entries put into the TFM ligature table. These sequences may
+ always be used to generate accented characters. They are
+ based, with some slight modifications where David Packard's Ibycus
+ input coding seems too misleading, on the Ibycus adaptation of
+ TLG beta-code. ) and ( are used for breathings, ' and ` are
+ used for oxytone and barytone (to avoid preemption of the
+ usual TeX excape character) and = is used for perispomenon
+ to avoid preemption of the active tie character in plain.tex.
+ | is used for iota subscript. Order is significant.
+ Breathings or diereses come first, after the affected letter, then
+ accents, then iota subscript. + is dieresis, which should
+ only appear after u or i. '' is the mark of elision
+ Single quotes may be provided by `` and '', but isolate them
+ in braces whereever the first of either pair risks being
+ interpreted as an accent.
+ The digraphs, trigraphs etc can be read from tlgsqq.tex
+ Additional digraphs are K+ Koppa, k+ koppa, C+ lunate Cigma,
+ c+ lunate cigma, s+ sampi (lowercase late form only) and s| which
+ forces a medial sigma at word end.
+ << and >> give guillemets (not guillemots as Adobe
+ ornithologically supposes) and (( )) give single parentheses
+ though care must be taken that the first ( or ) is not
+ interpreted as a breathing. {((} and {))} are safe.
+ 4.
+ This is {\em exactly} the same file as is used by METAFONT.
+ Copy $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/ibycus3/
+ to the same directory as ibycus3.tex
+ or, even better, link it with a symbolic link.
+ It is so structured that it can be read by either
+ TeX or Metafont. The mapping is very close to that of GreekKeys,
+ which is distributed for the Macintosh by the American
+ Philological Association. Other mappings can be created
+ in the same manner.
+ 5. $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibycus3/Uibycus3.fd
+ Supporting fd file for LaTeX2e.
+ 6. $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibycus3/iby3extr.tex
+ Some editorial symbols for classical editions.
+ 7. $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibygrk/ibycus3.ltx
+ $TEXMF/tex/generic/ibygrk/iby3text.tex
+ The exquisite little poem by Ibycus of Rhegium, until recently
+ almost the only thing known by him. (The Ibycus system
+ developed by David Packard is only indirectly named after
+ the poet. The direct inspiration was Packard's cat.)
+NOTE: Earlier users of this package may be dismayed by the new naming
+system for the fonts, but it seems the only way to provide for
+desirable results. It is necessary to keep this Ibycus package
+clearly distinct from the new package announced below. Symbolic
+links are provided to ease the transition. Ibycus4 (see below) will
+be as close as possible to Ibycus3 in all external respects, but
+there are some improved set widths which might clobber old carefully
+adjusted text spacings.
+The new naming convention uses "ibycus3" wherever possible, and
+the shorter string "iby3" where that would lead to ambiguity.
+some of the individual METAFONT character files are simply
+taged with the number 3. 8+3 filename compatibility is preserved.
+(with difficulty).
+The names of PK and TFM files follow Karl Berry's font name convention
+( 84 is the encoding for Ibycus 4, for which see below).
+Foundry Facename Weights Variants Encoding_Variants DesignSize
+f ib [r], b r, o 83, 84 [10], 9, 8
+fibr83 fibo83 fibb83
+ with METAFONT design-size additions
+fibr838 fibo838 fibb838
+fibr839 fibo839 fibb839
+Still in the future.
+ Ibycus4 will have the major epigraphical characters and conventions,
+ dotted letters, epsilon and omicron with perispomene accent
+ for pre-403 Attic orthography, uprighted italic h for aspirate and
+ a special set of TFM files for "stoichedon" inscriptions.
+ Maybe even a prime that really works for numbers.
+ The input coding for Ibycus4 is hardly changed at all from
+ Ibycus3 coding: The apostrophe and single quotes can be
+ given as ` {`} and ' {'} instead of having to be doubled
+ and <> give conjectural emendation angle brackets without
+ requiring an excursion into math mode. ! {\bang} gives
+ a dotted letter for all except iota-subscripted vowels.
+ Slight improvements in set widths, which is the chief reason
+ for keeping Ibycus3 and Ibycus4 clearly separate.
+ Also in the works, a type1 version.
+Pierre A. MacKay
+Department of Classics
+University of Washington
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/ibycus4.ltx b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/ibycus4.ltx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2800c5904b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/ibycus4.ltx
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+% ibycus4.ltx-- P.A. MacKay -- July 13, 1997
+% Pierre A. MacKay, Dept. of Classics, University of Washington
+% ------------------------
+% An example of ibycus4 using LaTeX2e
+% Text from D. L. Page, {\it Greek Melic Poets}, (Oxford, 1962), p. 148
+% accepting the emendations of Mehlhorn and Hermann.
+\leavevmode\llap{)=}Hri me`n ai(' te Kudw'niai\\
+mhli'des a)rdo'menai r(oa=n\\
+e)k pota'mwn i('na Parqe'nwn\\
+kh=pos a)kh'ratos, ai(' t' oi)nanqi'des\\
+au)co'menai skie'roisin u(f' e('rnesin\\
+oi)nare'ois qale'qoisin; e)moi` d' e)'ros\\
+ou)demi'an kata'koitos w('ran.\\
+<a)ll' a(' >q' u(po` steropa=s fle'gwn\\
+Qrhi+'kios Bore'as a)i's|-\\
+\quad swn para` Ku'pridos a)zale'ais mani'aisin e)remno`s a)qambh`s\\
+e)gkrate'ws pedo'qen \dagger fla'sen\dagger\\
+h(mete'ras fre'nas.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/psibycus.RME b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/psibycus.RME
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0abc81d1dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/psibycus.RME
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+This file is psibycus.RME
+The Type1 version of the Ibycus Greek font (regular weight only)
+available on, in the directory
+/ftp/pub/tex has been sell enough received that it is being added to
+the ibycus4 package. The font is still largely unhinted, but I am
+beginning to wonder whether that matters. I did plan to provide a
+rather thorough set of hints, since the primary purpose for making up
+this font was to get away from the crude bitmap scaling that is all
+you can get out of PDF readers. Hinting, however, is even worse than
+filing matrices. It is a soul-destroying bore, and I cannot do very
+much of it at any given session. The absence of hints will not be
+noticed at resolutions of 600dpi and above. On paper, the weight is
+just about right. In PDF files created with Adobe Distiller, the
+screen appearance is remarkably good. In xdvi it is even better. In
+ghostscript the rasterization uncontrolled by hints produces too dark
+an effect, but it does make it that much more readable. The font has
+a private UniqueID in the open range for now, but a registered
+UniqueID will be applied for.
+The original METAFONT realization of ibycus4 remains the controlling
+form of the font. The TeX user will see absolutely no difference
+in the set-widths of the Type1 font because the set widths in the
+TFM file are directly related (with infinitesimal roundings) to
+those in the the TFM file for the METAFONT version. NOTE: My previous
+hope that I could use exactly the same TFM for the type1 version
+and the METAFONT version failed because some renderers such as
+pdftex choke on even the slightest difference in set width.
+The Type1 control points have been derived from METAFONT log output
+generated by "tracingspecs". This is not impossible, as has sometimes
+been claimed, but it does take work.
+The additions to the METAFONT based package consist of:
+1. IbycusHTG-Regular.pfa ( = fibr.pfa = IBYHTGR_.PFB ).
+ The character designs are Silvio Levy's. Some small differences
+ in accent positioning and vertical positioning on the classic
+ METAFONT typeface grid have been allowed. My own lowercase lunate
+ sigma has been improved. These changes will ultimately be read
+ back into the ibycus4 METAFONT source.
+2. fibr.tfm (blended from the TFM file produced by afm2tfm and
+ the ligature and kerning from fibr84.tfm. The use of the Type1 font
+ is specified by calling on fibr, rather than fibr84.
+ Obliqued versions are invoked with fibo.tfm (derived in the same way).
+ Bold versions of the font are still exclusively METAFONT.
+ They will continue to be invoked as fibb84[89]?
+ until I make up Type1 versions of them (if I ever do).
+3. fibr.vf (fibo.vf), which serves to provide a reference into a dvips map
+ file. The raw TFM for this VF file is fibr84.tfm (fibo84.tfm), which
+ has the interesting effect of making METAFONT generated PK files a
+ fail-safe alternative in sizes above 10pt if the dvips map lookup fails.
+ The checksums for fibr.tfm fibr84.tfm and fibr.vf are identical.
+ likewise for fibo.tfm fibo84.tfm and fibo.vf.
+ This is arbitrary, since fibr.vf has integer escapement values
+ rounded from the METAFONT values in the tfm files.
+4. config.iby and The file shows how to associate
+ fibr84 and fibo84 with IbycusHTG-Regular.
+ fibr84 IbycusHTG-Regular <IbycusHTG-Regular.pfa
+ fibo84 IbycusHTG-Regular ".167 SlantFont" <IbycusHTG-Regular.pfa
+ or
+ fibr84 IbycusHTG-Regular <fibr.pfa
+ fibo84 IbycusHTG-Regular ".167 SlantFont" <fibr.pfa
+ If you still use the large explicit from the web2c
+ days, these lines can be copied into for general use.
+ A better idea is to put them into a file and add the
+ line p to the sort of that is provided
+ with teTeX.
+5. IbycusHTG-Regular.afm and IbycusHTG.enc. These are provided for
+ information only. The AFM file contains only the character info
+ and the pair-kerning data. There is no point in going further
+ since the Adobe convention for AFM is incapable of specifying the
+ ligature sequences needed for ibycus4. The encoding file could
+ supply both ligatures and pair-kerns, but to what purpose?
+6. Various TeX input files rewritten to use the fibr invocation in
+ place of the fibr84 invocation. (This is the only change that
+ users will need to make, other than installing the above files in
+ the TEXMF directory tree).
+IbycusHTG-Regular is licensed without charge for use in the creation of
+documents in all media, in accordance with the included copyright
+notice. Users are welcome and indeed encouraged to adapt the font
+to other typesetting systems. Note that iota subscript is applied to
+the affected vowel as a following zero-width character kerned
+drastically to the left. (Other well-known Polytonic Greek fonts
+do the same thing. This trick saves many, many glyph spaces for more
+constructive use.)
+ Pierre A. MacKay
+Smail: Department of Classics Emeritus Druid for
+ Denny Hall, Box 353110 Unix-flavored TeX
+ University of Washington
+ Seattle, WA 98195
+ (206) 543-2268 (Message recorder)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/psibycus.ltx b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/psibycus.ltx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..64ad1099b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ibycus/psibycus.ltx
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+% psibycus.ltx-- P.A. MacKay -- July 16, 1999
+% Pierre A. MacKay, Dept. of Classics, University of Washington
+% ------------------------
+% An example of ibycus4 using LaTeX2e and calling on the type1
+% font IbycusHTG-Regular in place of fibr84
+% Text from D. L. Page, {\it Greek Melic Poets}, (Oxford, 1962), p. 148
+% accepting the emendations of Mehlhorn and Hermann.
+\leavevmode\llap{)=}Hri me`n ai(' te Kudw'niai\\
+mhli'des a)rdo'menai r(oa=n\\
+e)k pota'mwn i('na Parqe'nwn\\
+kh=pos a)kh'ratos, ai(' t' oi)nanqi'des\\
+au)co'menai skie'roisin u(f' e('rnesin\\
+oi)nare'ois qale'qoisin; e)moi` d' e)'ros\\
+ou)demi'an kata'koitos w('ran.\\
+<a)ll' a(' >q' u(po` steropa=s fle'gwn\\
+Qrhi+'kios Bore'as a)i's|-\\
+\quad swn para` Ku'pridos a)zale'ais mani'aisin e)remno`s a)qambh`s\\
+e)gkrate'ws pedo'qen \dagger fla'sen\dagger\\
+h(mete'ras fre'nas.